16 PF

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WHATTODO: Inside this bookletaresome questions to see what attitudes and interests you have. There: 16 PF. FORMA right” rong” answers because everyone has therightto hisown views, To be able to get the best advice from your results, youwill want oanswer them exactly and truly and Ifaseparate “Answer Sheet” has notbeen given to you, tur this booklet over and tear off the Answer Sheet on the back page, Write yourname and all other information asked for on the topline ofthe Answer Sheet. Firstyou should answerthe foursample questions below so that you can see whether you need toask anything before starting. Although youare toread the questions in thisbooklet, you must record your answers on the answer sheet alongside the same number asin the booklet) Therearethr ossibleanswers to each question. Read the following examples and mark your answersat the top of youranswersh where itsays Examples.” Fillintheeft-hand box ifyouranswer choice isthe “a” answer, in themiddlebox ifyouranswerchoice isthe “b” answer and in theright-hand box ifyou choose the"c” answer. EXAMPLES: 3. Money eannotbring happiness. ©. no, a. yes(truc), b. inbetween, ¢, no (false). 2. Iprefer people who: a. arereserved, b. (are) in between, ¢. makefriends quickly. a. kitten, Inthelastexample there isa right answer kitten, Butthere are few such reasoning items, Asknow ifanything isnotclear. The examiner will tell youinamomenttoturnthe page and start ‘When youanswer, keep these four points in mind: 1. You are asked notto spend time pondering. Give the first, natural answerasiteomesto you. Of course, the questions are too shor to give youall the particulars you would sometimes like to have. For instanee, the above , inbetween, eno. ‘fyomeone gotmad atme, | would: &. trytocalm him down, b, uncertain, © getirrtated, 68, 0, 10, 11, n, B. 1 15. When [read on vntairmayszine article, fam more inclined like “hinting back A tre, b, false, nt, trivial things, forexample, names of streets or storesin town. My memory tends to drop a lot of unimpo yes, b, inbetween, — eno. | could enjoy the life of an animal doctor, handling disease tnd surgery of animals, ayer, b, Inbetwes J ent my food with gusto, not always so carefully and properly as some people bow false. certain, mes when { don’t feelin the right mood to see a, veryrarely, b. inbetween, — quiteoften. People someti voiceandm 1es warn me that I show my exeitement in nner too obviously, inbetween, eno. ayes, b. ‘As a teenager, if differed in opinion from my parents, I usually. a. keptmy ownopinion, b. inbetween, _uccepted their authority, | would prefer to have an office of my own, not sharing it with another person, ayes, b. uncertain, —c. no. 1 would rather enjoy life quietly in my own, way than be ‘admired for my achievements, a, true, b. uncertain, ¢, false. [eel mature in most things. a, true, b, uncertain, —¢. false. I find myself upset rather than helped by the kind of criticism that many people offer one. a. often, . occasionally, c. never. Jam always able to keep the expression of my feelings underexact control. rr ). Imbetween, co. (End, column 3 answer sheet) 29. 80. 81 82 83, 84, 85, 86. 87. 88. Instartinga useful invention, Iwould prefer a, workingonitin the laboratory, b, uncertain, c._selling itto people. “Surprise” is to"strange”as “fear” isto a, brave, anxious, terrible, Which ofthe following fractions is notin the same class as the others? Sees) b. 3/9, ce 3/l, Some people seem to ignore or avoid me, although I don't know why, a true, b. uncertain, false, People treat me less reasonably than my good intentions deserve. a. often, D. occasionally, The use of foul language, even when it is not in a mixed group of menand women, sill disgusts me, ayes, D. imbetween, —¢,no. Thave decidedly fewer friends than most people. ayes, b. imbetween, c. no, would hate to