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w SPEAK UP Explains

BREAKING NEWS Eastern Standud Time (EST). Hora estándar del

este. Estados Unidos se divide en cuatro husos

horanos solo en el continente de Norteaménca,
nueve contando Alaska, Hawali y los terrítonos de
ultramar La hora EST corresponde a la de la costa
atlántica, y es de seis horas menos que la española
Entre la hora del este y la de la costa del Pacifico
(entre ciudades como Nueva York o Los Angeles,
Hoy en día, es dificil imaginar un acontecimiento de por ejemplo) eX1ste una diferencia de tres horas.
mínima importancia que no quede capturado en video Y Chicken Noodle Networlt. La Cadena de los
compartido al momento. En gran parte, este apetito por Fideos de Potlo. Este témuno peyorativo se
las noticias de última hora es responsabilidad de la CNN. aprovechaba de las siglas de la cadena para denotar
que se trataba de un producto de baJa calidad al
compararlo con esa clase de hdeos instantáneos.

NN - theacronymofCableNews

UPPER INTERMEDIAIT $ Network 1 - first went on air on 1
June 1980 at 6pm Eastern Stand-
ard T,me (EST). While other TV channels
showed 2 a summary of the news in short
segments during the day, CNN was the
~ GLOSSARY first 24-hour news channel in the world.
1 network: cadena continuously upda~ g 3 viewers as events
2 to show: mostrar unfolded• . The t,rainchild • of business-
3 to update: actualizar
4 tounfold: man Ted Turner, in the early years CNN
desarrollar lost 6 so much money that it was nick-
5 brainchild: creación named the -aiTcken Noodle Network "
6 to lose: perder and its journalists were denied7 access
7 to deny: denegar

to the White House. Nev~ ss 8 , Turn-

8 nevertheless: sin
embargo er remained optimistic and in 1985 CNN
9 coverage: cobertura lnternational was launched.
10 space shuttle:
lanzadera espacial
•- ......
............. _______ ... _,__
11 to take off:
In 1986, CNN was the only station to film

¡f i_~ ;i
12 by chance: por live ~overage9 of the NASA s¡:,ace shut-

), ,_
Clockwise from main photo:
casualidad ~ •• Challenger, which took off11 and ing from inside Baghdad as the Americans al stories. The interne! and smartphones the CNN headquarters in
13 came to be: se then dramatically exploded. killing ali began their bombing campaign . radically accelerated the sourcing 2l and 1 Atlanta; breaking news on
convirtió the terrorist attack on New
14 raw: pura. cruda seven of its crew. Bychance 11 , a promo- d ~IÍ'.'e__i: y 24 of news; by the mid - 2000s \~I . • York's World Trade Center
15 to fall down: caer tional video was being made in the CNN LARRY KIHG LIVE non - profess ionals were posting vast on September 11, 2001; Ted
16 well: pozo
17 around-the-clock:
newsroom. Viewers saw in real time the
shocked yet professional reactions of its
CNN grew 20 to be one of the largest
news organisations, reaching a hundred
quantities of newsworthy footage 25 and
commentary on social media siles, espe-
1 Turner and his then-wife
Jane Fonda in 1999; the CNN
las 24 horas del día website; larry King Uve in
18 rescue effort: staff million homes in the US and 265 mi Ilion ciallyTwitter. 2005.
operaciones de abroad. Reporters and anchors 21 beca me
rescate A REAL LIFE THRILLER household 22 names; fortwenty-fiveyears, SATURATED
19 news outlet: medio
This introduced what ~ •l called Today, young people are tur ~ g off 26 tra-

de comunicación CNN's Larry King dom inated the prime-
20 to grow: crecer 'theCNN effecf; the transformationof me- ditional newssources. CNN finds itdifficult
time talk show scene with interviews of
21 anchors: diated digestible news into raw'-4, unpre- to attract viewers, while Fox has won the
celebrities, politicians and prominent
presentadores dictable popularexperience. In 1987. when war when it comes toan older American
22 household: familiar business people.
eighteen -month-old Jessica McClure fell audience. Many of uscomplain of the con-
23 to source: proveer ~ ·~?. ' ~ GLOSSARY
down•s a well 16 in Midland. Texas, CNN -,y

24 to deliver: publicar RIVALS fusing and sometimes contradictory in -
25 newsworthy brought aroond-the-clock17coverage of formation overload 27, but the truth is that, 26 to tum off: apagar
By the mid 90s, CNN had competition:
footage: imágenes the 56-hour rescue effort 18 to audiences thanks to the CNN effect, we consume. 27 overload:
noticia bles 24-hour news stations Fox and MSNBC saturación
worldwide. During the Gulf War in 1991, it communicate and even create news with
beca me national rivals, while BBC World
was the only news outlet19 communicat- more voracity than ever before. 0
News and Al Jazeera covered internation-

14 fou rteen hlteen 15

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