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AIR All India Reporter

CSR Supreme Court Reporter

Art. Article

Arts. Articles

Etc. Etcetera

Id. Ibid

SC Supreme Court

SCC Supreme Court Cases

v. Versus

Vol. Volume

www World Wide Web

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State of Madras v. Champakam Dorairajan, AIR 1951 SC 226

Hanif Qureshi v. State of Bihar AIR 1958 SC 731

Mumbai Kangar Sabha v. Abdulbhai, AIR 1976 SC 1455

In re Kerala Education Bill, AIR 1958 SC 956; 1959 SCR 995.

Orient weaving mills v U.O.I., AIR 1983 SC 98

State of Bombay v. F. N. Balsara AIR 1951 SC 30

Bijoy cotton Mills v. State of Ajmer, AIR 1955 SC 33

Chandra Bhavan Boarding and Lodging, Bangalore v. State of Mysore, AIR 1970 SC 2042 at

2050; (1969) 3SCC 84

Golak Nath v. State of Punjab, AIR 1967 SC 1643

Kesavananda Bharti v. State of Kerala, AIR 1973 SC 1461 at 1641; (1973) 4 SCC 225

Unnikrishna v. state of Andhra Pradesh, AIR 1993 SC 2178, 2230; (1993) 1 SCC 645

Pathumma v. State of Kerala, AIR 1978 SC 771; (1978) 2 SCC 1

State of Kerala v. N.M Thomas, AIR 1976 SC 490; (1976) 2 SCC 310

Minerva Mills v. Union of India, AIR 1980 SC 1789

Sanjeev Coke Manufacturing Co. v. Bharat Cooking Coal Ltd., (1983) 1 SCC 147

State of Tamil Nadu v. L Abu Kavur Bai, AIR 1984 SC 626

Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. Union of India, (2008) 6 SCC 1, at page 515; (2008) 5 JT 1.

Olga Tellis v. Bombay Municipa corpn, AIR 1986 SC 194; (1985) 3 SCC 545.

Dalmia Cement (bharat) ltd. V. Union of India, (1996) 10 SCC 104

Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India, AIR 1984 SC 802, 811-812; (1984) 3 SCC 161

State of Bihar v. Kameshwar AIR 1952 SC 352

Page | 2
Subhash kumar v. State of Bihar, AIR 1991 SC 420; (1991) 1 SCC 598

Consumer Education and Research Center V. Union of India, AIR 1995 SC 922

Chameli Singh v. state of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1996 SC 1051; (1996) 2 SCC 549

Unnikrishnan v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1993 SC 2178; (1993) 1 SCC 645

Welfare Assn., A.R.P. v. Ranjit P. Gohil, (2003) 9 SCC 358, at page 381

I.R. Coelho v. state of T.N. (2007) 2 SCC 1, at page 98; AIR 2007 SC 861.

Page | 3

Both the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles were of common origin and
both of these had common objective. These have been enshrined in our Constitution to
implement the ideals, achieve the goals enshrined in the preamble and to establish the
welfare state. The Fundamental Rights have been enshrined in part III from Articles 12 to 35
and Directive Principles of state policy in part IV, from Article 36 to 51.

Although these two appear in the Constitution as distinct entities, it was the Assembly
that separated these; the leaders of the freedom struggle had drawn no distinction between
the positive and negative obligations of the state. Both types of rights had developed as a
common demand, products of national and social revolutions, of their almost inseparable
intertwining and of the character of Indian polity itself.

Page | 4

Over the course of this project, the researcher aims to find out the actual relationship
between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy. The researcher
endeavors to find out why are the Fundamental Rights given more preference whereas, the
Directive Principles are not even enforceable at law, with the help of pre decided case laws.


After going through this research work, one will be able to understand the relation
between the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy, why Fundamental
Rights are preferred over Directive Principles and why are the Directive Principles not
enforceable at law. Also, the readers will get through the landmark judgments related to the


The research work is limited only to the provisions of Fundamental Rights and the
Directive Principles of State Policy.


The methodology that will be used by the researcher is non-empirical. The researcher
would rely primarily on secondary sources of data in the form of books, articles, journals,
reports and Internet resources. The researcher would follow a descriptive style throughout the
project while the analytical style would also be used wherever required. The Harvard
Bluebook Citation Guide will be followed.

Page | 5

1. What is the actual relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of
State Policy?
2. If the roots and objectives of both the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principle of State
Policy are the same then why are these mentioned in different chapters?
3. Why are Fundamental Rights given more preference whereas, the Directive Principles are
not even enforceable at law?
4. How has the Indian Judiciary interpreted the relation between Part III and IV of the



Constitution a successful attempt has been made to bring about a synthesis between the
concepts of individual freedom and social justice. It is for the reason that the attainment of
social economic and political along with the liberty and equality of the citizens is enshrined
in the preamble as the objective of the constitution.

INDIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW BY M. P. JAIN: It is an authoritative and

comprehensive study on the constitution of India. The book critically examines the salient
features of this most unique of constitutions. The book provides the relevant facts of
important cases and a summary of the law laid down in them, have been given in the body of
the text so as to enable the readers to better understand the subject. The book provides the
complete text of crucial documents on the historical development of the Indian Constitution.


