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Operation Manual 2

Precaution in safety.
Functions of component devices.
Operation setting items
and adjusting method.
Search \\ How to start and stop.


The manual is edited for treatlng mineral oils such

as for purifying fuel ail or lubricating ail.

Instruction Manual Operation ~ a n u a l l
The instruction manual is a guidebook for uslng the automatic discharge type olt
purifier , MlTSUBlSHl SELFJECTOR FUTURE SERIES (hereinafter referred to as
SELFJECTOR Is a fast rotating centrifugal machlne. Before using it, sufnelently be
versed In detalls of the manual.
Handte ir safely and so as to fully exhlblt the function of SELFJECTOR.

The composition of instruction manual for SELFJECTOR is as follaws.

The present manual is Part 3 'Operatlam manualZm.

Use each manual according to the particular purpose to sufllciently

understand the Information.

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
a:Design Engineer @: Installer @: Engine Engineer @ I:
Intended I
m Manual Description Reader
fmng-out procedure Information for transportation, handling and storage of the
Instructions for installation and dimensions
System diagram and connection diagram
Precautions for safety
Configuration and construction of SELFJECTOR
Motor, starter, automatic control panel

4 I~perationManual 3A I Precautions for safety 1 1 ; I

I Ifunction, operation dnd maintenance information on auto-( I I 0
matic control panel FSC-1A
Operation Manual 38 Precautians for safety
1 . unction, operaljon and maintenance information on a h - 1
matic control panel FBC-1A
I I 0

Operation Manual 3C Precautions for safety

I I~unction,operation and maintenance information on auto-1 I I O
Operation Manual 3D Precautions for safety
Fursctron, operation and maintenance information on auto-
matic control panel FSH-1A
Function, operation and maintenance information on water
Operation Manual 3E Precautions for safety
Function, operation and maintenance information on auto- 0
- -FSP-1
matic control_pand - A
Operation Manual 3F ~recautionifor safety
Functjon, uperation and maintenance inforrna.tion on auto-
matic control panel FSH-PA 0
I . Ifunction, operation and maintenance information on water1 I I I
5 Maintenance Manual Precautions for safety
Disassembly and reassembty procedures
Maintenance and inspection procedures
I~roubteshootin~ and -correct& action 1 1 1

The Part 4 manuals (Operation Manuals 3A through 3F) deal with the following types of the automatic
control systems. When you purchase the SELFJECTOR controlled by one of these control systems,the
associated operation manual of Part 4 will be supplied.
Automatic control systems: FSC, FBC, FSP, FSH, FSH-PA

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2

1 Precautibns in safety .................................... .............................................................................. 1-1

If Symbols related to safety.................... I.1
1-2 Labels for safety........................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 ........
Safety precautions ....................... ........................................................................ 1-3
1.4 Definition of terms ............................................................................................ . ........................ 1-5
Component Functions 01 the Purifying System ..................................."................................. 2-1
. -Automatic
. . . control
. . panel . . . . . .
. . ............................ .. . 2-1
Leakage Monitor (LM) ...................................................................... . . . . .................................. 2-2
Discharge Detector (DD) ............................................................................................................. 2-2
Flow meter ................................................................................................................................ 2-3
Pressure gauge................ . .
........... ............................... ............................................................ 2-3
. ,
Thermometer .............................................
. . . ...................... 2-3
Gear pump ................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Safety joint ................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Plug (heavy liquid ouilgtlsludge outlet) ........................................................................................ 2-3
3-way Cylinder Valve ................................................................................................................... 2-4
Pressure Control Valve (needle valve) ......................... .
. ....................................................... 2-4
By-pass Valve ........................................................................................................................... 2-4
Solenoid Valves ................... .
. ............................................................................................... 2-4
Reducing Valve ............................................................................................................................ 2-5
3-way Solenoid Valve ........................................................................... ..
. ............................. 2-5
Oil Heater ............................................................................................ .
............................... 2-5

3 Setup Items and Recommended Values for Operation ........................................................ ..3-1

Feed Rate ....................... ....................................................................................................... 3-1
Treating Temperature ................................................................................................................ 3-2
Gravity Disc ........
................................. ........................................................................~....--...... 3-3
Supplied gravity discs.............................................................. ..........................,........q...... 3 - 4 .
Gravity disc selection procedure ........................................................................................... 3-5
Lubrication OiI............................................................................................................................ 3-20
Optimum viscosity ................................................................................................................... 3-20
Oil quantity.............................................................................................................................. 3-20
Recommended brands ...............................................................,,......................................... 3-21
Sludge Discharge Interval.......................................................................................................... 3-22
Discharge lntenral(Total discharge} ........................................................................................ 3-22
Discharge Interval(FSP-1A) .................................................................................................. 3-23
Discharge Interval(FSH-PA) ..................................................................... ......................... 3-24
Operating Water .................... . .
............................................................................................. 3-27
Operating water quality .................................................................. ..... .......................... 3-27
Operating water for opening bowl ......................................................................................... 3-28
Operation water for closing bowl............................................................................................. 3-28

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
Quantity of sealing water and replamment water .................................................................. 3-30
Washing water quantity (FSP-1 A,FS H.PA) ................... .
Partial Discharge SettinglAdjustment (FSP-IA.FSH-PA) ....................................................... 3-33
Settingladjuslment of partial discharge amount.................................................................... 3-33
Monitaring the amount of partial discharge........................................................................ 3-34
Timer Setup on the Automatic Control Panel ....................
FSC.IA,FBC.IA,FBC.2A,FSH.l A timer settings(guide1ine) ..................................... ............. 3-35
FSP-1A timer settings (guideline) ....................................................................................... 3-37
FSH-PA type timer settings (guideline) ......................... .
......................................... 3-39
Setup method .................................. ..................................................................................
Tmer setting for the Water Detector (guideline} ............................................................... 3 - 4 7

Leakage Monitor ...............

.......................................................................................... . .4-1
Setting Up the Leakage Monitor .................................................. .
Standard Setting Values ......................... ...............
..................................................................... 4-2
Adjusting the Pressure at the Light Liquid Outlet Side ............................................................. 4-3
Re-adjusting and Confirming the Set Values after Starting a Feed-Run .................................... 4-4

5 Pigcharge Detector ..................................................................... ...................................... .........5 1

5.1 Setting Up the Discharge Detector (Confirmation)...................... .
...................................... 5-1
5.2 Adjusting the Proximity Switch Position ....................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Confirming the Proximity Switch Position.................................................................................. 5-3

Inspections Prior to Running........................................................................................................ 6-1

Pipe connections ...................................................................................................................... 6-1
Electrical wiring . .
.................................................... . ........................................ . ................ 6-1
Flushing ................................................................................................................................ 6-1
Inspections prior to running (confirmation) ............................................................................... 6-2
Start-up........................................... ....,........................*.. ............................................. ., ........6-3
Precautions on start-up ....................
. ....................................................................................6-3
Stop ............................... ........ .......................................................................... , . . . ..............6-3
Preautions on stop ................................................................................................................. 6-3
Automatic Specification (FSC-1A. FBC-1 4 2 4 .............................,. ...................................... 6-4
Start-up ................................................................................................... ........................... 6-5
Stop ........................................................................................................................................... 6-7
HIDENS System Configuration (FSH-IA) .........................
.................................................... 6-8
Start-up.................................................................................................................. ,
.. ...........6-9
Stop ......................................................................................................................................... 6-11
Automatic Specification (FSP-1A) ........................................................................................ -6 12
Start-up......................... ........ ................................................................................................... 6-13
stop .............................. . . .
.............................................................................................. 6-15
SUPER HIDENS System Configuration (FSH-PA) ................................................................... 6-16
Start-up............................................................................................................................ ........ 6-t7
Stop ...............................~.........................................~... ................................................... 6-19
Manual Specification (FAP-11) .............................................................................................. 6-20

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
6.8.1 Start-up .................................................................................................................................... 6-21
6.8.2 Stop ......................................................................................................................................... 6-24
6.9 Manual Specification.................................................................................................................. 6-26
6.9.1 Start-up ..................,.............. ................................................................................................... 6-27
6.9.2 Stop ......................................................................................................................................... 6-30

7 Suspension .................................................................................................................................. 7-1

7.1 Preparations for Suspension ...................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Maintenance during Suspension ............................................................................................. 7-2
7.2.1 Purifier main body and mechanical components ...................................................................... 7-2
7.2.2 Electrical component ................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.3 Resuming Operation .................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.4 Other ............................................................................................................................................ 7-2

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
1 Precautions in safety

For correct use, carefully read the "Precautionsin safety%eforehand.

Prmutions in safety given in the instruction manual are intended for safely and correctly using the
product and avoiding danger or damage to user. Carefully read the precautions and do not operate,
maintain or handle SELFJECTOR before you are fully versed in them.

1.1 Symbols related to safety

In the manual. precautions are headed by the following marks, Be sure to observe them because they
are important for ensuring the safety.

/;\WARNING: indicates a pdcntlally hazardous dtuation which ,if not heeded, could -It In
death or serlous Injury.

/+*uTIoN: h d i c a t ~a hazardous sltuatlon which ,I1 not heeded ,may result in minor or

moderate lnJwryor damage to the purlller or lacllfdes.

NOTE: indicate precautionary Instmettons that glven contaln what must be done
wlithout fall and what should be kept In mind as a gulde In operating
SELFJECTOR and dolng related work.

Instruction Manual
Operation Manual2
I.2 ~ a b e tor~ s safety
There are 3 different labels for safety.
The one shown in Pie. 1 is put in the spare part box. After fitting-out aboard, the person in charge of
installation is requested to attach it on an easily visible place near SELFJECTOR.
Pic. 2,Pic. 3 are factory attached direct on SELFJECTOR. Do not smear them by painting but keep them
visible at all times.
Safety labcls are available any the. Request them as requlmd.

rlmi.euu 111 Inmu*#r l unrmla arlr r r vca*Lrl Ev,

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Pic. 3

Instruction Manual
Operation Manual2
1.3 Safety pre~autlons

The bowl of SELFJECTOR produces a large centrifugal force when it rotates. Wrong handling is very
dangerous. Pay utmost attention amrding to the manual for operation, disassembly, reassembly,
maintenance, checkup, etc. Use of non-genuine parts might damage SELFJECTOR or impair human
safety. Be sure to employ genuine parts.

rn Perfectly assemble.
Many points of SELFJECTOR are connected by m e w s . When assembling, make sure tightening is
complete. Running with poor tightening is very dangerous. Doubly make sure of secure tightening
particularly of:

(A) Bowl nut

(B) Disk nut
(C) Capnutofverticalshaft
(O) S t bolt of Frame cover
(E) Lock nut (hexagon) of Inlet pipe

Be sure that tally marks of the bowl and other so marked parts are aligned.
14 the tally mark is excessively misaligned when the Bowl nut is tightened, contact our company or
service agency,

Immedlatety stop H vlbrallon Is excessive.

Vibration ofSELFJECTOR is caused by unbalance, ship oscillation,
SELFJECTOR installation, etc. If the vibration is excessive, immediately
stop SELFJECTOR without discharging sludge,
Then, check for the cause and take necessary corrective action to ensure
safety before restarting SELFJECTOR.
To be more specific, if the vbration at the point A of Flg. 1-1 exceeds
100 ,um {peak to peak) at rated speed. stop SELNECTOR.
Even if readings are below 100 lu rn, continuous cruising ship vibrations
4-5 Zirnes higher than registered when external vibrating forces are small, Fig. 1-1
such as when the main engine is not in operation, could adversely affect
the durability of SELFJECTOR. In such case, implement routine and
periodic checkups to ensure that SELFJECTOR performstrouble-free as it

-. -.

Instruction Manual
Operation Manual2
Make sure of complete stoppage before twsenlng each sectron.
Make sure the bowl has complete stopped rotating before loosening or disassembling each section.
Whether completely stopped or not can be checked at the motor fan or Gear pump and Horizontal shaft
connecting section (Safety joint).

Take care In handllng the parts.

SELFJECTOR is a precision machine. Handk it atteti~veIyaway from impact and high ternperatwe.
Particularly never heat the bowl parts (Bowl body, Bowl hood, etc.) by open flame nor weld them.

Bewarn oi corro!don and amslon.

Periudically check whether any damage is produced by corrosion or erosion.
For details, contact our company or service agency.

1. Before dlsassembling, turn off the starter.
2.- Before treating a treating liquid other than specified initially, ciontact our company or service agency.
3. The bowl is factory balanced. Never interchange bowl parts Pix: (1) even within the same model.

For ambiguous points in the instruction manual, contact our company or sewice

Instruction Manual
Operation Manual2
1.4 Ddnltlon of terms

Density ( p ): Mass per unit volume. Clarifier operation (clarifytng operathn):

Operation of separating into 2 phases or liquid
SpeeMlc gravity ( y ): Ratio of mass to mass of and solid or, here, into oil and solids.
water of the same volume. Varies with (See "Clarifier operation".)
Parallel operation:
Oil feed rate: Volume per unit time of untreated Operation with oil fed proportronally to several
liquid upstream the purifier expressed in terms of purifiers arranged in parallel.
~h or m3h. (See "Parallel operation".)

