English Greeting Expressions

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1. English Greeting Expressions

Common English Greetings and Expressions
English-speaking people usually greet each other in an
informal way, so you can use these common
conversational greetings for friends, family, as well as
people you meet in casual settings.
1. Hey, Hey man, or Hi
You can use “hey” and “hi” to greet someone instead
of “hello”. Both are particularly popular among younger
people. While “hi” is appropriate to use in any casual
situation, “hey” is for people who have already met. If you
say “hey” to a stranger, it might be confusing for that
person because he or she will try to remember when you
met before! You can also add “man” to the end of “hey”
when greeting males. Some people also use “hey man” to
casually greet younger women, but only do this if you
know the woman very well. Remember that “hey” doesn’t
always mean “hello”. “Hey” can also be used to call for
someone’s attention.

2. How’s it going? or How are you doing?

These are casual ways of asking “how are you?” If
you’re trying to be particularly polite, stick with “how

are you?” but otherwise, you can use these expressions

to greet almost anyone. The word “going” is usually
shortened, so it sounds more like “go-in”. You can
answer with “it’s going well” or “I’m doing well”
depending on the question. Although it’s not
grammatically correct, most people just answer “good”
– and you can too. Like when responding to “how are
you?” you can also follow your answer by asking “and

3. What’s up?, What’s new?, or What’s going on?

These are some other informal ways of asking “how
are you?” which are typically used to casually greet
someone you have met before. Most people answer
with “nothing” or “not much”. Or, if it feels right to
make small talk, you could also briefly describe
anything new or interesting that’s going on in your life,
before asking “what about you?” to continue the

4. How’s everything?, How are things?, or How’s life?

These are some other common ways of asking
“how are you?” They can be used to casually greet
anyone, but most often they’re used to greet someone

you already know. To these, you can answer “good” or

“not bad”. Again, if small talk feels appropriate, you
could also briefly share any interesting news about your
life, and then ask the person “what about you?” or
another greeting question.
5. How’s your day? or How’s your day going?
These questions mean “how are you?” not just
right now, but how you’ve been all day. You would use
these greetings later in the day and with someone you
see regularly. For example, you might ask a co-worker
one of these questions in the afternoon, or a cashier
that you see at the grocery store every evening. “It’s
going well” is the grammatically correct response, but
many people simply answer with “fine”, “good” or
“alright”. By the way, notice that “good”, “fine” or “not
bad” are perfect answers to almost any greeting

6. Good to see you or Nice to see you

These casual greetings are used with friends, co-
workers or family members that you haven’t seen in a
while. It’s common for close friends to hug when they
greet each other, particularly if they haven’t seen each

other in some time; so you might use this greeting along

with a hug or handshake depending on your
relationship with the person.

7. Long time no see or It’s been a while

These casual greetings are used when you haven’t
seen someone in a long time, particularly if you meet
that person unexpectedly. How much is a long time? It
depends on how often you normally see that person.
For example, you could use one of these greetings if
you normally see the person every week, but then
don’t see them for a few months or more. Usually,
these phrases are followed with a question like “how
are you”, “how have you been?” or “what’s new?”

8. Good morning, Good afternoon, or Good evening

These are formal ways of saying “hello”, which
change depending on the time of day. Keep in mind
that “good night” is only used to say “good bye”, so if
you meet someone late in the day, remember to greet
them with “good evening”, rather than “good night”.
Good morning can be made more casual by simply
saying “morning”. You can also use “afternoon” or

“evening” as informal greetings, but these are less

commonly used.

9. It’s nice to meet you or Pleased to meet you

These greetings are formal and polite. If you say
this to someone when you meet him or her for the first
time, it will make you seem courteous. Remember to
only use these greetings the first time you meet
someone. Next time you see the person you can show
that you remember him or her by saying “it’s nice to
see you again”.
10. How have you been?
This greeting question is only asked by people who
have already met. If someone asks you “how have you
been?” they want to know if you have been well since
the last time the two of you met.

