181200081-Sadman Sakib-MGT 401 Homework

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Homework 1

Course Title: Project Management

Course Code: MGT-401

Prepared For:
Parisa Islam
Associate Professor
FBA, Eastern University
Prepared By:
Sadman Sakib
Ans to ques no-1

a) Different level of worries are written below:

1. Uninformed Optimism: It happens at the start of any project, the level of worries
and stress is low. The level of optimism stays of high, submission date is very far
and keeps the pressure low. Everything feels good at this stage. As time passes by
the team gets cozy and no worries for the project. Which is called uninformed
2. Vague Concern: As time passes by, the deadline of the project is 10 weeks later.
Assignment are taking place on the table and one begins to worry about it. It is
known as vague concern.
3. Panic Phase: After wasting few weeks and one finds that there are 2-3 weeks left
and it will take enormous effort to finish all of them together in 3 weeks. This is
known as the panic phase.
4. Wince and take it: After finishing the work after 2-3 days of deadline one begins
to think about the outcome and accept it. Then submit and accept the fate of
poorly managing your time.

At the start of a project I take a brief note of what to expect and what not? Things feel
good but I find topics that will take time and topics that can be covered in less time.
How to save time and finish the project before submission date. As time passes by I
start the process. I don’t get concerned. Because I deal with my time and I manage
time to save me from the concern. Because of managing time well there are no reason
for me to panic. Now, comes the submission. I submit the project before 3 days of
submission and accept the praise from the boss and team.

The level of worries can be well managed. As they are easy to overcome if time is
managed well. It’s good to give a briefing about the project to the team with all the
details they need. Because it will give them the limit of time and provide guidance to
help them manage time and set goals to finish it in due time. A time schedule reduces
the level of stress for the team and improves their quality, which provides excellence
to the work they are doing. As they understand techniques they begin to do everything

b) The external forces that drive changes are written below;

1. Distribution Channel: It is a chain of businesses through which the final buyer
purchases good. It includes intermediaries like wholesalers, retailers, distributors
and the internet. In a direct distribution channel the buyer sells directly to the
customers. Examples: Sometimes the retailer or intermediaries want more profit
than usual or they give the opportunities to competitors.
2. Competition: There is always competition in the market. There are competitors
who will go for the highest quality. Example: After Android operating system hit
the market and took majority of market shares from IOS, Apple changed the
security of IOS from open to close. Which gave them an absolute edge over
3. Economic Conditions: Economic conditions represents the present state of
economy of a country or region. Example: Due to the changing economy during
Covid 19, Apple closed their physical stores and moved online to save money for
4. Availability of Raw materials: The raw materials are the main elements of
completing a product. Example: To make flour there are raw materials like paddy,
rice and wheat is needed.
5. Interest rates: It sometimes fluctuates, never stays stable.
6. Labor Pool: The source of trained people where they can be hired.

Ans to question no-4

The 3 reactions are written below:

1. Negative:
Sources of Concern: Sudden changes put negative impacts on employees. It takes
time to adapt to changes but some take it as negative in the beginning to because of
bad experiences and toxic employees who try to influence others with their negative
thoughts. These employees don’t look for positive sides of the change, they think their
job is in danger which makes them more toxic during these situations.
Recognizable Characteristics: Sudden changes create a negative atmosphere in the
company. Long lunches between employees. In which they discuss about current
situation, passes grapevine. They talk to their managers and talk sometimes end with
2. Accepting:
Sources of Concern: There are loyal employees and there are employees who thinks
they have nowhere else to go. They cope up with the changes, find solutions to
continue after the change and as time passes by they get used to it.
Recognizable Characteristics: Loyal employees take the change positively and they
constantly try to find ways to assure the manager that they are good with the change
and can do everything for the company.
3. Inciting:
Sources of concern: The employees get adapted to the situation and think about the
ways to improve the situations. They stay as worried as the manager and try to be
creative to find ways.
Recognizable Characteristics: In this phase manager gets lot of ideas and questions
from employees. Like what they should do, which way they should be heading and be
positive about the situation.

B) Ways to survive professionally

1. View Change as Positive: Changes aren’t always negative. In this phase employees
show their true colors and prove their loyalty or leave. Adapt to the change with time,
accept it and find ways to improve the situation. Don’t put too much pressure on the
manager, take the load off from the manager and try to produce the best results.
2. Recognize cause and effective relationships: There are other departments in a
company, which are not boring. Go out, reach out to them, talk to them and build
relationships that help build a common knowledge about the field and with time the
relationship will evolve.
3. Be Creative: Get out of cubicle, find about new strategic directions other
companies are going, discuss it with your manager and find ways to make the
situation better.

