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CLP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: _____Yuwei Sun & Ruoyu Shen______________________________________

Level: ______Lower-intermediate 2_______ Date/Time: _July 15th 9-11:30 am__
Goal: give suggestions and advice with imperatives and infinitives

Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To…
1. tell the main idea of the reading text.
2. Identify details from a reading text
3. use at least 5 ways in imperatives and infinitives to give suggestions
4. listen for the main idea of the material
5. listen for all the three devices (categories)
6. listen for at least two suggestions for the devices (details)
7. write a text message with at least three instructions (suggestions) based on the given situation
(make sure these objectives are in line with the goals and objectives in the Unit Outlines)

Theme: Giving suggestions and Instructions

Materials & Technology:
● Textbook: Presentation Plus Level 2, Unit 7 pp.47-48
● PPT: Lesson 7: Unit 7 Giving Instruction


Interaction: T-Ss
T1: Let’s do a little review today. We learned infinitives and gerunds yesterday, do you guys 9
still remember? Now, please grab a pen or pencil and a piece of paper, let me know if you are
ready. Here is the question: think of a new electric device, how would you use it? Remember
to use infinitives and gerunds in your writing. And you will have 5 mins, please go!
-Ss will share their writings.

Linking & Transitioning to rest of lesson:

Good job, everyone! Now, let’s start our class!

Activity 1: Reading (input and output)

1.1 Pre-Stage: 8
Interaction: T-Ss
T1: Let’s look at this picture. Can someone tell me what is this? And what did you notice

from this?
Ss will answer the questions and I expect to hear: (Ss may say snow mountain), And I will
correct the answer and give them feedback: Nice try! You pointed it out in meanings, but it’s
called an iceberg. And what did you notice from the iceberg?
Excellent! How do you understand the meaning of “top of the iceberg” What about “under the
Ss answer the questions
T1 will do a teacher’s talk: Okay! On the top of the iceberg is something you can see. And
under the iceberg is something behind or hiddened. Does that make sense?

Okay. Let’s look at the second iceberg and I want you guys to relate it to technology. If you
write down something about technology right after the “top of the iceberg”, what would you
T will write down Ss’ answers on the screen.
Okay, good! What about under the iceberg?
T will write down Ss’ answers on the screen.

T1: Look at the iceberg here, we have a lot of cool things. Thanks for sharing, everyone!
Next, time for teamwork. Woohoo! You guys will go to the slide and you will click on the
link of slide 4 and you will read the article named “Network Security”. Please read it with
your partner. As you are reading the article, please look at these questions. T will show the
questions on the slides. T1: What happens if you have difficulties understanding some words?
You could search the word by using Merriam Webster(T will model it), and if you still have
questions please click on the button of “Ask for Helps” Any questions before we go to the
break-out rooms?

1.2. During Stage:

Interaction: S-S
Ss will read the article and answer the questions in groups. 6

1.3 Post-Stage:
Interaction: T-Ss
Welcome back, everyone!
Let’s start with group 1, then group 2, and group 3. 10
T will give corrective feedback during the meantime.
Any questions so far? Thumbs up if you have questions. Good!

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:

Ss will tell the main idea of the article. Ss will tell the details of the article.

Transition to #2:
Now we are kind of making sense of the technology under the iceberg, right? Now, we will
do the role-play activity.
Activity 2: Fluency development

2.1 Pre-Stage:
Interaction: T-Ss 5
T1: We just read an article about network security, and now we will role play. And I will put
you back to the group and here is what you are gonna do: First, you will need to choose a role.
And then, read it aloud. After the role play, please think about these two questions: What’s
Justin's question? Second question is: Does Justin solve his problem? How?
Do you have questions before we move to the break-out rooms?
If Ss do not have questions, T will ask someone to restate the instructions.

2.2. During Stage: 5

Interaction: S-S
Ss will do the role play, and talk about questions.

2.3 Post-Stage:
Interaction: T-Ss 10
Everyone’s ready? Let’s start with Group 3, then Group 2, and then Group 1.
T will give corrective feedback during the activity.

T1: Any questions before we move on? Excellent jobs!

Now please listen to the rest of the conversation two times. For the first time, please listen.
What else does Justin want help with? For the second time, what does Allie suggest?

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:

Ss will role-play activity and identify the details from the a reading text

Transition to #3
Good job, everyone! Any questions for this part? Next, we will talk about grammar.

Activity 3: Language focus: giving advice with imperatives and infinitives (meaningful out)
3.1 Pre-Stage: 6
Interaction: T-Ss
T1: From the previous chapter, we learned how to make formal requests. You guys did a great
job for that part. And today we will talk about something else. Let’s look at slide 19. Can
someone tell me the differences between these two parts?
T will read aloud the slides and let Ss make an assumption.
-Question mark
-imperatives and infinitives: to do
-Different functions

Great observations, everyone. Let’s turn to page 47 and we use imperatives and infinitives to

give suggestions. Rather than using Don’t forget and make sure, we also have others words,
please see slide 21.
And let’s do some practice together.
T will ask Ss to answer the questions by using imperatives.
T will give corrective feedback during the meantime.
Any questions for this part?

