To Had Been X

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"The sentence below is divided into three parts. Identify where the error lies.

If there is no
error, select the option ‘no error’. I am happy to had been of assistance."

to had been X

no error

of assistance

I am happy

"There are two sentences. Each sentence has a blank in it. Four options are given below the
sentence pair. Choose the option that fits both the blanks. 1. There is no hope ........ her heart.
2. He is .........his office today."


Within x



"Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate words/phrases with reference
to grammar, idioms, proverbs and syntax. I looked up and saw a man who seemed half-starved
and ………….."

out of fortune X


extremely agile

as cunning as a fox

"Rearrange the following parts (1, 2, 3 and 4) in proper sequence to obtain a correct sentence.
1. be, not what 2. always be 3. whom you want to 4. others want to see"

3, 4, 2, 1

1, 2, 4, 3

4, 3, 1, 2

2, 3, 1, 4 X

"Fill in the blanks with the correctly spelled alternative. Can you ……..her in another room?"



accommodate X

"Pick the word/phrase which is most nearly opposite in meaning. The children decorated the
room with majestic paintings."




inferior X

Choose correct pair of words in the same order to fill in the blank spaces and make the
sentence meaningful. Mothers ..................... led her child on the ................... track."

ignorance, wrong X

bewilderment, appropriate

agony, funny

predicament, proper

Pick the word/phrase which is most nearly opposite in meaning. She has strong aspiration to
become a doctor."



dislike X


Select the most effective word/word-group from the given options to fill in the blank and
complete each sentence meaningfully. The secretory assured the shareholders that the
management would .................... itself to increase production."

exert X



"Rearrange the following parts (1, 2, 3 and 4) in proper sequence to obtain a correct sentence.
1. of their passions 2. is a knowledge 3. the knowledge 4. of mankind"

1, 3, 4, 2

3, 4, 2, 1 X

3, 2, 4, 1

4, 3, 2, 1

"In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts,
which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.
It is possible that he thinks his ….. A) job is to be a clerk B) and to read the results out loud as
he stands at the cash register C) to keep people from stealing things D) to type letters into a





Choose the correct alternative, which can be substituted for the phrase below. The condition
of being abnormally afraid of thunder and lightning."




Astraphobia X

The question below consists of four sentences marked A, B, C and D. Arrange the sentences in
a proper sequence to form a coherent paragraph. A) But her rants were so persuasive, her
fretting so vivid, that it was not easy to dismiss her. B) So she garbled facts. C) She embellished
almost everything. D) She contradicted herself."





The given sentence is in active/ passive voice. Change the voice of the sentence. Select the
correct option from the sentence below. My bicycle has been sold."
I had sold my bicycle.

They sold my bicycle.

I have sold my bicycle X

My bicycle will sell.

Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate words/phrases with reference to
grammar, idioms, proverbs and syntax. Time and tide wait ................"

For every woman

For no woman

For no man X

For every man

Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate words/phrases with reference to
grammar, idioms, proverbs and syntax. He …….. a challenge."

threw me

made me x

asked me to

gave me

"The given sentence is in direct/indirect speech. Change the narration. Choose the correct
answer from the alternatives below. He requested her to accompany him."

He says, “Let her come with me.”

He said, “You have to come with me.”

He said to her, “Please, come with me.” x

He says, “Please come with me.”

Pick the word/phrase most nearly opposite in meaning. Animated"

Boring x



I first got to know about the Arctic circle in my Geography class when I was 12 years old. The …
(a)… of a land where the sun never sets was fascinating. I cannot remember what exactly made
me so …(b)…. about this phenomenon, but I can recall myself …(c)… about places where I can
witness one. The beauty of Norway enthralled me in no time and it became number one on my
travel bucket list. When I was starting out to travel around the world for a year in April 2014, I
…(d)Scandinavia from the list. Too expensive, I thought. Two months later, when I was
traveling in Poland, I realized it would be a shame to come so close to Norway and yet not see
its many wonders. So I booked the train reservation and headed for Norway for a few days.
Norway did not …(e)…. The majestic mountains, stunning landscapes, famous fjords, stunning
cities and tiny islands of wonder-there was so much to explore in Norway. In the above
passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed
below the passage and against each five words are suggested. Choose the one that fills the
blank numbered (e) most appropriately."






"Following is a set of four sentences. Choose the sentence which is most appropriate -
grammatically, semantically and logically."

Hi Harish. We haven’t met in a long time. How is it going? x

Hi Harish. We haven’t meet in a long time. How is it going?

Hi Harish. Long time no meet. How has it been going?

Hi Harish. Long time no see. How was it going?

"In the following question, three words are alike in some manner. Spot the odd one out."


Emerald x



In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts, which
are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence. They
were silent ….. A) as it went by B) came their cries C) and then as it receded D) ‘That’s him.
What does he want?"




Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom/phrase Caught between two stools"

none of these

met with an accident

difficulty in choosing between two alternatives x

struck in a calamity

In the following question, an idiom or proverb is between brackets. Choose its correct meaning
in the given context from the alternatives given below. Her fame (spread far and wide)
because she was a talented singer."

Her fame lessened

Her fame ended

Her fame grew x

Her fame began

Pick the word/phrase which is most nearly opposite in meaning. These reprehensible actions
of the politicians have led the farmers to commit suicide."




innocent x

"In the question below choose the alternative that best substitutes the expression between
brackets. After the sepoy revolt of 1857, the Queen decided to (grant a general pardon) to all
soldiers involved in the mutiny except a few who had played pivotal roles."

Amnesty x



The given sentence is in direct/indirect speech. Change the narration. Choose the correct
answer from the alternatives below. He says he is unwell."

 He says, “He was unwell.”

 He says ,”I was unwell.”

 He said, “I were unwell.”

 He said, “I am unwell.”

"Choose the correct alternative which can be substituted for the below phrase between
brackets. When Mohan and Rohini could not decide who would take the plot of land, they
decided to take the advice of (someone who would be mutually appointed by them and
whose decision would be binding on them)."

 a referee

 an arbitrator

 a lawyer

 a judge

Four pairs of words follow the first pair. Select the pair whose relation most closely matches
the first pair. Talkative: Garrulity"

 Gullible: Naiveté

 Garbled: Distorted

 Sensitive: Unsusceptible

 Delinquent: Derelict

In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts,
which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper
sequence. I have been sharing Roger’s ….. A) production curve for a long time B) what’s
actually happening C) but I realize that it doesn’t D) viscerally explain"





Following is a set of four sentences. Choose the sentence which is most appropriate ,
grammatically, semantically & logically."

 It is highly desirable if you complete the syllabus before the commencement of the
annual exams.

 It is highly desired if you should complete the syllabus before the commencement
of the half yearly exams.
 It is highly desirable for you to complete your syllabus before the commencement of
the annual exams.

 It is highly desirable that you complete the syllabus before the commencement of
the annual exams.

In the question below, a part of the sentence is between brackets. Replace the underlined
part with the most appropriate choice from the four options provided below. In case no
improvement is required, choose the option d.) no improvement required. My experience in
Hor came as a stark contrast to accounts I’d read (of earlier first travel encounters with
Lake Manasarovar)."

 of earlier travellers’ first encounters with Lake Manasarovar.

 of first encounters by Lake Manasarovar of earlier travellers.

 no improvement required.

 belonging to earlier traveller’s first encounters with Lake Manasarovar.

In the following question, four pairs of words follow the first pair. Select the pair whose
relation most closely matches the first pair. Pain: Sedative"

 Alertness: Coffee

 Plaster : Fracture

 Wound: Cream

 Bereavement: Condolence

Rearrange the following parts (1, 2, 3 and 4) in proper sequence to obtain a correct
sentence. 1) Karan is one of those boys 2) their willingness for 3) joining the INDIAN
ARMY. 4) who have expressed"

 1, 4, 2, 3

 1, 3, 4, 2

 2, 4, 1, 3

 4, 3, 2, 1

In the following question, an idiom or proverb is between brackets. Choose its correct
meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below. Only after he had tried
buying tiles from the swanky two-storey store did he realize that (you can’t judge a book by
its cover)."

 The tiles were not as good as he thought; hence a swanky store does not always
sell good tiles.

 A swanky building may look formidable or appealing from outside, but the reality
may be different when you enter.
 The owners of the place were not courteous and misbehaved; hence a swanky
building does not mean great service.

 The price was not as high as he thought; hence a swanky building does not always
mean high prices.

Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom/phrase Caught between two stools"

 none of these

 met with an accident

 struck in a calamity

 difficulty in choosing between two alternatives

In the question below some parts of the sentences in the passage are left blank. Fill them
with the best alternative. A ……(1)…. house with broken windows, …….(2)…. verandas,
and all the signs of …(3)……… was in front of me. 1. (a) brand new (b) palatial (c) huge (d)
stupendous 2. (a) sprawling (b) gigantic (c) tumbledown (d) marbled 3. (a) old age (b)
renovation (c) dilapidated condition (d) history"

 1 - c, 2 - c, 3 - a

 1 - a, 2- c, 3 - a

 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - c

 1 - c, 2 - b, 3 - a

In the question below, a part of the sentence is between brackets. Replace the underlined
part with the most appropriate choice from the four options provided below. In case no
improvement is required, choose the option d.) no improvement required. Poland’s new
president, Andrzej Duda, has complained about (“dictates” from the European Union to
accept migrants flowing onto the Continent from the Middle East and Africa)."

 from European Union to accept migrants from Middle East and Africa.

 of European Union for acceptance of migrants from Middle East and Africa.

 of the European Union to accept migrants flowing onto the Continent from the
Middle East and Africa.

 no improvement required

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