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Reg.No: 19HEP11092 Class: BA-HEP-2020 Name: ASLAN MOHAMMED

Subject Subject Name Date Start Signature of the

Code Time Invigilator

GE 218 GENERAL ENGLISH 28/06/2021 01:30 PM

HS 218 HISTORY 30/06/2021 01:30 PM

ECA 2118 MACRO ECONOMICS 02/07/2021 01:30 PM

AE 218 ADDITIONAL ENGLISH 07/07/2021 01:30 PM

PSA 218 POLITICAL SCIENCE 09/07/2021 01:30 PM

Kindly compare the time table printed on the hall ticket with the time table as announced on
the notice board. Any discrepancies must be brought to the notice of the COE.
Candidates should be seated in the examination hall five minutes before the commencement of the
examination. A candidate reporting after 30 minutes since the commencement of the examination will not
be admitted.
Candidates who have attempted the examination can leave the examination hall only after completion of 30
minutes since the start of the examination.
A Candidate is requested to carry his/her Admission Card and ID card into the examination hall and these
must be presented for inspection by the Room Superintendent. Candidates are required to carry their own
writing pens and mathematical instruments. Only Blue or Black ink must be used for answering papers.
Papers must not be detached from the Answer Booklet. If the Answer Booklet is found insufficient additional
sheets will be provided. These have to be securely fastened to the main Answer Booklet.
Grievances regarding Semester Examination question paper must be addressed to the COE in writing, within
one hour of the completion of the examination.
Candidates are prohibited from carrying mobiles or any other digital devices except calculator (if
allowed) into the examination room. Candidates are prohibited from bringing any portion of book,
manuscript or paper of any description in any medium, and from communicating with each other or
copying from each other or with any person outside the examination room.The rules and regulations
regarding malpractice during examination has been displayed on the examination notice board.
Marking or writing anything other than the Reg.No on the question paper will be considered as

Hall ticket downloaded date and time : 23/06/2021 05:34 pm

COE Signature of The Candidate Principal

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