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Research Design and Methodology

This chapter includes the research design, the participants, the source, the


design or technique, the data gathering procedure and tools for analysis.

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive qualitative research method specifically,

narrative study which focuses on the life accounts of individuals based on their personal

experiences and has the purpose to extract meaningful context from these experiences. In

addition, it was used in this study for the researchers to be able to determine the

perceptions, insights and experiences of the teachers with regards to the new normal

education. The aim of this research is to help readers and future researchers to inform and

give different perspectives of teachers when it comes to the new normal education.

Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an

understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into

the problem or helps to develop ideas. It is also used to uncover trends in thought and

opinions, and dive deeper into the problem (DeFranzo, 2011). With the use of this type of

research, the researchers can maximize their sources and it will be the most accurate type

of study to be used in this research. Aside from that, under this type of qualitative

research the researchers will be able to determine the perceptions of teachers in the new

normal education appropriately and the results will be accurate.

A qualitative research design precisely narrative type is a means in revealing the

insights or views of the respondents to a certain problem or issue. This type of research

design is used as an in-depth analysis of the respondent’s answers based on their

experiences. If the path of the research is to determine the importance/significance of a

specific topic through evaluation of one’s attitudes, ideas, and etc., this research design is

suggested to be used. With regards to this design, the explanation in presenting the

answers are narrative in nature. Thus, this research design is perfectly suited in this type

of research as it may clearly explain the new normal education from the perceptions of

the teachers in the province.

Participants of the Study

The participants involved in this research study are the teachers. Specifically, the

teachers working on private and public high schools in the province of Camarines Norte

without any age requirements. The teachers that are interviewed in the study consist of

eleven (11) teachers six (6) teachers from public high school and five (5) teachers from

private high school. These teachers or respondents were virtually interviewed through

the use of google meet/ zoom/ video call in connection to the purpose of the study.

Sources of Data

The data collection of this study administered through the use of primary and

secondary sources. Primary source as the researchers developed an interview guide or

questionaries to obtain the first-hand data which is really important in the conduct of the

study. The interview guide or questionaries are made for the researchers to have an

idea/guide on what will happen during the actual interview with the teachers. Aside from

that, another instrument is the secondary data sources which include thesis, research

paper, books, journals and newspaper articles that are related to the topic that will be used

as the supporting data or information in the study.

Unstructured interviews do not use any set questions, instead, the interviewer asks

open-ended questions based on a specific research topic, and will try to let the interview

flow like a natural conversation. The interviewer modifies his or her questions to suit the

candidate's specific experiences (McLeod, 2014). With this unstructured interview, it

may help the researchers gain more data and important information given by the

respondents. Since it is an open-ended question, the researchers will not limit themselves

to ask a follow up question thus, the result of it will be accurate and precise.

Sampling Design

The sample consists of eleven (11) high school teachers of the province of

Camarines Norte. The key informants in the study are from private and public high

school teachers inside the province without any age requirements. Individual interview

method was utilized, in which the participants have to answer the interview questions

given by the researchers through virtual meeting with the use of google meet/ zoom/

video call.

The researchers used the interview method to the participants in order to

document their perceptions on the new normal education. The criteria for choosing the

teachers who will be the respondents of this study are based on the own judgments of the

researchers. The teacher must be presently teaching online class/modular/both in high

school inside the province of Camarines Norte and these teachers should have prior

experience with teaching in face-to-face set-up for them to compare what is the

difference between the traditional way of learning and new normal education. Purposive

sampling is defined as the researcher relies on his or her own judgment when choosing

members of population to participate in the study (Black, 2010). In addition, researchers

often believe that they can obtain a representative sample by using a sound judgment,

which result in saving time and money. Purposive sampling technique was utilized to

know the effectiveness of the research and it is one of the most cost-effective and time-

effective sampling methods available that surely help the conduct of the study. Aside

from that, purposive sampling was utilized because it is the appropriate method available

if there are only limited number of primary data sources who can contribute to the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers looked for high school teachers who are currently teaching in

private or public high schools inside the province who are capable in answering the

unstructured questionaries about their perceptions in the new normal education created by

the researchers. After the selection process, the researchers conducted a simple

circumstantial check that cover the profile of the selected respondents. Upon completing

this part, the researchers proceed to the actual virtual interview where the researchers

started the conversation with its respondents by reading and asking the questions to

enable them provide important data needed regarding to their perceptions in the new

normal education. After these steps, the researchers combined, summarized, analyzed,

and interpreted the following answers given by the respondents pointing out how it

affects the current study.

Aside from taking notes or recording of information during the actual interviews,

the researchers prepared an audio recorder during the virtual meeting in order to recall if

ever that the information was not clearly understand or been forgotten. It also gives and

turn data into reliable one as it documented the actual interview process.

Tools for Analysis

Researchers analyzed all of the information and data gathered with the use of

thematic coding which is one of the most common forms of qualitative data analysis and

a form of analysis which emphasizes identifying and interpreting pattern within the data

(Bhatia, 2018). As well as to determine and understand each perception of high school

teachers about the ongoing new normal education.

This type of tool in analyzing the data helped the present study to have a reliable

and legitimate result because of the tool used wherein, it is perfectly suited to the goal of

the study which is to determine and analyze the insights given by the respondents during

the interview comprehensively. In addition, with the use of this tool it gave a big

opportunity to the present study to provide a meaningful and worthy output that will

solve the problem that the study wanted to solve.


De Franzo, S. (2011). What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative

research? Snap surveys.
quantitative- research/

Mc Leod, S. (2014). The interview method: structured and unstructured. Simply


Black, K. (2010). Purposive Sampling. Business Research Methodology. https://research-

Gibbs, G. (2007). Thematic Coding. Better evaluation.

Bhatia, M. (2018, September 5). Your Guide to Qualitative and Quantitative Data
Analysis Methods. Humans of Data.


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