Constitutional Amendments and Supreme Court decisions on issues as equality and
affirmative action education women’s right and principles of constitutionalism and judicial

Page | 6

“Since the seventeenth century, if not earlier, human thinking has been veering round
to the theory that man has certain essential, basic, natural and inalienable rights or freedoms
and it is the function of the state, in order that human liberty may be preserved, human
personality developed. And an effective social and democratic life prompted, to recognize
these rights and freedoms and allow them a free play”1

Both, the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy, have a
common grounding. In fact both these set of rights owe their origin to the freedom struggle
waged by the Indians against the British Regime to protect Indian culture, Philosophy and
system. The British system caused disintegration of all kinds of Indian system, society and
economy. This state of affairs led to the thinking in the minds of the Indians that the
socio‐economic conditions of the people cannot be improved unless there is change in
Government and its Administrative set up. It led the public to realize that the solution lies in
Political freedom and Indianisation of National set up.2 Hence, to fulfill the pledges and
commitments, hopes and aspirations of pre‐independence era, and “to implement the ideals
and achieve the goals enshrined in the preamble to our constitution and to establish a welfare
state, Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of state policy have been provided for
in the constitution The Fundamental Rights have been enshrined in part III from Articles 12
to 35 and Directive Principles of state policy in part IV, from Article 36 to 51.”3

Before going to the relationship between the Fundamental Rights and the Directive
Principles let us discuss about the two in brief:4

M P JAIN, INDIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, p. 897 (6th ed., LexisNexis, Haryana, 2010)
Dr. Gokulesh Sharma, An Evaluation of Relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
Under Constitution, available at
SHIP%20BETWEEN%20FUNDAMENTALS%20RIGHTS.pdf last visited September 22, 2015.
QUEENCY PEREIRA, Inter-relation Between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy, p. 3
available at last visited
September 22, 2015
Supra note 2

Page | 7

Fundamental rights are those rights which are essential for intellectual, moral and
spiritual development of citizens of India. As these rights are fundamental or essential for
existence and all-round development of individuals, they are called 'Fundamental rights'.

Fundamental Rights have been incorporated in the Part- III of the Constitution. These
are the necessary consequences of the declaration in the preamble to the constitution that the
people of India have solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign democratic
republic and to secure to all its citizens justice, social and economic, and political; liberty of
thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; equality of status and opportunity. 5 These
include individual rights common to most, such as equality before the law, freedom of speech
and freedom of expression, religious and cultural freedom, Freedom of assembly (peaceful
assembly), freedom of religion (freedom to practice religion), right to constitutional remedies
for the protection of civil rights by means of writs such as Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Writ
of Prohibition, Certiorari and Quo Warranto.

A person can claim Fundamental Rights against the state subject to the state imposing
some permissible restrictions in the interest of social control. The ground for imposing these
restrictions on Fundamental Rights is expressly mentioned in the Constitution itself and,
therefore, these rights can be abridged only to the extent laid down.6

The Fundamental Rights in Indian Constitution have been grouped under seven heads
as follows:

i. Right to Equality comprising Articles 14-18.

ii. Right to Freedom comprising Articles 19-22 which guarantee several freedoms.
iii. Right against Exploitation consists of Articles 23 and 24.
iv. Right to Freedom of Religion is guaranteed under Articles 25-28.
v. Cultural and Educational rights are guaranteed by Articles 29 and 30.
vi. Right to Property which was guaranteed under Article 31 is now very much diluted.
vii. Right to Constitutional Remedies is secured by Articles 32-35.7

Supra note 1 at 901
Supra note 1 at 17
Supra note 1 at 902

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These have been incorporated in the Part IV of the Constitution; the idea of
incorporating the Directive Principles into our Constitution has been borrowed for the Irish
Constitution. These are of the positive aspect against the state and have been held to
supplement the Fundamental Rights in achieving welfare state.8 The Directive Principles are
the ideals which the Union and the State governments must keep in mind while they
formulate policy or pass a law. They lay down certain social and economic programme for
modern democratic state.9 The Directive Principles are categorised into three following

(A) Social and Economic Charter: Articles 38 and 39 embody the doctrine of “distributive
justice”. The concept of distributive justice in sphere of law-making connotes, inter-alia, the
removal of economic inequalities rectifying the injustice resulting from dealings and
transactions between unequals in the society.10

(B) Social Security Charter: Article 43 provides for workers participation in management of
factories. Arts 45 insist on free and compulsory education to all children up to the age 14
years and Arts 39-A as inserted by the 42nd Amendment provides for equal justice and free
legal aid.11

(C) Community Welfare Charter: Article 44 requires the state to secure for the citizens a
Uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.12 Article 43-B requires the state to
endeavour to promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and
professional management of Co-operative Societies.13 And, Article 48-A requires the state to
protect and improve the forest and wildlife.14

P M BAKSHI, THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA, p. 85 (10th ed., Universal law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., Delhi,
DR. J. N. PANDEY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF INDIA, p. 443, (52ND Ed., Central Law Agency, Allahabad, 2015)
Central Inland Water Transport Corporation v. Brojo Nath Ganguli, (1996) 3 SCC 156, Ct. id at 444
Supra note 2 at 4
Supra note 9 at 451
Id at 455

Page | 9

Realizing not only to the importance of the Directive Principles in the context of the
appalling socio-economic conditions of the Indian society but also the inadequacy of the
existing Constitutional framework for the effective implementation of the legislative
measures of socio economic reform parliament sought to give primacy to Part IV over Part
III of the Constitution. The first attempt in this direction was made with the enactment of
the Constitution 25th Amendment Act 1971 introducing a new provision under Article 31C
into the Constitution.

