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-~ Number ; }i IO 4 Parti~ipa~t's Number : . 10 m-1a · 7. According to the first paragraph, when we keep thinking and remembering something. it
SUTOMO 1 SENIOR ffiGHSCHOOL a. CODtrols the way we feel and behave d. increases the capacity storage of the brain___ -

TilE SECOND SEMESTER EXAM1NATION b. changes the connections of brain cells e. helps us gain access to the subconscious mind
ACADEMIC YEAR 201172018 c. 5a'ICS the memory in the conscious mind ·
8. The uodertincd word 'it' in the first paragraph refers to ____.
CLASS : X (IPNIPS SMA) a. brain b. pattern c. memory d. identity e. sl!aping
DAY l DATE - : FRIDAY I MAY 18. 2018 9. The Wlderlioed word 'reinforced' in the first pangraph is closest in meaning to
TIME ALLOCATION : 60 MINlTfE.S (30 _QlJFSnONS) a. 5trengthened b exhausted c. destructed d. accelera~ e. dea-eased
10. Why don't most
people have memories of what happened before they wue three years of age? . -
·part A: _ComP,nJaory Program (Q~estions 1 - 30) · · a.
The prefrontal cortex is not developed at this stage'.
Sdect bat of.tli~ frve choices a, b, c; d ore, then. blacken the aanrer on y~ur answer sheet. . b. Early memories disappear soon after they are formed
For numbci' "J ·~),°·each Qfthe un~rlincd words or phrases is closest~ meauingto . . C. After the age of three, children tend to forget emotional memcries.
I . New tecbniqoes k visualizing the sources of thought are transforming the Wirf we und~d the brain. d The brain erases these earlier•rnemones to prepue children for school. COMl>ULSOHV
a. repamng. · b. drawing c. imagmmg . . d. producing . e. inv~ting e . The part of the brain that forms memory is not fully dcvclope.! at :his stage. PROGRAM
2. Bet.,.--y has extraordinary vocab~lary of 340 words and knows at J~ 15 people by name. 11. According to·paragraph 2, the conscious mind _ _ _ _.
a. smart b. short c. long d. large e. small . a. is not yet mature at the age of three d. forms a new con:iection of brain cells
b. annot acc;ess our earliest memories e. caruic>t sav_e·highly emotionat memories
3. If a decision i s - - ~ it usually means it is base.d on reason.
c. helps. form.our long-term memories
a. sensible b.' unwise c . peculiar d . crucial e. controversial
12.. In which ofthe'following subjeas would this topic most probably appear?
• 4. To _ _ _ _ information or feelings is to make them known or undentood.
a: sociology b. psychology C. geography d.. economics e. history
·a. absorb b. process c. request . . d. acquire . e, coi:ivey
13_ Where could the following ~ence be inserted in the passage? A, B, C, D, or E'l
Questions 5 - ll 17tis stn,ct"" is called tl,e amygdafa, wli:1, l'(Uly befi,ndio11al at birth.
. Perhaps one of the most important factors involved in sbap~rig oor identity ·JS memory, What 14. All of the following pairs of wordss are syn~nyrnous, EXCEPT _ __
exactly is a memory? Most sciemists define i! as a stored pattern of connections between neurons in the a abstract - concrete b. imiiate - rq,roduce c. action - behavior d reason - think e. communicate - blk
brain. Every feeling you remember, every thought · you
think, alters ·the conheietions within the vast .
.network of brain cells, and memories are reinforced, weakened, or newly formed. · - Ma'.1r pamters greatly _ I 5_ the woodblock prints of Japanese artists. The techniques were new,
Most people's' earliest memories reach back to about age three or so. [A] Very few people recall excitmg, and-
. I~-· However, other artists resisted ·tliis _17_ and advocated a return to a more
anything before this time because the part of the brain that helps :form long-te.nn memories- was not~ _18 _ , classic view of art and the use of older t.e chniques.
mature. [BJ This doesn't mean earlier memories don ·1 cxi~t i~ your ~d, ~gh. [CJ Some ~jentist~ . 15 - a, admire b. admirer c admiring d. admirable e. admiration
believe highly emotional· memories might be stored. in another- structure in the. brain. [DJ Though these · 16· a. innovate b. innovator c. innovation d. innovative e. innovativel y
memories are not accessible to the conscious mind, they might still influence the ·w ay we feei and behave, 17· a. move b. mover c. moving d. movable e. movement
even into adulthood. (E] . . . ·jji_ ll. irauiiiu11 U. iuu.iliiuaai ._ i1adiiiu,,aHy · d. traditiorialist e. traditionalism
5. Which of the following makes the best heading for the short piece of text a.b9ve? Questions I 9 - 23
a. Can I control how I feel ? C. How do l remember ? C. Who am I ? Yellow, the color we most often associate with sunshine, is found throughout nature and the man--

