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JOURNAL PROMPTS TO GIVE © Choose @ favorite book that macna a lof to you and explain Diy yen ee eo mask Berets Yoon eames oF humor What kinda of things can olways Wrake yo jonght, Cred wmarpl Te you had the ability to doone Imponsibie thing. what would you BoE Wine Whe the ment exciting thing You've ever donee Use vivid Where Fo ascere your Skperience EE Seinen, whet ie the best wey to Kelp poopie whe ore tone Fovidnotat Whyt Whetle the beet way to cheer Sorpecoe sap when they ore Foching saat Wheltis your dream vacation? Deacriie where you would go. what you would do, Sad hese you woth get There. Werte BESET time when you Rode Sig acces Simply te, mmakstanenena claciharry. Werte about a time when Someone did something tor >| That’ made you foal very low 4, at ary mostly ery os 2. what chapters would you separate your autobegaphy no? ‘3. what re some ngs youve na to ‘nam? “4, hat could you give a 40-minato ‘resenttion on wth abel no Prepraton? 5. What quoton would you mst he to row the anewer 6. you stant nave ta lp, what would you do wth ne oa ene? 7. Why lid you doco do what you Are dong now in youre? 9. What he most mpactl nd youve Siracety? 40. wr nae been he mest street erence in your Be? torn amemory io a story record your dream v make a ist dra doodle pte pres record song ris o utes wre your own rie or a poem wrte in stream of conssouess

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