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Module 4: Managing and Caring for the Self

Pre-lesson Activity
Lesson 1: Learning to be a Better Student

Name: Sheena Fe G.Vecina Year & Section: BSED- Social Studies 1, First Year
Directions: Circle the answer that best describes you. Answer honestly as the result
of this quiz will help you identify your learning style.
1. If I have to learn something, I learn best when I:
(K) Try to do it myself
(V) Watch someone show me how
(A) Hear someone tell me how

2. When I read, I often find that I:

(A) Read out lout or hear the words inside my head
(V) Visualize what I am reading in my mind’s eye
(K) Fidget and try to “feel” the content

3. When asked to give directions, I:

(V) See the actual places in my mind as I say them or prefer to draw them
(A) Have no difficulty in giving them verbally
(K) Have to point or move my body as I give them

4. If I am unsure how to spell a word, I:

(K) Write it in order to determine if it feels right
(V) Write it in order to determine if it looks right
(A) Spell it out loud in order to determine if it sounds right

5. When I write, I:
(A) Often say the letters and words to myself
(V) Am concerned how neat and well-spaced my letters and words appear
(K) Push hard on my pen or pencil and feel the flow of the words or letters as I
form them

6. If I had to remember a list of items, I would remember it best if I:

(V) Wrote them down
(A) Said them over and over to myself
(K) Moved around and used my fingers to name each item

7. I prefer teachers who:

(K) Use hands-on activities.
(V) Use the board or overhead projector while they lecture
(A) Talk with a lot of expression
Name: ___________________________
8. When trying to concentrate,
I have a difficult time when: Year & Section: ________________
(A) There is a lot of noise in the room
(V) There is a lot of clutter or movement in the room
(K) I have to sit still for any length of time

9. When solving a problem, I:

(V) Write or draw diagrams to see it
(A) Talk myself through it
(K) Use my entire body or move object to help me think

10. When given written instructions on how to build something, I:

(K) Try to put the parts together first and read later
(V) Read them silently and try to visualize how the parts will fit together
(A) Read them out loud and talk to myself as I put the parts together

11. To keep occupied while waiting, I:

(A) Talk or listen to others
(V) Look around, stare, or read…
(K) Walk around, manipulate things with my hands, or move/shake my feet as I

12. If I had to verbally describe something to another person, I would:

(V) Be brief because I do not like to talk at length
(A) Go into great detail because I like to talk
(K) Gesture and move around while talking

13. If someone were verbally describing something to me, I would:

(K) Become bored if her description got too long and detailed
(V) Try to visualize what she was saying
(A) Enjoy listening but want to interrupt and talk myself

14. When trying to recall names, I remember:

(V) Faces but forget names
(A) Names, but forget faces
(K) The situation that I met the person other than the person’s name or face

B. Scoring Instructions: Add the number of responses for each letter and enter the
total below. The area with the highest number of responses is probably your
primary mode of learning. Remember, most people learn through a mixture of all
three styles.
Visual (V) = 9. Auditory (A) = 1. Kinesthetic (K) = 3 .
Let’s Apply your Learning! Module 4: Managing and Caring for the Self
Lesson 1: Learning to be a Better Student

Name: Sheena Fe G.Vecina Year & Section: BSED- Social Studies 1, First Year

Instruction: Answer the following questions. Write your answers in the space given.
1. What is the role of the brain in learning? Support your answer.

Our brain is known as the center of learning and understanding. It does acquire
information with the help of the different human senses as the brain learns, and
the information or data being acquired will be stored in the short-term memory
as it has been processed in the working memory. Then, it will be retained in the
long-term memory as it is linked to things that we know or have already
encountered. From our everyday living and for the so many things that we’ve
experienced, our brain is the one that processed all the information for us to gain
various learnings and knowledge that can be essential in our existence.

Learning comes from three main stages: learning, remembering, and doing. We
could learn in so many ways and these include the three main types of learning
which are classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational
conditioning. Our brain helps us learn through the association between an
environmental stimulus and a stimulus that occurs naturally (classical
conditioning), and even though an association between a behavior and a
consequence whether good or bad (operant conditioning), and also by observing
the behavior of others (observational conditioning). What we learn could
introduce change and could influence an individual’s behavior and way of
thinking. As we learn, we gain so much knowledge and information that is stored
in our memory and is eventually being applied and comes into action. Our brain is
considered to be the home of our mind and our memories, we rely on its
information-processing capacities when we set out to learn something new.
2. Based on the result of your pre-lesson activity, create an infographic of list
activities or sample learning strategy to help you're better to learn and improve
your learning. You can have used a separate sheet for your output. The task is
marked based on content, focus, visual appeal, and mechanics.

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