11. How do you do?

This greeting is VERY formal, and quite uncommon,
but it may still be used by some older people. The
proper response is “I’m doing well” or, as strange as it
seems, some people even ask “how do you do?” right
back as an answer

12. Yo!

This extremely informal greeting is common in

America. It comes from 1990’s hip-hop slang and these
days it’s often used jokingly. This greeting should only
be used with very close friends, and never in a business

13. Are you OK?, You alright?, or Alright mate?

This casual way of asking both “hello” and “how
are you” is common in Britain. You can respond “yeah,
fine”, or simply “alright”.

14. Howdy!
This is a very informal abbreviation of “how do you
do?” that is common in certain parts of Canada and the
U.S. Keep in mind that if you say “howdy” outside of
these regions, you will sound like a cowboy, and it
might make the other person laugh.

15. Sup? or Whazzup?

These greetings are abbreviations of “what’s up?”
which are common among teenagers. Like with “what’s
up?” you can answer “nothing” or “not much”.

16. G’day mate!

This casual greeting is an Australian abbreviation of
“good day”. Keep in mind that Australian greetings
often use “ya” instead of “you”. So “how are ya?” is
the same as “how are you?”, and “how are ya going?” is
basically the same as “how’s it going?” or “how are you

17. Hiya!
This greeting, short for “how are you?”, is
commonly used in certain parts of England. However,
you don’t need to actually answer this question – you
can just say “hey!” right back. I hope you enjoy trying
out these new English greetings. You’ll find that greeting
people in different ways will help your English sound
more natural, and it might even make English greetings
more fun and interesting for you.

Formal and informal


- Formal is more polite and also if you don't know

the person.
- In formal is used when talking to friends only!
1.1 General greetings

Formal Informal
-How are you?
-What’s up?
-How are you doing?
-Good to see you.
-How is everything?
-How are things (with
-How’s everything going?
-How have you been
-How’s it going?
-How’s life been treating
-I trust that everything is

1.2 Greeting a person you haven’t seen for a long time

Formal Informal
-It has been a long time. -How come I never see
-It’s been too long. you?
-What have you been up -It’s been such a long
to all these years? time.
-It’s always a pleasure to -Long time no see.
see you. -Where have you been
-How long has it been? hiding?
-I’m so happy to see you -It’s been ages since we

again. last met.

1.3 Greeting Example Conversations

1.3.3 Greeting Example Conversations Formal
Example 1
Person A : "Hello! How are you?"
Person B : "I'm OK, thank you."
Person A : "What is your name?"
Person B : "My name is Steven."
Person A : "Where are you from?"
Person B : "I am from England."
Person A : "How long have you been in Thailand?"
Person B : "I have been in Thailand for 6 months."
Person A : "What is your job?"
Person B : "I am a teacher."
Person A : "Do you like living in Thailand?"
Person B : "Yes, I like living here very much."
Person A : "How old are you?"
Person B : "I am 30 years old."
Person A : "Where do you live?"
Person B : "I live in Chiang Mai."
Person A : "Nice to meet you"
Person B : "Nice to meet you as well."

Example 2
Person A : "Hello Richard."
Person B : "Hello Karen."
Person A : "How have you been?"
Person B : "Not too good."
Person A : "Why?"
Person B : "I'm sick."
Person A : "Sorry to hear that."
Person B : "Its OK. Its not serious."
Person A : "That's good. How's your wife?"
Person B : "She's good."
Person A : "Is she in America now?"
Person B : "No, she's not here yet."
Person A : "Where is she?"
Person B : "She's in Canada with our kids."
Person A : "I see. I have to go now. Please tell your wife I
said hi."
Person B : "OK, I'll talk to you later."
Person A : "I hope you feel better."
Person B : "Thanks."

1.3.2 Greeting Example Conversations Informal


Example 1
Person A : "Hi, my name is Steve. It's nice to meet you."
Person B : "I'm Jack. It's a pleasure to meet you, Steve."
Person A : "What do you do for a living Jack?"
Person B : "I work at the bank."

Example 2
Person A : "What is your name?"
Person B : "Jackson."
Person A : "What was that again?"

