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The Problem


Malcolm X once said “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow

belongs to those who prepare for it today”, from these inspiring words of Malcolm X he

emphasized that education is really important because it is the key for you to be able to

succeed in the future. The statement given by Malcolm X was supported by the article

about the importance of education written by Abdulghani Al-Shuaibi a professor from

University of Technology and Applied Sciences – Salalah wherein, he quoted that

“Having education in an area helps people think, feel, and behave in a way that

contributes to their success, and improves not only their personal satisfaction but also

their community”[ CITATION Als14 \l 13321 ]. Education gives you the chance to have a

better career in the future consequently, you can have plenty of chances to work at any

workplace. In other words, the higher quality of education you have, the better

employment/job you get. Being successful is not only referring to the type of job you

have because it is also about your personal growth as an individual. These are only a few

reasons of Abdulghani Al-Shuaiba on the importance of education.

Their statements show the significance and the good points of education to

everyone. However, there are still problems facing education. Problems that are causing

education to fall off. Since the world is currently having a disease outbreak or pandemic,

lots of people around the world was infected and being infected by the virus which is the

Corona Virus (COVID-19). Among the reasons for education to fall off, this pandemic
stands the most. To describe pandemic, it is an outbreak of infectious disease which kills

people and change every individual’s life. These effects of rampant spread of virus

greatly affects the type of education the country have and it is leading to the low quality

of education that the students get. Because of it, the individuals who are in the position

created the “New Normal Education”.

New normal education as defined by The Manila Times, is the type of learning

that all schools will have blended or purely on-line courses. Training in using teaching

and learning platforms will be available for both teachers and students. In addition, new

normal education is the integration of SLMs (Self-learning Modules) with the alternative

learning delivery modalities (modular, television-based, radio-based instruction, blended,

and online) will help DepEd ensure that all learners have access to quality basic

education [ CITATION Dep20 \l 13321 ]. New normal education is characterized as the

virtual type of learning where the students will meet their teachers/ professors virtually

with the use of various modalities such as google meet, zoom meeting, etc. [ CITATION

Cas20 \l 13321 ]

The changes in style of learning are the commonly effects of this existing

pandemic, therefore, reflecting to the low quality of education that the students get and

the low rate of enrollees. In Philippines, Department of Education reported that there are

only 21.7 million learners enrolled for academic year 2020-2021 and it is less than the

enrollees last academic year 2019-2020 wherein, there are 27.7 million learners enrolled

in the past school year. According to the figures of Department of Education, it says that

the enrollment in kindergarten up to senior high school for school year 2020-2021

dropped more than 25% from a year ago. From this result of Department of Education’s

survey, it is also revealed that there are different factors affecting the low number of

enrollees. These are the financial and physical capabilities of the parents in letting their

children to enroll as well as the mental capabilities of the students specifically in doing

that “self-learning method”. It is mentioned that some of the students do not have any

gadgets to use specially internet connection for them to be stay connected and updated.

On the other hand, Philippines is not only the country that is experiencing the low

number of enrollees because other countries are also experiencing it. However, in

Philippines the Department of Education created the new type of learning which is the

new normal education. This is comprised of alternative learning delivery modalities such

as modular, television-based, radio-based instruction, blended, and online that will help

the students to have the “quality” education. But for some reasons, there are still parents

do not want their children to enroll in this school year.

The Philippine government particularly the executive Department of Education

had sufficient programs to help the students attain the good quality of education amidst of

COVID19. Wherein, DepEd offers various modalities in learning such as modular, this is

for the students who do not have any gadgets and internet connection at home. Second is

television based wherein, the students will learn their lessons with the aid of televisions.

Third is the radio-based instructions wherein, the students will just listen to their radios

about the instructions/ lessons. Fourth is the blended type of learning, in this style

students will have their online class but still they will also be given modules to review

and answer. Lastly, pure online class system which refers to the virtual meeting and

discussion between teachers and students with the help of google meet or zoom meeting.

However, there are still cases that the parents do not want to enroll their children

as well as the students. For instance, they might choose to let this school year pass and

wait for the next school year until everything back to normal including the style of

education. Another example, parents might choose not enroll their children because of the

fear for their child to be uneducated due to the lack of trust in the new learning

modalities. This is just a part of many reasons. In fact, students must be still educated

although there are changes due to the current situation.

These concerns, lead to the creation of this research. This is entitled as, New

Normal Education: Teachers’ Perceptions on Selected Private and Public High Schools.

This study sought to answer, which learning modality in the new normal education is

much effective in improving academic performance of the students from the teachers’

perception. It has a purpose to determine the teachers’ perception in the new normal

education to create ways on providing quality education to the students.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this narrative research was to determine the perception of the

teachers in the new normal education in selected private and public high school in

Camarines Norte

Most specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Type of school (Private or Public)

d. Civil status

e. Number of years of teaching

2. What are the perceptions of teachers with regards to the new normal education in

terms of:

a. Learning modality

b. Students’ academic performance

3. Based on the findings, what information dissemination may be formulated based from

the perceptions given by teachers regarding the new normal education?