T1: Now, let’s do a fun game with CLP class. Can someone tell me what these objects are on
the slides? Ss will give answers, and T will write down names on the slides.
Group work: Just take an imagination, you will have an exam tomorrow. How would you give
suggestions to your partner? You could use the pictures I just showed to you or you are
welcome to talk about something else. Before we go, can someone tell me how would you
give suggestions?
Ss should answer: imperatives.
Are we good, now?

3.2. During Stage: 7

Interaction: S-S
Ss join in the break-out rooms and give suggestions to each other by using imperatives.

3.3 Post-Stage:
Interaction: T-Ss
Welcome back! Ss will be ready to share group-by-group. 10

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:

Ss will use at least 5 ways in imperatives and infinitives to give suggestions

Transition to #4
Thanks for everyone’s participation! Now we will move to the listening part! Let’s welcome

Activity 4: Listening Comprehension (Input and output)

4.1 Pre-Stage: 8
T2: We all may meet with troubles about our devices, right? My phone keeps crashing and I
do not know how to solve it. So I have to ask my friend for suggestions. Luckily with his
help, my phone works well now. So, my question is, where do you find your suggestions, if
you need some for your devices? STUDENT NAME
-Ss answer the question
OK, so there are many sources, right? We can use a handbook, google our problems, or we
can just ask other people for their suggestions. Good, now we are going to listen to some
suggestions about different devices. Here is a picture with five different devices, but only
three are mentioned. When you are listening, check what three are mentioned? OK?
STUDENT NAME, tell us what we will do during listening. Good, let’s get started.

4.2. During Stage:
Interaction: T-Ss
-Ss listen to the material and choose the three mentioned devices 12
OK. Now let’s see what we’ve got? Who wants to talk?
-T2 let students share the answer and describe the use of the devices
Good. Now we are going to listen to it again, this time it will be more difficult. Listen to the
exact suggestions the speakers give about the smartphone, gps, and atm card. STUDENT
NAME, what are you going to figure out? Thank you. Let’s go
-Ss listen to the material and find the relevant suggestions.

4.3 Post-Stage:
Interaction: T-Ss
Alright, do you need to listen for another time? OK. 10
-T2 let the students share the answers.
Great, so we can see that when we are using a device, we need to pay attention to a lot of
things, right? How to use it, security, convenience, and so on. Well, the material does not
mention anything about flash drives and portable speakers. Take some time to think about
them. Do you have any suggestions about them? STUDENT Name
-T2 let the students share their suggestions.

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:

Students will listen for the main idea, categories, and details in the material. Students will
share suggestions about flash drives and portable speakers.
Transition to #5
We’ve already practiced how to give suggestions or instructions. We will learn how to write a
proper text message about them.
Activity 5: Language focus: write a text message
5.1 Pre-Stage:
Interaction: T-S
Do you often use the default text app on your phone? I never use it to send messages. I only 15
use it for receiving bills and advertisements. For messages, I often use wechat. Do you use
these apps? STUDENT NAME OK, but still it is important to know how to write a message
right? Especially when you want to ask others to do something. Now, talk a minute to read
this message, and try to find what a message has. Just like we did so for public requests, OK?
-Ss read the message.
-T2 let students share their findings.
OK, so we can see that, if you want to ask someone to do something through a message, you
need to be polite, right? Greetings, thank you. And a general request, to do three things. Then,
three instructions, remember to use imperatives and infinitives, OK? And one important thing
is that the instruction needs to be clear. If you ask someone to buy groceries, but without a
list, he or she will have no idea what to buy, right? Good. Any questions so far? OK, now we
are going to have a try on your own. Here is the situation. STUDENT NAME, would you
please read it for us? Thank you very much. So, a message to your friend Bob. Remember all
the elements we need to include in the message. Discuss with your partners, and write a
message with at least three instructions, OK? STUDENT NAME, what are we going to write?

Yes, a message. STUDENT NAME, how many instructions do we need? Three, yes, at least
three. Remember to use the expression we learned, be sure to, remember to. OK, let’s go.

5.2. During Stage:

Interaction: S-S 10
-Ss discuss and write a text message with at least three instructions based on the given
5.3 Post-Stage:
Interaction: T-S
OK, group 1, would you please read your message for us?
-T2 let the Ss share the message. 10
OK, so we learned how to write a message. Be poliness, show thankfulness, and give clear

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:

Students will describe the elements of a message. Students will discuss and write a text
message with at least three instructions based on the given situation.
Transition to Wrap-Up:
That’s all for today’s class. Let’s go to the exit ticket.
Wrap-up (e.g: Exit ticket, review of language foci)

Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

What expression can we use to make a suggestion or an instruction?

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

T2: Students may have trouble finding all the suggestions by listening for one time. I will let them listen
T2: 10 minutes may be too short for them to finish a message. I will go into different rooms and ask
them to finish at least the first half.

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):

Exit ticket: What are your takeaways from today’s lesson?

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