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300 obtained, 48 missing (300 visible) New in Kiwami -- Item search: -- Mitama skill sear
# Name
in Kiwamisource
Type Age Source
001 Abe no Hirafu x x DEF Yore Harrowhalf
002 Abe no Seimei x x SPT Grace Manhunter
003 Admiral Perry x x x PLN Chaos Edax
004 Akechi Mitsuhide x x LCK War Cimmerian King
005 Amakusa Shiro x x HLG Peace Pyropteryx
006 Amaterasu x x SPC Yore Harrowhalf
007 Ano Yasuko x x LCK Honor Pale Imp
008 Arahabaki x x x PLN Yore Metagnost
009 Arai Hakuseki x x SPC Peace Blitzer
010 Ariwara no Narihira x x x SPT Grace Onyxwing
011 Ashikaga Takauji x x DEF Honor Jollux
012 Ashikaga Yoshimasa x x DCT Honor Umbrapod
013 Ashikaga Yoshimitsu x x SPD Honor Shadow Soul
014 Ashikaga Yoshiteru x x x PLN War Pyropteryx
015 Ashiya Doman x x DCT Grace Drumble
016 Aterui x x DEF Grace Manhunter
017 Benkei x x ATK Honor Chthonian Fiend
018 Chacha x x SPT War Dreadhalf
019 Chiba Sanako x x SPD Chaos Hell's Warden
020 Chiba Shusaku x x SPC Chaos Manhunter
021 Chikamatsu Monzaemon x x x SUP Peace Onyxwing
022 Chosokabe Motochika x x x SPD War Petros
023 Daikokuya Kodayu x x LCK Peace Bladewing
024 Date Masamune x x ATK War Dreadhalf
025 Dokyo x x HLG Grace Bloodhunter
026 En no Ozunu x x SPC Yore Guardian Tree
027 Enomoto Takeaki x x SPT Chaos Bloodhunter
028 Fujiwara no Chikata x x x PLN Grace Chapter 10
029 Fujiwara no Fuhito x x x SPC Yore Panthera
030 Fujiwara no Hidehira x x x DEF Honor Snowflame
031 Fujiwara no Hidesato x x DCT Grace Bloodhunter
032 Fujiwara no Kusuko x x x PLN Grace Venom Queen
033 Fujiwara no Michinaga x x SPC Grace Venom Queen
034 Fujiwara no Sadaie x x x SUP Honor Snowflame
035 Fujiwara no Sumitomo x x LCK Grace Bloodhunter
036 Fujiwara no Yorimichi x x x SUP Grace Mynx
037 Fukuzawa Yukichi x x x LCK Chaos Aurogrinder
038 Fuma Kotaro x x SPD War Amaranthine King
039 Genno x x x PLN Honor Snowflame
040 Go x x LCK Peace Blitzer
041 Goto Matabei x x DEF War Cimmerian King
042 Gyoki x x x HLG Grace Thanatoceros
043 Hachikazuki x x x SUP Grace Bloodhunter
044 Hasegawa Heizo x x x ATK Peace Maledictaur
045 Hatakeyama Shigetada x x DEF Honor Chthonian Fiend
046 Hatsu x x x SUP Peace Maledictaur
047 Hattori Hanzo x x SPD War Nightblade
048 Hieda no Are x x x SUP Grace Manhunter
049 Hijikata Toshizo x x DEF Chaos Hell's Warden
050 Hikaru Genji x x HLG Grace Bladewing
051 Himiko x x SPC Yore Viper Queen
052 Hino Tomiko x x LCK Honor Jollux
053 Hiraga Gennai x x DCT Peace Umbrapod
054 Hiruko x x x SPC Yore Metagnost
055 Hojo Masako x x SPC Honor Umbrapod
056 Hojo Soun x x DEF War Shadow Soul
057 Hojo Tokimune x x DCT Honor Harrowhalf
058 Hojo Ujiyasu x x x ATK War Chapter 12
059 Honda Tadakatsu x x DEF War Astrapteryx
060 Honganji Kennyo x x SPT War Edax
061 Hosokawa Gracia x x HLG War Dreadhalf
062 Hosokawa Katsumoto x x x DCT Honor Phytodior
063 Hozoin In'ei x x SPC War Hell's Warden
064 Ibaraki Doji x x x LCK Grace Chapter 12
065 Icho Ofuji x x x HLG Peace Pyropteryx
066 Ii Naosuke x x DCT Chaos Pyropteryx
067 Ikkyu x x SPC Honor Edax
068 Ikumatsu x x x SUP Chaos Putrox
069 Ino Tadataka x x x SUP Peace Pyropteryx
070 Inugami No Mitasuki x x LCK Yore Sableblade
071 Ishida Mitsunari x x LCK War Edax
072 Ishikawa Goemon x x LCK War Blitzer
073 Issun-boshi x x LCK Honor Pale Aurwing
074 Itagaki Taisuke x x x DEF Chaos Hell's Warden
075 Iwakura Tomomi x x x SPD Chaos Glaciabella
076 Iwasaki Yataro x x LCK Chaos Pyrogrinder
077 Iyo x x HLG Yore Nightblade
078 Izanagi x x SPD Yore Skyshredder
079 Izanami x x DCT Yore Pyrogrinder
080 Izumi Shikibu x x LCK Grace Dreadhalf
081 Izumo no Okuni x x SPT War Chapter 4
082 Izumo Takeru x x DEF Yore Skyshredder
083 Jianzhen x x LCK Grace Skyshredder
084 Jigoku Dayu x x x SPT Honor Mynx
085 Jippensha Ikku x x x PLN Peace Caterwauler
086 Jiraiya x x DCT Peace Chapter 5
087 John Manjiro x x SPC Chaos Pyrogrinder
088 Kajiwara Kagetoki x x SPD Honor Bloodhunter
089 Kakinomoto no Hitomaro x x SPD Yore Terragrinder
090 Kamiizumi Nobutsuna x x SPC War Sickleclaws
091 Kamo no Chomei x x DCT Honor Windshredder
092 Kamo no Tadayuki x x DCT Grace Dreadhalf
093 Kano Eitoku x x SPT War Umbrapod
094 Kasamori Osen x x LCK Peace Viper Queen
095 Kashinkoji x x x DCT War Petros
096 Katsu Kaishu x x SPC Chaos Hell's Warden
097 Katsura Kogoro x x LCK Chaos Bloodhunter
098 Katsushika Hokusai x x DEF Peace Jollux
099 Keishoin x x SPT Peace Astrapteryx
100 Ki no Tsurayuki x x SPT Grace Skyshredder
101 Kibi no Makibi x x x LCK Grace Onyxwing
102 Kiichi Hogen x x DEF Honor Chapter 5
103 Kirigakure Saizo x x x SPC War Amaranthine King
104 Kiso Yoshinaka x x ATK Honor Chthonian Fiend
105 Kitabatake Akiie x x x SPD Honor Phytodior
106 Komatsu Tatewaki x x x SUP Chaos Nightstorm
107 Kondo Isami x x ATK Chaos Hell's Warden
108 Konohanasakuya x x x SUP Yore Screecher
109 Kukai x x SPC Grace Viper Queen
110 Kumaso Takeru x x LCK Yore Skyshredder
111 Kunisada Chuji x x LCK Peace Astrapteryx
112 Kuroda Kanbei x x x SPT War Petros
113 Kusaka Genzui x x SPT Chaos Cimmerian King
114 Kusumoto Ine x x x HLG Chaos Glaciabella
115 Kusunoki Masashige x x ATK Honor Jollux
116 Kuzunoha x x HLG Grace Shadow Soul
117 Kyokutei Bakin x x x DCT Peace Screecher
118 Lady Atsu x x HLG Chaos Manhunter
119 Lady Fuse x x SPC Peace Astrapteryx
120 Lady Hangaku x x x ATK Honor Abyssal Fiend
121 Lady Iga x x x PLN Honor Chthonian Fiend
122 Lady Ina x x x SPD War Phytodior
123 Lady Kaguya x x DEF Grace Bloodhunter
124 Lady Kai x x x SUP War Stealthwing
125 Lady Kasuga x x SPT Peace Viper Queen
126 Lady Kushinada x x x HLG Yore Screecher
127 Lady Mego x x x DCT War Onyxwing
128 Lady Miyazu x x x SPT Yore Viper Queen
129 Lady No x x DCT War Cimmerian King
130 Lady Ototachibana x x SPD Yore Shadow Soul
131 Lady Sen x x HLG Peace Bladewing
132 Lady Shizuka x x SPT Honor Skyshredder
133 Lady Sotoori x x HLG Yore Viper Queen
134 Lady Suzuka x x SPC Grace Harrowhalf
135 Lady Takiyasha x x DCT Grace Manhunter
136 Lady Tokiwa x x HLG Honor Aurwing
137 Lady Tomoe x x ATK Honor Shadow Soul
138 Lady Tsuru x x x SPT War Thanatoceros
139 Lady Yamato x x SPT Yore Viper Queen
140 Maeda Keiji x x LCK War Windshredder
141 Maeda Toshiie x x x PLN War Jollux
142 Matsu x x HLG War Manhunter
143 Matsudaira Katamori x x x SPC Chaos Chapter 10
144 Matsudaira Nobutsuna x x x SUP Peace Maledictaur
145 Matsunaga Hisahide x x x DCT War Crepusculos
146 Matsuo Basho x x DCT Peace Shadow Soul
147 Minabuchi no Shoan x x x HLG Yore Pyrogrinder
148 Minamoto no Hiromasa x x SPD Grace Shadow Soul
149 Minamoto no Tametomo x x ATK Honor Chthonian Fiend
150 Minamoto no Yorimasa x x SPC Honor Hell's Sentinel
151 Minamoto no Yorimitsu x x ATK Grace Imp
152 Minamoto no Yoritomo x x DEF Honor Skyshredder
153 Minamoto no Yoshiie x x x PLN Grace Harrowhalf
154 Minamoto no Yoshitomo x x x PLN Honor Chthonian Fiend
155 Minamoto no Yoshitsune x x SPD Honor Abyssal Fiend
156 Mito Mitsukuni x x SPC Peace Pyropteryx
157 Miura Anjin x x x LCK Peace Snowflame
158 Miyamoto Musashi x x ATK War Chthonian Fiend
159 Momotaro x x SPD Honor Pale Aurwing
160 Mononobe no Moriya x x DEF Yore Nightblade
161 Mori Motonari x x DCT War Jollux
162 Mori Ranmaru x x x SUP War Cimmerian King
163 Murasaki Shikibu x x SPD Grace Venom Queen
164 Nagasunehiko x x x PLN Yore Screecher
165 Nakano Takeko x x ATK Chaos Hell's Warden
166 Nakaoka Shintaro x x SPC Chaos Pyropteryx
167 Nakatomi No Kamatari x x SPC Yore Umbrapod
168 Naoe Kanetsugu x x DEF War Windshredder
169 Nasu no Yoichi x x SPT Honor Bladewing
170 Nene x x SPC War Pyropteryx
171 Nezumi Kozo x x SPD Peace Shadow Soul
172 Niijima Jo x x x SUP Chaos Manhunter
173 Niijima Yae x x SPT Chaos Razortalon
174 Ninagawa Shin'emon x x x SUP Honor Skyshredder
175 Ninomiya Sontoku x x HLG Peace Astrapteryx
176 Nitta Yoshisada x x DEF Honor Chthonian Fiend
177 Nomi no Sukune x x ATK Yore Sableblade
178 O no Yasumaro x x DEF Grace Blitzer
179 Oda Nobunaga x x SPC War Cimmerian King
180 Ogata Koan x x HLG Chaos Chapter 3
181 Oichi x x ATK War Cimmerian King
182 Oishi Kuranosuke x x SPD Peace Astrapteryx
183 Oiwa x x SPT Peace Frostwing
184 Okada Izo x x SPD Chaos Shadow Soul
185 Okikurumi x x x ATK Yore Mortabella
186 Okita Soji x x ATK Chaos Pyrogrinder
187 Okubo Toshimichi x x HLG Chaos Pyrogrinder
188 Ono no Imoko x x LCK Yore Nightblade
189 Ono no Komachi x x SPD Grace Viper Queen
190 Ono no Takamura x x x SPC Grace Manhunter
191 Ooka Echizen x x SPT Peace Pyropteryx
192 Oryo x x DEF Chaos Manhunter
193 Oshio Heihachiro x x x PLN Peace Astrapteryx
194 Ota Dokan x x HLG War Edax
195 Otani Seiichiro x x x ATK Chaos Hell's Sentinel
196 Otani Yoshitsugu x x x SUP War Chthonian Fiend
197 Otomo no Miyuki x x x SUP Yore Viper Queen
198 Otomo no Yakamochi x x x SUP Grace Cacarion
199 Otomo Sorin x x x PLN War Phlogistor
200 Otose x x HLG Chaos Bloodhunter
201 Prince Naka-no-Oe x x DEF Yore Nightblade
202 Prince Otsu x x x PLN Yore Terragrinder
203 Prince Shotoku x x DCT Yore Nightblade
204 Princess Nukata x x SPT Yore Viper Queen
205 Raiden Tame'emon x x DEF Peace Jollux
206 Saicho x x SPD Grace Skyshredder
207 Saigo Takamori x x DEF Chaos Pyrogrinder
208 Saigyo x x SPT Grace Umbrapod
209 Saika Magoichi x x SPT War Windshredder
210 Saito Dosan x x DCT War Cimmerian King
211 Saito Hajime x x SPD Chaos Terragrinder
212 Saito Kichi x x x DCT Chaos Glaciabella
213 Sakamoto Otome x x ATK Chaos Terragrinder
214 Sakamoto Ryoma x x LCK Chaos Terragrinder
215 Sakanoue no Tamuramaro x x ATK Grace Bladewing
216 Sakata no Kintoki x x DEF Grace Frostwing
217 Sanada Yukimura x x ATK War Astrapteryx
218 Sarutahiko x x x PLN Yore Nightblade
219 Sarutobi Sasuke x x SPD War Shadow Soul
220 Sasaki Doyo x x LCK Honor Chthonian Fiend
221 Sasaki Kojiro x x SPD War Dreadhalf
222 Sei Shonagon x x HLG Grace Jollux
223 Semimaru x x SPT Grace Windshredder
224 Sen no Rikyu x x HLG War Drumble
225 Serizawa Kamo x x x SPC Chaos Putrox
226 Sesshu x x DCT Honor Frostwing
227 Shakushain x x SPD Peace Skyshredder
228 Shimazu Yoshihiro x x x PLN War Jollux
229 Shimizu no Jirocho x x LCK Chaos Hell's Warden
230 Shishido Baiken x x DCT War Sableblade
231 Shunten x x HLG Honor Bloodhunter
232 Shuten Doushi x x x PLN Grace Windshredder
233 Sister Zenshin x x x SUP Yore Glaciabella
234 Soga no Iruka x x DCT Yore Jollux
235 Soga no Umako x x DCT Yore Umbrapod
236 Soga Sukenari x x x DEF Honor Petros
237 Soga Tokimune x x x PLN Honor Anomalos
238 Sugawara no Michizane x x SPC Grace Bloodhunter
239 Sugita Genpaku x x x HLG Peace Frostwing
240 Susano'o x x ATK Yore Jollux
241 Tachibana Muneshige x x x PLN War Phlogistor
242 Taira no Atsumori x x SPT Honor Windshredder
243 Taira no Kiyomori x x SPD Honor Windshredder
244 Taira no Masakado x x ATK Grace Harrowhalf
245 Taira no Noritsune x x ATK Honor Blitzer
246 Taira no Sadamori x x x SPD Grace Harrowhalf
247 Taira no Tokuko x x x SUP Honor Windshredder
248 Taira no Tomomori x x x DEF Honor Windshredder
249 Tajimamori x x x LCK Yore Panthera
250 Takahashi Deishu x x DEF Chaos Razortalon
251 Takasue's Daughter x x x SUP Grace Maledictaur
252 Takasugi Shinsaku x x SPD Chaos Umbrapod
253 Takechi Hanpeita x x x SUP Chaos Terragrinder
254 Takeda Shingen x x DCT War Jollux
255 Takenouchi no Sukune x x SPT Yore Windshredder
256 Tamamo-no-Mae x x HLG Honor Bloodhunter
257 Tanaka Hisashige x x DCT Chaos Shadow Soul
258 Tanuma Okitsugu x x x LCK Peace Aurogrinder
259 Tenkai x x HLG Peace Viper Queen
260 The Great Unifier x x x SUP Grace Chapter 12
261 Todo Heisuke x x x PLN Chaos Putrox
262 Tojiko no Iratsume x x SPT Yore Nightblade
263 Tokugawa Iemitsu x x SPC Peace Windshredder
264 Tokugawa Ieyasu x x DEF Peace Bladewing
265 Tokugawa Tsunayoshi x x x PLN Peace Bladewing
266 Tokugawa Yoshimune x x ATK Peace Bladewing
267 Tokugawa Yoshinobu x x DCT Chaos Umbrapod
268 Toshusai Sharaku x x SPT Peace Umbrapod
269 Toyama Kinshiro x x ATK Peace Razortalon
270 Toyotomi Hideyori x x x LCK War Dreadhalf
271 Toyotomi Hideyoshi x x SPD War Pyropteryx
272 Tsukuhara Bokuden x x DEF War Sickleclaws
273 Tsukushi-no-Kimi Iwai x x x DEF Yore Sableblade
274 Tsukuyomi x x HLG Yore Terragrinder
275 Tsutaya Oyoshi x x x SUP Peace Mynx
276 Uesugi Kenshin x x ATK War Jollux
277 Uesugi Yozan x x x SUP Peace Bladewing
278 Unkei x x HLG Honor Frostwing
279 Ura x x x PLN Yore Metagnost
280 Urabe no Suetake x x x SPT Grace Bloodhunter
281 Urashima Taro x x SPD Yore Chapter 4
282 Usui no Sadamitsu x x x PLN Grace Thanatoceros
283 Watanabe no Tsuna x x ATK Grace Chapter 4
284 Xu Fu x x HLG Yore Shadow Soul
285 Yagyu Jubei x x ATK Peace Bladewing
286 Yagyu Munemori x x ATK Peace Frostwing
287 Yamamoto Kakuma x x x PLN Chaos Hell's Warden
288 Yamamoto Kansuke x x SPC War Edax
289 Yamana Sozen x x x DEF Honor Phytodior
290 Yamanami Keisuke x x x SUP Chaos Putrox
291 Yamanoue no Okura x x DCT Grace Harrowhalf
292 Yamaoka Tesshu x x ATK Chaos Cimmerian King
293 Yamato Takeru x x ATK Yore Bloodhunter
294 Yaobikuni x x x HLG Honor Aurogrinder
295 Yaoya Oshichi x x x PLN Peace Mynx
296 Yoshida Kenko x x SPC Honor Harrowhalf
297 Yoshida Shoin x x DCT Chaos Pyrogrinder
298 Yoshino Dayu x x DCT Peace Pale Imp
299 Yui Shosetsu x x DEF Peace Astrapteryx
300 Zeami x x SPT Honor Edax -- Mitama skill search: -- To have your own editable checklist: File -> Make a Copy...
Difficulty Where to find Skill 1
Normal C5-7, P4-15 Recovery+ (Amplify)
Normal C1-7, C2-6, C2-10, C2-15, P1-7, P2-3, P2-12 Notice Destroyer
Ultimate P13-12 Affliction (Lv. 4)
Normal C5-18, C5-19, P5-18 Desperation
Normal C3-5, C3-11, P3-4, P3-7 Extinguishment
Ex P9-14 Paradox+ (Bolster)
Ex C7-16 Assertion
Ultimate P17-16 Master Destroyer
Normal C3-7, P3-1 Notice Destroyer
Ex C11-9, C11-16, C12-5, P11-5, P11-17, P12-3 Fraternity
Ex C6-9, C6-14, C11-6, P6-6, P6-12 Piety
Normal C3-13 Affliction (Lv. 1)
Normal C3-13 Protection (Lv. 2)
Normal C4-4, P4-3 Verity (Lv.1)
Normal C1-3, P1-3 Affliction (Lv. 1)
Ex C6-13, P6-1, P6-15, P9-16, P10-13 Persistence
Normal C4-17, C5-11, P4-18, P5-3 Assertion
Normal P5-17 Eruption+ (Bolster)
Normal C5-12, C5-15, P5-5, P5-8 Restoration (Lv. 2)
Ex P10-4 Fervor
Ex P12-11 Determination
Ultimate P15-4, P17-4 Application (Lv. 4)
Normal C4-16, C5-2, P4-10, P4-13 Attack up (Lv.1)
Ex C6-8, C7-18, C11-15, P6-13, S-19 Chain
Normal C4-7 Protection (Lv. 1)
- Recovery+ (Heal)
Normal C4-13, P4-17 Attack up (Lv.1)
- Lure (Lv. 1)
Ultimate C13-20, P13-13, P17-1 Wrath
Ex C11-20, C12-11, P11-21, P12-8, P12-13 Haku Collector