Example 3
Person A : "Hey John, how have you been?"
Person B : "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long
time. How have you been?"
Person A : "I'm doing very well. How about you?"
Person B : "I finally have some free time. I just finished
taking a big examination, and I'm so relieved that I'm done
with it."

Example 4
Person A : "Hi Nancy, what have you been up to?"

Person B : "The same ole same ole." Or, "The same as

usual. How about you?"
Person A : "I'm pretty busy at work these days, but
otherwise, everything is great."

Example 5
Person A : "Andy, it's been a long time, how are you man?"
Person B : "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long
time. How have you been?"
Person A : "Do you come to this restaurant often?"
Person B : "I've been here a couple of times, but I don't
come on a regular basis."

2. English Time Expressions

2.1 Here are some English expressions related to time.

Specifyi Specifying Specifyi Other time


ng the
ng the the time of week,
day day month,
or year
-the day -last night -last week -five minutes ago
before -tonight -last -an hour ago
yesterday -tomorrow month -a week ago
- night -last year -two weeks ago
yesterday -in the -this week -a month ago
-today morning -this -a year ago
- -in the month -a long time ago
tomorrow afternoon -this year -in ten minutes' time
-the day -in the -next / in ten minutes
after evening week -in an hour's time /
tomorrow -yesterday -next in an hour
morning month -in a week's time / in
-yesterday -next year a week
afternoon -in ten days' time /
-yesterday in ten days
evening -in three weeks' time
-this morning / in three weeks
-this -in two months' time
afternoon / in two months
-this evening -in ten years' time /
-tomorrow in ten years
morning -the previous day
-tomorrow -the previous week
afternoon -the previous month
-tomorrow -the previous year

evening -the following day

-the following week
-the following
-the following year

Duration in English is usually expressed using the
word for, as in the following examples:
-I lived in Canada for six months
-I've worked here for nine years
-I'm going to France tomorrow for two weeks
-we were swimming for a long time

2.2 Asking the time

Here are some phrases you can use when you want to
know the time:
- What's the time?

- What time is it?

- Have you got the right time?
- What time do you make it?
- Do you have a time?
- Could you tell me the time, please?
- Do you mind telling me the time?
- Do you know what time it is?

2.3 Telling the time

To tell someone what the time is, we can say "The
time is..." or, more usually, "It's...". Here is a typical dialogue
Question : "What's the time, please?"
Answer : "It's three o'clock."

The chart below shows you two different ways to tell

someone what the time is.

les more formal less formal
1.25 twenty five minutes one twenty five
past one
3.00 three o'clock three
3.02 just gone three three oh two
3.03 three minutes past three oh three
3.05 five past three three oh five
3.09 nine minutes past three oh nine
3.10 ten past three three ten
3.15 a quarter past three three fifteen
3.20 twenty past three three twenty
3.21 twenty-one minutes three twenty-one
past three
3.25 twenty-five past three twenty-five
3.30 half past three three thirty
3.35 twenty-five to four three thirty-five
3.40 twenty to four three forty

3.45 a quarter to four three forty-five

3.50 ten to four three fifty
3.55 five to four three fifty-five
3.57 three minutes to three fifty-seven
3.58 nearly four three fifty-eight
4.00 four o'clock four
7.15 a quarter past seven seven fifteen
9.30 half past nine nine thirty
12.00 midday/midnight twelve
twelve thirty/ half past
12.30 half past twelve
ten minutes to fourteen-fifty/ two fifty
three p.m. p.m.
a quarter to five sixteen forty-five/ four
p.m. forty-five p.m.

2.4 Time Example Conversations

2.4.1 Time Example Conversations more formal

Person A : "Excuse me, what time is it?"
Person B : "It’s a quarter past eight."
Person A : "I’d better leave now. I’m afraid I’ll be late."
Person B : "Are you going by bus?"
Person A : "No, I will drive."
Person B : "What time the show begins?"
Person A : "It begins at 10 a.m."
Person B : "What about the afternoon show?"
Person A : "At 6 o’clock, but sometimes at 6.30. I’m not

Person A : "What time is the shop opened?"
Person B : "At half past eight a.m."
Person A : "And when is it closed?"
Person B : "About eight p.m."