Actual capacity: Purifier M n g capacity based Series operation:

on SM Standard (eliminating sludge with I .B of Operation by several purifiers arranged in series.
specific gravity and 2 p m of diameter or more). (See "Series operation".)
(See "Feed rate" above.)
Total discharge type
Feed liquid: Untreated oil to feed to purifier. Purifier designed to totally discharge all contained in
the bowl.
Light liquid: Oil h a t e d by purifier or purified oil.
Partial discharge type
Heavy liquid: Separated moisture and heavy Pufier designed to partially discharge water and
components in dl or simply "water". solids only in the bowl. This type has the total
discharge function as well.
Sludge: Solids accumulated in bowl in n a m
sense. Mixture of solids, water and oil discharged Abbreviations and units
from bowl in wide sense.
L: Liter Unit of volume.
Inteiface: Boundary surface M w e e n heavy and h: Hour(s): Unitoftime.
light liquids in bowl. min":Number of revolutions per minute.
Hz: Nurnberoffrequency.
Purlfler operation (purlfying operatlor;): (cycles per second)
Operation-of separating into 3 phases or liquid, : Unit of diameter in mm.
liquid and solid or, here, into oil, water and solids. mrn2B: unit of kinetic viscosity of oil.
(See "Purifier operationn.) ISO: Standards established by International
Standardization Organization.
VG: Indication of viswsrty of lubricating oil in
accordance with ISO,

ECTOR Instruction Manual 1-5 Operation Manual2
2 Component Functions of the Purifying System
2.1 Autamatfccontrol panel
Emergency stop ; (EMERG. STOP)
Each of the control panels has incorporated a 'EMERG. STOPwpush button. During operation if one of
these "EMERG. STOP" push buttons is depressed, the automatic operation circuit will be made open
and the feed valve position will be switched to the by-pass tine. As the result, the oil purifier motor stops
without discharging any sludge. (Refer to Fig. 2-1)
Automatic stop : (AUTO.STOP)
Each of the control panels has incorporated a =AUTO.STOP" push button, During operation if one of
these "AUTO. STOP" push buttons is depressed, the feed vaIve position will be switched to the by-pass
line to perform water replacement,then the automatic operation circuit will be made open after
discharging sludge, and finalty the oil purifier motor will stop. (Refer to Fig. 2-1)

Emergency stop Emer~eocys '8'

push b u t ton push button

A u t o m a t i c stag Automatic s B
push button ~ u s hbutton I

A u t o m a t i c stop
~ u s hb u t t o n push b u t t o n

Emergancy stop
push b u t t o n push b u t t o n



Instruction Manual
2- 1 Operation Manual2
2 9 Leakage Monitor (LM)
The Leakage Monitor (LM) is a protective device that will detect treated oil leaking from the sludge
outlet or heavy liquid outlet of Me bowl and minimize the leakage.(Refer to Fig. 2-2)
This is constructed in such a manner that a semicanductor pressure sensor installed in the light
liquid outlet pipe always monitors the pressure and outputs signals, if it judges a pressure drup as
an "oil leakage".

2.3 Discharge Detector (00)

m The Discharge Detector (DD) is a protective device that will detect "no opening of bowl", under
which any liquid in the bawl is not discharged wen if a sludge discharging operation is
attempted.(flefer to Fig. 2-31
rn This is constructed in such a manner that it always monitors the number of horizontal shaft
revolution with a proximity switch, based on a fact that the number of revolution will decrease at a
sludge discharge. Therefore, if the number of revolution does not decrease even at a sludge
discharge operation, it is judged to be a "no opening of bowl' and the respective signals will be
FSP-1A,FSH-PA type Discharge Detector facilitates partial discharge adjustment with its dedicated
partial discharge detection function that determines if sludge discharge is optimal from a detected
drop in the horizontal shaft speed and indicates result through LED.

Leakage Monitor Discharge Detector


To be connected to the light liquid
outlet pipe.

Proximity switch

Leakage Monitor Discharge Detector

external view external view

.. -

Instruction Manual
2-2 Operation Manual2
2.4 Flow rneler
This is attached halfway of the feed liquid inlet pipe of
the purifier. (Refer to Flg. 2-4) Thermometer

It indicates a feed rate during operation.

m Feed rate can be adjusted while observing the flow

2.5 Pressure gauge

m This is attached halfway of the light liquid outlet pipe of Safety
the purifier. (Refer to Flg. 2 4 )
It indicates a pressure at the light liquid outlet during
The set pressure of the Leakage Monitor should be
adjusted while consulting the Leakage Monitol's Adjust
pressure LED and pressure gauge reading.

2.6 Thermometer
This is attached at the feed liquid inlet of the purifier. (Refer to Flg. 2-41
* It inpicates a treating temperature during operation.
* Treating temperature can be adjusted while observing the tkrmomster reading.

2.7 Gear pump

* This is installed on the bearing housing (3) of the purifier and connected to the horizontal shaft via a
safety joint. It is driven by the motor of the purifier. (Refer to Fig. 2-41
The gear pump supplies feed liquid to the purifier.
@ The gear pump can be selected according to its treating capacity.
2.8 Safety Jolnt
This is mounted on the end of the horizontal shaft for transmitting the motor power to the pump.
(Refer to Flg. 2 4 )
This will be automatically disconnected for protecting the gear pump, if it is subjected to an
excessive overload due to sticking foreign matters, etc.

2.9 Plug (heavy llqu'id outlet/sludge outlet)

Never draw open the plugs during optratlon.

These are inserted in the heavy liquid outlet pipe and sludge chute of the purifier main body.
(Refer to Flg. 2 4 )
Unplugging while the pump is not running allows the operator tu see the extent of

Instruction Manual
2-3 Operation Manual2
Automatic contr


solenid valve

By-pass valve

Fig. 2-5

2.10 3way Cylinder Valve

8 This is a pneumatically operated cross valve mounted on the purifier inlet pipe.(Referto Flg. 2 4 )
8 It supplies feed liquid to the purifier.
m , When discharging sludge,it returns the oil from the by-lass pipe to the tank by switching the valve

2.1 1 Pressure Cohtrol Valve ( n d l e valve)

This is rnountd halfway of the light liquid outlet pipe of lhe pu%er and after ths Leakage Monitor
(LM).(Refer ta Fig. 2 4 )
Throttling down this valve allows the pressure at the light liquid outlet ta bE1 adjusted ta the set
prssure of the Leakage Monitor.

2.12 By-pass Valve

This is a branch from the gearpump outlet pipe and connected to the return pipe to the tank.
(Refer to Fig. 2-6)
Adjusting the aperture angle of this valve allows the feed rate to be propr\y controlfed.

213 Solenoid Valves

These are mounted on each pipe of the operating water for opening bowl, operating water for
&sing bowl, and the sealing water-(Refer to Flg. 2-5)
Each solenoid valve opendlcloses according to signals from the Automatic control panel for
supplying the operating water.

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
2.14 Reducing Valve
This is attached after the solenaid valve and on the piping of the operating water for closing
bowl.(Rafer to Fig. 2-5)
+ It reduces the operating water pressure to be supplied for closing bowl.
2.1 5 3-way Solenoid Valve
This is attached on the air piping to the 3-way cylinder valve.IRefer to Fig. 2-5)
m The 3-way solenoid valve changes its position according to signals from the control panel and
actuates the 3-way cylinder valve.

2.1 6 Oil Heater

+ This is installed on the way between the gear pump and the purifier.(Refer to Fig. 2-5)
It heats the feed liquid supplied frorn the gear pump te an optimal treating temperature.
There are two types of oil heater; steam type and electric.

Instruction Manual
2-5 Operation Manual2
3 Setup Items and Recommended Values for Operation
3.1 Feed Rate
An appropriate feed rate should be set for operating the SELFJECTOR efficiently,
For fuel oil the treating capacity of the SELFJECTOR is assumed approximately 15% more than the fuel
consumption at engine MCR, and a SELFJECTOR that has an actual capacity greater than this value
is usually selected, Therefore, the actual capacity shown in Table 3-7 falls on the maximum feed rate.
On the other hand, lubrication oil Is fed in practice so that the treating quantity is reduced to below a
maximum possible level. Table 3-1 shows the actual capacity for each model 05 the F-series.

Table 3-1
Unit: Wh
Actual ca~acitv
Fuel oil A 1 Fuel oil C I! Lubrication oil
reating 40°C 98°C
emperahre mm2/sec rnrn21sec Premium oil Detergent oil
- at40"C ats0"c

I 1

SJlOF 2900 1 1400


SJ40F 12400

Upper row : 60Hs

Lower row : 50Hz

Actual capacitb may be changed for Improvement wnhout notice.

Instruction Manual
3- 1 Operation Manual2
3.2 Treating Temperature
As the treating capacity of the purifier varies with the viscosity of a subject oil, it is necessary to heat the
treated oil to reduce its viscosity so that an eficient operation of the purifier can be achieved. In
general, the following values are applied taking economy, deterioration of oil due to heating, and other
adverse effects on the purifier caused by heating into account:
I* Optimum viscusity :24 n m k e c
Maximum heating temperature :
Heavy oil C 98°C
Lubrication oil 90°C
Fig. 3-1 shows the relationship between
various oil temperatures and their viscosity.
By referring to this figure determine the
treating temperature.

Temperature us. Viscosity diagram

Fig. 3-1

How to obtain a tkating temperature

[Ex.] Case of puFifying a heavy oil of 45 rnm2isec (50°C)
Draw a dotted line that is parallel to the line of 40 rnmz/sec at 50°C and passes an intersection (point A)
between a horizontal line of 45 rnm2lsec and a vertical line of 50%. From the intersection betweeh this
line and a horizontal line of 24 mm2!sec draw a line perpendicular to the horizontal axis, then read the
temperature falling on the foot; that is 67°C.
Thus the treating temperature of this heavy oil should be 67°C.

For reference Table 3-2 shows the treating temperatures for each type of oil.

Table 3-2

Oil type Treating temperature ("Cl

Fuel oil A 14 rnrnZisec140°C 40
Fuel oil C 180-- 700 mm2!sec 150°C 98
Lubrication oil 150 rnrn2/sec140°C (VG150) 83-90
I00 rnrn2/sec 140°C (VG100) 74-90


Instruction Manual 3-2 Operation Manual2
3.3 Gravity Disc
In the purifier-run it is necessary to hold the interface between the light liquid and heavy liquid in the
bawl within a definite rage. Therefore, the SELFJECTOR can employ gravity discs of various inside
diameters such that the outlet diameter of the heavy liquid side can be altered for interface position
adjustment. One gravity disc having a larger inside diameter, if incorporated, moves the interface
outward, and another disc having a smaller inside diameter moves the interface inward.
Selection of an appropriate gravity disc Is one of the must imporhnt subjects far oil treatmwlt with the
SELFJECTOR. Exercise sufficient care for this selection to avoid unintended purifier operation.
At the delivery of a SELFJECTOR, the gravity disc and bowl corns in each package.

lc 40 the totheravlty
Selection Procedure".

Range of interface shifl

Fig. 3-2

Instruction Manual
3-3 Operation Manual2
3.3.1 Supplied gravity dlscs

+ For dlWerent type and nature of treated all, select a suitable gravity dl% whkh meets the
oil's specific gravity and has a correct dlametu to run.
* Running the purlfler with a gravity disc 01 Incorrect diameter may cause 011 outflow to the
heavy Ilquid side and water drculatlon over the light liquid dde.

Table 3-3 shows the supplied standard gravity discs for purifire-run and Tabla 3-4 shows the gravity
discs for the clarifier-nm. Actually supplied types differ for each treatad oil. For detail refer to the
attached document and drawing.

1. Gravity discs for pufifier-run

Table 3-3

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
2. Graviq discs for clarifier-run
Table 3 4
Model Inside diameter of gravity disc

3-32 Grawtty dlsc selection procedure

FCg. 3-4through fig. 3-13 show the gravity disc selection charts (Refer to Tabk 3-51.Select an
appropriate disc by the model No. and treated ail type,
fable 3-5

Also apply the same selection for purifier-runningthe FSH-1A and FSH-PA specification model.
Shown below are selection examples using the gravity disc selection charts. Use them as a reference on
the selection of gravity discs.
The method 01 uslng a gravity dlsc selection chart diflers depending whether the "specific
gravw at I S F' of the treated oil is known [Example 11 or unknown [Example 21.
There are two types ol gravity disc selection chart; for fuel oil and for lubrlcatlon oil.

Instruction Manual
3-5 Operation Manual2
Gravity disc selection examples (for Sj30F-type)

marnple 11
Treating condition
+ Specific gravity of treated oil 0.905 at15°C
+ Treating temperature 70°C
+ Feed rate 3000 Uh
Selection method
1. From an intersection between falling curve
of specific gravity of 0.905 and the vertical fine
of 70%, draw horizontal line @ to reach the
vertical line of 100°C.
2. Connect between the right end of tine @ and
the point of 3000 ljh on the treating capacity
scale using straight line @.
3. Read within which section of gravity disc Inside
diameter scale the intersection made by line
@ falls.
4. For this [Example 11 select a gravity disc
having an Inside diameter d 4 85.

[Example 2)
Treating condition
* Specific gravity of treated oil 0.944 atSO'C
+ Treating temperature 98°C
+ Feed rate 1250 L(h
* Selection method
1. From an inter-~on between rising curve @
of specific gravity of 0.944 and the verticalline
of 50'C (being converted to a specific gravity
at 15%), draw curve @ I
alongathe falling curve
to reach the vertical line of 98"C, then draw a
horizontal line to reach the vertical line of
2. Connect between the right end of the
horizontal line and the point of 1250 Lfh on the
treating capacity scale using straight line @.
3, Read within which section of gravity disc Inside
diameter scale the intersection made by line
@ falls. For this [Example 21 select a gravity
disc having an Inside diameter of 4 76.

