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Edited by K. Kubitzki

Berlin Heidelberg GmbH
Volumes published in this series:

Volume I Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms

Edited by K.U. Kramer and P.S. Green (1990)

Volume II Flowering Plants. Dicotyledons: Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid

Edited by K. Kubitzki, J.G. Rohwer, and V. Bittrich (1993)

Volume III Flowering Plants. Monocotyledons: Lilianae (except Orchidaceae)

Edited by K. Kubitzki {1998)

Volume IV Flowering Plants. Monocotyledons: Alismatanae and Commelinanae

(except Gramineae)
Edited by K. Kubitzki {1998)
The Families
and Genera
of Vascular Plants
Edited by K. Kubitzki

IV Flowering Plants · Monocotyledons

Alismatanae and Commelinanae (except Gramineae)

Volume Editor:
K. Kubitzki
in Collaboration with H. Huber, P.J. Rudall, P.S. Stevens, and T. Stiitzel

With 126 Figures

Institut fiir Allgemeine Botanik
und Botanischer Garten
OhnhorststraBe 18
22609 Hamburg, Germany

ISBN 978-3-642-08378-5

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.

Flowering plants, Monocotyledons : Alismatanae and Commelinanae

(except Gramineae) I volume editor, K. Kubitzki; in collaboration
with H. Huber ... [et al.].
p. em.- (The families and genera of vascular plants; 4)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-3-642-08378-5 ISBN 978-3-662-03531-3 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-03531-3
1. Monocotyledons - Classification. I. Kubitzki, Klaus, 1933-
II. Huber, Herbert, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ill. Series.
QK495.A14F54 1998
584'.7- dc21

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Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998

Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York in 1998
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1998
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When Rolf Dahlgren and I embarked on preparing this book series, Rolf took prime
responsibility for monocotyledons, which had interested him for a long time. After
finishing his comparative study and family classification of the monocots, he devoted
much energy to the acquisition and editing of family treatments for the present series.
After his untimely death, Peter Goldblatt, who had worked with him, continued to handle
further incoming monocot manuscripts until, in the early 1990s, his other obligations no
longer allowed him to continue. At that time, some 30 manuscripts in various states of
perfection had accumulated, which seemed to form a solid basis for a speedy completion
of the FGVP monocots; with the exception of the grasses and orchids which would appear
in separate volumes. I felt a strong obligation to do everything to help in publishing the
manuscripts that had been put into our hands. I finally decided to take charge of them
personally, although during my life as a botainst I had never seriously been interested in
The beginning of my involvement coincided with the revival of interest in monocot
systematics, which became manifest in the Kew Monocot Conference and the publication
of its proceedings in 1995. The latter helped me greatly in finding access to modern
concepts in monocot classification and evolution; this made it necessary to make consid-
erable changes to all the existing contributions. The results from molecular systematics
have not only greatly influenced phylogenetic concepts but have also led to an increase in
the number of monocot families, contrary to my original aim to reduce them. It is likely
that a number of genera such as those treated here as "genera anomala" may deserve
family status; further progress in molecular systematics, implying the use of additional
genes and a denser sampling, will certainly result in changes of our phylogenetic and
taxonomic concepts.
While working on these volumes, I tried to do justice to the most recent scientific
developments and, at the same time, tried not to lose sight of the legacy left to us from
earlier generations. Therefore, I often added information from important earlier works,
especially from the German morphological literature that is largely unknown abroad. In
floral morphology, I aimed at greater precision and clarity and made in these two volumes
a consistent distinction between style and stylulus (for an explanation of the latter term,
see footnote on p. 382, Vol. III). Nevertheless, I am fully aware of possible imperfections
and inconsistencies in the more than 100 family contributions; any attempt at reducing
their number, however, would have meant an unjustifiable delay in the publication of
these volumes.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who supported my work in various
ways. The directors and curators of the herbaria in Berlin, Geneva, Kew, and Munich
always responded quickly in putting critical and rare herbarium material at my disposal.
W. Barthlott, R. Brummitt, M. Chase, J. Reveal, F. Salamini, and D.W. Stevenson, among
others, provided important information as to their own or others' recent work. A.
Meerow, Nam Soak Lee, J. Kadereit, M. Sazima, T. Sttitzel, S. Verhook, Woo-Tschul Lee,
and the librarians of my own institution, of the Botanic Garden and Museum at Berlin
and of the Botanische Staatssammlung Mtinchen helped with rare literature. C. Bayer, P.E.
Berry, C.D.K. Cook, D.A. Cooke, M. Fay, P. Goldblatt, 0. Huber, M. Lock, S. Mayo, A.
Meerow, I. Nordal, H.-H. Poppendieck, S.S. Renner, J. Semir, M. Sazima, H.-J. Tillich, G.
Wiegleb, and others read and commented on manuscripts. C. Schirarend and H.-H.
Poppendieck offered important help with translations from Russian and into English,
VI Preface

respectively. C. Bayer very patiently tried to develop my understanding of inflorescence

morphology. A special word of thanks, for his unfailing help, is due to J. Bogner, who not
only reviewed various manuscripts but also provided important plant material and illus-
trations. For the generous permission to use illustrations from Vol. 6 of his Plant Life
(Leningrad 1982), I am deeply indebted to A.L. Takhtajan. I am also most grateful to all
those authors and copyright holders who permitted the use of their illustrations. Likewise,
I wish to thank H.-D. Behnke, C.D.K. Cook, E. Kohler, J. Kress, H.P. Linder, R. Mello-Silva,
S. Nilsson with E. Grafstrom, and M. Harley for making valuable light, scanning and
transmission electron microscope photographs available.
Finally, I wish to thank all contributors for generously sharing their specialist knowl-
edge and for their patience, with which they reacted to all my suggestions and requests.
Last, but not least, my thanks go to the editorial and production staff of Springer Verlag
who, as always, have done splendid work.

Hamburg, May 1998 K. KUBITZKI



K. KUBITZKI . . . . . . .


Acoraceae J. BoGNER and S.J. MAYO 7

Alismataceae R.R. HAYNES, D.H. LEs, and L.B. HoLM-NIELSEN 11
Anarthriaceae H.P. LINDER, B.G. BRIGGS, and L.A.S. JoHNSON . 19
Aponogetonaceae H.W.E. van BRUGGEN . . . . . . . . . . 21
Araceae S.J. MAYO, J. BoGNER, and P.C. BoYCE 26

Bromeliaceae L.B. SMITH and W. TILL 74

Butomaceae C.D.K. CooK 100

Cannaceae K. KUBITZKI 103

Centrolepidaceae D.A. CooKE 106
Commelinaceae R.B. FADEN 109
Costaceae K. LARSEN 128
Cymodoceaceae J, Kuo and A.J. McCOMB 133
Cyperaceae P. GOETGHEBEUR . . . . 141

Dasypogonaceae H.T. CLIFFORD, G.J. KEIGHERY, and J.G. CoNRAN. 190

Ecdeiocoleaceae H.P. LINDER, B.G. BRIGGS, and L.A.S. JoHNSON . 195

Eriocaulaceae T. STUTZEL . . . . . . . . . . 197

Flagellariaceae 0. APPEL and C. BAYER . 208

Haemodoraceae M.G. SIMPSON . . . . . . 212

Hanguanaceae C. BAYER, 0. APPEL, and P.J. RuDALL 223
Heliconiaceae L. ANDERSSON 226
Hydatellaceae U.HAMANN 231
Hydrocharitaceae C.D.K. CooK . 234

Joinvilleaceae C. BAYER and 0. APPEL 249

Juncaceae H. BALSLEV . . . . . . . 252
Juncaginaceae R.R. HAYNES, D.H. LEs, and L.B. HoLM-NIELSEN. 260

Lemnaceae E. LANDOLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

Limnocharitaceae R.R. HAYNES, D.H. LEs, and L.B. HoLM-NIELSEN . 271
Lowiaceae K. LARSEN .. 275

Marantaceae L. ANDERSSON 278

Mayacaceae D.W. STEVENSON 294
Musaceae L. ANDERSSON . . 296

Najadaceae R.R. HAYNES, L.B. HoLM-NIELSEN, and D.H. LEs . 301

VIII Contents

Palmae J. DRANSFIELD and N.W. UHL 306

Philydraceae U. HAMANN . . . . . . . 389
Pontederiaceae C.D.K. CooK . . . . . . . . . . 395
Posidoniaceae J. Kuo and A.J. McCOMB . . . 404
Potamogetonaceae R.R. HAYNES, D.H. LEs, and L.B. HoLM-NIELSEN. 408

Rapateaceae D.W. STEVENSON, M. CoLELLA, and B. BooM . . . 415

Restionaceae H.P. LINDER, B.G. BRIGGs, and L.A.S. JoHNSON .. 425
Ruppiaceae R.R. HAYNES, L.B. HOLM-NIELSEN, and D.H. LEs . 445

Scheuchzeriaceae R.R. HAYNES, D.H. LEs, and L.B. HoLM-NIELSEN. 449

Strelitziaceae L. ANDERSSON 451

Thurniaceae K. KUBITZKI 455

Typhaceae K. KUBITZKI 457

Xyridaceae R. KRAL .. 461

Zannichelliaceae R.R. HAYNES, D.H. LES, and L.B. HoLM-NIELSEN. 470

Zingiberaceae K. LARSEN, J.M. LOCK, H. MAAS, and P.J.M. MAAS 474
Zosteraceae J. Kuo and A.J. McCoMB 496

Index of Scientific Names 503

List of Contributors

ANDERSSON, L. Institute of Systematic Botany, Carl Skottsbergs Gata 22,

41319 Goteborg, Sweden
APPEL, 0. Institut flir Allgemeine Botanik und Herbarium, Universitat
Hamburg, Ohnhorststr. 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany
BALSLEY, H. University of Aarhus, Botanical Institute, Nordlandsvej 68,
8240 Risskov, Denmark
BAYER, C. Institut fur Allgemeine Botanik und Herbarium, Universitat
Hamburg, Ohnhorststr. 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany
BoGNER, J. Menzinger Str. 63, 80638 Munchen, Germany
BooM, B. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458-
5126, USA
BoYcE, P. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB,
BRIGGS, B.G. Royal Botanic Gardens, Mrs. Macquaries Road, Sydney,
NSW 2000, Australia
BRUGGEN, H.W.E. van Linthorst Homanstraat 19, 1963 KM Hemskeerk,
The Netherlands
CLIFFORD, H.T. Queensland Museum, P.O.B. 3300, South Brisbane Qld 4101,
CoLELLA, M. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458-
5126, USA
CoNRAN, J.G. Department of Botany, University of Adelaide, Adelaide
S.A. 5005, Australia
CooK, C.D.K. Botanischer Garten, Universitat Zurich, Zollikerstr. 107,
8008 Zurich, Switzerland
CooKE, D.A. 58 Gardiner Avenue, Warradale S.A. 5046, Australia
DRANSFIELD, J. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, Survey TWG 3AB,
FADEN, R.B. Smithsonian Institution, Department of Botany NBH 166,
Washington DC 20560-0001, USA
GoETGHEBEUR, P.J. Laboratory of Plant Systematics, University of Gent,
Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Gent, Belgium
HAMANN, U. Deceased
HAYNES, R.R. University of Alabama, Dept. of Botany, P.O.B. 870344,
Tuscaloosa AL 35487-0344, USA
HoLM-NIELSEN, L.B. The World Bank, ESP Washington DC. 20433, USA
X List of Contributors

HUBER, H. Universitat Kaiserslautern, FB Biologie, Postfach 3049,

67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany
JOHNSON, L.A.S. Deceased
KEIGHERY, G.J. Western Australian Wildlife Research Center, Department of
Conservation and Land Management, P.O.B. 51, Wanneroo
W.A. 6065, Australia
KRAL R. Biology Department, Vanderbilt University, Box 1705, StaB,
Nashville, Tennessee 37235, USA -
KUBITZKI, K. Institut fur Allgemeine Botanik und Herbarium, Universitat
Hamburg, Ohnhorststr. 18,22609 Hamburg, Germany
Kuo,J. Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis University of
Western Australia, Nedlands, W.A. 6009, Australia
LANDOLT, E. Geobotanisches Institut ETH, Stiftung Rubel,
Zurichbergstr. 38, 8044 Zurich, Switzerland
LARSEN, K. University of Aarhus, Botanical Institute, Nordlandsvej 68,
8240 Risskov, Denmark
LES, D.H. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University
of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3042, USA
LINDER, H.P. Botany Department, University of Cape Town,
Rondebosch 7700, South Africa
LOCK, J.M. Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond,
Surrey TW9 3AB, UK
MAAS van der Department of Plant Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
KAMER, H. University of Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht,
The Netherlands
MAAS, P.J.M. Department of Plant Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
University of Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht,
The Netherlands
MAYO, S.J. Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK
McCoMB, A.J. School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Murdoch
University, Murdoch W.A. 6150, Australia
RUDALL, P.J. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK
SIMPSON, M.G. Department of Biology, San Diego State University,
San Diego, CA 92182-4614, USA
SMITH, L.B. Deceased
STEVENSON, D.W. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458-
5126, USA
STUTZEL, T. Spezielle Botanik, Ruhr-Universitat, Postfach 10 21 48,
44801 Bochum, Germany
TILL, w. Institut fur Botanik und Botanischer Garten, Rennweg 14,
1030 Wien, Austria
UHL,N.W. L.H. Bailey Hortorium, 462 Mann Library,
Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., USA
Conspectus of Families Treated in this Volume

Conspectus of Families Treated in this Volume

A. Acoraceae Perianth generally differentiated into sepals and petals

(except Butomus ); flowers often bracteate
Leaves equitant; stomata paracytic; vessels in roots and rhi- 2 Flowers epigynous; [inflorescence borne within a spathe;
zomes with scalariform perforation; ethereal oil cells present; scape often curved or spiral; ovary choricarpous or syn-
silica bodies and raphides lacking, but calcium oxalate present carpous; placentation laminar; staminate flowers borne
as prisms; anthers introrse; endosperm development cellular; on evanescent pedicels or abscising from parent before
an thesis; pollen inaperturate ]. 17/76, cosmopolitan
seeds with both endosperm and perisperm, the latter starch-
free and derived from the nucellar epidermis. Only one family, Hydrocharitaceae
1/2-4, Northern Hemisphere Acoraceae 2 Flowers hypogynous; carpels distinct, or only basally
3 Leaves linear, not differentiated into blade and petiole;
plants without secretory canals; embryo straight;
pollen sulcate. 1/1, temperate Eurasia Butomaceae
B. Alismatanae 3 Leaves usually differentiated into blade and petiole;
plants lactescent; embryo horseshoe-shaped; pollen
Aquatic, marsh, or terrestrial herbs or climbing or epiphytic pantoporate or inaperturate
herbs or shrubs; stomates mostly paracytic; vessels mostly 4 Carpels 6-numerous, each with 1( -2) basal ovules,
only in the roots (or absent by reduction), with scalariform (2-numerous ovules on marginal placentae:
perforation; tapetum periplasmodial with uninucleate tapetal Damasonium); fruit achenes (follicular). 12/80,
cells; ovules bitegmic, crassinucellate, or sometimes almost subcosmopolitan Alismataceae
tenuinucellate; endosperm development Helobial or Nuclear; 4 Carpels 3-numerous, each with several or many
embryo often storing and chlorophyllous ovules in laminar placentation; fruit follicular. 3/8,
tropics of the Old and New World
Perianth, when present, not differentiated into sepals and
1. Arales petals; bracts wanting or small and inconspicuous, except
in Scheuchzeriaceae, but perianth sometimes replaced by a
single bract
Herbs, sometimes climbing and woody, less often aquatic; 5 Ovules ( 1-)2-several in each of the (2- )3-several distinct
raphides present; flowers bractless; gynoecium syncarpous; or basally connate carpels; fruit follicular; stamens 6 or
endosperm development cellular; fruits mostly baccate; en- more; anthers extrorse
dosperm often present and with aleurone, different forms of 6 Emergent marsh plant; tepals 6, never petaloid; inflo-
starch grains and oil, or lacking. Two families rescence a raceme, each pedicel subtended by a bract;
Terrestrial or rarely aquatic plants with roots, stems, and pollen inaperturate, shed as dyads. 1/1, arctic and
leaves and vessels in the roots; laticifers often present; temperate regions of Northern Hemisphere
flowers numerous in a spadix that is subtended by a well- Scheuchzeriaceae
developed spathe. 105/3300, nearly cosmopolitan, mostly 6 Aquatic plants with floating leaf blades or wholly sub-
tropical Araceae mersed leaves; tepals 1-3( -6), sometimes petaloid;
Plants leafless, free-floating, with or without 1-several inflorescence a simple or basally forking spike, appar-
roots; vessels lacking, tracheids in the roots, or absent; ently bractless; pollen sulcate. 1/45, predominantly in
flowers only 1 or, according to interpretation, 2-3( -4) in an the Southern Hemisphere of the Old World
inflorescence. 4/30, cosmopolitan Lemnaceae Aponogetonaceae
5 Ovules solitary in each distinct carpel or in each locule
of a syncarpous ovary; fruit mostly indehiscent or only
tardily and irregularly dehiscent; stamens 6-1; [pollen
2. Alismatales 7 Leaves all basal, the plants commonly largely emer-
gent, [scapose with a terminal spike or raceme; flowers
Aquatic or marsh herbs without raphides; stems with axillary, actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic, hermaphro-
multiseriate hairs (intravaginal squamules) at the nodes ditic, or pistillate or staminate, 3-merous, 2-merous,
(lacking in Limnocharitaceae, replaced by uniseriate hairs or 1-merous]. 4/12, subcosmopolitan Juncaginaceae
in Scheuchzeria); flowers with subtending bracts; gynoe- 7 Leaves, or many of them, cauline, sometimes with a
cium choricarpous or syncarpous (pseudomonomerous); floating blade, but plants not emergent
endosperm development Helobial (Nuclear); mature seeds 8 Pollen spheroidal or isobilateral, nor threadlike;
nearly always without endosperm. Fourteen families plants of fresh or alkaline or brackish water (Ruppia
seldom marine)
2 Conspectus of Families Treated in this Volume

9 Flowers hermaphroditic; stamens 2-4; [carpels sac and large starch-filled chalazosperm. Only one family. 4/8,
(1-)4(-16), distinct] S and SW Australia Dasypogonaceae
10 Tepals 4; stamens 4; fruiting carpels sessile;
pollen ellipsoid to spheroidal. 2-3/85, subcos-
mopolitan Potamogetonaceae
10 Tepals 0; stamens 2; fruiting carpels long-
stipitate; pollen elongate-arcuate. 1/1-10,
3. Zingiberales
subcosmopolitan Ruppiaceae
9 Flowers unisexual; stamen 1 Rhizomatic herbs; vessels in roots, sometimes also stems;
11 Anthers 4-, rarely 1-sporangiate; ovary com- silica bodies present, usually tannin cells, and often raphides,
pound, unilocular, surmounted by a short (ethereal oil cells in Zingiberaceae); leaves usually petio-
style with 3-4 conspicuous stigmatic branches; late; ptyxis supervolute; flowers in compact, thyrse-derived
ovule basal, erect. 1/40, subcosmopolitan spikes, epigynous, zygomorphic to asymmetric; functional
Najadaceae stamens 6, 5, 1, or 1/2; septal nectaries often present; pollen
11 Anthers 2-, 4-, or 12-sporangiate; carpels dis- sulcate (-derived) but most often inaperturate; endosperm
tinct, 1-9, each with a short or elongate stylu- development Nuclear or Helobial; fruit capsular or a schizo-
lus bearing an enlarged; peltate or feathery carp; seeds mostly operculate, containing endosperm
stigma; ovule ventral-apical, pendulous. and mostly copious perisperm, these starchy. Eight families,
4/10-12, subcosmopolitan Zannichelliaceae tropical
8 Pollen filiform, threadlike; plants marine; [flowers
Functional stamens 6 or 5; plants with raphide sacs
2 Ovary conspicuously prolonged into a slender, hypan-
12 Flowers perfect; stamens 3, distinct; gynoe-
thiumlike neck; inflorescence of repeating units without
cium of a single unicarpellate pistil;
specialized subtending bracts; flowers malodorous. 1/10,
[tanniniferous cells present]. 1/9, Australia,
SE Asia Lowiaceae
Mediterranean Posidoniaceae
2 Ovary not prolonged into a hypanthiumlike neck; in-
12 Flowers unisexual; stamens 1, or 2 and con-
florescence with 1-many folded or boat-shaped or spa-
nate; carpels 2
the-like main bracts, each subtending or enfolding
13 Gynoecium of 2 separate carpels; stamens
a compact, few-flowered, monochasial cyme; flowers
2, united back to back; tanniniferous cells
nectariferous, sweet -smelling
present. 5/16, tropical and subtropical
3 Flowers functionally unisexual; leaves spiral; laticifers
oceans Cymodoceaceae
present; fruit fleshy, indehiscent; [seeds not arillate ].
13 Gynoecium a single unilocular, bicarpel-
2/40, Old World tropics Musaceae
late pistil; stamen solitary; tanniniferous
3 Flowers perfect; leaves distichous; laticifers lacking;
cells wanting. 3/18, temperate and sub-
fruit capsular or schizocarpic
tropical regions of both hemispheres
4 Ovules numerous in each locule; fruit capsular;
seeds arillate; median sepal abaxial. 3/6, tropical
America, Africa, Madagascar Strelitziaceae
4 Ovules solitary in each locule; fruit schizocarpic
C. Commelinanae with 3 operculate pyrenes; seeds not arillate; median
sepal adaxial. 1/200, tropical America, Melanesia
Mostly terrestrial, herbaceous or woody, sometimes with con- Heliconiaceae
spicuous stem thickening but lacking secondary growth; Functional stamen 1 or 1/2, plants without raphide sacs
unlignified cell walls with bound UV-fluorescent coumarate 5 Anthers 2-thecate, often not strongly petaloid; flowers
and ferulate; root epidermis often differentiated into long and zygomorphic; endosperm development Helobial; sepals
short cells; leaf epidermis with silica bodies or particles; connate below
raphides sometimes present; stomata paracytic; epicuticular 6 Leaves distichous, often forming pseudostems; sheaths
wax of unoriented platelets or compound rodlets; endosperm mostly open; plants with abundant ethereal oil and
copious tannin cells; labellum formed by 2 connate staminodes
from inner stamina) cycle. 50/1300, pantropical
1. Principes 6 Leaves spiral on spirally contorted stems; sheaths ini-
tially closed; plants lacking ethereal oil and tannin
cells; labellum formed by 5 connate staminodes from
Woody plants with vessels in roots, stems, and leaves; stomata
both cycles. 4/100, pantropical Costaceae
tetracytic; calcium oxalate as raphides, crystals, and sand;
5 Stamen with 1 functional theca, the other anther-half
silica bodies common; ptyxis plicate; flowers trimerous, num-
petaloid; flowers asymmetric; endosperm development
bers of stamens and carpels often increased; septal nectaries
Nuclear; sepals distinct
often present; microsporogenesis mostly successive; en-
7 Flowers borne in mirror-image pairs; stem without
dosperm development Nuclear; endosperm with fat, oils, and
mucilage canals; petiole distally pulvinate; ovules soli-
hemicellulose but lacking starch. Only one family. 190/2000,
tary in the single locule or in each of the 3 locules of
pantropical Palmae
the ovary; seeds mostly arillate. 31/450, pantropical
7 Flowers not paired; stem with mucilage canals; petiole
2. Dasypogonales not pulvinate; ovules numerous in each of the 3 locules
of the ovary; seeds not arillate. 1/10-25, tropical and
Shrubby or arborescent perennials; vessels only in the roots; subtropical America and widely naturalized elsewhere
flowers solitary or in globular heads; ovules with small embryo Cannaceae
Conspectus of Families Treated in this Volume 3

4. Bromeliales pous and crassinucellate or mostly atropous and tenuinucel-

late; endosperm development Nuclear (in Xyridaceae Nuclear
and Helobial); endosperm with aleurone and copious starch;
Perennial rosette plants; silica bodies and raphides present; embryo appressed to seed coat. Three families
stomata tetracytic; roots often running down inside the
stem; leaves spiral, dilated-sheathing at the base, usually Aquatics or marsh plants; leaves dispersed, 1-veined, with-
bearing peltate trichomes; flowers hypogynous to epigy- out distinct sheath, often apically bidentate; [flowers soli-
nous, heterochlamydeous; septal nectaries nearly always tary; anthers dehiscing apically; seeds operculate; pollen
present; fruit capsular or baccate; embryo lateral; endosperm sulcate]. 1/4-10, tropical and warm-temperate America and
development Helobial; endosperm starchy. Only one family. W Africa Mayacaceae
56/2600, neotropical, with a single species in W Africa Terrestrial or marsh plants; leaves rosulate, apically pointed
Bromeliaceae or obtuse, with a well-differentiated sheath; veins, if dis-
tinct, more than 1
Related to Commelinales or Zingiberales:
2 Flowers in button-shaped disk-like heads on thin
Robust terrestrial or aquatic from creeping rhizomes (with peduncles, the heads often compound in more com-
long stolons: Hanguana malayana); vessels only in roots; plex inflorescences; pollen spiraperturate; ovary 2-3-
ptyxis supervolute; stomata tetracytic; pollen inaperturate. locular, each locule with 1 atropous apical-pendulous
1/5, SE Asia, Micronesia, Australia Hanguanaceae ovule. 10/700-1400, mainly inS America but widely dis-
tributed in tropical and warm-temperate regions
5. Commelinales 2 Flowers in spikes or clusters of spikes; pollen sulcate
(-derived); ovules several per locule (if 1, then anatro-
Perennial and annual herbs; raphides widespread; silica pous and crassinucellate)
bodies usually absent (present in some genera of Com- 3 Leaf bases symmetric; silica bodies lacking; anthers
melinaceae); vessels in roots, sometimes also stems and dehiscing by longitudinal slits; styles often appen-
leaves, with scalariform or simple perforation; flowers mostly daged; microsporogenesis successive. 5/300, mainly in
petaloid; stamens dehiscing with longitudinal slits or with api- S America, but of wide tropical and north-temperate
cal pores; septal nectaries sometimes present; ovules anatro- distribution Xyridaceae
pous or atropous, bitegmic and crassinucellar; endosperm 3 Leaf bases asymmetric; epidermal cells containing
development Helobial (Nuclear in Commelinaceae); seed coat silica bodies; anthers dehiscing by (sub)apical pores;
formed by both integuments; endosperm copious, containing styles not appendaged; microsporogenesis simulta-
aleurone and starch. Four families neous. 16/80, northern S America, one sp. W African
Perianth of 4 segments; raphides restricted to tapetal cells;
[calcium oxalate styloids present; flowers in spikes or com-
pound spikes, hypogynous, zygomorphic; stamen 1; necta- 7. Juncales
ries lacking; seeds operculate; endosperm development
Helobial; endosperm nonmealy, containing starch, protein
and oil]. 4/4-5, Australia, SE Asia Philydraceae Rhizomatic or caespitose herbs; centromeres often diffuse;
Perianth segments 6(-3); raphides abundant silica bodies often present; raphides lacking; stomata
2 Leaf with a closed sheath; stamens 6(-3), up to 4 reduced paracytic, rarely tetracytic; vessels usually in all vegetative
to staminodes; stomata tetra-(hexa-)-cytic; nectaries organs, with scalariform and/or simple perforation; leaves
lacking; [blade well defined, commonly somewhat succu- mostly tristichous; flowers basically trimerous; perianth
lent; anthers and pollen often dimorphic]. 41/650, widely scaffy, but often bristle-like or reduced; microsporogenesis
distributed in tropical and warm-temperate regions simultaneous; ovary superior, 1-3-locular, with 1-several
Commelinaceae ovules per locule; endosperm development Helobial or
2 Leaf sheath not closed, often inconspicuous; stamens 6-1; Nuclear; endosperm starchy. Three families
stomata paracytic; nectaries often present 1 Pollen in cuneate, 4-ulcerate "cryptotetrads"; ovary 1-
3 Terrestrial perennials; leaves linear, not petiolate; ovulate; [silica bodies often present; endosperm develop-
flowers hypogynous or epigynous, not in pairs, not ment nuclear; perennials and annuals of manifold growth
heterostylous; stamens 6 or 3; pollen sulcate (-derived); form]. 104/5000, cosmopolitan Cyperaceae
septal nectaries mostly present; [the roots and Pollen in tetrahedral tetrads; ovary with 3-many ovules
rootstocks often red; seeds glabrous or hairy]. 13/100, 2 Silica bodies lacking; vascular bundles of leaves of
N and S America, S Africa; Australia and New Guinea ordinary structure with abaxial phloem; inflorescences
Haemodoraceae various but never flowers in globose heads; usually
3 Helophytes or aquatics; leaves either simple and linear plants from creeping rhizomes; [endosperm formation
or differentiated into petiole and blade; flowers hyp- Helobial]. 8/350, cosmopolitan Juncaceae
ogynous, usually paired, often triheterostylous; 2 Silica bodies present in epidermis and parenchyma; vas-
stamens 6 (3, 1); pollen bisulcate or trisulcate; septal cular bundles in leaf transsection in pairs above each
nectaries confined to two genera. 9/33, centered in other with facing phloem portions; flowers aggregated in
(sub)tropical America, but widely distributed and dense heads; perennials from upright rhizomes. 1/3,
introduced in warmer regions Pontederiaceae northern S America Thurniaceae

6. Xyridales 8. Typhales

Perennial or annual herbs; silica bodies sometimes present; Rhizomatous marsh plants; silica bodies and calcium oxalate
raphides lacking; flowers heterochlamydeous; ovules anatro- including raphides present; vessels in all vegetative organs,
4 Conspectus of Families Treated in this Volume

with scalariform perforation; stomates paracytic; flowers cushion-forming plants. 3/35, centered in Australia,
unisexual, in compound inflorescences; microsporogenesis extending to SE Asia and southernmost S America
successive; pollen ulcerate; gynoecium pseudomonomerous; Centrolepidaceae
ovule 1 per locule, anatropous, pendulous; endosperm devel-
Of unknown affinity:
opment Helobial; mature seeds with mealy endosperm and a
thin perisperm. Only one family. 2/16-30, widely distributed
10. Hydatellaceae

9. Poales Small herbs; silica bodies and raphides lacking; vessels in

roots and stems; staminate flowers of a single stamen; pollen
sulcate( -derived); pistillate flowers a pseudomonomerous
Grasslike plants, often rhizomatous; epicuticular wax non-
pistil with 1 pendulous ovule; endosperm formation Nuclear;
oriented scales, rarely compound rodlets; vessels with simple
endosperm in mature seeds largely replaced by starchy
and/or scalariform perforation in roots, stems, and sometimes
perisperm. 2/10, Australia, New Zealand and India
also the leaves; silica bodies often deposited in epidermal cells;
raphides mostly present (lacking in most Restionaceae and
Centrolepidaceae); leaves distichous, differentiated into
sheath and blade, with paracytic stomata; flowers often in
spikelets combined in paniclelike inflorescences; microsporo-
genesis mostly successive (simultaneous in Flagellaria);
gynoecium syncarpous; pistil 3-1-locular, the 3 carpels
ending with free styluli or less often with a single style; ovary
locules with a single apical (in grasses lateral) ovule; ovule
atropous or (only grasses) amphitropous; pollen ulcerate, the
aperture often annulate; endosperm development Nuclear;
endosperm starchy, of compound or simple starch grains;
tannin in integument present or (Flagellaria, grasses) absent.
Seven families
Flowers hermaphroditic; anthers 4-sporangiate; fruit
2 Flowers in spikelets; tepals 3 or fewer, generally small
("lodicules"); ovary !-locular; embryo asymmetrical,
lateral at the micropylar end, outside the endosperm;
[epidermal cells long/short]. 660/9000, worldwide
2 Flowers not in spikelets; tepals 6; ovary 3-locular; embryo
lenticular, centrally placed at micropylar end of
3 Solid-stemmed Hanas; perianth somewhat petaloid;
leaf blade circinately inrolled in bud, apically cirrhose;
sheath closed; epidermal cells similar; [microsporo-
genesis simultaneous]. 1/4. Old World tropics
3 Hollow-stemmed, coarse herbs; perianth chaffy; leaves
plicate in bud, not cirrhose; sheath open; epidermal
cells long/short. 1/2, E Asia, Pacific Joinvilleaceae
Flowers unisexual; anthers 2-4-sporangiate; fruit dehiscent
4 Anthers 4-sporangiate; [tepals 3 + 3, bractlike, chaffy;
rushlike plants with photosynthetic culms]
5 Stem with continuous cylinder of sclerenchyma
(Hopkinsia and Lyginia) Restionaceae p.p.
5 Stem lacking a continuous cylinder of sclerenchyma
6 Ovary 2-locular; stamens 4-6; pollen not scro-
biculate. 2/2, SW Australia Ecdeiocoleaceae
6 Ovary 3-locular; stamens 3; pollen scrobiculate. 1/7,
W Australia Anarthriaceae
4 Anthers 2-sporangiate
7 Tepals 3 + 3; staminate flowers with 3 stamens; ovary
1-3-locular, with 1-3 styluli, sometimes fused into a
style; wiry, jointed herbs. 55/490, Southern Hemi-
sphere, concentrated in SW Africa and SW Australia,
extending northward to Malesia Restionaceae p.p.
7 Flowers naked; staminate flowers of but 1 stamen;
pistillate flower a solitary, !-locular pistil; tufted or
General References 5

General References

Morphology and Anatomy Rudall, P.J. 1997. The nucellus and chalaza in monocotyle-
dons: structure and systematics. Bot. Rev. 63: 140-181.
Behnke, H.-D. 1981. Siebelement-Plastiden, Phloem-Protein Rudall, P.J., Furness, C.A., Chase, M.W., Fay, M.F. 1997. Mi-
und Evolution der Bliitenpflanazen: II. Monokotyledonen. crosporogenesis and pollen sulcus type in Asparagales
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 94: 647-662. (Lilianae). Can. J. Bot. 75: 408-430.
Czaja, A. Th. 1978. Structure of starch grains and the classifi- Takhtajan, A. (ed.) 1985. Anatomia seminum comparativa.
cation of vascular plant families. Taxon 27: 463-470. Tomus I. Liliopsida seu Monocotyledones. Leningrad:
Daumann, E. 1970. Das Bliitennektarium der Monokoty- Nauka. (in Russian)
ledonen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung seiner system- Zavada, M. 1983. Comparative morphology of monocot pollen
atischen und phylogenetischen Bedeutung. Feddes Rep. 80: and evolutionary trends of apertures and wall structures.
463-590. Bot. Rev. 49: 331-379.
Frolich, D., Barthlott, W. 1988. Mikromorphologie der
epicuticularen Wachse und das System der Monokotylen.
Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenwelt 63. 135 pp. Akad. Wiss. Lit.
Mainz. Fedorov, AI. A. (ed.) 1969. Chromosome numbers of flowering
Gerenday, A., French, J.C. 1988. Endothecial thickenings in plants. Leningrad: Nauka (in Russian).
anthers of porate monocotyledons. Am. J. Bot. 75: 22-25. Sen, S. 1975. Cytotaxonomy of Liliales. Feddes Rep. 86: 255-
Heel, W.A. van 1988. On the development of some gynoecia 305.
with septal nectaries. Blumea 33: 477-504. Tamura, M.N. 1995. A karyological review of the orders
Heslop-Harrison, Y., Shivanna, K.R. 1977. The receptive sur- Asparagales and Liliales (Monocotyledonae). Feddes Rep.
face of the angiosperm stigma. Ann. Bot. II, 41: 1233-1258. 106: 83-111.
Holttum, R.E. 1955. Growth habits of monocotyledons -
variations on a theme. Phytomorphology 5: 399-413.
Rudall, P.J. 1995. New records of secondary thickening in
monocotyledons. IAWA J. 16: 261-268. Bate-Smith, E. C. 1968. The phenolic constituents of plants and
Takhtajan, A.L. (ed.) 1985. Anatomia seminum comparativa. their taxonomic significance II. Monocotyledons. J. Linn.
T.I. Liliopsida seu monocotyledones. Leningrad: Nauka. Soc. Bot. 60: 325-356.
(in Russian) Gibbs, R.D. 1974. Chemotaxonomy of flowering plants. 4 vols.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Anatomy of the monocotyledons. III. Montreal: MeGill-Queen's University Press.
Commelinales-Zingiberales. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. Phenolic constituents of the
Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. Anatomy of the monocotyledons. VII. cell walls of monocotyledons. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 8: 153-
Helobiae (Alismatidae) (including the seagrasses). Oxford: 160.
Clarendon Press. Hegnauer, R. 1963. Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Vol. 2.
Velenovsky, J. 1904. Die gegliederten Bliiten. Beih. Bot. Stuttgart: Birkhaeuser.
Centralbl 16: 289-300. Hegnauer, R. 1986. Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Vol. 6.
Wagner, P. 1977. Vessel types of the monocotyledons. Bot. Stuttgart: Birkhaeuser.
Not. 130: 383-402. Rudall, P.J., Caddick, L.R. 1994. Investigation of the presence
of phenolic compounds in monocotyledonous cell walls,
using UV fluorescence microscopy. Ann. Bot. 74: 483-491.
Embroylogy and Palynology
Batygina, T.B., Yakovlev, M.S. (eds.) 1990. Comparative em-
Systematics and Evolution
bryology of flowering plants: monocotyledons. Leningrad:
Nauka. (in Russian) Baker, J.G. 1875. Revision of the genera and species of
Davis, G.L. 1966. Systematic embryology of the angiosperms. Asparagaceae. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 14: 508-632.
New York: Wiley. Baker, J.G. 1879. A synopsis of Colchicaceae and the aberrant
Erdtman, G. 1952. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy. tribes ofLiliaceae. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 17: 405-510.
Angiosperms. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Bentham, G., Hooker, J.D. 1883. Genera Plantarum 3, 2.
Johri, B.M., Ambegaokar, K.B., Srivastava, P.S. 1992. Com- London: L. Reeve, Williams and Norgate.
parative embryology of angiosperms 2 Vols. Berlin, Heidel- Brummitt, R.K. 1992. Vascular plant families and genera.
berg, New York: Springer. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Punt, W., Blackmore, S., Nilsson, S., Le Thomas, A. 1994. Chase, M.W., Rudall, P.J., Conran, J.G. 1996. New circumscrip-
Glossary of pollen and spore terminology. Utrecht: LPP tions of asparagoid lilies: genera formerly included in
Foundation. Anthericaceae. Kew Bull. 51: 667-680.
Rudall, P. 1994. The ovule and embryo sac in Xanthor- Cronquist, A. 1981. An integrated system of classification of
rhoeaceae sensu lato. Flora 189: 335-351. flowering plants. New York: Columbia University Press.
6 General References

Dahlgren, R., Rasmussen, F.N. 1983. Monocotyledon evolu- Davis, J.I. 1995. A phylogenetic structure for the monocotyle-
tion. Characters and phylogenetic estimation. Evol. Bioi. 16: dons, as inferred from chloroplast DNA restriction site
255-395. variation, and a comparison of measures of clade support.
Dahlgren, R.M.T., Clifford, H.T. 1982. The monocotyledons: a Syst. Bot. 20: 503-527.
comparative study. London: Academic Press. Duvall, M.R., Learn, G.H., Jr., Eguiarte, L.E., Clegg, M.T. 1993.
Dahlgren, R.M.T., Clifford, H.T., Yeo, P.F. 1985. The families Phylogenetic analysis of rbcL sequences identifies Acorus
of the monocotyledons. Berlin Heidelberg New York: calamus as the primal extant monocotyledon. Proc. Nat!.
Springer. Acad. Sci. USA 90: 4641-4644.
Goldberg, A. 1989. Classification, evolution, and phylogeny of Duvall, M.R., Clegg, M.T., Chase, M.W., Clark, W.D., Kress,
the families of Monocotyledones. Smithson. Contrib. Bot. W.J. et al. 1993. Phylogenetic hypotheses for the monocoty-
71. ledons constructed from rbcL sequence data. Ann. Mo. Bot.
Huber, H. 1969. Die Samenmerkmale und Verwandt- Gard. 80: 607-619.
schaftsverhiiltnisse der Liliifloren. Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. Les, D.H., Garvin, D.K., Wimpee, C.F. 1993. Phylogenetic
Miinchen 8: 219-538. studies in the monocot subclass Alismatidae: evidence for a
Huber, H. 1977. The treatment of the monocotyledons in an reappraisal of the aquatic order Najadales. Mol. Phylogen.
evolutionary system of classification. Plant Syst. Evol. Evol. 2: 304-314.
Suppl. 1: 285-298. Les, D.H., Cleland, M.A., Waycott, M. 1997. Phylogenetic
Huber, H. 1991. Angiospermen. Stuttgart: G. Fischer. studies in Alismatidae, II: Evolution of marine angiosperms
Krause, K. 1930. Liliaceae, pp. 227-386. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Die and hydrophyly. Syst. Bol. 22: 443-463.
natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 2nd edn., Vol. !Sa. Leipzig: Nadot, S., Bittar, G., Carter, L. Lacroix, R., Lejeune, B. 1995.
W. Engelmann. Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 4: 257-282.
Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Soltis, D.E., Soltis, P.S., Nickrent, D.L., Johnson, L.A., Hahn,
Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution. 2 Vols. Royal W.J., Hoot, S.B., Sweere, J.A., Kuzoff, R.K., Kron, K.A.,
Botanic Gardens, Kew. Chase, M.W., Swensen, S.M., Zimmer, E.A., Chaw, S.-M.,
Takhtajan, A. 1980. Outline of the classification of the flower- Gillespie, L.J., Kress, W.J., Systsma, K.J. 1997. Angiosperm
ing plants (Magnoliophyta). Bot. Rev. 46: 225-359. phylogeny inferred from ISS ribosomal DNA sequences.
Takkhtajan, A.L. (ed.) 1982. Plant life, Vol. 6. Angiosperms, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 84: 1-49.
monocotyledons. Moscow: Prosweshenie. (in Russian)
Takhtajan, A. 1987. Systema Magnoliophytorum. Leningrad:
Nauka. (in Russian)
Takhtajan, A. 1997. Diversity and classification of flowering
plants. New York: Columbia University Press.
Thorne, R.F. 1992. Classification and geography of the flower-
ing plants. Bot. Rev. 58: 225-348.

Molecular Systematics
Chase, M.W., Soltis, D.E., Olmstead, R.G., Morgan, D., Les,
D.H., Mishler, B.D., Duvall, M.R., Price, R.A., Hills, H.G.,
Qiu, Y.-L., Kron, K.A., Rettig, J.H., Conti, E., Palmer, J.D.,
Manhart, J.R., Sytsma, K.J., Michaels, H.J., Kress, W.J.,
Karol, K.G., Clark, W.D., Hedren, M., Gaut, B.S., Jansen,
R.K., Kim, K.-J., Wimpee, C.F., Smith, J.F., Fumier, G.R.,
Strauss, S.H., Xiang, Q.-Y., Plunkett, G.M., Soltis, P.S.,
Swensen, S.M., Williams, S.E., Gadek, P.A., Quinn, C.J.,
Eguiarte, L.E., Golenberg, E., Learnjr., G.H., Graham, S.W.,
Barrett, S.C.H., Dayanandan, S., Albert, V.A. 1993.
Phylogenetics of seed plants: an analysis of nucleotide
sequences from the plastid gene rbcL. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard.
80: 528-580.
Chase, M.W., Duvall, M.R., Hills, H.G., Conran, J.G., Eguiarte,
L.E., Hartwell, J., Fay, M.F., Caddick, L.R., Cameron, K.M.,
Hoot, S. 1995. Molecular systematics ofLilianae. In: Rudall,
P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Mono-
cotyledons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew, pp. 109-137.
Chase, M.W., Stevenson, D.W., Wilkin, P., Rudall, P.J. 1995a.
Monocot systematics: a combined analysis. In: Rudall, P.J.,
Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyle-
dons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew, pp. 685-730.
Clark, D.W., Gaut, B.S., Duvall, M.R., Clegg, M.T. 1993.
Phylogenetic relationships of the Bromeliiflorae-
Commeliniflorae-Zingiberiflorae complex in monocots
based on rbcL sequence comparisons. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard.
80: 987-998.
Acoraceae 7

Acoraceae foliage leaves. The continuation shoot arises in the

axil of the leaf preceding the spathe. The last leaf
J. BoGNER and S.J. MAYO of the flowering shoot (article) is called the spathe,
following Engler (1877), although it resembles a
foliage leaf morphologically. The lower part of the
spathe appears to be congenitally adnate to the
axis of the inflorescence proper. Two separate vas-
cular systems occur in the peduncle, one corre-
sponding to the spathe and the other to the
Acoraceae Martinov, Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 6 (1820). inflorescence axis. Ray (1988) rejected the idea
that the leaf associated with the spadix is a spathe,
Herbs, rhizome repent, much branched, lacunose, preferring to interpret it as a sympodialleaf. Ac-
with aromatic oil cells; leav,es distichous, unifacial, cording to him, the shoot of Acarus calamus
ensiform, not differentiated into petiole and shows anisophyllous sympodial growth; the con-
blade, venation strictly parallel; intravaginal tinuation shoot arises sylleptically and has a
squamules present in leaf axils; inflorescence soli- prophyll that resembles a foliage leaf.
tary, terminal, borne laterally on leaflike axis;
spathe longer than spadix, erect, persistent, ap- VEGETATIVE ANATOMY (based on French
pearing merely as extension of leaflike peduncle; 1997). Primitive vessels are present in the roots
spadix conic-digitiform or slender and tail-like, and rhizome (Carlquist and Schneider 1997). The
densely flowered throughout; flowers bisexual, roots have large, schizogenous intercellular spaces
bractless, 3-merous, perigoniate; tepals in 2 in the cortex. Idioblastic oil cells are present in the
whorls of 3, thin, fornicate; stamens in 2 whorls root cortex. The inner boundary of the stem cortex
of 3; filaments linear-elongate; anthers introrse; is delimited by an endodermis with Casparian
thecae rounded-elliptic, subopposite, opening by strips (absent in the majority of Araceae genera).
longitudinal slit; gynoecium obconic-oblong, The endodermis encircles the central cylinder, in-
equalling the tepals, 2-3-locular; placenta apical; terrupted only where the leaf traces depart. Simple
ovules several per locule, pendent, atropous; collateral axial vascular bundles are absent in
both integuments bearing trichomes, inner in- Acarus, which has amphivasal axial bundles. The
tegument longer than outer and forming the 3-dimensional organization of the vascular system
micropyle; stigma minute, sessile; berry oblong- corresponds to the "Rhapis pattern", or Pattern 1
obovoid with thin, leathery pericarp, whitish with of French and Tomlinson (1981). The axial bun-
brownish stigma remnant when fresh, soon drying dles tend to become part of a branched network of
to straw-brown, enclosed by tepals, 1-5( -9)- peripheral vascular bundles after the departure of
seeded; seeds oblong to ellipsoid, with perisperm the leaf traces; this pattern is also found in some
and abundant endosperm, testa light brown, palms and Araceae. The pattern of insertion of the
foveolate or smooth; embryo axile, cylindric. bud vascular traces is unusual and differs from the
A family consisting of one genus with 2( -4) patterns observed in Araceae. A complete central
species, distributed throughout the northern cylinder of bud traces is formed which migrates
hemisphere and occurring in temperate to tropi- through the cortex and then separates into a
cal latitudes; introduced and naturalized in number of bundles that are inserted over the
Europe. surface of the central cylinder of the main axis.
The leaves have a central region oflarge air cavi-
VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The leaves are disti- ties beneath a chlorenchyma of 3-5 layers of iso-
chous, equitant and unifacial (Kaplan 1970, 1973). diametric cells. A chlorophyll-less hypodermis is
The leaf form arises in a way similar to that of the present. The leaf venation is parallel, with minor
phyllodes of Acacia, by the development of a sec- transverse veins joining the main, longitudinally
ondary, adaxial meristem in the leaf primordium oriented system. This corresponds to the typical
and the suppression of the marginal meristems. monocot venation type (Ertl 1932). Leaf variega-
Intravaginal squamules are present in Acarus tion due to periclinal chimeras occurs in Acarus
(Irmisch 1874; Engler 1877) as in a few genera of and has been studied by Stewart and Derman
Araceae, Spirodela in Lemnaceae, and almost (1979).
all Helobiae (French 1997). Axillary branches Calcium oxalate raphides do not occur in
develop from proleptic buds and begin with a Acarus, but other forms of calcium oxalate have
cataphyllary, 2-keeled prophyll, followed by been reported, e.g. prisms (French 1997). Latici-
8 Acoraceae


Fig. lA-M. Acoraceae. Acarus calamus. A Habit. B Base of FLOWER ANATOMY. Unicellular trichomes are
plant and rhizome. C Detail of leaf venation. D Inflorescence. present on both ovule integuments but most
E Detail of culm. F Detail of spadix. G Flower. H Flower,
perianth removed. I Pistil, longitudinal section. J Berry. K prominently so on the outer integument in A.
Berry, transverse section. L Immature seed. (Orig.) gramineus (French 1987). The inner integument
forms the micropyle and is much longer than the
outer integument. The endothecial thickenings
fers are absent (Engler 1905; French 1988). The have a unique, stellate pattern (French 1985). The
ethereal oils and tannins occur in idioblasts, which ovary walls lack vascular bundles and the vascular
have been studied ultrastructurally (Amelunxen supply of the gynoecium is restricted to an axile
and Gronau 1969). system which supplies the placentas.
Acoraceae 9

EMBRYOLOGY. Both perisperm and endosperm DISPERSAL. Pieces of rhizome are easily dis-
are present. The perisperm consists of a single cell persed by water along rivers. In particular, the
layer. The anther tapetal cells are 2-4-nucleate. sterile triploid cytotype of Acarus calamus has
The anther tapetum is secretory. The endosperm been dispersed by this means. The seeds are also
formation is cellular and, unlike in the Araceae, dispersed by water along stream margins. Acarus
there is no chalaza! basal apparatus. calamus was widely dispersed in Europe and parts
of N America by human agency due to its medici-
SEEDLING MoRPHOLOGY. The cotyledon is nar- nal importance, and later became naturalised in
rowly cylindric and unifacial and the distal part is many regions.
haustoria! as in other monocots. The cotyledonary
sheath is short with very narrow, membranous PHYTOCHEMISTRY. The dried rhizomes of A. ca-
margins. The hypocotyl is not visible externally. lamus have been used for centuries as a source of
The root collar bears fairly long, dense rhizoids. medicinal compounds. Substances extracted from
The primary root elongates to approximately the the rhizome have been shown to have sedative,
same length as the cotyledon and then aborts analgetic, insecticidal, and antibacterial proper-
without branching. The first shoot born roots arise ties. Compounds which have been identified from
on each side of the cotyledonary sheath, each with the rhizomes include acorin and polyphenols
a short coleorrhiza. The primary leaf is ensiform localized in specialised idioblasts, and varying
and unifacial, closely resembling the adult form. concentrations of ethereal oils. The precise com-
The seedling morphology resembles that of the position of the ethereal oils varies according to the
Melanthiaceae, Juncaceae, and Typha more than geographical source and cytotype of the plant
that of Araceae (Tillich 1985, 1995). material (Wulff 1954; Wulff and Stahl 1960);
phenylpropanoids (asarone, methyleugenol),
PALYNOLOGY. The pollen grains are sulcate to monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes have been
subulcerate, ellipsoid, small [(15-) 18( -20 !liD)]; identified from the ethereal oil. The composition
the exine is shallowly and remotely or more of ethereal oils in the leaves of A. calamus differs
densely foveolate, otherwise psilate; the apertural from that of the rhizome, but also shows a clear
exine is subpsilate (Grayum 1984). correlation with the cytotype. The rhizomes of
Acarus gramineus also contain ethereal oils, in
KARYOLOGY (based on Petersen 1989). Acarus which asarone is the main component (Hegnauer
gramineus is known only in diploid populations 1963, 1986).
(2n = 22, 2n = 24). In Acarus calamus, the dip-
loids (2n = 22 and 2n = 24) are known to occur AFFINITIES. Acarus has long been considered a
naturally only in N America. Triploids (2n = 36) member of Araceae, but Grayum (1987, 1990) has
are characteristic of the European, Near East and presented a convincing case for its removal to a
some Indian populations and also occur in eastern separate family. The long list of significant charac-
N America. The N American triploids are prob- ters by which Acoraceae and Araceae are distin-
ably the result of introductions from Europe by guished also strongly suggests that they are not
early settlers. Tetraploids (2n = 44, 2n = 48) are even sister taxa. The presence of ethereal oil cells,
known only from Asia (also named A. triqueter or absence of raphides, presence of secretory anther
A. calamus var. angustatus). tapetum, presence of perisperm and dicotlike cel-
lular endosperm development suggest a link to
POLLINATION BIOLOGY. The pollinators or polli- monocotlike dicot families such as Piperaceae and
nating agency of Acarus are unknown; both ento- Aristolochiaceae. The molecular studies of Duvall
mophily and anemophily have been suggested, et al. (1993) and Chase et al. (1995) now indicate
but entomophily appears more likely. that Acarus is sister to all other monocots and
could be considered the most primitive living
FRUITS AND SEED. The fruit a berry and never monocot taxon.
capsular, as has been previously reported
(Bochenska and Kozlowski 1974). The seed con- DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Acarus is found
tains both endosperm and perisperm, and the mainly in the northern hemisphere, from the tem-
testa is foveolate (A. calamus) or smooth (A. perate zone to the tropics; Grayum (1987) reports
gramineus ). In A. gramineus the trichomes present records from south of the Equator in Celebes and
on both integuments persist in the seed as bristles. New Guinea.
10 Acoraceae

Acorus is a herbaceous helophyte which forms Characters as for family.

large dense stands due to its extensively branched
rhizomatous stems. It grows along the margins of
rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, ditches, standing or Selected Bibliography
slowly running water or in swampy places. It is
found from sea level to llOOm in central Europe Amelunxen, V.F., Gronau, G. 1969. Untersuchungen an den
and up to 2600 m in China. Gerbstoffzellen der Niederblatter von Acarus calamus L.
Cytobiologie 1: 58-69.
PARASITES. The common occurrence of the rust Bochenska, !., Kozlowski, J. 1974. Por6wnawcze badania nad
budowa owoc6w gatunk6w z rodziny obrazkowatych
Uromyces sparganii (at the same stage of its life (Araceae) wystepujacych w Polsce. Herba Pol. 20: 3-10.
cycle) in Acorus and Sparganium (Parmelee and Bogner, J. 1976. Die systematische Stellung von Acoropsis
Savile 1954) has, for some authors, suggested an Conwentz, einer fossilen Aracee aus dem Bernstein. Mitt.
affinity between these two genera. (However, Bayer. Staatssamml. Palaontol. Hist. Geol. 16: 95-98.
serological studies failed to show a close affinity Carlquist, S., Schneider, E.L. 1997. Origins and nature of
vessels in Monocotyledons. I. Acorus. Int. ]. Plant Sci.
between Typhales and other monocot groups 158(1): 51-56.
including Acorus, see Lee and Fairbrothers 1972). Chase, M.W. et al. 1995. See general references.
Crepet, W.L. 1977. Investigations of angiosperms from the
FossiL RECORD. The genus Acorus is documented Eocene of North America: an aroid inflorescence. Rev.
from the Eocene by the fossil A. brachystachys Palaeobot. Palynol. 25: 241-252.
Duvall, M.R., Learn G.H., Jr., Eguiarte, L.E., Clegg, M.T. 1993.
(Heer 1870) with parts of the shoot, leaf and spadix Phylogenetic analysis of rbcL sequences identifies Acarus
but doubtful (Z. Kvacek, pers. comm.). Acorites calamus as the primal extant monocotyledon. Proc. Nat!.
heeri (Berry) Crepet (syn. Acorus heeri Berry) from Acad. Sci. USA 90: 4641-4644.
the Eocene of N America is also close to Acorus Engler, A. 1877. Vergleichende Untersuchungen tiber die
(Crepet 1977). Acoropsis eximia (syn. Acoropsis morphologischen Verhaltnisse der Araceae. II. Theil. Ueber
Blattstellung und Sprossverhaltnisse der Araceae. Nova
minor) does not belong to the Acoraceae; this Acta Ksl.Leop.-Carol.-Dtsch. Akad. Naturforsch. 39(4): 170,
infructescence from the Baltic Amber (Eocene) is a t.3 fig. 11.
member of the tribe Monstereae of the Araceae Engler, A. 1905. Araceae-Pothoideae. In: Engler, A. (ed.),
subfamily Monsteroideae (Bogner 1976). Pflanzenreich IV.23B: 308-313. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
Ertl, P.O. 1932. Vergleichende Untersuchungen tiber die
Entwicklung der Blattnervatur der Araceen. Flora 126: 118-
CoNSERVATION. The species are apparently not 120.
threatened. Both are easy to grow, and A. calamus French, J.C. 1985. Patterns of endothecial wall thickenings in
is especially prone to naturalise and under Araceae: subfamilies Pothoideae and Monsteroideae. Am. J.
favourable conditions becomes quite weedy. Bot. 72: 472-486.
French, J.C. 1987. Structure of ovular and placental trichomes
of Araceae. Bot. Gaz. 148: 198-208.
EcoNOMIC UsEs. Dried rhizomes ("rhizoma French, J.C. 1997. Vegetative anatomy. In: Mayo, S.J., Bogner,
calami") have been used for centuries and were ]., Boyce, P.C. (eds.) The genera of Araceae. Royal Botanic
known to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Gardens, Kew.
Romans. Calamus oil ("tinctura calami", French, J.C., Tomlinson, P.B. 1981. Vascular patterns in stems
of Araceae: subfamily Pothoideae. Am. J. Bot. 68: 713-
"extractum calami") was used for medicaments 729.
and is still today of some importance. The Grayum, M.H. 1984. Palynology and phylogeny of the Araceae.
chopped rhizomes are still used as a tea to treat Ph. D. dissertation. Amherst: Univ. Massachusetts.
stomach ailments. The rhizomes were also for- Grayum, M.H. 1987. A summary of evidence and arguments
merly used for perfume and today are still used to supporting the removal of Acarus from the Araceae. Taxon
36: 723-729.
make a liqueur. The bitter rhizomes of Acorus Grayum, M.H. 1990. Evolution and phylogeny of the Araceae.
gramineus have also been used medicinally. Both Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 628-697.
species are cultivated as plants suitable for wet Heer, 0. 1870. Diemiocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens.
sites (bog gardens, ponds, aquatic gardens, etc.) Kong!. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Hand!. 8(7): 1-98.
Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references.
and cultivars with variegated leaves are popular. Irmisch, T. 1874. Beitriige zur vergleichenden Morphologie
der Pflanzen. 5. Abtheilung. Ueber einige Aroideen. Abh.
Only one genus: Naturforsch. Ges. 13: 1-48, tt. xiv-xix.
Kaplan, D.R. 1970. Comparative foliar histogenesis of Acarus
Acorus L. calamus and its bearing on the phyllode theory of mono-
cotyledonous leaves. Am. J. Bot. 57: 331-336.
Acarus L., Sp. Pl.: 324 (1753); Engler in Pflanzenreich IV.23B: Kaplan, D.R. 1973. Comparative developmental analysis of
308-313 (1905); Huttleston, N. Am. Arac.: 16-30 (1953); heteroblastic leaf series of axillary shoots of Acarus calamus
Grayum, Taxon 36: 723-729 (1987). L. (Araceae). Cellule 69: 253-290.
Acoraceae/ Alismataceae 11

Lee, D.W., Fairbrothers, D.E. 1972. Taxonomic placement of

the Typhales within the monocotyledons: preliminary sero-
logical investigation. Taxon 21: 39-44.
Mayo, S.j., Bogner,)., Boyce, P.C. 1997. The genera of Araceae.
R.R. HAYNES, D.H. LEs, and
I-XII, 1-370. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. L.B. HOLM-NIELSEN
Parmelee, J.A., Savile, D.B.O. 1954. Life history and relation-
ships of the rusts of Sparganium and Acorus. Mycologia 46:
Petersen, G. 1989. Cytology and systematics of Araceae. Nord.
J. Bot. 9: 119-166.
Ray, T.S. 1988. Survey of shoot organization in the Araceae.
Am. J. Bot. 75: 56-84. Alismataceae Ventenat, Tab!. Regne Veg. 2: 157 (1799), nom.
Stewart, R.N., Derman, H. 1979. Ontogeny in monocotyledons cons.
as revealed by studies of developmental anatomy of peri-
dina! chimeras. Am. J. Bot. 66: 47-58.
Tillich, H.-J. 1985. Keimlingsbau und verwandtschaftliche Monoecious, polygamous, or dioecious annual
Beziehungen der Araceae. Gleditschia 13: 63-73. or perennial herbs with milky juice, glabrous to
Tillich, H.-J. 1995. Seedlings and systematics in monocotyle- stellate pubescent, with floating leaves or emer-
dons. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, gent, in fresh or brackish waters. Roots fibrous,
C.j. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution, Vol.
1. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, pp 303-352.
septate or aseptate, at base of stem or lower
Wulff, H.D. 1954. Zur Zytologie, geographischen Verbreitung nodes. Stems short, erect, cormlike, often with
und Morphologie des Kalmus. Arch. Pharm. 287: 529-541. rhizomes, the rhizomes occasionally terminated
Wulff, H.D., Stahl, E. 1960. "Chemische Rassen" bei Acorus by tubers, the apices without turions. Leaves
calamus. Naturwissenschaften 47: 114. basal, sessile, or petiolate; petioles terete to trian-
gular, with sheathing base, the sheath without
auricles; blade linear, lanceolate, ovate to rhom-
boid, with or without pellucid dots or lines, the
margins entire or undulate, the apex obtuse,
acute, or acuminate, the base either without
basal lobes and attenuate, or otherwise truncate,
cordate, sagittate, or hastate, with parallel
primary veins and reticulate secondary veins.
Inflorescences scapose, mostly erect, rarely
floating, forming racemes or panicles by ver-
ticillate branching, rarely umbellate, without
a subtending spathe, bracteate, the bracts
whorled, linear, entire, obtuse to acute. Flowers
hypogynous, perfect or imperfect, subsessile to
long-pedicellate; perianth actinomorphic, of 6
separate segments in 2 whorls, the outer 3
sepal-like, green, persistent, erect, and enclos-
ing flower and fruit or spreading to reflexed, the
inner 3 petal-like, delicate, caducous; stamens
free, 6, 9, or numerous; if 6, then in pairs alter-
nating with the petals; if 9, then in 2 whorls
with outer whorl of 6 and inner whorl of 3; if
many, densely but irregularly spaced; anthers
tetrasporangiate, extrorse, basifixed or versatile,
dehiscing by longitudinal slits; carpels 6-many,
free, in 1 whorl or irregularly spaced, each
with 1( -2) anatropous basal ovules, rarely
(Damasonium) 2-many on marginal placentae;
styluli terminal or lateral; stigma linear. Fruits
achenes or rarely follicles, mostly numerous.
Seeds 1-few, U-shaped; endosperm absent in
mature seeds.
A family of 12 genera and ca. 80 species of
subcosmopolitan distribution.
12 Alisrnataceae


are all marsh plants or aquatic herbs with erect or
floating leaves and grow as helophytes or hydro-
phytes in fresh water. The plants may be terrestrial
with the axis buried in water-logged swamp or
marsh soils (Figs. 2,3).
The nonchlorophyllous axes are short and erect
(corms) or prolonged (rhizomes) and sometimes
creeping and elongate (stolons). They are often
covered by the remains of vascular bundles from
withered petioles. The roots are branched and
rarely develop distal tubers. Stem branching is
sympodial. The sympodium continues from the
axil of the last leaf of the rosette, or the terminal
inflorescence or side buds are sometimes modified
into pseudostolons.
The leaves are distichous, spirodistichous, or
spirally arranged, normally in basal leaf rosettes.
The leaves are usually long-petiolate and emer-
gent with a broad lanceolate to cordate or hastate
blade, but linear or ribbonlike submerged leaves
occur. The blades are mostly erect, but floating
blades occur, e.g., in Luronium and Echinodorus.
The petioles are sheathing and triangular or terete.
The few primary veins are convergent, and a
closed reticulum is formed by the secondary and
tertiary veins. The terminal inflorescence arises
from a bifurcation of the vegetative meristem. The
inflorescences are always emergent, erect panicles,
with rather distant whorls of sometimes long-
pedicellate flowers; the panicles are often reduced
to spikes, pseudospikes, or even umbel-like inflo-
rescences. Squamules are present as a palisadelike
series of scales (Tomlinson 1982).
Starch is commonly found in the rhizome and
along larger vascular bundles in the petiole.

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The anatomy of all 11
genera has been studied by several authors and
summarized by Tomlinson (1982). Hairs are gen- K
erally absent, but simple unicellular hairs, hair
bases, or stellate hairs are found in a few species of Fig. 2A-K. Alisrnataceae. A-D Ranalisma rostra tum. A Habit.
Echinodorus, Sagittaria, and Limnophyton. The B One-flowered pseudo-umbel. C Fruit in longitudinal
epidermis of submerged leaves is often chloro- section. D Achene, longitudinal section. E R. humile, habit.
phyllous, and paracytic stomata are common on F-1 Damasonium polyspermum. F Habit. G Flower. H Follicles,
two of which in longitudinal section. I Seed. J, K Luronium
the leaf surfaces. Hydropoten are frequent on sub- natans. J Habit. K Achene. (Takhtajan 1982)
merged or floating leaves. The roots, stems, and
petioles are extensively aerenchymatous, and
the air spaces are traversed by well-developed elude a well-developed protoxylem lacuna, with a
transverse diaphragms, which are absent in U-shaped arrangement of metaxylem. Vessels are
Echinodorus and Alisma. Secretory ducts (latici- restricted to the roots, where they occur as single
fers) containing a milky juice are common in the central strands, mostly with simple perforations.
leaf and stem, but tanniniferous deposits are rare.
Crystals are frequent in the leaf mesophyll. The INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. The inflorescences
vascular bundles of the peduncle and petioles in- are either paniculate with !-several branches or
Alismataceae 13

proliferating, occasionally even stoloniferous,

pseudoinflorescences. Ranalisma has a sympodial
inflorescence type (Charlton and Ahmed 1973).

FLORAL STRUCTURE. The flowers are perfect, or

imperfect by abortion of either stamens or carpels
in Sagittaria, Limnophyton, and Burnatia. Plants
of these latter genera are either monoecious
(Sagittaria), polygamous (Limnophyton, Sagit-
taria), or dioecious (Burnatia). The pedicel often
expands into a receptacle. The flowers are trimer-
ous with 2 alternate perianth whorls differentiated
into sepals and petals. The petals are delicate,
white, pink, or purple. In Burnatia the petals are
reduced or absent.
The androecium has 3, 6, or many stamens. The
gynoecium consists of free carpels and is, in
general, connate basally. The carpels are often
laterally compressed, with short styluli, and the
stigmas are apical or slightly decurrent and of the
Dry type. Nectar secretion occurs from the base of
petals, stamens, and carpels.
The development of multistaminate and mul-
ticarpellate flowers is based on a strictly trimerous
pattern, with the lateral and centrifugal apposition
of additional stamen and carpel primordia; there
is no spiral sequence (Singh and Sattler 1972,

EMBRYOLOGY. Anther wall formation is of the

monocotyledonous type. The endothecial thicken-
ings are of the Girdle type, the tapetal cells of the
Plasmodial and Amoeboid type and uninucleate.
Microsporogenesis is successive and the pollen
grains are 3-celled when shed. The archespore
cells function directly as megaspore mother cells,
and the nucellar epidermis becomes irregularly 2-
layered through periclinal divisions of its apical
cells (Davis 1966).
The embryo sac is of the Allium type. In Alisma,
Damasonium, and Luronium endosperm forma-
Fig. 3A-K. Alismataceae. A-E Sagittaria sagittifolia. A Plant tion is Nuclear; in Echinodorus, Limnophyton, and
with submersed and floating leaves. B Plant with aerial leaves. Sagittaria, however, Helobial endosperm forma-
C Fruiting aggregate. D Achene. E Stamen. F-H S. teres. tion occurs (Johri et al. 1992). The latter may rep-
F Habit. G Achene. H Stamen I, J S. guayanensis. I Habit. resent the plesiomorphic state. The formation of
J Achene. (Takhtajan 1982)
the strongly curved embryo follows the Caryo-
phyllad type.
The ripe seeds are curved and exalbuminous
spicate and have a low basal internode and 1 or and have horseshoe-shaped embryos that lack
more successive pseudowhorls. The pseudowhorls chlorophyll.
are separated by further long internodes and nor-
mally have 3 bracts subtending on either side PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are
branches or flowers. The meristems of the inflo- globose to polyhedral and polyforaminate with 9-
rescences are often (under water stress) changed 29 apertures (Fig. 4). Two minor types can be dis-
into vegetative meristems, producing richly tinguished according to sculpture and shape; their
14 Alismataceae

most cases they fall apart at dispersal time. They

are water- or animal-dispersed, but the dispersal
systems are incompletely known.

PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Condensed tannins are re-

corded from leaves of Luronium and Wiesneria
and the root of Echinodorus. C-glycosylflavones
are common in the leaves of Sagittaria.


FAMILY. The 11 genera of Alismataceae have not
recently been investigated in relation to generic
delimitation. A systematic study will, in fact, prob-
ably reveal that several of the presently accepted
genera are congeneric, as Baldellia, Caldesia,
Luronium, Ranalisma, and Echinodorus have a
high degree of similarity. A significant correlation
among the mode of endosperm formation
(Nuclear vs. Helobial), pollen morphology (granu-
Fig. 4. Alismataceae. Caldesia parnassifolia, polyforate spi-
lar vs. spinose), and chromsomal base number
nulose pollen, SEM X2700. (Palynological Laboratory, (x = ± 7 vs. ± 11) unites Alisma, Luronium,
Stockholm) Damasonia, and Baldellia against the remaining

distribution correlates with other traits, as dem- AFFINITIES. The generic name Ranalisma recalls
onstrated by Argue (1976) (see section Subdivi- an earlier taxonomic opinion that the Alis-
sions and Relationships; below). The pollen of 2 mataceae evolved from the dicotyledon family
out of the 4 species of Caldesia is quite aberrant in Ranunculaceae. Other than superficial resem-
being lense-shaped and (0- )2( -3) porate. blances (e.g., apocarpy, numerous stamens), there
has been no support for this hypothesis from any
KARYOLOGY. Base numbers of x = 5-13 have contemporary phylogenetic study. Vegetative
been reported, with 7, 8, and 11 as the most organization of Ranalisma is typical of other
common (Fedorov 1969). See also section Subdivi- Alismataceae and also similar to the genus
sions and Relationships, below. Hydrocleys of Limnocharitaceae (Charlton and
Ahmed 1973). An appraisal of the systematic posi-
PoLLINATION. Nectar secretion occurs at the tion of the Alismataceae is presented in several
bases of the floral organs, particularly of the recent papers (Les et al. 1993; Les and Haynes
staminodes in the pistillate flowers. In Alisma 1995; Les and Schneider 1995). Phylogenetically,
plantago-aquatica Daumann (1965) observed the family is placed solidly among the relatively
nectar secretion from the flanks of the carpels; the primitive monocots compnsmg superorder
nectar later accumulates at the base of the fila- Alismatanae, whose closest sister group may be
ments. The flowers open between 09.00 and 11.00 the family Araceae.
h and close in the afternoon, and they are visited The Alismataceae, along with Aponogetonaceae,
by small Syrphidae and small Diptera. The flowers Butomaceae, and Limnocharitaceae, have been
are homogamous and self-compatible. The pollen grouped to comprise the Alismatales (Dahlgren et
is mealy and is also dispersed by the wind. al. 1985), one of two orders commonly recognized
in the superorder Alismatanae. The Limno-
FRUIT AND DISPERSAL. Each carpel develops charitaceae are believed to represent the family
into an achene or into a follicle (Damasonium closest phylogenetically to the Alismataceae
polyspermum). (Dahlgren et al. 1985; Haynes and Holm-Nielsen
The achenes are often keeled or winged, more or 1992) and these families have often been merged.
less glandular nutlets, which are dispersed indi- Butomaceae (which have occasionally been
vidually. The stylar beak is often peristent and is merged with Limnocharitaceae) are believed
likely to play a role in dispersal. In some cases, the to be the next most closely related family to
individual achenes tend to stick together, but in Alismataceae, with Hydrocharitaceae as the most
Alismataceae 15

distant relative in the order (Haynes and Holm- Oligocene and Miocene. Fossils from the Lower
Nielsen 1992). and Upper Cretaceous and the Paleocene that
Recent work based on DNA sequence data (Les have tentatively been referred to the Alismata-
et al. 1993, 1997; Les and Haynes 1995) confirms ceae are inadaequate for proper identification
that the Alismataceae and related families within (Daghlian 1981; Friis 1985).
the superorder Alismatanae have not even a
remote relationship to the Ranunculaceae. The ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. The family includes
Limnocharitaceae are indeed the most closely some tropical water weeds although these are not
related group to Alismataceae, to the extent that nearly so pernicious as some genera of other fami-
molecular data depict the Limnocharitaceae as lies, e.g., Eichhornia. Sagittaria sagittifolia is
derived from within a paraphyletic Alismataceae. cultivated in Asia for its edible corm. Roots of S.
This result explains the high degree of similarity latifolia were used as a food source by N American
observed between Alismataceae and Limno- Indians (Cook 1978). Many species of Echinodorus
charitaceae which led Dahlgren et al. (1985) to and Sagitta ria are cultivated commercially for use
accept their distinctness "with great hesitation". as aquarium plants and several species of various
Our reluctance to combine these families is genera are used regularly as pond ornamentals.
based on several observations. Presently, only 8 of Most species are important as food sources to
11 genera of Alismataceae and two of three genera water animals such as manatee and birds.
of Limnocharitaceae have been surveyed in the
molecular study. Given the present sample of
genera available for analysis, the constraint of
both Alismataceae and Limnocharitaceae as 1. Perianth not differentiated into calyx and corolla, or
monophyletic groups adds only three steps to the corolla reduced; plants from the Old World 2
molecular-based cladograms (D.H. Les et al. - Perianth differentiated into calyx and corolla; plants
w~~re~ 3
1997). Furthermore, several characters (laminar 2. Plants dioecious; flowers pedicellate; inflorescences
placentation, numerous ovules per carpel, dehis- branched; staminate flowers with 6-9 stamens; carpellate
cent fruits) effectively separate Limnocharitaceae flowers with many carpels and 0-2 staminodia. Africa
from Alismataceae (with one to few ovules per 12. Burnatia
- Plants monoecious; flowers sessile; inflorescences spicate;
carpel, basal placentation, and indehiscent fruits). staminate flowers with 3 stamens; carpellate flowers with
Thus, the paraphyly of Alismataceae will not be 3-6 carpels and 3 staminodia. Paleotropicalll. Wiesneria
convincingly established until additional genera 3. Flowers imperfect or pistillate flowers with a ring of
have been surveyed and more comprehensive stamens 4
phylogenetic analyses have been completed. - Flowers all perfect 7
4. Receptacle convex; achenes laterally flattened; staminate
flowers with many stamens; cosmopolitan 5
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The distribution - Receptacle flattened; achenes rounded; staminate flowers
of Alisma is worldwide, while the large genera with 6-9 stamens. Paleotropical 6
Echinodorus and Sagitta ria have their main center 5. Pistillate flowers without stamens. Mostly north temperate
in the western hemisphere. The other genera are lOa. Sagittaria subgen. Sagittaria
- Pistillate flowers with a ring of functional or reduced
preferably distributed in the Old World tropics or stamens. Mostly tropical
temperate zones. Notably disjunct is the distribu- lOb. Sagittaria subgen. Lophotocarpus
tion of Damasonia (California/Europe/ Australia). 6. Achenes unarmed, with lateral air canals; bracts green
The Alismataceae occur in aquatic habitats, es- 8. Limnophyton
- Achenes with spines to 5 mm long, without lateral air
pecially those with stagnant or flowing freshwater.
canals; bracts maroon 9. Astonia
The plants grow as amphiphytes or helophytes in 7. Carpels on an elongated receptacle. Paleotropical
marshes or along the shores of lakes and streams; 5. Ranalisma
some species are hydrophytes with floating leaves. - Carpels on a convex or flattened receptacle; widespread
A few species of Echinodorus are forest floor herbs 8. Fruits follicles, fused together basally into a starlike con-
gregation; seeds 2-many per carpel 1. Damasonium
in "igap6 forest" along neotropical blackwater - Fruit achenes, separate, forming loose echinate heads;
streams. Most species are rooted in muddy and seeds 1 per carpel 9
water-logged substrates, and several species occur 9. Plants with floating and emersed leaves; achenes few,
as members of floating island associations inwardly convex. Europe 4. Luronium
growing directly in water-suspended substrate. - Plants with erect or floating, emersed, or submersed
leaves; achenes mostly many, outwardly convex 10
10. Carpels arranged in a circle around margin of flattened
PALEOBOTANY. The Alismataceae have been receptacle 11
shown to have occurred in the Tertiary from the - Carpels spread evenly over convex receptacle 12
16 Alismataceae

11. Carpels many; pericarp coriaceous 3. Alisma than sepals, pink or white; stamens 6( -9); carpels
- Carpels few; endocarp hard 7. Caldesia many, free. Achenes forming an echinate head; the
12. Leaves without pellucid markings; inflorescence a few-
flowered umbel. Paleotemperate 2. Baldellia
achenes strongly laterally compressed, keeled, the
- Leaves with or without pellucid markings; inflorescence keels 2-3. 2n = 10, 14, 26, 28. Nine closely related
many-flowered panicles, or rarely umbels. neotropical spp., worldwide.
6. Echinodorus

4. Luronium Raf. Fig. 2K,L

I. Damasonium P. Miller. Fig. 2F-I
Luronium Raf., Aut. Bot.: 63 (1840).
Damasonium P. Miller, Gard. Diet. Abr. Ed. 4. 1: 28 (1754).
Machaerocarpus Small (1909). Monoclinous. Stems short, rhizomatous. Leaves
basal, long-petiolate, floating; blade ovate to
Monoclinous, emergent. Stems short or tuberi- oblong, apex rounded, base rounded. Inflores-
ferous, rhizomatous. Leaves basal, emerged, erect, cence scapose, obscurely paniculate, verticillate.
long-petiolate; blade narrow-lanceolate to ovate, Flowers long-pedicellate; sepals persistent; petals
apex acute, base attenuate-cordate. Inflorescence much longer than sepals, broad-obovate, delicate,
scapose, verticillate, simple to paniculate. Flowers white to pinkish; stamens 6, grouped in pairs op-
long-pedicellate; sepals persistent; petals longer posite petals; carpels 6-9(-10). Achenes ovate,
than sepals, delicate, white; stamens 6; carpels nearly terete, sulcate; seeds not or weakly sculp-
6-9, free or basally connate; ovules 2-many, tured. 2n = 42. Only one sp., L. natans (L.) Raf.,
apotropous. Fruits follicular, triangular, adhering Temperate Europe.
basally, forming a starlike structure; follicles
beaked; seeds sculptured. Three spp., W and S
Europe, temperate regions of Australia and 5. Ranalisma Stapf Fig. 2A-D
Tasmania, one in California.
Ranalisma Stapf in Hook., Ic. Pl.: Tab. 2652 (1900).

2. Baldellia Parl. Monoclinous, emersed. Stems short, rhizomatous;

stolons occasional. Leaves basal, submersed or
Baldellia Pari., Nuovi Gen. Sp.: 57 (1854). emersed; petiole flattened; blade ovate to linear-
lanceolate, the apex acute, the base acute to at-
Monoclinous, emergent. Stems short, erect, te- tenuate. Inflorescence a 1-3-flowered umbel, the
rete, rhizomatous. Leaves basal, submersed or flowers occasionally replaced by bulbils; sepals
emersed, erect, long-petiolate; petiole aerenchy- ovate, membranaceous reflexed after anthesis;
matous; blade linear to narrow-lanceolate, apex petals delicate, white or pinkish; stamens (6-)9-
acute, base attenuate. Inflorescence few-flowered, 12; carpels free on an elongated receptacle, to 70.
obscurely paniculate, umbel-like. Flowers long- Achenes laterally compressed, with a dorsal wing,
pedicellate, sepals short, recurved, persistent; nearly semicircular, without sculpturing. Two
petals much longer than sepals, orbicular, white to spp., tropics of Old World.
pink; stamens 6 in pairs opposite petals; carpels
many, free; achenes forming an echinate head,
achenes oblong, elliptic, with 5 costae. 2n = 14, 16, 6. Echinodorus Rich. ex Engelm.
18, 22. Two spp., Europe, N Africa, and the Canary Echinodorus Rich. ex Engelm. in A. Gray, Manual: 460 (1848);
Islands. Rataj, Rev. gen. Echinodorus. Prague (1975), rev.; Haynes &
Holm-Nielsen, Fl. Neotrop. 64: 1-112 (1914).

3. Alisma L. Monoclinous. Annual or perennial, emersed.

Alisma L., Sp. Pl.: 343 (1753); Bjorkqvist, Opera Bot. 19: 1-138 Leaves erect, with pellucid markings as dots or
(1968), rev. lines or not; emersed leaves petiolate, blade linear
to broadly ovate, margins entire or undulate, apex
Monoclinous, emergent. Stems short, rhizoma- acute to acuminate, base truncate to cordate; sub-
tous. Leaves basal, emersed, erect; petiole aeren- mersed leaves mostly sessile phyllodes, margins
chymatous; blade oblong-lanceolate-elliptic, apex entire or undulate, apex acute to acuminate. Inflo-
acute, base attenuate to cordate. Inflorescence sea- rescence erect, emersed, racemose or paniculate,
pose, emergent, verticillate, paniculate. Flowers rarely umbelliform. Flowers perfect; pedicels often
long-pedicellate, sepals persistent; petals larger elongating after an thesis; sepals reflexed to spread-
Alismataceae 17

ing; petals white, larger than sepals; stamens 9- maroon; lower verticils maturing first, peduncle
many; carpels many, achenes terete, often longitu- then bending downwards until the nutlets contact
dinally costate and glandular. Twenty-seven spp., the water surface, the tip of the inflorescence then
all but one neotropical, three extending to N bending upward; sepals green, petals cream or
America the other N American. Two subgenera, green, constricted at the base; stamens 6, maroon;
subgenus Echinodorus, with versatile anthers and carpels 5-15; achenes crowded, spinescent when
many more than 20 carpels; subgenus Helanthium, mature, lateral air chambers absent. Only one
with basifixed anthers and 20 or fewer carpels. sp., A. australiensis (Aston) S.W.L. Jacobs, NE
7. Caldesia Parl.
Caldesia Pari., Fl. Ita!. 3: 598 (1858). 10. Sagitta ria L. Fig. 3
Sagittaria L., Sp. Pl. 2:993 (1753); Bogin, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard.
Monoclinous, emersed. Stems short, rhizomatous. 9: 179-233 (1955), rev.; Rataj, Annot. Zoo!. Bot. Slov. Narod.
Leaves basal, submersed or floating; petiole Muz. Bratislava 76: 1-31, 78: 1-61 (1972), rev.; Haynes &
aerenchymatous, septate; blade ovate, sub- Holm-Nielsen, Fl. Neotrop. 64: 1-112 (1994).
orbiculate or subreniform, base truncate to
cordate, apex rounded to acute. Plants producing Monoecious or rarely dioecious, perennial or
hibernacules. Inflorescence scapose, emergent, rarely annual, submersed, floating-leaved, or
paniculate, verticillate. Flowers long-pedicellate, emersed. Roots septate. Stems often with rhi-
sepals broad-ovate; petals equal to sepals, broad- zomes. Leaves submersed, floating, or emersed,
ovate, rounded, white to bluish white; stamens 6- entire, sessile or petiolate, petioles terete to trian-
9( -11); receptacle flattened; carpels 2-9( -20), free. gular, blades present or absent, without pellucid
Achenes obovoid, 1-seeded, with obscure dorsal markings. Inflorescence erect, floating or sub-
keels or sculptured. 2n = 22. Four spp., Europe mersed, racemose or paniculate, rarely umbel-
through Africa and Asia to Australia. liform, the staminate flowers above, the carpellate
below. Flowers mostly imperfect, rarely the lower
perfect, pedicellate; sepals reflexed in staminate
8. Limnophyton Miq. flowers, reflexed to appressed in carpellate
Limnophyton Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 3: 242 (1856). flowers; petals white or rarely with a pink spot or
tinge; stamens 7-many; carpels many; achenes
Monoecious, emersed. Stems short, rhizomatous. compressed, often laterally winged, glandular,
Leaves basal, emersed; petiole aerenchymatous, dorsally with a conspicuous wing. 2n = 16, 20, 22.
angled; blade sagittate or linear-lanceolate; apex About 25 spp., predominantly western hemi-
acute to acuminate; base hastate or attenuate. sphere genus of two subgenera, subgenus
Inflorescence scapose, emergent, paniculate, ver- Sagittaria, with ascending to reflexed sepals and
ticillate, the upper verticil(s) with staminate, the mostly spreading to ascending pedicels in fruit,
lower with perfect flowers, bracts green; sepals and all flowers imperfect; subgenus Lophoto-
broad, refl.exed after anthesis; petals delicate, carpus, with appressed sepals and pedicels rc-
larger than sepals, narrow, white; stamens 6, curved in fruit, and the upper flowers perfect.
green; receptacle flattened; carpels ( 10-) 15-
20( -30), free; style beaklike ventral, caducous, or
11. Wiesneria M. Micheli
only the basal part persistent; achenes obovoid,
unarmed, with lateral air canals. Two spp., pre- Wiesneria M. Micheli in A. & C. DC., Monogr. Phan. 3: 82
dominantly tropical Africa, L. obtusifolium (L.) (1881).
Miq. extending to Madagascar and S and SE Asia.
Monoecious, emergent. Stems short, rhizomatous.
Leaves basal, submerged or floating; petiole terete;
9. Astonia S.W.L. Jacobs blade linear-lanceolate or not expanded, apex
Astonia S.W.L. Jacobs, Telopea 7: 140 (1997). acute, base attenuate. Inflorescence scapose,
emergent, racemose, the lower whorls of carpel-
Monoecious, emersed. Juvenile leaves linear, sub- late flowers, the upper whorls of staminate
mersed, mature leaves sagittate. Inflorescence flowers. Flowers short-pedicellate or sessile; sepals
with up to 8 verticils, the lower perfect or mixed ovate, persistent; petals white to pinkish, reduced
perfect and staminate, the upper staminate; bracts or smaller than sepals; staminate flowers with 3
18 Alismataceae

stamens, carpels reduced to nectaries; carpellate Haynes, R.R., Holm-Nielsen, L.B. 1994. Alismataceae. Flora
flowers with receptacle slightly curved, with 3 Neotropica 64: 1-112.
Johri, B.M. et al. 1992. See general references.
staminodes and 3-6 free carpels. Achenes Les, D.H., Haynes, R.R. 1995. Systematics of subclass
obovoid, rounded, weakly sculptured, with 3 Alismatidae: a synthesis of approaches. In: Rudall, P.J.,
dorsal keels. Three spp., W and Central Africa, Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyle-
Madagascar, and India. dons: systematics and evolution. London: Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew, pp. 353-377.
Les, D.H., Schneider E.L. 1995. The Nymphaeales, Alis-
matidae, and the theory of an aquatic monocotyledon
12. Burnatia M. Micheli origin. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries,
Burnatia M. Micheli in A. & C. DC., Monogr. Phan. 3: 81 C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution.
(1881}. London: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 23-42.
Rautanenia Buchenau (1897). Les, D.H., Garvin, D.K., Wimpee, C.F. 1993. Phylogenetic
studies in the monocot subclass Alismatidae: evidence for a
reappraisal of the aquatic order Najadales. Mol. Phylogenet.
Dioecious, emersed. Rhizome tuberous. Leaves Evol. 2: 304-314.
basal; petiole terete; blade linear-lanceolate to Les, D.H., Cleland, M.A., Waycott, M. 1997. Phylogenetic
ovate, apex acuminate, the base rounded to studies in Alismatidae II: evolution of marine angiosperms
attenuate. Inflorescence scapose, paniculate, (seagrasses) and hydrophily. Syst. Bot. 22: 443-463.
Muller, J. 1981. Fossil pollen records of extant angiosperms.
branched, verticillate. Flowers small, sepals per- Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 47: 1-142.
sistent; petals white or pinkish, reduced or smaller Rogers, G.K. 1983. The Alismataceae in the Southeastern
than sepals; staminate flowers with (6- )9 stamens United States. J. Arnold Arbor 64: 383-420.
and ca. 12 aborted carpels; carpellate flowers with Singh, V., Sattler, R. 1972. Floral development of Alisma
trivia/e. Can. J. Bot. 50: 619-627.
flattened receptacle, occasionally with 2 stami- Singh, V., Sattler, R. 1973. Nonspiral androecium and gyno-
nodes, and 8-20 free carpels. Achenes obovoid, ecium of Sagittaria latifolia. Can. J. Bot. 51: 1093-1095.
laterally compressed, forming a small head. Only Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
one sp., B. enneandra M. Micheli, Tropical Africa. Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. Helobiae (Alismatidae). In: Metcalfe
C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of the monocotyledons, Vol. VII.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Selected Bibliography

Argue, C.L. 1976. Pollen studies in the Alismataceae with

special reference to taxonomy. Pollen Spores 18: 15 7-201.
Bjiirkqvist, I. 1968. Studies in Alisma L. II. Chromosome
studies, crossing experiments and taxonomy. Opera Bot. 19:
Bogin, C. 1955. Revision of the genus Sagittaria. Mem. N.Y.
Bot. Gard. 9: 179-233.
Charlton, W.A., Ahmed, A. 1973. Studies in Alismataceae. III.
Floral anatomy of Ranalisma humile. Can. J. Bot. 51: 891-
Cook, C.D.K. 1978. Alismataceae. In: Heywood, V. (ed.) Flow-
ering plants of the world. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
Daghlian, C.P. 1981. A review of the fossil record of monocoty-
ledons. Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 47: 517-555.
Dahlgren, R.M.T. eta!. 1985. See general references.
Daumann, E. 1965. Insekten- und Windbestaubung bei Alisma
plantago-aquatica L. Ein Beitrag zur experimentellen
Bliiteniikologie. Osterr. Bot. Z. 112: 295-310.
Davis, G.L. 1966. See general references.
Fassett, N.C. 1955. Echinodorus of the American tropics.
Rhodora 57: 133-212.
Fedorov, A.A. 1969. See general references.
Friis, E.M. 1985. Angiosperm fruits and seeds from the Middle
Miocene of Jutland (Denmark). Alismataceae. K. Dan.
Vidensk. Selsk. Bioi. Skr. 24(3): 71-73.
Haynes, R.R., Holm-Nielsen, L.B. 1985. A generic treatment of
Alismatidae in the neotropics. Acta Amazonica 15(1-2):
Haynes, R.R., Holm-Nielsen, L.B. 1992. Limnocharitaceae.
Flora Neotropica 56: 1-34.
Anarthriaceae 19

Anarthriaceae of two sizes, and are arranged in a single ring

inside the chlorenchyma; the sclerenchyma sheath
H.P. LINDER, B.G. BRIGGS, of each bundle is somewhat enlarged and extends
and L.A.S. JoHNSON 1 to the epidermis, thus interrupting the chloren-
chyma. Silica is absent, but calcium oxalate crys-
tals occur in some species.


inflorescence structure shows various degrees of
Anarthriaceae Cutler & Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 19: 489 (1965). branching, with each branch subtended by a bract,
and the flowers pedicellate or sessile. The uni-
Evergreen dioecious plants, caespitose, shortly sexual flowers are relatively unspecialised (Linder
rhizomatous or with branching aerial stems. 1992). The three anthers are bilocular, and the
Culms simple or branching, terete or flattened,
glabrous. Leaves all basal or arising from aerial
stems, with laterally flattened, equitant blades,
with a small ligule at the transition to the sheath,
sheath split to the base. Inflorescence racemose,
with few or many flowers, sometimes with elon-
gated inflorescence branches, the 2 sexes alike.
Flowers not in spikelets, sessile or pedicellate, each
with 1 or 2 short bracts. Perianth of 6 rigid
or scarious-membranous, identical, glumaceous,
glabrous tepals in 2 whorls. Male flowers with 3
stamens opposite the inner tepals, filaments free,
slender; anthers bilocular, exserted, dorsifixed, 2-
lobed, each lobe dehiscing by a longitudinal slit.
Female flowers usually with staminodes (some-
times minute); ovary superior, free, 3-locular with
a single pendulous atropous ovule in each locule,
with 3 elongated papillose styluli, free to the base
or shortly connate to form a short style. Fruit a 3-
locular, bluntly angular capsule opening at the
angles. Seeds ovoid, white, asymmetrical, the
surface colliculate with lines of large angular or
deeply lobed cells imprinted with a striate pattern.
A monogeneric West Australian family with
seven species, largely restricted to oligotrophic


Anarthriaceae are evergreen, rushlike plants (Fig.
5), growing to a maximum height of 1m, forming
either tangled clumps or caespitose tussocks,
or occasionally with stilt roots (Pate 1989). The
culms are photosynthetic and green, terete or
flattened. The leaves are variously developed,
equitant and usually laterally flattened. The leaves
and culms of Anarthriaceae are anatomically simi-
lar (Cutler 1969) but the culms with some vascular
bundles in the central tissues. Directly below the
epidermis is a chlorenchymatous layer of peg cells
one to several cells thick. The vascular bundles are Fig. SA-D. Anarthriaceae. Anarthria scabra. A Plant with
staminate inflorescence. B Staminate flower. C Pistillate
1 Deceased. flower. D Dehiscing capsule. (D. Mackay)
20 Anarthriaceae

ovules are pendulous from the upper axile corner

of the three dehiscent ovary loculi (Linder and
Rudall 1993). Kircher {1986) interpreted the in-
florescence as consisting of 1-flowered spikelets,
but we see no evidence for a preceding spikelet
condition. Both the !-flowered units in Anarthria-
ceae and 1-flowered spikelets as found in some
Restionaceae can, however, be considered as re-
duced from plurinodate conditions.

EMBRYOLOGY. The endothecium of the anthers

contains spiral thickenings but often forming U-
shapes rather than complete helices (Manning and
Linder 1990). The development of the male game-
tophyte is not known. The tenuinucellate ovule is
bitegmic, with the inner integument tanniferous.
Megagametophyte development is of the Poly-
gonum type. There are three antipodals, and the
micropylar nucellar epidermis is uniseriate, with Fig. 6. Anarthriaceae. Anarthria prolifera, pollen with scro-
isodiametric cells. There are no large starch grains biculate ornamentation and annulate ("graminoid") pore,
SEM X 1800. (Photo H.P. Linder)
in the mature megagametophyte. The develop-
ment of the embryo is not known (Linder and
Rudall1993). latter family in the trilocular ovaries with a single
ovule per locule, the tenuinucellate ovules, and the
POLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. Pollen grains (Fig. 6) are graminoid, scrobiculate pollen grains (Linder and
shed as moderately sized monads (A. gracilis: ca. Rudall1993; Kellogg and Linder 1995). However,
26-38 X 34-45mm, Chanda 1966; Ladd 1977), and they differ from Restionaceae in the different culm
are ulcerate and more or less spherical. The pore is anatomy, which lacks parenchyma and scleren-
surrounded by a annulus formed by the thickened chyma rings inside the chlorenchyma, the absence
foot-layer: thus the grain is "graminoid" (Ladd of starch in the megagametophyte, and the isodia-
1977). Scrobiculi penetrate the interapertural metric micropylar nucellar epidermis cells; they
pollen wall (Chanda 1966; Ladd 1977; Linder and also differ from Restionaceae in the bilocular
Ferguson 1985). anthers. Anarthriaceae appear to lack the 28-kb
inversion of the chloroplast DNA found in Restion-
FRUIT AND SEED. The ovary is a loculicidal cap- aceae, Poaceae, Joinvilleaceae and Ecdeiocoleaceae
sule, and the seeds are dispersed individually. (Doyle et al. 1992). From such lines of evidence,
Kellogg and Linder (1995) suggest a position closer
REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. The plants are wind- to Restionaceae than to Poaceae, but note that the
pollinated. Most species resprout after fire but A. morphological evidence is not compelling. DNA
polyphylla Nees is an obligate seeder (Meney and sequence data for the rbcL gene (S. Gilmore, A.
Pate 1998). Marchant and B. Briggs, pers. comm.) indicates a
relatively close relationship with Lyginia and
KARYOLOGY. The chromosomes are larger than Hopkinsia but does not suggest a closer relation-
those of Restionaceae, with 2n = 22 or 44 (Briggs ship to Restionaceae than to Poaceae.
Only one genus:
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Anarthriaceae resemble
many Restionaceae in the presence of flavonols
Anarthria R.Br. Figs. 5, 6
but lack flavones. Common flavonols including
myricetin were reported in various species; Anarthria R.Br., Prodr.: 248 (1810).
proanthocyanidins and flavonoid sulphates are
absent (Williams et al. 1997). Characters as for family; seven spp., endemic to
the SW of Western Australia, in well-drained or
AFFINITIES. Anarthriaceae were included within seasonally wet sites in areas of moderate or rela-
Restionaceae until 1965. Anarthria resembles the tively low rainfall; on oligotrophic soils.
Anarthriaceae/ Aponogetonaceae 21

Selected Biobliography Aponogetonaceae

Briggs, B.G. 1966. Chromosome numbers of some Australian H.W.E. VAN BRUGGEN
monocotyledons. Contrib. N.S.W. Nat!. Herb. 4: 24-34.
Chanda, S. 1966. On the pollen morphology of the Centrol-
epidaceae, Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae, with special
reference to taxonomy. Grana 6: 355-415.
Cutler, D.F. 1969. Juncales. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of
the monocotyledons, Vol. 4. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Doyle, J.J., Davis, J.I., Soreng, R.J., Garvin, D., Anderson, M.J.
1992. Chloroplast DNA inversions and the origin of the
grass family (Gramineae). Proc. Nat!. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89: Aponogetonaceae J. Agardh, Theoria Syst. Pl.: 44 (1858), nom.
7722-7726. cons.
Kellogg, E.A., Linder, H.P. 1995. Phylogeny of Poales. In:
Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Perennial water plants with a rootstock or rhi-
Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution. London: Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 511-542.
zome. Leaves in a rosette, submerged and/or float-
Kircher, P. 1986. Untersuchungen zur Bliiten- und Inflo- ing, very seldom emergent. Inflorescence on a long
reszenzmorphologie, Embryologie and Systematik der scape emerging above the water surface, in bud
Restionaceen im Vergleich mit Gramineen and verwandten enveloped by a caducous or (rarely) persistent
Familien. Diss. Bot. 94: 1-219. spathe, and composed of 1 or 2-15 spikes. Plants
Ladd, P.G. 1977. Pollen morphology of some members of the
Restionaceae and related families, with notes on the fossil
usually monoecious, seldom dioecious or apoga-
record. Grana 16: 1-14. mous. Flowers hypogynous, sessile, more or
Linder, H.P. 1992. The gynoecia of Australian Restionaceae: less spirally arranged on the inflorescence axis, or
morphology, anatomy and systematic implications. Aust. secund. Tepals (1- )2-6, absent in female speci-
Syst. Bot. 5: 227-245. mens of dioecious species. Stamens usually 6, ab-
Linder, H.P., Ferguson, I.K. 1985. On the pollen morphology
and phylogeny of the Restionales and Poales. Grana 24: 65- sent in female specimens of dioecious species and
76. often in apomictic specimens. Anthers 2-thecate,
Linder, H.P., Rudall, P.J. 1993. The megagametophyte in 4-sporangiate, with extrorse longitudinal dehis-
Anarthria (Anarthriaceae, Poales) and its implications for cence. Pollen probably always yellow. Carpels
the phylogeny of the Poales. Am. J. Bot. 80: 1455-1464. usually 3, free, sessile, 1-locular, pear-shaped,
Manning, J.C., Linder, H.P. 1990. A cladistic analysis of pat-
terns of endothecial thickenings in the Poales/Restionales. narrowed into the stylulus with a stigmatic ridge
Am. J. Bot. 77: 196-210. on the ventral side, rudimentary and sterile in
Meney, K.A., Pate, J.S. (eds.) 1998. Australian rushes- male specimens of dioecious specimens, and
biology, identification and conservation of Restionaceae sometimes more numerous in apomictic speci-
and allied families. Perth: University of Western Australia
mens. Ovules 2-12 per ovary, basal or marginal.
Pate, J.S. 1989. Australian micro stilt plants. Trends Ecol. Evol. Fruit a follicle with a mostly distinct, lateral or
4: 45-49. terminal, often curved beak. Seeds without endo-
Williams, C.A., Harborne, J.B., Greenham, J., Briggs, B.G., sperm.
Johnson, L.A.S. 1997. Flavonoid evidence and the classifica- Only one genus of about 45 spp., confined to
tion of the Anarthriaceae within the Poales. Phytochemistry
45: 1189-1196.
the Old World, predominantly the southern

VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The starchy tuber is

elongate, obovoid or globular, seldom long, thin,
creeping and branching (A. rigidifolius). The
leaves are usually distinctly petiolate with a nar-
row sheath. Submerged leaves are band-shaped or
narrowly lanceolate, or more seldom oval, ovate,
obovate, threadlike or spindle-shaped. Often the
blades are undulate, sometimes almost contorted
(A. ulvaceus), and in some species strongly
bullate. In A. madagascariensis the leaves are
fenestrate by loss of the mesophyll between the
veins (Fig. 7A,B). Floating leaves are usually oval
or lanceolate and flat; their adaxial surface is
glossy and water-repellent. Usually the blades
have a distinct midrib, and 1 or more pairs of
22 Aponogetonaceae

are as follows. Hydropoten are present on the

leaves and petioles as far as these are exposed to
the water. The leaves are glabrous but squamules
are present in leaf axils. The floating leaves are
dorsiventral, the submerged ones isobilateral. The
peripheral periderm of the corm is interrupted by
root and leaf traces. The roots are provided with
branched or unbranched root hairs. Articulated
laticifers are universally present in leaves and the
inflorescence axis but seem to be absent from the
rhizome and the roots. Crystals are abundant in
the mesophyll of floating leaves as coarse aggrega-
tions of rhombohedral types. Tannin is present in
isolated cells common next to vascular tissue or
in partition cells of the lacunose petiole.


are borne on long peduncles, which may taper
towards the tip (Fig. 7). They are then often rigid
and erect, and so lift the inflorescence above the
water surface. In some species they are thickened,
sometimes even strongly inflated below the
inflorescence and in these cases they contain
aerenchymatous tissue which enables them to
float and thus lift the inflorescence.

FLOWER STRUCTURE. The flowers are usually

small and in bisexual specimens consist of 2
tepals, 6 free stamens, and 3 free carpels, but there
are some exceptions to this structure, e.g. in A.
distachyos, the flowers have only 1 large tepal,
while in A. hexatepalus they have 6. The tepals are
petaloid, free scales, which in species with 1 or 2
tepals point obliquely downwards or laterally;
they vary in colour from white to pink or violet,
yellow or green. In about 5 species the tepals are
caducous. The stamens are arranged in 2 whorls,
but in A. distachyos there are 8-16 stamens in
several whorls.

EMBRYOLOGY (mainly from Bouman in van

Bruggen 1985). Anther wall development con-
Fig. 7A-I. Aponogetonaceae. A-E Aponogeton madagas- forms to the monocotyledonous type with an
cariensis. A Flowering plant. B Portion of fenestrate leaf. C ephemeral middle layer and an endothecium with
Flowers. D Flower. E Stamen. F, G, A. undulatus. F Flowering thickenings. The tapetum cells are uninuclear and
spike (Note that tepals in fact are spreading as in G). G Flower.
H, I A. distachyos. H Branched spike. I Flower with bract.
amoeboidal. Microsporogenesis is simultaneous
(Takhtajan 1982) or successive and the pollen is 3-nucleate when
The ovules are anatropous to hemianatropous
parallel, confluent nerves connected by numerous and without appendages. The ovule is mostly
cross-veins. bitegmic, sometimes with 2 partly fused integu-
ments and rarely unitegmic (A. distachyos). The
VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Most of the literature on outer integument is mostly 3-layered, but addi-
the anatomy of Aponogeton has been summarised tional cell layers may appear during development;
by Tomlinson (1982), and some salient features the inner integument is 2-layered. The nucellus is
Aponogetonaceae 23

crassinucellate and the nucellar epidermis may able. Even the best metaphase plates are very diffi-
divide periclinally to form a small nucellar cap cult to analyse because the chromosomes (0.5-
and multilayered flanks. The megaspore tetrad is 2.5 ftm long) have a strong tendency to adhere to
linear and its chalazal megaspore develops into a one another. However, the numbers 2n = 16, 24,
Polygonum type of embryo sac. 32, 40 and 56 suggest a basic number of x = 8.
Endosperm development is Helobial, the cha- Aneuploidy and infraspecific polyploidy seem to
laza! chamber with one hypertrophied nucleus be common phenomenona, in some cases com-
and the large micropylar chamber coenocytic. The bined with each other.
first division of the zygote is transverse, the large It remains to be established whether there is a
basal cell develops into a long-persisting vesicular connection between high chromosome numbers
cell with a hypertrophied nucleus. The apical cell and apomixis or dioecism.
divides longitudinally. Embryogenesis according
to the Caryophyllad type or to the Sagittaria vari- PoLLINATION. The flowers are probably polli-
ant of the Caryophyllad type; the embryo lacks a nated by insects, but this has not yet been
suspensor. established.

POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are sul- FRUIT AND SEED. The ripening infructescence
cate and more or less ellipsoid. The tectum is gradually becomes submerged. On the basis of
perreticulate and bears fine supratectal spines seed-coat structure, 3 seed types have been
which are always present and visible in the light recognised by Bouman (in van Bruggen 1985): (1)
microscope (Fig. 8). In some species the lumina Double-coated seeds developing from bitegmic
contain free spinules. The aperture membrane, ovules. Testa separable from the tegmen. Testa 3-
which is easily damaged during acetolysis, may 4-layered, with ridges or small wings. Exotesta
bear small spinules or granules, either separately with bandlike, annular thickenings on their
or in combination. Exine stratification is distinct anticlinal walls. Middle layer of the testa
only in electron micrographs. Total exine thick- parenchymatic with small intercellular spaces.
ness ranges from 0.8-1.5 ftm. The nexine is thin Inner layer not differentiated. Inner layer of the
(ca. 0.2ftm in A. distachyos) and probably com- tegmen tanniniferous and walls impregnated, re-
pletely ectexinous. The infratectallayer, which is sponsible for the non-transparent character of the
not visible in the light microscope, is irregularly seed coat. Outer layer of the tegmen collapsing
granular and up to ca. 0.4ftm thick in A. during development. Embryo achlorophyllous
distachyos. The intine is thickened at the apertural (Fig. 9). (2) Single-coated seeds developing from
region. The long equatorial axis of the grains ovules with 1 or with 2 fused integuments. Seed
ranges from 16-40ftm (data from the comprehen- coat 5-10 cells thick around the embryo sac, with-
sive survey by Thanikaimoni in van Bruggen 1985, out thickenings or a tanniniferous layer and thus
in which all species were covered). transparent. Middle layers parenchymatic and
rich in intercellular spaces. Embryo chlorophyl-
KARYOLOGY. Somatic chromosome numbers are lous. (3) Single-coated seeds developing from
known from about a 1/3 of the total number of spe- bitegmic ovules. Testa 3- 5- and tegmen 2-layered.
cies, in most cases counted only in 1 or a few Seed coat without distinct thickened or tan-
specimens. Some numbers are not completely reli- niniferous layers. This group is more or less
intermediate between the first and second.
The seeds have no endosperm. Seeds with a
single coat are glossy and the seed coat is thick and
fleshy; the embryo may have a plumule or not. In
seeds with a double coat the testa is loose, trans-
parent and reticulately veined; the tegmen is
brown and closely encloses the embryo, which is
completely undeveloped and seems not to have an
externally visible plumule.

DISPERSAL. At maturity the pericarp suddenly

A B decays and the seeds are released. Seeds with a
Fig. 8A,B. Aponogetonaceae. Aponogeton elongatus, sulcate single coat float on the water surface for a short
pollen, SEM X900. A Distal pole. B Proximal pole. (Orig.) period (a few hours), and may reach other locali-
24 Aponogetonaceae

areas set fruit in a very short time. Because the

seeds cannot survive dessication, they must ger-
minate, and the seedling must develop a small
tuber before the renewal of drought conditions
following rain.

PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Aponogeton differs from most

Potamogetonales in the presence of leuco-
anthocyanins and flavonols and the absence of
C-glycosyl flavones, probably the plesiomorphic
state in Alismatales (see compilation in Les and
Haynes 1995). Cell wall-bound ferulate was found
to be absent (Harris and Hartley 1980).

AFFINITIES. On the basis of the apocarpous

gynoecium and anatomical evidence (Tomlinson
1982), a position of Aponogeton in the Helobiae is
supported. Like all other Alismatales, the ripe seed
has no endosperm and the embryo is supplied
with storage tissue. The presence of laticifers has
Fig. 9. Aponogetonaceae. Seed of Aponogeton ulvaceus, with been seen as pointing to affinities with Alismata-
transparent coat and central part with tegmen and embryo. ceae and Butomaceae. The molecular (rbcL) data,
X40. (Orig.)
however, that have been reported by Les and
Haynes (1995), indicate for Aponogetonaceae a
position basal to Potamogetonales.
ties. Then the testa will also decay, and the embryo
sinks to the bottom. These seeds have no resting DISTRIBUTION. The 45 species of the single genus
period. are confined to the Old World, except Europe and
Seeds with a double coat have no floating tissue, temperate Asia. The centre of diversity is in the
but due to surface tension they may float for some tropical and subtropical areas of Africa and Mada-
time and thus can be dispersed. They will germi- gascar. Aponogeton reaches the Cape region of
nate after a resting period of 1 to several weeks. Africa and occurs also in India and Australia. All
In this way, the plants can easily reach new sites in species have fairly restricted ranges. On the whole,
the same stream or pool (they always grow in the species do not seem to be endangered, but A.
widely scattered batches), but as the seeds cannot bullosus from the Atherton Tableland (Australia)
tolerate desiccation, it is not clear how they reach has become very rare through overcollection for
new streams or pools. aquarium purposes.

REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. Most species are her- EcoLOGY. All members of the family are true
maphroditic, but there are five dioecious species aquatics. Some species occur in stagnant water,
and others, which to a high degree are apomictic. others in more swiftly flowing streams and rivers,
In some of the dioecious species, male specimens some even in torrents (rheophytes). One or two
predominate. The ratio between male and female species are found on banks and shores. Some
specimens seems to be 10: 1, but it is not known species grow in permanent, others in temporary,
whether this applies to all dioecious species. water.
Apomixis occurs in many species. Sometimes all
specimens may be apomictic and lack stamens, PALAEOBOTANY. In recent years three species
but other species are both apomictic and sexual. from the Upper Oligocene have been described,
In still other species the flowers are perfect, but the all from the region of the Aral Lake, almost
fruit produces many fertile seeds without pollina- 3000 km from the nearest recent locality in India.
tion (e.g. A. natans). Of the dioecious A. decaryi, For one of them, A. tertiarius, definite proof that it
one apomictic population is known without any is an Aponogeton (and not a Potamogeton) is still
male specimens. lacking, because reproductive structures are un-
Fruit development is usually very rapid, taking known. From the other two species (A. zhilinii and
from 1 to about 4 weeks. Species living in desert A. czokusianus) only fragments were collected,
Aponogetonaceae 25

and it is difficult to judge whether they really rep- Pneva, G.P. 1988. Eine neue tertiiire Art aus der Gattung
resent different species. Aponogeton (Aponogetonaceae) aus Kazakhstan und
Karakalpakiya, Bot. Zh. 73: 1597-1597 (in Russian).
A fossil Aponogeton from the Cretaceous of Selling, O.H. 1947. Aponogetonaceae in the Cretaceous of
Patagonia was described by Selling (1947). The South America. Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 41: 182.
former occurrence of the genus in S. America Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
seems, however, highly improbable in view of its Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. Helobiae (Alismatidae). In: Metcalfe,
recent absence from this continent. C.R. (ed.) Anatomy ofthe monocotyledons, Vol. 7. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, pp. 198-225.
Yadav, S.R. 1993. Mechanism of apomixis in Aponogeton
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. About a dozen species decaryi Jumelle. Phytomorphology 43: 201-207.
are of some economic importance. In some re- Yadav, S.R. 1995. Die Hybride zwischen Aponogeton decaryi
gions of the world the tubers and in others the Jumelle und Aponogeton satarensis Raghavan, Kulkarni &
Yadav. Aqua-Planta 20: 71-80.
leaves are eaten. In Africa the inflorescences of A.
Zhilin, S.G. 1974. Die erste tertiiire Art aus der Gattung
distachyos are used as an ingredient in soups and Aponogeton (Aponogetonaceae). Bot. Zh. 59: 1203-1206 (in
stews; the plant is cultivated for this purpose. Dur- Russian).
ing the flowering season the inflorescences are
sold, and they are then even canned.
About five spp. from Sri Lanka and Madagascar
are imported on a large scale to Europe and the
United States for aquarium purposes. A few other
species are imported only occasionally.
A. distachyos is a popular plant for ponds. When
there is no ice on the water it may even flower in

Only one genus:

Aponogeton L. fil. Figs. 7-9

Aponogeton L. fil., Suppl. Pl.: 214 (1781); van Bruggen, Bib!.
Bot. 137 (1985) (monogr.).

Characters as for family.

