Make 10 Pips A Day (Or More) Forex Trading System

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Special Publication…

“Make 10 Pips A Day (Or More)

Forex Trading System”

From: John Chen

Dear friend,

Let’s cut to the chase.

Here’s the trading setup, entry rules, stop loss rules, and exit rules of
this system. I truly believe it can potentially generate much more than
10 pips a day…

…but I’m sure like me, you’re probably sick of those unbelievable
claims from the self-proclaimed forex ‘gurus’… You know, promises of
1000 pips a day… trillions of dollars overnight…

OK. Enough of my rants. Let’s get started right away:

In this system, we use 3 indicators:

1. 5-period Exponential Moving Average (EMA 5) applied to the Close.

2. 12-period Exponential Moving Average (EMA 12) applied to the


3. 21-period RSI (RSI 21)

Automated Forex Cash

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Entry Rules for Long Trades:

It’s simple. We enter a long trade when EMA 5 crosses EMA 12 to the
upside… AND our RSI 21 > 50.

Entry Rules for Long Trades:

Enter short when EMA 5 crosses EMA 12 to the downside.

AND RSI 21 < 50.

Stop loss = 20 – 30 pips… depending on the volatility of the currency

pair. For more volatile pair, like GBP/USD, stop loss = 30 . For less
volatile pair, like EUR/USD, use stop loss of 20 pips.

Exit Rules for Long Trades:

Exit the trade when EMA 5 crosses back below EMA 12

OR RSI 21 < 50.

Exit Rules for Short Trades:

Exit our short trade when EMA 5 crosses above EMA 12

OR RSI 21 > 50

Go to the next page to see a few trade examples:

Automated Forex Cash

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Short Trade Example:

Automated Forex Cash

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Long Trade Example:

Automated Forex Cash

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There you have it. A manual trading system for consistently making a
conservative 10-pips-a-day. I hope you enjoy this short publication ☺

Oh, before I forget, I need to tell you something… that I think will
benefit you tremendously. Especially if you’re new to forex… OR don’t
have time to sit glued your monitor watching the market 24/7… OR if
you’re just lazy… (like me) and want an automated system that
requires little work on your part.

Here’s the story:

Our readers have been asking us for 5 years… to create an automated

forex trading software… An autopilot system for “the little guys” – who
have little capital… little time… or no patience… to trade forex the old
and boring way.

Our team of programmers and I have been developing it for 3 years.

From our testing (back-test and forward-test), it can potentially make
up to 465 pips ($4,650) each and every week.

It’s finally HERE. We call it “Automated Forex Cash” . And we will

release it at exactly Noon Eastern Time on April 2nd…. But it will be
gone in just a few days.

Below you’ll see a special link to sign up for our Early-Bird notification
list. By joining this list, you’re guaranteed to get a launch DISCOUNT
when “Automated Forex Cash” is released.

But that’s NOT all. Everybody who’s on the early-bird list and later on
decide to invest in “Automated Forex Cash” will receive ANOTHER
equally effective and completely hands-free automated forex program.

At first, I intended to sell it separately for at least $197 like all the big-
name forex ‘gurus’ do. But then I thought – what the heck… forget

Automated Forex Cash

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about selling… I’d just give it away to the first 500 action-takers who
invest in “Automated Forex Cash”.

So, if you have any interest at all at getting a copy of “Automated Forex
Cash”, I cannot urge you enough to click on this link below and sign up
for the Early-Bird notification list:

Click Here To Sign Up For The

Early-Bird Notification List…

After you join this list, on April 2nd you will receive a special
registration link that will go LIVE a full 30-minutes… before the main
registration page goes live on April 2nd at Noon EST. (Your link will go
live at 11:30 pm.)

That way, you’ll get a 30-minute head-start before everyone else can
get in.

Sure, 30 minutes may not seem like a very long time, but when you
consider the last product I created sold out in eleven minutes, I think
you'll agree that it could make all the difference in the world...

I don’t want to put any pressure on you. But it looks like everybody in
the forex education business will email their customers and readers
about “Automated Forex Cash”… all at the same time – Noon EST on
April 2nd. In fact, I'll bet over a million traders will hear about this.
(That's a little freaky, to tell you the truth.).

Automated Forex Cash

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Look, I’m not going to tell you to buy it or the world will end. You
either want it or you don't. And whatever you decide, I respect your

But if you’re in the least bit interested in the launch DISCOUNT and
the special bonus automated forex system, I think you should consider
signing up for our Early-Bird notification list:

Click Here To Sign Up For The

Early-Bird Notification List…

Thanks for your time, and I’ll talk to you soon,

John Chen.

Automated Forex Cash

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