Instruction Manual
3-6 Operation Manual2
Specific gravity

Feed rate ( L I h 1
W m 100 I20 140 160 16c m 'F
Separating temperature

Fig. 3-3

Instruction Manual
3-7 Operation Manual2
[Model SJt OF/FP,15FII;P (Fuel Oil)]

Specific gravity

Inside diameter
of gravify disc (mm)

rszo m ro w 6o m A w rw'C Feed rate ( L l h )

63 8(1 100 120 110 160 I# MO 'F
Separating temperature

Fig. 3-4

Instruction Manual
3-8 Operation Manual2
[Model SJ1OFFP, 15F/FP (Lubrication Oil )I

Specific gravity

of gravity disc [mm)

Feed rate ( L / h )

Separating temperature

Fig. 3 5

- - - --

Instruction Manual
3-9 Operation Manual2
[Model W30FIFP (Fuel Oil)]

Specific gravity

Indde diameter

Feed rate ( t / h )

Separating temperature

Fig. 3-6

Instruction Manual
3-10 Operation Manual2
C~odel SJBOFJFP (Lubrication Oil ) 1

Specific gravity

Inside dlamter
of gravity disc (mm)

Feed rate ( L l h )
60 80 100 120 t40 160 1Ba MO 'F
Separating temperature

Fig. 3-7


Instruction Manual
3-11 Operation Manual2
[Model SJ40F/FP (Fuel Oil)]


Inside diameter
of gravity disc (mn)

Feed rate ( L / h )
10 W 100 110 I40 l6U I W tOO 'F
Separating temperature

Fig. 3-0

Instruction Manual
3-12 Operation Manual2
[Model SJ40F/FP (Lubrication Oil )I

of gravity disc (mm)

Feed rate L l h )
W 80l W 120 110 160 1w 20 'F
Separating temperature

Fig. 3-9

Instruction Manual
3-13 Operation Manual2
[Model SJSOF/FP (Fuel Oil)]

Speafic gravity

lnslde diameter
of gravfty disc (mm)

Feed rate ( t / h )

50 BO 1W 120 14U 150 1W 'F

Separating temperature

Fig. 3-10

Instruction Manual
3-14 Operation Manual2
[Model SJSOFIFP (Lubrication Oil )I

SpeMc gravity

of gravity disc (mm)


50 40 MI go 'I0

ao rao 120 iro ~w la m

Separating temperature
W m lop-C

Feed rate-{ L I h )

Fig. 3-11

OR Instruction Manual
3-1 5 Operation Manual2
[Model SJBOFIFP (Fuel Oil)]

Specific gtavity

Inside diameter
of gravity disc (mmJ

rate ( L. / h
@ 80 100 120 140 1W B
Separating tempemure

Fig. 3-12

Instruction Manual
3-16 Operation Manual2
[Model SJ80FIFP (Lubrication Oil )I

ecific gravity

ISZO 30 10 M 60 M WTW'C Feed rate ( L l h )

60 80 IMJ 120 140 IBO 180 2W 'F
Ssparating temperature

Fig. 3-13

Instruction Manual
3-17 Operation Manual2
[~odel SJIOOFFP (Fuel Oil)]

Specific gravity

1570 30 40 51 60 70 80 90 100.C Feed rate( Vh 1

61 I0 100 120 110 160 1UU 200
Separating temperature

Instruction Manual
3-18 Operation Manual2
[Model 9 1 00FJFR (Lubrication Oil )I

Specific gravlty

ISIU 30 40 50 60 10 no 90 Feed rate( t/h $
60 10 100 120 140 160 tBO 200 'F
Separating temperature

Instruction Manual 3-19 Operation Manual2
3.4 Lubrication 011
Lubrication oil in the gear case lubricates each
bearing of the vertical and horizontal shafts as well
as the acceleration gear.
The available lubrication method includes tfie oil
bath and splash lubrication by a spiral gear.
As the maintenance performance ofthe lubrication
oil serious1y affects the life of each power
transmission unit, sufficient care should be
exercised on its handling.
For this lubrication, remove the gear cover or
lubrication plug attached on the gear cover.

3.4.1 Optimum viscosity

Use a qualii gear oil that has a viscosity equivalent to VG150 and a stable oxidation resistance.
Either type of oil should be such that it is hard to ere& emulsion even if mixed with water.

3.4.2 Oil quantlty

Red line

Oil quantlty should be checked wlth the SELFJECTOR being held

Refilling the lubrication dl as to exceed the upper red line (H) may
cause additives contained In the lubrlcatlon dl to deposit Into sludge,
which can adversely affect the lubrication Meet. Take sufficient care
not to exceed fhe upper red line (H).

Refer to Tabte 3 8 for appropriate oil quantities. Refill the oil up until the red
line (H) on the oit gauge as shown in Fig. 3-17.
During operation make sure that the oil level falls in-between the red lines (H)and (L).

Table 3 4
Model'l SJ1OF,SJl SF SJ40F,SJ50F SJ80F,SJI 00F
Oil quantity (L) 8.5 52 16
*1 Including FHIFPISH model.

ECTOR Instruction Manual 3-20 Operation Manual2
3.4.3 Recommended brands
Far the recommended brands refer to Table 3-7.

Table 3-7

rnm2/sec at40"C


URSA OIL P I 50 140




1 50



lL MOBiL GEAR 629 150



REGAL R&O 150 150

Please consult our company when using a lubricatlon oil or synthesized lubricant other than

For the replacement period of the lubrication oil, refer to Seetion 3 2 of the "Maintenance

Instruction Manual 3-21 Operation Manual2
3.5 Sludge Discharge Interval

Too long sludge dSschsrgt! intervals may cause dekctlve separation and mechanicaldamage on
the unlt.

The optimum sludge discharge interval varies with the operation method and nature of the treated oil,
etc., which makes it hard ta be uniformly determined,
Too long intervals may accelerate the contamination inside the bowl and result in sludge deposition,
whilst too short inlsrvats may reduce the operation efficiency.
It Is to perfarm a
k M r u m t i k m g l o r a c e r t a l n p e r i o d o f t l m a a n d coodHian.

iampiimm-suilablemof the treated.oil

(For detail, refer to the Maintenance manual,)

3.5.1 Dischame lntervalflotal discharge)

For reference, Tabte 3-8shows the general discharge intervals where a fuel oil or lubrication oil is
treated in Manual, FAP- 1t Types and FSC-1A, FBC-l A, FBC-2A, FSH-1A Automatic Types.

Fuel oil
Table 3-8
Lubrication oil
Fuel oil A Fuel oil C Cross-head engine Trunk piston engine
B80mm2/s etSO'C1
Max. '4 h 2h 4h 2h
Nor. 2h i h 2h 1h

- -- - - - . - - ..

Instruction Manual 3-22 Operation Manual2
3.52 Discharge htewal(FSP-I A)
For reference, Table 3-9shows the general discharge intervals where a fuel oil or lubrication ail is
treated in FSP-I A Automatic Type.
In case FSP-1A Type, discharge process usually make a partial discharge. Total discharge process and
internal cleaningwater Washing) can be inserted

Total discharge counter(C021) : A total discharge is made each tlme the total discharge counter
C02t reaches its set discharge count.
Bowl Washing counter(C023) :A bowl washing is made each time the Bowl Washing counter
C023 reaches its set count.

Table 3-9
Fuel oil Lubrication oil
Fuel oil A Fuel oil C Cross-head Trunk piston
t3somm2/s a t ~ ~ ' C 1 engine engine
Max. Nor. Max Nor. Max Nor. Max Nor
Sludge discharge interval
min 30 30 20 20 30 30 20 20
Total discharge counter
I6 8 12 6 16 8 12 6
Bowl Washing counter
times 100 100 100 100 3 6 6 12

For the dexHptlon ot Total discharge counter(C021) and Bowl Washing counter(Co23) refer to
separate "Operatlon ManuaQE".

Instruction Manual
3-23 Operation Manual2
3.5.3 Discharge Intcwal(FSH-PA)
For reference, Table 3-1Oshows the general discharge intervals where a fuel oil or lubrication oil is
treated in FSH-PA Automatic Type,
In case FSH-PA Type. discharge process usually make a partial discharge. Total discharge prooess and
internal cleaning(Water Washing) can be inserted

Total discharge counter(C021) : A total discharge is made each time the total discharge counter
C021 reaches its set discharge count.
Bowl Washing counter(C023) : A bowl washing is made each time the Bowl Washing counter
C023 reaches its set t~bkhdgsludasdischarge oount.

Fuel oil 'Lubrication oil

Fuel oil A Fuel oil C Cross-head f runk piston
( 3 8 M I s at50'C) enqine enqine

20 30 30 20 20

Total discharge counter

Far the dtscriptlon of Total discharge counttr(CMH) and Bowl Washing eounter{C023) refer to
separate "Operation Manual3F".


Instruction Manual
3-24 Operation Manual2
Operate the lubricating oil purifier continuously as long as possible.
In the event that circumstances force the purifier to be stopped and either of the following cases
applies, operate it for approximately f2hours with 10-minute sludge discharge intervals first, then set
for the normal discharge interval.

Length of Purifier Shutdown

Crass-head engine Trunk piston engine
Restarting the engine and purifier after stopping
them in the anchorage or dock.(This is because
the sludge density increases at the inside 24 h or more 12 h or more
bottom ot the sump tank due to natural
Restarting the purifier after once stopping it
12 h or more 6 h or more
with the engine kept running.

Instruction Manual
3-25 Operation Manual2
Instruction Manual 3-26 Operation Manual2
3.6 Operating Water
The SELFJECTOR requires;
Operating water for openinglclosing bowl,
Sealing water,
Replacement water, and
Regulating water.
f he pressure and flow rate ofthese pure water should be properly set.

Reducr valve for

partial closing valve

Reduc i ng va l ve
far closing b a l

Reducing valve
far closing bmE I .

Fig. 3-19

3.6.1 Owrating watw quality

/;\ c n u ~ h ~
When hard water Is used, scale wlll be produced on the inside surface of the water supplying
-device, draln nozzle, or solenold valve, which may cause varlous troubles.

Since the operating water is used for the upeninglclosing valve of the purifier bowl, its quality should be
of a pure, transparent and soft water such that it can prevent the valve from scale sedimentation or

Use that quality of operating water, as follows:

m Total hardness 1lOppm or less : CaC03 I t (Hardness 6" dH or less)

m pH value 8.5 to 7.5
m Salt content 1OOppm or less : CT 60ppm or less)

lnstructian Manual 3-27 Operation Manual2
3.6.2 Operating water for opening bowl

Where the operation water pressure is below 0.2 MPa (2 kgflcm?, then sludge discharge
efficiency will be decreased. Otherwise a pressure exceeding 0.5 MPa (5 kgflcm2)may cause
the solenoid valve rnalfunctloning.
A water pressure higher than 0.35 MPa (3.5 kgflcm? Is required to effect partial discharge.
(FSP-I, FSH-1P system)

Use the following operating pressure for each model No.

Automatic Type Discharge type Operation water pressure for

opening bowl
Manual,FAQ11 Total discharge 0.2 to 0.5 MPa (2 to skgflcrn?
FSP-1A, FSH-PA Partial discharqe 0.35 to 0.5 MPa (3.5 to 5kgf/cmz)

3.6.3 Operatlon water for closing bowl

When setting or adjusting its pressure, keep the operating water for closing bowl running in
order that its flow rate may be properly measured. For that purpose, dIsconneet the operating
water inlet pipe or the operating water flange. If this is neglected, the operating water is
allowed to flow into the gear case and the jubricating oil in SELFJECTQR may be emulsified as
a result, not to mention that the measurement is impracticable.

Supply the operating water for closing bowl from the high-pressure water line via a reduction valve for
water to reduce the pressure. For each model, adjust or set the reduction valve in the following
manner f o l the levels of operating pressure and flow rate shown in Tabla 3-11 below.
Table 3-11

Reduction valve set standard pressure

20 kPa (0.2kgflcrn?

1. Disconnect the operating water inlet pipe or the operating water flange.
2. Open the SV2 solenoid valve manually by the handle. While letting water run, measure the water
flow rate to make sure that it is 200 cdsec. or higher. If lower, adjust the flow rate turning the
adjustment screw of the reduction valve for water as required. (Reler to Fig. 3-18)
If the Row rate is lower than necessary, increase the operating pressure. If higher, reduce the
operating pressure, but not any lower than 15 kPa (0.15 kgf/crn2).

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
* The pressure of the reduction valve for water is assumed as a pressure during water feed.
3. The pressure of the reduction valve for water may increase after the SV2 solenoid valve closes,
I but this is not an anomaly,

LFJECTOR instruction Manual 3-29 Operation Manual2
3.6.4 Quantlty of sealing water and replacement water

If the sealing water and replacement water are not adequate In quantity;
Oil loss during sludge discharge will increase,
Water circulates over the light liquid side, or
Oil ilows out from the heavy Hquid side.
Therefore, be sure to set correct quantities of these waters.

Sealing water is used to form a water phase within the bowl prior to performing a purifier-run and
prevent feed liquid from flowing out of the heavy liquid side when it is supplied. On the other hand,
replacement water is used to collect oils in the bowl before discharging sludge so that the ail loss can
be minimized.
The quantities of sealing water and replacement water required by different models shown below,
respectively. Total Dbchargc and Manual Type

Table 3-12 shows the quantities of replacement water and sealing water for Manual,fAP-11,
FSC-1A, FBC-1A. FBC-2A Type.
Table 3-12
Quantity of Sealing Water 1.6 1.6 1.8 3.3 5.7 6.5 5.5
Quantity of ReplacementWater 0.8 0.8 2.0 3.2 5.0 7.0 9.0
Also apply the s h e quantity for purifier-runningHRENSE specifiwtion(FSH-1A). FSH-1A Type

Table 3-13 shows the replacement water quantity for the FSH-1A Type. Although a HIDENSE-
specification lubrication oil purifier carries out a clarifier-run, supply a regulating water before feeding
feed liquid in order to reduce the oil loss.

