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(ENG 111A)



UNIT 2 Task

Create a text (poster, magazine cover, advertisement, etc. ) with the

purpose of influencing your viewers. This could about be selling a PRODUCT or

IDEA. 90% of your content should be original. You are highly encouraged to use

photos you have taken yourself to avoid copyright issues. Provide a discussion of

your reasons for your choice of semiotic resources (color, image/s, written text,

placement, etc.
To begin with, the magazine cover is obviously promotes her fashion style

and make up. It is highlighted and given focus by the woman model which wears

red jumpsuit, red hat, big silver dangling’s, red lipstick and make up, red scarf, red

sunglasses and red nails. A woman is clearly an Asian and wants to show-off the

natural and authentic way of expressing their beauty, bravery and feminine

movement. The Asians have proved their stand in the modelling, fashion sense and

pageantry through the years and continues to bring out the best of their hidden


In the cover, the woman all red dress, hat, sunglasses, nails, scarf and

fierce make-up look looking at the far side not looking at the camera. This

represents that she is looking for the future and better hope of the product. Next is

that she leans on the table and comfortably showing her figure representing any

body type should be proud to show their authenticity and not to be afraid to show

some skin because it also wants to promote awareness and right to everyone the

freedom of choosing what to wear. Her hands holding the hat represents that it is

hot already or summer in the Philippines and as well as continue being grounded as

a person.

The dangling’s that she is wearing seems to share the appropriateness of

the earring accessory to her outfit and on the other point of view, means openness

or open-mindedness especially to different perspectives and ways to the choices of

other people. In another sense, the hair of the woman adds uniqueness and style

to her overall look and it is put in one place at the back which means that anything

can be changed and also knowing that some changes are good. The sunglasses

means the protection from the heat of sun and as a fashion sense adds good aura
for looks. The scarf is another man-made silk for fashion industry but also creating

solutions to many problems in life that saves a person’s day. The scarf is not just

symbolizes religious reasons, cleanliness and warmth but also supports groups or

organization in particular. The texts in the magazine cover is in color white which

means purity, cleanliness, youth and realness which was what it also wants to


The biggest text is the words “MAKECHANGE” which entails there is no

constant in this world and along with fashion and style, it boils down to generations

to generation. The background also is just a set-up of the shoot for what was

focused and we can also see that the details of the model were emphasized at her

back. All in all, the red color is associated with the heat of energy, passion and

love. The current Ms. Universe Philippines also said that red is power and she is red

because it says a lot about her as a phenomenal woman. The models’ overall look

says that she is a phenomenal woman representing and proudly showing her

fashion brand and make up style.

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