Selected Bibliography

A more comprehensive bibliography can be found in van

Bruggen (1985).
Andrejev, A. 1989. Aponogeton czokusianus A. Andrejev sp.
nov. In: Zhilin, S.G. (ed.) History of the development of the
temperate forest flora in Kazakhstan, USSR from the Oli-
gocene to Early Miocene. Bot. Rev. 55: 292.
Bruggen, H.W.E. van 1985. Monograph of the genus Apono-
geton (Aponogetonaceae). Bib!. Bot. 137. 76 pp., 23 pl.
Bruggen, H.W.E. van 1987. Aponogetonaceae. In:
Dassanayake, M.D. (ed.), Rev. Handb. Flora Ceylon Vol. 6:
3-16. New Delhi: Amerind.
Bruggen, H.W.E. van 1990. Die Gattung Aponogeton
(Aponogetonaceae). Aqua-Planta Sonderheft 2.
Bruggen, H.W.E. van 1991. Neue Erkentnisse tiber die
Aponogetonaceae. Aqua-Planta 16: 46-54.
Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references.
Les, D.H., Haynes, R.R. 1995. Systematics of subclass
Alismatidae: a synthesis of approaches. In: Rudall, P.J.,
Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyle-
dons: systematics and evolution, Vol. 2. London: Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 353-377.
Lye, K.A. 1986. The geographical variation in Aponogeton
abyssinicus A. Rich. Lydia 1: 67-80.
26 Araceae

Araceae VEGETATIVE MoRPHOLOGY. The stem varies

from an elongated aerial axis with extended
S.J. MAYO, J. BoGNER, and P.C. BoYcE internodes, as in the many climbers and climb-
ing hemiepiphytes, to a hypogeal rhizome or
depressed-globose (rarely elongate to napiform)
tuber. Genera with rhizomes or tubers are com-
mon in Lasioideae and Aroideae. The climbing
habit is characteristic of subfamilies Pothoideae
and Monsteroideae. Abbreviated aerial stems
Araceae Juss., Gen. Pl.: 23 (1789), nom. cons. are also frequent, producing rosulate plants, as in
certain epiphytic species of Philodendron and
Herbs, diminutive to gigantic, terrestrial, geo- Anthurium. Erect stems with relatively short
phytic, epiphytic, or climbing, rarely aquatic; internodes occur in some tribes of Aroideae
with true or false stems; tissues with raphides; (e.g. Aglaonemateae, Dieffenbachieae ). Some,
laticifers commonly present; mature shoots com- generally larger, species have an arborescent habit
posed of articles forming a sympodium (except in which the main axis is a fleshy (Alocasia,
Pothoideae, Heteropsis ); leaf bifacial, usually dif- Montrichardia, Xanthosoma sect. Xanthosoma)
ferentiated into petiole and expanded blade of or fibrous (Philodendron) stem or a false stem
very variable shape; midrib compound; primary of petiole sheaths (Arisaema, Dracunculus,
venation usually pinnate but sometimes pedate Typhonodorum). Shoots specialised for vege-
or arcuate from the base or strictly parallel, fine tative reproduction include flagelliform shoots
venation ± reticulated or parallel-pinnate (i.e. (e.g. Amydrium, Cercestis, Philodendron, Rhodo-
parallel to primary lateral veins); inflorescences spatha, Syngonium), bulbils adapted for animal
1-many, each inflorescence a pseudanthium dispersal (Remusatia), cormlets (Dracontium,
(especially so when flowers unisexual) consisting Dracontioides) and hypogeal stolons (Ari-
of a spadix (a dense spike of minute, ebracteate saema, Colocasia, Cryptocoryne, Lasimorpha,
flowers) subtended by a spathe (last leaf of article, Spathiphyllum ).
usually specialised in form and colour, incon- In virtually all genera the mature stem is a
spicuous in Gymnostachys, Orontium); flowers sympodium composed of articles ending with
sessile (except Pedicellarum), bisexual or un- an inflorescence or aborted inflorescence. Foliage
isexual (unisexual inflorescences in Arisaema - leaves and cataphylls occur in an often predictable
paradioecy), when unisexual the female flowers sequence within each article; the constancy of the
occupying the proximal part and males the me- sequence varies from genus to genus. With the
dian or distal part of the spadix; perigone present termination of the article by an inflorescence,
or absent, tepals free, partly or completely con- growth of the stem is continued in most genera by
nate; stamens usually 3 + 3 or 2 + 2, or sometimes a branch axillary to the foliage leaf or cataphyll
less or more, opposite tepals in bisexual flowers, situated at the second node below spathe
free to connate, anthers extrorse (except insertion. In the Orontioideae this continuation
Zamioculcas, Pedicellarum); gynoecium syncar- shoot arises at the first node below the spathe.
pous, ovary usually 1-3 locular ( 1-8 locular in "Enrichment" of the flowering shoot to form
Spathicarpeae, 2-47-locular in Philodendron), a synflorescence takes place commonly by the
ovules bitegmic, atropous, anatropous, ana- development of a sequence of short articles,
campylotropous or of intermediate form; style each consisting at least of prophyll, spathe and
usually inconspicuous, stigma wet at anthesis, inflorescence, beginning in the axil of the leaf
sometimes distinctly lobed; fruit a berry (basally immediately below the spathe. The resulting
dehiscent in Lagenandra), usually free and borne synflorescences exhibit a range of structural varia-
in ± cylindric, dense, fleshy spike, rarely connate tion which may be quite complex; extreme forms
into syncarp; seeds small to very large, testa very are found in Gymnostachys and Homalo-
thin to very thick, rarely absent, endosperm mena. Anomalous shoot arcliitecture occurs in
present or absent, embryo minute to large, both Gymnostachys, Potheae and Heteropsis, in which
with or without starch, chlorophyllous or not. flowering is confined to lateral short shoots from
A family comprising 104 genera and over 3300 the monopodia! main vegetative axis.
species, with a subcosmopolitan distribution but Roots in Araceae are always shoot born; the
most diverse in tropical regions. primary root withers soon after germination or is
Araceae 27

absent (Pistia). In root climbers and hemi- be arcuate-parallel (i.e. acrodromous, campylo-
epiphytes, root dimorphism is frequent in; non- dromous, convergate or curvipalmate, e.g.
geotropic anchor roots, adapted for clinging on Anthurium sect. Digitinervium), pedate (e.g.
trees, are anatomically or morphologically distin- Sauromatum) or radiate (e.g. many Arisaema
guishable from larger feeding roots which grow spp.) but are most commonly pinnately organised.
down to the forest floor, as in Monstera, Philoden- Even in pedately and radiately lobed leaves, the
dron, Rhaphidophora. In some geophytic genera, primary veins of the lobes are generally pinnate.
e.g. Arisarum, Arum, Biarum, and in Crypto- In pinnately veined leaves the major branches of
coryne, which is rhizomatous, contractile roots the midrib are thus usually primary veins, but are
occur. referred to as primary lateral veins. Except possi-
In virtually all genera the leaf is clearly differen- bly in some compound leaves, the primary veins
tiated into a blade, petiole and petiole sheath; ex- always run throughout the leaf blade, ultimately
ceptions are Gymnostachys, some Biarum spp. joining together at the leaf apex. In many genera
and Pistia. The sheath normally clasps the sub- either one or several of the primary veins form
tended internode, at least basally, and has an an- a submarginal collective vein on each side in ad-
nular insertion (except many Potheae and most dition to the marginal vein. The finer venation
Heteropsis ). The foliage leaves of mature shoot ar- may be reticulated (e.g. Anthurium) or parallel-
ticles often have short or very reduced sheaths. pinnate (i.e. more or less parallel to the major
Leaf blade size may range from diminutive lateral veins); the latter is normally referred to as
(e.g. Ambrosina) to gigantic (e.g. Amorphophallus, "parallel" or "striate" venation in the taxonomic
Colocasia, Cyrtosperma, Xanthosoma). Shape literature on aroids. A third, intermediate type
varies from linear (Biarum, Typhonium) to of fine venation is recognised for the tribes
dracontioid (Anchomanes, Dracontium, Pseudo- Colocasieae and Caladieae ("colocasioid vena-
hydrosme, Pycnospatha, Taccarum, Thom- tion"). Here the fine veins arising from major lat-
sonieae), through cordate, sagittate, hastate, eral veins arch towards the leaf margin, and may
trilobed or trisect, pedately, pinnately and radi- run virtually without reticulation (Colocasia) or
ately lobed or -sect. Bipinnatifid, tripinnatifid fuse to form sinuose sympodial collective veins
and combined pedatisect-pinnatifid leaves also ("interprimary veins") between the major lateral
occur. Dracontioid leaves are generally trisect veins (most Alocasia spp., Xanthosoma). Strictly
at the petiole insertion and thereafter more or parallel venation of the typical monocot type is
less dichotomously subdivided. Zamioculcas, found only in Gymnostachys. Intermediate forms
one species of Anaphyllum and one species of occur between virtually all recognised patterns
Anaphyllopsis have truly pinnate compound and this makes venation a difficult character to
leaves. use. Ertl's study (1932) is the only large-scale
Heteroblasty is a striking feature and defines a survey yet made.
number of climbing genera [Cercestis, Monstera,
Philodendron, Pathos (except subgen. Pathos), VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. 1 The rhizodermis is 1-,
Rhaphidophora, Rhodospatha, Syngonium]. It oc- less commonly several-layered. True multiple root
curs both in ontogeny from seedling to mature epidermis resembling a velamen occurs in various
plant and in association with the development Anthurium spp. The cells are not or at most
of flagelliform shoots. Fenestrate or perforated vaguely differentiated into long and short cells.
leaves are another peculiarity well shown in gen- A sclerotic root hypodermis occurs in Culcasieae,
era such as Amydrium, Cercestis, Dracontioides, Montrichardia, Philodendron, Homalomeneae
Monstera and Rhaphidophora. In genera with di- and Anubias. Lobing of the central vascular cylin-
vided leaves the first foliage leaf is normally entire, der occurs in the roots of some Philodendron and
although in Gonatopus and Thomsonieae it is Cercestis species.
already divided. A number of genera have spe- In the stem, a cortical vascular system, distinct
cies with peltate leaves (Ariopsis, Caladium, from the central cylinder, is present in some gen-
Colocasieae and a few species of Anthurium and era (Pathos, Pothoidium, Heteropsis, Anthurium,
Leaf venation in Araceae is complex and varied
in detail but little studied and the terminology
used is confusing in practice. The primary veins 'This account is based on the treatment by J.C. French in
(i.e. the major veins including the midrib) may Mayo eta!. (1997).
28 Araceae

Monstereae, Philodendron, Dieffenbachia, Syn- and Zantedeschia, necrotic areas provide another
gonium, Caladium, Chlorospatha, Xanthosoma), mode of attactive leaf variegation.
which in Colocasieae often forms a character- Trichosclereids are characteristic of the Spathi-
istic anastomosing system. An unusual type of phylleae and Monstereae (sparsely present in
endodermis, which surrounds each axial vas- Amydrium).
cular bundle individually but not the central Laticifers, normally associated with the phloem
cylinder or leaf traces, is widespread in the of the vascular bundles, occur in the majority of
Schismatoglottideae. Araceae, although absent from bisexual-flowered
Bud trace insertion patterns are also variable. genera except Calla and Orontium. Anastomos-
Three patterns are recognisable in Araceae. Two ing laticifers occur in tribes Colocasieae (in
of them are found mainly in climbing genera and Ariopsis the laticifers are simple), Caladieae, and
a third is characteristic of genera with rhizomes or Zomicarpeae. Latex composition varies, being
tubers (French and Tomlinson 1981a-d, 1983, clear or milky with a variety of constituent latex
1984). particles and chemical constituents. Large quanti-
In the leaf, trichomes and larger epidermal ties of tannin have also been detected in aroid
scalelike processes are rare (occurring in Bognera, latex.
Callopsis, Pedicellarum, Pistia and certain species Resin canals containing terpenoids are known
of Anubias, Cryptocoryne, Homalomena, Philo- from the leaves, stems, roots and inflorescen-
dendron, Schismatoglottis, Stylochaeton, Syn- ces of Cercestis, Culcasia, Homalomena and
gonium, Xanthosoma). Prickles are found on Philodendron.
stems, petioles and peduncles in various species Extrafloral nectaries occur on the leaves, peti-
of Lasioideae, Nephthytideae, Homalomena, oles and spathes of Philodendron and Culcasia,
Anubias, and Montrichardia. Warty petioles and wax glands in the Alocasia species previously
peduncles occur in some genera of Lasioideae and recognised as Xenophya and intravaginal
in Amorphophallus and Arisaema. Stomata tend squamules, of unknown function, occur in the leaf
to be concentrated on the abaxial leaf surface. The axils or at the nodes in Cryptocoryne, Lagenandra
number of subsidiary cells varies from none and Philodendron.
(anomocytic, e.g. in Lysichiton, Orontium, Pistia, Calcium oxalate has been recorded from almost
Symplocarpus) to 2 (paracytic, e.g. in Amor- all genera and is found in various crystalline
phophallus, Arisaema, Arum, Rhaphidophora, forms, including raphides, druses and specialised
Typhonium) to 4-8 (tetracytic, e.g. in Dieffen- idioblasts (biforines). The latter have a "blowgun"
bachia, Lagenandra, Philodendron and Rhaphido- explosive discharge and contain large, often
phora); paracytic is the commonest type. Leaf grooved, raphides neatly arranged in bundles. For
mesophyll is predominantly bifacial and in illustration of the various crystal forms see
many species of Homalomena, Philodendron, Seubert (1993).
Piptospatha, Schismatoglottis and Typhonium is Vessels have been found in the roots of many
distinctively chambered. Petiole anatomy has so genera and in the stems of a few species of
far been little studied. The occurrence of a Epipremnum, Philodendron, Pathos, Rhaphido-
geniculum (pulvinus), usually at the petiole apex, phora and Scindapsus.
is a useful taxonomic character and commonest in
genera with bisexual flowers. In Gonatopus, INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER STRUCTURE. The
genicula also occur at the base of the major leaf inflorescence of almost all Araceae is an un-
pinnae, and in G. boivinii and in at least one branched, fleshy spike of numerous, very small
species of Anthurium (A. oerstedianum) the flowers, and is known as a spadix. The family is
geniculum is located in the middle of the petiole characterized by the absence of floral bracts
instead of the apex or nearly so. and the lack of pedicels in all genera except
Variegation of the leaf blade, petiole and pe- Pedicellarum. Occasionally the spadix is not
duncle is a striking feature of many genera, in- fleshy or only few-flowered. The flowers are
cluding several which are well known in usually spirally arranged and tightly packed, al-
horticulture (Aglaonema, Dieffenbachia, Cala- though in some species of Amorphophallus (male
dium). Variegated leaves also occur in the juvenile and female flowers), most species of Arisaema
plants of some species of Monstera, Philodendron, and Arisarum (male flowers), Dieffenbachieae
Scindapsus and Syngonium and in general seem to (female flowers), Pedicellarum and Pathos series
be more common in plants growing in tropical Goniuri, they may be somewhat distant from one
rainforests on or near the ground. In Caladium another.
Araceae 29

The last leaf of each flowering article is called the Flowers in Araceae may be 2- or 3-merous. In
spathe and is part of the inflorescence. The spathe perigoniate flowers the tepals, when free, are
is usually distinctive, although in Gymnostachys organised in 2 whorls. The tepals are usually ±
and Orontium it remains an inconspicuous bract. fleshy and fornicate apically (except Potheae)
The internode between spathe and spadix (termed and in some genera or sections (Anadendrum,
the spadix stipe) is usually rudimentary, whereas Holochlamys, Pedicellarum, Spathiphyllum sect.
that between spathe and uppermost foliage leaf Massowia, Stylochaeton) they are fused so that the
(termed peduncle) is much longer. In some con- perigone is a single, cuplike structure. Stamens
servative genera, however, this arrangement is re- in perigoniate flowers and in the naked bisexual
versed (Gymnostachys, Orontioideae, some Pathos flowers of most Monsteroideae have essentially
spp.). Gymnostachys, Orontioideae and Poth- the typical structure of a distinct (usually
oideae seem to represent earlier, less uniform flattened) filament, terminal basifixed anther
phases of organisation. The typical araceous and slender, inconspicuous connective. In the
inflorescence has given rise to a wide range unisexual flowers of Philodendron, Anubias and
of variant forms in different genera, which are Homalomeneae, however, the stamens typically
seen as representing an overall evolutionary lack filaments and have a thick, fleshy connective
trend of increasing integration towards a pseu- which is probably osmophoric. Stamens of the
danthium. The major phyletic modifications are Colocasieae and Caladieae are similar but always
(1) loss of perigone in the flowers; (2) differentia- fused into synandria. In Arophyteae and other
tion of flowers on the spadix into a lower female Aroideae the stamens may be fused or not but
zone, upper male zone and, often, one or several generally lack conspicuous filaments. Large, fused
sterile zones of sterile flowers or axial regions connectives also occur in the Spathicarpeae but
lacking flowers - terminal appendices are a well- differ from those of the Caladieae and Coloca-
known feature of more advanced genera (e.g. sieae. Well-developed connectives also occur in
Areae); (3) differentiation of the spathe into a Zomicarpeae, especially in Filarum, where they
lower, convolute tube and an upper, expanded are elongated and thread-like. Anthers are
blade. almost always extrorse (introrse in Zamioculcas,
Spathe and spadix modifications are closely re- latrorse in Pedicellarum). The thecae dehisce by
lated, so that in a phyletic sense the spathe has longitudinal slits (most genera with bisexual
become increasingly integrated into the pseu- flowers and some unisexual flowered genera:
danthium. In extreme cases (e.g. Cryptocoryneae, Anubias, some Areae, Arisaema, Arisarum,
Ambrosina, some Typhonium spp., Pinellia, Stylochaeton) or by apical or subapical pores or
Pistia, Spathantheum and Spathicarpa), fusion short slits. In Philodendron, Anubias, Homalo-
and still more elaborate modifications have meneae, Caladieae and Colocasieae, the dehis-
brought about division of the spathe into separate cence of each theca is usually by a subapical pore,
chambers. In some genera (e.g. Philodendron) the which seems to be correlated with the extrusion of
entire spathe persists until fruit, but in most the pollen in strands; similar structures occur in
Caladieae, Colocasieae and Schismatoglottideae Amorphophallus and Dracunculus.
the blade withers or drops off immediately after The number of locules in the ovary normally
anthesis and only the tube persists until fruiting. varies between 1 and 3, and, when unilocular, the
In Monstereae the entire spathe withers or drops gynoecium often shows traces of 2- or 3-merous
off soon after flowering, a behaviour which seems origin through the presence of a several-lobed
to be correlated with the presence in this tribe of stigma (e.g. Typhonodorum) or more than 1 pla-
numerous protective trichosclereids in the style centa (e.g. most Schismatoglottis spp.). Gynoecia
tissue. Terminal appendices of the spadix are with more than 3 locules are less common but are
found in some genera of the Colocasieae and found in the Spathicarpeae (1-8-locular) and are
Schismatoglottideae, all genera of the Zomi- normal in Philodendron (2-47-locular). Placenta-
carpeae, Thomsonieae, Areae and Arisaemateae tion varies from axile to parietal or basal or apical
and sporadically elsewhere in the family. The or both basal and apical, with many intermediates.
function of the appendix, where studied, is to pro- Ovules may be anatropous, amphitropous,
duce odours which attract pollinators. Structur- anacampylotropous, atropous or intermediate be-
ally the appendix varies from being covered by tween these types. Ovular trichomes are usually
staminodes (e.g. Pseudodracontium) to entirely present and secrete a clear, mucilaginous sub-
smooth with no vestige of floral organs (e.g. most stance which in many genera (e.g. Monstereae,
Areae). Philodendron) entirely fills the ovary locules; this
30 Araceae

secretion may play a role in pollen-tube growth. form a parietal cell or not), most Araceae so far
The style may be narrow and elongated (e.g. investigated, except Symplocarpus and Calla, have
Dracontium) but in most genera it is superficially tenuinucellate ovules.
inconspicuous, even when a thick stylar region Linear megaspore tetrads are the commonest
is developed above the ovary locules. Stigmas type, but T-shaped tetrads are also found and
are wet in Araceae and in some genera (Anthu- sometimes both types occur in the same species.
rium, Arum, several Lasieae) produce con- The mature embryo sac is usually of the 8-nucleate
spicuous nectar droplets at anthesis. In Alo- type (10-12-nucleate in Nephthytis). Embryogeny
casia, Amorphophallus, Dieffenbachia and is clearly understood in only nine genera. Onagrad
some Spathicarpeae the lobing of the stigma is and asterad embryogeny are known in unisexual-
pronounced or the stigma is relatively massive. flowered genera and caryophyllad and solanad
types are known in bisexual-flowered genera.
INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER ANATOMY. Eyde et Cellular and free-nuclear types of endosperm
al. (1967) established that in floral anatomy, as in development both occur but, according to
other characters, Acorus differed markedly from Grayum (1991), endosperm development in
the Araceae and confirmed the absence of floral Araceae is best interpreted as a form of the
bracts in Araceae. Studies of inflorescence and flo- Helobial type. Chalaza! and micropylar cells
ral anatomy in Philodendron have demonstrated ("chambers") are formed by the first division of
the existence of spathe tissues adapted for opening the endosperm nucleus, followed by cellular
and closing movements, resin secretion of various or free nuclear divisions in the micropylar
types from the spathe and a wide variety of chamber. The chalazal cell remains undivided,
gynoecial and androecial structure (e.g. Mayo usually with a single, hypertrophied nucleus,
1986). Barabe and coworkers (e.g. Barabe and forming a "haustorium" or "basal apparatus". An
Forget 1988) have studied the floral anatomy of endothelium, derived from the inner surface
representatives of a range of tribes with par- of the inner integument, is reported for most
ticular emphasis on floral vasculature. Family- genera investigated.
wide surveys by French of endothecial thickenings
(French 1985a,b, 1986a), stamen vasculature PALYNOLOGY. Major contributions: Thanikai-
(French 1986b), ovule vasculature (French 1986c) moni (1969), Grayum (1984, 1985, 1986a, b, 1992).
and ovular trichomes (French 1987) have further The pollen grains may be sulcate, extensive-
confirmed the distinctness of Acorus and revealed sulcate, meridionosulcate (zonate), disulcate
taxonomically useful character variation. (diaperturate), forate (periporate) or inaperturate
(omniaperturate) (Fig. 10).
EMBRYOLOGY. The embryology of Araceae has Sulcate pollen grains are commonest in the
been reviewed by Jiissen (1928) and Grayum more conservative genera, i.e. those with bisexual,
(1984, 1991). Thorough treatments of all embryo- perigoniate flowers. Spathiphyllum, in spite of
logical aspects have been published for Peltan- several primitive characters, has inaperturate
dra virginica, Synandrospadix vermitoxicus and pollen grains as do all monoecious taxa except
Theriophonum minutum; other genera are known Zamioculcadeae.
less completely. Generalisations about the family Exine ornamentation may be smooth (psilate),
are therefore based on rather fragmentary scabrate, foveolate, reticulate, spinulose, spinose,
coverage. fossulate, rarely gemmate, verrucate, areolate,
Araceae have a periplasmodial anther tapetum, rugulate or striate. Foveolate or reticulate exines,
thus differing from Acorus, which has the secre- widespread among monocots, are considered to
tory type. Pollen mother cell division is probably be primitive in Araceae.
always successive. Both 2-nucleate and 3-nucleate Pollen-grain shape is globose to ellipsoid (boat-
pollen is widespread in the family, but pollen shed shaped) or hamburger-shaped (Gonatopus, some
at the 2-nuclear stage is the condition normally Heteropsis spp., most Monstereae, Zamioculcas).
found in the less advanced genera (Grayum The pollen grains are usually shed as monads, but
1986a). in two relatively advanced genera (Chlorospatha,
The nucellar epidermis of virtually all Araceae Xanthosoma) they are release as tetrades; the tet-
forms a "nucellar cap", usually 2-3 cell layers rads are arranged tetrahedrally or in a serial se-
thick (1 in Pistia), and for this reason the Araceae quence (Chlorospatha longipoda).
have been termed crassinucellate. However, in a The size of the pollen grains varies from small
strict sense (division of the archesporia! cell to (12 f!m in Homalomena versteegii) to large (ca.
Araceae 31

Fig. lOA-E. Araceae. Pollen SEM micrographs. A Gymno-

stachys anceps, sulcate, exine foveolate. X3800. B Gonatopus
angustus, zonasulcate, exine foveolate. X 1200. C
Sauromatum venosum, inaperturate, exine spinose. XS60. D
Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum, inaperturate, exine striate.
X2200. E Pistia stratiotes, inaperturate, exine plicate with
undulate frills. X900. (Photo W. Barthlott)

60 ~-tm) or very large (106 ~-tm in Pseudohydrosme The pollen of most genera contains starch (73%
gabunensis), but in the majority of genera (68%) of the examined species), the remainder being
the grains are medium-sized (between 25 and starchless; in Schismatoglottis both types have
50 ~-tm diam., mean 37~-tm). been found in different species.
32 Araceae

It seems probable that exine ornamentation is The size and shape of the chromosomes are also
correlated with pollinator type. Smooth pollen quite variable. The exceptionally large chromo-
(and probably pollen extruded in strands) is usu- somes in Anchomanes and Nephthytis (Marchant
ally associated with beetle pollination according to 1971a) is an important reason for placing these
existing observations, while spinose pollen is usu- genera in the same tribe.
ally found in fly-pollinated genera. Exceptions
have, however, been observed. In Cryptocoryne, PHYTOCHEMISTRY. The Araceae are well known
smooth pollen grains are associated with pollina- as a family which includes poisonous plants. Many
tion by minute flies; in bee-pollinated Peltandra ornamentals (e.g. species of Alocasia, Caladium,
sagittifolia pollen is smooth; Amorphophallus Dieffenbachia, Philodendron, Zantedeschia) are
maculatus, with somewhat scabrous pollen, known to cause poisoning, particularly wheu veg-
appears to be pollinated by both beetles and etative plant parts are accidentally eaten by chil-
blowflies. dren and pets. The red berries of Arum are known
to be poisonous and the tubers of all e :lible
KARYOLOGY. Petersen (1989) has provided a criti- Araceae must be cooked or treated before the'r can
cal and comprehensive review. Chromosome be eaten. The presence of active compounds i~ a: so
numbers in Araceae vary from 2n = 14 (Ulearum) evident from the use of Araceae for medicinal
up to 2n = 168 (Arisaema). The number may vary purposes by people in many parts of the world;
considerably within one genus, e.g. in Crypto- e.g. see Plowman (1969); Knecht (1983); !:own
coryne (2n = 20 to 132) or in Arisaema (2n = 20 (1988). The chemical basis of the toxicity of
to 168). Other genera have very stable numbers, Araceae is not completely understood, but it is
as in Anthurium, the largest genus of the family generally assumed that calcium oxalate raphicles
(2n = 30 in the great majority of spp.), Dracon- can cause minute lesions in the mouth, thus fac:Ji-
tium (2n = 26), and Zantedeschia (2n = 32). tating the access of toxic chemical compounds to
The genera with bisexual, perigoniate flowers the blood system.
tend to have less variation in chromosome num- Ethereal oils are present in Homalor.1ena
ber and neither very high nor very low numbers; but do not occur in specialised idioblast1:. In
for example, Pothos has 2n = 24 and 2n = 36 and Araceae, major groups of compounds include
Spathiphyllum 2n = 30 and 2n = 60. The highest saponins, proanthocyanidins, cinnamic acids,
numbers appear in tribes with advanced floral and flavonoids, cyanogenic glucosides, alkaloids a1d
inflorescence morphology, e.g. the Areae, the amines; cyanogenesis is widespread. Irritant
Arisaemateae and the Cryptocoryneae. In certain compounds so far identified include protocate-
groups with advanced floral characters (e.g. chuic aldehyde, homogentisic acid and :h·~ir
Zomicarpeae), there has been a reduction in chro- glycosides (Alocasia, Colocasia, Pinellia) nd
mosome number. allergenic 5-alkyl- and 5-alkenylresorci nols
Although a primary base number of x = 7 has (Philodendron). The flavonoids and antho-
been proposed by other authors, Petersen (1989) cyanins have been surveyed in Araceae (Will ams
considered that the base numbers x = 14 or x = 12 et al. 1981). C-glycoflavones, flavonols and pro-
may have been the starting point for the deriva- cyanidins are the main flavonoids, while flav,)nes
tion of all the chromosome numbers in extant are of limited ocurrence. Broadly speaking, tlle
genera of Araceae. These numbers may represent chemistry of the Araceae is comparable to th 1t of
secondary base numbers. the Liliiflorae (Hegnauer 1987, 1997 in Mayo et :tl.
High and diverse chromosome numbers in 1997).
Araceae are thought to have been derived by aneu-
ploidy and polyploidy. Thus the aneuploid series PoLLINATION. Araceae inflorescences are almost
x = 11, 10, 9, 8 (and probably 13, 12) could have always insect pollinated, although "wind-tunnel"
been derived by reduction, and x = 15, 16, 17, 18, pollination has been proposed for Pinellia (Uhlarz
19, 20, 21 by an increase in chromosome number 1985). Pollinators so far reported for Araceae
from a primitive (but possibly secondary) base (Grayum 1984) include trigonid bees (Mons,'era,
number of x = 14. Spathiphyllum), euglossine bees (Anthur,'um,
Diploids, triploids, tetraploids and still higher Spathiphyllum), beetles of the families Asilidae
levels of ploidy can be found within one species, as (Amorphophallus ), Cetoniidae (Amorphophallu.; ),
in Cryptocoryne ciliata with diploids and triploids Curculionidae (Anthurium, ?Pistia), Dermestidae
(2n = 22, 33), and Cryptocoryne cordata with (Dracunculus), Nitidulidae (Alocasia, Amcr-
2n = 34,68, 85,102. phophallus, Anchomanes, Anubias, Aridarum,
Araceae 33

Cercestis, Culcasia, Cyrtosperma, Nephthytis, and many Spathiphyllum species have pure white
Typhonium), Scaphidiidae (Pseudohydrosme), spathes.
Scarabaeidae (Alocasia, Amorphophallus, Odour is evidently a prime factor in attracting
Anubias, Caladium, Dieffenbachia, neotropical pollinators, and Araceae are famous for their foul
Homalomena, Philodendron, Syngonium), Scyd- blossom odours. Many genera, however, are
maenidae (Typhonium), Silphidae (Amorpho- less offensive. Spathiphyllum, Philodendron and
phallus), Staphylinidae (Alocasia, Anthurium, Xanthosoma have heavy, spicy odours and in An-
Chlorospatha, Dracunculus, Lysichiton, Pseu- thurium, odours range from spicy to the smell of
dohydrosme, Typhonium), and flies of the fam- decaying apples. Amorphophallus galbra is known
ilies Anthomyiidae (Alocasia), Calliphoridae to have a pleasant smell. Few studies of odour
(Dracunculus, Helicodiceros), Ceratopogonidae chemistry have been made, and this field is still in
(Arum, Cryptocoryne), Chloropidae (Peltandra), its beginnings.
Choridae (Pseudohydrosme), Drosophilidae Inflorescence heating (thermogenesis) in con-
(Alocasia, Colocasia, Culcasia, Homalomena, nection with flowering has been examined mainly
Nephthytis), Ephydridae (Cryptocoryne), Myceto- in Alocasia, Arum, Philodendron, Sauromatum
philidae (Arisaema, Arisarum), Neurochaetidae and Symplocarpus. This phenomenon appears to
(Alocasia), Phoridae (Cryptocoryne), Psychodidae be fairly widespread in the family, although by no
(Arum), Sciaridae (Arisaema, Arum), Simuli- means universal. Its function is generally agreed
idae (Arum), Sphaeroceridae (Arum, Pseudo- to be volatolisation of odour compounds. Attrac-
hydrosme) and Syrphidae (Peltandra). tion to a warm site is also thought to have a role,
The kettle trap mechanisms (in German litera- at least in cases involving carrion beetles and flies.
ture referred to as Kesselfallenblumen) of genera In many genera, however, odours are produced
with unisexual flowers and complex spathes apparently without heating.
(e.g. Arisaema, Arisarum, Arum, Cryptocoryne, Odour production and thermogenesis (when
Lagenandra, Philodendron, etc.) have attracted present) take place mainly in terminal appendices
most attention. Much less is known about pollina- (e.g. Arum) or in the male or sterile male zones of
tion mechanisms in genera with bisexual flowers the spadix (e.g. Philodendron). Odour production
and simpler or spreading spathes (e.g. Anthurium, from the spathe is suspected in Dracontium and
Monstereae, Lasioideae). While kettle "trap" probably occurs in other genera. The thickened
seems an adequate description for Arum and connectives of stamens, staminodes, synandria
Arisaema, in other genera (e.g. Amorphophallus, or synandrodes in Philodendron, Anubias,
Philodendron) it is unclear whether the pollinators Homalomeneae, Caladieae and Colocasieae prob-
are unable or merely unwilling to leave the inflo- ably represent adaptations for osmophore func-
rescence once they have entered it, kept there tion. In Cryptocoryneae, the so-called olfactory
perhaps by attractants such as stigma secretions, bodies are probably osmophoric, although Vogel
food bodies, pollen, odour compounds (male (1963) found osmophores on the spathe limb
euglossine bees) or sites for reproduction. in Cryptocoryne. In genera with well-developed
The colour of the spathe, and to a lesser extent of terminal spadix appendices (e.g. Areae, Arisae-
the spadix, varies considerably within the family, mateae, Thomsonieae), thickened connectives are
ranging from inconspicuous greens (e.g. Anthu- generally absent. Odour production in genera
rium, Nephthytis) to elaborate patterns (e.g. with bisexual flowers is poorly understood. In
Colletogyne, Sauromatum) or striking "flags" Spathiphyllum the stigma is thought to play this
(e.g. Anthurium andraeanum). Fleshlike colours role and in Anthurium the thickened tepal apices
play an important role in attracting pollinators may be involved.
(myiophilous colours) in some genera. Differenti- Araceae are always protogynous and the female
ated colour zones are frequent. In Philodendron (stigma receptivity) and male (anther dehiscence)
many species have purple zones inside the spathe phases usually do not overlap, so that obligate
tube, while the blade is white or pale green. In outcrossing is the general rule. Some cases of self-
Arisaema and Arisarum, the reverse situation is pollination or apomixis are known or suspected
found, with white spathe tubes and dark purple (Anthurium gracile, triploid Amorphophallus
blades which are often striped. The foul odours of paeoniifolius, Arum idaeum, A. hygrophilum,
such species as Amorphophallus konjac are very Pinellia).
often associated with flesh-coloured or livid Manipulation of pollinator behaviour within the
spathes, resembling carrion. By contrast, the per- inflorescence may be the basis for many of the
fumed inflorescences of Zantedeschia aethiopica specialised features of the spadix, particularly in
34 Araceae

unisexual-flowered genera. Spathe constnctwns the inner layer of the pericarp may also be
may act as "skid zones" (Arum) or, in conjunction mucilaginous. This makes the seeds sticky and
with closing movements, as "brooms" to eject aids their dispersal by birds or mammals.
pollinators from the female chamber after pollina- The seeds are usually straight, but in Lasieae,
tion (Philodendron). The various types of hairs, Monstereae and Pothoideae they may be curved
scales and warts found on the inner surface of the or even strongly horseshoe- or kidney-shaped
spathe (e.g. Amorphophallus) or the wide range of (anacampylotropous). Endosperm may be abun-
staminodial or pistillodial structures on the spadixdant or absent and all intermediate states exist.
(e.g. Areae, Bucephalandra) have less obvious Sometimes the endosperm is reduced at seed ma-
functions; in Arum the filamentous pistillodes and turity to a single cell layer. The embryo is usually
staminodes are thought to exclude inappropri- hardly differentiated. Rarely, the plumule is highly
ately large insect visitors and in Dieffenbachia, the
developed, e.g. as in Peltandra and Typhono-
staminodes are food bodies (Young 1986). In dorum. In Cryptocoryne ciliata, which grows
Helicodiceros the spathe and spadix hairs may act in freshwater tidal zones, between 20 and 40
to give the inflorescence the appearance of a mam- cataphylls are formed in the embryo and these
malian corpse. probably serve to fix the seed to the substrate,
Observations have been made of various sec- preventing it from being swept away with the tide.
ondary associations between insects and aroid in- Seeds with well-developed plumules, except
florescences, which do not involve pollination. Cryptocoryne, usually lack endosperm and have
Some species of drosophilid flies are known to only a very thin, papery testa. The testa may be
breed on the inflorescences of Alocasia, Colocasia smooth or variously sculptured, thin to thick or
and Homalomena (Okada 1986). They also exhibit occasionally absent (Gymnostachys, Nephthytis,
specialisation in their behaviour on the spadix: Orontium). In some Lasieae the testa is strongly
stamenicolous species lay their eggs in the male warty, hard and thickened other genera (Areae)
zone, pistilicolous species in the female zone. Fur-have strophiolate seeds, while in Pistia the seed
thermore, several different pairs of fly species, one
has a true operculum.
stamenicolous and the other pistilicolous, are The Araceae have the most varied endosperm
known to breed in association on one aroid spe- of any family. Genera conservative in this re-
cies (synhospitality). Hymenopteran parasitism spect, such as Epipremnum and Spathiphyllum,
in Philodendron inflorescences has also been possess abundant starch-free endosperm rich
observed (Mayo 1989). in lipids and aleurone. Accumulation of starch
is a feature of many of the specialised genera,
FRUIT AND SEED (see Seubert 1993). The fruits of beginning with Anthurium, where the endo-
the Araceae are usually juicy berries (more rarely sperm cells contain both lipids and starch grains,
rather dry and firmly carnose or leathery), densely leading to pure starch endosperms (e.g.
packed into a cylindric (sometimes subspherical) Xanthosoma), and finally to the "cereal type
infructescence. The berries are normally free, but endosperm" differentiated into a peripheral
in Syngonium they form an indehiscent syncarp, aleurone layer sharply delimited from the lipid-
and in Cryptocoryne a syncarp which opens free starchy remainder, as in Areae and Pistia.
apically, releasing the seeds. The berries are usu- Another trend leads to reduction and finally
ally indehiscent and may decay at maturity, but loss of endosperm, as in Lasia and Lysichiton,
the ripe berries of Lagenandra actively open at the where the endosperm is reduced to a single cell
base to release the seeds. The colour may be vivid layer, or Dieffenbachia, Orontium and Pothos,
orange (Nephthytis) to red (Arum) or purple-red where no trace of endosperm is left in the ripe
(Sauromatum) or white (many Philodendron spp., seeds. In a few genera (e.g. Anthurium, Gymno-
most Stenospermation spp., some Biarum spp.), stachys, Zomicarpa) the endosperm is chloro-
sometimes green (Arophyton buchetii, Lysichi- phyllous, the embryo more frequently so.
ton, Orontium, Peltandra virginica, Pinellia) or Chlorophyllous embryos occur both in genera
yellow (Typhonodorum), rarely blue (Gymno- with storage embryos (i.e. seeds lacking en-
stachys, Amorphophallus yunnanensis) or brown- dosperm, as in Anaphyllum and Pothos) and in
ish (!asarum). genera with a well-developed endosperm (e.g.
The seeds are often embedded in a mucilaginous Ambrosina, Arisarum, Calla, Dracunculus).
pulp secreted by the ovular and placental Gymnostachys is unique in having both green
trichomes. In many epiphytic Anthurium species endosperm and an embryo.
Araceae 35

DISPERSAL. Dispersal of the genera with red- or west to E Africa and east to N America.
orange-coloured berries is probably carried out Amorphophallus, Remusatia, Rhaphidophora and
mainly by birds, though data are scarce. Mature Sauromatum are shared between tropical and
berries have been observed to stay fresh for a subtropical Africa and Asia. Amorphophallus
relatively long time while awaiting dispersal and Remusatia also occur in Madagascar.
(Arum, Nephthytis). In many genera (Cala- Pathos is found in Madagascar as well as in
dium, Colocasia, Philodendron, Syngonium), tropical Asia and NE Australia. Lysichiton and
the infructescences are markedly ephemeral, Symplocarpus occur in NE Asia as well as in tem-
disappearing almost as soon as they are ex- perate N America. Calla and Lysichiton extend
posed. Dispersal by ants (myrmecochory) has northwards to the subarctic zone. An unusual
been observed in Biarum and some species of geographical pattern is represented by the tribe
Amazonian Araceae (e.g. Anthurium ernestii, Peltandreae, which consists of Peltandra (eastern
Philodendron megalophyllum) are reported to N America) and Typhonodorum (Madagascar).
be associated with ant-gardens. Dispersal by Perhaps the most interesting feature of aroid
water (hydrochory) is also known (Cryp- geography is the distribution of three genera
tocoryne, Lagenandra, Montrichardia, Pistia, Homalomena, Schismatoglottis and Spathiphyl-
Typhonodorum). Dispersal by mammals, includ- lum which are disjunct between tropical SE Asia or
ing primates, has been observed (e.g. Anchomanes Melanesia on the one hand and tropical America
difformis - chimpanzee; Philodendron bipin- on the other. These genera are rainforest herbs
natijidum monkeys, bats; Xanthosoma whose long-distance dispersal by water or far-
robustum - bats). The seeds of Araceae, particu- ranging animal vectors is implausible. It is also
larly those with large chlorophyllous embryos, difficult to imagine them being rafted by the
do not remain viable for a long time. Bulbils southern Gondwanic route via Antarctica or via
with hooks or hairlike processes are found in the Bering Straits because of their intolerance of
Remusatia, which must be dispersed by birds or subtropical conditions, much less temperate cli-
mammals. mates. No really plausible historical explanation
A number of species which are important as has yet been proposed for these disjunctions. It is,
human food (Alocasia macrorrhizos, Colocasia nevertheless, tempting to speculate that these pat-
esculenta, Cyrtosperma merkusii, Xanthosoma terns are the relicts of a once-continuous distribu-
sagittifolium complex) or ornamentals (Epiprem- tion during the Cretaceous.
num pinnatum 'Aureum', Monstera spp., Philo-
dendron spp., Syngonium spp., Zantedeschia FOSSIL RECORD. Gregor and Bogner (1984, 1989),
aethiopica) have been widely dispersed through- Herendeen and Crane (1995) and Mayo et al.
out the tropics by man and have become (1997) have reviewed the literature on Araceae
naturalised as well. Some Typhonium species, fossils. Fossil leaves, spadices and infructescences,
possibly dispersed widely because of their medici- fruits and seeds are well documented from the
nal value, have become weedy in many tropical Eocene onwards; Spathiphyllum-like pollen has
regions. been described from the Palaeocene.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The genera of EcoLOGY AND LIFE FoRMS. The Araceae include
Araceae are concentrated in the tropics of a wide range of life forms: (1) terrestrial plants
America and SE Asia. Tropical and southern with aerial stems; (2) geophytic plants with sub-
Africa is the next richest region, followed terranean stems modified into subglobose tubers
in order of decreasing diversity by temperate (sometimes cormlike) or thickened rhizomes; (3)
Eurasia, Madagascar and the Seychelles, and N root climbers, epiphytes, hemiepiphytes and litho-
America (including northern Mexico). Australia phytes; and (4) aquatic and semiaquatic plants.
has only one endemic genus (Gymnostachys). The least specialised life form appears to be that
The other native Australian Araceae represent shown by terrestrial rainforest genera such as
an extension of the tropical Asian araceous Aglaonema, Chlorospatha, Dieffenbachia, Homa-
flora. lomena, Schismatoglottis and Steudnera. The stem
The majority of genera are endemic to the major of such plants is aerial, decumbent or erect, with
continental regions, but some extend further; short, green internodes. In some other genera,
Pistia is pantropical and Calla is circumboreal. certain species may exhibit this habit. e.g. Anthu-
Arisaema is most diverse in SW China and extends rium, Culcasia.
36 Araceae

About 1/3 of the genera of Araceae prefer wet to Some Araceae grow in association with rocks
swampy conditions, or grow near open water. (lithophytes, epilithic or saxicolous plants), with
Among the most specialised aroids are the their stems, rhizomes or tubers growing in humus
rheophytes, which are flood-resistant plants grow- deposits in holes or crevices of steep outcrops (e.g.
ing up to the flood level in or along swift-running Colocasia gigantea, Typhonium albispathum in
streams or rivers, a habitat in which competition limestone hills in Thailand and the Malay Penin-
from other plants is low. They typically have sula) or in eroded limestone cavities in Mada-
narrow, leathery leaves and short stems, cling- gascar (Amorphophallus ankarana, Colletogyne),
ing tightly to rocks. All species of the genera or on granitic or sandstone mountains in Eastern
Aridarum, Bucephalandra, Hottarum and Pipto- Brazil (thick- and brittle-leaved Anthurium
spatha are true rheophytes while other genera species such as A. erskinei). Limestones, with their
contain a few species which are true or facultative eroded cavities, are especially favourable for the
rheophytes, as in Homalomena and Schis- collection of vegetable debris and leaf litter, and
matoglottis. Araceae often prefer these habitats.
]asarum steyermarkii and many Cryptocoryne The root climbers and hemiepiphytes normally
species are rhizomatous, permanently submerged grow in humid forests, often very high in the
hydrophytes. In flower, the inflorescence as a canopy. When losing connection with the forest
whole (]asarum) or the tip of the spathe floor, they may send down long roots to the
(Cryptocoryne) is held above the water surface. ground; such plants may be referred to as
Pistia stratiotes is the only free-floating aroid. secondary hemiepiphytes. Hemiepiphytes and
Many Araceae are helophytes (emergent rooted root climbers cling tightly to the bark of the host
aquatics or swamp plants), which show a great with negatively phototropic roots. Skototropism,
range of habit, including rhizomatous, creeping, an orientation movement towards a well-defined
arborescent or with simple, erect, aerial stems. dark area, has been observed in Monstera tenuis
Typhonodorum, Lasiomorpha and Montrichardia and other genera and is an adaptation in juvenile
form extensive pure stands along rivers and in plants for seeking a suitable host tree, following
freshwater lagoons. Aglaodorum griffithii occurs germination on the forest floor.
in the freshwater tidal zone in both fresh and True epiphytes are known in Anthurium, Philo-
brackish water. dendron and Stenospermation. Here the plants are
Many of the geophytic species grow in decidu- always independent of the ground, their seeds ger-
ous forests or woodlands in seasonally dry cli- minating directly on the host tree after dispersal,
mates, but some also grow in rainforests (e.g. probably by birds. The bird's nest epiphytes of
many Amorphophallus and Dracontium spp.). Anthurium sect. Pachyneurium and in the genus
Only one species of Araceae is known from true Philodendron (e.g. P. insigne) collect leaflitter and
desert conditions (Eminium spiculatum subsp. humus in their leaf rosettes and root balls.
negevense), but several genera are represented in Remusatia vivipara is a common epiphyte in the
semiarid areas, e.g. Arum and Eminium inC Asia, Old World, apparently dispersed by its hooked
Arum and Biarum in N Africa and the Orient, bulbils.
Arisaema and Sauromatum venosum in the Ara-
bian Peninsula and E Africa, and a few species of CoNSERVATION. The main threat to the long-
Stylochaeton from the Sahel zone of Africa. In the term survival of many Araceae species is the loss
northern temperate region, the tuberous life form and reduction in quality of their natural habitats,
enables genera like Arisaema, Arum and Pinellia especially the rainforests of tropical Asia, Africa
to survive the winter by means of dormancy. and America. Some Araceae particularly highly
These genera usually grow in woodlands or in adapted to specific habitats cannot survive
shady places under trees or shrubs. A few tuber- the transformation of their environments; e.g.
ous genera are found at high altitudes in tropical Chlorospatha and rheophytic species of the tribe
regions where warm temperate climates exist, Schismatoglottideae. These taxa have proved diffi-
as, for example, in the Andes (Gorgonidium to cult to cultivate and are unlikely to survive in the
ca. 3000m) or African mountains (Arisaema long term in botanic gardens. This is also true
ruwenzoricum up to 3000m in the Ruwenzori). of forest aquatics such as ]asarum (found only
The highest altitude is reached in the Himalayas, in blackwater rivers) and several species of
where Arisaema lobatum and A. jacquemontii Cryptocoryne. Currently, no species of Araceae is
grow up to 4500 m and A. flavum to 4400 m. listed in CITES (Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species).
Araceae 37

EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. Colocasia esculenta Anthurium, Caladium, Dieffenbachia, Epiprem-

(taro), with edible tubers and leaves, is the major num, Monstera, Philodendron, Spathiphyllum,
traditional staple food of the Pacific Islands and an Syngonium and Zantedeschia. Some large and
important subsistence food crop throughout the especially beautiful tropical species have been
tropics. Xanthosoma sagittifolium (cocoyam; important for modern garden design in the trop-
treated here in the broad sense including various ics, particularly in the work of the famous Brazil-
races and possibly species), originally from tropi- ian landscape architect, Roberto Burle Marx.
cal America, is grown throughout the tropics Anthurium andraeanum, Zantedeschia aethiopica
for its tuberous stems which are even more nutri- and their hybrids are an important source of cut
tious than those of Colocasia. Amorphophallus flowers, and the former is the basis of an impor-
paeoniifolius (elephant yam) is cultivated for its tant industry in Hawaii, the Netherlands and else-
starch-rich tubers in tropical Asia, particularly where. Several species of Cryptocoryne are much
India. Amorphophallus konjac (konjac) is impor- prized as aquarium plants. In general, it may be
tant in Japan, where "Konnyaku", a tasteless gel- said that the Araceae are probably the most im-
ling agent much used in food, is made from the portant foliage ornamental plant group in horti-
glucomannan-rich tubers. Cyrtosperma merkusii culture, worldwide. A fuller account of economic
is grown from SE Asia to Oceania as a famine and medicinal aspects of Araceae is given by Bown
food or for animals, and likewise Alocasia {1988).
macrorrhizos. Typhonodorum lindleyanum seeds
are cooked and eaten in Madagascar, and SUBDIVISION AND RELATIONSHIPS. Gymno-
Montrichardia seeds are roasted and eaten by stachys differs markedly in from all other Araceae.
the Amerindians of tropical South America. The Spathiphylleae are conservative morpho-
Many Araceae are poisonous when fresh, and in logically and the Orontioideae and Lasioideae
virtually all edible species, the stems, rhizomes, have many primitive characters, notably bisexual,
tubers and leaves must be cooked before they perigoniate flowers. Cladistic analyses based
can be consumed (Alocasia, Amorphophallus, on morphological and molecular data (French
Colocasia, Cyrtosperma, Xanthosoma). In classical et al. 1995; Mayo et al. 1997) showed that all
Greece the starchy tubers of Arum italicum genera with unisexual flowers form one mono-
were used as food and in the Middle Ages Arum phyletic group, recognised here as subfamily
maculatum tubers were used as famine food Aroideae. The new classification of Mayo et
in England. The infructescences of Monstera al. {1997), based on these studies, is adopted
deliciosa are delicious when fresh, with a here.
pineapple-like flavour.
The frequent use of numerous different Araceae AFFINITIES. The affinities of the Araceae have
by indigenous people in folk medicine, as arrow been considered obscure until recently. Compre-
poisons etc. may indicate the rich occurrence in hensive reviews by Grayum {1984-1992) and the
the family of biodynamic substances. cladistic studies of French et al. ( 1995) and Mayo
Aerial roots of Heteropsis and Philodendron are et al. {1997) suggest the following as ancestral
or have been a source of fibre for Amerindians in characters for Araceae: laticifers absent, raphides
tropical South America, the former being particu- present; the stem short, upright, unspecialised
larly highly regarded. Even today, roots of either as a climber or a geophyte; leaves pro-
Heteropsis species are used for basket-weaving bably simple, bifacial, with an expanded blade
in Amazonia. (?distichously arranged) and a geniculate petiole;
The Araceae include many very handsome orna- finer leaf venation may have been either reticulate
mental plants and are cultivated everywhere. In or parallel-pinnate; inflorescence a spike (axis not
temperate regions, the genera Arisaema and necessarily fleshy), subtended by a relatively in-
Arum, and to a lesser extent Biarum, Lysichiton, conspicuous bract (spathe); flowers bractless, bi-
Orontium and Symplocarpus, provide much-loved sexual, 3-merous (?2-merous), with 2 whorls of 3
perennial herbs for woodland, rock and bog (?2) free tepals, 2 whorls of 3 (?2) free stamens,
gardens. Arisaema species are particularly valued anthers terminal, basifixed, extrorse, on ± elon-
for this purpose in China and Japan and are. gated filaments, thecae dehiscing by longitudinal
increasingly sought after in Europe as woodland slits, tapetum probably periplasmodial, pollen
garden plants. Some aroids are ubiquitous monosulcate and ellipsoid, starchless, binucleate;
house plants and in the tropics are also grown ovary superior, syncarpous, 3-locular, with several
outside in gardens, e.g. species of Aglaonema, anatropous ovules per locule and axile placenta-
38 Araceae

tion; the seeds have endosperm with cellular Clear evidence of the "monocot type" was
of free-nucleate development in the micropylar recognised in the floral structure, but an inde-
chamber and a 1-celled haustoria! chalazal pendent evolution from a primitive monocot form
chamber, embryo small with caryophyllad or was regarded as the best explanation. Engler
solanad embrogeny; base chromosome number (1920a) went so far as to state that the most primi-
x = 7 or 14 (or 12). Following the proposal by tive Araceae (his subfamily Pothoideae) differed
Tillich (1985) and the reviews by Grayum (1987, from the Liliaceae essentially only in having a
1990), Acorus has been removed from Araceae fleshy outer seed integument. In his classification,
to its own family. Strong support for this change however, Engler (e.g. Engler and Gilg 1919) did
has come from the molecular studies of Duvall not associate Araceae and Liliaceae closely and
et al. (1993) and Chase et al. (1995), who placed it is reasonable to suppose that he saw the simi-
it at the base of the monocot clade. It differs larities between them in terms of shared primi-
from Araceae in a number of important char- tive characters (plesiomorphies). Hutchinson
acters: unifacial (ensiform) leaves, specialised (1934) visualised a close relationship with the
idioblasts containing essential oils, 2 separate Liliaceae. He considered that Araceae evolved
vascular systems in the peduncle, introrse anthers from tribe Aspidistreae of Liliaceae (his circum-
(in Araceae known only in Zamioculcas), stellate scriptions) due to their common possession of
pattern of endothecial thickenings, distinct mor- densely spicate inflorescences. Araceae have also
phology of ovular trichomes and their location been associated in the past with Pandanaceae
on the outer and inner integuments, presence of and Typhales.
perisperm, absence of raphides, secretory anther Dahlgren and coworkers (Dahlgren and Clifford
tapetum, unique bud trace insertion pattern 1982; Dahlgren et al. 1985) argued for a closer
and absence of dorsal vascular bundles in the relationship of Arales (Araceae, Lemnaceae) to the
gynoecium. Alismatiflorae than to any other group, pointing
The Lemnaceae have been considered by most out many important differences from the palms.
authors to be closely related to Araceae and to The characters that best link the Alismatiflorae to
have evolved from them by neotenous reduction. the more primitive tribes of Araceae appear to
This view was based mainly on the similarity be extrorse anthers, periplasmodial tapetum
between Pistia seedlings and Spirodela, embryo- and caryophyllad embryogeny. The Alismatiflorae
logical characters, the putative homology between also differ, however, in important respects:
the aroid spathe and the "spathe" of Spirodela absence of raphides, usually apocarpous gyno-
and Lemna, presence of grooved raphides, oper- ecium, helobial or nuclear endosperm develop-
culate seeds and a similar pattern of germina- ment, non-berried fruits and usually absence of
tion in Pistia and Lemnaceae. More recently, new endosperm.
lines of evidence confirming the close link be- Grayum (1984) agreed with Dahlgren's views.
tween the two families have emerged. French et His re-interpretation of aroid endosperm devel-
al. (1995), in a detailed cpDNA study, showed that opment as helobial further emphasises a relation-
Lemnaceae are embedded within the Araceae, ship with Alismatiflorae. Recent molecular studies
while the fossil genus Limnobiophyllum (Stockey by Chase et al. (1995) have further strengthened
et al. 1997) appears to bridge the gap between the link between Arales and Alismatiflorae. Their
Araceae and Lemnaceae. There is a growing body cladograms show the two taxa as sister groups,
of opinion that favours the formal reduction of forming a well-supported clade near the base of
Lemnaceae to a subgroup of Araceae (e.g. Mayo the monocotyledons.
et al. 1997). The pollen morphology differs signifi-
cantly, however; in Lemnaceae the pollen is ulcer- CLASS! FICA TION OF THE ARACEAE
ate and spinose while in Pistia it is inaperturate
and plicate. a. Flowers bisexual
I. Subfamily Gymnostachydoideae Bogner & Nicolson
Earlier authorities, such as Engler and Gilg (1991).
(1919) and Wettstein (1935), grouped the Araceae (genus 1)
together with the Palmae and Cyclanthaceae. This II. Subfamily Orontioideae Mayo, Bogner & Boyce (1997).
view was based on the common occurrence in (genera 2-4)
these families of a tendency to floral reduction, III. Subfamily Pothoideae Engler (1876).
1. Tribe Potheae Engler (1876).
"spathe" development, the condensation of the (genera 5-7)
inflorescence into a spadix or spadices and an as- 2. Tribe Anthurieae Engler (1876).
sociated tendency to pseudanthial inflorescences. (genus 8)
Araceae 39

IV. Subfamily Monsteroideae Engler (1876). 26. Tribe Pistieae Blume (1836).
1. Tribe Spathiphylleae Engler (1887). (genus 105)
(genera 9-10)
2. Tribe Anadendreae Bogner & French (1984).
(genus 11)
3. Tribe Heteropsideae Engler (1906). AND AcoRACEAE
(genus 12)
1. Plants free-floating aquatics; leaves rosulate, hairy;
4. Tribe Monstereae Engler (1876).
flowers unisexual, naked; inflorescence with a single
(genera 13-20)
female flower and a few male flowers 104. Pistia
V. Subfamily Lasioideae Engler (1876).
- Plants terrestrial or helophytes, climbers, hemiepiphytes,
(genera 21-30)
epiphytes or lithophytes or other but never floating 2
VI. Subfamily Calloideae Endlicher (1837).
2. Leaves not differentiated into petiole and blade, primary
(genus 31)
venation strictly parallel; inflorescence borne on a
b. Flowers unisexual culmlike axis 3
- Leaves with distinct petiole and expanded blade, primary
VII. Subfamily Aroideae Engler (1887). venation never strictly parallel 4
1. Tribe Zamioculcadeae Engler (1876). 3. Leaves ensiform, unifacial; spadix solitary, pseudolateral
(genera 32-33) and overtopped by a single, erect, leaflike spathe; flowers
2. Tribe Stylochaetoneae Schott (1856). 3-merous, tepals 6 Acorus (Acoraceae)
(genus 34) - Leaves dorsiventrally flattened, bifacial; flowering shoot
3. Tribe Dieffenbachieae Engler (1876). with long culmlike axis, bearing numerous spadices dis-
(genera 35-36) tally, these borne in axillary clusters subtended by elon-
4. Tribe Spathicarpeae Schott (1856). gate bracts; flowers 2-merous, tepals 4 1. Gymnostachys
(genera 37-44) 4. Flowers with obvious perigone of free or fused tepals
5. Tribe Philodendreae Schott (1856). (except Pycnospatha which lacks perigone, but has
(genus 45) dracontioid leaf, tuberous stem and boat -shaped, forni-
6. Tribe Homalomeneae (Schott) M. Hotta (1970). cate spathe - see lead 22) 5
(genera 46-47) - Flowers without perigone of free or fused tepals 27
7. Tribe Anubiadeae Engler (1876). 5. Flowers bisexual, spadix uniform in appearance with
(genus 48) flowers of only one type 6
8. Tribe Schismatoglottideae Nakai ( 1943). - Flowers unisexual, spadix clearly divided into basal
(genera 49-55) female zone and apical male zone; tropical Africa 25
9. Tribe Cryptocoryneae Blume (1836). 6. Higher-order leaf venation parallel to primary lateral
(genera 56-57) veins; tissues with abundant trichosclereids 7
10. Tribe Zomicarpeae Schott (1856). - Higher-order leaf venation clearly reticulate; tissues
(genera 58-61) without trichosclereids or trichosclereids very few 8
11. Tribe Caladieae Schott (1832). 7. Spathe persistent; tepals free or connate; ovary 2-4-
(genera 62-68) locular; ovules 2-8 per locule, placenta axile
12. Tribe Nephthytideae Engler (1887). 9. Spathiphyllum
(genera 69-71) - Spathe deliquescent; tepals connate; ovary 1-locular;
13. Tribe Aglaonemateae Engler (1876). ovules several, placenta basal 10. Holochlamys
(genera 72-73) 8. Stem aerial, not tuberous or rhizomatous, never aculeate;
14. Tribe Culcasieae Engler (1887). plant usually a climber, hemiepiphyte or epiphyte, less
(genera 74-75) often lithophyte or terrestrial, only very rarely helophytic
15. Tribe Montrichardieae Engler (1876). (some spp. of Anthurium) 9
(genus 76) - Stem typically subterranean, tuberous or rhizomatous,
16. Tribe Zantedeschieae Engler (1887). sometimes aerial and creeping or scrambling, but then
(genus 77) aculeate; plant frequently a helophyte 13
17. Tribe Callopsideae Engler ( 1906). 9. Neotropical plants; seeds with copious endosperm;
(genus 78) pollen usually forate, never monosulcate 8. Anthurium
18. Tribe Thomsonieae Blume (1837). - Palaeotropical plants; seeds without endosperm; pollen
(genera 79-80) monosulcate or inaperturate 10
19. Tribe Arophyteae Bogner (1972). 10. Stigma transversely oblong; stamens always 4 per flower;
(genera 81-83) pollen inaperturate; perigone consisting of a single
20. Tribe Peltandreae Engler ( 1876). cuplike structure 11. Anadendrum
(genera 84-85) - Stigma hemispheric to discoid; stamens usually 6 per
21. Tribe Arisareae Dumortier (1827). flower; pollen sulcate; perigone usually consisting of free
(genus 86) tepals or when connate and cuplike the flowers are borne
22. Tribe Ambrosineae Schott (1832). on short pedicels 11
(genus 87) 11. Ovary 3-locular; locules 1-ovulate; flowering shoot with
23. Tribe Areae Engler (1876). inflorescences always axillary 12
(genera 88-96) - Ovary 1-locular; flowering shoots terminating in a
24. Tribe Arisaemateae Nakai (1943). branching system of spadices 7. Pothoidium
(genera 97-98) 12. Flowers sessile; tepals free, very rarely basally united
25. Tribe Colocasieae Engler (1876). 5. Pothos
(genera 99-104) - Flowers pedicellate; tepals connate 6. Pedicellarum
40 Araceae

13. Plants of temperate regions (N America, NE Asia); leaf flowers of only one type (sometimes with sterile flowers
blade always entire, ovate to elliptic 14 at spadix base) 28
- Plants of tropical and subtropical regions; leaf blade - Flowers unisexual; spadix clearly divided into basal
sagittate, pinnatifid, pinnatisect or dracontioid 16 female zone and apical or intermediate male zone,
14. Ovary 2-locular; ovules 2 per locule, placentation axile flowers very rarely in longitudinal rows (Spathicarpa) 37
3. Lysichiton 28. Helophytes from temperate regions of northern hemi-
- Ovary 1-locular; ovule 1, placenta apical or basal 15 sphere; petiole sheath with long apical ligule 31. Calla
15. Placentation basal; spathe inconspicuous; spadix cylin- - Climbers, hemiepiphytes or sometimes epiphytes from
dric, stipe very long 2. Orontium tropical regions; petiole sheath non-ligulate or ligule only
- Placenta apical; spathe thick, ventricose, enclosing ~~ ~
spadix; spadix subglobose, stipe short 4. Symplocarpus 29. Petiole usually very short with non-annular insertion;
16. Leaf deeply sagittate, anterior division not pinnatifid or trichosclereids not present in tissues, leaf never per-
pinnatisect 17 forated or lobed; primary lateral veins forming distinct
- Leaf blade pinnatifid, pinnatisect, dracontioid or some- submarginal vein 8. Heteropsis
times :±:: pedatifid; anterior division always pinnately - Petiole well developed with annular insertion and usually
divided, either pinnatifid, pinnatisect or yet more highly conspicuous sheath; trichosclereids present in tissues,
divided 21 or if absent (or nearly so) then leaf with conspicuously
17. Ovary many- to 2-ovulate, rarely 1-ovulate; seeds with reticulate higher-order venation and often perforated or
endosperm 18 lobed (Amydrium); primary lateral veins usually not
- Ovary 1-ovulate, rarely 2-ovulate; seeds without en- forming distinct submarginal vein 30
dosperm or rarely with a little endosperm 19 30. Trichosclereids rare or nearly absent; higher-order leaf
18. Plants without stolons; petiole spines dispersed; stamen venation completely reticulate; ovary 1-locular, placenta
filaments free; tropical Asia to Oceania 26. Cyrtosperma 1, intrusive-parietal, ovules 2 13. Amydrium
- Plants with long stolons; petiole spines in ridges; stamen - Trichosclereids abundant; higher-order leaf venation
filaments free or connate; tropical W Africa parallel to primary lateral veins, or only finest venation
27. Lasimorpha reticulate 31
19. Petiole aculeate, with obvious spines; Malay Archipelago 31. Ovary 1-locular or incompletely 2-locular 32
28. Podolasia - Ovary 2-5 locular 35
- Petiole smooth to scabrid-verrucose, never aculeate; 32. Ovules anatropous, more than 1 33
tropical America 20 - Ovules amphitropous to anatropous, solitary, basal 34
20. Leaf blade never perforated; spathe lanceolate, very long- 33. Ovules numerous, superposed on 2 (rarely 3) parietal
acuminate and usually spirally twisted; ovary locules with placentas; seeds fusiform, straight, 1.3-3.2mm long,
(1- )2 to several ovules; neotropics but not east coastal 0.6-l.Omm wide 14. Rhaphidophora
Brazil 30. Urospatha - Ovules 2-4 (-6) at base of a single intrusive placenta;
- Leaf blade often with a few perforations of irregular size seeds curved, 3-7mm long, 1.5-4.0mm wide
between primary lateral veins; spathe fornicate; endemic 15. Epipremnum
to east coastal Brazil 22. Dracontioides 34. Adult leaf blade entire; palaeotropical 16. Scindapsus
21. Stem aculeate, aerial and scrambling to prostrate, intern- - Adult leaf blade pinnatifid; neotropical (Amazonia)
odes distinct, green 29. Lasia 18. Alloschemone
- Stem not aculeate, subterranean, internodes very abbre- 35. Seeds fusiform, claviform or lenticular, less than 3mm
viated, not green 22 long, endosperm present; ovules (2-)3-many per locule;
22. Leaf blade dracontioid, anterior division bipinnatifid or leaf blade entire 36
yet more highly divided; stem a depressed-globose tuber; - Seeds globose to oblong, 6-22mm long, the raphe S-
spathe fornicate 23 shaped; endosperm absent; ovules 2 per locule; leaf blade
- Leaf blade pinnatifid, pinnatisect, or sometimes :±:: variously shaped, often perforated or pinnatifid or both
pedatifid, anterior division pinnatifid to pinnatisect; stem 17. Monstera
a vertical or horizontal rhizome; spathe erect, not forni- 36. Placentation basal; seeds fusiform to claviform; leaf
cate, blade often spirally twisted apically 24 blade thickly coriaceous 20. Stenospermation
23. Tropical America; flowers with perigone of 4-8 free - Placentation axile; seeds lenticular and flattened, strongly
tepals; berries smooth, red 21. Dracontium curved; leaf blade mostly membranous
- Tropical SE Asia; flowers without perigone; berries ac- 19. Rhodospatha
uleate, dark green 24. Pycnospatha 37. Spadix fused laterally on both sides to spathe and entirely
24. Tropical America; testa thick, verrucose; embryo curved enclosed by it, forming a septum dividing the spathe into
23. Anaphyllopsis 2 chambers, with a single gynoecium on one side and the
- S India; testa membranous, smooth; embryo straight male flowers arranged in 2 rows on the other; very small,
25. Anaphyllum seasonally dormant plants endemic to western
25. Leaf pinnatisect to tri- or quadripinnatifid; tepals free; Mediterranean 87. Ambrosina
spathe margins free 26 - Spadix free or fused to spathe in various degrees but
- Leaf entire, linear to cordate, sagittate or hastate; tepals never fused laterally on both sides to spathe to form 2
connate into cup; spathe margins connate basally internal chambers with a single gynoecium on one side
34. Stylochaeton and the male flowers on the other 38
26. Leaf blade pinnatisect; stamens free 32. Zamioculcas 38. Stamens of each male flower free or only the filaments
- Leaf blade bipinnatifid to quadripinnatifid, at least connate 39
in lowest pinnae; stamen filaments connate - Stamens of each male flower entirely connate into a dis-
33. Gonatopus tinct synandrium, synandrium rarely reduced to single
27. Flowers bisexual; spadix uniform in appearance with stamen and then endemic to Madagascar ( Colletogyne) or
Araceae 41

stamens free and basally connate with remote glo- 50. Stigma smaller than ovary; upper part of spadix sterile
bose thecae and then endemic to Andean S America with a distinct appendix of hornless sterile flowers;
(Gorgonidium mirabile), or only filaments connate and spathe constricted or not; stamens never excavated
then stigma stellate and 5-8-lobed (Spathantheum) 78 apically 51
39. Spadix never entirely enclosed by spathe in a basal - Stigma as broad as ovary; upper part of spadix mostly
"kettle" formed of connate spathe margins (or if spathe fertile to apex and without a distinct appendix; spathe not
margins basally connate, then plant never aquatic) 40 conspicuously constricted; stamens all or mostly exca-
- Spadix entirely enclosed by spathe in a basal "kettle" vated apically 52
formed of connate spathe margins, plants always 51. Spathe not constricted; male flowers smooth or verru-
helophytic or aquatic 77 cose; sterile flowers between male and female flowers
40. Higher-order leaf venation parallel-pinnate 41 flattened 52. Bucephalandra
- Higher-order leaf venation reticulate 53 - Spathe constricted; male flowers densely tuberculate;
41. Upper part of spathe persisting as long as lower part; sterile flowers between male and female flowers
petiole sheath lacking ligule; ovary !-many-locular; subcylindric 53. Phymatarum
thecae dehiscing by subapical pores or longitudinal slits; 52. Stamens all excavated; placenta basal 54. Aridarum
connective usually conspicuously thickened 42 - Two lateral stamens of each male flower excavated and
- Upper part of spathe marcescent or caducous at anthesis, thecae horned, central stamen truncate and thecae horn-
lower part long-persistent; petiole sheath with long, less; placentas basal (fertile ovules) and apical (appar-
marcescent ligule (except most Schismatoglottis spp.); ently sterile) 55. Heteroaridarum
ovary !-locular; thecae dehiscing by apical pores, connec- 53. Leaf blade dracontioid, leaf solitary in each growth
tive not conspicuously thickened 47 period 54
42. Spathe variously shaped, never campanulate; plants - Leaf blade shape of various types but never dracontioid;
tropical American or tropical Asian; peduncle usually usually several leaves present 57
short, if long, then female flowers in single whorl 43 54. Petiole usually aculeate; at least some of the ultimate leaf
- Spathe obconic to campanulate; plants from southern lobes trapezoid, truncate or shallowly bifid, veins not
Africa (naturalised in America and Asia); peduncle long, forming regular submarginal collective vein on each side
sometimes longer than leaves 77. Zantedeschia 55
43. Plant always terrestrial, rarely aquatic, never climbing or - Petiole usually smooth, sometimes rugose but never
epiphytic; inflorescences not secreting resin at anthesis; aculeate; ultimate leaf lobes usually oblong-elliptic,
endothecium with cell wall thickenings; ovary !-locular acuminate, with primary lateral veins forming regular
or incompletely 2-5-locular; mostly tropical Asian submarginal collective veins on each side 56
(except Homalomena sect. Curmeria) 44 55. Peduncle long; ovary !-locular 70. Anchomanes
- Plant usually climbers, hemiepiphytes or epiphytes; in- - Peduncle very short; ovary 2-locular
florescences secreting resin from spathe or spadix at an- 71. Pseudohydrosme
thesis; endothecium nearly always lacking cell-wall 56. Ovary 1-4 locular; terminal appendix smooth, rugose,
thickenings; ovary completely 2-many locular, placenta rarely verrucose, or staminodial (appendix absent in
axile to basal; tropical America 45. Philodendron Amorphophallus margaritifer and A. coudercii)
44. Seed without endosperm, embryo large; ovule 1, placenta 79. Amorphophallus
basal or parietal 45 - Ovary always !-locular; terminal appendix staminodial,
- Seed with copious endosperm, embryo relatively small; separated from male zone by naked axial region
ovules several to many, placenta basal, parietal or axile 80. Pseudodracontium
46 57. Spadix fertile to apex, terminal appendix absent 58
45. Inflorescence with short peduncle; female flowers in spi- - Spadix with :±: smooth terminal appendix 62
rals; stem erect to repent; placentation basal; forest plants 58. Helophytes with robust, erect stems and an apical crown
72. Aglaonema of sagittate to hastate (rarely trisect) leaves; tropical
- Inflorescence with long peduncle; female flowers in a America 76. Montrichardia
single whorl; stem repent; placenta parietal; on tidal - Terrestrial, climbing or epiphytic plants, leaf blade
mudflats 73. Aglaodorum variously shaped; tropical Africa 59
46. Male flower consisting of solitary stamen overtopped by 59. Leaf blade usually with pellucid resin canals (lines or
flask-shaped pistillode; ovary !-locular, placenta basal points); plants mostly climbers; hemiepiphytes; spathe
46. Furtadoa boat-shaped, convolute basally; anthers lacking endo-
- Male flower consisting of ( 1) 2-6 stamens, pistillodes thecial thickenings 60
absent; ovary incompletely 2-5 locular, placentas parietal - Leaf blade lacking pellucid resin glands; plants terrestrial;
and axile or nearly basal 47. Homalomena spathe :±: fully expanded, not convolute; anthers with
47. Placentation parietal; thecae truncate 48 endothecial thickenings 61
- Placentation basal or basal and apical; thecae truncate or 60. Laticifers absent; flagelliform shoots absent; leaf blade
horned 49 always simple, acute to rounded at base; ovary 1-3-
48. Spathe constricted; ovules anatropous to hemi- locular; spadix stipitate or sessile 74. Culcasia
anatropous; petiole sheath usually not ligulate; upper - Laticifers present; flagelliform shoots present; leaf blade
part of spadix usually sterile 49. Schismatoglottis oblong-lanceolate to cordate, sagittate, hastate, trifid or
- Spathe not constricted; ovules hemiatropous to atropous; laciniate to pinnatifid; ovary !-locular; spadix sessile
petiole sheath with long, marcescent ligule; spadix fertile 75. Cercestis
almost to apex SO. Piptospatha 61. Leaf cordate-sagittate or subtriangular, deeply sagittate
49. Thecae truncate; placentation basal 51. Hottarum or trifid, glabrous; spathe green; spadix entirely free of
- Thecae horned; placentation basal or basal and apical spathe 69. Nephthytis
42 Araceae

- Leaf cordate-ovate, minutely hispid abaxially; spathe - Ovary 1-ovulate; female zone of spadix adnate to spathe;
pure white; female zone of spadix adnate to spathe spathe usually with transverse septum between male and
78. Callopsis female zones 96. Pinellia
62. Laticifers anastomosing; tropical S America 63 76. Flowers of both sexes always present in a single inflores-
- Laticifers simple; temperate Eurasia and palaeotropics cence; male flowers 1-androus; lower spathe margins
66 connate; leaf blade ovate or sagittate 86. Arisarum
63. Ovary 6- to 9-ovulate; leaf blade trisect to pedatisect; stem - Flowers of both sexes present in a single inflorescence, or
a subglobose tuber 58. Zomicarpa more often with male and female flowers appearing on
- Ovary 1- to 6-ovulate; leaf blade cordate-sagittate; stem a separate inflorescences; male flowers 2-5-androus; lower
subglobose tuber or rhizome 64 spathe margins convolute; leaf blade normally trisect,
64. Appendix slender 65 pedatisect or radiatisect, rarely simple and ovate
- Appendix relatively thick and subcylindric; stem a creep- 97. Arisaema
ing rhizome; ovary 1-ovulate 60. Ulearum 77. Female flowers spirally arranged (pseudowhorl in
65. Stamen connective much prolonged, threadlike; stem Lagenandra nairii, whorled in L. gomezii) and free;
tuberous; ovary 1-ovulate 61. Filarum spathe tube kettle with connate margins occupying
- Stamen connective not at all prolonged; ovary 1-6- entire spathe tube; spathe blade opening by a straight or
ovulate; stem a creeping rhizome 58. Zomicarpella twisted slit; berries free, opening from base; leaf ptyxis
66. Spadix ± elongated, filiform to clavate with zone of involute 56. Lagenandra
sterile flowers between male and female zones, rarely - Female flowers in a single whorl, connate; spathe tube
with a naked axis between female and male zones of kettle occupying only lower part of spathe tube, remain-
spadix (Arum pictum) or with fertile zones contiguous der also with connate margins (except Cryptocoryne
(Dracunculus) 67 spiral is), blade spreading or twisted; berries connate into
- Spadix usually without sterile flowers (sometimes present a syncarp which opens from the apex; leaf ptyxis
in Arisaema) 75 convolute 57. Cryptocoryne
67. Placenta parietal; leaf blade sagittate or hastate 78. Laticifers simple 79
88.Arum - Laticifers anastomosing 95
- Placentas apical and/or basal; leaf blade variously shaped 79. Synandria connate, thecae of adjacent synandria encir-
68 cling pits in the spadix, each with a somewhat prominent
68. Placentas basal and apical 69 upper margin; leaf peltate; Myanmar to India
- Placenta basal 71 98. Ariopsis
69. Male zone of spadix contiguous with female zone; leaf - Synandria free; leaf not peltate; Africa, Madagascar or
blade pedatifid but lobes not spirally twisted up Americas 80
90. Dracunculus 80. Higher-order leaf venation parallel-pinnate or if reti-
- Male zone of spadix separated from female zone by subu- culate then stem a creeping rhizome and plant from
late to filiform sterile flowers; leaf blade variously shaped tropical S America (Bognera) 81
70 - Higher -order leaf venation reticulate; stem usually a
70. Appendix covered with subulate to setiform sterile flow- subglobose tuber, if rhizomatous then plant Madagascan
ers; leaf blade pedatifid, lobes twisting up on each side 85
91. Helicodiceros 81. Ovules anatropous; primary lateral veins ofleaf forming
- Appendix smooth; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate or a single marginal vein, no submarginal collective vein
sagittate-hastate 92. Theriophonum present; plant from tropical America or continental
71. Lower spathe margins free 72 tropical Africa 82
- Lower spathe margins connate for an appreciable dis- - Ovules atropous to hemiatropous; primary veins of leaf
tance (entirely free in Biarum aleppicum) 73 forming submarginal collective vein and 1-2 marginal
72. Infructescence borne above ground level, berries dark veins; plants from temperate eastern N America or
red to purple, pericarp juicy; sterile zone between male Madagascar 84
and female zones of spadix relatively long, often partially 82. Female zone of spadix free; plant from tropical W and
naked; tropical and subtropical to warm temperate Asia Central Africa 48. Anubias
to Australia 93. Typhonium - Female zone of spadix entirely adnate to spathe; plant
- Infructescence borne at or below ground, berries white to from tropical America 83
pale lilac, pericarp firm, not juicy; sterile zone between 83. Female flowers each with whorl of several staminodes;
male and female zones relatively short and covered en- higher-order leaf venation strictly parallel-pinnate
tirely with subulate sterile flowers; Turkey, western N 35. Dieffenbachia
Africa, Middle East, Central Asia 89. Eminium - Female flowers without staminodes; higher-order leaf
73. Leaf usually solitary, blade pedate; ovary 2-several- venation reticulate 36. Bognera
ovulate 94. Sauromatum 84. Giant herbs (to 4 m) with massive false stem of petiole
- Leaves several; blade linear to ovate, elliptic or obovate; sheaths; staminodes of female flowers free; Madagascar
ovary 1-ovulate 74 (also naturalised in Pemba, Zanzibar and Mascarene Is.)
74. Leaf blade broad elliptic, spathe tube septate 85. Typhonodorum
93. Typhonium pro parte - Relatively small herbs (less than 1m) without false stem;
- Leaf blade linear, ovate, elliptic-oblong or obovate; staminodes of female flowers connate into a cuplike
spathe tube not septate 95. Biarum synandrodium; eastern N America 84. Peltandra
75. Ovary several-ovulate; female zone of spadix free from 85. Madagascan; seed lacking endosperm; ovary 1-locular;
spathe; spathe without a transverse septum separating leaf venation with primary lateral veins forming submar-
male and female zones 76 ginal collective vein and 1-2 marginal veins on each side
Araceae 43

- S American; seed with abundant endosperm; ovary with hastate or pedatifid 99

more than 1 locule (except Spathicarpa); leaf venation - Submerged aquatic; leaf blade linear 64. ]asarum
with primary lateral veins usually forming single 99. Pollen shed in tetrads; style usually laterally thickened
marginal vein on each side, submarginal collective veins or expanded into a diaphanous mantle; leaf blade entire
usually absent 88 or pedatifid 100
86. Stamens either completely connate with marginal thecae - Pollen shed in monads; stylar region not laterally ex-
or only partially connate by filaments; bisexual flowers panded; leaf blade entire or trifid 101
often present between male and female zones of the 100. Spathe tube subglobose, inflated; female zone of spadix
spadix 82. Carlephyton free; styles normally discoid (laterally swollen) and co-
- Stamens completely connate into truncate synandria or herent (except Xanthosoma plowmanii); synandrodes
synandria reduced to 1 stamen 87 (sterile flowers) between male and female flowers well-
87. Synandria reduced to 1 stamen, thecae apical on conical developed, :±:: prismatic 65. Xanthosoma
filament; spadix fertile to apex; leaf blade always cordate - Spathe tube narrow, elongate; female zone of spadix
83. Colletogyne mostly adnate to spathe; stylar region thin, spreading,
- Thecae apical on a truncate synandrium; spadix appen- diaphanous, mantlelike; synandrodes (sterile flowers)
dix present or not; leaf blade cordate, hastate, trifid, between male and female flowers usually irregular or
trisect or pedatisect 81. Arophyton fungiform, not prismatic 66. Chlorospatha
88. Spadix free or only female zone adnate to spathe 89 101. Spathe tube always convolute; stylar region as broad as
- Spadix usually entirely adnate to spathe (male zone free ovary (Caladium paradoxum has discoid, coherent stylar
in Spathantheum intermedium) 94 regions); synandrodes between male and female flowers
89. Ovules anatropous 90 well developed, prismatic; placentas 1-2(-3), parietal;
- Ovules atropous 92 seeds several (rarely 1-2) 63. Caladium
90. Ovules 2 per locule; leaf blade entire, linear to Spathe tube gaping widely at anthesis; style much nar-
subsagittate; spadix free, with terminal appendix of rower than ovary; synandrodes (sterile flowers) lacking,
synandrodes 37.~angonia male and female zones contiguous; placenta 1, basal; seed
- Ovules 1 per locule; leaf blade entire, pinnatifid to solitary 62. Scaphispatha
subdracontioid; spadix fertile to apex 91 102. Ovules more than 1; leaf blade pel tate 103
91. Leaf blade pinnatifid to bipinnatifid or subdracontioid; - Ovule solitary; leaf blade not peltate 68. Hapaline
synandria elongate; stigma capitate or lobed; staminodes 103. Female flowers with staminodes; spathe not constricted;
offemale flowers free (connate in Taccarum caudatum) stem trunk-like or creeping 100. Steudnera
38. Taccarum - Female flowers without staminodes; spathe with 1 or 2
- Leaf blade usually pinnatisect, rarely entire; synandria constrictions; stem tuberous, producing erect or spread-
short and domed; stigma deeply lobed; staminodes of ing stolons bearing small tubercles covered in hooked
female flowers free or connate 39. Asterostigma scales 101. Remusatia
92. Styles and synandria elongate 93 104. Leaf blade pedatisect; female flowers each with several
- Styles and synandria short and squat; staminodes in large staminodes 99. Protarum
female flowers obovate 42 . .Gearum - Leaf blade entire or pinnatifid; female flowers without
93. Staminodes in female flowers filiform to subclavate; staminodes (except single small ones in Colocasia
synandria with free filament apices or not; leaf blade esculenta) 105
pinnatifid, pinnatisect or bipinnatifid 40. Gorgonidium 105. Placentas parietal; ovules many; leaf blade always entire
- Staminodes in female flowers elongate-triangular; 102. Colocasia
synandria entirely connate; leaf blade ovate-emarginate - Placenta basal; ovules few; leaf blade entire or pinnatifid
to cordate 41. Synandrospadix 103. Alocasia
94. Ovary 6-8-locular; female flowers below, male above; leaf
blade entire or pinnately lobed 43. Spathantheum
- Ovary 1-locular; female and male flowers intermixed I. Subfam. Gymnostachydoideae Bogner &
(2 central rows of male flowers, 2 outer rows of female Nicolson (1991)
flowers); leaf blade entire 44. Spathicarpa
95. Plants climbers or hemiepiphytes, sometimes creeping Laticifers absent; stem a short rhizome; leaves dis-
on ground in submature growth, internodes long; berries tichous, linear, not differentiated into blade and
connate into a syncarp 67. Syngonium petiole, venation parallel; flowering shoot a com-
- Plants terrestrial or geophytic, rarely aquatic, not climb-
ing; internodes very short, berries free from each other plex synflorescence consisting of 3-7 successive,
96 short, perennating floral sympodia, borne on an
96. Spadix without an appendix (present in Hapaline erect peduncular axis, each sympodium axillary
appendiculata, included here, occasionally absent in to a bract and composed of numerous inflores-
Colocasia esculenta, excluded here) 97
cences; spathe inconspicuous; spadix long-
Spadix with an appendix (occasionally absent in
Colocasia esculenta); palaeotropical 104 stipitate; flowers bisexual, 2-merous, tepals 4,
97. Ovary completely to incompletely 2- to several-locular fornicate, stamens 4, thecae dehiscing by longitu-
with deeply intrusive parietal palcentas (1-locular with dinal slit; ovary 1-locular, ovule 1, atropous, pla-
basal placenta in ]asarum, Scaphispatha and a few species centa apical; berries deep blue, exserted beyond
of Caladium and Xanthosoma); neotropical 98
- Ovary clearly 1-locular, placentas not intrusive;
tepals; seed obovoid, testa absent, embryo axile,
palaeotropical 102 endosperm copious, starchy apart from peripheral
98. Helophytes or terrestrial; leaf blade ovate, sagittate to layer.
44 Araceae

1. Gymnostachys R. Br.
Gymnostachys R. Br., Prodr.: 337 (1810}.
Leaves basal, midrib distinct, margins erose-
serrate; spathe short, alternating with prophylls in
each floral sympodium; spadix cylindric, erect in F
flower, pendent in fruit. 2n = 48. Only one sp., G.
anceps R. Br., Australia (Queensland, New South
Wales), in moist hardwood forests.

II. Subfam. Orontioideae Mayo, Bogner &

P.C. Boyce (1997).

1. Tribe Orontieae R. Br. ex Dumort. (1827).

Laticifers absent (except Orontium); swamp
plants, helophytes; stem a stout, erect rhizome,
continuation shoot in axil of last leaf preceding
spathe; leaf blade entire, oblong-elliptic or cor-
date; flowers bisexual, with perigone of fornicate
tepals, stamens with distinct filament, anther ter-
minal, connective inconspicuous, thecae dehisc-
ing by longitudinal slits; ovary ± immersed in
spadix axis; testa smooth, embryo large, en-
dosperm absent in Orontium, reduced to 1 cell
layer in the other genera.

2. Orontium L.
Orontium L., Sp. Pl.: 324 (1753); Huttleston, Temp. N Am.
Arac.: 50-55 (1953) (unpubl. thesis).

Laticifers present, simple; leaf blade aerial or float-

ing; primary veins arcuate-parallel; inflorescences
Fig. llA-F. Araceae-Orontioideae. A-C Lysichiton camts-
1-2; peduncle suppressed; spathe inconspicuous, chatcensis. A Habit. B Inflorescence. C Flower, one tepal and
short, inserted at attachment to rhizome; spadix one stamen removed. D-F Symplocarpus foetidus . D Inflores-
stipe very long, swollen distally; spadix emergent, cence. E Flower, seen from above. F Flower, longitudinal
conical, slender, golden yellow; tepals (4-)6; section; note single ovule with apical placentation. (Takhtajan
stamens 6 or 4; ovary 1-locular, ovule 1, 1982)
hemianatropous, placenta basal; berry depressed-
globose, green; testa thin. 2n = 26. Only one sp., 0.
aquaticum L., temperate and warm temperate spadix stipe, distally boat-shaped, gaping; spadix
eastern N America, partly submersed. cylindric, stipe very long; tepals 4; stamens 4;
gynoecium elongate-ovoid, style distinct, atten-
uate, ovary 2-locular or incompletely 2-locular,
3. Lysichiton Schott Fig. 11A-C ovules atropous, 1-2 per locule, placenta axile,
Lysichiton Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 7: 62 (1857); Hulten stigma capitate; seed ellipsoid or ovoid. 2n = 28.
& St. John, Sven. Bot. Tidsk. 25:453-464 (1931); Huttleston, Two spp., ·temperate E Asia and western N
Temp. N. Am. Arac.: 31-38 (1953) (unpubl. thesis). America, in swamps and wet woodlands.

Robust, rosulate; petiole flattened; primary veins

arcuate-parallel to subpinnate; inflorescence 1; 4. Symplocarpus Salish. ex Nuttall Fig. 11D- F
peduncle suppressed; spathe inserted at attach- Symplocarpus Salish. ex Nuttall, Gen. 1: 105 (1818), nom.
ment to rhizome, proximally narrow and clasping cons.; Lee, Ill. Fl. Korea: 183 (1989).
Araceae 45

Robust, rosulate; leaf blade subcordate or cor- New Guinea, NE Australia; in tropical humid
date-ovate, primary veins arcuate-parallel to forests.
subpinnate; inflorescence 1(-2); peduncle short;
spathe thick, ventricose or conchiform, cucullate-
6. Pedicellarum M. Hotta
convolute below, open above; spadix short,
subglobose, stipe ± short; teplas 4, stamens 4; Pedicellarum M. Hotta, Acta Phytotaxon. Geobot. 27: 61
ovary 1-locular, ovule 1, subatropous, placenta (1976); Nicolson, Aroideana 7: 56-57 (1984).
apical-parietal, style long-attenuate; infructes-
cence ± globular, berries immersed in spongy Petiole sheath narrow, ± involute; leaf blade
axis; seed globose, testa thin. 2n = 30, 60. Three lanceolate to elliptic, venation pinnate, forming
spp., temperate E Asia and eastern N America, submarginal collecting veins; flowering articles
swamps and water courses. infra-axillary, with cataphylls basally; spathe
ovate; spadix axis flexuose; flowers sparse, distant,
on short pedicels, swollen below perigone into a
III. Subfam. Pothoideae Engler (1876). receptacle-like structure, tepals connate; thecae
latrorse; ovary 3-locular, placenta basal; berry
Laticifers absent; stem usually aerial; petiole obovoid, red, 1-3(?)-seeded; seed compressed-
geniculate apically; higher-order leaf venation re- ellipsoid. n = ? Only one sp., P. paiei M. Hotta,
ticulate; spathe simple, spreading to reflexed, not Borneo, in humid forests.
enclosing spadix; flowers bisexual, perigoniate;
stamen filaments distinct, anthers terminal, 7. Pothoidium Schott
thecae dehiscing by longitudinal slits, connective
inconspicuous. Pothoidium Schott, Aroideae 26 (1856-57); Oesterr. Bot.
Wochenbl. 7: 70 (1857).

1. Tribe Potheae Engler (1876). Petiole broad, flattened, apically rounded; leaf
Shrubby climbers with tough woody stems; main blade triangular-lanceolate, venation ± arcuate-
shoot monopodia!, flowering shoots axillary or parallel; flowering shoot terminating in a branch-
infra-axillary; leaves distichous; petiole sheath ing system of spadices; spathe lanceolate, short,
long and often broad, flattened and apically au- or lacking entirely in the most apical inflores-
riculate (reduced in Pedicellarum and Pothos se- cences; spadix cylindric, stipitate; ovary 1-locular,
ries Goniuri); flowers (2-)3-merous; tepals (4-)6, placenta parietal-basal; berry ovoid, acute;
unthickened and without truncate apices, stamens seed oblong, testa smooth. 2n = 24. Only one
6; ovules 1 per locule, anatropous, stigma sessile, sp., P. lobbianum Schott, Philippines, Celebes,
usually umbonate; embryo large, endosperm Moluccas, Taiwan; in humid forests.
2. Tribe Anthurieae Engler (1876).
5. Pothos L. Sympodial articles composed of prophyll, cata-
Pothos L., Sp. Pl.: 968 (1753).
phyll, foliage leaf, inflorescence (often aborted);
mature petiole with very short sheath, geniculate
Lower branches of stem rooting, the upper apically and basally; primary lateral veins pinnate
ones free; petiole sheath broad, flattened and (rarely arcuate-parallel), usually forming sub-
auriculate apically or much narrower and ± marginal collective veins; spathe usually simple,
involute, leaf blade linear- to ovate-lanceolate; spreading, reflexed or erect; spadix usually
flowering articles axillary or infra-axillary, tapering to subcylindric; flowers bisexual, with
usually with basal cataphylls; peduncle some- perigone of 4 fornicate tepals, stamens 4, filaments
times reflexed; spathe ovate to linear; spadix distinct, anther terminal, connective inconspicu-
globose, ellipsoid or narrowly cylindric, sessile ous; ovary 2-locular, locules 1-2-ovulate (rarely
to long-stipitate; tepals ± fornicate; ovary more), ovules anatropous to campylotropous,
3-locular, placenta axile; berry ellipsoid or abo- placenta axile-subapical; mature berry exserted
void, red, 1-3-seeded; seed compressed -ellipsoid, and usually dangling; seed often sticky, endo-
testa thickish, smooth. 2n = 24, 36. About 80 sperm copious.
spp., Madagascar and Comores Is., tropical S
and SE Asia, Indonesia, Borneo, Philippines,
46 Araceae

8. Anthurium Schott 9. Spathiphyllum Schott

Anthurium Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 1829 (3): 828 {1829); Spathiphyllum Schott in Schott & Endlicher, Melet. Bot.: 22
Madison, Selbyana 2: 239-282 {1978); Croat & Bunting, {1832); Bunting, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10: 1-53 {1960), rev.;
Aroideana 2: 15-25 {1979); Mayo, Kew Bull. 36: 691-719 Nicolson, Blumea 16: 119-121 {1968) (rev. Old World spp.).
{1982); Croat & Sheffer, Aroideana 6: 85-123 {1983); Croat,
Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 70: 211-420 {1984) & Monogr. Mo. Bot. Peduncle subequal to or longer than leaf; spathe
Gard. 14: 1-204 {1986) & Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 78: 539-855.
cuspidate, usually spreading, rarely enclosing spa-
dix, persistent; spadix sessile or stipitate, erect,
Stem creeping to erect, sometimes root-climbing;
shorter than spathe; flowers (2- )3-merous; tepals
leaf blade entire and linear to cordate, hastate or
4-6, fornicate at apex or if connate, then forming a
sagittate, trilobed or trisect, pedately or radiately
truncate cup; stamens as many as tepals; ovary
lobed or -sect (primary lobes rarely themselves
(2- )3(4)-locular, ovules 2-8 per locule, placenta
pinnately lobed); inflorescence 1; peduncle rela-
axile, style comic or inconspicuous; berry rounded
tively long, more rarely short; spathe usually per-
or :::t::: attenuate apically, 1-8-seeded; embryo axile,
sistent, :::t::: rarely brightly coloured; spadix sessile
narrowly cylindric. 2n = 30, 60. Forty one spp.,
to long-stipitate, sometimes clavate, rarely glo-
tropical America, Melanesia, E Malesia, Pacific,
bose; mature berry globose to elongate-fusiform,
in damp and humid places; Bunting (1960) re-
variously and often brightly coloured, 2-4-seeded
cognised four sections; S. solomonense Nicolson is
(rarely more); seed usually :::t::: oblong, testa :::t:::
very distinct and recognised as Sect. Chlaeno-
verruculose, embryo axile, subcylindric. 2n = 30,
phyllum by Nicolson (1994).
60, 90 (20, 24, 28, 40, 48, 56, 84). About 800 spp.
(probably more according toT. Croat), Mexico to
Argentina, from humid to dry tropical lowland 10. Holochlamys Engler
to lower montane forest, normally epiphytic or
Holochlamys Engler in Beccari, Malesia 1: 265 {1883).
climbing hemiepiphytic, also terrestrial, litho-
phytic or rarely rheophytic; A. scherzerianum
Peduncle shorter than petiole; spathe tightly
Schott and A. andraeanum Linden important in
clasping the spadix, not spreading, drying after
horticulture; 19 sections recognised (Croat and
an thesis and long persistent, gradually decompos-
Sheffer 1983).
ing; spadix sessile; tepals 4, connate into a trun-
cate cup; stamens 4; ovary 1-locular, ovules many,
IV. Subfam. Monsteroideae Engler (1876). anatropous, placenta basal; berry few- to 1-
seeded. 2n = 60. Only one sp., H. beccarii (Engler)
Laticifers absent; trichosclereids (H- or T-shaped) Engler, Melanesia (New Britain, New Guinea), on
abundant (except Anadendreae, Heteropsideae; forest floor.
in Amydrium present in inflorescence and very
sparse elsewhere); terrestrial, climbers, hemi- 2. Tribe Anadendreae Bogner & French (1984).
epiphytes or more rarely epiphytes; petiole
geniculate apically, sheath usually long; leaf blade Trichosclereids absent; climbers; petiole geni-
never sagittate, sometimes pinnatifid or perfo- culate apically, sheathed almost to apex; finer
rated; spathe not constricted centrally, expanded venation reticulate; peduncle relatively long;
or boat-shaped; spadix fertile to apex; flowers spathe boat-shaped, longer than spadix; perigone
bisexual, perigone present or absent, 2-merous membranaceous, urceolate, shorter than gyno-
(2-3-merous in Spathiphylleae). ecium; stamens 4, thecae dehiscing by longi-
tudinal slit; gynoecium truncate apically, ovary
1. Tribe Spathiphylleae Engler (1887).
1-locular, ovule 1, hemianatropous, placenta
basal, stigma transversely oblong or subspheroid;
Tissues with small trichosclereids arranged in endosperm absent, embryo large.
bundles; stem short, upright; leaves (sub- )disti-
chous, petiole geniculate apically; leaf blade ob-
11. Anadendrum Schott
long, cuspidate-acuminate, primary leaf venation
pinnate, finer veins parallel to them; inflorescence Anadendrum Schott, Bonplandia 5: 45 (1857).
solitary; flowers bisexual, 2-3-merous, tepals free
or connate; thecae dehiscing by longitudinal slit; Leaf blade obliquely ovate-oblong, entire; spathe
ovules anatropous to hemianatropous; seed :::t::: oblong-ovate, white; spadix cylindric, stipitate;
oblong, endosperm copious. berry subglobose, truncate apically; seed sub-
Araceae 47

globose, testa thickish. 2n = 60. About seven spp., cence usually 1; spathe conchiform to ovate, re-
SE Asia, Indonesia, Borneo, hemiepiphytes. flexed at anthesis; spadix sessile to long-stipitate;
ovary 1-locular, ovules 2, anatropous, placenta
near base of single, deeply intrusive septum;
3. Tribe Heteropsideae Engler (1905). berry white-green or orange; seed subglobose,
Trichosclereids absent; bushy root climbers or endosperm present. 2n = 60. Six spp., tropical
hemiepiphytes; main shoot monopodia!, flower- SE Asia and Malesia, climbing hemiepiphytes.
ing articles usually short, axillary; petiole usually
almost entirely adnate to succeeding internode,
14. Rhaphidophora Hasskarl
leaving only apical geniculum free; primary and
secondary leaf venation parallel-pinnate, veins Rhaphidophora Hasskarl, Flora 25, Beibl. 1: 11 (1842).
fused distally into submarginal collective vein, Raphidophora Schott (1858), orth. var.
finer venation ± reticulate; spathe convolute, Afrorhaphidophora Engler (1906).
opening at anthesis; perigone absent; thecae
dehiscing by apical slit; gynoecium truncate, Sometimes repent, often robust; leaf blade entire,
ovary incompletely 2-locular, ovules 2 per locule, irregularly perforate or pinnately lobed, finer
anatropous, axile at base of partial septum; venation subparallel-pinnate; inflorescences 1-3;
stigma oblong or rounded; endosperm absent. spadix sessile, lowermost flowers often female;
ovary partially 2-locular, septa deeply intrusive,
placentas basal and parietal on septa, ovules
12. Heteropsis Kunth many, anatropous; berry red, many-seeded;
seed oblong, testa thin, smooth, endosperm
Heteropsis Kunth, Enum. pl. 3: 59 (1841).
copious. 2n = 60, 120 (42, 54, 56). About 100
spp., tropical Africa and from S and SE Asia
Inflorescence 1, axillary or terminal on short pe-
to Melanesia, Australia, and the Pacific, climbing
duncle; spathe ovate or ovate-oblong; spadix stipi-
hemiepiphytes, rarely rheophytic (R. beccarii
tate, shorter than spathe, cylindric or ellipsoid;
berry shortly obovoid or obpyramidal, 1-4-
seeded; seed obovoid. 2n = 28. About 13 spp.,
Costa Rica to S Brazil. 15. Epipremnum Schott
Epipremnum Schott, Bonplandia 5: 45 (1857).
4. Tribe Monstereae Engler (1876).
Leaf blade entire, perforate or pinnately lobed;
Climbing hemiepiphytes (except Stenosperma-
finer venation subparallel-pinnate; ovary 1-
tion); leaves distichous; petiole geniculate
locular; ovules 2, more rarely 4-8, anatropous,
apically, sheath long (except Amydrium), almost
equalling petiole, leaf blade normally oblique; pe- placenta parietal or near base of parietal partial
septa; berry 1-8-seeded; seed kidney-shaped, testa
duncle relatively short (except Stenospermation),
thickish, endosperm copious. 2n = 60 (56, 84).
spathe usually erect and boat-shaped (except
Seventeen spp., tropical S and SE Asia to Australia
Amydrium); spadix equalling or shorter than
and the Pacific, climbing hemiepiphytes.
spathe; perigone absent, thecae dehiscing by
longitudinal slit not reaching base.
16. Scindapsus Schott
13. Amydrium Schott Scindapsus Schott in Schott & Endlicher, Melet. Bot. 21 (1832).

Amydrium Schott, Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Batav. 1: 127 (1863);

Nicolson, Blumea 16: 123-127 (1968); Carvell, Am. J. Bot. 6
Sometimes robust; petiole sheath rather broad, in
(Suppl.): 231 (1989). some spp., decomposing to form a highly irritant,
Epipremnopsis Engler (1908). fibrous mass; leaf blade entire, fine venation
parallel-pinnate; spadix sessile; ovary 1-locular,
Trichosclereids sparsely present (most abundant ovule 1, anatropous, placenta basal; berry rather
in style according to Carvell 1989); stem some- large; seed rounded, subreniform, compressed,
times creeping; petiole sheath short; leaf blade testa thickish, endosperm present. 2n = 60 (42, 56,
entire or pinnately lobed, usually perforate; pri- 58, 64, 70, 112). Thirty spp., from tropical Sand SE
mary lateral veins forming obscure, submarginal Asia through Melanesia into the Pacific, hemi-
collective veins, finer venation reticulate; inflores- epiphytic climbers or rupicolous.
48 Araceae

17. Monstera Adanson Fig. 12A-C

Monstera Adanson, Fam. 2: 470 (1763), nom. cons.; Madison,
Contrib. Gray Herb. 207: 1-100 (1977), rev.

Leaf blade entire or perforate and/or pinnatifid,

fine venation parallel-pinnate or ± reticulated;
inflorescences !-several; spadix sessile; ovary 2-
locular, ovules 2 per locule, anatropous, placenta
at base of septum; seed obovoid or subcordate, a
little compressed, raphe S-shaped, testa smooth,
thickish, endosperm absent, embryo large. 2n
= 60 (24, 48, 56, 58, 70). About 40 spp., trop-
ical America (Mexico to S Brazil), climbers,
hemiepiphytes in humid forest; the variegated,
juvenile leaves of M. dubia (H.B.K.) Engler &
Krause, adpressed to tree boles, frequently attract
the attention of travellers in Amazonian forests;
the pulp surrounding the seeds of M. deliciosa
Liebm. is delicious and made into ice cream
and soft drinks in Mexico; M. deliciosa is one of
the world's most ubiquitous ornamental foliage
plants; four sections are recognised.

18. Alloschemone Schott

Alloschemone Schott, Gen. Aroid.: 99 (1858); Madison,
Selbyana 1: 325-327 (1976).

Leaves distant; petiole ± terete; leaf blade pin-

nately lobed, subcordate, lobes acute, falcate, 4-6
per side, each with only 1 primary lateral vein,
finer venation parallel-pinnate; spadix sessile;
stamens free to connate; ovary 1-locular, ovule
1, amphitropous, placenta basal; fruit and seed
unknown. 2n = 84. Two spp., Amazonian Brazil,
climbers or hemiepiphytes in forest.

19. Rhodospatha Poeppig

Rhodospatha Poeppig in Poeppig & Endlicher, Nova Gen. Sp.
3: 91 (1845).
Anepsias Schott (1858). Fig. 12A-I. Araceae-Monsteroideae. A-C Monstera obliqua.
A Habit. B Spadix. C Stamen. D-1 Stenospermation spru-
Leaf blade entire, fine venation parallel-pinnate; ceanum. D Spadix. E Flowers seen from above. F Flower,
longitudinal section, showing two stamens, basal placenta
spathe sometimes rose-coloured within; spadix ±
with anatropous ovules, and broad stylar region with small
long-stipitate, flowers small; pollen extruded in stigma. G Ovule, note papillose lower part of funicle. H
strands; ovary 2( -3-6)-locular, ovules usually Stamen, front view. I Stamen, side view. (Takhtajan 1982)
numerous per locule, amphitropous, placentas
axile; berry small, 10-12-seeded; seeds ::±:: flat-
tened, rounded-reniform, testa hard, verruculose,
endosperm present, embryo rather large. 2n = 28, 20. Stenospermation Schott Fig. 12D-I
56. About 75 spp., tropical America (Mexico to Stenospermation Schott, Gen. Aroid.: t 70 (1858); Gomez, Rev.
SE Brazil), climbers, hemiepiphytes in humid Stenospermation (Araceae) in Central America, Masters
forest. Thesis, St. Louis University, 114 pp. (1983).
Araceae 49

Shoots usually short; leaf blade entire; fine vena- Rhizome hypogeal, erect; leaves several; petiole
tion parallel-pinnate; inflorescence 1, nodding or geniculate apically, sheath long; leaf blade stron-
erect; peduncle relatively long; spadix stipitate; gly sagittate, often perforated; inflorescence 1;
ovary 2-locular, ovules 4 to many per locule, ana- peduncle long; spathe convolute, basally forming
tropous, placenta basal; berry obovoid, white, distinct tube, blade strongly fornicate; spadix
rarely orange, several- to many-seeded; seed sessile, much shorter than spathe; tepals 4; sta-
clavate-cylindric, slender, testa thickish, smooth, mens 4; ovary 2-locular, locules 1-ovulate, ovules
endosperm copious. 2n = 28. About 36 spp., tro- anatropous, placenta axile, style conical; berry
pical America (Guatemala to SE Brazil), in humid obovoid, purplish red; seed campylotropous, testa
forest, epiphytic or on the ground. thick, crested and warty. 2n = 26. Only one sp., D.
desciscens (Schott) Engler, E Brazil, in humid
forest and wet, shaded places.
V. Subfam. Lasioideae Engler (1876).

Laticifers absent; terrestrial or rooted aquatics; 23. Anaphyllopsis A. Hay

stem tuberous or rhizomatous, usually geophytic Anaphyllopsis A. Hay, Aroideana 11: 25-31 (1989, "1988").
(except Lasia, Podolasia); petiole usually aculeate
or warty or with striking coloration, long, usually Rhizome hypogeal, erect; leaf 1(-2); petiole
± geniculate apically; primary lateral veins of ma- geniculate apically; leaf blade broadly hastate-
jor leaf blade divisions pinnate to arcuate-parallel, sagittate in outline, pinnately lobed or pinnate,
higher-order venation reticulate; spadix flowering often irregularly perforated, ultimate lobes often
and fruiting in basipetal sequence; flowers bi- bifidtruncate; inflorescence 1(-2); peduncle long;
sexual, perigoniate (except Pycnospatha); tepals spathe marcescent, convolute basally, spirally
fornicate, ± truncate, free, in 2 or more whorls; twisted apically; spadix stipitate, much shorter
stamens free (except Lasimorpha), anther termi- than spathe; tepals 4; stamens 4; ovary 1-locular,
nal; embryo large, endosperm present (except ovules 1-2, anatropous, placenta basal; seed
Anaphyllum), forming a thin but distinct layer. campylotropous. 2n = 26. Three spp., northern S
America, in humid forest and wet places.
21. Dracontium L.
Dracontium L., Sp. Pl.: 967 (1753). 24. Pycnospatha Thorel ex Gagnep.
Echidnium Schott (1857).
Pycnospatha Thorel ex Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 88: 511
Sometimes gigantic, tuber depressed-subglobose; (1941); Bogner, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 122: 202 (1973).
leaf usually 1; petiole sometimes geniculate api-
cally; leaf blade dracontioid, ultimate lobes with Tuber depressed-subglobose; leaves 1-2; petiole
acuminate tips, leaf dissection attained at least smooth, rough or aculeate, strikingly patterned,
partly by perforation; inflorescence 1; spathe ± not geniculate apically; leaf blade dracontioid, tri-
boat-shaped, persistent; spadix stipitate, much sect; inflorescence 1, appearing before or with leaf;
shorter than spathe; tepals 4-8; stamens 4-6(-12); peduncle short; spathe thick, ± convolute below
pollen extruded in masses; ovary incompletely 1- but margins not overlapping; spadix stipitate,
6-locular, locules 1(2)-ovulate, ovules anatropous much shorter than spathe; flowers without
to subcampylotropous, placenta axile to subbasal, perigone; stamens ca. 6 or more, crowded densely
style long, attenuate; berry obpyramidal to obo- together; ovary 1-locular, ovule 1, anatropous to
void, red to purplish red; seed campylotropous, hemianatropous, placenta basal to subparietal;
testa thick, crested and warty. 2n = 26. About 23 berry spiny, globose, dark green; seed ellipsoid,
spp., tropical America (Mexico to Paraguay and testa thick, verrucose, embryo large, endosperm
Bolivia), in forest and savanna, ground-dwelling, sparse. 2n = 26. Two spp., Laos, Thailand,
seasonally dormant or evergreen. Vietnam on forest floor, seasonally dormant.

22. Dracontioides Engler 25. Anaphyllum Schott

Dracontioides Engler, Pfianzenreich IV.23C: 36 (1911); Mayo, Anaphyllum Schott, Bonplandia 5: 126 (1857); Sivadasan,
Aroideana 1: 4-10 (1978). Taxonomic study of Araceae of S India, unpubl. doctoral
Dracontium sect. Urospathopsis Engler (1884). thesis, University of Calicut, Kerala (1982).
50 Araceae

Clump- or colony-forming, rhizome creeping; dosperm present, sparse. 2n = 26. Only one sp., L.
leaves few; petiole geniculate apically; leaf blade senegalensis Schott, Senegal to Angola, helophytic.
pinnately lobed or pinnate; inflorescence 1; pe-
duncle long; spathe marcescent, either convolute
basally, spirally twisted and long-acuminate 28. Podolasia N.E. Brown
above, or oblong-ovate and fully expanded; spadix Podolasia N.E. Brown, Gard. Chron. II, 18: 70 (1882); Hay,
stipitate, rather short; tepals 4; stamens 4; ovary Blumea 33: 463-465 (1988).
1-locular, ovule 1, anatropous, placenta parietal,
intrusive; berry ovoid, red; seed ovoid, testa Rhizome short, erect to decumbent, petiole ac-
unlignified, membranous, smooth, embryo large, uleate, spines usually pointing downwards; leaf
endosperm absent. 2n = 26. Two spp., southern blade deeply sagittate to hastate; inflorescence 1;
India, in evergreen forest, swamp forest peduncle long; spathe linear-lanceolate, fully ex-
undergrowth. panded; spadix relatively long, usually stipitate;
tepals 4-6; stamens 4-6; ovary 1-locular, ovule 1,
26. Cyrtosperma Griffith anatropous, placenta parietal to basal; berry
obovoid, red; seed campylotropous, ± spherical,
Cyrtosperma Griffith, Notul. Pl. Asiat. (Posthum. Pap.) 3: 149 testa thin, hard, smooth. 2n = 26. Only one sp., P.
(1851) & Icon. 3, t.169 (1851); Thompson, J. Agric. Tradit. stipitata N.E. Brown, SE Asia.
Bot. -Appl. 29: 185-203 (1982); Hay, Blumea 33: 427-457
29. Lasia Loureiro
Sometimes gigantic, rhizome thick, condensed,
creeping; leaves several; petiole aculeate, geni- Lasia Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 64, 81 (1790); Hay, Blumea 33:
culate apically; leaf blade sagittate to hastate; 458-463 ( 1988).
inflorescence 1(-2); peduncle long; spathe erect,
upper part sometimes long-acuminate and spiral- Clump-forming; stem and petiole aculeate; leaf
ling, rarely fornicate; spadix usually much shorter blade pinnately to pedately lobed, rarely hastate-
than spathe; tepals 4-6; stamens 4-6; ovary 1- sagittate; inflorescence 1; peduncle long; spathe
locular, ovules 1-many, ovule campylotropous erect, linear-lanceolate, caducous, lowest part
to subamphitropous, placenta basal to parietal, gaping at anthesis, upper part spirally twisted,
style short or inconspicuous; berry obovoid, 1-7- thick, spongy; spadix short, sessile; tepals 4-6, sta-
seeded, usually red; seed reniform, orbicular or mens 4-6; ovary 1-locular, ovule 1, anatropous,
helically twisted, crested, warty or smooth. 2n = placenta apical, style inconspicuous; berry green,
26. About 12 spp., tropical SE Asia to Melanesia apex often minutely spiny; seed ± pyramidal,
and the Pacific, helophytic, alongside streams, campylotropous, testa thin, hard, sparsely spiny.
pond margins and other wet places; the rhizomes 2n = 26. Two spp., S and SE Asia, Indonesia,
of C. merkusii (Hassk.) Schott are an important Borneo, New Guinea, aquatic or swampy sites.
subsistence food in the Pacific (Thompson 1982);
four informal groups recognised by Hay (1988). 30. Urospatha Schott
Urospatha Schott, Aroideae 3 (1853).
27. Lasimorpha Schott Urospathella Bunting (1988).
Lasimorpha Schott, Bonplandia 5: 127 (1857); Hay, Blumea 33:
465-468 (1988). Rhizome hypogeal, horizontal to vertical; leaves
several; petiole smooth to scabrid-verrucose; leaf
Sometimes gigantic, forming large colonies, rhi- blade sagittate to hastate, rarely narrowly lan-
zome short, thick, hypogeal, stoloniferous; leaves ceolate; inflorescence 1; peduncle long; spathe
several; petiole 4-6-angled, aculeate along angles, convolute below, above long acuminate, usually
weakly geniculate apically, sheath short; inflores- spirally twisted; spadix sessile to shortly stipitate,
cence 1; peduncle long; spathe ovate, convolute short; tepals 4-6; stamens 4-6; ovary incompletely
basally, persistent; spadix sessile to shortly stipi- 1-2-locular, ovules (1-)2 or more per locule,
tate, obtuse; tepals 4-6; stamens 4-6, filaments anatropous, placenta axile or basal-parietal; seed
free or ± connate; ovary 1-locular, ovules 4-6, cat1lpylotropous, testa hard, thickish, smooth to
campylotropous, placenta basal and intrusive- verrucose. 2n = 52. About ten spp., Guatemala to
parietal; berry ± globose, red, 1-4-seeded; seed SE Brazil, open aquatic habitats, swamps, along
campylotropous, testa warty and spiny, en- rivers, in brackish water.
Araceae 51

VI. Subfam. Calloideae Endl. (1837). to basal; berry and seed large, testa smooth, en-
dosperm absent.
Laticifers present, simple, articulated; rooted
aquatic; stem rhizomatous; leaves distichous;
32. Zamioculcas Schott Fig. 13
petiole sheath long; leaf blade cordate; venation
parallel-pinnate, uniformly fine; spathe fully ex- Zamioculcas Schott, Syn. Aroid.: 71 (1856); Mayo, Fl. Trop.
panded, elliptic- to ovate-lanceolate, persistent; East Africa, Araceae: 15-16 (1985).
flowers bisexual, 3-merous, perigone absent; sta-
mens 6 (or more); ovary 1-locular, ovules 6-9, Rhizome short, very thick; leaves few to several,
anatropous, placenta basal; endosperm copious. petiole thickened basally, geniculate distally; leaf
blade pinnately compound, leaflets oblong-
elliptic, thick, deciduous, capable of rooting to
31. Calla L. form new plants; inflorescences 1-2; peduncle
Calla L., Sp. Pl.: 968 (1753); Riedl in Hegi, Ill. Fl. Mitteleuropa, short; male flowers: filaments free, thecae introrse;
ed. 3, 2: 326-327 (1979). sterile flowers: with 4 tepals surrounding clavate
pistillode; female flowers: staminodes absent;
Stem green; petiole sheath with long, free apical berry 1-2-seeded, white; seed ellipsoid. 2n = 34.
ligule; inflorescence usually 1; spathe white within, Only one sp., Z. zamiifolia (Loddiges) Engler,
green without; spadix stipitate, apical flowers tropical and southern subtropical Africa (Kenya
often male; berry several-seeded, red; seed terete- to Natal); in moist forest and savannas, seasonally
oblong, testa thick. 2n = 36, 54, 72. Only one dormant or evergreen.
sp., C. palustris L., circumboreal, aquatic and
helophytic in streams, ponds, swamps and bogs. 33. Gonatopus J.D. Hooker ex Engler
Gonatopus J.D. Hooker ex Engler in A. & C. De Candolle,
VII. Subfam. Aroideae Engler (1876). Monogr. Phan. 2: 208 (1879); Mayo, Fl. Trop. East Africa,
Araceae: 9-15 (1985).
Heterolobium Peter (1930).
Laticifers present, rarely absent, usually simple, Microculcas Peter (1930).
more rarely anastomosing; stem most frequently
hypogeal, tuberous or rhizomatous, less often Rhizome or subglobose tuber; leaf 1; petiole
aerial, rarely hemiepiphytes, climbers or epi- geniculate basally or centrally; leaf blade pinnately
phytes, very rarely floating aquatics (Pistieae); compound, primary lateral pinnae pinnately to
petiole usually not geniculate apically (except tripinnately lobed; inflorescences 1-4, often
Anubiadeae, Bognera, Culcasieae, Zami.ocul- appearing before leaf; peduncle short to long;
cadeae, rarely in Philodendreae and Homalo- stamen filaments connate; female flowers:
meneae); spathe usually differentiated into lower, staminodes absent, rarely 1; berry ovoid-ellipsoid,
convolute tube and upper, gaping blade; flowers orange, red or :±: dirty white, large. 2n = 34, 68.
unisexual, perigone absent (except Stylochaet- Five spp., tropical and southern subtropical Africa
oneae, Zamioculcadeae). (Kenya to Natal), on forest floor, seasonally
1. Tribe Zamioculcadeae Engler (1876).
2. Tribe Stylochaetoneae Schott (1856).
Laticifers absent; seasonally dormant, stem hypo-
geal; leaf blade compound; petiole geniculate; Laticifers absent; stem hypogeal, rhizomatous,
spathe convolute basally, blade reflexed at anthe- roots often very thick, fleshy; leaf primary lateral
sis; spadix subequalling spathe, female zone sepa- veins mostly arising basally, arcuate, finer vena-
rated from male by short, constricted zone of tion reticulate; spathe tube margins connate; spa-
sterile flowers, male zone cylindric to clavate, dix mostly hidden within spathe, fertile to apex;
fertile to apex; flowers unisexual with perigone of flowers with :±: urceolate, connate perigone; male
4 free, :±: prismatic tepals; male flowers: stamens 4, flower usually with central peglike pistillode, sta-
surrounding :±: clavate pistillode, filaments dis- men filaments filiform, anthers terminal, dehisc-
tinct (connate in Gonatopus), anther terminal, ing by longitudinal slit, connective slender; ovary
connective inconspicuous, pollen extruded in 1-4-locular, locules 1- to many-ovulate, ovules
strands; female flowers: ovary 2-locular, locules anatropous, placenta basal, parietal or axile; en-
1-ovulate, ovules hemianatropous, placenta axile dosperm copious.
52 Araceae

level; spathe tube ±ventricose at base, rarely con-

stricted between lower and upper swollen zones
or entirely narrow-cylindric; female flowers borne
spirally or in 1 whorl, sometimes contiguous with
male zone, often with ± naked zone or sterile
flowers in between; male flower 2-7 -androus;
perigone often with fleshy margins; infructescence
borne at or below ground level, berry fleshy, 1-
few-seeded. 2n = 28, 56. Seventeen spp., tropical
and southern subtropical Africa, in humid to dry
forest, woodland, savannas, seasonally dormant
or evergreen geophytes.

3. Tribe Dieffenbachieae Engler (1876).

Internodes distinct; spadix: female zone entirely
adnate to spathe, laxly flowered, sterile male flow-
ers (synandrodes) usually present between female
and male zones; male flowers: stamens connate
into a truncate, prismatic synandrium, thecae lat-
eral, fused connectives strongly thickened; female
flowers: distant, ovary 1-3-locular, locules 1-
ovulate, ovule anatropous, placenta basal or

35. Dieffenbachia Schott

Dieffenbachia Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 1829 (3): 803 (1829);
Young, Am. J. Bot. 73: 931-944 (1986).
Maguirea A.D. Hawkes (1948).

Sometimes robust; stem erect or decumbent; leaves

several per article; petiole not geniculate, sheath
relatively long; leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, often
variegated; primary lateral veins pinnate, forming
a marginal vein, finer venation parallel-pinnate;
inflorescences (1-)2-7; peduncle usually shorter
than spathe; spathe slightly constricted, tube usu-
ally much longer than blade, persistent; spadix:
female zone usually separated from male zone by
± naked axis bearing a few scattered sterile
Fig. 13A-G. Araceae-Aroideae. Zamioculcas zamiifolia. A flowers; male flowers: 4-5-androus; female flowers:
Habit; note geniculate leaves. B Inflorescence. C Staminate gynoecium surrounded by 4-5 clavate staminodes;
flower. D Sterile flower. E Stamen. F Pistillate flower, ovary ovary subglobose to ovoid, 1-3-locular, placenta
wall removed to show locules. G Rooted leaflet with young
axile-basal or basal; berry 1-3-seeded, globose,
tuberous rhizome and shoot. (Takhtajan 1982)
often scarlet; seeds globose to ovoid, testa smooth,
thickish, embryo large, endosperm absent. 2n =
34. Stylochaeton Leprieur 34, 68. About 30 spp., Mexico to northern Argen-
tina, evergreen, terrestrial or helophytic, in humid
Stylochaeton Leprieur, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. II, 2: 184 (1834); forests and damp sites.
Mayo, Fl. Trop. East Africa, Araceae: 42-54 (1985); Ntepe-
Nyame, Fl. Cameroun 31: 42-46 (1988).
36. Bognera Mayo & Nicolson
Leaves 1-few; leaf blade lanceolate to cordate, Bognera Mayo & Nicolson, Taxon 33: 690 (1984); Madison
hastate or sagittate; inflorescences l-4, often sub- in Aroideana 3: 101-102 (1980) (as Ulearum recondita
tended by cataphylls, borne at or below ground Madison).
Araceae 53

Stem creeping, epigeal, rhizomatous; foliage leaf Often robust; leaf 1; leaf blade bipinnatifid to
1 per article, alternating with cataphylls; petiole tripinnatifid, ± dracontioid, rarely pinnatifid; in-
indistinctly geniculate at base and apex, shortly- florescence 1(-2), subtended by cataphylls; pe-
sheathed; leaf blade ovate-lanceolate; venation duncle shorter than petiole; spathe boat-shaped,
pinnate, secondary veins arcuate, ± parallel to tube convolute, blade gaping, marcescent and
primaries, finer veins distinctly reticulated; inflo- later deciduous; spadix sometimes much longer
rescence 1; peduncle shorter than petiole; spathe than spathe; female zone free, usually contiguous
boat-shaped, unconstricted; spadix: female zone with male, rarely with a few bisexual flowers in
separated from male zone by ± naked zone bear- between; thecae oblong to broadly ellipsoid; ovary
ing a few globose sterile flowers; male flowers: 3- 3-6(?-7)-locular, ovules anatropous, placenta
4-androus; female flowers: staminodes absent, axile; berry depressed-globose, slightly furrowed,
ovary 1-locular, placenta basal; berry and seed scarlet, 3-5-seeded; seed ellipsoid, testa smooth or
unknown. 2n = 34. Only one sp., B. recondita granulate. 2n = 34. Five spp., tropical and sub-
(Madison) Mayo & Nicolson, Brazil (western tropical S America.
Amazonia), on forest floor.

39. Asterostigma F.E.L. Fischer

4. Tribe Spathicarpeae Schott (1856) & C.A. Meyer Fig. 14
Seasonally dormant, stem tuberous, rarely
Asterostigma F.E.L. Fischer & C.A. Meyer, Bull. Cl. Phys.-
rhizomatous (Gearum), hypogeal; primary lat- Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint Petersbourg II, 3: 148 (1845);
eral veins of leaf or leaf lobes forming single Bogner, Adansonia II, 9: 125-130 (1969).
marginal vein (except Spathantheum and Spa- Andromycia A. Rich. (1850).
thicarpa), finer venation reticulate; spathe usually
unconstricted; spadix fertile to apex (except Leaf usually 1; leaf blade pinnatisect or rarely
Mangonia); male flower a synandrium of ± con- entire; inflorescences 1-3, appearing before or
nate stamens (some partly or completely free in with leaf; peduncle relatively long; spathe ±
Gorgonidium); gynoecium surrounded by free unconstricted, persistent, tube narrow, blade
staminodes or urceolate synandrode; ovary gaping at anthesis; spadix: female zone free or
locules !-ovulate (except Mangonia); embryo partly adnate to spathe, laxly flowered, contig-
usually relatively small, axile, endosperm copious, uous with male zone; synandrium mushroom-
rarely absent (Gearum). shaped, umbonate; gynoecial staminodes 3-5,
free or connate, ovary 3-5-locular, ovules anatro-
pous, placenta axile-basal; berry ± depressed-
37. Mangonia Schott
globose; testa thin, smooth. 2n 34.
Mangonia Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 7: 77 (1857); About seven spp., southern tropical S America,
Bogner, Darwiniana 18: 70-79 (1973). terrestrial.
Felipponia Hicken (1917), non Felipponea Brotherus (1912).
Felipponiella Hicken (1928).
40. Gorgonidium Schott
Small; leaves several; leaf blade narrowly elliptic
to oblong-sagittate; inflorescence 1, appearing Gorgonidium Schott, Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1: 282 (1864);
before leaves, subtended by cataphylls; spathe: Bogner & Nicolson, Bot. Jahrb. 109: 529-554 (1988), rev.
tube subcylindric, blade lanceolate to oblong,
erect, gaping; spadix: female zone short, contigu- Leaf 1; leaf blade pinnatifid, pinnatisect or
ous with male zone or separated by short ± naked bipinnatifid; inflorescence 1(-2), appearing before
zone, male zone more laxly flowered, terminal leaf; peduncle usually shorter than spathe;
sterile appendix of sterile male flowers; spathe unconstricted, boat-shaped; spadix: female
synandrium 2-5-androus; ovary 2-3-locular, zone continguous with male; male flowers: 3-
ovules 2 per locule, anatropous, placenta axile; 7-androus, stamens free or ± connate; central
testa smooth. 2n = ? Two spp., S Brazil, Uruguay, pistillode often present and composed of 3-4
in seasonally wet places. stylodia and stigmatoids (G. vargasii Bogner &
Nicolson); gynoecial staminodes 6-8, ovary
(2-)4-5( -7)-locular, ovules atropous, placenta
38. Taccarum Brongn. ex Schott axile-basal; berry globose to depressed-globose;
Taccarum Brongn. ex Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 7: 221 testa rough. 2n = 34. Three spp., N Argentina,
(1857); Bogner, Willdenowia 19: 191-198 (1989). Bolivia, Peru, 900-3000 m alt.
54 Araceae

ing before or with leaves; peduncle short; spathe

ovate-lanceolate, unconstricted; spadix shorter
than spathe, female zone partly adnate to spathe,
laxly flowered, separated from male by few bi-
sexual or sterile flowers; synandrium long-
stipitate, elongate-conoid, apical whorl of anthers
sometimes shortly overtopped by central
pistillode; gynoecial staminodes 3-5, ovary 3-5-
locular, ovules atropous, placenta axile-basal;
berry 3-5-seeded; seed rather large, testa thick,
succose. 2n = 34. Only one sp., S. vermitoxicus
(Griseb.) Engler, northern Argentina, Bolivia,
Paraguay, in dry thorn forest.

42. Gearum N.E. Brown

Gearum N.E. Brown, J. Bot. 20: 196 (1882); Bogner & Nicolson,
Bot. Jahrb. 109: 531 (1988); Mayo eta!., Kew Bull. 49: 785-
788 (1994).

Rhizome vertical; leaves 1-2, appearing soon

after inflorescence; petiole sheath about half the
petiole length; leaf blade pedatisect, coriaceous,
venation reticulate; inflorescence 1; peduncle
short; spathe constricted; spadix shorter than
spathe; female zone of spadix separated from
~ male by sterile zone bearing shallow, truncate
~~ c synandrodes; ovary depressed-globose, 3-4-

locular, ovules atropous, placenta axile-basal,
' stigma subsessile, weakly 3-4-lobed; berry
depressed-globose; seed broadly ellipsoid; testa
thin; embryo large, endosperm absent. 2n = 34
and ca. 68. Only one sp., G. brasiliense N.E. Brown,
C Brazil.

43. Spathantheum Schott

Spathantheum Schott, Bonplandia 7: 164 (1859); Crisci, Rev.
Mus. La Plata, Bot. 11:266-268 (1971).

Leaf 1, petiole sheath very short; leaf blade entire

to pinnately lobed, emarginate to subcordate at
Fig. 14A-F. Araceae-Aroideae. Asterostigma luschnathia- base, primary lateral veins forming submarginal
num. A Habit. B Spadix. C, D Synandrium seen from the side
and from above. E Pistil. F Same, longitudinal section.
collective vein; inflorescence 1-2; spathe oblong-
(Takhtajan 1982) elliptic, unconstricted; spadix entirely adnate to
spathe or male zone free (S. intermedium Bogner),
female zone either contiguous with male or with
an intermediate zone of mixed male and female
41. Synandrospadix Engler
flowers; stamens completely connate, anthers lat-
Synandrospadix Engler, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 4: 61 (1883); Crisci, eral; gynoecial staminodes 5-8, ovary 5-8-locular,
Rev. Mus. La Plata, Bot. 11:255-260 (1971), Croat & Mount, ovules atropous, placenta axile-basal; berry 5-8-
Fl. Paraguay, Araceae: 34-37 (1988). seeded; testa smooth to slightly roughened.
Lilloa Spegazzini (1897).
2n = 34. Two spp., northern Argentina, Bolivia,
Leaves several; petiole sheath long; leaf blade en-
tire, cordate-sagittate; inflorescences 1-2, appear-
Araceae 55

44. Spathicarpa W.J. Hooker merous (subgen. Pteromischum) or solitary per

article; petiole rarely geniculate; leaf blade linear,
Spathicarpa W.J. Hooker, Bot. Misc. 2: 146 (1831); Crisci, Rev.
Mus. La Plata, Bot. 11: 260-266 (1971); Uhlarz, Beitr. Bioi. ovate, elliptic, oblong, cordate, sagittate, hastate,
Pflanz. 57: 389-429 (1982); Croat & Mount, Fl. Paraguay, trifid to almost trisect, or pinnatifid, bipinnatifid
Araceae: 29-34 (1988). or rarely pedatisect; inflorescences 1-11, secreting
Aropsis Rojas Acosta (1918). resin at anthesis from spathe and/or spadix; pe-
duncle usually short; spathe usually constricted
Small; tuber horizontal; leaves several; petiole between convolute tube and upper ± boat-
sheath rather long; leaf blade lanceolate to hastate, shaped, gaping blade; spadix sessile to stipitate,
sagittate; primary lateral veins mostly arising female and male zones usually separated by
basally, forming 1-2 submarginal collective veins; sterile zone of staminodial flowers, apical sterile
inflorescence 1, appearing with leaves; peduncle staminodial zone also rarely present; male flower
long; spathe unconstricted, persistent; spadix en- 2-6-androus; ovary (2-)4-8( -47)-locular, ovules
tirely adnate to spathe, often recurved at an thesis, 1-50 per locule, hemianatropous to hemi-
laxly flowered, female flowers forming 2 outer lon- atropous, placenta axile to basal; berry white, or-
gitudinal rows, enclosing 2 parallel rows of male ange or red; seed tiny to fairly large, ovoid-oblong
flowers; synandrium stipitate, peltate; gynoecial to ellipsoid, testa often costate; endosperm starch-
staminodes 3, situated only on one side of gyno- free. 2n = 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 48 (26). Over 500 spp.,
ecium, ovary 1-locular, ovule atropous, placenta tropical and subtropical America (Mexico to
basal; berry ovoid; testa succose. 2n = 34. About northern Argentina); tropical humid forests,
five spp., NE Brazil to northern Argentina, in savannas, swamps, usually root-climbers, hemi-
semiarid and humid forests. epiphytes or epiphytes, less often lithophytic,
terrestrial or helophytic; important in horticulture
5. Tribe Philodendreae Schott (1856) as foliage ornamental plants, e.g. P. bipin-
natifidum Schott ex Endl., P. scandens C. Koch &
Laticifers present, simple; resin canals present in H. Sello; three subgenera and numerous sections
roots, stems, leaves and inflorescences; sclerotic recognised (Mayo 1990, Croat 1997).
hypodermis present in roots; terrestrial, climbing
or epiphytic, stem usually epigeal, intravaginal
6. Tribe Homalomeneae (Schott) M. Hotta
squamules present; petiole only rarely geniculate
apically; primary lateral veins pinnate (rarely (1970).
pedate) forming 1 marginal vein, finer venation Laticifers present, simple; resin canals present in
parallel-pinnate; spathe closing after anthesis and roots, stems and leaves; sclerotic hypodermis
persisting until fruit maturity, then deciduous at present in roots; terrestrial or rheophytic; stem
base; flowers unisexual, perigone absent; anther usually epigeal; petiole geniculum absent (very
thecae lacking cell wall thickenings in endo- rarely present in Homalomena); primary lateral
thecium (except P. goeldii, P. leal-costae); en- veins pinnate forming 1 marginal vein, higher-
dosperm copious. order venation parallel-pinnate; spathe often
boat-shaped, constricted or unconstricted, closing
after anthesis and persistent; flowers unisexual,
45. Philodendron Schott
perigone absent; anther thecae with cell-wall
Philodendron Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 1829 (3): 780 (1829), thickenings in endothecium; endosperm copious.
nom. et orth. cons. ("Philodendrum"); Bunting, Acta Bot.
Venezuel. 10: 289-318 (1977, "1975") & Rev. Fac. Agron.
(Maracay) 10: 209-253 (1980); Mayo & Barroso, Aroideana 46. Furtadoa M. Hotta
2: 82-94 (1979); Mayo, Systematics of Philodendron Schott
(Araceae) with special reference to inflorescence characters, Furtadoa M. Hotta, Acta Phytotaxon. Geobot. 32: 142 (1981) &
Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Reading (1986) & Acta Bot. Brasilica 1 Gard. Bull. Singapore 38: 43-54 (1985).
(2) (Sup!.): 27-40 (1989, "1988") & Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 100:
139-172 (1989) & Kew Bull. 45: 37-71 (1990) & Kew Bull. Small, stem repent; leaf blade elliptic; inflores-
46: 601-681 (1991), rev. subg. Mecanostigma; Grayum,
Systematic Botany Monographs val. 43 (1995); Croat, Ann.
cences 1-3; peduncle relatively long; spathe boat-
Mo. Bot. Gar d. 84: 311-704 ( 1997). shaped, not constricted; spadix: female and male
Thaumatophyllum Schott (1859). zones with a zone of few sterile flowers in between;
male flowers: stamen 1, overtopped by flask-
Sometimes gigantic; internodes usually long, shaped pistillode, thecae dehiscing by longitudi-
intravaginal squamules present, foliage leaves nu- nal slit; female flowers: gynoecium with 1 truncate
56 Araceae

staminode, ovary 1-locular, ovules many, Rhizome thick, creeping; petiole relatively long,
hemianatropous, placenta basal; berry light green; rarely shortly and sparsely spiny; inflorescences
seed ellipsoid, testa smooth, thin. 2n = 40. Two 1-3; peduncle fairly long; spathe closing after an-
spp., Sumatra and Malay Peninsula, rheophytes thesis; spadix: female and male zones usually con-
on rocks in streams. The structure of the male tiguous, rarely with few sterile flowers in between;
flower is unique. male flowers: 3-8-androus; berry green to pale
green. 2n = 48, 72. Eight spp. Senegal to Angola,
helophytes, sometimes completely submerged, or
47. Homalomena Schott in forest swamps, rarely rheophytic.
Homalomena Schott in Schott & Endlicher, Melet. Bot.: 20
(1832); Furtado, Gard. Bull. Singapore 10: 183-238 (1939);
Hotta, Acta Phytotaxon. Geobot. 33: 127-139 (1982) & Gard. 8. Tribe Schismatoglottideae Nakai (1943).
Bull. Singapore 38: 43-54 (1985); Bogner, Aroideana 8: 73-
75 (1986).
Evergreen herbs; usually epigeal; leaves several
Diandriella Engler (1910). per article; petiole sheath usually with long,
marcescent, apical ligule; leaf blade apex with
Rarely robust; petiole rarely aculeate; leaf blade tubular mucro (except most Schismatoglottis
lanceolate to sagittate, rarely peltate; inflores- spp.), primary lateral veins pinnate, forming 1
cences 1-6; peduncle short; spathe boat-shaped; usually prominent marginal vein, finer venation
spadix stipitate or sessile, female and male zones parallel-pinnate; inflorescence usually 1; spathe
contiguous or with sterile male flowers or naked tube persistent, blade usually white (except
zone in between; male flower ( 1-)2-4-androus, Piptospatha), caduceus at anthesis, rarely
thecae usually opening by longitudinal (more marcescent (Schismatoglottis texturata (Schott)
rarely transverse) slit, pollen usually extruded Engl., Hottarum lucens Bogner); stamens usually
in strands; female flower usually with 1(-3) free, sometimes filaments ± connate, often ±
staminodes, ovary incompletely 2-4( -5)-locular, elongated; ovary 1-locular, ovules atropous
ovules many, hemianatropous, placentas parietal, to hemitropous (except Schismatoglottis); testa
or parietal above and axile below, or basal; seed ± usually costate, embryo axile, endosperm
ellipsoid, testa thick, costate. 2n = 38, 40, 42, 80. copious.
About 110 spp., S and SE Asia to Melanesia, tropi-
cal America (Costa Rica to Bolivia), terrestrial and 49. Schismatoglottis Zollinger & Moritzi
rheophytic; five sections recognised.
Schismatoglottis Zollinger & Moritzi in Moritzi, Syst.
Verzeichniss Zollinger: 83 (1846); Bunting, Ann. Mo. Bot.
7. Tribe Anubiadeae Engler (1876). Gard. 47: 69-71 (1960); Hotta, Mem. Coli. Sci. Univ. Kyoto,
ser. B, 32: 19-30 (1965) & ibid.: 223-238 (1966); Bunting &
Roots with sclerotic hypodermis; petiole geni- Steyermark, Brittonia 21: 187-190 (1969); Bogner & Hotta,
culate apically; leaf blade elliptic, lanceolate to Acta Phytotaxon. Geobot. 34: 48-50 (1983).
Philonotion Schott (1857).
hastate-trifid; primary lateral veins pinnate, form-
ing 1 marginal vein, finer veins parallel-pinnate
with ± distinct transverse veins; spathe boat- Stem rhizomatous or epigeal, shortly erect; petiole
shaped, unconstricted, persistent; stamens con- sheath less than half petiole length, sometimes
nate into ± prismatic synandrium; thecae lateral ligulate; leaf blade narrowly elliptic to cordate-
or marginal, rarely covering whole synandrium, sagittate, rarely with apical tubular mucro; inflo-
dehiscing by longitudinal slit, fused connectives rescences 1-3; spadix zonation variable: female
thickened, ± truncate; ovary (1-)2-3-locular, zone sometimes bearing sterile organs at the very
ovules many per locule, anatropous, placenta base, female and male zones sometimes with
axile; berry depressed-globose to obovoid; seed naked zone or zone of sterile flowers in between,
small, ± ovoid to subcylindric, endosperm upper part of spadix clavate to cylindric, terminal
copious. appendix of sterile flowers sometimes present;
male flowers: 2-3-androus, filaments usually dis-
tinct, sometimes connate basally; pollen extruded
48. Anubias Schott in strands; staminodes obpyramidal to clavate,
usually truncate; female flowers: sometimes with
Anubias Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 7: 398 (1857); Crusio,
Meded. Landbouwhogesch. Wageningen 79 (14): 1-48 whorl of 1-4 staminodes, ovules (1-)few to nu-
(1979), rev. & Aqua-Planta, Sonderheft 1: 1-14 (1987). merous, anatropous to hemianatropous, placentas
Amauriella Rendle (1913). 1-4, parietal, usually extending from base to
Araceae 57

apex of locule; berry oblong to globose, green or 52. Bucephalandra Schott

dull yellow or deep red, few- to many-seeded;
Bucephalandra Schott, Gen. Aroid.: t. 56 (1858); Bogner,
seed shortly ellipsoid, straight. 2n = 26, 39, 52. Aroideana 3: 134-143 (1980) & Plant. Syst. Evol. 145: 159-
About 120 spp., SE Asia to New Guinea, northern 164 (1984).
S America, on forest floor, terrestrial or Microcasia Beccari ( 1879).
Stem rhizomatous, decumbent; leaf blade elliptic,
oblanceolate or obovate; spathe not constricted,
50. Piptospatha N.E. Brown
ellipsoid, tube funnel-shaped, blade gaping and
Piptospatha N.E. Brown, Gard. Chron. II, 11: 138 (1879); caducous; spadix shorter than spathe, with a few
Hotta, Mem. Coil. Sci. Univ. Kyoto, ser. B, 32: 19-30 (1965). sterile flowers at extreme base, female zone nar-
Gamogyne N.E. Brown (1882). rower than upper parts, separated from male zone
by about 2 rows of flattened, scalelike staminodes,
Stem decumbent or erect; leaf blade narrowly male zone with 2-5 rows of flowers, apical zone
lanceolate to elliptic; inflorescence ± nodding; globose, ellipsoid to subcylindr~c, c?mpos~d of
spathe not constricted, stoutly ellipsoid; spadix truncate, obpyramidal to subcylmdnc, papillose
subsessile, sometimes with a few sterile flowers at sterile male flowers, the uppermost ± connate;
extreme base, female and male zones contiguous male flower 1-androus; ovary depressed-globose,
or with short zone of sterile male flowers between, ovules many, placenta basal; berry with numerous
apex sometimes with a few sterile flowers; male seeds; seed narrow-ellipsoid, with long, curved
flower 1-2-androus; gynoecia free or superficially micropylar appendage. 2n = ca. 26. Three spp.,
connate (coherent), ovules many, placentas 2-4, Borneo, rheophytes in tropical humid forest.
parietal or parietal and basal; berry obovoid; seed
elongate-ellipsoid to cylindric with long micropy-
lar appendage. 2n = 26. Ten spp., Borneo, Malay 53. Phymatarum M. Hotta
Peninsula; terrestrial or rheophytic; closely related
to Hottarum. Phymata rum M. Hotta, Mem. Coli. Sci. Univ. Kyoto, ser. B, 32:
29 (1965); Bogner, Plant. Syst. Evol. 144: 62-66 (1984).