The object of the amendment has stated in the object clauses of the bill was that this
was enacted to get over the difficulties placed in the way of giving effect to the Directive
Principles of the State Policy. The first part of Article 31C provides that:

“No law which is intended to give effect to the Directive Principles contained in the
Article 39(b) & 39(c) shall be deemed to be void on the ground that it is inconsistent
with or takes away or abridges any of the rights conferred by Article 14 or 19”.

The Second part of Article 31C provided that “ no law containing a declaration that
it is for giving effect to such policy can be called in question on the ground that it does not
in Act give effect to such policy”.

The validity of the first part of Article 31C was upheld in the Fundamental Right
Case15 but the second part of this article which barred the judicial scrutiny of such laws was
struck down as unconstitutional.

Before 25th amendment from a legalistic point of view the Directive Principles has
not made any profound impact on judicial pronouncement in interpreting the Constitution
they were not completely meaningless or inert also.

However, after 1972 the value of the Directive Principles underwent a

metamorphosis. Article 31C gave primacy to Article 39(b) & (C) over Article 14, 19 &

The court emphasized that there is no disharmony between the Directive principles
and the Fundamental Rights as they supplement each other in aiming at the same goal of
bringing about a social revolution and the establishment of a welfare state, which is
envisaged in the preamble.

Keshvanand Bharti v. State of Kerala A.I.R. 1973 S.C. 1461

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The courts, therefore, have a responsibility in so interpreting the Constitution as to
ensure implementation of the Directive Principles and to harmonize the social objectives
underlying them with individual rights.

Justice Mathew went farthest in attributing to directive principles a significant place

in the Constitutional scheme. According to him:

“In building up a just social order, it is sometimes imperative that the Fundamental
Rights should be subordinate to Directive Principles. Economic goals have an incontestable
claim for priority over ideological ones on the ground that excellence comes only after
existence. It is only if men exist that there can be Fundamental Rights.16

He thus came to the conclusion as regards Article 31C that “if parliament, in its
capacity as amending body, decide to amend the Constitution in such a way as to take away
abridge a fundamental right to give priority value to the moral claims embodied in Part IV
of the Constitution, the court cannot a judge the Constitutional amendment as bad for the
reason that what was intended to be subsidiary by the Constitution makers has been made

The importance of the view upholding the substantive part of Article 31C, but
invalidating that part which precluded balance between legislature and judiciary which is a
Fundamental feature of our Constitution:

1. The legislatures in India by upholding the first part of Article 31C were provided
with creative power to implement the socio-economic programmes.

2. Invalidation of second part of the Article 31C avoided the possibility of the state to
immunize all kinds of laws from judicial scrutiny. This means that legislatures were
prevented to enact review proof legislations in the name of Article 39(b) & (c) so as
to avoid socio- economic chaos in the country.
Chandrachud J. empathetically stated “Laws passed under Article 31C can be upheld
only if there is a direct and reasonable nexus between the law and the Directive Principles of
the state expressed in Article 39(b) & (c).17

Ibid at 1466

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But with Article 13 still standing in the way of implementation of the other Directive
Principles the parliament enacted 42nd amendment to secure the cherished ideals of
distributive justice as contained in the Directive Principles, where by Supremacy was given
to all Directive Principles over Fundamental Rights.

The object and reason appended with the said amendment read as under:

A Constitution to be living must be growing. If the impediments to the growth of the

Constitution are not removed the Constitution will suffer a virtual atrophy. The question of
amending the Constitution for removing the difficulties which have arisen in achieving the
objectives of socio-economic revolution, which would end poverty and ignorance disease
and inequality of opportunity, has been engaging the active intention of the government and
the public or some years now. The democratic institutions, provided in the Constitution are
basically sound and the path for progress does not lie in denigrating any of these
institutions. However, there could be no denial that these institutions have been subjected to
considerable stresses and strains and that vested interests have been trying to promote their
selfish ends to the grant detriment of public good. It is therefore, proposed to amend the
Constitution to spell out expressly the high ideals of socialism, secularism and the integrity,
of the nation, to make the Directive Principles more comprehensive and give them
precedence over those Fundamental Rights which have been allowed to be relied upon to
frustrate socioeconomic reforms for implementing the Directive Principles.18

Article 31C as amended as by section 4 of 42nd Amendment reads:

31C Savings of Laws giving effect to certain directives: Notwithstanding anything

contained in Article 13 no law giving effect to the policy of the state towards securing all or
any of the principles laid down in Part IV shall be deemed to be void on the ground that it is
inconsistent with or takes away or a bridges any of the rights conferred by Article 14 or
Article 19 and no law containing a declaration that it is for giving effect to such policy shall
be called in question in any court on the ground that it does not give effect to such policy.

