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Template for Individual Flourishing Plan

I .To aid you in your flourishing plan, and based on your pre-work, answer the following .
Give as many as applicable.
1. What will I continue doing?
 …..
 …..
2. What will I stop doing?
 ….
 …..
3. What will I start doing?
 ……
 ………

II. Finalize your flourishing plan by following the SMART rule (Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound)

1.Digital Self:
1. I will decrease the amount of time spent in social media by 10% each month.
2. By mid April 2019,I will unfollow people who do not contribute to my flourishing

2.Material /Economic Self:

3.Physical/Biological Self:
4.Sexual Self:
5.Spiritual Self:

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