.--.- St
- .3


Quantity of Sealing Water 0.4 0.4 1.O f .6 2.5 3.5 3.5
' EUtims)
Quantity of Regulating Water 1.0 1.O 1.I 2.0 3.4 3.9 3.9
CVtime) -

No regulating water needs to be led Into a fuel oll pudiler.

Instruction Manual 3-30 Operation Manual2 FSP-1A Type
Table 3-14 and Table 3-15 shows the quantities of replacement water and sealing water for FSP-1A.
The discharge process of FSP-1A make both total discharge and partial discharge.
The quantities of water for total discharge and partial discharge are shown below,

Table 3-14
(Total discharge)
Quantity uf Sealing Water 1.6 1.6 1.8 3.3 5.7 6.5
Quantity of Replacement Water
1 0.8 1 0 . 8 2 . 0 I . 5 . 0 17.0 19.0 1
Atso apply the m e quantity for purifier-runningSUPER HIDENSE specification (FSH-PA).

Table 3-15
(Partial discharqe)
Quantity of Sealing Water 1.4 1 -4 1.4 2.2 3.5 4.9 4.9
Quantity of Replacement Water 0.5 1.4 2.2 3.5 3.5 4.9 4.9
Also apply the same quantity for purifter-running SUPER HIDENSE specification (FSH-PA). FSH-PA Type

Table 3-16 shows the replacement water quantity for the FSH-PA type. Although a SUPER HIDENSE-
specification lubrication oil purifier carries out a clarifier-run, supply a regulating water before feeding
feed liquid in order to reduce the oil loss.
The discharge process of FSH-PA make both total discharge and partial discharge.Howevsr the
quantities of water for total discharge and partial discharge are same.

Table 3-16
Quantity of Sealing Water

Quantity of Regulating Water


I NOregulating water needs to be fed into a fuel oil purifier. ]

Instruction Manual 3-31 Operation Manual2
3.6.5 Washlng water quantity (FSP-1AFSH-PA)
When SELFJECTOR in running partial discharge, washing in the bowl at intervals of some sludge
discharge, then contamination in the bowl.
Table 3-17show the quantities of washing water required by different models for partial discharge,
Table 3-17


Washing water

No washing water needs to be fed into a fuel oil purifier.

instruction Manual 3-32 Operation Manual2
3.7 Partial Discharge SettlnglAdjustment (FSP-iA,FSM-PA)
Partial discharge requires the intended amount of sludge (partial discharge) to be predetermined. Table
3-18 shows the amounts of partial discharge adequate to various models of the partial discharge ype
Table 3-18


Presetting ranges of 1.3-1.9 1.3-1-9 7 -6-2.4 2.9-4.3 4.7-7.0 6.7-9.0 6.7-9.0

Parhl discharge mount can be set or adjusted by means of control panel timer (TO1 1) and reducing
valve, both for opening bowl for parlial discharge, as described belaw. The partial discharge type purifier
Urscharge Detector monitors partial discharge to determine satisfactory performance.

3.7.1 Settlnglad~ustmeittof partlal discharge amount

1. Set'the timer (TO11) of tha control panel to 0.8 %duoim v a l v e for
partial c l o s i m valva

2. Set specified pressure (Table 3-19) on the

reducing valve.
For pressure setting/adjustment, use adjust
screw of the reducing vahre in the solenoid valve
unit show in Fig. 3-20.The pressure setting of
tihe reduction valve provides an amount of partial
discharge within the limits shown in Table 3-18.
For exact amount of parhal discharge, determine
the current amount af discharge in the manner
described in and adjust .the reduction valve
setting as required.

- --

1 Set or adjust pressure while watching pressure gauges attached to the reducing valve piping.
Table 3-1 9


Initial Pressure MPa 0.30 0.30 0.23 0.28 0.23 0.22 0.22
Settings : (kgftcrn2) 13.0) (3.01 (2.3) (2.8) (2.31 (2.21 (2.2)

I he amount d partial discharge is commensurate wlth pressure level set on the reducing valve for 1
lopening bowl for parttal dlscbrge; higher setting Tor mare discharge and lower for less. I

Instruction Manual
3-33 Operation Manual2
3.7.2 MonHonlng the amount of partial discharge.

Given below is a general procedure for checking the amount of partiat discharge. For further
details, see 6. Operation before operating for partial discharge measurement.
To measure and adjust partial discharge, the Discharge Detector with partlal discharge
detection fu'unction is used. Prior ta measurement, be sure to check that the proximity switch
is in place in accordance with 5. Discharge Detector.

1. Start the SELFJECTOR by the start-up procedure in 6. Operation.

2. Upon ascertaining that the SELFJECTOR has entered into purifier operation, press the [DISCHG
TESTJ pushbutton on the control panel to effect a discharge test run. Prior to the test run, check
that the pressure setting of the reduction valve for opening the bowl for partial discharge is as
shown in Table 3-19 (Initial Pressure Settings).
3. Remove the front cover of the Discharge Detector. Press the [STARV button ([3] in Fig. 3-21) and
observe the LED in the button illuminated to indicate that the detector is ready for discharge
4. Press the [DISCHG TESTJ pushbutton on the control panel.
5. Sludge discharge takes place, with [UNDER], [JUSTJ or [OVER] LED illuminated for approximately
5 seconds to tell whether the discharge is optimal or not,
6.. If [OVERJ(or [UNDER]) is illuminated, decreaseCor increase) the operation water pressure for
opening the bowl for partial discharge. Continue discharge adjustment by implementing the steps 3
downward until [JUSTI LED is lit.

Note: When the pressure setting of the reduction valve for opening the bowl for partial
I discharge has been changed, be sure to operate the purlfler in the discharge test mode once or 1
1 more to stabilize water pressure in the piping before starting the discharge measurement.

DD removed the front cover

ControVLED Function

w d - 11 :1 1
- pXla
POWER switch
Frequency select switch
ONlOFF control of power
Used to select SELFJECTOR p w e r
I source frequency.
1 Press mis button to start monitorhg of
.OD - o
D i d a g e monitor
I sludge discharge. Once pressed, LED
in the button is ilturninated to indicate
the smsw is ready for monitoring
4 Optml UNDER(red) Lit when discharge ts less than preset.
discharge JUST('fellow) Lit when drscharge is optimal as preset.
LED OVER(red) Lit when discharge is more than preset.

Fig. 331

Instruction Manual 3-34 Operation Manual2
3.8 Timer Setup on the AuZornatlc Control Panel
Literally the automatic control panel automatically controls each operation of the SELFJECTOR.
This automatic control panel has incorporated various timers such as to control each solenoid valve, etc.
Correct settings of these timers are the keys to normal and efficient machine operations. he set
periods of these timers will vary depencling on the flow rate of the operating water. Consult Table 3-20
Table 3-21, Table 3-21, Table 3-23for standard settings (guidelines) at each operation mode.

3.8.1 FSC-T A,FBC-l A,FBC-2A,FSH-I A timer settings(gJdelfne)

Flg. 3-22 shows the operation timing of each timer incorporated in the automatic control panel during
sludge discharge process and purifying pr-ss.

Sludge dscharge process Punfylng process Sludge discharge process

Operation ~ n t e i w kof each solenoid vabe

I 4-
I -
d u n n ~sludae dischama w o c w

Replacement water supply period during C015

srudge discharge procss

(0) Treated fiquid feedrng permd (sludge

To02 discharge intewal)

Sealing water supply period during sludge discharge process

(1) Operating water supply for cbsing


TO16 TO16

- Intermittent water

~ P P inner
~ Y

. Sealingwater
Intermittent water suppry #

1c2c~4 \I- Water for closing bowl

1 L Opeating water supply period for opening bowl dunng

Cbsing the feed valve Skdge discharge sludge discharge pmcess

at Alphanumeric characters enclosed in each rectangle show the names given b each timer incorporated in the
FSC-1 A and FSH-IA type models, and those in each parentheses show the names given to each timer in the
FBG-1A and FBC-2A type models.

Instruction Manual
3-35 Operation Manual2
3.B.1.1 FSC-f A and FBC-IA,2A type automatic control panels
Table 3-20

[ Discharge interval Ic015(5) I

mln / Refer to Table 3-8
K Timer numbers in ( 1 apply to the FBC-1AZA type automatic control panels.

I Sealrng water and replacement water set tlrnes In the above table assume thst the supply flow I
Irate Is 12 IJmln lor SJlOF to 40F, and 16 &In lor SJSOF to IWF, respeclhrcly. On the practical 1
I setup, always measure the flow rate actuallv More settllnq vrooer tlmer values. I FSH-IA type automatic control panels

Table S21

1 Discharge interval Rder to Table 3-8

:When lubrication oil is treated only. (For fuel oil treatment, set zero.)

1 Regulating water and replacement water set tlrncs In the above table assume that the supplyl
I flow rate h 12 Qmin tor SJl OFH to 40FH, and 16 Umin for SJSQFHto 1WFH, rcspecllvely. On the (
I practical setup, always measurr the flow rate actually before settlng proper timer values.

instruction Manual
3-36 Operation Manual2
3.8.2 FSP-1A tlmer settlngs (guldellne)
The partial discharge type purifier normally discharges sludge in the partial discharge mode, performing
intermediate total discharge operations for as many times as set on the C021 timer.
Fig. 3-23 shows the activation timings of various partial discharge timers in the control panel for sludge
discharge and purifying operations. For the activation timings of total discharge timers, see Fig. 3-22.

Partla! sludge discharga process Purifying prpcess

Total sludge discharge process

Performing intermediate totaP discharge

r Operation intervals of each solenold operations for as many times as set on
valve durlng sludge discharge process the C02t timer(sludge dfscharge

period durlng sludge di

Treated Itquld feeding period
(sludge discharge interval)

SeallRg water supply perlod during sludge dlscharge p r o m s

Operating water supply for

Intermittent water
supply tlmer

lntwrnittent water supply

2 Watet for croslng boA

Closing the feed valve Sludge discharge sludge dTscharge pmcess

Instruction Manual
3-37 Operation ManuaQ FSP-IA type automatic control panels
Table 3-22

Timer Counter settings

SJ1~ F P I I I
Model 1
l nterval ITOOO sec 15 20
Opening bowl TOO1 sec 5
Replacement water TO02 sec 4 1 4 1 1 0 1 6 1 1 9 1 27 134
Sealing water IT DO^ Isec] 8 1 8 9 1 17 122 1 25 1 21 1
Bowl washing TO04 sec 13 1 1 3 1 14 1 2 0 135 1 4 3 1 4 3
Openinq bowl for partial TO1 1 sec 0.6
Replacementwater Tot2 sec 2.5 2.5 7 1I 13 I8 18
Sealing water for partial F I sec 7 7 7 13
16 20 20.
Intermittent water supply 6 0 14 min
Operating water supply TO16 , sec 10
for closing bowl
Discharge interval C015 rnin Refer to Table 3-9
Total discharge setting C021 times Refer to fable 3-9
&owl washing counter C023 times Refer to Table 3-9

Sealing water and replacement water set tSmes In the above table assume that the supply flaw
rate Is 12 Vmin far SJIOFP to #FP, and 16 Umln tor SJSOFP to 100FP, respectively. On the
praetlcal setup, always maasure the flow rate actually before settlng proper timer values.
If FSP-I A type control panel use as only tetal discharge control ,the timer setting refer to
stparats "Operation Manua13Ew

Instruction Manual 3-38 Operation Manual2
3.8.3 FSH-PA type timer settings (guidelineJ
The SUPER HIDENS type of SELFJECTOR normally discharges sludge in the partial discharge mode,
performing intermediate total discharge operations for as many times as set on the C021 counter.
Discharge of separated water takes place on a discharge command from the Water Detector in the
parlial discharge mode.
Flg. 3-24 shows tho activation timings of various SUPER HIDENS system timers in the control panel for
sludge discharge and purifyrng operations. For the activation timings of totat discharge and partial
discharge timers, see Flg. 3-22 and Fig. 3-23, respec4ively.
For specific setting requirements for all the SUPER HIDENS system timers, refer to Operation Manual

Separatedwater Partlal ludge Total sludge discharge

Clarlfymg process discharge pmcem Clarltylng process ,
I 4
discharge process
Clarrtying process
- --C


r Command d dlsehaiye
separatsd wafer trm Ihe
Water Deleclar Dlschage.

r Operatton inlenrsls d
ma* sdmdd valve
Pwforming intermediate total dischsrge
operatlans for as many tlms as set on
the C021 tirnefisludge dlschargm
II dl~llrgcpym 1 Treated llquld feeding pwlod

I 1
1 TWO I TOO0 I (sludge discharge lntenral)

Operating water supply for

closlng bow(

pkj + 'I Intermittent water

Water for
I \ Water for
I lntermlttentwater suppfy

closing b w l

Operating water supply p e w for opening bowl during

sludge discharge process
CToslng the feed valve Separatad water dkcharge

Instruction Manual 3-39 Operation Manual2 FSH-PA type automatic control panels
Table 3-23
Timer Counter settinas

*I ) : When lubrication oil is treated only. (For fuel oil treatment, set zero,)

Sealing water and replacementwater set tlmes In the above table assume that the supply flow
rate is 12 Umln for SJfiOSH to 40SH, aria 16 Vmin for SJSOSH k IOOSH, respectively. On the
practical setup, always measure the flow rate actually before setting proper timer values.
If FSP-1A typi control panel use as only total discharge control ,the timer setting refer to
separate "Operation Manual3F'"

Instruction Manual 3-40 Operation Manual2
3.8.4 Setup method FBC-1A type automatic control panel
The following Flg. 3-25 shows layout of timers in the automatic control panel.

