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God Matters – Alex Mabe Finally, Abram had a son, and they be-
Dorothy Posey, Church Secretary
Ryan Greene. Min. of Music & Youth
lieved that God’s vision was now unfold-
…. for apart from me you can do nothing, ing. However, Ishmael was never God’s
John 15:5b plan for fulfilling the promise to Abram of
being the father of a great nation. No,

Your Church Staff

In chapter 16 of Genesis, God begins to
His plan was that Sarai/Sarah at the age
translate what he has shown Abram in of 90 would give birth to a son, Isaac.
visions into the practical experience of Thus, their plan ultimately failed and pro-
his life. He does this also with us. We duced enmity and heartache within “the
intellectually catch sight of God’s truths in
family” of Abram/Abraham that has car-
the Scriptures, but then they must be- ried on for thousands of years. You see
come a part of us through experience their problem, and often ours, is that we
and get down into our hearts where they may be ready to do the will of God, but
August 5, 2021 • Vol. 44, Issue 31 affect and change us. In Genesis 16:1, we are not seeking to discover the way of
we learn that although God had promised


God. I love the profound words of the
Abram that he would be the father of a missionary Hudson Taylor who wrote,
great nation, for ten years Sarai, Abram’s “God’s work, done in God’s way, will nev-
wife, bore him no children. Moreover,
er lack God’s supply”.
Sarai was now 75 years old and long
Let us join in prayer to our Heavenly
past the natural season for childbearing. Father that He may lead us to the place
In their discouragement and impatience, where we recognize the folly of doing His
Abram and Sarai took matters into their will through our ways. May He teach us
Season of Prayer for State Missions, own hands. How readily we too fall into
that all must be done by an unrelenting

Electronic service requested:

North Augusta, SC 29861-8168

P.O. Box 8168
Belvedere First Baptist Church
Missions Education and Kingdom the trap of expecting immediate fruit in reliance on Him to work through us. Per-
ADVANCE in South Carolina our efforts for the Lord, and with our dis- haps we will learn that God’s plan richly
appointment and impatience we follow includes a bunch of “old people” willing the same path of Abram and Sarai. In to do His work, His way.
September 12 - 19, 2021 their story, Sarai concludes that God’s
promise will not be fulfilled in her, and
Our Goal: $2,000. thus she offers her maid to Abram, giving
up one of a wife’s most precious posses-
sion, the sole affection of her husband.
Sarai’s difficulty was simply that her ac- Pulpit Supply
John Baker will fill the pulpit tions grew out of a basic philosophy that August 8, 2021
on says: “God has told me what He wants,
now the rest of it depends on me”. Do John Baker
Sunday, August 8th
we not often hold such a view of God’s Pray & Go
plans for us - “Jesus calls us to the Great Team Schedule
Commission and now the rest is up to us Outreach Teams for Sunday
Our Mission: We exist to obey Jesus Christ by
as to figure out how.” At times, we do get
August 8, 2021
Permit #20
Augusta, GA
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Non-Profit Org.

continuously reaching out to create relation-

some fruit from this “our way” approach
ships and share Christ’s story in order to make Ed & Laurel Mead
to life but deep down in our hearts we
mature disciples. Steve & Jane Brown
find that there is a barrenness or a fruit
421 Edgefield Road | PO Box 8168 that is undesired. So did Abram and Bill Griffin’s next ESL class is on
North Augusta, SC 29861-8168 Sarai discover as her maid, Haggar, con- Thursday, Aug.12th, at 7pm in
803-279-0415 | 803-279-0476 ceived a son that would be named Ish- Rm E-109. mael.
Weekly Ministry Opportunities You’re Invited Stewardship Report
Sunday, August 8 Week of: August 1, 2021
9:15a Sunday School Join us as we unlock the doors to a Teens Reserved Unto True Holiness
future of improved ability to meet the Weekly Needs $6,281.00
10:30 Worship/John Baker Weekly Tithe $4,912.14
4:00p Outreach/Pray & Go needs of our neighbors in crisis at the
Needs/Date $195,192.52
5:45 Small Group (J.Baker) DEDICATION YOUTH Offering/Date $172,059.01
Monday, August 9 OF THE Sunday School @ 9:15am
Dorothy - on vacation Aug. 9th - 12th Community Ministry of Youth Building (Online giving included in total)
6:00p Adoption Com Mtg (FH)
6:30 Nominating Com Mtg (E-111) North Augusta Campus Missions #8025 $25.00
Tuesday, August 10 SUNDAY, AUGUST 15, 2021 FYI! Annie Armstrong #8040 $20.00
6:30p Deacon’s Mtg (FH) 3:00PM Benevolence #8023 $75.00
Wednesday, August 11 @ Lucy Pearson Class Pastor Search Com #5903 $20.00
6:30p Praise Team/Choir Rehearsal 531 Belvedere Clearwater Rd. Meets in 1st classroom behind the
(Sanct.) North Augusta, SC 29841 Sanctuary
Thursday, August 12 Teachers: Mary Head & Kathy Britton
12 members & 1 visitor on August 1.
7:00p ESL Class - (E-109)
Sunday, August 15 Adult Coed Class Members In Service
9:15a Sunday School Room #112
10:30 Worship/Gerald & Alice Harkins Teacher: Gary Hartley Welcome Team / Ushers
4:00p Outreach-Pray & Go 7 members present on August 1 If you are on either of these teams and
5:45 Small Group (J.Baker) March for Jesus would like to start meeting again, please
Frank Buck/Victory SS Class call the church office so I can put you on
Saturday, August 21, 2021 Teacher: Betty Holton the schedule.
8:00am until Noon Room #110
18 members +1 visitor on August 1 Safety
You are invited to the 6th Annual
Wayne Duke, Mike Gee
March For Jesus. It’s a time when John Baker/Phil Solesbee Class
the people of God proclaim His Room #109 Sound & Multimedia Team
praises on Broad Street. 5 members present on August 1
Jim Seymour, Phil Solesbee
Those walking will line up on Broad Youth
Street in front of Curtis Baptist Youth Bldg. Deacons-On-Call
Prayer Tent Church. Those who can’t walk are Teacher: Ryan Greene Everett Gregory / 803-278-5542
welcome to bring their chairs and 4 members present on August 1 Steve Brown / 706-833-4359
Tuesday, August 24 meet us at the Commons, where
8:00a - 2:00p there will be music playing and Ven- 1st - 5th grades
If you would like to volunteer, please dors open as the marchers arrive. Teachers: Evie Wilk, Gail Willem Extended Session
call the church office or March line up begins at 7:30am with 2 members present on August 1
sign-up on the bulletin board the march beginning at 8:00am. Sun., August 8
4’s & 5’s
outside the church office. Teachers: Fran McCormick & Laurel Mead AM Service: Carolyn Rhoden
March for Jesus Augusta, is brought
to you by Christians in the Media. 2 members present on August 1
Nursery - email For more info: see the bulletin Teacher: Carolyn Rhoden
address dedicated specifically for prayer board outside the church office. 1 member present on August 1

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