Thus 42nd Amendment sought to erase out Article 13 in respect of all laws
implementing any of the Directive Principles by amending and expanding Article 31C. This
gave precedence to all the Directive Principles over the Fundamental Rights contained in
Article 14 and 19.

See objects & reasons attached with Constitution 42nd Amendment Act, 1976. See Paras Diwan, Indian
Constitutional Amendments 219 (1980)

Page | 12

Although Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles appear in the Constitution as

distinct entities, it was the Assembly that separate them; the leaders of the freedom struggle
had drawn no distinction between the positive and negative obligations of the states. Both
types of rights had developed as a common demand, products of national and social
revolutions, of their almost inseparable intertwining and of the character of Indian polity
itself. The Directive Principles, though fundamental in the governance of the country, are not
enforceable by any court in terms of the express provisions of Article 37 of the Constitution,
while Fundamental Rights are enforceable by the Supreme Court and the High Court in terms
of the express provisions of Article 32 and 226 of the Constitution. This does not, however,
mean or imply any dichotomy between the two. Its social aspect can, however, be amended
only by legislation to carry out the objectives of the Directive Principles of state policy.19

Directive Principles are in the nature of instruments of instructions to the government

of the day to do something positive. They are not justiciable or enforceable in courts. On the
other hand, the Fundamental Rights are enforceable in the courts under Arts 32 and 226 of
the constitution and hence are justiciable.20

During the proclamation of emergency the operation of the Fundamental Rights

(except Arts. 20 and 21) can be suspended, but no such provisions is required to be made
with regard to the Directive Principle of State Policy. Article 32(2) prohibits the state to make
any law which takes away or abridges the right conferred by Part III of the constitution, but
there is no such categorical restriction on the power of the state regarding the Directive
Principle of State policy.

Fundamental Rights are facilities given by the state to the people, whereas Directive
Principles are directions given by the constitution to the state. Fundamental Rights aim at
establishing political democracy in India, while Directive Principles attempt to provide socio-
economic foundations to Indian democracy.21

Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles,, available at
law-essays/administrative-law/fundamental-rights-and-directive-principles-administrative-law-essay.php last
visited- Sept. 25, 2015.
Supra note 3 at 5

Page | 13
The framers of the constitution gave primacy to Fundamental Rights by placing them
ahead of Directive Principles. However, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles are not
contrary, but complimentary to each other. Both ultimately aim at the welfare and well-being
of the citizens.22

Although Directive Principles are non-justiciable, this does not imply that their
implementation has been left at the will and mercy of the state. Directive Principles are part
of the constitution, and the judiciary is under obligation to maintain the supremacy of the
same. The supreme court of India has resorted to provisions relating to the Directive
Principles while delivering its verdict is several cases.23



The fundamental rights are enforceable and justiciable under Article 32 of the constitution
whereas the Directive Principles of State Policy are not justiciable under article 37 of the
Indian Constitution.

Fundamental rights are enforceable by the courts as per the Article 32 and the court
are bound to declare void any law that is inconsistent with the fundamental rights whereas,
the directive principles are not so enforceable by the courts nor can the courts declare as void
any law which otherwise is valid on the grounds that it violates the Directive Principles.
According to Article 37 the Directive Principles, though they are fundamental in the
governance of country and it shall be the duty of the state to apply these principles in making
law, but they are expressly made non-justiciable.

The question of relationship between the Directive Principles and the Fundamental
Rights has caused some difficulty, and the judicial attitude has undergone transformation on
this question over time. What if a law enacted to enforce a Directive Principle infringes a
Fundamental Right? On this question, the judicial view has veered round from
irreconcilability to integration between the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles and

Supra note 3 at 6

Page | 14
in some of the more recent cases, to giving primacy to the Directive Principles. Initially, the
courts adopted a strict and literal legal position in this respect. The Supreme Court adopting
the literal interpretative approach to Art. 37 ruled that a Directive Principle could not override
a Fundamental Right, and that in case of conflict between the two, the Fundamental Right
would prevail over the Directive Principle.24

This point was settled by the Supreme Court in State of Madras v. Champakam
Dorairajan,25 where governments order in conflict with Art. 29 (2), a Fundamental Right,
was declared invalid, although the government did argue that it was made in pursuance of Art
46, a Directive Principle. The court ruled that while the Fundamental Rights were
enforceable, the Directive Principles were not, and so the laws made to implement Directive
Principles could not take away Fundamental Rights. The Directive Principles should
conform, and run as subsidiary, to the Fundamental Rights. The Fundamental Rights would
be reduced to ‘a mere rope of sand’ if they were to be override by the Directive Principles.
The court observed in this regard.

