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Oxford Practice Grammar Basic

1 Tenses:
Review present
Exercise (Units 1-8)
1 – Tenses: present (Units 1–8)
A Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.


• What are rhinos?

Rhinos (0) B very large mammals, which (1) in Africa and southern

Asia. They (2) thick skin and one or two large horns on the end of their nose.

Most adult rhinos (3) 1000 kg or more. The word ‘rhino’ (4) short for


• What (5) ‘rhinoceros’ mean?

The word ‘rhinoceros’ (6) from the Greek, and means ‘nose’ (rhino) and

‘horn’ (keras).

• What problems (7) rhinos face today?

Today, some species of rhino (8) facing extinction because hunters kill

rhinos. People (9) want the meat of the rhino. Instead, they take the rhino’s

horn and use it to make medicine. The World Wildlife Fund is (10) hard to

save the rhino.

 A is B are C do D does
1 A lives B live C is living D are living
2 A has B have C are having D is having
3 A weigh B weighs C is weighing D are weighing
4 A are B am C does D is
5 A are B do C does D is
6 A is coming B comes C are coming D come
7 A are B do C does D is
8 A are B do C does D is
9 A aren’t B isn’t C doesn’t D don’t
10 A work B works C working D are working

Oxford Practice Grammar – Basic  Review Exercise 1 © Oxford University Press 2019 Photocopiable
B Here are some sentences about a friend. Complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.

 I haven’t got lots of friends.

I don’t have lots of friends.

1 I don’t know if you know my friend Jack.

my friend Jack?

2 He speaks French because he is Canadian.

He speaks French because he from Canada.

3 He’s got a job in a restaurant at the moment.

He in a restaurant at the moment.

4 Unfortunately, he hates his job.

Unfortunately, like his job.

5 Jack is looking for a new job, and I’m looking for a new job too.
Jack and I for new jobs.

Oxford Practice Grammar – Basic PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2010

Oxford Practice Grammar – Basic  Review Exercise 1 © Oxford University Press 2019 Photocopiable

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