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“The Life of Virtue: My path to Freedom Beyond Borders”.

I was born into a Christian family, grew up in a culture and traditions that is
incorporated to the religion. I went to a Christian School from elementary to high
school. What I know and the actions I do depends on what I know as a Christian. I
have a brother who although went to the same school as me, tells me that he is an
atheist I was not sure about the meaning of atheist before; what I thought was he
was worshiping the devil or he is evil for we are taught that people who do not
believe in a god, are Satanist. Although I am not religious myself, but I do not
consider myself as an atheist. Almost all religions are the same. there are rules that
are the identical, the only difference is the belief in god and what they are called. if
you are a person who has lived without a recognized religion what is your basis for
values and morals. Like animals who do not have religions they do not know what
morals and ethics are, they kill and hunt to survive even they belong to the same
species. They do that because all they know is that they should live and survive.
They do not know what is right and wrong because they have no basis. Unlike

people whose actions is mostly based on religion and laws that are made because

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of basing it on what religions says is morally right. Killing in fact has become part of

the culture of various countries such as cannibalism because of people who spread

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the words of their religion this tradition was diminished because for the word of
their god is that killing is wrong. Due to the spread of belief in god many based their

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actions on what their god commanded. I do not completely remove religion from my
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beliefs, even though everything written in the book of my religion is not accurate, I
still believe that it is beneficial to believe. Honestly, religion is not bad, the only
thing that stained the belief in religion are the people, human hypocrisy. Many say

they believe in this or that, but they do the opposite. my older brother used to say,
he helps people not because someone dictated it to him or that it is mandatory
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because his religion said so, he said he does good because there is something
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inside him that is satisfied because he did something good for someone, it is nice
feeling to do something good because no one commands you or you are doing good
because you were not forced to do it. I spent a lot of time thinking about everything
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my older brother was saying to me, that I should not always base my views on what
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people dictates to me. If something is not right even though it opposes your
religion, you stand your ground. and I believe I should not confine myself to a belief
because I was raised into it.

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