51. Hottarum Bogner & Nicolson Stem rhizomatous, decumbent; leaf blade nar-
rowly elliptic; spathe constricted, blade boat-
Hottarum Bogner & Nicolson, Aroideana 1: 72 (197~, :'1978");
Bogner, Plant. Syst. Evol. 142: 49-55 (1983) & tbtd., 145: shaped, gaping, caducous after anthesis; spadix
159-164 (1984); Bogner & Hotta, Adansonia IV, 5: 27-31 with extreme base usually bearing a few sterile
(1983). flowers, female zone adnate to spathe, conoid to
Microcasia sect. Truncatae M. Hotta, Mem. Coil. Sci. Univ. subcylindric, separated from male zone by cylin-
Kyoto, ser. B, Bioi. 32: 21 (1965).
dric to ellipsoid zone of sterile male flowers, male
zone very short and slightly narrower, terminal
Stem ± erect; leaf blade ± elliptic; spathe con- appendix much longer, elongate-conoid, com-
stricted or not; spadix sometimes adnate to spathe posed of sterile male flowers; male flower 1-
for two-thirds oflength (H. lucens Bogner), female androus; sterile flowers subprismatic, tuberculate,
zone sometimes with sterile flowers at base, flattened or excavated; ovary depressed-globose,
either contiguous with male, or with a few sterile ovules many, placenta basal; berry many-seeded,
male flowers in between, terminal appendix broadly obovate-oblong, greenish white; seed el-
of sterile flowers present; male flower (1- )2- lipsoid, with long micropylar appendage. 2n = 26.
3( -4)-androus, sterile male flowers composed of Three spp., Borneo, rheophytes in forest, ruderal
truncate, prismatic staminodes; female flower habitats, and disused rice paddi.
sometimes with 1 clavate staminode in basal
flowers, ovary depressed-globose, ovules 10-15,
placenta basal; berry ± globose, whitish green, 54. Aridarum Ridley
many-seeded; seed ellipsoid to elongate, with
long, micropylar appendage. 2n = 26. Six spp., Aridarum Ridley, J. Bot. 51: 201 (1913); Hotta, Mem. Coli. Sci.
Univ. Kyoto, ser. B, 32: 19 (1965); Bogner, Aroideana 2: 110-
Borneo; tropical humid forest, rheophytes on 121 (1979) & Aroideana 4: 57-63 (1981) & Blumea 28: 403-
rocks in and along streams; H. lucens is rather 405 (1983).
Stem decumbent; leaves sometimes distichous;
leaf blade linear to elliptic; inflorescence often
58 Araceae

somewhat nodding; spathe not constricted, 56. Lagenandra Dalzell

stoutly ellipsoid, blade caducous; spadix normally
Lagenandra Dalzell, Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4: 289
with a few sterile flowers at base, female zone cy- (1852); De Wit, Meded. Landbouwhogesch. Wageningen
lindric, separated from male by zone of sterile 78: 5-45 (1978), rev. & Aquariumplanten: 286-307 (1983);
flowers, short terminal appendix of sterile flowers Bogner & Jacobsen, Aqua-Planta 12: 43-50 {1987);
present; male flower 1-2-androus, thecae apically Nicolson, Fl. Ceylon 6: 75-85 (1988).
narrowed into long or short horn, dehiscing by
apical pore; sterile male flowers of truncate Leaf blade involute in bud, linear to ovate; pe-
staminodes often with small central cavity; ovary duncle usually short; spathe thick-walled, margins
laterally compressed, ovules many, placenta basal; free above kettle, mouth of spathe tube forming a
berry globose or ellipsoid to cylindric; seed ellip- narrow aperture, blade straight or twisted, open-
soid, elongate. 2n = 24. Seven spp., Borneo, ing by narrow slit or widely gaping; spadix: female
rheophytes in humid forest. zone subglobose, separated by slender naked axis
from male zone, appendix small, conoid; gynoecia
free, in spirals or rarely whorled, ovules 1-
55. Heteroaridarum M. Hotta 12( -15), placenta basal, style absent or distinct,
Heteroaridarum M. Hotta, Acta Phytotaxon. Geobot. 27: 63 stigma broad; infructescence usually globose, ber-
(1976). ries free, dehiscent basally with pericarp becoming
revolute; testa costate. 2n = 36, 72. Fourteen spp.,
Stem short; leaf blade elliptic, coriaceous; inflores- Indian subcontinent, Sri Lanka; freshwater aquat-
cence 1; spathe slightly constricted; spadix: ics, usually helophytes, rarely rheophytes.
female zone separated from male by short zone
of sterile flowers, male zone much longer; male 57. Cryptocoryne Fischer ex Wydler
flowers: 3-androus, 2 outermost stamens larger
with shortly horned thecae, central stamen Cryptocoryne Fischer ex Wydler, Linnaea 5: 428 (1830);
smaller with hornless thecae, all thecae opening by De Wit, Aquariumplanten: 141-261 (1983); Jacobsen,
Cryptocorynen, 112pp. (1982) & Nord. J. Bot. 5: 31-50
apical pore; sterile male flowers composed of (1985); Jacobsen & Bogner, Aqua-Planta 12: 96-103 (1987);
basally connate, truncate staminodes; ovary Jacobsen et al., Aqua-Planta 14: 127-132 (1989); Nicolson,
depressed-globose, ovules many, placentas 2, Fl. Ceylon 6: 85-99 (1988).
basal and apical, apical one bearing smaller and
apparently sterile ovules; berry and seed un- Leaf blade convolute in bud, linear to cordate; pe-
known. 2n = ? Only one sp., H. borneense M. duncle short, elongating in fruit; spathe margins
Hotta, Borneo, rheophyte. connate above kettle (except C. spiralis, C.
cognata), blade cordate to lanceolate, variously
coloured, ± spreading or twisted, often with a dis-
9. Tribe Cryptocoryneae Blume (1836).
tinct collar at mouth of spathe tube; spadix: fe-
Aquatic, evergreen, rhizomatous; leaves several; male zone a single whorl of 4-8 gynoecia, usually
primary lateral veins ascending, fusing distally separated from male zone by slender naked axis,
into an inconspicuous marginal vein, finer vena- appendix short, conoid to subclavate; ovaries
tion reticulate; inflorescence 1; spathe tube mar- connate, ovules 5-many, placenta subbasal to ob-
gins basally or entirely connate, usually slightly liquely parietal (morphologically basal); berries
swollen basally forming a "kettle", blade lan- connate forming ovoid syncarp which dehisces
ceolate to cordate, often twisted or long-spiralled apically as one unit to become star-shaped; seed
or long-caudate; spadix entirely enclosed in ellipsoid-oblong, testa rough to subcostate, em-
kettle of spathe tube, sterile terminal appendix bryo well developed. 2n = 20, 22, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36,
apically adnate to spathe at apex of kettle, female 42, 54, 66, 68, 72, 85, 88, 90, 102, 132. About 50 spp.,
zone with a whorl of pistillodial olfactory bodies S and SE Asia to New Guinea, submerged or emer-
situated above the fertile gynoecia (except some gent, freshwater tidal zone, forest streams and
Lagenandra spp.); male flowers 1(-2)-androus, pools; rarely seasonally dormant; Jacobsen (1982)
stamens free, anther sessile or with short filament, recognised 26 informal subgroups.
apex excavated with prominent margins, thecae
ending in prominent horn, dehiscing by apical
10. Tribe Zomicarpeae Schott (1856).
pore; pollen exine smooth; ovary 1-locular,
ovules atropous; embryo elongate, endosperm Laticifers anastomosing; small, evergreen or
copious. seasonally dormant; leaf blade cordate-sagittate
Araceae 59

(except Zomicarpa); primary veins radiating Rhizomatous; leaves few; leaf blade usually varie-
from base, finer venation reticulate; spadix longer gated; inflorescence 1; peduncle subequalling or
than spathe (except Zomicarpa and 1 sp. of longer than leaves; spathe unconstricted, fully
Zomicarpella), sterile terminal appendix present, expanded, margins reflexed at anthesis; spadix:
female spadix zone adnate to spathe; stamens free; female zone separated from male by sterile zone
gynoecia few, ovules anatropous, placenta basal, which is basally either naked or with a few scat-
style short, stigma discoid. tered sterile flowers and apically bears a short
dense zone of staminodes, male zone short,
few-flowered, sterile terminal appendix present,
58. Zomicarpa Schott staminodial at base, otherwise smooth, sub-
Zomicarpa Schott, Syn. Aroid.: 33 (1856); Bogner, Aroideana cylindric; male flowers 2-3-androus; gynoecium
3: 10-11 (1980}. slender, ovule 1; testa thin, embryo relatively
large, undifferentiated, endosperm absent. 2n =
Stem tuberous; leaves few; leaf blade trisect to 14. Only one sp., U. sagittatum Engler, S America
pedatisect, leaflets with distinct submarginal (western Amazonia), on forest floor.
collective veins; inflorescences 3-5, subtended
by cataphylls, appearing before or with leaves;
61. Filarum Nicolson
peduncle subequal to leaf or longer; spathe ±
constricted, tube ± gaping at anthesis, blade Filarum Nicolson, Brittonia 18: 348 (1967}.
expanded at anthesis, sometimes fornicate, ±
lanceolate; spadix subequal to spathe, female Tuberous; leaves few; inflorescence 1-3, ap-
zone laxly flowered, contiguous with male, pearing with leaves; peduncle slender; spathe
appendix smooth or staminodial; male flower oblong-lanceolate, unconstricted, fully expanded,
1-2-androus; ovules 6-9, stigma broad, sub- persistent; spadix very slender, male zone elon-
sessile; berry depressed-globose, whitish, few- gate, sparsely flowered, a few sterile rudimentary
seeded; seed ovoid to oblong-ellipsoid with flowers above and below male zone, appendix
large, strophiolate funicle, testa smooth, thin, slender, long; male flowers 1-androus; ovary
transparent, embryo elongate, partly green, oblong, ovule 1; berry subglobose; testa thin,
endosperm copious, green and starchy. 2n = smooth, embryo large, endosperm absent. 2n = 28
20. Three spp., NE Brazil, geophytes, seasonally Only one sp., F. manserichense Nicolson, Amazo-
dormant. nian Peru, geophyte.

59. Zomicarpella N.E. Brown 11. Tribe Caladieae Schott (1832).

Laticifers anastomosing; terrestrial, geophytic,
Zomicarpella N.E. Brown, Gard. Chron. II, 16: 266 (1881}; ·
Bogner, Aroideana 1: 72 (1979, "1978"}. rarely aquatic (]asarum), climber or hemi-
epiphyte (Syngonium); stem tuberous, rhizoma-
Stem rhizomatous; leaves 1-few; leaf blade usually tous or aerial; leaf basal ribs well developed,
variegated; inflorescences 1-2, appearing with venation pinnate, forming submarginal collective
leaf; peduncle equalling petiole; spathe oblong- vein, 1 or more marginal veins also usually
lanceolate, completely expanded or lower part present, finer venation reticulate; spadix: female
partially convolute, not or slightly constricted; zone often separated from male by subconical
spadix longer than or subequal to spathe, female to attenuate zone of synandrodes, male zone
zone contiguous with male or with short sterile subcylindric to subclavate, sterile appendix absent
zone in between, appendix slender, long; male (except Hapaline appendiculata); flowers uni-
flowers 1-androus; pollen extruded in strands; sexual, perigone absent; stamens connate forming
ovary ellipsoid-oblong, ovules 1-6; berry white, 1- synandrium; pollen extruded in strands (except
few-seeded; testa thin, smooth, embryo small, en- Scaphispatha); ovules anatropous to hemi-
dosperm copious. 2n = 26. Two spp., northern S anatropous; endosperm copious (except ]asarum,
America (western Amazonia), geophytes, season- Syngonium, Hapaline).
ally dormant.
62. Scaphispatha Brongn. ex Schott
60. Ulearum Engler
Scaphispatha Brongn. ex Schott, Prodr. Syst. Aroid.: 214
Ulearum Engler, Bot. Jahrb. 37: 95 (1905}. (1860}; Bogner, Aroideana 3: 4-12 (1980).
60 Araceae

Stem a subglobose tuber; leaves 1-2; leaf blade 65. Xanthosoma Schott Fig. 15B-K
peltate, ovate-subcordate to -subsagittate; inflo-
Xanthosoma Schott in Schott & Endlicher, Melet. Bot.: 19
rescence 1, appearing before leaves; peduncle (1832); Madison, Phytologia 35: 103-107 (1976) & Selbyana
long, slender; spathe ovate, fully expanded at an- 5: 342-377 (1981); Grayum, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 73: 462-
thesis, lower part later convolute and persistent, 474; Mayo & Bogner, Willdenowia 18: 231-242 (1988).
upper part marcescent; spadix shorter than
spathe, male and female zones contiguous; Sometimes gigantic and arborescent; tuberous;
synandrium 4-androus; ovary 1-locular, ovules leaf blade cordate-sagittate, hastate, tri- or
3-5, placenta basal; berry subglobose to obovoid, pedatisect, rarely linear-lanceolate or peltate;
1-seeded; seed subglobose, testa smooth and inflorescences 1-several, always appearing with
thin. 2n = 28. Only one sp. S. gracilis Brongn. leaves; peduncle usually rather short; spathe
ex Schott, Bolivia, Brazil, geophyte, seasonally tube usually ventricose; synandrium 4-6-androus;
dormant. pollen shed in tetrads; ovary incompletely ( 1-)2-
4-locular, ovules ca. 20-many, placentas (1- )2-4,
intrusive-parietal; berry many-seeded; seed ovoid,
63. Caladium Vent.
testa costate. 2n = 26, 39, 52. About 57 spp.,
Caladium Vent., Descript. Plant. Nouv. Jard. Cels: 30 (1801); Mexico to northern Argentina, on forest floor
Madison, Phytologia 35: 103-107 (1976) & Selbyana 5: 342- or seasonally flooded sites, sometimes weedy,
377 (1981), rev.; Bogner, Aroideana 7: 4-5 (1984); Grayum, evergreen or seasonally dormant. The nutritious
Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 73: 462-474 (1986); Mayo & Bogner,
Willdenowia 18: 231-242 (1988). tubers of the X. sagittifolium complex are an
Aphyllarum S. Moore (1895). important subsistence food throughout the humid
Stem a subglobose tuber; leaf blade usually
peltate, often variegated, cordate-sagittate or sag-
66. Chlorospatha Engler
ittate, rarely trisect; inflorescences 1-2, appearing
with or before leaves; peduncle subequal to peti- Chlorospatha Engler, Gartenflora 27: 97 (1878); Madison,
ole; spathe tube usually ventricose-globose; spadix Selbyana 5: 342-377 (1981), rev.; Bogner, Aroideana 8: 48-
subequal to spathe; synandrium 3-5-androus, 54 (1985); Grayum, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 73:462-474 (1986);
Mayo & Bogner, Willdenowia 18: 231-242 (1988); Grayum,
margins sinuous; ovary 1(-3)-locular, ovules l-ea. Novon 1: 12-14 (1991).
20, placentas 1-3, subbasal to intrusive-parietal; Caladiopsis Engler (1905).
berry white, 1- to many-seeded; seed ovoid to
ellipsoid, testa longitudinally costate. 2n = 22, Stem caulescent, decumbent to erect; leaves 1-few;
26, 28, 30, 32. About 12 spp., tropical America, petiole sheath relatively long; leaf blade cordate,
geophytes, seasonally dormant or evergreen; sagittate, hastate, trisect or pedatisect; inflores-
C. bicolor (Ait.) Vent. and its many cultivars are cences 3-8; peduncle slender, supported by peti-
horticulturally important worldwide and often ole sheath; spathe tube narrow, elongate; female
naturalised in tropical regions. zone of spadix free or adnate to spathe; female
and sterile flowers often distant; synandrium 3-5-
64. ]asarum G.S. Bunting androus; pollen shed in tetrads; ovary incom-
pletely (1- )2-4-locular, ovules few to several,
]asarum G.S. Bunting, Acta Bot. Venez. 10:264 (1977, "1975"); placenta intrusive-parietal, rarely basal; berry ::!::
Bogner, Aroideana 8: 55-63 (1985). 3-5-furrowed, white to yellowish; seed minute,
costate. 2n = 26. About 16 spp., Costa Rica to
Stem hypogeal, rhizomatous, erect; leaves several; Peru, on forest floor, evergreen.
leaf blade linear, ::!:: bullate; peduncle long;
spathe borne above water level, blade caudate;
female zone of spadix basally adnate to spa- 67. Syngonium Schott
the; synandrium 3-4-androus; ovary 1-locular, Syngonium Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 1829 (3): 780 (1829);
( 1-)2-3( -4)-ovulate, ovule anatropous, placenta Croat, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 68: 565-651 (1982), rev.
basal; berry 1(-2)-seeded; seed large, obovoid, Porphyrospatha Engler (1879).
testa smooth, embryo large, plumule well
developed, endosperm very sparse. 2n = 22. Only Climbers or hemiepiphytes with elongated inter-
one sp., f. steyermarkii G.S. Bunting, Venezuela, nodes; leaf blade sagittate, trisect, pedatisect,
Guyana, submerged aquatic in blackwater rarely pinnatifid; inflorescences several, pendent
streams. in fruit; peduncle short; spadix much shorter than
Araceae 61

connate, syncarp stoutly ovoid, usually brown;

seed rather large, testa smooth, thin, embryo
large, endosperm absent. 2n = 28 (24, 26). Thirty
five spp., Mexico to SE Brazil, sometimes natu-
ralised elsewhere in the tropics; some species, e.g.
S. podophyllum Schott, are important foliage
ornamental plants in horticulture.

68. Hapaline Schott

Hapaline Schott, Gen. Aroid.: t. 44 ( 1858), nom. cons.; Bogner,
Plant. Syst. Evol. 144: 59-61 (1984); Boyce, Kew Bull. 51: 63-
82 (1996), rev.

Stem tuberous; leaf 1-few; leaf blade cordate to

sagittate; inflorescence appearing with leaves;
peduncle slender, longer than petiole; spathe not
distinctly constricted, tube short, blade linear-
lanceolate; spadix subequal or longer than spathe,
female zone of2-3 flowers, adnate to spathe, sepa-
rated from male by short zone of sterile flowers,
terminal appendix filiform (when present);
synandrium 3-androus, peltate, thecae almost
pendent from margin; ovary 1-locular, ovule 1,
anatropous, placenta parietal-subbasal; berry
white, 1-seeded; testa smooth, embryo large,
endosperm absent. 2n = 26, 28. Six spp., Borneo,
geophytes, seasonally dormant.

12. Tribe Nephthytideae Engler (1887)

Petiole geniculum present; leaf essentially tripar-
tite, main venation pinnate, fine venation reticu-
late; spathe boat-shaped or fully expanded, not
clearly differentiated into tube and blade; spadix
cylindric, female and male zones usually conti-
guous, sterile flowers ± absent (except Pseudo-
.; hydrosme); stamen filaments lacking or very short
(except Nephthytis); ovules 1 per locule, anatro-
pous, placenta basal (except Pseudohydrosme);
. berry and seed large, testa thin, endosperm
., .\~<r
absent. Chromosomes large to very large .

Fig. 15A-K. Araceae-Aroideae. A Colocasia esculenta, habit.

B-F Xanthosoma sagittifolium. B Inflorescence, spathe partly
69. Nephthytis Schott
removed. C Group of synandria. D Synandrium, longitudinal Nephthytis Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 7: 406 (1857);
section. E Pistil, side view. F Same, longitudinal section. G-L Bogner, Aroideana 3: 75-85 (1980); Knecht, Contrib. Arac.
X. platylobum. G Habit. H Spadix. I Synandrium, side view. Cote d'Ivoire: 163-171 (1983); Namur & Bogner, Adansonia
J Pistillate flowers, seen from above. K Pistil, side view. IV, 16:71-74 (1994); Ntepe-Nyame, Fl. Cameroun 31:46- 56
(Takhtajan 1982) (1988); Hay eta!., Novon 4: 365-368 (1994).

Rhizome creeping, usually subepigeal, rarely hy-

spathe; synandrium 3-4-androus; gynoecia partly pogeal; leaves usually several; leaf blade cordate-
to completely connate, eventually forming syn- sagittate, deeply sagittate or tripartite, primary
carp, ovary (1-)2(-3)-locular, ovules 1(-2) per lateral veins ascending, joining into a submarginal
locule, anatropous, placenta axile-basal; berries collective vein; inflorescence 1; peduncle relatively
62 Araceae

long; spathe fully expanded, ovate-oblong-elliptic, than ovary, stigma broad, discoid, concave; berry
often reflexed at anthesis; spadix stipitate; male large; seed large, ellipsoid, testa smooth, thin,
flowers 2-4-androus; ovary 1-locular; berry sub- endosperm absent.
globose to ellipsoid, orange; seed obovoid or
subglobose, testa absent at maturity. 2n = 40, 60.
72. Aglaonema Schott
Ten spp., W and WC Africa (Liberia to Gabon),
one sp. in Borneo. Aglaonema Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 1829 (3): 892 (1829);
Nicolson, Smithson. Contrib. Bot. 1: 1-69 (1969), rev.

70. Anchomanes Schott Stem creeping to erect, internodes green, smooth,

Anchomanes Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 3: 314 (1853);
distinct; leaf blade often variegated; inflorescences
Knecht, Contrib. Arac. Cote d'Ivoire: 145-151 (1983); Mayo 1-9; peduncle shorter or longer than petiole,
& Bogner, Fl. Trop. East Africa, Araceae: 24-28 (1985); deflexing in fruit; spadix cylindric to clavate,
Ntepe-Nyame, Fl. Cameroun 31: 22-26 (1988). subsessile to stipitate; female zone ± few-
flowered, male zone longer; male flower 1-
Robust to gigantic; rhizome hypogeal, erect or androus, filament ± distinct; ovary subglobose,
horizontal; leaf 1; petiole very long, aculeate placenta basal; berry red at maturity. 2n = 40,
(except A. boehmii), geniculate at main blade 60, 80, 100, 120 (70, 110). Twenty one spp., S and
divisions; leaf blade dracontioid, ultimate lobes SE Asia to New Guinea. Important ornamental
trapezoid, truncate or shallowly bifid; inflores- foliage plants.
cence 1; peduncle long; spathe boat-shaped; spa-
dix short or subequal to spathe; ovary 1-locular,
style sometimes deflexed; berry oblong-ellipsoid, 73. Aglaodorum Schott
red, purplish or whitish; seed obovoid to oblong- Aglaodorum Schott, Gen. Aroid.: t. 58 (1858); Nicolson,
ovoid. 2n = 40. Four to five spp., tropical Africa Smithson. Contrib. Bot. 1: 3-4 (1969).
(Gambia to Zambia); tropical moist forests, savan-
nas, swamps, seasonally dormant. Rhizome much-branched, creeping; leaves several
per article; leaf blade thick, midrib very thick;
inflorescence 1; peduncle long; spadix stipitate,
71. Pseudohydrosme Engler female zone with 1 whorl of flowers; male
Pseudohydrosme Engler, Bot. Jahrb. 15: 455 (1892, "1893"); flowers 3-4-androus; gynoecium with whorl of
Bogner, Aroideana 4: 31-37 (1981). 1-3 short, prismatic staminodes, ovary 1-2-
Zyganthera N.E. Brown (1901). locular, placenta parietal; berry green with very
thick pericarp; seed plumule well developed.
Robust; tuber subglobose, hypogeal; leaf 1; petiole 2n = 40. Only one sp., A. griffithii (Schott) Schott,
and blade as for Anchomanes; inflorescence 1; pe- Borneo, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, in open
duncle very short; spathe ovate-elliptic-oblong, ± swamps, especially freshwater tidal zones and
boat-shaped, convolute basally into obconic tube, brackish water.
upper part very broad, fornicate with auriculate
margins; spadix short, sessile, male zone with
apical appendix in P. buettneri Engler; stamens 14. Tribe Culcasieae Engler (1887).
2-5; staminodes of appendix (when present) Usually climbers or hemiepiphytes with slender
subprismatic, free; ovary 2(-3)-locular, placenta stems, sometimes erect or prostrate terrestrial
axile-basal, style short; berry and seed unknown. plants; roots, stems and leaves containing resin
2n = ca. 40. Two spp., Central-W Africa (Gabon), canals; sclerotic hypodermis present in roots;
seasonally dormant. petiole geniculate apically; primary veins pinnate,
finer venation reticulate; spadix: female zone con-
13. Tribe Aglaonemateae Engler (1876). tiguous with male, or with zone of sterile male
flowers in between; male flower: 2-4 androus, an-
Leaf blade (linear-)ovate to elliptic-oblong, base thers sessile, lateral, lacking endothecial thicken-
sometimes subcordate; primary veins pinnate, ings, thecae dehiscing by short apical slit or pore,
finer veins parallel-pinnate; spathe boat-shaped, connective usually strongly thickened; ovary
unconstricted; spadix: female and male zones con- locules 1-ovulate; stigma sessile, large, discoid;
tiguous; thecae dehiscing by apical pores; ovary 1- berry ± globose, usually red; testa thin, endo-
locular, ovule 1, anatropous, style short, narrower sperm absent.
Araceae 63

74. Culcasia Palisot de Beauvais ovules 1-2, anatropous, placenta subbasal; berry
and seed large, plumule well developed, en-
Culcasia Palisot de Beauvais, Fl. Oware 1: 3 (1805), nom. cons.;
Bogner, Misc. Pap. Landbouwhogesch. Wageningen 19:57- dosperm absent.
63 (1980); Knecht, Contrib. Arac. Cote d'Ivoire: 188-227
(1983); Mayo, Fl. Trop. East Africa, Araceae: 16-22 (1985);
Ntepe-Nyame, Fl. Cameroun 31: 76-117 (1988). 76. Montrichardia H. Cruger Fig. 16
Montrichardia H. Cruger, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 12: 25 (1854),
Laticifers absent; sometimes erect, terrestrial; leaf nom. cons.; Jonker-Verhoef & Jonker, Fl. Suriname 1: 75-79
blade simple; inflorescences 1-12(-20 or more); (1953).
spathe boat-shaped, convolute basally, deciduous
or persistent; spadix sessile or stipitate, cylindric- Robust to gigantic; rhizomatous; leaves several
clavate, equalling or exceeding spathe; ovary 1-3- in apical crown; petiole sheath apically ligulate;
locular, locules 1-ovulate, ovule anatropous or inflorescence 1(-2); peduncle relatively short;
campylotropous, placenta axile, basal or basal- spathe thick; spadix subequal to spathe; stigma
parietal, berry red to orange, sometimes greenish appearing sessile on stylar region; berry sub-
yellow; seed ovoid to ellipsoid. 2n = 42, 84. About cylindric, pericarp spongiose; seed obovoid to
27 spp., tropical Africa (Senegal to Tanzania), ellipsoid, testa smooth to rough. 2n = 48. Two
root-climbers, hemiepiphytes, or erect and spp., Belize to eastern Brazil, freshwater
terrestrial. helophytes forming extensive stands along river
75. Cercestis Schott
16. Tribe Zantedeschieae Engler (1887).
Cercestis Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 7: 414 (1857);
Knecht, Contrib. Arac. Cote d'Ivoire: 172-187 (1983 ); Stem a depressed-globose tuber or short rhizome
Bogner, Aroideana 8: 73-75 (1986); Ntepe-Nyame, Fl. (Z. aethiopica); leaf blade lanceolate to hastate-
Cameroun 31: 64-75 (1988); Bogner & Knecht, Adansonia sagittate; primary lateral veins pinnate, forming 1
IV, 16: 331-335 (1994).
Rhektophyllum N.E. Brown (1882); Mayo, Fl. Trop. East marginal vein, finer venation parallel-pinnate;
Africa, Araceae: 22-24 (1985); Ntepe-Nyame, Fl. Cameroun peduncle long; spathe :±:: obconic, unconstricted;
31: 58-64 (1988). spadix shorter than spathe, male and female zones
contiguous; stamens free, thecae dehiscing by
Laticifers present; sometimes robust, producing apical pore, connective thickened apically; pollen
flagelliform shoots, internodes short in flowering
zone of stem; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate to cor-
date, sagittate, hastate or tripartite, sometimes
laciniate-pinnatifid; inflorescences 1-16; peduncle
short; spathe boat-shaped to subcylindric, convo-
lute basally, persistent; spadix sessile, shorter than
spathe; ovary 1-locular, ovule hemianatropous
to anatropous, rarely campylotropous, placenta
basal-parietal; seed obovoid. 2n = 42. Thirteen
spp., Senegal to western Uganda, root -climbers or
hemiepiphytes, rarely creeping on forest floor.

15. Tribe Montrichardieae Engler (1876).

Arborescent helophytes; sclerotic hypodermis
present in roots; petiole geniculum absent; leaf
blade sagittate, hastate to trifid (rarely trisect),
primary lateral veins pinnate; spathe deciduous
after anthesis, slightly constricted, differentiated
into lower tube and upper, :±:: boat-shaped blade;
spadix: female and male zone contiguous, sterile
flowers absent; male flower: 3-6-androus, stamens Fig. 16A-E. Araceae-Aroideae. Montrichardia arborescens. A
:±:: sessile, connective overtopping thecae, thecae Flowering shoot. B Spadix. C Stamens. D Pistil, side view. E
dehiscing by short, apical slit; ovary 1-locular, Same, longitudinal section. F Seed. (Takhtajan 1982)
64 Araceae

extruded in strands; ovary 1-5-locular, locules certain species of Nephthytis and to tribe
(1-)4( -B)-ovulate, ovules anatropous, placenta ax- Zomicarpeae.
ile to subapical; testa striate, endosperm copious.
18. Tribe Thomsonieae Blume (1837).
77. Zantedeschia K. Sprengel Seasonally dormant; stem tuberous, rarely rhi-
Zantedeschia K. Sprengel, Syst. Veg. 3: 756, 765 (1826), nom. zomatous; petiole long, terete, sheath very short;
cons.; Letty, Bothalia 11: 5-26 (1973), rev.; Perry, S. Afr. J. leaf blade dracontioid, first foliage leaf of seedling
Bot. 55: 447-451 (1989). divided, all divisions upright in bud; ultimate
Pseudohomalomena A.D. Hawkes (1951). lobes usually ovate-elliptic, acuminate, primary
lateral veins forming submarginal collective veins,
Leaves several; leaf blade often variegated; inflo- finer venation reticulate; inflorescence 1, sub-
rescences 1-2; spathe white, cream, yellow, pink tended by cataphylls; spadix with sterile terminal
or rosy purple; spadix sessile or stipitate; male appendix, female zone usually contiguous with
flowers 2-3-androus; gynoecium rarely (only male; pollen extruded in strands; ovary locules 1-
in Z. aethiopica (L.) Sprengel) with whorl of about ovulate, ovules anatropous, testa smooth, embryo
3 ± spathulate staminodes, otherwise staminodes large, endosperm absent.
absent, ovary shortly ovoid; berry obovoid or
subglobose, usually green or orange, rarely yellow
and mucilaginous within (Z. aethiopica); seed 79. Amorphophallus Blume ex Decaisne
subglobose to ovoid, embryo axile. 2n = 32. Eight Amorphophallus Blume ex Decaisne, Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist.
spp., Angola to S Africa, helophytic or terrestrial, Nat. 3: 366 (1834), nom. cons.; Hetterscheid & Ittenbach,
seasonally dormant, sometimes evergreen (Z. Aroideana 19: 7-131 (1996).
aethiopica); Z. aethiopica is a familiar garden Thomsonia Wallich (1830), nom. rej.; Bogner, Pl. Syst. Evol.
125: 15-20 (1976).
plant with many hybrids and is of considerable Plesmonium Schott (1856); Bogner, Adansonia II, 20: 305-308
importance in the cut flower trade. (1980).

Sometimes gigantic; tuber depressed-globose to

17. Tribe Callopsideae Engler (1906). cylindric, rarely rhizomatous; leaf usually 1; inflo-
Small, evergreen, rhizome slender; leaf blade rescence usually appearing before leaf; peduncle
cordate-ovate, primary lateral veins forming very short to long; spathe either ± undifferenti-
single marginal vein, finer venation reticulate; ated into tube and blade, or with campanulate,
spathe completely expanded at anthesis, persis- cylindric or ventricose, convolute tube and erect
tent, partially closing in fruit; spadix fertile to to spreading blade, rarely connate basally (A.
apex, female zone entirely adnate to spathe, con- pusillus Hetterscheid & Serebryanyi); spadix male
tiguous with male zone or with short naked zone zone rarely separated from female by zone of
in between; stamens free, anthers sessile, thecae sterile flowers, appendix rarely reduced or absent,
subopposite, dehiscing by apical pore; pistils few, smooth to staminodial; male flowers 1-6-androus,
slender, ovary 1-locular, ovule 1, anatropous, pla- filaments sometimes connate, connective rarely
centa basal; embryo elongate, endosperm copious. prominulent (A. longiconnectivus Bogner), thecae
dehiscing apically by pore or transverse slit;
gynoecia sometimes± remote; ovary 1-4-locular,
78. Callopsis Engler locules 1-ovulate, placenta axile to basal; berry
Callopsis Engler, Notizbl. Konigl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1:27 (1895); orange to red, rarely blue or white. 2n = 26, 28,
Mayo, Fl. Trop. East Africa, Araceae: 54-56 (1985). 39. About 150 spp., tropical Africa and Madagas-
car, S and SE Asia to Melanesia, the Pacific, and
Leaves 2 per article; petiole sheath very short; N Australia, in humid to dry forests and savannas.
inflorescences 2, appearing with leaves; peduncle A. paeoniifolius (Dennstedt) Nicolson is an im-
slender, equalling or exceeding petiole; spathe portant food plant in the Old World tropics,
ovate-elliptic to subcircular, white; spadix: especially in India where it is widely cultivated;
male zone cylindric; gynoecium flask-shaped, A. konjac C. Koch is cultivated in southern Japan
falcate; berry ellipsoid, green; testa ± smooth, as a source of food gels. About 14 sections or
thin. 2n = 36. Only one sp., C. volkensii Engler, E informal sectional groups are recognised, but
Africa (Kenya, Tanzania); terrestrial. Systematic many may be unnatural (W. Hetterscheid, pers.
position problematic; C. shows similarities to comm.).
Araceae 65

80. Pseudodracontium N.E. Brown Leaf 1(-2); leaf blade cordate; inflorescences
1-2( -3), appearing with or before leaf; spathe not
Pseudodracontium N.E. Brown, J. Bot. 20: 193 (1882);
Gagnepain, Fl. gen. Indo-Chine 6: 1152-1157 (1942); constricted; spadix: lower part of female zone
Serebryanyi, Blumea 40: 217-235 (1995), rev. adnate to spathe, contiguous with male or with
few bisexual flowers in between, sometimes (C.
Tuberous; leaves often more than 1; inflorescence glaucophyllum Bogner) flowers of "female" zone
often appearing with leaf; peduncle long; spathe almost entirely bisexual; synandrium 2-6( -1 )-
boat-shaped, convolute basally; spadix shorter androus, elongate, stamens either completely con-
than spathe, male zone laxly flowered, appendix nate with thecae marginal, inverted and dehiscing
composed of clavate, irregularly connate on lower surface, or incompletely connate with
staminodes, separated from male zone by naked filament apices ± free and thecae dehiscing
axis; male flowers 3-6-androus, filaments free or apically, sometimes remote; berry orange-red.
± connate; ovary 1-locular, placenta basal; berry 2n = 54, 108. Three spp., NW Madagascar, on
ellipsoid. 2n 26; Seven spp., SE Asia limestone in crevices or holes with leaf litter.
(Indochina), in moist forest.
83. Colletogyne Buchet
19. Tribe Arophyteae Bogner (1972). Colletogyne Buchet, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 86: 23 (1939); Bogner,
Seasonally dormant; stem tuberous (except most Bot. Jahrb. 92: 21-24 (1972).
Arophyton spp.); primary lateral veins pinnate,
forming 1 submarginal and 1-2 marginal veins, Leaf 1(-2); leaf blade cordate; inflorescences 1-3,
finer venation reticulate; spadix fertile to apex appearing before or with leaf; peduncle longer
(except some Arophyton spp.); male flower a than spathe; spathe obovate, unconstricted, fully
synandrium of partially or completely connate expanded at anthesis, later closing, persistent;
stamens (sometimes reduced to 1 stamen); gyno- spadix: female zone entirely adnate to spathe, con-
ecium surrounded by urceolate synandrodium, tiguous with male zone; synandrium reduced to 1
ovary 1-locular, ovule 1, atropous, placenta basal; stamen; berry fusiform. 2n = 54. Only one sp., C.
testa thin, smooth, embryo large, endosperm perrieri Buchet, NW Madagascar, on limestone, in
absent. holes or crevices with leaf litter.

81. Arophyton Jumelle 20. Tribe Peltandreae Engler (1876).

Arophyton Jumelle, Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille 36 annee, IV, Rhizomatous; primary lateral veins pinnate, form-
6: 23 (1928); Bogner, Bot. Jahrb. 92: 24-45 (1972), rev. ing submarginal collective vein, 1-2 marginal
Synandrogyne S. Buchet (1939). veins also present, finer veins ± parallel-pinnate;
Humbertina S. Buchet (1941). inflorescences usually 2, infructescence pendent;
spathe ± constricted centrally, tube ellipsoid to
Stem usually rhizomatous, rarely tuberous; leaves oblong, persistent, blade gaping at anthesis, later
1-few; leaf blade cordate, hastate, tripartite or marcescent; male flower a truncate, prismatic
pedatisect; inflorescences 2-3; spathe not or synandrium of connate stamens, thecae lateral,
slightly constricted; female zone of spadix free dehiscing by apical pore or short slit; ovary 1-
or partly adnate to spathe, contiguous with male locular, ovules atropous; berry and seeds large,
or separated by zone of sterile or bisexual flowers, testa smooth, embryo large, plumule well devel-
terminal appendix sometimes present; synan- oped, endosperm vestigial to absent.
drium 2-7-androus, thecae marginal, subglobose,
dehiscing on upper surface; berry red or green;
seed ellipsoid to globular. 2n = 38, 54, 76 (40). 84. Peltandra Raf.
Seven spp., Madagascar, on forest floor in ever-
Peltandra Raf., J. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts 89: 103 (1819),
green and deciduous forest, epiphytic or in lime- nom. cons.; Huttleston, Temp. N. Am. Arac.: 65-86 (1953);
stone crevices. Blackwell & Blackwell, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 90: 137-
140 (1975).

82. Carlephyton Jumelle Rhizome short, erect; petiole and sheath relatively
Carlephyton Jumelle, Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille 27 annee, III, long; leaf blade sagittate-hastate; peduncle
7: 187 (1919); Bogner, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 92: 10-21 (1972). subequalling petiole; spadix: female and male
66 Araceae

zones contiguous or with zone of sterile flowers margins connate, blade fornicate, gaping; spadix:
in between, terminal appendix of sterile flowers female zone adnate to spathe, very short, contigu-
sometimes present; synandrium 4-5-androus; gy- ous with male, male zone laxly flowered, appendix
noecium surrounded by cuplike synandrodium, slender to massive and knob like, hidden or shortly
ovules 1-few, atropous to hemiatropous, placenta exserted; berry flattened at apex, several-seeded;
parietal to basal; berry green or orange, 1-3- seed longitudinally rugose, strophiolate. 2n = 28,
seeded; seed ovoid. 2n = 56, 112. Three spp., tem- 42, 56. Three spp., Mediterranean, Macaronesia.
perate to subtropical eastern N America (Maine to
Florida), helophytes, seasonally dormant.
22. Tribe Ambrosineae Schott (1832).
Stem tuberous; leaves few; leaf blade ovate-
85. Typhonodorum Schott
elliptic, primary lateral veins arising basally, arcu-
Typhonodorum Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 7: 70 (1857); ate, running into apex, finer veins reticulate;
Bogner, Fl. Madagascar 31: 22-26 (1975); Mayo, Fl. Trop. inflorescence 1, on recurved peduncle; spathe
East Africa, Araceae: 38-40 (1985). boat-shaped, unconstricted externally, basal tube
convolute, apical part narrowly gaping, rostrate,
Often gigantic, rhizome thick, aerial shoots form- internally divided into 2 chambers, an upper,
ing massive false stems; leaves forming terminal morphologically ventral one and a lower, morpho-
crown; petiole and sheath very long; leaf blade logically dorsal one; spadix shortly appendiculate,
subtriangular to sagittate; inflorescences 2-3, pe- adnate to spathe by longitudinal, septumlike lat-
duncle shorter than petiole; spadix with 4 zones eral dilations, ventral chamber containing female
(base to apex): female zone, narrower zone of ster- zone consisting of only 1 gynoecium, dorsal cham-
ile male flowers, subcylindric-conoid male zone, ber containing 8-10 biseriate male flowers; male
terminal appendix of sterile male flowers; flower a 2-androus, sessile synandrium, thecae
synandria 4-6-androus; ovule 1( -2), atropous, confluent, dehiscing by single continuous slit;
placenta basal, stigma broad, shallowly 3-6-lobed; female flower 1, ovary 1-locular, ovules many,
berry very large, yellow; seed compressed- atropous, placenta basal, style long, curved,
obovoid. 2n = 112. Only one sp., T. lindleyanum, stigma discoid; berry many-seeded; seed ellipsoid,
Madagascar, Comores, Pemba, Zanzibar, testa costate, with large white conical strophiole,
Mauritius (?naturalized), a helophyte in fresh- endosperm copious, starch abundant.
water swamps, also in brackish water, forming
huge stands.
87. Ambrosina Bassi
21. Tribe Arisareae Dumortier (1827). Ambrosina Bassi, Ambrosina Nov. Plant Gen.: 3 (1763) &
Bononiensi Sci. Inst. Acad. Comment. 5: 82-86 (1766);
Laticifers simple; stem a tuber or rhizome; leaves Killian, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. N. 20: 257-278 (1929) & 24:
1-3; primary lateral veins of leaf blade forming 259-294 (1933).
submarginal collective vein, finer venation reticu-
late; inflorescence 1, appearing with leaves; spathe Very small, seasonally dormant; inflorescence
not constricted, tube margins connate, blade for- borne at ground level; peduncle relatively long;
nicate, gaping; spadix with usually smooth, sterile, spathe ± horizontal; berry depressed-globose.
terminal appendix; flowers unisexual, perigone 2n = 22. Only one sp., A. bassii L., western
absent; male flower 1-androus, thecae apically Mediterranean.
confluent, dehiscing by 1 continuous slit; female
flowers 2-5, ovary 1-locular, ovules several,
23. Tribe Areae
atropous, placenta basal; endosperm copious,
starch abundant. Seasonally dormant geophytes; stem usually
tuberous; leaves several (often 1 in Sauromatum);
primary lateral veins of leaf blade or lobes or
86. Arisarum P. Miller leaflets forming submarginal collective veins,
Arisarum P. Miller, Gard. Diet. abr. ed., [121] (1754); Boyce, finer venation reticulate; inflorescence usually 1,
Kew Mag. 7: 14-21 (1990). usually appearing with or after leaves (except
Sauromatum and Biarum); spathe usually
Seasonally dormant; leaf blade cordate to sub- strongly constricted, with convolute (connate in
hastate; spathe: tube ± cylindric or subventricose, Sauromatum, some Typhonium spp. and Biarum)
Araceae 67

tube and gaping, erect to reflexed blade; spadix:

terminal sterile appendix always present, usually
smooth; stamens usually free; ovary 1-locular,
ovules atropous; berry subglobose; seed usually
with rather large, fleshy strophiole (aril), testa
rugose-reticulate (except Sauromatum and some
Biarum spp.), embryo ± small, endosperm
copious, starch abundant.

88. Arum L. Fig. 17F-I

Arum L., Sp. Pl.: 964 (1753); Boyce, The genus A rum: 1-196
(1993) (rev.).

Tubers elongated in some species; leaf blade sagit-

tate to hastate; peduncle short to long; spadix: fe-
male and male zones usually separated by zone of
filamentous pistillodes, rarely contiguous or inter-
mediate zone naked, male zone rather short,
usually separated from appendix by zone of fila-
mentous staminodes, appendix often stipitate;
male flowers 3-4-androus, anthers subsessile;
ovules 6 or more, placenta parietal-basal, stigma
exuding nectar droplet at anthesis; berry many-
seeded, red, pericarp juicy. 2n = 28, 42, 56, 70, 84.
Twenty six spp., temperate Europe, Macaronesia,
Mediterranean, Middle East to Central Asia, in
forests, orchards, open ground, rock crevices.
Boyce (1993) recognised two subgenera.

89. Eminium (Blume) Schott Fig. 17A-E

Eminium (Blume) Schott, Aroideae: 16 (1855, "1853"); Riedl,
Fl. Iranica, Araceae: 5- 7 (1963) & Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien
73: 103-121 (1969) & Fl. Iraq 8: 187-203 (1985); Lobin &
Boyce, Willdenowia 20: 43-51 (1991).

Leaf blade thick, hastate to pedatifid or pedatisect,

rarely oblong-elliptic, posterior lobes of pedatifid
and pedatisect leaves ± erect and spirally twisted;
spadix: female zone separated from male by zone
of subulate sterile flowers; male flowers 2-
androus, anthers sessile; ovules 2, placenta basal Fig. 17A-1. Araceae-Aroideae. A-E Eminium alberti. A Habit.
to subbasal; infructescence subglobose, borne at B Spadix. C Stamen. D Pistil. E Same, longitudinal section. F-
or below soil level, berry white to pale lilac, peri- 1 Arum korolkowii. F Habit. G Spadix. H Stamen. I Pistil,
carp firm, not juicy. 2n = 28. Eight spp., Turkey, longitudinal section. (Takhtajan 1982)
Middle East, Central Asia.

pedatifid to pedatisect; peduncle longer than peti-

90. Dracunculus P. Miller ole; spadix: female zone contiguous with male,
Dracunculus P. Miller, Gard. Diet., Abr. ed., [455] (1754); sterile flowers absent, appendix very long, long-
Boyce, Thaiszia 4: 175-182 (1994). stipitate, fistulose; male flower 3-4-androus, fila-
ments connate basally; pollen extruded in strands;
Large; tuber stoloniferous in D. canariensis; peti- ovules few, placentas 2, apical and basal; berry
ole sheath very long, forming false stem; leaf blade orange-yellow to red, few-seeded. 2n = 28. Two
68 Araceae

spp., Mediterranean, Macaronesia, macchie, olive florescence 1 or more; spathe tube sometimes
groves, woodland. with connate margins, rarely septate internally
forming two chambers; spadix: female zone
91. Helicodiceros Schott ex K. Koch separated from male by sterile zone covered en-
tirely or only basally with sterile flowers, appendix
Helicodiceros Schott ex K. Koch, Index Sem. Hort. Berol. 1855, usually stipitate, rarely with spoonlike insertion
Appendix: 2 (1856), nom. cons.; Arrigoni et a!., Le piante (T. cochleare A. Hay), conic to filiform-subulate;
endemiche della Sardegna: 416-420 (1982); Boyce, Thaiszia
4: 175-182 (1994), rev.
male flower 1-3-androus; ovules 1-2, placenta
basal; infructescence subglobose to subcylindric,
Leaf blade pedatifid to pedatisect, posterior lobes borne above soil level, berry dark red to purple.
2n = 16, 18, 20, 26, 36, 52, 54, 65, > 100 (14). About
± erect and spirally twisted; peduncle short;
spathe held obliquely, deflexed at constriction; 40 spp., S and SE Asia to N and E Australia, in
spadix: female zone separated from male by zone humid and seasonal forests, some species weedy
of long, curved, subulate sterile flowers, appendix and naturalised outside Asia in tropical, sub-
stipitate, long, lying on spathe blade, covered with tropical and temperate regions; usually seasonally
curved sterile flowers varying from large and dormant, sometimes evergreen; two sections
subulate at the appendix base to setiform at the recognised.
apex; male flower 2-3-androus, anthers sessile;
ovules ca. 6, placentas 2, apical one with 3-4 94. Sauromatum Schott
ovules and basal one with 1-2 ovules; berry
Sauromatum Schott in Schott & Endlicher, Melet. Bot.: 17
orange-coloured, (1- )2-3-seeded. 2n = 56. Only (1832); Mayo, Fl. Trop. East Africa, Araceae: 56-60 (1985).
one sp., H. muscivorus (L.) Engler, western ]aimenostia Guinea & Gomez Moreno (1946).
Mediterranean, on stony ground, in rock crevices.
Leaves 1-4; leafblade pedatifid or pedatisect; inflo-
92. Theriophonum Blume rescence appearing before leaf; spathe only slightly
constricted, tube with connate margins; spadix:
Theriophonum Blume, Rumphia 1: 127 (1837, "1835"); female zone separated from male by rather long
Sivadasan & Nicolson, Kew Bull. 37: 277-290 (1982), rev. sterile zone bearing remote, patent, filiform to
Pauella Ramamurthy & Sebastine (1967).
clavate staminodes at base and naked above, ap-
pendix rather slender; male flower few-androus;
Small; leaf blade ovate, sagittate to hastate, some-
times linear-lanceolate; peduncle usually short, ovules 1-4, placenta basal; infructescence sub-
globose, partly hypogeal, berry purplish red,
deflexing in fruit; spathe tube marcescent; spadix:
darker at apex; testa smooth. 2n = 26, 52, 104. Two
female zone few-flowered, separated from male by
rather long sterile zone partly or completely cov- spp., tropical Africa, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, S Asia,
Myanmar, SW China, in upland forest and grass-
ered by filiform to subulate sterile flowers situated
land, occasionally epiphytic.
either basally, centrally or apically, male zone
cylindric, sometimes with zone of sterile flowers
above, appendix stipitate or not, cylindric to long- 95. Biarum Schott
subulate; male flower 1-2-androus; ovules 3-9 (or Biarum Schott in Schott & Endlicher, Melet. Bot.: 17 (1832),
more), placentas 2, apical and basal; berry few- nom. cons.; Bogner & Boyce, Willdenowia 18: 409-417
seeded. 2n = 16 (14, 18). Five spp., India, Sri (1989).
Lanka, on forest floor, grassy places, damp sites.
Petiole sometimes hardly distinct from blade; leaf
93. Typhonium Schott blade linear to obovate or elliptic-oblong; inflores-
cence usually appearing before leaves, sometimes
Typhonium Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 1829 (3): 732 (1829); borne partly below ground level; spathe tube mar-
Nicolson & Sivadasan, Blumea 27: 483-497 (1981); Murata, gins partially to almost completely connate, rarely
Am. J. Bot. 77: 1475-1481 (1990); Hay, Blumea 37: 345-376
(1993); Sriboonma et al., J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, sect. III, free (B. aleppicum J. Thiebaut); spadix: female
15: 255-313 (1994), rev. zone subhemispherical, separated from male by
Lazarum A. Hay (1992). sterile zone bearing filiform to conic, suberect to
decurved sterile flowers at base only or through-
Sometimes minute; tuber, rarely stoloniferous or out (rarely naked), male zone sometimes sepa-
creeping rhizome; leaf blade cordate, sagittate, rated from appendix by short zone of subulate
hastate, trifid, trisect, pedatifid or pedatisect; in- sterile flowers, terminal appendix slender, elon-
Araceae 69

gate to conoid, sometimes stipitate; male flowers

1-2-androus; ovule 1, placenta basal; infructe-
scence subglobose borne at or slightly below soil
level, berry white to pale lilac, pericarp firm, not
juicy; testa rugose-reticulate, rarely smooth. 2n =
16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 32, 36, 74, 96, 98. Twenty two
spp., Mediterranean, Middle East, on stony
ground, under trees and in rock crevices.

24. Tribe Arisaemateae Nakai (1943).

Laticifers simple; tuberous, rarely rhizomatous;
leaf blade usually compound: trisect, pedatisect or
radiatisect, rarely cordate or trifid; spathe tube
usually cylindric, blade usually fornicate; spadix
with terminal appendix, appendix often cylin-
dric, clavate or elongate-tapering; flowers uni-
sexual, perigone absent; ovary 1-locular, ovules
atropous, placenta basal; testa rough, endosperm

96. Pinellia Tenore

Pinellia Tenore, Atti Acad. Sci. Napoli 4: 69 (1839), nom. cons.;
Li Heng, Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 13:200-206 (1979); Ulharz, Beitr.
Bioi. Pflanz. 60: 277-291 (1986) & ibid. 61: 241-282 (1986);
Boyce, Kew Mag. 5: 18-21 (1988).

Petiole sometimes bearing tubercles; leaf blade

usually trisect or pedatisect, rarely entire and
ovate-oblong to cordate; peduncle equal or longer
than petiole; spathe weakly constricted, tube nar-
row, persistent, almost closed at mouth by trans-
verse septum, blade ± fornicate; spadix: female
zone adnate to spathe, separated from male by
spathe septum and short, naked zone, appendix
smooth, subulate, slender, long-exserted; male
flower 1-2-androus, stamens free or sometimes
irregularly connate; ovule 1, ± atropous; testa
rugulose. 2n ± 26, 52. Six spp., temperate E Asia,
P. ternata often naturalised elsewhere, in forests
or on rocks, also weedy in fields.
Fig. 18A-M. Araceae-Aroideae. A-E Arisaema amurense. A
Habit. B Staminate spadix. C Synandrium. D Pistillate spadix.
E Pistil. F, G A. thunbergii. F Inflorescence with long exserted
97. Arisaema Mart. Fig. 18 appendix. G Infructescence. H-N A. griffithii. H Habit. I Inflo-
Arisaema Mart., Flora 14: 459 (1831); Huttleston, Temp. N. rescence with flexuose appendix. J Staminate spadix. K
Am. Arac.: 87-154 (1953) (N Amer. spp.); Li Heng, Fl. Reip. Synandrium. L Pistillate spadix. M Pistil, longitudinal seciton.
Pop. Sinicae 13: 116- 194 (1979); Ohashi & Murata, J. Fac. (Takhtajan 1982)
Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Bot. 12: 281-336 (1980); Murata, J. Fac.
Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Bot. 13: 431-482 (1984); Mayo & Gilbert,
Kew Bull. 41: 261-278 (1986) (African spp.); Murata, Pl. Sometimes large; tuber depressed-globose, rarely
Sp. Bioi. 2: 57-66 (1987) & Bot. Mag. Tokyo 103: 371-382 rhizomatous, sometimes stoloniferous; petioles
Flagellarisaema Nakai (1950). usually long, often forming false stem; leaf blade
Heteroarisaema Nakai (1950). trisect, pedatisect or radiatisect, rarely cordate or
Pleuriarum Nakai (1950). trifid; peduncle short to long; spathe tube usually
Ringentiarum Nakai (1950). cylindric, mouth often flaring with revolute to
70 Araceae

grotesquely auriculate margins, blade usually for- 99. Protarum Engler

nicate, often with elongate or filamentous apex;
Protarum Engler, Bot. Jahrb. 30, Beibl. 67: 42 (1901); Bogner,
spadix unisexual (paradioecious) or monoecious, Palmengarten 37: 40 (1973); Robertson, Fl. Pl. Seychelles:
male zone usually laxly flowered, contiguous with 259 (1989).
female, sometimes separated from appendix by
short zone of filamentous or subulate staminodes, Tuber globose; leaf 1; leaf blade subpedatisect to
appendix hidden or exserted, rarely absent (A. almost radiatisect, leaflets shortly stalked, lan-
exappendiculatum H. Hara), often cylindric, clav- ceolate, acuminate to acute; inflorescence 1; pe-
ate or elongate-tapering, sometimes drawn out duncle short; spadix shorter than spathe, female
into an extremely long flexuose thread, rarely zone conoid, male zone obconic, female and male
composed of several long threads; male flowers zones separated by slender sterile zone, terminal
remote, 2-5-androus, stamens connate, syn- appendix thick, obtuse; synandrium 3-androus, ±
andrium ± sessile to long-stipitate; ovules 1-9 per 6-lobed; female flower with whorl of 4-6 free
ovary; berry red, few-seeded; testa rough. 2n = 20, staminodes surrounding gynoecium, ovary 1-
22, 24, 26, 28, 39, 42, 48, 52, 56, 72, 112, 140, 168 locular, ovules 4, hemiatropous, placenta basal;
(64). About 170 spp., eastern and southeastern berry 1-seeded; seed ellipsoid, testa costate, em-
USA, northern Mexico, E and NE Africa, Arabian bryo discoid, endosperm copious. 2n = 28. Only
Peninsula, temperate E Asia, tropical S, SE and one sp., P. sechellarum, Seychelles Is., seasonally
E Asia, Indonesia, in the tropics only at high dormant.
altitudes. Murata (1990) recognized 11 sections.

100. Steudnera K. Koch

25. Tribe Colocasieae Engler (1876).
Steudnera K. Koch, Wochenschr. Giirtnerei Pflanzenk. 5: 114
Laticifers anastomosing (except Ariopsis); pri- (1862).
mary lateral veins of leaf blade or leaflets
(Protarum) pinnate, forming submarginal collec- Sometimes robust; stem epigeal, stout, erect or
tor vein, at least 1-2 other marginal veins also sometimes creeping; leaves 1-several; leaf blade
present; spathe usually constricted centrally (ex- peltate, ovate-subcordate; inflorescences 1-2;
cept Ariopsis, sometimes constricted twice in spa-the ovate or ovate-lanceolate, not constricted,
Remusatia) with lower part forming a convolute, barely convolute at base, ± fully expanded at an-
persistent tube and upper part a gaping, ± boat- thesis, upper part later reflexed; spadix: female
shaped, marcescent to caducous blade; flowers zone mostly adnate to spathe, contiguous with and
unisexual, perigone absent; male flower a synan- longer than male zone, terminal appendix absent;
drium of several connate stamens; endosperm synandrium 3-6-androus; gynoecium usually sur-
copious, with abundant starch. rounded by 2-5 short staminodes, ovary !-locular,
ovules many, hemiatropous, placentas 2-5, pari-
98. Ariopsis Nimmo etal; berry many-seeded; testa costate. 2n = 28, 56.
Eight spp., tropical S to SE Asia (Assam to
Ariopsis Nimmo in Graham, Cat. Pl. Bombay: 252 (1839). Vietnam), on forest floor, sometimes seasonally
Laticifers simple; plant small; stem a partially hy-
pogeal tuber; leaves !-several; leaf blade peltate,
ovate-cordate to -emarginate; inflorescences 1-3, 101. Remusatia Schott
appearing either before or with the leaves; pe-
duncle slender, longer than spathe; spathe ovate, Remusatia Schott in Schott & Endlicher, Melet. Bot.: 18 (1832);
Mayo, Fl. Trop. East Africa, Araceae: 40-42 (1985); Li Heng,
boat-shaped, fornicate, not constricted, persis- Aroideana 10: 23-26 (1988); Li Heng & Hay, Acta Bot.
tent; spadix: female zone adnate to spathe, few- Yunnanica, Suppl. 5: 27-33 (1992).
flowered, separated from male by short naked Gonatanthus Klotzsch (1841).
axis, terminal appendix absent; synandria con-
nate, peltate, stipitate, 6-thecate; ovary 1-locular, Stem tuberous, subglobose, producing shoots
ovules many, atropous, placentas 4-6, parietal; bearing small cataphylls and axillary, clustered
berry many-seeded; testa costate, endosperm bulbils covered by recurved scales; leaves 1-2, leaf
copious. 2n = 28, 84. Two spp., tropical S Asia blade peltate, lanceolate to ovate-cordate; inflo-
(Myanmar to Western Ghats); in evergreen forest, rescence 1, appearing before leaf; peduncle short;
seasonally dormant. spathe with 1 or 2 constrictions, blade broad or
Araceae 71

narrow and very long, reflexed at anthesis or ovate-cordate to sagittate, sometimes peltate, mar-
erect-sigmoid; spadix: female zone separated from gin rarely sinuate to deeply pinnatifid; inflores-
male by much narrower zone of sterile synand- cences several; spathe constricted, blade usually
rodes, terminal appendix absent; synandrium 2- boat -shaped and erect, rarely fornicate, sometimes
3-androus; pollen extruded in strands; female reflexed, rareJy persistent; spadix: female zone
flowers lacking staminodes, ovary 1-locular or separated from male by much narrower zone of
partially 2-3-locular apically, ovules several to sterile synandrodes, terminal appendix always
many, hemiatropous, placentas 2-4, parietal or present; synandrium 3-8-androus; pollen ex-
basal or both (R. yunnanensis H. Li & A. Hay); truded in strands; female flowers lacking stami-
berry many-seeded; testa thick, succulent, ver- nodes, ovary 1-locular or partially 3-4-locular at
ruculose to irregularly furrowed. 2n = 28, 42, 56. apex, ovules hemiatropous or anatropous, few,
Four spp., tropical Africa, Madagascar, S and SE placenta basal, style usually distinct, narrower
Asia, Indonesia, N Australia, in seasonal or ever- than ovary; berry 1-few-seeded, usually reddish;
green forest, terrestrial, rupicolous or epiphytic, testa smooth. 2n = 28, 42, 56, 70, 84. About 70 spp.,
seasonally dormant. S and SE Asia to northern Australia, Melanesia,
Pacific [A. macrorrhizos (L.) Schott widely
naturalised throughout the tropics], seasonally
102. Colocasia Schott Fig. 15A dormant to evergreen. Two sections recognised by
Colocasia Schott in Schott & Endlicher, Melet. Bot.: 18 (1832), Krause (in Engler and Krause 1920); Xenophya is
nom. cons.; Plucknett in Wang, Taro: 14-19 (1983); Shaw in reduced here following Hay and Wise (1991) but
Chandra, Edible Aroids: 160-168 (1984). merits recognition as a separate section.

Sometimes gigantic and arborescent; stem either

hypogeal and tuberous or mostly epigeal and mas- 26. Tribe Pistieae Blume (1836).
sive; leaves several; leaf blade peltate, ovate-
cordate; inflorescences usually many; peduncle Laticifers absent; acaulescent; leaves rosulate,
much shorter than petiole; spathe constricted; spa- densely pubescent; petiole very short; leaf blade
dix: female zone separated from male by much obovate-cuneate to oblong, midrib absent; inflo-
narrower zone of sterile synandrodes, terminal rescence 1, very small; spathe ± constricted, lower
appendix erect, ± smooth, sometimes reduced margins connate forming tube, free margins be-
to tiny stub; synandrium 3-6-androus; pollen tween tube and blade folded to form a partition
extruded in strands; female flowers lacking separating upper male chamber from lower fe-
staminodes, ovary 1-locular, ovules many, hemi- male one, blade gaping; spadix: female zone with a
atropous, placentas 2-4, parietal; berry greenish, single basal gynoecium and thin pouch-shaped
many-seeded; testa thickish, costate. 2n = 28, 42. flap below spathe partition, male zone with 2-8
Eight spp., NE India, SE Asia, Indonesia, seasonally flowers in a whorl, appendix naked, very short;
dormant or evergreen. C. esculenta (L.) Schott is synandrium sessile, of 2 connate stamens; ovary
cultivated and naturalised throughout the tropics obliquely adnate to spadix axis, 1-locular, ovules
with hundreds of cultivars; it is the world's most numerous, atropous, placenta parietal (morpho-
economically important aroid - for details see re- logically basal), style distinct, curved; berry
cent reviews by Wang (1983) and Chandra (1984) thin-walled, several-seeded, pericarp eventually
cited above. Two sections are recognised. decaying; seed cylindric, testa thick, reticulate-
alveolate, with micropylar operculum formed by
both integuments, embryo minute, endosperm
103. Alocasia (Schott) G. Don copious.
Alocasia (Schott) G. Don in Sweet, Hart. Brit., ed. 3:
631 (1839), nom. cons.; Burnett, Aroideana 7: 67-162
(1984); Hay, Aroids of Papua New Guinea (1990); Hay & 104. Pistia L.
Wise, Blumea 35: 499-545 (1991) (reg. rev. New Guinea and
Austral.) Pistia L., Sp. Pl.: 963 (1753); Buzgo, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 115:557-
Xenophya Schott (1863); Nicolson, Blumea 16: 115-118 (1968). 570 (1994).
Schizocasia Schott ex Engler (1880).
Panzhuyuia Z.Y. Zhu (1985). Plant small, stoloniferous; roots much-branched,
feathery; leaf blade somewhat spongy; peduncle
Sometimes gigantic and arborescent; stem hypo- very short. 2n = 28. Only one sp., P. stratiotes L.,
geal to epigeal and erect; leaves several; leaf blade pantropical, free-floating evergreen aquatic.
72 Araceae

Selected Bibliography Engler, A. 1920b. Araceae-Aroideae et Araceae-Pistioideae. In:

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Engler, A. 1911. Araceae-Lasioideae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Das Pistioideae. Am. J. Bot. 70: 756-771.
Pfianzenreich IV.23C: 1-130. Leipzig: W. Engelmann. French, J.C., Tomlinson, P.B. 1984. Patterns of stem vascula-
Engler, A. 1912. Araceae-Philodendroideae-Philodendreae. ture in Philodendron. Am. J. Bot. 71: 1432-1443.
~ll~emeiner Teil, Homalomeninae und Schismatoglot-
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134. Leipzig: W. Engelmann. D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics
Engler, A. 1915. Araceae-Philodendroideae-Anubiadeae, and evolution. London: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
Aglaonemateae, Dieffenbachieae, Zantedeschieae, pp. 255-275.
Typhonodoreae, Peltandreae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Das Gottsb:r.ger, G.: Amaral, A., Jr. 1984. Pollination strategies in
Pfianzenreich IV.23Dc: 1-78. Leipzig: W. Engelmann. Braz1han Phzlodendron species. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 97:
Engler, A. 1920a. Araceae pars generalis et index familiae 391-410.
generalis. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Das Pfianzenreich IV.23A: 1- Grayum, M.H. 1984. Palynology and phylogeny of the Araceae.
71. Leipzig: W. Engelmann. Doctoral thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Araceae 73

(University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michi- Knecht, M. 1983. Contribution a l'etude biosystematique des
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Grayum, M.H. 1986b. Correlations between pollination biol- Philodendrinae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Das Pflanzenreich
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Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 628-697. Marchant, C.J. 1971b. Chromosome variation in Araceae: III.
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74 Araceae/Bromeliaceae

Schott, H.W. 1860. Prodromus systematis Aroidearum.

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Schott, H.W. 1984. leones Aroideae et reliquiae. Microfiche
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L.B. SMITH 1 and W. TILL
Seubert, E. 1993. Die Samenmerkmale der Araceen und ihre
Bedeutung fiir die Gliederung der Familie. Koenigstein:
Shaw, D.E., Cantrell, B.K. 1983. A study of the pollination of
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Silva, C.J. da 1981. Observa<;6es sobre a biologia reprodutiva
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Simmonds, N.W. 1950. Notes on the biology of the Araceae of
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Perennial rosette herbs with a short axis, more
Solereder, H., Meyer, F.J. 1928. Systematische Anatomie der rarely with an elongated stem, or rosette trees,
Monokotyledonen, Vol. 3. Berlin: Borntraeger, pp. 100-169. from few centimeters to more than lOrn, terres-
Stockey, R.A., Hoffman, G.L., Rothwell, G.W. 1997. The fossil trial, saxicolous, or epiphytic. Roots absorbing in
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logeny of Lemnaceae. Am. J. Bot. 84: 355-368.
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
epilithes, rarely lacking. Leaves spirally arranged,
Thanikaimoni, G. 1969. Esquisse palynologique des aracees. dilated-sheathing at the base, undivided, entire or
Trav. Sci. Sect. Tech. Inst. Fr. Pondichery 5: 1-31. spinose-serrate, usually bearing peltate trichomes
Thompson, S. 1982. Cyrtosperma chamissonis (Araceae): ecol- at least when young. Stipules lacking. Inflores-
ogy, distribution and economic importance in the South cence terminal, often becoming pseudolateral by
Pacific. J. Agric. Tradit. Bot. Appl. 29: 185-203.
Tillich, H.-J. 1985. Keimlingsbau und verwandtschaftliche sympodial growth, scapose or sessile, compound
Beziehungen der Araceae. Gleditschia 13: 63-73. or simple, usually bearing brightly colored con-
Tillich, H.-J. 1995. Seedlings and systematics in mono- spicuous flower bracts or "petaloid" scape bracts.
cotyledons. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Flowers perfect or sometimes functionally uni-
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Uhlarz, H. 1985. 1st Pinellia tripartita (Blume) Schott actinomorphic. Perianth heterochlamydeous, the
(Araceae-Aroideae) habituell anemophil geitonogam? 3 sepals and 3 petals free or connate, the petals
Beitr. Bioi. Pflanz. 60: 277-291. often with scalelike basal appendages and/or lon-
Valerio, C.E. 1984. Insect visitors to the inflorescence of the gitudinal callosities. Stamens 3 + 3; filaments free,
aroid Dieffenbachia oerstedii (Araceae) in Costa Rica.
Brenesia 22: 139-146.
or joined to the petals and/or to each other; an-
Vogel, S. 1963. Duftdriisen im Dienste der Bestaubung: iiber thers introrse, bithecal, 4-loculate, latrorsely de-
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Kl. Akad. Wiss. Mainz 1962 (10): 639-677. 3-loculate; placentae axile, extending the length of
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Wang, J.-K. (ed.) 1984. Taro: a review of Colocasia esculenta
pous, naked or with a chalaza! appendage; style 1,
and its potentials. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. stigma usually 3-lobed; septal nectaries always
Wettstein, R. 1935. Handbuch der systematischen Botanik, 4th present. Fruit usually a septicidal capsule or
edn. Leipzing: Deuticke. baccate; seeds winged, plumose, or naked; embryo
Williams, C.A., Harborne, J.B., Mayo, S.J. 1981. Anthocyanin small, cylindrical, situated laterally at the base of
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tochemistry 20: 217-234. the copious starchy endosperm.
Williams, N.H., Dressler, R.L. 1976. Euglossine pollination of A neotropical family of 56 genera and more
Spathiphyllum (Araceae). Selbyana 1: 349-356. than 2600 species distributed from N America
Young, H.J. 1986. Beetle pollination of Dieffenbachia lon- (Virginia) to southern America (Patagonia); a
gispatha (Araceae). Am. J. Bot. 73: 931-944.
single species in W Africa.


SPECIES. Rheophytic plants in Pitcairnia and
Guzmania; climbing ones in Pitcairnia; distichous
phyllotaxis in Tillandsia, mainly in subgenus
Diaphoranthema; petiolate leaves in Pitcairnia,
Ronnbergia, Bromelia, and Cryptanthus, cuticular

1 Deceased.
Bromeliaceae 75

water absorption without functional peltate tri-

chomes in Acanthostachys; lateral inflorescence in
Dyckia; reduction to 1 flower in Tillandsia; pres-
ence of glandular hairs in Puya, Deuterocohnia,
and Pitcairnia; zygomorphic flowers in Pitcairnia
and Tillandsia; !epidote petals in Pitcairnia,
Dyckia, and Hechtia; paired petal appendages in
the pitcairnioid genera Brewcaria and Steyer-
bromelia; more than 1 vascular branch in each
filament in Aechmea, Billbergia, Bromelia, Dyckia,
Encholirium, and Vriesea; connectives with an
apical appendage in Androlepis or an apical glan-
dular outgrowth in Neoregelia eleutheropetala
(Ramirez 1991); semiintrorse anther dehiscence in
Dyckia and Vriesea; undivided stigma in Wer-
auhia and Aechmea; additional apical loculicidal
dehiscence of the capsules in Deuterocohnia,
Dyckia, Encholirium, Fosterella, Hechtia, Pit-
cairnia, and Puya; seeds with a strongly elongated
chalaza! appendage in A canthostachys.

VEGETATIVE MoRPHOLOGY. The roots are often

much modified due to functional adaptations.
Intracauline roots are present in species with a
distinct stem (Fig. 19).
The usually erect stem ranges from extremely Fig. 19. Bromeliaceae. Schematic longitudinal section of an
short in species with rosulate leaves to the stout 8- axis showing intracauline adventitious roots growing down-
9.5-m-high columns of Brocchinia micrantha and wards in the cortex and branching in the substrate. (Weber
Puya raimondii, it is usually branched and ligni-
fied to various degree. Tillandsia usneoides is
distinctive by its pendent stems without roots.
Rhizomes may travel several meters underground trichoma! moisture and nutrient absorption. Dis-
(Bromelia, Deinacanthon, Neoglaziovia, Pit- tichous phyllotaxis is rare (e.g., Till a ndsia subge-
cairnia, and Pseudananas) or be completely aerial nus Diaphoranthema).
as in species of Aechmea, Cryptanthus, Neoregelia, In terrestrial Pitcairnioideae, tank rosettes are
Tillandsia, and Vriesea. lacking with the exception of Brocchinia species
Leaves vary from lingulate to narrowly triangu- which have well-developed "pitchers". In Tilland-
lar or even filiformous, from fiat and soft to rigid sioideae and Bromelioideae tanks of various types
and distinctly succulent. The leaf sheaths are usu- are common.
ally dilated but often merge in the leaf blades,
rarely both are separated by a distinct petiole. The VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. A comprehensive and
green coloration is often masked or ornamented critical treatment was given by Tomlinson (1969),
by anthocyanin or by a dense indumentum of tri- and modern data are supplied by Benzing (1980,
chomes. In Tillandsioideae the leaves are always 1990), who should be consulted also for functional
entire, while in Pitcairnioideae and Bromelioideae and ecological aspects.
the leaves are predominantly spinose-serrate. From the periphery to the center, the roots con-
In Pitcairnia leaf dimorphism or even polymor- sist of a piliferous layer with well-developed root
phism is observed in which the outer leaves are hairs in soil roots, of a multiseriate exodermis of
narrow and spiny and the inner ones broad and suberized cells, of the outermost cortical layers
even pseudopetiolate. In some long-caulescent immediately within the exodermis which are
species one type may grade into the other, some- always differentiated as a wide sclerotic cylinder
times repeatedly every year. In rosulate species the forming a conspicuous mechanical layer, of the
leaves often form a tank (phytotelm, Janetzky and middle cortex of thin-walled parenchyma, of
Vareschi 1993; Krugel1993) which holds water, a the lacunose inner cortex, of a uniseriate thick-
feature that is lacking in caulescent species with walled endodermis, of a 1-(2)-layered thin-walled
76 Bromeliaceae

pericycle, and of a stele with the vascular tissues one another. The entire surface of the epidermis
and pith cells. The pith is strongly lignified in spe- has a smooth coating of the cuticle (Harms 1930).
cialized taxa (Strehl and Winkler 1983). The xylem Epicuticular wax crystalloids of the Strelitzia type
always contains at least a few vessels with scalari- (Barthlott and Frolich 1983) occur in several spe-
form perforations only or tracheids (Wagner cies. Adequate protection and strength for the
1977); only for Pitcairnia have specialized vessels leaves of most Tillandsioideae and Pitcairnioideae
been recorded (Cheadle 1955). The outer tissues seem to be provided by the epidermis. In Puya,
are separated from the inner ones by the clearly Ananas, and others the epidermis is further
defined endodermis. Intracauline roots are strengthened by a sclerenchymatous hypodermis
located in the stem cortex and differ from external whose cells are generally longer than the epider-
roots in the absence of root hairs, exodermis, and mal cells. These hypodermal cells often have
lacunae. Roots of epiphytic species are often brownish contents and sometimes contain sili-
modified from the above scheme. ceous crystal fragments. Opaque yellowish drop-
The stem anatomy is quite uniform within the lets of tannins also occur in the hypodermal cells
family. A thin cuticle covers an epidermis which and seem to be characteristic of the family.
contains spherical silicia bodies. The narrow Chlorophyll is generally not contained in typical
cortex has narrow, elongated, thick-walled, ligni- palisade cells, which are completely absent from a
fied cells in the outer hypodermal layers which number of species. Chlorophyll-bearing cells are
eventually are suberized in old stems; the inner nearly always separated from the upper leaf
hypodermal layers are transitional to thinner- surface by water-storage cells and their position
walled, more isodiametric cells of the inner cortex. otherwise includes a great variety of types. Corru-
Periderm is developed from secondary meristem- gated leaves with longitudinal furrows on their
atic layers. The central cylinder is delimited from lower side provide mechanical strength which is
the cortex by a narrow, 2-4-layers-wide zone of caused by vascular bundles and bundle-sheath
elongated cells which become sclerotic in older fibers that make up the convex portion of the cor-
stems. The peripheral sclerenchyma is separated rugations. The stomata usually lie on the sides,
from the vascular tissue by a narrow, thin-walled and the stalks of the trichomes lie in the bottom of
layer, termed pericycle by some authors. The vas- the concave portion. In cross-section, leaves are
cular bundles lie diffuse in the center but are more often crescent-shaped, which enhances surfacial
congested in the periphery of the central cylinder, water conduction. In addition, such leaves are 51
and the bundles have a more or less distinct times more resistant to bending than a flat blade
bundlesheath. The xylem contains mainly trache- of the same surface area.
ids, vessels are rare and less often encountered The stomata of the Bromeliaceae are located
than in roots (Cheadle 1955; Wagner 1977). The almost entirely on the underside of the leaf, usu-
sieve elements of the phloem contain protein crys- ally at the same level as the epidermis, although
talloids of the Pile type in their plastids (Behnke raised accessory cells sometimes produce pseudo-
1981). The anatomical character of the stem is stomata. Stomata are characterized by especially
somewhat confused by the strong suppression of narrow lumina and the presence of at least 1 lat-
internodial growth and by the junction of adventi- eral and 1 polar pair of accessory cells. Guard cells
tious roots. The arrangement of the stem bundles seem to be relatively uniform throughout the fam-
conforms to the meristele type, but the collateral ily but the substomatal pores are distinctive
vascular bundles are sometimes reversed and may enough for Robinson (1969) to have used them as
be sickle-, crescent-, or annular-shaped. The stem part of a classification system for Navia. Stomatal
of the Bromeliaceae is capable of transition to pri- movement is usually lacking, with the exception of
mary radial growth through a cambial cap at the Ananas; guard cells are not separated.
stem apex. This growth tissue apparently can con- The peltate trichomes have a basic function in
tinue to develop after flower formation. the absorption and retention of moisture by the
The fundamental character of the leaf of the leaves (Benzing 1980; Benzing et al. 1985). They
Bromeliaceae is the small-celled and small- consist of a foot cell, a stalk of few living cells and
lumened epidermis with variously thickened a shield of dead cells. In Brocchinia reducta, how-
walls. Another unique feature of the epidermis is ever, the cells of the shield are alive at maturity.
that the greater cell dimension is often at right Simple hairs without a shield (Fig. 20A,B) are rare
angles to the long axis of the leaf. Some species are (Lindmania, Navia, Pitcairnia, Strehl and Winkler
distinguished by lateral walls strengthened by 1982). The most primitive forms of trichomes are
sinuous folds so that adjacent cells interlock with probably simple (Lindmania, Navia, Pitcairnia)
Bromeliaceae 77

and stellate hairs (Pitcairnia, Puya) in Pitcairnio- Fig. 20A-K. Bromeliaceae. Epidermal hairs (A, B) and scales
ideae, the latter type with long, slender, slightly (C-K). A-C Navia fontoides. ASimple and B branched hairs. C
Surface view. D, E Fosterella penduliflora. D Transversal
fused cells radiating from 1 central cell. Trichomes section. E Surface view. F, G Tillandsia flexuosa. F Transversal
of most Pitcairnioideae, however, have an undi- section. G Surface view. H, I T. recurvata. H Transversal
vided central cell or a central cell group which section. I Surface view. J, K Nidularium innocentii. J Transver-
differs in size and/or content from the peripheral sal section. K Surface view. (Tomlinson 1969)
cells. Pitcairnia, Lindmania, and Fosterella have
primitive trichomes from which radiate long
filamentous cells only slightly fused to each other cells in the center surrounded by a ring of 8, then
(Fig. 20D,E). In Dyckia the central cells are sur- a ring of 16, and in many species an outer ring of
rounded by concentric circles of rounded cells 64 cells. The trichome may be fused to the epider-
that are only slightly elongated radially. In most mis as far as the 8-celled ring. Although the cell
Bromelioideae the cells are polygonal so that the division formula of 4 + 8 + 16 + 64 is the general
outer and inner ones differ little (Fig. 20K). In rule, many exceptions occur, noteworthy being
several species the trichomes are differentiated the 4 + 8 + 64 in Catopsis, Glomeropitcairnia, and
into a disk and a wing, especially in Neoregelia some Vriesea. The shield varies from perfectly
and some Aechmea. However, in Bromelia and orbicular to extremely excentrical.
Orthophytum the trichomes are similarily primi-
tive as in Pitcairnioideae. The trichomes of the INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. Inflorescences are
Tillandsioideae, especially the genus Tillandsia, paniculate and are made up of racemes or spikes.
form the highest stage of development (Fig. 20F-I) Reductions of the axes lead to corymbs and heads
and are constructed according to a regulary pat- and even to single flowers. The primary axis usu-
tern. The stalk consists of 1-3 thin-walled cells ally flowers only once with a flowering period
(but up to 8 in Glomeropitcairnia) and an apical from a few days to over 1 year in large many-
dome cell. The shield consists of 4 right-angled flowered species of Aechmea. In Deuterocohnia
78 Bromeliaceae

(except Abromeitiella) the inflorescence becomes succulent in the lower parts as in Racinaea. They
woody, has a cambiumlike meristematic cylinder, may be plicate in several species of Tillandsia.
and flowers continuously for several years, with Anthers are dorsifixed or basifixed, usually
buds opening at the beginning of each rainy linear, rarely with an elongated connective
season. Usually, the renewing shoots are formed (Androlepis).
during the period of flowering, thus providing The ovary is superior to inferior in the
additional vegetative propagation. A minority of Pitcairnioideae, superior in the Tillandsioideae
Bromeliaceae is hapaxanthous and survives only (except of Glomeropitcairnia), and inferior in
by seed. the Bromelioideae. However, Bohme (1988) con-
The sequence of flowering is usually acro- cluded from the position of the septal nectaries
petalous. Exceptions occur in Canistrum, where that all gynoecia of the Bromeliaceae are more or
the middle region flowers first, and in species of less inferior. The carpels are only weakly fused at
Aechmea subgenus Ortgiesia, where acropetalous the edges in Pitcairnioideae but distinctly in the
and basipetalous flowering, as well as such as in other two subfamilies. Septal nectaries are devel-
Canistrum, can be found among closely related oped at various degrees and very rarely reduced
species. in Araeococcus (Bohme 1988).
The style is slenderly cylindric and straight or
FLOWER STRUCTURE. In general, the sepals are curved according to the direction of the corolla
contorted with the right margin covered, and the (Pitcairnia), or short and stout or even lacking
median sepal is in abaxial position. However, in (Dyckia, Hechtia, Racinaea, Tillandsia).
Brocchinia, Dyckia, and others the sepals are Stigma morphology (Fig. 21) has proved to be a
imbricate with both margins of the median sepal valuable taxonomic character with far-reaching
covered, and in Cottendorfia florida cochlear, consistency in Tillandsia subgenus Tillandsia
where the median sepal covers both margins (Gardner 1982, 1986b) and in the thecophylloid
of the adaxial ones. Sepals vary from symme- species of Vriesea (now Werauhia; Utley 1978,
trical to strongly asymmetrical (Racinaea, most 1983). Brown and Gilmartin (1984, 1989b), as well
Bromelioideae ). as Schill et al. (1988), defined the types of stigma
The petals are nearly always regular but in many structure: free erect untwisted lobes (simpleerect),
species of Pitcairnia and Werauhia, one is curved, joined erect untwisted lobes lacking papillae and
forming a hood over the stamens. Form varies forming a cup (cupulate), conduplicately folded
from linear to ovate; they may be entire, finely lobes twisted together spirally (conduplicate-
crenate or even denticulate and the apex may be spiral), bladelike lobes folded in an irregular
round, retuse, apiculate, or mucronate. Color may convolute fashion (convolute-blade), and a prolif-
be white, red, purple, rose, yellow, green, blue, or eration of irregular growth in the marginal stig-
violet of various shades and intensities. The most matic line of each lobe (coralliform).
interesting feature of the petals is ligular append-
ages on the inside base which have been used for Pollen Morphology. The pollen grains (Fig. 22) are
taxonomic classification. The structure may be a generally single, only in Androlepis and Hohen-
simple membranaceous scale or flap (Pitcairnio- bergiopsis are they known to be united in tetrads.
ideae) or it may consist of 2 separate scales The exine is subtectate and usually reticulate, less
(Brewcaria, Steyerbromelia, Bromelioideae, Til- often scrobiculate or pertectate, with the sexine
landsioideae) which are usually serrate or !acini- thicker than the nexine. Grains are either sul-
ate (Brown and Terry 1992). Harms (1930) cate or 2-4-porate to pantotreme. Erdtman and
suggested that the evolution of the 2 more or less Praglowski (1974) found the porate type restricted
separate scales is explained by pressure of the fila- to subfam. Bromelioideae (12 genera studied), al-
ment on a single simple ligular primordium. though, apart from this, sulcate pollen is present
Arrais (1989) suggested a staminodial nature of in 11 genera of this subfamily; Aechmea being het-
the petal appendages. The function of the append- erogeneous in this respect. Subfamily Pitcairnio-
age is not known with certainty. The early inter- ideae and Tillandioideae have invariably sulcate
pretation as a mechanism to avoid loss of nectar grains, although the data basis is still small (12
has been queried. genera of Pitcairnioideae and three of Tillandio-
The stamens are usually free and contain 1 vas- ideae studied). With respect to both exine sculp-
cular bundle, rarely 2, or up to 6 in Encholirium ture and number and position of apertures, a
(Arrais 1989). The filaments are linear, fiat, or certain similarity between Bromeliaceae and
thickened throughout or apically, or distinctly Amaryllidaceae, especially subfam. Hypoxido-
Bromeliaceae 79

A,B c


ideae, was noted by Erdtman and Praglowski Fig. 21A-F. Bromeliaceae. Stigma morphology. A Pitcairnea
(1974). andreana, conduplicate-spiral. B Tillandsia castellanii,
simple-erect. C Vriesea psittacina, convolute-blade. D
Since the time ofErdtman and Praglowski, more Werauhia gigantea, cupulate. E Tillandsia cyanea, coralli-
palynological data have accumulated (Ehler and form. F Canistrum aurantium, conduplicate-spiral. Bar
Schill 1973), but broader systematic or anthe- SOO[!m. (Photo G. Gortan)
cological relationships have not yet been per-
ceived (Benzing 1994). However, Halbritter (1988,
1992) successfully demonstrated the value of the embryogeny follows the Asterad type (J ohri et al.
aperture morphology for classification at generic 1992). Polyembryony has been found in several
and subfamiliallevel. A simple sulcus with smooth species of Tillandsia subgenus Diaphoranthema
margins is typical of Pitcairnioideae and Catopsis (Subils 1973).
while porate pollen is restricted to Bromelioideae.
A "distal germination area" seems to occupy KARYOLOGY. Chromosome numbers have been
an intermediate position and is typical of Pitcair- tabulated by McWilliams (1974). The chromo-
nia, Tillandsioideae, Billbergia, Cryptanthus, and somes are very small; Pitcairnioideae have uni-
Orthophytum. Inaperturate pollen is rare form complements of equal-sized chromosomes
(Guzmania, Aechmea, Canistrum). mostly based on x = 25. The same base number
predominates in the Bromelioideae, in which
EMBRYOLOGY. The anther tapetum is secretory, varying degrees of bimodality are observed. In
pollen mother cell division is successive, the Aechmea tillandsoides n = 21 was explained as
pollen grains are 2-celled, ovules are bitegmic having arisen through a combination of n = 25
and crassinucellate, the embryo sac is of the and n = 17 (unique for Cryptanthus) at an early
Polygonum type, occasionally proliferation of the date (Marchant 1967); other numbers reported in
antipodals occurs, endosperm is Helobial, and this subfamily include n = 24, 36, and 48.
80 Bromeliaceae

A,B c


Fig. 22A-F. Bromeliaceae, pollen grains. Pitcairneoideae: A Ramirez 1995) with Trochilinae predominant in
Puya spathacea, simple sulcus. B Pitcairnia grafii, insulae montane regions. Honeycreepers (Coerebidae)
type. Tillandioideae: C Tillandsia jucunda var. jucunda,
operculum type. D Guzmania acorifolia, diffuse sulcus.
prevail in highland areas. Species of Puya subge-
Bromelioideae: E Lymania corallina, biporate. F Hohenbergia nus Puya have the outer part of each branch sterile
stellata, tri- to tetraporate. Bar lOf!m. (Photo H. Halbritter) and this forms a distinct perch that is used by
icterids (oriole-blackbird family).
Hymenoptera (bees, bumble bees) and Lepi-
Uniformly bimodal complements characterize the doptera (moths, butterflies) are listed as visitors
Tillandsioideae, in which a greater variety of base by several authors (Harms 1930; Gardner 1986a;
numbers is reported, which include, apart from n Till1992; Martinelli 1994). Hawkmoth pollination
= 25, also n = 16, 17, 27, and 32. Polyploidy is may be supposed for Tillandsia xiphioides with
quite rare within the family (Bromelia, Fosterella, long and fragrant flowers.
Guzmania, Nidularium, Pseudananas, Tillandsia, Bat pollination is reported for Encholirium
McWilliams 1974; Brown and Gilmartin 1986, (Sazima et al. 1989), Alcantarea, Vriesea, and
1989a; Till 1992) and the base number x = 25 Werauhia (Utley 1983; Martinelli 1994) with
appears to be paleopolyploid itself. Recent studies glossophagine bats as the pollinator.
(Brown and Gilmartin 1986, 1989a) suggest a The size and structure of the septal nectary
hybridization of 2 paleodiploids with n = 7 and (Bohme 1988) and the amount and quality of the
n = 8, respectively, and a subsequent secondary nectar offered (Freeman et al. 1985; Bernardello et
hybridization step with the n = 8 lineage yielding al. 1991, 1994) are crucial for the pollination type
x = 25. Decreasing base numbers are explained and the visitors. In entomophilous flowers the
with aneuploid reductions. Elevated chromosome septal nectaries are smaller and less nectar is
numbers, however, do not provide reliable evi- offered than in ornithophilous ones. On the other
dence for polyploidy in the history of a taxon hand, entomophilous flowers often enhance their
(Greilhuber 1995) as the isozyme numbers in attraction function by enlargement of the petals
Bromeliaceae are typical of diploids (Soltis et al. (salver flowers) and/or flower fragrance.
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS. The majority of species
PoLLINATION. Hummingbirds (Trochilidae) are in the family are certainly outbreeders. Self-
the major pollinators ofbromeliads (Harms 1930; fertility has been found in Tillandsia subgenus
Utley 1983; Gardner 1986a; Kraemer et al. 1993; Tillandsia, and facultative autogamy in Tillandsia
Araujo et al. 1994; Martinelli 1994; Seres and subgenus Diaphoranthema (Till 1992). Vriesea
Bromeliaceae 81

and Werauhia species are capable of inbreeding tion with seeds that have strongly elongated cha-
and numerous Guzmania species are self- lazal appendages.
pollinated. In the Bromelioideae, Acanthostachys Modern information about germination is
pitcairnioides, Aechmea bromeliifolia, and found in GroB (1988b). In Pitcairnioideae and
Ronnbergia nidularioides are examples of self- Bromelioideae, the primary root first appears with
pollinated species, whereas Ae. fulgens and Ae. the formation of a crown of root hairs, but never
nudicaulis appear not to be. Most of the species in Tillandsioideae, where the formation of a crown
of Billbergia subgenus Helicodea seem to be of root hairs is rare. In the epigeal Pitcairnioideae
inbreeders, whereas subgenus Billbergia, the the cotyledon moves out of the seed and becomes
more primitive group, is primarily outcrossing. green while it remains in the seed in the two other
Fosterella penduliflora, Pitcairnia andreana, P. subgenera which are both hypogeal.
xanthocalyx, and Puya mirabilis are a few
examples of inbreeders in Pitcairnioideae. DISPERSAL. Wind-borne seeds prevail in Pit-
Natural hybrids appear to be rather rare under cairnioideae and are obligatory for Tilland-
field conditions (Harms 1930) but have been sioideae, both with capsular fruits. Seeds of
found between several species of Tillandsia Pitcairnioideae are less adapted to anemochory
subgenus Tillandsia (Gardner 1982). The great and are bicaudate or winged at most. The trans-
abundance of artificial hybrids produced by port of the naked seeds of members of this sub-
horticulturists attests to the fact that genetic in- family, e.g., Navia, is unknown; perhaps rain
compatibility systems are of minor importance in serves as an agent. In Tillandsioideae an elaborate
isolating species under natural conditions. Differ- and very effective flight apparatus (pseudo-
ent phenologies and tight adaptation to pollina- pappus) allows dispersal over long distances. The
tors seem to be the most effective barriers against berry fruits of Bromelioideae are dispersed mainly
hybridization in the field (Araujo et al. 1994; by birds and less often by bats (Muller in MOller
Martinelli 1994). 1921). Ants appear to disperse seeds of several
bromelioid genera. Dispersal in the vegetative
FRUIT AND SEED. Detailed modern studies in the state is common in Tillandsia usneoides, as it is
seed morphology have been made by Nemirovich- used by birds for nest construction.
Danchenko (1983) and GroB (1988a). In the
Pitcairnioideae the fruit is generally a septicidal PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Flavonols, flavones (the latter
capsule with an additionalloculicidal apical dehis- as highly methoxylated exudates), triterpenes,
cence in some genera. The pericarp is not differen- and steroids have been isolated from leaves. The
tiated into exocarp and endocarp. Seeds are flavonoid pattern is similar to that of the
usually small and appendaged (Fig. 24H), rarely Commelinaceae, with which the Bromeliaceae
naked (Navia, Pepinia, Varadarajan 1986), the ap- agree also in the occurrence of silica bodies
pendage being a completely surrounding wing or (Hegnauer 1963, 1986). This reflects the isolated
the seeds are bicaudate. Tillandsioideae have cap- position of the family within the monocotyledons
sular fruits with the pericarp splitting into a (Williams 1978). Cyanidin is the prevaling antho-
stramineous exocarp and a dark lustrous cyanin, proanthocyaninidins seem to be absent.
endocarp and have plumose seeds (Figs. 25G, Flower fragrance includes the triterpenes cycloart-
26G). In Glomeropitcairnia the outer integument 23-en-3~, 25-diol, citronellol, geraniol, and nerol
forms plumose appendages at both ends, which (Hegnauer 1963). Cell wall UV fluorescence is due
suggests an intermediate position between to the combined occurrence of p-coumaric acid,
Pitcairnioideae and Tillandsioideae. In Catopsis ferulic acid, and diferulic acid (Harris and Hartley
single hairs grow from the chalaza to form a folded 1980). Exudated gums contain galactose, xylose,
coma. In the remaining genera of Tillandsioideae, and arabinose. Ananas comosus contains brome-
the outer integument splits up into rows of elon- lain, a mixture of at least 5 proteolytic enzymes;
gated cells forming the pseudopappus (Fig. 26G). the odor of its fruit is mainly caused by
The seed coat formed by the inner integument undecatrien and undecatraen (Carle 1992).
usually consists of 2 cell layers and seems to have
a characteristic structure for individual genera SUBDIVISION AND RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE
(Smith and Downs 1974). In the Bromelioideae the FAMILY. Bentham and Hooker (1883) have been
fruits are berries with a variously fleshy pericarp, the first to propose a modern subdivision with
the seeds unappendaged and often with a three tribes which have been widely accepted as
sarcotesta; Acanthostachys is a remarkable excep- natural units. Pitcairnioideae were soon further
82 Bromeliaceae

divided. Harms (1930) first recognized subfami- that Bromeliaceae are closely related to Rapatea-
lies, including the fourth and newly erected Navi- ceae and Mayacaceae (Chase et al. 1993; Clark et al.
oideae, to which he attributed a primitive status. 1993, Givnish et al. 1995), or to Commelinaceae
The peculiarities of Navia were confirmed and (Duvall et al. 1993). A relationship to Velloziaceae
extended on the genus Cottendorfia by Robinson as proposed by Dahlgren ( 1983) and Dahlgren et al.
(1969). The three-partition of Bentham and (1985) cannot be confirmed. Takhtajan (1980) is
Hooker ( 1883) was accepted at subfamiliallevel by alone in his suspicion of a relationship with the
most researchers up to the most recent mono- agavaceous stock ofLiliales.
graphs (Smith and Downs 1974, 1977, 1979).
Generally, the terrestrial Pitcairnioideae are DISTRIBUTION, HABITATS, AND THE EVOLUTION
considered as the least specialized group with OF EPIPHYTISM. Bromeliaceae are native to the
epigeal germination, most primitive trichomes, tropical and subtropical regions of the neotropics
predominantly superior ovaries, the capsular extending to Virginia in N America and to north-
fruits, and the weakly elaborated seeds. ern Patagonia in S America. They range from sea
Tillandsioideae with hypogeal germination, most level to over 4500 m in the central Peruvian Andes.
highly elaborated trichomes, prevailing superior Only Pitcairnia feliciana is endemic to western
ovaries, capsules, plumose seeds, and the atmo- tropical Africa; its occurrence there is interpreted
spheric growth habit, as well as Bromelioideae by long-distance dispersal. This pattern of distri-
with hypogeal germination, moderately elabo- bution is equalled by Rapateaceae, with Marsch-
rated trichomes, inferior ovaries, and baccate alocephalus as the only African member. A few
fruits, are interpreted as derived lineages. Both Bromeliaceae live far off the South American sub-
Pittendrigh (1948) and Tomlinson (1969) have continent on islands: Racinaea insularis on the
emphasized that the three subfamilies are best re- Galapagos Islands, Greigia berteroi and Ochagavia
garded as separate derivatives of a common ances- elegans on the Juan Fernandez Islands.
tral group, so that distinct evolutionary trends The Brocchinieae are restricted to the Guayana
must be sought within each subfamily. A mole- Highlands, Pitcairnieae have their center in north-
cular analysis has indicated the monophyly of ern S America extending into Mesoamerica, the
Tillandsioideae and Bromelioideae and the Antilles, and southeastern Brazil, and Puyeae have
sister group relationship of Bromelioideae and one center along the Andean cordillera and
Pitcairnioideae, the latter supposedly being another in eastern Brazil; only Brewcaria and a
paraphyletic (Ranker et al. 1990). A cladistic study few Puya species are represented in the Guayana
of Varadarajan and Gilmartin (1988a) led to the Highlands. Hechtia is remarkable for its restric-
recognition of three monophyletic tribes within tion to Mexico and Guatemala. Tillandsioideae
Pitcairnioideae: Brocchinieae, Pitcairnieae, and have their center in northwestern S America ex-
Puyeae (Varadarajan and Gilmartin 1988b). The tending into Mesoamerica, the Antilles, south-
relationships among the genera of Bromelioideae western S America, and southeastern Brazil,
are insufficiently understood and the arrangement to which latter area Alcantarea is restricted.
presented under Genera of the Bromeliaceae Bromelioideae are centered in eastern Brazil.
(below) follows the supposed progressions from Some genera exhibit long-distance disjunctions
sulcate to porate pollen, from a lacking to a large like Greigia, Billbergia, some subgenera of
epigynous tube, and from appendaged to naked Aechmea, Hohenbergia, and Neoregelia, or are
petals, but remains somewhat arbitrary. wide-ranging like some subgenera of Aechmea
and Bromelia. For detailed distribution maps at
AFFINITIES. The family Bromeliaceae is widely generic and subgeneric levels see Smith and
recognized as monophyletic (Gilmartin and Downs (1974, 1977, 1979).
Brown 1987). Synapomorphies of the family Bromeliads are found in a great variety of habi-
include stellate and scalelike multicellular hairs; tats. Mesophytes prevail in environments with
solitary silica bodies; a conspicuously sepaloid high humidity like lowland rainforests, montane
and petaloid perianth; conduplicate-spiral stig- forests, and cloud forests, while CAM xerophytes
mas; and possibly the chromosome base number are able to settle in dry areas like savannahs,
of x = 25. Molecular analyses support a concept campos rupestres, semideserts, fog deserts and
of a close relationship between the Bromeliifiorae, even on bare rock. For more details see Benzing
Commelinifiorae, and Zingiberifiorae, which form (1980, 1990) and Rauh (1990).
a monophylum to which the palms are basal (Clark The evolution of epiphytism has been explained
et al. 1993). At the family level, rbcL data indicate controversely. Schimper (1888) concluded that
Bromeliaceae 83

evolution of the epiphytic life form had occurred more may be endangered by commercial collect-
within the rainforest itself as proceeding from the ing on a large scale, especially in Guatemala and
forest floor to the lower limbs, and then ultimately Brazil. A main source of endangering, however, is
to the relatively dry upper canopy of the forest as the destruction of the natural habitats by unscru-
certain bromeliads became more and more inde- pulous land use.
pendent of roots through increasing specialization
of the adsorbing trichomes. Pittendrigh (1948) CONSPECTUS OF CLASSIFICATION OF
believed in a moderate xeric ancestor which gave BROMELIACEAE
rise to both fully xeric and mesic derivatives.
I. Subfamily Pitcairnioideae Harms (1930).
Tomlinson (1969), however, pointed out that 1. Tribe Brocchinieae G.S. Varad. & Gilmartin (1988).
the anatomical evidence may be in conflict with Genus 1.
Pittendrigh's evolutionary interpretation. Medina 2. Tribe Pitcairnieae K. Koch (1874).
(1974) proposed an intermediary position of a Genera 2-10.
heliophilic C3 ancestor between completely meso- 3. Tribe Puyeae Wittm. (1888).
Genera 11-16.
phytic and xerophytic derivatives. However, the II. Subfamily Tillandsioideae Harms (1930).
disucssion has not yet come to an end (Benzing Genera 17-25.
et al. 1985). Ill. Subfamily Bromelioideae Harms (1930).
Genera 26-56.
AssociATED BIOTA. An extensive literature has
developed on the animals which live in bromeliad KEY TO THE GENERA
tanks and leaf bases (Kriigel1993). The spectrum 1. Mature seed appendaged or if not (Pitcairnia in part and
of phytotelm inhabitants comprises animals and Navia and Brewcaria), then the fruit capsular and dehis-
prokaryota, algae, myxomycota, and higher plants cent; ovary superior or largely so in most genera to infe-
(Laessle 1961), and ranges from occasionals to rior; fruit capsular or if not (Pitcairnia in part), then the
seed appendaged; germination epigeal or hypogeal 2
organisms restricted to these microhabitats like - Mature seed unappendaged; fruit baccate; ovary inferior;
the crustacea Elpidium bromeliarum or the frog leaves mostly spinose-serrate; indument almost always of
Syncope antenori. Many malaria mosquito species obvious scales; germination hypogeal; plants often terres-
use the bromeliad ~anks during their life cycles. trial (subfam. Bromelioideae) 27
2. Seed appendages entire or slightly divided (Brocchinia
paniculata) or lacking (Pepinia aphelandriflora) and
FossiLS. Six different specimens of fossils have Navia); fruit usually dehiscent; leaves mostly spinose-
been assigned tentatively to the Bromeliaceae. serrate; indument of finely to scarcely divided scales;
According to the evaluation by Smith and Downs germination epigeal; plants usually terrestrial (subfam.
(1974), for none of them is the association with the Pitcairnioideae) 3
- Seed appendages finely divided and forming a coma,
family proven, or at least likely. The probably always present; fruit dehiscent; leaves always entire;
only true bromeliad fossil is Karatophyllum indument almost always of obviously radially symmetric
bromelioides from Costa Rica (Gomez P. 1972). scales; germination hypogeal; plants mostly epiphytic
(subfam. Tillandsioideae) 19
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. Ananas comosus, the 3. Plants monoecious or, if rarely dioecious (Cottendorfia) or
polygamodioecious (Dyckia maritima, D. selloa, and D.
pineapple, is the species of primary economic im- hebdingii), then the petals yellow or orange and plants
portance and is cultivated for its fruits worldwide native to northeastern and southernmost Brazil 4
in tropical regions. It also provides the proteolytic - Plants dioecious with functionally unisexual flowers;
enzyme bromelain which is pharmaceutically petals rose or white; plants of Texas, Mexico, and northern
used (Carle 1992). Tillandsia usneoides, Spanish Central America 16. Hechtia
4. Bases of the filaments separate from each other, but some-
moss, was formerly important, especially in Loui- times individually adnate to the petals and sepals 5
siana, as a squrce of pillow and cushion stuffing, - Bases of the filaments forming a tube and adnate to the
but has been supplanted by plastic. Neoglaziovia petals; petals yellow to orange; plants of Brazil, Uruguay,
variegata, the car6a or carua, and Ananas lucid us, Paraguay, and Argentina 15. Dyckia
5. Seeds obviously and persistently appendaged 6
the curagua, are a source of heavy fiber in north-
- Seeds naked at maturity 17
ern S America. Some Bromelia species have edible 6. Petal blades tightly spiraled after anthesis, broad, distinct
fruits (Arenas and Arroyo 1988; Correa and Bernal from the claw; leaf blades narrowly triangular, never con-
1990). Many bromeliads are cultivated as tracted at base; ovary superior or slightly inferior; Andean
ornamentals. plants of open slopes and summits from Costa Rica and
Guayana to Chile and Argentina 13. Puya
- Petal blades remaining separate after anthesis or, if
CoNSERVATION. Seven species of Tillandsia have sometimes slightly spiraled (Deuterocohnia), then not
been protected by appendix II of CITES. Many clawed 7
84 Bromeliaceae

7. Ovary wholly superior; petals regular 8 19. Ovary nearly or quite superior; seeds plumose on base or
- Ovary partially to wholly inferior, or, if superior, then the apex or largely on the base and only slightly on the apex
petals zygomorphic (Pepinia and Pitcairnia spp.) 14 20
8. Petals naked or with paired appendages (Steyerbromelia) - Ovary only half superior; seeds equally plumose-
9 appendaged at both ends; flowers polystichous. Lesser
- Petals each bearing a single basal scale; xerophytic plants Antilles, Trinidad, adjacent Venezuela
of the southern Andes from Peru to Chile, Argentina, and 18. Glomeropitcairnia
W Brazil 12. Deuterocohnia 20. Appendage of the seed wholly or largely basal, straight at
9. Seeds with a falciform appendage; petal blades narrow, maturity 21
indistinct; plants of NE Brazil 14. Encholirium - Appendage of the seed largely apical ( = chalaza!), folded
- Seeds bicaudate-appendaged 10 at maturity; sepals strongly asymmetric in most species;
10. Anthers basifixed, linear, coiled at anthesis, inner fila- flowers in at least slightly more than 2 ranks; leaves often
ments adnate to the base of the petals; leaf blades thin, cretaceous-coated on the inside. Florida, Mexico, and the
more or less contracted at base; mesophytic plants of West Indies to Brazil and Peru 17. Catopsis
Mexico to Argentina and W Brazil 8. Fosterella 21. Petal claws free or with very short tube exceeded by the
- Anthers subbasifixed to equitant, stout, straight; filaments sepals; flowers distichous in most species 22
usually free; leaf blades firm, not contracted at base; plants - Petal claws conglutinated in a tube, equaling the sepals or,
of the Guayana Highlands 11 rarely, the petals entirely included in the sepals 26
11. Flowers perfect; sepals convolute, each with its left side 22. Petals naked; inflorescence of 1 or more distichous-
covering the right side of the next one 12 flowered spikes or racemes or rarely reduced to 1 or more
- Flowers unisexual, dioecious; sepals cochlear with the polystichous-flowered spikes or to a single flower; plants
abaxial overlapping both the adaxial, plants of NE Brazil of southern United States to Argentina and Chile 25
6. Cottendorfia - Petals bearing scales ("lateral folds" of Mez) on the inside
12. Petals naked; stigmas straight, erect; flowers mostly of the claw; inflorescence as in Tillandsia. Mexico and the
pedicellate 13 West Indies to Argentina and Uruguay 23
- Petals with paired appendages; stigmas broad, strongly 23. Seed with the apical appendage divided into a short coma;
contorted; flowers sessile; inflorescence compound, lax petals linear long, fusiform, usually 10-15 times longer
4. Steyerbromelia than wide, soon flaccid and drooping 21. Alcantarea
13. Anthers subbasifixed; petals brightly colored, more or less - Seed with the apical appendage minute and undivided;
massed together after anthesis but not twisted; sepals large petals elliptical, usually 5-10 times longer than wide, usu-
and firm 7. Connellia ally firm and remaining more or less erect after an thesis
- Anthers equitant; petals white or rose, separate after 24
anthesis; sepals not over lOmm long, thin, flat 24. Flowers with brilliant coloration in most species, bright
5. Lindmania yellow, orange, or red, rarely dull to white, light yellow, or
14. Petals large, naked, or appendaged, usually zygomorphic light orange; the adaxial petal pair arranged apically in
and forming a hood over the anthers; sepals convolute respect to the abaxial; petal appendages tongue-shaped;
with the left side of each overlapping the right of the next stigma with the convolute blade type morphology, that is,
one; plants of Mexico and the West Indies to Argentina 3 obviously spreading lobes covered with papillae
and Brazil 15 22. Vriesea
- Petals minute, regular; sepals cochlear with both adaxial - Flowers generally dull in color, white, greenish white, light
ones overlapping the abaxial; plants of the Guayana green yellowish green, yellow, or light orange; the adaxial
Highlands 16 petal pair arranged basally in respect to the abaxial;
15. Seeds 2-tailed; foliage usually dimorphic to polymorphic; petal appendages dactyloid with 1-5 fingers of varying
inflorescence a raceme, panicle, spike, or frequently length; stigma with the cupulate type morphology, that is,
strobiliform; flowers and floral bracts occasionally secund 3 apical, capitate, cup-shaped lobes, without papillae
and reflexed; leaf blades often broadly elliptic, ovate, lan- 23. Werauhia
ceolate, or oblanceolate 10. Pitcairnia 25. Sepals symmetric or if slightly asymmetric, then ovate
- Seeds winged; foliage monomorphic to rarely dimorphic, or lanceolate and broadest below the middle, free or
never polymorphic; inflorescence a raceme or panicle, variously connate; seeds usually with a distinct apical
never strobiliform; flowers and floral bracts always erect to appendage 24. Tillandsia
spreading; leaf blades narrowly elliptic to lanceolate - Sepals asymmetric, free or nearly so, broadest near apex,
9. Pepinia not over 12mm long; seeds without apical appendage
16. Epigynous tube lacking; inflorescence open and definitely 25. Racinaea
branched 1. Brocchinia 26. Petal claws always naked; spikes always polystichous-
- Epigynous tube well developed; inflorescence sessile, flowered. Florida, Mexico, and the West Indies to Brazil
capitate 3. Ayensua and Bolivia 20. Guzmania
17. Sepals convolute; petals zygomorphic (Pepinia - Petal claws bearing scales on the inside; flowers polystic-
aphelandriflora) 15 hous rarely secund or distichous. Colombia to Peru
- Sepals cochlear with both adaxial ones overlapping 19. Mezobromelia
the abaxial; petals regular; ovary superior (in most 27. Sepals symmetric or nearly so 28
species) to nearly inferior; plants of the Guayana - Sepals asymmetric 51
Highlands 18 28. Filaments forming a tube to which the fleshy petals are
18. Petals naked; inflorescence scapose, pinnate, and more or joined along their centers but with their margins free;
less open or sessile and capitate 2. Navia sepals mostly free or nearly so; leaves very laxly and
- Petals with 2 appendages; inflorescence long-scapose, coarsely spinose-serrate 29
simple, densely cylindric 11. Brewcaria - Filaments not connate but sometimes adnate 31
Bromeliaceae 85

29. Sepals with soft, usually broad apices; inflorescences 49. Petals connate or agglutinated in a tube the height of the
compound. Mexico and the West Indies to Argentina and sepals 52. Nidularium
Uruguay 36. Bromelia - Petals free or nearly so 50
- Sepals spinose-mucronate 30 50. Petals completely free; inflorescence often scapose
30. Inflorescence simple, subsessile. Argentina 45. Canistrum
37. Deinacanthon - Petals short-connate at or a little above the base
- Inflorescence branched with terminal strobils, scapose. S 46. Wittrockia
Mexico, Guatemala 49. Hohenbergiopsis 51. Ovaries coalescing to form a compound fruit; inflores-
31. Terminal axes of the inflorescence visible 32 cence simple, strobilate 52
- Terminal axes of the inflorescence covered by leaves or - Ovaries always remaining distinct 53
bracts 38 52. Inflorescence with a small, inconspicuous coma, never
32. Petals naked; sepals 0.5-7mm long 33 producing basal shoots; plant propagating by elongate rhi-
- Petals appendaged; sepals mostly much larger 34 zomes; petals bearing vertical folds. Paraguay and adjacent
33. Inflorescence compound; sepals broadly ovate or oblong, areas 39. Pseudananas
0.5-2mm long. Costa Rica and Trinidad to Amazonian - Inflorescence usually with a large conspicuous coma (lack-
Brazil 28. Araeococcus ing in A. monstrosus), often with basal shoots; rhizomes
- Inflorescence simple; sepals narrowly elliptic, 7mm long; lacking; petals usually bearing well-developed scales.
flowers subsessile or pedicellate. Mount Itatiaia area in E Probably native from Paraguay to the Amazon Basin, now
Brazil 31. Fernseea pantropical 40. Ananas
34. Petals zygomorphic or tightly recoiled and flowers sessile. 53. Flowers pedicellate 54
W Mexico and Central America to Argentina and Uruguay - Flowers sessile or subsessile 59
35 54. Inflorescence nidular, simple in most species; petals
- Petals regular (actinomorphic) 36 naked. Amazonia, E Brazil 53. Neoregelia
35. Epigynous tube usually well developed 34. Billbergia - Inflorescence scapose 55
- Epigynous tube shallow. W Mexico 33. Ursulaea 55. Sepals more or less connate, long-mucronate; petals
36. Petals erect. E Brazil 37 appendaged. E Brazil 47. Portea
- Petals apically recoiled 33. Ursulaea - Sepals free or unarmed 56
37. Flowers sessile 44. Quesnelia 56. Inflorescence simple; sepals unarmed 57
- Flowers pedicellate 35. Neoglaziovia - Inflorescence compound 58
38. Inflorescence simple, strobilate; flowers solitary in the axil 57. Petals naked. Colombia 48. Pseudaechmea
of each bract 39 - Petals appendaged. Colombia and Guyana to NE Brazil
- Inflorescence compound 46 43. Aechmea subg. 2. Lamprococcus
39. Scape short or none; strobils nidular or axillary 40 58. Sepals 1.5-3mm long; inflorescence glabrous; petals
- Scape well developed, obvious 44 naked. Colombia to Suriname and Amazonian Brazil
40. Floral bracts foliaceous. NE Brazil 26. Orthophytum 28. Araeococcus
- Floral bracts bracteiform 41 - Sepals 3.5-22mm long; inflorescence !epidote; petals
41. Scape distinct, its bracts shorter than the floral bracts; appendaged. Mexico to Peru
petals naked. Mexico and Venezuela to Chile 43. Aechmea subg. 1. Podaechmea
30. Greigia 59. Petals appendaged with well-developed scales 60
- Scape none or very short 42 - Petals naked or with lateral folds or rudimentary or
42. Epigynous tube shallow, crateriform (A. pitcairnioides). reduced scales 66
Brazil: Bahia 41. Acanthostachys 60. Epigynous tube shallow or lacking; flowers in terete
- Epigynous tube cylindric, deep. Chile 43 strobils; inflorescence mostly pinnate and lax, rarely digi-
43. Sepals obtuse, carinate 29. Fascicularia tate or simple (H. littoralis). Antilles to Venezuela and
- Sepals acute to attenuate, pungent to mucronate, not Brazil 42. Hohenbergia
carinate 32. Ochagavia Epigynous tube well developed; inflorescence various 61
44. Scape erect, without bracts (A. strobilacea). S Brazil, 61. Sepals unarmed 62
Paraguay, Argentina 41. Acanthostachys - Sepals armed. N and S America 43. Aechmea subg.
- Scape covered with bracts 45 3. Aechmea, 43. Aechmea subg. 4. Ortgiesia,
45. Scape bracts foliaceous, scape erect. NE Brazil and 43. Aechmea subg. 6. Pothuava
26. Orthophytum 62. Floral bracts attached basally, not decurrent nor forming
- Scape bracts bracteiform; scape prostrate. French Guiana pouches; flowers polystichous 63
and adjacent Brazil 56. Disteganthus - Floral bracts decurrent and forming pouches around the
46. Inflorescence obviously compound with several strobils flowers; flowers often distichous. N and S America
on an elongate floral axis 47 43. Aechmea subg. 5. Platyaechmea
- Inflorescence pseudosimple with hands or fiat fascicles in 63. Inflorescence branched 64
the axils of large bracts 48 - Inflorescence simple 65
47. Floral bracts foliaceous, serrulate; strobils sessile or 64. Leaves 2-ranked; blades marked with spots or bands; floral
subsessile. NE Brazil 26. Orthophytum bracts minute; ovules obtuse (Qu. marmorata). Brazil:
- Floral bracts bracteiform, entire; strobils on Espirito Santo to Sao Paulo 44. Quesnelia
distinct scapes. Mexico and Venezuela to Chile - Leaves more than 2-ranked or the blades concolorous;
30. Greigia floral bracts large to lacking; ovules long-caudate. Colom-
48. Outer bracts of the inflorescence foliaceous; sepals high bia, Venezuela, Amazonian Brazil 43. Aechmea subg.
connate; petals naked. NE Brazil 27. Cryptanthus 2. Lamprococcus
- Outer bracts of the inflorescence bracteiform, large, and 65. Ovules obtuse (no further distinction possible without
covering most of the flowers. E Brazil 49 keying by species). E Brazil 44. Quesnelia
86 Bromeliaceae

- Ovules apiculate to caudate. Central America to Brazil and more cells; leaf photoassimilatory tissue with
Argentina 43. Aechmea subg. 7. Macrochordion abundant stellate chlorenchyma; leaves almost
66. Ovary deeply sulcate; inflorescence simple or compound.
NE Brazil 51. Lymania
always entire (except Brocchinia serrata L.B. Sm.);
- Ovary evenly rounded 67 inflorescence a raceme or profusely branched
67. Inflorescence lax; axes visible 68 panicle.
- Inflorescence dense 71
68. Inflorescence simple. Costa Rica to Peru 55. Ronnbergia
- Inflorescence pinnately compound 69 1. Brocchinia Schult. & Schult. f.
69. Flowers minute; sepals not over 3mm long; ovules few;
epigynous tube none. Costa Rica, Venezuela, Trinidad, Brocchinia Schult. & Schult. f., in Roem. & Schult., Syst. veg.
Tobago, Guyana to Amazonian Brazil 28. Araeococcus 7(2): lxx, 1250 (1830); L.B. Sm., Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 73:689-
- Flowers small to large; sepals more than 3 mm long; epigy- 721 (1986).
nous tube distinct 70
70. Branches elongate, many-flowered; flowers perfect; Terrestrial or rarely epiphytic, stemless to mas-
anthers unappendaged. E and Amazonian Brazil and sively caulescent; leaves rosulate; blades usually
adjacent areas 54. Streptocalyx
- Branches short, digitately few-flowered; flowers function- entire, glabrous or subglabrous; scape conspic-
ally unisexual on different plants; anthers appendaged. uous; inflorescence compound, mostly ample;
Central America: Guatemala to Costa Rica 50. Androlepis flowers perfect, minute, pedicellate; sepals free,
71. Flowers 2 or more in the axil of each bract 72 imbricate with the 2 adaxial covering the abaxial;
- Flower single in the axil of each bract 73
petals free, naked; stamens included at anthesis;
72. Inflorescence involucrate; sepals only slightly asymmetric,
unarmed or mucronulate. E Brazil 52. Nidularium filaments more or less adnate to the sepals and
- Inflorescence strobilate; sepals strongly asymmetric, petals; stigma conduplicate-spiral or simple erect;
mucronate. E and Amazonian Brazil and adjacent areas ovary from 1/3 to wholly inferior; placentae linear;
54. Streptocalyx ovules few, long-appendaged; capsule wholly
73. Petals naked or with lateral folds; bracts chartaceous or
coriaceous; leaf blades often petiolate. Costa Rica to Peru
septicidal or rarely loculicidal as well (B. ser-
55. Ronnbergia rata L.B. Sm.). Twenty one spp., Guayana
- Petals bearing rudimentary or reduced appendages; bracts Highlands.
mostly thick and ligneous; leaf blades never petiolate;
pollen sulcate. Mexico to Peru and Amazonian Brazil, E
Brazil 38. Chevaliera 2. Tribe Pitcairnieae K. Koch (1874).
Seeds usually spherical, lenticular, cuneate, po-
GENERA OF THE BROMELIACEAE lygonal, reniform, or ellipsoidal; if elongate, then
apical and basal ends similar, surface cellular pat-
I. Subfam. Pitcairnioideae Harms (1930). tern of seed appendage and body often different;
subfam. Navioideae Harms (1930).
foliar trichomes symmetric or asymmetric with
a stalk of 2 or 3 cells; leaf photoassimilatory
Nearly always terrestrial or saxicolous. Roots tissue without stellate chlorenchyma but with
present and largely functional. Leaves nearly abundant palisade and spongy elements or
always spinose-serrate. Ovary superior or undifferenciated chlorenchyma; leaves entire to
largely so to rarely inferior (in Ayensua, many mostly spinulose or serrulate, typically mem-
Brocchinia spp., and a few species of Navia branous, occasionally coriaceous; foliar trichome
and Pitcairnia). Pollen sulcate, sulcus simple arrangement irregular and nonoverlapping; epi-
except of Pepinia and Pitcairnia with a distal dermis smooth (except for some Pepinia); water-
storage tissue peripheral only; hypodermal
germination area. Stigma of the conduplicate-
spiral type morphology except in Brewcaria, sclerenchyma absent (except for Ayensua and
Cottendorfia, Hechtia, Brocchinia (in part), and some Pepinia); inflorescence a globose head,
Fosterella (in part). Fruit capsular or rarely spike, raceme, or panicle.
2. Navia Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. Fig. 23
1. Tribe Brocchinieae G.S. Varad. & Gilmartin Navia Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f., in Roem. & Schult., Syst.
(1988). veg. 7(2): lxv, 1195 (1830); L.B. Smith, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard.
73: 689-721 (1986); emend. Steyerm., J. Bromeliad Soc. 39:
Seeds elongate, apical and basal ends dissimilar, 54 (1989).
basal appendage variously modified, surface cellu-
lar pattern of seed appendage and seed body alike; Stemless or caulescent; leaves rosulate or in a
foliar trichomes symmetric with stalk of six or dense spiral along the stem; blades entire or more
Bromeliaceae 87

sepals free, imbricate with the abaxial wholly in-

cluded by the 2 adaxial; petals free, naked; sta-
mens included, the 2 series unequal; ovary wholly
inferior, crowned with a large epigynous tube;
ovules caudate; fruit indehiscent on the outside,
dividing into 3 equal valves inside. Only one sp., A.
uaipanensis (Maguire) L.B. Sm., Auyan-tepui in
Guayana Highlands of southern Venezuela.

4. Steyerbromelia L.B. Sm.

Steyerbromelia L.B. Sm., Acta Bot. Venez. 14: 8 (1984), nom.
illeg.; Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 73: 689-721 (1986).

Large heliophytic herbs; leaves rosulate; sheaths

short; blades narrowly triangular, not constricted
at base, more or less spinose-serrate; scape devel-
oped, stout; scape bracts subfoliaceous; inflo-
rescence amply pinnate-paniculate, lax; flowers
perfect, sessile; sepals imbricate, free; petals
appendaged with vertically attached scales, free;
stamens equal; ovary superior; stigmas broad,
strongly contorted; ovules caudate. Three spp.,
open summits, Guayana Highlands.

Fig. 23A-E. Bromeliaceae-Pitcairnioideae. Navia acaulis. A 5. Lindmania Mez

Habit. B Flower with subtending bract. C Pistil. D Dehiscing
capsule. E Seed. (Takhtajan 1982) Lindmania Mez, in A. & C. DC., Monogr. phan. 9: 535 (1896);
L.B. Sm., Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 73: 689-721 (1986).
Cottendorfia sensu LB. Sm. (1960), (1974); in part but not as
to type.
or less serrulate; scape usually lacking, rarely well
developed; inflorescence usually capitate but Small to large heliophytic herbs; leaves rosulate;
sometimes paniculate; floral bracts conspicuous; blades mostly entire but sometimes more or less
flowers sessile or subsessile, perfect; sepals imbri- serrulate; scape usually but not always developed;
cate with both adaxial ones overlapping the inflorescence compound or rarely simple; flowers
abaxial, free to high-connate; petals free to high- perfect, small, white, or greenish; sepals con-
connate, naked; stamens of the second series volute, free; petals free, naked; filaments mostly
highly adnate to the petals; anthers linear; ovary free; anthers versatile; stigma simple-erect; ovary
usually superior but rarely to wholly inferior; style wholly superior, glabrous; style slender; placentae
slender; placentae linear; ovules naked or nearly short, basal; capsule short, ovoid, septicidal; seeds
so; capsule usually dehiscent; seeds reticulate, slenderly fusiform, bicaudate. Thirty eight spp.,
naked or soon losing the vestigial wing. Ninety open habitats, Guayana Highlands.
eight heliophytic spp., Guayana Highlands from
Colombia to Suriname.
6. Cottendorfia Schult. & Schult. f.
Cottendorfia Schult. & Schult. f., in Roem. & Schult., Syst. veg.
3. Ayensua L.B. Sm. 7(2): lxiv, 1193 (1830).
Ayensua L.B. Sm., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 18 (2): 29 (1969);
emend. L.B. Sm. & Read, Phytologia 38: 137 (1977). Heliophytic herb; leaves rosulate; blades entire,
pungent; inflorescence tripinnately paniculate,
Caulescent, terrestrial and saxicolous in dense lax; branches densely polystichous-flowered;
colonies; leaves densely imbricate along the stem; flowers unisexual, dioecious, sessile, small; sepals
sheaths distinct; blades attenuate, not contracted cochlear, the abaxial overlapping both the adaxial,
at base, deciduous; scape lacking; inflorescence free; petals free, naked; stamens included; fila-
capitate; flowers perfect, sessile or subsessile; ments free; anthers ovate, mediofixed; ovary
88 Bromeliaceae

superior; style cylindric, short; stigmas 3, linear, 10. Pitcairnia L'Her. Fig. 24A-H
erect; placentae subscutate, basal; ovules few,
Pitcairnia L'Her., Sert. angl.: 7 (1788); nom. cons.; G.S. Varad.
apically short-caudate. Only one sp., C. florida & Gilmartin, Syst. Bot. 13: 294-299 (1988).
Schult. & Schult. f., restricted to xeric habitats in
NE Brazil. Mostly terrestrial herbs but sometimes saxicolous
or epiphytic, mostly stemless to long-caulescent;
leaves polystichous or rarely distichous; blades
7. Connellia N.E. Br.
Connellia N.E. Br., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. 6: 66 (1901);
L.B. Sm., Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 73: 689-721 (1986).

Stemless or short-caulescent; leaves rosulate, co-

riaceous; blades spinose-serrate to entire; scape
developed; inflorescence simple or compound;
flowers perfect; sepals convolute, free; petals free,
naked; stamens included; anthers basifixed; ovary
wholly superior; style elongate; capsule septicidal;
seeds long-caudate. Five spp., open slopes and
summits, Guayana Highlands.

8. Fosterella L.B. Sm.

Forsterella L.B. Sm., Phytologia 7: 171, pl. 1 (1960); L.B. Sm. &
Read, Bradea 6: 134-140 (1992).
Lindmania sensu Mez (1896), (1935); sensu L.B. Sm. (1960);
in part but not as to type.

Mesophytic terrestrial herbs, stemless or nearly

so; leaves rosulate; blades entire or weakly
serrulate; scape always well developed; inflores-
cence usually laxly paniculate; flowers small to
minute, perfect; sepals convolute, free; petals free,
unappendaged; stamens barely included to ex-
serted; filaments free or the inner adnate to the
bases of the petals; anthers basifixed, linear; pollen
dry, wind-borne; stigma conduplicate-spiral or
simple-erect; ovary superior; placentae linear the
length of the cell; capsule septicidal, globose to
subpyramidal; seeds narrow, bicaudate. (2n = 50,
100). Sixteen spp., mesophytic habitats, Mexico to
Argentina and W Brazil.

9. Pepinia Brongn. ex Andre

Pepinia Brongn. ex Andre, Ill. Hort. 17: 32, pl. (1870); G.S.
Varad. & Gilmartin, Syst. Bot. 13: 294- 299 (1988).

Foliage monomorphic to dimorphic; leaves nar-

rowly elliptic to lanceolate; inflorescence a raceme
or panicle; flowers and floral bracts erect to
spreading; seeds winged to rarely naked. (2n =
50). Sixty eight species, terrestrial and saxicolous Fig. 24A-M. Bromeliaceae-Pitcairnioideae. A-H Puya
mirabilis. A Habit. B Leaf. C Stamen. D Pistil. E Flower. F Style
in open savannas and scrub forests. Guayana with stigma. G Capsule. H Seed. 1-M Puya berteroiana. I
Highlands and adjacent lowlands, N Andes, Habit. J Flower. K Stamen. L Pistil. M Ovary, cross-section.
Central America. (Takhtajan 1982)
Bromeliaceae 89

from linear to broadly lanceolate and petiolate, Plants growing in ring formations or forming
usually strongly dimorphic, entire or serrate, cushions or polsters; leaves densely rosulate,
sometimes deciduous; scape usually developed; spinose-serrate; scape developed and the inflores-
inflorescence simple or compound; flowers cence perennial, or scape lacking and the inflores-
perfect; sepals convolute, free; petals free, usually cence sessile; flowers perfect; sepals convolute,
zygomorphic, naked or with a single scale or free; petals free, each bearing a single basal ap-
its remnant at base; stamens elongate, from pendage; stamens free; ovary superior, ovules ob-
slightly shorter to slightly longer than the petals; tuse to very short caudate; seeds fusiform,
anthers linear; ovary from almost wholly sup- bicaudate. (2n = 50). Fourteen spp., extreme xero-
erior to wholly inferior; ovules numerous, phytic habitats, southern Andes, Peru, Bolivia,
appendaged or rarely obtuse; fruit a capsule or Argentina, and Chile.
rarely indehiscent on the outside; seeds bica-
udate or broad and winged. (2n = 50). Two hun- 13. Puya Molina Fig. 241-N
dred and eighty five spp., highly varied habitats.
Mexico and the West Indies to Argentina and Puya Molina, Sag. stor. nat. Chili: 160, 351 (1782).
Stemless or more generally long-caulescent; leaves
coriaceous; blades never constricted at base,
3. Tribe Puyeae Wittm. (1888) coarsely spinose-serrate; inflorescence simple or
Seeds usually spherical, lenticular, cuneate, paniculate; flowers perfect; sepals convolute, free;
polygonal, reniform, or ellipsoidal, if elongate, petals free, unappendaged or with a pair of vertical
then apical and basal ends similar, surface cell- folds, twisted together in a spiral after anthesis;
ular pattern of seed appendage and body often stamens generally somewhat shorter than the pet-
different; foliar trichomes symmetric or asym- als; filaments free; ovary superior or slightly infe-
metric with a stalk of 2 or 3 cells; leaf photo- rior; style long and slender; capsule loculicidal and
assimilatory tissue without stellate chlorenchyma generally tardily septicidal as well; seeds large,
but with abundant palisade and spongy ele- bearing a dorso-apical wing. (2n = 50). One hun-
ments or undifferentiated chlorenchyma; leaves dred and ninety spp., open slopes and summits
strongly spinose-serrate, succulent or semisuc- from Costa Rica and Guyana to Chile and Argen-
culent; foliar trichomes in epidermal grooves tina. Divisible into two subgenera, Puyopsis and
arranged in overlapping tiers; epidermis with Puya, according to absence or presence of sterile
ridges and furrows; water-storage tissue periph- branch ends serving as perches for pollinating
eral and internal; hypodermal sclerenchyma birds.
14. Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult f.
11. Brewcaria L.B. Sm., Steyerm. & H. Rob. Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f., in Roem. & Schult.,
Syst. veg. 7(2): lxviii, 1233 (1830); L.B. Sm. & Read, Bradea 5:
Brewcaria L.B. Sm., Steyerm. & H. Rob., Acta Bot. Venez. 14: 296-311 (1989).
10 (1984); L.B. Sm., Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 73: 689-721
(1986). Coarse xerophytes; leaves spinose-serrate; scape
well developed; inflorescence usually simple or
Large heliophytic herbs; leaves rosulate; blades rarely few-branched, of many pedicellate flowers;
narrowly triangular, spinose-serrate; scape erect, flowers perfect; sepals convolute or imbricate, free;
stout; inflorescence spicate, dense; flowers perfect; petals convolute, free, naked; stamens about equal-
sepals imbricate; petals bearing 2 horizontally at- ling the petals to much exceeding them; filaments
tached scales, free; stamens equal, included; free; ovary wholly superior; capsule short, stout;
stigma simple-erect; ovary slightly inferior; ovules seeds each with a single dorso-apical wing much
exalate or very narrowly alate. Two spp., Guayana extended backwards. Twenty nine spp., xerophytic
Highlands. habitats, northeastern Brazil to Mato Grosso.

12. Deuterocohnia Mez 15. Dyckia Schult. & Schult. f.

Deuterocohnia Mez, in Mart., Fl. bras. 3(3): 506 (1894); M.A. Dyckia Schult. & Schult. f., in Roem. & Schult., Syst. veg. 7(2):
Spencer & L.B. Sm., Bradea 6: 141-146 (1992). lxv, 1194 (1830).
Abromeitiella Mez (1927). Prionophyllum K. Koch (1874).
90 Bromeliaceae

Xerophytes, often repent; leaves usually spinose-

serrate, rigid; scape usually lateral; inflorescence
amply paniculate to simple; flowers perfect and
uniform to rarely dimorphic with some function-
ally unisexual; sepals imbricate, usually free;
petals imbricate; stamens included to exserted;
filaments basally connate among themselves and
with the petals, free or connate above; ovary
wholly superior; ovules many, each with a single
wing; capsule short and broad, septicidal and
sometimes partially loculicidal as well, seeds nu-
merous, broad, alate. (2n =50, 100). One hundred
and twenty four spp., xeric habitats, Central and E
Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

16. Hechtia Klotzsch

Hechtia Klotzsch, Allg. Gartenzeitung 3: 402 (1835).

