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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 4, Issue 3 6 August 2021

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the third issue of my instant cheer. My favourite is polyan-

newsletter for Volume 4. I hope you thus.
Newsletter back issues have all had a good week.  Spray roses and fruit trees with
Facebook It’s August! How did time pass so lime sulphur while they’re
quickly? Winter is nearly over, but dormant to help keep fungal dis-
Instagram eases such as black spot and
not quite. I thought it might be useful
Twitter to set out a list of tasks to get through brown rot at bay in summer
this month.
Linkedin  Spray garlic to help prevent rust.
What to do in the garden in August: I have yet to find an effective
Pinterest solution but am trialling two new
 If you haven’t already done so, products, Wally’s Silicon plus
get garlic into the ground asap. Boron Soil Drench and his Cell
Awapuni still have some plants Strengthening and Super
Contact me
in stock. Spreader, which are available
 Feedback here.
 Now is also a good time to plant
 Newsletter input strawberries. Awapuni also  Order dahlias, gladioli, begonias
(tips, recipes, gar- stock high quality strawberry and other summer flowering
den photos etc) plants. bulbs. Be sure to check out
Bulbs Direct for the best range in
 To be added to my  Plant potatoes in frost-free NZ
mailing list zones. In more temperate are-
as, you can purchase seed pota-  Frustrated that travel re- toes now and chit them, so they strictions meant that you could-
are ready to go into the ground n’t quite make it to Italy for the
when the weather is warmer summer? Why not bring a bit of
and the risk of frosts has Italy straight to your garden this
Inside this issue: passed summer with Italian Seeds Pron-
to’s lovely range of heirloom
 It’s not too late to plant onion Franchi Seeds from Italy. You
seedlings. Awapuni have them can start sowing tomatoes, pep-
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 in stock. pers and eggplants undercover
Anita’s Garden this month
 Plant asparagus crowns. Bulbs
Direct have a great selection in Have a great weekend.
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 stock.
for the week Useful links
 Plant peonies in cooler cli-
mates. They need a few hard  Italian Seeds Pronto
Collaboration news 2 frosts in order to flower well so
don’t bother trying to grow  Awapuni
them if you’re in Auckland or  Bulbs Direct
further north. Bulbs Direct
Tips for growing pota- 3 also have a beautiful selection Kind regards,
toes of peonies in stock.
Anita Kundu
 Plant some potted colour for
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 3

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Our garlic is coming along nicely. If you follow me on Instagram, you

These plants were kindly given to will have noticed that we planted
me by Awapuni, who still have quite a few brassica seedlings in
some available on their website if early July, which we covered with
you haven’t already gotten yours cloches (a plastic milk bottle with
into the ground. The advantage to the bottom cut off). In less than a
starting with plants rather than Our dwarf Cleopatra avocado tree month, the plants were hitting the
from cloves is that it gives you a is doing so well. We planted it roof and it was time to remove the
head start so the bulbs will have back in 2017 and there is so much covers! We are very happy with
hopefully developed before rust fruit on it! I am not sure when to the plants, which are very healthy.
hits in spring. harvest the fruit so made an en- They are a mix of mini cabbage,
quiry to the grower. cauliflower and broccoli.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

If you live in a frost-free area, you
1. Plant more brassicas 3. Spray roses and fruit
can plant seed potatoes now. See
trees with lime sulphur
If you have space, you can plant my article on page 3 for growing
more brassicas. Awapuni have I know I’ve been saying this a lot, tips.
them in stock. but now really is the perfect time
5. Feed potted fruit trees
to do this while they’re dormant.
2. Plant garlic The benefits are immense. Just Even though it’s still winter,
Before it gets too warm, get your think, no fungal diseases such as there’s no harm in feeding any pot-
garlic into the ground if you have- black spot and brown rot in sum- ted fruit trees with a slow release
n’t already done so. Awapuni still mer! fertiliser (don’t use bagged granu-
have garlic in stock. lar fertiliser as that is designed for
4. Plant potatoes
fruit trees planted in the ground).