Assumptions of the Study

1. The profile of the respondents in terms of their age, sex, type of school, civil

status, and number of years of teaching, varies.

2. There are perceptions of teachers when it comes to new normal education

modality and when it comes to the teacher’s perceptions in student’s academic

performance it is either excellent or poor.

3. The learning strategies derived from the perceptions given by the respondents

will be compiled into a meaningful proposal for the Department of Education.

This proposal is use to give DepEd ideas about the strategies that can be done

to improve every student academic performance amidst of a pandemic or not.

Scope and Delimitations

The study looked for respondents’ perceptions about the new normal education.

This study was limited to its investigation both male and female with no particular age

who were working as a private or public high school teacher. Specifically, it is the

teachers inside the province of Camarines Norte. The researcher conducted a virtual

interview and other action strategies to get the insights of respondents about the new

normal education in the province.

This study focused on the perceptions of public teachers from Alawihao National

High school (ANHS), Vicente L. Basit Memorial High School (VLBMHS), Larap

National High School (LNHS), Vinzons Pilot High School (VPHS), Camarines Norte

National High School (CNNHS), and Moreno Integrated School (MIS) and private

teachers from Chung Hua High School (CHHS), Our lady of Lourdes College Foundation

(OLLCF), Capalonga Parochial School (CPS), Northills College of Asia (NCA), and

Mabini Colleges Inc. (MC) to the new normal education in the province of Camarines


The researchers conducted the gathering of information on the first semester of

school year 2020-2021 in Daet, Camarines Norte.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believed that this study will be beneficial to the following:

Teachers. This study will give awareness to the teachers about the things they have to

know about new normal education and for them to have ideas on how to execute an

effective learning especially in this time of pandemic.

Department of Education. This study will give awareness to the Department of

Education because they need to know the perceptions of teachers as well as the strategies

created from the perceptions on the new normal education that can be done to give the

students a good quality of education amidst of a pandemic or not.

Parents. This study will give awareness to the parents because they need know each and

every information about this new normal education to help them realize that education is

really important even, we are in a pandemic or not.

Children. This study will give information and awareness to the children on the new

normal education and help them make their recovery easier in the sudden changes in

educational teaching style.

Researchers. This research will give the researchers additional ideas and deeper

understanding on the new normal education. The expected result of this study will help

the researchers to create a new strategy in learning whether we are in a pandemic or not.

School (School Organization). This research will provide data of the perception of the

teachers in terms of the performance of the students during pandemic. Aside from that,

this study will be a big accomplishment in the school because of the result of the new

teaching strategies in the performance of the students during and after the pandemic.

Readers. This study will give the readers information and awareness on what are the

performance of the students during pandemic and give them ideas about the new

strategies that can be done for them to have a good quality of education.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as their guide for their future research and

can be one of their sources. In addition, this study can be used as their supporting

evidence in their research.

Definition of Terms

The following meaning in every term are operationally and conceptually defined

from books and dictionaries that are paraphrased and invented new meaning.

New normal education. This refers to the new style of learning created because of an

outbreak. In this study, it is used to be the main topic of the research and it is the basis of

the perception of teachers in the new strategies in education in this time of pandemic.

Education. This refers to the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction,

especially at a school or university. In this study, it refers to the knowledge and new ideas

that was shown and discuss.

Pandemic. It refers to the disease outbreak occurring worldwide and affect a large

number of people. In this study, it shows the changes and adjustments in the education

caused by Covid-19.

Perception. This refers to the ideas or insights of an individual about a specific topic. In

this study, it is used as the basis of the information used in the research and it discuss the

opinions and self-perspective of teachers in what new strategies is effective in the

performance of students.

Modality. This refers to the learning ways or techniques used in schools. In this study, it

is use to express the educational platform like online classes, modular, radio-based, etc.

that is use by the teachers today due to the pandemic.

Teachers. This refers to those individuals who are imparting knowledge to the students

inside a school/institution. In this study, it is used as the source of perceptions that the

present study needs.


X, M. (2020, July 28). Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow
belongs to those who prepare for it today. APS Organization.

Al-shuaibi, A. (2014, January). The Importance of Education. Research Gate


Tumapon, T. (2020, June 4). Education and the ‘new normal’. Manila Times.

DepEd. (2020, July 1). DepEd prepares Self-Learning Modules for education’s new
normal. Department of Education.

Oliver, C. (2020, April 1). The new normal education. Learning Designs

Montemayor, M. (2020, July 21). 21.7M learners enrolled for incoming school year:
DepEd. PNA Government Articles.

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