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This chapter mainly focused on the seakeeping and maneuvering characteristics of the
ship. Where the calculation have been done using software and also using the empirical
formula. This chapter has two main subdivision, initially the maneuvering calculation
have been done using empirical method which is mentioned in the research literature.
Manoeuvring characteristics of ships are complex phenomena which include course
keeping and turning ability. There are no simple criteria to rate the qualities of ships
with respect to these characteristics. The associated flow phenomena are complex and
often coupled to other phenomena. Course keeping in waves, for instance, is often
connected to rolling motion stability. Further complications are introduced by the
environment (shallow water, bank effects, other traffic), the actual operating conditions
of the ship and human aspects. And the second sub division is mainly focused on the
RAO calculation of the ship. The RAO calculation has been done using the software
Maxsurf Motions module with various heading condition were mentioned below.

Maneuvering characteristics-have often been neglected during the conceptual design
phase. Recently, an increased awareness of the importance of maneuverability for the
safety of the ship and environment can be observed. Accidents such as with 'Herald of
Free Enterprise', in which maneuverability played some role, have certainly contributed
to this increased interest. Recognition of the importance of knowledge on the
maneuvering characteristics has for instance led to International Maritime Organization
(IMO) requirements for posting 'data on the characteristics at the navigating bridge of
ships. In addition, it is expected that IMO will issue criteria for ship maneuverability in
the near future. Ship operators are very familiar with bridge simulators. These
simulators are very sofisticated electronic gadgetry that allow the ship's crew to be
trained at shore base on any particular class of vessel. The bridge is simulated either in
day or night time operation. Including all the instrumentation that is usual on the ship's
bridge. The bridge simulator usually requires full scale trials to be conducted to provide
maneuvering information, which is then fed into a computer model of that particular

ship. Thus the modification of the simulator to take allowance of a new ship type can
be extremely expensive and equally time consuming. This type of simulator is of little
use to a ship designer in the early stages of the design spiral. The designer should have
a much simpler tool that allows immediate investigation of the characteristics of the
new ship design. With this fairly simple objective, a computer aided tool has been
produced that requires only the use of a micro-computer of moderate processing power.
In essence this computer aided design tool is capable of helping the designer to
investigate the effect that modifications to the ship design will have on the handling
characteristics of the ship.

 Equations of motion
In this analysis, the ship is considered to be a rigid body, with only three degrees of
freedom, that is, surge, sway and yaw, The ship motions in the other three degrees of
freedom, roll, pitch and heave, are neglected -md not considered in this treatment. It is
convenient to describe the motions in terms of an Eulerian system of axes coincident
with amidship. This co-ordinate system is illustrated in Figure 11.1. 1 together with the
basic nomenclature used. Thus, this gives rise to the equations of motion:

X = m(u̇ − rv = xG r 2 ) (11.1)

Y = m(v̇ + ur + xG ṙ ) (11.2)

N = IZ ṙ + mxG (v̇ + ru) (11.3)

In the above equation, the terms on the right hand side describe the inertial responses
and those on the left hand side are the hydrodynamic forces and moments acting on the
ship due to the motions which are usually expressed as perturbations about a steady
ahead speed. These forces and moments are then assumed to be directly proportional to
these perturbation quantities. Details of this procedure and its limitations are given in
(Norrbin 1971) and (Nomoto 1957).
Neglecting the non-dimensional terms, Equation (11.4) to Equation. (11.6) may be
expressed as:

X = Xu̇ u̇ + Xu ∆u (11.4)

Y = Yv̇ v̇ + Yv v + Yṙ ṙ + Yr r (11.5)

N = Nv̇ v̇ + Nv v + Nṙ ṙ + Nr r (11.6)

Figure 11.1: Co-ordinate axes system adopted for mathematical modelling

In all the terms in the above equations, the subscript notation refers to partial
differentials with respect to that variables. For example
∂X ∂Y
Xu̇ = and Yv =
∂u̇ ∂v
Expressing Equation (11.1) to Equation (11.3) in terms of the perturbation quantities
and discarding all but linear terms in order to maintain consistency with Equation
(11.7), (11.8) and (11.9), the following forms of linearized equations of motion are

