1Lk 2.1 Format Identifikasi Masalah Kelas: 12 Tema: Caption

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1LK 2.


Kelas : 12
Tema : Caption
Kd : 3.3 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks khusus dalam bentuk teks caption, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait gambar /foto /tabel/grafik/ bagan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

No Data Observasi Identifikasi Masalah Rumusan Masalah Rencana Aksi/Solusi

1 2 3 4 5
1. Applying scientific approach does 1. Scientific approach 1. How to implement  Using another kind
not run as well. First, Students are implementation scientific approach of method in
still difficult to ask questions does not run as effectively in teaching leaerning
eventhough the media is prepared. well. learning caption process.
They still do not know what to be 2. Students are 2. How to increase  Prepare more
asked concerning to the lesson diffucult in students curriousity interesting media
material served. Second, It’s hard questioning and in asking questions and trigger the
for students to collect the data. collecting data. 3. What learning students by giving
They don’t know where to start. 3. Students are still method is suitable example
Sometimes, the question that has shy to to encourage the  Using Problem
been asked by his friends, he asks communicate the students to learn based learning
it for the second time. The last one result of study. caption? regarding to their
is communicating. The students real life in the
are still hard to propose their ideas boarding
to the other. According to them, it
reluctant to show the result of
study to the other because they
are afraid that their work are still
2. The sources of the learning 1. Students learning 1. How the students  Presenting several
material are still restricted. Beside material sources is get more media taken from
students’ hand books, the school only books information except the network could
only provides books at the library provided by the from the books. be the other source
as the lesson resources. The school library. for students
students cannot access the 2. The students are
internet freely. The computer not allowed to
laboratory with network is often bring their
used as place for online students’ smartphone to the
competition or other group boarding
students activities with the teacher
supervision, and this is still limited
used. Besides, handphone and
other electronice device for
students are banned at the

3. The teacher does not prepare the Lack of teacher’s What is the  Using various
learning components as well media preparation appropriate media pictures for each
especially for learning media what for teaching caption. used in teaching kinds of caption
the teacher used is only what in learning procces? can increase
the book are. So that almost of students
student at grade 12 only undestanding of
understand caption as words that caption social
appear under the picture or image function.
they uploaded in social media.
4. One of the most important think in Teacher is hard in How to formulate the Understanding the
learning design is to formulate the formulating the goal goals based on basic theme and sub theme
goals and competence based of basic competence. can lead the teacher to
achievement indicators. It’s not competence. what goal of material
easy for me as a teacher to learning will the
determine the indicators or the students achieve.
goals when I read the basic
competences in the sylabus. What
I did then was teaching the
students all the material relating to
the basic competences without
formulating the goal and this will
consume much time to finish a
5. All of Oemar Diyan islamic Students loose focus How to attract  Applying small
boarding school students stay at in learning activity students focus in group discussion
the boarding. They spend their cause of their learning activity with every student
days with various activites both sleepiness has his own task
formal and informal activity. They will effect his
start their days at the early energetic and loose
morning, it’s at about 5 a.m and his drowsiness.
end the day at late night, about 11
p.m and could be latter if there is a
night agenda. This makes some
students feel sleepy and unfocus
on the lesson.
6. Oemar Diyan applies English week 1. The students are 2. How to apply  Always strengthen
in a mounth for the students, that difficult in spoken spoken and the use of correct
they use English in their daily and writen writen english grammar rules in
spoken. Every student must speak english correctly. teaching caption.
english in the week eventhough grammatically. 3. How to improve  Repaeting hard
some grammar rules are ignored. 2. the students students words
This lead to the students difficult in who often use pronunciation proununciation on
understanding tenses in english. uncorrect the pocess of
It’s not only the case of garmmar pronunciation learning will
rules, but also on the way how makes them improve student
they pronounce the words hard to get the proununciation.
correctly. So when they listen to information from
the different pronunciation, it hard the other correct
for the to understand the meaning one
of the words or even sentences.
7. Evaluating students achievement is 3. The teacher can 4. How to implement Paying more attention
the aim of learning procces not analyze Hots HOTS question in to taxonomy bloom
whether the students master the questions evaluation high level verbs ( C4-6,
course or not. The teacher need to P4-5, A3-5) can
think the way how to evaluate and increase teacher
what tool of assesment is understanding in
appropriate to evaluate the applying HOTs
student. In this 21 century questions and also to
learning, the teacher should the sylabus it self.
include HOTs questions in the
evaluation. The difficulty I get as a
teacher is wether my questions
content HOTS or not.

1. Nomor urut
2. Data Hasil Observasi: Merupakan kumpulan data hasil observasi terhadap
permasalahan pembelajaran di sekolah/kelas baik berupa data kualitatif maupun
3. Identifikasi Masalah: berisi permasalahan-permasalahan dalam pembelajaran yang
terkait dengan
a. Materi pembelajaran
b. Perumusan tujuan dan indikator
c. Penyiapan media
d. Model, metode, dan strategi pembelajaran
e. Aktifitas pembelajaran
f. Sosiokultural siswa
g. Sarana prasarana
h. Hasil evaluasi/hasil capaian pembelajaran
i. Dst
Mahasiswa Menyusun/menuliskan permasalahan dalam pembelajaran berdasarkan
dari pengalaman atau pengamatan yang dilakukan, hasil belajar, berbagai artikel, atau
sumber lain yang valid.
4. Rumusan Masalah: Berisi rumusan masalah yang perlu dicari alternatif solusinya.
5. Rencana Aksi/Solusi: Berdasarkan bahan kajian, sumber informasi, desain, gagasan,
metode, bahan kajian, alat, atau resources lainnya yang diperlukan untuk mendukung
solusi dari permasalahan yang ditemukan. Sehingga dapat ditemukan/ditetapkan
solusi yang tepat.
a. ............
b. ............
c. .............
d. Dst
Sebagai contoh:
ditemukan masalah kesulitan siswa dalam memahami prinsip kerja motor bensin
berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dalam proses pembelajaran dan hasil belajar beberapa
semester terakhir.
Solusinya: mencari/mendesain media pembelajaran yang tepat, untuk membantu
dalam kesulitan siswa memahami prinsip kerja motor bensin, atau ditemukan solusi
media pembelajaran yang sesuai berdasarkan kajian teori yang relevan.

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