be where there wouldn’tbea lt of peopleto talk. 2. true, D. uncertain, e.false, People sometimes call me careless, even though they think TPmalikable person a yes, b. inbetween, m0. “Stage-fright” in various social situations is something 1 haveexperienced a. quiteoften, b. occasionally, hardly ever. When Iam ina small group, 1am content to sit back and let others do most ofthe talking, a yes, b. inbetween, eno, Iprefer reading 4. _arealistic account of military or political battles, b. uncertain, ¢. —_asensitive, imaginative novel ‘When bossy people try to “push me around,” | do just the positive of what they wish. a yes b, inbetween, «no. 89, Business superiors or members ofmy family asarule, in faultwith me only when there isreal cause, true, b. inbetween, c false 90. Instreets or stores, I dislike the way some persons stare at people ayes, b. inbetwi eae 91. Onalongjoumey, lwouldpreferto a, read something profound, b b. uncert c. pass the time talking casually with a fellow passenger. 92, Ina situation which may become dangerous, believe in making a fuss and speaking up even if calmness and politeness are lost. a. yes, b. inbetween, c.no, 93. Ifacquaintances treat me badly and show they dislike me. loesn’t upset mea bi b. inbetween, c. _ Ltend togetdownhearted. 94. I find it embarrassing to have praise or compliments: bestowed on me. ayes, b. inbetween, €. no, 95, Iwould ratherhave ajob with a, afixed, certain salary, b. inbetween, © allargersalary, which depended on my constantly. persuading peopleLam worthit. 96, Tokeepinformed, like a. todiscussissues with people, b. inbetween, © torelyontheactual news reports. 97. 1 like to take an active part in social affairs, commitice work, ete ayes, b. imbetween, —¢. no. 98. In carrying out of task, I am not satisfied unless even the ‘minor details are given close attention, a. true, b. inbetween, ¢. false. 99. Quite small setbacks occasionally iritateme toomuch. a yes, b. inbetween, e. no. 100. 1amalwaysa sound sleeper, never walking or talking in my sleep. ayes, . inbetween, €. m0. (Cond, column 4 on answer sheet) so, tswouldbemore interesting o work ina business a, _talkingtocustomers, inbetween, e_Keepingoffice accounts and records, ion “Size”isto“length” as “ishonest”isto a. prison, a 10s, “ABPisto“de”as “SR” sto aap, ees et 104, When people are unreasonable, Ijust a. keepquiet, b, uncertain, c — despise them. 105, Ifpeopletalk loudly while! am listening tomuse, a, can keep my bothered, b. inbetween, 1d _on the music and not be _ finditspoils my enjoyment and annoys me. 106. Ithink Iam better described as a. politeand quiet, b. inbetween, © forceful. 107, Lattend social functions only when I have to and stay away any othertime, a yes, b. uncertain, cn. 108. To be cautious and expect little is better than to be happy at heart, always expecting success. 4. true, uncertain, cs no. 109. In thinking of difficulties in my work, 1: 4 tryto plan ahead, before I meet them, b. inbetween, © assume can handle them when they come. M10. 1find teasy to mingleamong people ata social gathering, true, b. uncertain, false. 111. When a bit of diplomacy and persuasion are needed to get Peoplemoving, Lam generally the neaskedto doit. a yes, b. imbetween, ¢, m0. 112, Iewouldbe more interesting tobe: 4 4 guidance worker helping young people find Jobs, }. uncertain, ‘Amanagerin efficiency engineering. 113, 161 am selfishly shohimup evenifitakessome wouble, ves) | [ht inners) eaten 414. sometimes make foolish remarks in fun, just to surprise 1eopleandsee hat they wily JS)” inbetween,” egal 115.1 would enjoy being a newspaper writer on dams, 116. Inever fee the urge to doodle and fidget when kept sitting still ata meeting, a. true, b. uncertain, ¢._false, 117. If someone tells me something which I know is wrong, I ‘am more likely to say to myself a. “Heisaliar” b. inbetween, “Apparently heis misinformed.” 