Ex C6-10, C6-13, P8-6, P9-16, P10-13 Affliction (Lv. 2)
Ultimate P15-11, P15-14, DLC-8 Verity (Lv.4)
Ex C6-15, C6-17, P6-9, P6-14, P10-13 Renewal (Lv. 2)
Ultimate P16-5, P17-3 Knowledge (Lv.4)
Normal C4-7 Knowledge (Lv.1)
Ex C11-14, P11-18 Recuperation (Lv. 1)
Ultimate Haku Collector
Ex C12-20, P10-16, P10-18, P10-20, P12-20 Chain
Ex C11-20, C12-11, P11-21, P12-8, P12-13 Notice Destroyer
Ex C7-1, P9-5 Chance
Ex C12-20, P9-19, P10-18 Charge
Ultimate P15-5, P15-10, P17-2, DLC-9 Master Destroyer
Normal C4-7 Verity (Lv.1)
Ex C10-15, C11-10, P11-16, P12-12 Attack up (Lv.3)
Normal C4-17, C5-11, P4-18, P5-3 Affliction (Lv. 2)
Ex C10-15, C11-10, P11-16, P12-12 Knowledge (Lv.2)
Ex P8-13 Chain
Normal C1-7, C2-6, C2-10, C2-15, P1-7, P2-3, P2-12 Recuperation (Lv. 1)
Normal C5-12, C5-15, P5-5, P5-8 Protection (Lv. 2)
Ex C7-7, P9-7 Piety
Normal C4-11, C4-14, P4-5, P4-9 Alertness
Ex C6-9, C6-14, C11-6, P6-6, P6-12 Protection (Lv. 2)
Normal P3-1, S-16 Stealth (Lv. 1)
Ex P12-21, P12-22 Abyss
Ex C6-6 SPC Master (Purify)
Ex C6-7, P8-1, P9-19 Eruption (Stock +1)
Ex C6-6, C6-14, C7-16, P6-7, P6-12 Affliction (Lv. 2)
- Expert Destroyer
Ex C7-9, P7-9, P10-9 Chain
Normal C5-5 Attack up (Lv.2)
Normal P5-17 Recuperation (Lv. 1)
Ultimate C13-12, P13-5, P17-3 Verity (Lv.4)
Ex C7-18, C11-18, P8-13, P9-2, P10-20, P11-12 Knowledge (Lv.2)
- Dissection (Health)
Ultimate P14-1 Recovery+ (Amplify)
Normal C5-1 Stealth (Lv. 1)
Ex C6-12, C12-3, P8-14, P10-15, P12-6 Sanctum+ (Quicken)
Ex C9-6, C12-8, P11-1, P12-9 Lifesaver
Normal C3-5, C3-11, P3-4, P3-7 Swiftness
Ex C7-15, C7-17, P7-8, P10-8 Desperation
Normal C5-5 Attack up (Lv.1)
Normal C2-12 Attack up (Lv.1)
Ex C6-2 Chance
Ultimate P16-1, P16-14 Protection (Lv. 4)
Ex C9-10, C10-6, C12-8, P12-9 Vigor (Time +5s)
Normal C5-16, P5-9 Attack up (Lv.2)
Normal C5-17, P5-10, P5-16 Renewal (Lv.1)
Ex C7-17, C11-5 Wrath
Ex C7-17, P8-3 Swiftness
Ex C6-11, C7-12, P7-12, P8-2, P10-5 Swiftness
- Attack up (Lv.1)
Normal C5-14, P5-7 Might+ (Sturdy)
Normal C5-9 Knowledge (Lv.1)
Ex P11-4 Attack up (Lv.3)
Ultimate C13-22, C13-23, P13-15, P13-16, P17-5 Relaxation
- Affliction (Lv. 2)
Normal C5-16, P5-9 Protection of Heroes
Normal P4-12 Protection (Lv. 1)
Normal C4-8, C5-6, P4-8, P5-15 Attack up (Lv.1)
Ex C6-3, P6-3 Fitness (Lv. 2)
Ex C8-5, P6-2, P6-10, P6-16, P9-17 Swiftness
Ex C6-11, C7-12, P7-12, P8-2, P10-5 Protection (Lv. 2)
Normal C5-5, S-3, S-12, S-15 Knowledge (Lv.1)
Normal C5-10, P5-2 Recovery+ (Bonus)
Ex C10-9, C11-1, P11-14 Affliction (Lv. 3)
Normal C5-12, C5-15, P5-5, P5-8 Sanctum (Stock +1)
Normal C4-13, P4-17 Attack up (Lv.1)
Normal C4-9 Lure (Lv. 1)
Normal C5-8, S-16 Attack up (Lv.1)
Normal C5-9 Protection (Lv. 1)
Ultimate P16-4, P16-20, P17-2 Extinguishment
- Chain
Ultimate P16-13 Restart
Normal C4-17, C5-11, P4-18, P5-3 Warmth
Ex C8-6, C10-2, P11-4 Swiftness
Ultimate P15-22, P16-10, P17-6 Dissection (Health)
Ex C7-14, C9-5, P7-7, P8-16 Tenacity
Ultimate C13-13, P13-6, P17-1 Extinguishment
Ex C6-5, C6-17, P6-14, P10-13 Fitness (Lv. 1)
Normal C5-14, P5-7 Affliction (Lv. 1)
Normal C5-8, S-16 Attack up (Lv.1)
Ex C10-9, C11-1, P11-14 Knowledge (Lv.3)
Ex P9-12 Pursuit+ (Devour)
Ex C9-10, C10-6, C12-8, P12-9 Fraternity
Normal C5-3 Affliction (Lv. 1)
Ex C6-13 Zeal+ (Valor)
Ex P12-11 Affliction (Lv. 3)
Normal C4-13, P4-17 Zeal+ (Wraith)
Ex C7-13, C11-11, P7-13, P8-9, P10-10 Sanctum+ (Quicken)
Ultimate P15-13, P15-16, P17-17 Expert Destroyer
Normal C4-17, C5-11, P4-18, P5-3 Renewal (Lv. 1)
Ex C12-9, P11-2, P12-4 Fervor
Normal C4-7 Chance
Ultimate P14-22, P17-4 Stamina (Lv. 4)
Normal C5-10, P5-2 Wrath
Ex C8-3, C10-1, C11-3, P12-18 Stamina (Lv. 3)
Ex P11-13 Verity (Lv.3)
Ultimate P15-1 Knowledge (Lv.4)
Normal C5-18, C5-19, P5-18 Protection (Lv. 2)
Normal C4-1, C5-6, P5-7, S-14 Assertion
Normal C4-16, C5-2, P4-10, P4-13 Protection (Lv. 2)
Ex C6-4, C6-16, P6-4, P9-17, S-20 Knowledge (Lv.2)
Ex C7-3, P7-3, P7-16, P10-11 Tolerance (Lv. 2)
Ex C7-12, C10-4, P7-12, P8-15, P9-16 Recovery (Stock +2)
Ex C6-13, P6-1, P6-15, P9-16, P10-13 Lifesaver
Normal C2-1, C5-4, P2-1 Recuperation (Lv. 1)
Ex C6-12 Chance
Ex C11-18, P11-12 Evasion
Ex C7-3, P7-3, P7-16, P10-11 Renewal (Lv. 2)
Ex C6-7, P10-9 Attack up (Lv.2)
Normal C2-8, C2-13, P2-13, P3-2 Dissection (Health)
Normal C2-12 Stamina (Lv. 1)
- Fraternity
Ultimate P14-13, P14-14, P17-5 Fitness (Lv. 2)
Ultimate P17-15 Affliction (Lv. 4)
Ex C7-5, C8-7, P7-17 Affliction (Lv. 2)
Ultimate P14-9, P14-16 Tolerance (Lv. 4)
Normal C4-7 Affliction (Lv. 1)
Ex P8-17, P9-20, P10-15 Ebullience
Ex P8-4, P10-6, P12-10 SPC Master (Quicken)
Normal C1-1, P1-1, P2-12 Attack up (Lv.1)
Ex C6-4, C6-16, P6-4, P9-17, S-20 Persistence
Normal C3-15, C4-12, P3-15, P4-4 Knowledge (Lv.1)
Ultimate P15-3, P15-16, P17-17 Fraternity
Ex P8-18, P9-4, P9-17, P9-20, S-23 Master Destroyer
Ex C7-1, C7-5, P7-1, P7-14, P10-10, P12-2 Swiftness
Ex C12-4, P12-1 Chain
Ex C7-18, P8-1, P10-12, P10-20 Dissection (Focus)
Ex C6-2 Verity (Lv.1)
Ex C7-10, C11-17, P9-14, P9-18, P10-11, P11-10 Recuperation (Lv. 2)
Ex C6-3, P6-3, P6-17, P10-12 Stealth (Lv. 1)
Ultimate P16-3, P16-8 Attack up (Lv.4)
Ex C6-15, C6-17, P6-9, P6-14, P10-13 Chain
Ex C8-3, C10-1, C11-3, P12-18 Notice Destroyer
Normal C5-12, C5-15, P5-5, P5-8 Recovery+ (Heal)
Normal C5-1 Extinguishment
Ex P8-10 Prescience
Ex C6-7, P10-9 Stamina (Lv. 2)
Ex P8-11, P8-14 Swiftness
Normal C4-4, P4-3 Recovery (Stock +1)
Normal P3-1, S-16 Extinguishment
Normal C4-13, P4-17 Tolerance (Lv. 1)
Ex C7-2, C9-3, P7-2 Pursuit+ (Leech)
Ultimate C13-15, C13-18, P13-8, P13-11 Protection (Lv. 4)
Normal C5-8, S-16 Restoration (Lv. 1)
Normal C4-17, C5-11, P4-18, P5-3 Protection (Lv. 2)
Ex C7-15, C7-17, P7-8, P10-8 Flying Blade
Normal C2-2 Protection (Lv. 1)
Normal C5-18, C5-19, P5-18 Heroes' Rally
- Verity (Lv.1)
Normal C5-18, C5-19, P5-18 Recovery+ (Amplify)
Ex C7-13, C11-11, P7-13, P8-9, P10-10 Devastation
Ex C7-13, P7-13, S-21 Fountain+ (Bolster)
Ex C7-14, P8-8 Stealth (Lv. 2)
Ultimate P14-21, P17-1 Attack up (Lv.4)
Ex C7-6, C11-12, P7-10, P8-8, P9-15, P10-19 Swiftness
Normal C5-16, P5-9 Wrath
Normal C5-17, P5-10, P5-16 Renewal (Lv. 1)
Ex C6-5, C6-17, P6-14, P10-13 Alertness
Ultimate C13-8, P13-1 Expert Destroyer
Ex C7-1, C7-5, P7-1, P7-14, P10-10, P12-2 Attack up (Lv.2)
Normal C4-13, P4-17 Lure (Lv. 1)
Ultimate P14-8 Charge
Normal C5-5 Lure (Lv. 1)
Ultimate P16-11, P16-14 Bound Souls
Normal C5-13, P5-6 Chain
Normal C4-11, C4-14, P4-5, P4-9 Knowledge (Lv.1)
Ultimate C13-29, P13-22, P17-2 Swordsmanship
Ex C12-1, C12-9, P11-7, P12-4 Renewal (Lv. 1)
Normal C4-13, P4-17 Recovery (Stock +1)
Ex C7-10, C11-17, P9-14, P9-18, P10-11, P11-10 Protection (Lv. 2)
Normal C4-8, C5-6, P4-8, P5-15 Verity (Lv.1)
Normal C5-17, P5-10, P5-16 Stoutness
Normal C4-11, C4-14, P4-5, P4-9 Attack up (Lv.1)
Ex P10-7, P11-9 Lure (Lv. 2)
Normal C5-9 Protection (Lv. 1)
Ex C7-6, C11-12, P7-10, P8-8, P9-15, P10-19 Dissection (Focus)
Ex C6-13, C11-14, P10-2 Tenacity
Normal C3-9 Knowledge (Lv.1)
Normal C5-18, C5-19, P5-18 Affliction (Lv. 1)
Ex C7-2, C7-4, C9-2, P7-2, P7-15, P8-8, P9-15, P10-19 Chain
Ultimate P14-11, P15-9, P17-6 Verity (Lv.4)
Ex C7-2, C7-4, C9-2, P7-2, P7-15, P8-8, P9-15, P10-19 Charge
Normal C3-12, C4-2, P3-9, P3-14 Determination
Ex C7-7, P9-7 Swordsmanship
Ex C7-8, P6-18, P7-11 Taunt+ (Protect)
Ex C7-9, P7-9, P10-9 Dissection (Focus)
Ultimate P16-2, P16-15 Warp+ (Accuracy)
Normal C3-9, C5-5, S-3, S-12, S-15 Chain
Normal C4-17, C5-11, P4-18, P5-3 Antidote
Ex C6-8, C7-18, C11-15, P6-13, S-19 Lure (Lv. 2)
Normal C3-10, P3-6, S-11 Lifesaver
Normal C3-2, P2-11 Restoration (Lv. 1)
Ex P6-5 Zeal+ (Amplify)
Ex C9-6, C12-8, P11-1, P12-9 Expert Destroyer
Ex C7-11, C7-16, P9-3, P10-15 Stealth (Lv. 1)
Normal C4-15, S-6 Chain
Ultimate C13-10, P13-3 Attack up (Lv.3)
Ex C7-14, C9-5, P7-7, P8-16 Chain
Ex P9-8, P10-20 Notice Destroyer
Ex C6-16, C10-2, P8-14, P10-6, S-23 Recovery+ (Amplify)
Normal C3-2, P2-11 Verity (Lv.1)
Ex C10-12, P11-3 Perseverance
Normal C4-3 Restoration (Lv. 1)
Normal C4-1, C5-6, P5-7, S-14 Protection (Lv. 1)
Ex C12-3, P12-6, P12-10 Attack up (Lv.3)
Ultimate C13-28, P13-21, P14-5, P15-20, P17-3 Swiftness
Ex C6-10, C6-13, P8-6, P9-16, P10-13 Swiftness
Ultimate P15-12 Recovery (Stock +3)
Ex P8-10 Carnage (Stock +1)
Ultimate C13-21, C13-31, P13-14, P17-4 Protection (Lv. 4)
Ex C8-5, P6-2, P6-10, P6-16, P9-17 Stealth (Lv. 1)
Normal C2-3, C2-7, C2-11, P2-4, P2-8 Application (Lv. 1)
Normal C3-15, C4-12, P3-15, P4-4 Knowledge (Lv.2)
Normal C2-3 Resillience
Ultimate P14-3 Devotion
Normal C2-3, C2-7, C2-11, P2-4, P2-8 Renewal (Lv. 1)
Ultimate C13-9, C13-15, P13-2, P13-8 DEF Master (Resist)
Ex C12-2, C12-10, P11-6, P12-5 Chance
Normal C3-8, P3-5 Protection (Lv. 1)
Ex C11-19, P11-11 Stealth (Lv. 2)
Normal C4-5, S-13 Application (Lv. 1)
Ultimate P14-2 Evasion
Normal C2-8, C2-13, P2-13, P3-2 Affliction (Lv. 1)
Normal C5-14, P5-7 Recuperation (Lv. 1)
Ex C6-16, C10-2, P8-14, P10-6, S-23 Recovery+ (Blessing)
Normal C5-16, S-13 Affliction (Lv. 1)
Ex Haku Collector
Normal C5-10, P5-2 Chain
- Notice Destroyer
Ex C9-6, C12-8, P11-1, P12-9 Verity (Lv.2)
Normal C5-17, P5-10, P5-16 Affliction (Lv. 2)
Normal C4-9 Piety
Normal C4-16, C5-2, P4-10, P4-13 Taunt+ (Sturdy)
Ultimate P15-2, P15-7 Relaxation
Normal C4-16, C5-2, P4-10, P4-13 Attack up (Lv.1)
Ex C7-6, P10-3 Perseverance
Ex P7-17 Protection of Heroes
Ex C7-13 Lure (Lv. 2)
Ultimate P14-10, P14-17 Recovery+ (Range)
Normal C4-4, P4-3 Application (Lv. 1)
Normal C2-9, P2-5 Extinguishment
Ultimate P16-12, P16-15 Attack up (Lv.4)
Ex P9-10, P12-18 Recovery (Stock +1)
Ultimate C13-11, C13-27, P13-4, P13-20, P17-5, P17-10 Recuperation (Lv. 2)
Ex C6-3, P6-3, P6-17, P10-12 Notice Destroyer
Normal C4-16, C5-2, P4-10, P4-13 Fitness (Lv. 1)
Ex C7-11, C7-16, P9-3, P10-15 Stamina (Lv. 3)
Ex P12-21, P12-22 Attack up (Lv.2)
Ultimate C13-17, C13-25, P13-10, P13-18 Pursuit+ (Devour)
- Lure (Lv. 1)
Ex C10-13, C11-4, C11-14, P11-15, P11-18, P12-14 Verity (Lv.2)
- Protection (Lv. 2)
Ex P8-10 Stamina (Lv. 3)
Ex C8-7, P7-17, P10-10 Charge
Ex C7-13, P7-13, S-21 Attack up (Lv.2)
Normal C5-12, C5-15, P5-5, P5-8 Fitness (Lv. 1)
Normal C5-5 Warp+ (Flight)
Ex C8-6, C10-2, P11-4 Expert Destroyer
Ultimate P14-12, P15-19, P17-6 Swiftness
Normal C3-15, C4-12, P3-15, P4-4 Warmth
Ex P9-12 Determination
Ex C7-17, S-17 Conviction
Ex Affliction (Lv. 3)
Ex C8-2, C8-8 Extinguishment
Ex C6-6, C6-14, C7-16, P6-7, P6-12 Piety
Normal C5-16, P5-9 Stealth (Lv. 1)
Normal C3-5 Affliction (Lv. 1)
Normal C5-8, S-16 Attack up (Lv.1)
Ex C6-12, C12-3, P8-14, P10-15, P12-6 Tolerance (Lv. 2)
ke a Copy...
Skill 2 Skill 3 Skill 4 Skill 5
Vitality+ (Sturdy) Stamina (Lv. 2) Vitality (Time +5s) Protection (Lv. 2)
Verity (Lv.1) Pursuit+ (Bolster) Fountain (Stock +1) Eruption (Reduce)
Stone Wall Lovestruck Ablution+ (Wrath) Majesty
Attack up (Lv.2) Random (Stock +2) Random+ (ATK Style) Verity (Lv.2)
Tolerance (Lv. 2) Recovery+ (Heal) Vitality (Stock +1) Devotion
Evasion Paradox (Stock +1) Devotion Barrier+ (Link)
Heroes' Rally Recovery+ (Blessing) Random+ (DCT Style) Protection of Heroes
Insight Ablution+ (Wrath) Agitation PLN Master (Extend)
Recovery (Stock +1) Stamina (Lv. 2) Sanctum (Stock +3) Zeal (Time +5s)
Pursuit+ (Devour) Altruism+ (Attrib.) Spin Doctor SPT Master (Augument)
Taunt (Reduce) Sanctum+ (Hardy) Sanctum (Reduce) Paradox+ (Link)
Alertness Stamina (Lv. 2) Puncture (Stock +1) Verity (Lv.2)
Energy (Stock +1) Notice Destroyer Agility (Stock +2) Application (Lv. 2)
Chain Charge Puncture+ (Accuracy) Gouge Master
Verity (Lv.2) Fitness (Lv. 1) Tenacity Illusion+ (Sturdy)
Protection (Lv. 2) Chain Recovery (Stock +2) Shield (Stock +2)
Attack up (Lv.2) Stamina (Lv. 2) Leech (Stock +2) Persistence
Ebullience Pursuit+ (Absorb) Fountain (Stock +1) Attack up (Lv.2)
Energy (Stock +2) Verity (Lv.2) Random (Stock +1) Restoration (Lv. 3)
Charge Paradox+ (Link) Paradox (Stock +1) Leech (Reduce)
Notice Destroyer Intensity (Time +5s) Altruism+ (Wraith) Intensity+ (Reduce)
Wrath Energy+ (Accuracy) Lightspeed trust Vigor+ (Nimble)
Fortune (Reduce) Stamina (Lv. 2) Random (Stock +1) Attack up (Lv.2)
Verity (Lv.2) Swordsmanship Carnage (Stock +1) Fountain (Reduce)
Zeal (Stock +2) Prescience Shield (Stock +1) Taunt+ (Amity)
Conviction Recovery+ (Amplify) Paradox (Stock +1) Renewal (Lv. 2)
Devastation Knowledge (Lv.2) Fountain (Stock +1) Fountain+ (Bolster)
Perseverance Attack up (Lv.2) Breaker (Stock +2) Ablution+ (Potency)
Heroes' Rally Sanctum (Stock +3) Sanctum+ (Amplify) Sacrifice (Reduce)
Tranquility Sacrifice (Reduce) Confrontation Diffusion+ (Rigid)
Puncture+ (Amplify) Puncture (Time +5s) Puncutre (Stock +3) Affliction (Lv. 3)
Swiftness Devastation Ablution (Stock +3) Illusion+ (Sneak)
Relaxation Piety Warp (Stock +10) Heroes' Rally
Diffusion+ (Hardy) Protection of Heroes Fountain (Reduce) Altruism+ (Qinggong)
Random+ (SPT Style) Heroes' Rally Random (Stock +2) Pursuit+ (Bolster)
Diffusion+ (Reduce) Sanctum (Stock +2) Warp+ (Teleport) Diffusion+ (Assist)
Fortune+ (Amplify) Random (Stock +3) Haku Enthusiast Fortune+ (Quicken)
Whirlwind Application (Lv. 2) Energy+ (Bonus) Energy (Stock +2)
Antidote Tenacity Expert Destroyer Confrontation
LCK Master (Fortune) Fortune (Reduce) Recuperation (Lv. 2) Zeal+ (Valor)
Verity (Lv.2) Puncture (Reduce) Shield (Stock +2) Puncture+ (Accuracy)
Piety Lifesaver Renewal (Lv. 2) PLN Master (Extend)
Dissection (Health) Altruism+ (Amplify) Altruism (Stock +2) Altruism+ (Wraith)
Confrontation Charge Prescience Breaker+ (Amplify)
Taunt (Stock +2) Stamina (Lv. 2) Puncture (Stock +1) Protection (Lv. 2)
Recovery (Stock +2) Knowledge (Absorb) Altruism+ (Attrib.) Fortune+ (Gambler)
Gymnast Energy (Stock +2) Swiftness Stealth (Lv. 2)
Diffusion (Stock +1) Conviction Diffusion+ (Reduce) Recuperation (Lv. 2)
Stone Wall Alertness Taunt (Stock +1) DEF Master (Augument)
Recovery (Stock +2) Chance Vitality+ (Amplify) Recovery+ (Blessing)
Chain Piety Warp (Stock +5) Warp+ (Teleport)
Fortune+ (Kismet) Revival+ (Blessing) Fortune (Stock +3) Protection (Lv. 3)
Swordsmanship Stamina (Lv. 2) Illusion (Stock +2) Verity (Lv.2)
Assertion Tenacity Wrath Heroes' Rally
Sanctum+ (Quicken) Piety Sanctum (Stock +2) Swiftness
Fervor Stamina (Lv. 2) Shield (Stock +2) Protection (Lv. 2)
Swiftness Restart Fortune (Reduce) Affliction (Lv. 3)
Fraternity Breaker+ (Amplify) Swordsmanship Affliction (Lv. 4)
Ebullience Prescience Taunt+ (Damage) Dissection (Health)
Chain Fitness (Lv. 1) Pursuit (Stock +2) Knowledge (Lv.2)
Chain Vitality+ (Heal) Zeal (Stock +1) Recovery (Stock +2)
Chain Wrath Breaker+ (Amplify) Puncture+ (Attrib.)