“The Directive Principles of the state policy, which by Art. 37 are expressly made
unenforceable by a court cannot override the provisions found in part III
(Fundamental Rights) which, notwithstanding other provisions, are expressly made
enforceable by appropriate writs, orders or directions under article 32. The chapter
on Fundamental Rights is sacrosanct and not liable to be abridged by any legislative
or executive act or order, except to the extent provided in the appropriate article in
part III. The Directive Principles of state policy have to conform to and run as
subsidiary to the chapter on Fundamental Rights.”

In course of time, a perceptible change came over the judicial attitude on this
question. The Supreme Court’s view as regards the interplay of Directive Principles and
Fundamental Rights underwent a change. The Supreme Court started giving a good deal of
value to the Directive Principles from a legal point of view and started arguing for
harmonizing the two-the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles.

Supra note 1 at 1490
AIR 1951 SC 226

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The Supreme Court came to adopt the view that although Directive Principles, as
such, were legally non-enforceable, nevertheless, while interpreting a statute, the courts could
look for light to the “lode star” of the Directive Principles. “Where two judicial choices are
available, the construction in conformity with the social philosophy” of the Directive
Principles has preference.26 The courts therefore could interpret a statute so as to implement
Directive Principles instead of reducing them to mere theoretical ideas. This is on the
assumptions that the law makers are not completely unmindful or obvious of the Directive

Further the courts also adopted the view that in determining the scope and ambit of
Fundamental Rights, the Directive Principles should not be completely ignored and that the
courts should adopt the principles of harmonious construction and attempt to give effect to
both as far as possible. For example, as early as 1958, in Kerala Education Bill,27 DAS, C.J.,
while affirming the primacy of Fundamental Rights over the Directive Principles, qualified
the same by pleading for a harmonious interpretation of the two. He observed “nevertheless,
in determining the scope and ambit of the Fundamental Rights relied upon by or on behalf of
any person or body, the court may not entirely ignore these Directive Principles of state
policy laid down in part IV of the constitution but should adopt the principle of harmonious
construction and should attempt to give effect to both as much as possible.”28

Without, therefore, making the Directive Principles justifiable as such, the courts
began to implement the values underlying these principles to the extent possible. The
Supreme Court began to assert that there is “no conflict on the whole” between the
Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles. ‘They are complementary and
supplementary to each other.”29

Since then, the judicial attitude has become more positive and affirmative towards
Directive Principles, and both Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles have come to be
regarded as co-equal. There is in effect a judicial tendency to interpret Fundamental Rights in
the light of, and so as to promote, the values underlying Directive Principles.

Mumbai Kangar Sabha v. Abdulbhai, AIR 1976 SC 1455
In re Kerala Education Bill, AIR 1958 SC 956; 1959 SCR 995.
AIR 1958 SC at 966-67; 1959 SCR 995.
Chandra Bhavan Boarding and Lodging, Bangalore v. State of Mysore, AIR 1970 SC 2042 at 2050; (1969)
3SCC 84

Page | 16
This aspect of the Directive Principles was stressed upon by the Supreme Court in
Golak Nath.30 The Supreme Court there emphasized that the Fundamental Rights and
Directive Principles formed an “integrated scheme” which was elastic enough to respond to
the changing needs of the society.In Md. Hanif Qureshi v. State of Bihar31 the petitioner
claimed that the sacrifice of cows on the occasion of Bakrid was an essential part of his
religion and therefore the state law forbidding the slaughter of cows was violative of his right
to practice religion, the court rejected his argument and held that a state law that prohibits the
slaughter of cows and other cattle capable of work has been upheld because it was meant to
give effect to article 48 of the Constitution Supreme Court held that enactment of prohibition
of cow slaughter Act

In Orient weaving mills v U.O.I.,32 exemption was granted for excise duty in small
scale industries. This was challenged on the grounds that the exemption was given only to the
small scale industries and not others. The Supreme Court held that Article 43 applies because
for the development of rural areas and also because it is the duty of government to promote
small scale industries.
According to Grain Ville Austin, the fundamental rights and the directive principles
are the conscience of our constitution.

In Kesavananda Bharti v. State of Kerala,33 HEGDE and MUKHERJI,JJ., observed:

“The Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles constitute the “conscience of the
constitution” there is no antithesis between the Fundamental Rights and Directive
Principles and one supplements the other.”

SHELAT and GROVER, JJ., observed in their judgment :

“Both parts III (Fundamental Rights) and IV (directive principle) have to be balanced
and a harmonized then alone the dignity of the individual can be achieved they were
meant to supplement each other.”

Golak Nath v. State of Punjab, AIR 1967 SC 1643
AIR 1958 SC 731
AIR 1983 SC 98
AIR 1973 SC 1461 at 1641; (1973) 4 SCC 225

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In Unnikrishna v. state of Andhra Pradesh,34 JEEVAN REDDY, J., said that the
Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles are supplementary and complimentary to each
other, and not exclusionary of each other, and that the Fundamental Rights are but a means to
achieve the goal indicate in the Directive Principles that “Fundamental Rights must be
construed in the light of the Directive Principles.”

