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EDM Expert interface documentation Technology Unit EDM / R+D / Software

Object EDM Expert interface documentation

Type Documentation

Abstract Description of EDM Expert unique interface


2019.09.27 Jean Dubout edmSearchSequences name fixed (s missing)

2019.02.18 Jean Dubout TCT, Condition Open/Slot/Pocketing
2018.06.12 Jean Dubout Description of Sort criterion fixed
2017.06.15 Jean Dubout TCT, Machine C350 & C600
2017.02.16 Jean Dubout TCT, Machine naming, Flushing condition
2016.03.15 Jean Dubout Virtual keyboard, some improvements
2015.01.28 Ivano Gazzetta Update with CUT Ennn Pnnn models
2014.10.06 Jean Dubout Update. Introduction of TCT (Teccut technology)
2012.11.09 Jean Dubout Evolution Machine (new criterions: Condition, Variable height, Machine description)
2012.10.22 Ivano Gazzetta Updated official branding AC CUT
2011-07-11 Jean Dubout First draft
Version Author Description

Table of contents

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1. Document goal .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2. Principle ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Implementation............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. EDM Expert interface ..................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Principles ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1. Data exchange ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.2. Initialization principle .............................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.3. Process principle .................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Functions...................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1. Get Machines list .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2. Open..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.3. Close .................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.4. Get WorkPiece Materials .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.5. Get Wires characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.6. Create a sequence .................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.7. Modify a sequence .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.8. Search sequences ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.9. Get matching sequences ......................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.10. Convert a sequence in a Millennium TEC file ............................................................................................ 11
2.3. Miscealleneous ............................................................................................................................................ 11
2.3.1. Sequences ........................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.2. Informations added for CadCam PostPro ................................................................................................. 11
2.3.3. Logging ............................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.4. Error code ........................................................................................................................................... 12
3. Specifics EDM Expert behaviour ................................................................................................................... 13
3.1. AC Cut x00 MS/SP ....................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.1. Machines ............................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.2. Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.3. Criterions ............................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2. AC CUT C/E/S/P xxx .................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1. Machines ............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.2. Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.3. Criterions ............................................................................................................................................ 14
3.3. Millennium, Fi X40 & Cut x00 ....................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.1. Machines ............................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3.1. Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.2. Criterions ............................................................................................................................................ 16

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EDM Expert interface documentation Technology Unit EDM / R+D / Software



This document describes the interface of CTEDMExpert.
CTEDMExpert may be integrated by any application which would create cutting sequences for an “AgieCharmilles” machine.
A sequence is a set of settings, loadable on machine to achieve a cutting with specified characteristics.

Applications will be provided for different wire machines:

 Cut machines with ETC generator (GESTEC technology) : CUT X00 mS SP machines
 Cut machines with IPG generator (TECCUT technology) : CUT Ennn and Pnnn machines
 Robofil (and first Cut) machines with ETC generator : CUT X40 series

This unique EDM interface allows the user to:

 Know the available machines and versions installed on his PC
 Select a machine
 Open a window to create or modify a sequence
 Ask for sequences responding to a set of criterions


Geometry EDM needs Machine

Definition (Precision, Model /
Ra, Passes,…) Options



Unique EDM-Expert interface

EDM Exp. EDM Exp. EDM Exp.



EDM data EDM data EDM data

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EDM Expert interface documentation Technology Unit EDM / R+D / Software


The EdmExpert unique interface is managed by a DLL : CTEDMExpert.dll.

The user application (CadCam) only deals with CTEDMExpert.dll.

It first has to request the list of available machines, and then select the one to be used (for which the EDM will be

On this document we can use the “EDM Expert” wording to refert to the CTEDMExpert.dll.

Get machines list

EDM datas
Select (Open) Unique
New, Modify, Get … specific dll Data Base,



1 to N machine …

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EDM Expert interface documentation Technology Unit EDM / R+D / Software



2.1.1. Data exchange

With the exception of elementary data, all dialogs are coded in XML.
Parameters may be different, depending on machine. New parameters may be added. Some parameters can be optional.

The DLL is based on C++ programming. The input data are given to EdmExpert by the address where they can be read.
For output data, the caller gives an address where EdmExpert write the address where they can be read.