Stem short; leaves densely rosulate; blades

coarsely spinose-serrate in most species, rarely
serrulate or even entire; scape usually lateral; in-
florescence paniculate, bipinnate or more divided,
branches from capitate to lax and very long; flow-
ers functionally unisexual on different plants; se-
pals free; petals naked, usually free but sometimes
joined to a ring of filaments by their centers; sta-
mens exserted to included; anthers mostly ovate;
stigma simple-erect; ovary from wholly superior
to 3/4 inferior; capsule septicidal and loculicidal;
seeds many, oblong, narrowly winged or some-
times almost naked, often sculptured. (2n = 50). Fig. 25A-G. Bromeliaceae-Tillandsioideae. Catopsis ber-
Fifty one spp., Texas, Mexico, and northern teroniana. A Fruiting plant. B Flower with subtending bract. C
Pistil in longitudinal section, showing one row of ovules. D
Central America. Cross-section of ovary, showing two rows of ovules in each
locule. E Three ovules showing elongated integument below
and distal tuft of hairs developing into terminal appendage of
II. Subfam. Tillandsioideae Harms (1930) seed. F Dehiscing capsule. G Seed with long terminal append-
age of hairs. (Smith and Wood 1975)
Largely epiphytic, caulescent, or acaulescent.
Roots often functioning only as holdfasts and
sometimes completely lacking. Leaves rosulate or Leaves densely utriculose-rosulate, often creta-
fasciculate or distributed along stem, entire; ceous-coated; scape conspicuous; inflorescence
indumentum of radially symmetric scales. Pollen usually bipinnate, rarely simple or tripinnate,
sulcate, usually with a distal germination area, the branches polystichous-flowered; flowers per-
rarely inaperturate (Guzmania) or sulcus simple fect or dimorphic and functionally dioecious at
( Catopsis). Stigma morphology variable, all types least as to the staminate plants (Mexico and
present. Ovary superior or nearly so except Central America); sepals free, usually strongly
in Glomeropitcairnia. Fruit capsular, septicidal; asymmetric with the right side produced;
seeds with a plumose appendage at base or apex or petals free, naked; stamens included, the 2 series
both. usually very unequal; anthers ovate or elliptic;
ovary superior; style short or none; stigma
conduplicate-spiral or simple erect; ovules few
17. Catopsis Griseb. Fig. 25 to several, apically long-caudate, a small basal
Catopsis Griseb., Nachr. Konig!. Ges. Wiss. Georg Augusts- coma of agglutinated hairs appearing as a spur on
Univ. [1] : 10, 12 (Jan 1864). the funicle; seeds with a folded apical coma. (2n =
Brameliaceae 91

50). Seventeen spp., xeric (canopy) epiphytes, 21. Alcantarea (E. Morren ex Mez) Harms
Florida, Mexico and the West Indies to Brazil and
Alcantarea (E. Morren ex Mez) Harms, Notizbl. Bot. Gart.
Peru. Berlin-Dahlem 10: 802 (1929); J.R. Grant, Trop. subtrop.
Pflanzenwelt 91: 7-15 (1995).

18. Glomeropitcairnia Mez Leaves forming large rosettes, inconspicuously

Glomeropitcairnia Mez, Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 5: 232 (1905); !epidote; inflorescence usually paniculate; flowers
Gilmartin & al., Syst. Bot. 14:339-348 (1989); Till, Halbritter distichous, secund, perfect; sepals free, convolute;
& Gortan, J. Brameliad Soc. 47: 65-72 (1997). petals free, soon becoming flaccid, with 2 entire
appendages; stamens and style exserted, stigma
Stemless; leaves rosulate, the epidermal scales with the convolute-blade type morphology; ovary
with a limb of regularly concentric cells; scape cryptically half-inferior; seeds with both basal and
erect; inflorescence of sessile or short-stipitate apical comas. (2n = 50). Twelve spp., mainly
heads or short spikes, bipinnate or tripinnate; heliophilic epilithes in lowland and montane for-
flowers perfect; sepals free; petals free, bearing 2 ests, SE Brazil.
scales at base; stamens included; stigma papillose,
of the convolute-blade type; ovary about half infe-
rior; capsule imperfectly dehiscent; seeds with 22. Vriesea Lindl.
a pappiform coma at both ends. Two spp., Vriesea Lind!., Bot. Reg. 29: pl. 10 (1843), nom. cons.; J.R.
heliophytic habitats, Lesser Antilles, Trinidad and Grant, Trap. subtrap. Pflanzenwelt 91: 5-57 (1995).
adjacent Venezuela.
Acaulescent, usually epiphytic; leaves rosulate;
scape usually conspicuous; inflorescence usually
19. Mezobromelia L.B. Sm.
of distichous-flowered spikes; flowers perfect; se-
Mezobromelia L.B. Sm., Proc. Am. Acad. Arts 70: 151, pl. 1, pals convolute, free or nearly so; petals
figs. 10, 11 (1935); H. Luther, Bromelia 2: 3-5 (1995). free or connate in a tube much shorter than
the sepals, bearing 2 scales at base, firm and
Leaves densely rosulate; inflorescence bipinnate; erect; stamens included or exserted; stigma con-
scape well developed; flowers polystichous or dis- duplicate-spiral, simple-erect, or of the convolute-
tichous and deflexed-secund, subsessile or pedi- blade type; ovary nearly or quite superior; ovules
cellate, perfect; sepals subfree or connate; petals many, usually caudate; seeds fusiform with a long
tightly conglutinated, bearing 2 scales on the in- straight basal coma. (2n = 50). One hundred
side; filaments adherent to the petals; stigma con- and ninety-three species in mainly mesophytic
duplicate-spiral; ovary superior. Nine epiphytic habitats. Mexico and theW est Indies to Argentina
spp., mesophytic habitats, Greater Antilles to and Uruguay. Divisible into two sections, Vriesea
Peru. and Xiphion, according to characters of the
20.. Guzmania Ruiz & Pav.
23. Werauhia J.R. Grant
Guzmania Ruiz & Pav., Fl. peruv. 3: 37, pl. 261 (1802).
Sodiroa Andre (1877). Werauhia J.R. Grant, Trap. subtrop. Pflanzenwelt 91: 16-57
Stemless or rarely caulescent; leaves densely
polystichous; scape usually conspicuous; inflores- Usually stemless; leaves rosulate, inconspicuously
cence mostly bipinnate or simple, its branches !epidote; inflorescence paniculate with often re-
polystichous-flowered; flowers perfect; sepals free duced branches; flowers usually with nocturnal
to high-connate; petals naked, agglutinated in a anthesis, often secund, sessile to pedicellate, usu-
tube; stamens equal, more or less agglutinated to ally zygomorphic; sepals free, ecarinate; petals
the petals; ovary superior; style elongate; stigma free, with 2 badsal appendages; stamens and style
simple-erect or of the convolute-blade type; not exserted from the corolla; stigma cupulate, its
ovules numerous; seeds with a basal, usually cup-shaped lobes erect and without papillae. (2n
brown coma. (2n = 50). One hundred and sixty = 50). Sixty six species, mainly epiphytic in mon-
seven species, mainly mesophytic habitats, tane and cloud forests, Central and N Andes,
Florida, Mexico, and the West Indies to Brazil and northern S America, Central America, and Greater
Bolivia. Antilles.
92 Bromeliaceae

24. Tillandsia L. Fig. 26 44, 50, 100). Five hundred and forty spp., extreme
xeric to extreme mesophytic habitats, terrestrial
Tillandsia L., Sp. pl.: 286 (1753); W. Till, Sippendifferen-
zierung innerhalb Tillandsia subgenus Diaphoranthema. or frequently epiphytic. Southern United States to
Doct. Diss. Univ. Wien (1984); C.S. Gardner, Selbyana 9: Argentina and Chile. Divisible into six subgenera,
130-146 (1986); Gilmartin & G.K. Br., Am. J. Bot. 73: 387- Allardtia, Anoplophytum, Phytarrhiza, Diaphor-
397 (1986); R.S. Beaman, Systematics of Tillandsia subge- anthema, Tillandsia and Pseudalcantarea accord-
nus Pseudalcantarea. M.Sc. Thesis Univ. Florida (1989). ing to characters of petals, stamens, and styles.
Dendropogon Raf. (1825).
Allardtia A. Dietr. (1852).
25. Racinaea M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm.
Caulescent or acaulescent; leaves rosulate or dis-
tributed along a stem, polystichous or distichous; Racinaea M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm., Phytologia 74: 152 (1993).
blades lingulate to narrowly triangular or linear;
scape usually distinct; inflorescence usually of dis- Mainly stemmless with rosulate foliage; inflores-
tichous-flowered spikes, rarely reduced to a single cence usually compound; flowers hermaphrodi-
polystichous-flowered spike or to a single flower; tic, small, actinomorphic, distichously arranged,
flowers perfect; sepals convolute, free or equally or sessile to short pedicellate; sepals convolute,
adaxially joined; petals free, naked; stamens of asymmetric and broadest towards the apex, usu-
various lengths relative to the petals and to the ally free; petals naked, filaments succulent at the
pistil; stigma conduplicate-spiral, simple-erect, base; ovary superior, style subsessile to short,
coralliform, or of the convolute-blade type; ovary stigma papillose, of the simple-erect type; seeds
superior; ovules many, caudate or obtuse; seeds with a badsal appendage only. (2n = 50). Fifty six
with a plumose, white, basal appendage. (2n = 38, mesophytic spp., mainly in montane and cloud
forests, C and N Andes, Mesoamerica, Greater
Antilles, Guayanas, and SE Brazil.

III. Subfam. Bromelioideae Harms ( 1930)

Herbs, largely epiphytic, usually acaulescent.

Roots often functioning as holdfasts. Leaves
rosulate or fasciculate, usually spinose-serrate or -
serrulate; indumentum of peltate scales of irregu-
larly arranged cells or very rarely of multicellular,
cylindric trichomes. Pollen sulcate with a distal
germination area, bi- to poly-porate, or inaper-
turate (Canistrum, some Aechmea). Ovary com-
pletely inferior or nearly so (Acanthostachys);
stigma of the conduplicate-spiral type morphol-
ogy except in Cryptanthus and Orthophytum;
F ovules obtuse to long-caudate. Fruit baccate but
often dry, indehiscent; seeds naked.

26. Orthophytum Beer

Orthophytum Beer, Flora 37: 347 (1854).

Stemless or caulescent; leaves polystichous; blades

serrate; scape erect or lacking; scape-bracts folia-
ceous; inflorescence bipinnate from several very
Fig. 26A-G. Bromeliaceae-Tillandsioideae. A Tillandsia bar- dense heads or rarely simple; primary bracts folia-
tramii, flower, showing tubular corolla and imbricate ceous or subfoliaceous; floral bracts large, pun-
sepals. B-G T. utriculata. B Habit. C Style with stigmas. D Part gent; flowers perfect; sepals free; petals free,
of inflorescence with three nearly mature fruits. E Ovule, the
apex caudate, the micropyle below (at right). F Nearly mature bearing 2 scales; stamens shorter than the petals
seed, oriented as in E. G Mature seed with basal appendage of and the second series adnate to them; pollen 4-
hairs, oriented as in E and F. (Smith and Wood 1975) pored or ellipsoid without distinct pores, reticu-
Bromeliaceae 93

late; epigynous tube usually lacking; placentae appendaged; fruit dry; seeds globose, naked. Five
central; ovules obtuse. Twenty four spp., saxi- spp., Chile.
colous and terrestrial on rocky ground, NE Brazil.
30. Greigia Regel
27. Cryptanthus Otto & A. Dietr.
Greigia Regel, Gartenflora 14: 137 (1865).
Cryptanthus Otto & A. Dietr., Allg. Gartenzeitung 4: 297
(1836), nom. cons.; non Cryptanthus Osbeck (1757). More or less caulescent; leaves imbricate along the
stem, partially or completely serrate or serrulate;
Stemless or caulescent; leaves rosulate or evenly scape very short; inflorescence lateral or central,
polystichous along the stem; blades narrowly tri- simple or compound, subglobose; sepals free or
angular or slightly contracted to subpetiolate at connate; petals connate, usually naked; filaments
base, spinose-serrate; inflorescence sessile in the adnate to the petals; anthers narrow, acute; pollen
center of the rosette or at the apex of the stem, large, spherical, sulcate, smooth; fruit fleshy.
compound; flowers polygamous in some species Twenty eight spp., saxicolous in open ground or
at least; sepals much connate; petals connate by terrestrial in forest or paramo, Chile to Mexico
their claws, naked or with two callosities; stamens and Venezuela.
exserted from the throat of the corolla, usually
highly adnate to the petals; pollen sulcate; ovules
usually few, obtuse; placentae apical or median; 31. Fernseea Baker
epigynous tube none or very shallow; fruit small,
Fernseea Baker, Handb. Bromel.: 20 (1889); emend. E. Pereira
rather dry; seeds small, flat. (2n = 34, 54). Forty & Moutinho, Bradea 3: 343, fig. (1983).
one spp., xerophytic, saxicolous, or terrestrial, NE
Brazil. Stemless; leaves forming a dense pseudobulb;
blades spinose-serrate; inflorescence simple, race-
28. Araeococcus Brongn. mose; flowers perfect; sepals free; petals free,
naked; stamens free, included at anthesis; pollen
Araeococcus Brongn., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. II. 15: 370 (1841). sulcate; epigynous tube large; ovules numerous,
unappendaged; fruit succulent; seeds unappend-
Stemless; inflorescence laxly paniculate; flowers aged. Two spp., alpine habitats, Brazil; Mount
perfect; sepals free to connate for half of their Itatiaia region in NW Rio de Janeiro and adjacent
length; petals free, naked; stamens shorter than the Sao Paulo.
petals; filaments free; anthers longer than the fila-
ments; pollen grains ellipsoid, sulcate; epigynous
tube none; style longer than the petals; stigma 32. Ochagavia Phil.
lobes scarcely twisted; ovules few (up to 10), borne Ochagavia Phil., Anales Univ. Chile 13: 168 (May 1856).
at the top of the locule, long-caudate; seeds nar-
rowly ovoid-cylindric, acute at both ends. (2n = Suffruticose, amply proliferating; leaves tank-
50). Six spp., mesophytic epiphytes, Costa Rica, forming; blades spinose-serrate; inflorescence
Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Brazil. sunk in the center of the leaves, simple; flowers
perfect; sepals free; petals free, naked; stamens
29. Fascicularia Mez usually exserted; anthers subelliptic, dorsifixed;
pollen eporate with a single longitudinal fold; epi-
Fascicularia Mez in Mart., Fl. bras. 3(3): 627 (1891). gynous tube very conspicous; placentae extending
the whole length of the locule; ovules rather nu-
Terrestrial or rarely on three trunks, stemless; merous, unappendaged; fruit crowned by the per-
leaves very densely rosulate; blades spinose- sistent sepals; seeds large, globose. Three spp.,
serrate; inflorescence sunk in the center of the coastal cliffs, Juan Fernandez Islands, Chile.
rosette, simple; flowers perfect; sepals free; petals
free, bearing 2 small scales near base; epigynous
tube conspicuous; stamens included; filaments 33. Ursulaea Read & H.U. Baensch
free; anthers linear, elongate, dorsifixed near base;
Ursulaea Read & H.U. Baensch, J. Bromeliad Soc. 44: 206
pollen globose, sulcate, smooth; style elongate; (1994).
stigmas not contorted; placentae central to Podaechmea (Mez) L.B. Sm. & W.J. Kress (1990) in part, not as
subapical; ovules rather few, globose, short- to type.
94 Bromeliaceae

Stemless; leaves rosulate, serrate; scape elongated;

flowers perfect, subactinomorphic, pedicellate;
sepals free, nearly symmetric, mucronate; petals
apically recoiled, with two fimbriate scales at the
base; stamens and style exserted; epigynous tube
shallow; pollen sulcate; ovary inferior, placentae
subapical, ovules caudate. Two spp., epiphytic and
terrestrial, Mexico: Jalisco.

34. Billbergia Thunb. Fig. 27A-F

Billbergia Thunb., Pl. bras. 3: 30 (1821).
Helicodea Lem. (1864).

Stemless; leaves forming broadly funnelform to

long-tubular rosettes; blades serrate or serrulate
or rarely entire; scapebracts large, mostly red; in-
florescence compound or simple; flowers perfect;
sepals free; petals free, actinomorphic or slightly
zygomorphic, bearing 2 scales near base; epigy-
nous tube usually developed; stamens exserted,
both series or the second adnate to the petals only
as high as the scales; pollen sulcate, sometimes
subporate as well (B. elegans Mart. ex Schult. &
Schult. f.); style exceeding the stamens; ovules
many. (2n = 50). Sixty two spp., terrestrial, saxi-
colous, and epiphytic, Mexico and the West Indies
(Bahamas) to Uruguay and Argentina. Divisible
into two subgenera, Billbergia and Helicodea, ac-
cording to the opening of the petals at anthesis,
and somewhat to the form of the inflorescence.

35. Neoglaziovia Mez

Neoglaziovia Mez, in Mart., Fl. bras. 3(3): 426 (1894).

Stemless; leaves few; inflorescence simple, race-

mose; flowers perfect; sepals free, unarmed; petals
free; stamens included; filaments free; pollen sul-
cate; ovules few, short-caudate; fruit succulent.
Three spp., terrestrial and saxicolous in dry open
areas or low thorn forest (caatinga). NE Brazil.

Fig. 27A-K. Bromeliaceae-Bromelioideae. A-F Billbergia

36. Bromelia L.
nutans. A Plant with pollinator. B Flower. C Same, longitudi-
Bromelia L., Sp. pl.: 285 (1753). nal section. D Stamen. E Style with stigma. F Base of petal with
scales. G-L Nidularium scherem etiewii. G Habit. H Flower
bud. I Opened ovary and floral tube. J Stigma. K Stamen.
Coarse terrestrials or rarely epiphytes, spreading (Takhtajan 1982)
by rhizomes; leaves coarsely spinose along the
margins; inflorescence sessile or scapose, com-
pound; sepals free to high-connate, unarmed; pet-
als united into a tube by the filaments but their lent, relatively large; seeds few to many, flattened,
margins free, without appendages; stamens in- naked. (2n = 50, 100). Forty nine spp., mostly in
cluded, their filaments forming a tube; epigynous dry open ground but sometimes submesophytic,
tube conspicuous to nearly lacking; fruit succu- Central and S America.
Bromeliaceae 95

37. Deinacanthon Mez spp., terrestrial in humid or dry open or forested

areas, native to S America south to Uruguay.
Deinacanthon Mez, in A. & C. DC., Monogr. phan. 9: 12 ( 1896).

Stemless, rhizomatose; leaves squarrose-rosulate; 41. Acanthostachys Klotzsch

blades spinose-serrate; inflorescence simple,
sessile; flowers perfect; sepals free, spinose-mucr- Acanthostachys Klotzsch, in Link, Klotzsch & Otto, Icon. pl.
rar. 1: 21, pl. 9 (1840); Rauh & Barthlott, Trop. subtrop.
onate; filaments connate with the petals; pollen Pflanzenwelt 39: 5-35 (1982).
sulcate; ovules numerous. Only one sp., D.
urbanianum (Mez) Mez, dry open woodland to Rhizomatose; leaves fasciculate or rosulate; scape
rocky crests, Paraguay, NW Argentina. well developed or lacking; inflorescence simple,
densely polystichous-flowered; flowers sessile,
38. Chevaliera Gaudich. ex Beer perfect; sepals free; petals free, bearing 2 scales;
stamens included; pollen biporate; ovary com-
Chevaliera Gaudich. ex Beer, Pam. Bromel. 22, 257 (1856); L.B.
pletely inferior, the thickened style base of A.
Sm. & W.J. Kress, Phytologia 66: 77-79 (1989).
strobilacea (Schult. & Schult. f.) Klotzsch partially
superior; epigynous tube none or crateriform (A.
Large xerophytes, leaves rosulate, serrate; inflo-
pitcairnioides (Mez) Rauh & Barthlott); ovules
rescence strobilate, usually simple; floral bracts
long-caudate; seeds with a strongly elongated
coriaceous or ligneous; flowers in many ranks;
apical appendage. (2n = 50). Two spp., epiphytic
petals with reduced or lacking appendages; pollen
and saxicolous, E Brazil, Paraguay, NE Argentina.
sulcate. Twenty two spp., terrestrial in lowland
and montane forests, rarely epiphytic, Northwest-
ern S America, Central America, SE Brazil. 42. Hohenbergia Schult. & Schult. f.
Hohenbergia Schult. & Schult. f. in Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg.
39. Pseudananas Hassi. ex Harms 7(2): lxxi, 1251 (1830).
Pseudananas Hassi. ex Harms, in Engl. & Prantl, Nat.
Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 15a: 153 (1930). Stemless; leaves rosulate; blades spinose-serrate;
scape well developed; inflorescence of strobilate
Plant propagating by elongate basal stolons; spikes; flowers perfect; sepals mostly very short-
leaves rosulate; blades with spinose margins; connate; petals with 2 appendages; stamens in-
scape evident; inflorescence simple, strobilate, the cluded, series I free, series II partly adnate to the
apical coma inconspicuous or lacking; flowers petals; pollen with 2 or 4 pores; placentas mostly
connate by their ovaries and forming a syncarp; apical; ovules obtuse to long-caudate. Forty seven
sepals free; petals bearing lateral folds which over- spp., terrestrial, saxicolous or epiphytic, West
lap the filaments; fruit large, succulent. (2n = Indies to E Brazil. Divisible into two subgenera,
100). Only one sp., P. sagenarius (Arruda) Hohenbergia and Wittmackiopsis, according to
Camargo, terrestrial on open ground to dense ovule shape, leaf anatomy, and inflorescence
forest, from near sea level to 1400 m alt, Ecuador, branching.
Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina.
43. Aechmea Ruiz & Pav.
40. Ananas Mill.
Aechmea Ruiz & Pav., Fl. peruv. prodr.: 47 (1794); nom. cons.
Ananas Mill., Gard. diet. abr. ed. 4 (1754). Macrochordion de Vriese (1853).
Hoplophytum Beer (1854), incl. Platyaechmea (Baker) L.B. Sm.
& W.J. Kress.
Plant not producing stolons; leaves rosulate; scape Lamprococcus Beer (1856).
evident; inflorescence densely strobiliform, usu- Ortgiesia Regel (1867).
ally crowned with a tuft of sterile foliaceous bracts, Pothuava Gaudich. ex L.B. Sm. & W.J. Kress (1989).
often producing slips at the base; flowers sessile; Podaechmea (Mez) L.B. Sm. & W.J. Kress (1990).
sepals free; petals free, each typically bearing 2
slenderly funnelform scales; stamens included; Acaulescent, frequently propagating by rhizomes;
pollen ellipsoid with 2 pores; ovaries coalescing leaves usually forming a tank, usually spinose-
with each other and with the bracts to form a serrate; scape well developed; inflorescence com-
fleshy syncarp; epigynous tube short; placentas pound or simple; flowers distichous or polystic-
apical; ovules caudate. (2n = 50, 3n = 75). Eight hous, sessile or stipitate, perfect; sepals free or
96 Bromeliaceae

connate, usually strongly asymmetric; petals free, 46. Wittrockia Lindm.

bearing 2 more or less adnate basal appendages;
Wittrockia Lindm., Ofvers. Forh. K. Sven. Vetenskapsakad.
stamens shorter than the petals, free or the second III. 24(8): 15, 20 (1891).
series more or less adnate to the petals; anthers
dorsifixed; pollen with 2, 3, 4 or numerous pores, Leaves rosulate, serrate or serrulate; scape usually
rarely sulcate; ovules mostly caudate; seeds evident; inflorescence compound, very densely
small. (2n = 42, 50). One hundred and eighty two capitiform in the center of an involucre of
species, largely terrestrial or epiphytic in sub foliaceous bracts; flowers perfect; sepals free or
forest. Mexico and the West Indies to Argentina. more or less connate; petals more or less connate
Divisible into seven subgenera, Podaechmea, or agglutinated near base, appendaged; stamens
Lamprococcus, Aechmea, Ortgiesia, Platyaechmea, included; style long but included; placentas cen-
Pothuava, and Macrochordion, according to inflo- tral or nearly; ovules obtuse. Eleven spp., terres-
rescence form, floral order, pedicels, and sepal trial, saxicolous, and epiphytic, E Brazil.
connation and armament.
Aechmea includes some very discordant ele-
ments and is very likely of polyphyletic origin. 47. Portea Brongn. ex K. Koch
Further research is likely to divide it with some Portea Brongn. ex K. Koch, Index Sem. Horti Bot. Berol.
parts becoming independent genera and others "1856", App.: 7 (1857).
merging with genera now considered distinct.
Leaves rosulate, serrulate; scape bracts brightly
44. Quesnelia Gaudich. colored; inflorescence compound; flowers slen-
derly pedicellate, perfect; sepals more or less con-
Quesnelia Gaudich., Voy. Bonite, Bot., Atl. pl. 54 (1842). nate; petals free, bearing 2 fimbriate scales at base;
stamens of the second series highly adnate to the
Stemless or rarely long-stemmed; leaves serrulate; petals; pollen with more than 5 pores; placentas
scape developed, inflorescence usually simple; various; ovules numerous, long-caudate. (2n =
flowers perfect; sepals free or short -connate; 50). Nine spp., saxicolous, terrestrial, or epiphytic
petals free, bearing 2 scales near base; stamens in forest, E Brazil.
shorter than the petals and generally included;
filaments of the second series highly adnate to the
petals; pollen ellipsoid, biporate; epigynous tube 48. Pseudaechmea L.B. Sm. & Read
distinct; placentas central to apical; ovules obtuse, Pseudaechmaea L.B. Sm. & Read, Phytologia 52: 53, pis. 3, 4
numerous. (2n = 50?, 100). Fifteen spp., terres- (1982).
trial, saxicolous, or epiphytic, from sea strand to
upland rainforest, E Brazil. Divisible into tw-o sub- Leaves rosulate, serrulate; scape elongate; inflo-
genera, Quesnelia and Billbergiopsis, according to rescence simple, laxly racemose; pedicels very
form of floral bracts and inflorescence. long; flowers polystichous, perfect; sepals subfree;
petals naked; stamens included; filaments free;
pollen biporate; epigynous tube none; placentas
45. Canistrum E. Morren 1
subapical; ovules caudate. Only one sp., P.
Canistrum E. Morren, Belgique Hort. 23: 257 (1873). ambigua L.B. Sm. & Read, native to tropical forest
in NW Colombia.
Mostly epiphytic; leaves rosulate, armed; scape
evident; inflorescence compound, densely corym-
bose, involucrate with the bracts covering all but 49. Hohenbergiopsis L.B. Sm. & Read
the apices of the flowers; flowers perfect; sepals Hohenbergiopsis L.B. Sm. & Read, Phytologia 33: 440 (1976).
free or nearly so; petals free, appendaged; stamens
included; pollen hi- or multiporate; ovules obtuse Coarse leaves rosulate; blades spinose-serrate;
or short-caudate, numerous; seeds many, sub- scape developed; inflorescence compound, the ul-
fusiform. (2n = SO). Ten spp., rainforests, E timate branches strobilate; flowers sessile, perfect;
Brazil. Divisible into two subgenera, Canistrum petals naked, attached to the filament tube but not
and Cucullatanthus, according to petal and ovule to each other; pollen in tetrads; epigynous tube
morphology (Leme 1997). lacking; ovules caudate. Only one sp., H.
guatemalensis (L.B. Sm.) L.B. Sm. & Read, on trees
1 Two species have recently been segregated to be members in dense wet forest. S Mexico, Guatemala.
of the new genus Edmundoa Leme (Leme 1997).
Bromeliaceae 97

50. Androlepis Brongn. ex Houllet 53. Neoregelia L.B. Sm.

Androlepis Brongn. ex Houllet, Rev. Hort. 42: 12 (1870). Neoregelia L.B. Sm., Contr. Gray Herb. 104: 78 (1934); I.
Ramirez, Systematic Revision of Neoregelia subgenus
Hylaeaicum, St. Louis: M.Sc. Thesis (1991).
~eaves rosulate, spinose-serrate; scape erect;
mflorescence compound with simple or divided
branches; spikes polystichous-flowered; flowers Leaves rosulate, usually spinose-serrate; inflores-
functionally unisexual on different plants, sessile; cence sunk in the center of the rosette, simple in
sepals free; petals short -connate, naked; stamens most species, very densely capitiform, umbellate
included; filaments short, adnate; anthers each or corymbose; flowers perfect, pedicellate; sepals
bearing 2 foliaceous appendages at apex; pollen asymmetric; petals free or connate, naked; sta-
biporate, in tetrads; epigynous tube short; ovules mens and pistil included; ovules obtuse. (2n = 50).
numerous; borne along the upper part of the Ninety seven spp., epiphytic in forest to saxicolous
locule, acute. Only one sp., A. skinneri Brongn. ex and heliophytic, E Brazil to Amazonian S America.
Houllet, epiphytic in forest, S Mexico to Costa Three subgenera, Hylaeaicum Neoregelia, accord-
Rica, and Peru. mg to petal connation, pedicel morphology, and
polle~ morphology. Hylaeaicum probably merits
genenc status.
51. Lymania Read
Lymania Read, J. Bromeliad Soc. 34: 201 (1984); Leme, J. 54. Streptocalyx Beer
Bromeliad Soc. 39: 262-264.
Streptocalyx Beer, Flora 37: 348 (1854).

Slenderly stoloniferous or stout-rhizomatous;

leaves few, forming a crateriform or utriculate Terrestrial or epiphytic; leaves densely rosulate,
rosette, minutely serrulate; scape erect; inflores- serrate; scape elongate to almost none; inflores-
cence simple or bipinnate, lax or dense; flowers cence 2-4-pinnate, laxly paniculate to densely
subglobose; flowers sessile; sepals free to distinctly
sessile, polystichous, perfect; ovary deeply sulcate
connate; petals free, naked; stamens and pistil in-
or alate; epigynous tube very short but distinct;
sepals about half connate; petals free, naked; sta- cluded; pollen 2- or 4-porate; epigynous tube dis-
tinct; seeds ellipsoid or ovoid, naked. (2n = 50).
mens included; anthers sagittate, apiculate; pollen
porate, smooth; filaments connate or free the Twenty spp., mostly in forest, Eastern and Amazo-
mner series adnate to the petals; placentae
' nian Brazil and adjacent areas. Probably to be
merged with Aechmea.
su~apical; ovules obtuse or variously caudate;
frmt globose, ridged. Six mesophytic spp., Brazil:
Bahia. 55. Ronnbergia E. Morren & Andre
Ronnbergia E. Morren & Andre, Ill. Hort. 21: 120, pl. 177
52. Nidularium Lem. 2 Fig. 27G-L (1874).

Nidularium Lem., Jard. Fleur. 4 (Misc.): 60, pl. 411 (1854). Lea_ves fasciculate or rosulate, often petiolate,
Andrea Mez (1896). entire or serrulate; scape well developed; inflores-
cence simple, elongate; flowers sessile, perfect; se-
Stemless; leaves forming funnelform tanks, pals more or less connate; petals free, naked or
serrate or serrulate; scape short; inflorescence with lateral folds; stamens included, the second
compound with flowers in flat fascicles and series free or partially adnate to the petals; pollen
covered by large bracts; flowers sessile or rarely biporate; epigynous tube large; placentas apical.
pedicellate, perfect; sepals more or less connate; Twelve spp., epiphytic in rainforest, Costa Rica to
petals naked or rarely with vertical folds, tubular- Peru. Probably to be merged with Aechmea.
connate; stamens included; pollen biporate;
ovules numerous, obtuse. (2n = 50, 100).
Fifty spp., epiphytic or terrestrial in rainforest, E 56. Disteganthus Lem.
Brazil. Disteganthus Lem., Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 3: pl. 227 (1847).
A revision of the genus is forthcoming (Leme in
press). Caulescent or acaulescent, propagating by stolons
and rhizomes; leaves petiolate, armed; scapes
2Pa~t of t~e .genus is being segregated as a separate genus several, borne beneath the rosette, bracteate;
Camstropsts (mel. Andrea; Leme in press). inflorescence strobilate, simple; flowers perfect;
98 Bromeliaceae

sepals high-connate; petals naked, free; stamens based on rbcL sequence comparisons. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard.
included; pollen porate; epigynous tube large; pla- 80: 987-998.
Correa Q., J.E., Bernal M., H.Y. 1990. Especies vegetales
centas apical; ovules obtuse. Three spp., swampy promosorias de los paises del Convenio Andres Bello 3: 1-
forest, Surinam, French Guiana, and adjacent 51. Bogota: Talleres de Editora Guadalupe.
Brazil. Dahlgren, R. 1983. General aspects of angiosperm evolution
and macrosystematics. Nord. J. Bot. 3: 119-149.
Dahlgren, R. et a!. 1985. See general references.
Duvall, M.R. et a!. 1993. See general references.
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suchungen an Bromeliennarben. Beitr. Biol. Pflanz. 63: 221-
Schimper, A.F.W. 1888. Die epiphytische Vegetation
Amerikas. Bot. Mitth. Tropen 2: 1-162,6 pl. Jena: G. Fischer.
Seres, A., Ramirez, N. 1995. Biologia floral y polinizacion
de algunas monocotiledoneas de un bosque nublado
Venezolano. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 82: 61-81.
Smith, L.B. 1960. Notes on the Bromeliaceae XIV. Phytologia
7: 169-172.
Smith, L.B., Downs, R.J. 1974. Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae).
Fl. Neotropica 14(1): 1-660. New York: Hafner Press.
Smith, L.B., Downs, R.J. 1977. Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae).
Fl. Neotropica 14(2): 661-1492. New York: Hafner
100 Butomaceae

Butomaceae rhizome has a narrow outer cortex with numerous

crystals arranged as irregularly polygonal clusters
C.D.K. CooK or as solitary styloids; the endodermis is lacking.
The stomata are paracytic, each has 1 pair of
lateral subsidiary cells.


Charlton and Ahmed (1973) and Wilder (1974).
The scapes develop on alternate sides of the
Butomaceae Rich., Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1: 364-372 (1815- rhizome, usually separated by an odd number
1816); in the sense of M. Pichon, Notul. Syst. 12: 170-183 (5, 7, 9) of foliage leaves; at maturity they are erect
(1946). and terete. The inflorescence at maturity appears
to be a simple umbel, but in its development it
Aquatic, freshwater, rhizomatous perennial. Rhi- is a complex cymose system with trifurcations
zome dorsiventral, creeping, apparently mono- followed by bifurcations.
podia!, axillary buds sometimes developing
into short-stalked bulbils. Leaves distichous or FLOWER STRUCTURE AND ANATOMY. The devel-
subdistichous, borne on the apex of the rhizome, opment of the flower is well documented by Singh
erect, linear, glabrous not differentiated into peti- and Sattler (1974). All floral parts are clearly in
ole and blade, and up to 1m or more long, trique- whorls of 3 except the outer whorl of stamens, in
trous, submerged or usually emergent, the base which the 6 members are paired. The nectaries are
somewhat extended and sheathing below; in- located on the lower radial walls of adjacent
travaginal scales numerous. Scapes developed on carpels. The pedicel is supplied by many traces
alternate sides of the rhizome, usually separated which first become organised into a ring of about
by an odd number (5, 7, 9) offoliage leaves, erect, 12 vascular bundles and then become aggregated
terete, glabrous. Inflorescence an umbel-like com- in the receptacle to form a continuous vascular
plex of cymes subtended by (2-)3(-4) bracts. cylinder supplying 3 traces to each tepal, 1 to each
Flowers pedicellate, perfect, protandrous, almost stamen and 1 dorsal and 1 ventral trace to each
hypogynous, actinomorphic. Perianth of 6 peta- carpel. The dorsal traces of the carpels remain
loid tepals in 2 whorls, free, white to pink. Stamens unbranched into the style.
9, the outer whorl with 6 and the inner with 3;
filaments flattened; anthers basifixed, 2-thecate, EMBRYOLOGY. The anther wall formation is of
latrorsely and longitudinally dehiscent. Gyno- the monocotyledonous type. The endothecium
ecium of 6 conduplicate carpels arranged in 2 al- has spiral wall thickenings and the tapetum is
ternate whorls of 3, the carpels connate at the base plasmodial. The tapetal cells, when still intact, are
into a ring, otherwise distinct, each apically nar- uninucelate and the microsporogenesis is suc-
rowed into a crested ventral somewhat decurrent cessive. The ovules are anatropous, bitegmic,
stigma; basally nectariferous on lateral carpel crassinucellate and have a parietal cell cut off from
walls; placentation laminar. Ovules numerous, the archesporia! cell. The embryo sac is of the
anatropous. Fruit of separate follicles, dehiscing Polygonum type and endosperm formation
by widening of the ventral sutures. Seeds numer- Helobial. Embryogeny is of the Caryophyllad
ous with ribbed testa and a straight embryo; type.
endosperm lacking.
Only Butomus umbellatus L., widespread in PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. Described by Argue
temperate Eurasia and recently naturalised in (1972); pollen is sulcate and reticulate.
eastern N America. Butomus junceus Turcz. is not
considered to be worthy of specific status. KARYOLOGY. Investigations on chromosome
numbers are summarised by Krahulcova and
VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. Described in detail Jarolimova (1993). 2n = 16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30,
by Tomlinson (1982). 39, 40, and 42 are reported. Triploid plants 2n =
39 are widespread in Europe and often outnumber
VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Described in detail by diploids (Hroudova and Zakravsky 1993b); they
Stant (1967). Hairs are completely absent from all are usually, but not invariably, sterile. Pollen of
parts. The roots may be contractile; the exodermis the triploids is viable and hydridisation between
is not differentiated into long and short cells. The cytotypes is recorded. Under controlled condi-
Butomaceae 101

tions, up to 34% of triploid cross-combination

seeds germinated.


flowers are reported to be protandrous to homo-
gamous but even in protandrous plants the
stigmas are below the anthers (Fig. 28C,D). Self-
pollination or, at least, geitonogamy may take
place. The flowers are relatively large and attrac-
tive, secrete large quantities of nectar and have
exposed pollen. They are visited by many different
kinds of insects: particularly Hymenoptera and
Diptera (Woodhead and Kirchner 1908). A single
plant may develop ± 7000 seeds. In spite of the
possibility of self-pollination and the attraction of
insects, seed set is often poor and large stands may
not set seed at all. Self-sterility may be the result of
chromosomal imbalance, but very often the devel-
oping fruits are damaged by insects (Hejny 1960).
Diploids are self-compatible but triploids are self-
incompatible (Krahulcova and Jarolfmova 1993).
InN America, where B. umbellatus is introduced,
it sets good seed.
Little is known about seed dispersal. The seeds
sink in water within a few minutes. Germination
takes place underwater in spring. Dried seeds do
not germinate. Seeds stored in water germinate
after 3-4 months after collection (Hroudova and
Zakravsky 1993a); when stored at 1-3°C they
showed 68% germination after 5 years.
Vegetative reproduction is efficient. Small
rhizome fragments readily regenerate, axillary
bulbils on the rhizome may also play an important
role, and bulbils have been reported to develop in
the inflorescence in plants from Scandinavia
(Lohammer 1954). Under cultivation the species is Fig. 28A-J. Butomaceae. Butomus umbellatus. A Pseudo-
usually propagated by division of the rhizome. umbel. B Vertical section of leaf. C Pollen-shedding flower. D
Flower with spent stamens and receptive stigmas. E Carpel. F
Same, opened to show laminar placentation. G Stamen before
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Proanthocyanins occur in the and H after release of pollen. I Gynoecium. J Seed. (Takhtajan
tannin cells. Cyanogenesis is not known in this 1982)

AFFINITIES. The genera Butomopsis, Hydrocleys

and Limnocharis are often included in the of extreme specialisation of Butomaceae indicates
Butomaceae but they are clearly separate from affinities to Hydrocharitaceae; this is also sup-
Butomus and should be placed in a separate ported by work with rbcL (Chase et al. 1995).
family, Limnocharitaceae, next to Alismataceae.
The monotypic Butomaceae clearly belongs in DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Butomaceae OC-
Alismatiflorae, where it is distinct in having an cur in most of Europe, but are absent from
umbel-like inflorescence in combination with many islands (including the Azores, Iceland and
laminar placentation, straight embryo and many of the larger Mediterranean islands). The
monosulcate pollen grains. It shows affinities to family extends eastwards to Manchuria with
Alismataceae and Limnocharitaceae but lacks isolated populations in the Pamirs and eastern
schizogenous ducts and to the Aponogetonaceae China. It has been introduced into N America,
but lacks laticifers. All in all the simplicity and lack where it is spreading.
102 Butomaceae

Butomus is found on the banks of still or slowly Butomus umbellatus II. Reproduction, growth and biomass
flowing water particularly in lakes, backwaters, production. Folia Geobot. Phytotaxon. 28: 413-424.
Hroudova, Z., Zakravsky, P. 1993b. Ecology of two cytotypes
ponds, ditches and canals. It is rarely found in of Butomus umbellatus III. Distribution and habitat differ-
swiftly flowing water, where it develops long, thin, entiation in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Folia Geobot.
pale green submerged leaves and does not flower. Phytotaxon. 28: 425-435.
Triploids are more common in warm regions Krahulcova, A., Jarolimova, V. 1993. Ecology of two cytotypes
with alkaline and base-rich soils (Hroudova and of Butomus umbellatus I. Karyology and breeding
behaviour. Folia Geobot. Phytotax on. 28: 385-411.
Zakravsky 1993b); the diploids are commoner in Lieu, S.M. 1979. Growth forms in the Alismatales. II. Two
cool, acid, base-poor substrata. rhizomatous species: Sagittaria lancifolia and Butomus
umbellatus. Can. J. Bot. 57: 2353-2373.
PALAEOBOTANY. The fossil genus Butomites Lohammer, G. 1954. Bulbils in the inflorescence of Butomus
umbellatus. Sven. Bot. Tidsskr. 48: 485-488.
cretaceus Velenovsky, described from leaf and Mai, D.H. 1985. Entwicklung der Wasser- und Sumpfpfianzen-
rhizome fragments from the Cretaceous of Gesellschaften Europas von der Kreide bis ins Quartiir.
Bohemia, does not resemble modern Butomus and Flora 176:449-511.
probably does not belong in the family. Tertiary Singh, V., Sattler, R. 1974. Floral development of Butomus
remains from the Oligocene to the Pleistocene umbellatus. Can. J. Bot. 52: 223-230.
Stant, M.Y. 1967. Anatomy of the Butomaceae. J. Linn. Soc.
have been identified as Butomus (Mai 1985) from Bot. 60: 31-60.
central and E Europe; the remains are rather inad- Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
equate for confident determination. Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. Helobiae (Alismatidae). In: Metcalfe
C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of monocotyledons, Vol. VII. Oxford:
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. Butomus is commonly Clarendon Press.
Weber, H. 1950. Dber das Wachstum des Rhizomes von
grown as an ornamental. In the rice fields of the Butomus umbellatus L. Planta 38: 196-204.
Danube Delta it is considered an undesirable weed Wilder, G.J. 1974. Symmetry and development of Butomus
and in N America there is evidence that it is more umbellatus (Butomaceae) and Limnocharis flava (Limno-
competitive than many native reed-swamp charitaceae) Am. J. Bot. 61: 379-394.
Woodhead, T.W., Kirchner, 0. 1908. Butomaceae. In:
Kirchner, 0., Loew, E., Schroter, C. (eds.) Lebensgeschichte
The rhizomes contain much starch and are der Bliitenpfianzen Mitteleuropas 1 (la). Stuttgart: E.
eaten in parts of Russia; the starch is usually Ulmer.
mixed with grain starch for making bread or the
rhizomes may be prepared as a vegetable.
Only one genus:

Butomus L. Fig. 28
Butomus L., Sp. Pl.: 372 (1753).

Characters of the family.

Selected Bibliography

Argue, C.L. 1972. Pollen ofthe Butomaceae and Alismataceae.

I. Development ofthe pollen wall in Butomus umbellatus L.
Grana 11: 131-144.
Charlton, W.A., Ahmed, A. 1973. Studies in the Alismataceae.
IV. Developmental morphology of Ranalisma humile and
comparison with two members of the Butomaceae,
Hydrocleis [sic] nymphoides and Butomus umbellatus. Can.
J. Bot. 51: 899-910.
Chase, M.W., Stephenson, D.W., Wilkin, P., Rudall, P.J. 1995.
Monocot systematics: a combined analysis. In: Rudall, P.J.,
Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.P., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyle-
dons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens
Kew pp. 685-730.
Hejny, S. 1960. Okologische Charakteristik der Wasser- und
Sumpfpfianzen in der slowakischen Tiefebene (Donau- und
Theissgebiet). Bratislava: Slowak. Akad. Wiss. (SA V).
Hroudova, Z., Zakravsky, P. 1993a. Ecology of two cytotypes of
Cannaceae 103

Cannaceae cultivated in tropical and more temperate regions

as ornamentals, often escaped and naturalised,
K. KUBITZKI comprising about 25 species (Segeren and Maas
1971) or only about 10 (P. Maas, pers. comm.).


1969). The fleshy, underground, sympodially
branched rhizome bears distichous cataphylls,
and each segment of the rhizome ends in a leafy
Cannaceae Juss., Gen. Pl.: 62 (1789), nom. cons. shoot. The aerial shoots have well-developed
stems on which bladeless sheaths grading into the
Glabrous, erect, sometimes giant perennial herbs distal foliage leaves are produced. Phyllotaxy on
from sympodial, often tuberous-thickened, star- the aerial stem is distichous or in some species
chy rhizomes; mucilage canals traversing both the spiral, the latter condition maybe secondary due
rhizome and aerial stem. Leaves distichously to to torsion of internodes, although in view of the
spirally arranged, with a short, open, eligulate close relationship to Musa also a primarily spiral
sheath gradually passing into the petiole, and an arrangement would be comprehensible. The inflo-
expanded, simple, entire lamina rolled up from rescences are terminal on the leafy shoots and the
one side to the other in bud; blade with a promi- phyllotaxy of the bracts subtending the partial
nent, compound midrib and numerous lateral inflorescences shifts to tristichy.
veins in a pinnate-parallel arrangement, some- Salient anatomical features of Canna include a
times glaucous or lanuginose from a cover of normal root structure, the absence of hairs, and
extremely long epicuticular wax rodlets. Inflores- epidermis consisting of alternating files of wide
cence a terminal, bracteate, simple or compound and narrow cells, a colourless hypodermis beneath
thyrse with few-flowered cincinni, or by reduction the leaf epidermis, and a layer of hypodermal
a raceme, prophylls 2-keeled; flowers showy, "oblique cells" developed in the abaxial side of the
perfect, epigynous, pentacyclic, asymmetric with petiole and midrib. In the aerial stem no clear
no organ clearly median, basically trimerous but boundary between cortex and central cylinder is
with a modified androecium; sepals 3, free, green noticeable. In contrast to all other families of the
or purplish, not petaloid, persistent in fruit; petals Zingiberales, wide mucilage canals are found in
3, basally connate into a tube, 1 smaller than the the stem and rhizome. Vessels with simple or
other 2; stamen 1, petaloid, bearing a single scalariform perforations with few bars are found
bisporangiate theca along the edge, the other theca in the roots.
suppressed; staminodes 1-4( -5), petaloid, the one Crystals of calcium oxalate are common in
± opposite the functional stamen called labellum, ground tissue but raphide sacs are lacking. Silica
the remaining staminodes of different form and as druselike bodies are found in all parts except
size, called wings; gynoecium of 3 carpels forming the roots, particularly in the leaf hypodermis and
an inferior, trilocular ovary with axile placenta- bundle sheaths. Tannin is common in unmodified
tion; style petaloid; stigmatic surface Wet, papil- cells in all organs; starch is abundant in the
late, terminal and decurrent along an edge of the ground tissue of the rhizomes; in Canna edulis
style; septal nectaries present; ovules anatropous, and C. indica the grains attain a length of 130 f-tm.
bitegmic, crassinucellate, arranged in two alter- The epicuticular wax cover consists of com-
nating rows in each locule. Fruit usually a locu- pound rodlets of the Strelitzia type and is often
licidal, tuberculate-bristly capsule, sometimes particularly well developed on the inflorescences
indehiscent; seeds with a lid next to the radicle, (Frolich and Barthlott 1988).
not arillate; embryo straight, surrounded by a
thin, starchy endosperm and a copious, very hard, FLOWER STRUCTURE AND POLLINATION. The
starchy perisperm ("chalazosperm"). most recent studies on flower structure and devel-
A monogeneric family native to tropical and opment are by Kirchoff (1983) and Kunze (1984).
subtropical regions of the New World from the Still in bud, the (half) anther dehisces and deposits
lowland up to 2700 m above sea level, with some its pollen on the ventral face of the style in a large
species possibly occupying scattered areas in the patch but usually away from the terminal stig-
tropics of the Old World of doubtful indigenous matic strips. The style then shifts into a position
status, now widely cultivated in all tropical regions opposite to the labellum and, together with
for its starchy, edible rhizomes, and many hybrids staminodes, forms the "upper lip". This way, the
104 Cannaceae

totally asymmetric flower attains secondary sym-

metry. In Canna indica (Fig. 29) and some other
wild species, the placement of the pollen away
from the stigmatic areas on the apex of the style
avoids self-pollination; in still other species (or
garden cultivars?), the pollen deposit overlaps the
stigma and self-pollination occurs automatically.
For a fuller description and discussion of this in-
teresting instance of secondary pollen presenta-
tion, see Yeo (1993).
Most species seem to be ornithophilous, but
Vogel (1969) reported C. brittonii to be bat-
pollinated, with an enormous development of the
septal nectaries, and other species with extremely
elongated floral tubes probably phalaenophilous.

EMBRYOLOGY. The anther tapetum is amoeboid.

For pollen mother cells, both simultaneous and
successive cytokinesis have been reported. Pollen
grains are trinuclear when shed. The ovule is ana-
tropous, bitegmic and crassinucellar. The cells of
the nucellar epidermis divide and add to the nu-
cellar tissue. Development of the embryo sac is of
the Polygonum type. The antipodals are ephem-
eral. Endosperm development is Nuclear, but later
the tissue becomes Cellular (Davis 1966; Johri et
al. 1992).

PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. The pollen grains of

Canna are spherical, inaperturate, spinulose, and
with 60-90 11m diameter relatively large. The
pollen wall is exceptionally thick (> 10 [lm) and
contains only a minor part of detectable sporo-
pollenin, which is mainly localised in the spinules
at the pollen grain surface and in the in tine plasma
membrane. A coherent exine is absent and the
pollen wall is made up entirely by the intine. The
intine is composed of a thick (3-4 11m) outer chan-
nelled layer, the pectic "ectintine", and a some-
what thinner (1-2 [lm), fibrous band adjacent to
the protoplast, the cellulosic "endintine" (Skvarla
and Rowley 1970; Kress and Stone 1982). The
function of this peculiar pollen wall stratification Fig. 29A-D. Cannaceae. Canna indica. A Leaf and inflores-
B Infructescence. C Fruit, transversal section. D Seed-
may lie in facilitating the development of pollen cence.
ling. (Takhtajan 1982)
tube at any site on the pollen grain wall, apart
from permitting harmomegathy.

KARYOLOGY. Chromosome numbers are based results in a pachychalazal seed in which the
on x = 9, most species being diploids. Polyploidy, tegumentary part covers only about one sixth of
and particularly triploidy, is restricted to artifi- the seed circumference. While in other zingi-
cially selected cultivars of wild species. Karyotypes beralean families a sclerotised, silicified endo-
of some species were described by Sato (1960). testa functions as the principal mechanical layer,
such an endotesta would be of little use in Canna,
FRUIT AND SEED. After fertilisation, the ovule un- where it could cover only a small part of the seed
dergoes a strong development of the chalaza. This surface. Therefore in Canna we find the develop-
Cannaceae 105

ment of an exotestal layer composed of Mal- product from Australia is called Queensland
pighian cells from tegumentary, raphal and cha- arrowroot. The starch grains of Canna are the
lazallayers, which provide mechanical protection largest of all almidon-producing plants and may
and a physical barrier to imbibition. The intact. be distinguished with the naked eye.
seed coat is impermeable. However, the seed is
able to absorb water after the raising of the pre- Only one genus:
formed imbibition lid on the raphe, a structure
unique for Canna. During imbibition, the exotesta
Canna L. Fig. 29
looses its hardness, allowing the embryo to
emerge (Grootjen and Bouman 1988). Canna L., Sp. Pl. 1: 1 {1753); Kraenzlin, Pfianzenreich IV.47
The seeds of Canna are able to survive extremely (1912), monogr., now largely outdated; Segeren & Maas,
long dormant periods. Seeds from archaeological Acta bot. neerl. 20: 663-680 {1971), rev. northern S Amer.
sites of an age of 600 years have proved still viable
(Sivori et al. 1968). Description as for family. Segeren and Maas dis-
tinguish two weakly defined subgenera based on
PHYTOCHEMISTRY (Hegnauer 1963, 1986). Apart number of staminodes; the elaborate infrageneric
from chelidonic acid and aromatic resin (rhi- classification of Kraenzlin hardly tenable any
zome) and non-fragrant resin (leaves), common longer.
leaf phenolics including procyanidin and pro-
delphinidin are recorded for Canna. Various Selected Bibliography
species have molluscicidal properties.
Dahlgren, R., Rasmussen, F.N. 1983. Monocotyledon evolu-
AFFINITIES. The Cannaceae are clearly zingi- tion: characters and phylogenetic estimation. Evol. Bioi. 16:
beralean, and modern phylogenetic analyses (e.g.
Davis, G.L. 1966. See general references.
Dahlgren and Rasmussen 1983; Kress 1990) and Frolich, D., Barthlott, W. 1988. See general references.
morphological studies (Kunze 1984) agree in the Gade, D. 1966. Achira, the edible Canna, its cultivation and
very close relationship between Marantaceae and use in the Peruvian Andes. Econ. Bot. 20: 407-415.
Cannaceae. However, differences between the two Grootjen, C.J., Bouman, F. 1988. Seed structure in Cannaceae:
taxonomic and ecological implications. Ann. Bot. 61: 363-
families, including the positioning of pollen on 371.
the ventral face in Cannaceae, the dorsal face Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references.
in Marantaceae, indicate that both are different Johri, B.M., Ambegoakar, K.B., Srivastava, P.S. 1992. Com-
lineages. parative embryology of angiosperms Vol. 2. Berlin, Heidel-
berg, New York: Springer.
Khoshoo, T.N. 1972. Evolution of garden cannas. In: Vida, G.
PALAEOBOTANY. The silicified "pseudostem" (ed.) Evolution in plants. Symp. Bioi. Hungar. Vol. 12 pp.
from India (Trivedi and Verma 1970) ascribed to 93-101.
Canna deserves further study. Kirchoff, B.K. 1983. Floral organogenesis in five genera of the
Marantaceae and in Canna. Am. J. Bot. 70: 508-523.
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. Cultivated Cannas Kranzlin, F. 1912. Cannaceae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Das
Pflanzenreich IV.47. 74 pp. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
comprise an assortment of over 1000 horticultural Kress, W.J. 1990. The phylogeny and classification of the
varieties, most of which fall into the main groups, Zingiberales. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 698-721.
Canna X generalis Bailey, and C. X orchidoides Kress, W.J., Stone, D.E. 1982. Nature of the sporoderm in
Bailey, which each include numerous lineages. monocotyledons, with special reference to the pollen grains
Canna glauca, C. indica, C. iridiflora and C. of Canna and Heliconia. Grana 21: 129-148.
Kunze, H. 1984. Vergleichende Studien an Cannaceen- und
warszewiczii have been identified as the likely pro- Marantaceenbliiten. Flora 175: 301-318.
genitors of the usually diploid (or triploid) culti- Pai, R.M. 1965. Morphology of the flower in Cannaceae. J. Bioi.
vars of C. X generalis. Around 1890, some C. Sci. 8: 4-8.
generalis biotypes were crossed with C. flaccida to Rogers, G.K. 1984. The Zingiberales (Cannaceae, Marantaceae,
and Zingiberaceae) in the southeastern United States. J.
yield C. X orchidoides, which due to irregular Arnold Arbor. 65: 29-38.
meiosis is completely sterile (Khoshoo 1972). Sato, D. 1960. The karyotype analysis in Zingiberales with
The starchy rhizome of Canna edulis is used as a special reference to the proto-karyotype and stable karyo-
source oflivestock for animals and humans. Start- type. Sci. Pap. Coil. Gen. Educ. Univ. Tokyo 10: 225-243.
ing from domestication in the northern Andes Segeren, W., Maas, P.J.M. 1971. The genus Canna in northern
South America. Acta bot. neerl. 20: 663-680.
around 2500 B.c. (Gade 1966), it is now cultivated Sivori, E., Nakayama, F., Cigliano, E. 1968. Germination of
in warm regions around the world but mainly in achira seed (Canna sp.) approximately 550 years old.
India and Australia, with yields of 25 t/ha. The Nature 219: 1269-1270.
106 Cannaceae/Centrolepidaceae

Skutch, A.F. 1930. Unrolling ofleaves of Musa sapientium and

some related plants and their reactions to environmental
aridity. Bot. Gaz. 90: 337-365.
Skvarla, J.J., Rowley, J.R. 1970. The pollen wall of Canna and
D.A. CooKE
its similarity to the germinal apertures of other pollen. Am.
J. Bot. 57: 519-529.
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Commelinales-Zingiberales. In:
Metcalfe C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of the Monocotyledons, Vol. 3.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Trivedi, B.S., Verma, C.L. 1970. Silicified pseudostem of Canna
L. from early Eocene of Deccan Intertrappean beds, M.P., Centrolepidaceae End!., Gen. Pl.: 199 (1836), nom. cons.
India. Curr. Sci. 39: 442-443.
Vogel, S. 1969. Chiropterophilie in der neotropischen Flora.
Neue Mitt. III. Flora 158: 289-323.
Small tufted annuals or cushion-forming perenni-
Winkler, H. 1930. Cannaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K., Die als. Stems with condensed internodes, producing
natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien 2nd edn. 15a: 640-654. axillary adventitious roots but never rhizomatous.
Leipzig: W. Engelmann. Leaves alternate, basal in annuals, imbricate along
Yeo, P.F. 1993. Secondary pollen presentation- form, func- the stems in perennials, with open sheathing bases
tion and evolution. Plant Syst. Evol. Suppl. 6. Wien:
and linear to subulate blades; uppermost leaf
reduced usually to a veinless sheathing cataphyll.
Inflorescence terminal, usually scapose, con-
densed compound-cymose, capitular within a pair
of bracts or spikelike with distichous bracts, often
containing shorter veinless hyaline secondary
bracts. Flowers minute, unisexual, naked, anemo-
philous, often combined into pseudanthia; male
flower a solitary stamen; filament glabrous; anther
dorsifixed, versatile, bisporangiate unilocular, de-
hiscing by a slit; female flower a solitary carpel;
ovary unilocular, stipitate; ovule 1, pendulous,
atropous; style terminal, filiform, undivided, per-
sistent, with stigmatic papillae along the adaxial
side. Fruit a membranous 1-seeded follicle,
usually deshiscing by an abaxial split; seed albu-
minous; embryo minute, apical; testa membra-
nous, formed from inner integument.
A family of three genera and about 35 species in
Australia, SE Asia, and a single species in south-
ernmost S America.


Members of the family are small, tufted perennial
or annual herbs, which anatomically are simpli-
fied in comparison with Restionaceae. A short and
upright stem is present in the perennial species.
The anatomy of the vegetative parts of the family
has been treated by Cutler (1969). A pericycle is
usually absent from the roots. Narrow vessels
with scalariform perforations are reported to
be present in all vegetative parts. Stomata are
paracytic, with the subsidiary cells not derived
from the guard cell-mother cells, but from adja-
cent epidermal cells (Hamann 1963). Crystals and
silica are absent.


reproductive units are often pseudanthia, which
Centrolepidaceae 107

are composed of unisexual, perianthless flowers EMBRYOLOGY. The anthers are bisporangiate; the
(Fig. 30). Each flower consists of a single, bis- inner of the 4 cell layers develops into a glandular
porangiate stamen, or a single, ascidiate carpel, tapetum with binucleate cells. The pollen mother
which is supplied by a dorsal bundle extending to cells form a single layer around the inner wall
the stigma, and a ventral bundle supplying the of the pollen sac, just as in Gramineae and
single, pendulous atropous ovule. Staminate and Cyperaceae. The mature pollen grains are 3-celled.
pistillate flowers or bisexual pseudanthia com- The division of the pollen mother cells is succes-
posed of 1-2 staminate and 1-many pistillate sive. The ovules are pendulous and atropous,
flowers are grouped together in capitate or spicate bitegmic, and weakly crassinucellar. The arche-
inflorescences. Hieronymus (1886) considered the spore cell does not produce a parietal cell. The
pseudanthia to be true flowers, a view that is now chalazal megaspore develops into an embryo sac
rejected. The partial inflorescences are usually of the Polygonum type. In most species investi-
interpreted as cincinni, but the suggestion by gated (Hamann 1975) the nuclei of the antipodals
Hamann (1962) that the whole complex inflores- divide, thus forming binucleate cells which de-
cence is racemose merits further attention. generate during endosperm development.
Endosperm development is Nuclear.

POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen grains (Fig.

31) are more or less uniform throughout the
family. They are monoaperturate and have a char-
acteristic exine with a scrobiculate and punctate
sculpture; the structure is granular (in contrast to
other Restionales) and an endexine is lacking. The
aperture is usually irregular in outline and a
margo is absent (Ladd 1977; Linder and Ferguson

KARYOLOGY. Chromosome data exist for a few

Centrolepis species only, and suggest that the base
number is 10 (Hamann 1962).

Fig. 30A-G. Centrolepidaceae. Centrolepis aristata. A Habit. Fig. 31. Centrolepidaceae. Centrolepis aristata, distal
B Head with outer primary bract detached. C Pseudanthium polar view of pollen grain showing irregularly defined
with secondary bracts. D Pistil. E Stamen with secondary ("centrolepoid") ulcus; interapertural exine scrobiculate. SEM
bract. F Seed. G Same, longitudinal section. (Cooke 1992) X2300. (Photo H.P. Linder)
108 Centrolepidaceae

POLLINATION. All species are pollinated by wind. 1. Aphelia R. Br.

Self-pollination may also occur, especially in the
Aphelia R. Br., Prod.: 251 (1810); Cooke, J. Adelaide Bot. Gard.
low-growing scapeless species. 16: 95-109 (1995), rev.

FRUIT AND SEED. The pericarp is membranous Small tufted annuals. Hairs unbranched. Leaves
and usually dehisces by a longitudinal slit on the all basal, 1-3-veined, with membranous to hyaline
dorsal side; this gives an appearance of paired sheathing bases; ligule absent. Scape terminal,
valves in the fruiting pseudanthia of Gaimardia erect, terete, glabrous, consisting of a single inter-
and Centrolepis. In Aphelia the pericarp does not node. Inflorescence a terminal laterally com-
open, and forms part of the disseminule. pressed spike; rachis short, flexuose, bearing
The mature seed coat is formed by the inner cell distichous herbaceous bracts enclosing sessile
layer of the inner integument. These cells are rich partial inflorescences or solitary flowers; primary
in tannins. The outer cell layer of the inner integu- bracts 1 or 2; distal bracts 6-18, imbricate, 3-
ment and the complete outer integument degener- veined, with hyaline margins, all simila, succes-
ate during seed development, but the cuticle sively smaller, each becoming inrolled around a
between the 2 integuments is well developed. The fruit and caducous with it. Male flower with a
endosperm is starchy; the starch grains are com- short secondary bract; filament capillary. Female
pound (Hamann 1962, 1975; Prakash 1969). The flower 1 in each distal bract. Fruit indehiscent;
embryo is conical and in an apical position. seed fusiform. Six spp., endemic to southern
versity is southern Australia, with some species in
the tropics extending to Malesia, Indochina, the 2. Centrolepis Labill. Fig. 30, 31
Philippines and Hai Nan Dao. Centrolepis extends Centrolepis Labill., Nov. Holl. Sp. Pl. 1: 7 (1804); Cooke, J.
to New Zealand, and one Gaimardia species to S Adelaide Bot. Gard. 15: 1-63 (1992), rev. Aust. spp.
America and the Falkands. Many species are Pseudalepyrum Dandy (1932).
winter-growing annuals in temperate summer-dry
climates, where they grow in heath, scrub and Annual or perennial. Hairs unbranched or absent.
woodland communities on soils of low nutrient Leaves basal with dilated membranous sheathing
status. The perennial species include alpine bases and 1-veined blades; ligule absent. Inflores-
herbfield plants such as Gaimardia setacea in Tas- cence a terminal cymose head, often scapose, en-
mania, New Zealand and the mountains ofSE Asia closed by 2 primary bracts on a very short rachis.
to New Guinea. None are aquatic. Secondary bracts 0 or 2 or 3 per pseudanthium.
Pseudanthia sessile, 1-many, each comprising 0-1
AFFINITIES. Centrolepidaceae are generally con- male and 1-30 female flowers. Male flower with
sidered to be most closely related to Restionaceae, capillary filament. Ovaries within each pseu-
with a simplified structure associated with their danthium superficially connate, alternating in 2
herbaceous and usually anr.ual habit. This is rows on a false axis (gynophore); styles at least
also supported by the embryological evidence, partially free. Fruit compound, of connate 1-
although Linder and Ferguson (1985) have di- seeded follicles dehiscing abaxially; seed ovoid to
rected attention to some subtle differences in fusiform. Twenty spp., Australia and about six
pollen morphology between Centrolepidaceae and others, SE Asia, New Guinea and New Zealand.
the rest of the Poales. The superficially similar
genera Hydatella and Trithuria, formerly placed 3. Gaimardia Gaudich.
in this family, are now treated as the family
Hydatellaceae. Gaimardia Gaudich., Ann. Sci. Nat. I, 5: 100 (1825).

Cushion-forming perennials. Hairs lax and

KEY TO THE GENERA branching or absent. Stems leafy; leaves obscurely
1. Inflorescence spicate with 6-18 distichous bracts distichous, with imbricate scarious sheaths and 3-
!.Aphelia veined blade. Ligule formed by union of the sheath
- Inflorescence capitular with 2 or 3 distichous bracts 2 margins. Inflorescences terminal on glabrous
2. Pseudanthia asymmetrical, of 1-many superposed carpels,
stamen solitary or absent 2. Centrolepis accrescent scapes. Primary bracts 2 or 3, lower-
- Pseudanthia symmetrical, of 2 collateral carpels, stamens 2 most enclosing a pseudanthium of 2 equal, collat-
or absent 3. Gaimardia eral carpels and 2 stamens; next bract empty or
Centrolepidaceae/Commelinaceae 109

containing carpels only. Third bract empty. Sec- Commelinaceae

ondary bracts absent. Ovaries connate, stipitate;
styles free. Male flower with robust filament. Fruit R.B. FADEN
compound, the carpels dehiscing abaxially; seed
ovoid-oblong. Four spp., Tasmania, New Guinea,
New Zealand, S America and the Falkland Islands.

Selected Bibliography
Commelinaceae R. Br., Prod. Fl. Nov.-Hall.: 268 (1810)
Chanda, S. 1966. On the pollen morphology of the ("Commelineae"), nom. cons.
Centrolepidaceae, Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae, with
special reference to taxonomy. Grana Palynol. 6: 355-415.
Cooke, D.A. 1992. A taxonomic revision of Centrolepis Perennial or occasionally annual, terrestrial, or
(Centrolepidaceae) in Australia. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 15: rarely epiphytic, monoecious, or andromono-
1-63. ecious, rarely polygamomonoecious, small to
Cutler, D.F. 1969. Juncales. in: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of
large herbs, with erect to ascending, diffusely
the monocotyledons, Vol. IV. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Hamann, U. 1962. Beitrag zur Embryologie der Centrol- spreading or stoloniferous, occasionally rhizoma-
epidaceen mit Bemerkungen tiber den Bau der Bliiten und tous, rarely scandent shoots. Roots fibrous or
Bllitenstande und die systematische Stellung der Familie. tuberous. Leaves sheathing the stem at the base,
Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 75: 153-171. alternate or in pseudowhorls, spirally arranged
Hamann, U. 1963. Uber die Entwicklung und den Bau des
Spaltoffnungsapparates der Centrolepidaceen. Bot. Jahrb.
or distichous, sheaths closed, eligulate; lamina
Syst. 82: 316-320. simple, entire, often narrowed into a false
Hamann, U. 1975. Neue Untersuchungen zur Embryologie petiole, commonly somewhat succulent, ptyxis in-
und Systematik der Centrolepidaceen. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. volute, less commonly convolute or supervolute.
96:154-191. Inflorescences terminal or terminal and axillary,
Hieronymus, G. 1886. Dber Bllite und Bllitenstand der
Centrolepidaceen. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 7: 319-330.
in some genera all axillary and perforating
Ladd, P.G. 1977. Pollen morphology of some members of the the sheaths, commonly a paniclelike thyrse com-
Restionaceae and related families, with notes on the fossil posed of several to many helicoid, cymose
record. Grana 16: 1-14. branches (cincinni), sometimes reduced to a
Linder, H.P., Ferguson, I.K. 1985. On the pollen morphology single cincinnus or, rarely, to a single flower,
and phylogeny of the Restionales and Poales. Grana 24:
65-76. sometimes enclosed in or closely subtended
Prakash, N. 1969. The floral development and embryology of by a leafy bract (spathe). Flowers actinomorphic
Centrolepis fascicularis. Phytomorphology 19: 285-291. or zygomorphic, usually bisexual or bisexual and
male, rarely female and bisexual or female, bi-
sexual and male, remaining open for only a few
hours, then deliquescing. Nectaries lacking. Calyx
composed of 3, equal or unequal, free or partly
fused, sepaline or petaline sepals. Corolla com-
posed of 3, equal to dimorphic, free or basally
fused, white or colored petals. Androecium
composed of 6 stamens arranged in 2 whorls,
sometimes all fertile and equal or unequal, often
2-3( -4) reduced to staminodes, occasionally 1-3
(rarely all) lacking, staminodes either alternating
with the stamens or else arranged on one side of
the flower and the stamens on the other, filaments
glabrous or some or all bearded, anthers dehiscing
longitudinally, rarely poricidally. Ovary superior,
bi- or trilocular, locules equal or dorsallocule re-
duced, ovules uniseriate or biseriate, 1-many per
locule. Style terminal on ovary, simple, usually
slender, stigma terminal, simple, small, or en-
larged. Fruit a dehiscent or rarely indehiscent
capsule, berry-like indehiscent capsule, or berry.
Seeds with an embryotega or operculum covering
110 Commelinaceae

the embryo, hilum dorsal, lateral, semilateral, or central cylinder that is enclosed in an endo-
terminal. dermislike sheath. Longitudinal vascular bundles
A mainly tropical and warm temperate family of are arranged in a characteristic pattern and con-
about 41 genera and 650 species. nect only at the nodes. The lamina has relatively
few longitudinal veins but a dense system of finer,
VEGETATIVE MoRPHOLOGY. The overwhelming transverse veins. Succulence of the lamina is often
majority of Commelinaceae are perennials, in- manifest in an epidermis comprising more than
cluding almost all of the species that occur in half of the thickness of the leaf. In some genera,
forest. Perennials of nonforested habitats typically water storage is mainly confined to a colorless hy-
persist during the dry season as leaf or stem podermallayer that is present beneath the adaxial
succulents or by means of underground storage epidermis or rarely both epidermises.
organs, including rhizomes, root tubers or, rarely, Needlelike, calcium oxalate crystals (raphides)
bulbs. Annuals are common in some genera such are present in rap hide sacs that are arrayed in long
as Aneilema, Commelina, and Tripogandra, but series to form raphide canals (lacking only in
only Tinantia, among genera comprising more Cartonema). Stomata usually have 4 or 6 (rarely 2)
than one species, is composed entirely of annuals. subsidiary cells that are arranged in a characteris-
Climbers are uncommon and are restricted to tic pattern (Tomlinson 1966, 1969). Three-celled
forest. They occur in tropical America, Africa, and glandular microhairs are found in all genera
Asia. The only African true climber is Palisota except Cartonema and Triceratella. Macrohairs
thollonii, which has been recorded to 15m in are diverse, but are multiseriate only in Palisota.
length, and is probably the longest/tallest species Short, stiff, apically directed hairs are common on
in the family. Other genera with climbers include the lamina margins in many genera. Silica occurs
Dichorisandra (tropical America) and Porandra in a few genera and is confined to the epidermis.
and the three genera of subtribe Streptoliriinae
(Asia). Some African species of Aneilema and FLORAL AND INFLORESCENCE MORPHOLOGY. The
Commelina are sometimes described as scandent flowers may be actinomorphic and vertical (Fig.
because they scramble through other vegetation. 32) slightly to strongly zygomorphic and typi-
Tripogandra grandiflora of Mexico and Central cally horizontal (Fig. 34). Zygomorphy is usually
America seems to scramble similarly. due primarily to differentiation among the petals,
Epiphytes are rare in the family. Both species but it may also be due mainly to differences within
of the neotropical Cochliostema can grow as the androecium. Androecial zygomorphy, which
bromeliadlike tank-epiphytes that hold rainwater. commonly accompanies a zygomorphic corolla,
Cochliostema velutinum can also grow as a creep- may be the result of differentiation of the stamens
ing epiphyte. Although there are occasional or stamens and staminodes into anterior and pos-
records of additional epiphytic Commelinaceae, terior sets, as in Commelina and Aneilema (Fig.
the only other species that is regularly epiphytic is 34), or it may be the result of secondary reorien-
Belosynapsis vivipara of peninsular India. tation of the stamens in the open flower, as in
The leaves of Commelinaceae have been charac- Tripogandra and some Murdannia.
terized as having involute vernation or ptyxis. The flowers may be somewhat asymmetric when
This is true for many genera, including Palisota, the style strongly curves to one side, as in enantio-
Pollia, Tinantia, and Amischotolype. However, in stylous species of Murdannia. In Cochliostema the
other genera, including Murdannia, Antheri- columnlike structure formed by the fused stamens
copsis, Cyanotis, and Tripogandra, the leaves are always bends to one side of the flower.
either simply folded or, more commonly, they Floral dimorphism is common in the family.
show a convolute or supervolute vernation. Both In most cases the 2 flower types are bisexual
involute and convolute vernation may occur and male, with the male differing by the partial
within some genera, such as Tradescantia and or complete abortion of the gynoecium, as in
Commelina. Commelina and many Aneilema species. Other
differences may include pedicel length (Com-
VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The vegetative anatomy melina), stamen filament length and curvature
of the family has been summarized by Tomlinson (Aneilema and Palisota), anther orientation
(1966, 1969). The stem has a distinctive basic (Aneilema), and anther-sac dehiscence (Palisota)
structure that distinguishes Commelinaceae from (Faden 1991). Enantiostyly in Murdannia (Fig. 33)
all other monocots. A narrow cortex lacking vas- is another form of floral dimorphism in the family,
cular tissue (except in Cartonema) surrounds a as is the occurrence of cleistogamous as well as
Commelinaceae 111

Fig. 32A-G. Commelinaceae. Cyanotis somaliensis. A Flower-

ing shoot. B Partial inflorescence and flower. C Flower with
front petal and three stamens removed; all stamens fertile and
equal. D Pistil. E Stamen. F Dehisced capsule. G Seed, dorsal
view (above) and ventral view (below). (Faden 1995) Fig. 33A-I. Commelinaceae. A-F Murdannia cryptantha. A
Habit. B Chasmogamous flower, front view; note antepetalous
staminodes. C Cleistogamous flower, slightly opened. D Cleis-
chasmogamous flowers in species of Commelina togamous flower, sepals removed. E Staminode with hastate
antherode. F Pistil. G-1 M. simplex. G Dehisced capsule. H
and Murdannia (Fig. 33B-D) (Uphof 1934; Faden Seed, dorsal view. I Seed, ventral view. (A-F Faden 1993, G-1
1993). Heterostyly has been reported erroneously Faden 1995)
in Aneilema (Ornduff 1974; see Faden 1991).
The flowers are typically pedicellate, trimerous,
and pentacyclic. The sepals and petals are imbri- Cochliostema and Buforrestia, similar in length
cate in bud, with 1 member, the outer sepal or but narrower (Floscopa), not clawed (Rho-
petal, usually overlapping the inner 2 members of palephora and Aneilema section Aneilema), of
the whorl. The calyx and corolla are usually dis- a different shape (Aneilema section Lampro-
tinct, with the sepals green or flushed with red to dithyros), or much smaller and sometimes incon-
violet and the petals white or pink to violet, rarely spicuous, as in Polyspatha and most species of
yellow to orange or red. In a few genera, Palisota, Commelina and Aneilema.
Pollia, and the genera of subtribe Streptoliriinae, The sepals are sometimes fused at the base, but
the sepals are petaline and very similar to the the calyx is rarely tubular (Weldenia). On the
petals. other hand, a clearly tubular corolla occurs in
In most genera the 3 sepals are equal and free, as several genera (Cyanotis, Coleotrype, Weldenia,
are the 3 petals. Not uncommonly, but especially and some species of Tradescantia).
in the genera with zygomorphic flowers, the outer The androecium shows the greatest variation
member or each of these whorls is differentiated among the floral whorls. The stamens may be all
from the inner members. In the calyx this differ- fertile and equal (Fig. 32), e.g., Streptolirion,
ence may be manifested by the outer sepal being Cyanotis, Amischotolype, and Stanfieldiella. The
slightly different in size, shape, or pubescence. antepetalous and antesepalous stamens may be
The sepals are never strongly differentiated slightly unequal in filament length, e.g., species
among themselves. In the corolla, the outer petal of Tradescantia section Cymbispatha or more
may be slightly larger than the inner petals, as in strongly dimorphic (species of Tripogandra). The
112 Commelinaceae

rangements, the middle of the 3 is often morpho-

logically distinct from the other 2.
One or more stamens or staminodes may be
lacking. When only 1 is missing it is usually the
one in front of the outer sepal, but occasionally it
is the outer antepetalous one, e.g., Geogenanthus.
When 3 are absent, they may all be from the same
whorl (species of Callisia and Murdannia) or they
may be 1-sided, as in Dictyospermum and some
Rhopalephora. Female flowers in Callisia repens
completely lack stamens.
Some or all of the filaments may be bearded
(Faden 1992), the presence or absence of filament
hairs often characterizing a genus. The hairs are
mainly moniliform, but a variety of hair types may
be present on the filaments in Aneilema species
(Faden 1991).
The anthers are basifixed or, less commonly,
versatile. Anther dehiscence is usually longitudi-
nal and may be introrse, extrorse, or latrorse. Api-
cal poricidal dehiscence occurs in all or most
species of Dichorisandra and Porandra and in at
least single species of Amischotolype and Coleo-
trype. The anthers in Cyanotis dehisce longitudi-
nally but the pollen is squeezed out basally in each
anther sac, making the anther functionally
The superior ovary is bi- or trilocular with the
Fig. 34A-N. Commelinaceae. Aneilema sebitense. A Habit. B locules 1-many ovulate. The ovules may be uni- or
Thyrse. C Flower, front view, note posterior staminodes with biseriate, with a genus usually showing one or the
bilobed antherodes. D Flower, side view. E Lateral stami- other arrangement. However, both arrangements
node. F Medial staminode. G Androecium, top view, medial occur within Palisota, Pollia, and Murdannia.
staminode omitted. H Pistil, side view. I Capsule attached to The style is simple, unbranched, and usually
cincinnus, side view. J Dorsal capsule valve, dorsal view. K
Dorsal locule seed, dorsal view. L Same, ventral view. M slender. It may be straight or curved and central in
Ventrallocule seed, dorsal view. N Same, ventral view. (Faden the flower or curved out of the floral midplane,
1991) especially in zygomorphic flowers. The presence
of enantostyly in Murdannia has been mentioned
morphologically distinct sets of stamens may also Stigmas vary from very small to slightly capitate,
have a 1-sided arrangement, with the anterior penicillate, triangular, or slightly 3-lobed. Stigma
(or anticous) ones different from the posterior types in the family have been surveyed by Owens
(posticous) ones, e.g., Floscopa, Tinantia, and and Kimmins (1981).
Geogenanthus. The basic inflorescence type in Commelinaceae
Approximately 1/3 of the genera have sta- is a terminal, pedunculate thyrse (Fig. 34) with an
minodes. The staminodes may be all antesepalous indeterminate central axis to which are attached
Palisota, all antepetalous (Murdannia, Antheri- several - many, determinate, stipitate, cymose
copsis, and some species of Tripogandra), all ante- branches (cincinni) that may be alternate, sub-
rior (Cochliostema), or all posterior (Commelina, opposite, or subverticillate in attachment (Faden
Aneilema, Pollia, Polyspatha, Rhopalephora, 1991). At the base of each cincinnus is a bract, the
Tapheocarpa, and some species of Pollia). The cincinnus bract, and opposite each pedicel is a
sterile anthers, or antherodes, may be of a charac- bracteole.
teristic form for a genus, e.g., bilobed in Aneilema Evolutionary trends in the inflorescence largely
(Fig. 34E,F), trilobed or hastate in Murdannia have been in the direction of reduction or loss of
(Fig. 33£), and cruciform in Commelina. When some parts or axes (see Brenan 1966). However,
the staminodes and/or stamens are in 1-sided ar- while the cincinnus bracts have become caducous
Commelinaceae 113

or have disappeared in some genera, in other to pressure from the developing embryo beneath
genera such as Tradescantia they have become it.
enlarged and foliaceous or spathaceous, and A summary of the anatomy of the seeds has been
sometimes lateral inflorescences become closely published by Takhtajan (1985). The ovules of
associated with the terminal inflorescence form- Commelinaceae are atropous to hemianatropous,
ing a compound inflorescence or synflorescence, camplyoptropous, or rarely anatropous, bitegmic
as in Aneilema (Faden 1991), Callisia, Stanfiel- and crassinucellate. The testa is sometimes
diella, Tripogandra, and other genera. Like the formed by the inner integument and the silicified
cincinnus bracts, the bracteoles may have become innermost layer of the outer integument. In those
caducous or been lost but they have never become cases, e.g., Stanfieldiella and Cartonema (Grootjen
much enlarged. and Bouman 1981), the remaining layers of the
Change in position of the inflorescence has oc- outer integument form a loose cover around the
curred from terminal or terminal and axillary to seed and may be sloughed off. In many genera
strictly axillary and sometimes perforating the leaf the outer layers of the outer integument may be
sheaths, particularly in forest understory genera more firmly attached and are part of the testa.
(Faden 1988a), e.g., Buforrestia, Coleotrype, and The embryotega is surrounded by a micropylar
Amischotolype, or even basal (Geogenanthus). In a collar except in Cartonema, where it still can be
few genera, e.g., Commelina, the inflorescences identified as a bump. It is covered by both integu-
are morphologically terminal but become leaf- ments except in Cartonema, in which only the
opposed and superficially appear lateral due to the outer integument covers it.
sympodial growth of the shoot. The embryo is well differentiated except in
Cartonema. It is usually short-cylindric and
FRUITS AND SEEDS. The fruits are typically dumbbell-shaped in outline. Endosperm is abun-
loculicidally dehiscent capsules, but occasionally dant and starchy. Germination is hypogaeal. Seed-
they are indehiscent. In Palisota they are fleshy lings of Commelinaceae have been studied by
berries, and in Pollia and a few species of Tillich (1995), who reports that the most distinc-
Commelina they are indehiscent, crustaceous, tive feature of the family is a root collar, which,
and colorful. In Tradescantia zanonia the sepals however, is lacking in Cartonema.
greatly increase in size, envelop the capsule, and
become fleshy and berrylike. Capsules are usu- KARYOLOGY. Chromosome numbers have been
ally hi- or trilocular, but in a few species of published for all genera except Triceratella,
Commelina, Aneilema, and Rhopalephora they are Sauvallea, Aetheolirion, Porandra, Elasis, Pseu-
unilocular. doparis, and Tapheocarpa. The most comprehen-
Seeds may be uni- or biseriate in the locules and sive overview is that of Jones and Jopling (1972)
range from 1 to about 50 per fruit. Seeds range with a contribution by Faden and Suda (1980).
from about 0.5-8 mm in length. The hilum varies Basic numbers vary from x = 4 (some Gibasis)
from punctiform to linear. A caplike callosity, the to x = 29 (Rhopalephora). Small and midsized
embryotega (or embryostega or operculum), cov- genera (up to 15 spp.) tend to have single basic
ers the embryo and is sharply demarcated from numbers, e.g., Stanfieldiella (x = 11), Polyspatha
the rest of the testa by a clear line or groove, the (x = 14), and Buforrestia (x = 17). In contrast, the
micropylar collar, in all genera except Cartonema larger genera usually have multiple basic num-
(Grootjen and Bouman 1981; Grootjen 1983). The bers, e.g., x = 9, 10, 13-16 in Aneilema (Faden
embryotega ranges from dorsal to lateral or, in 1991), x = 11-15 in Commelina, and x = 6, 7?,
the case of Cyanotis and Belosynapsis, terminal. 9-11 in Murdannia.
Bruckner (1926) has shown that the combination In general, the chromosomes of subfamily
of hilum shape and position of the embryotega Cartonematoideae (unknown in Triceratella) and
can be used to characterize many genera, such as the tribe Commelineae (sensu Faden and Hunt
Commelina (hilum linear, embryotega lateral). A 1991) are relatively small (Jones and Jopling 1972),
fleshy aril, usually red, covers the seeds in while those of tribe Tradescantieae are medium -
Dichorisandra, Amischotolype, and Porandra. The large. Basic number and chromosome size show
testa may be smooth, rugose, alveolar, reticulate, very weak correlation: the basic numbers in tribe
scrobiculate, foveate, foveolate, furrowed, or Commelineae range from x = 6 to x = 29, while in
ribbed, the pattern often radiating on the dorsal tribe Tradescantieae they vary from x = 4 to x =
surface from the embryotega. At germination the 20. A nombre fondamental of 7 has been shown
embryotega is lifted off or pushed to one side due for Tradescantia sect. Cymbispatha (as genus
114 Commelinaceae

Cymbispatha by Jones et al. (1981). Bimodal inae ), suggesting a long period of isolation. The 14
complements characterize some genera, such as genera of tribe Commelineae are either wholly Old
Anthericopsis, Floscopa, and Tinantia, and also World (eight genera) or else they have native spe-
occur in occasional species of other genera. cies in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres
The ancestral basic chromosome number for (six genera). Of the latter six genera (Murdannia,
Commelinaceae or for either large tribe is unclear. Buforrestia, Floscopa, Pollia, Aneilema, and Com-
The pattern has been obscured by repeated polyp- melina), all but Buforrestia, which is confined to
loidy, both paleopolyploidy and neopolyploidy, West Africa and northeastern South America, are
and by aneuploid reduction in basic number, at widespread, occurring in Australia, Asia, Africa,
least within some genera, e.g., Aneilema (Faden and tropical America.
and Suda 1980). Aneuploid reduction in basic The major centers of diversity for the family
chromosome number by Robertsonian transloca- are Mexico (especially Oaxaca and Chiapas) and
tion has been demonstrated for Gibasis by Jones northern Central America (especially for the
(1974) and postulated for Tradescantia (including subtribes Tradescantiinae and Thysantheminae);
Zebrina) by Jones (1990). tropical Africa (including Madagascar
particularly for tribe Commelineae and subtribes
POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Pollen is shed as indi- Palisotinae and Coleotrypinae); and peninsular
vidual grains. Pollen grains are sulcate except in India and the foothills of the Himalayas to
a few species of Tinantia, Tradescantia, and Thailand and southwestern China (especially
Tripogandra (Poole and Hunt 1980). Although a for Commelineae, and subtribes Cyanotinae and
number of exine patterns were recognized by Streptoliriinae). South America, although poorer
Poole and Hunt (1980), Faden and Hunt (1991) in species than either Africa or Asia, is the center
combined them into 2 general types, spinulose of diversity for subtribe Dichorisandrinae.
and lacking spines. The pollen grains may be di- Commelinaceae are ecologically diverse. They
morphic in different anthers of the same flower are found chiefly in humid and mesic habitats,
(see p. 115). such as forest and grassland. Within the tropics,
where they grow from sea level to 3800 m, species
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. The available information occur in all but the most xeric and most saline
was surveyed by Hegnauer (1963, 1986). Saponins habitats. Few Commelinaceae are aquatics except
and alkaloids seem to be absent from the for species of Floscopa.
Commelinaceae, while common flavonols, gly-
coflavones, and phenolic acids are widespread. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. Flowers lack nectar
Gallic acid was once recorded for Commelina and are open for only a few hours during the day.
agraria, a record in need of confirmation. Flower Andromonoecy is common, with the bisexual and
pigments are based on glycosides of cyanidin and male flowers sometimes occurring in specific parts
delphinidin, particularly the latter often stabilized of the inflorescence and/or opening in a predict-
by complex copigmentation. The presence of able sequence; but in some genera there is no
cyanogenesis was proved for Tinantia Jugax ( = pattern to their position or flowering order. Poly-
T. erecta). Harris and Hartley (1980) found gamomonoecy and gynomonoecy are rare. Dioecy
unlignified cell walls fluorescent due to the pres- is lacking.
ence of bound cinnamic acids. The short anthesis allows related species to
occur sympatrically without crossing. This is true
DISTRIBUTION, PHYTOGEOGRAPHY, AND HABI- in Aneilema (Faden 1983, 1991) and Stanfieldiella,
TATS. The Commelinaceae consists of about 41 and is likely also to be the case in Palisota,
genera and 650 species. The family as a whole is Polyspatha, and other genera.
distributed worldwide but is especially diverse in Commelinaceae flowers are chiefly entomophil-
the tropics. In north temperate regions the family ous and usually attract a variety of bees and
is well represented in North America and Asia, but diptera. Buzz pollination has been reported in
no species is native to Europe. Dichorisandra (Sigrist and Sazima 1991) and
Subfamily Cartonematoideae is confined to the might be predicted in the other genera that have
Southern Hemisphere. All seven subtribes of tribe apical poricidal anther dehiscence (Porandra and
Tradescantieae are wholly confined either to the some species of Amischotolype and Coleotrype).
Old World (subtribes Palisotinae, Streptoliriinae, More specialized pollination systems have not
Cyanotinae, Coleotrypinae) or the New World been reported but might be expected in Cochlio-
(Dichorisandrinae, Thysantheminae, Tradescanti- stema because of its highly modified androecium.
Commelinaceae 115

Autogamy is common in many genera. Self- likely to be dispersed externally on birds and
incompatibility has been found in some Trade- mammals. Ants have been observed carrying
scantiinae, which would make them obligate seeds of Commelina erecta (R.B. Faden, unpubl.).
outcrossers (Owens 1981). Callisia repens and The winged seeds of Aethiolirion are probably
perhaps one other species are probably ane- wind-assisted in their descent. Dispersal by water
mophilous. and/or in mud on animal feet is likely for spe-
Individual flowers are usually brightly colored cies of Commelina, Murdannia, Cyanotis, and
and conspicuous to potential pollinators, even in Floscopa that grow in or beside water. Dimorphic
autogamous species. When the flowers are small, seeds or propagules with presumably different
however, the inflorescences and/or associated means of dispersal are frequent in Commelina and
bracts may attract pollinators. The most extreme Aneilema (Faden 1991).
case occurs in some populations of Coleotrype
madagascarica in which the uppermost leaves on SuBDIVISION. The history of the subdivision of
the flowering shoot may be bright pink, like bracts the Commelinaceae was summarized by Faden
of poinsettia (Faden 1992). and Hunt (1991). The predominant trend, which
Floral scents are uncommon but, when present, was begun by Meisner (1842), was to divide
they may be strong, as in Callisia fragrans and the family into two major groups. His tribe
Cochliostema. In Palisota, floral odors vary from Tradescantieae had 6 fertile stamens while tribe
species to species and may be biologically and Commelineae had a reduced number of fertile sta-
taxonomically significant (Faden 1992). mens. Hasskarl (1870) used Meisner's classifica-
The position and length of the stamens may af- tion, as did Clarke (1881), who also separated out
fect the species of insects that visit a flower and the a small, third tribe, Pollieae, for genera with
place of deposition of pollen on the insect, as in berries or berrylike fruit.
Aneilema (Faden 1992). The reciprocal position of Bruckner (1926, 1930) raised the two major divi-
the lower, fertile stamen in male flowers and of the sions of the family to subfamily rank and distin-
gynoecium in bisexual flowers in Palisota en- guished them on the basis of floral symmetry:
hances pollen transfer. Mirror-image symmetry of subfamily "Tradescantieae", (flowers actinomor-
the stamens and style, or enantiostyly, occurs in phic); subfamily "Commelineae" (flowers zygo-
many species of Murdannia. morphic). Subfamily Tradescantieae was divided
Floral hairs are common in some genera (Faden into tribes Hexandreae (6 fertile stamens) and
1992). Although they may be present on any of the Triandreae (3 fertile stamens), and subfamily
floral parts, it is primarily those of the stamen Commelineae was split into tribes Declinatae
filaments that are related to pollination. Filament (buds bent downward, the 3 posterior stamens less
hairs may attract pollinators when they are developed and usually sterile) and Inclinatae
brightly colored, provide footholds for insects, (buds curved inward, the 3 anterior stamens less
retain shed or dropped pollen grains within the developed and usually sterile).
flower, and affect the efficiency with which pollen Woodson (1942) and Rohweder (1956), focusing
can be collected (Faden 1992). on the American genera, returned to 2 tribes,
Pollen is the only reward for pollinators. Often Commelineae and Tradescantieae, but defined
staminodes, yellow hairs, or dimorphic stamens them on the basis of inflorescence rather than
deceptively attract insects away from the main floral characters.
source of pollen in the flower (Vagel 1978; Faden Pichon ( 1946) was the first worker to completely
1992). Pollen grains may be differentially colored break away from the tradition of dividing the
in different anthers of the same flower. Dimorphic family into 2 major components. He recognized
pollen occurs in individual flowers of Palisota, 10 tribes, Tradescantieae, Callisieae, Anthericops-
Tripogandra, Aneilema, and Tinantia species (Lee ideae, Commelineae, Geogenantheae, Cochlios-
1961; Handlos 1975; Simpson et al. 1986; Faden temateae, Pseudoparideae, Zebrineae, Cyanoteae,
1988b, 1991). and Dichorisandreae, on morphological charac-
Information on seed dispersal in Commelina- ters. He further separated the genus Cartonema
ceae is almost all conjectural or anecdotal. Most into its own family Cartonemataceae, based in
Commelinaceae seeds have no specialized means part on anatomical grounds.
of dispersal. The berries of Palisota and berrylike Brenan (1966) recognized 15 informal "groups,"
fruits of Pollia, a few species of Commelina, and using a combination of morphological characters.
Tradescantia zanonia are probably endozoo- He predicted that not all of his groups would
chorous. The sticky fruits of Rhopalephora are prove to be of equal taxonomic rank.
116 Commelinaceae

Faden and Hunt (1991), which was briefly pre- Pontederiaceae, Philydraceae, and Haemodora-
viewed by Faden (1985), accepted 2 subfamilies, ceae as the families closest to Commelinaceae.
subfamily Cartonematoideae, which was divided Combining morphological characters and rbcL
into 2 tribes, tribes Cartonemateae [as Cartone- sequence data produced results identical with or
meae] and Triceratelleae, and subfamily Com- very similar to the rbcL phylogenies alone (Chase
melinoideae, which also comprised 2 tribes, tribes et al. 1995b; Kellogg and Linder 1995), showing
Tradescantieae and Commelineae. Within tribe the Pontederiaceae as the sister group to the
Tradescantieae, 7 subtribes were accepted, Pali- Commelinaceae.
sotinae, Streptoliriinae, Cyanotinae, Coleotry-
pinae, Dichorisandrinae, Thyrsantheminae, and KEY TO THE SUBFAMILIES, TRIBES, SUBTRIBES,
Tradescantiinae. This classification employed AND GENERA
anatomical, palynological, and cytological charac-
ters in addition to morphological ones, but it did 1. Rap hide canals absent or next to the veins of the lamina;
not include a cladistic analysis. glandular microhairs lacking; internodes and/or foliage
glandular-pubescent; flowers yellow, actinomorphic.
Evans (1995) studied the cladistic relationships Subfam. Cartonematoideae 2
among the genera of Commelinaceae using mor- - Raphide canals present and mostly between the veins of
phological characters and sequence data from the the lamina; glandular microhairs almost invariably
chloroplast gene rbcL. He also made a combined present; flowers pink or bule to white, rarely yellow to
analysis of the two data sets. Cartonema was orange, actinomorphic or zygomorphic. Subfam.
Commelinoideae 3
found to be basal in the family. Tribe Com- 2. Rap hide canals lacking; cincinni 1-flowered, the inflores-
melineae was shown to be monophyletic, as were cence seemingly a spiciform raceme; stomata with 2 or 4
subtribes Cyanotinae and Coleotrypinae. Subtribe subsidiary cells; perennials or annuals; Australia. Tribe
Thyrsantheminae was polyphyletic, and tribe Cartonemateae 1. Cartonema
- Raphide canals next to the veins; cincinni several-
Dichorisandrinae was polyphyletic in some anal-
flowered, the inflorescence composed of leaf-opposed
yses and monophyletic in others. With the cincinni; stomata with 2 subsidiary cells; annuals; Africa.
inclusion of the genus Elasis from subtribe Tribe Triceratelleae 2. Triceratella
Thyrsantheminae, subtribe Tradescantiinae was 3. Stomata with 4( -2) subsidiary cells, or if 6, then the termi-
monophyletic. The positions of the subtribes nal pair equal to or larger than the second lateral pair
(Geogenanthus and Streptoliriinae ); pollen exine lacking
Streptoliriinae and Palisotinae varied, with spines (except Tripogandra), mostly with a cerebroid tec-
Palisota, the sole genus of subtribe Palisotinae, tum; flowers mainly actinomorphic; filament hairs (when
sometimes emerging as the sister group to the en- present) moniliform (except Tripogandra species). Tribe
tire family except for Cartonema. From the above Tradescantieae 4
it is evident that molecular studies need to be ex- - Stomata with 6 subsidiary cells, the terminal pair smaller
than the second lateral pair; pollen exine spinulose, tectum
panded to more genera and more genes, and that perforate; flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic; fila-
additional nonmolecular characters need to be ment hairs (when present) usually not moniliform. Tribe
studied systematically. Commelineae 26
4. Cincinni elongate or contracted, never fused in pairs 5
AFFINITIES. Modern ideas about the relation- - Cincinni contracted, fused in bifacial pairs (rarely free,
stipitate, 2-several in a pseudo-umbel, with the cincinnus
ships of the Commelinaceae vary greatly, depend- axis reflexed at junction with stipe: Gibasis). Subtribe
ing upon the kinds of data employed. Using Tradescantiinae 23
characters other than DNA sequence data, the 5. Fruit a berry; sepals petaloid; pollen-bearing stamens 3,
family is generally combined with Mayacaceae, antepetalous. Subtribe Palisotinae 3. Palisota
Xyridaceae, Rapateaceae, and sometimes Erio- - Fruit capsular; sepals sepaloid; pollen-bearing stamens
1-6, if 3, then not antepetalous 6
caulaceae as the order Commelinales (see 6. Plants scandent (except Spatholirion ornatum); inflores-
Dahlgren and Clifford 1982 for a review of classifi- cences thyrses, the lowermost 1-2 cincinni subtended
cations of the monocotyledons up to that time). by spathaceous bracts; flowers bisexual and male or,
The most comprehensive such analysis, using 101 occasionally, all bisexual. Subtribe Streptoliriinae 7
- Plants rarely scandent; inflorescences various, if
morphological, anatomical, embryological, and thyrsiform, then lower cincinni not subtended by
phytochemical characters and all of the families spathaceous bracts; flowers usually all bisexual, rarely
of Dahlgren et al. (1985), yielded an order Com- bisexual and male 9
melinaceae comprising the same five families 7. Stamens 6, equal; capsules ovoid or ellipsoid, less than
(Stevenson and Loconte 1995). 2 em long; seeds not winged 8
- Stamens 3 or 5, when 5, unequal; capsules linear, 8-16cm
In contrast to the above, analyses using DNA long; seeds winged 6. Aetheolirion
sequence data for the plastid gene rbcL (Chase et 8. Inflorescences axillary, perforating, also sometimes leaf-
al. 1993, 1995, 1995a; Duvall et al. 1993) place the opposed; all cincinni bracteate 4. Streptolirion
Commelinaceae 117

- Inflorescences all leaf-opposed; upper cincinni ebracteate 21. Petals free, blue to purple; cincinni 1-several per shoot;
5_ Spatholirion shoots usually elongate, rarely rosettelike 22
9. Seeds with a terminal embryotega; filaments and style - Petals united into a long tube, white or rarely blue;
usually with a subterminal swelling ( Cyanotis ); anthers cincinni numerous, aggregated towards the shoot apex,
usually dehiscing by basal pores (Cyan otis); bracteoles rosette plants 19. Weldenia
conspicuous, herbaceous; plants succulent. Subtribe 22. Cincinni stipitate; plants procumbent; roots not tuberous
Cyanotinae 10 20. Elasis
- Seeds with a dorsal to lateral embryotega; filaments and - Cincinni sessile; plants erect; roots tuberous
style lacking a swelling; anther dehiscence various but not 21. Matudanthus
by basal pores; bracteoles and plants various 11 23. Cincinni stipitate, free, 2-several in a pseudo-umbel
10. Petals free; filaments not swollen; anther dehiscence 22. Gibasis
longitudinal 7. Belosynapsis - Cincinni sessile, fused in back-to-back pairs, the pairs
- Petals united into a tube; filaments usually swollen near variously arranged 24
the apex; anther dehiscence functionally by basal pores; 24. Cincinni subtended by or enclosed in spathaceous or folia-
cincinni compact 8. Cyanotis ceous bracts 23. Tradescantia
11. Inflorescences all lateral and perforating the sheath, - Cincinni subtended by small bracts 25
cincinni usually congested and contracted, bracts 25. Flowers actinomorphic; stamens 0-6, equal or unequal,
and bracteoles herbaceous; paleotropical. Subtribe but never alternating long and short 24. Callisia
Coleotrypinae 12 - Flowers zygomorphic; stamens 6, the antesepalous short,
- Inflorescences terminal or terminal and lateral, rarely the antepetalous long 25. Tripogandra
all lateral and/or perforating the sheaths; bracts and 26. Flowers solitary, terminal, becoming leaf-opposed; fruit
bracteoles various; neotropical and New World temperate deeply buried 40. Tapheocarpa
14 - Flowers in inflorescences variously arranged; fruit usually
12. Petals free; seeds arillate 13 aerial 27
- Petals united into a tube; seeds exarillate 9. Coleotrype 27. Cincinni enclosed in or closely subtended by spathaceous
13. Plants of various habits but not scandent; anther bracts 28
dehiscence usually longitudinal 10. Amischotolype - Cincinni not enclosed in or closely subtended by
- Plants scandent; anther dehiscence poricidal spathaceous bracts 30
11. Porandra 28. Inflorescences all axillary and perforating the sheaths;
14. Ovules biseriate (except an undescribed genus); petals fertile stamens 6; fruiting sepals accrescent, more than
sometimes fringed; anther dehiscence sometimes pori- lOmm long; petals not clawed 29. Buforrestia
cidal (Dichorisandra); chromosomes large, basic number - Inflorescences terminal or leaf-opposed, rarely some also
x = 19. Subtribe Dichorisandrinae 15 axillary and perforating; fertile stamens 3; fruiting sepals
- Ovules uniseriate; petals never fringed; anther dehiscence marcescent, less than 7 mm long; upper petals clawed 29
longitudinal; chromosomes small to medium-sized, 29. Spathes distichously arranged on an axis, never leaf-
basic number various but not x = 19. Subtribe opposed; flowers white; capsules bilocular, locules 1-
Thyrsantheminae 18 seeded 34. Polyspatha
15. Petals not fringed; anther dehiscence poricidal or - Spathes solitary and becoming leaf-opposed or irregularly
occasionally longitudinal; seeds usually arillate 16 clustered, never distichously arranged on an axis; flowers
- Petals fringed; anther dehiscence always longitudinal; mostly blue, uncommonly other colors, rarely white;
seeds exarillate 17 capsules bi- or triblocular, locules 1-2-seeded
16. Filaments much longer than the anthers; anthers about as 35. Commelina
wide as long, dehiscence longitudinal the whole length of 30. Fruits indehiscent, trilocular 31
the anther 12. Siderasis - Fruits dehiscent, bi- or trilocular 32
- Filaments equal to or shorter than the anthers; anthers 31. Fruits spherical or ellipsoid, lustrous, metallic blue, black
much longer than wide, dehiscence usually poricidal, oc- or lead-colored; seeds usually biseriate; fertile stamens
casionally by short longitudinal slits 13. Dichorisandra 3 or 6 36. Pollia
17. Plants tank or rarely creeping epiphytes, rarely terrestrial; - Fruits cylindric-trigonous, probably brown at maturity;
leaves sword-shaped; inflorescences borne among the seeds uniseriate; fertile stamen 1 33. Pseudoparis
leaves; fertile stamens 3; anthers enclosed within hoodlike 32. Stamens 6, equal, fertile 27. Stanfieldiella
expanded connectives, not visible without dissection - Stamens 6 or fewer, all fertile and unequal, or some
14. Cochliostema staminodial or lacking 33
- Plants rhizomatous, neither tank nor creeping in habit, 33. Fertile stamen 1 33. Pseudoparis
terrestrial; leaves elliptic to ovate or orbicular; inflores- - Fertile stamens 2-6 34
cences borne below the leaves, commonly basal; fertile 34. Fertile stamens 5-6 35
stamens 5-6; anthers not enclosed, although often some - Fertile stamens 2-3 36
surrounded by dense hairs, plainly visible 35. Upper and lower stamens nearly equal, some or all
15. Geogenanthus filament bases fused; capsule bilocular, locules 1-seeded
18. Inflorescences terminal, thyrsiform and/or cincinni 28. Floscopa
elongate 19 - Upper stamens much shorter than the lower, filaments
- Inflorescences terminal or terminal and axillary, cincinnus free; capsules trilocular, locules 1-several-seeded
axis contracted (although cincinni sometimes stipitate)21 32. Tricarpelema
19. Flowers actinomorphic; stamens equal 20 36. Capsules bilocular or unequally trilocular, bivalved;
- Flowers zygomorphic; stamens unequal 16. Tinantia bracteoles usually perfoliate 37
20. Inflorescences thyrsiform 17. Thyrsanthemum - Capsules equally trilocular, trivalved; bracteoles not
- Inflorescences umbelliform 18. Gibasoides perfoliate 38
118 Commelinaceae

37. Capsules glabrous or pubescent, rarely with hooked hairs; racemiform, but each flower representing a re-
locules often more than 1-seeded; inflorescence usually duced, 1-flowered cincinnus; flowers bisexual,
thyrsiform 37. Aneilema
- Capsules covered with hooked hairs; locules 1-seeded or actinomorphic, subsessile (above the bracteole);
empty; inflorescence corymblike 38. Rhopalephora sepals subequal, free, glandular-pubescent; petals
38. Stamens antesepalous, alternating with the staminodes 39 equal, free, not clawed, yellow (rarely pink);
- Stamens on one side of the flower, staminodes above or stamens 6, equal, filaments glabrous, anthers with
lacking 40 a narrow connective, dehiscence longitudinal;
39. Rosette plants; inflorescences subscapose; filaments all
glabrous; antherodes unlobed 31. Anthericopsis ovary trilocular, locules 2-several-ovulate; cap-
- Plants of various habits, rarely rosettes with subscapose sules trilocular, trivalved; seeds uniseriate, 2-
inflorescences; some or all filaments usually bearded, several/locule, hilum punctiform, embryotega
rarely all glabrous; antherodes 3-lobed or hastate dorsal. 2n = 24. Eleven spp., Australia, with 1 sp.
30. Murdannia
40. Stamens 3, staminodes 3; locules usually 2-several-seeded,
apparently extending to Trangan Island (SW of
rarely 1-seeded 32. Tricarpelema New Guinea), Indonesia.
- Stamens 3, staminodes 0; locules always 1-seeded
35. Dictyospermum
2. Tribe Triceratelleae Faden & Hunt (1991).
GENERA OF CoMMELINACEAE Commelinaceae "Group IX" Brenan (1966).

I. Subfamily Cartonematoideae (Pichon) Faden

Annuals with sympodial growth; raphide canals
ex G. Tucker (1989). next to the veins; stomata with 2 subsidiary cells;
Subfam. Cartonemoideae Faden in Dahlgren, Clifford & Yeo inflorescence composed of single, leaf-opposed
(1985), non rite pub!. cincinni, cincinni elongate, several-flowered;
flowers yellow, actinomorphic; seeds numerous,
Glandular microhairs lacking; raphide canals biseriate. Chromosomes unknown. Only one
lacking or next to the veins; stomata with 2 or genus, Triceratella.
4 subsidiary cells; internodes and/or foliage
glandular-pubescent; flowers actinomorphic,
yellow, petals free; stamens 6, all fertile, equal or 2. Triceratella Brenan
subequal; fruits capsular, trilocular, dehiscent, Triceratella Brenan in Kirkia 1: 14 (1961).
shorter than the sepals; seeds exarillate, with a
punctiform hilum and dorsal embryotega. Annual herbs; leaves linear, lamina sessile, more
or less glandular-pubescent; inflorescences single,
1. Tribe Cartonemateae (Pichon) Faden & leaf-opposed, elongate cincinni; flowers bisexual,
D.R. Hunt (1991}. subsessile; sepals longer than the petals, subequal,
free, glandular-pubescent; petals subequal, free,
Cartonemataceae Pichon (1946). not clawed; stamens 6, equal or subequal, fila-
Commelinaceae "Group II" Brenan (1966).
ments pubescent, anthers with a narrow connec-
tive, dehiscence longitudinal; ovary sessile, locules
Perennials; raphide canals lacking; stomata with with numerous ovules, ovules biseriate; capsules
2-4 subsidiary cells; inflorescence a seemingly trilocular, trivalved; seeds biseriate, numerous,
spiciform raceme, but individual flowers actually more or less hemispherical, hilum punctiform,
1-flowered cincinni and the inflorescence there- embryotega dorsal. 2n = ? Only one sp., T.
fore a thyrse (see Brenan 1966); seeds uniseriate. drummondii Brenan, Zimbabwe.
Chromosomes small, x = 12 (or 6?). Only one
genus: Cartonema R. Br.
II. Subfamily Commelinoideae Faden &
D.R. Hunt (1991).
1. Cartonema R. Br.
Cartonema R. Br., Prod.: 271 (1810); Conran, Fl. Australia, vol. Glandular microhairs almost invariably present;
40 (in press). raphide canals present and mostly between
the veins; internodes and foliage almost never
Perennial or annual herbs, sometimes arising glandular-pubescent; flowers variously colored
from tubers; leaves spirally arranged, lamina but very rarely both yellow and actinomorphic;
linear, sessile, glandular-pubescent; inflores- stamens, capsules, and seeds various.
cences terminal and axillary, spiciform or
Commelinaceae 119

3. Tribe Tradescantieae Meisner (1842). spathaceous bract; flowers bisexual and male or
all bisexual; sepals free, equal or subequal; petals
Tribe Hexandreae Bruckner (1926) p. p.
Commelinaceae "Group XI" Brenan (1966). equal, free, not clawed, narrower than the sepals;
stamens, 6, equal, or 5 with the posterior 3 shorter,
An exceedingly diverse assemblage recognized as or 3 and all posterior, some or all filaments
a group only by the characters given in the key; bearded; capsule trilocular, dehiscent; seeds uni-
silica sometimes present in epidermal cells. Chro- or biseriate, exarillate, hilum linear, embryotega
mosomes very variable, but large in many genera, dorsal to semidorsal. Chromosomes (unknown in
less often small to medium-sized, x 5 4-20. Cos- Aetheolirion) large, x = 5, 6.
mopolitan: 25 genera/285 spp.
4. Streptolirion Edgew.
3a. Subtribe Palisotinae Faden & D.R. Hunt Streptolirion Edgew. in Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1: 254 (1845).
Tribe Triandreae Bruckner (1926) (p. p.).
Annual (or sometimes perennial?), scan dent to
Commelinaceae "Group III," Brenan (1966) (p. p.). erect herbs; ptyxis involute; inflorescences axillary
or leaf-opposed thyrses, upper cincinni bracteate;
Rhizomatous perennials; inflorescences thyrses, flowers bisexual (lower cincinni) and male (upper
cincinni not paired; flowers bisexual and male; cincinni), subsessile; sepals equal, petaline; sta-
sepals petaline; petals free, not clawed; pollen- mens 6, free, fertile, filaments bearded, anthers
bearing stamens 3, antepetalous, filaments usually with a broad connective, dehiscence latrorse; cap-
glabrous; staminodes 2-3, antesepalous, lacking sule trilocular, trivalved, locules 2-seeded; seeds
anthers, filaments bearded; fruit a berry; seeds uniseriate, hilum linear, embryotega semilateral.
uni- or biseriate, exarillate, hilum punctiform, 2n = 10, 12, 48. One or 2 spp., Himalayas to Japan.
embryotega dorsal. Chromosomes medium-sized,
x = 20. Only one genus, Palisota. 5. Spatholirion Ridl.
Spatholirion Rid!. in J. Bot. 34: 329 (1896).
3. Palisota Rchb.
Palisota Rchb. ex Endlicher, Gen. Pl.: 125 (1836).
Perennial, scandent to erect herbs; ptyxis super-
v?lu~e; ~nflorescences leaf-opposed thyrses, upper
Perennial herbs, generally medium- to large-sized, cmcmm ebracteate; flowers bisexual (bracteate
mostly rosettes or herbaceous shrubs, leaves alter- cincinni) or male (ebracteate cincinni), subsessile;
nate or in pseudowhorls, lamina petiolate; inflo- sepals equal, petaline; stamens 6, free, fertile, fila-
rescences terminal, terminal and axillary, or all ments bearded, anthers with a narrow connective
axillary, pedunculate, thyrsiform; flowers slightly dehiscence latrorse; capsule trilocular, trivalved:
zygomorphic, bisexual and male, pedicellate; locules several-seeded; seeds (uni-? or) biseriate,
sepals subequal; petals subequal; staminodes hilum linear, embryotega dorsal. 2n = 20. Three
2-3, subequal or the posterior one different or spp., Thailand to China.
lacking; stamens 3, 2 posterior shorter, pollen ster-
ile, anterior stamen longer, pollen fertile; fruits 6. Aetheolirion Forman
berries, trilocular, indehiscent, orange to red or
Aetheolirion Forman in Kew Bull. 16: 209 (1962).
blue to black, locules 1-6-seeded. 2n = 40, ca. 60,
80. About 18 spp., Africa, in forest understory and
disturbed situations, usually growing in shade. Scandent herbs; inflorescences leaf-opposed thyr-
ses, upper cincinni bracteate; flowers subses-
sile, bisexual (lower cincinni) and male (upper
3b. Subtribe Streptoliriinae Faden & D.R. Hunt cincinni); sepals subequal, sepaline; stamens 3 or
(1991). 5, 3 posterior with shorter, bearded filaments and
2 anterior (only in male flowers) with longer gla-
Tribe Hexandreae Bruckner (1926) (p. p.).
Commelinaceae "Group IV," Brenan (1966). brous filaments, connective narrow; ovary with
locules 6-8-ovulate; capsules trilocular, trivalved;
Climbing or erect herbs with lamina petiolate; seeds biseriate, winged, hilum linear, embryotega
inflorescences leaf-opposed or axillary thyrses, dorsal. 2n = ? Only one sp., A. stenolobium
lowermost 1-2 cincinni usually subtended by a Forman, Thailand.
120 Commelinaceae

3c. Subtribe Cyanotinae (Pichon) Faden & 3d. Subtribe Coleotrypinae Faden & D.R. Hunt
D.R. Hunt (1991). (1991).
Tribe Cyanoteae Pichon (1946). Tribe Hexandreae Bruckner (1926) (p. p.).
Tribe Hexandreae Bruckner (1926) (p. p.). Commelinaceae "Group 1," p. p., and "Group V," Brenan
Commelinaceae "Group VI," Brenan (1966). (1966).

Mostly perennial herbs, frequently with under- Perennial, mostly decumbent, occasionally scan-
ground storage organs; leaves mainly distichous, dent herbs; leaves spirally arranged, lamina
lamina sessile, succulent, with a hypodermis petiolate, leaf epidermal cells with silica; inflores-
beneath the upper epidermis; inflorescences cences axillary and perforating the sheaths, sessile
mostly consisting of single or aggregated cincinni or subsessile; cincinni usually congested and con-
subtended by small or more or less foliaceous tracted; bracts and sometimes bracteoles herba-
bracts; bracteoles large, herbaceous; flowers ceous; flowers usually all bisexual, actinomorphic;
bisexual, actinomorphic; petals equal, free or petals free or fused basally into a tube; stamens 6,
united below into a tube; stamens 6, equal, fertile, equal or unequal; capsules trilocular,
fertile, filaments bearded, sometimes swollen trivalved, locules 1-2-seeded; seeds uniseriate,
subterminally; ovary with locules biovulate, arillate, or exarillate, with a linear hilum and lat-
style sometimes bearded; capsules trilocular, eral embryotega. Chromosomes (unknown m
trivalved, locules (1-)2-seeded; seeds uniseriate, Porandra) large, x = 9, and possibly others.
exarillate, hilum punctiform, embryotega termi-
nal. Chromosomes small to medium-sized, x = 8,
9. Coleotrype C.B. Clarke
9?, 10-14.
Coleotrype C.B. Clarke in DC., Monogr. Phan. 3: 238 (1881).
7. Belosynapsis Hassk.
Perennial herbs; ptyxis involute; inflorescences
Belosynapsis Hassk. in Flora 54: 259 (1871). sessile, consisting of a few congested and con-
tracted cincinni each subtended by a large, ovate
Perennial herbs, sometimes epiphytic; inflores- bract; flowers sessile; sepals subequal, sepaline;
cences terminal and axillary, consisting of 1-2 petals equal or unequal, united below into a nar-
cincinni; bracts small or large, persistent; cincinni row tube; stamens equal or unequal, filaments
!-several flowered; flowers bisexual, subsessile adnate to the corolla tube, sometimes connate,
or pedicellate; sepals equal; petals free, not bearded or glabrous, anthers dehiscing longitudi-
clawed; stamens 6, free, filaments not swollen nally or by apical pores; capsules hidden among
apically, anther dehiscence longitudinal; style the bracts and sepals. 2n = 36, 42. Nine spp.,
not swollen apically. 2n = 36, 40, 52. Four spp., Africa, Madagascar, in forest understory.
Madagascar, and India to New Guinea.
10. Amischotolype Hassk.
8. Cyanotis D. Don Fig. 32 Amischotolype Hassk. in Flora 46: 391 (1863).
Cyanotis D. Don, Prod, Fl. Nep.: 45 (1825).
Amischophacelus R.S. Rao & Kammathy (1966). Perennial herbs; ptyxis involute; inflorescences
very compact and globose or more lax, composed
Perennial or occasionally annual herbs; inflores- of 2-several cincinni; flowers subsessile to shortly
cences terminal and/or axillary, each cincinnus or pedicellate; sepals subequal, sepaline or colored;
group of cincinni usually subtended by a folia- petals free, equal, not clawed; stamens 6, equal or
ceous bract, rarely the inflorescences enclosed subequal, filaments bearded or subglabrous, an-
in the leaf sheaths; flowers subsessile; sepals thers dehiscing longitudinally or by apical pores;
subequal; petals united below into a tube; stamens seeds embedded in a red aril, hilum linear,
6, filaments usually with a subapical swelling, an- embryotega lateral. 2n = 18, 20(?), 30(?), 36. Fif-
thers with longitudinal dehiscence but pollen usu- teen spp., Central Africa and India to New Guinea,
ally released from base of anther sacs; style usually in forest understory.
with a subapical swelling. 2n = 16, 20, 22, 24, 26,
28(?), 48, 52, 72, 78. Fifty spp., paleotropics, grassy,
11. Porandra Hong
rocky or other open habitats, rarely aquatic
situations, or in forest. Porandra Hong in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12: 462 (1974).
Commelinaceae 121

Perennial scandent herbs; inflorescences sub- subequal; petals free, subequal, glabrous; stamens
sessile, very compact, globose; flowers bisexual, 5-6, equal or unequal, filaments short, glabrous,
subsessile; sepals equal, sepaline; petals free, equal, anthers large, thick, dehiscing by terminal pores
not clawed; stamens 6, free, equal, filaments or longitudinal slits; capsules trilocular, trivalved;
bearded, anthers dehiscing by apical pores; seeds seeds biseriate, embedded in a red (rarely white)
arillate. 2n = ? Three spp., China to Thailand, in aril. 2n = 38, 76. Twenty-five spp., neotropics, in
forests. Questionably distinct from Amischotolype. forest understory.

3e. Subtribe Dichorisandrinae (Pichon) Faden & 14. Cochliostema Lem.

D.R. Hunt (1991).
Cochliostema Lem. in Illus. Hort. 6, Misc.: 70, tab. 217 (1859);
Tribes Dichorisandreae, Geogenantheae, and Cochlioste- Read, Baileya 13: 8-15 (1965).
mateae Pichon (1946).
Tribe Inclinatae Bruckner (1926).
Tribe Hexandreae Bruckner (1926) (p. p.).
Tank or creeping epiphytes (rarely terrestrial);
Commelinaceae "Group I p. p., XIII p. p., and XIV, XV," inflorescences axillary thyrses with cincinni
Brenan (1966). subtended by large, colored bracts; flowers
zygomorphic, fragrant; sepals subequal; petals
Perennials of diverse habit; ptyxis involute; inflo- unequal, margins fringed; staminodes 3, anterior,
rescences thyrses or sometimes reduced to single medial one vestigial, lateral ones densely bearded,
cincinni, terminal and/or axillary, sometimes lacking an anther; stamens 3, posterior, filaments
basal; flowers bisexual or bisexual and male, zygo- fused, with a dense dorsal tuft of yellow hairs,
morphic or actinomorphic; sepals free, sepaline; anthers enclosed within a columnlike structure
petals free, equal to somewhat unequal, not composed of the broadly expanded connectives of
clawed, margins sometimes fringed; stamens the lateral stamens, the connectives each termi-
(3- )5-6, equal or unequal, when 3, all posterior, nally drawn out into a narrow tube with a terminal
anther dehiscence longitudinal or by apical pores; pore; seeds exarillate, biseriate, hilum linear,
staminodes 0-3; ovary trilocular; fruit capsular, embryotega dorsal. 2n = 38. Two spp., Nicaragua
dehiscent; seeds arillate or exarillate, usually to Ecuador, in forest.
biseriate, hilum slightly elongate to linear,
embryotega dorsal to lateral. Chromosomes large,
X= 19.
15. Geogenanthus Ule
Geogenanthus Ule in Feddes Repert. 11: 524 (1913).
12. Siderasis Raf.
Perennial herbs; roots with distal tubers; shoots
Siderasis Raf., Fl. Tellur. 3: 67 (1837). determinate, produced from subterranean rhi-
zomes; inflorescences basal, perforating bladeless
Perennial herbs, sometimes climbing; inflores- sheaths, consisting of 1-2( -4) cincinni; flowers
cence terminal, consisting of a single cincinnus or slightly zygomorphic; sepals equal; petals equal or
thyrsiform; flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, pedi- subequal, margin fringed; stamens 5-6, posterior
cellate; sepals equal, sepaline; petals free, equal, 3 shorter, filaments usually bearded, anterior sta-
glabrous; stamens 6, free, equal, filaments gla- mens 2-3, filaments usually glabrous, anther de-
brous, anther dehiscence latrorse; capsules hiscence introrse; ovary with locules 4-6-ovulate;
trilocular, locules unequal, dorsal locule 0-1- seeds with hilum linear, embryotega lateral.
seeded, ventrallocules more than 2-seeded; seeds 2n = 38. Five spp., western S America, in forest
biseriate, exarillate. 2n = 38. Two or 3 spp., Brazil, understory.
in forest understory.

3f. Subtribe Thyrsantheminae Faden &

13. Dichorisandra Mikan D.R. Hunt (1991).
Dichorisandra Mikan, Del. Fl. et Faun. Bras. 1: tab. 3 (1820). Tribe Hexandreae p. p. and Declinatae p. p. Bruckner (1926).
Commelinaceae "Group I" p. p. and "Group XII" p. p. Brenan
Perennial herbs of diverse habit; roots usually (1966).
with distal tubers; inflorescences terminal, axillary
or basal, thyrsiform or reduced; flowers bisexual Inflorescences thyrsiform or reduced sometimes
and male, usually slightly zygomorphic; sepals to single cincinni, terminal and axillary, rarely all
122 Commelinaceae

axillary; cincinni never fused in pairs; flowers acti- hilum linear, embryotega lateral. 2n = 32, 48. Only
nomorphic or zygomorphic; petals free or fused one sp., G. laxiflora (C.B. Clarke) D.R. Hunt,
into a tube; stamens 6, fertile, equal or unequal, Mexico.
anther dehiscence longitudinal; ovary trilocular;
fruit capsular, trilocular, trivalved; seeds exaril-
19. Weldenia Schult.f.
late, hilum linear to punctiform, embryotega
dorsal to lateral. Chromosomes (unknown in Weldenia Schult.f. in Flora 12: 3, tab. 1A (1829).
Elasis) small to medium-sized, x = 9-17.
Rosette perennial herbs; shoot vertical, subterra-
nean; roots tuberous; ptyxis supervolute; inflores-
16. Tinantia Scheidw.
cence a terminal, sessile, congested thyrse in the
Tinantia Scheidw. in Otto and Dietrich, Allg. Gartenz. 7: 365 center of the rosette, consisting of numerous
(1839). sessile cincinni, the outer ones bracteate, the inner
ebracteate; flowers actinomorphic, pedicellate; se-
Annuals herbs; ptyxis involute; inflorescences pals united into a tube; petals united into a long,
paniculiform or umbelliform thyrses or composed slender tube, with equal, spreading lobes; stamens
of 1-2 cincinni; cincinni elongate; flowers zygo- 6, equal, epipetalous, filaments glabrous; seeds
morphic; sepals free; petals free, slightly to uniseriate, several per locule, hilum punctiform,
strongly unequal, not clawed; stamens 6, fertile, embryotega lateral to semilateral. 2n = 18, 20, 24.
polymorphic, filaments fused basally, posterior 3 Only one sp., W. candida Schult. f., mountains of
stamens shorter with densely bearded filaments, Mexico and Guatemala.
anterior 3 with longer filaments, the lateral
ones bearded, the medial one glabrous; seeds
uniseriate, 2-several per locule, hilum linear, 20. Elasis D.R. Hunt
embryotega lateral. 2n = 26, 28, 32, 34, 64, 66-68, Elasis D.R. Hunt in Kew Bull. 33: 332 (1978).
ca. 128. Thirteen spp., Texas to neotropics.
Procumbent or scandent perennial herbs rooting
17. Thyrsanthemum Pichon at the nodes; roots thin, fibrous; ptyxis super-
volute; inflorescence consisting of up to 5 simple
Thyrsanthemum Pichon in Not. Syst. (Paris) 12: 224 (1946); cincinni, terminal, and solitary from the upper
Hunt, Kew Bull. 31: 407-410 (1976), rev. axils, forming a loose cluster; flowers actinomor-
phic; sepals subequal, free, glandular-pubescent;
Erect or decumbent, perennial herbs; roots tuber- petals free, equal, not clawed; stamens 6, subequal,
ous; ptyxis supervolute; inflorescence a thyrse filaments bearded; seeds uniseriate, 2 per locule;
or panicle of thyrses, cincinni several- to many- hilum linear, embryotega dorsal. 2n = ? Only one
flowered; flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, sub- sp., E. hirsuta (Kunth) D.R. Hunt, high elevations,
sessile to shortly pedicellate; sepals free, subequal; Ecuador.
petals free, equal, not clawed; stamens 6, free,
equal, filaments bearded; seeds uniseriate, 2 per
locule, hilum linear, embryotega lateral or semi- 21. Matudanthus D.R. Hunt
lateral. 2n = 28, 30, 32. Three spp., Mexico. Matudanthus D.R. Hunt in Kew Bull. 33: 333 (1978).