Chain Zeal+ (Swift) Paradox (Stock +1) Vitality (Stock +2)
Fortune+ (Amplify) Exigency Infusion Random+ (Ward)
Charity Vitality (Stock +3) Dancing Grace Protection of Heroes
Stupor (Reduce) Swiftness Illusion (Stock +2) Verity (Lv.2)
Evasion Protection of Heroes Paradox+ (Link) Paradox (Reduce)
Relaxation Conviction Diffusion+ (Rigid) Bound Souls
Determination Diffusion (Stock +1) Surveyance Diffusion+ (Swift)
LCK Master (Fortune) Stamina (Lv. 3) Barrier+ (Link) Protection (Lv. 3)
Fortune+ (Kismet) Stamina (Lv. 2) Fortune (Stock +1) Attack up (Lv.2)
Fervor Stamina (Lv. 2) Random (Stock +2) Random+ (Gamble)
Attack up (Lv.1) Determination Fortune (Stock +2) Haku Collector
Taunt+ (Damage) Barrier (Stock +1) Earthshaker DEF Master (Protect)
Charity Tenacity Readiness Vigor (Time +10s)
Fervor Chance Fortune (Stock +2) Protection (Lv. 3)
Vitality (Reduce) Recovery (Stock +1) Zeal (Stock +1) Tolerance (Lv.2)
Fitness (Lv. 2) Vigor (Stock +1) Zeal+ (Rage) Zeal+ (Ardor)
Chain Charge Puncture+ (Accuracy) Devastation
Restoration (Lv. 3) Expert Destroyer Random (Stock +2) Fortune+ (Swift)
Antidote Knowledge (Lv.2) Pursuit (Stock +1) Attack up (Lv.2)
Attack up (Lv.2) Protection (Lv. 2) Taunt (Stock +2) Barrier (Stock +1)
Fitness (Lv. 1) Renewal (Lv. 1) Random+ (SPC Style) Random (Stock +2)
Pursuit+ (Bolster) Assertion Abyss Knowledge (Lv.3)
Breaker+ (Reduce) Fortune+ (Amplify) Ablution+ (Reduce) Fortune+ (Accuracy)
Fervor Restoration (Lv. 2) Puncture (Stock +2) Illusion (Reduce)
Fortune (Time +10s) Piety Sanctum (Stock +2) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Fervor Verity (Lv.2) Energy (Stock +2) Application (Lv. 2)
Shield (Stock +1) Swiftness Carnage (Reduce) Application (Lv. 2)
Chain Heroes' Rally Fountain+ (Bolster) Paradox+ (Brawn)
Affliction (Lv. 2) Energy (Reduce) Stupor (Stock +1) Affliction (Lv. 3)
Illusion+ (Sturdy) Protection (Lv. 3) DCT Master (Sneak) Puncture+ (Amplify)
Fountain+ (Attract) Determination Knowledge (Lv.2) Attack up (Lv.2)
Relaxation Random (Stock +2) LCK Master (Recover) Lifesaver
Exigency Ablution (Stock +2) Stupor (Stock +1) Affliction (Lv. 4)
Assertion Piety Warp (Stock +5) Fitness (Lv. 2)
LCK Master (Recover) Conviction Fortune (Stock +1) Random+ (Cautious)
Swiftness Stamina (Lv. 2) Shield (Stock +2) Protection (Lv. 2)
Notice Destroyer Knowledge (Lv.2) Dissection (Focus) Might+ (Attributes)
Pursuit (Stock +2) Knowledge (Lv.2) Persistence Attack up (Lv.2)
Prescience Random (Stock +3) Exploit (Rage) Fortune+ (Surprise)
DEF Master (Valiant) Taunt (Stock +2) SPT Master (Rigid) Tenacity
Chain Warp (Bonus) Great Ambition Warp (Stock +15)
Attack up (Lv.2) Might+ (Surprise) Puncture+ (Accuracy) Illusion (Stock +1)
Expert Destroyer Energy+ (Swift) Energy+ (Quicken) Whirlwind
Altruism+ (Reduce) Recuperation (Lv. 2) Lifebringer Altruism+ (Nimble)
Attack up (Lv.2) Chain Leech (Stock +2) Swordsmanship
Bound Souls Altruism+ (Reduce) HLG Master (Cure) Diffusion+ (Assist)
Sanctum+ (Accuracy) Piety Warp (Stock +5) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Fervor Chance Random (Stock +2) Fortune+ (Amplify)
Fortune (Time +5s) Chain Fortune (Stock +2) SPT Master (Devote)
Swiftness Swordsmanship Ablution+ (Potency) Eruption+ (Accuracy)
Extinguishment Lifesaver Recovery+ (Range) Stamina (Lv. 3)
Lifesaver Renewal (Lv. 2) Vitality+ (Assist) HLG Master (Cure)
Might (Stock +1) Stamina (Lv. 2) Wrath Attack up (Lv.2)
Chain Application (Lv. 3) Zeal (Stock +3) Zeal (Time +5s)
Puncture (Stock +2) Illusion+ (Hardy) Altruism+ (Surprise) DCT Master (Sneak)
Relaxation Application (Lv. 3) Tolerance (Lv. 3) Vitality (Stock +3)
Chain Piety Sanctum (Stock +3) Sanctum (Reduce)
Heroes' Rally Prescience Three Arrows Might+ (Nimble)
Stamina (Lv. 2) Muscle-bound Altruism+ (Accuracy) Attack up (Lv.3)
Swordsmanship Prescience Conduction Altruism+ (Amplify)
Relaxation Stamina (Lv. 2) Shield (Stock +2) Taunt+ (Amity)
Charge Swordsmanship Butterfly Dance SUP Master (Hardy)
Attack up (Lv.2) Knowledge (Lv.2) Pursuit (Stock +2) Pursuit+ (Accuracy)
Conviction Ebullience Vitality+ (Bulwark) Stamina (Lv. 4)
Charity Bound Souls Puncture+ (Absorb) Leech+ (Amplify)
Restart SPT Master (Havoc) Tempered Blade SPT Master (Purify)
Stealth (Lv. 1) Antidote Illusion (Stock +2) Verity (Lv.2)
Swiftness Verity (Lv.2) Agility (Stock +2) Application (Lv. 2)
Relaxation Stamina (Lv. 2) Zeal (Stock +2) Tolerance (Lv. 2)
Fountain (Reduce) Recovery+ (Heal) Fountain (Stock +2) Knowledge (Lv.3)
Lifesaver Stamina (Lv. 2) Zeal+ (Wraith) Zeal+ (Amplify)
Piety Lifesaver Warp+ (Teleport) SPC Master (Purify)
DCT Master (Sneak) Restoration (Lv. 2) Illusion (Stock +2) Affliction (Lv. 3)
Recovery (Stock +1) Zeal (Stock +2) Lifesaver Tolerance (Lv. 2)
Heroes' Rally Might (Time +5s) Prescience Sanctum (Time +5s)
Recovery+ (Range) SPT Master (Purify) Great Ambition Altruism+ (Amplify)
Chain Pursuit+ (Track) Fountain (Stock +2) SPT Master (Purify)
Desperation Perseverance Random+ (Gamble) Attack up (Lv.3)
Notice Destroyer Concentration Breaker (Stock +1) Random+ (Ward)
Recovery (Stock +1) Stamina (Lv. 2) Vitality (Stock +1) Tolerance (Lv. 2)
Chain Fervor Warp (Stock +10) Sanctum+ (Assist)
Chain Altruism (Stock +3) Diffusion (Stock +3) Arms of Steel
Antidote Restart Master Assassin Puncutre (Stock +3)
Persistence Affliction (Lv. 3) Illusion (Stock +3) Renewal (Lv. 1)
Vitality+ (Bulwark) Diffusion (Time +10s) Vitality (Reduce) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Application (Lv. 2) Verity (Lv.2) Puncture+ (Shoot) Stupor (Reduce)
Verity (Lv.2) Energy+ (Bonus) Leech (Stock +2) Dissection (Health)
Chain Devastation Warp (Stock +10) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Stamina (Lv. 2) Chain Leech (Stock +1) Might+ (Rage)
Application (Lv. 3) SPT Master (Rigid) Shield+ (Valiant) Vitality+ (Rigid)
Perseverance Breaker (Time +5s) Knowledge (Lv.2) Convergence
Verity (Lv.3) Exigency Swordsmanship Ablution+ (Wrath)
Devastation Swordsmanship Energy (Stock +3) Restoration (Lv. 2)
Warp (Bonus) Piety Sanctum (Stock +2) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Escort Duty Random (Stock +3) Heroes' Rally Fortune+ (Accuracy)
Chain Verity (Lv.2) Gouge Master Attack up (Lv.2)
Determination Notice Destroyer Agility (Stock +2) Dissection (Focus)
Protection (Lv. 2) Stone Wall Vitality+ (Sturdy) Taunt (Reduce)
Ebullience Recovery (Stock +2) Illusion (Stock +3) Illusion+ (Hardy)
Desperation Swordsmanship Falling Petals Diffusion+ (Swift)
Prescience ATK Master (Amplify) Energy (Stock +3) Piety
Resillience Tenacity Recovery+ (Bonus) Ablution+ (Rigid)
Relaxation Resillience Zeal+ (Rage) Lifesaver
Sanctum+ (Hardy) Piety Illusion+ (Sturdy) Illusion+ (Sanctity)
Fitness (Lv. 2) Sanctum+ (Amplify) Warp (Reduce) Pursuit (Reduce)
Chain Lifesaver Shield (Stock +2) Piety
Application (Lv. 2) Knowledge (Lv.2) Energy (Reduce) Attack up (Lv.2)
Chain Warp+ (Flight) Sanctum (Stock +1) Warp (Reduce)
Swiftness Verity (Lv.2) Energy (Stock +1) Chain
Altruism (Stock +1) Pursuit+ (Bolster) Altruism+ (Amplify) Fountain+ (Bolster)
Devastation Knowledge (Lv.2) Pursuit (Stock +1) Eruption+ (Bolster)
Tranquility Charity Diffusion (Time +10s) Diffusion+ (Reflect)
Agility (Stock +1) Stamina (Lv. 2) Vitality (Stock +2) Tolerance (Lv. 2)
Verity (Lv.2) Protection of Heroes Taunt (Stock +2) Taunt+ (Sturdy)
Leech (Time +5s) Lure (Lv. 2) Taunt+ (Swift) Relaxation
Taunt (Stock +1) Stamina (Lv. 2) Protection (Lv. 2) Lure (Lv. 2)
Perseverance Warp (Reduce) Sanctum (Stock +1) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Tolerance (Lv. 2) Stamina (Lv. 2) Vitality (Stock +2) Leech+ (Absorb)
Chain Leech (Time +5s) Recuperation (Lv. 2) Vitality (Time +5s)
Heroes' Rally Verity (Lv.2) Vitality+ (Rigid) Zeal+ (Accuracy)
Desperation Knowledge (Lv.2) Fountain (Reduce) Attack up (Lv.2)
Chain Verity (Lv.2) Fortune+ (Accuracy) Energy+ (Accuracy)
Devastation Might+ (Rage) Convergence Might+ (Nimble)
Chain Verity (Lv.3) Might (Stock +3) Gymnast
Vitality (Stock +2) Stamina (Lv. 2) Pursuit+ (Leech) Pursuit+ (Purify)
Heroes' Rally Vitality (Time +10s) Random (Stock +2) Attack up (Lv.2)
Resillience Recovery+ (Heal) Agility+ (Dual) Taunt+ (Protect)
Chain Warp (Stock +15) Paradox (Reduce) Ablution+ (Reduce)
Chain Heroes' Rally Fountain (Stock +2) Fitness (Lv. 1)
Chain Stamina (Lv. 2) Taunt (Stock +2) Taunt+ (Sturdy)
Perseverance Charity Ablution+ (Wrath) Ablution+ (Reduce)
Fervor Stamina (Lv. 2) Vitality (Stock +1) Tolerance (Lv. 2)
Swiftness Leech+ (Amplify) Altruism+ (Nimble) Restoration (Lv. 4)
Attack up (Lv.1) Recuperation (Lv. 1) Sacrifice (Time +5s) Fortune+ (Kismet)
Chain Altruism (Time +5s) Fountain+ (Attract) Altruism+ (Amplify)
Piety Charge Master Assassin Ablution (Time +3s)
Dissection (Health) Piety Vitality+ (Amplify) Renewal (Lv. 2)
Chain Stamina (Lv. 1) Determination Puncture+ (Absorb)
Devastation Swordsmanship Taunt (Stock +2) Verity (Lv.3)
Chain Swordsmanship Ablution (Stock +1) Vigor (Reduce)
Swordsmanship Puncture (Stock +1) Puncture+ (Shoot) Puncture (Reduce)
Pursuit (Stock +2) Knowledge (Lv.2) Might (Stock +1) Attack up (Lv.2)
Swiftness Stone Wall Taunt+ (Swift) Paradox+ (Brawn)
Sanctum (Stock +1) Verity (Lv.2) Agility (Stock +2) Application (Lv. 2)
Stamina (Lv. 2) Conviction Lure (Lv. 2) Devotion
Pursuit+ (Track) Eruption+ (Accuracy) Pursuit (Stock +2) SPT Master (Purify)
Chain Pursuit+ (Bolster) Fountain (Stock +1) Pursuit+ (Accuracy)
Lure (Lv. 2) Stamina (Lv. 2) Stupor (Stock +1) Verity (Lv.2)
Knowledge (Lv.3) Devotion Stamina (Lv. 3) Dissection (Focus)
Wrath Charity Sacrifice (Stock +1) Devastation
Verity (Lv.2) Fervor Puncture+ (Accuracy) Leech (Stock +2)
Swordsmanship Dissection (Health) Fortune+ (Amplify) Lure (Lv. 2)
Application (Lv. 2) Knowledge (Lv.2) Might (Stock +2) Leech+ (Rigid)
Protection (Lv. 2) Recovery+ (Range) Shield (Stock +3) Lifesaver
Chain Verity (Lv.2) Fervor Attack up (Lv.3)
Warp (Bonus) Swordsmanship Aerial Assault Ablution (Stock +3)
Application (Lv. 1) Energy (Stock +1) Energy (Time +5s) Restoration (Lv. 2)
Puncture (Reduce) Recovery+ (Blessing) Fortune (Stock +2) Fortune (Time +5s)
Agility+ (Dual) Swordsmanship Agility+ (Quicken) Energy+ (Lure)
Chain Piety Recovery+ (Range) HLG Master (Rally)
Swiftness Knowledge (Lv.2) Pursuit (Stock +2) Chain
Chain Determination Zeal (Stock +2) Energy+ (Bonus)
Dissection (Focus) Desperation Incandescence Ablution+ (Wrath)
Pursuit+ (Surprise) Affliction (Lv. 2) Fountain (Reduce) Stealth (Lv. 2)
Knowledge (Lv.2) Verity (Lv.2) Energy (Stock +2) Fountain+ (Surprise)
Muscle-bound Persistence Intensity (Amplify) Ablution+ (Rigid)
Desperation Chance Fortune (Time +10s) Fortune+ (Bonus)
Wrath Fitness (Lv. 1) Paradox (Stock +1) Illusion+ (Sneak)
Renewal (Lv. 2) Zeal (Time +5s) Sanctum+ (Amplify) Vitality (Time +10s)
Breaker+ (Reduce) Verity (Lv.2) Puncture+ (Amplify) Devastation
Stoutness Persistence Shield (Stock +2) Diffusion+ (Rigid)
Swiftness Restoration (Lv. 2) Puncture (Stock +2) Verity (Lv.2)
Devastation Stamina (Lv. 2) Puncture (Stock +1) Verity (Lv.2)
Knowledge (Lv.3) Ablution (Stock +2) Great Ambition Ablution+ (Potency)
Chain Ablution+ (Nimble) Restoration (Lv. 4) Ablution (Stock +3)
Heroes' Rally Warp+ (Accuracy) Warp (Stock +10) Warp (Bonus)
Zeal+ (Amplify) Recovery+ (Range) Mitama Pulse Protection of Heroes
Chain Conviction Verity (Lv.2) Dissection (Health)
Ablution+ (Rigid) Intensity (Amplify) Fortification PLN Master (Amplify)
Devotion Affliction (Lv. 2) Stealth (Lv. 2) Puncture (Reduce)
Swiftness Fitness (Lv. 1) Energy+ (Swift) Restoration (Lv. 2)
Notice Destroyer Stamina (Lv. 2) Eruption+ (Bolster) Pursuit+ (Track)
Fervor Chain Leech (Time +5s) Attack up (Lv.2)
Affliction (Lv. 4) Devastation Breakthrough Energy (Stock +3)
Swiftness Chance Sacrifice (Reduce) Agility+ (Sneak)
Charity Restart Escort Duty Taunt (Stock +3)
Relaxation Diffusion+ (Hardy) Fortune+ (Amplify) Diffusion+ (Reflect)
Persistence Shield (Stock +1) Piety Protection (Lv. 2)
Altruism (Time +10s) Puncture (Stock +2) Altruism+ (Accuracy) Altruism+ (Surprise)
Energy (Stock +1) Notice Destroyer Determination Wrath
Conviction Flying Blade Wrath Chance
Resillience Chain DCT Master (Assault) Puncture (Time +5s)
Lifesaver Zeal+ (Accuracy) Pursuit (Stock +2) Verity (Lv.2)
Chain Zeal+ (Valor) Chance Zeal+ (Wraith)
Chain Restoration (Lv. 2) Puncture (Stock +1) Verity (Lv.2)
Ablution+ (Reduce) Ablution (Stock +3) Arms of Steel Breaker+ (Link)
Renewal (Lv. 1) Fitness (Lv. 1) Vitality (Stock +2) Tolerance (Lv. 3)
Piety Altruism+ (Amplify) Altruism (Stock +2) Lifesaver
Chain Charge Ablution+ (Potency) Verity (Lv.3)
Stealth (Lv. 2) Knowledge (Lv.2) Eruption+ (Sneak) Pursuit (Stock +3)
Dissection (Focus) Warp (Stock +5) Paradox (Stock +1) Paradox (Reduce)
Stamina (Lv. 2) Taunt (Reduce) Taunt (Stock +1) Protection (Lv. 3)
Ablution+ (Reduce) Lure (Lv. 2) Expert Destroyer Ablution+ (Quicken)
Attack up (Lv.2) Stamina (Lv. 2) Leech (Stock +2) Might+ (Nimble)
Swordsmanship Evasion Illusion (Stock +2) Verity (Lv.2)
Chain Fountain (Reduce) Fountain (Stock +2) Fortune+ (Gambler)
Might (Stock +2) Chance Fortune (Stock +2) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Charity Random (Stock +3) Protection of Heroes Restart
Ebullience Notice Destroyer Vigor (Stock +1) Application (Lv. 2)
Restoration (Lv. 1) Energy (Time +5s) Tranquility Protection (Lv. 2)
DEF Master (Lure) Desperation Introspection Taunt+ (Zone)
Vitality+ (Amplify) Recovery+ (Amplify) Zeal (Time +10s) Shield+ (Valiant)
Recovery+ (Amplify) Altruism+ (Amplify) Lovestruck Recovery+ (Blessing)
Chain Stone Wall Leech (Stock +2) Prescience