The Supreme Court said in State of Kerala v. N.M Thomas,35 that the Directive
Principles and Fundamental Rights should be construed in harmony with each other and
every attempt should be made by the court to resolve any apparent in consistency between

In State of Bombay v. F. N. Balsara36 the SC gave weight to Article 47 that directs the
state to bring about prohibition of consumption of intoxicating rink except for medical
purposes- to support its decision that the restriction imposed by the Bombay Prohibition Act
was a reasonable restriction on th right to engage in any profession or carry o any trade.

In Bijoy cotton Mills v. State of Ajmer,37 the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional
validity of the minimum wages Act 1948 because it was enacted to give effect to DPSPs in
Art. 43 of the Constitution. It was held that the fixation of wages for labourers did not violate
freedom of trade under the Art. 19 (5).

25TH AMENDMENT 1971 (Article 31 C)

The 25th amendment to the constitution inserted a new article 31-C providing that the
law passed for giving effect to the DPSPs specified in (b) &(c) of article 39 could not be
challenged on the ground of being inconsistent with or taking away or abridging any of the
rights guaranteed in articles 14, 19 and 31. The validity of this amendment was upheld in
Keshavananda bharti case.38 But the second which backed the judicial scrutiny was struck
down as unconstitutional. Where Article 39 (b)39 and (c)40 comes in, Article 14 goes out.

AIR 1993 SC 2178, 2230; (1993) 1 SCC 645
AIR 1976 SC 490; (1976) 2 SCC 310
AIR 1951 SC 30
AIR 1955 SC 33
Supra note at 839
The means of production should be in hands of state.
Wealth should be not be concentrated on few private individuals.

Page | 18
This amendment considerably enhanced the importance of DPSPs. The object of the
amendment stated in the object was that, this was enacted to get over difficulties placed in the
way of giving effect to the DPSPs.

The article 31 C was again amended in 42nd amendment 1976. This amendment
further widened the scope of article 31 C so as to cover all the DPSPs. For this purpose, the
amendment substituted the words, “All or any principles laid down in part IV” for words “the
principles specified clause (b) or (c) in article 39” I Art. 31 C of the Constitution.

CHANDRACHUD, CJ., in Minerva Mills,41 said that the Fundamental Rights “are not
an end in themselves but are the means to an end.” The end is specified in the Directive
Principles. It was further observed in the same case that the Fundamental Rights and
Directive Principles together “constitute the core of commitment to social revolution and
they, together, are the conscience of the constitution.” The Indian constitution is founded on
the bedrock of “balance” between the two. “To give absolute primacy to one over the other is
to disturb the harmony of the constitution. This harmony and balance between Fundamental
Rights and Directive Principles is an essential feature of the basic structure of the

The Fundamental Rights “are not an end in themselves but are the means to an end.”
The end is specified in Directive Principles. On the other hand, the goals set out in Directive
Principles are to be achieved without abrogating the Fundamental Rights. “It is in this sense”
that Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles “together constitute the core of our
constitution and combine to form its conscience. Anything that destroys the balance between
the two parts will ipso facto destroy an essential element of the basic structure of our

In Sanjeev Coke Manufacturing Co. v. Bharat Cooking Coal Ltd.42 the SC expressed
doubt on th validity of its decision in Minerva Mills Case. But it has not overruled expressly
by the SC in this case and hence the judgment of SC in Minerva Mills case is valid.

Minerva Mills v. Union of India, AIR 1980 SC 1789
(1983) 1 SCC 147

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In State of Tamil Nadu v. L Abu Kavur Bai,43 while upholding the validity of the state
law, enacted for nationalizing transport service in the state on the ground that it was enacted
for implementing the DPSPs contained in Aticle 39 (b) &(c). there is a reasonable nexus
between the Act and object mentioned in Article 39 (b) & (c) of the constitution the a five
judge bench of Supreme Court held that although the DPSPs are not enforceable yet the court
should make a real attempt at harmonizing and reconciling the DPSPs and the fundamental
rights and any collision between the two is avoided as far as possible.


In Pathumma v. State of Kerala,44 the Supreme Court has emphasized that the
purpose of the Directive Principles is to fix certain socio-economic goals for immediate
attainment by bringing about a non-violent social revolution. The constitution aims at
bringing about synthesis between Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles.

Recently, in Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. Union of India,45 BALAKRISHNA, CJI said

that no distinction can be made between the two sets of rights. The Fundamental Right
represents the civil and political rights and the Directive Principles embody social and
economic rights. Merely because the Directive Principles are non-justiciable by the judicial
process does not mean that they are of subordinate importance.

The Directive Principles and Fundamental Rights are not now regarded as
exclusionary of each other. They are regarded as supplementary and complementary to each
other. In course of time, the judicial attitude has veered from irreconcilability to integration of
the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles. The Directive Principles which have
been declared to be “fundamental” in the governance of the country cannot be isolated from
Fundamental Rights. The Directive Principles have got to be read into the Fundamental
Rights. An example of such relationship is furnished by the “right to education”.

AIR 1984 SC 626
AIR 1978 SC 771; (1978) 2 SCC 1
(2008) 6 SCC 1, at page 515; (2008) 5 JT 1.