Mode Ssleclor SwHch for Swjkh- VBfUe Indlcatws Ar Indication or

w 6 r Orelapsed llmefsel time elapsed limtlset lime ol timer



~ l r hNO.
r SeHIng Value Sat rialua
Selector Swltch Salsclor Switch Memory Swltch

1. Set the power switch of the control panel to "ON", and check to see that the pilot lamp "CONT.
SOURCE" and the value indicator LEDs of the control unit are ON.
2. Operate the individual switches in the following sequence.

I Set the mode selector

switch (MODE) to SET.
Gel& a timer number to
set by the timer number
selector switch (T.SELJ.

.I Seleci a time to set by

a Procedures

the setting value Press the set value

selector switch (T.SET). + memory s*iich (MMl.
12 diairsl

- -.

~ ~ S E L F J E C T OInstruction
R Manual 3-41 Operation Manual2
o Set timer No, 0 though 3 and 6 In step of 1 second,
No. 4 in steps of 1 minutes,
No. 5 In steps ot 10 mlnutes.
o To operate the J.SEL. and T.SET. switch, use a thin pointed plain screwdrhrer or something

3. Timer Elapsed T m e Indication Prwedures

Set the MODE Select a timer number to Indicale by

to MON. ) the timer number sdeclor switch

[For Example]
The operation times and intervals set by the timers can be changed as exampled below.
Seting time to*180 minutes.

- T. SEL. lo' T.SET
- Ib.

- -- -- - -- -. -

Instruction Manual 3-42 Operation Manual2 FBC9A type autornatlc control panel

The following Flg 3-26 shows the layout of timers in the automatic control panel.

MWc SPkdnr S m h f b r B * m - UnnfwrkMrs vnhe Inacator lor lMi2albn 01 eapea

over ol ehnsgd IlmuIn8lUm~ MlnlSec .Ilmelset llme ol llmar

101. Ha.?

Ttmer Wb. s e n l ~~ a b s %tVnh
Selector Swt~eh Sakttor E W h Memory Swmh

1. Set the power switch of the control panel to "ON",and check to see that me pilot lamp 'CONT.
SOURCE"and the value indicator LEDs of the control unit are ON.
2. Operatethe individual switches in the following sequence.

Seld machine No. 1 or Set the mode selector Select a timer number to
2 by tha machine set by the iimer number
switch (MODE) to SET.
numbr sdeelor switch. .+- selmor switch (T.SEL),

Sdecl a lime to set by

the setting value Press the set value
selector switch (TOSET). memory switch (MM).
(2 diaitsl


Instruction Manual
3-43 Operation Manual2
o Set timer No. O though 3 and 6 in step of 1 second,
No. 4 in steps of 1 minutes,
No. 5 In steps of 10 minutes.
o To operate the T.SEL. and T.SET. swltch, use a thin polnted plain screwdriver or something

4. Timer Elapsed Time Indication Procedures

Select machine No. 1 or 2

by the machine number
selector switch.

Set the MODE to

- Select a timer number to Indicate by
tha iimer number selector mviieh

[For Example]
The operation times and intervals set by the timers can be changed as exampled below.
Seting time ta 180 minutes for the machine No.1.

I 1 - I

Instruction Manual
3-44 Operation Manual2 FSC-1A, FSH-1A, F$P-1A,FSM-PA type automatic control panel
The following Fig 3 2 7 shows the operation display panel an the automatic control panel.

Data Display Section

Address Display Section (UpperlLower Stage)

Mode Display Section Conk01 Keys

Fig. 3-27

I. Set the Power switch of the control panel to 'ON" and check l o see that the "CCOT.SOURCE" pilot
lamp, and the LED of the "modedisplay section"on the operation display panel are ON.

2. Press the control keys of the operation display panel in the following sequence. Confirm the displays
of the display section before proceeding ahead.


For T001 10 T025. press TIM CNT once, Select a timer number.
For C014 l o C027, press TIM CNT twi~a.


To select a digit To increase or decrease ihe set time

instruction Manual
3-45 Operation Manual2
[For exanple of timer setting procedure]
To change the set time to 180 minutes, for example, proceed as described belaw.

Set TirneF-alI P r w


Wect CNT to Press TIIW CNT twice. S d w i i m No.

~ 5

Set dgit flashes. To seleet a digit Set 180 Data Display Section
(Upper Stagel

[ o 0.1 second for tlmer Nos. T001-TO25 I

1 0 1 tlme for counter N o s . COZ1,CM3,C27 I
1 o Llght "TIMn In Mode Display Sectlon when timer "T" Is sdeced. I
1 o Ught "CNT" In Mode Dlsplay Section when tlrner "C" Is selmd.

.. . .- -

Instruction Manual
3-46 Operation Manual2
3.3 Timer setting for the Water Detector (guideline)

THs Water Detector employs a statlc capacitance-type sensor. In order to avoid operatlon error,
apply a back pressure 180 to 200 kPa (1.8 to 2.0 kgflcm2)on the light liquid outlet side.

Set timer for Water Detector in Programmable controller, according to the following Table 3-24.
For the description of the Counters, etc., refer to Operatlon Manud 3D or Operation Manual 3F.

Table 3-24

C027 Number of times 6

TO25 see. 90
C026 min. 30

Variations of back pressure, oil temperature, and flow rate during operation should fall within the range
shown by Table 335 comparing to the setting values.
fable 3-25

Oil thermometer

Instruction Manual
3-47 Operation Manual2
4 Leakage Monitor

4.2 Setting Up the Leakage Monitor

The Leakage Monitor is a protective devioe that will detect oil flow from the sludge outlet and heavy liquid
outlet of the bowl. Make correct settings, otherwise an error alarm will occur.
Remove the front cover of the Leakage Monitor for accessing to the setting knobs as shown in Fig. 4-1.

Feeding Starting

Fig. 4-1

Set values on each settina knob

ltern Function Unit Setup range Factmyset value
Set Pressure Sets up a pressure at the a 100 kPa 0 to XX)kPa XH3 kPa
(Set Pressure) light liquid outlet. Combine ( 1 1 _(O to 2.Okgflcmz} ~.0kgf/cm~}
Fig. 4-10. @ and @. a10 kPa 0 to 90 kPa 0

Pressure drop An alarm will be issued if 5 kPa 0 to 45 kPa 30 kPa

(AP) the pressure drops A P (0.05kgflcrn2) {O to 0.45 kgflcrn7 (0.3kgflcmZ}
Fig. 4-1 @ below the setting value.

Instruction Manual
4- 1 Operation Manual2
It%m Function Unit Setup range Factory-set value
Starting timer Used to disable the corresponding
IStarhngI alarm for a time period after the t 0 sec 10 to Zo I 0 sec 30 sec
Flg. 4-1 feeding is started and until the light
liquid pressure is stable.
Feeding timer To avoid a false alarm, this is
(Feeding) used to issue an alarm only when 5 sec 5 ta 55 sec 20 sec
Fig. 4-1 0 the pressure drops for a given
period of time.

Set 'Pressure - Pressure Drop ( A P) = Alarm Pressure

[Ex.] Sup- the set pressure is 200 kPa @.0!@lcm2} and the pressure drop is 30 kPa (0.3kgflcm2), the
alarm activating pressure is 170 kPa €1-7kgf/cm2}.
If the light liquid pressure at the outlet lowers below 170 kPa (1.7kgf/cm~,the feeding timer is activated
first, and if the*law pressure remains for the period of time set on the feeding timer, an alarm is issued.
If the pressure returns to normal before lhe set time runs out, na alarm is generated.

4.2 Standard Setting Values

Do not set the pressure control valve at any level above 200 kPa (2.0 kgffcma)for light liquid
discharge pressure.
A setting in excess of 200 kPa (2.0 kgflcm2)may cause the light liquid to ovetRow from the
light IQuld chamber.

ltem Setting value Remark

Set pressure 180-200 kPa -
(Set Pressure) (1.8-2.0!@1cm2)
Pressure Prop ( A P 1 30 kPa -
(0.3 kgf!crn2)
Starting timer 30 sec Before setting, check that the discharge side
(Starting) pressure rising time after the M ~ n start
g is as
Feeding timer 2 0 ~ 3 ~ If a pressure drop may be expected due to the
(Feeding1 temperature change during discharge, adjust the
setting time taking account of its recovery time.

ASELFJECTOR Instruction Manual 4-2 Operatian Manual2

4.3 Adjusting the Pressure at the Liiht Liquid Outlet Side Trouble dlsplay LED
It is necessary to adjust the pressure at the light liquid outlet side according
to the set pressure on the Leakage Monitor. For this operation use the Adjust pressure LED
following procedure. (areen)
1. Check that the power s-h of the Leakage Monitor is in OFF
2. Start the purifier. When the purifier reaches the rated number of
Leakage Monitor
revolutions, check that the light liquid outlet pressure control valve
(needle valve) is fully open and start the feed-run. (For details, refer to
6. Operation.)
3. Adjust the bypass valve and flow control valve for the desired feed
rate. Before adjustment, check that the temperature of liquid to be fed is
at the set level. If the adjustment is made at a temperature lower than the
set temperature, it is possible that the pressure does not r i s ~to the
Flg. 4-2
spgcifred level even afler the set temperature is reached.
4. While observing the pressure gauge provided on the main body,
throttle down the light Iquid outlet pressure conbl vahrer untit the
pressurn has reached the level set on the Leakage Monitor.
(When the set pressure is reached, the Adjust pressure LEO will light up.)
5. Upon ascertaining Zhat the main body pressure gauge mads a value ( l i t liquid outlet pressure)
equal to the monitor set Iwel, turn on the power switch of the Leakage Monitor.
6. If the Adjust pressure LED is flashing, adjust the light liquid outlet pressure until h e LED has stopped
flashing to light.

The Adjust pressure LED (green) starts flashing when the pressure Is within &15% of the
set pressure, and changes to continuous lighting when It is within 13%. #

Except that some variation has occurred In the flow rate or temperature, the llght liquid pressure at
the outlet side, In general, does not have to be readjusted once adjusted at a trial run.However# Is
necessary to check the Adjust pressure LED (green) and pressure gauge reading at dally
inspectidn. If the Adjust pressure LED is flashing, re-adjust the settlfig untit the flashing changes to
contfnuous lighting.
-XDue to a detection error, the pressure gauge attached to the main body may read dWkrenCly
from the monitor set level in spite of the Adjust pressure LED being lit, In such case, be guided
by the AdJust pressure LED.

Instruction Manual
4-3 Operation Manual2
4.4 Re-adjustlrrg and Conflmlng the Set Values sftar Startlng a Feed-Run
a Always make sure that the set values are correct after starting the fwd-run.
Confirming the set pressure
Sbrting timer
Make sure that a time period from the start of W i n g after discharging sludge and until the discharge-side
pressure rises to the set value is shorter than that being set on the "Starting Timer".

1 any out a discharge test (In case of automatic operation), and confirm the above by checking rise 1
1 time difference between the flow metw and the dlschargeside pressure gauge.
Adjust the feed rate wfth an accuracy of tfw set rate +2%.

Adjust the temperature of liiquld to be fed wlth an accuracy of the set temperature &ST.
Large liquld temperature deviation causes the liquid viscosity and thereby the feed rate to change,
which in turn causes the llglht liquid pressure at the outlet side to deviate, maklng the adjustment at
the Leakage Monitor difficult

Instrudon Manual Operation Manual2
5 Discharge Detector
5.1 Setting Up the Discharge Detector (Confirmation)
* FSC-2 &FBC-1 A,2A,FSH-I A type Dlschargc Detector
No special settings do not have to be made on the Discharge Detector. However, only confirm
thefollowing points, since an incorrect proximity switch installation will make it difficult to detect, the
correct number ofrevolution.

m FSP-14FSH-PA type Discharge D e t d o r

The FSP-1A,FSH-PA Automatic type purifier Discharge Detector facilitates partial discharge adjustment
with its dedicated partial discharge detection function that determines if sludge discharge is optimal from
a detected drop in the horizontal shaft speed and indicates result through LED, then necessary setting
Frequency seleci swHch for the Discharge Detector from monitoring sludge discharge accurately



Confirrn thefollowing points, since an incorrect proximity switch installation will make it difticult to detect
the correct number of revolution.
During the puriller Is running the Rotation dSsp1ay LED (green) is flashing. (continuously Ilt
during atop)
+ Make sure that the Troubie display LED {red) Is not lit when the purlfler reachesthe rated
numbet 01 revolution.
li the Trouble display LED (red) turns on, St shows one 01 origins ,that the mounting
posltlon of the proximfty switch Is Incorrect. If this is the case, adjustment of the position
is necessary.

For the function of the Trouble display LED (red). refer to 5.2 Discharge Detector in the Operation
Manuall .

instruction Manual
5-1 Operation Manual2
5.2 Adjusting the ProximiEy Switch Positlon
/;\ CAuTloN
m The Discharge Detector Is a precision equipment Take speclal cams so that It Is not bumped
duxlng handling.
a The proximity switch should be retained firmly wlth the screws.
(The fastening torque should be 60 kg cm or less.)
m Attach the proximity switch only after the rotary shaft stops revolving.
rn Do net use a proximity switch other than rupplled with the SELFJECTOR.
Rotation display LED Trouble display LED
Loosen the lock nut that retams the holder (green)
of the proximity switch, then adjust the
proximity switch-to-horizontal
clearance to 1.8 mm. Tighten the lock nut.

