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Independent University Bangladesh

School of Business
MBA Program, summer 2021
Course: MBA 550 (Strategic Management); Sec: 2
Mid-Semester Assignment
Submission: 26 July 2021

Name: Farzana Rubaya; Id: 1821224

1. Suppose you are the head of business strategy at Arong, a Bangladeshi fashion
house. Identify both your external and internal stakeholders. Do you believe
effective stakeholder management will benefit your organization? Justify your

Answer: Aarong has established in 1978 as a good trade organization and it's dedicated to cause
positive changes within the lives of disadvantage artisans and unfortunate rural ladies by
restorative and promoting their handicraft. Aarong could be a terribly modern company for the
folks. they're one in every of the leading fashions and craft retail in Bangladesh and has been
playing role in energizing the standard Arts and crafts of Bangladesh. By using the goods and of
the country Aarong offers a large vary of exciting products from ancient to western apparel
house goods to shoe luggage, jewelry and animal skin accessories. Today, Aarong has become
the muse upon that dependent cooperative teams and family-based artisans market their craft, in
an endeavor to position the nation‘s handicraft trade on a world sponsor appreciation and

As we all know that Strategy could be a set of goal-oriented actions that a firm takes to achieve
and sustain superior performance relative to competitors. Thus stakeholders are most vital part of
any company. Effectiveness in stakeholder’s management can facilitate in long ways in which to
stay property and profitable at the same time. It will be internal and external. Here if i'm the top
of business strategy at Aarong then i'd establish each my internal and external stakeholders as
Internal stakeholder: Create additional operating zones for girls, produce confirmatory
surroundings for Bengali folks, support initiatives promoting for folks rights, and build
additional resources and capabilities, investors, promoters etc.

External Stakeholder: Establish sturdy partnership, Alliance partners, produce common comes
of Aarong merchandise with distributor, expand international distributor, promote Bengali
culture, increase social responsibility, realize and analyze the competitive forces of competitors,
communities, governments and conjointly media.

Now i'd say that, affirmative i do believe effective neutral management can profit the
organization in numerous ways that as follows:

• Firstly, if it will profit then the chance of negative outcomes may be reduced, making
additional inevitable and stable returns. Aarong will build durable reputations that are
rewarded within the marketplace by business partners, employees, and customers.
• More valuable engagement: Aarong a Bangladeshi company has never developed a
neutral management arrange. Consequently, Arong has not adequately engaged key
stakeholders. On the opposite hand, Brac an organization project WHO works for the
folks, Aarong often worked with Brac organization project groups to see once, how, and
wherever the team would interact the stakeholders. Ultimately company promoted.
• Another reason I can say Since Aarong has too effectively found a specialty within the
retail design space in this manner expanded believe brings down the costs for firms’
commerce exchanges and as specified clients are inner partners so firms can construct
solid reputations that are remunerated within the commercial center by commerce
accomplices, representatives, and clients and as a result the victory of the retail brand has
motivated customer intrigued in inborn Bangladeshi plan through mixing the
conventional with the modern in a way that has won moment customer
moreover leads to more noteworthy organizational versatility and adaptability.
• At last better understanding of concerns: Partners moreover have concerns. Partners will
tell you around potential occasions or conditions which will ruin your advance. Other
partners can clarify how the venture may effect on parts and obligations.

2. Imagine ‘Taja Foods Ltd.’ is a newly arrived brand in the market initially targeted
to produce & sell ready-to-cook foods such as paratha, noodles, rice, curry etc. for
the busy urban corporates in big cities in Bangladesh. In your opinion, what should
its vision, mission and values?

Answer: As vital authority depicts the executives’ effective utilize of control and impact to
coordinate the exercises of others when seeking after an organization’s objectives. Subsequently
the primary step in this handle is to characterize a firm’s vision, mission, and values. Since Taja
Foods restricted focused on to create & offer ready-to-cook nourishments such as paratha,
noodles, rice, curry etc. for the active urban corporates in huge cities in Bangladesh so agreeing
to my supposition its mission, vision and values can be as follows:

Vision: To be the nourishment supplier of choice in all our focused on markets recognized for
our commitment to nourishment security, quality and great esteem. The vision explanation for
“Taja food Ltd’’ is recognizing the objectives of long term future benefits to encourage its vital,
administrative, as well as common choice making forms.