b. Why do I have emotions ? d. What makes me happy made world as a color that commands atte!Jtion; indeed, it is ooe of the easiest color to see. This highly
6 . According to paragraph I, how do scientists define 'inemory'· ? viSJ'ble. shade is found on eve1)1hing from school buses to traffic signs and pens used . to highl.ight
..- a every thought' you think
d. access to the conscious mind important information in a text. The color is also used to caution people. Soccei' players, for example, are
b. every feeling you remember e . the p r ~ of shaping identity shown yellow color as a reminder to behave. In-a number of srudics, yellow has been found to help
c . connections between neurons .children focus on their work and do better in school.

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. - .. : . -- . . ·-~ --~- -. ':·- .. - --
~··- - -

.,. .

19. I. to gain attention 11. to show support Ill. to encourage crcatsvity , IV. to give a warning 30. Benjamin
. Franklin thought\ . · . . . .
Based on the pas.sage, which of the above are the primary uses ofyc!low color? _
a. the bald eagle rhe Amenca's symbol, but then the wdd turkey !oolc II over.
b. the bald eagle was a better :hoice as America's symbol than tbe wild turkey
a. I, n b. I. IV C. n, Ill n. d. JV e. III, IV
c. the wild turkey wa5 a better choice as America's s~,-rnbol than the bald eaglr.
20. All of the following objects arc generally yellow in colcir, EXCEPT - - ~-
d. 1,oth th1: wild tu1 ~-i!Y and bald eagle were"a good choice as America's symbol
a. sun . b. school bus c. traffic sigl\•' d. highlighter · c. whistle
21 : According to. the te:a, why is~ soccer player slfuwn ·a yellow card ? · " e. neither the wild turkey nor bald eagle was a good choice as .America's symbol
a. He scores a goal c. lie Wllllls tu 4uiL e. He runs too fis:sl.
b. He breaks a rule. d. He shouts loudly.

22. 1ne undc!iioed word · their' in the passage refers to _ _ __
· a. chi!dR:n b. studies c. players d. people · e. pens
23. It~ implied in the passage that yellow color ____ .
a. is diftiailt to see c. benefits studems at school ~- our common sense
b. reduces visibility d. should be used everywhere . ,.,~
Questions..24 -.25
Starry night and sunflowers. self-pomaits and cafo settings - all painted in bold, intense colors.
Today, people around the world immediately recognize these as the work ofVuicent val) Gogh. the Dutch
painter-. Probably no oth_e r artist, at any time in any culture, has achievedsuch popularity.
24. According to the passage. where did van Gogh come from ?
a.Germany b. Fcance c. Spain d. lloll~nd e.Eogland
25. What is the purpose of the last sentence ih the passage?
a. to admire b. to insult c. ·10 tease d. to imitale ~-to

Qil~ions 26 - 30
The Bald Eagle is a majestic bird. The adult bird has a brown body, bcown wings, white bead, _and
large, hooked yellow hi II. Younger birds aJ?pear all brown.
Bald Eagles almost always live near water because their main food source is fish. Sometimes, '
h~w~w. Bald Eagles ~"ill eat dead animals (carrion). They will even steal food from other birds such as .,
ospreys and gulls! It was for this reason that rhe- famcus Patriot Benjamin Franklin preferred the Wild . .l-
Turkey as America's national symbol.
26. How are younger bald eagles different from adult bald eagles ?
a. They cannot fly . c lney have b!ack bills. e. They have lighter bodies.
- -
b. 'They are smaller. d. They are totaiiy brown.
27. Why ~o bald eagles usually live near water?
a. Bald eagles eat fish. c. Bald eagles like to swim. e. It protects the nest from predators.
b. They like to steal food. d . They need water ro-lay eggs.
28. The author seem¢ surprised that __ _ _ _ . . .. ,
a. bald eagles live near water c. _t_he bald eagle is America's symbol e. bald eagles eat fish.