2.1.2. Initialization principle

1. The user application(CadCam) asks EDM Expert for the list of machines using edmGetMachineList.
> The response contents an Id for each possible machine model
2. The desired Id must be included in the Open request (edmOpenEdmExpert) which returns a Handle.
3. With this handle, the user can create or modify sequences in interactive mode (a window is displayed) or with direct

2.1.3. Process principle

After the initialization,

 edmGetWorkPieceMaterials can be used to ask for the list of the Raw materials that are managed with the current
 edmGetWires can be used to ask for the list of the Wires material and diameters that are managed with the current

 edmNewSequence could be called to create a new sequence depending on the choice of the user in the window.
 edmModifySequence could be called; the window will be opened with all the criterions pre-setted with the value
corresponding to the given sequence.
 edmSearchSequences could be called to obtain the number of sequences corresponding to the given criterions.
> The result is a number telling how many sequences (N) can fulfill the criterions (can be zero if no sequence is
 After edmSearchSequences, edmGetSequence can be called telling the ID of the desired corresponding to the
given criterions (usually a LOOP is done to ask for all the possible sequences between 1 and N).

The two modes of EDM Expert:

New, Modify


Search (criterions)
Sequences list

Get ( Id )

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We will use “simplified” Visual C++ notation.
LPCTSTR indicates the address of a string
LPCTSTR * indicates the address where to write the address of a string

The exact list and available values of XML parameters will be given with dedicated applications.

2.2.1. Get Machines list

long edmGetMachineList (LPCTSTR *pszMachineList )

This function is used to know the list of available machines, some informations may be added in the response.

It returns the number of available machines, and if not null, a XML string.

< MachinesList >

< Machine >
< Id >CUT</ Id >
< Version >0.3.0</ Version >
< Name >Cut 200/300</ Name >
< Name >Cut 400</ Name >

</ Machine >

</ MachinesList >

The ID refers to an internal EDM database, which can be different for each machine depending on the generator.
The current ID list is :
 CUT : for the CleanCut generator based machines (like CUT X00 ms/SP)
 TCT : for the IPG generator based machines (like CUT Ennn and CUT Pnnn)
 MIL : for the Millennium based machines (Like CUT X40)

The NAME refer to the machine variants which have a different technology set.
The current NAME list is:
 Cut 200/300
 Cut 400
 Cut X0
 Cut C350
 Cut C600
 Cut E350
 Cut E600
 Cut P350
 Cut P550
 Cut P800
 Cut P1250

The commercial machines correspondence is the following :

ID NAME Commercial models Remarks

CUT Cut 200/300 CUT 200 mS / Sp,
CUT 300 mS / Sp
CUT Cut 400 CUT 400 mS / Sp
TCT Cutx0 CUT E350, This entry is obsolete – it will be abandoned in the
CUT E600 future, do not use it.
TCT Cut C350 CUT C350,
Cut C600 CUT C600
TCT Cut E350 CUT E350, This replace the former Cutx0
Cut E600 CUT E600
TCT Cut P350 CUT P350
Cut P550 CUT P550
Cut P800 CUT P800
TCT Cut P1250 CUT P1250
MIL Cut 200/300 CUT 200,
CUT 300
MIL Cut 400 CUT 400

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ATTENTION : These ID and NAME have to be used to Open the EDM connection, in order to select the right technology

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2.2.2. Open

long edmOpenEdmExpert ( LPCTSTR pszMachineCfg, long *hEdmHandle )

This function is used to select a machine and specify the configuration. EdmExpert will also load the technology to prepare
future calls..

It writes at an address given by the caller a handle to use in future calls .

It returns an error number ( 0 if no error )

The configuration string must be built on this model:

< Id >CUT</ Id >
< Name >Cut 400</ Name >
< Unit >1</ Unit >
< Language >EN</Language >
< MacCost >10.00</ MacCost >


The fields and values depend on the machine and are described in specific sections (Chap 3).

The field <Keyboard> is optional. It allows to open a virtual keyboard on keyboardless device.
“osk” opens the Windows ™ virtual keyboard.

2.2.3. Close

long edmCloseEdmExpert( long hEdmHandle)

This function is used to close an opened selection. It must be called before opening a new one.
It returns an error number ( 0 if no error )

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2.2.4. Get WorkPiece Materials

long edmGetWorkPieceMaterials ( long hEdmHandle, LPCTSTR * pstrWPResult )

This function is used to get the list of available workpiece materials.