Diffusion (Time +5s) Prescience Exigency Diffusion (Stock +2)
Devastation Conviction Zeal (Stock +2) Might+ (Sturdy)
Dissection (Health) Exigency Attack up (Lv.3) PLN Master (Amplify)
Chain Pursuit+ (Leech) Pursuit (Stock +3) Fountain (Stock +3)
Swordsmanship Verity (Lv.2) Agility (Stock +2) Application (Lv. 2)
Dissection (Focus) Prescience Intensity (Time +5s) Charge
Attack up (Lv.2) Dissection (Health) Barrier (Reduce) Stamina (Lv. 2)
Protection of Heroes Vitality (Time +5s) Vitality (Stock +2) Puncture+ (Absorb)
Swiftness Stamina (Lv. 2) Energy+ (Accuracy) Might+ (Nimble)
Verity (Lv.2) Application (Lv. 2) Wrath Carnage (Reduce)
Dissection (Health) Ablution+ (Potency) Ablution (Stock +2) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Chain Piety Warp (Stock +10) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Wrath Swordsmanship Perseverance Muscle-bound
Might+ (Rage) Whirlwind Might+ (Nimble) Energy+ (Accuracy)
Persistence Stamina (Lv. 2) Puncture (Stock +2) Eruption+ (Sneak)
Persistence Application (Lv. 2) Might (Time +5s) Energy+ (Bonus)
Taunt+ (Damage) Attack up (Lv.2) Verity (Lv.2) Leech (Stock +1)
Zeal (Time +10s) Abyss Zeal+ (Accuracy) Breaker+ (Havok)
Knowledge (Lv.2) Devotion Ablution+ (Quicken) Ablution (Stock +2)
Evasion Swiftness Puncture+ (Shoot) DCT Master (Sneak)
Zeal (Reduce) Swordsmanship Illusion (Stock +1) Verity (Lv.2)
Antidote Lifesaver Leech+ (Amplify) Restoration (Lv. 2)
Tenacity Stamina (Lv. 2) Shield (Stock +2) Protection (Lv. 2)
SPT Master (Rigid) Knowledge (Lv.2) Pursuit (Stock +2) Pursuit+ (Leech)
Skill 6 Skill 7 Skill 8 Skill 9
Zeal (Stock +2) Panacea (Reduce) Protection (Lv. 3) DEF Master (Lure)
Pursuit (Stock +2) Pursuit+ (Devour) Eruption (Stock +1) Knowledge (Lv.3)
Insight Ablution+ (Extend) Paradox+ (Surprise) Ablution+ (Restore)
Fortune (Stock +2) Random (Reduce) Protection of Heroes Leech+ (Amplify)
Stamina (Lv. 2) Recovery (Stock +2) Zeal (Time +10s) Renewal (Lv. 2)
Puncture (Reduce) Stupor (Reduce) Paradox (Time +5s) Paradox (Reduce)
LCK Master (Random) Random+ (Cautious) Random (Stock +3) Puncture+ (Accuracy)
Ablution+ (Nimble) Breaker+ (Link) Intensity (Time +10s) PLN Master (Amplify)
Vitality (Time +5s) Conviction Sanctum+ (Quicken) Vitality (Reduce)
Charity Knowledge (Absorb) Diffusion+ (Assist) Diffusion+ (Reflect)
Sanctum (Time +5s) Tolerance (Lv. 3) Protection (Lv. 4) Barrier (Time +10s)
Stupor (Stock +1) Stupor (Reduce) Puncture+ (Absorb) Affliction (Lv. 3)
Taunt (Time +10s) Shield (Reduce) Devotion Restoration (Lv. 3)
Verity (Lv.3) Ablution (Stock +2) Stupor (Reduce) Reload speed+
Paradox (Time +5s) Puncture+ (Amplify) Puncutre (Stock +3) Stealth (Lv. 2)
Renewal (Lv. 2) Evasion Barrier (Time +10s) Protection (Lv. 3)
Taunt (Time +5s) Stamina (Lv. 3) Taunt+ (Damage) Taunt+ (Protect)
Pursuit (Stock +1) Eruption (Reduce) Expert Destroyer SPT Master (Renewal)
Fortune+ (Swift) Random+ (SPD Style) Expert Destroyer Restart
Paradox+ (Restrain) Leech+ (Quicken) Devotion Paradox+ (Brawn)
Altruism+ (Accuracy) SUP Master (Amplify) Intensity (Range) Altruism (Stock +3)
Fervor Prescience Vigor+ (Wraith) Agility+ (Dual)
Fortune+ (Recover) Fortune+ (Kismet) Fortune (Time +10s) Fortune+ (Surprise)
Leech+ (Absorb) Stealth (Lv. 2) Verity (Lv.3) Expert Destroyer
Persistence Barrier (Reduce) Tolerance (Lv. 3) Recuperation (Lv. 2)
Warp (Stock +15) Sanctum (Time +10s) Protection (Lv. 4) Stone Wall
Eruption (Stock +1) Eruption (Reduce) Verity (Lv.3) Eruption+ (Bolster)
Breaker+ (Reduce) Prescience Attack up (Lv.3) Breaker+ (Link)
Sanctum+ (Accuracy) Diffusion+ (Reduce) Sanctum+ (Swift) Diffusion+ (Quicken)
Taunt+ (Assist) Sacrifice+ (Spirit) Shield+ (Range) Sacrifice+ (Minimize)
Devotion Prescience Might+ (Rage) Notice Destroyer
Heroes' Rally Ablution (Time +3s) DCT Master (Surprise) Ablution+ (Nimble)
Barrier+ (Brawn) SPC Master (Quicken) Warp+ (Flight) Protection (Lv. 3)
Fountain (Stock +3) Altruism+ (Attrib.) Knowledge (Absorb) SPT Master (Purify)
Fountain (Stock +2) Spin Doctor Attack up (Lv.3) Eruption (Reduce)
Recuperation (Lv. 2) Sanctum+ (Extend) Sanctum+ (Assist) Diffusion+ (Quicken)
Fortune+ (Kismet) Fortune (Stock +3) Revival+ (Quicken) Fortune+ (Miracle)
Dissection (Focus) Energy (Time +5s) Determination Restoration (Lv. 3)
Conviction Earthshaker Barrier+ (Awe) Intensity (Stock +1)
Fortune (Stock +3) Random (Stock +3) Panacea (Stock +1) Random+ (HLG Style)
Taunt+ (Damage) Devotion Verity (Lv.3) Heroes' Rally
Breaker (Stock +3) Zeal+ (Wraith) Ablution+ (Potency) Insight
Zeal (Time +5s) Zeal+ (Wraith) Verity (Lv.3) SUP Master (Amplify)
Devastation Might+ (Nimble) PLN Master (Amplify) Attack up (Lv.4)
Ebullience Illusion+ (Sturdy) Protection (Lv. 3) Determination
Diffusion+ (Assist) Knowledge (Lv.3) Fortune+ (Assist) Random+ (SUP Style)
Energy (Reduce) Taunt+ (Swift) Tranquility Application (Lv. 4)
Puncture (Stock +2) Diffusion+ (Assist) Illusion+ (Assist) Puncture+ (Surprise)
Recovery (Stock +2) DEF Master (Valiant) DEF Master (Lure) Protection (Lv. 3)
LCK Master (Recover) Random (Reduce) Fortune+ (Recover) Stone Wall
Sanctum (Stock +2) Fitness (Lv. 2) Sanctum+ (Amplify) Tolerance (Lv. 3)
Stone Wall Barrier (Stock +1) Fortune+ (Recover) Taunt (Time +10s)
Fortune+ (Surprise) Random (Reduce) Affliction (Lv. 3) Protection of Heroes
SPC Master (Quicken) Sanctum+ (Accuracy) Sanctum+ (Extend) Paradox+ (Bolster)
Stamina (Lv. 4) Sanctum+ (Hardy) Shield (Reduce) Shield (Stock +3)
Pursuit (Stock +3) Devastation Protection (Lv. 3) Barrier (Stock +1)
Random (Stock +2) Puncutre (Stock +3) Stupor (Stock +1) Random+ (DCT Style)
Great Ambition Charity Intensity (Amplify) Intensity (Insight)
Shield+ (Valiant) Verity (Lv.3) Heroes' Rally Expert Destroyer
Sanctum (Stock +2) Agitation Expert Destroyer Prescience
Vitality (Stock +2) Vitality+ (Rigid) Vitality (Time +5s) Zeal+ (Rage)
Breaker (Time +10s) DCT Master (Wraith) Breaker+ (Havok) Restart
Eruption (Stock +1) Zeal (Stock +2) Knowledge (Lv.3) Eruption+ (Raid)
Random (Stock +3) Fortune+ (Blessing) Random+ (Gamble) Fortune+ (Gambler)
HLG Master (Cure) Vitality+ (Assist) HLG Master (Quicken) HLG Master (Rally)
Puncture (Stock +2) Tenacity Affliction (Lv. 3) Stealth (Lv. 2)
Revival+ (Blessing) Random (Reduce) Fortune+ (Quicken) Fortune (Time +10s)
Stamina (Lv. 3) Altruism+ (Amplify) Diffusion+ (Reflect) SUP Master (Hardy)
Sanctum+ (Assist) Diffusion+ (Quicken) Sanctum+ (Swift) Warp+ (Assembly)
Fortune+ (Sturdy) Shield+ (Range) Restart Fortune+ (Blessing)
Might (Stock +2) Carnage (Stock +1) LCK Master (Revival) Protection of Heroes
Restart Incandescence LCK Master (Random) Fortune (Stock +2)
Agility (Stock +2) Energy (Reduce) Ebullience Fortune+ (Miracle)
Barrier (Time +10s) Taunt+ (Protect) Barrier+ (Wraith) Shield+ (Link)
Breaker (Stock +3) Breaker (Time +10s) PLN Master (Amplify) Agility+ (Dual)
Random (Stock +2) Fortune (Reduce) Fortune+ (Amplify) Restart
Vitality+ (Heal) Dissection (Health) Vitality (Time +10s) Vitality+ (Sturdy)
Devotion Zeal (Time +10s) Heroes' Rally Vigor (Time +10s)
Stupor (Time +2s) Verity (Lv.3) DCT Master (Assault) Affliction (Lv. 4)
Energy (Time +10s) Energy+ (Swift) Random+ (SPD Style) Vigor+ (Special)
Pursuit+ (Bolster) Pursuit+ (Leech) Knowledge (Lv.3) SPT Master (Augument)
Might (Stock +2) Carnage (Reduce) Protection (Lv. 3) DEF Master (Rigid)
Sanctum+ (Hardy) Warp+ (Flight) Sanctum+ (Accuracy) Fortune+ (Remove)
Fountain+ (Exploit) Fountain+ (Bolster) Attack up (Lv.4) Knowledge (Lv.4)
Fortune+ (Wraith) Ablution+ (Restore) Fortune+ (Surprise) Fortune+ (Miracle)
Warp+ (Accuracy) Puncture (Reduce) Charge Gymnast
Random (Stock +2) Devotion Tolerance (Lv. 3) Restart
Zeal (Stock +2) Taunt+ (Swift) Verity (Lv.3) Recovery (Stock +2)
Energy (Stock +2) Attack up (Lv.3) Verity (Lv.3) Expert Destroyer
Pursuit+ (Bolster) Fountain+ (Attract) Paradox+ (Bolster) SPT Master (Devote)
Energy (Time +10s) Expert Destroyer Agility+ (Sneak) Stupor (Reduce)
Taunt (Stock +2) Taunt (Time +10s) DEF Master (Lure) DEF Master (Resist)
Leech+ (Wraith) Might (Reduce) Verity (Lv.3) Fountain (Stock +3)
Recovery (Stock +2) Recovery+ (Heal) Warmth Tolerance (Lv. 3)
Puncture+ (Accuracy) Ablution+ (Wrath) DCT Master (Assault) PLN Master (Amplify)
Sanctum+ (Accuracy) Sanctum (Reduce) Sanctum (Time +5s) Tolerance (Lv. 3)
Random (Stock +2) Random (Reduce) Devotion LCK Master (Random)
Vigor+ (Special) Energy (Reduce) Restoration (Lv. 3) Persistence
Might (Stock +2) Carnage (Reduce) Knowledge (Lv.3) Heroes' Rally
Shield (Stock +2) Barrier (Reduce) Attack up (Lv.3) Taunt+ (Protect)
Random+ (SPC Style) Paradox+ (Bolster) Random+ (DCT Style) Stupor (Time +2s)
Fountain (Stock +2) Eruption (Reduce) Fitness (Lv. 2) Prescience
Paradox+ (Bolster) Paradox (Stock +1) Warp+ (Accuracy) Heroes' Rally
Dissection (Focus) Puncture (Reduce) Leech (Stock +2) Attack up (Lv.3)
Intensity+ (Reduce) Ablution+ (Quicken) Swordsmanship Ablution+ (Wrath)
Expert Destroyer Altruism+ (Accuracy) Altruism+ (Wraith) Recovery+ (Amplify)
Random (Stock +2) Fortune (Time +5s) Random+ (ATK Style) Restart
Panacea (Reduce) Altruism+ (Nimble) Vitality+ (Assist) Altruism+ (Destroy)
Warp+ (Reverse) Sanctum (Reduce) Sanctum (Time +10s) SPC Master (Purify)
Fortune+ (Kismet) Fortune (Time +5s) Verity (Lv.3) Puncture (Stock +2)
Eruption+ (Accuracy) Desperation Attack up (Lv.3) Fortune+ (Wraith)
SPT Master (Havoc) Ablution+ (Restore) Ablution (Time +3s) Heroes' Rally
Recovery (Stock +2) Recovery+ (Heal) Recovery+ (Bonus) Pursuit (Stock +3)
Protection of Heroes Recovery+ (Range) Zeal+ (Valor) Vitality+ (Zone)
Puncture (Stock +2) Stupor (Reduce) Affliction (Lv. 3) Stealth (Lv. 2)
Fortune (Stock +3) Restoration (Lv. 3) Fortune+ (Miracle) Fortune+ (Bonus)
Illusion+ (Surprise) Altruism+ (Nimble) Puncture+ (Surprise) Altruism+ (Accuracy)
Recuperation (Lv. 2) Vitality (Reduce) Stamina (Lv. 4) Zeal+ (Rage)
Sanctum+ (Amplify) Energy (Time +10s) Agility (Stock +2) Application (Lv. 4)
Leech+ (Absorb) ATK Master (Amplify) Leech+ (Wraith) Leech+ (Amplify)
Breaker (Time +10s) Altruism+ (Amplify) PLN Master (Amplify) Altruism+ (Wraith)
Energy+ (Quicken) Altruism (Time +10s) Energy+ (Accuracy) Altruism+ (Accuracy)
Recovery (Stock +2) Stone Wall Vitality+ (Rigid) Vitality (Stock +2)
Exuberance Sacrifice (Time +10s) Diffusion+ (Hardy) Majesty
Verity (Lv.2) Eruption+ (Accuracy) Devotion Expert Destroyer
Zeal+ (Accuracy) Devotion Zeal+ (Amplify) Vitality+ (Rigid)
Puncture+ (Attrib.) DCT Master (Assault) Verity (Lv.4) Carnage (Time +10s)
Pursuit+ (Devour) Fountain+ (Bolster) Eruption+ (Bolster) SPT Master (Renewal)
Recovery+ (Heal) Puncture (Reduce) Puncture (Time +10s) Affliction (Lv. 3)
Vitality (Stock +2) Zeal (Reduce) Verity (Lv.3) Recovery (Stock +2)
Verity (Lv.2) HLG Master (Quicken) Stamina (Lv. 4) Vitality+ (Amplify)
Paradox+ (Bolster) DCT Master (Assault) Knowledge (Lv.4) SPT Master (Devote)
Fountain (Stock +2) Fountain+ (Attract) Zeal+ (Swift) SPT Master (Renewal)
Pursuit (Stock +3) SPC Master (Quicken) Sanctum+ (Hardy) Panacea (Stock +1)
Recovery (Stock +1) Recovery+ (Range) Recovery+ (Bonus) Protection of Heroes
Zeal+ (Amplify) Zeal (Reduce) Zeal (Time +5s) Zeal+ (Ardor)
Recuperation (Lv. 2) Paradox (Reduce) Restoration (Lv. 3) Carnage (Time +10s)
Fountain+ (Bolster) Fountain+ (Attract) Altruism+ (Attrib.) Altruism+ (Nimble)
Pursuit+ (Absorb) Zeal (Reduce) Vitality (Stock +3) Vitality (Time +10s)
Might+ (Rage) Devastation Random+ (ATK Style) Fortune+ (Gambler)
Random (Stock +2) Breaker+ (Amplify) Prescience Expert Destroyer
Ebullience Zeal (Reduce) Zeal+ (Swift) Zeal+ (Rage)
Sanctum+ (Swift) Sanctum+ (Quicken) SPC Master (Purify) Charity
Energy+ (Bonus) Energy+ (Quicken) SUP Master (Hardy) Energy+ (Range)
DCT Master (Assault) Exploit (Leech) Exploit (Absorb) Puncture+ (Amplify)
Illusion+ (Hardy) Illusion (Reduce) Illusion (Time +5s) Renewal (Lv. 2)
Diffusion+ (Rigid) Diffusion+ (Hardy) Vitality+ (Zone) Diffusion+ (Quicken)
Puncture (Stock +2) Swordsmanship Affliction (Lv. 3) Stealth (Lv. 2)
Energy+ (Lure) Devotion Leech+ (Amplify) Attack up (Lv.3)
Might (Stock +2) Attack up (Lv.4) Warp+ (Accuracy) Might+ (Rage)
Notice Destroyer Might (Reduce) Might (Time +10s) Might (Stock +3)
Pursuit+ (Track) Verity (Lv.3) Stealth (Lv. 2) Protection (Lv. 4)
SPT Master (Devote) Breaker+ (Havok) PLN Master (Extend) Knowledge (Lv.3)
Recovery+ (Heal) Verity (Lv.4) Three Arrows Bound Souls
DCT Master (Wraith) Vigor (Reduce) Dissection (Health) Expert Destroyer
Warp (Stock +10) Warp (Reduce) SPC Master (Purify) Paradox (Stock +1)
Random+ (ATK Style) Carnage+ (Almighty) Random+ (PLN Style) Intensity+ (Link)
Leech+ (Absorb) Carnage (Reduce) Devastation Fitness (Lv. 2)
Agility+ (Dual) Gouge Master Chance Expert Destroyer
Shield+ (Valiant) Recovery+ (Amplify) Taunt (Stock +3) Taunt+ (Sturdy)
Devastation Gymnast Determination Illusion+ (Sturdy)
Leech+ (Amplify) Leech+ (Absorb) Sacrifice+ (Leech) Leech+ (Range)
Energy+ (Quicken) SPT Master (Purify) Vigor (Stock +1) Recovery+ (Blessing)
Expert Destroyer Chance Swordsmanship Intensity (Stock +1)
Recovery (Stock +2) Attack up (Lv.2) Recovery+ (Bonus) Recovery+ (Amplify)
Wrath Puncture (Reduce) Tolerance (Lv. 3) Illusion (Stock +2)
Fountain (Reduce) Pursuit+ (Track) SPC Master (Quicken) Expert Destroyer
Shield (Reduce) Sanctum+ (Amplify) Shield+ (Valiant) Protection (Lv. 4)
Pursuit (Stock +3) Pursuit+ (Accuracy) Verity (Lv.4) Energy (Time +10s)
Application (Lv. 2) Warp (Stock +15) Warp (Bonus) Tolerance (Lv. 3)
Illusion (Stock +1) Vigor+ (Sneak) Affliction (Lv. 3) Gymnast
Tolerance (Lv. 3) SPT Master (Devote) Appraisal Altruism+ (Attrib.)