_b_bald eagles.have white head~ d-.-bald eagles steal feoe from etbel' birds- . -- ·· ·
29. Wh~t color is the bald eagle's bill ? •

- ... - • blo<~ • - b. whlt< _:Y"'= d. bm= .• _· " ' ---_-,;,:,n.:,,:;i1~:;1m
,;:;,~,~.,~:, ;;,:., I;, . ~-•·';~' ::- -.. 1,.- . -~ .
~. . Numba : Participant'sNwnbcr IOnOOS>
55. Which sentenc~ in the first paragraph defmes 'geothern;al mergy' ·J

z'~ SUTOMO I SENIOR IDGH SCHOOL a. first sentence

b. second sentence c. third sentence d. fourth sentence e. fifth semence

41~ --- ~""?
~• - _; -• - _• l TIIB SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION 56. Based on paragraph I, what was the approximate production of geothermal energy JS yean ago?
' . \ ACADEMIC YEAR 2017 / 2018 a. l000 MW h 3000 MW c 4500 _MW d 6000 MW e ;;r,oo MW
57. The underlined word •that · in the first paragraph refers 10 _ __
a. cost b. energy "- electricity d. amoum e. production
' CLA$S · : X (IP A/IPS SMA)
_: .
DAY /DATE : FRIDAY /MAY 18, 2018 58. Of the total energy produced in El Salvador, about hov. much dnes it come from geothennal power 7


{Ques&aa si - 80)
a. a half ·b. one third c. a quarter · ri. one fifth e. one tenth
59. The underlined word .'approaching' in the passage is closest in meaning t9 _ . _ _.