1 Discharge Detector

- -

InstrucQanManual 5-2 Operatton Manual2
5.3 Confirming the Proximity SwCtch Position
When the Trouble display LED (red) is lit with the purifier at the rated number of revolution or at initial
setting, check to see if the position of the proximity switch is correct as follows using a tester.

Open the cover of the discharge detector and measure voltage across between the test pins
[GND (black)] and r P 3 {red)] shown in Fig. 5-2 and Fig. 5-3.
Show in Table 5-1 are the test pin voltages versus power frequencies when the proximity switch is in
Table 5-1

rox. DCGV

* M the proxlrnlty swltch Is out of position, the test pln voltage Is not stabre. Adjust the
swltch posAlon until its correctness 1s lndlcated by stabilized voltage.
When the tester resdlng exceeds DCW, a circuit failure is suspected. In such case, contact
US or
an MKK sewice shop nearest to you.

test pins
GND (black)
TP3 (red)

Flg. 5-2
Fig. 5-3
FSC-1A, FBC-1A,2P,FSH-lA type FSP-1A, FSH-PA type
discharge detector discharge detector

Instruction Manual 5-3 Operation Manual2
Instruction Manual 5-4 Operation Manual2
6 OperatIan
6.1 Inspections Prlot to Running

The purlfler should be operated under optimum mndRions to sult the nature of the treatd oil.
Applicable flow rate, pressure and temperature are subject to ghren limits depending on the
type and specifDcation ol the purifier. If it is operated under such eandltlons that e x d these
limits, the safe operation may not be achieved.

6.1 .I Pipe eonnettions

Make sure that the oil pipes, operating water pipes, and air pipes are correctly Iaid and that the joints are
firmly tightened. (Refer to the attached document & drawing.)

Check H the operating water plpes for openlng/clodng bowl are not connected the wrong way$
i.e, one jor the other.

6.1.2 Electrical wiring

Make sure that the wiring has been done correctly. (Refer to the attached document & drawing.)

+ Make sure that a 60 to 100 mesh stralner Is attached In iront of the gear pump.
Make sure that a buttedly valve is mounted on the sludge outlet plpe.

6.1.3 Flushing
Completely flush the inside of oil pipes and operating water pipes.
li the purlller Is mstsrted after an lnsuwlclent flushing, the following maHunctions may occur:
Damage to the gear pump and frequent breaks of the safety joint
Damage to the main cylinder seat surface and the main seal ring
Damage to the valve seat sudacc

I Beloreyou flush the inside of the opcratlng water pipy dlsconneet the operallng water flanges I
Iimm the purffler so the operating water is nol fed fmm the water supplying devlce Into the bowl.]


Instruction Manual
6-1 Operation Manual2
6.1 A Inspectlens prlor to running (conflrmatlon)
Always confirm the following subjects prior to running the purifier.

1. Make sure that an appropriate gravity disc has been employed in the bowl. (Refer to Section 3.3.)
2. Refill an appropriate type of lubrication oil in the gear case. This oil quantity should be confirmed
with the oil gauge.
3. Make sure that a correct pressure of operating air is supplied. (0.5 to 0.9 MPa k 5 to 9 kgf/m2)
4. Open the source vahe on the operating water pipe to make sure the pressure.
Total discharge 0.2 to 0.5 MPa ' 2 to 5 kgf/crnP
Partial discharge 0.35 to 0.5 Mpa k 3.5 to 5 kgf/cm2
5. Either operate the solenoid valve or manually operate the respective valve to make sure that the
operating water for openinglclosingbowl is properly Rowing out. (Check before the bowl is installed,
with the operating water inlet pipe disconnected.)
6. Disconnectthe sealing water pipe (steel pipe) and measure the quantity of the sealing water
and replaoement water.
7. Make sure that the brake is in the non-braking position.
8. Make sure the direction of revolution.
To do !hi$ perform an immediate start-up stop (within 3 sec) after turning on the starter power
and observe the arrow mark on the frame or motor fan.
9. In case of automatic specification, power on the control panel and make sure that the timer
setting value is appropriate. (Refer to Section 3.7.)
10. Make sure that h e set pressure of the Leakage Monitor and set time period are appropriate.
(Refer to Section 4.)
11. Fully open the inlet valve, outlet valve, and by-pass valve of the oil pipe.
12. Make sure ndt the SELFJECTOR has been correctly assembled and fastened firmly.
(Refer to Section 2.2 of the Maintenance manual.)
13. Open the butterfly valve at the sludge discharge outlet.

When you have disassembled th9 purifier to open the bowt for inspectian and cleaning then
reassembled it. canfirm the following subjects before restarting the operation.

1. Make sure that the cap nut tying the bowl and vertical shaft together is tightened firmly.
2. Make sure that the alignment marks on the bowl and trap meet.
(Refe'r ta Section 2.2 of the Maintenance manual.)
3. Assemble the bowt into the vertical shaft, check the height, and make sure th& the bowl can be
easily rotated by hand.
4. Make sure that the joints and traps (frame cover) of the piping are firmly tightened.
(Refer to Section 2.2 of the Maintenance manual.)
5. Make sure that the union nuts and cwer nuts of the inlet pipe are firmly tightened.
(Refer to Section 2.2 of the Maintenance manual.)

instruction Manual 6-2 Operation Manual2
6.2 Start-up

6.2.1 Precauttons on start-up

Always carry out "Inspections Pfior to Running".
Note the following points at the start-up.

Subject Measures
Operation sound When an abnormal sound is heard, immediately stop the operation and
inspect the purifier and identify the cause.
VI bration Vibration may temporarily mcur just after start-up, however, this is not
an anomaly.
It will be reduced when the rated number of revolution is achieved.
At the fated number of revolution if the vibration is large , immediately stop
the operation and inspect the purifier and identify the cause.
Start-up time Usually the rated number of revolution is achieved in 3 to 7 minutes.
(Thecurrent value falls within 50 to 70% of the rating.)
If the rated number of revolution is not achieved even after a lapse of 8
minutes, immediately stop the operation and check the friction block

63 Stop

6.3.1 Precautions on stop

1. o n the way to complete stop, the bowl passes a period of critical speed. Unlike start-up, duration of
this critical speed is rather long and a larger vibration may occur. However, this is not an anomaly.

Only after making sure that the purlfler completdy stops, turn off the starter power and begin
nekessary Inspectlap.

Before disassembling the purifier, always make sure that it has completely stopped. (Confirm this fact by
observing the safety joint of the gear pump or motor fan.)

For the Inspection procedure refer to the "Maintenancemanualm.

Instruction Manual
6-3 Operation Manual2
6.4 Autamat'lc Specmcatlon (FSC- 1A, FBC-1APA)

: Flow control valve

A : Fged liquid inlet
: Pressure control valve
B : Light liquid outlei
: FBad liquid inlet valve
C : Compressed air inlet
: By-pass valve
D : Sludge & Heavy liquid oullet
: Operating water inlet valve -
E : Waler inlet
: Butterfly valve
F : Operating water drain
: Solenoid valve for water (for opening bowl)
G : Return
: Solenoid wbe for water (for closing bowl)
SV3 : Solenoid valve for water (for sealing water & @ : ~ w n p w n dgauge
replacement water) @ :Presswegauge
SV4 : %way solenoid valve (for feed valve) @ : low meter
a : thermometer
CVl : Feed valve
LM : Leakage Monitor
DD : Diiharge D e w o r (oplion)

Instruction Manual 6-4 Operation Manual2
6.4.1 Start-up
Use the following procedure for start-up.

Step I
Befm start-up, make sure that the valves v5,V6,W',V8,W, and V l O] are fully open.

Operation Check item
After powering on the starter, depress the [STAR1 Make sure that the operation sound and vibration
button to start up the purifier. are normal.
After the start-up make sure that the current value
falls within 50 to 70% of the rating.
Rder to Operating manuall Table 4-3.
Usually the rated number of revolution can be achieved 3 to 7 minutes following the start-up.

Step 3
Check item
Start the oil heater. Make sure that the feed liquid is circulating in the oil
heater and heated up to the given temperature.
Such as fuel oil A does not have to be heated.

Step 4
Operation 1 Check item
Turn the power switch on the automatic control Pracesses of [Opening bowl] *
pane4 to ON, then depress the IAUT0.STARI push w&@r] IDischarge) 3 [Sealing water] 3
button. [Feeding] will advance in this order.
Confirm the discharge operation by the increase of
current readinq or discharge sound.

Instruction Manual
6-5 Operation Manual2
Step 5

After making sure that the purifier-run enters, Confirm the given flow rate with the flaw meter.
regulate the by-pass valve V8 and flow control Make sure the pressure at the llght liquid Outlet
valve V5 to a given feed rate. side when V6 is fully open.
After the feeding, make sure that no oil leaks out in
the sludge outlet side and heavy liquid outjet side.
Always make sum the pressure at the light llquid outlet side when V6 Is fully open. This is
necessary for Leakage Monltor adjustment.
When setting up the Leakage Monltor, refer lo 4. Leakage Monitor.

Step 6
Operation Check item
Throttle down the pressure wntrol valve V6 to the The Adjust pressure LED (green) on the Leakage
1set p r e s u e 01 the Leakage Monitor, than turn the oni it or starts flashing when the pressure is within I
power switch of the Leakage Monitor to ON. -t- 15% of the set pressure, and changes to
I continuous lighting when it is within k3%.
When the oil temperature becomes stable {for approxlmalely 5 minutes) after sta.rHng the
feedlng (approximately 5 minutes), re-confirm the pressure at the light liquid slde sr,that il Is
consistent with the set pressure on the Leakage Monitor. H they are different, adjust V6
. whlle watchlng the Adjust pressure LED.

Operation Check item

Turn on the power wit& of the Discharge Make sure that the Rotation display LED (green) is
Detector, if supplied,to start it. flashing.
Make sure that the Trouble display LED (red) turns
NOTE (Optional speclflcation)
If the Rotation display LED of the Discharge Detcctor does not flash or when the Troubk
dlsplay LED is light, adjust the dlstance between the horizontal axis and the proximity swltch.
For details, refer to 5. Discharge Dettctor (DD) or 6.12.5 In the Maintenance Manual.

Instruction Manual 6-6 Operation Manual2
When an unusually large vibration or sound (contact sound or abmrrnal sound Irorn the
bearlng section) is present, stop the purliler as soon as possible by depresslngl the
"EmergencyStop" push button.

Stop the purifier with the following procedure.

Sten 1
Operation Check item
Stop the oil heater.

step 2
Operation Check item
Depressthe [AUTO.STOP] push button on the The feed liquid valve CVI closes and the
autarnatic control panel. sequential process of [Replacement] *
[Discharge] * [Stop] automatically follows.
Confirm the discharge operation by the increase of
current reading and discharge sound.

Step 3
Operation Check item
After making sure that the SELFJECPOR Also make sure that the other valves and cocks are
completely stops, dose both the feed liquid inlet closed.
lvalve V7 and butterfly valve V10. I
Whether the SELFJECTOR stops or not can be confirmed with either the safety Jointat the
harlzcrntal shaft geal pump or the motor ian. li an optional Discharge Detector 39 incorporated,
its Rotation display LED (green) will be flashing during the bowl revolution and turn on when
the SELFJECTOR steps.

instruction Manual
6-7 Operation Manual2
6.5 HIDENS System Configuration (FSH-IA}

Fig. 6 2

: low control valve A : F e d liquid inlet

: Pressure control valve B : Light liquid outlet
Feed liquid intel valve C : Compressed air inlei
: By-pass valve D : Sludge & Heavy liquid outlet
: Operating waler inlet valve E :Waler inlel
: Buflerfby valve F : Operating water drain
: Solenoid valve for water (for opening bowl) G : Return
: Solenoid valve for 'water (for closing bowl)
: Solenoid valve for water (for sealing water & @ :Compound gauge
replacement water) @ : Pressure gauge
: 3-way sotermid valve [for feed valve) @ :now meter
: Feed valve @ :fhermometer

DD : Discharge Detector
LM : Leakage Monitor
WD :Waler Detector

Instruction Manual
Operation Manual2
6.5.1 Start-up
Use the following procedure for start-up.

Step 1
Before start-up, make sure that the valves V5,V6,V7,VS5V9,and Vf 01 are fully open,

Step 2
Operation Check item
After powering on the starter, depress the [STARTJ Make sure that the operation sound and vibration
button to start up the purifier. are normal. After the start-up make sure that the
current value falls within 50 to 70% of the rating.
Refer to Operation manual1 'Table 4-3.
Usually the rated number ofrevolution can be achleved 3 to 7 minutes following the start-up.

Step 3
Operation Check item
Start the oil heater. Make sure that the feed liquid is circulating in the
oil heater and heated up to the given temperature.

Operation I Check item

Turn the power switch of the automatic control The power lamp turns on.
panel 40 ON. The power E D (Red) LED turn on.
Turn the operation mode switch on the Water
Detector to "Manual'.

Step 5
Operation Check item
Pgpmss the [AUTO.STARTJ push button on the Processes of IClosing bowl] [replacement*
automatic control panel. water] *
[Discharge] Pealing *
[Feeding] will advance in this order.
C~nfirmthe discharge operation by the increase of
current reading or discharge sound.