(Xu̇ − m)u̇ + Xu ∆u = 0 (11.7)

(Yv̇ − m)v̇ + Yv v + (Yr − mxG )ṙ + (Yr − mu0 )r = 0 (11.8)

(Nv̇ − mxG )v̇ + Nv v + (Nṙ − IZ )ṙ + (Nr − mxG u0 )r = 0 (11.9)

No consideration has been given in the above treatment to the forces and moments
created by rudder deflection. It is usual to assume that the rudder will give rise to a side
force and moment which are directly proportional to the rudder angle. Following the
addition of the rudder terms, Equation (11.7), (11.8) and (11.9) are more conveniently
1 1
expressed in a dimensionless form, by dividing them with ρu20 L2 and ρu20 L3
2 2

respectively. This results in the usual form, the linearised equations of motion used in
steering and manoeuvring

(Y ′ v̇ − m′)v ′̇ + Y ′ v v′ + (Y ′ r − m′)r′ + Y ′ δ δR = 0 (11.10)

′ ′
(N′ v̇ − m′x G )v ′̇ + N′v v ′ + (N′ ṙ − I′ z )r ′̇ + (N′ r − m′x G )r ′ + N′δ δR = 0 (11.11)

 Dynamic stability
For a linear dynamic system to be stable it is necessary for the roots of the characteristic
equations to be negative. In most ship maneuvering problems, these roots are usually
real so that this requirement is satisfied if the time constants are positive. The condition
for stability therefore reduces to:
Y ′ v (N′ r − m′x′G ) − N′ v (Y ′ r − m′ ) > 0 (11.12)
And may also be expressed as
N′r − m′x′G N′v
> (11.13)
Y′r − m′ Y′v
This latter inequality is useful in defining the requirement for dynamic stability. It
simply indicates that the center of pressure in pure yaw should be ahead of the center
pressure in pure sway if the ship is to be dynamically stable.
The mass term need to be converted into non-dimensional form using the equation:
m′ = (11.14)
m′ = 0.01908
For center of gravity is:
xG ′ = (11.15)

xG ′ = 0.534

11.2.1 Estimation of derivatives

The estimation of derivatives has been carried out using the Smitt’s formulae, Norrbin’s
Formulae, Inoue’s Formulae and Clarke’s Formulae. Straight line stability check
through empirical approach using the Equations (11.16) to (11.35).

T 2 T 2
Y′v = −5.0 ( ) = −1.59π ( ) (11.16)
T 2 T 2
Y′r = 1.02 ( ) = 0.32π ( ) (11.17)
Smitt’s L L
Formula T T 2
N′v = −1.94 ( ) = −0.62π ( ) (11.18)
T T 2
N′r = −0.65 ( ) = −0.21π ( ) (11.19)

T 2 CB B
Y′v = −π ( ) {1.69 + 0.08 } (11.20)
L πT

T 2 CB B
Y′r = −π ( ) {−0.645 + 0.38 } (11.21)
Norrbin’s L πT
T 2 CB B
N′v = −π ( ) {0.64 − 0.04 } (11.22)
L πT

T 2 CB B
N′r = −π ( ) {0.47 − 0.18 } (11.23)
L πT

T 2 CB B
Y′v = −π ( ) {1.0 + 1.4 } (11.24)
L πT

T 2
Y′r = −π ( ) {−0.5} (11.25)
Inoue’s L
T 2 2
N′v = −π ( ) { } (11.26)
L π

T 2 1.04 4.0T
N′r = −π ( ) { − } (11.27)
L π πL

T 2 CB B
Y′v = −π ( ) {1.0 + 0.4 } (11.28)

T 2 B B
Y′r = −π ( ) {0.5 + 2.2 − 0.08 } (11.29)

T 2 T
N′v = −π ( ) {0.5 + 2.4 } (11.30)

T 2 B B
N′r = −π ( ) {0.15 + 0.039 − 0.56 } (11.31)
Clarke’s L T L
T 2 CB B B 2
Y′v = −π ( ) {1.0 + 0.16 − 5.1 ( ) } (11.32)

T 2 B B 2
Y′r = −π ( ) {0.67 − 0.0033 ( ) } (11.33)