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The Supreme Court has argued in Olga Tellis46 that since the Directive Principles are
fundamental in the governance of the country they must, therefore, be regarded as equally
fundamental to the understanding and interpretation of the meaning and content of
Fundamental Rights.

In Dalmia Cement,47 the Supreme Court has emphasized that the core of the
commitment of the constitution to the social revolution through rule of law lies in
effectuation of the Fundamental Rights and directory principles as supplementary and
complimentary to each other. The preamble to the constitution, Fundamental Rights and
Directive Principles-the trinity-are the conscience of the constitution.

It has now become a judicial strategy to read Fundamental Rights along with
Directive Principles with a view to define the scope and ambit of the former. By and large
this assimilative strategy has resulted in broadening, and giving greater depth and dimension
to, and even creating more rights for the people over and above the expressly stated,
Fundamental Rights. At the same time, the values underlying the Directive Principles have
also become enforceable by riding on the back of the Fundamental Rights. On the whole, a
survey of the case-law shows that the courts have used Directive Principles not to restrict, but
rather to expand, the ambit of the Fundamental Rights.

The theme that “Fundamental Rights are but a means to achieve the goal indicated in
the Directive Principles” and the Fundamental Rights must be construed in the light of the
Directive Principles” has been advocated by the Supreme Court time and again.

Thus, the integrative approach towards Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles,
or that “Fundamental Rights must be construed in the light of the directive principle” has
been advocated by the Supreme Court time and again.

Thus, the integrative approach towards Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles,
or that the both should be interpreted and read together, has now come to hold the field. It has
now become a judicial strategy to read Fundamental Rights along with Directive Principles
with a view to define the scope and the ambit of the former. Mostly, Directive Principles have
been used to broaden, and to give depth to some Fundamental Rights and to imply some more
rights there from for the people over and above what are expressly stated in the Fundamental

Olga Tellis v. Bombay Municipal Corpn., AIR 1986 SC 194; (1985) 3 SCC 545.
Dalmia Cement (bharat) ltd. V. Union of India, (1996) 10 SCC 104

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Rights. That biggest beneficiary of this approach has been Art 21. By reading Art. 21 with the
Directive Principles, the Supreme Court has derived there from a bundle of rights. To name a
few of these:

(1) The right to live with human dignity. The Supreme Court has stated in Bandhua
Mukti Morcha, that right to live with human dignity enshrined in Art. 21 derive its life
breath from the Directive Principles of state policy.48
(2) Right to life includes the right to enjoy pollution free water and air and environment.49
(3) Right to health and social justice has been held to be a Fundamental Right of the
workers. It is the obligation of the employer to protect the health and vigor of his
employee workers. The court has derived this right by reading Art. 21 with Arts.
39(e), 41, 43 and 48-A.50
(4) Right to shelter51
(5) Right to education implicit in Article 21 is to be spelled out in the light of the
directive principle contained in art. 41 and 45.52
(6) Right to privacy.

Accordingly, the Directive Principles are regarded as a dependable index of “public

purpose”. If a law is enacted to implement the socio-economic policy envisaged in the
Directive Principles, then it must be regarded as one for public purpose. Thus, in State of
Bihar v. Kameshwar Singh,53 the supreme court relied on Art. 39 to decide that the law to
abolish zamindari had been enacted for a “public” purpose within the meaning of Art. 31.

On the same argument, Directive Principles have also come to be regarded as relevant
for considering ‘reasonableness’ of restrictions under Art. 19. A restriction promoting any of
the objectives of the Directive Principles could be regarded as reasonable. Thus, Art. 47
which directs the state to bring about prohibition of consumption of intoxicating drinks
except for medical purposes, could be taken into account while considering the
reasonableness of a prohibition law under Art. 19. Art. 47 relate the idea of prohibition to
public health. Therefore, to enforce prohibition effectively, the law could define the word
‘liquor’ broadly so as to include all alcoholic liquids which might be used as substitutes for
Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India, AIR 1984 SC 802, 811-812 : (1984) 3 SCC 161
Subhash kumar v. State of Bihar, AIR 1991 SC 420; (1991) 1 SCC 598.
Consumer Education and Research Center V. Union of India, AIR 1995 SC 922 .
Chameli Singh v. state of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1996 SC 105; (1996) 2 SCC 549.
Unnikrishnan v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1993 SC 2178; (1993) 1 SCC 645.
AIR 1952 SC 352.

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intoxicating drinks to the detriment of health. But exemptions of medicinal preparations
containing alcohol would not be reasonable under Art. 19(6).

In Welfare Assn., A.R.P. v. Ranjit P. Gohil,54 the expression “transfer of property” in

entry 6 and the term “contrast” in entry 7 of list III were widely interpreted relying on the
Directive Principles of state policy especially those contained in Article 38 and 39 of the

In brief, read with various Directive Principles, Art. 21 have emerged into a multi-
dimensional Fundamental Right. Art. 14 and Art 39(d), read together, have led to the
emergence of the principle of equal pay for equal work.