Instruction Manual 6-9 Operation Manual2
Operation Check item
After making sure that the purifier-runenters, Confirm the given flow rate with the flow meter.
regulate the by-pass valve V8 and flow control Make sure the pressure at the Ught liquid outlet
valve V5 to a given feed rate. slde when V6 is fully open.
After the feeding, make sure that no oil leaks out in
I the sludge outlet side and heavy liquid outlet side. 1
A l w a F make sure the pressure at the llght liquid outlet side when V6 Is fully open. fhls is
necessary k r Leakage Monitor adjustment.
When setting up the Leakage Monitor, refer to 4. Leakage Monltor.

step 7
Operation I Check item
Throttle down the pressure control valve V6 and The Adjust pressure LED (green) on the Leakage
adjust the set pressure of the Leakage Monitor to Monitor starts flashing when the pressure is within
between 0.18 and 0.2 MPa (1.8 to 2.0 kgflcm2) , f 15% of the set pressure. and changes to
then tury the power switch of the Leakage Monitor continuous lighting when it is within &3%.
to ON.
When the oll temperature becomes stable (for approxlmatsly5 minutes) after starting the
feeding (approximately 5 mjnutes), re-eonllrm the pressure at the llght Itquid slde so that It Is
consistent with the set pressure on the Leakage MonRor. tf they are dMerent, adjust V6
whlle watching the Adjust pressure LED.

Operation Check item

Turn on the power switch of the Discharge Make sure that the Rotation display LED (green) is
Detector, if suppled, to start it, flashing.
Make sure that the Trouble display LED (red) turns
li the Rotation dlsplay LED of the Dlscharge Detector does not f ash or when the Trouble
dlsplay LED Is light, adjust the distance between the horizontal axis and the proximity switch.
Farpetaills, reler to 5. Dlscharge Detector (PD) or 6.12.5 In the Maintenance Manual.

Step 9
- Operation Check item
Depress the [Start] push button on the Water Out put control start signal to Water Detector after
I Detector to begin the control, I
the set period af TO25 elapses.

instruction Manual
6-10 Operation Manual2
6.5.2 Stop

When an unusually large vibration or sound (contad sound ar abnormal sound from the
bearlng &ion) is present, stop the purifier as soon as posslble by depressing the
" Emergency Stop" push button.

Stop the purifier with the following procedure.

step 1
Operation Check item
Stop the oil heater,

Operation Check item

Depress the [AUTO.STOP] push button on the The feed liquid valve CV1 closes and the
automatic control panel. sequential process of [Replacement] *
[Discharge] 3 [Stop] automatically follows.
Confirm the discharge operation by the increase of
current reading and discharge sound.

Operation Check item

After making sure that the SELFJECTOR Also make sure that the other valves and cocks are
mrnpletely stops, close both the feed liquid inlet closed.
valve V7 and butterfly valve V10.
- -

WhePher the SELFJECTOR slops or not can be confirmed wlth either the safely plnl at the
hqrironta! shaft gear pump sldt or the motor fan. H an optional Dlschawe Detector's Rotation
display LED (green)Will be flashing during the bowl rwolutlon and turn on when the
SELFJECTOR stops. nhls Is standard for HIDENSE system conflguratlon.)


Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
6.6 Automatic SpecHteatlon (FSP-1A)

: Row control valve A :Feed liquid inlet

: Pressure control value :Light liquid outlet
: Feed liquid inlel valve C :Compressed air inlei
: By-pass valve O :Sludge I Heavy liquid outlet
: Operating water inM valve - E :Water inlet
: BuftWy valve F ;Operating water drain
:Solenoid valve for water (lor opening bowl) G : Return
: Solenoid valve for water (for elosiq bowl)
: Solenoid valve for water (for sealing water & @ :Compound gauge
replacement water) @ :Pressure gauge
:3-way solenoid valve Ifor feed valve) @ :~b meter
SV9 : Solenoid valve for water (for opening bowl for parlial) a :Thermometer
CVI : Feed valve
OD : Discharge Detector
LM : Leakage Monitor


Instruction Manual 6-12
Operation Manual2
6.6.1 Start-up
Use the following procedure for start-up.

Step 1
Before start-up, make sure that the valves [V5,V6,V7,V8,V9, and V l O] are fully open.

Check item
After powering on the starter,depress the [STARTJ Make sure that the operation sound and vibration
button to start up the purifier. are normal.
After the start-up make sure that the current value
falls within 50 to 70% of the rating.
Refer to Operating manual1 Table 4-3.
Usually the rated number of revolution can be achieved 3 to 7 minutes lollowlng the start-up.

- - -

Operation Check item

Start the oil heater. Make sure that the feed liquid is circulating in the oil
heater and heated up to the given temperature.
Such as fuel oll A does not have to be heated.

step 4
Operation Check item
Turn the power switch on the automatic cantfol Processes of [Opening bowl] *
panel to ON, then depress the [AUTO.START] push water] *
[Discharge] *
[Sealing water] *
button. reeding] will advance in this order.
Confirm the discharge operation by the increase of
current reading or discharge sound.

Instruction Manual
6-13 Operation Manual2
Qperation Check item
After making sure that the purifier-run enters, Confirm the given flow rate with the flow meter.
regulate the by-pass valve V8 and flow control Make sure the pressure at the llght liquld outlet
valve V5 to a given feed rate. side when V6 is k l l y open.
After the feeding, make sure that no oil leaks out in
the sludge outlet side and heavy liquid outlet side.
Always make sure the pressure at the light llquld outlet side when V6 Is fully open. This is
necessary:far Leakage 'Monkor adjustment.
When setling up the Leakage Monitor, refer to 4. Laakage Monltor.

Step 6
Operation Check item
Throttle down the pressure control valve V6 to the The Adjust pressure LED (green) on the Leakage
Isel pressure 01 the Leakage Monitor, then turn the l~onitorstarts flashing when the pressure is within I
lpower switch of the Leakage Monitor to ON. 1 f15% of the set pressure, and changes to I
1 lcontinuous lighting when it is within 53%.
When the oll temperature becomes stable {for approximately 5 mlnutes) atter startlng the
feeding (approxlrnately 5 mlnutes), re-confirm the pressure at the light liquid side so that it Is
i consistent with the set pressure on the Leakage Monltor. If they are different, adjust V6
whlle watching the Adjust pressure LED.

Stem 7
Operation Check item
Turn an the power switch of the Discharge Make sure that the Rotation display LED (green) is
Detector, if supplied, to start it. flashing.
Make sure that the Trouble display LED (red) turns
NOTE (Optional specif~eatlon)
li the ~otatlondlsplay LEO of the Dlscharge D e t d o r does not flash or when the Trouble
display LED ta Ifght, adjust the distance between the horizontal axls and the proxlrnlty swttch.
For detalls, refer to 5. Dlscharge Detector (DO) or 6.12.5 in the Maintenance Manual.

Instruction Manual 6-14
Operation Manual2
. .

6.6.2 Stop

When an unusually large vlbratlon or saund (contact sound or abnormal sound lrom the
bearing section) Is present, stop the puriiier as soon as possible by depressing the
"Emergency Stop" push button.

Stop h e purifier with the following procedure.

step 1
Operation Check item
Stop the oil heater.

Operation Check item

Depress the [A[AUTQ.STOP]push button on the The feed liquid valve CVf closes and the
automatic control panel. sequential process of peplacement] *
[Discharge] * [Stop] automatically follows.
Confirm the discharge operation by the increase of
current reading and discharge sound.

Qperation Check item

After making sure that the SELFJECTOR Also make sure that the other valves and cocks are
completely stops, close both the feed liquid inlet closed.
valve! V7 and butterHy valve V10.

Whether the SELFJECTOR stops or not can be conflmed with either the safety joint at the
horizontal shaft gear pump or the motor fan. tl an optional Discharge D e t d o r is incorporated,
Its Rotailon display LED (green) wlll be fiashlng durlng the bowl revolution and turn on when
the SELFJECTOR stops. (This Is standard ior partla! discharge type.)

- .-
-. . - .. . ----- . --

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
6.7 SUPER HIDENS System Conliguratlon (FSH-PA)

Fig. 6-4

: Row eonlrol valve A : Feed liquid inlet

: Pressure control valve B : Lighl liquid outlet
: Feed liquid inlet valve C : Compressed air inlet
: By-pass valve D Sludge & Heavy liquid outld
: Operating water inlef valve - E :Water inlet
. : Butlerfly valve F : Operating water drain
: Solenoid valve for Wter [for opening bowl) G :Return
:Solenoid valve for water (for closing bowl)
:Solenoid valve for watw {for sealing water & @ :Compound gauge
replacement waled @ : 'Pressure gauge
: 3-way solenoid Mlve (forfeed valve) @ : FIOW rnwr
: Solenoid valve for water (lor opening bowl for partial) @ :Thermometer
: Feed valve
: Discharge Defector
: Leakage Monitor
:Waler Detector

Instrucbon Manual
6-16 Operation Manual2
6.7.1 Start-up
Use the following procedure for start-up.

Step 1
Before start-up, make sure that the valves V5,V6,V?,VB,V9, and VIO]are fully open.

Step 2
Operation Check item
After powering on the starter, depress the [START] Make sure that the operation sound and vibration
I button lo start up the purifier. I
are normal. After the start-up make sure that the
I 1
current value falls within 50 to 70% of the rating.
Reier ta Operatlon manuall Table 44.
Usually the rated number of revolution can be achlevsd 3 to 7 mlnutes fullowlng the start-up.

Operation Check item

the oil heater. Make sure that the feed liquid is circulating in the

Step 4
Oberatisn I Check item 1

Turn the power switch of the automatic control The power lamp turns on.
panel to ON. The power E D (Red) LED turn on.
Turn the operation mode switch on the Water
Detector to "Manual".

0 eration , Check item

Depress the [AUTOSTART push button on the Processes of [Closing bowl] *
automatic control panel. water] *
pischarge] 3 [Sealing water] *
'[Feeding]will advance in this wder.
CoMrm the discharge operation by the increase of
current reading or discharge sound.

Instruction Manual
6-17 Operation Manual2
3ep 6
Operation Check item
After making sure that the purifier-run enters, Confirm the given flow rate with the flow meter.
regulate the by-pass valve V8 and flow control Make sure the pressure af the light liquid outlet
valve V5 to a given feed rate. side when V6 Is fully apen.
After the feeding, make sure that no oil leaks out in
the sludge outlet side and heavy liquid outlet side.
m a p make wre the pressure at the light liquid outlet slde when V6 is fully eptn. Thls Is
necessary ior Leakage Monitor adjustment.
When settlng up the Leakage Monltor, refer to A Leakage Monltor.

Step 7
Operation Check item
Throttle down the pressure control valve V6 and The Adjust pressure LED (green) on the Leakage
adjust the set pressure of the Leakage Monitor to Monitor starts flashing when the pressure is within
between 0.18 and 0.2 MPa (I .8 to 2.0 kgf/cm2) , f 15% of the set pressure, and changes to
then turn the power switch of the Leakage Monifor continuous lighting when it is within &3%.
to ON.
When the oll temperature becomes stable (tor approximately S minutes) after startlng the
feeding (approximately 5 mlnutes), =onfirm the pressure at the Ilght liquid side so that it Is
conslstsnt whh the set pressure on the Leakage Monltor. II they are dmerent, adlus! V6
while watching the Adjust pressure LED.

Step 8
Operation Check item
Turn on the power switch of the Discharge Make sure that the Rotation display LED (green) is
Detector, if supplied, to start it. flashing.
Make sure that the Trouble display LED (red) turns
I 1 off.
H the Rotation dlsplay LED of the Discharge Detector does not flash or when the Trouble
display LED Is light, adjust the distance between the horlzantal axls and the pmxlrnlty switch.
For details, refer to 5. Discharge Detector (DD)or 6.12.5 In the Maintenance Manual.

step 9
Operation Check item
Depress the [Start] push button on the Water Out put control start signal to Water detector after
Detector to begin the control. the set period of TO25 elapses.

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
6.72 Stop

When an unusually large vibratlen or sound (contact sound or abnormal sound from the
bearing section) is present, stop the purifier as soon as possible by depressing the
" Emergency Stop" push button.

Stop the purifier with the following procedure.

Step 1
Operation Check item
Stop the oi! heater.

Step 2
Operation Check item
Depress the [AUTO.STOP] push button on the The feed liquid valve CVi closes and the
automatic control panel. sequential process of [Replacement] 3
[Discharge] *
[Stop] automatically follows.
Confirm the discharge operation by the increase of
current reading and discharge sound.

Step 3
Operation Check item
After making sure that the SELFJECTOR Also make sure that the other valves and cocks are
completely stops, close both the feed liquid inlet closed.
( valve W and butterfly valve V10,

1 NOTE -
IWhether the SELFJECTOR stops or not can be Mntlrmed wlth enher the safetyjolnt at the I
I horizontal shafl gear pump side or the motor fan. If an optfonal Discharge Detector's Rotation 1
dlsplay LED (green)'wlll hflashing durSng the bowl revolution and turn on when the
SELFJECTOR stops. (Thls Is standard lor SUPER HIDENSE system configuration.}

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
6.8 Manual SpecMeation (FAP-I 1)

Fig. 6-5

V1 ;Cock (for opening bowl)

V3 : Glove valve A : Feed Ikquid inlet
V5 : Flaw control valve 6 : Light liquid outlet
V6 : Pressure control v@e C : Compressed air Inlet
W : Feed JlquM inlet valve D : Sludge & Hemy liquid outlet
E : Water Inlet
V9 : Operating water inlet valve F : Operating water drain
vid :&rtterftyVak G : Return
SV2 : Sorenoid valve for water (for dosing t>owr) @ : Compound gauge
SV4 :3-way solenoid valve (for feed valve) @ :Pressure gauge
@ :mowmeter
LM : Leakage Monitor a : Thermometer

Instruction Manual
6-20 Operation Manual2
6.8 1 Start-up
Use the following prooedure for start-up.

step 1
Before start-up, make sure that the valves take the following positions:
Full open: V5,V6,V7,V8,V9, and V10
Full close: V1 V3 CVI and SV2

w I

Operation Check item

After powering on the starter. depress the [STARTJ Make sure that the operation sound and vibration
button to start up the purifier. are normal. After the start-up make sure that the
current value falls within 50 to 70% of the rating.
Rster to Operation mamual I Table 4-3.
Usually the rated number of revoluticn can be achleved 3 to 7 minutes fofowlng the start-up.

