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* Copyright (c) Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file
* This file is part of QTFTP.
* QTFTP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* QTFTP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.

#include "qtftp/session.h"
#include "qtftp/udpsocketfactory.h"
#include "qtftp/tftp_error.h"
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDir>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>

using namespace std::string_literals;

namespace QTFTP

SessionIdent::SessionIdent(const QHostAddress &address, uint16_t port) :

m_address(address), m_port(port)

bool SessionIdent::operator==(const SessionIdent &otherIdent) const

return m_address==otherIdent.m_address && m_port==otherIdent.m_port;

unsigned int Session::m_retransmitTimeOut = DefaultRetransmitTimeOutms;

unsigned int Session::m_maxRetransmissions = DefaultMaxRetryCount;

Session::Session(const QHostAddress &peerAddr, uint16_t peerPort,

std::shared_ptr<UdpSocketFactory> socketFactory, QObject
*parent) : QObject(parent),



m_peerIdent(peerAddr, peerPort),


//port==0 means: choose random free port
m_sessionSocket->bind(QHostAddress::Any, 0);
connect(m_sessionSocket.get(), &AbstractSocket::readyRead, this,
connect(&m_retransmitTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this,


Session::State Session::state() const

return m_state;

QString Session::filePath() const

return m_file.fileName();

bool Session::fileExists() const

return m_file.exists();

bool Session::atEndOfFile() const

return m_file.atEnd();

qint64 Session::posInFile() const

return m_file.pos();

qint64 Session::fileSize() const

return m_file.size();

quint16 Session::localPort() const

return m_sessionSocket ? m_sessionSocket->localPort() : 0;
QString Session::lastFileError() const
return m_file.errorString();

TftpCode::Mode Session::transferMode() const

return m_transferMode;

bool Session::operator==(const SessionIdent &sessionIdent) const

return m_peerIdent == sessionIdent;

bool Session::operator==(const Session &otherSession) const

return m_peerIdent == otherSession.m_peerIdent;

* @brief Session::peerIdent get the identification information of the peer
of this TFTP session
* @return a reference to a SessionIdent struct that contains IP address
and port of the peer
const SessionIdent & Session::peerIdent() const
return m_peerIdent;

bool Session::openFile(QIODevice::OpenModeFlag openMode)


* @brief Session::readFromFile read data from source file into buffer
* @param buffer the destination where the data read from file will be
* @param maxSize the maximum size that the buffer will have after this
function completed (unless end of file was reached before)
* @return true if read action succeedded, false if an error occurred.
* Note that \p maxSize is the maximum size of \p buffer after completion
of this function. In other words,
* if \p buffer contains already \p maxSize characters when this function
is called, no additional characters will
* be read from file.
bool Session::readFromFile(QByteArray &buffer, qint64 maxSize)
//function QByteArray QFile::read(qint64 maxSize) has no way to report
read errors, so use an overloaded variant
qint64 bytesToRead = std::min(maxSize, m_file.bytesAvailable());
bytesToRead = std::min(maxSize-buffer.size(), bytesToRead);
qint64 bytesInBuffer = buffer.size();
if (bytesToRead)
buffer.resize( static_cast<int>(buffer.size() + bytesToRead) );
assert(bytesInBuffer+bytesToRead <= buffer.size());
qint64 bytesRead =,

return (bytesRead != -1);


* @brief Session::setRetransmitTimeOut
* @param newTimeOut time to wait for acknowledgement of sent datagram
before retransmitting in msec
* Change the time to wait for acknowledgement of a datagram that was sent
to our peer before retransmitting the same
* datagram again. The new time-out value will be used for new datagrams.
Datagrams that are already sent and are waiting
* for an acknowledgement will continue to use the time-out value that was
set at the time the datagram was sent.
void Session::setRetransmitTimeOut(unsigned int newTimeOut)
m_retransmitTimeOut = newTimeOut;

void Session::setMaxRetransmissions(unsigned int newMax)

m_maxRetransmissions = newMax;

bool Session::isFileOpen() const

return m_file.isOpen();

void Session::setTransferMode(TftpCode::Mode newMode)

m_transferMode = newMode;

void Session::setFilePath(const QString &directory, const QString

if (m_file.isOpen())

m_file.setFileName( QFileInfo(QDir(directory),
fileName).absoluteFilePath() );
* @brief Session::sendDatagram send a datagram to our session peer
* @param datagram the payload of the datagram to send
* @throw TftpError if there was an error while sending the datagram
void Session::sendDatagram(QByteArray datagram, bool startRetransmitTimer)
if( m_sessionSocket->writeDatagram(datagram, m_peerIdent.m_address,
m_peerIdent.m_port) == -1 )
throw TftpError( "Error sending tftp error datagram to "s +
m_peerIdent.m_address.toString().toStdString() +
" port " + std::to_string(m_peerIdent.m_port));

if (startRetransmitTimer)

void Session::stopRetransmitTimer()

void Session::resetRetransmitCounter()
m_retransmitCount = 0;

void Session::handleExpiredRetransmitTimer()
if (m_retransmitCount < m_maxRetransmissions)

//max nr of retransmissions reached

setState(State::InError, QObject::tr("Maximum nr of re-transmissions

void Session::setState(Session::State newState, QString msg)

m_state = newState;
if (m_state == State::Finished)
emit finished();
else if (m_state == State::InError)
emit error(msg);

* @brief Session::readDatagram read a datagram from the session socket
* @param datagram reference to the bytearray where the datagram will be
* @param peerAddress if not null the address of the sender will be stored
in this parameter
* @param peerPort if not null the port of the sender will be stored in
this parameter
* @throw TftpError if an error occurrs while reading from the session
void Session::readDatagram(QByteArray &datagram, QHostAddress *peerAddress,
quint16 *peerPort)
int dgramSize = static_cast<int>(m_sessionSocket-
datagram.resize( dgramSize );
if (m_sessionSocket->readDatagram(, dgramSize,
peerAddress, peerPort ) == -1)
throw TftpError("Error while reading data from read session socket
(port "s + std::to_string(m_sessionSocket->localPort()) + ")");

} // namespace QTFTP end

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