Collaboration news
Italian Seeds Pronto have an For those of you in a cooler climate Awapuni has even more great
amazing selection of seeds to make (unfortunately this rules out Auck- deals for you this week!
your summer garden look and land!), Bulbs Direct have a lovely
taste great. This season, I am selection of peonies available on Grab a bundle of beetroot seed-
growing the following tomato vari- their website. One of the great lings for just $4 (9 seedlings).
eties—Principe Borghese, things about peonies is that they
are incredibly drought tolerant. AND grab any bundle of pansies
Costoluto Fiorentino, Cuor di Bue
We have been seeing drier sum- for just $4 as well (9 seedlings)
and Red Pear. These are all an-
cient seed varieties and have a mers every year so this is a really These offers are only available
depth of flavour which modern good thing! Peonies make wonder- online until 9 August 2021 or
hybrids lack. ful cut flowers. while stocks last.
V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 3 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Tips for growing potatoes

If you live in a frost-free zone in the pantry, but ask yourself
New Zealand, you can plant pota- whether it is worth the risk as you
toes now. Doing so means that you don’t know where they have come
will be harvesting freshly dug from.
spuds from your garden in mid to
7. After you have purchased
late spring. The advantage of this
your seed potatoes, you need
is that you can then use that space
to “chit” or get them to
to plant a summer crop such as
sprout. I lay mine in seed
pumpkins or melons (it’s best to
raising trays and leave them
avoid planting another root crop
under our beds. It usually
straight afterwards). Potatoes are
takes around a month,
very easy to grow and the potential
sometimes a bit longer, for
yield can be great, depending on
them to sprout.
which variety you grow. There are
two main varieties—early 8. When planting potatoes, lay
(typically with waxy, soft skins) them out in trenches and
which mature in around 60-90 carefully cover them with
days and main (these are floury in soil, being careful not to
texture and mature later, in Homegrown potatoes from last knock off any sprouts in the
around 100-150 days). What I like spring process.
to do is grow one of each, so we
have a continuous supply during Early varieties are best for a
the season and can do different Christmas harvest, as main crop
things with them. Early potatoes varieties may not be ready in time.
are great for boiling, whereas main 3. Potatoes need full sun in
crop varieties are good for roasting order to do well so bear this
and baking. This year, we’re grow- in mind when choosing your
ing Liseta as our early variety and site.
Summer Delight as our main crop
variety. 4. If you’re short on space or
live in an apartment, you
Tips for growing great pota- can always try growing po-
toes tatoes in a growing bag or
 Don’t plant potatoes too ear- container. Bear in mind
ly. In most regions, it that the yield won’t be as
Our potatoes laid out in trenches
should be safe to start in high as grow-
spring when the last frosts ing them in “”Potatoes are 9. After about six
are over. In areas with mild the ground. very easy to grow weeks, give your potatoes
winters such as Auckland, and the potential a side-dressing with a
5. If you’re plant-
you may be able to plant yield can be great, fertiliser formulated for
ing potatoes in
them as early as the short- depending on potatoes.
the ground,
est day. If you live in a very work in lots of which variety you
10. When they are
cool region, it may even be compost and grow”
ready, you can either dig
best to wait until Labour fertiliser be- the whole lot up with a
Weekend. forehand as they are gross fork or you can do what I do
feeders. I like to use some and “bandicoot’ them from
 If you want fresh potatoes
sheep pellets. I also recom- the side without disturbing
from your garden on the
mend using a fertiliser that the plant.
table for your Christmas
is designed for growing po-
meal, you can time your 11. Make sure you store your
planting accordingly. Just potatoes in a cool, dry place.
have a look at the back of 6. In order to avoid diseases, We like to put them in
the packet of seed potatoes it’s best to use certified seed brown paper rubbish sacks.
to see how long it takes for potatoes. It’s very tempting
them to mature and work to plant the odd few pota- Have a great weekend!
backwards from Xmas day. toes which are sprouting in
Happy gardening

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