Part B: JUedive-~
a. hardly -l;i_,__mostly c. nearly d. briefly e. slowly
Select the best_of die five choices a; 1>;c; 4 ore,
daeo bbckeu the answei- on your answer sheet.
For numbu Si'- 53, ofth:e underlined each. worch
o~_phrases is closest in meaning to _ _ _ .
60. Based on the first paragraph, what is TRUE about geothermal energy production worldwide?
a. Only Italy is using·geothermal energy on a large scale.
51 . A new northern froirt:ies- was
opening up to enhance the prospects of Canadian Industrial developm~L
b. It took about 100 years to use geothermal energy effective! ~.
a. tol_e rate b. verify ~- maintain d. improve e. weakeri
c. Geothennatenergy will never be harnessed on a global scale. . ,
52. In addition, the softwood forest wealth was
a valuable source of pulpwood for paper industry
l Very f~ countries are developing geothermal energy sources. . . ·
a. In contrast b . As aresult c, Ot~erwise d. Furthermore e. Therefore
e. Geothermal energy-is not yet a· major source of power worldwide. ·
.53. The oldest survivi,,g manuscripts of Greek plays date from around the tenth century
61 . In' paragraph 2, the au·thor states that geothermal energy is considered a nonrenewable resource because
a pieces · b...tQpics .c. texts d. ideas · · e manuals
· a. we are not using very much geothermal energy now d. geothermal energy comes from.the Earth
Questions·s4 - 62 __ b.'-tl!e productioo of geothamal cocrgy. is a natural proc~ e. there arc many cheaper altauth-c energy sources
Geothermal eneigy is DBtural heat from the interior of the Earth that is converted to heat buildings c. we could use more geothi:nnal energy than is naturally replaced
'and generate electricity. The. idea of harnessing Earth's internal heat is not new. As early as 1904, 62. Where could the following sentence be inserted in-the pa;sage? A. B,.c: D, or E?
geothermal pow1,r was in Italy, [.A] Today, Earth's natural internal heat is being used to generate B,u u,me people are q/so the fot.,..lemperature gwtherrnal energy iir some "Jlplications.
electricity in 21 c.oilimies, i,\cludin,g Russia, Japan. Iceland. Guatemala, EI Salvador. the Philippines, and 6'J. Which of the following sentences has a grammatical error?
the United States. Total wotldwide production is a'1pt:oaching 9.000 t-.!W (equivalent to nine large modern a. ·They have a two-month-old female baby. · d Rina ·scar is worth twice as much as mine.
coal-burning or nuclear
plants) - -double the amount in 1980 [BJ Some 40 million people today b. My briefcase and yours ¥e exactly same. e Sh~ talks so quietly that [ can hardly hear her.
.receive their electri_ci_!y from geothennal CDCl'gy at a cOst competiti ve ,,~th that of other energy sources. In c. ·The entrance test will be held next month.
EI Sah~or, geoth~ ·energy i~ supplying 30-/4 ·of the ei=ric ene;gy used However, at the global 64. All of the following sentences are NOT correct. EXCEPT _ __ _
level, geothermal ~ -supplies less:than 0.15% of the total energy supply. [CJ a. The company just hires a new offices boy. d. The needle is so thin aslhat we can hardly see it i:nay be considered a nonrenewable energ:, source wher. !:aks -:.,f ext:'actiO!] are b:..The place looks completely different now . e I just bought a new twenty-two-lalograrns gorilla.
gr~er than rates o f ~ replenishment. (D] However, geotheni12I energy has its or igin in ihe natural · c. Rina and her mother in many ways
heat production within fi:artb, and oilly a !!llllllll fraction of the ·.-ast total resource base is being utilized 65. This _ _ _ does not prm,ide adequate examples on how to use words.
today. Most geothermal energy produdion._iovolves the tapping of high heat sources. [EJ a seven hundred page dictionary c. sC\ en-_hundreds-page dictionary c. scvcn-htmdrcd-pagc dictionary
54. In paragraph I ; the authof introd~ the concept of geothermal energy by _ _ __ b. sc•,cn-hllllQred-p~ges dictionary d seven-hundred-page dictionaries
a. explaining the l)istory ofthi:I energy
source worldwide 66. The necklace~ _ _ _ expensive that she has to withdraw some money in her CD to_p~ it
. · b. describing the ahaiiatives for ga,erating electric power so b. too c. such d. such a e. such an
PART B: . 67. Which of the followingi,hrases is well-written?
c. emphasizing the impprtance of using clean energy sources
d. comparing the production with that of other energy sources ELECTIVE a. computers table b. a two-inches worm c differ views d so dangerous e. alike boys
e. arguing that this energy source
has been tried unsuccessfull y PROGRAM 68. Modem blimps differ than th.e first ones in that thay :,re filled with helium instead of hydrogen.~

- - - - -· ... - :· _,___- --~ - -=-·.:.:--:- · -~·.- · . . .,.. ~_ .·_. - - . . -- ~- - . .. ___' __;_ - - - ..