It returns an error number or 0 if no error and the list :

< WorkPieces >

< WPMats >
< MatCode >1</ MatCode >
< MatName > Steel</MatName >

</ WPMats >
</ WorkPieces >

ATTENTION : For all subsequent requests referring to WorkPiece materials, refer to the MatCode returned by this function.

2.2.5. Get Wires characteristics

long edmGetWires ( long hEdmHandle, LPCTSTR * pstrWirResult)

This function is used to get the list of available wires.

It returns an error number or 0 if no error and the list :

< Wires >

< WireMats >
< MatCode >4</ MatCode >
< MatName >AC Brass 500</ MatName >

</WireMats >
<WireDiams >
< Diam >0.00015</ Diam >

</ WireDiams >
</ Wires >

ATTENTION : For all subsequent requests referring to Wire materials, refer to the MatCode returned by this function.

2.2.6. Create a sequence

long edmNewSequence ( HWND hwndParent, long hEdmHandle, LPCTSTR pszSequenceName, LPCTSTR pszSequenceCrit,
LPCTSTR *pszSequenceOut )

Launch the pop-up to create a new sequence

hwndParent : Handler to the current form
hEdmHandle : local handler
pszSequenceName : Name of the resulting sequence
pszSequenceCrit: Criterions given to inititialize the form.
pszSequenceOut: EDMExpert write here an address where the caller could find the resulting sequence

Output :
0 if no error.
Error number

Example of a criterions string

< Criterions >
<WrkPMat >1</ WrkPMat >
<WrkPHeight >0.010</ WrkPHeight >
<Cuts >3</ Cuts >
<Ra >0.00000270</ Ra >
</ Criterions>

The criterions depends on the machine and are listed in specific sections (Chap 3).

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2.2.7. Modify a sequence

long edmModifySequence ( HWND hwndParent, long hEdmHandle, LPCTSTR pszSequenceName, LPCTSTR pszSequenceIn,
LPCTSTR *pszSequenceOut )

Launch the pop-up to modify an existing sequence

Input :
hwndParent : Handler to the current form
hEdmHandle : local handler
pszSequenceName : Name of the resulting sequence
pszSequenceIn: Sequence to modify
pszSequenceOut: EDMExpert write here an address where the caller could find the resulting sequence.

Output :
Error number, 0 if no error.

2.2.8. Search sequences

long edmSearchSequences ( long hEdmHandle, LPCTSTR pszSequenceCrit, LPCTSTR *pszSequenceDesc )

Search all sequences matching the given criterions (without pop-up) and return the number of founded sequences.

hEdmHandle : local handler
pszSequenceCrit: Criterions, given in a XML string
pszSequenceDesc: List and description of resulting sequences

0 if no sequence found.
> 0 number of found sequences.
< 0 Error number

The criterion string is as described in Create function.

Example of a result string

< Sequences >

< Sequence >
< Id >1</ Id >
< NbCuts >4</ NbCuts >
< Speed >1.234</ Speed >
< Cost >4.321</ Cost >
< Ra >0.00000270</ Ra >
< Tkm >0.00000400</ Tkm >

</ Sequence >

</ Sequences >

2.2.9. Get matching sequences

long edmGetSequence ( long hEdmHandle, LPCTSTR szSequenceName, unsigned long Id, LPCTSTR * pszSequenceOut )

After an “edmSearchSequences” build the sequence corresponding to previously given criterions and identified by its

hEdmHandle : local handler
szSequenceName : Sequence name, will be the internal sequence name
Id: Id of the sequence, should be between 1 and N (N is the number returned by the
edmSearchSequences function.
pszSequenceOut: EDMExpert write here an address where the caller could find the resulting sequence.

Error number, 0 if no error.

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2.2.10. Convert a sequence in a Millennium TEC file

This function is only valid if Millennium machine was selected.

long edmGetTECFromSeq ( long hEdmHandle, LPCTSTR szSequenceIn, LPCTSTR * pszResult, long Size )

Build and return the Millennium TEC table corresponding to the given sequence.

hEdmHandle : local handler
szSequenceIn : Sequence to convert
pszResult: EDMExpert write here an address where the caller could find the resulting TEC table.
Size: Length of the TEC table

Error number, 0 if no error.


2.3.1. Sequences

The sequences are coded in XML and ready to be included in a JOB file. These contents might be modified by GFMS, and
must be used carefully by CAD/CAM makers.

The beginning is :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>

2.3.2. Informations added for CadCam PostPro

Some informations are added in the resulting sequence.