4. Develop awareness on external factors: Managers are always busy with adapting with
changes and finishing up projects. There are external forces that put pressure on them.
It’s good to keep up to date with those external forces and land helping hands to the

Answer to the question no-5

a) A project team is a team whose members usually belong to different groups, have
different functions and are assigned by the project manager to activities for the
same project.
The things that I will consider are written below:
1. Knowledge: In a team, having the knowledge of what they are doing, what
affects their work, how it can be avoided, and these things are important. If
they don’t have the knowledge of what they are doing then the team is deemed
to fail.
2. Skills: Skills can be divided 2 parts: 1. Technical and 2. Interpersonal.
Technical skills are required works that are needed to be done be done by a
device or equipment related. Interpersonal skills are important. If the team
doesn’t harmonize well the team will not have a good communication system
which will hurt them and destroy the success rate of the team.
3. Intimacy: It keeps the team together, like when other members need support
manually and emotionally. It increases the level of productivity in the team.
4. Attitude: Having a positive attitude is important for the team. Negative attitude
will create an effect in the communication and cause fights among team
members. Which will deal a lot of damage.
5. Supportive atmosphere: A project depends on the support of other members. A
game of football can’t be played with 1 striker on the team, they need 10 other
members to complete the and with constant support they win. That’s how team
works and how teams succeed.
b) I will build a balanced team which will help to finish the project in time. I will
find people who has technical and interpersonal skills. In phase 1, I will find
people who are good at collecting information and interpret it. Now, in the phase 2
I will look for those who are good at documenting it and give it to life. In phase 3,
I will find people who has technical skills and good at giving it a life. Phase 4,
there are people who has excellent presentation skills in the group and put them on
the stage to present it. After the tasks are executed perfectly we can call it a
perfectly well balanced team.
Ans to question no-2
a) A project management communication plan places effects how important information
will be communicated to stakeholders throughout the project. It also selects who will
be receiving the communication, how selected people will receive it, time to receive
it, and how often they should expect to receive that information.
Effective communication is the foundation of successful projects. Good
communication can keep together team members and stakeholders to a project’s
strategy, objectives and budget. When creating communication plan, make sure it
1. The purpose of it;
2. Information of stakeholders and their roles;
3. Methods of communication;
4. When stakeholders want information and how often;
5. The type of information stakeholders needed to know.

B) I prefer responses in writing, printing, and sending messages. It includes letters, reports,
memos, or bullet point on a presentation. I prefer print-oriented communication systems like
reading and studying ideas.

Being a reader or print-oriented communication, I have encountered with both advantages

and disadvantages to meet up the effective communication. Here are some of them:
I can easily explain ideas or numerical data with explanation that are complex or not easy to
I can store all the data and use them in future.
The documents provide a record of communication. Like when someone ordered me to finish
a task, I ask them to keep a record. So that in future they cannot deny it. 
In risky things writing notes helps me as it enhances credibility.
I have to be careful with words, grammar and pronunciation. Even a wrong use of simple
words can change the meaning.
Sometimes I faced printing problems. An error in print creates lots of misunderstanding that
can cause problems.
Not everyone likes reading or printing. So, when I communicate with someone who doesn’t
prefer print, I need to prepare something that they prefer.

Meeting Channel Preferences


Ans to question no-3

a) The case of Peter:
Peter works at a construction company and years ago he was running a large program
for rail industry. The project was big and felt like he will not be able to deliver it in
time. So he reached out to his higher officials but received no help. After working day
and night for 9 months he collapsed at work and taken to a hospital. Doctors
diagnosed him with chest pain. Fluid is running through his heart and it could be
The stress of big projects are deadly and when he received no help from his higher
officials, his stress level increased. In result, his mind was not fully compatible to
work and couldn’t think in time. Which made his mental health worse.
After the incident Peter’s life changed. His employer made changes in the company
culture. Peter changed his lifestyle, started doing exercises which helped him to
prepare physically, started using meditation techniques to help his mind release stress
and find peace of mind. He started giving his friends and family more time and
balanced his work life with family life. Which changed his life and help him
overcome the stress.
b) The company culture:
1. Focus on employee wellness: Focus on the health of employees, give them enough
time to spend with, motivate them to exercise or create an environment where
employees are going to exercise together and help everyone with mental and
physical support.
2. Nurture Young Talent: When a fresher joins the company, nurture them, help
them with work, motivate them, give career tips, and don’t put so much pressure
on them. When they make mistake do not demotivate them, help them to motivate
them, give directions to not make the same mistake again.
3. Communication: Keep the communication line clear, listen to employees and help
them when they need it.
4. Feedbacks: Listen to employees about what they want to be improved and what
they want to be added. It will motivate to work harder for the company and keep
the stress level low.
5. Work life balance: Family is where workers fin peace. After working hard for a
day little interactions with friends makes life exciting and separates the
monotonous load of works. Encourage them to travel and forget the workplace for
few days.
6. Reward: Reward the employees who work hard. It will motivate them.

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