Pursuit+ (Bolster) Fountain+ (Bolster) Greed Fitness (Lv. 2)
Altruism+ (Destroy) Taunt+ (Zone) Diffusion+ (Destroy) Barrier+ (Shred)
Agility+ (Bonus) Energy (Reduce) Zeal (Stock +3) Recuperation (Lv. 2)
Fortune (Stock +2) Random (Reduce) Protection (Lv. 3) Restart
Might (Reduce) Perseverance Attack up (Lv.3) Evasion
Tranquility Shield (Reduce) Shield+ (Valiant) Protection (Lv. 3)
Paradox+ (Surprise) Paradox (Time +5s) Restart Prescience
Leech (Stock +1) Might (Reduce) Stamina (Lv. 3) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Leech+ (Amplify) Panacea (Reduce) Leech (Stock +3) Stamina (Lv. 4)
Agility+ (Sneak) Zeal+ (Ardor) Charge Energy+ (Bonus)
Stealth (Lv. 2) Leech (Stock +2) Leech+ (Wraith) Attack up (Lv.3)
Energy+ (Swift) Puncture+ (Accuracy) SPD Master (Minimize) DCT Master (Assault)
Insight Might+ (Attributes) Knowledge (Leech) Knowledge (Absorb)
Energy (Time +10s) Vigor+ (Rigid) Attack up (Lv.4) Prescience
Renewal (Lv. 2) Pursuit (Reduce) Stamina (Lv. 3) SPT Master (Augument)
Zeal (Stock +2) Panacea (Reduce) Attack up (Lv.3) Leech+ (Amplify)
Tolerance (Lv. 3) Recovery+ (Range) Agility+ (Quicken) Vitality+ (Heal)
PLN Master (Extend) Breaker+ (Link) Warp+ (Accuracy) Ablution+ (Quicken)
Paradox (Time +5s) Pursuit+ (Absorb) Attack up (Lv.3) Pursuit+ (Devour)
Chance Taunt (Reduce) DEF Master (Lure) Protection (Lv. 3)
Diffusion+ (Destroy) Breaker (Time +5s) Diffusion+ (Reflect) Breaker+ (Amplify)
Taunt (Time +10s) Shield (Reduce) Taunt+ (Amity) Stamina (Lv. 3)
Altruism+ (Accuracy) Leech+ (Quicken) Lifebringer Altruism+ (Amplify)
Attack up (Lv.3) Recuperation (Lv. 2) Revival+ (Blessing) SUP Master (Hardy)
Knowledge (Leech) SUP Master (Amplify) Knowledge (Lv.3) Pursuit+ (Raid)
Diffusion (Stock +3) Ablution+ (Restore) Diffusion (Time +10s) Ablution+ (Extend)
Ablution+ (Potency) Ablution (Stock +3) Recovery+ (Blessing) Ablution+ (Wrath)
Puncture (Stock +2) Stupor (Reduce) Zeal (Stock +3) Recuperation (Lv. 2)
Shield (Stock +3) Piety Tranquility Heroes' Rally
Ablution (Time +3s) Ablution+ (Potency) Vigor+ (Wraith) Verity (Lv.3)
Stamina (Lv. 3) DCT Master (Assault) Puncture+ (Amplify) Verity (Lv.3)
Might+ (Attributes) Leech (Reduce) Expert Destroyer Leech+ (Absorb)
Paradox (Time +5s) Energy+ (Swift) Protection (Lv. 3) Fortitude
Dissection (Focus) Energy+ (Swift) Verity (Lv.3) Warp+ (Flight)
Barrier (Time +10s) Devastation Attack up (Lv.3) Vigor+ (Special)
Random (Stock +2) Knowledge (Lv.3) Conviction Random+ (SPT Style)
Pursuit (Stock +2) Pursuit (Reduce) Eruption (Stock +1) Fitness (Lv. 2)
Devotion Prescience Affliction (Lv. 4) Conviction
Verity (Lv.3) Vigor (Time +10s) Expert Destroyer Application (Lv. 4)
Falling Petals Illusion+ (Assist) Sacrifice (Time +10s) Illusion (Stock +3)
Might (Time +10s) Devotion Warp+ (Accuracy) Verity (Lv.3)
Random+ (Gamble) Fortune+ (Quicken) Warp+ (Reverse) Fortune+ (Miracle)
Might (Time +5s) Might (Reduce) Might+ (Attributes) Affliction (Lv. 4)
Stamina (Lv. 4) Shield+ (Range) Vitality+ (Sturdy) Restoration (Lv. 3)
Zeal+ (Accuracy) Might+ (Nimble) Might (Reduce) Verity (Lv.3)
Insight Restart Breaker (Stock +3) Intensity (Time +10s)
Agility (Stock +2) Agility (Reduce) Verity (Lv.3) Application (Lv. 3)
Fortune+ (Remove) Persistence Fortune+ (Surprise) Illusion+ (Sanctity)
Agility (Reduce) Verity (Lv.3) Evasion Restoration (Lv. 3)
Recovery (Stock +2) Recovery+ (Amplify) Vitality+ (Amplify) Recuperation (Lv. 2)
Energy (Stock +2) Evasion Vigor+ (Wraith) Vigor+ (Nimble)
Ebullience Zeal+ (Ardor) Agility+ (Bonus) Restoration (Lv. 3)
Warp+ (Accuracy) Intensity+ (Reduce) Prescience Intensity (Amplify)
Fountain (Stock +3) Eruption (Reduce) Affliction (Lv. 3) Stupor (Time +2s)
Pursuit (Stock +2) Gymnast Application (Lv. 3) SPT Master (Renewal)
Conviction Ablution+ (Potency) Attack up (Lv.4) Exploding Fist
Fortune+ (Accuracy) Fortune+ (Sturdy) Fortune+ (Gambler) Fortune+ (Amplify)
Charge Paradox (Reduce) Affliction (Lv. 3) Paradox+ (Surprise)
Sanctum (Time +10s) Paradox (Time +5s) Stamina (Lv. 3) Protection of Heroes
Arms of Steel Ablution+ (Rigid) Energy+ (Accuracy) Fortitude
Protection (Lv. 3) Diffusion+ (Reflect) Shield+ (Range) Protection (Lv. 4)
Agility+ (Sneak) Vigor (Reduce) Restoration (Lv. 3) Energy (Stock +2)
Shield (Stock +2) Barrier (Reduce) Evasion Affliction (Lv. 3)
Ablution (Time +3s) Breaker+ (Link) Attack up (Lv.4) Knowledge (Lv.4)
Ablution+ (Extend) Evasion Whirlwind Breaker+ (Link)
Energy (Stock +2) Vigor (Reduce) Application (Lv. 4) Expert Destroyer
Vitality (Stock +3) Vitality+ (Amplify) Vitality+ (Heal) Zeal (Stock +3)
Carnage+ (Link) Verity (Lv.3) Carnage (Time +5s) Attack up (Lv.4)
DEF Master (Valiant) Intensity (Stock +1) Barrier (Stock +1) Taunt+ (Damage)
DCT Master (Wraith) Ebullience Affliction (Lv. 3) Stupor (Stock +1)
Energy (Stock +2) Vigor+ (Nimble) Agility (Stock +3) Expert Destroyer
Dissection (Health) Tranquility Pursuit+ (Bolster) ATK Master (Amplify)
Leech+ (Amplify) Leech (Reduce) Attack up (Lv.3) Leech+ (Rigid)
Vigor (Time +10s) Energy (Time +10s) Energy+ (Havoc) Agility+ (Quicken)
Renewal (Lv. 2) Agility+ (Bonus) Recovery+ (Blessing) Diffusion+ (Swift)
Shield (Stock +3) Taunt+ (Protect) Introspection Taunt+ (Damage)
Fortune+ (Surprise) Diffusion (Stock +3) Fortune+ (Gambler) Altruism+ (Destroy)
Random (Stock +2) Taunt (Stock +3) Protection (Lv. 3) Restart
Affliction (Lv. 3) Altruism+ (Nimble) Puncture+ (Amplify) Exploit (Leech)
Agility (Stock +2) Energy+ (Quicken) Vigor (Reduce) Application (Lv. 3)
Expert Destroyer Swordsmanship Charge Sacrifice+ (Minimize)
ATK Master (Amplify) Leech (Stock +3) Illusion (TIme +10s) Affliction (Lv. 3)
Zeal (Stock +2) Panacea (Reduce) Expert Destroyer Pursuit+ (Accuracy)
Panacea (Reduce) Renewal (Lv. 2) Vitality+ (Zone) Panacea (Stock +1)
Illusion (Stock +1) Illusion (Reduce) Illusion (Time +5s) Verity (Lv.3)
Fortune+ (Gambler) Ablution+ (Extend) Random+ (Gamble) Intensity (Amplify)
Paradox (Time +5s) Sanctum+ (Hardy) SPC Master (Quicken) Recuperation (Lv. 2)
Recuperation (Lv. 2) Sacrifice (Reduce) Altruism+ (Destroy) Diffusion+ (Destroy)
Vigor+ (Nimble) Breakthrough Energy+ (Quicken) Verity (Lv.4)
Puncture (Stock +2) Stupor (Reduce) Illusion+ (Sanctity) Restoration (Lv. 3)
Stoutness Fitness (Lv. 2) Paradox+ (Surprise) Tolerance (Lv. 3)
Recovery (Stock +1) Taunt+ (Amity) Shield (Reduce) Stone Wall
Zeal (Time +10s) Ablution+ (Wrath) Zeal+ (Accuracy) Insight
Verity (Lv.2) Leech+ (Quicken) Verity (Lv.3) Might+ (Sturdy)
Stupor (Stock +1) Stupor (Reduce) Dissection (Focus) Verity (Lv.3)
Fountain+ (Bolster) Fortune (Reduce) Master Destroyer SPT Master (Devote)
Random (Reduce) Random+ (Cautious) Attack up (Lv.4) Protection of Heroes
Restart Barrier+ (Awe) Random+ (SUP Style) Sacrifice+ (Rally)
Vigor+ (Nimble) Vigor (Reduce) Agility (Stock +2) Agility+ (Dual)
Expert Destroyer Vigor (Reduce) Energy+ (Lure) Taunt (Stock +2)
Barrier (Stock +1) Insight Barrier+ (Awe) Shield+ (Valiant)
Tranquility Recovery (Stock +2) Shield+ (Range) Panacea (Stock +1)
Diffusion (Stock +3) Sacrifice+ (Minimize) Altruism+ (Nimble) Sacrifice+ (Leech)
Leech+ (Wraith) Leech (Reduce) Master Destroyer Might+ (Nimble)
Desperation Fitness (Lv. 2) Diffusion+ (Reflect) Wrath
Leech (Stock +3) Zeal+ (Ardor) Leech+ (Rigid) Recuperation (Lv. 2)
Intensity (Amplify) Earthshaker Carnage+ (Almighty) Attack up (Lv.4)
Conduction Restart Exuberance Knowledge (Absorb)
Fortune (Stock +2) Random (Reduce) Verity (Lv.3) Protection of Heroes
Might (Time +5s) Verity (Lv.3) Infusion PLN Master (Amplify)
Shield (Stock +2) Might (Stock +2) Attack up (Lv.3) Lure (Lv. 2)
Illusion (Stock +2) Puncture+ (Shoot) Puncture+ (Accuracy) Affliction (Lv. 3)
Affliction (Lv. 3) Energy (Reduce) Fitness (Lv. 2) Verity (Lv.3)
Recovery+ (Amplify) Dissection (Focus) Carnage (Time +5s) Verity (Lv.4)
SPT Master (Devote) Breaker (Time +10s) Reload +2 Breaker+ (Amplify)
Zeal (Stock +2) Panacea (Reduce) Tolerance (Lv. 3) Leech+ (Quicken)
Intensity (Time +10s) PLN Master (Amplify) Barrier+ (Wraith) Intensity (Amplify)
Altruism+ (Accuracy) Energy (Time +10s) Altruism+ (Qinggong) Might+ (Range)
Vitality (Reduce) Pursuit+ (Surprise) Verity (Lv.3) Fountain+ (Surprise)
Zeal (Time +10s) Fervor Application (Lv. 3) Puncture+ (Absorb)
Might (Stock +2) Restoration (Lv. 2) Fervor Attack up (Lv.4)
Affliction (Lv. 4) Zeal+ (Ardor) Ablution+ (Nimble) Ablution+ (Restore)
Knowledge (Lv.3) Breaker+ (Link) Exuberance Knowledge (Lv.4)
Puncture (Stock +2) Puncture+ (Amplify) Warp+ (Reverse) Warp (Stock +15)
Vitality (Stock +2) Illusion (TIme +10s) Affliction (Lv. 3) Conviction
Zeal (Stock +2) Vitality+ (Heal) Zeal+ (Amplify) Vitality (Stock +3)
Taunt (Time +10s) Leech (Reduce) Protection (Lv. 3) Attack up (Lv.3)
Tranquility Shield (Reduce) Taunt (Time +10s) Tolerance (Lv. 3)
Skill 10 Skill 11 Skill 12
Tranquility Taunt+ (Protect) Protection of Heroes
SPT Master (Renewal) Chain Eruption+ (Destroy)
Paradox+ (Destroy) Intensity (Range) Exploit (Wrath)
Carnage+ (Martyr) ATK Master (Hardy) Attack up (Lv.4)
HLG Master (Rally) Vitality+ (Bulwark) Recovery+ (Bonus)
Paradox+ (Restrain) Barrier+ (Awe) Majesty
Stupor (Time +2s) Random+ (Ward) Devastation
Intensity (Insight) Intensity (Amplify) Intensity (Stock +2)
Vitality+ (Zone) Panacea+ (Quicken) Recovery (Stock +3)
Fountain+ (Assist) Eruption+ (Raid) Introspection
DEF Master (Protect) DEF Master (Resist) Exuberance
DCT Master (Sneak) Heroes' Rally DCT Master (Assault)
Barrier+ (Link) Energy+ (Lure) Restoration (Lv. 4)
Stupor+ (Destroy) Breaker+ (Havok) Swordsmanship
Random+ (DCT Style) Arcanum Exploit (Wrath)
Barrier+ (Shred) Wrath Barrier (Stock +1)
Barrier (Time +10s) Carnage+ (Almighty) Man-at-Arms
SPT Master (Purify) Piety Pursuit+ (Purify)
Vigor+ (Link) Falling Petals Energy+ (Accuracy)
Tempered Blade Chain Prescience
Swordsmanship Intensity (Amplify) Expert Destroyer
Vigor+ (Destroy) Vigor+Ensures
(Special) Vigor (Stock +2)
Random+ (Gamble) Eruption
Exploit (Rage) does Fortune+ (Amplify)
Fountain+ (Bolster) Mitama Pulse Ebullience
damage, even
DEF Master (Protect) Surveyance
when the Spirit Exuberance
Paradox (Time +5s) Gauge
Paradox+ is not full.
(Bolster) SPC Master (Extend)
Eruption+ (Raid) Verity (Lv.4) SPT Master (Havoc)
Ablution+ (Nimble) Devotion Intensity+ (Destroy)
Sanctum+ (Quicken) Sacrifice+ (Link) Protection of Heroes
Shield+ (Link) DEF Master (Protect) Chance
Might+ (Surprise) Puncture+ (Surprise) Exploit (Rage)
Exploit (Accuracy) Ablution+ (Restore) Exploit (Absorb)
Taunt+ (Damage) Chain Protection of Heroes
Sacrifice+ (Rally) Fountain+ (Assist) Restart
Pursuit+ (Purify) SPT Master (Purify) Knowledge (Absorb)
Warp+ (Assembly) SUP Master (Hardy) Bound Souls
Revival+ (Blessing) Protection of Heroes Revival (Stock +1)
Vigor+ (Link) Aerial Assault Fervor
Barrier+ (Wraith) Majesty Insight
Fortune+ (Miracle) Vitality+ (Assist) Restart
Barrier+ (Awe) Concentration Prescience
Panacea+ (Destroy) Majesty Exuberance
Majesty Zeal+ (Accuracy) Swordsmanship
Might+ (Rage) Conviction Wrath
Stupor (Stock +1) Affliction (Lv. 4) Exploit (Absorb)
Knowledge (Lv.4) Sacrifice+ (Link) Protection of Heroes
Energy+ (Swift) Arcanum Heroes' Rally
Altruism+ (Nimble) Sacrifice+ (Link) Lowered Immunity
Shield (Stock +3) Tolerance (Lv. 4) DEF Master (Resist)
Random+ (HLG Style) Recovery+ (Range) Vitality+ (Heal)
Sanctum (Time +10s) Sanctum+ (Assist) Paradox+ (Link)
Barrier (Time +10s) Fortune+ (Blessing) Haku Enthusiast
Fortune (Stock +3) Illusion+ (Surprise) Exploit (Rage)
Paradox+ (Link) Protection of Heroes Paradox (Time +10s)
Shield+ (Range) Sanctum (Time +10s) Restart
Barrier (Time +10s) Stealth (Lv. 2) Wrath
Fortune+ (Accuracy) Exploit (Accuracy) Fervor
Carnage+ (Destroy) Exploit (Rage) Insight
DEF Master (Augument) DEF Master (Lure) Verity (Lv.4)
Paradox+ (Bolster) SPT Master (Havoc) Attack up (Lv.4)
Vitality+ (Amplify) Recovery+ (Blessing) Zeal+ (Amplify)
DCT Master (Assault) Swordsmanship Fervor
Fortification Prescience Knowledge (Absorb)
Fortune+ (Miracle) Exuberance Revival+ (Quicken)
Panacea (Stock +1) Exuberance Recovery (Stock +3)
Might+ (Surprise) Exploit (Absorb) Exploit (Rage)
Random+ (SPC Style) Restart Paradox+ (Attract)
Recovery+ (Blessing) Stamina (Lv. 4) Recovery+ (Range)
Altruism+ (Qinggong) Warp (Stock +15) Protection of Heroes
Random (Stock +3) Taunt+ (Sturdy) Chance
Revival+ (Blessing) Sacrifice (Stock +1) Attack up (Lv.4)
Fortune+ (Miracle) Devotion Prescience
Energy+ (Accuracy) Fortune+ (Kismet) Protection of Heroes
Barrier+ (Shred) Majesty Barrier (Stock +2)
Vigor+ (Assist) PLN Master (Extend) Bound Souls
Attack up (Lv.3) Fortune+ (Assist) Haku Enthusiast
Vitality+ (Amplify)
Vigor+ (Special) Vigor+ (Sneak) Fervor
Fountain+ (Surprise) Exploit (Absorb) Wrath
Vigor+ (Link) Determination Restoration (Lv. 4)
SPT Master (Rigid) Pursuit+ (Purify) Armory
Barrier+ (Link) Taunt+ (Damage) Protection (Lv. 4)
Heroes' Rally Fortune+ (Accuracy) Devastation
Knowledge (Leech) Devotion SPT Master (Devote)
Intensity+ (Destroy) Exploit (Wrath) Protection of Heroes
Puncture (Time +10s) DCT Master (Assault) Heroes' Rally
Fortune+ (Blessing) Escort Duty Introspection
Shield+ (Link) Dissection (Focus) Charge
Might+ (Nimble) Vigor+ (Wraith) Swordsmanship
Paradox+ (Link) Gouge Master Prescience
Vigor+ (Sneak) Energy+ (Exploit) Exploit (Wrath)
Illusion (Stock +3) Illusion+ (Surprise) Exploit (Leech)
Eruption+ (Accuracy) Leech+ (Havoc) Swordsmanship
Recovery+ (Range) Recovery+ (Amplify) Recovery (Stock +3)
Stupor+ (Destroy) Intensity (Amplify) Exploit (Wrath)
Sanctum+ (Quicken) Breakthrough Sanctum (Stock +3)
Attack up (Lv.3) Recovery+ (Bonus) Random+ (Ward)
Vigor+ (Rigid) Restoration (Lv. 4) Determination
Carnage+ (Destroy) SPT Master (Havoc) Swordsmanship
Barrier+ (Shred) Fountain+ (Assist) Charity
Random+ (SPT Style) Eruption+ (Bolster) Fortune+ (Blessing)
SPT Master (Devote) Knowledge (Lv.4) Knowledge (Leech)
Paradox (Time +5s) SPC Master (Extend) Paradox (Stock +2)
Leech (Time +10s) Exploit (Absorb) Exploit (Rage)
Vigor+ (Destroy) Intensity+ (Link) Insight
Altruism+ (Destroy) Altruism+ (Qinggong) Majesty
Fortune+ (Accuracy) Leech+ (Wraith) Master Destroyer
Majesty Panacea+ (Destroy) Charity
Paradox+ (Restrain) Sanctum+ (Quicken) SPC Master (Quicken)
DCT Master (Assault) Fortune+ (Accuracy) Verity (Lv.4)
Fountain+ (Bolster) Fortune+ (Blessing) Swordsmanship
Knowledge (Lv.4) Knowledge (Absorb) Devastation
SPT Master (Augument) Piety Recovery (Stock +3)
Panacea (Stock +1) Panacea+ (Quicken) Charity
DCT Master (Assault) Devastation Determination
HLG Master (Rally) Zeal+ (Attributes) Ebullience
DCT Master (Surprise) SUP Master (Hardy) Exploit (Leech)
Panacea (Stock +1) Vitality+ (Assist) Panacea+ (Destroy)
Agility+ (Quicken) Sanctum+ (Extend) Protection of Heroes
Might+ (Havoc) Majesty Leech+ (Havoc)
Attack up (Lv.4) Breaker+ (Havok) Charge
Energy+ (Range) Altruism+ (Qinggong) Majesty
Protection (Lv. 3) Vitality+ (Assist) Exuberance
Sacrifice+ (Rally) Sacrifice+ (Leech) Sacrifice (Stock +2)
Knowledge (Lv.4) Energy+ (Accuracy) Verity (Lv.4)
Zeal+ (Attributes) Exuberance Zeal+ (Rage)
Puncture+ (Accuracy) Reload +2 Heroes' Rally
SPT Master (Devote) Exuberance Eruption (Stock +2)
Puncutre (Stock +3) Master Assassin Puncture+ (Amplify)
HLG Master (Rally) Agility+ (Bonus) Fervor
Recovery+ (Range) Zeal+ (Amplify) Recovery+ (Amplify)
Fountain+ (Surprise) Butterfly Dance Knowledge (Leech)
Pursuit+ (Devour) Zeal+ (Attributes) Exuberance
Recovery+ (Range) Sanctum+ (Assist) Charity
Recovery+ (Blessing) Exploit (Absorb) DCT Master (Surprise)