There are not used by the machine, but may be helpful for CAD/CAM designers.

1. Offsets table ( ETC and IPG Technology )

A table with the offsets calculated at the sequence heigth is provided in a <Offsets> section.
These values are expressed in [meters].

<Offsets height="0.020">

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2.3.3. Logging

A log file named « LogHMI.txt » is created in a « Log » sub-folder.

In case of problems, this file can be provided to GFMS for detailed analysis.

2.3.4. Error code

These error codes can be returned by the EDM expert request :

No error 0
Technology missing or not loaded -1
Internal error -2
Bad parameter given -3
No EDMExpert application open -4
Invalid request -5

Search and Get error

No criterions -11
Invalid sequence number -12
Error in recovering sequence -13
Error in exporting sequence -14
Missing or incorrect mandatory criterion -15
Tec Cut error
Work piece material or height error -16
Conic or Variocut error -17
Wire error -18

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3.1. AC CUT X00 MS/SP

3.1.1. Machines

Machines with AC CUT HMI and ETC generator

Identifiant CUT
Name Cut 200/300
Cut 400
3.1.2. Configuration
The fields recognized in the “edmOpenEdmExpert” call are :
NAME Format Unit Type Remarks
< Id > String - Mandatory CUT
< Name > String - Mandatory Cut 200/300
Cut 400
< Unit > Integer - Optional Used only in Conversationnal mode
1 : mm (default)
2 : inch
< Language > Integer - Optional Used only in Conversationnal mode
en : English (default)
fr : Français
de : Deutsch
es : Español
it : Italiano
cs : Czech
nl : Nederlands
ja : Japanese
zh : Chinese (simplified)
zt : Chinese (tradionnal)
ko : Korean
< MacCost > Real - Optional Machine cost per hour : used to compute a “price” per UsiLen
of eroded length (default = 0)
< UsiLen > Real mm Optional Path length to use for cost calculation (default = 1000)

3.1.3. Criterions
The recognized criterions are :
NAME Format Unit Type Remarks
<WrkPMat> Integer - Mandatory MatCode : given by edmGetWorkPieceMaterials
<WrkPHeight> Real [m] Mandatory Work piece height
<VarHeight> Integer - Optional 0 : Flat part with Nozzles in contact (default)
1 : Flat part with distant Nozzles
2 : Stepped part
<Condition> Integer - Mandatory 1 : Open – Finishing are done with slug removed (default)
2 : Slot – Finishing are done within the slot
3 : Pocketing
4 : Direct Cut
0 : Other (Normally not to be used)
<Conic> Real [°] Optional Taper angle (maximal value of the part)
<Cuts> Integer - Optional Wished cuts number
<Ra> Real [m] Optional Surface state
<Tf> Real [m] Optional Precision
<Tkm> Real [m] Optional Precision
<WireMats> Integer - Optional MatCode given by edmGetWires
<WireDiams> Real [m] Optional Wire diameter
<Taper> Boolean - Optional 0 : Hide Taper Expert sequences – To use if Taper expert kit is
not installed (default)
1 : Show Taper Expert sequences – To use only if Taper
expert kit is installed
<Sort> Integer - Optional Sequences order for the answer proposal
<Order1> 0 : No order
<Order… 1 : Cuts Num (default) Increasing
2 : Precision Tkm Increasing
3 : Surface Ra Increasing
4 : Speed Decreasing
5 : Cost Increasing

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6 : Cuts Num (default) Decreasing

7 : Precision Tkm Decreasing
8 : Surface Ra Decreasing
9 : Speed Increasing
10: Cost Decreasing


3.2.1. Machines

Machines with AC CUT HMI and IPG generator

Identifiant TCT
Name Cut C350/C600
Cut E350/E600
Cut P350/P550/P800
Cut P1250

3.2.2. Configuration
The fields recognized in the “edmOpenEdmExpert” call are :

NAME Format Unit Type Remarks

< Id > String - Mandatory TCT
< Name > String - Mandatory Cut C350
Cut C600
Cut E350
Cut E600
Cut P350
Cut P550
Cut P800
Cut P1250
< Unit > Integer - Optional Used only in Conversationnal mode
1 : mm (default)
2 : inch
< Language > Integer - Optional Used only in Conversationnal mode
en : English (default)
fr : Français
de : Deutsch
es : Español
it : Italiano
cs : Czech
nl : Nederlands
ja : Japanese
zh : Chinese (simplified)
zt : Chinese (tradionnal)
ko : Korean
< MacCost > Real - Optional Machine cost per hour : used to compute a “price” per UsiLen
of eroded length (default = 0)
< UsiLen > Real mm Optional Path length to use for cost calculation (default = 1000)