18. Gibasoides D.R. Hunt Perennial herbs with annual, unbranched or

sparsely branched shoots; roots tuberous; ptyxis
Gibasoides D.R. Hunt in Kew Bull. 33: 331 (1978). supervolute; inflorescences composed of ter-
minal and axillary, solitary, sessile, contracted, 1-
Perennial herbs; roots tuberous; ptyxis super- 3-flowered cincinni; flowers actinomorphic,
volute; inflorescence terminal, umbelliform, glan- long-pedicelled; sepals equal; petals equal, not
dular-pubescent, consisting of numerous elongate clawed; stamens 6, subequal, filaments bearded;
cincinni, each with a long cincinnus peduncle not seeds uniseriate, 2 per locule. 2n = 32. Only
geniculate at the apex, and an elongate cincinnus one sp., M. nanus (Martens & Gal.) D.R. Hunt,
axis with numerous flowers; flowers actinomor- Mexico.
phic, pedicellate; sepals subequal, free; petals free,
equal, not clawed; stamens 6, free, subequal,
filaments bearded; seeds uniseriate, 2 per locule,
Commelinaceae 123

3g. Subtribe Tradescantiinae Rohweder {1956). free or fused basally, not clawed (rarely clawed);
stamens 6, equal or slightly unequal, filaments
Tribes Hexandreae p. p. and Triandreae p. p. BrUckner (1926}.
Tribes Callisieae p. p. and Zebrineae p. p. Pichon (1946}. bearded or glabrous; capsules trilocular, trivalved;
Subtribe Gibasinae Rohweder (1956). seeds 1-2 per locule, hilum oblong to linear,
Commelinaceae "Groups XI, XII, and XIII" Brenan (1966}. embryotega dorsal to lateral. 2n = 12, 14, 16, 18,
Perennials or annuals; inflorescences composed of 74, 76, 90, 92, 108-110, 114, 130, 132, 140, 144.
pairs of sessile, contracted cincinni fused back to About 70 spp., New World.
back or of pairs or pseudo-umbels of stipitate
cincinni; flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic;
24. Callisia Loefl.
sepals free, subequal; petals free or fused basally,
subequal, clawed or not; stamens 0-6, when 6, all Callisia Loefl., Iter Hispan.: 305 (1758); Moore, Baileya 6: 135-
equal or alternately unequal with the antesepalous 147 (1958}; Hunt, Kew Bull. 41: 407-412 (1986}.
stamens always fertile, and the antepetalous ones Hadrodemas H.E. Moore (1963}.
Leptorhoeo C.B. Clarke & W.B. Hemsley (1880).
fertile or staminodial, anther connectives broad, Cuthbertia Small (1903}.
dehiscence longitudinal; fruits capsular, locules
1-2-seeded; seeds exarillate, uniseriate, hilum Perennial or annual herbs; roots thin, rarely tuber-
punctiform to linear, embryotega dorsal to lateral. ous; ptyxis supervolute or conduplicate; inflores-
Chromosomes mostly large (occasionally small to cences terminal and/or axillary, composed of pairs
medium-sized), x = 4-13. of sessile cincinni subtended by small bracts
usually less than 1 em long, often aggregated into
compound inflorescences; flowers actinomorphic,
22. Gibasis Raf.
bisexual, rarely bisexual and female, subsessile or
Gibasis Raf., Fl. Tellur. 2: 16 (1837}, Hunt, Kew Bull. 41: 107- pedicellate; petals free, not clawed; stamens equal
129 (1986}, rev. or subequal, 6 or 3-0, filaments glabrous or
bearded; capsules tri-or bilocular, tri-or bivalved,
Annual or perennial herbs; roots fibrous or tuber- locules 1-2-seeded; seeds with hilum punctiform,
ous; ptyxis involute or supervolute; inflorescences embryotega dorsal. 2n = 12, 14, 16, 24, 28, 32, 36,
terminal, composed of pairs or pseudo-umbels of 48, 56, 72. About 20 spp., New World.
stipitate cincinni, cincinnus axis sharply angled at
junction with cincinnus peduncle; flowers actino-
morphic; petals free, equal, not clawed; stamens 6, 25. Tripogandra Raf.
equal, fertile, filaments bearded; capsules trilo- Tripogandra Raf., Fl. Tellur. 2: 16 (1837}; Handlos, Rhodora
cular, trivalved; seeds uniseriate, 2 per locule, 77: 213-333 (1975}, rev.
hilum elongate-punctiform to linear, embryotega
dorsal. 2n = 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22, 30, 32, 48. Eleven Perennial or annual herbs; roots fibrous; ptyxis
spp., neotropics, mainly in Mexico. supervolute; inflorescences composed of pairs of
sessile cincinni subtended by small bracts; flowers
bisexual, moderately zygomorphic; petals free, not
23. Tradescantia L. clawed; stamens 6, dimorphic, the 3 antesepalous
Tradescantia L., Sp. Pl.: 288 (1753}; Hunt, Kew Bull. 30: 443-
shorter and fertile, the 3 antepetalous longer and
458 (1975} (Setcreasea and Separotheca reduced}, ibid. 35: fertile or staminodial, filaments of 1 whorl, rarely
437-442 (1980} (sectional class.}, ibid. 41: 401-405 (1986} both, bearded, rarely both glabrous; capsules
( Campelia, Rhoeo and Zebrina reduced). trivalved, trilocular, locules 1-2-seeded; seeds
Campelia L.C. Rich. (1808}. with hilum punctiform to linear, embryotega
Zebrina Schnizl. (1849}.
Rhoeo Hance (1853).
dorsal. 2n = 16, 24, 28, 30, 32, 39, 42, 48, 50, 52, 60,
Setcreasea K. Schum. & Sydow (1901}. 62, 64, 65, 76. Twenty-two spp., neotropics.
Cymbispatha Pichon (1946}.
Separotheca Waterfall (1959}.
3h. Subtribe Uncertain
Perennial (rarely annual) herbs of various habits; 26. Sauvallea Wright
ptyxis involute or supervolute; inflorescences ter-
Sauvallea Wright in Sauv., Fl. Cuba: 156 (1873).
minal and/or axillary, composed of pairs of sessile
cincinni subtended by spathaceous or foliaceous
bracts; flowers bisexual, actinomorphic; petals Apparently a decumbent perennial; leaves disti-
chous, lamina sessile to subpetiolate; inflores-
124 Commelinaceae

cence terminal, cons1stmg of a solitary spathe phic, shortly pedicellate; sepals free, subequal,
enclosing a single flower; flowers bisexual; sepals sepaline, usually glandular-pubescent; petals free,
3, subequal; petals 3, subequal, not clawed; sta- unequal, not clawed, posterior petals broader than
mens 6, equal, filaments bearded, anthers with a the anterior petal; stamens 6, fertile, posterior 3
broad connective, dehiscence longitudinal; ovary different in form from the anterior 3, filaments
biloc-ular, locules 2-ovulate; capsules and seeds fused basally, glabrous; capsules bilocular, bi-
unknown. 2n = ? Only one sp., S. blainii Wight, valved, locules 1-seeded; seeds usually ribbed or
Cuba. tuberculate, hilum linear, embryotega lateral. 2n
The spathaceous bracts subtending solitary = 12, 16, 18, 22, 24, 30, 36, 42, 54. Twenty spp.,
flowers make the placement of this genus uncer- pan tropical, mostly in aquatic situations, either in
tain. It appears to be a reduced member of either forest or open habitats.
the Thyrsantheminae or Tradescantiinae.

29. Buforrestia C.B. Clarke

4. Tribe Commelineae Meisner (1842).
Buforrestia C.B. Clarke in D.C., Monogr. Phan. 3: 233, tab. 6, 7
Tribe Pollieae C.B. Clarke (1881) (p. p.). (1881); Brenan, Kew Bull. 14: 280-286 (1960).
Tribes Hexandreae, Triandreae and Declinatae Bruckner
(1926) (all p. p.).
Tribes Anthericopsideae (p. p.) and Pseudoparideae Pichon Perennial herbs; roots fibrous; leaves spirally
(1946). arranged, lamina petiolate, ptyxis involute; inflo-
Commelinaceae "Group I," (p. p.), "Group III" except rescences axillary, perforating the sheaths, con-
Palisota, and "Groups VII, VIII, and X," Brenan (1966). tracted or elongate, composed of 1-5, sessile,
contracted cincinni; flowers zygomorphic, pedi-
As a tribe, characterized by the features given in cellate; sepals free, subequal, greenish white,
the key; silica never present in epidermal cells. accrescent in fruit; petals free, unequal, posterior
Chromosomes (unknown in Pseudoparis and petals narrower than the anterior petal; stamens
Tricarpelema) usually small, occasionally 6, fertile, polymorphic, posterior 3 shorter
medium-sized, x = 6-17, 29, several genera with than the anterior 3, filaments glabrous; capsules
multiple basic numbers. Cosmopolitan, 13 genera/ trilocular, trivalved, locules ca. 4-10-seeded; seeds
348 species. uniseriate, hilum linear, embryotega lateral. 2n =
34. Three spp., in forest understory, 2 in W and
27. Stanfieldiella Brenan Central Africa, 1 in northeastern S America.
Stanfieldiella Brenan in Kew Bull. 14: 283 (1960).
30. Murdannia Royle Fig. 33
Perennial herbs; leaves spirally arranged, lamina
petiolate, ptyxis involute; inflorescences terminal Murdannia Royle, Illus. Bot. Himal.: 403, tab. 95 (1839);
Brenan, Kew Bull. 7: 179-208 (1952); Faden & Inman in van
and/or axillary thyrses or reduced to a single der Maesen, L.J.G., van der Burgt, X.M., van Medenbach de
cincinnus; flowers actinomorphic, pedicellate; se- Rooy, J.M. (eds) The biodiversity of African plants, pp. 464-
pals free, subequal, sepaline, usually glandular- 471. Dordrecht: Kluwer. (1996) (leaf anat.).
pubescent; petals free, equal, not clawed; stamens
6, subequal, filaments glabrous; capsules trilo- Perennial or annual herbs; roots fibrous or tuber-
cular, trivalved; seeds uniseriate, 2-10 per locule, ous; leaves spirally arranged, lamina sessile, ptyxis
hilum linear, embryotega lateral. 2n = 22, 24(?), supervolute; inflorescences terminal and/or axil-
44. Four spp., Africa, in forest understory, often in lary thyrses or variously reduced; flowers actino-
disturbed places or in shaded cultivation. morphic to somewhat zygomorphic, pedicellate;
sepals free, subequal, sepaline; petals free,
subequal, not clawed; filaments generally free; fer-
28. Floscopa Lour.
tile stamens 2-3, antesepalous, filaments glabrous
Floscopa Lour., Fl. Cochinch.: 192 (1790). or bearded; staminodes 3( -4), rarely lacking,
antepetalous, (when 4, one antesepalous),
Perennial or annual herbs; leaves spirally ar- antherodes 3-lobed or hastate; capsules (bi-)
ranged, lamina petiolate or sessile, ptyxis involute; trilocular, (bi-) trivalved, locules 1-many-seeded;
inflorescences terminal and axillary thyrses (or seeds uni- or biseriate, hilum slightly elongate to
reduced to !-several cincinni), commonly form- linear, embryotega dorsal to semilateral. 2n = 12,
ing compound inflorescences; flowers zygomor- 18,20,22,24,30,32,36,40,42,44,60,64,80.Fifty
Commelinaceae 125

spp., pan tropical and war~ temperate, ~n a va_riety Perennial herbs; roots tuberous; leaves spirally ar-
of open, mesic, or occasiOnally aquatiC habitats, ranged, lamina petiolate or subpetiolate; inflores-
rarely in forests. cences terminal or axillary thyrses; flowers
pedicellate; sepals subequal, sepaline; petals free,
31. Anthericopsis Engl. subequal, not clawed; staminodes 3, posterior,
filaments glabrous, antherodes 2-3-lobed, stamen
Anthericopsis Engl., Pflanzenw. Ost-Afr., C: 139 (1898); Faden 1, anterior, antepetalous, filament glabrous; ovary
& Inman. (1996), cit. under 30. Murdannia (leaf anat.). 3-locular, locules 4-8-ovulate; fruit dehiscent (or
indehiscent?), trilocular, locules 1-6-seeded; seeds
Rosette perennial herbs dormant in the dry sea- uniseriate, hilum linear. 2n = ? Two to 3 spp.,
son; roots with distal tubers; leaves spirally Madagascar.
arranged, lamina sessile, ptyxis supervolute; inflo-
rescences scapose or subscapose, terminal and
axillary, composed of 1-2 cincinni at the scape 34. Polyspatha Benth.
summit; flowers actinomorphic, pedicellate; se- Polyspatha Benth. in Hook., Niger. Fl.: 543 (1849).
pals free, equal, sepaline; petals free, equal, not
clawed; stamens 3, antesepalous, free, equal, fila- Perennial stoloniferous herbs; roots fibrous;
ments glabrous; staminodes, 3, antepetalous, free, leaves spirally arranged, lamina petiolate, ptyxis
equal, filaments glabrous, antherode~ u~lobed; involute; inflorescences terminal and axillary,
capsules trilocular, trivalved; seeds umsenate, 8.- each inflorescence a modified thyrse with disti-
12 per locule, hilum linear, embryotega semi- chous, sessile spathes on an elongate axis, each
lateral. 2n = 14. Only one sp., A. sepalosa (C.B. spathe enclosing 1(-3) sessile, contracted cin-
Clarke) Engl., eastern Africa, in grassland and cinnus; flowers zygomorphic, shortly pedicellate;
bushland. sepals free, subequal, sepaline; 2 posterior petals
clawed, anterior petal smaller, not clawed; fila-
32. Tricarpelema J.K. Morton ments fused basally, glabrous; staminodes 3, pos-
Tricarpelema J.K. Morton in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 59: 436 (1966).
terior; stamens 3, anterior; capsules bilocular,
bivalved, locules 1-seeded; seeds ribbed, hilum
Perennial herbs; roots fibrous; leaves usually spi- linear, embryotega semilateral. 2n = 28. Three
rally arranged (rarely distichous), lamina usually spp., Africa, in forest understory and disturbed,
petiolate (rarely sessile), ptyxis usually involute; shady situations.
inflorescences terminal and axillary thyrses;
flowers zygomorphic, pedicellate; sepals free, 35. Dictyospermum Wight
subequal, sepaline; petals free, the posterior 2
slightly to strongly differentiated from the ante- Dictyospermum Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6: 29, tab. 2069-
2071 (1853).
rior one, clawed or not clawed; stamens 6, poste-
rior 3 (sometimes staminodial?) usually shorter
Perennial herbs; roots fibrous or tuberous; leaves
than anterior 3, filaments usually glabrous; cap-
spirally arranged, lamina petiolate; ptyxis invo-
sules trilocular, trivalved, locules 1-9-seeded;
lute; inflorescences thyrses, terminal and axillary,
seeds uniseriate, hilum linear, embryotega lateral
bracts and bracteoles caducous; flowers slightly
to semidorsal. 2n = ca. 46. Eight spp., one in
zygomorphic; sepals free, sepaline; petals free,
Central Africa and 7 from NE India to the
equal, not clawed; stamens 3, 1-sided, attached in
Philippines and Borneo, usually in the forest
front of the outer sepal and inner petals, filaments
understory. .
free or shortly fused basally, glabrous; staminodes
A single African species, as yet undescnbed,
O( -2); capsules trilocular, trivalved, locules 1-
from Cameroon and Gabon, is tentatively in-
seeded; seeds with hilum linear, embryotega lat-
cluded here. It differs from the Asian species in
eral. 2n = 28. About five spp., India and Sri Lanka
having succulent, distichous leaves with a sessile
to New Guinea, in forest understory.
lamina and in growing in exposed rocky areas.

33. Pseudoparis H. Perrier 36. Pollia Thunb.

Pseudoparis H. Perrier, Not. Syst. (Paris) 5: 176 (1936), and in Pollia Thunb., Gen. Nov. 1: 11 (1781).
Humbert, H. (ed.), Flore de Madagascar, Commelinacees, Aclisia Hassk. (1870).
Imprimerie Officielle, Tananarive (1938).
126 Commelinaceae

Stoloniferous or rhizomatous perennial herbs; staminodes (0- )2-3, posterior, filaments glabrous,
roots fibrous; leaves spirally arranged, lamina antherodes bilobed; stamens anterior, filaments
petiolate, ptyxis involute; inflorescences thyrses, fused basally, glabrous; capsules stipitate, 1- or 3-
terminal; flowers actinomorphic to slightly locular, bivalved, "sticky" -pubescent, locules 0-
zygomorphic, pedicellate; sepals free, subequal, 1( -2)-seeded; seeds with hilum linear, embryotega
sepaline or petaline; petals free, equal or posterior lateral. 2n = 58. Four spp., Madagascar, and India
2 slightly differentiated from the anterior one, to Fiji.
sometimes shortly clawed; stamens 6, equal, fertile,
or posterior 3 shorter than the anterior 3 and either 39. Commelina L.
fertile or staminodial, filaments free, glabrous;
fruits berrylike, hard and crustaceous, indehiscent, Commelina L., Sp. Pl.: 40 (1753).
Phaeosphaerion Hassk. (1866).
trilocular, usually lustrous metallic blue; seeds Commelinopsis Pichon (1946).
(uni- or) biseriate, (1-)3-8 per locule, hilum ±
punctiform, embryotega dorsal. 2n = 10(?), 30, 32, Perennial or annual herbs; roots usually fibrous;
38(?). Seventeen spp., pantropical, and warm tem- leaves usually distichous, ptyxis involute or
perate, in forest understory and moist, shaded dis- supervolute; inflorescences terminal and leaf-
turbed places; known in the Western Hemisphere opposed, composed of 1-2 cincinni enclosed in a
from a single collection from Panama. folded spathe; flowers strongly zygomorphic,
pedicellate; sepals free or anterior 2 fused; petals
37. Aneilema R. Br. Fig. 34 free, unequal, posterior 2 larger and clawed, ante-
rior petal usually reduced; filaments free, gla-
Aneilema R. Br., Prod.: 270 (1810); Morton, J. Linn. Soc., brous; staminodes 2-3, posterior, antherodes
Bot. 59:431-478 (1966), rev.; Faden, Smithson. Contrib. Bot. usually 4-6-lobed; stamens 3, anterior, longer
1-166 (1991), rev.
than staminodes; capsules (uni-) bi- or trilocular,
bi- or trivalved, locules 0-2-seeded; seeds
Perennial or annual herbs; roots fibrous or tuber-
uniseriate, hilum linear, embryotega lateral. 2n =
ous; ptyxis usually involute; inflorescences ter-
16(?), 18(?), 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32(?), 36(?), 40(?), 42,
minal and axillary (rarely all axillary) thyrses
44-46, 48, 52, 54(?), 56, 58(?), 60, 61, 64, 66, 70(?),
(sometimes reduced to a single cincinnus); flowers
72(?), 75, 76(?), 80(?), 84, c. 86, 88, 90, 98(?), 104,
strongly zygomorphic, pedicellate; sepals free, un-
120, 150, ca. 180. About 170 spp., cosmopolitan, of
equal, sepaline; petals free, posterior 2-clawed, an-
diverse habitats, but seldom of forests.
terior petal not clawed; staminodes 2-3 posterior,
shorter than the stamens, filaments glabrous,
antherodes bilobed; stamens 3, anterior, filaments 40. Tapheocarpa Conran
free or basally fused, glabrous or 2 bearded; Tapheocarpa Conran in Austral. Syst. Bot. 7: 585 (1994).
capsules (uni- ), bi- or trilocular, bivalved, (rarely
indehiscent), locules unequal, 1-6-seeded; seeds Perennial, creeping aquatic herbs; leaves appar-
uniseriate, hilum linear, embryotega lateral. ently distichous, lamina sessile; flowers solitary,
2n = 18,20,26,28,30,32,36,40(?),52,60,64, 78, terminal, becoming leaf-opposed, ebracteate, bi-
90, ca. 104. Sixty-four spp., pantropical but mainly sexual, slightly zygomorphic, pedicellate; sepals 2
tropical African, of various habitats, but mainly fused, 1 free, sepaline; petals free, subequal, free,
bushland, woodland, and grassland, occasionally not clawed; staminodes 3, posterior, filaments gla-
forest. brous, antherodes cruciform; stamens 3, anterior,
filaments glabrous; ovary trilocular, the dorsallo-
cule abortive, the ventral !-ovulate; fruit indehis-
38. Rhopalephora Hassk.
cent, borne on an elongate pedicel, deeply buried,
Rhopalephora Hassk. in Bot. Zeit. 222: 58 (1864); Faden, echinate; seeds one per ventrallocule. 2n = ? Only
Phytologia 37: 479-481 (1977), rev. one sp., T. calandrinoides (F. Muell.) Conran
Australia (Queensland), in ephemeral swamps
Perennial herbs; roots fibrous; leaves distichous or and billabongs.
spirally arranged, lamina usually petiolate, ptyxis
involute; inflorescences terminal and axillary,
corymblike thyrses composed of several to many Selected Bibliography
elongate cymes; flowers zygomorphic, pedicel-
Brenan, J.P.M. 1966. The classification of Commelinaceae. J.
late; sepals free, sepaline; petals free, subequal, Linn. Soc. Bot. 59: 349-370.
posterior 2-clawed, anterior one not clawed;
Commelinaceae 127

Bruckner, G. 1926. Beitrage zur Anatomie, Morphologie und Hasskarl, J.K. 1870. Commelinaceae Indicae, Imprimis
Systematik der Commelinaceae. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 61, Beibl. Archipelagi Indica. Wien: M. Slazer.
137: 1-70. Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references.
Bruckner, G. 1930. Commelinaceae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Die Jones, K. 1974. Chromosome evolution by Robertsonian
natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 2nd edn, 15a. W. Engelmann translocation in Gibasis (Commelinaceae). Chromosoma
Leipzig, pp. 159-181. (Berl.) 45: 353-368.
Chase, M.W. et al. 1993. See general references. Jones, K. 1990. Robertsonian change in allies of Zebrina
Chase, M.W. et al. 1995. See general references. (Commelinaceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 172: 263-271.
Chase, M. W. et al. 1995a. See general references. Jones, K., Jopling, C. 1972. Chromosomes and the classifica-
Clarke, C.B. 1881. Commelinaceae. In: De Candolle, A., De tion of the Commelinaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 64: 129-162.
Candolle, C. (eds.) Monographiae Phanerogamarum, T. 3, Jones, K., Kenton, A., Hunt, D.R. 1981. Contributions to the
pp. 113-324. Paris: G. Masson. cytotaxonomy of the Commelinaceae. Chromosome evolu-
Dahlgren, R.M.T., Clifford, H.T. 1982. See general references. tion in Tradescantia section Cymbispatha. Bot. J. Linn. Soc.
Dahlgren, R.M.T., Clifford, H.T., Yeo, P.F. 1985. See general 83: 157-188.
references. Kellogg, E.A., Linder, H.P. 1995. Phylogeny of Poales. In:
Duvall, M.R., Clegg, M.T., Chase, M.W., Clark, W.D., Kress, Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.P., Humphries, C.J. (eds.)
W.J., Hills, H.G., Eguiarte, L.E., Smith, J.P., Gaut, B.S., Monocotyledons: systematics and eolution. Royal Botanic
Zimmer, E.A., Learn, G.H. Jr. 1993. Phylogenetic hypotheses Gardens, Kew, pp. 511-542.
for the monocotyledons constructed from rbcL sequence Lee, R.E. 1961. Pollen dimorphism in Tripogandra grandi-
data. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 80: 607-619. flora. Baileya 9: 53-56.
Evans, T.M. 1995. A phylogenetic analysis of the Com- Meisner, C.F. 1842. CCLXI Commelinaceae. In: Plantarum
melinaceae based on morphological and molecular data. Ph Vascularium Genera, Vol. 1. Leipzig: Weidmann, pp. 406-
D Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 407.
Faden, R.B. 1983. Isolating mechanisms among five sympatric Ornduff, R. 1974. Heterostyly in South African plants: a con-
species of Aneilema R. Br. (Commelinaceae) in Kenya. spectus. J. S. Afr. Bot. 40: 169-187.
Bothalia 14: 907-1002. Owens, S.J. 1981. Self-incompatibility in the Commelinaceae.
Faden, R.B. 1985. Commelinaceae. In: Dahlgren, R.M.T., Ann. Bot 47: 567-581.
Clifford, H.T., Yeo, P.F. (eds.) The families of monocotyle- Owens, S.J., Kimmins, P.M. 1981. Stigma morphology in
dons. pp. 381-387. Berlin: Springer. Commelinaceae. Ann. Bot. 47: 771-783.
Faden, R.B. 1988a. Vegetative and reproductive features of Pichon, M. 1946. Surles commelinacees. Not. Syst. (Paris) 12:
forest and nonforest genera of African Commelinaceae. 217-242.
Monogr. Syst. Bot. Mo. Bot. Gard. 25: 521-526. Poole, M.M., Hunt, D.R. 1980. Pollen morphology and the
Faden, R.B. 1988b. Reproductive biology of Palisota Reichb., taxonomy of the Commelinaceae: an exploratory survey.
an African endemic genus of Commelinaceae. Abstract, American Commelinaceae: VIII. Kew Bull. 34: 639-660.
AETFAT, 12th Plenary Meeting, 4-10 September 1988, Rohweder, 0. 1956. Die Farinosae in der Vegetation von
Hamburg, p. 58. El Salvador. Abh. Auslandsk. 61 Reihe C Naturwiss. 18: 1-
Faden, R.B. 1991. The morphology and taxonomy of Aneilema 197.
R. Brown (Commelinaceae). Smithson. Contrib. Bot. 76: 1- Rohweder, 0. 1963. Anatomische und histogenetische
166. Untersuchungen an Laubsprossen und Bliiten der
Faden, R.B. 1992. Floral attraction and floral hairs in the Commelinaceen. Bot. Jahrb. 82: 1-99.
Commelinaceae. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 79: 46-52. Sigrist, M.R., Sazima, M. 1991. Biologia floral & poliniza<;ao
Faden, R.B. 1993. Murdannia cryptantha (Commelinaceae), a por vibra<;ao em duas especies simpatricas de Dichori-
new species with cleistogamous flowers from Australia and sandra (Commelinaceae). In: Resumos, 42nd Congr. Nacl.
Papua New Guinea. Novon 3: 133-136. de Botanica Goiana, 20-26 Janeiro 1991, Universidade
Faden, R.B. 1995. Commelinaceae. In: Thulin, M. (ed.) Flora of Federal de Goias, Sociedade Botanica do Brasil, Goiania,
Somalia, Vol. 4, pp. 79-94. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. p. 484.
Faden, R.B., Hunt, D.R. 1991. The classification of the Simpson, B.B., Neff, J.L., Dieringer, G. 1986. Reproductive bi-
Commelinaceae. Taxon 40: 19-31. ology of Tinantia anomala (Commelinaceae). Bull. Torrey
Faden, R.B., Suda, Y. 1980. Cytotaxonomy of Commelinaceae: Bot. Club 113: 149-158.
chromosome numbers of some African and Asiatic species. Stevenson, D.W., Loconte, H. 1995. Cladistic analysis of
Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 81: 301-325. monocot families. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.P.,
Grootjen, C.J. 1983. Development of ovule and seed in Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics nd
Cartonema spicatum R. Br. (Cartonemataceae). Aust. J. Bot. evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 543-578.
31: 297-305. Takhtajan, A.L. (ed.) 1985. Comparative anatomy of the seeds,
Grootjen, C.J., Bouman, F. 1981. Development of ovule and Vol. 1: Monocotyledons. Leningrad: Nauka Press.
seed in Stanfieldiella imperforata (Commelinaceae). Acta. Tillich, H.-J. 1995. Seedlings and systematics in monocotyle-
Bot. Neerl. 30: 265-275. dons. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.P., Humphries,
Hamann, U. 1961. Merkmalsbestand und Verwandtschaft- C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution.
beziehungen der Farinosae. Ein Beitrag zum System der Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 303-352.
Monokotyledonen. Willdenowia 2: 639-768. Tomlinson, P.B. 1966. Anatomical data in the classification of
Hamann, U. 1962. Weiteres tiber Merkmalsbestand und Commelinaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 59: 371-395.
Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Farinosae. Willdenowia Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Commelinales-Zingiberales. In:
3: 169-207. Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of the monocotyledons, Vol.
Handlos, W.L. 1975. The taxonomy of Tripogandra III. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 1-446.
(Commelinaceae). Rhodora 77: 213-333. Troll, W. 1961. Cochliostema odoratissimum Lem. Organi-
Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references. sation und Lebenweise nebst vergleichenden Ausblicken
128 Commelinaceae/Costaceae

auf andere Commelinaceen. Beitr. Bioi. Pflanz. 36: 325- Costaceae

Uphof, J.C.T. 1934. Vergleichende bliitenmorphologische und K. LARSEN
bliitenbiologische Studien an Commelina virginica L. Ber.
Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 52: 173-180.
Vogel, S. 1978. Evolutionary shifts from reward to deception
in pollen flowers. In: Richards, A.J. (ed.) The Pollination of
flowers by insects. Linnean Society Symposium Series No 6.
New York: Academic Press, pp. 89-104.
Woodson, R.E. 1942. Commentary on the North American
genera of Commelinaceae. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 29: 141-
154. Costaceae (Meisn.) Nakai, J. Jpn. Bot. 17: 203 (1941}.

Perennial, rhizomatous, non-aromatic herbs, ter-

restrial or more rarely epiphytic. Indumentum
of uniseriate, multicellular or unicellular hairs.
Stems terete, most often unbranched, leafy, some-
times spirally contorted; when branched, then
secondary branches breaking through the leaf
sheaths (Tapeinochilus). Leaves spirally arranged,
sheaths closed, tubular; ligule present; petiole
short; pulvinus absent; lamina narrowly to
broadly elliptic, rolled up from one side to the
other in bud. Inflorescence a strobilaceous spike,
terminal on the leafy shoot or on a separate,
short, leafless shoot, or flowers solitary, axillary
(Monocostus). Bracts imbricate, with a linear,
nectariferous callus below the tip, each subtending
1-2 flowers; bracteoles tubular or folded. Flowers
epigynous, perfect, zygomorphic; calyx tubular,
shortly 2-3-lobed; corolla 3-lobed, the lobes ba-
sally fused, imbricate in bud, unequal; stamen 1,
often petaloid, bearing 2 2-sporangiate thecae,
dehiscing introrsely by longitudinal slits, often
appendaged at the apex. Labellum petaloid,
staminodial, opposite to the stamen, as long as or
much longer than the corolla, ± 3-lobed, often
with crisped margin; basal part of stamen and
labellum united into a papillate tube. Gynoecium
3( -2)-carpellate; ovary inferior, 3( -2)-locular; pla-
centation axile; ovules numerous, anatropous,
crassinucellar; septal nectaries 2, immersed in the
apical part of the ovary; style filiform, commonly
enclosed between the thecae; stigma Wet, with or
without a dorsal appendage. Fruit a 3(-2)-locular
capsule crowned by the persistent calyx, dehiscing
loculicidally, rarely explosively, or indehiscent
and irregularly breaking when old. Seeds numer-
ous, aril white to yellow; operculum next to the
prominent radicle; embryo straight; endosperm
poorly developed; perisperm abundant, with
copious starch in simple grains.
A pantropical family comprising 4 genera and
about 100 species.


subterranean, sympodial, glabrous or sometimes
Costaceae 129

hairy; mostly fleshy, thick, but in some species

thin and long-creeping. The roots are filiform and
fleshy, rarely terminating in fleshy tubers. There
is much variation in stem length from almost
acaulescent herbs to tall plants reaching up to 8 m.
With the exception of few species, the stems are
unbranched. Bulbils have been found in the leaf
axils and lower bracts of some species. The veg-
etative parts are often densely hairy. The leaf
sheaths are tubular and closed, not open as in the
Zingiberaceae. Leaf size strongly decreases to-
wards the base of the stem, where only bladeless
sheaths are developed; apically the leaves gradu-
ally change into bracts. The leaves are apparently
monostichously arranged, with unusual diver-
gence angles (Fig. 35). After much debate in the
literature of this "spirostichous monostichy", von
Veh (1931) demonstrated that developmentally
the phyllotaxy starts from distichy, the common
pattern in Zingiberales, and that the apparent
monostichy results from asymmetric growth of
the shoot apex.
The indumentum of the vegetative parts is com-
posed of uniseriate, multicellular hairs, base
never sunken (Tomlinson 1969), or unicellular
hairs (Maas 1972).

ANATOMY. The main features have been sum-

marised by Tomlinson (1969). The differences
from Zingiberaceae include the absence of oil
cells; the occurrence of uniseriate, multicellular
hairs; a different arrangement of the vascular
bundles in the leaves and the stem; and the ab-
sence of air canals. Rap hide sacs are absent. Silica
bodies are present as solitary, stellate or druselike
bodies in internal cells next to the vascular
bundles, but never in the epidermis. Tannin cells
seem to be lacking. Starch is stored copiously in
the rhizomes; the starch grains are often large and
irregular, not flattened.
Fig. 35A-H. Costaceae. Costus megalobractea. A Habit,
showing spirodistichous phyllotaxy. B Inflorescence. C-F C.
inflorescence terminates either a leafy or a lateral, lucanusianus. C Flower. D Longitudinal section of ovary. E
leafless shoot; both forms can be found on one Petaloid stamen, anther crested. F Bilamellate stigma, lateral
plant. In Monocostus, however, the flowers occur and front view. G, H C. cuspidatus. G Capsule, discharging
singly in the leaf axils. The inflorescence is a glo- seed packets. H Seeds sticking together by their arils.
(Takhtajan 1982)
bose or cylindric conelike spike (Fig. 35B), due to
the densely imbricate bracts that fully cover the
main axis. The bracts are persistent and either
coriaceous, chartaceous or herbaceous. Apically calyx are of utmost importance for identification.
the bracts may be provided with a more or The corolla varies from white through yellow to
less well-developed foliar appendage. In many orange or red and consists of a basal tube of about
species extrafloral nectaries localised on the bracts the same length as the calyx. The corolla lobes are
(nectarial "callus") support ants as protective imbricate and the dorsal one is usually larger than
agents (Schemske 1980). The shape and size of the the lateral ones and cucculate. The labellum is the
130 Costaceae

most conspicuous part of the flower, except in (1981). In the Old World, Costus is predominantly
Tapeinochilos, where it is small and inconspicu- pollinated by several genera of bees. Traplining
ous. Most authors, including Troll (1928), regard anthophorid bees were recorded pollinating two
the labellum as formed by all 5 staminodes, based species of Costus in Asia (Sarawak) by Kato (1996).
on the occurrence of 5 vascular strands, a view Also sunbird pollination of C. speciosus was re-
confirmed by developmental studies (Kirchoff ported from Indonesia.
1988). The colours of the labellum are the same
as those found in the corolla. The filament is flat, SEED ANATOMY. The seeds of Costus are 1-2mm
often ± petaloid, and somewhat succulent; the long and thus are the smallest of all Zingiberales.
anther is attached to the middle of the filament or They are provided with a white or yellow aril. An
below, or, in Tapeinocheilos, apically and with a operculum and a hypostase are well developed.
connective crest (Fig. 35E); the anther is dithecal. The mature seed coat of Costus is completely
The style is filiform and placed close to the fila- formed by the outer integument and the principal
ment, enclosed by the thecae. Two types of stig- mechanical layer is the endotesta, the cells of
mas occur (Maas 1972): (1) bilamellate stigmas, which are filled with silica. The tegmen is almost
consisting of 2 ciliate structures with a dorsal, hi- entirely degenerated. Costus agrees with nearly all
lobed appendage (Fig. 35F); this type is restricted other members of the Zingiberales in the posses-
to Costus subgen. Costus; (2) cupshaped stigmas sion of an aril, operculum and micropylar collar
with ciliate margin. (Grootjen and Bouman 1981). The perisperm rep-
resents the principal storage tissue and contains
EMBRYOLOGY. The anther wall comprises a secre- copious starch composed of simple concentric
tory tapetum of binucleate cells. The embryo sac starch grains. The endosperm is less abundant and
develops according to the Polygonum type; the free of starch. The embryo is straight and nearly as
synergids are hooked. Endosperm development is long as the perisperm (H. Huber, unpubl. observ.).
of the Helobial type. Embryogeny conforms to the The seedling structure is unique among Zingi-
Caryophyllad type (Davis 1966; Johri et al. 1992). berales; the cotyledonary sheath is subdivided
into a basal sheath and a bladelike distal part
PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are that bears a basipetally directed, conelike out-
ellipsoidal and very large (80-210 f!m). They are growth (Tillich 1995).
distinctly aperturate: disulcate or mixed sulcate-
porate (Dimerocostus and Monocostus), panto- DISPERSAL. After anthesis, the tightly imbricate
porate (Costus) or spiraperturate (Tapeinochilus) bracts of several species of Costus spread out, ex-
(Punt 1968). The grains are resistant to acetolysis, posing the white capsule on the red inner side of
in contrast to the pollen of most other members of the bracts, thus probably attracting birds. In
Zingiberales, and their wall structure is quite un- some species of Costus subgen. Cadalvena and in
usual and has been interpreted as neotenic (Stone Monocostus uniflorus the fruiting pedicel elon-
et al. 1981). gates, exposing the fruit beyond the bract. The
ripe seeds hold together by their well-developed
KARYOLOGY. Apart from some old uncertain aril and are then explosively discharged as one
counts, 2n = 18 or 36 have been established in packet. Dispersal by water currents may also
all species studied of Costus; in Dimerocostus occur.
strobilaceus 2n = 28 were counted (see compila-
tion in Maas 1972). PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Nine species of Costus and
one of Tapeinochilos have been studied and found
PoLLINATION. Pollination by large euglossine to contain common flavonoids. Oil cells are lack-
bees is known from species with short and wide ing and no ethereal oils have been found. Rhi-
floral tubes, in which the large lip is flat and white zomes from several Costus species were found to
to yellow, often striped with red (Dimerocostus, contain steroid saponins and sapogenins. From
Costus subg. Costus sect. Costus, Maas 1972, 1977). the seeds benzoquinones and fatty oils have been
Species with narrow, thick-walled floral tubes isolated (Hegnauer 1986).
with yellow, orange or red lips are pollinated by
hummingbirds (Costus sect. Ornithophilus, Stiles DISTRIBUTION. The family is pantropic, as is the
1978). The sharing of a small pollinating largest genus, Costus. Monocostus and Dimero-
euglossine bee by two synchronously flowering costus are neotropical while Tapeinochilos is re-
species of Costus was reported by Schemske stricted to New Guinea and adjacent parts of
Costaceae 131

Indonesia and Australia. Most species are compo- locular, longitudinally dehiscent. Seeds angular
nents of lowland tropical rainforests and rarely with short, lobed aril. n = ? About 15-20 spp., E
occur in mountain forests up to 2000 m. They are Malesia to NE Australia.
often found in clearings as they are somewhat
light-requiring. Several species are bound to
wet habitats such as riverbanks and freshwater 2. Costus L. Fig. 35
swamps. Costus L., Sp. Pl.: 2 (1753); Loesener, E.-P. ed. 2, 15a: 628-640
(1930); Maas, Fl. Neotr. 8: 1-140 (1972), 18: 162-218 (1977)
AFFINITIES. The Costaceae are closely related to (Neotrop. spp.).
the Zingiberaceae of which until recently they
have been regarded as a subfamily, or a tribe. Low to tall herbs. Ligule short or long, truncate or
Seed characters indicate a close affinity with bilobed. Inflorescence on a leafy shoot or on a
Zingiberaceae-Alpinieae. Mainly in view of the basal leafless shoot, conelike. Bracts densely
anatomical and morphological differences, the imbricate, sometimes apically appendaged.
family status of Costaceae seems justified and is Bracteoles tubular or folded. Calyx longer or
now accepted by most recent authors. shorter than the bracts. Corolla and labellum vari-
ously coloured. Labellum large and spreading, or
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. The starch present in small and tubular. Stamens with the anther at-
the rhizome of Costus speciosus is used locally in tached to the middle of the filament, rarely to the
India, it is not aromatic. Fruits of Dimerocostus base. Basal part of stamen and labellum joined
are said to be edible. Some species are commonly into a papillate tube. Ovary 3-locular, ovules 2-
grown in greenhouses. On a whole the family is of seriate. Capsule white, ellipsoid or globose, often
no or little economic importance. trigonous. Seeds glossy, black or brown; arillarge,
lacerate, rarely short and cushionlike. 2n = 18, 36.
KEY TO THE GENERA About 90 spp., pantropical, most in tropical
1. Labellum conspicuous; filament petaloid; connective crest
petaloid, distinctly exceeding the anther; bracts coriaceous
to herbaceous; leafy shoot not branched 2 3. Dimerocostus Kuntze
- Labellum inconspicuous, small; filament not petaloid; con-
nective crest small; bracts coriaceous to woody; leafy shoots Dimerocostus Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2:687 (1891); Maas, Fl. Neotr.
often branched. Malesia and NE Australia 1. Tapeinochilus 8: 20-27 (1972).
2. Flowers solitary in the upper leaf axils. Peru 4. Monocostus
- Flowers in a conelike inflorescence 3
3. Ovary 2-locular; bracteole tubular. S America
Very tall herbs. Leaves large, usually long
3. Dimerocostus acuminate; ligule very short. Inflorescence often
- Ovary 3-locular; bracteole tubular or folded. Pan tropical strongly elongate, terminal on a leafy stem. Bracts
2. Costus coriaceous, often sheathing, sometimes with folia-
ceous appendages. Bracteole tubular, 2-keeled or
2-winged. Calyx exceeding the bracts. Corolla and
Genera of Costaceae labellum white or yellow. Labellum very large,
spreading. Stamen with anther attached to the
1. Tapeinochilos Miq. middle of the filament. Stigma cup-shaped. Ovary
Tapeinochilos Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 4: 101 (1868),
2-locular; ovules 2-seriate. Capsule 2-locular, tar-
Loesener in E.-P., Natiirl. Pflanzenfamil. ed. 2, 15a: 638-640 dily dehiscent. Seeds with small, cushionlike aril.
(1930). 2n = 28. Two spp., central and western S America.

Tall herbs, often branched in upper part. Inflores-

cence cone-like, terminal on a short, leafless 4. Monocostus K. Schum.
shoot. Bracts reddish, coriaceous to almost Monocostus K. Schum., Pflanzenreich IV 46:427 (1904); Maas,
woody, acuminate. Flowers yellowish or brown- Fl. Neotr. 8: 17-20 (1972).
ish, hardly exceeding the bracts. Calyx coriaceous
to almost woody. Corolla tube with short lobes. Low herbs. Ligule short. Flowers solitary in the
Labellum flanked by lateral teeth. Stamen with upper leaf axils. Bracteole tubular. Calyx longer
broad filament, anther terminal with an apical than the bracts. Corolla yellow, lobes shorter than
connective crest. Ovary 2( -3)-locular. Style at base tube. Labellum large and spreading. Stamen with
enlarged; stigma flattened triangular. Capsule 2- the anther attached at the middle of filament.
132 Costaceae

Stigma cup-shaped. Ovary 2-locular; ovules 1- (Zingiberaceae-Zingiberoideae), Costoideae (Additions).

seriate. Capsule strongly elongate, longitudinally New York: The New York Botanical Garden.
Pijl, L. van der 1954. Xylocopa and flowers in the tropics I-III.
flattened, 2-locular, longitudinally dehiscent. Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. C 57: 413-423, 541-562.
Seeds black, aril small. 2n = 28. Only one sp., M. Punt, W. 1968. Pollen morphology of the American species of
uniflorus (Poepp. ex Petersen) Maas, endemic to E the subfamily Costoideae (Zingiberaceae). Rev. Palaeobot.
Peru. Palynol. 7: 31-43.
Schemske, D.W. 1980. The evolutionary significance of
extrafloral nectar production by Costus woodsonii
(Zingiberaceae): an experimental analysis of ant protection.
Selected Bibliography J. Ecol. 68: 959-967.
Schemske, D.W. 1981. Floral convergence and pollinator shar-
Davis, G.L. 1966. See general references. ing in two bee-pollinated, tropical herbs. Ecology 62: 946-
Grootjen, C.J., Bouman, F. 1981. Development of the ovule and 954.
seed in Costus cuspidatus (N. E. Br.) Maas (Zingiberaceae), Schumann, K. 1904. Subfamilia II. Costoideae K. Schum. In:
with special reference to the formation of the operculum. Engler, A. (ed.) Das Pflanzenreich, IV.46. Leipzig, W. Engel-
Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 83: 27-39. mann, pp. 377-437.
Hegnauer, R. 1986. See general references. Stiles, F.G. 1978. Temporal organization of flowering among
Holttum, R.E. 1950. The Zingiberaceae of the Malay Peninsula. the hummingbird food plants of a tropical wet forest.
Gard. Bull. (Singapore) 13: 240-245. Biotropica 10: 194-210.
Johri, B.M. et a!. 1992. See general references. Stone, D.E., Sellers, S.C., Kress, J.W. 1981. Ontogenetic
Kato, M. 1996. Plant-pollinator interactions in the understory and evolutionary implications of a neotenous exine in
of a lowland mixed Dipterocarp forest in Sarawak. Am. J. Tapeinochilos (Zingiberales: Costaceae) pollen. Am. J. Bot.
Bot. 83: 732-7 43. 68: 49-63.
Kirchoff, B.K. 1988. Inflorescence and flower development in Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
Costus scaber. Can. J. Bot. 66: 339-345. Tillich, H.-J. 1995. Seedlings and systematics of the monocoty-
Kress, W.J. 1990. The phylogeny and classification of the ledons. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries,
Zingiberales. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 698-721. C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution, Vol.
Loesener, L.E.T. 1930. Zingiberaceae. Unterfam. II. Costoideae 1. London: Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, pp. 303-352.
In: Engler, A., Prantl, K., Pflanzenfamilien, 2nd edn., 15a. Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. See general references.
Leipzig: W. Engelmann, pp. 628-640. Troll, W. 1928. Organisation und Gestalt im Bereich der Bliite.
Maas, P.J.M. 1972. Flora Neotropica, Monogr. 8. Costoideae Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.
(Zingiberaceae). New York: Hafner. Veh, R. von 1931. Untersuchungen und Betrachtungen zum
Maas, P.J.M. 1977. Flora Neotropica, Mongr. 18. Renealimia Blattstelungsproblem. Flora 125: 83-154.
Cymodoceaceae 133

Cymodoceaceae inner having thin, non-lignified walls (Amphi-

bolis, Thalassodendron). The cortex parenchyma
J. Kuo and A.J. McCoMB may store starch (e.g. Halodule). An exodermis
may be present, and the epidermis may become
lignified (e.g. Amphibolis and Thalassodendron).
In addition to the more or less horizontal rhi-
zomes, there are erect stems bearing leaves; these
stems are long in Amphibolis and Thalasso-
dendron. Their anatomy is similar to that of the
Cymodoceaceae N. Taylor, N. Am. Fl. 17:31 (1909), nom. cons.

Perennial marine herbs with creeping, monopodi-

ally or sympodially branched rhizomes. Roots of-
ten branched, with few to many root hairs. Leaves
alternate, distichously arranged, with distinct
blade, sheathing base and a ligule between sheath
and blade; sheath after being shed leaving an open
or closed circular scar on stem; blade linear, flat
or terete; tannin cells numerous; stomata absent.
Squamules present in each leaf axil. Inflorescence
cymose or flowers solitary. Flowers dioecious,
naked, enclosed by leaflike bracts; male flowers
subsessile or pedicellate, with 2 tetrasporangiate
stamens; female flowers of 2 free ovaries, each
with a long stylulus which is unbranched or
divided into 2-3 filiform stigmatic stylodia;
carpels 1-ovulate; usually only 1 carpel develop-
ing into fruit. Fruit indehiscent; seeds germinat-
ing on parent plant in Amphibolis and
A family of 5 genera and 16 species of seagrasses,
largely in tropical and subtropical waters of
the Indo-West Pacific and Caribbean, but extend-
ing into warm-temperate Australia and the


rhizomes are cylindrical, herbaceous and mo-
nopodially branched in Cymodocea (Fig. 36A),
Halodule and Syringodium, but woody and
sympodially branched in Amphibolis and
Thalassodendron (Fig. 36D) (Tomlinson 1974).
Each rhizome internode has a central stele with 1
or more large, central protoxylem elements. The
stele is surrounded by a conspicuous endodermis
which may become suberised (Halodule) and may
have several layers of thickened, lignified cells
(Amphibolis, Thalassodendron). The numbers of
cortical vascular bundles differ between genera,
and some bundles may be associated with fibrous
strands (e.g. Cymodocea; Kuo 1983a). Cortex pa-
renchyma cells are thin-walled and the cortex
Fig. 36A-D. Cymodoceaceae. A-C Cymodocea nodosa. A Pis-
contains large lacunae (e.g. Syringodium). Alter- tillate plant with young fruits. B Staminate plant. C Anther. D
natively, the cortex is divided into 2 zones, cells of Thalassodendron cilia tum, plant with pistillate inflorescence.
the outer having thick, lignified walls, those of the (Takhtajan 1982)
134 Cymodoceaceae

rhizome, except that the numbers of fibre strands Thalassodendron (Kuo 1983a, 1993a; Larkum et al.
may be reduced (e.g. Cymodocea). 1989b).
From one to three branched or unbranched Within longitudinal veins the structure of the
roots are produced at every node (Halodule, bundle-sheath cells varies with genera, the cells
Syringodium, Cymodocea and Amphibolis) or with thick walls and possessing suberised lamellae
at the node where rhizome branching takes in Amphibolis and Thalassodendron (Ducker
place (Thalassodendron). Roots may become wiry et al. 1977; Barnabas 1983), with thin walls and
(Amphibolis) or woody (Thalassodendron) when suberised lamellae in Syringodium and Halodule
mature. Root hairs may be either extensive or without obvious structural specialisation in
(Syringodium, Cymodocea, Halodule) or infre- Cymodocea (Kuo 1983a, 1993a; Barnabas 1994).
quent (Amphibolis, Thalassodendron) (Kuo 1983a, Normal, thin-walled sieve tubes occur in all genera
1993b). except Halodule, which has nacreous-walled sieve
Bacterial colonies are usually present in the tubes. All have monocotyledonous plastids with
rhizosphere and may be involved in nitrogen fixa- protein crystalloids (Kuo 1983b, 1993a). The
tion and nutrient uptake by the roots (Kuo 1993b). xylem is represented by 2 to 4 small lumens,
Root epidermal cells are thin-walled and lignified, with unlignified, thin-walled tracheids. Vascular
with the exception of Cymodocea. The exodermis parenchyma cells do not have wall ingrowths.
may become suberised and the cortex may have a Fibrous strands are only associated with the hypo-
system of large gas lacunae (Syringodium), or de- dermis adjacent to the longitudinal vascular
velop distinct outer and inner zones (Amphibolis, bundles in Cymodocea. Apoplastic tracers move
Thalassodendron). A central stele is surrounded freely from the medium into the epidermis and
by an endodermis with a distinct Casparian strip mesophyll tissues but the movement is restricted
and suberised walls (Kuo 1993b; Barnabas 1994). by suberised lamella in Thalassodondron leaves
The xylem is normally represented by thin-walled, (Barnabas 1988, 1989).
unlignified cells with small lumens; sieve tube Leaf sheaths are clearly differentiated from the
number and position vary between genera (Kuo blades, and enclose young, developing leaves.
1983a). Their anatomy is similar to that of the leaf blades,
There are 3 kinds of leaf: (1) ligulate foliage except that they lack chloroplasts and have more
leaves with open sheaths; (2) prophylls or rhizome pronounced gas lacunae. There are 2 to several
scales; (3) bracts, leaves with reduced blades asso- squamules at each leaf axil.
ciated with flowers (Tomlinson 1982). The foliage
leaves are distichously arranged on stems with INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. The dioecious flow-
short internodes (Syringodium, Halodule, ers are usually solitary, and terminal on erect
Cymodocea), or on tall erect stems (Amphibolis, shoots (Halodule, Cymodocea, Fig. 36A) or
Thalassodendron). The leaf blade may be terete their branches (Amphibolis, Thalassodendron),
(Syringodium), linear and narrow (Cymodocea, but they form a distinct cymose inflorescence in
Halodule), or short and broad (Amphibolis, Syringodium (Tomlinson and Posluszny 1978).
Thalassodendron). The apex of the blade is In Amphibolis (McConchie et al. 1982a) and
rounded, emarginate or dentate. There are three Thalassodendron (Isaac 1969; Kay 1971; Kuo and
(e.g. Halodule) to more than 20 (Thalassodendron, Kirkman 1987) each inflorescence consists of 2
Amphibolis) longitudinal, parallel vascular bun- flowers and is surrounded by a sheathlike bract.
dles, connected periodically by transverse veins The 2 morphologically identical male flowers have
(Tomlinson 1982; Kuo 1983a). different developmental stages (Kuo and Kirkman
The cells of the leaf epidermis are either uni- 1987). In general, the flowers of this family have
formly chlorenchymatous and contain tannin been considered as lacking perianth parts, but the
(Amphibolis, Thalassodendron), or possess bract subtending the anthers has been referred to
large, tannin-containing cells, the other cells as a perianth part for Amphibolis (McConchie et al.
being chlorenchymatous (Syringodium, Halodule, 1982a), and a perianth ridge for Syringodium
Cymodocea). The cuticle of the leaf is porous (Tomlinson and Posluszny 1978). Details of
(Amphibolis) or electron-transparent (all other floral development in S. filiforme are given by
genera). Mesophyll cells are thin-walled, and Tomlinson and Posluszny (1978).
contain some chloroplasts. Gas lacunae are
well developed in linear, narrow or terete leaves FLORAL STRUCTURE. Interpretation of floral
( Cymodocea, Halodule, Syringodium ), and morphology and structure in the Cymodoceaceae
present in the broad leaves of Amphibolis and presents particular difficulties (Kuo and McComb
Cymodoceaceae 135

1989). Some workers regard the flower as a single A feature known as the grappling apparatus in
unit supported by special bracts, while Markgraf Amphibolis is initiated from the ovary wall late
(1936) and others considered each anther or pistil in development of the flower, but its initials are
to be a separate flower forming a partial inflores- present before fertilisation. There are 4 fleshy, her-
cence. Each male flower is either subsessile or baceous pericarp lobes which become hard and
stalked, the stalk elongating at anthesis. There are have fine bristles united at the base (Black 1913;
2 anthers, which are laterally fused and bear 2 or McConchie et al. 1982a). It lacks vascular tissue.
3 apical appendages on each lobe (Amphibolis, Tepper (1882) regards the grappling apparatus
Thalassodendron) (Isaac 1969; Kay 1971; as tepals, while Tomlinson and Posluszny (1978)
McConchie et al. 1982a; Kuo and Kirkman 1987). refer them to sepals.
The anthers of Halodule are unequal in height.
Anthers are longitudinally dehiscent. POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Pollen grains are filiform
The female flower is sessile or with a short and trinucleate. The wall lacks an exine but the
pedicel, and has 2 free carpels, each with either a surface usually has a longitudinal ridge pattern
simple long stylulus (Halodule) or a stylulus with 2 with pits (McConchie et al. 1982b; McConchie and
stout (Syringodium) or 2 to 3 slender (Amphibolis, Knox 1989). Pollen grains are tightly coiled within
Thalassodendron) stigmatic stylodia. The stigmas the anther, irregularly coiled in Halodule and
are exposed (in intertidal species) during anthe- Thalassodendron and coiled like a spring in
sis, but eventually break off after pollination Amphibolis (Ducker et al. 1978). Pollen grains have
(McConchie and Knox 1989). The stigma in fine tips which are usually unforked, but may
Thalassodendron bears irregular ridges and hol- fork as in Amphibolis (McConchie and Knox
lows and does not have a pellicle (Pettitt 1976), but 1989). The pollen grains are 1000[lm long in
that in Amphibolis is non-papillate (McConchie et Halodule and 3000 to 5000 [lm in Amphibolis
al. 1982a). Both carpels can develop into fruits, but (Pettitt and Jermy 1975; Ducker et al. 1978; Pettitt
there is frequent abortion of one or both. et al. 1984). The development of pollen in
Amphibolis and Thalassodendron has been de-
FLORAL ANATOMY. The vascularisation of there- scribed in detail (Ducker et al. 1978; Pettitt et al.
productive system is similar in all members of the 1980b, 1984; Pettitt 1981). The pollen morphology
family. The main vein is derived from the central of Cymodocea and Syringodium has not been
axial bundle and extends into the base of the described.
flower. In Amphibolis (McConchie et al. 1982a),
two additional cortical bundles terminate in the KARYOLOGY. Chromosome counts appear diffi-
pedicel, while in Syringodium (Tomlinson and cult to obtain from these seagrasses; all available
Posluszny 1978), 4-6 cortical bundles become lat- numbers are based on root tip materials, and
eral bundles of the bracts. The main vein may counts are variable. For Cymodocea species 2n =
divide at the base of the flower, one branch be- 14, 28 and 30; Syringodium has 2n = 20; Halodule
coming the main bundle of the bract; the other 2n = 16 and 44, and den Hartog et al. (1979)
divides again, and supplies anther or pistil. In the suggested that populations of H. wrightii in
anther, each bundle may or may not lead into Curayao are tetroploid. Chromosome counts of
the terminal appendage of the anther, while in the Amphibolis and Thalassodendron have not been
pistil, it divides again, giving rise to a dorsal group reported (den Hartog et al. 1979, 1987; Uchiyama
of veins that encircle the integuments, so supply- 1993).
ing the ovary. A single, central bundle forms the
stylar trace that leads to the adaxial wall of the POLLINATION. Pollination is underwater (Ducker
ovary, and terminates in the base of the style or and Knox 1976; Pettitt et al. 1980a). At the time of
passes into the style and central stigmatic branch, anthesis the female flower remains hidden under
where it terminates. the bracts, except for the stigmas, the pollen ad-
heres tenaciously to the stigmas, but pollen germi-
EMBRYOLOGY. The ovule has been described as nation proceeds near but never at the point of
atropous, pendulous; the embryo sac has not been pollen contact (Yamashita 1976).
investigated. Endosperm development is Nuclear. Pollination biology in seagrasses has been ex-
In Thalassodendron, the innermost bracts con- tensively studied (see Pettitt et al. 1980b, 1983;
tinue to develop after anthesis or fertilisation, and Pettitt 1984; Cox 1988, 1993; Cox and Knox 1989;
eventually enclose the carpels to form a false fruit McConchie and Knox 1989; Cox et al. 1991). Cox
(Isaac 1969; Kay 1971; Kuo and Kirkman 1987). and his coworkers discussed 2- and 3-dimensional
136 Cymodoceaceae

pollination systems in seagrasses (Cox and Knox Much of the expansion of meadows occurs
1989), where pollen grains having a hydrophobic through the growth of rhizomes. Vegetative
surface are not transported through the water sin- propagules can also develop on the erect stems of
gly, but in rafts of "search vehicles" to increase Amphibolis (Kuo et al. 1987).
probability of encountering a stigma.
Entry of the pollen tube into the embryo sac PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Sulphated phenolic com-
has rarely been observed in any seagrass. In pounds are present in all genera in the family and
Amphibolis the pollen tube grows through and may play a role in the adaptation of the seagrasses
between the cells of the nucellus before entering a to their marine habitats (Zapata and McMillan
synergid, laterally from below. The pollen tube in 1979; McMillan et al. 1981). Drew (1983) found
Cymodocea enters through a micropyle and grows that the distribution of sugars and cyclitols corre-
directly towards a synergid (Bornet 1864). lates with generic limits.
Isoenzyme patterns in Thalassodendron and
FRUIT AND SEED. After loss of the fleshy Amphibolis are more similar to each other than to
exocarp, Cymodocea, Halodule and Syringodium other genera (Halodule, Cymodocea and Syringo-
produce indehiscent 1-seeded fruits with a stony dium) in the family (McMillan 1982). The isoen-
endocarp of various colours. Seeds of these zyme patterns in the two sympatric species of
seagrasses have seed coats whose structures vary Cymodocea (C. serrulata and C. rotundata) differ
with genera (McMillan and Bragg 1987). The em- markedly but those of Amphibolis antarctica
bryo has an enlarged hypocotyl and stores nutri- and A. grif.fithii are nearly identical (McMillan
ent reserves, mainly starch (Kuo 1983a). The seeds 1980a, 1981, 1982; McMillan et al. 1981). Further-
of Amphibolis and Thalassodendron lack seed more, Halodule and Syringodium in the Gulf of
coats and germinate while attached to the parent Mexico-Caribbean have different isoenzymes
plants, and numerous transfer cells are present at from those of species in the same genera in the
the interface between seed and parent tissue (Kuo Indo-Pacific, but species populations of various
and Kirkman 1990). origins within each ocean system show little
isoenzyme variation, suggesting that genetic
GERMINATION AND EsTABLISHMENT. Seeds of divergence is a consequence of spatial isolation
the temperate Cymodocea nodosa have a distinct (McMillan 1980a).
dormancy period of 7-8 months, and germination DNA techniques did not disclose genetic
commences when the temperature exceeds 18°C; variability in a dioecious species of Amphibolis
the rate rises at higher temperatures (Caye and antarctica (Waycott et al. submitted).
Meinzies 1985). In the tropical species C.
rotundata, germination can occur throughout the CLASSIFICATION. The genera fall into two groups,
year. Seeds of Halodule are dormant possibly one containing Cymodocea, Syringodium and
for many years, while those of Syringodium have Halodule, the other Amphibolis and Thalas-
a short dormancy. Seeds of Halodule and Syringo- sodendron (Tomlinson 1982). The latter group
dium continue are viable for more than 3 years is distinguished from the former by the pos-
after seeds have been released from parent plants. session of long erect stems and viviparous
For Halodule, dormancy involves both seed coat reproduction.
and embryo, but for Syringodium it probably in-
volves only the seed coat (McMillan 1983). EVOLUTION AND AFFINITIES. den Hartog (1970)
Seeds of Thalassodendron and Amphibolis ger- proposed that seagrasses might have evolved from
minate on the parent plant immediately after woody, salt-tolerant maritime plants by direct
fertilisation, and develop into seedlings with leafy passage from land into salt water. He further con-
shoots but without roots; they remain attached sidered that Amphibolis and Thalassodendron,
for about 7 to 12 months (McConchie et al. 1982a; which have erect, woody stems and viviparous
Kuo and Kirkman 1987). When the seedlings be- reproduction, are the most primitive of the
come free, the grappling apparatus of Amphibolis recent seagrass genera, a topic that merits further
serves to anchor the seedling to a substrate and consideration.
roots develop (Tepper 1882; Black 1913; Ostenfeld On basis of the analysis of phylogenetic relation-
1916). The seedling of Thalassodendron, detached ships and sexual conditions, Waycott and Les
from the parent plant, is eventually released from (1966) disagreed with the conclusion of Cox and
the enveloping bract of the false fruit, and the root Humphries (1993) that the three seagrass families
develops (Issac 1969; Kuo and Kirkman 1987). Zosteraceae, Posidoniaceae and Cymodoceaceae
Cymodoceaceae 137

share a common ancestor with noodle-shaped the fossil record by various fossil and possibly
pollen. The molecular studies of Les et al. (1997) extant species.
indicate a close relationship between Cymo-
doceaceae, Posidoniaceae, and Ruppiaceae. EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. The significance of the
group is substantial, especially in areas where
GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Members of the large meadows occur. It lies in the stabilisation of
family are largely tropical and subtropical, apart sediments, in nutrient cycling, in supporting graz-
from Amphibolis and Thalassodendron pachy- ing dugong and turtles, and, probably most sig-
rhizum from warm-temperate, southern and SW nificant of all, in the support of food webs through
Australia respectively, and Cymodocea nodosa the production of organic detritus. These food
from the Mediterranean. There is a rich centre for webs presumably underlay the important fisheries
the family in the Indo-West Pacific including Aus- of regions where seagrasses dominate submarine
tralia (all five genera), and a secondary centre in plant biomass.
the Caribbean (two genera). Most species have a
wide distribution, but T. pachyrhizum and C. KEY TO THE GENERA
angustata are restricted to certain areas of W
Australia. 1. Rhizome herbaceous with monopodia! branching; root
The family is wholly marine and generally sub- fleshy; erect stems short, bearing leaves; leaf blade shed,
leaving persistent leaf sheath; anthers stalked; mainly tropi-
tidal, in water from 0.5 to 40 m deep; some species cal and subtropical 2
(including C. serrulata and T. ciliatum) extend - Rhizome stiff, woody, with sympodial branching; roots stiff
into the intertidal. The plants often form extensive or wiry; erect stems elongated, bearing terminal leaf clus-
meadows of single or mixed species on sandy or ters; leaf blade and leaf sheath shed together; anthers
sessile; mainly temperate, subtropical 4
muddy substrates. T. pachyrhizum usually grows
2. Leaf blade distinct terete; many flowers in conspicuous
on rocks, and S. isoetifolium is normally found cymose inflorescences 1. Syringodium
among other species, and does not form meadows. - Leaf blade linear, fiat; inflorescence 1-fiowered or 2 flowers
Vast meadows, mainly of Amphibolis, occur resembling a single flower 3
at Shark Bay, W Australia, where stabilisation of 3. Leaf blade narrow ( <3 mm wide) with 3longitudinal vascu-
lar bundles; roots unbranched; anthers not attached at the
sediments by seagrasses, and production of cal- same height; stylulus unbranched 2. Halodule
careous skeletal material from epiphytes and in- - Leaf blade broad (usually >3mm wide) with 7-17longitu-
fauna has produced striking changes in submarine dinal bundles; roots branched; anthers attached at the same
geology, and the effective isolation from the open height; stylulus with 2 stylodia 3. Cymodocea
ocean of large areas of water (Walker 1985). The 4. Stems and roots arising at intervals of 4 rhizome inter-
nodes; stems unbranched or little branched; leaf blade mar-
plants are of great importance to nutrient cycling gin and apex coarsely denticulate; flowers surrounded by 4
and detrital food webs in nearshore environments. bracts; each anther crowned with 1 appendage; stylulus with
There is also direct grazing, notably by turtles and 2 stylodia; fruit lacking comblike outgrowths but with an
dugongs (Phillips and McRoy 1981; Larkum et al. enlarged inner bract 5. Thalassodendron
1989). - Stems arising at irregular intervals, branching roots at every
node; stems branched; leaf blade margin smooth, leaf apex
bidentate; flowers not enclosed by bracts; each anther
PARASITES. In Halodule (H. uninervis, H. crowned with 2-3 appendages; stylulus with 3 stylodia; fruit
beaudettei, H. wrightii and H. piniforlia) the with 4-lobed, comblike outgrowths 4. Amphibolis
parasitic fungus Plasmodiophora diplantherae
(Plasmodiophoraceae) causes marked swelling of
internodes, often giving the stem the appearance 1. Syringodium Kiitz.
of a string of beads. Syringodium Kiitz. in Hohen., "Meeralgen" 9, No. 426 (1860);
den Hartog, Verh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. II, 59 (1): 176-186
PALAEOBOTANY. Thalassocharis has been de- (1970).
scribed from the Upper Cretaceous of Limburg
(The Netherlands) (Voigt and Domke 1955). Rhizome monopodially branched, herbaceous,
Thalassodendron auricula-leporis has been re- creeping, with 1 or more branched roots and
ported from the late Middle Eocene in Florida, short, erect, unbranched shoots at each node.
USA (Lumbert et al. 1984). The occurrence of this Leaves 2 or 3 on each erect shoot; blade terete,
genus as a fossil in America, where it does not now with 1-several peripheral vascular bundles and
live, is in line with the concept of den Hartog several large air lacunae. Leaf scars open, circular;
(1970) that the present-day area of this genus is leaf sheath open; 2 squamules at each node. Dioe-
relictual. The genus Cymodocea is represented in cious; inflorescences with bracts terminating erect
138 Cymodoceaceae

shoots; branching racemose below, cymose above; 4. Amphibolis Agardh

male flowers with anthers at the same level, dor-
Amphibolis Agardh, Species Algarum 1: 474 (1823); den
sally fused in their lower parts; female flowers Hartog, Verh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. II, 59 (1): 198-212 (1970).
sessile; ovaries extending into a short stylulus and
2 stout stylodia. Two spp., one in the Indo-West Rhizomes sympodially branched, woody, creep-
Pacific, the other in the Caribbean. ing, bearing 1-2-branched, wiry roots at each
node and erect stems irregularly at intervals of few
2. Halodule Endl. internodes. Erect stems becoming much branched
sympodially, bearing terminal tufts of leaves.
Halodule End!., Gen. Pl. suppl. 1: 1368 (1841); den Hartog, Leaf sheaths compressed, ligulate and auriculate,
Verh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. II, 59 (1): 148-160 (1970), rev. amplexicaul, leaving closed circular scars when
shed; blade linear, flattened, with 8-21 longitu-
Rhizome monopodially branched, herbaceous, dinal veins; squamules present in the axil of each
with 2 cortical vascular bundles in each internode, leaf. Dioecious; inflorescence solitary, terminal on
bearing one or more roots and a short erect shoot short lateral leafy branches. Male flower shortly
at each node. Leaves 1-4 on each erect shoot; stalked, subtended by a bract; anthers joined on a
blade linear with dentate, rounded or emarginate common stalk. Female flower subsessile; the
apex; 3 longitudinal vascular bundles; leaf sheath styluli dividing into 4loriform stylodia. Fruit with
auriculate, ligulate, shed after leaf blade leaving a 1 ripe ovary subtended by 4 spreading, toothed
circular scar on the stem; squamules 2. Dioecious; lobes as extensions of a pericarp acting as a grap-
inflorescences solitary, terminal on a short erect pling apparatus; seed germinating immediately on
shoot, subtended by the terminal leaf. Male flower parent plant and remaining there for several
with anthers attached at different levels. Female months. Two sympatric spp., restricted to tem-
flower subsessile; with 2 free carpels each with a perate Australia.
long stylulus. Fruit with stony pericarp, ovoid or
somewhat compressed, with a short subapical
beak. Six very similar spp., widely distributed 5. Thalassodendron den Hartog Fig. 36D
along all tropical sea coasts. Thalassodendron den Hartog, Verh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. II, 59
(1): 186 (1970).

3. Cymodocea Konig Fig. 36A-C

Perennials with sympodially branched, robust
creeping rhizomes. Rhizomes bearing 1-2 erect,
Cymodocea Konig, Ann. Bot. (Konig & Sims, Lond.) 2: 96
strong, woody, unbranched (or little branched)
(1805); den Hartog, Verh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. II, 59 (1): 160-
176 (1970), rev. stems at every 4th internode; roots arising at the
nodes preceding the stem-bearing nodes. Leaves
Rhizome monopodially branched, herbaceous, in clusters at stem tips. Leaf sheath compressed,
the nodes each bearing 1-5 branched roots and a auriculate, ligulate, amplexicaul; blade linear, fiat
short erect shoot bearing 2-7 leaves. Leaf blade apex almost truncate, denticulate, with many
linear, with 7-17 parallel veins. Leaf sheath com- parallel veins; squamules present in each leaf
pressed biauriculate, ligulate, shed after the leaf axil. Dioecious; inflorescence solitary, terminal on
blade, leaving an open or a closed circular scar on short lateral shoots, enclosed by 4 leafy bracts.
the stem; squamules 10 or more in 2 groups at Anthers with a terminal appendage. Fruit consist-
each node. Dioecious; inflorescences terminal ing of 1 fertilised ovary and a fleshy innermost
with erect lateral shoots, naked. Male flowers bract; seedling often remaining attached to the
with anthers fused at the same level, each with a parent plant after germination, then free-floating
short apical process. Female flower sessile or for a time. Two spp., one widely but discontinu-
shortly stalked, each ovary with a short stylulus ously distributed in the tropical Indo-West Pa-
extending into 2 long, slender stylodia. Fruit with cific, the other confined to temperate W Australia.
stony pericarp, smooth or somewhat warty with a
beak, semicircular to semiovate or elliptical in
outline. Four spp. of wide but disjunct distribu- Selected Bibliography
tion in tropical and subtropical seas of the Old
World. Barnabas, A.D. 1982. Fine structure of the leaf epidermis of
Thalassodendron ciliatum (Forsk.) den Hartog. Aquat. Bot.
12: 41-55.
Cymodoceaceae 139

Barnabas, A.D. 1983. Composition and fine structural features Kay, Q.O.N. 1971. Floral structure in the marine angiosperms
oflongitudinal veins in leaves of Thalassodendron cilia tum. Cymodocea serrulata and Thalassodendron ciliatum
S. Afr. J. Bot. 2: 317-325. (Cymodocea ciliata). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 64: 423-429.
Barnabas, A.D. 1988. Apoplastic tracers studies in leaves of a Kirkman, H. 1975. Male floral structure in the marine an-
seagrass. I. Pathway through epidermal and mesophyll tis- giosperm Cymodocea serrulata (R. Br.) Ascherson &
sue. Aquat. Bot. 32: 63-77. Magnus (Zannichelliaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 70: 267-268.
Barnabas, A.D. 1989. Apoplastic tracers studies in leaves of a Kuo, J. 1983a. Notes on the biology of Australian seagrasses.
seagrass. II. Pathway into leaf veins. Aquat. Bot. 35: 375- Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 106: 225-245.
386. Kuo, J. 1983b. The nacreous walls of sieve elements in
Barnabas, A.D. 1994. Apoplastic and symplastic pathways in seagrasses. Am. J. Bot. 70: 159-164.
leaves and roots of the seagrass Halodule uninervis (Forsk.) Kuo, J. 1993a. Functional leaf anatomy and ultrastructure in a
Aschers. Aquat. Bot. 47: 155-174. marine angiosperm, Syringodium isoetifolium (Aschers.)
Barnabas, A.D., Kasavan, S. 1983. Structural features of the Dandy (Cymodoceaceae). Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 44:
leaf epidermis of Halodule uninervis. S. Afr. J. Bot. 2: 311- 59-73.
316. Kuo, J. 1993b. Root anatomy and rhizosphere ultrastructure
Black, J.M. 1913. The flowering and fruiting of Pectinella in tropical seagrasses. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 44: 75-
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Aust. 37: 1-5. Kuo, J., Kirkman, H. 1987. Floral and seedling morphology
Bornet, E. 1864. Recherches sur le Phucagrostis major Cavol. and anatomy of Thalassodendron pachyrhizum den Hartog
Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. V, 1: 5-51. (Cymodoceaceae). Aquat. Bot. 29: 1-17.
Caye, G., Meinzies, A. 1985. Observations on the vegetative Kuo, J., Kirkman, H. 1990. Anatomy ofvipiparous seagrasses
development, flowering and seedling of Cymodocea nodosa seedlings of Amphibolis and Thalassodendron and their
(Ucria) Ascherson on the Mediterranean coasts of France. nutrient supply. Bot. Mar. 33: 117-126.
Aquat. Bot 22: 277-289. Kuo, J., McComb, A.J. 1989. Seagrass taxonomy, structure
Cox, P.A. 1988. Hydrophilous pollination. Annu. Rev. Ecol. and development, pp. 6-73. In: Larkum, A.W.D., McComb,
Syst. 19: 261-280. A.J., Shephard, S.A. (eds.) Biology of seagrasses. A treatise
Cox, P.A. 1993. Water-pollinated plants. Sci. Am. Oct. 1993: on the biology of seagrasses with special reference to the
51-56. Australian region. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Cox, P.A. Humphries, C.J. 1993. Hydrophilous pollination and Kuo, J., Cook, I.H., Kirkman, H. 1987. Observations of propa-
breeding system evolution in seagrasses: a phylogenetic gation shoots in the seagrass genus Amphibolis C. Agardh
approach to the evolutionary ecology of the Cymodocea- (Cymodoceaceae). Aquat. Bot. 27: 291-293.
ceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 113: 217-226. Larkum, A.W.D., McComb, A.J., Shephard, S.A. (eds.) 1989a.
Cox, P.A., Knox, R.B. 1989. Two-dimensional pollination in Biology of seagrasses. A treatise on the biology of sea grasses
hydrophilous plants: convergent evolution in the genera with special reference to the Australian region. Amsterdam:
Halodule (Cymodoceaceae), Halophila (Hydrocharitaceae), Elsevier.
Ruppia (Ruppiaceae), and Lepilaena (Zannichelliaceae). Larkum, A.W.D., Roberts, G., Kuo, J., Strother, S. 1989b.
Am. J. Bot. 76: 164-175. Gaseous movement in seagrasses, pp. 686-722. In: Larkum,
Cox, P.A., Cromar, S., Jarvis, T. 1991. Underwater pollination, A.W.D., McComb, A.J., Shephard, S.A. (eds.) Biology of
three-dimensional search, and pollen morphology; predic- seagrasses. A treatise on the biology of seagrasses with
tions from a super-computer analysis, pp. 365-375. In: special reference to the Australian Region. Amsterdam:
Blackmore, S., Barnes, S.H. (eds.) Pollen and spores, pat- Elsevier.
terns of diversification. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. Les, D.H. eta!. 1997. See general references.
Doohan, M.E., Newcomb, E.H. 1976. Leaf ultrastructure and Lumbert, S.H., Hartog, C. den, Phillips. R.C., Olsen, F.S. 1984.
13 C values of three seagrasses from the Great Barrier Reef.
The occurrence of fossil seagrasses in the Avon Park forma-
Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 3: 9-23. tion (Late Middle Eocene), Levy Copunty, Florida (USA).
Drew, E.A. 1983. Sugars, cyclitols and seagrass phylogeny. Aquat. Bot. 20: 121-129.
Aquat. Bot. 15: 387-408. Markgraf, F. 1936. Bliitenbau und Verwandtschaft bei den
Ducker, S.C., Knox, R.B. 1976. Submarine pollination in einfachsten Helobiae. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 54: 191-229.
seagrasses. Nature 263: 705-706. McConchie, C.A., Knox, R.B. 1989. Pollination and re-
Ducker, S.C., Foord, N.J., Knox, R.B. 1977. Biology of Aus- productive biology of seagrasses. In: Larkum, A.W.D.,
tralian seagrasses: the genus Amphibolis C. Agardh McComb, A.J., Shephard, S.A. (eds.) Biology of seagrasses.
(Cymodoceaceae). Aust. J. Bot. 25: 67-95. A treatise on the biology of seagrasses with special reference
Ducker, S.C., Pettitt, J.M., Knox, R.B. 1978. Biology of to the Australian region. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 74-111.
Australian seagrasses: pollen development and submarine McConchie, C.A., Ducker, S.C., Knox, R.B. 1982a. Biology of
pollination in Amphibolis antarctica and Thalassodendron Australian seagrasses: floral development and morphology
ciliatum (Cymodoceaceae). Aust. J. Bot. 26: 265-285. in Amphibolis (Cymodoceaceae). Aust. J. Bot. 30: 251-
Hartog, C. den 1970. The seagrases of the world. Verh. K. Ned. 264.
Akad. Wet. II, 59 (1): 1-275 (+31 plates). McConchie, C.A., Knox, R.B., Ducker, S.C. 1982b. Pollen wall
Hartog, C. den, van Loenhoud, P.J., Roelofs, J.G.M., van de structure and cytochemistry in the seagrass Amphibolis
Sande, J.C.P.M. 1979. Chromosome numbers of three griffithii (Cymodoceaceae). Ann. Bot. 50: 729-732.
seagrasses from The Netherlands Antilles. Aquat. Bot. 7: McMillan, C. 1980a. Isozymes of tropical seagrasses from the
267-271. Indo-Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean. Aquat. Bot.
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1987. Chromosome number of the European seagrasses. McMillan, C. 1980b. Flowering under controlled conditions by
Plant Syst. Evol. 156: 55-59. Cymodocea serrulata, Halophila stipulacea, Syringodium
Isaac, F.M. 1969. Floral structure and germination in isoetifolium, Zostera capensis and Thalassia hemprichii
Cymodocea ciliata. Phytomorphology 19: 44-51. from Kenya. Aquat. Bot. 8: 323-336.
140 Cymodoceaceae

McMillan, C. 1981. Morphological variation and isozymes un- Voigt, E., Domke, W. 1955. Thalassocharis bosquetii Debey ex
der laboratory conditions in Cymodocea serrulata. Aquat. Miquel, ein strukturell erhaltenes Seegras aus der hol-
Bot. 10: 365-370. landischen Kreide. Mitt. Geol. Staatsinst. Hamb. 24:87-102,
McMillan, C. 1982. Isozymes in seagrasses. Aquat. Bot. 14: pl. 4-9.
231-243. Walker, D.I. 1985. Correlation between salinity and growth
McMillan, C. 1983. Seed germination in Halodule wrightii and of the seagrass Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sonder &
Syringodium filiforme from Texas and the US Virgin Is- Aschers. in Shark Bay, Western Australia using a new
lands. Aquat. Bot. 15: 217-220. method for measuring production rate. Aquat. Bot. 23:
McMillan, C., Bragg, L.H. 1987. Comparison of fruits of 13-26.
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Islands and the Philippines. Aquat. Bot. 28: 97-100. evolutionary study of seagrasses. In: Kuo, J., Phillips, R.C.,
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Cyperaceae 141

Cyperaceae uppermost glumes), or only 1 to few upper

(larger) glumes fertile, and then flower often en-
P. GOETGHEBEUR closed by the wings of the next glume. Flowers
bisexual or (functionally) unisexual, and then
spikelets bisexual or unisexual, rarely dioeci-
ous. Hypogynous scales 0-(1-)3-6( -many), often
bristle-like and retrorsely scabrid, more rarely
laminar, sometimes with highly elaborated forms,
shorter or longer than the fruit, usually deciduous
Cyperaceae Juss., Gen. Pl.: 26 (1789), nom. cons. with the fruit, rarely persistent on the rachilla.
Stamens usually 3 (1 medio-anterior, 2 lateral),
Small to tall perennial or annual herbs, rarely but not rarely reduced to 1 or 2, or 4-6 and even
dwarf shrubs, shrubs, or lianas, terrestrial or more numerouso; filaments sometimes strongly
helophytic, rarely aquatic, epiphytic, or epilithic; elongating after anthesis, rarely connate; anther
the perennial species tufted, rhizomatous, stolo- basifixed, introrse, elliptic or oblong to linear,
niferous, bulbiferous, more rarely with a caudex. base often ± sagittate, connective often developed
Culms central, more rarely lateral, scapose or 1- into a ± pronounced crest. Pistil superior, usually
few-noded, more rarely many-noded, base some- 3-carpellate, unilocular, ± trigonous, with 1
times bulbously thickened, (sub )trigonous to medio-anterior rib and 2 lateral ribs; style long,
(sub)terete in cross-section, more rarely com- more rarely short, with 3 stigmatic branches, these
pressed, winged or 4-5-6-angular, rarely hollow sometimes with particular papillae; pistil some-
or septate, smooth or scabrid, rarely viscid, papil- times 2-carpellate, and then either dorsiventrally
lose, or hairy. Leaves all (sub)basal or 1-few or more rarely laterally compressed, rarely with a
cauline, rarely all cauline, (spiro)tristichous, more more elevated number of stigmatic branches. Style
rarely (spiro )distichous, lower leaves often (rarely base distinct from the ovary or not, often con-
all leaves) reduced to a sheath; sheaths usually spicuously thickened and persistent, glabrous,
closed, very rarely open, sometimes succulent scabrid, or variously hairy. Ovule single, basal,
or spongy; ligule present or absent, contraligule anatropous. Fruit an achene s.l. (nutlet), rarely
rarely developed; blade linear, rarely oblong, en- drupaceous, usually ovate, elliptic, or obovate in
siform or terete, rarely pseudopetiolate. Inflo- outline, and (sub)trigonous to (dorsiventrally or,
rescence terminal, more rarely pseudolateral, more rarely, laterally) lenticular in cross-section,
paniculate, corymbose, spicate, anthelate, or capi- surface smooth, punctate, reticulate or rugose,
tate (often in combinations), more rarely reduced sometimes extremely differentiated, glabrous or
to a single spikelet, open or (partly) condensed, finely hairy, sometimes seated on different types
with few to many spikelets, branching from the of cuplike structures. Seed with thin testa, free
axil of normal bracts, rarely from the axil of from the fruit wall, raphe and chalaza usually con-
prophylls; prophylls present or absent; bracts spicuous, embryo small, basal, surrounded by
leaflike or not, sheathing or not, lower primary abundant mealy or oily endosperm.
bract sometimes culmlike and erect, spikelet A cosmopolitan family with greatest diversity
bracts often small and glumelike. Spikelets with in humid and semihumid tropics, but also often
1-many glumes, in cross-section rounded, 4-5- dominant in temperate and cold temperate re-
angular, laterally or rarely dorsiventrally com- gions of the world, comprising 104 genera and
pressed. Rachilla persistent or deciduous, rarely over 5000 species, of which 2000 belong to the
disarticulating into 1-flowered parts, rachilla genus Carex.
internodes short or elongated, sometimes winged,
or thickened and curved round the ripening VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. An excellent, com-
fruit(s). Lateral spikelets usually prophyllate (with prehensive, and well-illustrated description can be
a basal, 2-keeled, usually empty glume), this found in Haines and Lye (1983: 7-26).
prophyll rarely fertile, rarely utriculiform, and Plants of this family are often seen as rather
then enclosing the rachilla and its own flower. uniform and grasslike. Contrary to this opinion,
Glumes spirally arranged or distichous, rarely distorted by superficial knowledge of only a few
pentastichous, all glumes (sub)similar or of in- weedy species, Cyperaceae in fact show some very
creasing length towards the (often upper) female strange habits, admittedly often in rare species of
or bisexual flowers, deciduous or persistent; all restricted localities (Fig. 37). Many species are
glumes fertile (often except for the lowermost and indeed more or less grass-like, but often with a
142 Cyperaceae

Fig. 37A-K. Cyperaceae. Plant habits and bases. A, B Ephem- Sclerioideae (only in Diplacrum and Scleria),
erals (often named annuals) without rhizomes, Fuirena and frequent in the Cyperoideae.
leptostachya and Lipocarpha nana. C Tufted perennial,
Schoenoxiphium sparteum. D Perennial with thick rhizomes Basal (mostly underground) parts of the
(surculi), Carex bequaertii. E Fine underground stolons, Cyperaceae come in a noticeable variability,
Kyllinga sphaerocephala. F Branching stolon, Remirea whose typology is not yet well established, partly
maritima. G Overground runners, Isolepis fluitans. H Creep- due to confused terminology. Haines and Lye
ing rhizome, Cyperus haspan subsp. platycaulis. I Stolons and (1983: 8-10, Fig. 2) have presented an excellent
bulbs, new plant offset from bulb, Cyperus usitatus. J Stolons
and tubers, new plant directly from tuber, Cyperus bequaertii. survey.
K Tuber set on a rhizome, Cyperus boreo-chrysocephalus. Perennial Cyperaceae may be tufted or even
(Haines and Lye 1983) tussocky; they may develop a short or elongated
rhizome (sometimes with bulbously thickened
internodes), subterranean stolons (sometimes
ending in a tuber or in a bulb), or superficial run-
yellowish or brownish tinge, in many annuals and ners. Both monopodia! and sympodial growth are
in forest dwellers often partly reddish or purplish known from these organs.
colored. They range from tiny ephemerals a few The basal nodes, or many nodes from the rhi-
em high to tall robust forbs. There are a few lianas zomes, stolons, or runners bear many adventi-
with scabrid stems and leaves, and dwarf shrubs tious roots. Some perennial species, in particular
or caudex-building species with false trunks forest dwellers, often develop thick, tough, long-
formed mainly by leaf-sheath remnants and living stilt roots. Thick roots can also be seen
adventitious roots. in many helophytes and tussock-forming
The majority of the species are perennials, while species. Swollen and markedly hairy lateral
annuals are restricted to a limited number of rootlets (dauciform roots) are reported from
genera and clearly represent highly specialized Carex, Cladium, Cyathochaeta, Gahnia, Kobresia,
offspring. A few of these specialists are even Lepidosperma, and Schoenus (Davies et al. 1973;
recognized on the generic level, e.g., Alinula, Lamont 1978). These peculiar rootlets are usually
Courtoisina, Queenslandiella, Trianoptiles, and found as laterals on superficial roots. Their mer-
Volkiella. Annuals are conspicuously absent from istematic potential is persistent, sometimes lead-
the Mapanioideae and the Caricoideae, rare in the ing to successive swellings. The radial expansion is
Cyperaceae 143

most marked in the epidermis. Young dauciform Cymophyllus), but is conspicuously absent in all
roots do not exhibit endophytes. Mapanioideae. On top of the leaf sheath, on the
Each stem normally grows into a culm with a opposite side of the leaf blade, a contraligule is
terminal inflorescence (culms central), although present as a ± triangular outgrowth in many
the stem of some species has a continuous growth, Sclerioideae. This organ is diagnostically valuable
and flowering culms develop from the axil of some in many species of Scleria.
lower leaves (culms lateral). Nonflowering culms Leaf blades are usually ± linear and flat,
are rare but are normal, e.g., in Eleocharis, where but ancipitous to terete in (some species of)
such culms bear a clearly reduced single terminal Chrysitrix, Fimbristylis, Lepidosperma, Macha-
spikelet (Eiten 1976b, Fig. 203). erina, Neesenbeckia, and Nemum. Plicate leaves
Stems are mostly unbranched with a basal ro- are known in Capitularina, less conspicuously in
sette ofleaves. Cauline leaves are known in genera some species of, e.g., Hypolytrum and Mapania.
such as Bolboschoenus, Carex, Didymiandrum, The leaf blade can be (nearly) completely
Fuirena, Pycreus, Rhynchospora, and Scleria. reduced, as in Actinoschoenus, Androtrichum,
Branched stems are much rarer and known, e.g., Chorizandra, and Eleocharis, or in some species of
in Bulbostylis leucostachya, Caustis (probably re- many scattered genera, or in the lower leaves of
duced inflorescence branches), Microdracoides, many other species.
lianoid Scleria, and in many floating herbs Nonlinear, broader leaves are typical for many
(probably of rhizomatous nature). forest dwellers in the Mapanioideae and Sclerio-
Branching is from axillary buds. The lateral ideae, but also in species of Carex, Cyperus,
branches often bear an adaxial prophyll. From the Pleurostachys, and Rhynchospora. In many of
axillary bud of this prophyll a new branch of sec- these species the broad leaf blade is conspicuously
ond order may develop, again branching from the narrowed at the base into a pseudopetiole. Several
prophyll, etc. In this way, in many genera fascicles species of Scleria are known to show pseudo-
of branches of decreasing length emerge from premorse leaf blades, where a continuation of the
closed leaf sheaths (Haines 1967; Goetghebeur sheath wings along the blade abruptly stops before
1986). reaching the top of that blade. Another type of
In some scattered species of various genera, par- pseudopetiolate blade is described for Oreobolus,
ticularly of the Sclerioideae, stems develop into a where the blade has a narrow basal part and a
basal "caudex", i.e., a perennial, ± woody part slightly to conspicuously wider upper part. This
formed by a relatively thin stem surrounded by a phenomenon is also observed in other high-
thick layer of leaf-sheath remnants, often inter- altitude species of further genera such as in
mingled with numerous adventitious roots. Carpha, Isolepis, and Schoenus, and even more
Leaf arrangement is usually (spiro)tristichous. conspicuously in some psammicolous species like
More rarely, it is distichous, predominantly or Cyperus chordorrhizus.
exclusively so in genera such as Chrysitrix, Finally, the leaf blade seems asymmetrically de-
Coleochloa, Costularia, Fimbristylis, Machaerina, veloped (with a flat basal part, but partly laterally
Nemum, and Oreobolus. In these species the culms flattened near the top) in species of Amphiscirpus,
are often ensiform or at least compressed. In some Fimbristylis, and Trichophorum. This phenom-
species of Fuirena with pentangular culms the enon, particularly conspicuous in some erect in-
leaves are equally pentastichously arranged. volucra! bracts, needs more detailed study.
In some species of Carex, Didymiandrum, Unicellular hairs are of almost ubiquitous
Hypolytrum, and Scleria, the tristichous cauline occurrence in Cyperaceae in the form of prickle
leaves can be arranged in false whorls. hairs, consisting of an inflated base and ending in
A useful typology for culm shapes is found in a short sharp barb pointed towards the top of the
Metcalfe (1971: Fig. 8). blade. Longer, softer hairs are of scattered occur-
The leaves usually consist of a closed, tubular rence. Generally hairs do not represent useful di-
sheath and a linear blade. Open sheaths are very agnostic characters.
rare (Coleochloa and Oreobolus, both with disti-
chous leaves). Winged leaf sheaths are known in VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The comprehensive,
some species of, e.g., Fuirena and Scleria. A ligule well-illustrated treatment by Metcalfe (1971) cov-
can be found on the transition of leaf sheath and ers all aspects of the vegetative anatomy of the
blade in many scattered genera. It is present family and its taxonomic significance. This data
in many Scirpeae (but not in Phylloscirpus), set is upgraded by the extensive descriptions in
all Dulichieae, and many Caricoideae (not in a DELTA database by Bruhl (1995). Among the
144 Cyperaceae

taxonomically relevant observations, the follow- of a green sheath (with Kranz cells) around the
ing may merit more detailed consideration. vascular bundles (Kranz anatomy), already exten-
Silica bodies are of almost universal occurrence sively studied by Rikli (1895). These Kranz types
in the Cyperaceae. Usually, these silica deposits were found to be correlated with a number of
are based on the inner periclinal walls of the epi- biochemical (C4 photosynthesis), as well as other
dermal cells near the veins and consist of one or anatomical and (ultra)structural phenomena,
more conical bodies. Sometimes, the top of the hence the denomination Kranz syndrome.
cone is flattened, representing a kind of "table These anatomical types are opposed to the gen-
mountain", or the top is surrounded by minor eral eucyperoid anatomy type, in which the Kranz
cones, the "satellites" (Ragonese et al. 1984; sheath is absent; these plants correspond to the
Goetghebeur and Van den Borre 1989). Several usual C3 photosynthetic pathway. In these species
uncommon types are described and illustrated the vascular bundles are surrounded by a
by Metcalfe (1971: 13-17, 543-545). Differences mestome sheath (the nonchlorophyllous outer-
between silica bodies in c3 and c4 plants are most layer of the vascular bundle), and a rather
described by Lanning and Eleuterius (1989). inconspicuous, equally nonchlorophyllous sheath
Cyperaceous stomata are usually paracytic and of parenchyma cells. The vascular bundles and
arranged in longitudinal lines parallel to the long their sheaths are usually surrounded by radially
axis of the leaf. Tetracytic stomata are known from arranged and elongated mesophyll cells.
many Mapanioideae (and in some other genera Most of the Kranz Cyperaceae are unusual in
are irregularly scattered), but also in some having a mestome sheath of sclerified cells be-
Schoeneae, Cryptangieae, and Trilepideae. tween the Kranz sheath and the parenchyma
In longitudinal sections of leaves, a number of sheath. Ultrastructural differences were reviewed
axially elongated, moniliform chlorenchyma cells by Ueno et al. (1988) and Ueno and Samejima
have been reported by Pfeiffer ( 1927) for many (1989).
genera of the Schoeneae. This was not confirmed To the present, four different types of Kranz
by Metcalfe (1971), probably due to his study of anatomy are known, which are easy to distinguish
mainly transversal sections. by the different number and position of the vari-
The structure of ensiform leaves was studied ous sheaths surrounding the vascular bundles.
and discussed by Chermezon (1929). Fisher (1971)
investigated the unusual feature of inverted vascu- 1. Chlorocyperus type: the vascular bundle is sur-
lar bundles in the leaves of Cladium. rounded by a Kranz sheath and a mestome sheath.
Air cavities are characters for which Metcalfe The parenchyma sheath is lacking. Observed
(1971) stated that these "are of diagnostic value at in Cyperus (partly), Remirea, Sphaerocyperus,
the species level". The following examples may Alinula, Pycreus, Queenslandiella, Kyllinga,
illustrate that they are of systematic value also Volkiella, and Lipocarpha (Raynal 1973). A re-
at higher levels: (1) The four genera of the markable structural variant (Kranzkette) was de-
Bisboeckelereae possess large air cavities in the scribed by Li and Jones (1994) for Cyperus
leaf blade, but these are absent in Scleria (incl. japonicus, where large vascular bundles are linked
Acriulus), thus confirming the proposed position by 2 chains of much smaller ones along both sides
of Diplacrum as distinct from Scleria; (2) Carpha of large air cavities.
(incl. Asterochaete) possesses large air cavities,
Trianoptiles none at all, also confirming the ge- 2. Fimbristylis type: the vascular bundle is sur-
neric distinction of the latter; (3) all species inves- rounded by a Kranz sheath, a mestome sheath, and
tigated of the Caricoideae are homogeneous in a third sheath of small parenchyma cells. Observed
this respect, confirming the homogeneity of this in Fimbristylis, Crosslandia, Bulbostylis, Abild-
group. gaardia, Nemum, and Nelmesia (Raynal1973). Re-
An interesting feature, recently observed by cently, however, one species of Fimbristylis and
Porembski and Barthlott (1995), is the presence of one of Abildgaardia were recorded as having C3
a velamen radicum in several Cyperaceae, notably photosynthesis (Bruhl1995: 128).
dwarf shrubs growing on tropical inselbergs. This
velamen is a remarkable ecological adaptation 3. Rhynchospora type: the vascular bundle is sur-
that seems to have evolved independently, e.g., in rounded by a Kranz sheath and a second incom-
Bulbostylis and Cryptangieae. plete sheath of parenchymatous cells. The
One of the important anatomical characteristics mestome sheath is lacking, therefore this type cor-
of the Cyperaceae is the presence in several groups responds to the more classic Kranz anatomy of
Cyperaceae 145

many other families. Observed in a few species of INFLORESCENCE AND FLORAL MORPHOLOGY.
Rhynchospora. Three structural levels are here considered, i.e.,
the general inflorescence type, the spikelet, and
4. Eleocharis type (or sub-Fimbristylis type): the the flower.
vascular bundle is surrounded by a Kranz sheath, Basically, the inflorescence consists of a panicle
a mestome sheath, and a third incomplete sheath (of spikelets!; Raynal1971), but is often modified
of parenchymatous cells. Observed in a few spe- into a corymb or an anthela, capitately or spicately
cies of Eleocharis and Rhynchospora. contracted, or reduced to a single spikelet (Fig.
38). Partial inflorescences of the first, second,
A multiple origin of Kranz anatomy even within third, and higher order can be present and may
genera is evident, and in Rhynchospora, infra- correspond to any of these types, in many differ-
generic taxa have different types (Ueno and ent combinations.
Koyama 1987). In Eleocharis a transition from In some species, several combinations can be
eucyperoid anatomy over intermediate types to observed, but some genera or even a few tribes are
the Eleocharis type and even a Chlorocyperus-like remarkably homogeneous as to their inflorescence
type could be observed (Ueno et al. 1989; type, e.g., Eleocharis with its unispiculate inflores-
Guaglianone and Ueno 1991; Bruhl 1995). cence, or the tribe Trilepideae with a panicle of
The inner Kranz sheath of many Cyperaceae is
probably not homologous to the Kranz sheath in
most other families. Here, it could have originated
from distal xylem and phloem parenchyma cells, Fig. 38A-E. Cyperaceae. Inflorescence types. A Anthela of
as demonstrated by the presence in some Fimbristylis type: the inflorescence is borne on a naked culm.
B Staged panicle of Schoenoxiphium type. C Plan common to
eucyperoid species of Cyperus of a complete A and B. D Terminal head. E Apparently lateral head. Inflores-
parenchyma sheath surrounding the xylem and cence branches consecutively numbered. (Haines and Lye
phloem (Brown 1975; Carolin et al. 1977). 1983)




terminal .. -
spikelet .-·
of inflorescence
146 Cyperaceae

dense spikes, each comprising many small Branching in the floral region usually starts
spikelets. from the axil of the primary bracts (normal
The primary bracts are often described as in- branching pattern), but in many genera secondary
volucra} bracts, the lowermost bracts are usually and higher-order branches develop from the axil
foliar (sheathing or not) and the uppermost very of the prophylls (prophyllar branching pattern).
small and bracteate, but, not rarely, all primary These prophylls (cladoprophylls) can be well de-
bracts can be foliar (Cyperus involucratus) or all veloped, but often they are :::+::: reduced or even
bracteate (Cyperus papyrus). The bracts of the ul- absent, often so in capitate inflorescences or inflo-
timate branchlets (spikelet bracts) are often barely rescences with long-sheathing bracts. Prophylls of
distinct from glumes. branches from short-sheathed or open bracts are
Many sciaphilous species have developed large often ::!:: tubular and connate around their axis,
foliar primary bracts, sometimes extremely so. not rarely provided with an adaxial swelling (e.g.,
In Mapania sylvatica all leaves are reduced to a Rhynchospora trichodes), conspicuously so in spe-
sheath, and only the 3 lowermost primary bracts cies with anthelate inflorescences ("opening" the
are large and foliar. The lowermost primary bract inflorescence before anthesis). Some unusual
can be upright, continuing the culm, and very forms are observed, e.g., in Cyperus odoratus,
much culmlike, the (usually condensed or re- where the tubular cladoprophyll is clearly 2-
duced) inflorescence is bent over 90°, suggesting a keeled and these keels are prolonged into 2
lateral position. Such pseudolateral inflorescences bladelike outgrowths. In the Caricoideae these
occur scattered in many genera. (often utriculiform) cladoprophylls can bear a
female flower, and in some Dulichieae the open
cladoprophyll can bear a complete bisexual flower
Fig. 39A-D. Cyperaceae. Lateral and apparently terminal with a perianth (Meert and Goetghebeur 1979;
flowers. A Spikelet of Rhynchospora corymbosa. It contains a
bisexual flower subtended by bract 4 and enwrapped by glume
Kukkonen 1986). Sometimes, closely related gen-
5, and two staminate flowers above. B Bisexual spikelet of era can be distinguished by the presence or ab-
Scleria distans. A pistillate flower is subtended by glume 2, sence of cladoprophylls (Morelotia vs. Gahnia).
above of which follow several staminate flowers. C Pistillate The spikelet is often the inflorescence unit that
spikelet of Scleria hildebrandtii. It contains 4 empty glumes is visible to the naked eye (Eiten 1976a). Essen-
and remnants of an originally staminate part of the spikelet
above the pistillate flower. D Pistillate spikelet of Scleria tially, the spikelet consists of an open axis
nyasensis, the solitary pistillate flower apparently terminal. (rachilla) bearing 1-many glumes, 1-many of
Glumes consecutively numbered. (Haines and Lye 1983) which subtend a sessile flower (Fig. 39). A spikelet

--~~ 7~
~:(§Jv ' '

~ 5 2

3 ·" 3 ··· \

Cyperaceae 147

can be terminal, i.e., on the apical end of a ized and often difficult to assess in few-glumed
branched axis, which bears at least 1 other lateral and few-flowered spikelets. Furthermore, several
spikelet. A lateral spikelet is subtended by a bract species are known where in terminal spikelets the
on an axis that usually bears a terminal spikelet. glumes are spirally set, but distichous in lateral
The first glume of a lateral spikelet is often an spikelets, such as Ficinia fascicularis, Machaerina
adaxial prophyll, i.e., a modified glume, which is anceps, and Rhynchospora pubera.
usually 2-keeled, bifid, smaller (to very reduced or In a few highly specialized groups, the spikelets
even absent), and empty. A lateral spikelet of, e.g., are extremely reduced, with subsequent loss of
Cyperus is often incorrectly described as having glumes, flowers, and prophylls, leading to 1-
the two lowermost scales empty. The lowermost flowered spikelets. These spikelets tend to aggre-
scale is the spikelet bract and is not at all empty: its gate into false spikelets, structures that deceivingly
axillary bud has developed into the spikelet, the imitate the real thing, as in Carex, Diplacrum,
next scale is the adaxial first glume or prophyll, Lipocarpha, and Trilepis. Atavistic forms, ob-
and this first foliar organ of the spikelet rachilla is served in Ascolepis, and rachilla remnants in spe-
indeed usually empty (Raynal1971, Fig. 8). cies of several genera provide strong arguments
In a pedicelled lateral spikelet, the prophyll, for a morphologically correct interpretation.
when present, is separated from the next glume by Scirpodendron is one of the very few Cyperaceae
a long rachilla internode (epipodium). where the spikelet rachilla apparently is termi-
In the Dulichieae the spikelet prophyll is fertile, nated by a flower (see also Chrysitrix). The termi-
i.e., bearing a normal bisexual flower with peri- nal position is here clearly demonstrated by the
anth. In the Caricoideae the spikelet prophyll of absence of the paired lateral keeled scales, which
the female or bisexual spikelets is also fertile and always accompany the lower lateral flowers. The
bears a female flower; in female spikelets it is spikelet structure in Chrysitrix (with 1 terminal,
the only glume present, in bisexual spikelets more rarely with a 2nd lateral flower, or with a split
glumes are present and each of these bears a rachilla) is highly unusual for Cyperaceae, and the
male flower. This prophyll has developed into the homology is not yet clearly established. The in-
utricle, usually completely enclosing the female terpretation presented should be considered as
flower (except for the stigmatic branches) and tentative, although it was already defended by
(part of) the spikelet rachilla. Bentham (1883).
The lowermost and uppermost glumes of many- The cyperaceous flower is basically a bisexual
glumed and many-flowered spikelets are often trimerous structure with 3 + 3 perianth parts, 3
empty or provided with poorly or incompletely (+ 3?) stamens, and a 3-carpellate pistil with a
developed flowers. In many-flowered spikelets all single, basal, anatropous ovule, but numerous and
glumes are usually similar, but in few-flowered sometimes very strange variations are known. The
spikelets the glume length often increases towards standard monocotlike position of the perianth
the first flower-bearing glume. On the other hand, and stamens around the pistil was confirmed in an
the length of the mucro in mucronate glumes usu- ontogenetic study by Bruhl (1991).
ally decreases towards the top of the spikelet. In the Mapanioideae the regular trimerous orga-
The rachilla internodes are usually short in nization is often not realized and 2 basal lateral
many-flowered spikelets with spirally arranged perianth scales are often larger, are keeled, and
glumes, but elongated between or around the fer- bear a stamen. Such flowers are often described as
tile flower(s) in spikelets with distichous glumes. a kind of a spikelet with reduced male flowers
The internodes elongate somewhat during the (scale + stamen) and a central, terminal female
fruiting stage or develop into a markedly zig- flower. Here this interpretation is not accepted.
zaging structure (which has led to sympodial Perianth structure is extremely variable, ranging
interpretations of the rachilla in genera such as from few to many large bristles (stiff to more deli-
Schoen us). The rachilla at maturity breaks up into cate), flat hyaline scales, or elaborate plates to
many 1-flowered parts in Cyperus odoratus and complete reduction. The perianth parts are some-
Dulichium. times basally ::±: connate, as in Cyathochaeta,
Glumes are arranged spirally or distichously, Eleocharis and Schoenoplectus. Where only 3 peri-
rarely pentastichously (Fuirena). The spiral ar- anth parts are developed, these are usually found
rangement is probably a form of spirotristichy, alternating with the stamens, i.e., opposite the flat
and in many spikelets with apparently distichous sides of a trigonous ovary.
glumes these are really spirodistichous as well. The number of stamens varies from 0 (in female
The distichous position is not always clearly real- flowers) to 1-2-3-6 or more, with an extremely
148 Cyperaceae

elevated number in Chrysitrix (a genus whose packed in 1 tubular layer. The pollen grains of the
floral structure is very aberrant from other Cyperaceae are degraded tetrads, in which 3 of the
Cyperaceae and needs more attention). Com- 4 nuclei degenerate, while the wall of the pollen
monly, 3 stamens are developed, and these are mother cells develops into an exine. The 3 vestigial
situated opposite the 3 ribs of a trigonous ovary. microspores are described as being separated by
The filaments may be connate at the base or over walls (Shah 1962) or not (Schnarf 1931). They re-
their whole length. The anthers are often sur- main adpressed to the cell wall inside the pollen
mounted by a mucro-like appendage of the con- mother cell at the tapering end of the grain. The
nective, which sometimes is extremely elongated grains are 2- or 3-celled at the dispersal stage. Al-
(Chrysitrix, Scleria tepuiensis ). though the exine is built on the wall of the pollen
The pistil is usually 3-carpellate with a :±: mother cell, exine structure is stated by Erdtman
trigonous ovary, a single style, and 3 stigmatic (1952) to be similar to that of other angiosper-
branches. In many genera, 2-carpellate pistils can mous pollen grains. The terms pseudomonads or
be observed as well, 4-carpellate pistils are rather cryptotetrads have been suggested for these pecu-
exceptional, as in Tetraria and a few relatives. In liar pollen grains.
Mapania the pistil is 2-3-carpellate (2-carpellate Erdtman (1952) suspected that the monoporate
in 4-scaled flowers, 3-carpellate in 6-scaled mapanioid pollen grains may not belong to this
flowers, except for the 6-scaled and 2-carpellate M. category, but Koyama (cited in Cronquist 1968:
foxworthii). The number of stigmatic branches 341-342) affirmed their tetrad nature.
can double to 4 (Tetraria, Paramapania), 6
(Neesenbeckia), or 8 (Evandra), or even triple to EMBRYOLOGY, SEED, AND FRUIT. The single ovule
9 (Tetraria). is basal, anatropous, bitegmic, and crassinucellar.
Bicarpellate pistils can be compressed dorsiven- At least in some genera, an obturator is formed by
trally (usually) or laterally (exceptional). The first a number of funicular cells near the micropyle,
form is scattered over the whole family, not rarely which enlarge and show dense cytoplasm.
intermingled with 3-carpellate pistils in the same The single macrospore develops into an embryo
species, on the same plant, and even in the same sac of the regular Polygonum type. The polar nu-
spikelet. It is assumed that this form has devel- clei can fuse to form the secondary embryo sac
oped through the inhibition of the development nucleus. The pollen tube enters the embryo sac
of the anterior carpel, apparently through a rela- through a degenerating synergid. The develop-
tively easily controlled mechanism. The laterally ment of the abundant endosperm is of the Nuclear
compressed bicarpellate pistil has a very restricted type (Tejavathi 1987). The development of the
occurrence in Pycreus, Queenslandiella, and embryo conforms to the }uncus variation of the
Kyllinga. For the development of this form, a new Onagrad type (with early cutting off of dermato-
organization of the carpels and their vascular gen initials).
bundles is needed (Blaser 1941) and, in my opin- Testa and tegmen are coalescent and form a thin
ion, constitutes a clear synapomorphy for these and delicate seed coat. The ovary wall usually
three genera. develops into a :±: 3-layered fruit wall: the cells of
Similarly, laterally compressed ovaries are re- the outer epidermis contain silica bodies (often
ported in Exochogyne and Rhynchospora rubra. cones), the cells of the next 2-3layers develop into
However, in these few-flowered spikelets an ob- longitudinal fibers, the cells of the innermost
servation of the actual position is difficult and sec- layers develop into transversal fibers (Tejavathi
ondary displacement is known to occur rather 1987), although in some species shorter sclereids
frequently. This problem needs a careful study of are observed (Makde and Untawale 1989).
floral ontogenetic processes. Starting with Van der Veken's (1965) study of
embryos in Cyperoideae, followed by many papers
POLLEN MORPHOLOGY AND MALE GAMETO- of J. Raynal ( 1968-1973) and Haines and Lye
PHYTE. The pollen grains are generally cuneiform (1971, 1976, 1983), who used these data to support
and have an indistinctly marked aperture on the their taxonomic decisions, the extraordinary taxo-
wider end and 3, mostly smaller, lateral ones. nomical value of embryographical data became
Ellipsoid to spherical grains with a single aperture evident.
are found, though not exclusively, in the Many genera are characterized by a single em-
Mapanioideae. Size varies from 16-66~-tm. bryo type (and often their own particular form of
The cuneiform shape is due to the arrangement that type), although sometimes 2 closely related
of the grains in the pollen sac, where they are types are known in one genus. Some tribes can be
Cyperaceae 149

distinguished solely by the embryo type, e.g., enable an increase in chromosome number by
Cypereae by the Cyperus or Ficinia type, Tri- chromosome fragmentation (agmatoploidy). The
lepideae by the Trilepis type, Fuireneae by the fragments are able to stabilize within the karyo-
Schoenoplectus or Bolboschoenus type. Very type because the centric activity is found along
poorly differentiated embryos {Juncus type, the entire length of each chromosome (Braselton
poorly developed forms of the Carex type) are 1971). Hakansson (1954, 1958) first proposed the
found in many Mapanioideae and Cryptangieae. existence of diffuse centromeres in Eleocharis, al-
The Carex type of embryo is assumed to repre- though Battaglia (1954) and Sanyal and Sharma
sent the primitive form, characterized by a basal (1972) found only chromosomes with localized
root cap (micropyle-oriented), lateral first leaf pri- centromeres in Eleocharis uniglumis and Indian
mordium, poorly differentiated coleoptile, trans- Eleocharis. Bir et al. (1993), however, showed that
versal germination slit, and poorly differentiated both types coexist in Eleocharis. Both types are
cotyl (this "cotyledon" is perhaps not homologous also thought to occur in some other genera includ-
to the cotyledon of dicotyledons, Jacques-Felix ing Carex, Cyperus, and Bulbostylis.
1988). Through differential growth of the coleop- Although there are scattered reports of diffuse
tile and the cotyledon or parts thereof, many dif- centromeres from various genera in other fami-
ferent forms can be obtained, and Goetghebeur lies, their frequent occurrence in the Juncaceae
(1986) was able to distinguish 16 types. provides an important argument in support of
a close relationship between Cyperaceae and
KARYOLOGY (in collaboration with Margaret Juncaceae.
Johnson). Published data often include approxi- In spite of the many high chromosome numbers
mate numbers, and also in view of the frequent found in the family, recorded instances of poly-
misidentifications in this family, many chromo- ploidy are few. Natural hybrids between species
some number records should be considered as are common, often being vigorous and, in some
doubtful and unreliable. Furthermore, the (near) cases, more successful than one or both parents
absence of data in the subfamilies Mapanioideae (Cayouette and Morisset 1985).
and Sclerioideae is noticeably, as well as the spo-
radic counts in the tribe Schoeneae (except for PoLLINATION. Most, if not all, Cyperaceae are
Rhynchospora). On the other hand, many genera proterogynous. Due to the fact that the spikelets
and species of the other Cyperoideae and also are often many-flowered or, if few-flowered, then
Carex are fairly well documented. These differ- often crowded, female (receptive stigmas) and
ences are probably related to the abundant fructi- male phases (pollen-shedding anthers) of flower-
fication, the easy germination, and the sometimes ing are present in a single spikelet or inflores-
weedy character of many species of the latter cence. In spikelets, flowering is usually acropetal,
groups. as expected.
Chromosome records in Cyperaceae range from The Cyperaceae are clearly adapted to anemo-
2n = 10 in Eleocharis and Fimbristylis to over 200 phily, as is evidenced by their small, inconspicu-
in Carex and Cyperus with practically every basic ous flowers and hidden or reduced perianth, the
number in between (Fedorov 1969; Goldblatt long stigmatic branches, the filaments elongating
1981, 1984; Love and Love 1975). Numbers differ considerably during anthesis, and anthers shed-
not only between genera, but even within some ding abundant pollen. Nevertheless, scattered spe-
species. Some workers have reported basic num- cies in various genera are known to be visited by
bers for certain groups of species, with some hav- pollen-gathering insects or have traits indicating
ing almost consecutive numbers in independent pollination by insects (and other invertebrates).
aneuploid series (Davies 1956). Nevertheless, a These include in the Mapanioideae species of
basic chromosome number of x = 5 is often sug- Hypolytrum (white flowering), Mapania (fra-
gested, based on the counts of 2n = 10, 20, 40, 50, grance, red pigments), in the Cyperoideae species
60, etc. in several genera (common numbers in of Ascolepis (several species with white, yellow, or
Abildgaardia, Bulbostylis, Courtoisina, Eleocharis, orange daisylike inflorescences), Bolboschoenus,
Fimbristylis, Kyllinga, Lipocarpha, Pycreus, more Cyperus, Eleocharis, and Ficinia (condensed head
rarely found in Blysmus, Bolboschoenus, Carex, with yellow bracts), Rhynchospora sect. Dichro-
Cyperus, Eriophorum, Isolepis, Schoenoplectus, mena (many species with white bracts, excellently
and Scirpus). described and illustrated by Thomas 1984), in the
The unusually large range of numbers is mainly Caricoideae the genera Carex and Cymophyllus.
due to the presence of diffuse centromeres which No records are known for Sclerioideae. Many of
150 Cyperaceae

these species are wind-pollinated as well, and even These specialized structures could indicate
self-pollination definitely occurs. adaptations to dispersal by one of these means,
Entomophily is probably often linked to the for- but the number of actual observations is rather
est habitat, where wind velocity is much reduced small, and experimental control is needed for
and other pollen vectors are needed (Lorougnon confirmation.
1973). The morphological adaptations for ento- Some species are known to be amphicarpous (or
mophily seem to have arisen in several parallel basicarpous) (Haines 1971; Raynal 1976; Brown-
lines, and even in a small group like Rhynchospora ing 1992; Bruhl1995); others are capable of build-
sect. Dichromena, white bracts have evolved ing up a long persistent seed bank, e.g., Carex
independently at least 3 times (Thomas 1984). pilulifera. Such phenomena should also be taken
into account when studying seed dispersal.
DISPERSAL. The cyperaceous fruit is usually an On the other hand, many species propagate veg-
achene, which is sometimes corky thickened, or etatively through extensive growth (and eventual
rarely drupelike. Often, however, it is more or less fragmentation) of rhizomes or stolons, more
closely surrounded by other, persistent organs rarely through the formation of tubers and even
such as a hardened style base, a perianth (often bulbs, which may make them troublesome weeds
bristlelike), elongated filaments, 1 to few glumes, (Cyperus esculentus, C. rotundus). In many
parts of the spikelet axis, or even complete spike- helophytes, culms tend to curb down and start
lets. Sexual diaspores are thought to be adapted to forming new shoots in the floral region, a process
dispersal by several means: that is well known in the popular umbrella plant
(Cyperus involucratus ).
1. Seawater and freshwater: fruit with (partly) An excellent and more comprehensive review
corky thickened fruit wall (Oxycaryum, Cyperus of dispersal biology can be found in Kern {1974:
gardneri); fruit clasped by a thick corky rachilla 442-444).
internode (Remirea); fruit surrounded by an in-
flated utricle (Carex ); fruit wall with air cavities PHYTOCHEMISTRY (by R. Hegnauer). A survey of
(Cladium); presence of long or widened perianth the vast phytochemical literature pertinent to the
bristles holding an air bubble (Eleocharis, Fuirena). Cyperaceae was given by Hegnauer (1963, 1986).
Metabolically, the Cyperaceae are similar to the
2. Birds: attraction through presence of abundant Poaceae in several respects. Both families have
food (Cyperus), sometimes by a display of con- starchy seeds, are silica accumulators, store
trasting colors (Gahnia) or by aril imitation kestose- and isokestose-type oligosaccharides in
(Scleria); adaptation for epizoic dispersal by de- vegetative parts of all or some of its members and
velopment of a strong hook on top of the rachilla have p-coumaric and ferulic acids esterified with
(Uncinia), or by shedding numerous small fruits non-lignified cell walls (Harris and Hartley 1980).
into the surrounding mud (Fimbristylis). Moreover, there is a rather convincing overall
similarity in flavonoid metabolism of the two
3. Ants: some species of Carex, in particular those families, as evidenced by strong tendencies to
inhabiting forest regions, with an oil-rich append- accumulate flavones (among others tricin and
age at the base of the utricle, Lepidosperma with luteolin-5-glycosides) and C-glycoflavones rather
thick fleshy perianth parts. than flavonols. Alkaloids and cyanogenic com-
pounds are rare in the Cyperaceae, in spite of as-
4. Man: some species of Cyperus forming many long sertions to the contrary with regard to the latter
slender stolons ending in a tuber easily detached compounds by Dahlgren et al. (1985).
from the plant and capable of withstanding long The morphology of epicuticular wax deposits
periods of unfavorable circumstances; other weedy also suggests affinities between the Cyperaceae
species having an elevated level of fruit production, and Poaceae and other members of Commelini-
e.g., Cyperus iria, Schoenoplectus in rice fields. florae, and of Bromeliiflorae, Zingiberiflorae, and
Areciflorae (all sensu Dahlgren et al. 1985). In all
5. Wind: in species of several genera the ripe fruit these taxa Strelitzia type wax deposits occur
is surrounded by long bristles, formed either by (Frolich and Barthlott 1988). It seems worthwhile
elongated filaments (Androtrichum, Machaerina) to mention that flavonoid and protoantho-
or by perianth hairs (Afrotrilepis, Eriophorum, cyanidin metabolism also suggests affinities
Scirpus), and the latter hairs may be conspicu- between Cyperaceae, Juncaceae, Poaceae, and
ously plumose (Carpha, Costularia). Arecaceae (Harborne in Dahlgren and Clifford
Cyperaceae 151

1982). With regard to the classification within the II. In subfam. Cyperoideae (71/2380) at least 1
family, phenolic and quinonoid constituents seem flower per spikelet is bisexual (with a few rare and
to be of great promise. The same is probably valid clearly derived exceptions), but the mapanioid lat-
also for morphological aspects of silica and epicu- eral pair of keeled hypogynous scales is lacking.
ticular wax deposits. Apart from these symplesiomorphies, no other
character state can be used to circumscribe
CLASSIFICATION. The following subfamilies and this large and extremely diverse subfamily. Fur-
tribes can be recognized, which are characterized ther tribal subdivision is problematic because of
by a combination of morphological characters the high degree of morphological diversity of
mainly referring to flower, inflorescence, and em- nearly all tribes. The embryographical data are
bryo structure. With more data from molecular extremely useful on this level, however, and are
studies becoming available, this classification will here considered as highly indicative of natural
no doubt need to be adjusted. relationship.
A most daring and deserving new classification
of the family has been suggested by Bruhl (1995). 3. Tribe Scirpeae (6/60) is characterized by
The many differences with the system here pro- spikelets with spirally arranged glumes, which
posed have their origin in different interpretations usually are all fertile, and flowers with hypogy-
of morphological data, differences in contents nous scales, at least in part of the species. Since
and size of the data sets, and a more strict applica- all of these characters are clear plesiomorphies,
tion of cladistic principles by Bruhl (1995). In this tribe most probably is a remainder
particular, I do not agree with many of Bruhl's composed of genera without any pronounced
interpretations of morphological structures and characters. The embryo is of the Carex, Schoen us,
the great significance he attributes to anatomical or Fimbristylis type, three semophyletically close
data (whose variability on the generic and specific types.
level is unknown). This must have strongly
influenced his results, in which sometimes un- 4. Tribe Fuireneae (5/90) is rather similar to the
likely couples of genera are grouped together. A preceding tribe as to its floral morphology, but
discussion of these problems will be given each of its genera possesses one or more highly
elsewhere. specialized structures. Their well-differentiated
In the following enumeration of suprageneric embryos belong to the Schoenoplectus or
taxa the approximate numbers of genera/species Bolboschoenus type and indicate a status as a
are given in parenthesis. specialized offshoot.

I. Subfam. Mapanioideae (13/140) comprises a 5. Tribe Eleocharideae (3/200) is recognized

number of genera which have a peculiar floral by its reduced vegetative apparatus, the fixed
structure: the lateral bisexual flowers are provided unispiculate inflorescence, the unique embryo
with a lateral pair of usually larger, keeled, lami- type and the helio- and helophilous ecology. This
nar hypogynous scales. tribe seems related to both the previous and
(more) to the following tribe. Characters in
1. Tribe Hypolytreae (9/130) is characterized by common with many Fuireneae include vegetative
large-leafed species, usually many spikelets per morphology, bristlelike perianth, embryo with
inflorescence, and (very) poorly differentiated broadened cotyledon. Similarities with the
embryos. These species are usually equatorial Abildgaardieae are Kranz syndrome (rare), disti-
forest dwellers. chous glumes (rare), differentiated and thickened
style base, moniliform stigmatic hairs.
2. Tribe Chrysitricheae (4/13) comprises four
small genera of :±:: open swamps, with a reduced 6. Tribe Abildgaardieae (6/420) is remarkable
vegetative apparatus and inflorescence, and for its clearly differentiated style base, which is
probably a highly differentiated embryo. Their often thickened and deciduous or persistent
phylogenetic relations are not clear. Hellmuthia on the achene. Distichous glumes appear for the
(upper flowers scaleless) and Chrysitrix (unusual first time independently in several genera. The
floral structure) are somewhat aberrant in this Fimbristylis, Bulbostylis, and Abildgaardia type
subfamily. The disjunct Southern Hemisphere embryos are semophyletically related. Also the
distribution of this tribe suggests a Gondwana Kranz syndrome is present in nearly all species
origin. of Abildgaardia, Bulbostylis, Crosslandia, Fimbri-
152 Cyperaceae

stylis, Nelmesia, and Nemum (Fimbristylis type). 12. Tribe Sclerieae (1/250) is formed by the
Moniliform stigmatic hairs are reported in the single, large genus Scleria. It has a basically pan-
latter six genera. iculate inflorescence, the spikelets are bisexual or
unisexual, the achene is surrounded at the base by
7. In tribe Cypereae (19/900) the style base is not a hypogynium and a cupula, the homology of
distinct, not thickened, but sometimes persistent which is rather obscure. The Fimbristylis type
as a narrow beak. Distichous glumes are common, embryo is often very well developed.
as well as a pronounced reduction of the spikelet
in the more specialized genera. The perianth has 13. Tribe Bisboeckelereae (4/25) is recognized
disappeared completely. The Cyperus- or the very by the (sometimes connate) empty (?) glumes
similar Ficinia-type embryos are highly character- surrounding the apparently terminal (?) female
istic for this group. The Kranz syndrome is also flower. Also the structure of the male spikelets is
very frequently observed here. unusual (glumes each with a single stamen). The
embryo belongs to the Carex, Schoenus, or
8. Tribe Dulichieae (3/10) is formed by three Fimbristylis type.
small genera only, united by an exceptional char-
acter: the common presence of a fertile spikelet 14. Under incertae sedis are included the two mo-
prophyll (and fertile cladoprophyll, when notypic genera Exochogyne and Koyamaea, whose
present), bearing a bisexual flower, plus a very combination of characters does not fit any of the
similarly formed embryo of the Carex type. tribes in Sclerioideae.