118, Teel some punishment is coming to me even when Thave done nothing wrong, a. often, b. occasionally, c. never. 119. The idea that sickness comes as much from mental as physical causes is much exaggerated. a yes, b. inbetween, ¢, no, 120. The pomp and splendor of any big state ceremony are things which shouldbe preserved. ayes, D. imbetween, eno. 121. Itbothers me ifpeople think Tam being too unconventional or odd. a. alot, b. somewhat, c._notatall. 122, Inconstructing something [would rather work: a, witha committee, b. uncertain, & onmyown. ’shardto stop a mood of sel pity . occasionally, c. never. 123. Ihave periods when a, often, 124, Often I getangry with people too quickly. b. inbetween, no, ayes, 125. I can always change old habits without difficulty and withoutslipping back. a yes, b. inbetween, ne (End, column 5 on answer sheet.) 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131, 132 133, 134, 135. 136. 137. 138, Ifthe eamings were the same, I would rather be. a, lawyer, b. uncertain, anavigatoror pilot. “Better” isto“worst” as“slower” isto a. fast, b. best, quickest. Which ofthe following should come next at the end of this rowofletters: x0000xx000xxx ? a ox, b. o0xx, © x00. When the time comes for something I have planned and looked forward to, occasionally do not feel up to going. a. true, b. imbetween, ¢. false. ‘ean work carefully on most things without being bothered bypeople making alot ofnoise around me, ayes, b. imbetween, c. no. 1 occasionally tell strangers things that seem to me important, regardless of whether they ask about them, a. yes, b. imbetween, eno. I spend much of my spare time talking with friends about social events enjoyed in thepast. ayes, b. imbetween, cn. Tenjoy doing “daring,” foolhardy things “just for fun.” ayes, b. inbetween, ¢.no. [find the sight ofan untidy room very annoying, yes, b. inbetween, co. consider myselfa very sociable, outgoing person. acevess b, inbetween, co. Insocial contacts: a, _ show my emotions asI wish, b. inbetween, c. keep my emotions to myself. Tenjoy music thatis: a, light, dryand brisk, b. inbetween, ¢. _emotionaland sentimental. [admire the beauty of a poem more than that of « well- made gun. a yes, D, uncertain, 0. 139. Ifa good remark of mine is passed by, I a. letitgo, b. imbetween, c. _ givepeoplea chance tohearit again. 140. I would like to work as a probation officer with criminals onparole. ayes, b. inbetween, «no, 141. One should be careful about mixing with all kinds of strangers, since there are dangers of infection and soon ayes, b. uncertain, —c.no, 142, In traveling abroad, 1 would rather go on an expertly conducted tour than plan by myself the places I wish to visit. a yes, D. uncertain, cn. 143. Lam properly regarded as only a plodding, half-successful person, a yes, b. uncertain, —c._ no, 144. If people take advantage of my friendliness, [donot resent itand I soon forget. a. true, D. uncertain, —¢.false. 145. Ifa heated argument developed between other members taking partina group discussion, L would: a. liketoscea*winner”, b. imbetween, © wish that it would be smoothed over. 146, like to do my planning alone, without interruptions and suggestions from others. ayes, b. inbetween, c. no. 147. I sometimes let my actions get swayed by feelings of jealousy. a yes, b. inbetween, m0. 148. I believe firmly “the boss may not always be right, but he always has the rightto be boss. a yes, D. uncertain, 0. 149. Igettense sl think ofall the things lying ahead of me. a yes, b. sometimes, ¢. no. 150, If pope shout suggestions when I'm playing a game, it doesn tupsetme. a tru, b. uncertain, «false. ‘End, column 6 on answer sheet.) Yr {41 J4would be more intoresting to be 192. 153 14, 158. 156. 137. 158. 