Zeal+ (Accuracy) Swiftness Zeal+ (Wraith)
Paradox+ (Restrain) Falling Petals Charity
SPT Master (Renewal) Altruism+ (Wraith) Exuberance
Zeal+ (Rage) Pursuit+ (Devour) Devotion
Carnage+ (Link) Fervor Tenacity
Random+ (PLN Style) Majesty Intensity+ (Link)
Zeal (Stock +3) Ablution+ (Potency) Majesty
SPC Master (Quicken) Paradox+ (Assist) Warp+ (Accuracy)
Altruism+ (Qinggong) Vigor+ (Special) Restart
Lowered Immunity Devastation Stupor (Stock +2)
Illusion+ (Sneak) Restart Illusion+ (Sanctity)
Vitality+ (Assist) SUP Master (Hardy) Charity
Agility (Stock +3) DCT Master (Surprise) Exploit (Absorb)
Leech (Time +10s) Conduction Attack up (Lv.4)
ATK Master (Amplify) Convergence Wrath
Fitness (Lv. 2) Renewal (Lv. 2) Might+ (Range)
DEF Master (Rigid) Barrier+ (Awe) Heroes' Rally
SPT Master (Havoc) Eruption+ (Bolster) Knowledge (Lv.4)
Intensity (Range) Charity Introspection
Vigor+ (Wraith) Intensity (Amplify) Insight
Warp+ (Teleport) Chain Warp+ (Assembly)
Random+ (SPD Style) Vigor+ (Wraith) Fortune+ (Amplify)
Carnage+ (Link) Conviction Carnage (Stock +1)
Carnage+ (Link) Leech+ (Absorb) Evasion
Protection (Lv. 4) Vitality+ (Rigid) Chance
Affliction (Lv. 4) Three Arrows Exploit (Wrath)
SUP Master (Amplify) Majesty Charity
SPC Master (Purify) Recovery+ (Range) Restart
Insight Majesty Master Destroyer
Vitality (Stock +2) Dancing Grace Recovery+ (Range)
Sanctum (Stock +3) Sanctum+ (Accuracy) Restart
SPT Master (Augument) SPT Master (Renewal) Restart
DEF Master (Protect) Taunt+ (Amity) Charity
Surveyance Conduction Prescience
Recovery+ (Blessing) Ebullience Exuberance
Illusion (TIme +10s) Exploit (Rage) Exploit (Accuracy)
Tolerance (Lv. 4) Altruism+ (Nimble) Knowledge (Leech)
Knowledge (Lv.4) Reload speed+ SPT Master (Devote)
SUP Master (Amplify) Taunt+ (Assist) Bound Souls
Zeal+ (Ardor) Agility (Stock +3) Devotion
Tranquility Taunt+ (Amity) Barrier+ (Link)
ATK Master (Amplify) Exuberance Majesty
Shield (Stock +3) Taunt+ (Assist) Shield+ (Range)
SPC Master (Quicken) Reload speed+ Paradox+ (Destroy)
Devotion Vitality+ (Assist) Exuberance
Vitality+ (Rigid) Leech+ (Absorb) Exuberance
Application (Lv. 4) Verity (Lv.4) Bound Souls
Fountain (Stock +3) Leech+ (Havoc) Knowledge (Absorb)
Verity (Lv.3) Gouge Master Devastation
Carnage+ (Martyr) Carnage+ (Destroy) Carnage (Stock +2)
Vigor+ (Special) Flying Blade Fervor
Vitality+ (Zone) Panacea (Stock +1) Protection of Heroes
Recovery+ (Blessing) Leech+ (Absorb) Protection of Heroes
DEF Master (Resist) Vigor+ (Assist) Protection of Heroes
Paradox+ (Destroy) Majesty Insight
Fountain+ (Attract) Paradox+ (Attract) Protection of Heroes
Shield+ (Link) Taunt+ (Zone) Taunt (Time +10s)
Sacrifice (Stock +1) Breaker+ (Link) Swordsmanship
Shield+ (Link) Vitality+ (Amplify) Majesty
Leech+ (Range) Sacrifice+ (Leech) Introspection
Revival+ (Quicken) Sacrifice+ (Leech) Restart
Altruism+ (Attrib.) Pursuit+ (Devour) Knowledge (Lv.4)
Diffusion+ (Quicken) Verity (Lv.4) Heroes' Rally
Panacea+ (Destroy) Recovery+ (Range) Majesty
Affliction (Lv. 3) Zeal (Time +10s) Exploit (Absorb)
DEF Master (Rigid) Wrath DEF Master (Valiant)
Vigor+ (Destroy) Intensity+ (Reduce) Insight
DCT Master (Wraith) Chain Puncture+ (Absorb)
Knowledge (Lv.3) Knowledge (Absorb) Knowledge (Lv.4)
DEF Master (Lure) Confrontation Majesty
Vigor+ (Link) Agility+ (Quicken) Protection of Heroes
Barrier+ (Brawn) Barrier (Reduce) Desperation
Eruption+ (Raid) Fitness (Lv. 2) Pursuit+ (Raid)
Recovery+ (Amplify) Mitama Pulse Eruption+ (Raid)
Verity (Lv.4) DCT Master (Assault) Stupor (Time +2s)
SPD Master (Minimize) Tempered Blade Vigor (Stock +1)
Sacrifice+ (Link) Lowered Immunity Exploit (Accuracy)
Sanctum+ (Accuracy) Butterfly Dance Verity (Lv.4)
Sanctum+ (Accuracy) Revival+ (Quicken) Heroes' Rally
Carnage+ (Destroy) Knowledge (Leech) Might+ (Nimble)
Recovery+ (Blessing) Earthshaker Protection of Heroes
Might (Time +10s) Lightspeed trust Verity (Lv.4)
PLN Master (Extend) Paradox (Stock +1) Heroes' Rally
Agility+ (Dual) Spin Doctor Agility+ (Bonus)
Puncture+ (Accuracy) Puncture+ (Surprise) Exploit (Accuracy)
Vigor+ (Nimble) Flying Blade Vigor+ (Special)
Vitality+ (Zone) Vitality (Stock +3) Charity
Expert Destroyer Pursuit+ (Absorb) Determination
Zeal (Time +10s) Fervor Recovery+ (Bonus)
Exploding Fist Swordsmanship Fervor
Eruption+ (Sneak) Pursuit+ (Raid) Exuberance
Pursuit+ (Devour) Knowledge (Absorb) Knowledge (Lv.4)
Intensity+ (Link) Stamina (Lv. 4) Intensity (Insight)
Revival+ (Blessing) Wrath Fortune+ (Blessing)
Arcanum Fervor Exploit (Accuracy)
SPC Master (Quicken) Paradox (Reduce) Heroes' Rally
Breaker+ (Link) Verity (Lv.4) Wrath
Sacrifice+ (Minimize) Shield+ (Valiant) Tenacity
Master Destroyer Exploit (Leech) Majesty
DEF Master (Resist) Exploit (Accuracy) Charge
DEF Master (Valiant) Majesty Knowledge (Absorb)
PLN Master (Extend) Protection of Heroes Ablution+ (Wrath)
Energy+ (Quicken) Surveyance Wrath
Vitality+ (Zone) Exuberance Panacea (Stock +2)
Carnage+ (Almighty) Stamina (Lv. 4) Might+ (Havoc)
Barrier+ (Link) Restart Majesty
Pursuit+ (Surprise) Exploit (Wrath) Affliction (Lv. 4)
SPD Master (Minimize) Energy+ (Quicken) Vigor+ (Wraith)
Carnage+ (Martyr) Eruption+ (Accuracy) Knowledge (Leech)
Leech (Stock +3) Leech+ (Purify) Exuberance
SPD Master (Minimize) Vigor+ (Link) Energy+ (Exploit)
Vigor+ (Assist) Sacrifice (Time +10s) Majesty
Shield+ (Link) Barrier+ (Shred) Taunt+ (Assist)
Random+ (SUP Style) Sacrifice+ (Link) Exploit (Wrath)
Fortune+ (Sturdy) Fortification Protection (Lv. 4)
DCT Master (Surprise) Sacrifice+ (Rally) Affliction (Lv. 4)
SPD Master (Minimize) Energy (Time +10s) Energy+ (Range)
SUP Master (Amplify) Altruism (Time +10s) Majesty
Stupor (Stock +1) Escort Duty Protection of Heroes
Knowledge (Lv.4) Zeal+ (Attributes) Knowledge (Absorb)
Restart HLG Master (Quicken) Panacea+ (Quicken)
Illusion+ (Sneak) Illusion+ (Sanctity) Illusion+ (Assist)
Random+ (PLN Style) Ablution+ (Quicken) Greed
HLG Master (Quicken) Vitality+ (Zone) Tolerance (Lv. 4)
Heroes' Rally Protection of Heroes Heroes' Guidance
Energy+ (Havoc) PLN Master (Extend) Fervor
Expert Destroyer Pursuit+ (Surprise) Exploit (Leech)
Paradox+ (Bolster) Charity Paradox+ (Assist)
DEF Master (Valiant) Majesty Taunt+ (Protect)
Zeal+ (Wraith) Intensity (Range) Exuberance
Attack up (Lv.4) Fitness (Lv. 2) Protection of Heroes
Stupor (Time +2s) Verity (Lv.4) Stupor+ (Destroy)
Fortune+ (Wraith) Knowledge (Leech) Majesty
Carnage+ (Almighty) Carnage (Reduce) Piety
Random+ (HLG Style) Panacea+ (Quicken) Fortune+ (Assist)
Vigor (Time +10s) Agility+ (Sneak) Vigor+ (Link)
Taunt+ (Swift) Tempered Blade Majesty
DEF Master (Valiant) Barrier+ (Wraith) Devotion
HLG Master (Quicken) Panacea+ (Quicken) Heroes' Rally
Sacrifice (Time +10s) SUP Master (Hardy) Recovery (Stock +3)
Verity (Lv.4) Swordsmanship Insight
Sacrifice+ (Spirit) Devotion Tenacity
Leech+ (Amplify) Vitality+ (Rigid) Verity (Lv.4)
Leech+ (Havoc) Carnage+ (Martyr) Devotion
Eruption (Stock +1) Bound Souls SPT Master (Purify)
Random+ (SPD Style) Agility+ (Bonus) Vigor+ (Link)
Might+ (Havoc) Breaker+ (Amplify) Devastation
Shield+ (Link) Attack up (Lv.4) Heroes' Rally
Vitality+ (Rigid) Exuberance Exploit (Leech)
Might (Time +10s) Tempered Blade Restoration (Lv. 4)
Carnage+ (Martyr) Gouge Master Recovery+ (Bonus)
Eruption+ (Destroy) Knowledge (Leech) Majesty
HLG Master (Quicken) Fortification Restart
Barrier+ (Shred) Barrier+ (Brawn) Master Destroyer
Heroes' Rally Altruism+ (Nimble) Fervor
Zeal (Time +10s) Fountain+ (Exploit) Heroes' Rally
Zeal+ (Rage) Gouge Master Dissection (Focus)
ATK Master (Amplify) Wrath Carnage+ (Destroy)
HLG Master (Rally) Intensity (Stock +1) Exploit (Rage)
PLN Master (Amplify) Breaker+ (Amplify) Knowledge (Leech)
Paradox+ (Surprise) Warp+ (Assembly) Lowered Immunity
Vitality (Stock +3) Illusion+ (Surprise) Restart
Panacea (Reduce) Vitality+ (Assist) Bound Souls
Leech+ (Rigid) Protection (Lv. 4) Attack up (Lv.4)
Barrier+ (Awe) Protection of Heroes Restart
0/98 (15 selected) Confirmed
New in Kiwami
Name ObtaiNewConf Type Age Source
Aya Gozen DCT War DLC (Jump Festa)
Dwarf (?) LCK War DLC (preorder)
Eshima SPT Peace DLC
Hanbei Tanaka SPD War DLC (Artwork contest)
Ichimonji Mari x ATK War DLC (Free, at launch)
Kuro LCK Grace DLC (Toro game)
Mochizuki Chiyome ATK War DLC
Murasaki no Ue DCT Grace DLC
Oda Nobunyaga x PLN War DLC (Free, at launch)
Oto Hime SPC Yore DLC (Famitsu)
Snow Woman x SUP Honor DLC (Famitsu)
Tachibana Ginchiyo DEF War DLC (Jump Festa)
Todo Takatora x PLN War DLC
Toro HLG War DLC (Toro game)
Tsunade x DCT Peace DLC (Dengeki)
Difficulty Where to find (WIP) Skill 1
- Protection (Lv. 2)
- Stealth (Lv. 2)
- Prescience
- Protection (Lv. 4)
- Stealth (Lv. 1)
- Chain
- Haku Collector
- Notice Destroyer
- Fitness (Lv. 1)
- Warmth
- Renewal (Lv. 1)
- Dissection (Focus)
- Relaxation
- Antidote
Skill 2 Skill 3 Skill 4 Skill 5
Expert Destroyer Protection of Heroes Carnage+ (Destroy) Stupor (Stock +1)

Ebullience Pursuit+ (Purify) Desperation Knowledge (Lv.3)

Evasion Chain Energy+ (Accuracy) Restoration (Lv. 3)
Taunt+ (Damage) Barrier (Stock +1) Earthshaker DEF Master (Protect)
Chain Evasion Fortune+ (Kismet) Zeal+ (Wraith)
Chance Leech (Time +10s) Recovery (Stock +2) Restart
Fervor Stone Wall Puncture+ (Accuracy) Zeal+ (Ardor)
Dissection (Focus) Fraternity Readiness Exigency
Piety Recovery (Stock +2) Energy+ (Accuracy) Warp+ (Accuracy)
Tranquility Knowledge (Lv.2) Recovery (Stock +2) Sacrifice (Stock +1)
Stamina (Lv. 3) Recovery+ (Range) Persistence Tenacity
Recovery+ (Amplify) Verity (Lv.2) Puncture+ (Accuracy) Fervor
Chain Gymnast Recovery+ (Bonus) Random+ (Cautious)
Chain Fraternity Muscle-bound Puncture+ (Shoot)
Skill 6 Skill 7 Skill 8 Skill 9
Stupor (Reduce) Might+ (Nimble) Verity (Lv.3) Stupor (Time +2s)

Pursuit+ (Bolster) Eruption+ (Raid) Eruption+ (Bolster) Heroes' Rally

Energy (Time +5s) Ebullience Energy+ (Quicken) Fervor
Barrier (Time +10s) Taunt+ (Protect) Barrier+ (Wraith) Shield+ (Link)
LCK Master (Fortune) Zeal+ (Swift) Fitness (Lv. 2) Zeal (Stock +2)
Carnage (Stock +1) Leech+ (Quicken) Attack up (Lv.3) Leech+ (Absorb)
Armory Vitality+ (Amplify) DCT Master (Wraith) Determination
Expert Destroyer Zeal+ (Wraith) Fortune+ (Miracle) Charity
Sanctum+ (Hardy) Sanctum+ (Quicken) Heroes' Rally Sanctum (Stock +3)
Diffusion+ (Quicken) Knowledge (Lv.3) Sacrifice+ (Leech) Sacrifice+ (Link)
Tranquility Taunt+ (Sturdy) Barrier+ (Awe) Protection (Lv. 4)
Verity (Lv.3) Spin Doctor Stupor (Time +2s) Verity (Lv.4)
Zeal+ (Amplify) Fortune+ (Recover) Recuperation (Lv. 2) Vitality (Stock +2)
Prescience Puncture+ (Surprise) Charity Devastation
Skill 10 Skill 11 Skill 12
Heroes' Rally Might+ (Surprise) Exploit (Wrath)

SPT Master (Renewal) Eruption+ (Sneak) Wrath

SPD Master (Minimize) Bound Souls Energy+ (Range)
Barrier+ (Shred) Majesty Barrier (Stock +2)
Fortune (Time +10s) Ebullience Recovery+ (Heal)
Carnage+ (Martyr) Leech+ (Purify) Leech+ (Amplify)
Zeal+ (Rage) Charity Bound Souls
Intensity (Insight) Majesty Recovery (Stock +3)
Agility+ (Dual) Agility+ (Quicken) Restart
Knowledge (Leech) Knowledge (Lv.4) Diffusion+ (Reflect)
DEF Master (Protect) Taunt+ (Protect) Exuberance
PLN Master (Extend) Exploit (Accuracy) Breaker+ (Havok)
HLG Master (Quicken) Fortune+ (Swift) Recovery+ (Blessing)
Lowered Immunity Exploit (Absorb) Puncture+ (Accuracy)
Chapter Mission Name Age
1 1 Defense of Utakata Grace
1 2 Floating Skulls Grace
1 3 Slow but Steady Grace
1 4 Red Zone Rescue - Grace Grace
1 5 Reconnaissance - Grace Grace
1 6 Purple Invaders Grace
1 7 Slay the Manhunter! Grace
2 1 Ups & Downs Honor
2 2 Defensive Mission - Grace Grace
2 3 Hunting with the Wind Honor
2 4 Dragons of the Earth Grace
2 5 Turtle Soup Honor
2 6 Decoy Mission - Part 1 Grace
2 7 Decoy Mission - Part 2 Honor
2 8 Decoy Mission - Part 2 War
2 9 Red-Hooked Executioner War
2 10 Manhunter Hunt Grace
2 11 Windshredder Hunt Honor
2 12 Red Zone Rescue - War War
2 13 Jollux Hunt War
2 14 Night of 100 Demons War
2 15 Last Line of Defense Grace
3 1 Spiders of Dannoura Honor
3 2 A Sudden Gust of Wind Grace
3 3 The Chimera of the Night Peace
3 4 Rescue the Scouts War
3 5 Crimson Wings of Fire Peace
3 6 Miracle Grass Honor
3 7 Battles Wihout Barriers Peace
3 8 Slay the Evil Tengu Chaos
3 9 Winds on the Battlefield War
3 10 Devourer of Grace Grace
3 11 Pyropteryx Hunt Peace
3 12 Swimming in the Snow Chaos
3 13 The Spider's Web Honor
3 14 Earthfang Elimination Peace
3 15 Oni of the Elements Grace
4 1 Toads in the Desert Yore
4 2 Terragrinder Hunt Chaos
4 3 Out of Dust Yore
4 4 Flight of Fury War
4 5 Slay the Evil Tengu Chaos
4 6 Armor Busters Yore
4 7 Attack of the White Spider Grace
4 8 Swimming in the Sand Yore
4 9 Defensive Mission - Peace Peace
4 10 The Dilettante Returns Grace
4 11 Evanescence Yore
4 12 Harrowhalf Hunt Grace
4 13 Ebony and Ivory Chaos
4 14 Viper Queen Hunt Yore
4 15 Soaring Blades Peace
4 16 Requiem of the Vagabond Peace
4 17 Showdown in Hell Honor
5 1 Chaos in Flight Chaos
5 2 Tengu of Destruction Peace
5 3 Devourer of Forests Honor
5 4 Night of 100 Flying Demons Honor
5 5 Evil Gourmand War
5 6 Sandstorm Yore
5 7 Ancient Capital in Ruins Yore
5 8 Break the Barrier - Part 1 Peace
5 9 Break the Barrier - Part 2 Grace
5 10 Break the Barrier - Part 3 Peace
5 11 Break the Barrier - Part 4 Honor
5 12 The Ninja's Beliefs Chaos
5 13 Signs of Disaster - 1 War
5 14 Signs of Disaster - 2 Yore
5 15 Signs of Disaster - 3 Chaos
5 16 Signs of Disaster - 4 Chaos
5 17 Falling Cherry Blossoms Yore
5 18 The Awakening War
5 19 The King and I War
6 1 Purple Invaders Grace
6 2 Turtle Soup Honor
6 3 Red Hooked Executioner War
6 4 Talons in the Sky Honor
6 5 The Serpent of the Lake Grace
6 6 The Calling of the Sea Honor
6 7 Twin Storms War
6 8 A Malevolent Demon War
6 9 Hungry for Blood Honor
6 10 Slay the Bloodhunter! Grace
6 11 Dreadhalf Hunt Grace
6 12 Endless Waves Honor
6 13 Dances with Spiders Grace
6 14 Collosal Coalition Honor
6 15 The Serpetine Princess Grace
6 16 A Chance of Spiders Honor
6 17 Serpent Symphony Grace
7 1 The Chimera of the Night Peace
7 2 Slay the Evil Tengu Chaos
7 3 Toads in the Desert Yore
7 4 Great Avalanche Chaos
7 5 The Evil Bird Returns Peace
7 6 A Shocking Flame Chaos
7 7 Attack of the Flying Tengu Grace
7 8 Raining Destruction Grace
7 9 A Violent Whirlwind War
7 10 A Sharpened Blade Yore
7 11 Frostwing Hunt Honor
7 12 From Grace to Ashes Grace
7 13 Demons in the Air Peace
7 14 A Stout Shield Chaos
7 15 The Ancient Capital Yore
7 16 Oni Onslaught (Solo) Honor
7 17 Four Horsemen Yore
7 18 Age of Demons War
8 1 Red Zone Rescue - Honor Honor
8 2 Northern Exposure Peace
8 3 The Demonic Messenger Yore
8 4 The Demon Spider Cometh Surrounds
8 5 Tempest Amidst the Trees Honor
8 6 Death at First Bite Honor
8 7 Tengu Rising Peace
8 8 Mynx Hunt Peace
8 9 The Crimson Tortoise Surrounds
8 10 Raging Winds Chaos
9 1 Slayers on Patrol - Part 1 Chaos
9 2 Slayers on Patrol - Part 2 Chaos
9 3 Down the Demon Hole Chaos
9 4 Chop 'n' Maul Chaos
9 5 The Terrible Tortoise Chaos
9 6 In Our Time of Need Chaos
9 7 Snow Expedition - Part 1 Chaos
9 8 Snow Expedition - Part 2 Chaos
9 9 Snow Expedition - Part 3 Chaos
9 10 Frozen Tundra Chaos
10 1 Screecher Hunt Yore
10 2 Lair of the White Spider Honor
10 3 Reaching for the Skies Yore
10 4 Hundred Demon Corps - Pt 1 Grace
10 5 Hundred Demon Corps - Pt 2 Peace
10 6 To the Barrier Stone Cave Chaos
10 7 Wild Tiger Hunt Surrounds
10 8 Walking the Path Surrounds
10 9 The 16th Promise War
10 10 Night of the 100 Demons Pt 1 Peace
10 11 Night of the 100 Demons Pt 2 War