9. In tribe Schoeneae (29-700) are united nearly IV. Finally subfamily Caricoideae (5/2150) with
all Cyperoideae with a (mostly) restricted number the single tribe Cariceae is easily recognized by the
of bisexual flowers per spikelet, often provided unisexual flowers, the female flowers being com-
with a ± well-developed perianth. The spikelets pletely enclosed by a fertile utriculiform spikelet
are remarkable for the inclusion of the flower(s) prophyll (often with 2 strong nerves), the absence
by the wings of the next glume. Carex and of perianth parts, and the embryo of the Carex or
Schoenus type embryos are prevalent, although very rarely of the Schoenus type.
some more specialized forms (Helothrix type,
Carpha type) and a more reduced (secondary?) AFFINITIES. In the past, different claims for
form (Juncus type) are also known. The Kranz a close relationship between the Cyperaceae
syndrome is known from only a few species of and the Pandanales, Poales, and Juncales have
Rhynchospora. This group probably needs a fur- been made. A broad comparison of data from
ther division, but far more data are needed to de- many different sources points to a divergence
cide on this problem. Restionaceae-Poaceae and Juncaceae-Cyperaceae
(Dahlgren and Rasmussen 1983; Dahlgren et al.
III. Subfam. Sclerioideae (15-340) is recognized 1985). The close relationship between Cyperaceae
by spikelets with few glumes, 1-few of which each and Juncaceae is also supported by more recent
subtend a strictly unisexual flower. A (sometimes morphological and molecular analyses (Linder
vestigial) perianth is often present. The subfamily and Kellogg 1995; Simpson 1995). The presence of
is perhaps heterogeneous: four tribes and two un- diffuse centromeres and the meiosis of the
classified genera are easily recognized. postreductional type may be considered as par-
ticularly strong arguments in favor of the close
10. In tribe Cryptangieae (4/50) the spikelets are relationship between Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, and
unisexual, with spirally arranged glumes, and a Thurniaceae. The possession of tetrad pollen in
perianth usually formed by 3 fimbriate scales op- the three families sometimes used to underpin
posite the flat sides of the achene. The Juncus type this relationship is not conclusive, because the
embryo needs to be confirmed in more genera and pollen tetrads in Juncaceae/Thurniaceae are
species. fundamentally different from the pseudomonads
of Cyperaceae.
11. Tribe Trilepideae (4/15) is characterized by a
panicle composed of many dense spikes of many DISTRIBUTION. The family has a worldwide dis-
tiny spikelets with few distichous glumes. The pe- tribution but is surprisingly absent from Antarc-
rianth is as in the preceding tribe, and the embryo tica. It ranges from sea level to up to 5475m
is of the specialized Trilepis type. ( Carex nivalis Boott in the Karakorum), covering
Cyperaceae 153

large areas of swamps and arctic vegetations. Fimbristylis are closely linked by similar rusts.
There are concentrations of genera in northern Carex is the host of at least three lineages of ad-
S America (Sclerioideae), southern Sudano- vanced species of Puccinia. These three lineages
Zambesian Africa (Cyperoideae), and SW Austra- are present as well in ]uncus and Luzula
lia (Schoeneae). Some of the larger genera are (Juncaceae), confirming the close relationship
particularly well developed (in number of species) between Cyperaceae and Juncaceae.
in certain regions: Eleocharis and Rhynchospora in Some species of Kobresia are known to have es-
tropical America, Fimbristylis in Malesia and adja- tablished a mutualistic symbiosis with ectomy-
cent N Australia, Bulbostylis, Cyperus, and Pycreus corrhizal fungi. The hyphae of these fungal
in tropical Africa, Lepidosperma, and Schoenus in symbionts permeate large volumes of soil and
Australia. obtain scarce elements, in particular phosphorus,
Endemism on the generic level is pronounced in which they pass on to the plant in exchange for
(tropical) America (21), tropical and S Africa (18) photosynthetates (Harley and Smith 1983).
and Australia (incl. New Zealand and New
Caledonia) (13), less so in tropical Asia with four FosSIL CYPERACEAE. (by Jan De Coninck, Gent).
endemic genera (plus six more extending into Fossils of Cyperaceae (mainly fruits or pollen,
Australia). Endemism on the specific level is much rarely other plant parts) are known with a reason-
more difficult to assess due to the lack of recent able amount of certitude from Paleocene times
revisions and reliable continental checklists. onward. Alleged late Cretaceous records are prob-
Many species are known from one single speci- ably not cyperaceous, or doubtful at least. There-
men or very few collections or a single locality. fore it seems reasonable to set the appearance of
this family in the Paleocene.
FUNGUS RELATIONSHIPS (by K. Van der The Cenozoic history of the Cyperaceae is rather
Gucht). According to the Fahrenholz rule, more well documented for N America and NW and
primitive taxa of parasites generally will occur central Europe. In Australia, New Zealand, and
on more primitive hosts, and vice versa. The dis- Antarctica, the record is less substantial. Only few
tribution of Ustilaginales in Cyperaceae seems to data on cyperaceous remains from African and NE
confirm this statement (Vanky 1995, 1996, and Asian Cenozoic deposits are available, and for S
previous papers). Thus, the more primitive Asia and S America records are even more scarce.
Cintractia is observed on many Cyperoideae,
but not on Caricoideae, while the specialized EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. The Cyperaceae are
Anthracoidea is only found on Caricoideae, and generally of limited economic value and often
within this subfamily only on the more specialized used locally. In a recent checklist (Inglis 1994),
taxa such as Carex subgen. Vignea, unispicate spe- well over 300 species are recorded for a variety of
cies of Carex, Uncinia, but not on Schoenoxiphium uses in many parts of the world. They are also of
or on Carex subgen. Indocarex. growing horticultural interest.
One single species of Anthracoidea, A. scirpi Several species are well known as noxious
(Kuhn) Kukkonen, is an exclusive parasite of weeds, among them the world's worst weed,
Trichophorum caespitosum and presents a good Cyperus rotundus (purple nutsedge), which, due
example of a major taxonomical jump to an eco- to its very resistant subterranean tubers, is ex-
logically associated species (Kukkonen 1964). tremely difficult to eradicate. Cyperus esculentus
The nearly complete lack of data for subfamilies (yellow nutsedge) is also an agressive weed
Mapanioideae and Sclerioideae is remarkable, but that recently has invaded NW Europe from the
probably reflects our poor knowledge rather than Americas. Several species of Cyperus, Eleocharis,
a real absence. Fimbristylis, and Schoenoplectus figure as impor-
Uredinales present a more complex picture. The tant weeds in SE Asia (Soerjani et al. 1987).
more primitive members of the more primitive Species of various genera are used for weaving,
genus Uromyces are known as parasites on thatching, or plaiting mats, such as Actinoscirpus
Cyperus and Scirpus. Bolboschoenus and Schoeno- grossus, Cladium mariscus, Desmoschoenus
plectus are infected by Uromyces, the more ad- spiralis, Eleocharis sphacelata, Lepironia arti-
vanced Schoenoplectus also by the more advanced culata, and Schoenoplectus lacustris.
Puccinia. Eriophorum (including Eriophoropsis) Cyperus involucratus is a well-known house
and Trichophorum, attacked by more specialized plant in temperate regions and, together with
species of Puccinia, emerge as 2 monophyletic Cyperus papyrus, a garden favorite in warmer
groups that arose from Scirpus. Eleocharis and countries. Species of Caustis are cultivated for
154 Cyperaceae

horticultural purposes, the beautifully curved - Not as above 12

dried stems being used in everlasting bouquets. 12. Inflorescence with many solitary spikelets; fruit ovoid to
ellipsoid, smooth and shining black. Australia, S New
Several species of Mapanioideae probably could Guinea) 2. Exocarya
provide bright innovations in tropical gardens - Inflorescence with digitate or capitate spikelets 13
with their orange to pinkish young shoots and 13. Inflorescence usually 3-4-anthelate; spikelets numerous,
leaves. small (OS:3mm), digitately arranged. N South America
Species of Schoenoplectus are used in sewage 6. Mapaniopsis
- Inflorescence 1-2-anthelate; spikelets many, larger,
treatment, for land-winning activities, and in scat- capitately arranged 5. Mapania
tered localities for building small boats or rafts, 14. Inflorescence paniculate to subcorymbose 15
the most famous being the totora boats of Lake - Inflorescence capitate or reduced to a single spikelet 18
Titicaca. 15. Inflorescence branches very short, panicle densely con-
tracted; spikelets with few lateral flowers ( + basal pair of
Cyperus papyrus, the source of ancient (and keeled scales) and 1 terminal flower (without such pair).
now tourist) papyrus rolls, is gaining interest as a SE Asia, N Australia, Polynesia 1. Scirpodendron
possible source for bioenergy. - Inflorescence more open; all flowers lateral ( + basal pair
of keeled scales) 16
16. Style 2-branched go to 8
KEY TO THE GENERA - Style 3-branched 17
17. Hypogynous scales 2, connate into a tube. W Africa
1. Flowers bisexual, with at least a basal, lateral (sometimes 4. Principina
::!:: connivent to connate) pair of ::!:: keeled laminar - Hypogynous scales 4-6 5. Mapania
(usually delicate) scales, or flowers with apical pistil(s) 18. Style 2-branched go to 8
surrounded by numerous (up to 100) stamens, each with - Style 3-branched 19
a subtending linear scale (Mapanioideae) 2 19. Hypogynous scales 2, only present in lower flowers of the
- Flowers bisexual or unisexual, without a lateral pair of spikelet. Coastal S Africa 12. Hellmuthia
keeled laminar scales 20 - Hypogynous scales 4-6 5. Mapania
2. Apical pistil(s) surrounded by numerous (up to 100) 20. All flowers unisexual 21
stamens, each with a subtending linear scale. S Africa - All flowers bisexual, or at least 1 flower bisexual, other
(SW Cape), SW Australia 13. Chrysitrix flowers usually male (Cyperoideae) 45
- Stamens surrounding the pistil <20, (lower) flowers with 21. Female flowers each axillated by and enclosed in a ::!::
a basal lateral (sometimes ::!:: connivent to connate) pair utriculiform prophyll (each subtended by a bract),
of ::!:: keeled scales 3 usually several-many together, and forming a female
3. Culms 4-5-angular, hollow, terete, septate; inflorescence spike or the basal (rarely the apical) part of a bisexual
capitate or reduced to 1 spikelet. New Guinea, Solomon spike (Caricoideae) 22
Is. 9. Capitularina - Not as above (Sclerioideae + abnormal species of
- Not as above 4 Cyperoideae) 26
4. Inflorescence reduced to a single, pseudolateral spikelet; 22. Rachilla of female spikelet protruding out of the utricle,
culms (sub )terete, ::!:: septate, all leaves reduced to a with an apical hook, formed by 1 empty recurved glume;
sheath 5 inflorescence a single spike with many basal female
- Not as above spikelets ("utricles") and a terminal male spikelet
5. Spikelets fusiform. Madagascar to Polynesia 102. Uncinia
11. Lepironia - Rachilla not protruding, or different 23
- Spikelets (depressed) globose. Australia, New Caledonia 23. Rachilla usually small and not protruding (rarely pro-
10. Chorizandra truding), utricles always completely closed (excepted for
6. Inflorescence with small primary bracts (often much a small apical orifice) 24
shorter than 6 em), or reduced to a single spikelet; culms - Rachilla protruding in at least a few spikelets; usually
lateral (rarely central) 7 some of the utricles partly open 25
- Inflorescence with larger, leaflike primary bracts 10 24. Inflorescence an ovoid to spherical spike, with white bracts
7. Style 2-branched 8 and glumes; style branches 3, conspicuously thickened-
- Style 3-branched 9 clavate; leaves reduced to a short sheath, only 1-few leaves
8. Hypogynous scales 2 (-3), often connate to various with a large, wide blade, without midnerve, margins
degrees 3. Hypolytrum conspicuously undulate. SE USA 104. Cymophyllus
- Hypogynous scales 4-6 5. Mapania - Not as above 103. Carex
9. Keel of basal lateral paired scales coarsely toothed; inflo- 25. Rachilla broadly linear, often with serrate margins; spike
rescence simply anthelate or reduced to a single spikelet. prophylls often utriculiform, subtending a female flower.
SE Asia, Polynesia 7. Paramapania S Africa, E African mountains, Madagascar
- Keel of basal lateral paired scales ciliate; inflorescence 101. Schoenoxiphium
capitate or reduced to a single spikelet 5. Mapania - Rachilla usually linear, not serrate; spike prophylls not
10. Inflorescence anthelate; style 2-branched 11 utriculiform, without flower; prophylls of female spike-
- Inflorescence paniculate, subcorymbose, capitate, or lets utriculiform but often more or less open. Holarctic,
reduced to 1 spikelet; style 2-3-branched 14 N Sumatran mountains 100. Kobresia
11. Basal margin of primary bracts with coarse yellowish 26. Inflorescence paniculate, with dense spikes of many
teeth; spikelets large, fusiform, glumes coriaceous. Tropi- few-glumed and 1-2-flowered spikelets, with fusiform,
cal S America 8. Diplasia long-beaked achenes, surrounded at the base by 3 long-
Cyperaceae 155

fimbriate small scales opposite the sides of the achene - Female flower surrounded by ca.lO empty glumes; inflo-
(Trilepideae) 27 rescence paniculate with corymbose (rarely capitately
- Not as above 30 contracted) partial inflorescences. Tropical America
27. Flowers dioecious; leaves crowded on top of (branches 94. Becquerelia
of) a caudex, blade deciduous, leaving a truncate sheath. 40. Achene compressed ellipsoid or rounded trigonous, en-
W Africa to Cameroon 92. Microdracoides closed by a pubescent, nerveless glume; female flower
- Flowers monoecious; leaves different 28 surrounded by 3 glumes. Tropical America
28. Leaves distichous, with open sheath and deciduous blade; 97. Calyptrocarya
spikes bisexual. From Cameroon to E and S Africa, - Achene subtriquetrous, enclosed by a glabrous, many-
Madagascar 91. Coleochloa nerved glume; female spikelet surrounded by 2 glumes.
- Leaves spirally arranged, sheath closed, blade not Tropical America 96. Bisboeckelera
deciduous 29 41. Leaves basal, few, reduced to a tubular,::!:: hyaline sheath;
29. Leaves with ciliate ligule; spikes and spikelets 1-2-sexual. inflorescence reduced to 1 spikelet
W Africa to Gabon 90. Afrotrilepis 25. Eleocharis (E. chamaegyne)
- Leaves eligulate; spikes always unisexual. S America - Not as above 42
89. Trilepis 42. Glumes (spiro)distichous; leaves with well-developed
30. Spikelets with densely velvety hairy, cucullate glumes. S blade 43
Venezuela, Cerro de Ia Neblina 99. Koyamaea - Glumes spirally arranged; leaves reduced to a sheath 44
- Not as above 31 43. Basal spikelets many; rachilla of aerial spikelets with
31. Achene 2-merous, laterally compressed, without scales at short internodes, lower flowers male, upper flowers
the base; primary bracts navicular, spathelike. Central female. Australia 29. Crosslandia
and S America 98. Exochogyne - Basal spikelets absent; rachilla of aerial spikelets with
- Achene 2- or 3-merous, but not laterally compressed; elongated internodes, spikelets unisexual. Subtropical
primary bracts not navicular nor spathelike 32 and tropical America 41. Cyperus (C. can us,
32. Achene 3-merous, at the base with 3 small ciliate to C. dioicus, C. schomburgkianus)
fimbriate scales opposite the sides of the achene 44. Inflorescence open paniculate; hypogynous bristles 6. S
(Cryptangieae) 33 Africa 21. Pseudoschoenus
- Achene without hypogynous scales, but sometimes with a - Inflorescence capitate; hypogynous bristles absent. S
::!:: 3-lobed disk, but these lobes opposite the ribs, rarely Africa, Botswana 37. Scirpoides? ("Scirpus" dioicus)
with hypogynous bristles 36 45. Leaves basal, usually 2, reduced to a tubular, often ::!::
33. Caudex conspicuous; flowering culm lateral, conspicu- hyaline leaf sheath; vegetative and generative branchlets
ously compressed; hypogynous scales long-fimbriate 34 usually similar; inflorescence reduced to 1 terminal
- Caudex short or absent; flowering culm terminal, spikelet; lowermost scale shorter than the spikelet,
trigonous; hypogynous scales (shortly) ciliate 35 usually empty, rarely axillating a flower, other glumes
34. Inflorescence large, open paniculate; style base conical usually each axillating a flower; style base usually distinct,
87. Everardia thickened and persistent 25. Eleocharis
- Inflorescence small, compacted-capitate; style base - Not as above 46
clavate 88. Cephalocarpus 46. Bisexual flowers with hypogynous bristles or scales (the
35. Leaves broadly linear to lanceolate, pseudoverticillate in single adaxial rachilla remnant of some genera should
2s or 3s along a tall, woody culm; flowers dioecious not be confused with a bristle!) 47
86. Didymiandrum - Bisexual flowers without hypogynous bristles or scales
- Leaves linear, not pseudoverticillate; flowers usually 101
monoecious, spikelets unisexual 85. Lagenocarpus 47. Glumes (or glumelike scales) distichous, or number of
36. Female spikelets !-flowered or bisexual spikelets with 1 glumes reduced to 2 48
female flower; style base usually not distinct, not thick- - Glumes (or glumelike scales) spirally arranged 69
ened; most leaves with well-developed blade 37 48. Style 2-branched 49
- Female spikelets many-flowered; if 1-flowered, then style - Style 3 (-more)-branched 54
base distinct, thickened, persistent, and leaves reduced 49. Floating to submerged hydrophyte with many pseu-
to a tubular, ::!:: hyaline sheath (abnormal species of doverticillate vegetative branchlets and few, stouter
Cyperoideae) 41 generative culms; inflorescence of 1 spikelet; spikelet
37. Part of the spikelets bisexual with 1 female flower; if all with 2 elongated (8-12mm) glumes; hypogynous bristles
spikelets unisexual, then the female spikelets with (3-) 6-11, longer than the fruit 27. Websteria
reduced male flowers, or with a reduced rachilla top; - Not as above 50
male flowers usually 3-staminate; contraligule usually 50. Culms terete, hollow; inflorescence paniculate; prophyll
well developed 93. Scleria of spikelet axillating a bisexual flower. N America
- All spikelets unisexual, female spikelet !-flowered, with- 53. Dulichium
out any traces of the other sex, rachilla top completely - Not as above 51
reduced; male flowers usually !-staminate; contraligule 51. Style base deciduous 52
usually not developed (Bisboeckelereae) 38 - Style base persistent, often conspicuously thickened 53
38. Achenes glabrous (smooth or with various ornamenta- 52. Leaf blade up to 30 em long; glumes glabrous; fruit re-
tions), not enclosed by a utriculiform glume 39 markably incurved and dorsally concave. Australia
- Achenes rather tightly enclosed by either a shortly pubes- 66. Cyathochaeta
cent or a many-nerved utriculiform glume 40 - Leaf blade reduced; glumes fimbriate; fruit not incurved.
39. Female flower surrounded by only 2 empty glumes; in- New Zealand 62. Schoenus (S. tendo)
florescence capitate, or paniculate with capitate partial 53. Hypogynous bristles scabrid below, plumose upward.
inflorescences. Pan tropical 95. Diplacrum Tropical America 61. Pleurostachys
156 Cyperaceae

- Hypogynous bristles scabrid or not 60. Rhynchospora - Inflorescence prophyllate or not; stamens 3-6 (-8); hypo-
54. Cushion-forming plants; leaves (spiro) distichous, with gynous bristles 0-3-6 (or more), rather short, usually
open sheath; hypogynous scales or bristles persistent on linear, scabrid, basally not forming a disk; achenes usu-
the rachilla 67. Oreobolus ally with a large, thick, often scabrid beak 70. Tetraria
- Not as above 55 69. Style 2-branched 70
55. Inflorescence capitate; leaves ligulate 56 - Style 3 (or morel-branched 77
- Inflorescence (depauperate) paniculate; leaves often 70. Prophyll of spikelet axillating a bisexual flower 71
eligulate 59 - Prophyll of spikelet empty (or prophyll of spikelet
56. Upper internodes of rachilla elongated and prominently ~e~ 72
zig-zag; hypogynous bristles up to 6 62. Schoenus 71. Inflorescence anthelate. Sumatra 54. Sumatroscirpus
- Rachilla internodes short, or only uppermost internode - Inflorescence spikelike. Holarctis 55. Blysmus
somewhat elongated; hypogynous bristles 1-3 57 72. Style base ::!:: distinct, thickened and persistent (see 53)
57. Hypogynous bristles short, poorly developed; ligule - Style base not distinct, not thickened 73
ciliate. Australia 63. Gymnoschoenus 73. Spikelet 1-2 flowered; achene dorsally incurved.
- Hypogynous bristles > achene; ligule not ciliate 58 Australia 66. Cyathochaeta
58. Hypogynous bristles slender, plumose below, scabrid - Spikelets many-flowered; achene different 74
above; style base persistent, glabrous. Australia 74. Leaves usually bladeless or with a short blade; inflores-
65. Ptilothrix cence pseudolateral 24. Schoenoplectus
- Hypogynous bristles (at maturity) broadened and gla- - Leaves with well-developed blade 75
brous below, scabrid above; style base deciduous, slightly 75. Leaves eligulate 22. Bolboschoenus
scabrid. Australia 64. Mesomelaena - Leaves ligulate 76
59. Anthers conspicuously greenish yellow; leaves eligulate 76. Inflorescence pseudolateral, with spikelet or capitate
60 with few spikelets. America 18. Amphiscirpus
- Anthers not greenish yellow 61 - Inflorescence terminal, anthelate with numerous spike-
60. Annual plants with frequent amphicarpy; hypogynous lets. SE Asia 14. Scirpus (S. ternatanus)
bristles 6, 3 very short, and 3longer than achene. S Africa 77. Spikelets with several empty glumes, only 1-2 (rarely
69. Trianoptiles more) glumes, each subtending a flower 78
- Perennial plants without amphicarpy; hypogynous - Spikelets usually many-flowered, empty glume(s) rare
bristles 6, of subequallength 68. Carpha 82
61. Leaves distichous, laterally compressed to subterete, 78. Hypogynous bristles rarely developed, small; glumes and
never dorsiventrally flattened 82. Machaerina (elongated) filaments showing several types of fixing
- Leaves spirally arranged, if distichous, then dorsiven- mechanisms. SE Asia, Australia, Pacific islands
trally flattened 62 75. Gahnia
62. Partial inflorescences conspicuously corymbose; achene - Hypogynous bristles or scales 6, well developed 79
narrowly fusiform, stipitate and long-beaked. Venezuela 79. Hypogynous scales laminar 80
81. Rhynchocladium - Hypogynous scales rather linear, bristlelike 81
- Not as above 63 80. Hypogynous scales thick, spongy, deciduous with the
63. Leaves reduced to a sheath, but uppermost leaf ligulate, achene. SE Asia, Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia
with well-developed, subterete, stiff blade; hypogynous 83. Lepidosperma
bristles 6, 2: achene, persistent on the rachilla; style un- - Hypogynous scales thin, membranous, persistent on the
usually long, 6-fid. S Africa 72. Neesenbeckia rachilla. Andean S America 17. Oreobolopsis
- Not as above 64 81. Hypogynous bristles deciduous with the achene; stamens
64. Upper internodes of rachilla elongated and prominently 6, filaments connate at the base; style 3-fid. S Africa
zig-zag 62. Schoenus 71. Cyathocoma
- Internodes short, or only uppermost internode elongated - Hypogynous bristles persistent on the rachilla; stamens 3;
65 style unusually long, 6-fid. S Africa 72. Neesenbeckia
65. Uppermost internode of rachilla elongated, thickened, 82. Inflorescence reduced to 1 spikelet 83
curved; hypogynous bristles poorly developed or absent. - Inflorescence paniculate, corymbose, anthelate, or
S Africa 73. Epischoenus capitate 91
- All internodes of rachilla short; hypogynous bristles 83. Leaves (almost) reduced to a sheath, or blade short 84
usually well developed 66 - Leaves with well-developed blade 86
66. Leaves conspicuously (spiro- )2-3-stichous, blade large 84. Inflorescence clearly pseudolateral, lowermost primary
and dorsiventrally fiat; inflorescence eprophyllate, bract erect and culmlike 24. Schoenoplectus
usually with numerous spikelets; glumes clearly - Inflorescence terminal 85
distichous; stamens 3; hypogynous bristles 6, usually > 85. Plants terrestrial, cespitose; all culms ::!:: similar
achene, ciliate to fimbriate 74. Costularia 19. Trichophorum
- Not as above 67 - Hydrophyte with submerged to floating branched stems;
67. Inflorescence eprophyllate, with many spikelets; glumes only a few robust branches bearing a spikelet. NE South
spirodistichous (to spirally) arranged, stamens 6; hypo- America 26. Egleria
gynous bristles 6, > achene, scabrid. S Africa 86. Leaves ligulate 87
71. Cyathocoma - Leaves eligulate 89
- Not as above 68 87. Hypogynous scales laminar, persistent on the rachilla.
68. Inflorescence prophyllate; stamens 3; hypogynous Andean S America 17. Oreobolopsis
bristles 6, short, sublaminar, often ciliolate, basally - Hypogynous bristles deciduous with the achene 88
connate into a disk; achene not beaked or with a small, 88. Hypogynous bristles 2:10, usually smooth and silky
short beak 84. Tricostularia 15. Eriophorum
Cyperaceae 157

- Hypogynous bristles :56, usually scabrid and not silky - Achene laterally compressed 108
19. Trichophorum 108. Glumes deciduous, rachilla of spikelet usually persistent;
89. Small cushion-forming plant with basal, rosulate leaves. plants without curry smell 48. Pycreus
Andean S America 16. Phylloscirpus - Glumes persistent on a deciduous rachilla, spikelet de-
- Not as above 90 ciduous as a unit; pronounced curry smell
90. Primary bracts none, or glumelike; inflorescence reduced 49. Queenslandiella
to 1 spikelet, with blackish, glabrous glumes. N Zaire, 109. Spikelets with several empty glumes, only 1-2 (rarely
Uele 33. Nelmesia more) glumes each subtending a flower llO
- Primary bracts leaflike; inflorescence anthelate or capi- - Spikelets usually many-flowered, empty glume(s) rare,
tate, rarely reduced to 1 spikelet; glumes different or spikelets reduced to 1-2 glumes 120
22. Bolboschoenus 110. Inflorescence paniculate 111
91. Prophylls of spikes and spikelets axillating a bisexual - Inflorescence capitate 116
flower; inflorescence anthelate. Sumatra 111. Rachilla internodes elongated, conspicuously zig-zag
54. Sumatroscirpus 62. Schoenus
- Prophylls not axillating a flower 92 - Internodes short, or only upper internode elongated 112
92. Inflorescence paniculate 93 112. Inflorescence spadixlike, with spathelike bracts. Australia
- Inflorescence anthelate or capitate 94 77. Reedia
93. Culms terete; leaves and bracts reduced to a sheath; inflo- - Not as above 113
rescence with sinuous branches. S Africa 113. Uppermost rachilla internode elongated 114
21. Pseudoschoenus - Internodes short 115
- Culms 3-5-angular; leaves and bracts at least partly with 114. Inflorescence eprophyllate; glumes long persistent; lower
developed blade; inflorescence branches not sinuous flower male. S Africa 73. Epischoenus
20. Fuirena - Inflorescence prophyllate; glumes deciduous; upper
94. Inflorescence pseudoterminal, lowermost primary bract flower male. Hawaii, New Zealand 76. Morelotia
erect and culmlike; leaves usually reduced to a sheath, or 115. Leaves distichous, eligulate 82. Machaerina
blade short 24. Schoenoplectus - Leaves spirally arranged, often ligulate 70. Tetraria
- Inflorescence terminal, lowermost primary bract leaflike, 116. Culms densely hairy; blade much reduced; spikelets
spreading, more rarely erect 95 few-glumed, 1-flowered. Madagascar 58. Trichoschoenus
95. Hypogynous bristles ;:o::IO, much longer than the achene, - Not as above ll7
often silky 15. Eriophorum 117. Rhizome elongated; leaves eligulate; spikelets deciduous
- Hypogynous bristles :56, rarely silky 96 as a unit. S tropical Africa 44. Sphaerocyperus
96. Small cushion-forming plants with basal, rosulate leaves. - Rhizome short or plant tufted; leaves ligulate ll8
Andean S America 16. Phylloscirpus ll8. Leaves with a ciliate ligule, blade linear; inflorescence
- Not as above 97 spherical with numerous spikelets, spikelets 2-flowered.
97. All leaves basal and nearly reduced to a sheath; inflores- Australia 63. Gymnoschoenus
cence depauperate-anthelate. SE Asia - Ligule not ciliate, blade often reduced ll9
19. Trichophorum (T. subcapitatum) 119. Spikelets usually 2-more-flowered; rachilla internodes
- At least a few leaves with well-developed leaf blade, or if elongated and zig-zag; style base not distinct, not thick-
all leaves reduced to a sheath, then few-several leaves ened, deciduous or persistent, blade reduced or not
cauline 98 62. Schoen us
98. Leaves eligulate 22. Bolboschoenus - Spikelets !-flowered; rachilla internodes short; style base
- Leaves ligulate 99 distinct, thickened, deciduous; blade reduced
99. Inflorescence capitate 20. Fuirena 57. Actinoschoenus
- Inflorescence anthelate 100 120. Base of achene surrounded by a :±: cuplike, often 3-lobed
100. All leaves basal. SE Asia, NE Australia 23. Actinoscirpus disk; glumes with many parallel nerves. S Africa and E
- At least a few leaves cauline 14. Scirpus African mountains 34. Ficinia
101. Glumes (or glumelike scales) distichous, or number of - Not as above 121
glumes reduced to 1-2 102 121. Style base distinct, thickened, persistent or deciduous
- Glumes (or glumelike scales) spirally arranged 133 122
102. Style 2-branched 103 - Style base not distinct, not thickened, beaklike persistent
Style 3 (or more)-branched 109 124
103. Style base distinct, thickened, and persistent 122. Leaf sheath orifice with long hairs; style base often persis-
60. Rhynchospora tent, if deciduous, then achene usually transversely
- Not as above 104 rugose 30. Bulbostylis
104. Inflorescence of 1 to several sessile spikes, each with - Leaf sheath orifice without long hairs; style base
many bracts, subtending (highly) reduced spikelets with deciduous 123
1-few glumes 105 123. Achene >2mm, conspicuously clavate-stipitate; glumes
- Inflorescence anthelate or capitate, spikelets with many usually :±: coriaceous; inflorescence always with 1-few
distichous glumes 107 spikelets 31. Abildgaardia
105. Spikelet bract > > spikelet glume 52. Lipocarpha - Achene usually :51 mm, rarely stipitate; glumes often
- Spikelet bract<< spikelet glume 106 more delicate; inflorescence often with many spikelets
106. Glumes 2-more; achene laterally compressed 28. Fimbristylis
50. Kyllinga 124. Filaments conspicuously elongating after anthesis; per-
- Glumes 1; achene dorsiventrally compressed ennials on a seriate rhizome. Atlantic coast of S America
47. Ascolepis 40. Androtrichum
107. Achene dorsiventrally compressed 41. Cyperus - Not as above 125
158 Cyperaceae

125. Glumes 2 or more per spikelet 126 141. Inflorescence terminal, primary bracts spreading 142
- Spikelet reduced to a single glume (with or without the - Inflorescence pseudolateral, lowermost primary bract
spikelet prophyll), superposed to the spikelet bract 129 erect 144
126. Stoloniferous perennial; leaves many, cauline, thick; in- 142. Floating sedge with long stolons; glumes persistent,
florescence capitate; spikelets 3-4-glumed, upper rachilla apically thickened; achene corky thickened. Tropical
internode much enlarged, corky, clasping the achene. America and Africa 38. Oxycaryum
Pantropical, coastal 43. Remirea - Not as above 143
- Not as above 127 143. Inflorescence large, open anthelate. SE Asia
127. Dwarf annual; false spikelets with distichous bracts, each 14. Scirpus (S. ternatanus)
axillating a highly reduced 1-flowered spikelet with - Inflorescence small, capitate 52. Lipocarpha
prophyll and glume. Namibia, Zambia 51. Volkiella 144. Achene with a basal cuplike gynophore; plants perennial.
- Not as above 128 S Africa 34. Ficinia (F. latera/is)
128. Annual plants with curry smell; inflorescence anthelate - Not as above 145
with digitately arranged spikelets; spikelets deciduous 145. Glumes with many parallel nerves 36. Isolepis
as a unit; glumes with conspicuously winged keel. - Glumes 1-nerved, or with nerves converging towards the
Paleotropis 42. Courtoisina top 146
- Not as above 41. Cyperus 146. Glumes > 1.5 mm, usually much longer
129. Spikelet bract > > glume 130 24. Schoenoplectus
- Bract of spikelet < glume 131 - Glumelike scales (bracts of highly reduced spikelets)
130. Dwarf annual; bracts distichous. Namibia, Zambia small ( :s: 1mm) 52. Lipocarpha
51. Volkiella 147. Spikelets with several empty glumes, only 1-2 (rarely
- Annual or perennial plants; bracts spirally arranged more) glumes each axillating a flower 148
52. Lipocarpha - Spikelets usually many-flowered, empty glume (s) rare
131. Prophylls of spike and spikelets absent 47. Ascolepis 153
- Prophylls of spike and spikelets present 132 148. Inner side of glumes adpressed-pubescent near the top
132. Perennial; culm base bulbously thickened, basal leaf 149
sheaths semisucculent; glumes utriculiform, >4 mm - Not as above 150
long. S India 45. Ascopholis 149. Stamens 12-22; leaves basal or a few cauline. SW and W
- Annual plants; glumes <2mm long. Africa, Madagascar Australia 78. Evandra
46. Alinula - Stamens 3-6; leaves all cauline. Australia 79. Caustis
133. Style 2-branched 134 150. Inflorescence capitate; leaves reduced to a sheath. NE
- Style 3 (or more)-branched 147 Australia 56. Arthrostylis
134. Inflorescence paniculate 135 - Inflorescence paniculate; leaves with well-developed
- Inflorescence anthelate, capitate, or reduced to 1 spikelet blade 151
136 151. Inflorescence spadixlike, with partly enveloping
135. Style base not distinct, corky thickened, persistent; spike- spathelike primary bracts; stamens 6. SW and W
lets 2-3-flowered, lower flower male, upper flower(s) Australia 77. Reedia
bisexual; glumes long persistent 80. Cladium - Not as above 152
- Style base usually distinct and much thickened, persis- 152. Leaves eligulate, blade revolute; inflorescence
tent; spikelets 2-more-flowered, all flowers bisexual, or prophyllate; stamens 2(-3) 80. Cladium
upper flower(s) male; glumes usually deciduous - Leaves ligulate, blade involute; inflorescence
60. Rhynchospora eprophyllate; stamens (2- )3-6, filaments elongating after
136. Inflorescence anthelate; spikelets 1-flowered; glumes of anthesis, with different glume-fixing mechanisms
increasing length; stamens 2; style base thickened and 75. Gahnia
deciduous. E Australia 59. Trachystylis 153. Style base distinct, thickened, persistent, or deciduous
- Not as above 137 154
137. Glumes of increasing to subequallength; usually several - Style base not distinct, not thickened, often beaklike
glumes empty, 1-,2-few glumes subtending a flower; persistent 155
flowers bisexual, or upper flowers male; style base usually 154. Leaf sheath orifice with long hairs; style glabrous; style
distinct, thickened, persistent 60. Rhynchospora base often persistent, if deciduous, then achene usually
- Glumes subequal, usually each subtending a bisexual transversely rugose 30. Bulbostylis
flower 138 - Leaf sheath orifice without long hairs; style often
138. Style base distinct and thickened, persistent or deciduous fimbriolate; style base deciduous 28. Fimbristylis
139 155. Inflorescence pseudolateral, lowermost primary bract
- Style base not distinct, not thickened, sometimes beaklike erect and ± culmlike, long or short 156
persistent 140 - Inflorescence terminal, primary bracts ± spreading,
139. Style glabrous, style base persistent; leaf sheath orifice leaflike 158
with long hairs; basal spikelets often present. S Africa 156. Inflorescence often anthelate, branches flat-concave or
30. Bulbostylis (B. humilis) crescentiform in cross-section; if inflorescence capitate,
- Style usually fimbriolate, style base deciduous; leaf sheath then with many spikelets; glume nerves parallel; rhizome
orifice without long hairs 28. Fimbristylis thick, woody 37. Scirpoides
140. Glumes long persistent, dark reddish brown to black, ± - Not as above 157
scarious; achene blackish, conspicuously smooth and 157. Achene with a basal cuplike gynophore. S. and E Africa
shining. Africa 32. Nemum 34. Ficinia
- Glumes usually deciduous, if persistent, then achene - Not as above go to 145
different 141 158. Inflorescence paniculate 159
Cyperaceae !59

- Inflorescence anthelate or capitate 161 flower. Rachilla apparently terminated by a flower.

!59. Inflorescence compacted, primary bracts partly adnate to Flowers bisexual. Terminal flower with a terminal
the axis; leaves stiff, yellowish. Coastal New Zealand
35. Desmoschoenus
pistil, surrounded by spirally arranged scales,
- Not as above 160 often each with a single stamen. Lateral flowers
160. Glumes with many parallel nerves, usually glabrous; dorsiventrally compressed, with a basal lateral
achene usually with a basal ± cuplike disk. S and E Africa pair of keeled and ::t: connate scales. Style 2-3-fid,
34. Ficinia style base not distinct, thickened, persistent. Fruit
- Glumes with few, apically converging nerves usually
pubescent to ciliate; achene without hypogynous disk, ovoid, with a large beak, ::t: drupaceous, ridged
often stipitate 20. Fuirena when dry. Two spp., Sri Lanka over SE Asia,
161. Inflorescence anthelate 162 Malesia, and NE Australia to Polynesia, in fresh-
- Inflorescence capitate or reduced to I spikelet( -like
structure) 165
162. Culms noded and leafy; inflorescence repeatedly
anthelate, with numerous spikelets. SE Asia
14. Scirpus (S. ternatanus)
- Culms scapose; inflorescence 1-2-anthelate with few to
many spikelets 163
163. Leaves equitant, blade subterete; rhizome elongated.
Africa 32. Nemum (N. equitans)
- Leaves spirally arranged, blade flat or reduced 164
164. Perennial; spikelets few, solitary. SE Asia
19. Trichophorum (T. subcapitatum)
- Annual plants; spikelets many, spikelike or capitately
compacted 41. Cyperus (C. hamulosus, C. michelianus)
165. Glumes with many parallel nerves; achene usually with a
basal ± cuplike disk. S Africa and E African mountains
34. Ficinia
- Not as above 166
166. Leaves ligulate, blade often reduced; inflorescence
reduced to 1 terminal spikelet 19. Trichophorum
- Leaves eligulate, blade usually well developed; inflores-
cence usually capitate 167
167. Glumes >7mm; achene >2mm, thick-walled. Coastal S
Africa 12. Hellmuthia
- Glumes much smaller; achene thin-walled 168
168. Small perennial plants; culm base covered by fibrous
remains of old leaf sheaths 39. Kyllingiella
- Annual plants; culm base different 169
169. Primary bracts long, leaflike; inflorescence of several
spikes, each with many crowded spikelets
41. Cyperus (C. hamulosus, C. michelianus)
- Primary bracts rather short; inflorescence of few false
spikelets (spikes!) with numerous false glumes (bracts of
reduced spikelets!) 52. Lipocarpha

I. Subfamily Mapanioideae C.B. Clarke (1897).

1. Tribe Hypolytreae Pres! ex Fenzl (1836).

1. Scirpodendron Zipp. ex Kurz Fig. 40

Scirpodendron Zipp. ex Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal. 38, ii: 84 -
(1869); Kern, Fl. Males. I, 7: 456- 458 (1974), rev. .

Robust, tufted perennials. Culms (sub)scapose,

rather short, hidden between the basal leaves. H
Leaves eligulate. Inflorescence densely paniculate
Fig. 40A-H. Cyperaceae. Scirpodendron ghaeri. A Habit. B
with numerous spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike, Portion of leaf. C Spikelet. D Lateral flower at anthesis. E
not sheathing. Spikelets with several spirally Same, diagram. F Infructescence. G Fruit. H Same, diagram-
arranged persistent glumes, each subtending a matic cross-section. (Takhtajan 1982)
160 Cyperaceae

water tidal swamps and forests, also at the edge of Medium-sized perennial (base unknown). Culms
mangroves. probably 1-few-noded. Leaves eligulate (?). Inflo-
rescence open paniculate with many spikelets,
2. Exocarya Benth. branches semiverticillate. Primary bracts leaflike,
not (?) sheathing. Partial inflorescences corym-
Exocarya Benth., Hooker's Icon. Pl. 13: 5, t. 1206 (1877). bose, with 1-few spikelets at the top of their
branches. Spikelets with several spirally arranged
Creeping rhizomatous perennial. Culms many- persistent glumes, each subtending a flower.
noded, slender. Leaves eligulate, lower leaves of- Flowers bisexual. Scales 2 (?), lateral, laminar,
ten reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence anthelate completely united, slightly keeled. Stamens 3.
with many spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike. Style 3-fid, style base slightly thickened, persis-
Partial inflorescences anthelate, with solitary tent. Achene obovate, thick lenticular, 3-ribbed,
spikelets. Spikelets with many spirally arranged, beaked, rugose. Only one sp., P. grandis Uittien,
persistent glumes, lower glumes empty, small, Principe 1., W Africa. Known only from type
gradually passing into the larger fertile glumes. specimen, not seen by the author.
Flowers bisexual. Scales 4, basal pair lateral,
ciliately keeled, each with a single stamen, upper
2 scales posterio-anterior, not keeled, anterior 5. Mapania Aublet
scale with a stamen. Style deeply 2-fid, style base ±
Mapania Aublet, Hist. Pl. Guiane 1:47, t. 17 (1775); Simpson,
distinct, thickened, persistent. Achene ovoid to Rev. Mapania (1992).
ellipsoid, dorsiventrally compressed, style base Thoracostachyum Kurz (1869).
depressed-globose with a fine short beak, surface
smooth and shining black. Only one sp., E. Rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennials, roots
sclerioides (F. Muell.) Benth., NE Australia and SE thick, sometimes stiltlike on ascending rhizomes.
New Guinea (Fergusson Is.), in forest. Culms central or lateral, (sub)scapose. Lateral
culms few to many, with several basal leaves re-
3. Hypolytrum Rich. duced to a sheath. Leaves eligulate, sometimes
pseudopetiolate, rarely all leaves reduced to a
Hypolytrum Rich. in Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 70 (1805); Nelmes, Kew
Bull. 10: 63-82 (1955) (Afr. spp.); Raynal, Adansonia II, 8:
sheath. Inflorescence rarely pseudolateral, capi-
424-430 (1968) (some Afr. spp.); Koyama, Darwiniana 16: tate, corymbiform, subanthelate or paniculate,
49-92 (1970) (Amer. spp.). when on lateral culms often reduced to 1-few
spikelets. Primary bracts small (on most lateral
Perennials, often on a thick woody rhizome. culms) or large and leaflike (on most central
Culms central or lateral (and then with a number culms). Spikelets with few to numerous spirally
of basal cataphylls), scapose or more rarely 1- arranged persistent glumes, each subtending a
several noded. Leaves eligulate, sometimes pseu- flower. Flowers bisexual. Scales 4-6, basal pair lat-
dopetiolate, blade sometimes lanceolate or eral, ± ciliate-keeled, each with a single stamen,
reduced (often in basal leaves). Inflorescence of the remaining 2-4 scales 0-2 with a stamen,
corymbose, paniculate or capitate, with numerous very rarely only 1 stamen per flower. Style 2-3-fid,
(-1) spikelets, often with 3( -more) collateral base not distinct, not or slightly thickened, persis-
branches per bract. Primary bracts small, scale- tent or not. Achene thick lenticular or rounded
like, or large and leaflike, patent to reflexed. Spike- trigonous, sometimes 3-ribbed, sometimes with a
lets with many spirally arranged persistent fleshy exocarp. About 70 spp., pantropical, mainly
glumes, each subtending a flower. Flowers bi- equatorial; in tropical rainforest and along open
sexual. Scales 2( -3 ), basal pair lateral, ± ciliate- swamps.
keeled, each with a single stamen, scales often
connate or ± fused. Style bifid, style base ±
persistent. Achene (ob)ovate to elliptic, dorsiven- 6. Mapaniopsis C.B. Clarke
trally biconvex, smooth, costate, wrinkled, tuber- Mapaniopsis C.B. Clarke, Kew Bull., Addit. Ser. 8: 55 (1908);
culate, or spongious. About 40 species, Koyama, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 17: 48-49 (1967).
pantropical, mainly equatorial, in forest.
Medium-sized to tall (tufted or rhizomatous?)
perennials. Culms few-many-noded. Leaves
4. Principina Uittien
eligulate. Inflorescence anthelate with numerous
Principina Uittien, Recueil Trav. Bot. Neerl. 32: 282 (1935). spikelets. Lower primary bracts large, leaflike.
Cyperaceae 161

Partial inflorescences also anthelate, ultimate ovate, dorsiventrally lenticular, smooth, shining
branches with few-many digitately arranged black, with a fine small beak. Only one sp., D.
spikelets. Spikelets with several-many spirally karataefolia Rich., Costa Rica to N Peru and N
arranged persistent glumes, each subtending a Brazil, in rainforest.
flower. Flowers bisexual. Scales 4-5, basal pair
lateral, each with a stamen, 1 median posterior
9. Capitularina Kern
scale empty, 1-2 median or sublateral anterior
scales, each with a stamen. Style 2-fid, style base Capitularina Kern, Fl. Males. I, 7: 458 (1974).
not distinct, somewhat thickened, persistent,
smooth. Achene ovate, dorsiventrally (thick) Shortly rhizomatous perennial. Culms scapose,
lenticular, beaked, surface smooth. Two spp., SE (4-)5-angular, septate. Leaves eligulate, blade pli-
Venezuela, French Guyana, and adjacent N Brazil, cate, or leaves reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence
in forest. capitate with 1-many spikelets. Primary bracts
5-8, leaflike, suberect to spreading. Spikelets
with many densely spirally arranged deciduous
7. Paramapania Uittien glumes, each subtending a flower. Flowers bi-
Paramapania Uittien, Recueil Trav. Bot. Neerl. 32: 186 (1935); sexual. Scales many, membranous, basal pair lat-
Kern, Fl. Males. I, 7: 484-489 (1974). eral, spathulate, cucullate, keeled, empty, the next
2 also empty, decussate, other scales ca. 10, each
Rhizomatous perennials. Culms lateral, in the axil subtending a stamen. Style 2-fid, style base thick-
of the lower leaves, or below the leaves, with some ened, persistent. Achene obovate, dorsiventrally
basal bladeless sheaths, sometimes with 1-3 (thick) lenticular, many-ribbed, on a hollow stipe,
cauline sheaths also. Leaves basal, sometimes beak thick and corky. Only one sp., the poly-
pseudopetiolate, eligulate, blade rarely narrowly morphous C. involucrata (Valcken.) Kern, New
oblong. Inflorescence anthelate or capitate with Guinea and the Solomon Is., in swampy forest.
few (-1) spikelets. Primary bracts very short.
Spikelets with many densely spirally arranged,
persistent glumes, upper glumes subtending a 2. Tribe Chrysitricheae Lestib. ex Fenzl (1836).
flower. Flowers bisexual. Scales usually 5, basal
pair lateral, keeled, both subtending a stamen, 10. Chorizandra R. Br.
anterior scale absent, rarely present, with a sta- Chorizandra R. Br., Prodr.: 221 (1810).
men, posterior and 2 anterio-lateral scales empty.
Style 3( -4)-fid, style base not distinct, slightly Creeping rhizomatous perennials. Culms scapose,
thickened, persistent. Achene ± obovate, sub- mostly septate. Leaves reduced to a very oblique-
terete to trigonous, beaked, surface smooth. Seven mouthed sheath. Inflorescence pseudolateral, re-
spp., Malesia, P. radians (C.B. Clarke) Uittien duced to a single spikelet, ± partly sunken into the
extending towards the W Pacific islands, in ± widened base of the single, erect, stemlike bract.
rainforest. Spikelet globose or ± compressed (from top to
base!), with many spirally arranged deciduous
glumes, each (except a few lower ones) subtend-
8. Diplasia Rich.
ing a flower. Rachilla extremely shortened, thick
Diplasia Rich. in Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 70 (1805); Koyama, Mem. crescentiform. Flowers bisexual. Scales many,
N.Y. Bot. Gard. 17: 47-48 (1967). basal pair lateral, spathulate, ± keeled, each with
a single stamen, many middle scales smaller and
Tall perennial with thick creeping rhizomes. narrower, each with a stamen, several upper
Culms few-noded, thick, robust. Leaves eligulate, empty. Style deeply 2-3-fid, style base not distinct,
coriaceous. Inflorescence a large anthela of an- slightly thickened, persistent. Achene thick abo-
thelate to ± corymbiform partial inflorescences void to lenticular, ± beaked, longitudinally ribbed
with many spikelets. Primary bracts large, leaflike, or reticulate. Seven spp., Australia and New
not sheathing. Spikelets with many spirally ar- Caledonia, in swampy, semidry regions.
ranged coriaceous persistent glumes, each sub-
tending a flower. Flowers bisexual. Scales 4, basal
pair lateral, spinulose-keeled, empty, 2 median 11. Lepironia Rich.
scales enclosing ca. 8 stamens. Style 2-fid, base not Lepironia Rich. in Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 70 (1805); Kern, Fl. Males.
distinct, scarcely thickened, persistent. Achene I, 7: 460-463 (1974).
162 Cyperaceae

Rhizomatous perennial with thick roots. Culms ous, dark glumes, seated on a broadly cylindrical
scapose, septate. Leaves reduced to a sheath, open rachilla, conically narrowed at the top, and there
in front, the margins overlapping. Inflorescence bearing a single bisexual flower with many spirally
pseudolateral, of 1 single spikelet. One empty arranged lanceolate to linear scales, each with a
bract large, culmlike, erect. Spikelet with many single stamen, top with a central pistil, style deeply
densely spirally arranged deciduous glumes, lower 4-6-fid, style base not distinct, not thickened,
empty, upper each subtending a flower. Rachilla deciduous. Stamens with a short filament, a long
thick, spongy. Flowers bisexual. Scales many, linear anther, and a very elongated linear crest;
basal pair lateral, each subtending a single stamen, rarely a second, lateral flower present in the axil of
the upper scales (up to 15) smaller, flat, many the first glume; sometimes the apex of the conical
subtending a stamen. Style 2-fid, style base not part of the rachilla divided into 3 smaller cones
distinct, slightly thickened, persistent. Achene each bearing a number of scales and a stamen,
obovate, dorsiventrally compressed, plano- plus a terminal pistil with a 2-fid style. Achene
convex, ± winged along the margins, beaked. stipitate, thick ovoid-ellipsoid to dorsiventrally
Only one sp., L. articulata (Retz.) Domin, compressed, longitudinally ribbed. About four
Madagascar over Sri Lanka, SE Asia, Malesia, NE spp., S Africa (SW Cape) and SW Australia in
Australia towards Polynesia, in swampy places damp places on slopes and flats.
mostly at low altitudes. The spikelet structure of these species is highly
unusual and is much in need of a more detailed
comparative study. The rare presence of a lateral
12. Hellmuthia Steudel flower with the typically mapanioid arrangement
Hellmuthia Steudel, Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2: 90 (1855); Haines & suggests the inclusion in the Mapanioideae.
Lye, Bot. Not. 129: 61-67 (1976).

II. Subfamily Cyperoideae Suessenguth (1939).

Medium-sized tufted perennial. Culms (sub)-
scapose. Leaves eligulate, lower leaves often 2. Tribe Scirpeae Kunth ex Dumort. (1827).
reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence capitate, with
(1- )2-10 spikelets. Lower primary bracts leaflike.
14. Scirpus L.
Spikelets with many densely spirally arranged
deciduous glumes, each subtending a flower Scirpus L., Sp. Pl. 1: 47 (1753); Schuyler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
(sometimes a few lower glumes empty). Flowers Philad. 119:295-323 (1967) (rev. N Amer.); Wilson, Telopea
2: 153-172 (1981) (rev. Austr.); Wilson, Taxon 38: 316-320
bisexual. Scales 2, transversal, keeled, each with ( 1989) (typification).
a stamen, 3rd stamen median anterior (scales Trichophorum auct. plur., non Pers. (cf. Salmenkallio &
lacking in the upper flowers). Style deeply 3-fid, Kukkonen 1989).
style base not distinct, not thickened, deciduous.
Achene broadly obovate, stipitate, compressed Tufted or rhizomatous perennials. Culms few-
trigonous, surface minutely reticulate. Only one many-noded. Leaves ligulate. Inflorescence
sp., H. membranacea (Thunb.) R. Haines & Lye, anthelate with many to numerous spikelets. Pri-
South Africa (coastal Cape), on coastal sands. mary bracts leaflike, spreading. Partial inflores-
The taxonomic position of this genus is contro- cences anthelate to capitate. Spikelets with many
versial, and Bruhl (1995) tends to exclude it from spirally arranged, deciduous glumes, each sub-
the Mapanioideae. In this respect, the morpho- tending a flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles (0-)3-
logical interpretation of the 2 floral scales is most 6, as long as to much longer than the fruit (and
important. then often extremely contorted), ± scabrid, de-
ciduous with the fruit. Stamens 1-3. Style (2-)
3-fid, style base not distinct, not thickened, persis-
13. Chrysitrix L.
tent. Achene (ob )ovate to elliptic, (compressed)
Chrysitrix L., Mant. Pl. 2: 165, 304 (1771). trigonous to dorsiventrally lenticular, beaked,
smooth. About 20 spp., Holarctis, SE and E Asia,
Tufted or creeping rhizomatous perennials with Malesia (2-0), SE Australia (1-1), and Andean
thick roots. Culms scapose, ancipitous to terete. South America (1-1), in bogs, marshes, wet grass-
Leaves distichous, eligulate, blade ancipitous or land, more rarely in wet woodland.
terete, or reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence In Scirpus s.l. previously all scirpoid-looking
pseudolateral, reduced to a single spikelet, partly species without any clear diagnostic characters
hidden by the base of a ± culmlike bract. Spikelet have been dumped. They are now assigned to
with several spirally arranged empty, ± decidu- more than 50 other genera. Several critical species
Cyperaceae 163

have not yet been satisfactorily allocated. Also the

separation between Scirpus and Eriophorum is still
unsatisfactory and is here based on the number
of hypogynous scales (6 or less = Scirpus, 10 or
more = Eriophorum).

15. Eriophorum L.
Eriophorum L., Sp. Pl. 1:52 (1753); Palla, Bot. Zeit. 54: 141-158
Erioscirpus Palla ( 1896).

Tufted perennials, sometimes rhizomatous,

stoloniferous, or tussock-forming. Culms scapose
or few-noded. Leaves ligulate, blade usually re-
duced in the cauline leaves. Inflorescence (com-
pound-)anthelate or reduced to a single spikelet,
fruiting spikelets sometimes drooping. Primary
bracts mostly small, rarely leaflike. Spikelets with
few to many spirally arranged deciduous glumes,
each subtending a flower. Flowers bisexual.
Bristles 10-many, extremely elongating after an-
thesis, silky, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens
1-3. Style 3-fid, style base not distinct, not
or slightly thickened, ::t persistent. Achene
obovate to oblong, trigonous, beak short to long,
surface smooth. About 20 spp., scattered over the
holarctic region, most species growing in wet
moorland and dominating some arctic vegetation
Erioscirpus, with its remarkable species in
the Himalayas, might well deserve generic status,
as suggested by its rather deviating embryo

16. Phylloscirpus C.B. Clarke Fig. 41J

Phylloscirpus C.B. Clarke, Kew Bull., Addit. Ser. 8: 44 (1908);
Goetghebeur & Simpson, Kew Bull. 46: 174-175 (1991).

Small perennials on slender horizontal or vertical

rhizomes. Culms (sub)scapose, often very short-
ened. Leaves eligulate, blade canaliculate, up- Fig. 41A-J. Cyperaceae. A-C Websteria confervoides. A Habit.
wardly subensiform. Inflorescence capitate with B Spikelet. C Fruit, surrounded 3 filaments and many hypogy-
nous bristles. D- G Schoenoplectus lateriflorus. D Habit of cae-
up to 20 spikelets. Primary bracts short, not spitose plant with pseudolateral heads. E Fruit. F Longitudinal
sheathing, suberect. Spikelets with few-several section of shoot basis showing a basal flower. G Achene. H, I
spirally arranged, (finally) deciduous glumes, Isolepis fluitans. H Shoot. I Achene. J Phylloscirpus acaulis.
each subtending a flower. Flowers bisexual. Rhizome with leaf rosette. (Takhtajan 1982)
Bristles (3-)6, retrorsely scab rid, as long as or
longer than the fruit, deciduous with the fruit.
Stamens 3. Style 3-fid, style base not distinct, not 17. Oreobolopsis T. Koyama & Guaglian.
or slightly thickened, persistent. Achene obovate, Oreobolopsis T. Koyama & Guaglian., Darwiniana 28: 79
(compressed) trigonous, beaked, smooth, mi- (1987).
nutely reticulate-foveolate. About five spp.,
Andean S America, in marshy puna grassland and Small, tufted perennial. Culms (sub)scapose.
bogs at high altitude. Leaves ligulate, blade upwardly subensiform. In-
164 Cyperaceae

florescence sometimes + pseudolateral, reduced Tufted or creeping rhizomatous perennials.

to a single spikelet. Primary bracts 2, empty, lower Culms scapose. Leaves ligulate, blade much
leaflike, suberect, upper reduced, not sheathing. reduced, rarely well developed, upwards subensi-
Spikelet with few, spirally arranged, deciduous form or top conspicuously thickened. Inflores-
glumes, 1-2lower glumes empty, middle and up- cence a single spikelet, rarely anthelate or capi-
per glumes each subtending a flower. Flowers bi- tate with few spikelets. Primary bracts small,
sexual. Scales 6, laminar, irregularly lobed at the lowermost bract suberect. Spikelets with several
top, persistent on the rachilla. Stamens 3. Style spirally arranged deciduous glumes, each sub-
deeply 3-fid, style base not distinct, not thickened, tending a flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles 0-6,
deciduous. Achene obovate, compressed trigo- elongating after anthesis, silky or not, deciduous
nous, slightly 3-ribbed, surface smooth. Only one with the fruit. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid, style base not
sp., 0. tepalifera T. Koyama & Guaglian., Bolivia distinct, slightly thickened, :±:: persistent. Achene
and Ecuador, in cushion-paramo or puna around obovate, trigonous or dorsiventrally compressed,
4000m. sometimes :±:: 3-ribbed, slightly beaked, smooth.
The Californian Scirpus clementis Jones is some- About ten spp., holarctic, mountains of tropical
times included in (Scirpus section) Trichophorum Asia, and Andean S America, often in alpine or
(Baeothryon auct.). However, the 6 hypogynous tundra vegetation or acid bogs, rarely in wood-
scales are quite similar to those of Oreobolopsis land.
(laminar, pale brownish, with irregularly lobed The Andean Scirpus rigidus Boeckeler and
top) and are persistent on the rachilla. Therefore its relatives probably are to be included in this
this species might be included as a second species genus, although their flowers lack the hypogynous
in Oreobolopsis. scales.

18. Amphiscirpus Oteng-Yeb. 4. Tribe Fuireneae Reichenb. ex Fenzl (1836).

Amphiscirpus Oteng-Yeb., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 33:
308 (1974); Goetghebeur & Simpson, Kew Bull. 46: 175-177 20. Fuirena Rottb.
Fuirena Rottb., Descr. Icon. Rar. Pl.: 70, t. 19 (1773); Kral, Sida
7: 309-354 (1978) (N & C Amer. spp.); Haines & Lye, Sedges
Small perennial from a deep rhizome. Culms sea- & Rushes E. Afr.: 41-52 (1983) (E Afr. spp).
pose, subterete to slightly compressed, halfway
often with a V-formed ridge. Leaves usually stiffly Small to medium-sized annuals or rhizomatous
erect, ligulate, blade often with a similar ridge, perennials. Culms usually many-noded (scapose
upwardly subensiform. Inflorescence :±:: pseu- in F. enodis C.B. Clarke), 3-5-angular, occasion-
dolateral, (sub)capitate with 1-few spikelets. Pri- ally thickened at the base. Leaves tri- or pen-
mary bracts small, not sheathing, lowermost bract tastichous, ligule tubular, membranous, blade
larger and suberect. Spikelets with many spirally often reduced in the lower leaves. Inflorescence
arranged deciduous glumes, each subtending a paniculate to capitate with few to many spikelets,
flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles 3-6, smaller rarely pseudolateral. Primary bracts often leaflike,
than the fruit, retrorsely scabrid, deciduous sheathing, lowermost bract sometimes erect.
with the fruit. Stamens 3. Style 2-fid, style base Spikelets with many spiral, rarely (spiro)penta-
not distinct, not thickened, deciduous. Achene stichous, deciduous glumes, each subtending a
obovate, dorsiventrally plano-convex to lenticu- flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles (0-1- )3, or 6,
lar, smooth, and shining, minutely reticulate. and then in 2 series, the rib-opposed bristlelike,
Only one sp., A. nevadensis (S. Watson) Oteng- the face-opposed often differentiated into vari-
Yeb., W Canada, USA, Andean Chile, and Argen- ously shaped scales, rarely all bristles reduced or
tina, on sandy, semisaline soil, often in dried-up absent, or only 1 scale developed, as long as or
lake beds. shorter than the fruit, deciduous with the fruit.
Stamens 1-3. Style 3-fid, base not distinct, not or
19. Trichophorum Pers. slightly thickened, persistent. Achene obovate,
triquetrous to trigonous, often stipitate, beaked,
Trichophorum Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 69 (1805); Beetle, Am. J. Bot. smooth, or with various ornamentations. About
28: 469-476 (1941); Salmenkallio & Kukkonen, Taxon 38:
313-316 (1989) (typification). 30 spp., all tropical and warm temperate regions,
Baeothryon auct. plur., non A. Dietr. concentrated in America and Africa, mainly in
Eriophorella Holub (1984). open, humid localities at low altitude.
Cyperaceae 165

21. Pseudoschoenus (C.B. Clarke) Oteng-Yeb. 23. Actinoscirpus (Ohwi) R. Haines & Lye
Pseudoschoenus (C.B. Clarke) Oteng-Yeb., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Actinoscirpus (Ohwi) R. Haines & Lye, Bot. Not. 124: 481
Edinburgh 33: 308 (1974). (1971); Kern, Fl. Males. I, 7: 497-499 (1974); Goetghebeur &
Simpson, Kew Bull. 46: 169-172 (1991).
Medium-sized perennial on a thick, short, woody Hymenochaeta P. Beauv. ex Lestib. (1819), nom. rej.
rhizome. Culms scapose. Leaves reduced to a mu-
cronate sheath, eligulate. Inflorescence ± pseu- Medium-sized to tall perennial, with rather long,
dolateral, compound paniculate with many slender, scaly stolons ending in a small tuber.
spikelets, axis conspicuously sinuous. Primary Culms scapose, thickened at the base, spongy and
bracts short and rigid, sheathing, erect. Spikelets inconspicuously septate. Leaves ligulate. Inflores-
with many spirally arranged, (finally) deciduous cence anthelate with many spikelets. Primary
glumes, each subtending a flower. Flowers bi- bracts leaflike, not sheathing, patent to reflexed.
sexual or polygamo-dioecious. Bristles 3-5( -6), Spikelets with many spirally arranged, deciduous
retrorsely scabrid, as long as or longer than the glumes, each subtending a flower. Flowers bi-
fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens 3 (reduced sexual. Bristles S-6, retrorsely scabrid, mostly
in female flowers). Style 3-fid, style base ± dis- longer than the fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Sta-
tinct, somewhat thickened, persistent. Achene mens 3. Style deeply 3-fid, style base not distinct,
narrowly obovate, plano-convex to trigonous, not thickened, persistent. Achene obovate, com-
slightly beaked, surface smooth. Only one sp., P. pressed trigonous, beaked, surface smooth.
inanis (Thunberg) Oteng-Yeboah, endemic in S Monotypic, A. grossus (L. f.) Goetghebeur & D.A.
Africa, NE Cape, growing along stream sides at Simpson, India to NE Australia, often abundant in
higher altitudes. swampy areas at low altitudes.

24. Schoenoplectus (Reichb.) Palla Fig. 41D-G

22. Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla
Schoenoplectus (Reichb.) Palla, Verh. K.K. Zool.-Bot. Ges.
Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla in Hallier & Brand, Koch's Syn. Wien 38, Sitzungsber.: 49 (1888), nom. cons.; Raynal,
Deut. Schweiz. Fl., ed. 3, 3: 2531 (1905); Wilson, Telopea 2: Adansonia II, 16: 119-155 (1976) (rev. sect. Supini); Wilson,
156-157 (1981) (Austr. spp.); Browning et al., Brittonia 47: Telopea 2: 157-161 (1981) (Austr. spp.); Haines & Lye,
433-445 (1995) (N. Amer. spp.). Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 52-64 (1983) (E Afr. spp.).

Rhizomatous perennial, rhizome often forming Annuals or perennials, tufted or creeping. Culms
hard ovoid tubers. Culms many-noded, bulbously (sub )scapose, rarely septate. Leaves usually re-
thickened at the base. Leaves eligulate, blade often duced to a sheath, more rarely developing a ligulate
reduced in the lower leaves. Inflorescence some- blade. Female basal flowers present in axil of
times pseudolateral, (compound) anthelate or 1 or more leaves in most species of sect. Supini
capitate with 1-many spikelets. Primary bracts [bisexual basal flowers only known from S.
leaflike, patent, lowermost one often suberect. aberrans (Chermezon) Raynal]. Inflorescence
Spikelets with many spirally arranged, deciduous pseudolateral, anthelate or more frequently capi-
glumes, each subtending a flower. Flowers bi- tate with (1-)few-many spikelets. Lowermost pri-
sexual. Bristles 3-6, shorter to longer than the mary bract often large, erect, stemlike. Spikelets
fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens 3. Style 2- with many spiral, rarely pseudodistichous, decidu-
3-fid, style base not distinct, slightly or not thick- ous, rarely persistent glumes, often each subtend-
ened, persistent. Achene obovate, dorsiventrally ing a flower. Flowers bisexual [partly male in S.
lenticular or (compressed) trigonous, beaked, perrieri (Chermezon) Raynal]. Bristles 0-6, shorter
smooth. Only one subcosmopolitan sp., B. or longer than the fruit, smooth, scabrid or plu-
maritimus (L.) Palla, and probably ten or more mose, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens 1-3. Style
spp., in more restricted areas, often in saline or 2-3-fid, style base not distinct, not thickened, per-
brackish habitats. sistent. Achene obovate, ± trigonous or dorsiven-
Specific limits are less than clear and a world- trally lenticular, beaked or not, smooth to rugo~e.
wide study is badly needed. Some authors do About 50 spp., widely distributed on all continents.
not recognize this genus, and its species are The perennial species in deep to shallow water, the
sometimes included in Schoenoplectus s.l. annual ones in seasonally wet depressions.
(Haines and Lye 1983, Strong, Novon 3: 202-203. Various subdivisions were proposed, mainly
1993). based on differences in habit (survey in Wilson
1981: 158-159), yet none of these is satisfactory.
166 Cyperaceae

5. Tribe Eleocharideae Goetghebeur (1985). thers with basal spongy appendages (Bruhl 1995:
173). Style 3-fid, style base slightly constricted,
25. Eleocharis R. Br. persistent. Achene obovate, plano-convex, with a
narrow beak, smooth with a very fine cancellate
Eleocharis R. Br., Prodr.: 224 (1810); Svenson, Rhodora 31-41
(1929-1939); Blake, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 50: 88-132 pattern. Only one sp., E. fluctuans L. Eiten, S
(1939) (Austr. spp.); Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E Afr.: Venezuela and N Brazil.
64-76 (1983) (E Afr. spp.); Kukkonen, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 27:
109-117 (1990) (infragen. class.).
Baeothryon A. Dietr. (1833) (cf. Salmenkallio & Kukkonen 27. Websteria S.H. Wright Fig. 41A-C
Chillania Roiv. (1933 ). Websteria S.H. Wright, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 14: 135 (1887);
Chamaegyne Suesseng. (1943). Eiten, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 63: 181-198 (1976).
Helonema Suesseng. (1943).
Heleocharis, orthogr. var. Submerged to floating perennial. Culms many-
noded, much branched, with numerous vegetative
Small to medium-sized tufted annuals or rhi- branchlets (with naked top) in successive false
zomatous, stoloniferous, rarely bulbiferous peren- whorls, intermingled with rare, more robust,
nials, rarely amphicarpous. Culms scapose, generative culms. Leaves a tubular, hyaline sheath.
3-4-angular, ridged or terete, rarely septate, Inflorescence a single spikelet on top of a genera-
ancipitous or bulbously thickened at the base. tive culm. Spikelets with 2 distichous, deciduous,
Leaves 1-few per culm, eligulate, reduced to a ± much elongated glumes, the upper subtending a
hyaline sheath or blade present as a small mucro. flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles (3- )6-11, some-
Inflorescence a single spikelet. Spikelets with 2- what longer than fruit, deciduous with the fruit.
many spirally arranged, rarely (sub )distichous, Stamens 3. Style 2-fid, style base not distinct,
deciduous glumes, each subtending a flower. Low- slightly thickened, persistent. Achene obovate,
ermost glume ("associated bract") often empty or dorsiventrally lenticular, minutely reticulate. Only
with a vegetative bud (often developing into new one sp., W. confervoides (Poiret) Hooper, scat-
shoots when submerged), rarely flower-bearing. tered occurrence in the tropics, locally extending
Flowers bisexual. Bristles (0-)3-6( -10 ), shorter or into subtropical regions.
longer than the fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Sta-
mens 1-3. Style 2-3-fid, style base mostly distinct,
(sometimes only slightly) thickened, persistent. 6. Tribe Abildgaardieae Lye (1973).
Achene mostly obovate, lenticular or (com-
pressed) trigonous, beaked, smooth or variously 28. Fimbristylis Vahl
ornamented. About 200 spp., cosmopolitan, with Fimbristylis Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 285 (1805), nom. cons.; Kral,
a marked concentration in (sub )tropical America; Sida 4: 57-70, 101-136 (1971) (N & C Amer. spp); Kern, Fl.
nearly all (partly) submerged or on temporarily Males. I, 7: 540-592 (1974); Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes
wet or inundated muddy soil. E. Afr.: 77-91 (1983); Goetghebeur & Coudijzer, Bull. Jard.
Bot. Belg. 54: 65-89 (1984) (C Afr. spp.); Latz, Nuytsia 7:
161-182 (1990) (Austr. spp.).
Tylocarya Nelmes (1949).
26. Egleria L. Eiten
Egleria L. Eiten, Phytologia 9: 481 (1964). Annuals or tufted, more rarely creeping rhizo-
matous perennials. Culms (sub)scapose, terete
Submerged stoloniferous perennial(?), with float- to 3-4-5-angular or ancipitous. Leaves rarely
ing to partly emerged culms. Culms many-noded, (spiro )distichous or equitant, ligule absent or
with false whorls of tiny vegetative branchlets, at present as a membranous or hairy rim, blade
the base of a tubular leaf sheath (this "culm" prob- sometimes ensiform or reduced to a sheath. Inflo-
ably representing a sympodial, elongated rhi- rescence rarely ± pseudolateral, anthelate with
zome). Leaves a tiny, hyaline sheath, mouth often few to many spikelets, sometimes reduced to 1
somewhat lobed. Inflorescence a single spikelet on single spikelet, more rarely capitate. Primary
a thick peduncle basally surrounded by a tubular bracts leaflike or short, lowermost bract rarely
leaf sheath. Spikelets with a basally sheathing and erect. Spikelets with few to many spirally arranged,
flower-bearing "associated bract" and many spiral rarely distichous, deciduous glumes, each sub-
deciduous (?) glumes, each subtending a flower. tending a flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent.
Flowers bisexual. Bristles 5, scabrid, longer than Stamens 1-3. Style 2-3-fid, style base distinct,
the fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens 3, an- thickened, deciduous. Achene often obovate,
Cyperaceae 167

trigonous, dorsiventrally lenticular, or rarely short, rarely the lowermost bract leaflike and
subcylindrical, often with conspicuous ornamen- erect. Spikelets often with many densely spirally
tation. About 300 species, pan tropical to (warm-) arranged (rarely distichous), deciduous glumes,
temperate, with a heavy concentration in SE Asia, each subtending a flower. Flowers bisexual.
Malesia, and NE Australia; the annuals often on Bristles absent. Stamens 1-3. Style 3( -2)-fid, style
temporarily wet sand, the perennials preferring base distinct, thickened, persistent, rarely only
permanently wet conditions; several species on slightly thickened or deciduous. Achene obovate
disturbed grounds and often becoming weedy. to obpyriform, rounded trigonous, rarely dor-
A natural classification has not been attained, siventrally lenticular, variously ornamented,
but a :±: convenient system of 18 sections has been rarely smooth. About 100 spp., pantropical to
suggested by Kern (1974: 543), although Abild- warm temperate, with concentrations in tropical
gaardia and Actinoschoenus here are raised to Africa and S America; most species in open, sunny
generic rank. habitats on dry or temporarily wet soils.

31. Abildgaardia Vahl

29. Crosslandia W. Fitzg.
Abildgaardia Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 296 (1805); Gordon-Gray, J.S.
Crosslandia W. Fitzg., J. Proc. R. Soc. Western Australia 3: 122 Afr. Bot. 32: 141-152 (1966) (S Afr. spp.); Kral, Sida 4:57-73
(1918). (1971) (N & C Amer. spp.).

Tufted annual (or short-lived perennial?). Culms Annuals, or tufted to rhizomatous perennials.
scapose. Basal leaves with open sheath, eligulate, Culms scapose. Leaves eligulate, sometimes re-
subtending the basal spikelets, subbasal leaves duced to a sheath. Inflorescence depauperate
few, reduced to a mucronate sheath with a con- anthelate or capitate with few spikelets, or reduced
spicuous scarious mouth. Basal spikelets abun- to one single spikelet. Primary bracts short, not
dant, with few-many (spiro)distichous :±: leaflike sheathing. Spikelets with many densely (spiro-)
glumes, flowers female, with elongated, 3-fid distichous, deciduous glumes, each subtending a
style. Inflorescence anthelate or capitate with few- flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens
numerous spikelets. Primary bracts short, spread- 2-3. Style deeply 3-fid, style base distinct, thick-
ing, lowermost bract suberect. Spikelets with ened, deciduous. Achene mostly obovate, stipi-
many densely (spiro )distichous, deciduous tate, rounded trigonous, rarely winged, surface
glumes, each subtending a flower. Flowers uni- often tuberculate. About ten spp., tropics and
sexual, lower glumes with male flowers and upper subtropics, concentrated in Australia, in dry, dis-
glumes with female flowers. Bristles absent. Sta- turbed grassland, woodland, or brackish marshes.
mens 2-3. Style 3-fid, base distinct, somewhat
thickened, deciduous. Achene obovate, rounded 32. Nemum Desv. ex Ham.
trigonous, surface tuberculate. Only one sp., the
variable C. setifolia W. Fitzg., endemic in N Nemum Desv. ex Ham., Prodr. Pl. Ind. Occid.: 13 (1825);
Australia, on dry sandy places, often in woodland. Raynal, Adansonia II, 13: 146-151 (1973).

Annuals, or tufted to creeping rhizomatous peren-

30. Bulbostylis Kunth nials. Culms scapose. Leaves often (spiro-)
distichous, ligulate (most perennials) or eligulate
Bulbostylis Kunth, Enum. Pl. 2: 205 (1837), nom. cons; Kral, (all annuals), with a bundle of long pale hairs at
Sida 4: 57-70, 73-101 (1971) (N & C Amer. spp.); Haines &
Lye, Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 91-130 (1983); Goetghebeur & both sides of the sheath mouth, blade rarely ensi-
Coudijzer, Bull. Jard. Bot. Belg. 55: 207-259 (1985) (C Afr. form. Inflorescence sometimes :±: pseudolateral,
spp.). (compound) anthelate, but often capitate or re-
duced to 1-few spikelets. Primary bracts 1-few,
Annuals or tufted perennials, rarely with an elon- small and inconspicuous, not sheathing, often
gated rhizome, rarely forming a caudex. Culms stiffly erect. Spikelets with many densely spirally
scapose, rarely many-noded. Leaves eligulate, but arranged, persistent glumes, each subtending a
with 2lateral tufts oflong white hairs at the sheath flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens
mouth, rarely reduced to a sheath. Basal flowers 1-3. Style 2-(3-)fid, style base not distinct, not
rarely present. Inflorescence anthelate or capitate thickened, deciduous. Achene obovate, dorsiven-
with few-many spikelets, or reduced to a single trally lenticular, rarely compressed trigonous,
spikelet, rarely pseudolateral. Primary bracts smooth, often shining black, rarely grayish. About
168 Cyperaceae

ten spp., all in Sudano-Zambesian tropical Africa; a few extending along the E African mountains;
the annuals on temporarily wet soil, the perennials doubtful records from Madagascar, Australia, and
on permanently marshy ground. New Zealand, in open vegetatioq, often on sandy
or rocky ground.
The hypogynous disk is often considered highly
33. Nelmesia Van der Veken
diagnostic for this genus. There are, however, a
Nelmesia Vander Veken, Bull. Jard. Bot Etat 25: 143 (1955). few species with all typical ficinioid characters,
but without the disk (F. tenuifolia Kunth, F. rigida
Tufted annual(?). Culms scapose, 3-4-angular. Levyns), blurring the generic delimitation from
Leaves (sub )distichous, ligule an inconspicuous Isolepis. On the other hand, Scirpus nodosus Rottb.
rim or absent. Inflorescence a single spikelet. Pri- (often referred to Scirpoides) shows several typical
mary bracts none (or similar to the glumes?). ficinioid features (hypogynous disk, embryo of
Spikelet with many densely spirally arranged, fi- Ficinia type), but its distribution is much wider
nally deciduous glumes, 5-7 lower glumes empty, and includes the whole southern circumpolar re-
others each subtending a flower. Flowers bisexual. gion. This morphologically heterogeneous genus
Hypogynous scales 1, adaxial, 2-fid at the top. Sta- is in need of a thorough revision.
mens 3. Style 3-fid, style base ± distinct, slightly
thickened, dark, persistent. Achene (immature)
35. Desmoschoenus Hook. f.
obovate, plano-convex, beaked, smooth. Only one
sp., N. melanostachya Van der Veken, N Zaire, in Desmoschoenus Hook. f., Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 271 (1853); Edgar, Fl.
temporarily wet, shallow depressions in the sa- New Zeal. 2: 170-171 (1970); Browning & Gordon-Gray,
vanna region. N.Z.J. Bot. 34: 131-134 (1996).
The presence of one adaxial hypogynous scale in
a species of this tribe is highly problematical and Rhizomatous perennial. Culms scapose. Leaves
would require a thorough morphological recon- ligulate, coriaceous, scabrid, yellowish. Inflores-
sideration of the nature of this "spikelet". cence condensed paniculate, partial inflorescences
with many spikelets in a dense cluster. Primary
bracts ± leaflike, partly adnate to the axis, widened
7. Tribe Cypereae Dumort. (1829). at the open sheathing base. Spikelets with many
densely spirally arranged deciduous glumes, 1-few
34. Ficinia Schrader lower glumes empty, middle glumes each subtend-
ing a flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent. Sta-
Ficinia Schrader, Comm. Soc. Reg. Sci. Gottingen II, 7: 143 mens 3. Style deeply 3-fid, style base not distinct,
(1832), nom. cons.
Sickmannia Nees (1834). deciduous. Achene obovoid, concavo-convex,
smooth and shining, base surrounded by a small
Tufted perennials, frequently rhizomatous, cupular disk. Only one sp., D. spiralis (A. Rich.)
stoloniferous, or decumbent. Culms scapose, Hook. f., New Zealand, on coastal sand dunes.
more rarely few- to many-noded or branched.
Leaves often (conspicuously) ligulate, blade some- 36. Isolepis R. Br. Fig. 41H,I
times with scarious margins, or leaf reduced to a
sheath. Inflorescence rarely pseudolateral, mostly Isolepis R. Br., Prodr.: 221 (1810); Raynal, Adansonia II, 17:
49-57 (1977); Wilson, Telopea 2: 161-170 (1981) (Austr.
capitate, more rarely compacted paniculate, spi- spp.); Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 133-142
cate, or spikelets scattered along a profusely (1983).
branched stem, with 1-many spikelets. Primary Eleogiton Link (1827).
bracts leaflike or short, lowermost bract some-
times erect. Spikelets with few to many spiral or Annuals or mat-forming perennic:1ls, more rarely
distichous, usually long persistent glumes, each creeping rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Culms
subtending a flower, or a few lower glumes empty. scapose or few- to many-noded. Leaves eligulate,
Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 3. Style blade often much reduced. Inflorescence often
deeply 3-fid (2-fid in F. lateralis Kunth), rarely pseudolateral, capitate with few-many spikelets,
almost undivided, style base not distinct, decidu- or reduced to a single spikelet, rarely anthelate.
ous. Achene mostly obovate, rounded trigonous, Primary bracts leaflike or short, lowermost
rarely biconvex, base mostly surrounded by a bract often erect. Spikelets with few-many
tightly enveloping cupular to 3-lobed disk, usually spirally arranged, mostly deciduous glumes, each
smooth. About 60 spp., S Africa (especially Cape), subtending a flower, but lowermost glume some-
Cyperaceae 169

times empty. Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent. many spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike. Partial
Stamens 1-3. Style (deeply) 2-3-fid, style base not inflorescences capitate with normal branching,
distinct, not or slightly thickened, persistent. eprophyllate, bracts small and glumelike, not
Achene mostly obovate, thick lenticular to sheathing. Spikelets with several spirally arranged,
(rounded) trigonous, often 3-ribbed, beaked, persistent glumes, each subtending a flower, apex
variously ornamented. About 60 spp., subcos- of glumes conspicuously thickened. Flowers bi-
mopolitan, with concentrations in southern sexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 3. Style 2-fid, style
Africa and Australia, mostly in wetlands, or base not distinct, persistent. Achene narrowly
semiaquatic. obovate, dorsiventrally plano-convex, beaked,
Generic delimitation vs. Ficinia and Scirpoides is base, top and margins conspicuously corky. Only
highly problematic (see under these genera). one sp., 0. cubense (Poeppig & Kunth) Lye, scat-
There are also a few (morphologically) typical tered in tropical America and Africa, hydrophytic.
isolepidoid species, which have an embryo of the
Cyperus type (I. humillima (Benth.) K.L. Wilson, I.
inundata R. Br., and transitionally in I. hystrix 39. Kyllingiella R. Haines & Lye
(Thunb.) Nees). Kyllingiella R. Haines & Lye, Bot. Not. 131: 176 (1978); Haines
& Lye, Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 142-143 (1983).

37. Scirpoides Scheuchzer ex Seguier

Small, tufted perennials. Culms scapose, the bul-
Scirpoides Scheuchzer ex Seguier, Pl. Veron. Suppl.: 73 ( 1754); bously thickened base covered by withered leaf
Wilson, Telopea 2: 162 (1981) (Austr. spp.); Browning & sheaths. Leaves eligulate. Inflorescence capitate,
Gordon-Gray, S. Afr. J. Bot. 60:315-320 (1994) (S Afr. spp.).
Holoschoenus Link (1827).
with few-many spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike.
Karinia Reznicek & McVaugh (1993) (?). Spikelets with few-many spirally arranged, persis-
tent glumes, each subtending a flower. Flowers
Tufted or shortly rhizomatous perennials. Culms bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 1(-2). Style 3-
scapose, thickened at the base. Leaves ligulate or fid, style base not distinct, slightly thickened,
not, often reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence persistent. Achene obovate, compressed subtri-
pseudolateral, anthelate, or capitate, with many- gonous, with a short beak, minutely puncticulate.
numerous spikelets. Primary bracts culmlike, About three spp., tropical Africa and India, in
lowermost bract erect. Branches of partial inflo- (temporarily) damp habitats.
rescences conspicuously crescentiform in cross-
section. Spikelets with many spirally arranged,
40. Androtrichum (Brongn.) Brongn.
long persistent (finally deciduous ?) glumes, each
subtending a flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles ab- Androtrichum (Brongn.) Brongn. in Duperrey, Voy. Monde,
sent. Stamens 2-3. Style deeply 3-fid, style base not Bot. 2: 177, t. 32 (1834); Pfeiffer, Rev. Sudamer. Bot. 6: 179-
distinct, persistent. Achenes obovate, compressed 186 (1940).
trigonous, beaked, finely puncticulate. About five
spp., S Africa and warmer parts of Eurasia; in Rhizomatous perennial with thick roots. Culms
temporarily wet, often sandy habitats. scapose. Leaves reduced to a purple, apically in-
Problematic species include Scirpus nodosus flated leaf sheath. Inflorescence ± pseudolateral,
Rottb., which shows affinities with Ficinia, S. condensed anthelate with several capitate partial
pro lifer Rottb., which is more like a robust Isolepis inflorescences. Primary bracts rather short, lower-
inundata R. Br., and S. dioecus Boeckeler, which is most bract erect, boat-shaped. Spikelets with
dioecious. The monotypic and enigmatic Mexican several distichous, persistent glumes, each sub-
genus Karinia is only tentatively allocated here, tending a flower. Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent.
since some critical data are still missing. Stamens 3, filaments strongly elongating after
an thesis. Style deeply 3-fid, style base distinct,
slightly thickened, persistent. Achene elliptical,
38. Oxycaryum Nees trigonous, with a thick short beak, smooth. Only
Oxycaryum Nees in Mart., Fl. Brasil. 2(1): 90 (1842); Lye, Bot. one sp., A. trigynum (Sprengel) H. Pfeiffer, S Brazil
Not. 124: 280-286 (1971). to N Argentina, in coastal dunes.
The inclusion of a second species [Scirpus
Floating, stoloniferous perennial. Culms scapose. giganteus Kunth, as A. giganteum (Kunth) H.
Leaves (hairy) ligulate, lower leaf sheaths inflated. Pfeiffer] as proposed by Pfeiffer (1940), has not yet
Inflorescence anthelate to capitate, with few to been convincingly demonstrated.
170 Cyperaceae

41. Cyperus L. nized even by authors (Raynal 1973: 166) who

maintained it as a separate genus.
Cyperus L., Sp. Pl. 1: 44 (1753); Kiikenthal, Pflanzenreich IV.20
(101) (1935-1936); Kern, Fl. Males. I, 7: 592-646 (1974);
In a recent survey (Goetghebeur 1989) it was
Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E Afr.: 145-224, 252-267 argued that Cyperus, as circumscribed here, can be
(1983); Tucker, Syst. Bot. Monogr. 2, 85 pp. (1983) (C Amer. divided into two subgenera: subgen. Cyperus with
spp.); Lye, Lidia 3: 37-72 (1992) (evaluation of Mariscus). the Kranz syndrome (chlorocyperoid anatomy:
Anosporum Nees (1834). subgenus Cyperus), and subgen. Anosporum with-
juncellus (Griseb.) C.B. Clarke (1893).
Mariscus Vahl (1805). out Kranz cells (eucyperoid anatomy), the first
Sorostachys Steudel (1850). group often with spicately arranged spikelets,
Torulinium Desv. (1825). the second with spikelets digitately arranged or
capitately condensed. Problems are caused, how-
Annuals, or tufted, rhizomatous, stoloniferous or ever, by the presence of several chlorocyperoid
bulbiferous perennials. Culms mostly scapose, tri- sections with capitate inflorescences. Further
angular to subterete, rarely winged, compressed studies are needed for a better understanding of
or septate. Leaves eligulate, sometimes reduced to this notoriously difficult genus.
a sheath, sheaths sometimes semisucculent. Inflo-
rescence rarely pseudolateral, anthelate to capi-
tate with few-numerous spikelets, rarely spicate 42. Courtoisina Sojak
or reduced to 1 single spikelet. Primary bracts of- Courtoisina Sojak, Cas. Nar. Mus., Odd. Prir. 148: 193 (1980);
ten large and leaflike, lowermost bract rarely erect. Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E Afr.: 174-175 (1983).
Partial inflorescences spikelike with spicately or Courtoisia Nees (1834), nom. illeg., non Marchand (1830).
digitately arranged spikelets, or densely capitate.
Spikelets with few-many distichous (very rarely Tufted annuals with a scent of curry. Culms sea-
spirally arranged) glumes, spikelet bract and pose. Leaves eligulate. Inflorescence anthelate,
prophyll ± glumelike, each glume subtending a with terminal clusters of many densely arranged
flower, glumes deciduous or persistent. Rachilla spikelets, rarely completely contracted. Primary
internodes elongated. Spikelets sometimes de- bracts leaflike, spreading. Spikelets with 2-several,
ciduous as a unit, or breaking up into 1-flowered distichous, persistent, winged glumes, usually
units. Flowers bisexual, very rarely unisexual or each subtending a flower. Rachilla internodes
even dioecious. Bristles absent. Stamens 1-3. elongated. Spikelets deciduous as a unit. Flowers
Style (2-)3-fid, more rarely (sub )entire, style base bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid,
mostly not distinct, not thickened, persistent or style base not distinct, slightly thickened, persis-
deciduous. Achene often obovate or elliptical, tent. Achene oblong, trigonous, beaked, finely
(sub)trigonous, rarely dorsiventrally compressed, puncticulate. Two spp., E and S Africa, one also in
rarely stipitate, beaked or not, smooth or vari- Madagascar, India, and SE Asia; often on tempo-
ously ornamented, rarely corky thickened. About rarily wet sandy soils.
550 spp., well represented in the tropics, extending
towards the temperate regions, ranging from very
dry to permanently submerged, from open sunny 43. Remirea Aublet
places to dark forest, from acid bogs to brackish Remirea Aublet, Hist. Pl. Guiane 1: 44, t. 16 (1775); Hooper,
marshes, several species on disturbed ground and Kew Bull. 38: 479-480 (1983).
becoming weedy.
There is no general agreement either on the cir- Small perennial with creeping rhizomes. Culms
cumscription of the genus or on infrageneric clas- many-noded, concealed by the leaf sheaths.
sification. Pycreus and Kyllinga plus some highly Leaves eligulate, blade rigid, subsucculent. Inflo-
specialized smaller taxa are often excluded and rescence capitate with few-many spikelets. Pri-
recognized at the generic level. Authors who in- mary bracts leaflike, suberect to spreading.
clude these taxa into Cyperus s.l. mostly maintain Spikelets with 3-4 distichous, persistent glumes,
them on the subgeneric level. Mariscus, in con- 1st and 2nd (fertile) glume large, 3rd small, sitting
trast, which is kept separate by several authors, on a finally much enlarged corky rachilla in-
is rarely maintained at subgeneric level when in- ternode. Rachilla internodes elongated. Spikelet
cluded in Cyperus, and is often divided into sev- deciduous as a unit. Flowers bisexual. Bristles
eral sections of widely scattered affinities. The absent. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid, style base not dis-
polyphyletic nature of Mariscus has convincingly tinct, not or slightly thickened, persistent. Achene
been demonstrated by Lye (1992) and is recog- elliptical, rounded trigonous, beaked, finely
Cyperaceae 171

puncticulate, clasped by the much enlarged, corky 46. Alinula Raynal

uppermost rachilla internode. Only one sp., R.
Alinula Raynal, Adansonia II, 17: 43 (1977); Goetghebeur &
maritima Aublet, pantropical along sandy sea Vorster, Bull. Jard. Bot. Belg. 58: 457-465 (1988).
shores and littoral dunes. Aliniella Raynal (1973), nom. illeg., non Skvortzow (1958).
The spikelet structure was longtime misunder- Marisculus Goetghebeur (1977).
stood, until Kern {1958: 795-798) provided a con-
vincing interpretation. Small tufted annuals. Culms scapose. Leaves
eligulate. Inflorescence sometimes ± pseu-
dolateral, (bis)anthelate to capitate with 1-many
44. Sphaerocyperus Lye
spikes. Primary bracts leaflike, not sheathing,
Sphaerocyperus Lye, Bot. Not. 125: 214 (1972); Browning & spreading or lowermost bract erect. Spikes with
Gordon-Gray, Nord. J. Bot. 13: 507-510 (1993). many densely spirally arranged spikelet bracts,
much smaller than their spikelet. Spikelets re-
Perennial with a creeping rhizome. Culms sea- duced to a small prophyll and a larger glume, in
pose, thickened at the base. Leaves eligulate, lower some species accompanied by a rachilla remnant,
leaves reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence capitate glumes open, rarely utriculiform. Flowers bi-
with !-several indistinct dense spikes of many sexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 1-2. Style deeply
spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike, spreading to re- 3-fid, style base not distinct, not or slightly thick-
flexed. Spikelets with several distichous, persistent ened, persistent. Achene oblong to obovate,
glumes of increasing length, largest penultimate rounded trigonous, (shortly) beaked, rarely sur-
glume subtending a flower. Rachilla internodes rounded at the base by a white collar of inflated
somewhat elongated. Spikelet deciduous as a unit. cells. Four spp., E and S Africa, one also in Mada-
Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 3. Style gascar, growing as ephemeral annuals on tempo-
3-fid, style base not distinct, not or slightly rarily wet sandy soils.
thickened, persistent. Achene narrowly obovate,
rounded trigonous, beaked, finely puncticulate.
Only one sp., S. erinaceus (Ridley) Lye, S tropical 47. Ascolepis Nees ex Steudel
Africa, often in open dry woodland. Ascolepis Nees ex Steudel, Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2: 105 (1855), nom.
cons.; Goetghebeur, Adansonia II, 19: 269-305 (1980);
Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E Afr.: 302-311 (1983).
45. Ascopholis C. Fischer
Annuals or tufted perennials, rarely rhizomatous
Ascopholis C. Fischer, Kew Bull. 1931: 104 (1931), and in
or stoloniferous. Culms scapose, often bulbously
Hooker's Icon. Pl. 32: t. 3183 (1933); Nijalingappa &
thickened at the base. Leaves eligulate. Inflores-
Goetghebeur, Bioi. Jaarb. Dodonaea 57: 81-86 (1990).
cence capitate with 1-few spikes. Primary bracts
Small perennial with bulbously thickened stem leaflike, spreading to reflexed. Spikes often vividly
base. Culms seapose. Leaves eligulate, leaf sheaths colored, with many densely spirally arranged
swollen. Inflorescence capitate with several dense spikelet bracts, much smaller than their spikelet.
spikes of many spikelets, subtended by a small Spikelets reduced to 1 glume, eprophyllate, in
bract. Primary bracts leaflike, strongly reflexed some species accompanied by a rachilla remnant,
after an thesis. Spikelets reduced to a prophyll and glume polymorphic, rarely utriculiform, often
a single glume, this glume utriculiform and with elongated or swollen upper part. Flowers
subtending the single flower, also including a bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 1-3( -5). Style
bristlelike rachilla remnant (at the top with an 2-3(-5)-fid, style base not distinct, deciduous.
extremely reduced second glume). Spikelet de- Achene obovate to oblong, rounded trigonous to
ciduous as a unit. Flowers bisexual. Bristles ab- lenticular, rarely stipitate, surface finely punc-
sent. Stamens 3. Style deeply 3-fid, style base not ticulate. About 20 spp., pantropical, mainly in
distinct, persistent. Achene narrowly obovate, ± Africa, the perennials growing in marshes, the
compressed subtrigonous, shortly beaked, surface annuals preferring temporarily wet soils.
smooth. Only one sp., A. gamblei C. Fischer, S The rather common African A. protea Welw. is
India, in open grassland. highly polymorphic and inviting a biosystematic
172 Cyperaceae

48. Pycreus P. Beauv. 50. Kyllinga Rottb.

Pycreus P. Beauv., Fl. Oware 2: 48, t. 86 (1816); Kiikenthal, Kyllinga Rottb., Descr. Icon. Rar. Pl.: 12, t. 4 (1773), nom.
Pflanzenreich IV.20 (101): 326-402 (1936); Haines & Lye, cons.; Kiikenthal, Pflanzenreich IV.20 (101): 566-614
Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 268-292 (1983). (1936); Getliffe, J.S. Afr. Bot. 49: 261-304 (1983) (S Afr.
spp.); Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 224-250
Annuals or tufted, rhizomatous, stoloniferous or (1983); Tucker, Rhodora 86:507-538 (1984) (C Amer. spp.).
tussock-forming perennials. Culms mostly sea-
pose. Leaves eligulate. Inflorescence sometimes Annuals or tufted to creeping perennials. Culms
pseudolateral, anthelate (rarely spicate) to capi- scapose to few-noded, sometimes 6-angular or
tate with few-many spikelets. Primary bracts winged. Leaves eligulate, lowermost leaves often
leaflike, not sheathing, sometimes the lowermost reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence rarely pseu-
bract larger and erect. Partial inflorescences often dolateral, ±capitate, with 1-many sessile, globose
± open spikelike, with few-many sessile spikelets to cylindrical spikes. Primary bracts mostly
in the axil of glumelike bracts. Spikelets with few- leaflike. Spikes with few-many, densely (rarely
many distichous, deciduous glumes, each sub- loosely) spirally arranged glumelike bracts, each
tending a flower. Rachilla internodes elongated. subtending a spikelet. Spikelets with 2-few disti-
Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 1-3. chous persistent glumes, 1-few subtending a
Style 2-fid, style base not distinct, mostly decidu- flower. Rachilla internodes elongated. Spikelets
ous. Achene usually obovate or rounded, laterally deciduous as a unit. Flowers bisexual. Bristles
lenticular to subcylindrical or subglobose, rarely absent. Stamens 1-3. Style 2-fid, style base not
subtrigonous, smooth, puncticulate, or trans- distinct, persistent. Achene often obovate, later-
versely rugose. About 100 spp., pantropical, a few ally lenticular, often minutely puncticulate. About
extending into the temperate regions, many in 60 spp., pantropical to warm temperate, concen-
Africa, growing in shallow water, rarely floating or trated in E Africa, often in rather dry to seasonally
submerged, or in permanently to seasonally wet wet grassland or woodland, some becoming
grassland, annual species often on thin soil overly- weedy.
ing rocks.
51. Volkiella Merxm. & Czech
49. Queenslandiella Domin Volkiella Menan. & Czech, Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. Miinch. 8:
Queenslandiel/a Domin, Biblioth. Bot. 85: 415 (1915); Ballard, 317 (1953); Hooper, Kew Bull. 41: 945-948 (1986).
Hooker's Icon. Pl. V, 3: t. 3208 (1933).
Mariscopsis Chermezon (1919). Small tufted annual. Culms very small or up to
3 em long, scapose. Leaves few-absent, eligulate.
Tufted annual with scent of curry. Culms sea- Inflorescence capitate. Lower primary bracts
pose. Leaves eligulate. Inflorescence anthelate. leaflike. Partial inflorescences spikeletlike, but
Primary bracts leaflike, not sheathing. Partial in- composed of several-many distichous glumelike
florescences ± open spikelike, with few to many bracts, each subtending a highly reduced spikelet.
sessile spikelets subtended by a glumelike bract. Spikelets with a prophyll and a tiny, hyaline glume
Spikelets with few-several distichous, persistent subtending a flower. Flower bisexual. Bristles ab-
glumes, each subtending a flower. Rachilla inter- sent. Stamens 2. Style deeply 3-fid, style base not
nodes elongated. Spikelets deciduous as a unit. distinct, deciduous. Achene cordate-obovate,
Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 2. Style subtriquetrous, finely puncticulate. Only one sp.,
2-fid, style base not distinct, deciduous. Achene V. disticha Merxm. & Czech, N Namibia and Zam-
subcordate, laterally compressed, finely puncti- bia, an ephemerophyte of temporarily wet sandy
culate. Only one sp., Q. hyalina (Vahl) Ballard, E soils, often nearly completely buried in sand.
Africa over Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Malesia
to NE Australia, growing as an ephemerophyte of
temporarily wet sandy, often saline or mineral- 52. Lipocarpha R. Br.
rich soil. Lipocarpha R. Br. in Tuckey, Narr. Exped. Zaire 5: 459 (1818),
nom. cons.; Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 294-302
(1983); Hooper, Kew Bull. 41: 423-428 (1986); Goetghebeur
& Van den Borre, Agr. Univ. Wageningen Pap. 89-1,87 pp.
Hemicarpha Nees (1834).
Rikliel/a Raynal (1973).
Cyperaceae 173

Annuals or tufted or rhizomatous, rarely stolonif- Loosely tufted perennial. Culms few-noded. Lower
erous perennials. Culms scapose. Leaves eligulate. leaves ligulate. Inflorescence corymbose or
Inflorescence sometimes pseudolateral, capitate anthelate, with many corymbiform partial inflo-
with 1-many spikeletlike spikes. Lower primary rescences and numerous spikelets, cladoprophylls
bracts mostly leaflike, lowermost bract sometimes often fertile. Primary bracts leaflike, lower bracts
larger and erect. Spikes extremely spikeletlike, sheathing, upper bracts not. Spikelets with many
composed of many glumelike bracts, spirally ar- spirally arranged persistent glumes, each subtend-
ranged along a thickened to shortly conical axis, ing a flower (including the prophyll). Rachilla in-
each subtending a highly reduced spikelet. Spike- ternodes somewhat elongated. Spikelet deciduous
lets either prophyllate and with 1 small ± hyaline as a unit, or breaking up into 1- to few-flowered
glume, subtending a flower, or further reduced to parts. Flowers bisexual. Bristles 5-6, longer
the small ± hyaline prophyll, or even lacking this than the fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens 3.
prophyll. Prophyll and glume, when present, often Style (2- )3-fid, style base not distinct, slightly
deciduous with the fruit. Flowers bisexual. Bristles thickened, persistent. Achene oblong, rounded
absent. Stamens 1-3. Style deeply 2-3-fid, style trigonous (or dorsiventrally lenticular), stipitate,
base not distinct, thickened or not, deciduous or beaked, finely puncticulate. Only one sp., S.
persistent. Achene ± obovoid to subcylindrical, junghuhnii (Miq.) Oteng-Yeb., N Sumatra, in
often constricted at the base, sometimes beaked, montane heathlands.
surface finely puncticulate. About 35 spp., pan-
tropical and extending into some temperate re-
gions, many in Africa, in open vegetation on 55. Blysmus Panzer ex Schultes
permanently to seasonally wet to humid soil, Blysmus Panzer ex Schultes, Mant. 2: 41 (1824), nom. cons.;
rarely in dry woodland. Oteng-Yeboah, Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 35: 399-406
Blysmopsis Oteng-Yeb. (1974).
8. Tribe Dulichieae Reichenb. ex Schultze-Motel
Small perennials with a creeping rhizome. Culms
(sub )scapose. Leaves ligulate. Inflorescence spi-
53. Dulichium Rich.
cate with few-many pseudodistichous spikelets,
Dulichium Rich. in Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 65 (1805); Kiikenthal, Bot. rarely with a lateral branch (with a fertile
Jahrb. Syst. 75: 485-488 (1952). cladoprophyll). Primary bracts mostly small, low-
ermost bract ± leaflike, suberect. Spikelets with
Perennial on a creeping rhizome. Culms many- few-many spirally arranged persistent glumes
noded, hollow. Lower leaves reduced to a sheath, (pseudodistichous in the terminal spikelet), each
upper leaves ligulate, contraligule rounded to glume (including the prophyll) subtending a
subtriangular. Inflorescence paniculate with many flower. Rachilla internodes somewhat elongated.
spikelets. Primary bracts leaf-like. Partial inflores- Spikelet deciduous as a unit, or breaking up into
cences spikelike, with pseudodistichous, distant 1-few-flowered parts. Flowers bisexual. Bristles
glumelike bracts, each subtending a spikelet. (1- )3-5, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens 3. Style
Spikelets with 4-8 distichous, persistent glumes, 2-fid, style base not distinct, thickened, persistent.
each (including the prophyll) subtending a flower. Achene oblong, dorsiventrally lenticular or
Rachilla internodes elongated, fruiting rachilla planoconvex, stipitate, beaked, smooth. About
thickened and finally breaking up into 1-flowered four spp., temperate Eurasia, B. rufus (Hudson)
parts. Flowers bisexual. Bristles (6- )8( -9), longer Link also in N America, in swamps, often on
than fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens 3. brackish or compacted soils.
Style 2-fid, style base not distinct, somewhat thick-
ened, persistent. Achene oblong, dorsiventrally ±
lenticular, stipitate, and beaked, surface smooth. 9. Tribe Schoeneae Dumort. (1827).
Only one sp., D. arundinaceum (L.) Britton, tem-
perate to subtropical N America, in swamps and 56. Arthrostylis R. Br.
marshes; fossil records from W Europe.
Arthrostylis R. Br., Prodr.: 229 (1810); Kiikenthal, Repert.
Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 53: 192-197 (1944).
54. Sumatroscirpus Oteng-Yeb.
Sumatroscirpus Oteng-Yeb., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh Tufted perennial. Culms scapose, 3-5-angular.
33: 307 (1974). Leaves ligulate, reduced to a (mucronate) sheath.
174 Cyperaceae

Inflorescence capitate with few-several spikelets. Raynal, Madagascar, in open woodland on dry
Primary bracts small. Spikelets with 5-7 spirally sandy soil.
arranged, deciduous glumes of increasing length,
1-flowered, penultimate larger glume subtending
a flower, enclosed by the wings of the next glum e. 59. Trachystylis S. T. Blake
Flowers bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 6. Style Trachystylis S.T. Blake, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 48: 89 (1937);
deeply 3-fid, stigmatic branches thick-papillose, Kiikenthal, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 75: 493-497 (1952).
style base distinct, slightly thickened, deciduous.
Achene obovate, rounded trigonous, substipitate, Medium-sized tufted perennial. Culms (sub-)
finely reticulate. Only one sp., A. aphylla R. Br., scapose. Leaves ligulate. Inflorescence anthelate
NE Australia, on sandstone outcrops in open with many spikelets. Primary bracts rather
woodland. small. Spikelets with several spirally arranged,
deciduous glumes of increasing length, penulti-
57. Actinoschoenus Benth. mate larger glume subtending a flower enclosed
by the wings of the next glume (rarely a 2nd flower
Actinoschoenus Benth., Hooker's Icon. Pl. 14: 33, t. 1346 present). Rachilla internodes short, somewhat
(1881); Raynal, Adansonia II, 7: 89-95 (1967). elongated between the flowers. Flowers bisexual.
Bristles absent. Stamens 2, lateral. Style 2-fid, style
Tufted, shortly rhizomatous or stoloniferous base distinct, thickened, deciduous. Achene ob-
perennials. Culms scapose. Leaves ligulate, blade ovate, shortly stipitate, dorsiventrally (thick) len-
very short. Inflorescence capitate with 2-many ticular, smooth, finely reticulate. Only one sp., T.
spikelets. Primary bracts small. Spikelets with stradbrokensis (Domin) Kiik., E Australia, in open
4-7 distichous, deciduous glumes of increasing woodland on dry sandy soil.
length, 1-(2-)flowered, flower subtended by the
penultimate larger glume enclosed by the wings
of the next glume. Rachilla internodes short, 60. Rhynchospora Vahl Fig. 42A-C
somewhat elongated between the flowers. Flowers
Rhynchospora Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 229 (1805), nom. cons.;
bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 3. Style deeply
Kiikenthal, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 74: 375-509 (1949), 75: 90-195
3-fid, style base distinct, thickened, deciduous. (1950) & 75: 273-314 (1951); Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes
Achene obovate, trigonous, ± 3-ribbed, smooth to E. Afr.: 312-320 (1983); Thomas, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 37:
slightly tuberculate. Three spp. of scattered occur- 116 pp. (1984) (sect. Dichromena); Thomas, Brittonia 44:
rence, Gabon, SE Zaire and Zambia, Madagascar, 14-44 (1992) (C Amer. spp.).
Dichromena Michaux (1803).
Sri Lanka, SE Asia, Philippines, New Caledonia, in Psilocarya Torrey (1836).
open woodland on dry sandy soil. Syntrinema H. Pfeiffer (1925).
A fourth sp., which agrees well in floral charac- Micropapyrus Suesseng. (1943).
ters, Fimbristylis yunnanensis C.B. Clarke, could
be included here, but the decisive anatomical and Tufted or creeping rhizomatous perennials, more
embryological data are still lacking. rarely annuals, or stoloniferous to caudex-
formingperennials. Culms 1-many-noded. Leaves
eligulate. Inflorescence rarely ± pseudolateral,
58. Trichoschoenus Raynal
paniculate, corymbose, anthelate, or capitate, with
Trichoschoenus Raynal, Adansonia II, 8: 223 (1968). 1-numerous spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike or
short, sometimes partly white (part of section
Tufted perennial. Culms scapose, densely hairy. Dichromena). Spikelets with few-several spirally
Leaves reduced to a sheath, eligulate (?), blade arranged to more rarely distichous, often decidu-
sometimes present as a short mucro. Inflorescence ous glumes of increasing lep.gth to subequal, larger
capitate with many spikelets. Primary bracts (1- )2-few glumes each subtending a flower, en-
mostly as long as or shorter than spikelet. Spike- closed by the wings of the next glume. Flowers all
lets with 3 distichous, deciduous glumes of in- bisexual, or upper flowers functionally male.
creasing length, 2nd glume subtending a flower, Bristles 0-6( -10?), deciduous with the fruit. Sta-
enclosed by the wings of the next glume. Flowers mens 1-3(-6-12), sometimes partly adnate. Style
bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 3. Style deeply deeply 2-fid or (nearly) undivided, style base
3-fid, style base ± distinct, thickened, persistent. mostly distinct, (much) thickened, persistent.
Achene obovate, trigonous, with a thick short Achene usually (ob )ovate and dorsiventrally
beak, minutely reticulate. Only one sp., T. bosseri (thick) lenticular, beaked, yvith various ornamen-
Cyperaceae 175

61. Pleurostachys Brongn.

Pleurostachys Brongn. in Duperrey, Voy. Monde, Bot. 2: 172, t.
31 (1833); Kiikenthal, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 75: 451-484 (1952).

Shortly rhizomatous perennials. Culms many-

noded and leafy, rarely scapose, often thickened at
the base. Leaves rarely all basal and then pseu-
dopetiolate, lower leaves often reduced to a ± in-
flated sheath, upper leaves eligulate, blade often
oblong. Inflorescence paniculate, with corymbose
to anthelate or contracted partial inflorescences,
with many-numerous spikelets. Primary bracts
leaflike or more rarely short, sheathing. Spikelets
small, with several to many spirally arranged or
more rarely distichous, long persistent glumes of
increasing length, lower glumes empty, middle
(3-)5-7 glumes each subtending a flower, en-
closed by the wings of the next glume, few upper
glumes empty. Lower 1-2 flowers bisexual, upper
flowers functionally male. Bristles 3-6, alope-
curoid (lower part not or slightly ciliolate, upper
part densely ciliate to fimbriate), shorter than to as
long as the fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens
3. Style deeply 2-fid, style base scarcely distinct,
conspicuously thickened, persistent. Achene
small, (ob )ovate, dorsiventrally thick lenticular,
often rugose. About 30 spp., tropical and subtropi-
cal S America, mostly in forests.

62. Schoenus L.
Schoenus L., Sp. Pl. 1:42 (1753); Kiikenthal, Repert. Spec. Nov.
Regni Veg. 44: 2- 32, 65- 101, 161- 195 {1938); Kern, Fl.
Males. I, 7: 672-680 (1974).
Ptilanthelium Steudel (1855).

Tufted or rhizomatous perennials, rarely annuals

or short-living perennials. Culms mostly scapose,
rarely 3-4-angular, sometimes bulbously thick-
ened at the base, or creeping-decumbent and
branched from the nodes (semiaquatic spp. of
sect. Helothrix). Leaves ligulate, often reduced to a
Fig. 42A-J. Cyperaceae. A-C Rhynchospora (sect. Dichro- sheath. Inflorescence sometimes ± pseudolateral,
mena) latifolia. A Habit, head subtended by showy bracts. paniculate to capitate, with 1-many spikelets. Pri-
B Spikelet. C Achene with enlarged style basis. D- F mary bracts leaftike or short, sheathing or not,
Cephalocarpus dracaenula. D Habit. E Pistillate flower. F
Mature fruit, apical portion of the pericarp abscising. G-J
lowermost bract sometimes erect. Spikelets with
Oreobolus obtusangulus. G Habit. H Flower subtended by few-many distichous, deciduous glumes of in-
glumes and bracts, only tips of tepals visible. I Persistent peri- creasing length, but upper glumes smaller, the
anth after shedding of the achene. J Achene. (Takhtajan 1982) larger (1- )2-3( -9) glumes each subtending a
flower, enclosed by the wings of the next glume.
Rachilla internodes between and above the flowers
tations, more rarely smooth. About 250 spp., often elongated and curved (short in, e.g., subgen.
subcosmopolitan, with a marked concentration in Pseudomesomelaena). Lower 1-2 flowers usually
(sub)tropical America, most species preferring bisexual, upper 1-2 flowers (functionally) male
humid to wet habitats in savanna vegetation. (rarely inversed). Bristles 0-6, rarely laminar,
176 Cyperaceae

shorter or longer than the fruit, usually deciduous wards very much broadened at the base, top
with the fruit (persistent on the rachilla in sect. scabrid, abruptly acuminate, and twisted apically.
Helothrix). Stamens {1- )3-6. Style 3-fid [2-(3-) Stamens 3, connective produced into a long subu-
fid inS. tendo (Hook. f.) Hook. f.], style base not late appendage. Style trifid, style base distinct,
distinct, not or slightly thickened, deciduous, slightly thickened, deciduous, scabrid. Achene
rarely persistent. Achene often obovate and ovate, rounded trigonous, often seated on a thick-
rounded trigonous, rarely beaked, with various ened cuplike or 3-lobed gynophore. Five spp., SW
ornamentations. About 100· spp., concentrated Australia in heath formations.
in Australia and Malesia, S. nigricans L. sub-
cosmopolitan, often in humid grassland or
woodland. 65. Ptilothrix K.L. Wilson
A very particular species, S. clandestinus S.T. Ptilothrix K.L. Wilson, Telopea 5: 612 (1994); Kiikenthal,
Blake, is "forming small practically stemless mats Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 47: 211-216 (1939) (sub
with only the leaf blades and styles projecting Ptilanthelium).
above the surface of the sand" (Blake, Proc. R. Soc. Ptilanthelium auct. non Steudel: Kiikenthal (1939).
Queensland 60: 50. 1949), recalling the situation of
the African Volkiella disticha Merxm. & Czech. Tufted perennial on a short woody, seriate
Schoenus asperocarpus F. Muell. is reported as rhizome. Culms scapose. Leaves spirodistichous,
poisonous to cattle (Huxtable et al., Austral. Veter. ligulate. Inflorescence capitate with many spike-
J. 70: 169-171. 1993). lets. Primary bracts small, short and stiff, sub erect,
sheathing. Spikelets with several distichous,
deciduous glumes of increasing length, upper 2
63. Gymnoschoenus Nees larger glumes each subtending a flower, enclosed
Gymnoschoenus Nees, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. I, 6: 47 (1841); by the wings of the next glume. Rachilla inter-
Kiikenthal, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 48: 56-60 (1940). nodes short, but upper internode elongated.
Lower flower bisexual, upper flower male or absent
Medium-sized-tall tufted perennials. Culms sea- (rarely bisexual?). Bristles 3, lower half fimbriate,
pose. Leaves with a ciliate ligule. Inflorescence upper half widened and scab rid, geniculate, longer
capitate with many spikelets. Primary bracts than the fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens 3.
short. Spikelets with several distichous, persistent Style 3-fid, style base not distinct, elongate,
(?) glumes of increasing length, upper 2 larger persistent, glabrous. Achene oblong, rounded
glumes each subtending a flower, enclosed by the trigonous, long-beaked, smooth. Only one sp., P.
wings of the next glume. Lower flower functionally deusta (R. Br.) K.L. Wilson, E Australia, in open
male, upper flower bisexual. Bristles (0-)1-3, vegetation.
short and poorly developed. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid,
style base not distinct, thickened, persistent,
slightly scabrid to subglabrous. Achene obovate, 66. Cyathochaeta Nees
acutely trigonous, beaked, surface smooth. Two Cyathochaeta Nees in Lehmann, Pl. Preiss. 2: 86 (1846);
spp., Australia, in swamps or heathlike vegetation. Kiikenthal, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 75: 488-493 (1952).

Tufted perennials. Culms few-noded. Leaves

64. Mesomelaena Nees sometimes spirodistichous, ligulate. Inflorescence
Mesomelaena Nees in Lehmann, Pl. Preiss. 2: 88 (1846); paniculate with few-many spikelets. Primary
Wilson, Telopea 2: 181-195 (1981). bracts ± leaflike, sheathing. Spikelets with 4 sub-
distichous to spirally arranged persistent glumes
Tufted perennials. Culms scapose or few-noded. of increasing length, upper 2 each subtending a
Leaves ligulate, sometimes reduced to a sheath. flower, enclosed by the wings of the next glume.
Inflorescence often pseudolateral, capitate with Lower flower functionally male, upper flower bi-
(1- )few-many spikelets. Primary bracts rather sexual. Bristles 4-5, fimbriate at the base, as long
short. Spikelets with several distichous, long per- as the fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens 2,
sistent, awned glumes of increasing length, lateral. Style 2-fid, style base not distinct, not
penultimate larger 2 glumes each subtending a thickened, finally deciduous. Achene oblong, dor-
flower, enclosed by the wings of the next glume. siventrally compressed and remarkably incurved
Lower flower functionally male, upper flower (dorsally very concave). Four spp., SW and E
bisexual. Bristles 3, before anthesis slender, after- Australia, in marshes.
Cyperaceae 177

67. Oreobolus R. Br. Fig. 42G-J to oblong, trigonous, often with a long beak, sur-
face smooth or finely reticulate. About 15 spp., S
Oreobolus R. Br., Prodr.: 235 (1810); Seberg, Bot. J. Linn. Soc.
96: 119-195 (1988), rev. Africa and the Central African mountains, Mada-
Voladeria Benoist (1933) (sub Juncaceae). gascar, Mascarenes, New Guinea, S Japan, SE Aus-
Schoenoides Seberg (1986). tralia, New Zealand, and Chile, in swamps from
low to high altitudes, often along stream sides or
Small, tufted to cushion-forming perennials. rivulets.
Culms few-many-noded, leafy. Leaves ortho- or
spirodistichous, with an open sheath, eligulate,
base of blade often narrowed into a clear 69. Trianoptiles Fenzl
pseudopetiole. Inflorescence reduced to 1-few
Trianoptiles Fenzl in Endl., Gen. Pl.: 113 (1836); Levyns, J.S.
spikelets in a condensed depauperate panicle (± Afr. Bot. 9: 21-26 (1943); Haines & Lye, Bot. Not. 130: 235-
concealed among the leaves before anthesis). Pri- 240 (1977).
mary bracts leaflike, sheathing, upper (empty)
bracts gradually glumelike. Spikelets with 3-5 dis- Small, loosely tufted annuals, with frequent
tichous, deciduous glumes, penultimate glume(s) amphicarpy. Culms few-noded. Leaves eligulate.
subtending 1(2-3) flower(s), enclosed by the Basal leaves often reduced to a sheath, subtending
wings of the next glume. Flowers bisexual; upper a basal 1-flowered female spikelet. Basal spikelet
and lower flower, when present, functionally male. prophyllate, with a single utriculiform glume,
Scales 6, about as long as fruit or shorter, narrowly tightly wrapped around the female flower, top
triangular to more bristlelike, persistent on the conspicuously tubuliform, flower reduced to a 3-
rachilla. Stamens 3. Style deeply 3-fid, base not carpellate pistil with an elongated style, achene
distinct, slightly thickened, rarely persistent. larger and thicker than the aerial fruits, ± irregu-
Achene obovate or pyriform, rarely fusiform, larly shaped. Inflorescence depauperate panicu-
rarely beaked, rounded trigonous, smooth. About late with 1-few spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike,
15 spp., Malesia to SE Australia, Tasmania, New sheathing. Spikelets with 3-5 distichous, long per-
Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii, Juan Fernandez Is., sistent glumes, of increasing length, larger (1-)2
Falkland Is., W South America, Central America; glume(s) each subtending a flower, enclosed by
in wet alpine and subantarctic vegetation. the wings of the next glume. Rachilla internodes
short, but upper rachilla internode conspicuously
elongated. Flowers bisexual. Scales 6, deciduous
68. Carpha Banks & Sol. ex R. Br. with the fruit, outer very short and thick, inner
bristlelike. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid, style base not
Carpha Banks & Sol. ex R. Br., Prodr.: 230 (1810); Kiiken- distinct, thickened, persistent. Achene obovate,
thal, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 47: 101-119, 209-216
(1939); Reid & Arnold, Bothalia 15: 139-142 (1984) (S Afr.
trigonous, 3-ribbed, beaked, surface finely reti-
spp.). culate. Three spp., South Africa (SW Cape), in
Asterochaete Nees (1834). wetland.
Oreograstis K. Schum. (1895).

Tufted, mat-forming (rarely stoloniferous) peren- 70. Tetraria P. Beauv.

nials. Culms scapose or with a few nodes. Leaves
Tetraria P. Beauv., Mem. Cl. Sci. Math. Inst. Natl. France
eligulate. Inflorescence open to condensed pan- 13(2): 54 (1816); Kiikenthal, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni
iculate with (sub )capitate partial inflorescences Veg. 48: 195-250 (1940); Levyns, J.S. Afr. Bot. 13: 73-93
with few to many spikelets. Lower primary bracts (1947).
± leaflike, sheathing. Spikelets with 3-6 disti-
chous, persistent glumes of increasing length, Tufted perennials, or with a short woody seriate
lower glumes empty, larger 1-2( -3) glume(s) each rhizome. Culms scapose or few-noded, terete
subtending a flower, enclosed by the wings of the to 3(-4)-angular. Leaves ligulate or not, some-
next glume. Flowers bisexual, sometimes upper or times reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence open
lower flower functionally male. Bristles 6, ciliate to or contracted paniculate. Primary bracts short
(partly) fimbriate or plumose, shorter than to or long and leaflike, sheathing or not. Spikelets
much longer than the fruit, deciduous with the with several to many distichous, long persistent
fruit. Stamens 2-3, anthers conspicuously green- (finally deciduous ?) glumes of increasing length,
ish yellow. Style 3-fid, base not distinct, (slightly) larger (1-)2-3(-4) glumes each subtending a
thickened, persistent. Achene narrowly (ob)ovate flower, enclosed by the wings of the next glume.
178 Cyperaceae

Lower 1-2 (-3) flowers usually functionally male, tionally male, upper flower bisexual. Bristles 6, as
upper 1-2 flowers bisexual (rarely male). Bristles long as to longer than the fruit, persistent on the
0-3-6 (or more), rather short, or absent. Stamens rachilla. Stamens 3. Style elongated, 6-fid, style
3-6(-8). Style 3(-4-9)-fid, style base at first base distinct, thickened, remarkably large and
distinct, slightly to much thickened, persistent, persistent, smooth. Achene ovoid, subterete, con-
rarely tuberculate. Achene (ob )ovate, rounded stricted at the base, beaked, irregularly rugose.
3-( 4-)angular, beaked, surface often smooth. Only one sp., N. punctoria (Vahl) Levyns, South
About 50 spp., most in S Africa (ca. 45), a few Africa (SW Cape), at stream sides.
in the mountains of SE and Central Africa (2), This critical species is rather doubtfully kept
SW Australia (6), and New Zealand (1). T. separate from the closely related Tetraria. In
borneensis Kern in lowland Borneo doubtfully Levyns (op.cit.: 47) some of the differences are
kept here. Growing in rather dry, sandy, or rocky enumerated: leaves with reduced blade, but the
places on mountain slopes, more rarely in marshy uppermost leaf blade large and stemlike, glumes
places. not clearly distichous, bristles very long, style un-
usually large and terminating in 6 branches. Also
the extremely enlarged style base grown over the
71. Cyathocoma Nees upper half of the fruit, and the bristles persistent
Cyathocoma Nees, Linnaea 9: 300 (1834); Browning & on the rachilla should be noticed.
Gordon-Gray, S. Afr. J. Bot. 62: 250-257 (1996).
Macrochaetium Steudel (1855).
73. Epischoenus C.B. Clarke
Medium-sized tufted perennials. Culms scapose.
Leaves eligulate. Inflorescence compacted panicu- Epischoenus C.B. Clarke in Thiselton-Dyer, Fl. Cap. 7: 273
(1898); Levyns, J.S. Afr. Bot. 25: 69-82 (1959); Browning &
late with many spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike,
Gordon-Gray, S. Afr. J. Bot. 61: 147-152 (1995).
sheathing, suberect. Spikelets with 3-5 spirally ar-
ranged, mostly persistent glumes of increasing Medium-sized tufted perennials. Culms (sub)
length, the larger 2-3(4) each subtending a flower,
scapose, terete to trigonous, rarely 4-angular or
enclosed by the wings of the next glume. One compressed. Leaves rarely distich a us (?), eligulate,
flower bisexual, the other flower(s) functionally
often reduced to a sheath, blade rarely ancipitous.
male, position variable. Bristles 6, basally connate, Inflorescence (reduced) paniculate, with few-
deciduous with the fruit. Stamens 6. Style 3-fid, many spikelets. Lower primary bracts mostly
style base distinct, much thickened, persistent. rather short and stiff. Spikelets with few-many
Achene (ob )ovate, rounded trigona us, or sub- distichous long persistent (finally deciduous ?)
globular, 3-ribbed, stipitate, beaked, smooth.
glumes of increasing length, upper 2-4 each sub-
Probably three spp., S Africa (S Cape and Natal), tending a flower, enclosed by the wings of the next
on mountain slopes. glume. Rachilla internodes short, but last intern-
This critical genus is superficially similar to ode elongated, thickened, and curved. Lower 1-3
Tetraria, but differs by the spikelet with fewer and flowers functionally male, upper flower bisexual.
spirally arranged glumes, a bisexual lower flower, Bristles absent (sometimes 3 poorly developed).
and basally connate bristles. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid, style base distinct or not, ±
thickened, persistent. Achene ellipsoid to abo-
72. Neesenbeckia Levyns void, often 3-ribbed, ± beaked, sometimes seated
on a 3-lobed cuplike structure, surface smooth to
Neesenbeckia Levyns, J.S. Afr. Bot. 13: 74 (1947). tuberculate. About eight spp., South Africa (SW
and S Cape), in damp to marshy places, often low-
Medium-sized to tall tufted perennial. Culms to mid-montane.
(sub)scapose or 1-noded. Basal leaves reduced to
a sheath, uppermost leaf subbasal or cauline,
ligulate, blade terete, stiff. Inflorescence ± pseu- 74. Costularia C.B. Clarke
dolateral, contracted paniculate, with many spike-
lets. Primary bracts rather short and stiff, erect, Costularia C.B. Clarke in Thiselton-Dyer, Fl. Cap. 7: 274
sheathing. Spikelets with several subdistichous, (1898); Kiikenthal, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 46: 13-32,
65-76 (1939); Raynal, Adansonia II, 14: 337-377 (1974) (rev.
persistent glumes of increasing length, 2 middle New Caledonia); Browning & Gordon-Gray, S. Afr. J. Bot.
glumes largest, each subtending a flower, enclosed 61: 66-71 (1995).
by the wings of the next glum e. Lower flower func- Lophoschoenus Stapf (1914).
Cyperaceae 179

Tufted or more rarely shortly rhizomatous peren- thick fruitwall, endocarp sometimes with grooved
nials, sometimes sympodial caudex-forming inner side. About 30 spp., SE Asia over Malesia,
dwarfshrubs. Culms scapose or few-noded. Leaves Australia, New Zealand, to the Pacific islands, in
usually basally crowded or on top of the caudex, swampy to wet places in lowland and at high
sometimes (spiro- )distichous, eligulate, blade altitudes.
sometime deciduous. Inflorescence paniculate
with many-numerous spikelets. Primary bracts ±
leaflike, sheathing. Spikelets with several disti- 76. Morelotia Gaudich.
chous, deciduous glumes of increasing length, the Morelotia Gaudich. in Freycinet, Voy. Uranie, Bot.: 416, t. 28
larger (1-)2(-3) each subtending a flower, en- (1829); Blake, Contr. Queensland Herb. 8: 38-39 (1969).
closed by the wings of the next flower. The lower
flower (functionally) male or bisexual, the upper Tufted or shortly rhizomatous perennials. Culms
flower bisexual or functiona!ly female. Bristles 6, scapose or few-noded. Leaves eligulate, blade flat
fimbriate to ciliate, deciduous with the fruit. Sta- to revolute. Inflorescence paniculate with many
mens 3. Style 3-fid, style base often distinct (at spikelets. Lower primary bracts leaflike, sheath-
anthesis), thickened, persistent. Achene ovate or ing. Spikelets with several (sub)distichous, coria-
oblong, rounded trigonous, often 3-ribbed, ± ceous, deciduous glumes of increasing length,
stipitate, beaked, smooth or rugulose. About 20 upper 2 larger glumes each subtending a flower,
spp., New Caledonia (12) over Malesia (1), enclosed by the wings of the next glume. Rachilla
Seychelles, Madagascar, to southern Africa (2); internodes short, but upper internode ± elon-
in scrubby vegetation on rocky ground, rarely in gated and curved. Lower flower bisexual, upper
forest fringes. functionally male. Bristles absent. Stamens 3, fila-
The inclusion of Lophoschoenus in Costularia ments elongating after an thesis and clasped by the
is debatable, and the vegetative differences partly inrolled glumes. Style 3-fid, style base not or
(tristichous leaves without clear midrib) are con- scarcely distinct, conspicuously corky thickened,
spicuous. However, the genus Costularia s.l. is in persistent. Achene elliptic-oblong, rounded tri-
need of a worldwide revision, and I have here re- gonous, 3-ribbed, with a persistent corky style
frained from recognizing Lophoschoenus on the base. Two spp., Hawaii, New Zealand, on dry open
generic level. hillsides.

75. Gahnia Forster & Forster f. 77. Reedia F. Muell.

Gahnia Forster & Forster f., Char. Gen. Pl.: 26 (1775); Reedia F. Muell., Fragm. 1: 239, t. 10 (1859); Ki.ikenthal,
Ki.ikenthal, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 52:52-111 (1943); Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 53: 209-212 (1944).
Kern, Fl. Males. I, 7: 703-710 (1974).
Tufted perennial on woody rhizome. Culms sea-
Tufted or shortly rhizomatous perennials, some- pose. Leaves eligulate (?), sheaths often ± inflated.
times with a long, erect, or ascending caudex. Inflorescence condensed paniculate with numer-
Culms scapose or few-noded. Leaves ligulate, ous spikelets, resembling a spadix, enclosed
blade flat or inrolled, often inverted (Wilson, by several large spathelike bracts, these lower
Telopea 5: 601-602. 1994). Inflorescence terminal, primary bracts empty, bract at the base of
paniculate, partial inflorescences often ± con- the inflorescence probably subtending a partial
densed, with many-numerous spikelets. Primary inflorescence, higher bracts smaller and partly
bracts leaflike, sheathing. Spikelets mostly dark hidden by the densely arranged spikelets. Spike-
brown or black, with 5-8 spirally arranged, lets with many densely spiral to subdistichously
persistent glumes, 1-2 upper glume(s) each arranged, deciduous (?) glumes of increasing
subtending a flower, enclosed by the wings of length, upper 2-3larger glumes each subtending a
the next glume. Lower flower functionally male, flower. Lower flower functionally male, upper bi-
upper bisexual. Bristles mostly absent. Stamens sexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 6, top of filaments
(2- )3-6, filaments persistent at the base of the connivent, in the bisexual flower enclosing the
fruit, with several glume-fixing mechanisms. Style style branches. Style 3-fid, style base not distinct,
3(4)-fid, base rather distinct, slightly thickened, thickened, persistent. Achene obovate, rounded
sometimes persistent. Achene ovate to elliptic, trigonous, beaked, surface smooth, dark and shin-
subterete to subtrigonous, sometimes beaked, ing. Only one sp., R. spathacea F. Muell., SW and
often yellowish to reddish colored, with hard, W Australia, in swamps.
180 Cyperaceae

78. Evandra R. Br. Rhizomatous and stoloniferous perennials. Culms

few-noded. Leaves eligulate, blade flat or revolute.
Evandra R. Br., Prodr.: 239 (1810); Kiikenthal, Repert. Spec.
Nov. Regni Veg. 53: 187-219 {1994). Inflorescence paniculate with numerous spikelets.
Primary bracts large, leaflike, sheathing. Partial
Rhizomatous perennials. Culms scapose or few- inflorescences anthelate, corymbose or capitately
noded. Leaves eligulate (?). Inflorescence some- contracted. Spikelets with few-many ± spirally
times pseudolateral, paniculate or capitate with arranged persistent glumes of increasing length,
few-many spikelets. Lower primary bracts 2-3 upper glumes each subtending a flower. Lower
leaflike, sheathing or not, lowermost bract some- flower mostly functionally male, upper flower(s)
times erect. Spikelets with many spirally arranged bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 2( -3 ). Style
persistent glumes of increasing length, upper (2- )3-fid, style base not distinct, thickened, persis-
{1- )2 glumes each subtending a flower, glumes tent. Achene ovoid, with a thick corky beak, seated
acuminate, top recurved, inner side near the top on a broad disklike structure, smooth and shining
densely adpressed-pubescent. Lower flower func- to rugulose. About four spp., C. mariscus (L.) Pohl
tionally male, upper flower bisexual. Bristles ab- subcosmopolitan; in swamps and marshes, often
sent. Stamens 12-22. Style 8-fid, style base ± in brackish or calcareous habitats.
distinct, thickened, persistent. Achene narrowly
obovoid, with a thick rounded beak constricted at
81. Rhynchocladium T. Koyama
its base, smooth. Two spp., SW and W Australia,
on wet spots in heathland. Rhynchocladium T. Koyama, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 23: 86

79. Caustis R. Br. Perennial on a suberect rhizome. Culms 1-2-

Caustis R. Br., Prodr.: 239 (1810); Kiikenthal, Repert. Spec. noded. Leaves eligulate, blade flat or revolute.
Nov. Regni Veg. 53: 85-100 {1944). Inflorescence paniculate with many spikelets.
Primary bracts long, leaflike, sheathing. Partial in-
Perennials on a short-long creeping rhizome. florescences ± corymbiform, secondary bracts
Culms many-noded, often strongly sinuous. short, not sheathing. Spikelets with several disti-
Leaves eligulate, blade small, rarely long, inner chous, deciduous glumes of increasing length
side densely adpressed-pubescent. Inflorescence towards middle glumes, lower glumes sometimes
paniculate with many spikelets. Primary bracts persistent. Middle and upper 4-6 larger glumes
with reduced blade, sheathing. Partial inflores- each subtending a flower. Spikelet (or its upper
cences sometimes with numerous sterile lateral part) deciduous as a unit. Lower flower bisexual,
branchlets, dense and only slightly curved at first, upper flowers male. Bristles 4( -6), somewhat
often elongating and strongly recurved or coiled at longer than the fruit, deciduous with the fruit (?).
maturity. Spikelets with few-several spirally ar- Stamens 2{-3). Style shortly 3-fid, style base not
ranged, long persistent glumes of increasing distinct, somewhat thickened, persistent. Achene
length, upper 1-2larger glumes each subtending a oblong, trigonous, stipitate, 3-ribbed, long-
flower, glumes acuminate, top recurved, inner beaked, smooth. Only one sp., R. steyermarkii (T.
side near the top densely appressed-pubescent. Koyama) T. Koyama, S Venezuela, in woodland
Lower flower functionally male or absent, upper and savannah.
flower bisexual. Bristles absent. Stamens 3-6. Style
deeply 3-fid, style base constricted at the base,
thickened, persistent. Achene ovoid to ellipsoid, 82. Machaerina Vahl
rounded and 3-ribbed, mostly beaked, often finely Machaerina Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2:238 {1805); Kiikenthal, Repert.
reticulate. About six spp., Australia, in open forest Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 51: 1-17, 139-193 {1942); Raynal,
or scrub, on dry sandy soil, also at the edge of Adansonia II, 12: 103-112 {1972) (Madagascan spp.).
streams. Baumea Gaudich. (1829).