2.4.2 Time Example Conversations less formal

Person A : "Do you know the visiting hours in the hospital?"
Person B : "I think it’s from 4.00 to 6.00 p.m."
Person A : "It’s four p.m., isn’t it?"

Person B : "I think it’s not two p.m. yet."

Person A : "Isn’s the restaurant opened yet?"
Person B : "No, the restaurant isn’t opened until three

3. English Directions Expressions

3.1 Asking and giving directions
You will find these English expressions useful if you are
lost or want to get to a particular place or give directions to
3.1.1 Asking directions
- excuse me, could you tell me how to get to …?
- excuse me, do you know where the … is?
- I'm looking for … this address
- are we on the right road for …?
- is this the right way for …?
- do you have a map?
- can you show me on the map?

3.1.2 Giving directions

- I'm sorry, I don't know
- sorry, I'm not from around here

- it's this way

- it's that way
- you're going the wrong way
- you're going in the wrong direction
- take this road
- go down there
- take the first on the left
- take the second on the right
- turn right at the crossroads
- continue straight ahead for about a mile (one mile is
approximately 1.6 kilometres)
- continue past the …
- you'll pass a … on your left
- keep going for another hundred yards (about 91
- two hundred metres
- half mile (about 800 metres)
- kilometre
- it'll be …
- on your left
- on your right
- straight ahead of you

3.1.3 How far is it?

- how far is it?
- how far is it to …?
- how far is it to … from here?
- is it far?
- is it a long way?
- it's …
- not far
- quite close
- quite a long way
- a long way on foot
- a long way to walk
- about a mile from here (one mile is approximately
1.6 kilometres)

3.1.4 Giving directions to drivers

- follow the signs for …
- the town center
- continue straight on past some traffic lights
- at the second set of traffic lights, turn left
- go over the roundabout
- take the second exit at the roundabout
- turn right at the T-junction

- go under the bridge

- go over the bridge
- you'll cross some railway lines

3.2 Directions Example Conversations

Person A : "Hi George, do you know how to get
Person B : "Sure. Why are you going there?"
Person A : "I want to buy a new computer."
Person B : "OK, are you driving?"
Person A : "Yes."
Person B : "Go straight down this road. When you get to the
second light, take a left access tunnel. Then get on the
highway and take exit 52."
Person A : "That sounds really complicated. Can you tell
me again? Which road do I take first?"
Person B : "You go down this road, then at the second light
turn left access tunnel. That road is Phahon Yothin street."
Person A : "OK, I think I've got it now."
Person B : "Why are you buying a new computer anyway?
Didn't you just get one a few months ago?"
Person A : "Yes, but it doesn't work anymore."

Person B : "Where did you buy it?"

Person A : "At CentralPlaza."
Person B : "I think you're computer should still be under
warranty. You can bring it back to them and they'll fix it for
Person A : "I think you're right. I didn't think about that. I
should go talk to them about it. Where is the closest
Person B : "It's about 2 blocks from here. I have to go there
to get some stuff now anyway. Do you want to follow me?"
Person A : "Sure."
Person B : " Nice to meet you as well."

Person A : "Professor, where's Chiang Mai?"
Person B : "Chiang Mai is north of here."
Person A : "Can you show me on the map?"
Person B : "Sure. Look here. Chiang Mai is north of the
Person A : "Oh, I see. Where's Phuket?"
Person B : "Phuket is south of the Bangkok."
Person A : "How about Rayong? Where's that?"
Person B : "Rayong is east of Bangkok."

Person A : "What state is west of Bangkok?"

Person B : "Kanchanaburi."
Person A : "OK, Where's Udon Thani? "
Person B : "Udon Thani is in the northeast part of the
Person A : "Thank you professor My Hometown is Udon
Person B : "Oh, really."

4. English Shopping Expressions

4.1 Shopping
Here are some English phrases to help you when you
go shopping, as well as some of the things you might see.
4.1.1 Opening times
- what times are you open?
- we're open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
- we're open from 10am to 8pm, seven days a week.

