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The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Xyza Mikaela Moring

Kate Xylene Tongcua

Grade 8- Microbiology

Mr. Kim G. Dela Cruz

July 2021

Effect of the Pandemic

-on education


What is Covid-19

-how does it spread?

-the symptoms
Before we dive into our main topic which is the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic, first

let us know what is Covid-19. How it spreads and what the symptoms are.

Corona virus disease or widely known as Covvid-19 is an infectious disease caused by

a newly discovered corona virus. Almost all people that was infected by the disease

experience mild to moderate symptoms.

According to WHO or World Health Organization, the most common symptoms of

covid-19 are fever, dry cough and tiredness. While some patients experience aches and pains,

runny nose, sore throat, nasal congestion or diarrhea. Also, covid-19 patients usually have

mild symptoms and recover without any special treatment given to them.

How is the disease transmitted? How is corona virus spread? Corona virus disease or

covid-19 is transmitted from a person to another by droplets, formites and contact. Covid-19

is transmitted when a person sneezes, coughs or talks. It produces droplets of saliva that

contain the virus. Those tiny droplets are now inhaled by another person and it allows the

virus to enter the body.

Transmission of the virus usually occurs among close contacts which includes family,

friends and health workers. That is why it is important to follow the covid-19 safety

protocols. Wearing face masks and maintaining a safe distance of 1 meter away from any

persons that just from those who show respiratory symptoms to avoid getting infected by the


The first human cases of covid-19 were first reported by officials in Wuhan, China in

the month of December year 2019. Some of the earliest cases known to the area were linked

to a wholesale food market in Wuhan, China.

Covid-19 virus was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization or WHO

on the 11th of March year 2020.

Now let us proceed to our topic which is the effect of covid-19 in every persons daily


Covid-19 had a very huge impact on our daily lives. Our lives made a very huge turn

because of the pandemic and all of us are trying to adapt to the new normal.

Covid-19 pandemic led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide. It presented to us

a challenge in public health, food systems, education and work.

On our education. I think we can all agree that face to face classes, going to school is

the best way of learning. You do not only learn it is also fun and it allows you to socialize to

which improves your socializing skills and social awareness.

Though we have online and home based classes it is still different from learning face

to face. Some students lack the things needed for online learning. They have no gadgets and

they also have no access to the internet which makes them unable to attend online classes and

they miss the opportunity to listen to the teacher’s discussion. Slow internet is also a problem

to those that have internet connection. You have access to the internet but are very slow so

you are still unable to attend your online classes.

Students have different learning capacities. Some learn very fast and can understand

their lessons easily while some are in need of help and better explanation and discussion so

they will be able to understand their lessons in class.

Also, some students are having a hard time adapting to the new normal. They are

having a hard time adjusting to the new normal’s method of learning unlike other students

that are adapting to the new learning method easily.

A devastating economic and social disruption was caused by the pandemic. Millions

are at risk and on the state of falling into extreme poverty because of losing their jobs.

On the world of work, people are also adjusting to the new normal. Some are working

from home and it gives them less exposure to the virus while some have to risk their safety

because they have to go to work and expose themselves to the virus. Those workers are

mostly our frontliners.

Agricultural workers, waged workers and self employed are facing high levels of

working poverty, lack of protection and poor health because they have to report to work and

expose themselves. They do not put only their safety and health at risk but also their family’s


Some businesses have been halted or closed due to the pandemic which caused people

to lose their job. As the breadwinners of the family lose their job they are now having a hard

time to provide the basic needs and necessities their family needs to survive during this


Covid-19 is killing people by a large margin. There are 1, 408, 058 people that tested

positive in the Philippines. And 24, 557 people have died as of June 30, 2021 according to


There are over a hundred million people worldwide have tested positive of covid-19

and almost four million people have died because of the virus as stated in the COVID-19

information center.

In addition, all of us are suffering. All of us are affected by the pandemic. All of us are

trying to adjust and adapt to this thing called new normal.

However, the hardships and consequences of the pandemic one person is experiencing

differs depending on the status of the person as a member of the society and as an individuals.

There are those that are adapting to online and home based working and schooling

while others have to go out to work and earn. Some settle for deliveries when buying and

providing basic needs and necessities at home others have no choice but to go out and expose

themselves to the virus to buy the supplies, foods and other necessities needed at home.

According to the World Health Organization’s report closing the Gap in a Generation:

health and Equity through action on the Social Determinants of Health, “poor and unequal

living conditions are the consequences of deeper structural conditions that together fashion

the way societies are organized- poor social policies and programs, unfair economic

arrangements and bad politics. All of this toxic factors are combined and they play out during

this time of crisis of thee covid-29 pandemic. It makes it harder for us to put this virus under


It is not only that but the behavior and discipline of the people, the citizens as well.

Some are very hard headed and do not listen to the government’s instruction to follow the

covid-19 safety protocols. Wearing your mask , maintaining a safe distance of 1 meter,

avoiding crowded places. Those instructions and safety protocols are very easy to understand

and follow yet they still fail to do it.

When they get infected by the virus and the cases of a certain place or country rises

and multiplies and the condition worsens they put all the blame to the government saying the

officials did not do their jobs properly. They act innocent as if they did not break the rules

and blame everything to the government.

People should realize that when they break the rules and do not follow the covid-19

safety protocols and they get exposed. It is not only their safety and health that is at risk but

also the health and safety of thee people around them whom they interact with.

We will not be able to get through this pandemic if it is only the government that is

working and doing their part. We should help and do our part as well. We may not be able to

do big things to help but doing those little things such as staying at home and limiting the

times you go out of your house, wearing face masks and maintaining a safe distance of 1

meter is a very big help. Everyone should do their part so we would be able to get through

this pandemic.

We need to develop a long-term sustainable to strategies to address the challenges we

are facing in terms of health and food sectors as we do not know how long this pandemic will


We must rethink the future of our environment and protect the health, food security

and nutrition of all people and ensure that is new normal would be a better one and we will be

able to get though this pandemic together.

References :

 Google

 World Health Organization (WHO)

 Department of Health (DOH)

 Wikipedia


 Health and Human Rights Journal ( Maritza Reyes )


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