Creeping rhizomatous or stoloniferous perenni-

80. Cladium P. Browne als. Culms scapose or few-noded, ancipitous, com-
Cladium P. Browne, Civ. Nat. Hist. Jamaica: 114 (1756);
pressed or (sub)terete, sometimes septate. Leaves
Kiikenthal, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 51: 1-8, 183-192 distichous, eligulate, blade ensiform to (sub-)
(1942). terete, sometimes septate, rarely reduced to a
Cyperaceae 181

sheath. Inflorescence sometimes ± pseudolateral, 84. Tricostularia Nees

paniculate with many spikelets, main axis often
Tricostularia Nees in Lehmann, Nov. Stirp. Pug. 8: 50 (1844);
sinuous, partial inflorescences sometimes capi- Kiikenthal, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 53: 212-217
tately contracted. Primary bracts often leaflike, (1944).
sheathing. Spikelets with 2-10 distichous, long
persistent glumes of increasing length, with (1-) Tufted, rhizomatous perennials. Culms scapose or
2-4{5) flowers subtended by the larger glumes. few-noded. Leaves eligulate, sometimes reduced
Lower 1-2 flowers bisexual, upper flower(s) func- to a sheath. Inflorescence paniculate with few to
tionally male. Bristles absent, poorly developed, or many spikelets. Primary bracts rather stiff and
up to 6, delicate, deciduous with the fruit. Stamens short, sheathing. Spikelets with several distichous,
3. Style 3-fid, style base not distinct, thickened, deciduous glumes of increasing length, upper 1-3
persistent. Achene ovate to oblong, terete to tri- larger glumes each subtending a flower. Lower
quetrous, ±3-ribbed to winged, stipitate or sessile, flower(s) functionally male, rarely absent, upper
beaked, smooth to rugose. About 50 spp., Mada- flower bisexual. Bristles {3-)6, sublaminar, basally
gascar and the Mascarenes over SE Asia, Malesia, adnate into a small cuplike structure, (much)
SE Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Pacific shorter than the fruit, deciduous with the fruit.
islands to tropical South America and the West Stamens 3. Style 3-fid, style base± distinct, not or
Indies, in wetlands, sometimes as floating mats, or slightly thickened, deciduous, rarely persistent.
in woodlands, often at higher altitudes. Achene obovoid, ±stipitate, ±3-ribbed, rarely
beaked, surface hairy. Six spp., Sri Lanka, SE Asia,
and Malesia (1), to Australia {5) and New
83. Lepidosperma Labill. Caledonia (2), in open heath or scrubland, on
Lepidosperma Labill., Nov. Holl. Pl. 1: 14, t. 11 (1805); humid sandy soils.
Kiikenthal, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 50: 19-50, 112-
128 (1941).
III. Subfamily Sclerioideae C.B. Clarke (1908).
Tufted, rhizomatous, or stoloniferous perennials.
Culms scapose, rarely few-noded, terete, com- 10. Tribe Cryptangieae Bentham (1881).
pressed 3-4-angular, or ancipitous. Leaves
(spiro)distichous, ligulate, blade terete, often all 85. Lagenocarpus Nees
reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence rarely ± Lagenocarpus Nees, Linnaea 9: 304 (1834); Koyama &
pseudolateral, paniculate or spicately condensed Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 12:35-51 (1965) (part. rev.).
with few-many spikelets. Primary bracts rather Cryptangium Schrader ex Nees (1842).
short, more rarely leaflike, lowermost bract often
suberect. Spikelets with few-several spirally Rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennials. Culms
arranged, persistent glumes of increasing length, scapose or several-many-noded. Leaves eligulate,
upper 1-2{-4) larger glumes each subtending a contraligule ± triangular, lower leaves sometimes
flower. Lower flowers, when present, functionally reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence paniculate with
male, upper flower bisexual. Scales 6, thin and many-numerous spikelets. Primary bracts leaf-
bristlelike at anthesis, afterwards basally spongy, like, sheathing. Partial inflorescences anthelate or
thickening. Stamens 3. Style 3{4)-fid, style base ± contracted. Lower spikelets (or lower partial
distinct (at anthesis), thickened, persistent. inflorescences) male, upper female, or flowers dio-
Achene (ob)ovate to oblong, rounded to 3-ribbed, ecious. Male spikelets with many densely spirally
crowned by a mostly thick and obtuse apex, rarely arranged, persistent glumes, middle and upper
with a long beak, smooth or finely reticulate. glumes subtending a male flower. Male flowers
About 55 spp., SE Asia and Malesia (1) towards with 1-6 stamens. Female spikelets with few-
Australia (ca. 50), New Zealand (3), and New several spirally arranged, persistent glumes,
Caledonia {4), along rivers and in woodland, penultimate glume subtending a female flower.
rarely in mountain heath vegetation. Female flower surrounded at the base, opposite
The flower of L. forsythii A.A. Hamilton has only the sides, by 3 small ciliate scales. Style 3-fid, style
3 scales, which remain thin, but remarkably has base distinct or not, thickened or not, mostly per-
the 3 filaments inflated at the base and remaining sistent. Achene ovate to obovate, rounded
attached to the fruit (Wilson, Telopea 5: 608. trigonous, often 3-ribbed, ±beaked, smooth or
1994), mimicking the real thing. foveolate, rarely scabrid. About 30 spp., tropical
182 Cyperaceae

Central and S America, West Indies, in dry to wet 88. Cephalocarpus Nees Fig. 42D-F
savannah, often on sandy soil or rocky slopes.
Cephalocarpus Nees in Mart., Fl. Brasil. 2(1): 162, t.l8 (1842);
Koyama & Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gar d. 12: 17-19 ( 1965).
86. Didymiandrum Gilly
Didymiandrum Gillay, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 330 (1941);
Tufted or isolated caudex-forming dwarfshrubs,
Koyama & Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 12: 51-52 (1965). caudex covered by decaying leaf sheaths and
adventitious roots. Culms lateral, scapose, com-
Tal rhizomatous perennial. Culms many-noded, pressed. Leaves crowded on top of the caudex,
woody. Lower leaves reduced to a sheath, middle eligulate. Inflorescences contracted paniculate or
and upper leaves pseudoverticillate in 2 s or 3 s, capitate with few-several spikelets. Primary bracts
sheathing, eligulate. Inflorescence paniculate with small, sheathing, suberect. Inflorescences uni-
many spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike, sheathing. sexual or bisexual, flowers often dioecious. Male
Flowers dioecious. Male spikelets with many spikelets with spiral, persistent glumes, lower and
densely spirally arranged, persistent glumes, 1- upper glumes smaller and empty, middle 5-9 larg-
few middle or apical glumes each subtending a est each subtending a mostly 2-staminate flower.
male flower. Male flowers with 3 stamens. Female Female spikelet with few spiral, persistent glumes,
spikelets with many densely spirally arranged, penultimate glume subtending a flower (rarely a
persistent glumes, penultimate glume subtending 2nd upper and nonfunctional flower present).
a female flower. Female flower surrounded at the Female flower with a pistil, surrounded at the base
base, opposite the sides, by 3 small, fimbriolate by 3 small, fimbriate scales. Style 3-fid, style base
scales, deciduous with the fruit. Style 3-fid, style distinct, partly thickened and persistent. Achene
base :±: distinct, thickened, persistent. Achene (ob)ovate, terete to subtrigonous, :±:3-ribbed, per-
obpyriform to obovate, trigonous, 3-ribbed, beak sistent style base finally clavate, smooth. About
pyramidal, smooth. Only one sp., D. stellatum three spp., N South America, terrestrial or epi-
(Boeckeler) Gilly, N S America, in mountain forest phytic, in open vegetation or on rocks in lowland
and woodland. forests.

87. Everardia Ridley ex Thurn 11. Tribe Trilepideae Goetghebeur (1985).

Everardia Ridley ex Thurn, Timehri 5: 210 (1886); Koyama &
Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 12: 20-35 (1965).
89. Trilepis Nees
Pseudoeverardia Gilly (1951). Trilepis Nees, Linnaea 9: 305 (1834); Koyama & Maguire,
Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 12: 14-17 (1965).
Dwarf shrubs with woody caudex covered by Fintelmannia Kunth (1837).
fibrous leaf sheath remnants and adventitious
roots. Culms lateral, scapose, compressed. Leaves Tufted perennials or dwarf shrubs with a
crowded on top of the caudex, eligulate, con- (branched) caudex, covered by :±: fibrous leaf
traligule :±: triangular. Inflorescence paniculate sheath remnants and adventitious roots. Culms
with many-numerous spikelets. Primary bracts :±: lateral, scapose, compressed. Leaves crowded on
leaflike, sheathing. Lower branches (or lower par- top of the caudex, eligulate, contraligula triangu-
tial inflorescences) usually with male spikelets, lar. Inflorescence paniculate with few-many
upper with female spikelets, rarely dioecious. spikeletlike spikes. Primary bracts :±: leaflike,
Male spikelet with spiral, persistent glumes, lower sheathing. Spikes with numerous lateral spikelets,
empty, middle and upper each subtending a male subtended by spirally arranged glumelike bracts.
flower with 2-9 stamens. Female spikelet with few Basal spikes male, apical spikes female. Spikelets
spiral, persistent glumes, penultimate glume sub- with few distichous, persistent glumes, 1-2 each
tending a female flower with a pistil, surrounded subtending a flower, lateral spikelets with an
at the base, opposite the sides, by 3 small :±: trian- irregularly shaped prophyll. Male flower with 3
gular, long-fimbriate scales. Style 3-fid, base not stamens. Female flower with a pistil, surrounded
distinct, not or slightly thickened, persistent. at the base and opposite the sides by 3 small, long
Achene oblong to obovate, rounded trigonous, 3- fimbriate hypogynous scales, deciduous with the
ribbed, often long-beaked, beak smooth or fruit. Style 3-fid, style base not distinct, tapering,
scabrid, surface smooth. About 12 spp., N South persistent. Achene fusiform, trigonous, long-
America, terrestrial or epiphytic, on bare sand- beaked, smooth. About three spp., Guayana and
stone rocks, escarpments, in crevices. SE Brazil, on bare, granitic rocks.
Cyperaceae 183

90. Afrotrilepis (Gilly) Raynal tapering, persistent. Achene fusiform, trigonous,

long-beaked, surface smooth. About seven spp.,
Afrotrilepis (Gilly) Raynal, Adansonia II, 3: 258 (1963); Haines
& Lye, Bot. Not. 126: 330-339 (1973).
W Cameroon, W Angola, E and S Africa, Madagas-
car; on hot, temporarily dry, bare rocks.
Mat-forming perennials with branched rhizomes,
forming a short caudex. Culms scapose. Leaves ::!::: 92. Microdracoides Hua Fig. 43
crowded on top of a caudex, leaf sheaths closed
but with a conspicuous longitudinal fold, ligule Microdracoides Hua, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 12: 421 (1906);
Chermezon, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 80: 90-97 (1933).
fimbriate, contraligule triangular. Inflorescence
paniculate with few-many spikel~tlike s~ikes. P.ri-
Medium-sized dwarfshrub with caudex covered
mary bracts ::!::: leaflike, sheathmg. Spikes .with
by leaf sheaths and adventitious roots. Culms lat-
numerous lateral spikelets, subtended by spually
eral, scapose. Leaves crowded on top of the
arranged glumelike bracts. Spikes usually
caudex, eligulate (?), blade deciduous. Inflores-
bisexual, rarely male. Spikelets unisexual or
cence paniculate with many spi~eletlik~ spik~s.
bisexual, with few distichous, persistent glumes,
Primary bracts ::!::: leaflike, sheathmg. Sp1kes with
the larger 1-2 each subtending a flower, lateral
numerous lateral spikelets, subtended by small,
spikelets with an irregularly shaped . prop~yll.
densely spirally arranged glumelike bracts. Spikes
Basal spikelets with 1-2 male flowers, apical spike-
unisexual, flowers dioecious. Spikelets unisexual,
lets mostly with 1 male and 1 female flower, rarely
with few distichous, persistent glumes, 1-2 larger
completely male or female. Male flower with 1-3
each subtending a flower, lateral spikelets with an
stamens. Female flower with a pistil, surrounded
irregularly shaped prophyll. Male flower 3-
at the base and opposite the sides by 3 hypogynous
staminate. Female flower with a pistil, surrounded
scales, deciduous with the fruit. Style 3-fid, style
at the base and opposite the sides by 3 hypogynous
base not distinct, tapering, persistent. Achene
scales deciduous with the fruit. Style 3-fid, style
fusiform, trigonous, long-beaked, smooth. Two
base not distinct, tapering, persistent. Achene
spp., tropical W Africa, from Senegal to Gabon; on
fusiform, trigonous, long-beaked, surface smooth.
bare granitic rocks.
Only one sp., M. squamosus Hua, scattered in
Guinee, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Cameroun, on bare
91. Coleochloa Gilly rocks.

Coleochloa Gilly, Brittonia 5: 12 (1943); Nelmes, Kew Bull.

1953: 373- 381 (1953); Haines & Lye, Bot. Not. 126: 330-339
(1973) (rev. E Afr.) .
Eriospora Hochst. ex A. Rich. (1850), nom. illeg., non Berkeley
& Broome (1850).

Tufted or cushion-forming perennials with exten-

sively branched rhizomes, sometimes forming a
small caudex. Culms (sub )seapose, compressed.
Leaves distichous, leaf sheath open, ligule
fimbriate, blade flat or inrolled, deciduous. Inflo-
rescence paniculate with few-many spikeletlike
spikes. Primary bracts ::!::: leaflike. Spikes .with
numerous lateral spikelets subtended by sp1rally
arranged glumelike bracts. Spikes bisexual. Spike-
lets unisexual or bisexual, with few distichous,
persistent glumes, the larger 1-2 each subtending
a flower, lateral spikelets with an irregularly
shaped prophyll. Basal spikelets with 1-2 male
flowers, apical spikelets mostly with 1 male and 1
female flower, more rarely completely female.
Male flower with 2-3 stamens. Female flower with
Fig. 43A-E. Cyperaceae. Microdracoides squam.osus. A .stems
a pistil, surrounded at the base and oppos.ite the with terminal leaf rosettes. B Tip of branch with pamcle. C
sides by 3 small hypogynous scales, dec~d~ous Pistillate spikelet. D Fruit subtended by hypogynous scales.
with the fruit. Style 3-fid, style base not distmct, E Hypogynous scale. (Takhtajan 1982)
184 Cyperaceae

12. Tribe Sclerieae Kunth ex Fenzl (1836). numerous spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike,
sheathing. Partial inflorescences usually corym-
93. Scleria Bergius bose, rarely capitately contracted, with several-
many lateral male or female spikelets, branches
Scleria Bergius, K. Vetensk. Acad. Hand!. 26: 142, t.4-5 (1765);
Core, Brittonia 2: 1-105 (1936) (rev. Amer.); Robinson, Kew terminated by a female spikelet. Male spikelet
Bull. 18: 487-551 (1966) (rev. SE Afr.). prophyllate, with ca. 5 distichous, persistent
Acriulus Ridley (1884). glumes, the lower each subtending a monandrous
male flower. Female spikelet with ca. 10 empty,
Small annuals or medium-sized to tall tufted, persistent glumes surrounding a female flower in
rhizomatous, or even scrambling perennials. (pseudo?)terminal position. Female flower with
Culms mostly many-noded. Leaves sometimes a deeply 3-fid style, style base not distinct, not
pseudoverticillate, sheaths sometimes conspicu- thickened, deciduous, base surrounded by a
ously winged, (hairy) ligule rarely present, con- subtrigonous disc. Achene (depressed) globose,
traligule often present, sometimes as a large smooth, rugulose, or tuberculate. Five spp., tropi-
outgrowth, blade rarely lanceolate or pseudo- cal Central and S America, in forest or at the edge
petiolate, sometimes pseudopremorse. Inflores- of swamps in savannah.
cence polymorphic, basically paniculate, but often
with contracted partial inflorescences. Spikelets
with few-many distichous glumes, lower glumes 95. Diplacrum R. Br.
empty, larger glume subtending a female flower, Diplacrum R. Br., Prodr.: 240 (1810); Koyama, Mem. N.Y. Bot.
or a female (lower) and 1-few upper glumes each Gard. 17: 32-35 (1967) (Amer. spp.).
a male flower, or male flowers only, glume length Pteroscleria Nees (1842).
increasing towards the female flower. Male and
female spikelets intermingled, or female spikelets Annuals or tufted, rarely stoloniferous perennials.
only basal, rarely plants dioecious. Male flower Culms scapose, often short. Leaves eligulate, blade
with 3 stamens. Female flower with 3-fid style, sometimes lanceolate. Inflorescence paniculate
style base mostly not distinct, thickened or not, or capitate with many spikelets. Primary bracts
persistent or deciduous, ovary surrounded at the leaflike, sheathing. Partial inflorescences anthelate
base by a variously shaped (often 3-lobed, margin or capitately contracted, lateral spikelets usually
entire, ciliate or serrate) and sometimes reduced male, terminal spikelets usually female. Male
hypogynium, lobes - when present - opposite the spikelets with few distichous, persistent glumes,
ribs of the fruit, deciduous with the fruit. Achene each subtending a monandrous male flower. Fe-
globose to ovoid, rounded to trigonous, smooth or male spikelet with 2 distichous, persistent glumes,
variously sculptured, glabrous or hairy, wall often sometimes deciduous with the fruit, surrounding
bony hard, white or discolored, sometimes a (pseudo?)terminal female flower with a pistil
beaked. About 250 spp., pantropical, locally ex- seated on a basal trilobed disc, lobes opposite
tending to (warm-)temperate regions; most spp. the 3 main ribs, style 3-fid, style base not distinct,
in seasonally to permanently damp to waterlogged not thickened, deciduous. Achene subglobose to
places, often on sandy soils, many annuals on sea- ovoid, inconspicuously 3-ribbed, beak short,
sonally damp shallow soils overlying rocks, more smooth, ribbed, or reticulate. Seven spp., pan-
rarely growing in open to dense woodland. tropical, in forest, often along streams or near
waterfalls, or on damp places in savanna, often on
white sand.
13. Tribe Bisboeckelereae Pax ex L.T. Eiten
96. Bisboeckelera Kuntze
94. Becquerelia Brongn.
Bisboeckelera Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 747 (1891); Koyama,
Becquerelia Brongn. in Duperrey, Voy. Monde, Bot. 2: 161, t. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 17: 35-39 (1967).
27 (1833); Koyama, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 17: 25-32 (1967).
Tufted, rarely shortly rhizomatous perennials.
Tufted or shortly rhizomatous, rarely stolonifer- Culms central or lateral, scapose. Leaves eligulate,
ous perennials. Culm scapose or not. Leaves blade often oblong and pseudopetiolate, or leaves
sometimes all basal and then often pseudo- reduced to a sheath. Inflorescence capitate or
petiolate, eligulate, leaf blade sometimes lan- anthelate with few-many spikelets. Primary bracts
ceolate. Inflorescence paniculate with many- leaflike or short, (shortly) sheathing. Partial inflo-
Cyperaceae 185

rescences capitately contracted, male spikelets 2- Perennial with short creeping rhizome. Culms sea-
3, lateral, terminal spikelets usually female. Spikes pose. Leaves eligulate, contraligule rounded
bisexual, with 2 bracts subtending 1-2 male spike- triangular. Inflorescence paniculate with many
lets and terminated by a female spikelet. Male spikelets, main axis conspicuously sinuous. Pri-
spikelet with several distichous, persistent glumes, mary bracts boat -shaped, shortly sheathing, tightly
1-2 subtending a monandrous male flower. clasping the partial inflorescences (only part of the
Female spikelet only a (pseudo?)terminal female spikelets visible). Lower (=long pedicelled) spike-
flower, tightly surrounded by a many-nerved lets female, upper (=shortly pedicelled) spikelets
utriculiform glume. Female flower with a pistil, male. Male spikelet with several distichous, persis-
seated on a basal trilobed disc, lobes opposite the tent glumes, middle and upper glumes subtending
3 main ribs, style 3-fid, style base not distinct, male flowers with 2 (up to 6?) stamens. Female
deciduous to ± persistent. Achene obovate to spikelet with several distichous, persistent glumes,
cordate, trigonous to triquetrous, beaked, sur- penultimate glume (rarely the lower glume also)
face smooth. Four spp., N South America, in subtending a female flower with a pistil lacking
forest. hypogynous scales. Style 2-fid, style base distinct,
thickened, persistent. Achene (ob )ovate, laterally
compressed, 2-ribbed, shortly stipitate, beaked,
97. Calyptrocarya Nees surface smooth. Only one sp., E. amazonica C.B.
Clarke, scattered inN South America and SE Brazil,
Calyptrocarya Nees, Linnaea 9: 304 (1834); Koyama, Mem. in savanna or scrub.
N.Y. Bot. Gard. 17:40-46 (1967); Davidse & Kral, Ann. Mo.
Bot. Garden 75: 853-861 (1988). Usually, this genus is considered a member of
the Cryptangieae. However, some disturbing dif-
Rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennials. Culms ferences such as the slender habit, the distichous
central or lateral, (sub)scapose, trigonous. Leaves glumes, the laterally compressed bicarpellate
eligulate, sometimes with a triangular con- ovary, and the lack of a perianth are out of order
traligule, blade sometimes lanceolate. Inflores- in that tribe (Goetghebeur, Gen. Cyp.: 937-938,
cence paniculate or capitate with few-many 1986). Lacking further evidence, I provisionally
spikelets. Primary bracts leaflike, sheathing. consider this and the following genus as incertae
Partial inflorescences ± corymbose to capitately sedis.
contracted, with many lateral bisexual or func-
tionally male or female spikelets, terminal spike-
lets male or female. Male spikelet with a few 99. Koyamaea W.W. Thomas & Davidse
distichous, persistent glumes, each subtending a
monandrous male flower. Functionally female Koyamaea W.W. Thomas & Davidse, Syst. Bot. 14: 189 (1989).
spike with 3 tristichous bracts, each subtending a
neuter spikelet with a few empty distichous, per- Loosely tufted to shortly rhizomatous perennial.
sistent glumes, these spikelets surrounding a fe- Culm lateral, few-many-noded, velvety hairy.
male spikelet, reduced to a (pseudo?)terminal Leaves with a ciliate ligule, contraligule shortly
female flower, very tightly clasped by a nerveless triangular, hairy, lower leaves reduced to a sheath.
utriculiform glume. Female flower with a pistil, Inflorescence capitate with few-several spikelets.
seated on a basal inconspicuous disc, style Lower primary bracts leaflike, sheathing. Spikelets
deeply 2-3-fid, style base not distinct, not thick- densely pilose, with many spirally arranged, per-
ened, deciduous. Achene obovate, thick lenticular sistent (?) glumes, several empty basal glumes,
to rounded trigonous, beak short, surface smooth. 1 female flower, many male flowers, and a few
Eight spp., tropical Central and S America, in empty upper glumes, top cucullate. Male flower
forest. 3-staminate, some of the lower male flowers with
1-2 bristles. Female flower with 2-5 hypogynous
bristles, shorter than the fruit, probably deciduous
with the fruit. Style deeply 3-fid, style base not
Incertae sedis distinct, thickened, persistent. Achene elliptic,
rounded triangular, 3-ribbed, beaked, smooth.
98. Exochogyne C.B. Clarke Only one sp., K. neblinensis W.W. Thomas &
Exochogyne C.B. Clarke, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov.
Davidse, endemic on the Cerro de la Neblina (SE
Brandenburg 47: 101 (1905); Koyama & Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Venezuela and adjacent Brazil), in dry scrub or in
Bot. Gard. 12: 52-54 (1965). more mesic savannah.
186 Cyperaceae

IV. Subfamily Caricoideae Pax (1886). (or glumes), either subtending (proximally) a
bisexual spikelet or a female spikelet, or (distally)
14. Tribe Cariceae Kunth ex Dumort. (1827). a male flower. Bisexual spikelet with a basal ±
utriculiform prophyll, subtending a female flower,
100. Kobresia Willd. and a rachilla bearing at the top few-several
glumes, each subtending a male flower. Female
Kobresia Willd., Sp. Pl. 4:205 (1805); Kiikenthal, Pflanzenreich
IV. 20: 33-50 (1909); Rajbhandari & Ohba in Ohba & Malia, spikelet reduced to a ± open utriculiform flower-
Himalayan Pl. 2: 117-167 (1991) (rev. Nepal). bearing prophyll, enclosing the well-developed,
Elyna Schrader (1806). often laminar rachilla, ovary and style, only style
branches and often the rachilla protruding. Male
Tufted or shortly rhizomatous perennials. Culms flower 3-staminate, without bristles. Female
mostly scapose. Leaves ligulate, blade often flower with a 3-fid style, style base not distinct, not
reduced. Inflorescence paniculate or spicate, with or slightly thickened, persistent. Achene oblong or
few-many spikelets, cladoprophylls not utriculi- (ob )ovate, trigonous, often beaked, smooth.
form, empty. Primary bracts leaflike or short. About 12 spp., S Africa, on the E African moun-
Ultimate partial inflorescences spikelike, bisexual tains (2), and in Madagascar (2), in humid grass-
or unisexual, with few-many spirally arranged land and dense to open forest.
deciduous or persistent bracts (or persistent
glumes), either subtending (proximally) a
102. Uncinia Pers.
bisexual spikelet or a female spikelet, or (distally)
a male flower. Bisexual spikelet with a basal ± Uncinia Pers., Syn. Pl. 2: 534 (1807); Kiikenthal, Pflanzenreich
utriculiform prophyll, subtending a female flower IV. 20: 50-67 (1909); Hamlin, Rec. Domin. Mus. 3: 85-88
and a rachilla bearing at the top few-several (1958) (infragen. class.); Hamlin, Domin. Mus. Bull. 19: 106
p. (1959) (rev. New Zealand); Kukkonen, Kew Bull. 21: 93-
glumes, each subtending a male flower. Female 97 (1967) (structure of spikelet).
spikelet reduced to a (more to less open)
utriculiform flower-bearing prophyll, enclosing Tufted, rhizomatous, or rarely stoloniferous pe-
the ± well-developed, often laminar rachilla, rennials. Culms scapose, rarely noded. Leaves
ovary and style, only style branches and often the ligulate. Inflorescence a bisexual spike with in the
rachilla protruding. Male flower 3-staminate, lower part female spikelets, and apically male
without bristles. Female flower with a 3-fid style flowers, forming a terminal male spikelet. Primary
(2-fid in K. macrantha Boeckeler), style base not bracts mostly small and glumelike, or a few lower
distinct, not or slightly thickened, persistent. bracts ± leaflike, deciduous or persistent. Male
Achene (ob )ovate to oblong, trigonous, rarely spikelet with few-many densely spirally arranged
biconvex, rarely stipitate, ±beaked, surface glumes, each subtending a male flower with 2-3
smooth. About 50 spp., holarctic region with a stamens with broad or narrow filaments. Female
concentration in the Himalayas, K. kobresioidea spikelets 1-flowered, rachilla elongated, with
(Kiik.) Kern on the mountains of N Sumatra. In a terminal recurved hook, formed by a thick,
open, alpine vegetation, rarely in shady or moist ±coriaceous glume, prophyll utriculiform, sub-
places. tending the female flower. Female flower without
bristles, with a 3-fid style, style base not distinct,
often ± thickened and persistent, ovary seated on
101. Schoenoxiphium Nees
a small disk with 3 basal knobs, opposite the ribs.
Schoenoxiphium Nees, Linnaea 7: 531 (1832); Levyns, ].S. Afr. Achene oblong to ovate, (rounded) trigonous,
Bot. 11: 79-89 (1945); Kukkonen, Bothalia 14: 819-823 beaked, surface smooth. About 60 spp., Malesia
(1983). over Australia, New Zealand, S Pacific islands
(plus Hawaii) to Central and S America, in humid
Tufted or (shortly) rhizomatous perennials. grassland and temperate forest, often at higher
Culms scapose. Leaves ligulate. Inflorescence altitudes.
open to condensed paniculate or spicate, with Uncinia kingii Boott was long considered an
few-many spikelets, cladoprophylls sometimes ± oddity in Uncinia. Many abnormal character
utriculiform, swollen at the base, and subtending a states came to light, and, as a result, the species
female flower. Primary bracts leaflike or short, was quite correctly transferred to Carex as C.
sheathing or not. Ultimate partial inflorescences kingii (Boott) Reznicek.
spikelike, bisexual or unisexual, with few-many
spirally arranged deciduous or persistent bracts
Cyperaceae 187

103. Carex L. Fig. 44

Carex L., Spl. Pl. 2: 972 (1753); Ktikenthal, Pflanzenreich IV.
20: 67-767 (1909); Smith & Faulkner, Bot. Rev. 42: 53-81
(1976); Robertson, Taxon 28: 535-548 (1979); Reznicek,
Can. J. Bot. 68: 1409-1432 (1990).
Vignea P. Beauv. ex Lestib. (1819).
Vesicarex Steyerm. (1951).

Tufted, rhizomatous, stoloniferous, or tussock-

forming perennials. Culms central or lateral,
mostly scapose, rarely noded. Leaves ligulate.
Inflorescence rarely pseudolateral, paniculate,
often partly or completely contracted, rarely
corymbose or anthelate with few-numerous
spikes, less frequently reduced to a single spike,
cladoprophylls sometimes swollen at the base,
utriculiform, and subtending a female flower.
Inflorescence mostly bisexual, rarely unisexual or
flowers dioecious. Primary bracts leaflike or not,
sheathing or not. Partial inflorescences spikelike,
unisexual or bisexual, with few-many spirally
arranged bracts (or glumes), subtending either a
female spikelet or a male flower. Spikes male,
female, or bisexual, and then mostly male flowers
apically, rarely basally, or intermingled. Male
flower (2- )3-staminate, without bristles. Female
spikelet reduced to the (mostly underdeveloped to
virtually absent) rachilla and a utriculiform,
flower-bearing prophyll, completely enclosing the
rachilla, ovary, and style, only the style branches
protruding and very rarely also the well-devel-
oped rachilla (very rarely bearing 1-few reduced
glumes). Female flower with a 2-3-fid style, style
base not distinct, rarely thickened, persistent.
Achene often obovate, trigonous, or dorsiven-
trally compressed, sometimes remarkably dis-
formed. Perhaps ca. 2000 spp., cosmopolitan, with
concentrations in some cold holarctic regions.
The species of this giant genus occupy a diversity
of habitats, but most species grow under wet, cold
conditions in bogs, alpine and arctic vegetations.
Forest and thermophilic species are much rarer,
there are also a few species inhabiting disturbed Fig. 44A-J. Cyperaceae. A Carex physodes. Fruiting plant,
grounds, sometimes becoming weedy. note inflated utricles. B-E C. dioica. B Habit. C Pistillate spike.
The monographer Kiikenthal (op.cit.) divided D Staminate spike. E Utricle at fruiting stage. F-1 C. vulpina. F
Inflorescence. G Staminate flower. H Pistillate flower, utricle
the genus into four subgenera. His subgenus
opened to show pistil. I Utricle at fruit maturity. J Achene.
Primocarex (based on the single character state of (Takhtajan 1982)
unispicate inflorescences) is now widely consid-
ered as a polyphyletic assemblage of species with
phylogenetic affinities to highly diverse groups in cence bracts mostly leaflike, often sheathing,
the other three subgenera or even out of Carex. In cladoprophylls present, spike prophylls never
a recent review by Reznicek (op.cit.), the three utriculiform, pistils 3-, rarely 2-carpellate; subgen.
remaining subgenera Carex, Vignea, and Indo- Vignea: inflorescence bracts rarely leaflike, never
carex are recognized as such, and (here succinctly) sheathing, cladoprophylls absent, spike prophylls
characterized as follows. Subgen. Carex: inflores- absent, if present never utriculiform, pistil 2-,
188 Cyperaceae

rarely 3-carpellate; subgen. Indocarex: inflores- variation in the wetland sedge Eleocharis caespitosissima
cence bracts mostly leaflike and sheathing, Baker. Aust. J. Bot. 42: 441-448.
Bruhl, J. 1995. Sedge genera of the world: relationships and a
cladoprophylls present, spike prophylls often new classification of the Cyperaceae. Aust. Syst. Bot. 8: 125-
utriculiform and sometimes subtending a female 305.
flower, pistils 3-carpellate. Carolin, R.C., Jacobs, S.W.L., Vesk, M. 1977. The ultrastruc-
ture of Kranz cells in the family Cyperaceae. Bot. Gaz. 138:
104. Cymophyllus Mackenzie Cayouette, J., Morisset, P. 1985. Chromosome studies on natu-
ral hybrids between maritime species of Carex (sections
Cymophyllus Mackenzie ex Britton in Britton & Brown, Ill. Fl. Phacocystis and Cryptocarpae) in northeastern North
N. U.S., ed. 2, 1: 441 (1913); Kartesz & Gandhi, Rhodora 93: America and their taxonomic implication. Can. J, Bot. 63:
136-140 (1991). 1957-1985.
Chermezon, H. 1929. Les cyperacees a feuilles ensiformes.
Tufted perennial on an oblique rhizome. Culms Arch. Bot. Bull. Mens. 3: 73-101, 12 fig.
Cronquist, A. 1969. The evolution and classification of flower-
lateral, (sub)scapose. Lower 4-5 leaves reduced
ing plants. London: Nelson.
to an open sheath with overlapping margins, Dahlgren, R.M.T., Clifford, H.T. 1982. See general references.
eligulate, uppermost (?) leaf sheathless (?), Dahlgren, R.M.T., Rasmussen, F.N. 1983. Monocotyledon evo-
eligulate, blade (or = expanded sheath?) large and lution: characters and phylogenetic estimation. Evol. Bioi.
wide, with undulate margins. Inflorescence a 16: 255-395.
Dahlgren, R.M.T., Clifford, H.T., Yeo, P.F. 1985. See general
single spike with many spirally arranged small references.
whitish bracts, lower bracts each subtending a Davies, E.W. 1956. Cytology, evolution, and origin of the
female spikelet, upper bracts each subtending aneuploid series in the genus Carex. Hereditas 42: 349-
a 3-staminate male flower. Female spikelet with 365.
a rachilla, ca. half as long as the fruit, and a large, Davies, J., Briarty, L.G., Rieley, J.O. 1973. Obeservations on the
swollen lateral roots of the Cyperaceae. New Phytol. 72:
whitish, inflated utriculiform prophyll, sub- 167-174.
tending a female flower. Female flower with a Eiten, L.T. 1976a. Inflorescence units in the Cyperaceae. Ann.
3-fid style, stigmatic branches conspicuously Mo. Bot. Gard. 63: 81-112.
thickened-clavate, style base not distinct, not Eiten, L.T. 1976b. The morphology of some critical Bra-
thickened, deciduous, ovary seated on a disk zilian species of Cyperaceae. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 63: 113-
with 3 basal knobs, opposite the ribs. Achene :± Erdtman, G. 1952. See general references.
obovate, trigonous, smooth. Only one sp., C. Fedorov, A.A. (ed.) 1969. See general references.
fraserianus (Ker Gawler) Kartesz & Gandhi, Fisher, J.B. 1971. Inverted vascular bundles in the leaf of
Appalachian Mts., SE USA, in forest. Cladium (Cyperaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 64: 277-293.
Frolich, D., Barthlott, W. 1988. Mikromorphologie der
epicuticularen Wachse und das System der Monokotylen.
Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenwelt (Akad. Wiss. Lit. Mainz) 63:
Selected Bibliography 135 pp.
Goetghebeur, P. 1986. Genera Cyperacearum. Een bijdrage tot
Battaglia, E. 1954. Assenza si centromero localizzato in de kennis van de morfologie, systematiek en fylogenese van
Heleocharis uniglumis (Link) Schult. Caryologia 6: 319- de Cyperaceae-genera. xii + 1164 p., ill. Dr. Sci. Thesis.
332. Gent: State University.
Bentham, G. 1883. Cyperaceae. In: Bentham, G., Hooker, J.D., Goetghebeur, P., Van den Borre, A. 1989. Studies in
Genera Plantarum 3(2): 1037-1073. London: Reeve. Cyperaceae 8. A revision of Lipocarpha, including Hemi-
Bir, S.S., Cheema, P., Kumari, S., Sidhu, M. 1993. Occurrence carpha and Rikliella. Wageningen Agric. Univ. Papers 89-1:
of B-chromosomes and karyotypic analysis in sedge genus 87 pp.
Eleocharis R. Br. Curr. Sci. 64: 322-325. Goetghebeur P. 1989. Studies in Cyperaceae 9. Problems in the
Blaser, H.W. 1941. Studies in the morphology of the Cyper- lectotypification and infrageneric taxonomy of Cyperus L.
aceae. 1. Morphology of the flowers. A. Scirpoid genera. Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 122: 103-114.
Am. J. Bot. 28: 542-551. Goldblatt, P. 1981. Index to plant chromosome numbers
Braselton, J.P. 1971. The ultrastructure of the non-localized 1975-1978. Monogr. Syst. Bot. 5: 553 p.
kinetochores of Luzula and Cyperus. Chromosoma 36: 89- Goldblatt, P. 1984. Index to plant chromosome numbers
99. 1979-1981. Monogr. Syst. Bot. 8: 427 p.
Brown, W.V. 1975. Variations in anatomy, associations, and Guaglianone, E.R., Ueno, 0. 1991. A disjunct species in
origins of Kranz tissue. Am. J. Bot. 62: 395-402. Eleocharis (Cyperaceae). Darwiniana 30: 223-229.
Browning, J. 1992. Hypogynous bristles and scales in basal Haines, R.W. 1967. Prophylls and branching in Cyperaceae.
florets in amphicarpous Schoenoplectus species (Cyper- J. E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26: 51-70.
aceae). Nord. J. Bot. 12: 171-175, 4 fig. Haines, R.W. 1971. Amphicarpy in East African Cyperaceae.
Bruhl, J. 1991. Comparative development of some taxonomi- Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. Munch. 10: 534-538.
cally critical floral/inflorescence features in Cyperaceae. Haines, R.W., Lye, K.A. 1971. Studies in African Cyperaceae 4.
Aust. J. Bot. 39: 119-127. Lipocarpha R.Br., Hemicarpha Nees and Isolepis R.Br. Bot.
Bruhl, J. 1994. Amphicarpy in the Cyperaceae, with novel Not. 124: 473-482.
Cyperaceae 189

Haines, R.W., Lye, K. 1976. Studies in African Cyperaceae. 14. Pfeiffer, L. 1927. Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden
The genus Hellmuthia Steud. Bot. Not. 129: 61-67. Anatomie der Cyperaceen. 1. Anatomie der Blatter. Beih.
Haines, R.W., Lye, K.A. 1983. The sedges and rushes of East Bot. Centralbl. 44, Abt. 1: 90-176.
Africa. Nairobi: East African Natural History Society. Porembski, S., Barthlott, W. 1995. On the occurrence of a
Hakansson, A. 1954. Meiosis and pollen mitosis in X-rayed velamen radicum in Cyperaceae and Velloziaceae. Nord.
and untreated spikelets of Eleocharis palustris. Hereditas J. Bot. 15: 625-629.
40: 325-345. Ragonese, A.M., Guaglianone, E.R., Dizeo de Strittmatter, C.
Hakansson, A. 1958. Holocentric chromosomes in Eleocharis. 1984. Desarrollo del pericarpio con cuerpos de silice de dos
Hereditas 44: 531-540, 15 fig. especies de Rhynchospora Vahl (Cyperaceae). Darwiniana
Harley, J.L., Smith, S.E. 1983. Mycorrhizal symbiosis. London: 25: 27-41, 6 fig.
Academic Press. Raynal, J. 1968. Notes cyperlogiques 11. Sur quelques Scir-
Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. Phenolic constituents of the pus et Ascolepis de !'ancien monde. Adansonia II, 8: 85-
cell walls of monocotyledons. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 8: 153- 104.
160. Raynal, J. 1971. Quelques notes morphologiques sur les
Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references. cyperacees. Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. Miinch. 10: 589-603.
Inglis, C. 1994. Checklist of economically important Cyper- Raynal, J. 1973. Notes cyperologiques 19. Contribution a la
aceae. Cyp. Newsl. 13: 13-15. classification de la so us-famille des Cyperoideae.
Jacques-Felix, H. 1988. Liliopsida (ex monocotyledones) Adansonia II, 13: 145-171.
n'ont pas de cotyledon. 2. La prefeuille de la plantule: Raynal, J. 1976. Notes cyperologiques. 26. Le genre
ses rapports avec celles des axes feuillees. Bull. Mus. Natl. Schoenoplectus. 2. L'amphicarpie et la sect. Supini.
Hist. Nat. Paris, 4e ser., sect. B. Adansonia 10: 275-333, 13 Adansonia II, 16: 119-155.
fig. Rikli, M. 1895. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie der
Kern, J.H. 1962. New look at some Cyperaceae mainly from the Cyperaceen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der inneren
tropical standpoint. Adv. Sci. 19: 141-148. Parenchymscheide. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 27: 485-580.
Kern, J.H. 1974. Cyperaceae. In: van Steenis, C.G.G.J. (ed.) Sanyal, B., Sharma, A. 1972. Cytological studies in Indian
Flora Malesiana I, 7: 107-187. Den Haag: Junk. Cyperaceae. I. Tribe Scirpeae. Cytologia 37: 13-32.
Kukkonen, I. 1964. Facts and speculations about the factors Schnarf, K. 1931. Vergleichende Embryologie der Angio-
affecting the distribution of Anthracoidea scirpi as a para- spermen. Berlin: Borntraeger.
site of Trichophorum cespitosum. Ann. Univ. Turku A 2: Schultze-Motel, W. 1967-1977. Cyperales. In: Conert, H.J.,
140-148. Hamann, U., Schultze-Motel, W., Wagenitz, G. (eds.)
Kukkonen, I. 1967. Gedanken und Probleme zur Systematik Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa 2(2,1): 2-274. Berlin:
der Familie Cyperaceae. Eine Zusammenfassung. Aquilo, Parey.
Bot. 6: 18-42. Shah, C.K. 1962. Pollen development in some members of
Kukkonen, I. 1986. Special features of the inflorescence the Cyperaceae. Plant embryology, a symposium, 1960. New
structure in the family Cyperaceae. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 23: 107- Delhi: CSIR, pp. 81-93.
120. Shah, C.K., Neelakandan, N. 1971. Embryogeny in some
Lamont, B.B. 1974. The biology of dauciform roots in the Cyperaceae II. Beitr. Bioi. Pflanz. 47: 215-227, 70 fig.
sedge Cyathochaete avenacea. New Phytol. 73: 985-996. Simpson, D. 1995. Relationships within Cyperales. In: Rudall,
Lamont, B.B. 1978. The root system of sedges. Aust. Plants 9: P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Mono-
258-261. cotyledons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic
Lanning, F.C., Eleuterius, L.N. 1989. Silica deposition in some Gardens, Kew, pp. 497-509.
C3 and C4 species of grasses, sedges and composites in the Simpson, D.A. 1992. A revision of the genus Mapania.
USA. Ann. Bot. II, 63: 395-410. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Li, Meirong, Jones, M.B. 1994. Kranzkette, a unique C4 Soerjani, M., Kostermans, A.J.G.H., Tjitrosoepomo, G. (eds.)
anatomy occurring in Cyperus japonicus leaves. Photo- 1987. Weeds of rice fields in Indonesia. Jakarta: Galai
synthetica 30: 117-131. Pustaka.
Linder, H.P., Kellogg, E.A. 1995. Phylogenetic patterns in the Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
commelinoid clade. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Tejavathi, D.H. 1987. Seed development in some members of
Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics Cyperaceae. Beitr. Bioi. Pflanz. 62: 43-55, 37 fig.
and evolution, Vol. 2. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Thomas, W.W. 1984. The systematics of Rhynchospora section
pp. 473-496. Dichromena. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 37, 116 pp.
Lorougnon, G. 1973. Le vecteur pollinique chez les Mapania et Tucker, G.C. 1987. The genera ofCyperaceae in theSE United
les Hypolytrum, cyperacees du sous-bois des forl!ts States. J. Arnold Arbor. 68: 361-445.
tropicales ombrophiles. Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 45: 181- Ueno, 0., Koyama, T. 1987. Distribution and evolution of C4
184. syndrome in Rhynchospora (Rhynchosporeae-Cyperaceae).
Love, A., Love, D. 1975. Cytotaxonomical atlas of the arctic Bot. Mag. Tokyo 100: 63-85.
flora. Vaduz: Cramer. Ueno, 0., Samejima, M. 1989. Structural features of NAD-
Makde, K.H., Untawale, A. G. 1989. Contribution to the embry- malic enzyme type C4 Eleocharis: an additional report of C4
ology of Fimbristylis Vahl with a brief discussion on its acid decarboxylation types of the Cyperaceae. Bot. Mag.
systematic position. Beitr. Bioi. Pflanz. 64: 231-242. Tokyo 102: 393-402.
Meert, M., Goetghebeur, P. 1979. Comparative floral morphol- Ueno, 0., Takeda, T., Maeda, E. 1988. Leaf ultrastructure of C4
ogy of Bisboeckelereae and Cariceae (Cyperaceae) on the species possessing different Kranz anatomical types in the
basis of the anthoid concept. Bull. Soc. R. Bot. Belg. 112: Cyperaceae. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 101: 141-152.
128-143. Ueno, 0., Samejima, M., Koyama, T. 1989. Distribution and
Metcalfe, C.R. 1971. Anatomy of the monocotyledons. 5. evolution of C4 syndrome in Eleocharis, a sedge group in-
Cyperaceae. Oxford: Clarendon Press. habiting wet and aquatic environments, based on culm
190 Cyperaceae/Dasypogonaceae

anatomy and carbon isotope ratios. Ann. Bot. II, 64: 425-
Van der Veken, P. 1965. Contribution a l'embryographie
systematique des Cyperaceae-Cyperoideae. Bull. Jard. Bot.
Etat Brux. 35: 285-354. and J.G. CoNRAN
Vanky, K. 1995. Taxonomical studies on Ustilaginales. 12:
Mycotaxon 54: 215-238.
Vanky, K. 1996. New Ustilaginales on Cyperaceae from
Australia. Mycotaxon 58: 167-183.
Wilson, K.L. 1983. Cyperaceae. In: Morley, B.D., Toelken, H.R.
(eds.) Flowering plants in Australia. Adelaide: Rigby, pp.
364-368. Dasypogonaceae Dumort., Anal. Fam. Pl.: 54-55 (1892).
Kingiaceae End!. (1838).
Calectasiaceae End!. (1838).
Baxteriaceae Takhtajan (1994).

Low to tall perennials, shrubby or arborescent,

with condensed to tall stem, the stem sometimes
(Kingia) with a cover of aerial roots penetrating
the persistent leaf bases; leaves spirally inserted,
dorsiventral, more or less V- or U-shaped in
transection. Inflorescences solitary or fasciculated
globular heads on bracteate peduncles, or flowers
solitary and subtended by scarious bracts; flowers
hermaphrodite; perianth indurated, persistent;
tepals variously free or united, the 2 whorls
similar, cream white, reddish brown or purple to
blue. Stamens 6; usually attached to base of tepals;
anthers tetrasporangiate, basifixed or rarely dor-
sifixed, dehiscing introrsely or rarely extrorsely by
slits or 2 pores. Ovary syncarpous, 3-locular, each
locule with 1 ovule arising from axile placenta, or
(Calectasia) 1-locular with 3 basally attached
ovules; style single, with capitate or 3-lobed
stigma; ovules anatropous, bitegmic and cras-
sinucellar;fruit indehiscent, enclosed in persistent
perianth, or rarely capsular and explosively dehis-
cent (Baxteria); seeds subspherical with pale yel-
low testa, enclosed inside ovary and perianth
parts; endosperm copious, without starch; embryo
broad, resticted to the lower part of the seed.
An endemic Australian family of four genera
and eight species, restricted to S and SW Australia.

VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The plants are either

rhizomatous with single or branched aerial stems
or have a single erect, often massive stem with a
terminal leaf rosette. In Kingia adventitious roots
arise a few em below the stem apex and grow
downards penetrating the persistent leaf bases, as
in the Velloziaceae or Bromeliaceae. The leaves
are linear or strap-shaped and range from a few
mm to 1m in length. In cross-section the leaf
blades are flat, circular, triangular or rhomboid in
outline. The lamina may contract slightly towards
the base but never develop a petiole; a leaf sheath
is always well developed.
Dasypogonaceae 191

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The roots have vessels

with simple (Dasypogon, Calectasia) or scalari-
form (Kingia, Baxteria) perforation plates. In the
stem and leaves, vessels are lacking in all genera.
The massive rhizomes and aerial stems of Kingia
and some Dasypogon are not due to (anomalous)
secondary growth, as in the habitually similar
Xanthorrhoea, but result from extensive primary
thickening processes (Fahn 1954b, 1961; Wagner
1977; Staff and Waterhouse 1981; Rudall and
Chase 1996).
The leaves have stomata on both surfaces or sto-
mata may be restricted to the abaxial surfaces
only. In Kingia and Baxteria, the stomata are of
the common paracytic/tetracytic type, while in
Dasypogon and Calectasia several cells surround
the stomata. Baxteria resembles Kingia in having
both phloem fibres and a larger region of thinner-
walled fibrous cells present within the outer
bundle sheaths, but differs in having sclerenchy-
matous girders extending from the outer bundle- D
sheath cells to the epidermis. All genera often have
2 peripheral phloem strands at the vascular
Fig. 45A-D. Dasypogonaceae. Kingia australis. A Habit. B
bundles. Dasypogon differs from the other genera Globular head on bracteate peduncle. C Flower. D Stamen.
in having chlorenchyma present only on the (Takhtajan 1982)
abaxial side of the leaf, while the vascular bundles
are embedded in parenchymatous tissue at the
adaxial side. Dasypogon and Calectasia resemble like, membranous or fleshy, but not petaloid. In
each other in lacking girders, but the leaf of Kingia the abaxial surface is densely pilose. In
Calectasia is reduced and has only about 3 vascu- Calectasia the tepals are indurated at maturity.
lar bundles. Calcium oxalate raphides are known The number of veins per tepal varies from 1 to
only from the flowers but no other organs of about 9. The tepals vary in length from 5-60mm.
Dasypogon or Calectasia, while in Baxteria and The 6 stamens are usually adnate to the bases of
Kingia they are completely lacking. Spherical, the tepals. The anthers are 4-sporangiate and 2-
druselike silica boides are present in the leaf epi- locular, basifixed or dorsifixed (Dasypogon) and
dermis, usually 1 per cell. In Kingia and Baxteria, introrse with longitudinal or apical porate
these bodies were mistaken as clustered calcium (Calectasia, Fig. 46I) dehiscence. The anthers may
oxalate crystals by Fahn (1954a). Fine silica sand be up to 25 mm long. Calectasia cyanea has
or amorphous silica crystals are also present in the diporate anthers. The ovary is superior, syncar-
epidermal cells of Dasypogon and Calectasia, in pous and 3-locular with 1-2 ovules per locule,
contrast to Xanthorrhoea and Lomandra, where except in Calectasia, which has a 1-locular ovary
silica is replaced by styloidlike calcium oxalate with 3 basal ovules. Septal nectaries are present as
crystals. shallow basal grooves in at least Dasypogon and
Kingia, but are absent in Calectasia.
globular heads of Kingia (Fig. 45) and Dasypogon EMBRYOLOGY. The ovules of Dasypogon, Calec-
(Fig. 46) probably comprise cymule units. In tasia and Kingia have a small embryo sac and a
Calectasia and Baxteria the flowers are solitary large starch-filled chalazosperm. This chalaza-
and terminal, although the multiple subtending sperm is subdermal and lacks central axially-
bracts for each flower suggest reduction from a oriented cells. Both integuments form the
more complex inflorescence type. The 3 + 3 tepals micropyle (Rudall 1994); these features setting
are persistent and similar in both whorls. The them apart from Asparagales.
tepals are either more or less free (Kingia), or
united basally (Dasypogon), or into of floral tube POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen grains in
(Calectasia, Fig. 46H). The tepals are parchment- Dasypogon and Calectasia are sulcate and micro-
192 Dasypogonaceae

KARYOLOGY. Base chromosome numbers are

x = 7 in Kingia and Dasypogon, 14 in Baxteria and
9 in Calectasia (data from Anway 1969; Keighery
1984). In Calectasia, there is a cytological aberra-
tion of the 9th chromosome, which results in most
of the genetic material passing as a supergene,
causing permanent, unchangeable heterozygosity
(Anway 1969).

PoLLINATION. Kingia and Dasypogon produce

copious nectar and are visited by honey-eater
birds (Meliphagidae) and numerous flies, bees
(both native species and the introduced European
honeybee Apis mellifera) and ants, especially large
Iridomyrmex species, although the ants are prob-
ably nectar thieves (J.G. Conran, unpubl. observ.).
In Calectasia, stylar elongation is synchronised so
that the stigma in level with the anther pores at
anthesis, and the flowers are believed to be self-
pollinated (Anway 1969). Nevertheless, the an-
thers of two of the species change colour from
yellow to orange-red or brownish once the flower
ceases to be receptive, suggesting a visual cue for
biotic pollinators. The reddish brown flowers of
Baxteria smell of rotting meat and are presumably
pollinated by carrion flies.

FRUIT, SEED AND DISPERSAL. The fruits of the

Dasypogonaceae are indehiscent and enclosed
within the persistent and often undurated peri-
anth remnants, except of Baxteria where the fruit
is an explosively dehiscent capsule. The capsule in
Baxteria is septifragal, the valves each splitting in
half, the inner wall forming a tensioned plate
which flings the seed outwards at dehiscence
(Keighery 1983). Most fruits mature only a single
seed, producing a nut, although several seeds may
develop per ovary. The seeds in Dasypogon are
starchless, with a mealy, very thin-walled paren-
chyma. The inner layers of the seed coat collapse
Fig. 46A-K. Dasypogonaceae. A-E Dasypogon bromeliifolius. during development. The embryo is lens-shaped
A Habit. B Flower. C Segment of outer perianth whorl. D and broad, similar to the members of the
Segment of inner perianth whorl. E Stamen. F-K Calectasia Commeliniflorae (J.G. Conran, unpubl. observ.).
cyanea. F Habit. G Leaf. H Flower. I Poricidal stamen, ventral All genera are fire-resistant or resprouters, and
view with tepa!. J Stamen, dorsal view. K Pistil. (Takhtajan
flowering is enhanced dramatically in the season
following burning. Seed dispersal is passive in
most taxa, but ballistochrous in Baxteria, where
reticulate; those of Kingia "extended" -sulcate and dehiscence of capsule is explosive (Keightery
psilate, i.e. with the sulcus extending to the proxi- 1983).
mal 1/2 of the grain; and those of Baxteria
"unipantocolpate" and microreticulate, i.e. the PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Cell wall-bound ferulic acid
exine is divided by the single, repeatedly branched is present in all four genera (Rudall and Cad-
colpus into geometrically defined areas, a nearly dick 1994). The record of chelidonic acid for
unique type among angiosperms (Chanda and Dasypogon bromeliifolius (Ramstad 1953) seems
Ghosh 1976). to be the only occurrence of this compound
Dasypogonaceae 193

outside the Lilianae and merits further inves- 1. Dasypogon R. Br. Fig. 46A-E
Dasypogon R. Br., Prod.: 263 (1810); George, Fl. Australia 46:
142-146 (1986).
gonaceae are restricted to Australia. Baxteria, Rosulate or palmlike perennials; stems short to
Dasypogon and Kingia are endemic to the coastal c. 3m tall, surrounded by persistent leaf sheaths;
region of SW Western Australia. Calectasia ex- leaves dispersed along the stems or apically
tends from W Australia to Victoria. The members crowded, linear, expanded basally into a broad
of the family grow in a diversity of habitats includ- sheath, margin toothed; inflorescence a globose
ing Eucalyptus and Yarra woodland, heathlands head on terminal peduncle bearing scattered
and exposed rocks. bracts; floral bracts navicular; flowers sessile;
outer tepals persistent, united in a tube, with stiff
SYSTEMATICS AND RELATIONSHIPS. The evi- dorsal hairs; inner tepals almost free, narrower
dence presented above suggests that all four than outer; stamens separate from or adhering to
genera seem to be somewhat isolated morphologi- tepal bases; anthers dorsifixed, versatile; ovary
cally. Although the family is normally placed in sessile, 3-angled, 3-locular, locules 1-ovulate;
the Asparagales (Dahlgren et al. 1985), various style subulate, stigma small; fruit indehiscent
characters, including the lack of petaloid perianth, within persistent perianth, 1-2-seeded. Three sp.,
ovule structure, anatomical traits, cell wall-bound endemic to SW Western Australia.
ferulate and especially the molecular data are not
compatible with this placement, and they certainly
do not belong within the Xanthorrhoeaceae, in 2. Calectasia R. Br. Fig. 46F-K
which they were included by Cronquist (1981). Calectasia R. Br. Prod.: 263 (1810); George, Fl. Australia 46:
The rcbL tree of Chase et al. (1995) placed the 170-171 (1986).
three dasypogonoid genera that were studied on a
well-supported branch within the commelinoids. Rhizomatic perennial with erect stem and wiry
Although the number of commelinoid genera in- roots. Leaves sessile, linear, the base indurated,
cluded in the analysis is still relatively small, the persistent and sheathing; flowers sessile, sur-
proximity of the Dasypogonaceae to the palms rounded by scarious bracts; tepals subequal,
may not be without significance, if one thinks of united in tube in lower half, the lobes spreading
the palmlike mode of stem-thickening in Kingia, horizontally and blue or purple; stamens inserted
in which the sunken apical meristem leads to an at base of perianth tube, fused basally to the tepals;
enormously wide thickening of the apical region anthers basifixed, bright yellow or orange, dehisc-
of the stem. Although Takhtajan (1994) has re- ing by longitudinal slits or two terminal pores (C.
cently erected a separate family (Baxteriaceae) for cyanea); ovary shortly stipitate, 1-locular, with 3
Baxteria, current evidence supports the mono- basal ovules; style filiform; fruit dry, indehiscent,
phyly of the Daspogonaceae as an early evolu- enclosed in the slightly hardened tube of the peri-
tionary offshoot from the line leading to the anth; seed oblong. Three spp., two in SW Western
commelinoids and grasses, possibly near the Australia and one endemic to W Victoria.
Rapateaceae, with which they share ovule, silica
body and some morphological features (Rudall
and Chase 1996). 3. Kingia R. Br. Fig. 45
Kingia R. Br., Ann. Sci. Nat. 8: 211 (1826);' George, Fl. Austra-
KEY TO THE GENERA lia 45: 146-148 (1986).

1. Flowers solitary; perianth segments indurated 2 Arborescent woody perennial with leaves crowded
- Flowers in globular heads; perianth segments not indurated apically; caudex covered with aerial roots pen-
2. Flowers borne at ground level; tepals free, 70-80mm long;
etrating the persistent leaf bases; leaves linear, up
fruit and explosive capsule 4. Baxteria to 1m long, expanded at the base into a persistent
- Flowers borne on shoot apices; tepals fused, up to 30 mm loose sheath, margins usually serrulate; inflores-
long; fruit indehiscent, enclosed within the persistent cences many, axillary just below stem apex,
perianth 2. Calectasia headlike, their peduncles covered by imbricate
3. Inflorescence terminal, single per shoot; broacts on
peduncle widely spaced; outer tepals fused 1. Dasypogon sheathing bracts; flowers sessile, tepals all similar,
- Inflorescence axillary, numerous per shoot; bracts on persistent, free; stamens nearly free, 3 adhering
peduncle numerous, imbricate; outer tepals free 3. Kingia basally to inner tepals; anthers basifixed, introrse;
194 Dasypogonaceae

ovary sessile, 3-locular, locules with 1 erect ovule; Rudall, P., Chase, M. 1996. Systematics of the Xanthor-
style subulate, stigma minutely 3-toothed; fruit rhoeaceae sensu lato: evidence for polyphyly. Telopea 6:
1-seeded within persistent perianth. Only one sp., Staff, LA., Waterhouse, J.T. 1981. The biology of arborescent
K. australis R. Br., a conspicuous plant in SW monocotyledons with special reference to Australian
Western Australia. species. In: Pate, J.G., McComb, A.J. (eds.) The biology of
Australian plants. Nedlands: University of W.A. Press,
pp. 216-257.
4. Baxteria R. Br. Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
Takhtajan, A.L. 1994. Novae semejstva odnodolan'ch. Bot. Zh.
Baxteria R. Br. ex Hook., Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 79: 65-66.
492, 494 (1843), nom. cons.; George, Fl. Australia 45: 141- Wagner, W.M. 1977. Vessel types of monocotyledons: a sur-
142 (1986). vey. Bot. Not. 130: 383-402.

Perennial with short rhizome and thick roots;

stem condensed, bearing tufts oflinear leaves with
sheathing bases; flowers large, solitary, terminal,
sessile, surrounded by several bracts; tepals
subequal, free, indurated, not opening widely; sta-
mens 6, attached to the bases of tepals; anthers
basifixed, introrse; ovary 3-locular, each locule
with one erect ovule; style subulate, with small
stigma; capsule ovoid; dehiscence septifragal, the
valves also splitting into 2 halves, each half with
the inner wall forming a plate held under tension
and springing upwards to eject the seed; seeds glo-
bose. Only one sp., B. australis R. Br., restricted to
SW Western Australia.

Selected Bibliography

Anway, J.C. 1969. The evolution and taxonomy of Calectasia

cyanea R. Br. (Xanthorrhoeaceae) in terms of its present-
day variation and cytogenetics. Aust. J. Bot. 17: 147-159.
Chanda, S., Ghosh, K. 1976. Pollen morphology and its evolu-
tionary significance in Xanthorrhoeaceae. In: Ferguson,
I.K., Muller, J. (eds.) The evolutionary significance of the
exine. London: Academic Press, pp. 527-559.
Chase, M.W. eta!. 1995. See general references.
Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
Dahlgren, R.M.T. eta!. 1985. See general references.
Fahn, A. 1954a. The anatomical structure of the Xanthor-
rhoeaceae Dumort. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 55: 158-184.
Fahn, A. 1954b. Metaxylem elements in some families of the
Monocotyledonae. New Phytol. 53: 530-540.
Fahn, A. 1961. the anatomical structure of the Xanthor-
rhoeaceae Dumort. and its taxonomic position. Recent Adv.
Bot. 1: 155-160.
Keighery, G.J. 1983. Ballistochory (explosive seed dispersal) in
Baxteria R. Br. (Xanthorrhoeaceae). W. Aust. Nat. 15: 163-
Keighery, G.J. 1984. Chromosome numbers of Australian
Liliaceae. Feddes Repert. 95: 523-532.
Ramstad, E. 1953. Ober das Vorkommen und die Verbreitung
von Chelidonsaure in einigen Pfianzenfamilien. Pharm.
Acta Helv. 28: 45-55.
Rudall, P. 1994. The ovule and embryo sac in Xanthor-
rhoeaceae sensu lato. Flora 189: 335-351.
Rudall, P., Caddick, L.R. 1994. Investigation of the presence of
phenolic compounds in monocotyledonous cell walls using
UV fluorescence microscopy. Ann. Bot. 74: 483-491.
Ecdeiocoleaceae 195

Ecdeiocoleaceae ridge. Below the sclerenchyma cap are the

palisadelike, radially elongated chlorenchymatous
H.P. LINDER, B.G. BRIGGS, peg cells in 2-3 layers. Each bicollateral vascular
and L.A.S. JoHNSON 1 bundle is surrounded by a sheath of scleren-
chyma. The peripheral vascular bundles are
smaller than the medullary vascular bundles
(Cutler 1969, Briggs and Johnson 1998).


Ecdeiocoleaceae D.F. Cutler & Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 19: 495 flowers are borne in the axils of bracts, and are
(1965). aggregated into dense spikelike heads, with the
male and female flowers occupying alternating
Evergreen, rushlike, caespitose, monoecious sections of the head (Fig. 47). The flowers are
plants, with a villous or pubescent creeping rhi- dorsiventrally flattened, with 6 tepals, 4 or 6
zome. Culms photosynthetic, simple or with 1-3 tetrasporangiate stamens and hi- or tri-locular
inflorescence-bearing branches, terete, surface ovaries. The styluli are covered on 1 side with long
striate. Leaves reduced to tightly convoluted
sheaths in the adult plants; sheath split to the base,
usually with a mucro which may be developed into
a small awn. Inflorescence of 1- few spikelets, ter-
minating culm or inflorescence branches, glumes
all or mostly fertile, either male or female at base
and flower sex alternating once or twice along
spikelet axis. Flowers subtended by a glossy, dark
brown or black, rigid, ovate bract longer than the
flower, unisexual. Perianth of 6 tepals in 2 whorls,
dorsiventrally compressed, the outer 2 lateral seg-
ments conduplicate and keeled, the inner 4 more
or less flat, glabrous apart from the pubescent
keel. Male flowers with a minute pistillode and 4
or 6 stamens; filaments free, slender; anthers
bilocular, dorsifixed, 2-lobed, dehiscing by lon-
gitudinal slits. Female flowers with staminodes;
ovary superior, free, 2-celled with 2 or 3 bushy
styluli; each locule with a solitary atropous pendu-
lous ovule. Fruit a 3-locular capsule or a nut.
Two monotypic genera from southwestern
Australia, restricted to nutrient-poor Kwongan


plants are caespitose, rushlike, about 1m tall, with
well-developed rhizomes (Fig. 47). The culms are
the photosynthetic organs, the leaves have been
reduced to 1-4 sheaths on each culm. The culms
are deeply grooved, with the stomata near the
bases of the grooves, which are further occluded
by interlocking papillae. The ridges between the
grooves are capped by thick sclerenchyma which
sometimes extends down the sides of the groove in
the upper culm and in Georgeantha is connected
to the parenchyma around the outer vascular
Fig. 47A-F. Ecdeiocoleaceae. Georgeantha hexandra. A
bundles by a sclerenchyma rib central in each Habit. B Spikelet. C Staminate flower. D Same, with some
tepals and stamens removed. E Pistillate flower. F Dehiscing
'Deceased capsule, freeing a seed. (Orig.)
196 Ecdeiocoleaceae

and branching stigmatic branches that are them- ECOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION. This family is re-
selves papillose; the stigmas are Dry. stricted to the very nutrient-poor sandy Kwongan
soils of western Australia.
EMBRYOLOGY. The development of the male ga-
metophyte is not known. The bitegmic, atropous AFFINITIES. Until1965 the family was included in
ovules are tenuinucellate. The megagametophyte Restionaceae. Cutler and Shaw (1965) separated
is tetrasporic, most similar to the Drusa type, the family from Restionaceae on the basis of the
without antipodal cells. The micropylar nucellar culm anatomy: this has been further corroborated
cells are in 1 or 2 layers, and are isodiametric in by the very different embryology and the lack of
shape. The nucellus is almost circular. There is no scrobiculi in the pollen. However, the family re-
evidence of starch grains in the mature megaga- sembles Restionaceae and Poaceae in the atro-
metophyte (Rudall1990). pous, pendulous, tenuinucellate ovule, single in
the loculus. Further, the family, like Restionaceae,
POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Chanda (1966) and Ladd Joinvilleaceae and Poaceae has the 28-kb inver-
(1977) reported the pollen to be graminoid, with sion (Doyle et al. 1992). Although a close relation-
an annulate aperture with a plug (Fig. 48). The ship to Restionaceae is evident, it is not clear what
annulus is formed by a thickening of the foot layer the exact relationship is between Restionaceae,
(Linder and Ferguson 1985). The interapertural Ecdeiocoleaceae and Anarthriaceae (Linder and
wall is smooth, and lacks scrobiculi (Ladd 1977). Rudall1993; Kellogg and Linder 1995).
The grains are 37 X 41 mm (Chanda 1966).
KARYOLOGY. Only approximate counts are avail-
able (B. Briggs, unpubl.), of 2n = 64-66 for 1. Culms with 2 or 3 branches, sheaths caducous; stamens 6,
Georgeantha and 2n = ca. 48 for Ecdeiocolea. fruit a capsule 1. Georgeantha
- Culms unbranched, sheaths persistent, stamens 4, fruit a
nut 2. Ecdeiocolea
FRUIT AND SEED. The ovary is a dehiscent capsule
or a nut, thus the fruit or seed is the dispersal unit.
1. Georgeantha B. G. Briggs &
REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. The family is wind- L.A. S. Johnson Fig. 47
pollinated. Plants survive fire by resprouting from
the rhizome. Georgeantha B. G. Briggs & L. A. S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 307

Culms with 2 or 3 inflorescence branches, the low-

est internode and base of the second internode
densely woolly with long white hairs, with 3 or 4
persistent sheaths, the lower sheaths caducous.
Spikelets with 8-12 flowers. Male flowers with soft
tepals and 6 stamens. Female flowers with 3-locu-
lar ovary (although often 1 or 2loculi aborted) and
3 styluli. Seeds patterned with convex, strongly
lobed cells. Culms with grooves extending halfway
to base of chlorenchyma, stomates and accompa-
nying sclereids at base of grooves, ridges with a
central sclerenchyma rib 1-3 cells wide extending
from the parenchyma around the outer bundles to
the sclerenchyma cap. One sp., G. hexandra B. G.
Briggs & L.A. S. Johnson, Jurien-Eneabba region
north of Perth in the west of Western Australia, in
seasonally moist Kwongan sites in a region oflow

Fig. 48. Ecdeiocoleaceae. Georgean tha hexandra, pollen 2. Ecdeiocolea F. Muell.

showing small aperture with annulus and operculum, SEM
X2200. (Photo C. Porter) Ecdeiocolea F. Muell., Fragm. Phytogr. Austral. 8: 236 (1874)
Ecdeiocoleaceae/Eriocaulaceae 197

Caespitose; rhizome hairs inconspicuous, covered Eriocaulaceae

by glossy cataphylls. Culms unbranched, glabrous,
the lowest 1(2) internodes pruinose, with 1(2) per- T.STUTZEL
sistent, appressed sheaths high on the culm.
Spikelets solitary with 20-50 flowers (the lowest
few not fully developing). Male flowers with rigid
tepals and 4 stamens. Female flowers with 2-
locular ovary and 2 styluli. Fruit a nut. Seeds with
an irregular pattern oflongitudinallines of convex
cells. Culm with grooves extending to base of chlo- Eriocaulaceae P. Beauv. ex Desv. in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 13: 47
renchyma, stomates and accompanying sclereids (1828), nom. cons.
on sides of grooves, ridges without a central
sclerenchyma rib. Only one sp., E. monostachya F. Medium-sized perennials, hapaxanthic perennials
Muell., widespread in Kwongan habitats in drier or annual herbs, usually rosulate, often tufted,
parts of the west of extratropical Western Austra- rarely caulescent, with horizontal or erect rhi-
lia, in well-drained sites in a region oflow rainfall. zomes. Indumentum of multicellular uniseriate
and sometimes glandular hairs, terminal cell
simple or bibranched (malpighiaceaous hairs).
Selected Bibliography Leaves usually spirally arranged, rarely distichous,
in some species distichous in the vegetative parts
Briggs, B.G., Johnson, L.A.S. 1998. Georgeantha hexandra, a and spirally in the inflorescence or vice versa.
new genus and species of Ecdeiocoleaceae (Poales) from
Western Australia. Telopea 7: 307-312. Inflorescences forming single headlike indetermi-
Chanda, S. 1966. On the pollen morphology of the Cen- nate spikes (here called heads) on thin peduncles,
trolepidaceae, Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae, with or composed of many (up to 1000) such heads.
special reference to taxonomy. Grana 6: 355-415. Peduncles with a closed sheath at the base. Heads
Cutler, D.P. 1969. Juncales. In: Metcalfe C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of composed of 10 to more than 1000 unisexual
the monocotyledons, Vol. 4. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Cutler, D.P., Shaw, H.K.A. 1965. Anarthriaceae and Ecdeio- flowers. Heads subtended by an involucrum
coleaceae: two new monocotyledonous families, separated (involucra! bracts) different in size and shape
from the Restionaceae. Kew Bull. 19: 160-168. from bracts subtending flowers; the two types con-
Doyle, J.J., Davis, J.I., Soreng, R.J., Garvin, D., Anderson, M.J. nected by intermediates. Inner involucra! bracts
1992. Chloroplast DNA inversions and the origin of the
grass family (Gramineae). Proc. Nat!. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89:
petaloid and capable of hygroscopic movements
7722-7726. in Paepalanthus subgen. Xeractis and Syngon-
Kellogg, E.A., Linder, H.P. 1995. Phylogeny of Poales. In: anthus sect. Eulepis. Flowers generally unisexual
Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler D.P., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) (hermaphrodite only in Rondonantus flabelli-
Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution. pp. London: formis, Syngonanthus amazonicus and few related
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 511-542.
Ladd, P.G. 1977. Pollen morphology of some members of the
species), mostly monoecious, rarely and then not
Restionaceae and related families, with notes on the fossil constantly dioecious, heterochlamydeous, actino-
record. Grana 16: 1-14. morphic or slightly zygomorphic, trimerous or
Linder, H.P., Rudall, P.J. 1993. The megagametophyte in dimerous, nearly always isomerous, rarely
Anarthria (Anarthriaceae, Poales) and its implications for heteromerous (2- and 3-merous). Sepal whorl and
the phylogeny of the Poales. Am. J. Bot. 80: 1455-1464.
Linder, H.P., Ferguson, I.K. 1985. On the pollen morphology bracts white, brownish, yellow, or dark green to
and phylogeny of the Restionales and Poales. Grana 24: black. Petal whorl generally colorless or white,
65-76. often hyaline, sometimes yellow or brown when
Meney, K.A., Pate, J.S. (eds) 1998. Australian rushes-biology, dried, rarely (Syngonanthus anthemidiflorus)
identification and conservation of Restionaceae and allied petals and gynoecium yellow. Stamens usually 3 or
families. Perth: University of Western Australia Press.
Rudall, P.J. 1990. Development of the ovule and megagame- 2, oppositipetalous, or 6 or 4 in 2 whorls (only
tophyte in Ecdeiocolea monostachya .. Austr. Syst. Bot. 3: Eriocaulon, Mesanthemum), Syngonanthus ama-
365-274. zonicus with a single stamen. Anthers introrse,
basifixed or dorsifixed, 2-thecate 4-sporangiate, in
some species 2-thecate 2-sporangiate by facial
reduction (Lachnocaulon, Blastocaulon, some
spp. of Paepalanthus). Ovary 3- or 2-locular, each
locule with a single atropous pendulous ovule.
Fruit a dorsicidal loculicidal capsule. Seed coat
longitudinally striated or "hairy" by residuals of
198 Eriocaulaceae

anticlinal walls of the inner layer of the outer

integument. Embryo small, bell-shaped, poorly
differentiated, at the micropylar end laterally
attached to the starchy endosperm.
A family of 10 genera and about 700-1400
species, from humid lowland areas to the alpine
region of the tropics and subtropics, best devel-
oped in S America; two spp. of Eriocaulon, tem-
perate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.


often have thick rhizomes; some species form a
stout trunk up to 80 em tall covered by adventi-
tious roots. In most species, the leaves are rosulate
(Figs. 49, 50). Nonrosulate, leafy stems occur
in some aquatic species with long floating axes, in
a few species with reptant stems, and in species
with erect, up to 3m high stems (Paepalanthus
sect. Actinocephalus). Erect elongated leafy stems
can also be formed by intense intercalary growth
during and after the differentiation of the inflores-
cence (P. polyanthus). In some species, the leaf
bases form water-storing cisterns similar to in
many Bromeliaceae, which seem to serve as fire
protection. Normally, the leaves are narrow
and grasslike, but in larger species and species
with water cisterns they can be up to 15 em
wide (E. macrobolax, P. bromelioides). The mor-
phology of the leaf apex is often of diagnostic

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY (Poulsen 1888; Mal-

manche 1919). The roots have a polyarchic
vascular bundle with parenchymatic elements in
the center. Root hairs rise from special short
trichoblasts or are lacking, as in many species of
muddy habitats. Vessels with simple or scalari-
form perforations may occur, tracheids are always
present. The endodermis often has U- or 0-
shaped, brown, thickened walls. In Eriocaulon and
Mesanthemum the innermost cell layers of the Fig. 49A-R. Eriocaulaceae. A-L Eriocaulon woodii. A
cortex also have thickened walls and thus the Stoloniferous plant. B Involucra! bract. C Sepal. D Staminate
endodermis appears multilayered. In Eriocaulon, flower. E Same, calyx removed. F Expanded calyx of staminate
the outer part of the root cortex forms a highly flower. G Pistillate flower. H Sepal. I Petal with "epipetalous"
specialized aerenchyma formed of alternating gland. J Pistil. K Seed. L E. ussuriense, habit. M, N E. setaceum.
M Habit. N Leaf. 0, P E. longipetalum. Q Habit. R Polymerous
transversal layers of stellate parenchyma cells and flower. Q, R E. sieboldianum. Q Staminate flower, the sepals
radial rows of longitudinally extended and fused into an adaxial spathe, the petals lifted on an
flattened cells without any contact to the laterally anthophore. R Pistillate flower. (Takhtajan 1982)
neighboring cells. Thus the root appears seg-
mented vermiform. In Mesanthemum, Syngon-
anthus, Rondonanthus, and some species of In the leafy stem there is little or no pith. The
Leiothrix, the aerenchyma is less specialized; biconcentric, leptocentric, or collateral bundles
Paepalanthus, Tonina, Lachnocaulon, and most may have tracheids and vessels of the spiral type
species of Leiothrix have roots without aeren- and net type. Both scalariform and simple per-
chyma. forations occur. In aquatic species, the xylem is
Eriocaulaceae 199

reduced and vessels may be lacking (Tonina). A

cortex is generally well developed, especially in the
basal part of the stem, where it may form a thick
ventilation tissue. For one species of Syngon-
anthus abnormal secondary thickening growth
similar to that in Dracaena has been reported
(Castro 1986) but it is more likely that it is a kind
of late primary thickening growth.
The peduncles have a very characteristic
anatomy. They are obtuse or acutely angled and
generally more or less twisted. Aerenchyma
strands can be found beneath or between the
angles. The longitudinal aerenchymatous parts
are separated by a more or less sclerified mecha-
nical tissue ofT- or H-shaped strands. The central
cylinder consists of 2 circles of concentric or
biconcentric vascular bundles, the outer and the
inner circle separated by a sclerenchymatic
sheath. The outer bundles are opposite the aeren-
chyma, the inner opposite the mechanical ele-
ments. The bundles contain spiral tracheids with
scalariform perforations. In the peduncles gener-
ally a parenchymatous pith is developed.
The leaves are bifacial, mostly hypostomatic,
rarely amphistomatic, and often hairy. The sto-
mata are paracytic with 2 lateral subsidiary cells.
In some aquatic species stomata are lacking. The
leaves usually have a single-layered cutinized epi-
dermis; in some species an adaxial, more rarely
also abaxial1-3-layered hypodermis occours. The
epiderms on the abaxial and adaxial sides are
linked by several buttresses of mechanical tissue,
each containing 1 (rarely more than 1) vascular
bundle. The buttresses run from the leaf base to or
close to the apex and separate the leaf into several
parallel air channels with sparse or no palisade
parenchyma. In some species, bundles without
buttresses alternate regularly with buttressed
bundles. The chlorenchyma consists of either a
diffuse aerenchyma or of transversal diaphragmas
of star parenchyma. The latter is common in
Fig. SOA-R. Eriocaulaceae. A-D Leiothrix nubigena. A Habit.
Eriocaulon and causes the "fenestration" of the
B Staminate flower. C Pistillate flower. D Pistil with carina!
appendices and commissural stylodia. E-1 Ton ina fluviatilis. leaves. The leaf bundles may be anastomosing, but
E Habit. F Staminate flower. G Staminate flower, sepals anastomosing bundles are not buttressed and
removed, petal tube distally expanded. H Pistillate flower, the therefore hardly to be seen. The bundles are
petals reduced to small hairy lobes; note bibranched stylodia. always surrounded by a bundle sheath of large
I Seed. J, K Syngonanthus anthemidijlorus. J Habit. K Pistil
with appendices. L-Q Philodice hoffmannseggii. L Habit. M
cells without chloroplasts. The anatomy of
Flower head. N Staminate flower with basally fused petals. 0 the closed peduncle sheath resembles that of the
Pistillate flower, the petals fused in the middle and basally leaves, although anastomosing bundles are more
free. P Expanded petal tube of pistillate flower. Q Pistil common.
with carinate appendices and commissural stylodia. R Mes- Hairs are often present on nearly all parts of the
anthemum rutenbergianum, petal tube, basally petals free.
(Takhtajan 1982) plant and are of taxonomic importance. Multi-
cellular uniseriate acute hairs with smooth surface
represent the only type found on stems bearing
rosulate leaves, whereas elongated parts of stems,
200 Eriocaulaceae

peduncle, sheath, and the leaves may have also calyx, the sepals are in lateral position. There are
glandular hairs and bibranched so-called mal- 2 whorls of stamens (Eriocaulon and Mes-
pighiaceous hairs of different size and sculpture. anthemum) or only 1 whorl of oppositipetalous
On vegetative parts, all kind of hairs have an iso- stamens (all other genera), and a trilocular or
diametric foot cell and a more or less globose bilocular gynoecium. The flowers are unisexual by
basal cell, the latter sometimes black, dark brown, late abortion of either stamens or carpels. The
or red and often persisting on older parts of the estivation is a pert. The sepals are generally free or
plant when the rest of the indumentum has been fused only at the base; rarely, a tube is formed. In
lost. Bracts, sepals, and petals never bear mal- some species of Eriocaulon (mostly in male, rarely
pighiaceous hairs but often capitate hairs with in female flowers) the sepals are fused into an
complicated outer and inner sculpture; they are adaxial spathe. The sepals seem to lack veins, but
common especially on the apical part of the sepals often have 1 median vascular bundle which does
in Paepalanthus. The foot cells of perianth hairs not reach the apex. The sepals are usually hairy on
are normal epidermal cells. their margins and on the abaxial surface. The
adaxial surface is usually glabrous. Sometimes the
INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE (Stiitzel 1984). The hairs are crowded at the apex (many species of
basic unit of inflorescences in all species of the Paepalanthus); in some species the sepals are gla-
family is a head-shaped indeterminate spike (Figs. brous. The sepals are usually brownish, green or
49, 50). The heads are borne on peduncles and are nearly black, rarely hyaline to white. The hairs are
generally supplied with a closed sheath at their always white.
base formed by a single leaf. The sheath may be In Eriocaulon, the petals are free in both female
shorter or longer than the other leaves and either and male flowers and are abaxially glabrous
ends in a small reduced leaf blade or is cut and ventrally and on the margins hairy. In male
transversally. A closed sheath is lacking in flowers an anthophore can be found between the
Philodice and in a few species of Paepalanthus calyx and the petal whorl. In Eriocaulon and
subgen. Platycaulon. The heads have an involu- Mesanthemum, the filaments of the inner stamens
crum of few-numerous "outer bracts" or involu- are fused with the petals from their base up to or
cra! bracts. The flowers are generally borne in axils near to the gland. A similar but shorter fusion is
of "inner bracts", but in Syngonanthus the inner present in Rondonanthus flabelliformis. In male
flowers have no subtending leaves. flowers of the other genera, the petals are generally
An inflorescence system may consist of 1 or fused to a tube, which is usually glabrous, but
few-many heads (up to more than 1000). A typical hairy on the margins in Mesanthemum; in
unit of such inflorescences is a dibotryum with a Paepalanthus subgen. Xeractis the tube is hairy on
terminal raceme in which the lateral peduncles are margins and inside. In the female flowers of
not subtended by bracts (pherophylls) but have a Mesanthemum, the petals are congenitally fused
closed sheath. The lowermost heads in such a in the middle part, but free apically (primarily) as
dibotryum may be replaced by a complete dibo- well as basally (secondarily, schizogenous). They
tryum. The condensation of 1-several dibotryas are hairy on the margins and ventrally. The petals
results in an umbel-like inflorescence as in of the female flowers in Syngonanthus, and
Syngonanthus caulescens or Paepalanthus subgen. Philodice and the hermaphrodite flowers in
Actinocephalus. In Paepalanthus subgen. Actino- Rondonanthus flabelliformis show the same
cephalus the inflorescence is composed of several peculiar kind of fusion; it does not occur in male
to numerous umbels like this and thus may con- flowers. In Tonina, Blastocaulon, Paepalanthus,
sist of more than 1000 heads. Leiothrix, Syngonanthus, and Philodice the petals
In Paepalanthus subgen. Platycaulon the of the male flowers are fused to a glabrous, gener-
peduncles are flattened and bear several heads. ally 3-lobed tube. The female flowers have free
This inflorescence is an axillarydibotryum without petals in Blastocaulon, Tonina (reduced to small
elongated internodes within the inflorescence and hairy lobes), Paepalanthus and Leiothrix. In
the scape (peduncle) is beneath the dibotryum. Rondonanthus the petals are either free in flowers
of both sexes or in female flowers show the same
FLOWER STRUCTURE. The hypogynous flowers fusion of the middle part of the petals as in
are very small (0.25-6mm), actinomorphic or Mesanthemum (often described as syngonanthoid
zygomorphic, shortly pedicellate or sessile. In fusion). In Lachnocaulon, the petals are com-
flowers with trimerous calyx, the median sepal pletely lacking or reduced to hairs (no ontogenetic
is in adaxial position, in flowers with dimerous studies available). The petals are hyaline or
Eriocaulaceae 201

whitish or, when dried, pale brownish. Only a few The anther wall consists of epidermis, endoth-
species of Syngonanthus have yellow petals during ecium, a middle layer, and a glandular tapetum.
anthesis. Before anthesis they are pale yellow to One or 2 rows of archesporia! cells may occur.
whitish and after an thesis they become pale again. The tapetum cells are 1-nucleate throughout their
In Eriocaulon and Mesanthemum, the petals existence or rarely may become 2-nucleate in
bear a black gland (Fig. 49E,I), which is usually some cells, when meiosis starts. Microsporo-
described as epipetalous, but is formed by the genesis is successive. The pollen is 3-celled at
apex of the petal primordium; the part distal to the shedding. The ovules are atropous, pendulous,
gland in mature petals represents a dorsal bitegmic, and tenuinucellate. The micropyle is
effiguration of the petal (Stiitzel 1985). formed by the inner integument only. Both
In Eriocaulon, Paepalanthus and Lachnocaulon, integuments are 2-layered. The outer layer of the
and Syngonanthus the petal whorl may be outer integument mostly degenerates while the
dimerous or trimerous; in all other genera it is anticlinal walls of the inner layer of the outer
trimerous. In Eriocaulon and Paepalanthus the integument form the characteristic striate or
sepal and petal whorls may be isomerous or "hairy" -like surface. The funicle is very short. The
heteromerous, in Lachnocaulon only L. digynum nucellus develops a hypodermal archesporia!
is heteromerous. The stamen whorls and the petal cell, which enlarges and functions directly as
whorls are isomerous. The anthers are gen- megaspore mother cell. The megaspores form a
erally bithecous and 4-sporangiate, basifixed, or linear tetrad of which the proximal megaspore is
dorsifixed and introrse. For Tonina, Philodice, functional. The development of the female
Lachnocaulon, and Blastocaulon monothecate 2- gametophyte follows the Polygonum type. The
sporangiate anthers are reported. In Tonina and distal, single-layered part of the tenuinucellate
Philodice this is due to occasional and lateral re- nucellus degenerates. The endosperm is at first
duction, in Lachnocaulon, Blastocaulon, and some Nuclear, but after the first free divisions cell
spp. of Paepalanthus, this is due to facial reduc- wall formation starts at the chalazal end and
tion (2-thecate 2-sporangiate). The anthers are gradually extends to the micropylar end. Wall
dark green or black in most species of Eriocaulon formation may also start simultaneously from
and in Mesanthemum, yellow in the few species the chalaza! and the micropylar end. The endo-
of Syngonanthus with yellow petals (e.g., S. sperm consists of an outer layer of small cells
anthemidiflorus), and white in all others. The with few starch grains, a chalaza! region of small
pollen is white in all genera except in species cells with no or few starch grains, and a central
with yellow anthers, where it may also be yellow. part of large cells filled with compound starch
The gynoecium is di- or trimerous. The style is grains.
shorter or as long as the stylodia in all genera The embryo is campanulate and attached to the
except Leiothrix, where it is more than 2 times endosperm at the micropylar end. The embryo
longer. In Eriocaulon and Mesanthemum, the stig- shows no exomorphologic differentiation. Germi-
mas are in carinal (dorsal) position to the carpels, nation starts with the formation of at least 2leaves
in all other genera they are inserted commis- before the first root is formed.
surally and may be simple or 2-branched. If the
stigmas are in commissural position, there are
POLLEN MORPHOLOGY (Thanikaimoni 1965).
appendices in carinal position. The appendices
Pollen grains are dispersed singly. The pollen is
are homologous to the stigmas in Eriocaulon and
spheroid to ellipsoid, 25-35 [till in diameter,
Mesanthemum and produce a lot of sucrose nectar
spiraperturate (the aperture often runs around the
during anthesis. In some species they produce
pollen grain as the suture does at a tennis ball).
odorous substances (Paepalanthus subgen.
The pollen surface is echinate to echinulate and
Platycaulon and sect. Actinocephalus). In a few
may have spinulae of different size (T. Stiitzel,
species of Paepalanthus and Syngonanthus, the
appendices are reduced to nearly invisible rudi-
ments and produce no nectar.
KARYOLOGY. Chromosome numbers are known
EMBRYOLOGY. Complete data on embryology are from Eriocaulon and a few species of Pae-
available only for Eriocaulon and Leiothrix palanthus. The base numbers 8, 9, 15, 20, and 25
(Monteiro-Scanavacca and Mazzoni 1978; Arekal have been reported, on which diplo-, tetra-, and
and Ramaswamy 1980; Ramaswamy and Arekal hexaploids are based. The chromosomes are very
1982; Ramaswamy et al. 1983). small.
202 Eriocaulaceae

PoLLINATION. Eriocaulaceae are entomophilous. DISPERSAL. Within the family, different ways of
Flies (Diptera) and beetles have been observed as seed dispersal can be found. In Eriocaulon the
pollinators. Paepalanthus subgen. Platycaulon whole flowers of both sexes (including bracts)
and P. sect. Actinocephalus, at least in some loosen from the receptacle. They may be dispersed
habitats, seem to be pollinated mainly by Ceram- by wind and/or water. In Paepalanthus three dif-
bycidae. Most species enforce cross-pollination by ferent ways of dispersal are known. In one case,
separate flowering periods of male and female the diaspore, which consists of a whole female
flowers. In Paepalanthus, Syngonanthus, and flower except the sepal whorl, is catapulted up to
Leiothrix, there is a diurnal change between male 2m by the drying sepal whorl. The 3 seeds remain
and female phase. Flowering within 1 head may together or may be scattered singly during the
continue for nearly 1 year, but a single flower is flight. In other cases, the diaspore is elevated only
open for only a few hours in these genera. Male slightly above the surface of the head by the drying
and female phase are synchronous for all heads of sepal whorl and is dispersed by wind. Bracts as
one plant and for all plants of a population, prob- well as male flowers remain on the receptaculum
ably even for the species as whole (Stiitzel 1984). in both cases. Wind or catapult dispersal may be
In Eriocaulon, the anthesis of each flower may followed by water dispersal. In Paepalanthus sect.
last much longer (several days), male and female Actinocephalus the diaspore consists of the whole
stages are synchronized within the plant and head including peduncle and sheath. In this case,
generally within a population, but obviously not the plant produces several umbels of heads, each
within the species (Stiitzel 1984). During the short with 50 to 200 heads but only a few seeds per head.
period in which male and female phases are In Syngonanthus no elevating or catapulting effect
changing, neighboring flowers of the opposite sex can be found. The diaspores are dispersed by wind
may be open at the same time. In this case, self- or water. In Leiothrix flavescens, the seeds may be
pollination (geitonogamy) is possible and may scattered singly (Stiitzel1984).
even be an important factor in the reproductive
bioloy of Paepalanthus. PHYTOCHEMISTRY. The family is characterized
Little is known about the composition of the by oxalate crystals (druses and single crystals but
nectar and nothing about the various odorous no raphids). Silica bodies have been reported only
substances which are produced by the floral for Syngonanthus xeranthemoides, where they
glands in many species. occur together with sclereidal cells in the subepi-
dermal leaf tissue. Harris and Hartley (1980)
FRUIT AND SEED. In all genera the fruit is a locu- reported the presence ofUV-fluorescent constitu-
licidal capsule opening with a dorsal longitudinal ents in the cell walls of two species of the family,
slit. The single seed per locule is pendulous from indicating cell wall-bound ferulic, p-coumaric,
the placental top and fills the locule completely. and/or diferulic acids. The highly UV-absorbing
The opening of the locule is forced by the seed, flavonols quercetagetin and patuletin, but no
when the drying pericarp shrinks. other flavonolic compounds, were recorded by
The seed is elliptical or ovoid and has a charac- Bate-Smith (1968).
teristic sculpture. It may be reticulate or tubercu- Hoehne (1939) reported that heads and rhi-
late, often described as "hairy". This texture is zomes are used in folk medicine against several
formed by the anticlinal walls of the inner layer of kinds of diseases of the skin, but there is neither
the outer integument and may be more or less clinical proof nor any report on chemical data to
complicated. If only longitudinal walls remain support this.
prominent, the seed becomes striate. In ripe seeds,
the outer layer of the outer integument is often RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE FAMILY. Recent
completely obliterated. If the outer layer persists studies indicate that Rondonanthus is probably
in ripe seeds (some species of Eriocaulon and closest to the phylogenetic base of the family. An
Paepalanthus), the surface is very similar to that early bifurcation into 2 clades separates the genera
in Xyris (Xyridaceae), but in Xyridaceae the layer with syngonanthoid fusion of the petals including
forming the sculpture is the outer layer of the Eriocaulon from the rest of the family (Hensold
inner integument (Giulietti et al. 1984). For many and Giulietti 1991).
taxa, seed-coat characters seem to be more useful While most genera seem to be well defined,
for taxonomic purposes than floral characters Paepalanthus is a conglomerate of several, prob-
(Phillips 1996). ably not closely related groups of species of which
Eriocaulaceae 203

some may even have their closest relatives in tropics; some species enter the humid temperate
the syngonanthoid clade. In its present circum- regions of N America and Europe, such as E.
scription Paepalanthus comprises primitive and septangulare (Ireland, Scotland, native) and
derived groups. The elevation of subgenera and E. cinereum (rice fields ofN Italy, anthropogenic).
sections of Ruhland's revision to distinct genera asIn E Asia Eriocaulon occurs in the Indo-Malayan
proposed sometimes is no solution, as "Eupae- region, in China, and also in Japan, and reaches
palanthus" sensu Ruhland in this case would form Sachalin. Syngonanthus and Paepalanthus are
a polyphyletic remain. mainly S American and with some species are
In older systems the family is generally divided represtented in Central America, Africa, and
into two subfamilies. In this case, the Eriocau- Madagascar. Syngonanthus has also a single
loideae (only Eriocaulon and Mesanthemum) species in the southern USA. Mesanthemum is
comprise the genera with 2 whorls of stamens and restricted to Africa and Madagascar, Leiothrix,
the Paepalanthoideae those with a single staminal Blastocaulon, Philodice to Central America.
whorl. This is rather artificial and separates Tonina occurs in northern S America, Central
Mesanthemum from the closely related Rondon- America, and Cuba. The species of Rondonanthus
anthus and Syngonanthus. Another classification are restricted to the Guayana Shield. Lach-
has been proposed by Stiitzel (1985), who distin- nocaulon is restricted to the east coast and the
guished three subfamilies, Eriocauloideae, Missisippi region of N America.
Syngonanthoideae, and Paepalanthoideae. This Eriocaulaceae occur mainly on poor sandy soils,
concept, which was based on the assumption that in marshy or boggy habitats, and in the moun-
Eriocaulon is the most primitive genus within the tains, even on rocks. Some species of Eriocaulon,
family, has now to be abandoned as well. Paepalanthus, and Leiothrix and Tonina grow
submersed in rivers, ponds, and in tempo-
AFFINITIES. Mainly on account of the unique rarily flooded places. Other species, mainly of
kind of inflorescences and the special kind of Paepalanthus, Leiothrix, and Syngonanthus, occur
spiraperturate pollen grains, the Eriocaulaceae in the mountains on rocks or on sandy soils in
have always been considered as a natural, mono- habitats which appear to be rather dry; they grow
phyletic group. Nevertheless, the Eriocaulaceae together with xerophytic plants such as Trimesia
are far from being isolated. Close and impor- and Melocactus. Several species are both annual or
tant relationships exist between Eriocaulaceae perennial according to climate and living condi-
and Xyridaceae, as evidenced by similarities in tions. The Eriocaulaceae have no spezialized
embryological features, echinate pollen, and the hibernating organs such as bulbs or underground
structure of seeds and inflorescences. Within the corms, they endure short dry periods with well-
Xyridaceae, subfam. Abolbodoideae shows more developed green leaves. Leiothrix niveus has hairy
and closer similarities with the Eriocaulaceae than green leaves in the summer but is completely
subfam. Xyridoideae. Subfam. Abolbodoideae covered with white hairs during the winter, so that
resembles especially Paepalanthus in pollen then only small wool cushions but no green parts
morphology and the peculiar appendices of the of the plant can be seen. Some species seem well
gynoecium, which are found in no other family. In adapted to periodic fires (such as the Velloziaceae
contrast, Xyris has atropous seeds similar to which cooccur with them in the same habitats)
Eriocaulaceae, while Abolboda has anatropous and the older parts of their elongated stem lack
seeds. leaves. The water cisterns may also be important
While in the past Eriocaulaceae have been in respect to fire protection.
placed together with Restionaceae close to Poales,
at present their relationship to Commelinales PARASITES. In the Eriocaulaceae the heads are
seems better substantiated and the family is often parasitized by larvae of Coleophoridae.
included in the Commelinales s.l or placed as Similar or the same species parasitize the heads of
a separate order Eriocaulales close to the Xyris and some Juncaceae in the same habitats.
Commelinales (Dahlgren and Clifford 1982; Caterpillars of different groups of Lepidoptera
Dahlgren et al. 1985). can be found on leaves of Eriocaulaceae. Larvae of
Diptera have been found mining in the rhizomes
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Eriocaulon has of Eriocaulon megapotamicum.
the widest distribution of all genera of the family Several species of smuts parasiting on Erio-
and is distributed throughout the tropics and sub- caulaceae have been described, e.g., Tolypospo-
204 Eriocaulaceae

rium hessii E. Muller on Eriocaulon lanatum, 9. Stamens 2-thecate, 4-sporangiate 9. Paepalanthus

Tolyposporium eriocauli Clint. on Eriocaulon - Stamens 2-thecate, 2-sporangiate 10. Blastocaulon
vittifolium, Sorosporidium mesanthemi E.
Muller on Mesanthemum radicans, and Ustilago 1. Rondonanthus Herzog
eriocauli Mass. Clint. on Syngonanthus
Rondonanthus Herzog, Feddes Rep. 29: 120 (1931); Hensold &
welwitschii. These smuts are all exclusive to Giuliettti, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 78: 441-459 (1991), rev.
Eriocaulaceae, but this may be an effect of re- Wurdackia Moldenke (1957).
stricted collecting.
Perennial rosulate herbs; leaves alternate or disti-
PALEOBOTANY. Pollen has been recorded for E. chous. Flowers trimerous, unisexual, or hermaph-
septangulare from the Pleistocene of Ireland, and rodite and male (R. flabelliformis); female: sepals
for E. pellucid urn from the Pleistocene of Canada. free; petals fused only in the middle as in
Both species are sometimes regarded as synony- Syngonanthus or free, with 3 conspicuous, linear,
mous and cannot be distinguished on the basis of staminodes; gynoecium with appendices and bifid
pollen characters. stigmas, both inserted at the same level; male:
sepals free; petals fused into a tube; stamens 3,
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. In Central Brasil bithecate, tetrasporangiate, basally fused with the
(Minas Gerais and neighboring areas) the heads petals or free; gynoecium rudimentary. Five spp.,
of several species (mainly Syngonanthus sect. restricted to the Guayana Shield in northern S
Eulepis) with their long peduncles are collected America.
and dried for room decoration. The value of The circumscription of Hensold and Giulietti
exported inflorescences, which are often colored (1991) comprises the monotypic genera Wur-
when marketed, has reached nearly 2 Mio. US $ dackia and Rondonanthus plus 2 spp. formerly
(A.M. Giulietti, pers. comm.) and several species belonging to Paepalanthus and 1 that had been
are endangered because of intensive collecting. placed in Syngonanthus. The genus is mainly
based on the presence of large staminodes in
KEY TO THE GENERA female flowers and is the only one which com-
1. Female flowers with conspicuous linear staminodes
prises species with and without the syngonanthoid
1. Rondonanthus fusion of the petals.
- Female flowers with inconspicuous tuberclelike staminodes
or without staminodes 2
2. Stamens in 2 whorls (i.e., 4 or 6); gynoecium without glands
2. Eriocaulon L. Fig. 49
(appendices); stigmas simple in carina! (dorsal) position of Eriocaulon L., Sp. Pl.: 87 (1753).
the carpels 3
- Stamens in only 1 whorl (i.e., 2 or 3 stamens),
oppositipetalous; gynoecium with carina! glands (appen- Mostly rosulate perennial or annual herbs, highly
dices); stigmas simple or 2-branched, commissural 4 variable in size (leaves 1-60 em long, 0.1-15 em
3. Petals free in male and female flowers 2. Eriocaulon wide, peduncles 1-120 em long) but very uniform
- Petals fused to a 3-lobed tube in male flowers; petals fused in habit. Submerged and floating species with
in the middle and free at base and apex in female flowers
3. Mesanthemum elongated leafy stems; terrestrial species with
4. Petals lacking in male flowers, reduced to hairs or lacking stout, usually horizontal rhizomes, sometimes
in female flowers 4. Lachnocaulon forming erect trunks up to 80 em tall. Inflores-
- Male and female flowers with petals 5 cence a single head or composed of 2-15 or more
5. Petals of female flowers free at base and apex but fused in
heads in the center of a rosette. Sometimes with
the middle 6
- Petals in female flowers free 7 proliferating heads and peduncles functioning
6. Peduncles with a closed sheath at the baseS. Syngonanthus like stolons. Flowers unisexual, mostly trimerous,
- Peduncles without closed sheath 6. Philodice more rarely dimerous or heteromerous, sub-
7. Style 3 times as long as the simple stigmas or longer; glands tended by bracts; male: sepals free or fused to an
(appendices) inserted on style distinctly below the stigmas
7. Leiothrix
adaxial spathelike organ; anthophore between
- Style as long as the stigmas or shorter; if present, glands sepals and petals sometimes present, as long as
(appendices) inserted at the same level as stigmas 8 sepals and longer than petals; petals free, with an
8. Persistent petals of the female flower reduced to small hairy "epipetalous" gland; 4 or 6 stamens in 2 whorls,
lobes as long as the fruit; peduncles subtended by an open bithecate, tetrasporangiate, the filaments in the
sheath, fused with the main axis 8. Tonina
- Persistent petals of female flowers longer than the fruit;
outer whorl free, in the inner whorl fused with
peduncles with closed sheath at the base or sheath lacking, petals up to the glands which, in color (brown,
but never open 9 dark green or black) and surface structure,
Eriocaulaceae 205

resemble the glands formed by the rudimentary Rosulate or caulescent herbs, sometimes with !-
carpels and mostly also the thecas of the stamens; several elongated internodes between rosulate
female: sepals free, sometimes fused to an adaxial parts. Scapelike stems in the vegetative part
spathe; petals free, with "epipetalous" glands; without basal sheath, sometimes composed of
gynoecium with stigmas in carinal position; nectar several internodes and then bearing a few reduced
and scent production from epipetalous glands in leaves. Inflorescences in the center of the rosette,
male and female flowers and from rudimentary single heads or composed of up to 150 heads, or
gynoecium in male flowers. About 400 spp., tro- arranged in different ways to umbel-like inflores-
pical and subtropical regions of the world. cences with more or less long, leafy stems; involu-
cra! bracts sometimes (sect. Eulepis) enlarged,
petaloid. Flowers unisexual, generally trimerous
3. Mesanthemum Koern. Fig. 50R and unisexual, in S. amazonicus and few related
Mesanthemum Koern., Linnaea 27: 527 (1856). spp. hermaphrodite and dimerous, usually sub-
tended by bracts, sometimes all but marginal
Rosulate plants of medium size (leaves 10-30cm, flowers without bracts; male flowers; sepals
peduncles 20-40 em long). Inflorescences single free; petals fused to a 3-lobed, sometimes very
heads or composed of few heads in the centre of a short tube; stamens bithecate, tetrasporangiate
rosette. Flowers unisexual, trimerous, bracteate; with free filaments; gynoecium reduced to :±:
male with basally fused sepals, with a short globose glands; female flowers: sepals free; petals
anthophore between sepals and petals, petals fused in the middle, apically and basally free.
fused and with "epipetalous" glands which may Gynoecium with :±: globose appendices (glands),
have some hairs; stamens 3 + 3, those of the outer and simple stigmas, both inserted at the same
whorl free, filaments of the inner whorl fused to level; appendices lacking in a few species. About
the petals approximately half the distance to the 200 (80-250) spp., mainly S America but a few also
gland; female with free sepals and petals fused in Africa and Madagascar.
only in the middle as in Syngonanthus; stigmas in
carinal position, appendices lacking. About 18
species in tropical or subtropical regions of Africa, 6. Philodice C. Mart. Fig. 50L-Q
2 also on Madagascar. Records for S America Philodice C. Mart., Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-
erroneous. Carol. Nat.-Cur. 17: 16 (1835).

Small rosulate or subcaulescent plants (stems 3-

4. Lachnocaulon Kunth 17 em long); peduncles short (1-2cm), without
Lachnocaulon Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 497 (1841). sheath; leaves filiform, 0.5 wide and 1.5 em long;
flowers as in Syngonanthus, but the petals of
Rosulate plants with 1-many heads. Flowers female flowers not fading or shrinking after
trimerous except L. digynum with trimerous sepal anthesis, looking turgid even in dried speci-
whorl and dimerous androecium and gynoecium; mens; stamens reported as monothecate and
in male flowers sepals free, petals completely lack- bisporangiate but often bithecate and tetra-
ing; stamens inserted at an anthophore reaching sporangiate. One (or 2?) spp., restricted to the
the length of the filaments; stamens 2-thecate 2- basins of the Amazonas and Orinoco rivers,
sporangiate due to facial reduction (Stiitzel and tropical S America.
Gansser 1995); gynoecium reduced to glands; in
female flowers sepals free, petals lacking; gyno-
ecium with bifid stigmas and appendices (glands), 7. Leiothrix Ruhl. Fig. 50A-D
both inserted on same level. For L. digynum erro- Leiothrix Ruhl. in Engler, Pflanzenreich. V.30: 225 (1903);
neously simple stigmas are reported. About eight Giulietti (1984) Estudos taxonomicos do g~nero Leiothrix.
spp. in N America, Florida, and the Mississippi Tese Livre-docencia, Univ. Sao Paulo (1984) (rev.)
Vegetative morphology and inflorescence struc-
ture similar to Eriocaulon. Peduncles 10-50cm
5. Syngonanthus Ruhl. Fig. 50J,K long, leaves 3-30 em long. Flowers trimerous;
Syngonanthus Ruhl. in Urban, Symb. Antill. 1: 487 (1900).
male flowers: sepals free; petals fused at least
Comanthera L.B. Smith (1937). basally; stamens 3, bithecate and tetrasporangiate,
Carptotepala Mold. (1951). with free filaments; gynoecium reduced to glands;
206 Eriocaulaceae

female flowers: sepals free, petals free, gynoecium simple (subgen. Actinocephalus) or bifid (subgen.
with simple stigmas and appendices, the latter Xeractis and Platycaulon) stigmas; subgen.
inserted at the base or near the middle of the Xeractis with enlarged petaloid involucra! bracts
style; style at least 3 times as long as the stigmas similar to Syngonanthus sect. Eulepis. About 400
(Fig. SOD). In subgen. Stephanophyllum heads al- (200-600) spp., most inS America, some in Cen-
ways proliferating and peducles becoming thus tral America, Africa, and Madagascar. One record
stolonlike, plants therefore may develop a tangle from Japan due to confusion of labels.
of dry, dead peduncles covering rocks, in which Circumscription of Paepalanthus provisional;
the rosettes (often without roots) are the only liv- some subgenera such as Platycaulon, Xeractis and
ing parts. About 37 spp., S America, mainly Brazil. sect. Actionocephalus forming natural groups,
others are based on vegetative characters of little
8. Tonina Aubl. Fig. 50E-I
Tonina Aub!., Hist. Pl. Gui.: 856 (1775).
10. Blastocaulon Ruhl.
Habit somewhat like Elodea canadensis, mostly Blastocaulon Ruh!. in Engler, Pflanzenreich IV.30: 223 (1903).
growing submersed. Leaves about 10 mm long and
2-4 mm wide, arranged spirally on the long erect Small rosulate plants with very thin peduncles
or floating stem. Inflorescences single, axillary and sometimes stolonlike branches. Flowers
heads with short peduncles and open adaxial trimerous, male flowers: sepals free; petals fused;
sheaths; sheath and peduncle extraaxillary. stamens 2-thecate, 2-sporangiate; filaments free;
Flowers trimerous; male flowers: sepals at margin gynoecium reduced to glands; female flowers:
fused half of their length; petals forming a tube; sepals free; petals free; gynoecium with bifid
anthophore between sepal and petal whorl, at stigmas and appendices (glands). About 5 spp., all
anthesis equalling or surpassing the petal tube; in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
stamens usually bithecate and tetrasporangiate, The genus is separated from Paepalanthus
sometimes and irregularly reduced to mono- exclusively because of the 2-thecate 2-sporangiate
thecate and bisporangiate; filaments free. Only anthers, but 2-sporangiate anthers occur also in
one sp., T. fluviatilis Aubl., northern S America. some species of Paepalanthus. Further informa-
tion is needed to decide whether Blastocaulon
should be recognized as distinct from Pae-
9. Paepalanthus Kunth palanthus. In this respect it might be important to
Paepalanthus Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 498 (1841). realize that Blastocaulon (and some of the species
Moldenkeanthus Morat (1976). of Paepalanthus with 2-sporangiate anthers) grow
in extremely shady places together with filmy
Rosulate, caulescent (erect or reptant) herbs or ferns, while Eriocaulaceae normally prefer bright
rarely shrublike plants, from a few mm up to places.
about 4 m (P. hillarei) in size. Inflorescence a
single head or a group of heads terminating a
rosette, or single heads in the axil of the leaves of a Selected Bibliography
rosette, or inflorescences composed of up to more
than 1000 heads in different ways. Inflorescences Arekal, G.D., Ramaswamy, S.N. 1980. Embryology of
Eriocaulon hookerianum Stapf and the systematic position
in sect. Actinocephalus formed by several umbels
of Eriocaulaceae. Bot. Not. 133: 295-309.
of heads, each with about 50-200 heads; in subgen. Bate-Smith, E. C. 1968. The phenolic constituents of plants and
Platycaulon peduncles flattened and bearing a their taxonomic significance. J. Linn. Soc. 60: 325-356.
group of 5 to 20 shortly stalked (sect. Divisi) or Begum, M. 1968. Embryological studies in Eriocaulon quin-
sessile heads (sect. Conferti), peduncles bearing quangulare L. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 67: 148-156.
Castro, N.M. 1986. Estudos morphologicos dos orgaos
such a group of heads with closed sheath at base, vegetativos de especies de Paepalanthus KUNTH (Erio-
the short peduncles of the single heads without caulaceae). Thesis, Instituto de Biociencias, Univ. de Sao
sheaths or bracts. Flowers trimerous, dimerous, or Paulo, Sao Paulo.
heteromerous, male: sepals free or only basally Dahlgren, R.M.T., Clifford, H.T. 1982. See general references.
fused; petals fused; stamens bithecate and tetra- Dahlgren, R.M.T. eta!. 1985. See general references.
Engler, A. 1895. Eriocaulaceae. In: Engler, A. Die Pflanzenwelt
sporangiate, rarely 2-sporangiate; filaments free; Ostafrikas und der Nachbargebiete, Theil C. Berlin: Dietrich
gynoecium reduced to glands; female: sepals free Reimer.
or only basally fused; petals free; gynoecium with Erdtman, G. 1952. See general references.
Eriocaulaceae 207

Giulietti, A.M. 1978. Modifica~oes taxonomicos no genero Stiitzel, Th. 1985. Die epipetalen Driisen der Gattung Erio-
Eriocaulon L. Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo 6: 39-47. caulon (Eriocaulaceae). Beitr. Bioi. Pfianz. 60: 271-276.
Giulietti, A.M. 1984. Estudos taxonomicos no genero Leiothrix Stiitzel, Th. 1988. Untersuchungen zur Wurzelanatomie der
RUHL. These de Livre docencia, Univ. de Sao Paulo, Sao Eriocaulaceen. Flora 180: 223-239.
Paulo. Stiitzel, Th., Gansser, N. 1995. Floral morphology of North
Giulietti, A.M., Monteiro, W.R., Mayo, S.J., Stephens, J. 1984. A American Eriocaulaceae and its taxonomic implications.
preliminary survey of testa sculpture in Eriocaulaceae. Feddes Repert. 106: 495-502.
Beitr. Bioi. Pfianz. 62: 189-209. Takhtajan, A. 1980, 1982. See general references.
Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references. Thanikaimoni, G. 1965. Contribution to the pollen mor-
Hensold, N. 1988. Morphology and systematics of Pae- phology ofEriocaulaceae. Pollen Spores 7: 181-191.
palanthus subgenus Xeractis (Eriocaulaceae). Syst. Bot.
Monogr., Vol. 23, ISO pp.
Hensold, N., Giulietti, A.M. 1991. Revision and redefinition of
the genus Rondonanthus Herzog. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 78:
Hoehne, F.C. 1939. Plantas e substancias vegetais t6xicas e
medicinais. Sao Paulo: Graphicars.
Koernicke, Fr. 1854. Eriocaulacearum monographiae sup-
plementum. Linnaea 27: 561-692.
Koernicke, Fr. 1863. Eriocaulaceae. In: von Martius, C.F.Ph.
(ed.) Flora Brasiliensis, Vol. 3, 1.
Koernicke, F. 1867. Eriocaulaceae. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat.
Kral, R. 1989. The genera ofEriocaulaceae of the southeastern
United States. J. Arnold Arbor 70: 131-142.
Malmanche, L.A. 1919. Contribution aI etude anatomique des
eriocaulonacees et des families voisines; restiacees, cen-
trolepidacees, xyridacees, philydracees, mayacacees. Paris:
St. Cloud.
Martius, C.F.Ph. von 1835. Die Eriocaulaceen als selbstiindige
Pfianzenfamilie, aufgestellt und erliiutert. Nova Acta Acad.
Nat. Cur. 17, 1: 1-72.
Monteiro-Scannavacca, W.R., Mazzoni, S.C. 1978. Embryo-
logical studies in Leiothrix fluitans (Mart.) Ruhl.
(Eriocaulaceae). Rev. Brasil. Bot. 1: 59-64.
Monteiro, W.R., Giulietti, A.M., de Moraes Castro, M. 1984.
Aspects of leaf structure of some species of Eriocaulon
(Eriocaulaceae) from Serra do Cip6 (Minas Gerais, Brasil).
Rev. Brasil. Bot. 7: 137-147.
Monteiro, W.R., de Moraes Castro, M., Giulietti, A.M. 1985.
Aspects of leaf structure of some species of Leiothrix Ruh!.
(Eriocaulaceae) from Serra do Cip6 (Minas Gerais, Brasil).
Rev. Brasil. Bot. 8: 109-125.
Morong, Th. 1891. Notes on the North American species of
Eriocauleae. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 351-362.
Phillips, S.M. 1996. Eriocaulon schimperi (Eriocaulaceae) and
some related species in eastern Africa. Kew Bull. 51: 333-
Poulsen, V.A. 1888. Anatomiske Studier over Eriocaulaceerne.
Vidensk. Medd. Dan Naturhist Foren. 1888: 221-385.
Ramaswamy, S.N., Arekal, G.D. 1982. Embryology of
Eriocaulon xeranthemum Mart. (Eriocaulaceae). Acta Bot.
Neerl. 31: 41-54.
Ramaswamy, S.N., Arekal, G.D., Gaju, M.V.S. 1983. Develop-
mental anatomy of seed coat and pericarp in two species of
Eriocaulon L. (Eriocaulaceae). Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 110:
Ruhland, W. 1903. Eriocaulaceae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Pfian-
zenreich, Vol. 30. Leipzig: Engelmann, 294 pp.
Silveira, A.A. 1908. Flore de Serras Mineiras. Imp. Off. Belo
Silveira, A.A. 1928. Eriocaulaceae. In: Floralia Montium. Imp.
Off. Belo Horizonte.
Stiitzel, Th. 1984. Bliiten- und infioreszenzmorphologische
Untersuchungen zur Systematik der Eriocaulaceen. Diss.
Bot., Vol. 71. Vaduz: Cramer, 108 pp.
208 Flagellariaceae

Flagellariaceae rations or slightly oblique with 1 to 10 trabeculae

(Smithson 1956; Cheadle and Kosakai 1980).
0. APPEL and C. BAYER When tips of mature leaves come in contact with
a support, they differentiate into coiled, fibrous
tendrils, otherwise they abscise. In contrast to
many other tendril-bearing plants, the sensitive
portion of the leaf tip is located on the adaxial face
(du Sablon 1887; Arber 1925). Stomata are distrib-
uted on both surfaces of the leaves. They have 2
Flagellariaceae, Dumort., Anal. Fam. Pl.: 59, 60 (1829), nom. subsidiary cells and have been referred to the grass
cons. type (Chadefaud 1995; Smithson 1956; Stebbins
and Khush 1961), but lack the dumb-bell-shaped
Perenniallianas from sympodial rhizomes; aerial cells and the perforations between adjacent guard
shoots solid, glabrous. Leaves alternate, dis- cells typical of the Poaceae (Sack 1994). Frolich
tichously arranged, glabrous, rolled in bud; sheath and Barthlott ( 1988) observed scalelike, unordered
closed, distally with 2 lateral lobes; lamina epicuticular wax crystals exclusively adjacent to
lanceolate-acuminate constricted at base, distal the stomatal grooves, similar to those occurring in
part prolonged into a tendril. Inflorescence termi- Restionanceae. According to Tomlinson (1969)
nal, paniculiform. Flowers usually hermaphroditic, and Mary et al. (1985), the hypodermis is 1-layered
trimerous, (sub-)sessile, without prophylls. Tepals and indistinct; near the midrib its cells exhibit
in 2 whorls, whitish, membranous, subequal, sclerotic outer cell walls. Distinct palisade cells are
persistent, their bases shortly fused and some- lacking, the vascular bundles are surrounded by a
what saccate. Stamens in 2 whorls, occasionally fibrous sheath. The mesophyll includes cells con-
reduced to staminodia; filaments very short, taining calcium oxalate crystals. Associated with
anthers linear, basifixed tetrasporangiate, laterally vascular bundles, cells with granular silica bodies
dehiscent by longitudinal slits. Ovary syncarpous, and secretory canals are found (Solereder and
superior, 3-locular with axile placentation; style Meyer 1929). Sieve-tube plastids contain cuneate
short, divided into 3 spreading, linear stigmatic protein crystals and additional less densely packed
branches with papillose upper surface; ovules soli- crystals and correspond to the subtype Pile', which
tary in each locule, pendulous, bitegmic, almost is apparently restricted to the order Poales
atropous, crassinucellate. Fruit drupaceous, red or (Behnke 1981).
black, 1(-2)-seeded; seeds with abundant starchy
endosperm, embryo minute, lenticular.
A monogeneric family with about four species,
widespread throughout the Palaeotropis including
Australia and the Pacific Islands.