- are you open on …?

- what time do you close?
- what time do you close today?
- what time do you open tomorrow?

4.1.2 Selecting goods

- can I help you?
- I'm just browsing, thanks
- how much is this?
- how much are these?
- how much does this cost?
- how much is that … in the window?
- that's cheap
- that's good value
- that's expensive
- do you sell …?
- do you have any …?
- sorry, we don't sell them
- sorry, we don't have any left
- I'm looking for …
- could you tell me where the … is?
- where can I find the …?
- have you got anything cheaper?

- it's not what I'm looking for

- do you have this item in stock?
- do you know anywhere else I could try?
- does it come with a guarantee?
- it comes with a one year guarantee
- do you deliver?
- I'll take it
- I'll take this
- anything else?
- would you like anything else?

4.1.3 Making payment

- are you in the queue?
- next, please!
- do you take credit cards?
- I'll pay in cash
- I'll pay by card
- could I have a receipt, please?
- would you be able to gift wrap it for me?
- would you like a bag?

4.1.4 Returns and complaints

- I'd like to return this

- I'd like to change this for a different size

- it doesn't work
- it doesn't fit
- could I have a refund?
- have you got the receipt?
- could I speak to the manager?

4.1.5 Things you might see

- Open
- Closed
- Open 24 hours a day
- Special offer
- Sale
- Clearance sale
- Closing down sale
- Good value
- Buy 1 get 1 free
- Buy 1 get 1 half price
- Reduced to clear
- Half price
- Out to lunch
- Back in 15 minutes
- Shoplifters will be prosecuted

4.1.6 Using a credit card

- Enter your PIN
- Please wait
- Remove card
- Signature

4.2 Shopping Example Conversations

Person A : "Excuse me."
Person B : "Hello sir, may I help you?"
Person A : "Yes. Can I see that shirt on the top shelf
Person B : "Sure. Here it is."
Person A : "How much does it cost?"
Person B : "500 baht."
Person A : "500 baht. That's too much. "
Person B : "How about this one? It's on sale for only 350
Person A : "I don't like that one."

Person B : "How about the one next to the black gloves?

It's very similar to the one you like."
Person A : "That's nice. How much is it?"
Person B : "300 baht"
Person A : "That'll be fine."
Person B : "Is this color OK, or would you like a different
Person A : "That blue one's fine."
Person B : "Do you need any more of these shirts?"
Person A : "I'll take two more, a red one and a white one."
Person B : "OK"

Person A : "Can I help you?"
Person B : "Yes, how much is that skirt?"
Person A : "It's 400 baht."
Person B : "Can I try it on?"
Person A : "Yes, what size are you?"
Person B : "I don't know."
Person A : "Ok, try a size 10. The changing room is over
Person A puts on the skirt. It's too small.
Person B : "Do you have it in a bigger size?"

Person A : "Yes, here you are."

Person B : "Thank you"
Person A puts on the new skirt. It fits.
Person A : "How was it?"
Person B : "I'll take it."

Person A : "I'd like to return this please."
Person B : "Do you have the receipt?"
Person A : "Yes."
Person B gives the receipt to the assistant.
Person B : "Would you like to choose something else?"
Person A : "No, can I have a refund please?"
The assistant gives Person B the money.
Person B : "Here you are."
Person A : "Thank you."

Piraya Sangiamthanachaiyo
42/12 Phaholyothin Soi 47, LadYao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
Phone (089) 446 – 4906
E-mail pirunyad@gmail.com

looking for the a rewarding opportunity that permits me to apply my
personality to improve and develop my skill and knowledge in Sales.

• Able to use Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel, Adobe Photoshop,
Dreamweaver, HTML, Joomla and other programs as good.
• Good typing speed: Thai 42 words/min and English 50 words/min.

• Friendly, responsible and honest, Excellent interpersonal skills.

• Hard working.
• Creative and self-motivated.
• Reliable and good team player.
• Experience in online gaming.