10 12 Night of the 100 Demons Pt 3 Yore
10 13 The Veteran Blade Grace
10 14 The Valley of Death Surrounds
10 15 Brothers in Arms Peace
11 1 Petros Hunt War
11 2 The Gathering Menace War
11 3 Otherworldly Discord Yore
11 4 Thanatoceros Hunt Grace
11 5 Burning Brightly Yore
11 6 Memory Quest - Dannoura Honor
11 7 Memory Quest - Sekihgahara War
11 8 Memory Quest - Goryokaku Chaos
11 9 Sheer Brutality Grace
11 10 Maledictaur Hunt Peace
11 11 The Golden Bird Peace
11 12 Fire in the Frost Chaos
11 13 A Well Coordinated Raid Surrounds
11 14 Raining Cats and Dogs Grace
11 15 Dread Castle War
11 16 Onyxwing Hunt Grace
11 17 Raging Billows Yore
11 18 A Race to the Death War
11 19 Infernal Soldiers Grace
11 20 A Daring Rescue Honor
12 1 Seeking Signs - Part 1 War
12 2 Seeking Signs - Part 2 Yore
12 3 Seeking Signs - Part 3 Honor
12 4 Seeking Signs - Part 4 Peace
12 5 Seeking Signs - Part 5 Grace
12 6 Seeking Signs - Part 6 Surrounds
12 7 Phoenix in the Flames Grace
12 8 Ushers of Chaos Chaos
12 9 The Red and the Green War
12 10 Lurking in the Darkness Yore
12 11 Dragged down to the Depths Honor
12 12 Purging the Path Surrounds
12 13 Conjoined Souls - Part 1 Temporal Schism
12 14 Conjoined Souls - Part 2 Temporal Schism
12 15 Conjoined Souls - Part 3 Temporal Schism
12 16 Conjoined Souls - Part 4 Temporal Schism
12 17 Conjoined Souls - Part 5 Temporal Schism
12 18 Conjoined Souls - Part 6 Temporal Schism
12 19 Journey's End Beyond the Known
12 20 Two Kings War
12 21 Journey's End (Solo) Surrounds
13 1 Age Exploration - Yore Yore
13 2 Age Exploration - Grace Grace
13 3 Age Exploration - Honor Honor
13 4 Age Exploration - War War
13 5 Age Exploration - Peace Peace
13 6 Age Exploration - Chaos Chaos
13 7 Age Exploration - Village Surrounds
13 8 Spider in the Depths Grace
13 9 A Powerful Gale Honor
13 10 An Insatiable Appetite War
13 11 Speed and Power Peace
13 12 Venomous by Nature Honor
13 13 The Unending Melody Yore
13 14 Twin Arachnids Yore
13 15 Transient Winds Honor
13 16 Mountainous Roar Peace
13 17 Death's Scythe Grace
13 18 A Little Slice of Heaven Honor
13 19 Impeding Progress War
13 20 Wild and Free Yore
13 21 The Tree of Flames War
13 22 Bird of Prey Peace
13 23 Pure Pandemonium Peace
13 24 Defending the Village Surrounds
13 25 The Demon's Castle Grace
13 26 Green & Red Revisited Surrounds
13 27 Talons of Terror Peace
13 28 The Rolling Stone Honor
13 29 Invitation to a Nightmare Grace
13 30 Breaking Point Yore
13 31 Demons through the Ages War
13 32 The Ultimate Challenge Surrounds

Slay 3 Drumbles
Secure 3 red zones
Find 5 prayer stones
Secure 2 red zones
Slay 1 Manhunter
Slay 10 Aurwings
Defeat Oni Horde
Slay 1 Windshredder
Slay 5 Earthfangs
Slay 5 Rockshells
Slay 1 Manhunter
Slay 1 Windshredder
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 5 Sickleclaws
Slay 1 Manhunter
Slay 1 Windshredder
Secure 3 red zones
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 100 Imps
Slay 1 Manhunter (solo mission)
Secure 3 red zones
Slay 1 Windshredder
Slay 5 Howler
Defeat the Oni Horde
Slay 1 Pyropteryx
Secure 2 red zones
Defend Utakata Village
Slay 5 Razortalons
Slay 1 Windshredder
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 1 Pyropteryx
Slay 1 Terragrinder
Slay 2 Manhuners
Slay 100 Earthfangs
Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 5 Thorntongues
Slay 1 Terragrinder
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 1 Pyropteryx
Secure 3 red zones
Slay 5 Crawlers
Slay 1 Bloodhunter
Slay 1 Terragrinder
Defeat the Oni Horde
Secure 3 red zones
Slay 1 Viper Queen
Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 1 Manhunter. Slay 1 Bloodhunter
Slay 1 Viper Queen
Slay 1 Skyshredder
Slay 1 Bladewing
Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend
Slay 1 Pyropteryx
Slay 1 Bladewing
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 100 Dark Aurwings
Slay 1 Edax
Slay 2 Terragrinders
Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 1 Astrapteryx
Slay 1 Skyshredder
Slay 2 Viper Queens
Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend
Slay 1 Hell's Warden
Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend
Slay 1 Windshredder. Slay 1 Skyshredder
Slay 1 Hell's Warden
Slay 1 Pyrogrinder
Slay 1 Nightblade
Slay 1 Cimmerian King
Slay 1 Cimmerian King (solo mission)
Slay 20 Poisonspitters
Slay 5 Rockshells
Slay 5 Sickleclaws
Slay 1 Skyshredder
Slay 1 Viper Queen
Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 2 Windshredders
Slay 1 Dreadhalf
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 1 Bloodhunter
Slay 1 Dreadhalf
Slay 1 Edax
Slay 2 Manhunters. Slay 1 Bloodhunter
Slay 1 Jollux. Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 1 Venom Queen
Slay 1 Bloodhunter. Slay 1 Skyshredder (solo mission)
Slay 1 Viper Queen. Slay 1 Venom Queen (solo mission)
Slay 5 Howlers
Slay 5 Razortalons
Slay 5 Thorntongues
Slay 1 Terragrinder
Slay 1 Pyropteryx
Slay 1 Pyrogrinder
Slay 1 Bladewing
Slay 1 Frostwing
Slay 1 Astrapteryx
Slay 1 Nightblade
Slay 1 Frostwing
Slay 1 Harrowhalf. Slay 1 Dreadhalf
Slay 1 Astrapteryx. Slay 1 Frostwing
Slay 1 Hell's Warden
Slay 1 Sableblade
Defeat Oni horde (solo mission)
Slay 1 Pyrogrinder. Slay 1 Bloodhunter. Slay 1 Skyshredder. Slay 1 Sableblade
Slay 1 Dreadhalf. Slay 2 Hell's Warden. Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend

Hell's Sentinel
Mynx, Phytodior
Slay X Razortalon
Slay X Crawler
Hell's Warden
Abyssal Fiend
Venom Queen
Bloodhunter, Phytodior
Crawler x5
Thorntongue x5

Edax, Putrox
Pyropteryx, Screecher
Manhunter, Mynx, Chthonian Fiend
Viper Queen
Glaciabella, Maledictaur
Mynx, Thanatoceros
Nightblade, Petros
Hell's Warden, Thanatoceros
Chthonian Fiend, Maledictaur
Edax, Petros
Screecher, Onyxwing

Chthonian Fiend, Snowflame

Putrox, Glaciabella
Phytodior, Phlogistor
Mynx, Panthera
Petros, Terragrinder, Thanatoceros
Cimmerian King, Amaranthine King
Windshredder, Skyshredder
Jollux, Edax
Screecher, Caterwauler
Manhunter, Windshredder, Jollux
Bloodhunter, Jollux, Screecher
Phytodior, Phlogistor
Windshredder, Skyshredder, Mynx, Panthera
Phlogistor, Manhunter, Mynx, Chthonian Fiend
Screecher, Chthonian Fiend, Anomalos, Snowflame
Obtainable Mitama: Minamoto no Yorimisu (Pale Imp) C1-1
Use Eye of Truth C1-5
Obtainable Mitama: Abe no Seimei (Manhunter) C1-7
Blitzer C2-2
Blitzer C2-3
Obtainable Mitama: Ishikawa Goemon (Blitzer), Matsu (Manhunter) C2-12
Obtainable Mitama: Semimaru (Windshredder) C3-2
Pale Imp. Obtainable Mitama: Amakusa Shiro (Pyropteryx) C3-5
Obtainable Mitama: Arai Hakuseki (Blitzer) C3-7
Shadow Soul (?) C3-9
Shadow Soul, Umbrapod C3-13
Shadow Soul, Umbrapod @ Area 9 C4-1
Obtainable Mitama: Soga no Iruka (Jollux) C4-3
Umbrapod (?) C4-5
Shadow Soul C4-7
Large Oni: Windshredder & Jollux C4-9
Obtainable Mitama: Himiko (Viper Queen) C4-11
Obtainable Mitama: Oryo (Manhunter) C4-13
Obtainable Mitama: Princess Nukata (Viper Queen) C4-14
Obtainable Mitama: Shakushain (Skyshredder) C4-15
Obtainable Mitama: Nakaoka Shintaro (Pyropteryx) C5-1
Obtainable Mitama: Kusonoki Masahige (Jollux) C5-3
Eye of Truth: Shadow Soul, Umbrapod C5-5
Shadow Soul, Umbrapod @ Area 2 C5-6
Obtainable Mitama: Abe no Hirafu (Harrowhalf) C5-7
Obtainable Mitama: Kunisada Chuji (Astrapteryx) C5-8
Obtainable Mitama: Jianzhen (Skyshredder) C5-9
Obtainable Mitama: Tenkai (Viper Queen) C5-10
Obtainable Mitama: Katsu Kaishu (Hell's Warden) C5-12
Shadow Soul, Obtainable Mitama: Iwasaki Yataro (Pyrogrinder) C5-16
Obtainable Mitama: Oda Nobunaga (Cimmerian King) C5-18
Obtainable Mitama: Aterui (Maneater) C6-1
Pale Aurwing (Issun-Boshi) C6-2
Large Oni: Jollux C6-3
Obtainable Mitama: Lady Shizuka (Skyshredder) C6-4
Obtainable Mitama: Kukai (Viper Queen) C6-5
Obtainable Mitama: Hojo Tokimune (Harrowhalf), Umbrapod C6-6
Shadow Soul/Umbrapod C6-7
Obtainable Mitama: Date Masamune (Dreadhalf) C6-8
Obtainable Mitama: Ashikaga Takauji (Jollux) C6-9
Obtainable Mitama: Sugawara Michizane (Bloodhunter) C6-10
Eye of Truth: Shadow Soul C6-12
Shadow Soul, Umbrapod C6-13
Obtainable Mitama: Murasaki Shikibu (Venom Queen) C6-15
Blitzer @ area 2. Large Oni: Pyropteryx C7-1
Large Oni: Terragrinder C7-2
Large Oni: Viper Queen C7-3
Obtainable Mitama: Sakamoto Otome (Terragrinder) C7-4
Eye of Truth: Shadow Soul C7-5
Eye of Truth: Umbrapod C7-6
Obtainable Mitama: Sakanoue no Tamuramaro C7-7
Obtainable Mitama: Sakata no Kintoki (Frostwing) C7-8
Obtainable Mitama: Sanada Yukimura (Astrapteryx) C7-9
Obtainable Mitama: Mononobe no Moriya (Nightblade) C7-10
Obtainable Mitama: Toyama Kinshiro (Razortalon) C7-13
Obtainable Mitama: Kondo Isami (Hell's Warden), Shadow Soul C7-14
Obtainable Mitama: Nomi no Sukune (Sableblade) C7-15
Large Oni: Frostwing, Harrowhalf. Obtainable Mitama: Ano Yasuki (Pale Imp) C7-16
Obtainable Mitama: Izanagi (Skyshredder) C7-17
Obtainable Mitama: Sasaki Kojiro (Dreadhalf) C7-18
Shadow Soul C8-7
Harrowhalf C10-4
Vipen Queen C10-5
Umbrapod C11-14
Frostcrawler @ Areas 3, 8 C13-2
Pale Aurwing @ Areas 1, 7 C13-4
Frostfang @ Area 3, Blitzer @ Area 6 C13-5
Phase Mission Name Age
1 1 Patrol Duty - Grace Grace
1 2 Floating Skulls Grace
1 3 Slow but Steady Grace
1 4 Purple Invaders Grace
1 5 Red Zone Rescue - Grace Grace
1 6 Defensive Mission - Grace Grace
1 7 Black Spider Omen Grace
2 1 Ups & Downs Honor
2 2 Dragons of the Earth Grace
2 3 Manhunter Hunt Grace
2 4 Hunting with the Wind Honor
2 5 Red-Hooked Executioner War
2 6 Turtle Soup Honor
2 7 Spiders of Dannoura Honor
2 8 Windshredder Hunt Honor
2 9 Defensive Mission - Honor Honor
2 10 Defensive Mission - War War
2 11 A Sudden Gust of Wind Grace
2 12 Arachnid Distraction Grace
2 13 A Glutonous Appetite War
3 1 The Chimera of the Night Peace
3 2 Jollux Hunt War
3 3 Red Zone Rescue - Honor Honor
3 4 Crimson Wings of Fire Peace
3 5 Slay the Evil Tengu Chaos
3 6 Devourer of Grace Grace
3 7 Pyropteryx Hunt Peace
3 8 The Spider's Web Honor
3 9 Swimming in the Snow Chaos
3 10 Night Terrors Peace
3 11 Red Zone Rescue - War War
3 12 Howling Blizzard Chaos
3 13 Earthfang Elimination War
3 14 Terragrinder Hunt Chaos
3 15 Oni of the Elements Grace
4 1 Toads in the Desert Yore
4 2 Armor Busters Yore
4 3 Flight of Fury War
4 4 Harrowhalf Hunt Grace
4 5 Bite of the Water Snake Yore
4 6 Attack of the Tengu Chaos
4 7 Defensive Mission - Peace Peace
4 8 Swimming in the Sand Yore
4 9 Viper Queen Hunt Yore
4 10 Tengu of Destruction Peace
4 11 Red Zone Rescue - Chaos Chaos
4 12 Attack of the White Spider Honor
4 13 Bladewing Hunt Peace
4 14 Evil Gourmand Honor
4 15 Ancient Capital in Ruins Yore
4 16 Soaring Blades War
4 17 Ebony and Ivory Chaos
4 18 Infernal Demon Honor
5 1 Red Zone Rescue - Yore Yore
5 2 Serpentine Sisters Peace
5 3 Chthonian Fiend Hunt Honor
5 4 Wings of Destruction Chaos
5 5 Ruler of the Ridge Chaos
5 6 Demon Rush War
5 7 Tigers of the Wind and Sky Yore
5 8 Hell's Warden Hunt Chaos
5 9 Submerged Flames Chaos
5 10 Man-Eating Fiend Yore
5 11 Attack of the Giant Turtle War
5 12 A Tale of Three Spiders Yore
5 13 Night of 100 Flying Demons Peace
5 14 Attack of the Giant Tengu Grace
5 15 Scorching Sandstorm Yore
5 16 Nightblade Hunt Yore
5 17 A Malevolent Demon War
5 18 The Ultimate Oni War
6 1 Purple Invaders Grace
6 2 Turtle Soup Honor
6 3 Red Hooked Executioner War
6 4 Talons in the Sky Honor
6 5 Sleeping Giants Awoken War
6 6 Hungry for Blood Honor
6 7 The Calling of the Sea Honor
6 8 Slay the Bloodhunter! War
6 9 The Serpetine Princess Grace
6 10 Fangs in the Wind Honor
6 11 Journey of the Water Snake War
6 12 Collosal Coalition Honor
6 13 Broad Shoulders War
6 14 Serpent Symphony Grace
6 15 Spider Eradication Grace
6 16 Tiger Hunting Honor
6 17 Giant Killing War
6 18 Raining Destruction Grace
7 1 The Chimera of the Night Peace
7 2 Slay the Evil Tengu Chaos
7 3 Toads in the Desert Yore
7 4 Night of Evil Peace
7 5 Venom Queen Hunt Yore
7 6 A Sharpened Blade Chaos
7 7 A Stout Shield Chaos
7 8 The Ancient Capital Yore
7 9 A Violent Whirlwind War
7 10 A Shocking Flame Chaos
7 11 Frostwing Hunt Grace
7 12 From Grace to Ashes Grace
7 13 Demons in the Air Peace
7 14 Bird Hunting Peace
7 15 Crush and Grind Chaos
7 16 The Queen Must Die Yore
7 17 Black Hawk Down Peace
7 18 Fangs of Crimson Chaos
8 1 A Challenge from Hell War
8 2 Burning Sun Grace
8 3 Volcanic Venom Yore
8 4 Hell's Sentinel Hunt Honor
8 5 Sableblade Hunt Chaos
8 6 White Fangs Grace
8 7 Beasts of Chaos Chaos
8 8 A Dance Amongst the Flames Chaos
8 9 Between Heaven & Hell Peace
8 10 Battle with the Big Eater Yore
8 11 The Tengu's Challenge Honor
8 12 Tigers That Live in Peace Peace
8 13 The Blade and the Shield War
8 14 Evil of All Stripes Honor
8 15 Never Slay Die Grace
8 16 Crack the Shell! Chaos
8 17 Red Devil Honor
8 18 Oni of the Azure Sky Honor
9 1 The Giant Snowman Chaos
9 2 Testudo War
9 3 Dance of the Blue Tengu Honor
9 4 Abyssal Fiend Hunt Honor
9 5 Poisonous Treads Peace
9 6 The Spider's Den War
9 7 Torn Skies Grace
9 8 Unrepentant Evil War
9 9 The Chaos of Times Chaos
9 10 Violent Tremors Yore
9 11 The Snake and the Bird War
9 12 Return of the King Chaos
9 13 Assembly in the Dark Peace
9 14 Eight Mighty Arms Yore
9 15 Oni Eradication - Chaos Chaos
9 16 Oni Eradication - Grace Grace
9 17 Oni Eradication - Honor Honor
9 18 Blade of Darkness Yore
9 19 Kingslayer War
9 20 Red and Blue Friends Honor
10 1 Apetite for Destruction Grace
10 2 Rise of the Crimson Turtle Grace
10 3 The Demon's Pride Chaos
10 4 Loose Ends - Chaos Chaos
10 5 Loose Ends - Grace Grace
10 6 Loose Ends - Honor Honor
10 7 Oni Pursuit - Peace Peace
10 8 Oni Pursuit - Yore Yore
10 9 Oni Pursuit - War War
10 10 Oni Eradication - Peace Peace
10 11 Oni Eradication - Yore Yore
10 12 Oni Eradication - War War
10 13 Creepy Crawlers Grace
10 14 Revenge of the Four Demons Chaos
10 15 Giant Onslaught Honor
10 16 The True King Awakens War
10 17 Every Oni Has Its Day Yore
10 18 Two Kings War
10 19 Demons on Ice Chaos
10 20 The Age of Demons War
11 1 Putrox Hunt Chaos
11 2 Phytodior Hunt War
11 3 Beneath the Sands Yore
11 4 Winds of Venom Honor
11 5 On the Prowl Grace
11 6 Bathed in Blood Yore
11 7 Antagonistic Intentions War
11 8 Heaven & Earth Chaos
11 9 Beyond the Grave Peace
11 10 Raging Billows Yore
11 11 Infernal Soldiers Grace
11 12 A Race to Death War
11 13 Birds of Chaos War
11 14 Rolling Mass War
11 15 The Jeweled Blade Grace
11 16 Bull Headed Peace
11 17 Tusk Before Dawn Grace
11 18 Raining Cats and Dogs Grace
11 19 Gazing into the Crater Chaos
11 20 A Well Coordinated Raid Surrounds
11 21 The Sunken Oni Honor
12 1 Destroyer of Peace Peace
12 2 Bump in the Night Peace
12 3 The Three Hunters Grace
12 4 The Red and the Green War
12 5 Lurking in the Darkness Yore
12 6 War is Shell Honor
12 7 Phoenix in the Flames Grace
12 8 Dragged Down to the Depths Honor
12 9 Ushers of Chaos Chaos
12 10 Guardians at the Gate Honor
12 11 Birds in the Cage Peace
12 12 Cows and Demons Peace
12 13 Tails on Fire Honor
12 14 Alpha & Omega Grace
12 15 Northern Leaders Surrounds
12 16 The Impeding Storm Surrounds
12 17 Oni Pursuit - Village Surrounds
12 18 Seeking Signs - Yore Yore
12 19 A Worthy Challenge Surrounds
12 20 Incomparable Strength War
12 21 Journey's End Yore
12 22 Transcendence Yore
13 1 Spider in the Depths Grace
13 2 A Powerful Gale Honor
13 3 An Insatiable Appetite War
13 4 Speed and Power Peace
13 5 Venomous by Nature Honor
13 6 The Unending Melody Yore
13 7 Twin Arachnids Yore
13 8 Transient Winds Honor
13 9 Mountainous Roar Peace
13 10 Death's Scythe Grace
13 11 A Little Slice of Heaven Honor
13 12 Impeding Progress Chaos
13 13 Wild and Free Yore
