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Exact Method for Calculating

Longitudinal Bending Moment of a

Step One: Buoyancy Curve:
Basic Requirement:
I. Hydrostatic Particulars;
II. The Bonjean Curve.

a. Can easily be constructed from Bonjean Curve;

b. Correction in Bonjean Curve may be needed if any
discrepancy with hydrostatic particulars;

 The procedure has been shown for horizontal waterlines;

 For wave consideration, now we are to determine still

water level for wave profile;
c. Correction for trochoidal shape of wave is needed, i.e.,
finding an equivalent still water level;
d. Correction needed for Ship Shape.
Dealing with Weight Curves

The light weight, dead weight, C.G. of light ship and locations of dead
weight items are known.

Dealing with Light Weight Curve [Briefly describe the steps for
plotting the Weight Curve of a Ship]
The necessary steps are:
 The total weight can be divided into dead weight and light
 The weight and locations of dead weight items are usually
 The light weight can be divided into two parts: Continuous
material and Semi concentrated material;
 The weights of semi concentrated items are to be
deducted from light weight and to be corrected the C.G. of
light ship;
 The ordinates for semi concentrated items of constant
cross section can be calculated by considering its weight to
be distributed uniformly over its length which means that
it’s C.G. is at the center of the length;
 If the weight per foot of a semi concentrated item changes
appreciably, trapezoidal distribution of weight can be
considered; [Details to be studied];
 Adjustment for the ordinates of continuous material’s
weight curve is usually necessary and can be done by
modifying the baseline of curve; [Details to be studied];
 An approximate curve for the weight of continuous
material can be developed by considering Sir John H. Biles
approximation. [Details to be studied];

Dealing with Semi-Concentrated Items

Dealing with Continuous Items

Sir John H.Biles Approximation method for Continuous

Characteristics of Shear Force and
Bending Moment Curve
Influence of Position of Waves

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