2013 – Now : My business with Coffee shop Position Sales &
Administration Manager Responsibility.
2011- 2013 : Family business with Medical equipment store Position
Sales & Administration
Manager Responsibility.
2012 (3 month) : Sale Assistant at Central Watson Co., Ltd
2011 (3 month) : General Service job training at Sutthisan police station.

2009 – 2011 : Public Relations at The stories restaurant & bar


High Vocational Certificate of General Management Program, Nakornluang
Polytechnic College, GPA 3.00 2014 – 2015
Udonpattanakarn School (High School), GPA 3.25
2005 – 2008

Marital status : Married
Religion : Buddhist
Place of birth : Udonthani, Thailand
Age : 24 Yrs.
Health : good

Furnished up on request.

Application for employment

To be completed in own handwriting
Name : …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Position Applied for 1 …………………………………………………. Salary
………………....... Bath/month
2 ………………………………………………….

Personal information
Present address…………….. Moo……..….Road ............……………....…….....
Amphur……………………………………. Province...…………...........…............ Post
E-mail .
Living with parent Own home Hired house
Hired flat / Hostel
Date of birth ................…………................ Age ……................... Yrs. Race
Nationality ……………………………................. Religion ………………..

Identity card no...............…...................... Expiration date ..........

Height ........................ cm. Weight ......................... kgs.
Military status Exempted Served Not yet
Marital status Single Married Widowed
Sex Male Female
Family Information
Father’s name-surname .................................................................
Age ........... Yrs. Occupation.............................................
Mother’s name-surname
Age ............ Yrs. Occupation...............................................
Name of wife / Husband………….
Working Place …………….……………………..……… Position .....………………….
Number of children ………………...
Number of Members in the family ……………….. Male ...............
Female …………..
You’re the child of the family …………………

Name Age Occupation



Educational Institution Major Fro To

Level m
High school

Working Experience In Chronological

Time Reason
Sala s of
Company Fro Position descriptio
To ry resignat
m n

Language Ability

Speaking Writing Reading

Language Go Poo Go Poo Go Po
Fair Fair Fair
od r od r od or


Special Ability

Typing : No Yes Thai ............ Words/Minute

English............ Words/Minute
Computer : No Yes Please Mention
Driving : No Yes Driving License No. ………………….
Office Machine …………………………………………………………………….
Hobbies : Please Mention ………………………………………………..
Favorite Sport : Please Mention
Special knowledge : Please Mention
Others : Please Mention

I can work up Country No Yes Others (Please

Person to be notified in case of emergency
Related to the applicant as
.............................Address .............................................................................. ....
Tel.. ...............................................................…...

Sources of job
Have you ever been seriously or contracted with contagious
disease? Yes No
If yes, explain
Have you ever applied for employment with us before?
Yes No If yes, When?......................
Give the name of relatives / friends , working with us known to you

List name, address, telephone and occupation of 2 references

(Other than relatives or former employers) who know you

Please provide any further information about yourself which will

allow our company to know you better

I certify all statement given in this application form is true if

any is found to be untrue after engagement. The Company has right
to terminate my employment without any compensation or
severance pay what so ever.

Applicants signature

Application letter
42/12 Phaholyothin Soi 47, LadYao,
Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900

Phone (089) 446 – 4906

November 20, 2014

Sales Officer
Asiasoft Corporation Public Company Limited.
9 U.M. Building 28th Floor 9/283-5 Ramkhamhaeng Road,
Suan Luang, Suan Luang, Bangkok 10250
Dear sir,

Your advertisement in the www.jobs.asiasoft.co.th/ of

November 15, 2014, for the position of Sales Officer has attracted
my attention because I think that my qualifications will fulfill your
requirements, I am interested and would like to apply for this
First, your company is well known in Thailand and aboard as a
provider of good quality products and as having good management.
Second, I also have experience in Field Force , which you can
see from my enclosed resume.
I hope you will consider my application. Thank you for you

Yours faithfully,
(Ms.Piraya Sangiamthanachaiyo)

Encl. : 1. Resume
2. Transcript

Post a job of application letter


Post a job

Note :
I do it myself. (Post a job of application letter and Post a



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