3.2.3. Criterions
The recognized criterions are :

NAME Format Unit Type Remarks

<WrkPMat> Integer - Mandatory MatCode : given by edmGetWorkPieceMaterials
<WrkPHeight> Real [m] Mandatory Work piece height
<VarHeight> Integer - Optional 0 : Flat part with Nozzles in contact (default)
1 : Flat part with distant Nozzles
2 : Stepped part
3 : ISPS
<Entry> Integer - Optional Entry condition
0 : Hole (default)
1 : Outside (the limit is a hole diameter of 6 mm)
<Condition> Integer - Optional 0 : Open
1 : Slot
2 : Pocketing
<Conic> Real [°] Optional Taper angle (maximal value of the part)

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<Cuts> Integer - Optional Wished cuts number

<Ra> Real [m] Optional Surface state
<Tf> Real [m] Optional Precision
<Tkm> Real [m] Optional Precision
<Priority> Integer - Optional Filter answers to show only sequences according priority
0 : Undefined
1 : Precision
3 : Speed
<WireMats> Integer - Optional MatCode given by edmGetWires
<WireDiams> Real [m] Optional Wire diameter
<Sort> Integer - Optional Sequences order for the answer proposal
<Order1> 0 : No order
<Order… 1 : Cuts Num (default) Increasing
2 : Precision Tkm Increasing
3 : Precision Tf Increasing
4 : Surface Ra Increasing
5 : Speed Decreasing
6 : Cost Increasing

7 : Cuts Num (default) Decreasing

8 : Precision Tkm Decreasing
9 : Precision Tf Decreasing
10: Surface Ra Decreasing
11: Speed Increasing
12: Cost Decreasing


3.3.1. Machines

Existing machines with Millennium interface and ETC generator

Identifiant MIL
Name Cut 200/300
Cut 400

3.3.1. Configuration
The fields recognized in the “edmOpenEdmExpert” call are :

NAME Format Unit Type Remarks

< Id > String - Mandatory MIL
< Name > String - Mandatory Cut 200/300
Cut 400
< Unit > Integer - Optional Used only in Conversationnal mode
1 : mm (default)
2 : inch
< Language > Integer - Optional Used only in Conversationnal mode
en : English (default)
fr : Français
de : Deutsch
es : Español
it : Italiano
cs : Czech
nl : Nederlands
ja : Japanese
zh : Chinese (simplified)
zt : Chinese (tradionnal)
ko : Korean
< MacCost > Real - Optional Machine cost per hour : used to compute a “price” per UsiLen
of eroded length (default = 0)
< UsiLen > Real mm Optional Path length to use for cost calculation (default = 1000)

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3.3.2. Criterions
The recognized criterions are :

NAME Format Unit Type Remarks

<WrkPMat> Integer - Mandatory MatCode : given by edmGetWorkPieceMaterials
<WrkPHeight> Real [m] Mandatory Work piece height
<VarHeight> Integer - Optional 0 : Flat part with Nozzles in contact (default)
1 : Flat part with distant Nozzles
2 : Stepped part
<Condition> Integer - Mandatory 0 : All
<Conic> Real [°] Optional Taper angle (maximal value of the part)
<Cuts> Integer - Optional Wished cuts number
<Ra> Real [m] Optional Surface state
<Tf> Real [m] Optional Precision
<Tkm> Real [m] Optional Precision
<WireMats> Integer - Optional MatCode given by edmGetWires
<WireDiams> Real [m] Optional Wire diameter
<Taper> Boolean - Optional 0 : Hide Taper Expert sequences – To use if Taper expert kit is
not installed (default)
1 : Show Taper Expert sequences – To use only if Taper
expert kit is installed
<Sort> Integer - Optional Sequences order for the answer proposal
<Order1> 0 : No order
<Order… 1 : Cuts Num (default) Increasing
2 : Precision Tkm Increasing
3 : Surface Ra Increasing
4 : Speed Decreasing
5 : Cost Increasing

6 : Cuts Num (default) Decreasing

7 : Precision Tkm Decreasing
8 : Surface Ra Decreasing
9 : Speed Increasing
10: Cost Decreasing

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