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Jurong Junior College

2018 H1 GP Prelim Essay Questions:

1. Does truth still have any value in today’s world?

2. ‘War no longer ends with winners and losers.’ Discuss.

3. How far should a government interfere in the personal decisions of its people?

4. Is censorship of the arts ever justified?

5. Evaluate the claim that achieving an inclusive society is a desirable but unrealistic

6. ‘Celebrity activism does more harm than good.’ What is your view?

7. Do you agree that we live in an increasingly dangerous world?

8. ‘The youth of today have no sense of adventure.’ How far is this true in your society?

9. Is the protection of privacy worthwhile?

10 Assess the view that the individual is helpless in the face of environmental
. degradation.

11 Do schools in your society provide students with enough opportunities to be

. creative?

12 In your society, to what extent is it acceptable for public money to be used to fund
. sport?

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