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JOB # 5

Design a Composite curve for following data.

Venue: Football ground, UET Lahore.

Date: October 15, 2018.

 Theodolite with tripod stand
 Two Ranging rods
 Fiber glass tape
 10 Pegs
 Mallet

1. Theodolite is set up at T1 and centered and leveled properly, theodolite angle is set to be
zero and horizontal clamp is fixed.
2. Draw a long chord from T1 to T2 of length 147.8 m
3. Now setting the transition curve fromT1 using table 1
4. Set out circular arc C1C2 using table 3.
5. Remove the theodolite setup from T1 and shift the setup to T2. Center and level the
theodolite properly.
6. Now again set a transition curve using table 2.


Radius of circular curve = 150 m

∆=48° 48 '

C = 0.45 m/s^3

Chainage of Intersection Point = 2575.37 m

Peg Interval = 10 m

Design Velocity = 60 Km/hr

Length of transition curve = 57.28 m

XC = 68.03 m

YC = 5.23 m

=24 ° 24 '

∅ C = 11°27’33’’

σ =1.31

α =155 ° 36 '

Central angle of circular arc = 25°52’54’’

Length of circular arc = 67.75

Tangent Length = 102.65 m

Direction of Tangent at C1

NC1H = 360 – (0.5 CENTRAL ANGLE +α + 90)

= 101°06’27’’

Chainage of T1 = 2575.37 – 102.65 = 2472.72

Chainage of C1 = 2472.72 + L = 2532.72

Chainage of C2= 2591.85

Chainage of T2= 2669.11

For Transition Curve 1:

Chainage Chord Each Total Angle to be Remarks

deflection deflection set
2472.72 0 0˚00ˊ00˝ 0˚00ˊ00˝ 0˚00ˊ00˝ Transition
curve starts
2480 7.28 0˚02ˊ57˝ 0˚02ˊ57˝ 0˚02ˊ55˝
2490 17.28 0˚13ˊ40˝ 0˚16ˊ37˝ 0˚16ˊ35˝
2500 27.28 00˚24ˊ47˝ 0˚41ˊ24˝ 0˚41ˊ25˝
2510 37.28 00˚35ˊ37˝ 1˚17ˊ21˝ 1˚17ˊ20˝
2520 47.28 00˚47ˊ44˝ 2˚04ˊ25˝ 2˚04ˊ25˝
2530 57.28 0˚58ˊ12˝ 3˚02ˊ37˝ 3˚02ˊ35˝
2532.72 60 0˚46ˊ34˝ 3˚49ˊ11˝ 3˚49ˊ10˝ Transition
curve ends
For Transition Curve 2:

Chainage Chord Each Total Angle to be Remarks

deflection deflection set

2669.11 0 0˚00ˊ00˝ 0˚00ˊ00˝ 0˚00ˊ00˝ End point

2660 9.11 0˚04ˊ37˝ 0˚04ˊ37˝ 0˚04ˊ40˝
2650 19.11 0˚15ˊ43˝ 0˚20ˊ20˝ 0˚20ˊ20˝
2640 29.11 0˚26ˊ50˝ 0˚47ˊ10˝ 0˚47ˊ10˝
2630 39.11 0˚37ˊ58˝ 1˚25ˊ08˝ 1˚25ˊ10˝
2620 49.11 0˚49ˊ6˝ 2˚14ˊ14˝ 2˚14ˊ15˝
2610 59.11 1˚00ˊ14˝ 3˚14ˊ28˝ 3˚14ˊ30˝
2591.85 60.0 0˚34ˊ43˝ 3˚49ˊ11˝ 3˚49ˊ10˝ Second

For Circular Curve:

Chainage Chord Each Total Angle to be remarks

deflection deflection set

2541.35 0 0˚00ˊ00˝ 0˚00ˊ00˝ 0˚00ˊ00˝ First

2550 8.65 1˚39ˊ07˝ 1˚39ˊ07˝ 1˚39ˊ05˝
2560 10 1˚54ˊ36˝ 3˚33ˊ43˝ 3˚33ˊ45˝
2570 10 1˚54ˊ26˝ 5˚28ˊ19˝ 5˚28ˊ20˝
2580 10 1˚54ˊ26˝ 7˚22ˊ55˝ 7˚22ˊ55˝
2590 10 1˚54ˊ26˝ 9˚17ˊ31˝ 9˚17ˊ30˝
2591.85 1.85 2˚10ˊ2˝ 11˚27ˊ33˝ 11˚27ˊ35˝ Second

Using the above given data, a transition curve has been plotted in the field. A transition curve is
also called as the “Composite Curve”.

 Make sure the legs of the stand stay firmly fixed into the ground.
 The bubble should be exactly in the center for precise measurements.
 The upper and lower stadia as well as the object should be clear when seen through the
 Once the level is set, it should not be moved.
 The staff should be made vertical by holding it with both arms while standing behind it
 It is better to clamp the instrument after sighting a particular object, in order to avoid any
error in the measurements.


1. What is a simple circular curve?

Answer: A simple circular curve is defined as a curve that consists of a single arc with a
constant radius connecting the two tangents .it is a type of horizontal curve used most in
common. A simple arc provided in the road or railway track to impose a curve between two
straight lines.

2. What is a point of curvature in a simple curve?

Answer: The location of the curves starting point is allocated as the point of curvature
represented by “PC”.

3. What is the point of tangency?

Answer: The location of the curves end point is allocated as the point of tangency represented by

4. What is the point of intersection of the tangents?

Answer: The point of intersection of the tangents is the point where the two tangents intersect
and this point is also called the vertex.

5. What is the length of a tangent?

Answer: The length of a tangent starts from “PC” TO “PI” and from “PI” to “PT”. It is also said
to be a sub tangent represented by “T”.

6. What is a spiral angle?

Answer: The angle between the initial tangent and the common tangent at the point of junction
of the transition and circular curves is known as the spiral angle.

7. What is a shift?

Answer: When a transition curve is introduced in a circular curve, then the circular curve is
found to be shifted by some distance towards the Centre. This distance is known as shift of
curve. This is given as:

24 R

8. What is the expression for finding the length of transition curve?

Answer: The length of transition curve is given by:

Length of transition curve=

9. What is the central angle?

Answer: The central angle is given as:

Central angle= ∆-2∅

10. What is the difference between a compound and a composite curve?

Answer: A compound curve is the combination of two circular curves of different radii whereas
a composite curve is a combination of a transition and a circular curve.

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