- ---
69. The natfooal inflation rate last year rose twice as much as government's official forecast. No Error Questions 76 - 80 .
. A B C D E
The Coliseum is an ancient stadium ir. the cen!cr of Rome. It is the largest of its kind. It is ,·ery old.
70. from Ministry ofTnmsponattoo to ban application-based taxi ~ervices ali~ G., j -.'I, fo, mo1orcycle They started building it in the year 70. I: took ten years to build. It is still around today The Co!iseum has
A B < been used in many ways h! ancient Ro=. mcc fought c.!cb other in it. They fougtr agaillSl lions, tigo::1:.,
taxi and Uber fer car taxi polemic in public. No Error and bears. Oh myf It µ,,as dreadfi~!. Bu! !!1!..' ~ cf :he peep!~ k,-..·cd it As as OC,000 Romans wouid
. .'v
D E pack imicle to watch. These gruesome events "'ent on until 523
Questions 71- 15
The Coliseum has been da.ruaged many times over the years It was struck 1::y lightning in the year
Pemaps the lllOSl conlrovcfiial use or uclieological evidence in theatre history is vase paintings, 217. This started a fire. Much of rhe Coliseum is made of stone But the fire damaged the ~per l~cls,
thousands of which have- survived from ancie¢ Greece_. (Most of those used by theatre scholars a.e ~ey weni made of wood. This damage took many years 10 repair. It was not finished until the year 240.
reproduced in Margarete B ~ s The History ofthe_Gree¥·an~ Roman Theatre). Depicting scenes from
The worst damage happened in 1349. A mighty eartht1uake ,hook Rome and the Coliseum. The
.mythology and daily life, the vases are the most graphic pictorial evidence we have. But !!in arc also easy
south side ~f the building collapsed. Pie<:e.s of the arena were all over the grouni!. Many ~pie took. the
to misinterpret. Some scholars have to~d~ed ani _vase that depicts a subject treated in a ;;un.iving
fallen stones. Others look Stones from the seating areas. They used them lo repair houses and churches.
drama or any" scene_ showing ma,i..s,- flute players, ~r ceremonials t_o be valid evidence of theatrical
76. According to the passage, whrch happened first ?
practice. This is a highly -~tionable assumption, since the Greeks n1ade widespread use of masks.
a. The Coliseum was a fighting arena. . d. An earthquake damaged the Coliseum.
dances, and music oul$ide the thearre and since the myths on which dramatists drcv. were known to
b. The Coliseum was destroyed by fire. e The Coliseum was struck by lighL'1 ing.
everyone, including vase painters. who might well ~ep-i ct the same subjects as dramatists without being
c. The Coliseum's s~uth side collapsed.
indebted to ihein. Those VJ1Ses showing scenes unquestionably theatrical are fe~ in number.
7J. When did the Romans fi ni sh build ing the Coliseum ?
7 I . The underlined word 'controversial' in the passage is closest in meaning 10 _ _ _ _ .
a. the ye-ar 70 b. the year 80 c the year 217 d lhe year 240 e rhe year 523
a. certain b ..debatable • c. balanced d. regular e. continual
78. What.caused the fire that damaged the upper levels of the Coliseum ?
72. Based OD the passage, are
what scenes portrayed on the vase 1?¥ruings ?
a.. a liolt of lightning · c. an angry mob· e. rowdy people v.-iio came to watch the events
· a. archeol!>gical evidence c. theatrical _p ractice e. Greek and Roman theatre b. an attacl-jog army d. an explosive device
b. mythology and daily life d ." scholars and artists
79. Based on the passll&e, for which purpose was the Coliseum used?
73. In paragraph 2. the author explains that all vases with paintings of masks or musicians may nor be a. Sold_iers used it as the first line of defc;nse. d. Ir was a place to display performing aru.
evidence of theatrical subjects by _ _ __
b. Prisoners and hostages were executed in it . e. People fought other people acd animals in it
a. arguing that the subjects could have been used by artists without reference :o i ,jrama c. It was a meeting place for the govemfllcnt.
h r:a~rine rlnubt on the qualificatiollli of the scholars"who produced thf ,a~~'- ~• '" ,, 80. Which of the following <-.\ll~f!lli th" mc1st JJu, ..5 ..- 10 lhc Culi; cu111·1
c identifying some of the vases as reproductions that were painted years after the ,, rigi nal s -~
a. war b. fire c. ~:m~qi,ak;: d hurricane ~- floo<l
d. questioning the validity of the ~Titteo records that stated where :he vases w:!re discovered
e pointing our that there are very few vases that have survived from the time of e,dy dramas

74 The underlined word ' they' in the passage refers to _ _ __
masks b. scholars c. vases d. scenes e. paintings
75. \Vhich of the followir.g statements most accurately reflects the authors opinion about vase paintings?
a. E,;idencc from written dOOJmerits is older than evidence from vase painting s.
b. The .sources for vase paintings are clear because of the images on them .
c. Some vase paintings belonged to the high-rank officials of Greece.
d. The details in vase paintings are not obvious because of their age.
e, There~ clilagrremeot among scholar, ·r egarding vase paintings.

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