➢ To contribute in our individuals, items and forms with the point to convey ceaseless
➢ To guarantee compliance with HALAL and nourishment security great hones in all our
➢ “Taja Food Ltd” the finest brands endeavor in Bangladesh to combine physical,
enthusiastic, and coherent components into one uncommon client and representative
involvement that people value as much as they do. Once you effectively make an
association along with your clients and representatives, numerous of them might remain
steadfast to “Taja Foods Ltd”.

Values: There are numerous values that client anticipate from a great nourishment company in
Bangladesh particularly urban cities which are given underneath:

➢ Exercise Social Duty through Nourishment Security, Client Protection Security and
Working environment Safety.
➢ Strive to be Client Centric by continuously doing the correct things for our clients and not
take the simple course for ourselves.
➢ Encourage Nonstop Learning by never halting the learning handle and continuously
pushing ourselves to endeavor towards the best.
➢ Act with keenness: Utilize our tall moral benchmarks and center values to direct choices
and actions.
➢ Demand quality: “Taja Food Ltd’’ will give to the most elevated quality guidelines of
nourishment particularly urban corporate individuals since that everything they do has an
effect on someone’s life to taste of food.
➢ Treat everybody with regard: Regard each other and our nourishment company by being
open to diverse thoughts and viewpoints and grateful of each person’s.


3. If you have been given the leadership of ‘Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd.’, which type of
leadership style, will you apply here for increasing its overall profitability and why?

Answer: Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd. is a public Ltd. Company which is registered under the
Register of the joint stock companies of Bangladesh. Teletalk continues to grow and engage their
customer’s through clear commitment of offering high quality products and services as well as
leading customers’ retention and loyalty programmers.
In the event that i were given the administration duty of ‘Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd’ at that point
the administration fashion may chose is transformational administration fashion. I chose this
since it can rouse positive changes in those who take after. Transformational pioneers are for the
most part lively, eager, and energetic. There are a few reasons for taking up Transformational
administration and the reasons are:

➢ Individualized thought: Transformational inventors tune in to client concerns and needs

so they can give satisfactory bolster. They work from the understanding that what propels
one individual may not spur somebody else.
➢ Inspirational inspiration: Transformational inventors are able to express a bound
together vision that energizes group individuals to surpass desires. They get it that the
foremost propelled representatives are the ones who have a solid sense of reason. These
pioneers are not anxious to challenge workers. They stay idealistic around future
objectives and are gifted at giving meaning to the tasks at hand and which is nice as well
as require for the Bangladesh by and large Media transmission industry.
➢ Transformational authority makes work important. Meta-analytic inquire about has
delivered prove of a positive relationship between transformational administration and
work-related comes about. These discoveries illustrate that transformational pioneers
make work significant by giving independence. Devotees of transformational inventors
feel emphatically that their work is regarded and self-congruent.
➢ Idealized impact: Transformational inventors show concern and center on company
morals. Their ethical conducts win a fundamental level of regard and believe. This may
offer assistance inventors steer decision-making that works to move forward the whole
➢ Transformational administration permits laborers to feel associated to their organization.
Transformational pioneers spur by expanding self-efficacy in devotees, by encouraging
social recognizable proof inside a gather, and by connecting organizational values to
supporter values. This permits adherents to feel more decided in their work and expands
their seen strengthening.
➢ Intellectual incitement: Transformational leaders regularly challenge suspicions, take
dangers and request group individuals input and concepts. They don’t fear
disappointment, and instep cultivates an environment where it’s secure to have
discussions, be inventive and voice different viewpoints. This enables workers to inquire
questions, hone a more noteworthy level of independence and eventually decide more
effective ways to execute their errands. In general its reach the awesome reach of
individuals to associate improvement for the company.

As transformational inventors work with their representatives to actualize viable alter, they
depend on things like communication, charisma, flexibility and sympathetic bolster. In hone, this
administration fashion comprises.


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