159, 160, 161 162, 163. b, uncertain, fe. asgeretary running a elub, Which of the following words does not properly belong with the others? any, b, some, most ‘Plame’ isto “heat” as “rose” isto a. thorn, -b redpetals, escent Ihave vivid dreams, disturbing my sleep, a, often, , occasionally never, ce. practically never Ifthe odds ae really against something's being a success, still believein taking the risk, a yes, b. inbetween, c.no, [ike it when 1 know so well thatthe group has to do that 1 naturally become the onein command, a. yes, b. inbetween, eno. 1 would rather dress with quiet correctness than with eye- catching personal style b. uncert a, true, false, ‘An evening with a quiet hobby appeals to me more than a lively party, a. true, b. false. uncertain, I close my mind to well-meant suggestions of others, even though fknow [shouldn't a. occasionally, b. hardly ever, always make it point, in deciding anything, to refer to basicrulesofrightand wrong. a yes, b. inbetween, c-no. somewhat dislike havinga group watch meat work, a yes, b. inbetween, «no. Because itis not always possible to get things done by gradual, reasonable methods, itis sometimes necessary 0 use force. a. true, D. inbetween, «false. ‘Inschool preferred (orprefer): a. English, b. uncertain, © mathematics orarithmetic. 164, 165. 166, 161, 168, 169, 170. m1, 172, 13. 174. 175. | have sometimes been troubled by people's saying bad things about me behind my back, with no groundsatall ayes, b, eno. Talk with ordinary, habt-bound, conventional people: a, {soften quiteinteresting and has alot tot, b. inbetween, 6 annoys mebeeauseit deals with trifles and lacks depth: Some things make me so angry that I find it best not to speak. a. yes, b. inbetween, ¢. m0. Ineducation, itis more important to 4, _givethechild enough affection, b. inbetween, c. have the child Iearn desirable habits and attitudes, People regard me asa solid, undisturbed person, unmoved byupsand downs in circumstances. a yes, b. inbetween, ¢. no. [think society should let reason lead itto new customs and throw aside old habits or mere traditions. a yes, b. inbetween, c. no. [think itis more importantin the modern worldto solve: a. thequestion of moral purpose, b. uncertain, © thepolitical difficulties. Heambetterby: 4. readinga well-written book, b. inbetween, . joining group discussion. | like to go my own way instead of acting on approved. rales. a. true, b. uncertain, c. false. [like to wait till am sure that what Iam saying is correct, before [pu forthan argument. a. always, b. generally, — onlyifit’s practicable. ‘Small things sometimes “get on my nerves” unbearably, though Irealize they are trivial. a yes b. inbetween, c. m0. | don’t often sey things on the spur of the moment that 1 greatly regret. a. true, uncertain, false. (End, column 7 on answer sheet) 176, Hfasked to work with a charity drive, I would : a accept, b. uncertain, ‘© politely say I'm too busy. 177. Which of the following words does not belong with the ‘others? a wide, b. rigrag, straight. 178. “Soon” isto “never” as “near”to: nowhere, b. far, & away. 179. If make an awkward social mistake, can soon forget it. Ayes, b. inbetween, ¢.no. 180. Tam known as an “idea man” who almost always {forward some ideas on aproblem, ai = ya, +b. inbetween, no. 181. Think am betterat showing : ‘% — nervein meeting challenges, ‘b. uncertain, & tolerance of other people’s wishes. 182, Lam considered a very enthusiastic person. ayes, b. inbetween, no, 183. 1 like a job that offers change, variety and travel, even if it involves some danger. ayes, b. inbetween, c. no. 184. Lam fairly strict person, insisting on always doing thingsas correctly as possible. a. true, b. imbetween, no. 185. Lenjoy work that requires conscientious, exacting skills, ayes, b. imbetween, —¢.no, 186. I'mthe energetic ype who keeps busy. ayes, b. uncertain, —c.no, 187. Lam sure there are no questions that I have skipped or failedtoanswerproperly. aL yes, b. umcertain, — ¢. no. 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