T 2 B B
N′v = −π ( ) {1.1 − 0.041 } (11.34)

T 2 1 CB B B
N′r = −π ( ) { + 0.017 − 0.33 } (11.35)
L 12 T L

Table 11.1: Maneuvering derivative calculation
Method Derivatives Condition Value
Y′v = −0.02111
Y′r = 0.004249 N′r − m′x′G N′v
Smitt’s Formula > 0.8757 > 0.3899
N′v = −0.00823 Y′r − m′ Y′v
N′r = −0.00279
Y′v = −0.02320
Y′r = 0.00497 N′r − m′x′G N′v
Norrbin’s Formula > 1.0453 > 0.3647
N′v = −0.00846 Y′r − m′ Y′v
N′r = −0.00454
Y′v = −0.02664
Y′r = 0.00663 N′r − m′x′G N′v
Inoue’s Formula > 1.0845 > 0.31721
N′v = −0.00845 Y′r − m′ Y′v
N′r = −0.0033
Y′v = −0.02528
Y′r = 0.00416 N′r − m′x′G N′v
Clarke’s Formula > 0.5288 > 0.34463
N′v = −0.00871 Y′r − m′ Y′v
N′r = −0.00209

Seakeeping ability or seaworthiness is a measure of how well-suited a watercraft is to
conditions when underway. A ship or boat which has good seakeeping ability is said to
be very seaworthy and is able to operate effectively even in high sea states. In ship
design it is important to pre-determine the behavior of the ship or floating structure
when it is subjected to waves. This can be calculated, found through physical model
testing and ultimately measured on board the vessel. The results of some of these
calculations or model tests are transfer functions called Response Amplitude Operators
(RAO). Ship motions have physiological effects on ship passengers and crew. The
magnitudes and accelerations of ship motions, (particularly heave, roll and pitch) have
adverse effects on passengers and shipboard personnel. Sea sickness will have negative
effects on the ability of crew to accomplish tasks and maintain alertness and will
obviously distress passengers. An important metric in evaluating sea sickness is the
Motion Sickness Incidence (MSI). The RAO calculation were done using the software
Maxsurf Motions module. The other inputs were mentioned below. The calculation as
per the strip theory, for this ship where divided into number of strip for the calculation.
For the RAO calculation required the sea state and also its wave height were shown in
the Table 11.2. Current ship designed for the rough sea condition and the wave height
is 4m.
Table 11.2: Sea states wave length

Sea State Code Wave Height Characteristics

0 0m Clam (glassy)

1 0 – 0.1 m Clam (rippled)

2 0.1 – 0.5 m Smooth (wavelets)

3 0.5 – 1.25 m Slight

4 1.25 – 2.5 m Moderate

5 2.5 – 4 m Rough

6 4–6m Very rough

7 6–9m High

8 9 – 14 m Very high

9 Over 14 m Phenomenal

The other important thing for RAO calculation is the wave spectrum. Scientists have
described the wave frequency spectrum in different standard form for different
locations, which are often named as theoretical wave spectrum.

 Some of the different wave spectrum includes,

 Pierson-Moskowitz Wave Spectra

 JONSWAP Wave Spectra

 ITTC Wave spectra, etc.

For the current study used the ITTC wave spectra and the importance of the current
wave spectrum were mentioned below.

 ITTC wave spectrum is usually used as a standard wave spectrum, in case the wave
spectrum for a particular sea is not available.

 The spectral formulation is given as,

173H1/3 −691
S(ω) = exp ( ) (11.36)
T14 ω5 T14 ω4

Main heading angles of ships were shown in the Figure 11.2, other heading angles
were 450 and 1350 . For the current study heading angles were chosen as 00 , 450 and
1350 .

Figure 11.2: Headings angles of ship

 RAO calculations

The RAO calculation for heave and pitch where done at an angle 180 deg where shown
at Figure 11.3. The Figure 11.4 shows the RAO calculation for heave and pitch where
done at 135 deg and Figure 11.5 shows 45 deg.

