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Module 2: Unpacking the Self

Processing Questions
Lesson 2: The Sexual Self

Name: Sheena Fe G. Vecina Year and Section: BSED- Social Studies 1

1. What are the common beliefs and misconceptions regarding the body, sex, and sexuality that
you know?
The common beliefs and misconceptions regarding the body, sex, and sexuality that I know are
the following;
➢ A woman must bleed on her first time
I always hear a lot of people saying that during the first engagement of a woman in copulation it is
expected for her to have bleeding because if not, it means that it is not her first time having the
thing, which is wrong. The thing is, a woman differs from another woman when it comes to
hymens. Not all woman bleed o their first time having copulation.
➢ A woman is not allowed to take a bath during her period.
Most elderly have this kind of mindset but the thing is, taking a bath during a period could
actually help relieve menstrual cramps, improve mood and help a woman cope menstruation
symptoms a little better.
➢ You can’t get pregnant if you have sex on your period
The fertility rate of a woman is less during her period but not zero so there is a possibility that a
woman could get pregnant having sexual intercourse even during her menstruation period.

2. Why do discussions of sexual behavior, which is such a necessary part of human life, have so
many negative connotations in the Philippine society?
The Philippine society have so many negative connotations when discussing about sexual
behavior maybe because we are not educated enough when it comes to that matter. Filipino
hasn’t fully understand and is still seeking for knowledge to have a better view and acceptance
that it is part of human life and is necessary as human beings. Another thing, Filipino people are
known for having a strong linkages towards the norms and values that is created by the society
itself. And most importantly, negative connotations during a discussion of sexual behavior in the
Philippine society is always present because we, Filipinos are conservative when it comes to our
sexual values.
3. What can you say about the picture below?

The image having a raised fist with a rainbow color on it

symbolizes the fight of every LGBT community member’s
towards their rights. The right of being accepted as a member of
the society and the right of being respected as a co-individual.
The LGBT community is made up of unique and different
individuals but come together for a certain cause. They found
togetherness and unity in each other and together they are
strong. We must understand that they were part our very own
society and that they deserves the same amount of respect and
acceptance that we have for ourselves because they are no
different from us, they have a heart that feels and love. They are
individuals who are much capable for greater things and in
making a difference to the world. They doesn’t need to prove
themselves for anyone’s approval because they just choose to
stay true on who they really are on what they feel about
themselves. These individuals needs acceptance and
understanding instead of criticisms and judgment. Why choose
to hate them when we can embrace and love them for who they
are a person.
Application Module 2: Unpacking the Self
Lesson 2: The Sexual Self

Name: Sheena Fe G. Vecina Year and Section: BSED- Social Studies 1

Instruction: Answer the crossword puzzle below. Use the hints given to be able to answer the

G 5
2 9  E 10  S 3
Q C  O  N  T  R  A  C  E P  T  I V  E 
U 8 D R   X D
S E  X  U  A  L  I  T  Y   E O  U E
 E N  R U  A N
R D    S   L T
R  O A     I
7 C  O  N  D  O  M R L  O T
G  4 L  I  B  I  D  O  R Y
Y   E  I
N  N  E
Y  T N
 E T A
 I T
O  I


1. It is the sum of totality of the person – mind, body and spirit
4. Person's overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity
7.  A sheath-shaped barrier device used during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of
pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection. 
9. artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy 

2. Umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or are not cisgender.
3. A person born with a combination of male and female biological traits. 
5. A term used to refer to a person's emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction to individuals of a
particular gender
6. Defined as a personal conception of oneself as male or female 
8. Having an ambiguous sexual identity. Neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine in
10. the action or fact of arousing or being aroused.
Name: Sheena Fe G. Vecina Year and Section: BSED- Social Studies 1

Instruction: Interview 2 members of LGBT community about their coming out. Ask the following
questions and make a conclusion based on the answers of your interviewee.

1. To whom do you first “came out’?

Interviewee No. 1: I first came out to my mother.
Interviewee No. 2: As a person I find more comfort within the context of my friends and
so, I choose and I decided to came out first to my friends.

2. What was the reason of their “coming out”?

Interviewee No. 1: The reason of my coming out is because I have a hard time hiding my
real identity and I couldn’t hold my emotions anymore.
Interviewee No. 2: I came out because I have to, I cant hide my true identity and most
importantly, I want to be who I wanna be.

3. What was the effect of your “coming out”?

Interviewee No. 1: As an effect of my coming out, my mother didn’t agree about my
sexuality but luckily she learns to accept me eventually and realize
that I was happier this way and so she just let me be.
Interviewee No. 2: The effect of my coming out is that, I felt so much freedom now, I am
free from judgments and is accepted by my family, friends, and the

Being a member of the LGBT community is a tough journey wherein they were put in a
situation that they have to hide, fight, and prove their own identity and sense of belonging
because the world and the people does not wholeheartedly accepted them. The seeds of fear is
sprouting within them, they are afraid of being rejected, judged and end up disappointing the
people they’ve value the most. Not all has the ability of being true to themselves and have the
courage to grasp the reality about themselves. Coming out is always the challenge in being a
member of the LGBT community because they will never know what might be the effect or the
consequences after doing so. There are some who chooses to hide and conceal themselves in
becoming the person they’ve always wanted to be to protect themselves from being judge and be
rejected by others who can’t accept their true identity. Still, there are more brave souls who fight
and stand for their true identity because they wanted to be valued by being true to themselves.
Negative comments and criticisms coming from various people is inevitable when it comes to this
matter but this unique individuals learn to stand out stronger and much braver. All they want
from the world is acceptance and acknowledgment that they are also human beings who have
every right to be in this world.
Application Module 2: Unpacking the Self
Lesson 2: The Sexual Self

Name: Sheena Fe G. Vecina Year and Section: BSED- Social Studies 1

Instruction: Write your realizations from the lesson on Sexual Self. You are given the freedom to
express it in a form of collage making, drawing or by simply writing your learning.

We are all sexual beings just like any other all living things, our sexual self/being is
considered as the totality of oneself. Our sexuality is rooted on how we understand and define
ourselves, how we perceived by others, and how we see the world. Sexuality is multi-dimensional,
there are various factors that may influence or create an impact on our sexuality it may be on
physiological, interpersonal, cultural, emotional and psychological. The sexual self is consist of
three main aspects; sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. Sexual orientation
describes or refer to whom a person is sexually attracted. This may include attraction to the same
gender (homosexuality), a gender different than your own (heterosexuality), both men and
women (bisexuality), all genders (pansexual), or neither (asexuality). Gender identity and
expression refers to the ways a person identifies an/or expresses their gender, including self-
image, appearance, and embodiment of gener roles. One’s sex (e.g. male, female, intersex, etc.) is
usually assigned at birth based on one’s physical biology. One’s gender (e.g. male, female,
genderqueer, etc.) is one’s internal sense of self an identity. One’s gender expression (e.g.
masculine, feminine, androgynous, etc.) is how one embodies gender attributes, presentations,
roles and more. Our sexuality is an unfolding aspect of who we are as a person. Being able to
determine one’s sexuality could be a way of knowing oneself from its deppest and be able to
establish sexual self- awareness among ourselves.

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