TPACK Atesha M. Compton

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Atesha M.


TPACK Template

Subject Mathematics

Grade Grade 3

Learning 3.16 The students will identify, describe, create, and extend patterns found
Objective in objects, pictures, numbers, and tables. Key concepts in this lesson include:

 Repeating vs Growing Patterns

 Number Patterns (addition/subtraction)
 Input/output tables
Pedagogy Planning

Complete the sentence below:

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board (utilizing two
IWB Promethean/ClassFlow lessons) to move objects and fill in number pattern prompts to
continue growing their fluency and flexibility in identifying, describing, detecting repeating
vs growing patterns, and extending patterns.

This daily, 30-minute math unit on Patterns and Number Sequences will be for
a total of 3 weeks. Our time will be divided into 15-minutes classroom
collaboration, and 15-minutes for group interaction. There are several built-in
one-on-one 10-minute segments during small group to allow for individual
differentiated/additional instruction. The laminated task cards (of varying
difficulty) and recording sheets will be available for all students in a clearly
marked bin for self-exploration during free time at the end of the day.

The VA SOLs states: “The focus of instruction is to help students develop a solid
use of patterning as a problem-solving tool. At this level, patterns are represented
and modeled in a variety of ways, including numeric, geometric, and algebraic
formats. Students develop strategies for organizing information more easily to
understand various types of patterns and functional relationships. They interpret the
structure of patterns by exploring and describing patterns that involve change, and
they begin to generalize these patterns. By interpreting mathematical situations and
models, students begin to represent these, using symbols and variables to write
“rules” for patterns, to describe relationships and algebraic properties, and to
represent unknown quantities.”

Daily: Being that our math block begins after 1st recess, the students will have
5 minutes to settle and arrange themselves in their 5 pre-assigned small groups
of 4 students per table (generated randomly via ClassDojo beforehand to
conserve time). Alternative seating is allowed while following posted
expectations and must stay with their assigned groups.

Week 1 Our first 15 minutes will consist of a short review and introduction
of new information. Group time will be dedicated to practicing the skill of
the day.
o Monday: Class - Review repeating patterns of shapes and applying
letters to show the pattern, and then segueing into addition number
sequences. Small Group practice - will include completion of
identifying picture patterns and identifying number patterns with
addition of numbers 1-20.
o Tuesday: Class - Introduce (hand-written) vocabulary words:
sequence, set, finite and infinite numbers with examples on white
board. Watch the Math Antics video together
( – stopping at 4:20. Small groups
- practice “what comes next” worksheets.
o Wednesday: Class – Introduce IWB activity on Promethean Board
(see link below; IWB fully accessible by all students). Read slides
aloud and begin interacting with slide no. 3, reviewing core,
pattern, and sequence. Beginning with slide no. 6, students will
have the opportunity to come to smart board to manipulate the
lesson – drag shapes to complete patterns. Small groups – slide no.
10 will be left up for each table to complete (problem number
corresponding with group number) and one member per group will
write on IWB the answer (5 mins). Once complete, will discuss
o Thursday: Class – review infinite, finite, sequences and finding
arithmetic patterns with ClassFlow lesson starting with slide no. 7
and 9. On slide no. 7 students will be chosen manipulate sequences
into appropriate box on IWB. Small group – slide no. 11 will be
left up on IWB for students to fill out sequence prompts on sheet
provided (1 for each table, 5 mins). Once complete, have two
students write group answers on ClassFlow lesson (IWB).
o Friday: Class – Starting with slide no. 12 as a group, have the
“student-teacher of the day” assist in completing sequence prompts
on IWB. Next, slide no. 13 will allow for individual students
manipulate cards behind lower left black box to sort into the
correct column. The “student-teacher of the day” will pick the
student to come to the IWB - group participation only with
individual student request. Small group – providing a supplemental
review of time/step counting each group will complete 2
worksheets of filling in missing time patterns. One-on-one
instruction available for differentiated/additional instruction.

Week 2 Our first 15 minutes will consist of a short review and introduction
of new information. Group time will be dedicated to practicing the skill of
the day.
o Monday: Class – Play Math Antics video starting at 4:21 and
stopping at 7:20 ( which will
provide a quick review of last week’s focus and skip counting. Use
IWB with slide nos. 15-18 on ClassFlow link no. 1 (see below) to
discuss, review and assess student understanding of vocabulary and
arithmetic patterns. I am not anticipating time for small Group
practice today but if so, number pattern task cards (what comes
next/what is the rule) are available.
o Tuesday: Class – We will be completing sequences with specific
provided rules – worksheet(s) projected onto IWB. Small group –
we will play Kahoot game practicing completing sequences with
provided rules (watch volume levels – use class dB monitor (not to
exceed 35), if necessary). The group who wins most points in
Kahoot, wins choice of prize from grab bag (in locked teacher
closet – key in lower left drawer).
o Wednesday: Class – Introduce and fill out addition input/output
charts with projected worksheet(s) on IWB – focuses on problem
solving pattern/rule. Small group – continue with two- and three-
digit number addition sequences following specific rule. One-on-
one instruction available for differentiated/additional instruction.
o Thursday: Class – For review, pull up ClassFlow slide no. 13
from link below to repeat individual students manipulate cards
behind lower left black box to sort into the correct column.
Complete one pattern by subtraction worksheet together on IWB.
Small group – students will now have time to practice finding
patterns by subtraction. One-on-one instruction available for
differentiated/additional instruction.
o Friday: Class and small group – We will play a game together
building our own addition and subtraction number sequences by
rolling the twenty-sided dice and “student-teacher of the day” will
assist by writing the sequences on IWB.
Week 3 Our math class-time will be more focused on applying learned
skills and knowledge from the previous two weeks as a group, including
addition/subtraction input/output tables.
o Monday: Class and small group combined today – start with IWB
ClassFlow (see 2nd link below) lesson. First two slides are review
of finding the addition pattern and next are addition/subtraction
input/output charts. Work through all ClassFlow slides with
students today, allowing individual students to come to IWB to
write answer – group participation only with individual student
o Tuesday: Class – Project larger number (100-1000) missing
number sequences (addition/subtraction) activity with IWB and
solve with students, providing each student with a copy of the
worksheet at their desk to work out the rule/pattern. Small group –
continue finishing up worksheets together, making available simple
multiplication number sequences for those students wanting a
o Wednesday: Class and small group combined today – Each
individual small group (4 students/per group) will play input/output
board game (using any of the 10 class-decorated blank game board
located in bin area). Rules are as follows: Playing in teams of 2-
and-2, students choose geometric shape of their choice and places
playing piece on Start and each group will need one, one-minute
sand timer. Next place laminated input/output task cards face down
on table; youngest at the table draws first task card and solves the
input/output table with teammate, as the other team turns over the
one-minute timer. If correct, then roll the 6-sided die to determine
how may spaces to move forward. First team to the finish line
wins! Thirty minutes should allow enough time for set-up and at
least two rounds. Will need to watch volume levels – use class dB
monitor (not to exceed 35), if necessary.
o Thursday: Class – I have left this day open for any
overflow/make-up time or one-on-one differentiated/additional
instruction, if needed.
o Friday: Class and small group combined today – We will begin to
transition into our next math unit of geometry by creating
geometric pattern block puzzles with our flat, wooden 2D
geometric blocks on cards that outline a specific shape. The goal is
to create not only the outlined shape on the card but with a distinct
pattern. The “student-teacher of the day” will assist teacher in
setting up activity and handing out materials.

Technolo Week 1 and 2 ClassFlow link:

Week 3 ClassFlow link:

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