Discovering Definition Tools

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Discovering Definition Tools

Definition tools help you define requirements as productively and effectively

as possible. (For details on what constitutes a requirement, head to Chapter 5.
Chapter 13 has more on the techniques for analyzing requirements mentioned
in the following sections.) Some requirements are best defined by using only
text, while other requirements are better served by graphical or visual
definition. Definition tools support one or both of these styles, which we
cover in the following sections.
Textual definition tools
If you need to define things like glossary definitions, project descriptions and
objectives, and stakeholder analysis information, use a textual definition tool.
Usually, BAs use word processing applications or spreadsheet programs to
compile this information into paragraphs and tables; however, the
often turns into extraordinarily long documents.
If you’d rather go for brevity, opt for index cards, markers, and sticky notes,
which keep the bits of information manageable. Agile teams frequently use
this approach to define user stories that capture the essence and goal of the
requirements without getting too bogged down in tool or process overkill.
They capture details about requirements on the index cards and then sort and
organize the cards across conference room tables or tape them up on walls.
(In this context, agile refers to a group of software development methods
where requirements and solutions are developed through collaboration. Head
to Chapter 11 to find out more about agile teams.)
Quite a few electronic tools provide features and functions to define
stories that mimic the look and function of the index cards! If you like
that angle, look for tools with features that organize and define the
requirements, acceptance criteria, and resulting project tasks in usable
views and prioritized order.
Modeling and diagramming tools
When you need visuals, use modeling and diagramming tools. Models and
diagrams frequently seen in business analysis efforts include the following:
Business process flows and logical models of all flavors, such as
• Swimlane diagrams
• Decision models or diagrams
• Data models (entity relationship diagrams)
• Organizational or operational models
Scope diagrams, such as a context data flow diagram
System context or architecture diagrams
Use case diagrams
Process decomposition diagrams
You can create these items by using low-tech paper and pencil or markers on
a flip chart, which is very efficient. However, that result may not be
particularly neat, formally presentable, or appropriate for your audience. In
that case, some mid-tech tools speed your ability to create and update
diagrams yourself with a computer; they feature buttons and menus for
drawing standard shapes or creating clean lines. Some tools allow you to
record meta data (data about data) with fields that define information about
the boxes, lines, or information you’ve drawn on the diagram. Collaboration
with mid-tech tools is manual, where one person drives the tool while others
watch or contribute suggestions for the driver to address and incorporate.
Opt for high-tech tools if you need to take it further. They have features for
defining, modeling, elaborating, reviewing, simulating, and collaborating —
all within a single tool or suite of tools. These modeling and diagramming
tools provide features fused with other options that support definition by
Creating diagrams for you: They generate items such as process flow
diagrams based on a word, language, or grammar analysis of your textual
Providing templates and techniques: They allow you to enter
information in one manner while the tool translates the information for
display in another manner.
Offering workflow or notifications about requirements: Team
members concerned with certain requirements get updates or changes the
instant those items are documented but not any they don’t care about.
Designing process code or generating development code based on the
process models or design diagrams you create: This feature increases
team efficiency.
Creating or providing a central storage place where requirements can
be more easily shared or reused across projects.
Linking together and tracing all different kinds of requirements from
and to one another: You can track requirements from original need to
implementation/destination. Advanced features offering traceability ensure
more complete requirements definition and enable you to perform gap and
impact analyses around the solution, especially valuable on very large
projects. (Check out Chapter 12 for details on requirement traceability.)
Prototyping and simulation tools
Prototyping is a type of definition and modeling tool, but rather than
modeling process and manual workflow, you’re modeling screens and
application work flow. Prototyping tools enable analysts and designers to
imagine and illustrate what the software screens and applications will look
like before they’re built, by leveraging drawings and wireframing (mockup)
capabilities. When designed, users and stakeholders can review those
prototypes and provide feedback early in the lifecycle rather than toward the
Prototype tools can range from the very low-tech (paper, marker,
whiteboard), to mid-tech (simple electronic drawing tools without many bells
and whistles) to very high-tech and advanced (tools built for designers and
artists whose focus is creating high-fidelity graphic designs).
Simulation tools (sometimes called or created from pseudo-code) are one
variety of high-tech prototyping tool. Their features take prototypes a few
steps further by activating them for stakeholders to try out; however, the
screens don’t actually work. A simulation isn’t working software; it’s an
active picture or application example that demonstrates how the functionality
of software will work after it’s built in the future.
These tools add value by supporting the fact that sometimes seeing is
believing. If stakeholders can get a look at what’s going to be built, they
can provide feedback about what they’d change before changing it is too
expensive. For that reason, many definition tool vendors are
incorporating prototyping and simulation features into their tool suites
for full coverage. The more easily you can go from creation of
requirements through visualization of the solution, the faster and cheaper
the development effort!

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