Figure 11.3: RAO for 180 deg

Figure 11.4: RAO for 135 deg

Figure 11.5: RAO for 45 deg

 Added resistance
Where the added resistance calculation were done at three angles Figure 11.6 show
at 180deg, Figure 11.7 shows 135 deg and Figure 11.8 45 deg.
Figure 11.6: Added resistance at 180 deg

Figure 11.7: Added resistance at 135 deg

Figure 11.8: Added resistance at 45 deg


This chapter discuss the seakeeping and maneuvering characteristics of the ship. The
chapter starts with the calculation of maneuvering characteristics using derivatives
formula. And second is the seakeeping were estimated as the RAO factors. With straight
line stability check through empirical approach to check the ship is safe or not.



The entire project covers the basic calculations and drawing associated with the
preliminary design of Oil Tanker with deadweight of 280000. The design started with
a literature survey collecting all data of ships having a close range of deadweight. These
data’s serve as a reference during the evaluation of main dimensions. Next stage was to
evaluate the main dimension: this was done with the help of empirical formulas and
parentship analysis. Once the main dimensions were fixed the next step was to generate
the lines plan using Sectional Area method. The lines plan was faired and offset was

Next stage of design was to perform a hydrostatic calculation to find all the hydrostatics
particulars at different waterlines. This calculation was done manually using excel
spreadsheets and with the help of Maxsurf. Once the calculations were done with, they
were used to plot the hydrostatic curves. Next step was to perform resistance and
powering calculations to fix a suitable engine for the ship. The next stage was to prepare
a general arrangement drawing satisfying the capacity requirements. The capacity
calculations were done manually referring to empirical formulas for calculations. All
the requirements for general arrangement drawing were adopted from the DNV-GL rule
book. The scantlings of various structural members were found referring to DNV-GL
rules. The Stability calculation were done manually satisfying IMO intact stability
criteria. The next step was to do the tonnage calculation and Seakeeping.

The entire project work done till preliminary design stage. Technical aspects were only
considered and that too only up to the level of obtaining data from available literature.
Economic aspects were not given due importance in all the places. In the real case
importance is given to economic as well as technical aspects. The design of an oil tanker
is highly dependent on the owner’s requirement routes and market trend. Hull form was
designed using Sectional Area Curve, while aft has been designed using aft hull form
of oil tanker. The structural arrangement is made so as to obtain the maximum
obstructed space below the deck using DNV-GL rule. The general arrangement has
been done keeping in mind all the major Characteristics required for an oil tanker. The
designed vessel compiles with the rules and regulation, in order to sail safe and efficient
throughout its life time the completed initial design of a 280000 Tons DWT Oil Tanker
is now ready for next level of detailed design and outfitting design.


Present work was limited to the preliminary design of the oil tanker extension of present
work would be detailed as:
 Detailed structural analysis using FEA approach.
 Detailed general arrangement plan with shell expansion and tank capacity plan.
 Resistance calculation using computational approach under real environmental
 Detailed propeller and rudder Design.
 Analysis on maneuverability.


Ship type : Oil Tanker


Items Value Units

LOA 333.58 m
LBP 320.00 m
B 58.00 m
D 28.00 m
T 20.80 m
V 15.50 Knots
L/B 5.51 No Units
B/T 2.85 No Units
T/D 0.74 No Units
B/D 2.07 No Units
CB 0.81
CM 0.997
CP 0.812
CWL 0.886
Volume of Displacement 312698.9 m3
Displacement 320516.4 Tons
Speed 15.5 Knots
Range 2515 Nautical mile

Oil tanker carry oil from Jeddah Islamic Port, Saudi Arabia to Jawaharlal Nehru Port,


The vessel is a single screw, fixed pitch propulsion, longitudinally and transversely framed,
double hull vessel having a main deck, fore castle, superstructure and engine casing (aft) etc.
Main deck is the freeboard deck. The ship has 11 watertight transverse bulkheads. A double
bottom is arranged from the fore peak bulkhead to the aft peak bulkhead. The double bottom
height is 2.0 m. Engine room and accommodation is arranged aft. A heavy fuel oil tank is
provided in the forward region of the engine room. Forepeak tank, topside tanks, hopper tanks
are used for ballasting. Forepeak accommodates the chain locker also. The ship has a
superstructure of length 14.25 m and it consists of57 decks.


The ships are classified under DNV-GL.


