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Correction done by me for one of the member of this group, my sample is at bottom.

(Disclaimer: I am not a grammar expert, this is what I have learnt over the internet and trust me
all you need is basic English and good logical flow to score 7 bands)

*Some people say there is no need for print newspapers. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?*
Several people argue that printed newspapers should be banned. I agree,(either use comma or use
that as “that is itself a clause”) that with the help of digitalization, news updates are available at just
one-click and this can stop tree uprooting.

In the(this) contemporary world, booming technology has given birth to a new era of digitalization.
This is to say, everyone is well-equipped with modern gadgets such as mobiles, computers, tablets,
etc. Subsequently, people are aware of news updates within a fraction of second (Subsequently,
people get instant alert when something happens around the world). (Use cohesion devices like
Furthermore,) Digital media is lightening(lightning)-fast and provides all information on one-touch
news apps. This has definitely given ease of availability for(to) users and they are able to fetch their
reading interests(as they are able to fetch content pertaining to their interest) such as Bollywood,
political, etc, (use comma after etc, if in the middle of sentence) with the help of user-friendly filters.
For example, My aunt, who always used to sit in front of the television for her horoscopic updates
on the news channel, is now able to read it within a couple of minutes. (My version which is slight
formal : My aunt, for example, who use to rely on news channels for her daily horoscope, can now
read it on her mobile phone whenever she needs.)

On the other hand, to produce paper, several trees are sacrificed. These trees provide oxygen to our
environment and help in balancing the atmosphere. By restricting printed newspapers, we shall be
able to contribute our bit towards environment-friendly weather conditions. This would give a better
atmosphere to our future generations. A study by oxford university shows, that if a day's newspaper
is not printed in all the corners of the world, it could save approximately 1 million trees from
uprooting. (I did not check this paragraph but I have explained the flow required to structure body
paragraph in my example on second page)

(Start your paragraph with conclusion statement like To conclude, To summarize)

Many believe the use of printed newspapers is not required in the age of digitalization. I certainly
agree as modern technologies can help us to move towards environment-friendly options.

Coherence: This means logical structure, the flow of your paragraph,making it easy for reader to
read your essay without putting more efforts in understanding, please read my sample essay
below to understand what this exactly means.

Cohesion: Connection sentence with cohesive devices like Moreover, Furthermore, Additionally,
Firstly, secondly, In addition, etc.
My Sample: Flow you will need, to score 7 from 6.5.

*Some people say there is no need for print newspapers. To what

extent do you agree or disagree?*
[General statement, it should not be off topic]
It is beneficial to stay updated with the latest know-how across the globe.
[Rewrite question]
Some people believe that there is no use of print media anymore.
[Give your opinion if asked or else give brief of ideas to be used in body paragraph 1 and 2]
I wholeheartedly agree to this notion and believe it to be one of the major causes of pollution,
moreover, mobile applications has made it pretty easy to gain access to latest news.

(Body paragraph 1)
(Follow this logical flow, it will give an idea to the examiner on what he/she is about to read next.)

[Topic sentence: Use Cohesion device to start paragraph]

To begin with, pollution is increasing day by day at an alarming stage and very little is being done to
stop it.
[Elaborate your topic sentence here and not in topic sentence paragraph]
[I have used cohesion device here as well and this means I will explain what I meant before]
This is to say, printing of newspaper involves lots of harmful chemicals and once the printing process
is finished, the residue is drained into water bodies.
[Give relevant example and use “for example ” in the middle of sentence to show command over
In India, for example, many printing industries are strategically placed on the bank of Ganga river,
facilitating industries to drain out excess and remaining into the water.
[Use cohesive devices to expand idea]
Moreover, printing accounts for the cut down of trees, as it is the primary source for raw material
required to make paper.
[Summarize the paragraph]
While printing newspaper is hazardous for the environment, news applications on mobile provide
eco-friendly way of staying in touch with the latest news updates.
(I am ending body paragraph 1 in my summary in such a way that it will lead me to body paragraph
2, this is called “coherence”, logical flow of paragraph)

(Body paragraph 2: Follow the same flow as in body paragraph 1 and elaborate another idea)

(Warning: Do not develop any new idea here and summarize body paragraph 1 and 2 with your

To conclude, I feel that a lot is being said and less is being done to stop global warming. Printing of
newspaper should be completely banned and more effective and environment-friendly methods
should be used to gain access to news.

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