13 14 The Tree of Flames War
13 15 Bird of Prey Peace
13 16 Pure Pandemonium Peace
13 17 Village Defense - Part 1 Surrounds
13 18 The Demon's Castle Grace
13 19 Green & Red Revisited Surrounds
13 20 Talons of Terror Peace
13 21 The Rolling Stone Honor
13 22 Invitation to a Nightmare Grace
14 1 On Wings of Crimson Peace
14 2 Glacial Grinder Chaos
14 3 Fire & Ice Grace
14 4 Storm of the Century Yore
14 5 Arms of Iron Honor
14 6 Flames in the Snow Chaos
14 7 Boiling Point Surrounds
14 8 The Bottomless Sky Peace
14 9 Crimson Shock Yore
14 10 Here Comes Trouble War
14 11 The Demonic Mermaid Chaos
14 12 Piling Bodies Chaos
14 13 Demonic Strength Peace
14 14 Hell's Prison Peace
14 15 The Noble Yatagarasu War
14 16 The Collapsing Cave Yore
14 17 Sheer Gluttony War
14 18 Big Boys Honor
14 19 A Sea of Clouds Yore
14 20 Up from the Depths Surrounds
14 21 Lady of the Night Yore
14 22 Curtain of the Night War
15 1 Princess of Pain Yore
15 2 The Tengu of Devastation Peace
15 3 Infernal Lord Honor
15 4 Bringing Down the Hammer War
15 5 An Inescapable Blade Grace
15 6 The Source of the Pain Grace
15 7 A Shot in the Dark Peace
15 8 Big Trouble War
15 9 Pick Your Poison Chaos
15 10 Trouble in Paradise Grace
15 11 Gone Like the Wind Grace
15 12 Frostbitten, Twice Shy Peace
15 13 Demonic Fury Honor
15 14 The Serpentine Waltz Grace
15 15 Snowball Fight Chaos
15 16 Red & Blue Revenge Honor
15 17 Turbulence Yore
15 18 Patrolling the Roads Surrounds
15 19 Bringers of Chaos Chaos
15 20 Total Collapse Honor
15 21 Village Defense - Part 2 Surrounds
15 22 Frozen Deity Chaos
16 1 Guardian of the Peak Chaos
16 2 From the Bottom Up Yore
16 3 The Ultimate Demon War
16 4 An Unending Bloodbath Grace
16 5 Latent Inferno Honor
16 6 Armored to the Teeth Peace
16 7 Spiral into Evil Peace
16 8 The Oni to Lead All Oni War
16 9 Unexpected Visitors Honor
16 10 I Got 99 Oni Chaos
16 11 The Ultimate Obstacle Chaos
16 12 Total Abomination Yore
16 13 One King to Rule Them All War
16 14 Snowy Mount Chaos
16 15 Lord of the MIasma Yore
16 16 The Talented Master Oni Surrounds
16 17 A Tale of Two Kings Surrounds
16 18 A Fiery Feast War
16 19 Winds of Change Grace
16 20 Any Way the Wing Blows Grace
16 21 Village Defense - Part 3 Surrounds
16 22 A Transcendent Oni Beyond the Known
17 1 Animus Strike - Yore Yore
17 2 Animus Strike - Grace Grace
17 3 Animus Strike - Honor Honor
17 4 Animus Strike - War War
17 5 Animus Strike - Peace Peace
17 6 Animus Strike - Chaos Chaos
17 7 Invasion from Above Chaos
17 8 Four Heads & Five Tails Grace
17 9 Much Ado About Nothing Surrounds
17 10 Behind the Scenes Peace
17 11 The Oni Showdown Surrounds
17 12 Heaven Sent Surrounds
17 13 Raining Death Surrounds
17 14 The Demon Temptress Surrounds
17 15 Changing of the Guard War
17 16 Across Time & Space Yore
17 17 Four Fiends Honor
17 18 Oni Medley Surrounds
17 19 Showdown With the Animi Surrounds
17 20 The Ultimate Challenge Beyond the Known
Slay 20 Imps
Slay 10 Blazing Souls
Slay 5 Drumbles
Secure 3 red zones
Secure 3 red zones
Defeat Oni Horde
Slay 1 Manhunter
Slay 15 Aurwings
Slay 10 Earthfangs
Slay 1 Manhunter
Slay 1 Windshredder
Slay 10 Sickleclaws
Slay 10 Rockshells
Secure 3 red zones
Slay 1 Windshredder
Defeat the group of Oni
Defeat the Oni Horde
Slay 1 Windshredder
Slay 10 Imps
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 10 Howler
Slay 1 Jollux
Secure 4 red zones
Slay 1 Pyropteryx
Slay 5 Razortalons
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 1 Pyropteryx
Slay 2 Manhuners
Slay 1 Terragrinder
Slay 1 Manhuners
Secure 5 red zones
Slay 1 Windshredder
Slay 100 Earthfangs
Slay 1 Terragrinder
Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 10 Thorntongues
Slay 10 Crawlers
Slay 1 Pyropteryx
Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 1 Viper Queen
Secure 3 red zones
Defeat the Oni Horde
Slay 1 Terragrinder
Slay 1 Viper Queen
Slay 1 Bladewing
Secure 2 red zones
Slay 1 Bloodhunter
Slay 1 Bladewing
Slay 1 Edax
Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 1 Skyshredder
Slay 1 Manhunter. Slay 1 Bloodhunter
Slay 1 Chtonian Fiend
Secure 3 red zones
Slay 2 Viper Queens
Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend
Slay 1 Astrapteryx
Slay 1 Hell's Warden
Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend
Slay 1 Windshredder. Slay 1 Skyshredder
Slay 1 Hell's Warden
Slay 1 Pyrogrinder
Slay 1 Nightblade
Slay 1 Hell's Warden
Slay 2 Manhunters. Slay 1 Bloodhunter
Slay 100 Dark Aurwings
Slay 1 Bladewing
Slay 1 Terragrinder. Slay 1 Pyrogrinder
Slay 1 Nightblade
Slay 1 Dreadhalf
Slay 1 Cimmerian King
Slay 20 Poisonspitters
Slay 10 Rockshells
Slay 10 Sickleclaws
Slay 1 Skyshredder
Slay 40 Drumbles
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 1 Bloodhunter
Slay 1 Venom Queen
Slay 1 Manhunter. Slay 1 Windshredder
Slay 1 Viper Queen
Slay 1 Jollux. Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 1 Dreadhalf
Slay 1 Viper Queen. Slay 1 Venom Queen
Slay 1 Manhunter
Slay 1 Windshredder
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 1 Frostwing
Slay 10 Howlers
Slay 10 Razortalons
Slay 10 Thorntongues
Slay 1 Dreadhalf
Slay 1 Venom Queen
Slay 1 Nightblade
Slay 1 Hell's Warden
Slay 1 Sableblade
Slay 1 Astrapteryx
Slay 1 Pyrogrinder
Slay 1 Frostwing
Slay 1 Harrowhalf. Slay 1 Dreadhalf
Slay 1 Astrapteryx. Slay 1 Frostwing
Slay 1 Pyropteryx
Slay 1 Terragrinder
Slay 1 Viper Queen
Slay 1 Bladewing
Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel
Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend
Slay 1 Dreadhalf
Slay 1 Pyrogrinder. Slay 1 Venom Queen
Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel
Slay 1 Sableblade
Slay 1 Bloodhunter. Slay 1 Skyshredder
Slay 1 Pyropteryx. Slay 1 Skyshredder
Slay 1 Terragrinder. Slay 1 Pyrogrinder
Slay 1 Astrapteryx
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 1 Bladewing
Slay 2 Windshredder. Slay 1 Skyshredder
Slay 1 Hell's Warden. Slay 1 Nightblade
Slay 1 Bloodhunter. Slay 1 Bladewing. Slay 1 Edax
Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 1 Hell's Warden
Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend
Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 1 Hell's Warden
Slay 1 Frostwing
Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend
Slay 1 Bloodhunter. Slay 1 Venom Queen
Secure 3 red zones
Slay 1 Skyshredder. Slay 1 Bladewing
Slay 1 Sableblade
Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend
Slay 1 Terragrinder. Slay 1 Edax
Slay 1 Venom Queen. Slay 1 Pyropteryx
Slay 1 Cimmerian King
Slay 1 Manhunter. Slay 1 Viper Queen. Slay 1 Windshredder
Slay 1 Harrowhalf. Slay 1 Nightblade
Slay 1 Terragrinder. Slay 1 Pyrogrinder. Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel
Slay 1 Manhunter. Slay 1 Bloodhunter. Slay 1 Harrowhalf
Slay 1 Windshredder. Slay 1 Skyshredder. Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend
Slay 1 Nightblade
Slay 1 Cimmerian King
Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend. Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend
Slay 1 Jollux
Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel
Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend
Secure 3 red zones
Secure 3 red zones
Secure 3 red zones
Slay 1 Jollux. Slay 1 Hell's Warden
Slay 1 Edax. Slay 1 Sableblade
Slay 1 Windshredder. Slay 1 Astrapteryx
Slay 1 Pyropteryx. Slay 1 Astrapteryx. Slay 1 Bladewing
Slay 1 Viper Queen. Slay 1 Venom Queen. Slay 1 Nightblade
Slay 1 Jollux. Slay 1 Edax. Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend
Slay 1 Manhunter. Slay 1 Bloodhunter. Slay 1 Viper Queen. Slay 1 Venom Queen
Slay 1 Astrapteryx. Slay 1 Skyshredder. Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel. Slay 1 Sableblade
Slay 1 Edax. Slay 1 Frostwing. Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend
Slay 1 Amaranthine King
Slay 1 Blitzer. Slay 1 Frostcrawler. Slay 1 Pale Imp. Slay 1 Soulreaper. Slay 1 Goldentalon
Slay 1 Cimmerian King. Slay 1 Amaranthine King
Slay 1 Bloodhunter. Slay 1 Terragrinder. Slay 1 Skyshredder. Slay 1 Pyrogrinder
Slay 1 Hell's Warden. Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend. Slay 1 Sableblade. Slay 1 Amaranthine King.
Mynx, Phytodior
Aurwing, Earthfang
Jollux, Putrox
Nightblade, Petros
Chthonian Fiend, Maledictaur
Hell's Warden, Thanatoceros
Bladewing, Onyxwing
Mynx, Thanatoceros
Screecher, Frostwing
Glaciabella, Maledictaur
Pyropteryx, Phytodior
Windshredder, Skyshredder, Onyxwing
Phytodior, Phlogistor
Mynx, Panthera
Edax, Petros
Chthonian Fiend, Snowflame
Putrox, Glaciabella
Hell's Sentinel, Petros
Screecher, Onyxwing
Manhunter, Bloodhunter, Maledictaur
Maledictaur, Petros, Onyxwing
Phlogistor, Putrox, Snowflame, Panthera
Pyrogrinder, Astrapteryx, Dreadhalf, Venom Queen
Screecher, Terragrinder, Mynx, Thanatoceros
Viper Queen, Harrowhalf, Sableblade, Glaciabella
Manhunter, Amaranthine King
Cimmerian King, Metagnost
Windshredder, Skyshredder
Jollux, Edax
Screecher, Caterwauler
Manhunter, Windshredder, Jollux
Bloodhunter, Jollux, Screecher
Phytodior, Phlogistor
Windshredder, Skyshredder, Mynx, Panthera
Manhunter, Terragrinder
Harrowhalf, Anomalos
Pyropteryx, Pyrogrinder
Harrowhalf, Dreadhalf
Maledictaur, Cacarion
Pyropteryx, Astrapteryx, Caterwauler
Terragrinder, Pyrogrinder
Bloodhunter, Astrapteryx, Dreadhalf
Jollux, Edax, Putrox
Bloodhunter, Phlogistor, Glaciabella
Terragrinder, Putrox, Anomalos
Viper Queen
Chthonian Fiend
Phytodior, Viper Queen
Bladewing, Stealthwing
Edax, Harrowhalf
Manhunter, Glaciabella
Skyshredder, Terragrinder, Thanatoceros
Venom Queen
Abyssal Fiend
Viper Queen, Venom Queen
Bladewing, Frostwing
Chthonian Fiend, Abyssal Fiend
Venom Queen, Frostwing, Thanatoceros
Astrapteryx, Windshredder, Panthera
Abyssal Fiend, Putrox, Mortabella
Petros, Anomalos
Pyrogrinder, Edax, Bladewing, Chthonian Fiend
Hell's Warden
Cimmerian King
Viper Queen, Hell's Warden
Nightblade, Glaciabella
Maledictaur, Cimmerian King
Onyxwing, Thanatoceros
Snowflame, Nightstorm
Hell's Sentinel
Amaranthine King
Hell's Warden, Hell's Sentinel
Nightblade, Sableblade
Venom Queen, Hell's Sentinel, Sableblade, Petros
Cimmerian King, Amaranthine King
Chthonian Fiend, Snowflame
Dreadhalf, Bladewing, Amaranthine King
Pyropteryx, Astrapteryx, Onyxwing, Stealthwing
Frostwing, Mynx, Cacarion, Nightstorm
Screecher, Panthera, Mortabella
Thanatoceros, Onyxwing, Cacarion
Phytodior, Snowflame, Anomalos
Petros, Phlogistor, Stealthwing
Mynx, Maledictaur, Caterwauler
Putrox, Glaciabella, Nightstorm
Pyrogrinder, Snowflame, Onyxwing
Windshredder, Nightblade, Hell's Warden, Nightstorm
Jollux, Dreadhalf, Nightblade, Petros
Viper Queen, Mynx, Screecher, Mortabella
Abyssal Fiend, Hell's Sentinel, Sableblade, Cimmerian King
Screecher, Skyshredder, Panthera, Metagnost
Pyropteryx, Caterwauler, Frostwing, Stealthwing
Viper Queen, Venom Queen, Glaciabella, Mortabella
Metagnost, Crepusculos
Chthonian Fiend, Maledictaur, Abyssal Fiend, Cacarion
Bloodhunter, Mynx, Hell's Warden, Thanatoceros
Maledictaur, Onyxwing, Snowflame, Crepusculos
Cimmerian King, Metagnost, Amaranthine King, Crepusculos
Large Oni: Manhunter P2-12
Blitzer @ area 2. Shadow Soul, Umbrapod @ area 8 P3-1
Obtainable Mitama: Takahasi Deishu (Goldentalon) P4-6
Obtainable Mitama: Tokugawa Ieyasu (Bladewing) P4-10
Obtainable Mitama: Benkei (Chthonian Fiend) P4-18
Umbrapod, Shadow Soul P5-7
Obtainable Mitama: Prince Shotoku (Nightblade) P5-10
Obtainable Mitama: Iyo (Nightblade) P5-16
Obtainable Mitama: Chacha (Dreadhalf) P5-17
Obtainable Mitama: Oda Nobunaga (Cimmerian King) P5-18
Large Oni: Manhunter P6-1
Large Oni: Windshredder P6-2
Large Oni: Jollux P6-3
Obtainable Mitama: Fujiwara no Michinaga (Venom Queen) P6-9
Obtainable Mitama: Ono no Komachi (Viper Queen) P6-14
Obtainable Mitama: Sakata no Kintoki (Frostwing) P6-18
Large Oni: Pyropteryx P7-1
Large Oni: Terragrinder P7-2
Large Oni: Viper Queen P7-3
Obtainable Mitama: Nomino Sukune (Sableblade) P7-8
Obtainable Mitama: Lady Suzuka (Harrowhalf) P7-12
Shadow Soul/Umbrapod P7-17
Eye of Truth: Shadow Soul P8-1
Obtainable Mitama: Minamoto Yorimasa (Hell's Sentinel) P8-4
Shadow Soul P8-8
Obtainable Mitama: Lady Fuse (Astrapteryx) P8-9
Shadow Soul, Umbrapod. Obtainable Mitama: Susano'o (Jollux) P8-10
Obtainable Mitama: Hattori Hanzo (Nightblade) P8-13
Obtainable Mitama: Minamoto Yoshitsune (Abbysal Fiend) P8-18
Blitzer P9-5
Large Oni: Manhunter & Bloodhunter P9-6
Eye of Truth: Umbrapod P9-8
Obtainable Mitama: Tsukuyomi (Terragrinder) P9-10
Obtainable Mitama: Lady Atsu (Cimmerian King) P9-12
Obtainable Mitama: Amaterasu (Nightblade) P9-14
Shadow Soul, Umbrapod P9-19
Obtainable Mitama: Uesugi Kenshin (Jollux) P10-1
Eye of Truth: Umbrapod P10-2
Eye of Truth: Umbrapod P10-3
Large Oni: Manhunter & Pyropteryx P10-4
Large Oni: Windshredder & Dreadhalf P10-5
Large Oni: Bloodhunter & Hell's Sentinel P10-6
Obtainable Mitama: Inugami no Mitasuki (Sableblade) P10-8
Obtainable Mitama: Unkei (Frostwing) P10-15
Obtainable Mitama: Fuma Kotaro (Amaranthine King) P10-16
Umbrapod, Shadow Soul P13-4
Type Mission Difficulty Name Age
S 1 Normal Feast of 100 Demons Honor
S 2 Normal Lightning Crashes Chaos
S 3 Normal In the Shadows War
S 4 Normal Scorching Winds Yore
S 5 Normal Swift Extermination Grace
S 6 Normal Lion Dance Peace
S 7 Normal In the Thick of It Honor
S 8 Normal Shock and Awe War
S 9 Normal Quadruple Threat Chaos
S 10 Normal Dance of 100 Demons Honor
S 11 Normal Grotesque Masquerade Grace
S 12 Normal Shadow Spiders War
S 13 Normal The Savage Serpent Chaos
S 14 Normal Beyond this Realm Yore
S 15 Normal Firefight War
S 16 Normal Rulers of Heaven and Sea Peace
S 17 Ex Eradicate Evil - Yore Yore
S 18 Ex Eradicate Evil - Chaos Chaos
S 19 Ex Eradicate Evil - War War
S 20 Ex Eradicate Evil - Honor Honor
S 21 Ex Eradicate Evil - Peace Peace
S 22 Ex Eradicate Evil - Grace Grace
S 23 Ex Lord of the Demons Honor
S 24 Ex Ultimate Heroes Chaos
DLC 1 Exp Demented Daruma Honor
DLC 2 Exp Indellible Traces Peace
DLC 3 Ultimate Chaos in the Gloaming Surrounds
DLC 4 Exp Flurry of Blows Chaos
DLC 5 Exp Web of Fire War
DLC 6 Ultimate The Madding Crowd Yore
DLC 7 Ultimate Snake Princess of Chaos Grace
DLC 8 Ultimate Striking Phenomena Grace
DLC 9 Ultimate The Root of Evil Grace
DLC 10 Ultimate The Queen Awakens Honor
DLC 11 Ultimate The Royal Family Honor
DLC 12 Ultimate A Challenge Made Honor
DLC 13 Ultimate The Evil Emperor Surrounds
DLC 14 Ultimate The Miasmatic Cloud Surrounds
DLC 15 Ultimate The Emperor's Downfall Surrounds
3 red zones
Oni horde
Red zones
Oni horde
100 Imps
Viper Queen
Oni horde
Edax, Astrapteryx
Bloodhunter, Windshredder, Hell's Sentinel
Skyshredder, Windshredder, Abyssal Fiend
Manhunter, Pyrogrinder, Dreadhalf
Skyshredder, Terragrinder, Sableblade
Venom Queen, Frostwing
Chthonian Fiend, Cimmerian King
Sableblade, Bloodhunter, Pyrogrinder, Abyssal Fiend
Frostwing, Bloodhunter, Amaranthine King
Shadow Soul, Umbrapod
Manhunter, Phlogistor
Hell's Sentinel, Thanatoceros
Venom Queen, Snaggwen
Thanatoceros, Snaggwen
Cimmerian Queen
Amaranthine King, Cimmerian Queen
Panthera, Caterwauler, Mortabella, Cimmerian Queen
Dreadhalf, Dreadknight
Cimmerian King, Metagnost, Dreadknight
Shadow Soul (?), Umbrapod (?) S-3
Shadow Soul (?), Umbrapod (?) S-12
Shadow Soul (?), Umbrapod (?) S-13
Shadow Soul (?), Umbrapod (?) S-14
Shadow Soul (?), Umbrapod (?) S-15
Shadow Soul (?), Umbrapod (?) S-16
JP Toukiden wiki
Game guide by kats13
NeoGAF Mitama list
Koei Wikia
Various contributers

NeoGaf & gamefaqs posters, Sharu, IndigoNovember

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