Finally, reference may be made to Art. 31C. Art 31C as enacted in 1972, through the
constitution (twenty-fifth) amendment act sought to give primacy to Arts. 39(b) and (c) over
the Fundamental Rights contained in Arts. 14, 19 and 31. The Supreme Court held the
Amendment valid in the Kesavananda case55. The court emphasized that there is no
disharmony between the Directive Principles and the Fundamental Rights as they supplement
each other in aiming at the same goal of bringing about a social revolution and the
establishment of a welfare state, which is envisaged in the preamble. The courts therefore
have a responsibility to so interpreting the constitution as to ensure implementation of the
Directive Principles and to harmonize the social objectives underlying therein with individual
rights. JUSTICE MATHEW went farthest in attributing to the directive principle, a
significant place in the constitutional scheme. According to him:

In building up a just social order it is sometimes imperative that the Fundamental

Rights should be subordinate to Directive Principles. Economic goals have an uncontestable
claim for priority over ideological ones on the ground that excellence comes only after
existence. It is only if men exist that there can be Fundamental Rights.”

He thus came to the conclusions, as regards art. 31C, that “if parliament, in its
capacity as an amending body, decides to amend the constitution in such a way as to take
away or abridge a Fundamental Right to give priority value to the moral claims embodied in
part IV of the constitution (i.e. Directive Principle) the supreme court cannot adjudge the

(2003) 9 SCC 358, at page 381
AIR 173 SC 1461

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constitutional amendment as bad for the reason that what was intended to be subsidiary by
the constitution-makers has been made dominant.”

The next step in the direction of giving primacy to all Directive Principles over the
Fundamental Rights was taken in 1976 when all Directive Principles were sought to be given
precedence over Arts. 14, 19 and 31 by the 42 amendment. But the Supreme Court did not
uphold this Amendment as constitutional.

The main theme of the court’s pronouncement was that the constitution is based on
the “bedrock of balance” between the Directive Principles and Fundamental Rights and to
give absolute primacy to one over the other would disturb this balance. Both can co-exist
harmoniously. The goals set out in the Directive Principles are to be achieved without
abrogating the Fundamental Rights. Both can flourish happily together.

The principle was restated recently by the Supreme Court in I.R. Coelho v. state of T.N.56

“by enacting Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles which are negative and
positive, obligations of then states, the constituent assembly made it the
responsibility of the government to adopt a middle path between individual
liberty and public good. Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles have to be
balanced. The balanced can be tilted in favour of the public good. The balance,
however, cannot be overturned by completely overriding individual liberty. This
balance is an essential feature of the constitution.”

On the whole, a survey of the case law shows that the courts have used Directive
Principles not so much to restrict Fundamental Rights as to expand their scope and content.

(2007) 2 SCC 1, at page 98; AIR 2007 SC 861.

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The inter-relation doctrine between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of

state policy is not only theoretical but also practical and rewarding. Fundamental Rights
provide political freedom to the citizens by protecting them against the excessive stste action
while Directive Principles are to secure social and economic freedom by appropriated action
both are inspiration of reform legislation.57 The recent trend in this regard, is that though the
Directive Principles are unenforceable, and a State cannot be compelled to undertake a
legislation to implement a Directive, the Supreme Court has been issuing directions to the
State to implement the Principles. Hence various aspects of Part IV are being enforced by the
courts indirectly. Today thus, the Directive Principles no longer remain merely a moral
obligation of the Government.58
In the recent judgments the court has declared many directives as Fundamental Rights
and have enforced them. Equal pay for equal work, Protection of children from exploitation,
Abolition of child labour in hazardous works, Free and compulsory education of children
below the age of 14 years (under Articles 39, 41, 45 & 47), Protection of working women
from secxual harassment, Free legal aid to poor, Speedy trial of under trial prisioner, (Arts.
39-A), Right to work and medical assistance to workers (Art. 41) and Protection of ecology
and environmental pollution (Art. 48-A).59 It may be concluded by saying that, one should try
to establish harmony between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles, since
maintenance of harmony between them is a basic feature to the constitution.60

Jagadish, Relation Between Part III and Part IV of the India- Changing trend (March 13, 2013) available at
changing-trends-1058-1.html last visited September 29, 2013
Supra not 36 at 6
Supra note 9 at 465.
Supra note 3 at 23.

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1. M P JAIN, INDIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, 6th ed., LexisNexis, Haryana, 2010.

2. P M BAKSHI, THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA, 10th ed., Universal law Publishing Co. Pvt.

Ltd., Delhi, 2010.


Allahabad, 2015.


5. V.N.SHUKLA, CONSTITUTION OF INDIA 11th edition, Easten Book Company, Lucknow.

Nexis Butter Worths Swadha, Nagpur.


1. Dr. Gokulesh Sharma, An Evaluation of Relationship between Fundamental Rights

and Directive Principles Under Constitution, available at


September 22, 2015.

2. QUEENCY PEREIRA, Inter-relation Between Fundamental Rights and Directive

Principles of State Policy, available at last

visited September 22, 2015

3. Jagadish, Relation Between Part III and Part IV of the India- Changing trend (March

13, 2013) available at

between-part-iii-and-part-iv-of-constitution-of-india-changing-trends-1058-1.html last

visited September 29, 2013

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1. The Constitution of India, 1950






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