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Institute : Happy Englis Course 1

Topic : English In use
Material : Regular Verb
Duration : 1x 60 Minutes (1 Meeting)
1. Basic Competence
Understanding and Applying English According the usage of context of appropriately
2. Indicator
 Write the regular verb vocabulary from V1 V2 V3
 Interpret vocab regular verb from V1 V2 V3
 Use regular verb into the sentence
3. Purpose
 The Students are able to Write the regular verb vocabulary from V1 V2 V3
 The Students are able to Interpret vocab regular verb from V1 V2 V3
 The Students are able to Use regular verb into the sentence
4. Methods of Learning
 Approaching : Scientific Learning
 Model : Student Center
 Strategy : Reading,Spelling,Memorize
5. Materials of Learning
 20 Vocabularies about Regular Verb
6. Steps of Learning
Activites Description of Activites Allocation
- Prepare students with greetings and pray 10
- Check the attendance of students
- Explain the learning plan that will be carried out

- Asking the students to prepare their note book and stuff of 40

- Dictates 20 vocabularies about regular verb from V1,V2,V3
and asking the students to write on their own book
The Main - Correction the result with exchanging with their friend or
their chair mate
- Write 20 vocabularies about regular verb from V1,V2,V3 and
asking the students to correction the write which has been
- Asking the students to interpret the vocabularies that have
been written on the board and use a dictionary
- Correction the result with exchanging with their friend or
their chair mate
- Asking the students to make a sentence based on the
vocabulary of regular verb
- By oral asks the students randomly and asking the students to
give the example which the Regular Verb of Vocabulary
- Reading Again the Regular Verb of vocabulary together

- Concluding the material which has been explained 10

Closing Minutes
- Closing by praying and farewell

7. Learning resources and media

 Learning Resources : Simple Vocabulary
 Instructional Media : White board, Marker, Eraser
8. Score
 Score of attitude : Observation
 Rubric Score
No Name Kejujura Keaktifan Taggung Jawab Total

 Criteria Score
Honesty Activeness Responsible
3 : Good 3 : Good 3 : Good
2 : Good Enough 2 : Good Enough 2 : Good enough
1 : Less 1 : Less 1 : Less

 Knowledge : Written Examination

 Rubric score
No Name Score

Attachment : Learning Materials

Regular Verb
1.Dictation the 20 Regular Verbs and the students write in their own book

No Verb I Verb II&III

1 Accept Accepted
2 Accuse Accused
2. Write the 20 Regular Verb on the white board
3 Answer Answered
No Verb I Verb II&III
4 Call Called
1 Accept Accepted
5 Brush Brushed
2 Accuse Accused
6 Capture Captured
3 Answer Answered
7 Chat Chatted
4 Call Called
8 Climb Climbed
5 Brush Brushed
9 Dare Dared
6 Capture Captured
10 Divide Divided
7 Chat Chatted
11 Enjoy Enjoyed
8 Climb Climbed
12 Escape Escaped
9 Dare Dared
13 Erase Erased
10 Divide Divided
14 Honor Honored
11 Enjoy Enjoyed
15 help Helped
12 Escape Escaped
16 Import Imported
13 Erase Erased
17 Infect Infected
14 Honor Honored
18 Join Joined
15 help Helped
19 Jump Jumped
16 Import Imported
20 Kick Kicked
17 Infect Infected
18 Join Joined
19 Jump Jumped
20 Kick Kicked
3. Please! correcttion the answer with the correct one.
4. Please translating these Regular Verb into bahasa!
The Key :
No V I V II&III The Meaning
1 Accept Accepted Menerima
2 Accuse Accused Menuduh
3 Answer Answered Menjawab
4 Call Called Memanggil
5 Brush Brushed Menyikat
6 Capture Captured Menangkap
7 Chat Chatted Mengobrol
8 Climb Climbed Mendaki
7 Dare Dared Berani
10 Divide Divided Membagi
11 Enjoy Enjoyed Menikmati
12 Escape Escaped Lepas dari
13 Erase Erased Menghapus
14 Honor Honored Menghormati
15 help Helped Menolong
16 Import Imported Mengimpor
17 Infect Infected Menjangkiti
18 Join Joined Ikut serta
19 Jump Jumped Melompat
20 Kick Kicked Menendang

5. Please correction the answer!

6. Please! make an example a sentences use Regular Verb
7. Choose 1 student and Please show the example !
8. Please Read the Regular Verb together!

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