Operation Check item

Start the oil heater. Make sure that the feed liquid is circulating in the
oil heater and heated up to the given temperature,
Such as fuel ol A does not have to be heated.

-.. .

Operation Check item

Open the manual handle of the solenoid valve SV2 When the supply of operating water for closing
for 20 to 30 seconds to supply the operating water bowl is completed, dose the manual handle of
for closing bowl so that it is closed. the valve.

Step 5
Operation Check item
Fill the measuring hopper with a specified quantity When the refill is completed, ahways make sure
of pure water, and open the globe valve V3 to that V3 is closed.
refill the bowl (supply of replacement water).
The lnslde srrrlan ol the measuring hopper has a mark to show the quantfty.

Instruction Manual 6-21 Operation Manual2

- .. 6
Operation Check itern
Open Re cock (for opening bowl) V1 for Confirm the discharge operation by the Increase of
appfoximately 2 seconds lo suppiy the operating current reading or discharge sound.
water for opening bowl so that water in the bowl
(replacement water) h discharqed. -
Perform tlushlng lnsldt the bawl.

- .-

Operation Check item

When the discharge is completed, close the cock
V1 and open the solenoid valve SV2 for 20 to 30
seconds to supply the operating water for dosing

- .

Operation Check item

Refill the b w l with a specified quantity of pure When the refi;ll is completed, always make sure
water using the hopper (supply of sealing water). that V3 is closed.
Same as above step 5.

Step 9
Operation Check item
Turn the power switch an the alarm panel to ON,
then depress the [FEEDING] push button.

Operation Check item

Regulate the flow control valve V5 and by-pass Cofifirm the given flow rate with the flow meter.
valve toa given feed rate. Make sure the pressure at the llght Ilquld outlet
side when V6 Is hrlly open.
After the feeding, make sure that no oil leaks out
in the sludge outlet side and haavy liquid outlet
Always make sure the pressure at the llght llquld outlet side when V6 Is fully open. Thls Is
necessarytor Leakage Monltor adjustment.
When setting up the Leakage Monllor, rder to 4, Leakage Monltor.

Instruction Manual 6-22 Operation Manual2
Step 11
Operation Check item
Throttle down the pressure control valve V6 to the The Adjust pressure LED (green) on the Leakage
set pressure of the Leakage Monitor, then turn Monitor starts flashing when the pressure is within
the power switch of the Leakage Monitor to ON. 2 15% of the set pressure, and changes to
continuous lighting when it is within f 3%.
When the oll temperature becomes stable (for approxlmatefy 5 minutes) after starting the
feeding (approximately 5 minutes), re-conilrm the pressure at the llght liquid side so that It is
consistent with the set pressure on Ihc Leakage Monllor. If they are not, adjust them while
watching the Adjust pressure LED.

Sludge dlseharge procedure

When atrempting a sludge discharge during feed-run, first depress the ISTOP FEEDING] push
button on the alarm panel to slop supplyfng the teed llquld to the SELFJECTOR. Then, lollow
Steps 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 and 9 in thls order.

Instruction Manual 6-23 Operation Manual2
6.8.2 Step

When an unusualty large vlbratlon or sound (contact sound or abnormal sound from the
bearing section) is present, stop the purifier as soon as posalble by ilrst depressing the
"STOP FEEDINGmpushbutton, then depresalng the [Stop] push button on the starter.

Stop the purifier with the following procedure.

step I
Operation Check item
Stop the oil heater.


Operation Check item

Depress the [STOP FEEDING] push bunon on the
I alarm p,anel to close the feed valve CV1. 1 1
Step 3

I bowl (supply of replacement water), I I

Step 4
Operation Check item
Open the cock V i for approximately 2 seconds to Confirm the discharge operation by the increase of
discharge the Judge. current reading or discharge sound.

Operatron Check item

Depress the [STOP] push button of the starter to
I stop the motor.

Instruction Manual
6-24 Operation Manual2
Step 6
Operation Check item
After making sure that the SELFJECTOR Also make sure that the other valves and cocks are
I completely stops, close both the feed liquid inlet I closed. I
I valve V7 and butlerfly valve V10. 1
Whether thm SELFJECTOR stops or not can be confirmed with elther the safety Jolnt at ?he
horkontal shaft gear pump or the motor fan.

Instruction Manual
6-25 Operation Manual2
6.9 Manual Speclilcatlon

Vt : CO& (for opening A : Feed liquid inlel

W :Glove valve B : Lght liquid outlet
V4 : Glove valve for return D : Sludge & Heavy liquid outlet
V5 ' : Flow control valve E : Water inlet
V6 : Pressure control valve F :Operating water drain
V7 : F e d liquid inlet valve G : Relurn
VB : By-pass valve
W :Operating water Inlet valve @ :Cornpound gauge
V10 : Butterfly valve @ :Pressure gauge
SVZ : Solenoid valve for water Ifor closing bowl) a : ROW meter
LM : Leakage Monitor a : Thermometer

Instruction Manual 6-26 Operation Manual2
6.9.1 Start-up
Use the following procedure for start-up.

step 1
More start-up, make sure that the valves take the following positions:
Full open: V4,V6,V7,V8,V9, and V10
Full close: V1. V3 V5 md SV2

Step 2
Operation Check item
After powering on the starter, depress the [STARV Make sure that the operation sound and vibration
push button to start up the purifier. are normal. After the start-up make sure that the
- current value falls within 50 to 70% ~f the rating.
Refer to Operation manual 1 Table 4-3.
Usually the rated number at revolution can be achleved 3 to 7 minutes following the start-up.

Operation Check item

Start the oil heater. Make sure that the feed liquid is circulating in the
I oil heater and heated up to the qiwen ternperahred
Such as fuel dt A does not have to be heated.

step 4
Operation Check item
Open the manual handle of the solenoid valve SV2
for 20 to 30 seconds to supply the operating water
for dosing bowl so that it is closed.

Operation Check item

Fill the measuring hopper with a specified quantity When the refill is completed, always make sure
of pure water, and open the globe valve V3 to that V3 is closed.
refill the bowl (supply of replacement water).
The Inside sutlace of the rntasurlng hopper has a mark to show the quantity.

Instruction Manual 6-27 Operation Manual2
Operation Check item
Open the cock (for opening bowl) V1 to supply the Confirm the discharge operation by the increase of
operating water for opening bowl so that water in current reading or discharge sound.
the bowl (replacement water) is discharged.
Perform flushing inslde the bowl.

Operation Check item

When the discharge is completed, close the cock
Vf and open the solenoid valve SV2 for 20 to 30
seconds to supply the operating water for closing

Operation Check item

Refill the bowl with a specified quantity of pure When the refill is completed, always make sure
water using &e hopper (supply of sealing water). that V3 is closed.
Same as abowe step 5.

I Operation 1 Check item I

I Open flaw control ualve V5 fully. After it, gradually I Make sure that the by-pass valve V8 is fully open. I
[ open the feed liquid inlet valve V7 for feeding. I 1
Step 10
Operation Check item
After the feeding, dose the glwe valve for return Confirm the given flow rate with the Row meter.
V4, regulate !he by-pass valve V8 and feed control Make sure the pressure at the light llquld outlet
valve V5 to a given feed rate. . slde when V6 Is fully open.
After the feeding, make sure that no oil lwks
out in the sludge wtlet side and heavy liquid
I I outlet side. 1
Always make sum the pressure at the IlgM llquld outlet sldc when V6 Is fully opm. Thls la
necessary lot Lealcagc Monltor adJustmsnt.
When m l n g up the 'Leakage Monlter, refer to 4. Leakage Monitor.

Instruction Manual
6-28 Operation Manual2
step 11 T

Check item
Throttle down the pressure control valve V6 to the The Adjust pressure LED (green) on the Leakage
set pressure of the Leakage Monitor, then turn Monitor starts flashing when the pressure is within
the power switch of the Leakage Monitor to ON. k 15% of the set pressure, and changes to
continuous lighting when it is within +a%.

When the oil temperature becomes stable (for approximateiy S mlnutes) atter startlng the iced
(approximiiRely5 mlnutes}, reconfirm the pressure at the llght liquid side so that it 3s
consistent with the set pressure on the Leakage MonHor. If they are not, adjust them whlle
watching the Adjust pressure LED.

Sludge discharge procedure

When attempting sludge dlschargc during feed-run;
"b Turn the power switch ol the Leakage Monliter to OFF.
2. Fully open the globe value for return V4.
3. Close the iced llquld Inlet valve V5 to stop supplylmg the feed liquid to the SELFJECTOR.
l s h and 10 in that order.
4. ~ c ~ o r n ~ lSteps
5. When the teedlng Is restarted and the liquid pressure reaches the monitor set Iwel, set the
power switch of the Leakage MonRor to ON.

For ONJOFFcontrol ol the Leakage Monltor, use the push button on the power swRch box. H
the starter Ig the one supplied by MKK, this power swftch Is found In the starter panel.

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2
Whm an unusually large vibration or sound (contact sound or abnormal sound from the
bearing section) Is present, shut ofl the supply 01 feed Iiquld, then Immediately depress the
[Stop] button on the startar to stop the purfller.

Stop the purifier with the following procedure.

Step 1
I( Stup the oil heater. Operation 1
Check item

Operation Check item

Turn off the Leakage Monitor power.
After fully open the glove valve For return V4 and
by-pass valve V8, close the feed liquid inlet valve

Operation Check item

Fill the measuring hopper with a specified quantity When the refill is completed, always make sure
of water, and opm the globe valve V3 to refill the that V3 is closed.
bowl (supply of replacement water). -
1 Step 4
Operation Check item
Open the m k Vi for approximately 2 seconds to Confirm the discharge operation by the increase of
discharge the studge. current reading ar discharge sound.
After this discharge, close oock V7.

Stee 5
Operation Check item
Depress the [STOP] push buWm of the starter to
s t q the motor.

Instruction Manual
6-30 Operation Manual2
Operation Check item
After making sure that the SELFJECTOR Also make sure that the other valves and cocks are
completely stops, close both the feed liquid inlet closed.
valve V7 and butterfly valve V10.
Whether the SELFJECTOR stops or not can be conflrrned with either the safety Jolnt at the
horlrontal shaft gear pump or the motor ian.

Instruction Manual 6-31
Qperation Manual2
7 Suspension

If the oil purifier will not be used for a long period of time (more than 3 months) carry out the following
inspection, maintenance and service activities,

Preparations for Suspension

The frame and trap should be disassembled for cleaning. After completely removing moisture,
apply rust-preventive oil all over the inside surface. The trap must ba removed from the purifier
main body and separately covered with a vinyl film, etc.
After disassembling and cleaning, the bowl should be applied lubrication oil, then re-assemb i d .
Apply rust-preventiveoil on the outside surface of the bowl, and store it separately without
re-assembling in the vertical shaft.
The vertical and horizontal shafts should be disassembled for cleaning. After completely removing
moisture, apply rust-preventive oil all over the surface, then re-assemble them in the purifier main
b w-
The inside surface of the gear case should be applied rust-preventive oil after cleaning. Do not refill
lubrication oil before starting operation.
After dis&sernbling and deaning, the gear pump should be applied lubrication oil, then
re-assembled. Accumulated oil, if present In h e pump connecting tube, should be completely
removed in advance so that it from does not flow into the gear pump.
Close the source valve of the operating water pipe, then drain water from the pipe and open the
Clean the detectors and solenoid valves, then pack them together with desiccants.

m Put desiccants Into the starter and control panel, and cover the exteriors wlth a vinyl film,
etc. Condsnsatlon due to slgnlilcant moisture may cause rust inside. Close the butterfly
valve at the sludge outlet. tf the butterfly valve Is open durlng
suspmslon ,vapors from the sludge tank may cause the shatt -ern to be oxldlzed.

Instruction Manual
7-1 Operation Manual2
7.2 Maintenance during Suspension
7.2.1 PurMer main body and meehantcal components
6 Carry out quarterly inspections, centering en the bearing section, to make sure of freedom
from rust.
Carry out the 6-monthperiodical inspection and execute the rust prevention measures.

79.2 Eiectrlcal component

Carry out the 6-month periodical inspection and replace desiccants, then perform complete seal-up.

7.3 Resuming Qperatlon

Before resuming the operation, carry out inspections according to "6.1-4 Inspections prior ta running".
On the electrical components perform insulation checks on each termtnal and coil to make sure they
have a dielectric resistance 1 MI1 or greater.

7.4 Other

When the purifier has not been used tor a long perlad 01 time (more than 3 months), carry out
lnspsctions centering on the bearlng section prlor to resuming the operation.
Check that the bearings are all rust-tree.
Be sure to replace rusted bearlngs.
. Be sure to oll the bearlngs before ststartlng the aperation.

Instruction Manual Operation Manual2

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