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The lower class, also known as the working class, is the socio-economic group with the

least income. They are often categorized as families whose income falls below poverty
line. These are the people who live hand to mouth, or pay check to pay check. They
barely earn enough to cover their expenses and a huge expense often sends them into
debt. They often can only afford the bare necessities, and have practically no savings to
speak of.

 People from lower class are often seen working as manual labor, or at minimum wage
jobs. They often have the basic schooling, and lack higher education. Some may not
even have completed secondary education, and in developing countries, it not unheard
of them to be completely illiterate. Lower income groups in these countries may not
even be able to afford basic necessities. There are many programs and plans in place
to help people from lower income groups to make ends meet.

The middle class is the biggest socio-economic group. Most people fall into this
category. These are the people who work in offices, and work as skilled labor, corporate
employees, and professionals such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. They earn
enough to cover their expenses, and may even have some money left over for savings,
retirement funds, and to spurge a little on luxuries and vacations. People from middle
class often have secondary and higher education. Many professionals may even have
post graduations.

The upper class is usually the smallest group among the three. However, it is bigger
than most people expect, this is mainly because people only consider the uber-rich as
upper class, whereas the truth of the matter is that anyone who has an income over the
margin line is qualified to be called upper class, no matter if they seem to be or not.

People from the upper class tend to have higher education, college is usually
guaranteed. They are also more likely to work white collar corporate jobs, more likely or
not in upper management, think CEOs and Board Members. They tend to earn enough
to afford most luxuries in life, not gold plated Ferraris, by rather the nice things like a
couture wardrobe, a nice house in a nice neighborhood, private schools, etc. They can
afford the good things in life and still have money left over to invest and for savings.
They will also more often than not have inherited money from their parents, i.e. family

Tie is a global grassroots network of workers active in workplaces and communities

LinkedIn is an American business and employment-oriented online service that operates via websites and
mobile apps. 

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