Life boat with number of person 54 persons.

One totally enclosed free fall type, diesel engine driven lifeboats each capable of 54 persons
capacity is provided on aft of the ship. The lifeboats are equipped with water spray fire
protection system. Material of construction is GRP.

1. Two inflatable life rafts of 25 person’s capacity each is provided on either side of the ship.
2. One life raft for 6 persons with hydrostatic release is installed on forward upper deck
behind forecastle deck.
3. 35 life jackets have been provided.
4. Eight life buoys are provided, four of which are fitted with self-igniting light
5. life jackets for child have been provided
6. A line throwing apparatus in wheel house is provided.
7. two way portable VHF (CH16) is provided in wheel house.
8. 12 parachute flare has been provided in wheelhouse.
9. EPIRB has been provided in wheelhouse and above deck.
10. 2 SART has been provided in wheel house and adjacent space
11. WT set has been provided.
12. 9 general alarm and P A System has been provided in different location in ships
13. Training manual has been provided in wheel house, galley and other public places
14. Operating instruction booklet is provided in each raft and boat.
15. 9 muster lists has been provided in different public places in ship.


1. Fire fighting systems are to be installed in accordance with SOLAS rules.
2. Engine room and pump room - CO2 fire extinguishing system.
3. Accommodation spaces, open deck
4. engine room and pump room - Water hydrant system.
5. Galley - Portable DCP fire extinguishers
6. Paint store - Portable foam type fire extinguishers.


 Navigation equipment
Speed log
Echo sounder
Fog horn
Ship identification equipment (AIS)
Steering instrument
RPM- meter for stern shaft
Aerovane one set
VDR one set
Rudder indicator
 Interior communication, alarm

1 Fire alarm Red with FIRE LOGO

2 CO2 alarm Red with CO2 LOGO
3 Engine room failure alarm Amber with GEARWHEEL LOGO
4 Sound power telephone Milk white with TELEPHONE LOGO
5 Engine telegraph Milk white with TELEGRAPH LOGO
6 General alarm Green with SHIP LOGO
 Signal light

Light at aft mast green 1

Light at aft mast white 5
Light at aft mast red 6
Flash light (green) 1
Morse light(white) 1
Day-signal lamp, with special bulb of 24 volts, 60 watts 1

 Navigational lights

Navigational light shall consist of as follows One set

Fore mast head light 1
Aft mast head light 1
Fore anchor light 1
Aft anchor light 1
Stern light (red and weight) 1
Side light port 1
Side light starboard 1
Not-under command, (red) 4
 Pumps

Bilge/GS pump Oily water separator Water ballast pumps

HFO transfer pumps DO transfer pumps Lub. Oil/F.O/D.O tanks
Fire/GS pump Emergency pump Lub oil transfer pumps
 Systems

Ballast system
Bilge System
Oil filling system
Fire fighting & deck washing system
Refrigerated system
Sanitary system with discharge drainage system
Cargo heating system
Distance from windlass to chain pipe should be less than 6m
CO2 fire extinguisher system


1. Galley
 Trash Basket, capacity about 80 litres
 Marine Trash Compactor
 Marine Sink
 Marine Waste Disposer
 Handwash Basin
 Marine Spiral Mixer
 Top Table
 Automatic Coffee Machine
 Microwave Oven
2. Office Pantry
 Toaster
 Marie Electric Stove
 Trash Basket, Capacity about 80 litres
 Marine Refrigerator, capacity about 200 litres
 Marine Work Table with Cupboard
3. Provision Store
 Marine Chopping Block
 Hooker
 Marine Dripping Pan
 Marine Work Table
 Rack with four plates
 Marine Cupboard
 Platform Scale
4. Mess Room
5. Sanitary Room
6. Wheel House
7. Paint Store
8. Deck Store
9. Battery Room galley


Machinery Main engine

Type Doose-Man V51/60DF
Power 17127.56528 Kw
Grade fuel used: H.F.O
Auxillary engine
Type Yanmar - 6N21AL-EV
Number 3
Power 970KW /900 rpm
Grade fuel used IFO 380
Generator 900 KW, 450 V, 60 Hz
1 Emergency generator 180KW


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