(Fig. 51) reach up to 20m in length (Larsen 1972).
According to the interpretation of Tomlinson and
Posluszny (1977), true dichotomy occurs in
Flagellaria indica and axillary branching is
lacking in vegetative aerial shoots. However, the
occurrence of dichotomy was negated by Kircher
(1986), who interpreted this special branching as
due to suppression of the prophyll and the basal
internode of a lateral shoot.
The epidermis cells never contain silica bodies.
The 1- or 2-layered hypodermis consists of slightly
sclerotic cells. A peripheral mechanical layer
between cortex and central cylinder is formed by
vascular bundles embedded in sclerotic tissue
(Tomlinson 1969; Linder 1987). Vessels are found Fig. SlA-D. Flagellariaceae. A-C Flagellaria guineensis. A
in the stems, roots and leaves. The cross-walls of Habit. B Flower. C Part of infructescence. D F. indica, auricu-
vessel elements are horizontal with simple perfo- late leaf base. (After Takhtajan 1982; D orig.)
Flagellariaceae 209

REPRODUCTIVE STRUCTURES. The inflorescence non-ephemeral antipodals m mature embryo

of Flagellaria indica resembles a panicle (Fig. 51). sacs.
Nevertheless, its main axis and lateral branches of
various order are not terminated by single flowers, POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen grains of
but by more or less condensed spikes or racemes Flagella ria are spheroidal, 18-22 f!m in diameter,
with short-stalked flowers. In this respect, these and ulcerate with a pore of 3-4 f!m in diameter
inflorescences exhibit basically the same pattern (Fig. 52). The exine is microperforate. The pollen
as those of Poaceae. As in some of the latter, a closely resembles that of Poaceae, from which it
more or less conspicuous thickening may be differs mainly in the somewhat less well-defined
present adaxially on the base of each lateral axis, annulus. The "graminoid" aperture, covered by a
possibly serving to spread the branches. Abaxially, thin endexine layer that extends to some distance
a weaker serial branch is sometimes present. under the margin, is common to Poales. In con-
Usually, the first 2 bracts of lateral axes may be trast to Poaceae, Ecdeiocoleaceae and Anarth-
placed transversally at almost one level, thus re- riaceae, an operculum seems to be absent in
sembling the prophylls of many dicotyledons. Flagellariaceae (Erdtman 1994, 1952; Chanda
In some flowers of Flagellaria indica the num- 1965, 1966; Chanda and Rowley 1967; Ladd 1977;
ber of stamens or carpels is reduced. Occasionally, Linder and Ferguson 1985).
tri-, hexa- or heptasporangiate anthers have been
observed; Subramanyam and Narayana (1972) in- KARYOLOGY. 2n = 38 has been reported for
terpreted them as the result of fusion or reduction various species of Flagellaria (Mangenot and
of microsporangia. Stigmas are Dry with multi- Mangenot 1958, 1962; Chuang et al. 1962; Shetty
cellular papillae (Heslop-Harrison and Shivanna and Subramanyam 1964; Briggs 1966).
1977). Flowers of Flagellaria indica are odorous
(Backer 1951). PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Flagellaria indica is known to
The endocarp of the drupe is composed of stone contain the cyanogenetic glycoside triglochinin
cells forming a homogeneous lignified layer. The (Hegnauer 1986), kaempferol, saponins, ~­
mature seed coat consists of a single layer that sitosterol, and traces of alkaloids (Mary et al. 1985;
corresponds to the thickened, although not ligni- Williams and Harborne 1971, 1988). Harris and
fied, peripheral walls of the outer epidermis of the Hartley (1980) observed the characteristic UV
outer integument; this layer is fused with the fruit fluorescence of cell walls, indicating the presence
wall. Compound starch grains are present in the of bound p-coumaric, ferulic and diferulic acids.
endosperm (Tillich 1996). Flagellaria has been
considered to be wind-pollinated; the fruits are AFFINITIES. Besides Flagellaria, the family was
probably dispersed by birds (Linder 1987). originally considered to include Hanguana and

EMBRYOLOGY. The embryology of Flagellaria

indica was studied by Subramanyam and
Narayana (1972) and Rudall and Linder (1988).
The anther wall includes 2 middle layers; fibrous
thickenings of the endothecium are restricted to
few cells. As in Eriocaulaceae and most Poaceae,
the endothecial thickenings have a complete base
plate (Manning and Linder 1990). The tapetum is
mostly unilayered and corresponds to the secre-
tory type. Microsporocyte division is simulta-
neous; occasionally, large pollen grains (30 X
25 fl) are formed through fusion of2 nuclei. Pollen
is shed at the 2-celled stage (Chadefaud 1995;
Shetty and Subramanyam 1964).
Fast growth of the inner integument leads to
the formation of an endostome. The embryo sac
is deep-seated, free of starch, and develops
Fig. 52. Flagellariaceae. Flagellaria indica, distal pollen view
according to the Allium type. In contrast to the showing raised margin of "graminoid" aperture and indis-
descriptions by Subramanyam and Narayana tinctly scobriculate (perforated) exine. SEM X3600. (Photo
(1972), Rudall and Linder (1988) observed 3 H.P. Linder)
210 Flagellariaceae

]oinvillea, both of which are now generally ac- Selected Bibliography

cepted as constituting separate families. The rela-
tionships with Hanguanaceae (see there) seem to Arber, A. 1925. See general references.
be remote at best. In contrast, both Joinvilleaceae Backer, C.A. 1951. Flagellariaceae. In: Van Steenis, C.G.G.J.
(ed.); Flora Malesiana I, 4. Djakarta: Noordhoff-Kolff, pp.
(see there) and Flagellariaceae seem to be best 245-250.
placed in the Poales. Nevertheless, due to their Behnke, H.-D. 1981. Sieve-element characters. Nord. J. Bot. 1:
crassinucellate ovules, binucleate pollen and lack 381-400.
of the 6- and 28-kb inversions of the chloroplast Briggs, B.G. 1966. Chromsome numbers of some Australian
monocotyledons. Contrib. N. S. W. Nat!. Herb. 4: 24-34.
genome (Doyle et al. 1992; Kellogg and Linder Chadefaud, M. 1955. Remarques sur quelques pollens de
1995), the Flagellariaceae appear to occupy a plantes tropicales, particulierement interessants des points
somewhat isolated and basal position (Rudall and de vue palynologique ou systematique. Rev. Gen. Bot. 62:
Linder 1988; Linder and Rudall 1993; Davis 1995; 641-660.
Tillich 1996). This is also implicit in most cla- Chanda, S. 1965. On the pollen morphology of the Flagel-
lariaceae with reference to taxonomy. Trans. Bose Res. Inst.
dograms based on structural and/or molecular, Calcutta 8: 53-55.
and combined data (Duvall et al. 1993; Chase et al. Chanda, S. 1966. On the pollen morphology of the
1995; Graham and Barrett 1995; Hahn et al. 1995; Centrolepidaceae, Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae, with
Kellogg and Linder 1995; Linder and Kellogg special reference to taxonomy. Grana 6: 355-415.
1995; Stevenson and Loconte 1995). Chanda, S., Rowley, S. 1967. Apertural types in pollen of the
Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae. Grana 7: 16-36.
Chase, M.W. eta!. 1995. See general references.
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Flagella ria spe- Cheadle, V.I., Kosakai, H. 1980. Occurrence and specialization
cies are distributed throughout tropical Asia, of vessels in Commelinales. Phytomorphology 30: 98-117.
Africa, N Australia and the Pacific Islands. They Chuang, T.-1., Chao, C.Y., Hu, W.W.L., Kwan, S.C. 1962. Chro-
occur in coastal regions and humid, but not con- mosome numbers of the vascular plants of Taiwan I.
Taiwania 8: 51-66.
stantly swampy lowland forests, forest margins Coode, M.J.E. 1978. Flore des Mascareignes 187: Flagel-
or mangroves (Linder 1987), occasionally up to lariacees. In: Bosser, J., Cadet, T., Julien, H.R., Marais, W.
1500 m above sea level. (eds.) Flore des Mascareignes: La Reunion, Maurice,
Rodrigues. Mauritius: The Sugar Research Institute.
Davis, G.L. 1966. See general references.
PALAEOBOTANY. The fossil record of the Poales
Davis, J.I. 1995. A phylogenetic structure for the monocotyle-
starts in the Maestrichtian and suggests a dons, as inferred from chloroplast DNA restriction site
Gondwanan origin of the order. Due to the simi- variation, and a comparison of measures of clade support.
larity of poalean pollen, it is difficult to refer Syst. Bot. 20: 503-527.
fossils with certainty to one of the component Doyle, J.J., Davis, J.I., Soreng, R.J., Garvin, D., Anderson, M.J.
1992. Chloroplast DNA inversions and the origin of the
families. Flagellaria-type pollen is known from grass family (Poaceae). Proc. Nat!. Acad. U.S.A. 89: 7722-
the Upper Miocene of Borneo (Muller 1981). 7726.
Linder {1987) stated that some of the Eurasian Duvall, M.R., Clegg, M.T., Chase, M.W., Clark, W.D., Kress,
Tertiary material most likely belongs to Fla- W.J., Hills, H.G., Eguiarte, L.E., Smith, J.P., Gaut, B.S.,
gellaria. Zimmer, E.A., Learn, G.H., Jr. 1993. Phylogenetic hypoth-
eses for the monocotyledons constructed from rbcL se-
quence data. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 80: 607-619.
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. This is very minor. The Erdtman, G. 1944. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy. II.
shoots are used for basket work and to construct Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 38: 163-168.
thatches. Some medical uses were summarised by Erdtman, G. 1952. See general references.
Mary et al. (1985). Friilich, D., Barthlott, W. 1988. Mikromorphologie der
epicuticularen Wachse und das System der Monokotylen.
Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenwelt 63: 1-135.
Only one genus: Graham, S.W., Barrett, S.C.H. 1995. Phylogenetic systematics
of Pontederiales: implications for breeding-system evolu-
tion. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.P., Humphries,
Flagellaria L. Fig. 51 C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 415-441.
Flagellaria L., Sp. Pl.: 333 (1753); Backer, Fl. Males. I, 4: 245- Hahn, W.J., Givnish, T.J., Sytsma, K.J. 1995. Evolution of the
248 (1951), reg. rev.; Smith, Flora Vitensis Nova 1: 283-289 monocot chloroplast inverted repeat: I. Evolution and phy-
(1970), reg. rev. logenetic implications of the ORF 2280 deletion. In: Rudall,
P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.P., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Mono-
cotyledons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gar-
Characters as for family. dens, Kew, pp. 579-587.
About four spp., of which F. indica L. is the most Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references.
common. Hegnauer, R. 1986. See general references.
Flagellariaceae 211

Heslop-Harrison, Y., Shivanna, K.R. 1977. The receptive Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
surface of the angiosperm stigma. Ann. Bot. (Lond.) 41: evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 543-578.
1233-1258. Subramanyam, K., Narayana, H.S. 1972, pub!. 1975. Some
Kellogg, E.A., Linder, H.P. 1995. Phylogeny of Poales. In: aspects of the floral morphology and embryology of
Rudall P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Flagellaria indica Linn. In: Murty, Y.S., Johri, B.M., Mohan
Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Ram, H.Y., Varghese, T.M. (eds.) Advances in plant mor-
Gardens, Kew, pp. 511-542. phology. Neerut: Trakashan pp. 211-217.
Kircher, P. 1986. Untersuchungen zur Bliiten- und In- Tillich, H.-J. 1996. Seeds and seedlings in Hanguanaceae and
floreszenzmorphologie, Embryologie und Systematik Flagellariaceae (monocotyledons). Sendtnera 3: 187-197.
der Restionanceen im Vergleich mit Gramineen und Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Flagellariaceae. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.)
verwandten Familien. Diss. Bot. 94. Anatomy of the monocotyledons 3. Oxford: Clarendon
Ladd, P.G. 1977. Pollen morphology of some members of the Press, pp. 69-82.
Restionaceae and related families, with notes on the fossil Tomlinson, P.B., Posluszny, U. 1977. Features of dichotomiz-
record. Grana 16: 1-14. ing apices in Flagellaria indica (Monocotyledones). Am. J.
Larsen, K. 1972. Flagellariaceae. Flora Thailand 2 (2): 162-166. Bot. 64: 1057-1065.
Linder, H.P. 1987. The evolutionary history of Poales/ Williams, C.A., Harborne, J.B. 1971. Flavonoid patterns in the
Restionales- a hypothesis. Kew Bull. 42: 297-318. monocotyledons. Flavonols and flavons in some families
Linder, H.P., Ferguson, I.K. 1985. On the pollen morphology associated with the Poaceae. Phytochemistry 10: 1059-
and phylogeny of the Restionales and Poales. Grana 24: 65- 1063.
76. Williams, C.A., Harborne, J.B. 1988. Distribution and evolu-
Linder, H.P., Kellogg, E.A. 1995. Phylogenetic patterns in the tion of flavonoids in the monocotyledons. In: Harborne, J.B.
Commelinid clade. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., (ed.) The flavonoids: advances in research since 1980.
Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and London: Chapman and Hall, pp. 505-524.
evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 473-496.
Linder, H.P., Rudall, P.J. 1993. The megagametophyte in
Anarthria (Anarthriaceae, Poales) and its implications for
the phylogeny of the Poales. Am. J. Bot. 80: 1455-1464.
Mangenot, S., Mangenot, G. 1958. Deuxieme liste de nombres
chromosomiques nouveaux chez diverses dicotyledones et
monocotyledones d' Afrique occidentale. Bull. Jard. Bot.
Etat 28: 315-329.
Mangenot, S., Mangenot, G. 1962. Enquete sur les nombres
chromosomiques dans une collection d'especes tropicales.
Rev. Cytol. Bioi. Veg. 25: 411-447.
Manning, J.C., Linder, H.P. 1990. Cladistic analysis of patterns
of endothecial thickenings in the Poales/Restionales. Am. J.
Bot. 77: 196-210.
Mary, Z., Pattan Shetty, J.K., Yoganarasimhan, S.N. 1985.
Pharmacognostical studies on Flagellaria indica L.
(Flagellariaceae). J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 6: 1-8.
Muller, J. 1981. Fossil pollen records of extant angiosperms.
Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 47: 1-142.
Rudall, P.J., Linder, H.P. 1988. Megagametophyte and nucellus
in Restionaceae and Flagellarianceae. Am. J. Bot. 75: 1777-
Sablon, L. du 1887. Recherches sur l'enroulement des vrilles.
Ann. Sci. Nat. VII, 5: 5-50, pl. 1-3.
Sack, F.D. 1994. Structure of the stomatal complex of the
monocot Flagellaria indica. Am. J. Bot. 81: 339-344.
Shetty, B.V., Subramanyam, K. 1964. Cytology of Flagellaria
indica Linn. Curr. Sci. 33: 279-280.
Smith, A.C. 1979. Flagellariaceae. In: Smith, A.C. (ed.) Flora
Vitensis Nova. A new flora of Fiji 1. Honolulu: SB Printers,
pp. 283-289.
Smithson, E. 1956. The comparative anatomy of the Flagel-
lariaceae. Kew Bull. 11: 491-501.
Solereder, H., Meyer, F.J. 1929. Systematische Anatomie der
Monokotyledonen: 4. Farinosae. Berlin: Borntraeger, pp. 1-
Stebbins, G.L., Khush, G.S. 1961. Variation in the organization
of the stomatal complex in the leaf epidermis of mono-
cotyledons and its bearing on their phylogeny. Am. J. Bot.
48: 51-59.
Stevenson, D.W., Loconte, H. 1995. Cladistic analysis of
monocot families. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
212 Haemodoraceae

Haemodoraceae (Phlebocarya) basally 3- and apically 1-locular

or (Barberetta) 1-locular by abortion of latero-
M.G. SIMPSON anterior carpels; placentation axile (basal in
Phlebocarya); ovules 1-7 or numerous (ca. 20-50)
per carpel, anatropous or atropous, hypotropous,
pleurotropous or irregularly positioned; style ter-
minal (subapical in Barberetta), terete or flattened
on one side, straight (or curved), stigma oblong,
ovoid or rudimentary, minutely papillate; septal
Haemodoraceae R. Br., Prodr. 1: 299 (1810), nom. cons. nectaries present in most taxa. Fruit a !-many-
seeded, loculicidal to apically poricidal capsule,
Erect to decumbent perennials with a sympodial sometimes indehiscent (in Anigozanthos ful-
rhizome or a stolon, corm or bulb. Roots and iginosus dehiscing along septae into 3 single-
subterranean stems often red or reddish. Leaves seeded mericarps). Seeds discoid, ellipsoid, ovoid
basal or cauline, distichous, generally ascending, or globose, smooth to longitudinally ridged,
straight, rarely bent or twisted; base sheathing and glabrous or hairy; endosperm starchy, embryo
equitant, blades ensiform, unifacial, lanceolate, minute, positioned at micropylar end.
narrowly linear or acicular, hollow-tubular in A tropical to temperate family of 13 genera and
Tribonanthes, entire, acuminate, mucronate, or about 100 species distributed in eastern and
aristate, glabrous or pubescent, flat, plicate in southeastern N America, Cuba, southern Mexico,
Barberetta and Wachendorfia. Inflorescence ter- Mesoamerica, northern S America, S Africa, New
minal on short to elongate aerial shoots, scapose Guinea and Australia.
to subscapose, bracteate, consisting of a simple
raceme (Barberetta), a raceme or panicle of 1, 2, VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The main subterra-
or 3-many flower clusters (Haemodorum), or a nean stems bear distichous scalelike or photosyn-
corymb, raceme, panicle or capitulum of simple, thetic leaves with axillary buds developing into
bifurcate, or trifurcate helicoid cymes. Inflores- lateral, propagative, or vegetative branches (Figs.
cence axes and bracts glabrous or canescent to 53, 54). They are rhizomatous (often with prolif-
tomentose. Flowers variously colored, pedicellate erative stolons), bulbous (in Haemodorum) or
to subsessile, bisexual, ascending, divergent or cormose (in Pyrrorhiza and Tribonanthes). The
pendulous, actinomorphic or zygomorphic, underground stems (and sometimes roots) of
trimerous; perianth membranous to coriaceous, Dilatris, Haemodorum, Lachnanthes, Pyrrorhiza,
either composed of 3 outer and 3 inner imbri- Schiekia, Wachendorfia and Xiphidium xan-
cate, ascending to spreading, distinct or basally thorrhizon have a red or orange-red to maroon
fused similar tepals (outer median tepal poste- color. Aerial stems are often cespitose and un-
riorly positioned in zygomorphic taxa) or (in branched, terminating in a single scapose to
Anigozanthos, Blancoa, and Conostylis) perianth subscapose inflorescence. In some species of
short to long tubular (tube rarely absent) with 6 Conostylis a rhizome gives rise to several sympo-
monocyclic and valvate lobes, the tube splitting at dial above-ground stolons, each consisting of an
anthesis along mid-anterior line in Anigozanthos; elongate, virgate stem (an internode) terminating
tepals or tepal lobes glabrous (Haemodorum, in a cluster of photosynthetic leaves.
some Phlebocarya spp.) or canescent, hispidulous Leaves arising from nodes of subterranean
or tomentose externally. Trichomes tapering, stems are bifacial, distichous, sheathing, scarious
pilate or branched. Stamens 6 or 3, then to fibrous and generally rudimentary. Aerial pho-
opposite inner tepals, distinct, inserted or ex- tosynthetic leaves are basal to sub-basal in all taxa
serted, free or adnate to perianth tube, equal or (except the species of Conostylis with aerial
unequal in length and/or position; staminodia branches). In all Haemodoraceae the photosyn-
present in Schiekia and Pyrrorhiza; filaments thetic leaves are distichous, unifacial, ascending,
terete to basally thickened or flattened; anthers generally straight (distinctly cernuous and dor-
oblong, straight or arcuate (apically mucronate, siventral in Xiphidium and tortuous in Conostylis
apiculate or laminar in some taxa), basifixed, sub- spp.). The leaf blades are flat, except in
basifixed or dorsifixed, 2-thecate, 4-sporangiate, Wachendorfia and Barberetta, where they are pli-
longitudinally and introrsely dehiscent. Gynoe- cate, and Tribonanthes, where the leaves are tubu-
cium of 3 fused carpels; ovary superior or lar. Some species of Haemodorum and Conostylis
inferior, glabrous or pubescent; ovary 3-locular or have subterete or acicular leaves. The margins are
Haemodoraceae 213

~~ B



Fig. 54A-L. Haemodoraceae-Conostylidoideae. A, B Tribo-

Fig. 53A-K. Haemodoraceae-Haemodoroideae. A Dilatris nanthes variabilis. A Flower. B Stamen, abaxial (left) and
pilansii, flower in longitudinal section. B-G Haemodorum adaxial view, showing lobed extension of connective. C-E
spicatum. B Habit. C Flower, three tepals removed. D Locule Conostylis aurea. C Habit. D Flower. E Ovary, longitudinal
with ovary wall removed to show two ovules on placenta. E section, showing pendulous ovules on apical placentae. F C.
Mature capsule with the persistent tepals and stamens. F Seed, aculeata, ovary in longitudinal section. G Anigozanthos
abaxial view. G Seed in cross-section with endosperm humilis, flower, abaxial view. H A. manglesii, partial inflores-
(stippled) and embryo (white). H Wachendorfia thyrsiflora, cence. I A. fuliginosus, longitudinal section of ovary. J-L A.
flower, showing one of the two basal pockets. I-K Xiphidium flavidus. J Capsule. K Seed. L Same, longitudinal section, with
caeruleum. I Partial inflorescence. J Ovary in longitudinal endosperm (stippled) and embryo (white). (Orig. M.G.
section. K Flower. (Orig. M.G. Simpson) Simpson)
214 Haemodoraceae

entire and ciliate or nonciliate, apices are acute dicular to the pedicels. Within the subfamily
to aristate, and vestiture ranges from glabrous to Haemodoroideae the inflorescence may be a con-
densely tomentose. gested corymb of several bifurcate or trifurcate
helicoid cymes (Dilatris and Lachnanthes); a
VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. (Based on Schulze 1893; corymb of simple helicoid cymes (Pyrrorhizia,
Arber 1925; Stenar 1927, 1938; Green 1959; Schiekia and Wachendorjia); or a thyrse with lat-
Cheadle 1968; Simpson and Dickison 1981; and eral helicoid cymes (Xiphidium). The inflores-
Simpson 1990). The sieve-tube plastids contain cence of Haemodorum consists of a panicle or
cuneate protein bodies but lack starch and simple to branched raceme of either 1, 2, or 3-
filamental protein. Oxalate raphides are common many flower clusters, each flower being generally
in all parts of the plant. Vessels are present in the subtended by 2 bracteoles. The inflorescence of
roots but absent in the stems of all genera except Barberetta is a "determinate raceme", which
Lachnanthes, which has stem vessels with scalari- may have been derived by the reduction of a
form perforation plates. The leaves lack vessels. panicle with lateral helicoid cymes to single
Mature roots consist of a uniseriate exodermis, a flowers.
parenchymatous cortex, a sclerified endodermis, a In the subfamily Conostylidoideae Conostylis
1-celled continuous pericycle, and a relatively and Tribonanthes have a congested corymb or ca-
small vascular cylinder. Root hairs arise only from pitulum of a single bifurcate helicoid cyme; in
short cells of the rhizodermis, which alternate T. uniflora the inflorescence consists of a single
with long cells. The vascular cylinder contains few flower (apparently by reduction, as several vesti-
(generally 4-5) xylem and phloem strands, the lat- gial bracts are present). Phlebocarya has a panicu-
ter usually containing a single sieve-tube member. late inflorescence consisting of a central main axis
The root pith is sclerified. The vessels have simple bearing short, lateral axes which terminate in an
perforation plates, except in Dilatris and Tri- ascending bifurcate helicoid cyme pair. Blancoa
bonanthes, which have scalariform plates. has a thyrse with lateral bifurcate pairs of helicoid
The stem contains a !-layered epidermis oflon- cymes having pendulous flowers. Anigozanthos
gitudinally elongate cells, a parenchymatous outer has either a single terminal simple or bifurcate
region and a central parenchymatous ground tis- helicoid cyme or a panicle of bifurcate helicoid
sue. The rhizomes and stolons - as well as the cymes.
aerial stems - have a heavily sclerified cylindrical
sheath (mechanical cylinder, Schulze 1893), FLOWER STRUCTURE. Flower color ranges from
within which is a cylinder of numerous vascular red, red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow, to green,
strands. Stem vascular bundles are collateral to white, or black. Flower size varies from 5 mm wide
amp hivasal. and long in Barberetta to over 9 em long in
The leaf epidermis is composed of 1 layer of Anigozanthos. The flowers are bisexual, short-
thin- to thick-walled, longitudinally elongate cells pedicellate to subsessile and may be either actino-
with straight to undulate anticlinal walls and a morphic and erect (pendulous in Blancoa) or
cuticle of variable thickness. Leaf trichomes occur zygomorphic and divergent. The external floral
on the margins and/or surfaces in some taxa and surface ranges from pubescent to tomentose (gla-
are mostly similar to floral trichomes (see Floral brous in Haemodorum and Phlebocarya) with
Anatomy, below). Stomata are paracytic. dendritic, short to long tapering, and/or pilate tri-
In Dilatris there are spherical epithelial-lined chomes. The perianth is trimerous and consists of
mucilage chambers in the leaves and ovary. All 6 similar tepals, which are distinct to incompletely
(and only) members of Conostylidoideae have dis- basally connate, or united into a tube with 6 distal
tinctive tannin cells scattered in various plant lobes. With the exception of 3 genera (see below),
organs. These tannin cells are isodiametric to the perianth is bicyclic and imbricate with 3 outer
elongate with a thin tannin-impregnated wall and and 3 inner lobes. In species with zygomorphic
numerous, minute tanniniferous spherules just flowers with this perianth type the outer posterior
interior to the wall. tepal is median in position. All but two members
of subfamily Haemodoroideae have free tepals
INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. The inflorescences (Fig. 53). Wachendorfia and Schiekia are similar in
mostly consist of 1 or more helicoid cymes ar- that the outer posterior tepal is basally fused both
ranged and aggregated in various patterns. They to the outer latero-anterior tepals (forming dis-
are bracteate, the bracts in cymose components tinctive pockets or pouches at their junction, Fig.
generally appearing to be opposite or perpen- 53H) and to the 2 inner latera-posterior tepals. In
Haemodoraceae 215

subfamily Conostylidoideae, Phlebocarya and one inner tepal, the inner a stamen. Mature tepals con-
species of Conostylis have free tepals, and all other tain 3 main traces; stamens only a single, generally
genera possess a short to elongate tube (Fig. 54). amphicribral trace. The remaining central vascu-
Anigozanthos, Blancoa, and most Conostylis have lature enters the placentae, forming either a
a perianth consisting of 6 triangular monocyclic branched plexus or 3 pairs of placental bundles.
and valvate lobes both at maturity and during Septal commissures commonly occur near the
early development. The perianth lobes of Tri- apex of the ovary. The style contains both a 3-
bonanthes superficially appear valvate in open lobed stylar canal (contiguous with the locules)
flowers but are clearly imbricate in bud. Stamen and the dorsal carpellary bundles, which traverse
number in the Haemodoroideae is 3 (these oppo- the ovary apex to enter the style.
site the inner tepals) or 1 in Pyrrorhiza (opposite Septal nectaries, which occur in 11 of the 13
the inner anterior tepal). All members of the genera, consist of a flattened or convoluted canal,
Conostylidoideae have 6 stamens. The stamens lined with a uniseriate endothelium. Septal necta-
are always distinct and either free or, in taxa with ries of inferior ovaries open at the ovary apex;
a perianth tube, adnate to the tepals. Narrowly in superior ovaries, septal nectaries are either
lanceolate staminodes occur in both Schiekia, vestigial (Pyrrorhiza), open at the extreme ovary
which has 2 staminodes opposite the outer latera- base (Barberetta), or open in the receptacular
anterior tepals, and in Pyrrorhiza, which has 2 region within specialized basal pockets termed
staminodes opposite the inner latera-posterior "perianth apertures" ( Wachendorfia and Schiekia).
tepals. Anthers are equal or unequal in size and Xiphidium and Phlebocarya lack septal nectaries;
position, generally oblong, basifixed or dorsifixed, Dilatris has only vestigial, apical septal nectaries.
with 2 thecae, 2 locules, and dehisce introrsely by Cells containing oxalate raphide crystals are
longitudinal slits. In some taxa of the Conostyl- common throughout all flower parts. All members
idoideae, the anther is apically mucronate or of the subfamily Conostylidoideae (but no mem-
laminar. Tribonanthes is distinctive in having a bers of the Haemodoroideae) have tanniniferous
flattened, lobed flange extending from the stamen idioblasts, mainly in the placental tissues. The tan-
connective. nin cells are isodiametric to elongate with a thin,
The gynoecium is syncarpous and the ovary is lignified wall and numerous lignified granular
either superior, inferior or half-inferior. The ovary spherules located just interior to the cell wall.
is usually 3-locular but 1-locular in Barberetta by Dilatris is unique in the family in having spherical
abortion of the latera-anterior carpels or basally endothelial-lined mucilage chambers in the tepals
3- and apically 1-locular in Phlebocarya. Placenta- and ovary wall.
tion is axile, but basal in Phlebocarya. Placentae
may be rudimentary or quite large and either EMBRYOLOGY. (Data from Stenar 1927, 1938;
basally surrounding the ovule or peltiform. The Dellert 1933; de Vos 1956; Simpson 1988; and
ovules range in number from 1 to many, are ellip- Steinecke and Hamann 1989). Only a few genera-
soid to ovoid, and in several taxa have a narrow Anigozanthos, Conostylis, and Tribonanthes of the
micropylar extension. The style is terminal (sub- Conostylidoideae and Dilatris, Haemodorum,
apical in Barberetta) and terete, with a minutely Lachnanthes, Wachendorfia and Xiphidium of the
papillate rudimentary, ovoid, or globose stigma. Haemodoroideae - have been investigated em-
bryologically. Anther-wall development is of the
FLORAL ANATOMY. (Data from Simpson and monocotyledonous type. The tapetum is amoe-
Dickison 1981; Simpson 1990, 1993, 1998, boid. Radially oriented, lignified cell wall thicken-
unpubl.). Floral vasculature is basically similar in ings occur in the endothecial and middle layer
all investigated taxa. The pedicel contains numer- cells. Microsporogenesis is successive, resulting in
ous vascular strands arranged in a circle, with or decussate to tetragonal tetrads. Pollen grains are
without a central group of bundles. Three major binucleate at anthesis. Mature ovules are either
strands arise from either the central or peripheral anatropous or atropous and vary in position and
strands of the pedicel. Each bundle divides into 2 shape. The ovules are bitegmic with integuments
radially aligned strands, the inner becoming the generally composed of 2 cell layers and cras-
dorsal carpellary bundle and the outer supplying sinucellate. A parietal cell is present, with a nucel-
the outer tepal and (in taxa with 6 stamens) a lar cap developing in some taxa. Embryo-sac
stamen. Slightly distal to the first 3 bundles, a development follows the Polygonum type. The 3
second set of 3 major bundles branch off; each antipodals are often large and either obpyriform
bundle divides radially, the outer entering an or globose. Endosperm formation is Helobial,
216 Haemodoraceae

with early cell formation in the chalaza} chamber. zanthos; n = 11 in Tribonanthes and n = 7 in
The endosperm of ripe seeds has both starch and Phlebocarya; n = 8 in Blancoa; and n = 8 (4, 5, 6,
protein bodies. Embryo development is probably 7, 14, 16, 21, 28) in Conostylis.
of the Asterad or Onagrad type, with the embryo
small relative to the endosperm. POLLINATION. Species of the Australian Anigo-
zanthos, Blancoa, and Macropidia are pollinated
POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. (Data from Erdtman by honey-eater birds of the family Meliphagidae
1952, and Simpson 1983). All eight genera of sub- (Hopper and Burbidge 1978). Conostylis, also
family Haemodoroideae have boat-shaped, sul- Australian, is pollinated indiscriminately by bees
cate, heteropolar pollen grains with a verrucose (Halictus sp. and Apis mellifera L.) and hybridiza-
(in Schiekia foveolate) exine sculpturing. In con- tion in sympatric populations is common.
trast, the pollen grains in all six genera of A weak incompatibility system seems to occur
Conostylidoideae have a characteristic rugulate in the S African Wachendorfia paniculata, which
sculpturing and circular apertures. They are either is apparently insect-pollinated (Ornduff and
fusiform with 2 apertures (Anigozanthos, Blancoa, Dulberger 1978).
Conostylis spp., Macropidia), cylindric with 2 ap- Buchmann (1980) observed that Xiphidium
ertures (Phlebocarya), triangular with 3 apertures caeruleum in Panama is visitated by euglossine
(Conostylis spp.), or globose with 7-8 apertures bees, which utilize a "buzz" vibrational mecha-
(Tribonanthes). Haemodoraceae all lack a typical nism to remove pollen.
tectate-columellate exine, a specialized feature for Stylar enantiomorphy, in which the style is
the family (Simpson 1983). A distinctive 2-layered strongly oriented to the left or right, occurs in the
exine, lacking a foot-layer, occurs in all Conostyl- S African Barberetta, Dilatris, and Wachendorfia,
idoideae and in four genera of the Haemo- in the N American Lachnanthes, and in the S
doroideae (Barberetta, Dilatris, Wachendorfia, and Central American Schiekia and Xiphidium
and Xiphidium). Lachnanthes and Haemodorum (Ornduff 1974; Ornduff and Dulberger 1978;
possess a 1-layered exine; Pyrrorhiza has a 2- Simpson 1990). Buchmann (1980) speculates that
layered exine with a granular inner layer; and such floral enantiomorphy "may promote greater
Schiekia has a 3-layered exine with a granular outcrossing between flowers (intermorphs) on
middle layer. An intergradation of exine-wall ar- different plants, due to increased pollinator
chitectural types is evident in all family members movements."
(Simpson 1983). The apertural in tine wall is gener-
ally 2-layered, with a thin inner cellulose layer and FRUIT AND SEED. The fruit is usually a dry, locu-
a thicker, largely pectic outer layer traversed by licidal capsule or is indehiscent. It may be oblong,
numerous radially aligned channels or vesicles. ellipsoid or ovoid in shape, often strongly 3-lobed
Pollen-wall development was studied for Xiphi- and glabrous to pubescent. In Anigozanthos spp.
dium by Simpson (1989). the fruit splits partially along the septae into 3
In Lanaria, Lophiola, and Pauridia, referred mericarps with the incomplete loculicidalline of
to Haemodoraceae in some recent treatments dehiscence resulting in apical pores. In Anigo-
(Melchior 1964; Geerinck 1969; Hutchinson 1973), zanthos fuliginosus it dehisces along the septae
the pollen grains have a foveolate to reticulate wall into 3 mericarps (cocci) with a hard endocarp,
sculpturing in a tectate-columellate exine. Thus, each containing a single seed. In Haemodorum the
palynological evidence supports the placement apex of the inferior ovary swells during fruit
of these three genera outside Haemodoraceae development, resulting in what superficially
(Simpson 1983). appears to be a fruit derived from a superior
KARYOLOGY. To date, chromosome counts have In Dilatris, Haemodorum, Lachnanthes, and
been determined for 12 genera and ca. 33 species Schiekia (Haemodoroideae) the seeds are gla-
of the family. In subfamily Haemodoroideae, brous, marginally winged and discoid, convex/
chromosome counts include: n = 12 in Haemo- concave with the hilum positioned centrally on the
dorum; n = 15 in Barberetta and Wachendorfia; concave side. Pyrrorhiza has discoid seeds with a
n = 19 in Xiphidium; n = 19-21 in Dilatris; and central, proximal hilum but with coarse, marginal
n = 24 in Lachnanthes (monotypic). Chromosome trichomes. Seeds of Wachendorfia are globose and
numbers of Pyrrorhiza and Schiekia have not been dark-tomentose, those of Xiphidium are globose
determined. In the subfamily Conostylidoideae and papillate and in Barberetta the seeds are
chromosome numbers include: n = 6 in Anigo- ovoid, glabrous, and minutely papillate.
Haemodoraceae 217

In the Conostylidoideae the seeds are small, posed different combinations of genera within
ovoid, or globose and generally glabrous (longitu- tribes or subfamilies. In the present treatment, the
dinally ridged in Anigozanthos). Phlebocarya has Haemodoraceae are divided into two subfamilies:
only a single, globose seed per fruit. Conostylidoideae and Haemodoroideae.
The seeds of all family members have a starchy The subfamily Conostylidoideae is distin-
endosperm and a minute, generally ovoid embryo guished by the occurrence of a rootstock and roots
positioned at the micropylar end. The seed coat that lack a red pigmentation, 6 stamens, isopolar,
is derived from both integuments, each of which rugulate pollen grains with 2-7 circular apertures,
contributes 2 cell layers (additional layers formingand distinctive tannin idioblasts (see Vegetative
near the micropyle). In Wachendorfia the inner Anatomy and Floral Anatomy, above). In contrast,
integument has a water-soluble violet-purple pig- all genera of the Haemodoroideae (except for
ment as in Tacca. Barberetta) possess a rootstock and roots that
have a red pigmentation, 3 stamens, unisulcate,
DISPERSAL AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. Fruit heteropolar, and generally verrucate pollen
and seed dispersal are virtually unknown. The grains, and lack tannin idioblasts.
small, dry seeds suggest dispersal by wind and Within Conostylidoideae, Anigozanthos, Blan-
water. Seeds of several genera in the Haemo- coa, and Conostylis presumably make up a
doroideae have a discoid, convex/concave shape monophyletic group, which has been treated as a
and marginal wings, features which may promote separate tribe, Conostylidoideae (Macfarlane et al.
dispersal by water. The fact that almost all genera 1987). In this group Anigozanthos has a unique,
of Haemodoroideae occur in wet or seasonally wet apomorphic floral zygomorphy, caused by split-
habitats may support this hypothesis. ting of the perianth tube at an thesis. Anigozanthos
probably arose from an ancestor of the large genus
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. The Haemodoraceae are Conostylis, which would then be paraphyletic.
chemically unique in being the only family of Also Blancoa seems to have evolved from a para-
vascular plants to possess perinaphthenone pig- phyletic Conostylis. Four species of Conostylis
ments. These compounds are responsible for the share with Blancoa a long, tubular perianth.
red coloration which is prominent in the roots or The relationships of the other two genera of the
rootstocks of some genera. The occurrence of Conostylidoideae, Phlebocarya, and Tribonanthes
perinaphthenone compounds was first reported are unclear. Each of these has been treated as
in Haemodorum corymbosum by Cooke and Segal separate tribes, Phlebocaryeae and Tribonan-
{1955), who named it haemocorin. Subsequently, theae, respectively (Macfarlane et al. 1987).
eight genera and ten species in both subfamilies The relationships within the Haemodoroideae
have been found to contain such pigments are not entirely clear. Based on the most recent
(Hegnauer 1986). phylogenetic analysis (Simpson 1990), Haemo-
Chelidonic acid is reported in Dilatris, Lach- dorum is the most basal genus, sharing some
nanthes, Wachendorfia, Anigozanthos, Blancoa primitive features with members of the subfamily
and Conostylis (Ramstad 1953). Oxalate raphides Conostylidoideae (e.g., in trichome anatomy, simi-
occur in all Haemodoraceae. lar to that of Phlebocarya ciliata). The other genera
Species of Anigozanthos and Wachendorfia were of the Haemodoroideae appear to be united by de-
found to have cell wall-bound p-coumaric and rived floral trichomes, having a basal rosette of 3-4
diferulic acids, thus flourescent under UV light epidermal cells (or evidence of such a rosette).
(Harris and Hartley 1980). The presence of these Dilatris, Wachendorfia, Barberetta, Schiekia,
acids has been shown to be nearly consistent in Pyrrorhiza, and Xiphidium are united in having
taxa outside Liliiflorae proper. They are, for distinctive, derived pilate trichomes. Within this
example, lacking in Cyanella and Tecophilaea, group, all but Dilatris are united in having a supe-
which argues against a close relationship between rior ovary and (with the exception of Xiphidium),
Tecophilaeaceae and Haemodoraceae but in favor infralocular septal nectaries (Simpson 1993).
of a close relationship between Haemodoraceae, Within this superior-ovaried group, Wachendorfia
Philydraceae and Pontederiaceae. and Barberetta are united in having a similar pol-
len ultrastructure (Simpson 1983, 1990) and
SUBDIVISION AND RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE Schiekia and Pyrrorhiza are united in having
FAMILY. As reviewed by Geerinck {1968), the staminodes and similarities in ovule anatomy
classification of the Haemodoraceae has been (M.G. Simpson, 1990, unpubl.). The exact relation-
variable and uncertain. Several authors have pro- ship of Xiphidium to these genera is unclear.
218 Haemodoraceae

The genera of Hagenbachia, Lanaria, Lophiola, All Conostylidoideae are restricted to SW Aus-
and Pauridia, which were classified in the tralia. Finally, Haemodorum is widespread in
Haemodoraceae in some recent family treatments Australia (incl. Tasmania) with its limit in New
(see Melchior 1964; Geerinck 1969; Hutchinson Guinea.
1973) are excluded from the family in the present Xiphidium occurs in moist soils, often along
treatment. Hagenbachia is a synonym of Chloro- watercourses. Schiekia is found in mountain
phytum (Anthericaceae) (Ravenna 1977). Lanaria savannas and woodlands, and Pyrrorhiza in
differs from the Haemodoraceae in having tectate- cloud forests. Dilatris and Wachendorjia occur
columellate exine (Simpson 1983) and agrees in sandy, sometimes wet habitats. Members
better with Tecophilaeaceae in embryology of the Conostylidoideae and Haemodorum
(Steinecke and Hamann 1989) and seed morphol- generally occur in open to closed, winter-wet,
ogy and chemistry (Huber 1969). Lophiola lacks periodically burned sandy heath vegetation or
perinaphthenones and has tectate-columellate woodlands.
exine (Simpson 1983). It is now shown to be a
member of Melanthiaceae. Also Pauridia differs EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. Underground parts of
from the Haemodoraceae palynologically several Australian species were roasted and eaten
(Simpson 1983) and is retained in Hypoxidaceae by aborigines (Millspaugh 1887). Narcotic effects
(Geerinck 1968, 1969). have been attributed to the eastern N American
Lachnanthes caroliniana (red root), from the
AFFINITIES. Recent evidence supports the very roots of which an invigorating tonic was made by
close relationship between Haemodoraceae, the Aborigines (Millspaugh 1887). The Australian
Philydraceae, Pontederiaceae, and possibly Com- Haemodorum corymbosum produces a red pig-
melinaceae. All investigated members of Phily- ment (called hemocorin), which is said to have
draceae and the subfamily Conostylidoideae of antitumor (Schwenk 1962) and antibacterial activ-
Haemodoraceae and most members of Ponte- ity (Narasimhachari et al. 1968).
deriaceae have tannin idioblasts, a possible Several Australian species of Haemodoraceae,
apomorphy uniting them (see Vegetative including species of Blancoa, Conostylis,
Anatomy and Floral Anatomy, above). Simpson Haemodorum, Tribonanthes and, especially,
( 1983) demonstrated a striking similarity in pollen Anigozanthos are grown horticulturally. Finally,
exine structure between members of the Haemo- Lachnanthes caroliniana is listed as an aggressive
doraceae and Pontederiaceae, arguing for their weed in cranberry bogs (Robertson 1976).
close relationship. In addition to palynological
similarities, these two families are similar (along
with other monocotyledon families, particularly KEY TO THE GENERA
the Philydraceae) in other features. However, the 1. Stamens 3 or 1 (Haemodoroideae) 2
Haemodoraceae and Philydraceae are similar in - Stamens 6 (Conostylidoideae) 9
having derived, ensiform leaves, yet the Phily- 2. Ovary superior 3
draceae and Pontederiaceae are similar in seedling - Ovary inferior 7
3. Stamen 1 5. Pyrrorhiza
morphology (Tillich 1995). Recent molecular - Stamens 3 4
studies (Chase et al. 1993; Duvall et al. 1993; Davis 4. Corolla actinomorphic; inflorescence a simple raceme or a
1995) shows varying interrelationships of the thyrse with lateral cymes 5
Haemodoraceae, Philydraceae, Pontederiaceae, - Corolla zygomorphic; inflorescence a congested corymb of
and Commelinaceae. helicoid cymes or sometimes (Wachendorfia) a thyrse with
lateral cymes 6
5. Inflorescence a simple raceme; functional carpel1; ovule 1;
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Lachnanthes style subterminal 1. Barberetta
is found in N America, ranging from Nova - Inflorescence an elongate thyrse with lateral helicoid
Scotia in Canada, extending along the coastal cymes; functional carpels 3; ovules 20-30 per carpel; style
terminal 8. Xiphidium
plain of the southeastern USA to Cuba. Xiphidium
6. Stamens unequal, the 2 latera-posterior anthers reduced;
occurs from S Mexico to northern S America, with ovules 3-4 per carpel 6. Schiekia
one species in Cuba. Schiekia occurs in northern - Stamens equal; ovule 1 per carpel 7. Wachendorfia
S America from Venezuela to Guiana. Pyrrorhiza 7. Ovules 1 per carpel 2. Dilatris
is restricted to the isolated Mt. Neblina, - Ovules 2 or more per carpel 8
8. Ovules 2 per carpel; flowers glabrous
Amazonas, Venezuela. Barberetta occurs in 3. Haemodorum
Transkei and Natal, S Africa, while Dilatris and - Ovules 5-7 per carpel; flowers tomentose
W achendorfia are endemic to the Cape, S Africa. 4. Lachnanthes
Haemodoraceae 219

9. Perianth dicyclic; tepals imbricate (may superficially canescent; flower + actinomorphic; tepals
appear valvate in open flowers); flowers glabrous or orange-yellow or mauve, distinct, imbricate,
white-lanate 10
- Perianth mostly monocyclic; tepals valvate; flowers to-
externally with minute, dark brown, circular
mentose with dendritic trichomes 11 papillae on apical parts; stamens 3, free, unequal,
10. Leaves tubular; inflorescence 1-fiowered or a capitulum of one anther large on short filament, 2 smaller on
a bifurcate helicoid cyme; flowers white-lanate long filaments; ovary inferior, with long
10. Tribonanthes velutinous, and short, pilate hairs; style slightly
- Leaves fiat to acicular; inflorescence an open, much-
branched panicle of helicoid cymes; flowers essentially curved; ovules 1 per carpel; seeds discoid, convex-
glabrous 9. Phlebocarya concave, minutely papillose; x = ca. 19-21. Four
11. Flowers actinomorphic; perianth tube, if present, not spp., Cape S Africa.
splitting along mid-anterior line 12
- Flowers zygomorphic; perianth tube splitting along
mid-anterior line 13. Anigozanthos 3. Haemodorum J.E. Smith Fig. 53B-G
12. Flowers pendulous; perianth pink-orange 12. Blancoa
- Flowers generally ascending; perianth mostly yellow or Haemodorum J.E. Smith, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.) 4: 213
whitish, rarely orange to purplish 11. Conostylis (1798}, Macfarlane, Fl. Australia45: 134-148 (1987}.

Bulbous (to cormose) herbs to 1m tall; subterra-

Subfamilies and Genera of the Haemodoraceae nean stems red; leaves narrowly lanceolate to
acicular with sheath sometimes extending nearly
I. Subfamily Haemodoroideae Dahlgren, to apex, glabrous; inflorescence a glabrous panicle
Clifford & Yeo (1985). or simple to branched raceme of 1, 2, or 3-many
flowers; flower dark maroon, red to yellow, or
Tribe Haemodoreae Benth. (1883}, as Euhaemodoreae. greenish, actinomorphic, glabrous; tepals distinct,
imbricate, ascending, ± coriaceous; stamens 3,
Rhizomatous, cormose, or bulbous herbs, mostly free; ovary inferior; ovules 2 per carpel; fruit 3-
with red pigmentation in roots and rootstock; lobed, glabrous, seeds discoid, glabrous, with a
leaves flat to plicate; flowers actinomorphic or membranous, marginal wing; x = 12. Twenty
zygomorphic; stamens 3 or 1; staminodes present spp., Australia (including Tasmania) and New
or absent; ovary inferior or superior; functional Guinea.
locules 3 or 1; ovule 1, 2, 5-7, or numerous per
carpel; seeds glabrous, papillate, or hairy.
4. Lachnanthes S. Elliott
1. Barberetta Harv. Lachnanthes S. Elliott, Sketch Bot. South Carol. Georgia 1: 47
( 1816), nom. cons.; Robertson, J. Arnold Arbor. 57: 205-216
Barberetta Harv., Gen. South Afr. Pl., ed 2: 377 (1868}. (1976}.

Rhizomatous to cormose herbs, ca. 20 em tall; Rhizomatous and stoloniferous herbs to 1m tall;
cormels present in axils of scale leaves; leaves lan- roots and rhizomes orange-red; leaves linear;
ceolate, glabrous, plicate; inflorescence a simple inflorescence a pubescent corymb of trifurcate or
raceme; axis and bracts pilate-hairy; flowers acti- bifurcate cymes; flowers yellow-green to yellow-
nomorphic; tepals orange, distinct, imbricate, white, actinomorphic, externally pubescent; outer
spreading, cuspidate; stamens 3, free; ovary supe- tepals narrowly triangular, with a dark aristate tip,
rior functionally unilocular; posteriorly swollen, inner tepals oblong, involute; stamens 3; ovary
glabrous; ovule 1 per ovary, style anteriorly sub- inferior; ovules 5-7 per carpel, laterally exserted,
apical; fruit an irregularly dehiscent, glabrous cap- enantiostylous; fruit globose, 3-lobed, pubescent
sule; seed ovoid, glabrous, minutely papillate; x = to basally tomentose; seeds reddish, discoid, con-
15. Only one sp., B. aurea Harv., Transkei, Natal. vex/concave, minutely scabrate; x = 24. Only one
sp., L. caroliniana (Lam.) Dandy, Cuba, south-
2. Dilatris Bergius Fig. 53A eastern USA and Nova Scotia.

Dilatris Bergius, Descr. Pl. Cap.: 9 (1767}.

5. Pyrrorhiza Maguire & Wurdack
Rhizomatous herbs to 1 m tall; roots and rhizome Pyrrorhiza Maguire & Wurdack, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 318
red; leaves linear, glabrous; inflorescence a (1957}; Maas & Maas-van de Kamer, Fl. Neotr. Monogr. 61
corymb of 3-5 bifurcate cymes; axes and bracts (1993}.
220 Haemodoraceae

Herbs to 1.5m tall with orange-red corms aggre- 8. Xiphidium Aubl. Fig. 531-L
gated in clusters; leaves narrowly oblanceolate,
Xiphidium Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane: 33 (1775); Maas & Maas-
glabrous, coriaceous; inflorescence a corymb of van de Kamer, Flora Neotr. Monogr. 61 (1993).
2-3 ascending helicoid cymes, axes and bracts
tomentose; flowers zygomorphic; perianth basally Rhizomatous and stoloniferous herbs to 0.5 m tall;
orange-red, apically white; tepals distinct, the leaves cernuous, lanceolate, with sheathing base,
outer externally velutinous with pilate hairs; the glabrous, margins minutely spinulose; inflores-
inner glabrous; stamen 1, free, opposite inner an- cence a raceme of helicoid cymes, axes and bracts
terior tepal; staminodes 2; ovary superior; ovules pubescent with pilate trichomes; flowers ca.
2 per carpel; fruit ellipsoid, flattened on 3 sides, 10 mm wide, actinomorphic; tepals white, distinct,
glabrous; seeds discoid, concave and glabrous on imbricate, membranous; outer tepals sparsely pu-
distal surface but with dense marginal hairs. Only bescent at apices and along lower midrib; stamens
one sp., P. neblinae Maguire & Wurdack, Mt. 3, free; anthers basifixed; ovary superior, very
Neblina, Amazonas, Venezuela. sparsely pubescent; ovules numerous (c. 30) per
carpel, lanceoloid, atropous, generally hypotro-
6. Schiekia Meisn. pous; style bent anteriorly near apex; capsule
Schiekia Meisn., Pl. Vase. Gen. 1: 397, 2: 300 (1842); Maas &
obloid-ovoid, orange, glabrous; seeds dark brown,
Maas-van de Kamer, Fl. Neotr. Monogr. 61 (1993). globose or irregularly tetrahedric, papillate. n =
19. Two spp., Mexico, Meso-America, northern S
Rhizomatous herbs to ca. 1m tall; leaves linear America, and Cuba.
to narrowly lanceolate, glabrous; inflorescence a
corymb of simple helicoid cymes, axes and bracts
canescent; flowers cream-white; zygomorphic; II. Subfamily Conostylidoideae (Lindley)
tepals imbricate; staminodia 2; stamens 3, free, the MacFarlane & Hopper (1987).
2 latero-posterior stamens with short filaments Tribe Conostylideae Lindley (1847), as Conostyleae.
and small anthers, anterior stamen relatively long
with filament twisted and anther locules facing the Rhizomatous to cormose herbs, without red pig-
curved stigma; ovary superior, glabrous; ovules mentation in roots and rootstock; leaves flat to
3-4 per carpel, anatropous; style flattened pos- tubular; flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic;
teriorly, curved 90° (dextrorse in all material stamens 6; staminodes absent; ovary inferior
examined), with stigma laterally facing anterior or half-inferior; functionallocules 3; ovules 1, 2, or
anther; capsule widely obovoid, 3-lobed, glabrous; numerous per carpel; seed glabrous, smooth or
seeds dark brown, discoid-peltate. Only one sp., S. with longitudinal ridges.
orinocensis (Kunth) Meisn., northern S America,
Guyana Highland.
9. Phlebocarya R. Br.
7. Wachendor.fia Burm. Fig. 53H
Phlebocarya R. Br., Prodr. 1: 301 (1810); Macfarlane eta!., Fl.
Wachendorfia Burm., L., Syst. Nat., ed 10, 2: 864 (1759); Helme Australia 45: 55-148 (1987).
& Linder, Bothalia 22: 59-75 (1992).
Rhizomatous cespitose herbs, ca. 0.5 m tall; leaves
Rhizomatous herbs to 2.5 m tall, rhizomes red; linear to acicular, straight to slightly flexuous,
leaves linear, entire, glabrous to hirsute, plicate; eciliate or ciliate, glabrous or pilose; inflorescence
inflorescence a raceme of numerous, widely a panicle of bifurcate helicoid cymes; axes and
spaced 3-4-flowered helicoid cymes, axes and bracts glabrescent or lanuginose, trichomes uni-
bracts cane scent; flowers ca. 2 em long, zygomor- cellular or dendritic; flower ca. 8-9 mm wide, acti-
phic; tepals yellow to purplish, imbricate; stamens nomorphic; tepals white, distinct, imbricate,
3, free, anterior stamen curved to side opposite glabrous; stamens 6, free; anthers basifixed,
style; anthers sub-basifixed; ovary superior, apically mucronate to apiculate; ovary inferior,
densely pubescent; ovule 1 per carpel, anatropous, ovoid, glabrous; locules 3 below, 1 above by sepa-
hypotropous; style posteriorly curved, enantio- ration of septae; placentation basal; ovules 1 per
morphic; fruit 3-lobed, ovoid, canescent; seeds carpel; capsule indehiscent, ellipsoid, glabrous,
ovoid, with a dark brown tomentum. n = 15. Four with a hard endocarp; seed 1 per fruit, globose,
spp., sensu Helme, Linder (1992), endemic to the glabrous. n = 7. Three spp., endemic to SW
Cape region of S Africa. Australia.
Haemodoraceae 221

10. Tribonanthes Endl. Fig. 54A,B inferior, ovoid; placentae rudimentary at apex of
septae; ovules ca. 3 per carpel; stigma globose,
Tribonanthes End!. in End!. & Fenzl, Nov. Stirp. Dec.: 27
(1839); Macfarlane et al., Fl. Australia 45: 131-134 (1987). slightly 3-lobed; capsule globose, tomentose. n =
8. Only one sp., B. canescens Lindl., endemic to SW
Cormose herbs, to 40 em tall; leaves narrowly lin- Australia.
ear, hollow-tubular, with long open sheath; inflo-
rescence 1-ftowered or a capitulum of a bifurcate 13. Anigozanthos Labill. Fig. 54G-M
pair of helicoid cymes, axes lanate, bracts gla-
brous; flowers actinomorphic; perianth short- Anigozanthos Labill., in Rel. Voy. Rech. La Perouse 1: 409
(1800) [including Macropidia fuliginosa ]. Drumm ex
tubular, white-lanate; perianth lobes imbricate, Harv.]; Macfarlane eta!., Fl. Australia 45: 112-128 (1987);
divergent, ovate; stamens 6, anthers dorsifixed, Anderberg & Eldenas, Aust. Syst. Bot. 4: 655-664 (1991).
with apical laminar, cernuous appendage; connec-
tive extending as an erect, apically lobed flange; Rhizomatous, often cespitose herbs; leaves lan-
ovary inferior, globose; ovules numerous (ca. 50 ceolate to linear, mucronate, glabrous to canes-
per carpel), anatropous, heterotropous; stigma cent or glaucescent; inflorescence a terminal
ovoid, basally pubescent, with 3 linear sclerous simple or bifurcate helicoid cyme or a loose
lobes; capsule indehiscent, widely ellipsoid, white- panicle of generally bifurcate helicoid cymes, axes
lanate; seeds globose-rectanguloid, glabrous. n = and bracts canescent to tomentose; flowers ca. 4-
11. Five spp., endemic to SW Australia. 9cm long, zygomorphic, outer surface with den-
dritic trichomes, inner surface glabrous; perianth
11. Conostylis R. Br. Fig. 54C-F tubular, longitudinally splitting along mid-
anterior line during anthesis, cylindrical to fun-
Conostylis R. Br., Prodr. 1: 300 (1810); Macfarlane et a!., Fl. nelform or flattened by virtue of reftexed tepal
Australia 45: 57-110 (1987). lobes; perianth lobes valvate; stamens 6; ovary in-
ferior, subglobose; placentae ellipsoid to rudimen-
Rhizomatous (some spp. stoloniferous) to erect, tary; ovules numerous or (in A. rufus and A.
cespitose herbs; leaves basal or cauline, fiat, or pulcherrimus) 2 per carpel or (in A. fuliginosus) 1
subterete, entire to bristly-ciliate; inflorescence a per carpel; stigma globose; capsule ellipsoid, with
capitulum or corymb of bifurcate helicoid cymes; transverse wrinkles, splitting along septae and
axes and bracts canescent to tomentose; flowers apically opposite locule; in A. fuliginosus, capsule
yellow, ca. 5-25 mm long, actinomorphic, gener- dehiscing into 3 1-seeded mericarps surrounded
ally tomentose with dendritic trichomes; perianth by hard endocarp; seeds ovoid and glabrous or
with a short to elongate tube (tube absent in C. ellipsoid with longitudinal ridges. n = 6. Twelve
breviscapa); tepals mostly valvate; stamens 6; spp., endemic to SW Australia.
anthers dorsifixed; ovary inferior; placentae oc-
cupying most of locule volume and covered by
numerous ovules or restricted to apex oflocule and Selected Bibliography
bearing a few pendulous ovules; stigma 3-lobed;
capsule generally ovoid. n = 8 (4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 16, 21, Arber, A. 1925. Monocotyledons. A morphological study.
28). Approximately 45 spp., in six subgenera (sensu Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Macfarlane et al. 1987), endemic to SW Australia. Buchmann, S.L. 1980. Preliminary anthecological observa-
tions on Xiphidium caeruleum Aubl. (Monocotyledoneae:
Haemodoraceae) in Panama. J. Kans. Entomol. Soc. 53:
12. Blancoa Lindl. 685-699.
Chase, M.W. eta!. 1993. See general references.
Blancoa Lind!., in Edw. Bot. Reg., (1839); Macfarlane eta!., Fl. Cheadle, V.I. 1968. Vessels in Haemodorales. Phytomor-
Australia 45: 110-112 (1987). phology 18: 412-420.
Cooke, R.G., Segal, W. 1955. Colouring matters of Australian
plants IV. Haemocorin: a unique glycoside from Haemo-
Rhizomatous, cespitose herbs to ca. 25 em tall; dorum corymbosum Vahl. Aust. J. Chern. 8: 107.
leaves narrowly linear to linear-falcate, ciliate, Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
mucronate, canescent; inflorescence a raceme of Dahlgren, R. 1980. See general references.
bifurcate helicoid cymes, axes and bracts canes- Davis, ].I. 1995. A phylogenetic structure of the monocotyle-
cent; flowers pink-orange, 3.5-4cm long, actino- dons, as inferred from chloroplast DNA restriction site
variation, and a comparison of measures of clade support.
morphic, tomentose with dendritic trichomes; Syst. Bot. 20: 503-527.
perianth tube long, cylindrical; perianth lobes val- Dellert, R. 1933. Zur systematischen Stellung von Wach-
vate; stamens 6; anthers dorsifixed; ovary half- endorfia. bsterr. Bot. Z. 82: 335-345.
222 Haemodoraceae

De Vas, M.P. 1956. Studies on the embryology and relation- floral ontogeny. International Journal of Plant Sciences. In
ships of South African genera of the Haemodoraceae: press.
Dilatris Berg. and Wachendorfia Burm. J. S. Afr. Bot. 22:41- Simpson, M.G., Dickison, W.C. 1981. Comparative anatomy of
63. Lachnanthes and Lophiola (Haemodoraceae). Flora 171:
Duvall, M.R. et al. 1993. See general references. 95-113.
Erdtman, G. 1952. See general references. Steinecke, H., Hamann, U. 1989. Embryologisch-syste-
Geerinck, D. 1968. Considerations taxonomiques au sujet des matische Untersuchungen an Haemodoraceen. Bot. Jahrb.
Haemodoraceae et de Hypoxidaceae (Monocotyledones). Syst. Ill: 247-262.
Bull Soc. Bot. Belg. 101: 265-278. Stenar, H. 1927. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gattung
Geerinck, D. 1969. Genera of Haemodoraceae and Hypoxida- Anigozanthos Labill. Bot. Not. 1927: 104-114.
ceae. Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat!. Belg. 39: 47-82. Stenar, H. 1938. Die systematische Stellung der Gattung
Green, J.W. 1959. The genus Conostylis R. Br. I. Leaf anatomy. Xiphidium Loefl. Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 32: 274.
Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 85: 334-373. Takhtajan , A. 1980. See general references.
Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. Phenolic constituents of the Thorne, R.F. 1981. See general references.
cell walls of monocotyledons. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 8: 153- Tillich, H.-J. 1995. Seedlings and systematics in mono-
160. cotyldeons. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
Hegnauer, R. 1986. See general references. Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
Hopper, S.D., Burbidge, A.H. 1978. Assortative pollination by evolution, Vol. 1. Royal Botanic Garden, Kew.
red wattlebirds in a hybrid population of Anigozanthos
Labill. (Haemodoraceae). Aust. J. Bot. 26: 335-350.
Huber, H. 1969. See general references.
Hutchinson, J. 1973. The families of flowering plants, 3rd edn.,
val. 2, Monocotyledons. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
MacFarlane, T.D., Hopper, S.D., Purdie, R.W., George, A.S.,
Patrick, S.J. 1987. Flora of Australia. Haemodoraceae. Vol.
45: 55-148. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing
Melchior, H. 1964. Haemodoraceae. In: Engler's Syllabus der
Pflanzenfamilien, 12th edn., Vol. 2. Berlin: Borntraeger.
Millspaugh, C.F. 1887. American medicinal plants. Philadel-
phia: Caxton Press of Sherman.
Narasimhachari, N., Joshi, V.B., Krishnan, S., Panse, M.V.,
Wamburkar, M.N. 1968. Antibacterial properties of
perinaphthenone derivatives. Current Sci. (India) 37: 288.
Ornduff, R. 1974. Heterostyly in South African flowering
plants: a conspectus. J. S. Afr. Bot. 40: 169-187.
Ornduff, R., Dulberger, R. 1978. Floral enantiomorphy and the
reproductive system of Wachendorfia paniculata. New
Phytol. 80: 427-434.
Ramstad, E. 1953. Dber das Vorkommen und die Verbreitung
der Chelidonsaure in einigen Pflanzenfamilien. Pharm. Act.
Helv. 28: 45-57.
Ravenna, P. 1977. Neotropical species threatened and endan-
gered by human activity in Iridiaceae, Amaryllidaceae, and
allied bulbous families. In: Prance, G.T., Elias, T.S. (eds.)
Extinction Is Forever. Bronx, N. Y.: N. Y. Bot. Gard.
Robertson, K.R. 1976. The genera of Haemodoraceae in the
southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 57: 205-216.
Schulze, R. 1893. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie der
Liliaceen, Haemodoraceen, Hypoxidoideen und Vellozia-
ceen. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 17: 295-394.
Schwenk, E. 1962. Tumor action of some quinoid compounds
in the Cheekpouch Test. Arzneim. Forsch. 12: 1143.
Simpson, M.G. 1983. Pollen ultrastructure of the Haemo-
doraceae and its taxonomic significance. Grana 22: 79-103.
Simpson, M.G. 1988. Embryological development of Lach-
nanthes caroliniana (Haemodoraceae). Am. J. Bot. 75:
Simpson, M.G. 1989. Pollen wall development of Xiphidium
coeruleum (Haemodoraceae) and its systematic implica-
tions. Ann. Bot. II, 64: 257-269.
Simpson, M.G. 1990. Phylogeny and classification of the
Haemodoraceae. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 722-784.
Simpson, M.G. 1993. Septal nectary anatomy and phylogeny in
the Haemodoraceae. Syst. Bot. 18: 593-613.
Simpson, M.G. 1998. Reversal in ovary position from
inferior to superior in the Haemodoraceae: evidence from
Hanguanaceae 223

Hanguanaceae nomic rank. Aquatic or swamp-dwelling forms are

robust and up to 2m tall, whereas terrestrial plants
C. BAYER, 0. APPEL, and P.J. RuDALL are smaller, up to 1m tall (Larsen 1972, 1983;
Hewson 1986). The capacity to float is due to the
presence of aerenchyma ducts (Backer 1951).
Leaves are densely hairy when very young, with
branched hairs, but in older leaves the hairs re-
main only along the midrib and petiole. Leaves are
petiolate with broad leaf blades which have a char-
Hanguanaceae Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 18: 260 {1965). acteristic venation pattern, numerous close-set
thin cross-veins linking the more prominent par-
Perennial, dioecious herbs, when young covered allel longitudinal veins (tesselate venation). The
with short branched hairs; aerial shoots ascending seedlings have a compact, achlorophyllous cotyle-
to erect, solid, terete; stolons creeping, sometimes don and a foliation sequence starting with reduced
floating, encircled by appressed, disintegrating leaves (cataphylls) on the developing shoot, char-
leaf sheaths (Hanguana malayana) or plants acters considered to be primitive by Tillich (1996).
dump-forming with the young shoots directly on
the old stem. Leaves spiralled, with linear to lan- VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Branched multicellular
ceolate blades, at least lower ones long-petioled, trichomes are present on the leaf and stem sur-
the base forming an open, stem-clasping sheath; faces. Stomata are tetracytic and more common
venation of the blade pinnate-parallel, with on the abaxial than adaxial surface (Smithson
tesselate venules; ptyxis supervolute. Inflorescence 1956; Tomlinson 1969; Baranova 1975). A hypo-
terminal, paniculate or sometimes whorled, com- dermis is present beneath both adaxial and abaxial
posed of spikelike partial inflorescences. Flowers epidermises, but thicker (1-2-layered) on the
(sub-)sessile, actinomorphic, trimerous, hypogy- adaxial side. The mesophyll includes a chloren-
nous. Tepals bractlike, pale yellowish or greenish, chyma of weakly elongated cells and large tannin-
sometimes red-dotted, persistent, shortly connate idioblasts. Axially oriented vascular bundles in the
at base, arranged in 2 whorls, the outer smaller lamina are in 2 layers, a larger adaxial layer and
than the inner, hood-shaped ones. Staminate flow- smaller abaxial layer, with numerous transverse
ers with rudimentary ovary which is surrounded
by a 6-lobed, disklike structure; stamens 6, about
as long as inner tepals or longer; filaments filiform
with broader base, inserted on the perianth base;
anthers with short connective, basifixed, introrse,
tetrasporangiate, longitudinally dehiscent. Pistil-
late flowers with 6 staminodes, the inner minute;
ovary ovoid-globose, 3-locular with axile placen-
tation; style very short or stigma sessile, deeply
divided into 3 short, spreading lobes; ovules
solitary in each locule, almost atropous, with
funicular obturator. Fruit a 1( -3)-seeded berry;
seed bowl-shaped, arching over the globose pla-
centa; seed coat sclerified; endosperm copious,
starchy, embryo small.
A monogeneric family with probably five or
more species from tropical SE Asia, Micronesia B
and Australia. c

malayana are highly variable in size and morphol-
ogy (Fig. 55), indicating that there are certainly
more than the two species currently recognised (P.
Fig. SSA-E. Hanguanaceae. Hanguana malayana. A Habit. B
Boyce, pers. comm.). The taxonomy of this genus Staminate flower. C Young fruit. D Fruit, longitudinal section.
needs further attention, although Backer (1951) E Seed, longitudinal section. (After Takhtajan 1982 and
considered the variation as not meriting taxo- Dahlgren et a!. 1985}
224 Hanguanaceae

veins. In the sheath there is a third adaxial layer of Mucilage hairs are present within ovary locules,
small inverted bundles (Sill1997). Larger (adaxial) especially surrounding the ovules (Rudall et al.
veins have a parenchymatous or fibrous inner 1997). Ovules are atropous and bitegmic.
bundle sheath and endodermoid outer bundle
sheath with unevenly thickened walls. Silica bod- EMBRYOLOGY. The tapetum is amoeboid, with a
ies are present in H. malayana but are absent in periplasmodium (C.A. Furness and P.J. Rudall,
specimens of a yet undescribed species (Sill1997). in prep.). Microsporogenesis is successive (P.J.
They are found mainly in the unevenly thickened Rudall, unpubl.). Ovules are probably tenuinu-
outer bundle-sheath cells of larger veins cellate (i.e. lacking a parietal cell). Megasporogen-
(Tomlinson 1969) and in the adaxial hypodermal esis is unknown.
layer (Solereder and Meyer 1929; Sill1997), not in
the epidermis. The sheath and petiolar region PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. The pollen grains of
contain large mucilage channels (Sill1997). Hanguana are more of less spheroidal, about
Cross-sections of axes exhibit a loose central 19 in diameter, and inaperturate. The thin,
tissue with starch and fibrovascular bundles, an hyaline exine is provided with small spinules
irregular pericycle, a distinct endodermis of (Erdtman 1952; Linder and Ferguson 1985).
thick-walled cells similar to those surrounding
single vascular bundles, a narrow parenchymatic, KARYOLOGY. G. Petersen (unpubl.) found in H.
starch-containing cortex with scattered bundles, malayana from Ceylon a large number of chromo-
and an epidermis without stomata. Vessels are somes (2n = more than 90), and in an unpub-
present in the roots, but lacking from the aerial lished new species from Sarawak (material from
parts (Tomlinson 1969). Perforation plates are J. Bogner) 2n = ca. 48. Chromosomes are very
scalariform (Cheadle and Kosakai 1980). small (less than 1

INFLORESCENCE MORPHOLOGY. The inflores- PoLLINATION. Nectar secretion, which occurs in

cence is a panicle (Backer 1951), composed of 1 both male and female flowers, indicates insect pol-
terminal and several lateral, slender, spikelike lination. According to Maury ( 1888), insects might
partial inflorescences. Each of these basic units be attracted by the more conspicuous yellowish
includes numerous axillary clusters that represent nectaries of male flowers and by the pink ovary of
few-flowered monochasia (H.-J. Tillich, unpubl.). female flowers.
Most of the lateral partial inflorescences are likely
to arise from accessory buds, since they are borne FRUIT AND SEED. The fruit is a 1-seeded berry, up
collaterally in the axil of each subtending leaf. to 2 em long. There is some variation in fruit
The subtending leaves are sessile and gradually colour, from whitish or reddish to almost black.
reduced upward. During seed development the inner integument
disappears and the mature seed coat is a sclerified
FLORAL STRUCTURE. The flowers are small, dioe- meso-endotesta. The starch-containing endo-
cious, actinomorphic and hypogynous (Fig. 55). sperm is enclosed by a single peripheral layer of
Both male and female flowers have 6 tepals in 2 aleuron cells (Tillich 1996).
whorls, each with 3 vascular bundles (P.J. Rudall,
unpubl.). Tepals of female flowers are thicker than AFFINITIES. Hanguana has been associated with
those of male flowers. Filaments of male flowers a wide range of monocotyledons (Maury 1888).
each have a single vascular bundle, and an anther Dahlgren et al. (1985) placed it in Asparagales, but
with 4 locules. Staminodes of female flowers despite some similarities with Astelia (branched
are much reduced, the inner 3 flattened and hairs, short broad styles and mucilage-filled ova-
nectariferous (Maury 1888; Endress 1995; P.J. ries), it now seems certain that Hanguana belongs
Rudall, unpubl.). The gynoecium in male flowers in the commelinoid clade (Chase et al. 1995,
is much reduced, the upper part in 3 separate 1995a). This is strongly supported by molecular
lobes, the basal part lacking locules or ovules, with data from rbcL (Chase et al. 1995), together with
nectariferous lobes opposite the inner stamens the presence of silica bodies in leaves and the pres-
(P.J. Rudall, unpubl.). In female flowers the gyno- ence of ferulic acid in cell walls (Harris and
ecium is large, with a broad trilobed stigma and Hartley 1980; Rudall and Caddick 1994), both con-
very short broad style. The ovary is unilocular in sistent commelinoid characters. Amongst the
the upper part, trilocular in the lower part, with commelinoids, Hanguana has long been associ-
a single ovule per locule and axile placentation. ated with Flagellaria and]oinvillea, more recently
Hanguanaceae 225

in a family Flagellariaceae (Backer 1951). How- Dahlgren, R. et al. 1985. See general references.
ever, as Airy Shaw (1965) pointed out, from pollen Endress, P.K. 1995. Major evolutionary traits of monocot flow-
ers. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J.
morphology, leaf anatomy and many other char- (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution. Royal
acters, a relationship with Flagellaria is unlikely. Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 43-79.
A relationship with either palms (Maury 1888; Erdtman, G. 1952. See general references.
Airy Shaw 1978, 1981; Chase et al. 1995b) or Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references.
Zingiberales (Stevenson and Loconte 1995) is Hewson, H.J. 1986. Hanguanaceae. In: George, A.S. (ed.) Flora
of Australia 46. Netley: Griffin Press, pp. 172-173.
possible, and these associations are currently Larsen, K. 1972. Flagellariaceae; Hanguanaceae. Flora Thai-
being explored (D.W. Stevenson, H.P. Linder and land 2(2): 162-166.
P.J. Rudall, unpubl.). Larsen, K. 1983. Hanguanaceae. In: Leroy, J.F. (ed.) Flore du
Cambodge, du Laos et du Viet-nam, part 20. Paris: Museum
National d'Histoire Naturelle, pp. 129-132.
Linder, H.P., Ferguson, I.K. 1985. On the pollen morphology
ranges from Sri Lanka to SE Asia, Micronesia and phylogeny of the Restionales and Poales. Grana 24: 65-
(Palau) and N Australia. The plants grow along 76.
rivers and lakes or in lowland swamps and humid Maury, P. 1888. Surles affinites du genre Susum. Bull. Soc. Bot.
forests up to 1500m, or in freshwater, sometimes Fr. 35: 410-417.
Rudall, P.J., Caddick, L.R. 1994. Investigation of the presence
forming floating islands. In some morasses, H. of phenolic compound in monocotyledonous cell walls,
malayana suppresses all other plants except for using UV fluorescence microscopy. Ann. Bot. 74: 483-491.
some orchids (Backer 1951). Rudall, P.J., Prychid, C., Jones, C. 1997. Intra-ovarian tri-
chomes in monocotyledons. In: Owens, S.J., Rudall, P.J.
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. According to Maury (eds.) Reproductive biology. Royal Botanic Gardens,
(1888), the roots of "Susum anthelminthicum Sill, E. 1997. Systematische Anatomie der Vegetationsorgane
Blume", the aquatic form of H. malayana, have der Hanguanaceae Airy Shaw (1965) (Monocotyledoneae).
been used as a vermifuge in veterinary medicine. Diploma Thesis. Inst. Syst. Botanik, Universitat Miinchen.
However, this use has never been confirmed ac- Smithson, E. 1956. The comparative anatomy of the Flagel-
cording to Backer (1951), who reported that raw lariaceae. Kew Bull. 11: 491-501.
Solereder, H., Meyer, F.J. 1929. Systematische Anatomie der
stems and runners of this form are said to be Monokotyledonen: 4. Farinosae. Berlin: Borntraeger.
edible. Stevenson, D.W., Loconte, H. 1995. Cladistic analysis of
monocot families. In: Radall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
Only one genus: Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
evolution. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 543-578.
Tillich, H.-J. 1996. Seeds and seedlings in Hanguanaceae and
Hanguana Blume Fig. 55 Flagellariaceae (Monocotyledons). Sendtnera 3: 187-197.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Commelinales-Zingiberales. In:
Hanguana Blume, Enum. Pl. Java: 15 (1827). Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy ofthe monocotyledons, vol. 3.
Susum Blume (1830). Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Characters as for family.

Probably five or more spp.

Selected Bibliography

Airy Shaw, H.K. 1965. Diagnoses of new families, new names,

etc., for the seventh edition of Willis's Dictionary. Kew Bull.
18: 261
Airy Shaw, H.K. 1978. Three interesting plants from the
Northern Territory of Australia (Thymelaeaceae, Flacour-
tiaceae and Hanguanaceae). Kew Bull. 33: 1-5.
Airy Shaw, H.K. 1981. A new species of Hanguana from
Borneo. Kew Bull. 35: 819-821.
Backer, C.A. 1951. Flagellariaceae. In: Van Steenis, C.G.G.J.
(ed.) Flora Malesiana I, 4. Djakarta: Noordhoff Kolff, pp.
Baranova, M.A. 1975. Stomatographic study of the Flagel-
lariaceae. Bot. Zh. SSSR 60: 1690-1697.
Chase, M.W. et al. 1995, 1995a. See general references.
Cheadle, V.I., Kosakai, H. 1980. Occurrence and specialization
of vessels in Commelinales. Phytomorphology 30: 98-117.
226 Heliconiaceae

Heliconiaceae often becoming cormlike at the soil surface. The

short rhizome branches typically give the plants a
L. ANDERSSON caespitose habit, but some species have rhizome
branches developed as runners. Starch is com-
monly stored in the ground parenchyma of the
rhizome (Tomlinson 1969), but no specialised
storage structures are known.
In most species the only aerial stem is the inflo-
rescence scape. Some species in sects. Zingi-
Heliconiaceae (A. Rich.) Nakai, J. Jpn. Bot. 17: 201 (1941). berastrum, Cannastrum and subgen. Griggsia,
Musaceae tribe Heliconieae K. Schum. (1900). have an elongated, herbaceous stem also in the
Musaceae subfam. Heliconioideae Lane (1955). vegetative phase (Kress 1984; Andersson 1985a).
The aerial shoot is hapaxanthic and ends as a
Rhizomatous herbs, often very tall. Aerial stems strictly terminal inflorescence.
either very short and leaf sheaths then forming a The leaf is usually differentiated into sheath,
pseudostem, or elongate with distinct internodes, petiole and blade, although a distinct petiole is
tightly enveloped by leaf sheaths; buds axillary. sometimes missing. All divisions of the leaf are
Leaves distichous, differentiated into sheath, peti- derived from the proximal (Unterblatt) part of the
ole (sometimes indistinct or lacking) and blade; primordium, the distal (Oberblatt) part giving rise
sheath without distinct ligule; blade entire, with only to a precursory tip, which is usually not
coarse midrib and closely set, parallel, slightly sig- indentifiable in the mature leaf (Kaplan 1973). The
moid lateral veins fusing near margin; lateral leaf sheaths are erect and overlap tightly to form a
veins interconnected by tertiary cross-veins. Inflo- false trunk. Even in those species that have an
rescence terminal, usually on leafy shoots but elongated vegetative axis, the leaf sheaths give the
sometimes on specialized shoots bearing only chief mechanical support to the aerial shoot.
bladeless sheaths, thyrsiform, bearing cincinnate The ptyxis is supervolute. The leaf blade has a
flower clusters in axils of spathaceous bracts on an massive compound midrib from which closely set,
indeterminate main axis. Flowers subtended by parallel secondary veins diverge, which have a
carinate bracteoles, perfect, trimerous and 5- slightly sigmoid course and fuse near the leaf
cyclic, heterochlamydeous; perianth zygomor- margin. Secondary veins are interconnected by
phic, all elements fused to form a basal tube, lat- parallel tertiary ones, which are perpendicular to
eral sepals and petals fused above tube, median the secondary.
sepal free; androecial elements six, the outer me-
dian stamen staminodial, scalelike, inserted on VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Vegetative anatomy was
top of the basal perianth tube opposite the median described in detail by Tomlinson {1969). Structure
sepal, the remaining 5 stamens fertile, with fila- and development of stomata were described by
ments adnate to the tubular part of the perianth, Tomlinson (1974) and Olatunji (1980). Napp-Zinn
anthers basifixed, elongate, 2-thecate, 4- and Franz ( 1980), and Andersson ( 1981) described
sporangiate. Ovary inferior, 3-locular; placenta- the trichomes.
tion axile; ovules anatropous, subbasal and single Root stele polyarc. Rhizomes with the central
in each locule; style 1, filiform, stigma capitate. cylinder demarcated by an endodermis. Hairs
Septal nectaries present. Fruit drupaceous with 3 often present on aerial parts, multicellular, uni-
operculate pyrenes; seeds exarillate, with thin seriate, often branched. Leaf axis with a main
aleurone-storing perisperm and copious, starch- arc of vascular strands, which are continuous with
and oil-storing endosperm. the major lateral veins of the lamina, several arcs
A family of a single genus, Heliconia, with of smaller and shorter strands, some entirely fi-
perhaps 200 species, occurring throughout the brous, present on the abaxial side of the main arc,
American tropics and Melanesia. a layer of small vascular and fibre bundles present
close to the adaxial surface; with 1 separate system
VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The plants have a of air canals on each side of the main arc of vascu-
sympodial rhizome with branches terminating in lar bundles. Lamina: epidermal cells with sinous
aerial shoots, and with renewal branches arising anticlinal walls; stomata predominantly polycytic,
near the base of the aerial shoot (Tomlinson 1962). guard cells symmetrical in cross-section; hypoder-
Vegetative buds are axillary (Fisher 1978). Rhi- mis !-layered; mesophyll homogeneous and com-
zome branches are usually short and massive, posed of compact or lobed cells; vascular strands
Heliconiaceae 227

with a sheath of fibres on either side, only major

vascular bundles connected to the adaxial side.
Silica cells associated with vascular bundles
present in all parts of the plant except the roots;
silica bodies trough-shaped. Raphide sacs present
in the ground tissue of all organs. Tannin present
in morphologically unspecialised cells in all parts
of the plant.

INFLORESCENCE. The main inflorescence axis

is indeterminate. It bears spathaceous bracts
("spathes"), in the axils of which partial inflores-
cences arise (Fig. 56). The spathes are primarily
distichous, but may become spuriously helical due
to twisting of the rachis. They are normally persis-
tent, but caducous or precociously necrotic in a
few species. The flowers are bracteolate.
The partial inflorescences have been variously
interpreted. The classical (and still most com-
monly accepted) interpretation, suggested by
Eichler (1875), is that it is a cincinnus. The whole
inflorescence is then a thyrse with monchasial par-
tial inflorescences. Thompson (1933) and Lane
(1955), however, considered the partial inflores-
cences to have spicoid structure. The classical
view has been supported by Fahn (1953), who con-
cluded that Thompson's interpretation was based
on erroneous observations.


have a basic trimerous, pentacyclic organization,
with 2 whorls of tepals, 2 of stamens, and 1 of
carpels. They are oriented with the unpaired sepal
in the anterior position. All the tepals are fused
basally mutually and with the filament bases, to
form a tube, which is usually rather short. Above
this, the median outer tepa! and the filaments are
distinct, whereas the other 5 tepals are further
fused to form a sheath. The median member of the
outer androecial whorl is staminodial and scale-
like and fits into the slit in this sheath, opposite the
free tepa!. In this way, a tube is formed which can
be dilated by a pollinator without being ruptured.
The morphological interpretation of the sta-
minode in Heliconia was questioned by Mello Fig. 56A-E. Heliconiaceae. Heliconia solomonensis. A Inflo-
Filho (1972), who regarded it as a vestigial flower rescence, note pollinating macroglossine bat. B Cincinnal
(!), and by Barreiros, who termed it a ligule bract cut away to show flower at anthesis. (a ovary; b free
(1972a) or apendice liguloide (1972b). Its sepal; c fused sepals). C Ovary with style, stigma, and
staminode. D Staminode. E Pyrenes in ventral and lateral
androecial nature is supported by the occasional view. (Kress 1990b)
formation of abortive sporangia (L. Andersson,
The gynoecium is formed by 3 carpels. The wards. They have the shape of a triradiate crater,
ovary is inferior and trilocular, with a single basal which is closed apically and opens with 3 pores at
ovule in each locule. Septal nectaries are present the base of the style (Pai and Tilak 1965; Kirchoff
in the axile tissue from the sublocular region up- 1992).
228 Heliconiaceae

EMBRYOLOGY. The embryology of Heliconia was

studied by Mauritzon (1936), and scattered infor-
mation was also reported by Humphrey (1896).
The microsporogenesis has not been described.
The ovule is anatropous, with 2 integuments, the
outer with 6-9, and the inner one with 2 cell layers.
The micropyle is formed by both integuments.
The nucellus is crassinucellate. Megasporogenesis
follows the Polygonum type. No parietal cell
seems to be formed. A circular thickening from
the outer integument, the so-called MikropyHir-
kragen is intiated by periclinal, subepidermal divi-
sions in the outer integument. The nucellar
epidermis becomes palisadelike when the em-
bryosac is mature. No aril is discernible at any
stage. Endosperm formation is Nuclear. The ma-
ture embryo is cylindrical.

POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Pollen grains are me-

dium-sized {50-IOOj.!m equatorial diameter) Fig. 57. Heliconiaceae. Pollen of Heliconia spathocircinata,
and strongly heteropolar (Fig. 57). They are chara- nearly disk-shaped grain, distal hemisphere up. SEM. Bar
cterised by a very reduced exine and elaborate 10 11m (Photo T. Bergquist)
intine (Kress et al. 1978; Stone et al. 1979; Kress
and Stone 1983). The exine is continuous on the
proximal hemisphere and absent from or discon- flowers with copious nectar each day. Plants that
tinuous on the distal one. It is endexinous in na- grow in closed forest habitats are visited by
ture and varies in sculpturing from psilate to traplining hermit hummingbirds (Phaethor-
spinulose. Sculpturing is mostly different on the ninae). These plants tend to have long, curved
proximal and distal hemispheres. The intine is perianths, and to produce few flowers per day with
thick and 2-layered. On the distal hemisphere it small amounts of dilute nectar. The different for-
consists mainly of a thick, channelled exintine, aging behaviours of the two types of humming-
with thin and homogeneous endintine. On the birds result in predominant self-fertilisation in
proximal hemisphere it is unstratified and mainly the former pollination system and predominant
endintine. Germination always occurs from the cross-fertilisation in the latter.
distal hemisphere, although there is no structur- The Old World Heliconia solomonensis has been
ally distinct aperture. shown to be pollinated by the macroglossine bat
Shape and sculpture are quite variable between Melonycteris woodfordi (Kress 198Sb). The inflo-
species and very useful taxonomically (e.g. Kress rescence of this species, like those of all Old World
1984; Andersson 1992). species, is green, and the flowers are green and
white, odourless, and open in the evening.
KARYOLOGY. The chromosome number 2n = 24 Both self-compatibility and self-incompatibility
was found to be common to 30 taxa of Heliconia have been demonstrated in Heliconia (Kress
representing all major subdivisions of the genus 1983a,b, 198Sb). Of the species examined, the
(Andersson 1984). Other numbers reported for majority was found to be self-compatible.
this genus seem unreliable. The chromosomes
range between 0.7 and 1.7 j.!m. One pair of chro- FRUIT AND SEED. Fruit and seed structure was
mosomes has satellites. examined by Desler {1994}. The fruit is a drupe
with a rather thin pericarp and a thick, stony en-
POLLINATION AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS. docarp formed by sclerenchyma fibres. The
New World Heliconia are pollinated by humming- pyrene has a germinal aperture at the mycropylar
birds (Linhart 1973; Stiles 1975, 1979; Kress end, closed by an operculum. The mature seeds
1985a). Plants that grow in large monoclonal lack a micropylar collar as well as hypostase. Both
stands in open habitats are mainly visitid by terri- integuments are degraded and compressed. A !-
torial, non-hermit hummingbirds (Trochilinae). layered nucellus remnant persists in the mature
They have short perianths and produce many seed and contains aleurone but no starch. Both
Heliconiaceae 229

starch and oil are stored in the endosperm, starch Heliconia L. Fig. 56, 57
in the form of concentric single grains.
Heliconia L. Mant. 2: 147 (1771), nom. cons.; Andersson,
Nord. J. Bot. 1: 218-245 (1981), rev. sect. Heliconia, Opera
DISPERSAL. The fleshy drupes of Heliconia are Bot. 82: 1-123 (1985), rev. subgen. Stenochlamys, Fl. Ecua-
dispersed by birds in the neotropics and a wide dor 22: 1-86 (1985), reg. rev., Opera Bot. 111: 1-98 (1992),
variety ofbirds have been reported (Stiles 1979) to rev. subgenera Taeniostrobus and Heliconia; Daniels &
feed on them. Dispersal of fruits of palaeo tropical Stiles, Brenesia 15, suppl.: 1-149 (1979), reg. rev. Costa Rica;
Kress, J. Arnold Arbor. 65:429-532 (1984), reg. rev. subgen.
species has not been documented; possibly they Griggsia, Allertonia 6: 1-58 (1990), rev. subgen.
are eaten by fructivorous bats. The drupes are pro- Heliconiopsis. Heliconiopsis Miq. (1859).
tected by the cincinnal bract until maturity, when
they become exposed by elongation of the pedicel. Characters as for family.
At maturity they shift to metallic blue in neo- About 200 spp. (other estimates occur), most
tropical species, to red in palaeotropical ones. in tropical America, especially northern parts of
the Andes and southern Central America. Six spp.
RELATIONSHIPS. Heliconia has traditionally been indigenous in Melanesia. Several spp. are orna-
included in a widely circumscribed Musaceae, mental, and occasionally naturalised.
together with Musa, Ensete, Strelitzia, Ravenala,
Phenakospermum and Orchidantha (e.g.,
Schumann 1900; Winkler 1930; Lane 1955). The Selected Bibliography
relationships of these genera have been differently
judged by different authors (for a summary, see Andersson, L. 1981. Revision of Heliconia sect. Heliconia.
Tomlinson 1962). In modern literature the most Nord. J. Bot. 1: 218-245.
common approach has been to distribute Andersson, L. 1984. The chromosome number of Heliconia
them among four families, the Musaceae s. str. (Musaceae). Nord. J. Bot. 4: 191-193.
Andersson, L. 1985a. Revision of Heliconia subgen. Steno-
(Musa, Ensete), Strelitziaceae (Phenakospermum, chlamys. Opera Bot. 82: 1-123.
Ravenala and Strelitzia), Heliconiaceae, and Andersson, L. 1985b. Musaceae. In: Harling, G., Sparre, B.
Lowiaceae (Orchidantha) (e.g. Tomlinson 1962; (eds.) Flora of Ecuador 22: 1-86.
Cronquist 1981; Dahlgren et al. 1985). Recent cla- Andersson, L. 1992. Revision of Heliconia subgen. Taenia-
strobus and subgen. Heliconia (Musaceae-Heliconioideae ).
distic analyses of morphological data (Kress Opera Bot. 111: 1-98.
1990a) are in favour of this. In Kress' analyses, Barreiros, H. de Souza 1972a. Heliconia nova brasiliana et
these four families form a basal grade on the varietas. Morfologia e ecologia - dispersao e poliniza<;ao
Zingiberales tree, and Heliconia appears basal in (Heliconiaceae (End.) Nakai). Rev. Bras. Biol. 32: 205-208.
a clade containing the Cannaceae, Marantaceae, Barreiros, H. de Souza 1972b. Especies criticas de Heliconia
L.I: ecologia e morfologia (Heliconiaceae ). Rev. Bras. Biol.
Zingiberaceae and Costaceae. 32: 297-302.
Berry, F., Kress, W.J. 1991. Heliconia. An identification guide.
DISTRIBUTION. Heliconia is centred inS and Cen- Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.
tral America, with its variation centre along the Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
Andes from Peru and northwards to Costa Rica. Dahlgren, R. et al. 1985. See general references.
Daniels, G.S., Stiles, F.G. 1979. The Heliconia taxa of Costa
Four of the five subgenera (Heliconia, Griggsia, Rica. Keys and descriptions. Brenesia 15 (Suppl.): 1-149.
Stenochlamys, and Taeniostrobus) are confined to Desler, B. 1994. Vergleichende Untersuchung der Anatomie
the neotropics. The fifth subgenus, Heliconiopsis, und Morphologie von Scitamineen-Samen. Unpubl. Di-
occurs in the western Pacific (Fiji, Samoa, the ploma Thesis. Kaiserslautern: University of Kaiserslautern.
Solomon Islands; Kress 1990b). Eichler, A.W. 1875. Bliithendiagramme construiert und erHiu-
tert Vol. 1. Leipzig: Engelmann.
Fahn, A. 1953. The origin of the banana inflorescence. Kew
ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. Several species and cul- Bull. 1953: 299-306.
tivars of Heliconia are popular ornamentals in the Fisher, J.B. 1978. Leaf-opposed buds in Musa: their develop-
tropics and have, in later years, become commer- ment and a comparison with allied Monocotyledons. Am. J.
Bot. 65:784-791.
cially important as cut flowers in the international Humphrey, J.E. 1896. The development of the seed in
florist trade (Kress 1990b; Berry and Kress 1991). Scitamineae. Ann. Bot. 10: 1-40.
In Melanesia, immature, boiled flowers are eaten Kaplan, D.R. 1973. The problem of leaf morphology and
in times of food shortage, and the leaves are some- evolution in monocotyledons. Q. Rev. Biol. 48: 437-457.
times used for wrapping and cooking food such as Kirchoff, B.K. 1992. Ovary structure and anatomy in the
Heliconiaceae and Musaceae (Zingiberales). Can. J. Bot. 70:
fish and puddings. 2490-2508.
Kress, W.J. 1983a. Self-incompatibility in Central American
Only one genus: Heliconia. Evolution 37: 735-744.
230 Heliconiaceae

Kress, W.J. 1983b. Crossability barriers in neotropical Heli- Winkler, H. 1930. Musaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K. (eds.)
conia. Ann. Bot. 52: 131-147. Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 2nd edn. 15a: 505-541.
Kress, W.J. 1984. Systematics of Central American Heliconia Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
(Heliconiaceae) with pendent inflorescences. J. Arnold
Arbor. 65: 429-532.
Kress, W.J. 1985a. Pollination and reproductive biology of
Heliconia. In: D'Arcy, W.G., Correa, M.D. (eds.) The botany
and natural history of Panama. St. Louis: Missouri Botani-
cal Garden pp. 267-271.
Kress, W.J. 1985b. Bat pollination of an Old World Heliconia.
Biotropica 17: 302-308.
Kress, W.J. 1990a. The phylogeny and classification of the
Zingiberales. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 698-721.
Kress, W.J. 1990b. The taxonomy of Old World Heliconia
(Heliconiaceae). Allertonia 6: 1-58.
Kress, W.J. 1995. Phylogeny of the Zingiberanae: morphology
and molecules. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
evolution vol. 2. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew pp. 443-460.
Kress, W.J., Stone, D.E. 1983. Morphology and phylogenetic
significance of exine-less pollen of Heliconia (Heli-
coniaceae). Syst. Bot. 8: 149-167.
Kress, W.J., Stone, D.E., Sellers, S.C. 1978. Ultrastructure of
exine-less pollen: Heliconia (Heliconiaceae). Am. J. Bot. 65:
Lane, I.E. 1955. Genera and generic relationships in Musaceae.
Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. Miinch. 13: 114-131.
Linhart, Y.B. 1973. Ecological and behavioral determinants of
pollen dispersal in hummingbird-pollinated Heliconia. Am.
Nat. 107:511-523.
Mauritzon, J. 1936. Samenbau und Embryologie einiger
Scitamineen. Lunds Univ. Arsskr. N.F. Adv. 2 31: 1-31.
Mello Filho, L.E. de 1972. Uma nova interpreta'riio da
morfologia floral de Heliconia L.f. (Musaceae). An. Acad.
Bras. Cienc. 44: 608.
Napp-Zinn, K., Franz, A. 1980. Vergleichend-anatomische
Untersuchungen an petaloiden HochbHittern von Heliconia
revoluta (Griggs) Standley (vorHiufige Mitteilung). Flora
170: 565-569.
Olatunji, O.A. 1980. The structure and development of sto-
mata in some Zingiberales. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 38:
Pai, R.M., Tilak, V.D. 1965. Septal nectaries in the Scitamineae.
J. Bioi. Sci. 8: 1-3.
Schumann, K. 1900. Musaceae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Das
Pflanzenreich IV.45: 1-45. Leipzig: Engelmann.
Stiles, F.G. 1975. Ecology, flowering phenology, and hum-
mingbird pollination of some Costa Rican Heliconia spe-
cies. Ecology 56: 285-301.
Stiles, F.G. 1979. Notes on the natural history of Heliconia
(Musaceae) in Costa Rica. Brenesia 15 (Suppl.): 151-180.
Stone, D.E., Sellers, S.C., Kress, W.J. 1979. Ontogeny of exine-
less pollen in Heliconia, a banana relative. Ann. Mo. Bot.
Gard. 66: 701-730.
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
Thompson, J. McLean 1933. Studies in advancing sterility VI.
The theory of Scitaminean flowering. Pub!. Hartley Bot.
Labor. 11: 1-144.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1962. Phylogeny of the Scitamineae - mor-
phological and anatomical considerations. Evolution 16:
Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Commelinales-Zingiberales. In:
Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of the monocotyledons, Vol.
III. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1974. Development of the stomatal complex
as a taxonomic character in the monocotyledons. Taxon 23:
Hydatellaceae 231

Hydatellaceae phloem and an endodermis. In the basal part of

the stem vascular bundles are irregularly dis-
u. HAMANN 1 persed in a parenchymatous matrix. In the centre
of the scape 2 small vascular bundles line a central
canal with their xylem portions; likewise, in the
scape of Trithuria submersa 3 collateral bundles
surround a much reduced pith.
Leaf anatomy is similar in both genera. The
leaves have a single central vascular bundle, a
Hydatellaceae Hamann, N.Z.J. Bot. 14: 195 (1976). narrow inner and wider outer parenchymatous
bundle sheath, radiating plates of mesophyll cells
Minute aquatic or subaquatic herbs, annual or alternating with wide air cavities, a 1-layered hy-
rarely perennial. Roots numerous, unbranched. podermis, and an epidermis of elongated cells.
Stem very short, branching to form a leafy tuft, Anomocytic stomata are recorded in Trithuria
often with minute multicellular hairs in the leaf submersa and T. lanterna, but the submerged
axils. Leaves basal, linear to filiform, lacking species of Hydatella apparently lack stomata.
distinct sheaths or ligules, 1-veined, glabrous. Vessels with scalariform perforations occur in
Inflorescence a heterogamous or homogamous the roots and stems. Calcium oxalate and silica
capitulum, terminal, sessile, or scapose, with an seem to be absent.
involucre of 1-4 pairs of opposite, membranous,
glabrous, 1-veined bracts often forming an appar- INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. Usually each plant
ent whorl. Flowers unisexual, numerous, minute, bears several flowering scapes each ending in a
lacking perianth and bracteoles. Male flower a terminal capitulum (Fig. 58); rarely there is only a
solitary stamen; anther elliptic to linear, basifixed, single scape. The scapes are usually much shorter
bithecate, tetrasporangiate, dehiscing by lateral than the leaves but elongate when the fruits ripen;
slits. Female flower a solitary unicarpellate pistil; in Trithuria lanterna, T. bibracteata and T.
ovary stalked, unilocular, utriculate, with konkanensis they are suppressed.
(Trithuria) or without (Hydatella) 3 prominent Each capitulum is surrounded by an involucre
ribs; ovule 1, pendulous, anatropous; stigma ter- of 2-4 (rarely more) hyaline or herbaceous, acute
minal, sessile, with 2-10 hairs each a single row of or acuminate bracts. They enclose a variable num-
distended cells. Fruit membranous, dehiscent or ber of male and/or female flowers, each repre-
indehiscent. Seed solitary, ovoid; embryo minute, sented by a single stamen or pistil, respectively. In
peripheral, covered by an operculum; endosperm species with bisexual inflorescences the number
replaced by starchy perisperm. of female flowers exceeds that of male flowers.
A family of two genera and ten species in In species with mainly unisexual inflorescences
Australia, New Zealand and India. sometimes bisexual ones are found. Hydatella
dioica is dioecious, and in the monoecious H.
VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The germination of inconspicua male flowers are so rare that plants
Trithuria submersa is hypogeal, with the cotyle- may be wholly female.
don remaining inside the testa and not becoming The structure of the capitulum is not completely
green; the primary leaf and the radicle erupt clear. Apart from the involucre there are no bracts,
through the weaker zone that surrounds the and the sequence of floral development needs
operculum of the testa (Cooke 1983b ). reinvestigation. In Hydatella the stamens be-
The plants are completely glabrous with excep- come exserted one after another. According to
tion of the stem base, where between the leaves in Hieronymus {1887), in Trithuria submersa groups
most species characteristic hairs consisting of a of 1 male flower and several female flowers are
single row of thin-walled cells are present. arranged in cincinnate structures.

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. (From Solereder and FLOWER STRUCTURE. Whether the ovary is
Meyer 1929; Cutler 1969; Cooke 1981). In Hy- monomerous or composed of more than 1 carpel
datella filamentosa the vascular tissue of the root and hence pseudomonomerous is open to ques-
consists of a solitary central vessel surrounded by tion. In Hydatella sometimes besides the main
vascular bundle, which supplies the ovule, 1 or 2
relictual bundles were observed (U. Hamann pers.
1 Deceased. observ). The 3 prominent ribs on the ovary wall in
232 Hydatellaceae

Fig. 59. Hydatellaceae. Trithuria macranthera, sulcate pollen

with spinulate ornamentation, SEM X 3700 (Photo H.P.

inner integument give rise to an operculum (see

Fruit and Seed below). The pluricellular chalaza}
part of the nucellus persists and enlarges to form a
starchy perisperm. A small, non-persisting nucel-
lar cap is formed by single periclinal divisions of
the apical nucellus epidermis. The small, roundish
embryo sac is restricted to the apical part of the
nucellus; it has presumably a 3-celled egg appara-
tus and probably 2 polar nuclei, but perhaps no
(or early degenerating) antipodal cells.
Endosperm development is very probably ab
initio cellular. The ripe endosperm is only few-
celled and has no storage function. It surrounds
the minute, lens-shaped, incompletely developed
embryo. A suspensor (if any) is weakly developed.
Fig. 58A-E. Hydatellaceae. A-C Trithuria submersa. AHabit.
B Capitulum. C Dehiscing fruit with seed visible. D Hydatella POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen grains in
dioica, staminate capitulum. E H. .filamentosa, pistillate ca- Hydatella dioica (Bortenschlager et al. 1966), H.
pitulum. (Cooke 1987) australis and Trithuria submersa (Hamann 1975)
are sulcate with a baculate exine (Fig. 59). In
Hydatella inconspicua the aperture is not clear
Trithuria and the 3-valved fruit in T. submersa and the grains frequently adhere in tetrads, but are
may also indicate a basically trimerous often shrunken; this may point to pollen sterility
gynoecium. in this species, which has few male inflorescences
(U. Hamann, pers. observ).
EMBRYOLOGY. Most data are available for
Hydatella inconspicua (Hamann 1975). The en- PoLLINATION. Pollen grains germinate on the
dothecium is well developed beneath the fiat, per- sticky surface of the long stigmatic hairs and
sisting epidermis of the anther. Pollen grains in H. the pollen tubes grow inside the hair through the
australis are 2-celled. In both genera the ovule is hollow cells (Yadav and Janarthanan 1995). This
bitegmic, crassinucellate, anatropous and pendu- mechanism may facilitate pollination in the sub-
lous; the raphe is dorsal and the micropyle di- merged species. Anemophily may occur in sub-
rected upwards. Both integuments consist of 2 cell aquatic species, e.g. Trithuria submersa. It is
layers and form the micropyle. During seed devel- unknown whether autogamy plays a major role,
opment the apical cells of the inner layer of the or if Hydatella inconspicua is apomictic. Pledge
Hydatellaceae 233

(1974) found this species flowering 1.15m under culate seed - is unique among monocotyledons.
water; according to him and to Edgar (1966), The strong structural reduction of the family
among several hundred female plants only few makes a phylogenetic placement very difficult,
with male or rarely bisexual inflorescences were and molecular evidence is highly desirable.
FRUIT AND SEED. The minute, ovoid, brownish corded from Australia, New Zealand and India,
seeds are 0.3-0.6 mm long. The main part of the and may also occur in the intervening Malesian
seed consists of the starchy perisperm, the outer region. The plants grow submerged or partly sub-
layer of which has smaller starch grains and is merged in seasonally wet habitats, in swamps, or
clearly differentiated from the rest. Between the on sandy shores of lakes. In W and S Australia
perisperm and the small, lenticular embryo lies a they are adapted to a summer-dry climate by their
few-celled endosperm. The endotegmen contains winter-annual life cycle. The tropical Trithuria
tannin and at the micropylar region forms an lanterna is also annual, growing in seasonal
operculum of enlarged cells with thickened walls. swamps during the wet season and flowering at
The exotegmic and endotestal layers collapse, the beginning of the dry season (Cooke 1981). In
while the exotestal layer assumes a structural New Zealand Hydatella inconspicua may grow in
function, with thickened periclinal cell walls in lakes at a depth of more that 1m (Pledge 1974).
Hydatella inconspicua and H. filamentosa, and
thickened anticlinal walls in Trithuria submersa. KEY TO THE GENERA
1. Capitula heterogamous, with both male and female flowers;
REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. The seeds of Trithuria
fruit with 3 prominent ribs 1. Trithuria
submersa require a wet period in order to break - Capitula homogamous, with either male or female flowers;
dormancy, but no stratification; this is typical of fruit without prominent ribs 2. Hydatella
a winter annual adapted to summer-dry climate
(Cooke 1983b).
Genera of the Hydatellaceae
AFFINITIES. The Hydatellaceae were formerly
included as a tribe - Diplanthereae - in the 1. Trithuria J.D. Hook. Fig. 58A -C, 59
Centrolepidaceae (Hieronymus 1887; Gilg-
Trithuria J.D. Hook., Fl. Tasmania 2: 78 (1858); Cooke, Fl.
Benedict 1930), but the profound differences Austr. 45: 3-6 (1987).
between them made it necessary to treat these ]uncella F. Muell. (1887).
families separately (Hamann 1975, 1976). The
Hydatellaceae differ conspicuously from the Very small, (sub )aquatic, annual herbs with radi-
Centrolepidaceae, i.a., in having dithecate and cal, linear to filiform leaves, and several capitulate
basifixed instead of monothecate and dorsifixed inflorescences; inflorescences heterogamous;
anthers, in having anatropous instead of atropous flowers minute; stigmatic hairs 2-6, attached to
ovules, cellular and few-celled instead of nuclear apex of ovary; fruit with 3 prominent ribs. Five
and pluricellular endosperm, in the presence of spp., Australia, India.
perisperm instead of endosperm, in an exotestal
seed coat with operculum instead of a tegmic
and inoperculate seed coat, in sulcate instead of 2. Hydatella Diels Fig. 58D,E
ulcerate pollen, in anomocytic instead of paracytic Hydatella Diels, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 35: 93 (1904); Cooke, Fl.
stomata, in hypogeal instead of epigeal ger- Austr. 45: 1-3 (1987).
Whereas the Centrolepidaceae s. str. have their Minute, generally annual, submerged aquatic
nearest relatives evidently in the Restionaceae herbs with many radical, filiform leaves and
and Poaceae, the affinities of the Hydatellaceae are several slender scapes; each scape with a single
still obscure, although recently an affinity with headlike terminal inflorescence; inflorescences
the Typhales has been proposed (Stevenson and homogamous; flowers minute, unisexual; plants
Loconte 1995). Their combination of embryologi- monoecious except H. dioica; stigmatic hairs 4-10,
cal characters - especially the pendulous anatro- caducous, attached to persistent boss on apex
pous ovule, the ab initio cellular endosperm, the of ovary; fruit terete, never ribbed. Five spp.,
starchy perisperm as storage tissue and the oper- Australia, New Zealand.
234 Hydatellaceae/H ydrocharitaceae

Selected Bibliography Hydrocharitaceae

Bortenschlager, S., Erdtman, G., Praglowski, J. 1966. Pol- C.D.K. CooK
lenmorphologische Notizen tiber einige Bliitenpflanzen
incertae sedis. Bot. Not. 119: 160-168.
Cooke, D.A. 1981. New species of Schoenus (Cyperaceae) and
Trithuria (Hydatellaceae). Muelleria 4: 299-303.
Cooke, D.A. 1983a. Two Western Australian Hydatellaceae.
Muelleria 5: 123-125.
Cooke, D.A. 1983b. The seedling of Trithuria (Hydatellaceae).
Victorian Nat. 100: 68-69.
Cooke, D.A. 1987. Hydatellaceae. In: George, A.S. (ed.) Flora of Hydrocharitaceae Juss., Gen. Pl.: 67 (1789), excluding
Australia, vol. 45. Canberra: Austral. Governm. Publishing Nymphaea, Nelumbium [sic], Trapa, Proserpinaca and
Service. pp. 1-5. Pistia, nom. cons.
Cutler, D.A. 1969. Juncales. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of
the monocotyledons, vol. IV. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Edgar, E. 1966. The male flowers of Hydatella inconspicua
Monoecious, dioecious or trioecious, perennial or
(Cheesem.) Cheesem. (Centrolepidaceae). N.Z.J. Bot. 4: annual, aquatic herbs. Roots simple or, in two
153-158. genera, branched. Stems monomorphic, dimor-
Edgar, E. 1970. Centrolepidaceae. In: Moore, L.B., Edgar, E. phic or polymorphic, elongate or contracted,
(eds.) Flora of New Zealand, 2. Wellington. simple or branched, when branched, then often
Gilg-Benedict, Th. 1930. Centrolepidaceae. In: E.-P., Nat.
Pflanzenfam 2nd edn., 15a: 27-33. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
complex. Leaves heteroblastic or ontogenetically
Hamann, U. 1975. Neue Untersuchungen zur Embryologie constant, spiral, spirodistichous or spiro-
und Systematik der Centrolepidaceae. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 96: tristichous, distichous or whorled, scalelike or
154-191. leafiike, simple; stipules, when present, membra-
Hamann, U. 1976. Hydatellaceae - a new family of Mono- nous, translucent, either single and median or
cotyledoneae. N.Z.J. Bot. 14: 193-196.
Hamann, U., Kaplan, K., Riibsamen, T. 1979. Dber die paired and lateral, united below to the petiole;
Samenschalenstruktur der Hydatellaceae (Monocotyle- petioles, when present, short or elongate, rigid or
doneae) und die systematische Stellung von Hydatella fiexuose, sometimes sheathing below, winged or
filamentosa. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 100: 555-563. unwinged, armed with spines or unarmed, some-
Hieronymus, G. 1887. Centrolepidaceae. In: E.-P., Nat. times not clearly delimited from the leaf blade; leaf
Pflanzenfam. II, 4: 11-16. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
Pledge, D.H. 1974. Some observations on Hydatella incon- blades, when present, membranous to coriaceous,
spicua (Cheesem.) Cheesem. (Centrolepidaceae). N.Z.J. Bot. submerged, floating or rarely emergent, linear to
12: 559-561. orbicular or cordate; venation acrodromous or
Soleder, H., Meyer, F.J. 1929. Systematische Anatomie der reduced to 1 or 3 simple longitudinal veins, cross-
Monokotyledonen. 4. Farinosae. Berlin: Borntraeger.
Stevenson, D.W., Loconte, H. 1995. Cladistic analysis of
veins often present; margin entire with or without
monocot families. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.P., spines, fiat to undulate or crisped; apex with or
Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and without spines. Squamulae intravaginales usually
evolution, vol. 2. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 543-578. 2-10 or more, or rarely 1 in each leaf axil. Inflores-
Yadav, S.R., Janarthanam, M.K. 1995. Trithuria konkanensis cence scapose or sessile, developing within 1 or 2,
(Hydatellaceae), eine neue Art aus Indien. Aqua-Planta 3:
free or united, prophylls (bracts) collectively
called a spathe; spathes submerged or emergent,
membranous to coriaceous, armed or unarmed,
winged or unwinged, persistent or evanescent,
containing 1-100 or more flowers, arranged in 1-
3 monochasia or with more complex systems be-
low the terminal flower; scape when present often
curving or spiralising and thus pulling the devel-
oping fruits under water. Flowers bisexual or uni-
sexual; actinomorphic or with a tendency to
zygomorphy in ontogeny (clear in Nechamandra,
Maidenia and Vallisneria); male flowers borne on
evanescent pedicels or abscising from parent be-
fore anthesis; bisexual flowers often cleistoga-
mous. Sepals 3 or very rarely absent, free,
caducous or persisting in fruit. Petals 3 or less or
occasionally absent, minute to large and showy,
not persisting. Stamens fertile or staminodial, in
Hydrocharitaceae 235

up to ± 6 whorls of3 or sometimes more or less, in associated with flowering. This trend is taken to
some plants reduced to 1; staminodia very vari- an extreme in Enhalus, Halophila, Hydrocharis,
able in number, form and function depending on Stratiotes, Thalassia and some species of Blyxa
pollination mechanism; anthers basifixed or and Vallisneria, where the leaves are borne in con-
dorsifixed, with 1-4 microsporangia or by fusion tracted rosettes and the rosettes are joined by
apparently 6-locular. Nectaries, when present, leafless or almost leafless runners. This latter
usually 3, rarely more, borne at the bases of the growth form is probably near to the primitive
styles or stylodia (probably androecial in origin). condition in the Hydrocharitaceae. In most
Ovary inferior, sometimes apocarpous, 3-20-(or species of Ottelia (Fig. 62) and some of Blyxa the
more)-carpellate; placentas parietal with or with- stem is monocarpic and remains contracted and
out dissepiments; styluli or style branches 3-20 or cormlike without developing runners. Thalassia,
more, simple or forked; stigmas Dry, papillose; Enhalus and some species of Ottelia develop
ovules few to numerous; amphitropous, anatro- persistent rhizomes.
pous or atropous, placentation laminar, the ovule The leaves are usually spirodistichous or disti-
position often varies from ovule to ovule within a chous and usually 1 row is barren while the other
carpel; pistillodium of male flowers when present is capable of developing vegetative or floral buds.
usually 3-lobed, the lobes often divided, in ento- The arrangement of branches on species with
mophilous species often nectarial. Fruit a berry or whorled leaves is complex and suggests that the
a somewhat fleshy or membranous to coriaceous whorled condition is derived from a spirodis-
capsule dehiscing regularly or breaking up at ma- tichous one. The leaves may be simple and
turity. Seeds ellipsoidal to cylindrical or fusiform, bandlike or complex with median or lateral
smooth or with highly complex outer testa, exal- stipules, petioles and blades which vary from lin-
buminous, or (Ottelia) with scanty endosperm; at ear to orbicular or cordate. Most species show a
time of germination the embryo often with several distinct heteroblastic development with linear
leaves; at germination the seedling usually with a juvenile leaves. However, in some genera such
well-developed hypocotyl and radicle; hypocotyl Hydrocharis and Limnobium, the very first leaves
often with unicellular hairs. show clearly differentiated blades and traces of
A cosmopolitan family with 17 genera, of which stipules in the petiolar region.
3 are marine, and about 76 species.
VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The vegetative anatomy
VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. Seeds of all species has been reviewed by Tomlinson (1982), largely
germinate under water; the seedling morphology based on the work of Ancibor (1979). Although
has been reviewed by Tillich (1995). Considering relatively few species have been studied in detail,
that all members of the family are aquatic, there is outstanding features are: the presence of vessels
an enormous diversity in growth form. The mor- with oblique scalariform plates in the roots of
phology of the shoot is frequently complex and some species, the presence of specialised and en-
has led to considerable controversy (Montesantos larged root-hair initial cells and the presence of
1913; Wilder 1974a,b, 1975; Brunaud 1976, 1977; inverted vascular bundles in the leaves of some
Tomlinson 1982; Cook and Ltiond 1982a,b,c, 1983; species. The latter discovery has led to discussion
Cook and Urmi-Konig 1983a,b,c; Cook et al. 1983; on the nature of the leaf in monocotyledonous
Yeo et al. 1984; Cook 1985). The genera Apalan- plants. Contrary to Dahlgren et al. (1985), not
the, Appertiella, Egeria, Elodea, Hydrilla and all genera have trichoblasts. Limnobium
Lagarosiphon (Fig. 60) are essentially similar in possesses strange, layered root caps which are
possessing erect, elongate stems with simple, readily shed.
estipulate and apetiolate leaves borne at more or
less constant distances along the stem. Some INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. The inflorescence
species show stem and leaf polymorphism and structure has been reviewed by Kaul (1970) and
develop horizontal runners which may bear re- Wilder (1974a,b). Limnobium is usually consid-
duced, scalelike leaves; in addition some develop ered to represent the archetype of the Hydro-
specialised hibernacula which are modified stems charitaceae: the main axis terminating in a flower
and/or leaves. Nechamandra, Maidenia and some bears 2 (or occasionally 3 or rarely 1) monochasia.
species of Vallisneria (Fig. 61) and Blyxa are es- Within the family trends are seen in reduction to
sentially similar to the above group but the leaves single flowers and to increasing sexual dimor-
are often unequally spaced along the stem and phism. A frequent pattern in the family is to have
there is a tendency to have truncated internodes solitary female flowers and numerous male
236 Hydrocharitaceae

~ c

' • F

l 0
N 2

Fig. 60A-P. Hydrocharitaceae. A-C Egeria densa. A Flower- muscoides. J Leafy shoot. K Staminate flower at anthesis. L
ing shoot. B Staminate flower. C Pistillate flower. D-F Elodea Pistillate flower. M-P Nechamandra a/ternifolia. M Leafy
canadensis. D Leafy shoot with a staminate flower. E Stami- shoot with pistillate flowers. N Pistillate flower. 0 Staminate
nate flower. F Pistillate flower. G-1 Hydrilla verticillata. G flower. P Two spathes of staminate flowers showing the
Leafy shoot with pistillate flowers. H Staminate flower squamulae intravaginales. (Orig. C.D.K. Cook)
after shedding pollen. I Pistillate flower. J-L Lagarosiphon
H ydrocharitaceae 237

Fig. 61A-N. Hydrocharitaceae. A-C Maidenia rubra. A plant with flower and young fruit. 1-L Thalassia testudinum. I
Plant with pistillate flowers. B Staminate inflorescence. C Pis- Sterile shoot. JStaminate flower. K Pistillate flower. L Fruit. M,
tillate flower. D-G Vallisneria spiralis. D Pistillate plant. E N Halophila ovalis. M Plant with pistillate flower. N Staminate
Staminate flower. F Pistillate flower. G Staminate inflores- flower. (Orig. C.D.K. Cook)
cence releasing flower buds. H Enhalus acoroides, pistillate
238 Hydrocharitaceae

Fig. 62A-G. Hydrocharitaceae. A Ottelia a/simoides, habit. B, bract, a similar situation is sometimes found in
C Hydrocharis morsus-ranae. B Habit. C Branched stamens. D, Limnobium. Normally, the spathe consists of 2
E Limnobium laevigatum. D Habit. E Staminate flower at an-
thesis. F, G Blyxa aubertii. F Habit. G Inflorescence. (Orig. bracts, in Halophila, Hydrocharis, Limnobium and
C.D.K. Cook) Stratiotes they are free; in all other genera they are
congenitally united (in Enhalus they separate later
and appear to be free at anthesis).

flowers arranged in complex inflorescences. FLOWER STRUCTURE AND FLORAL ANATOMY.

Within the inflorescence the individual flowers The family shows a wide range of floral types, re-
are sometimes subtended by bracteoles or the flecting a spectacular diversity of pollination
bracteoles are lacking. The total inflorescence is mechanisms which will be dealt with later. Of par-
borne within a spathe. In Hydrocharis the spathe ticular interest is the morphological and physi-
of the female inflorescence is reduced to a single ological elaboration of staminodia which may play
Hydrocharitaceae 239

roles in the visual or olfactory attraction of insects, 2n = 16 and 2n = 99, 100 and 101 have been
the feeding of by nectar secretion or they may reported while for Stratiotes 2n = 24, 40-50, 48,
act as sails which aid the transportation of male 60-64 have been recorded. Within single, well-
flowers. The anthers may be introrse, latrorse or defined species there is often considerable varia-
extrorse; sometimes the anther wall disintegrates; tion, for example, Hydrocharis dubia 2n = 14, 16,
endothecial fibres are often absent altogether. In 20 and 22; the most extreme species is Ottelia
many genera the female flowers are separated alismoides, which has 2n = 22, 28, 38, 42, 44, 48,
from the gynoecium by a long hypanthium. The 50, 52, 55, 60, 64, 66, 68, 72, 110 and 132; however,
hypanthium often also assumes the function of the the somatic numbers 66 (12 counts) and 44 (7
pedicel. There is some evidence, in spite of epi- counts) and haploid numbers 33 (8 counts) and 22
gyny, that the carpels may in some genera be (5 counts) are the most frequent. All attempts at
apocarpous. Important accounts of floral anatomy correlating chromosome number with morpho-
have been written by Singh {1966a,b), Kaul {1968), logical, ecological or geographical features have
Tomlinson {1969), Cook et al. {1981), McConchie failed (Cook and Urmi-Konig 1983b). Hydrilla
(1983), McConchie and Kadereit {1987). The seed verticillata has 2n = 16,24 and 32. Nakamura and
coat structure of several genera has been investi- Kadono {1993), after investigating 263 strains, re-
gated by Shaffer-Fehre {1991). ported that dioecious strains had either 16 or 24
chromosomes (the triploid was more common);
EMBRYOLOGY. The division of the pollen mother the monoecious strains were all tetraploid (2n =
cell is of the successive type. The pollen grains are 24) in Japan; in SE Asia, India and the USA diploid
generally 3-celled, more rarely 2-celled when shed. monoecious strains have been reported. Early
The ovule is anatropous, bitegmic and crassinu- reports of sex chromosomes in Elodea and
cellar (atropous in Nechmandra and Vallisneria) Hydrilla are not substantiated by more recent
and the embryo sac of the Polygonum type. work.
Emdosperm formation is Helobial and free-
nuclear divisions take place in the micropylar POLLINATION. The floral biology of the Hydro-
chamber, which, after wall formation, gives rise to charitaceae is fascinating and sometimes spec-
the endosperm proper (Davis 1966). tacular, Cook {1982) reviewed the subject. There
are 5 major mechanisms:
PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. The pollen of all genera
has been recently examined (Cook and Liiond 1. Insect-pollinated with enticement. The flowers
1982a,b,c, 1983; Cook and Urmi-Konig 1983a,b,c, have large showy petals, osmophores and necta-
1984, 1985; Cook et al. 1983; Cook 1985; and ries; the male and female flowers are essentially
unpubl.; Takahashi 1994); contrary to some other alike. The genera Apalanthe, Egeria, Hydrocharis
published accounts, the pollen is inaperturate, and Ottelia (Fig. 62) have sweet-smelling flowers
spherical or nearly so, smooth or sculptured. The while Stratiotes has a foul smell not unlike rotting
exine is often very thin and reduced. The pollen of meat. Hydrocharis is described in detail by
insect-pollinated species is echinate, of sub- Scribailo and Poluszny {1983).
merged-pollinated species smooth and of water-
surface-pollinated species variable but usually 2. Insect-pollinated but without enticement. This
somewhat verrucose. In some species of Elodea mode of pollination is found in some species of
the pollen is liberated in tetrads. In Halophila and Blyxa, described in detail by Cook et al. {1981).
Thalassia it is liberated in moniliform chains held The flowers lack scent and nectar and show ex-
together by mucilage. treme sexual dimorphism. In the male flowers the
pollen is deposited on the adaxial surface of cylin-
KARYOLOGY. In general, the karyotypes are rela- drical petals. The female flowers superficially
tively asymmetrical and usually have large and resemble those of the male but the petals are
small chromosomes. There is considerable polyp- reduced to filamentous threads and the stigmas
loidy 2n = 14 to 2n = 132 but also frequent aneu- resemble the petals of the male flowers in form,
ploidy. It is therefore difficult to determine exact colour and position. The petals in the males and
base numbers: x = 7? Enhalus; x = 8 Egeria, the stigmas in the females exude a fluid and the
Elodea, Hydrilla; x = 9? Halophila; x = 11 wetted pollen is transferred from male to the fe-
Lagarosiphon, Ottelia. The genus Blyxa probably male on the feet of carnivorous or scavenging in-
has both x = 8 and 9 and V allisneria perhaps x = sects. The insect density by pools in the tropics is
8 and 10. For the monotypic genera Nechamandra often very high and the flowers of Blyxa offer con-
240 H ydrocharitaceae

venient perching places for them. Pollination is marine genus Enhalus is, in principle, like
efficient in spite of the fact that the flowers are not V allisneria, except that the petals in the female
attractive and offer insects no enticement and no flowers are relatively large and water-repellent.
reward. The male flowers are attracted to the water-
repellent petals and as the tide rises or a wave
3. Pollinated at the water surface. This group can passes, the male flowers are tipped onto the stig-
be further subdivided. mas and enclosed by the unwettable petals within
an air bubble. In Vallisneria americana the male
3a. Pollen deposited on the water surface. In the flowers are also tipped into the females as waves
species of Elodea with unisexual flowers the pollen pass, for details see Svedelius (1932).
grains are unwettable and are liberated from the
anthers either singly or in tetrads and come to 4. Pollen transferred through air. In Limnobium
float on the surface of the water (Fig. 60D-F). The (Fig. 62D,E), described in detail by Cook and
female flowers lie on the surface of the water. The Urmi-Konig (1983c), the male flowers are held
sepals are water-repellent, which causes local above the females. Pollen is liberated from the
changes in the surface tension, with the result that anthers, where it is either directly blown away or
pollen is drawn towards the stigmas lying on the falls onto the spreading sepals where it may be
surface. The marine genus Halophila is usually further transported by wind or fall as the sepals
considered to be pollinated under water but Cox wither. In Hydrilla (Fig. 60G-I) the pollination is
and Knox (1989) have shown in H. ovalis that the very specialised and, in detail, very complex (Cook
strings of pollen, although liberated under water, and Li.iond 1982a). The male flower buds are liber-
are negatively buoyant and may be pollinated at ated from the parent plant and, under the right
the surface. conditions, open explosively on the water surface.
The pollen is scattered in the air and comes to lie
3b. Pollen transferred directly from the male in a circle of about 20 em or more in diameter on
flower to the female. In Appertiella, Enhalus, the water surface. The female flowers look like
Lagarosiphon, Maidenia, Nechamandra and inverted bells or wine glasses which are under
Vallisneria the male flowers are liberated as buds water below and open to the air above. The inside
from the parent plant. The pedicels of the male is hydrophobic and the outside is hydrophilic. The
flowers have a well-differentiated abscission layer. perianth segments are limp which means if the
After liberation, the buds float to the surface and water level rises or a wave passes, the flower
then open in air on the surface of the water. The closes, embracing an air bubble only to open again
sepals and in some species also the petals are later. The stigmas are very small and remain dry.
unwettable and reflexed, forming the "hull" of a Only pollen that is released from the anther and
small boat. In Appertiella, Lagarosiphon (Fig. 60L) reaches the stigma directly is effective in pollina-
and Nechamandra the anthers are dorsifixed to tion. The pollen grains which land on the surface
relatively long filaments which are held horizon- of the water are lost for reproductive purposes.
tal. The anther wall is very thin and disintegrates
before anthesis; the pollen grains stick loosely to 5. Pollinated below the water surface. The marine
the filament and are thus exposed for contact with genera Halophila and Thalassia have wettable pol-
the stigma. In the female flowers the perianth seg- len. In comparison with other Hydrocharitaceae,
ments are spreading and unwettable and float on the flowers are very reduced with uniseriate peri-
the surface of the water; the stigmas are held above anths or perianth rudiments. The anthers are rela-
the surface of the water. Pollination takes place tively large and almost sessile. The pollen grains
when the anther comes in contact with a stigma. In are spherical but embedded in a gelatinous mass,
Lagarosiphon erect and papillose staminodia apparently of thecal origin and liberated in
function as sails transporting male flowers over moniliform chains. The process of pollination has
considerable distances. In the genera Maidenia been documented for Thalassia testudinum (Fig.
and Vallisneria (Fig. 61E) the male flowers are 611-M) by Cox and Tomlinson (1988) and for
very small with 1 or 2 erect stamens. The female Halophila ovalis (Fig. 61M,N) by Cox and Knox
flowers lie horizontally on the surface of the water. (1989); the latter species may also be pollinated at
In many botanical texts they are erroneously illus- the surface.
trated in a vertical position. Through locally in-
duced changes in the surface tension brought FRUIT AND SEED DISPERSAL. In some species of
about by wettable and unwettable parts, they Ottelia the fruit dehisces regularly and the seeds
attract male flowers to the stigmatic region. The are liberated in a pulpy mass (not unlike a small
Hydrocharitaceae 241

banana); this pulpy mass is readily eaten by fish, vegetative spread. Some invading species are rep-
who perhaps play or role in dispersal. In most resented by a single sex outside their native range,
other genera the fruit dehisces irregularly or is for example: Egeria densa - male, Elodea cana-
indehiscent. In Halophila, Hydrocharis, Limno- densis - female, Lagarosiphon major - female,
bium, and Stratiotes the fruit is somewhat fleshy Stratiotes aloides - female, and Vallisneria spiralis
and is perhaps eaten by animals. In Hydrilla and -female.
perhaps also in Apalanthe, Appertiella, Elodea and The seeds of most species germinate under
Lagarosiphon the long, thin few-seeded fruits be- water only and have simple, linear or triangular
come separated from the mother plant and repre- juvenile leaves; the hypocotyl often possesses spe-
sent the dispersal units. In the remaining genera cialised anchoring hairs. The seeds of Hydrocharis
the dispersal units are seeds. The seeds may be and Limnobium germinate at the water surface; at
smooth or have a very complex testa (Shaffer- first, the testa is shed and the seedling floats on the
Fehre 1991). Within some species, such as Blyxa surface. The very young seedling looks like a
aubertii or B. japonica, the seeds are highly poly- Lemna or a Salvinia prothallium with the flat,
morphic (Cook and Liiond 1983) and it is interest- rounded upper surface emerging above the air-
ing that the smooth seeds are dispersed singly water interface. In these two genera the first and
while the spiny seeds are bound together and dis- all later foliage leaves have broad, expanded leaf
persed in groups. In Hydrilla, where the fruit is the blades. Throughout the family the radicle emerges
dispersal unit, there is considerable polymor- first at germination but it is short-lived and soon
phism with smooth, spiny or hooked fruits (Cook replaced by adventitious roots.
and Liiond 1982a). The embryo is relatively large
with a massive hypocotyl and in some genera, PHYTOCHEMISTRY. The family follows the gen-
such as Ottelia and Stratiotes, has several foliage eral chemical pattern of Alismatales in containing
leaves already developed before germination; it is caffeic acid derivatives, hemicellulosis-bound
usually more or less straight but distinctly curved apiose, flavones and C-gylcosyl flavones; flavonols
in Halophila. and proanthocyanins are rare, and cyanogenic
compounds recorded from Hydrocharis and
REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. There is an unconvinc- Vallisneria (Hegnauer 1963, 1986). In Elodea fla-
ing suggestion that Halophila stipulacea may be vone glucuronides are specific markers at the level
agamospermous (Cook 1982). The rest of the fam- of species (Mues 1983). Cell wall-bound ferulate is
ily is almost certainly amphimictic. Among the absent from unlignified cell walls.
monoecious species there is no evidence of genetic
incompatibility, in fact the opposite seems to be RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE FAMILY. There
the case, as many species are highly autogamous have been various and different treatments, and
and some even develop specialised cleistogamous even suggestions of splitting the family into five
flowers. The number of perfectly dioecious species separate families. There are some clearly delim-
is unknown. It is difficult to ascertain, as many ited phenetic groupings. (1) Limnobium, Hydro-
monoecious species develop male and female charis, Ottelia and Stratiotes, called here the
flowers on separate branches or at different times. Limnobium group. (2) Vallisneria, Maidenia,
For example, in Limnobium the 1st foliar inter- Nechamandra - the Vallisneria group, closely
node in a rosette has the epigenetic competence followed by: (3) Apalanthe, Appertiella, Laga-
for developing female inflorescences, the 2nd rosiphon, Hydrilla, Elodea, Egeria - the Elodea
internode is barren and the 3rd internode may group. The marine genus Enhalus is usually
develop female or male inflorescences. In appar- placed near Vallisneria because it has a similar
ently perfect dioecious species, occasional bi- pollination mechanism. Thalassia and Halophila,
sexual flowers are found, and in some species such also marine, show reductions in many morpho-
as Ottelia alismoides there is polygamy with fe- logical and anatomical features. Most previous
male, male or bisexual plants. In some dioecious authors have regarded them as separate and inde-
species, such as Blyxa octandra (see Cook et al. pendent groups. However, in spite of reductions,
1981) there are often at least 10 male plants to each they show features that intimate affinities to the
female in natural populations. Limnobium group. Blyxa stands more or less
Several species develop specialised hibernacula alone; in mariy ways it could be considered the
or turions which may allow cold or dry periods to archetype for the family.*
be bridged; these organs may also play an impor-
tant role in dispersal. However, even without *A recent work by Les eta!. (1997) using rbcL sequence data
specialised organs, several species show efficient suggests a different arrangement of genera.
242 H ydrocharitaceae

AFFINITIES. The Hydrocharitaceae are certainly 1 mm each 7 million years. The genus Stratiotites
correctly placed in the Alismatidae. They show Heer from the Tertiary of Switzerland is not
clear affinities to the Butomaceae, Alismataceae, assignable to the Hydrocharitaceae; it is perhaps
Aponogetonaceae on one side and the Najadaceae a member of the Lythraceae. The genus Cerato-
on the other. Examination of the seed coat in the stratiotes H.-J. Gregor from the Early Miocene of
Alismatidae by Shaffer-Fehre (1991) and an analy- N Austria is an independent genus now extinct; it
sis of DNA sequence data from the chloroplast is assigned to the Hydrocharitaceae and is in many
gene rbcL by Les et al. (1993) indicate that the ways like Blyxa; D.H. Les (pers. comm.) is of the
Najadaceae have a much closer relationship to opinion that it belongs to the Ceratophyllaceae.
Hydrocharitaceae than to the other families of the The genus Hydrochartites C. A. Weber from the
"N ajadales" (Cymodoceaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Miocene in N Germany and the species Hydro-
Ruppiaceae, Scheuchzeriaceae, Zannichelliaceae, mystria expansa (Heer) Hantke described from
Zosteraceae). The decision ofShaffer-Fehre (1991) the Tertiary of Switzerland are almost certainly
to place the genus Najas in the Hydrocharitaceae assignable to Hydrocharis as we know it today -
is not supported by many other morphological they closely resemble Hydrocharis dubia, a species
characters. The family Hydrocharitaceae takes a found today in Asia. The fragments reported as
somewhat basic and central position among the Ottelia from the Eocene of France and the
Alismatales. V allisneria from the Miocene of France are of
uncertain identity.
charitaceae are cosmopolitan. Their presence in EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. Most genera have in-
New Zealand is due to fairly recent introductions. vaded new regions in historical times and have
The centre of generic diversity is tropical sometimes become serious and pernicious weeds.
Asia closely followed by tropical Africa. At the Elodea canadensis invaded Europe from N
level of species, the centre is tropical Africa. All America and became a serious pest at the end of
species are obligately aquatic, they need free- the last century and the beginning of this one;
standing water for germination. They are found in since the 1940s it is being replaced by another ~
a very wide range of aquatic habitats from oceans American species, E. nuttallii. The S American
to seasonal pools in all but the very coldest species E. callitrichoides has also become estab-
climatic zones. lished in Europe but is not considered to be a pest.
Lagarosiphon major, from southern Africa, has
PARASITES. The genus Hydrilla has been thor- become a very serious pest in New Zealand and a
oughly investigated for insects that may be valu- local nuisance in Europe, particularly in Germany
able in biological control. The following feed on and Switzerland. Hydrilla verticillata, an Asian
Hydrilla: the moth Paraponyx diminutalis which species, has become established in many regions
also feeds on Vallisneria and Potamogeton, and of the world and has become a very serious pest in
Acentropus niveus, a leaf-mining fly Hydrellia the southern parts of the USA. Egeria densa from
pakistanae, a stem-boring weevil, Bagous cf. temperate S America has become a local nuisance
limosus, a tuber-boring weevil, Bagous affinis. inN America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
This latter species is apparently endemic to the Hydrocharis morsus-ranae from Europe is spread-
hibernacula of Hydrilla and has been used in ing actively in eastern Canada at the moment and
biological control (Langland 1990). Stratiotes sup- is blocking canals and side waters. Asiatic species
ports but is not parasitised by an endemic dragon- of Blyxa and Ottelia have established themselves
fly (Odonata) Aeschna viridis (Miinchberg 1956), as weeds in rice fields and irrigation ditches in
which lays its eggs in the leaf tissue and the larvae Africa, Europe and N America; however, they are
hunt their prey in the rosettes. not considered to be serious pests. The genus
Vallisneria from southern Europe is spreading in
PALAEOBOTANY. The genus Stratiotes has an un- northern Europe in heated effluents but has not
broken fossil record going back to the Middle yet been reported to be a pest; in parts of India
Eocene; there are 15 extinct species which are where it is native it is a serious pest in irrigation
summarised by Cook and Urmi-Konig (1983a). canals. The marine species Halophila stipulacea
The genus Stratiotes is represented over the last 48 entered the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal,
million years by an enormous amount of fossil soon after the latter was opened in 1869; it is still
material. It is the lack of variation which is sur- spreading eastwards, but is not considered to be
prising; the seeds have increased in length about undesirable.
Hydrocharitaceae 243

Most species are of considerable importance as - Petals rudimentary or relatively insignificant, scarcely
shelter or food for the local fauna. The leaves and wider than the sepals; styles simple 5. Blyxa
12. Leaves confined to basal rosettes; sterns dimorphic (with
inflorescences of Ottelia, especially 0. cordata, are horizontal runners and erect contracted sterns); female
offered for sale in markets for human consump- flowers borne on long pedicels 14. Vallisneria
tion is SE Asia. Most other species are used locally - Leaves cauline or sometimes bunched on elongated sterns;
as green manure or as fodder for livestock. sterns monomorphic; female flowers sessile, borne on long
hypanthia 12. Ne~hamandra
13. At least the middle and upper leaves arranged m whorls of
KEY TO THE GENERA 3 or more 14
- All foliage leaves arranged spirally or in pairs 18
1. Leaves clearly differentiated into petiole and blade when
14. Squarnulae intravaginales fringed with fingerlike, orange-
mature 2
brown hairs; styles simple and very much shorter than the
- Leaves never differentiated into petiole and blade 5
sepals; petals in male flowers linear 9. Hydrilla
2. Stipules absent; branched roots absent 3
- Squarnulae intravaginales with entire margins; styl~s
- Stipules present (lateral or median); branched roots
branched or if simple then longer than the sepals; petals m
usually present 4
the male flowers rudimentary or not linear
3. Leaves much more than 3crn long; sterns contracted and
15. Leaves crowned by 2 spine cells, each larger than the mar-
corrnlike; perianth clearly biseriate with sepals and petal.s;
ginal spine cells; male flowers liberated from the mother
freshwater 1. Ottella
plant, each with 3, erect, papillose starninodes
- Leaves rarely exceeding 3 ern long; sterns elongate and 11. Lagarosiphon
branched; perianth uniseriate or absent; marine
- Leaves not crowned by enlarged spine cells, all spine cells
17. Halophila
about the same size; male flowers liberated or remaining
4. Petals large and showy, clearly exceeding the sepals in attached to the mother plant, without starninodes 16
length· inner stamens adnate in pairs. Old World
16. Petals inconspicuous, rarely exceeding the sepals or
' 3. Hydrocharis
absent; flowers without nectaries 8. Elodea
- Petals not large and showy, scarcely exceeding the sepals
- Petals showy, at least twice as large as the sepals; flowers
in length; stamens not united in pairs. New World 17
with nectaries
4. Limnobium
17. Flowers bisexual; stamens 3; prophylls free and lateral or
5. Leaves arranged in rosettes or in bunches on contracted
somewhat oblique; leaves without idioblasts; leaf margins
internodes 6
with fibre cells 6. Apalanthe
- Leaves arranged in regular and repeating patterns along
- Flowers unisexual (plants dioecious); stamens 9; prophylls
elongated sterns 13
united at base, median; leaves with colourless idioblasts;
6. Leaves rigid, narrowly triangular to linear, with conspicu- 7. Egeria
leaf margins without fibre cells
ous, hard spines on the margins; entire plant rising to the 18. Leaves threadlike (Australia) 13. Maidenia
water surface to flower and then sinking and perennating - Leaves flattened, more or less ribbonlike 19
under water; spathe of 2 free bracts 2. Stratiotes
19. Leaves crowned by 2 spine cells, each larger than the
- Leaves flaccid, without hard spines on the margins (mar- 20
marginal spine cells
gins sometimes minutely serrate or if spiny then spines
Leaves not crowned by enlarged spine cells, all spine cells
soft); entire plant not rising to the water surface to flower; more or less the same size 21
spathe of 2, united bracts . . 7 20. Male flowers with 6 fertile stamens and lacking
7. Plants rhizomatous (horizontal axes wholly buned m the starninodes; female flowers with a uniseriate perianth
substrate, relatively thick, fleshy and with short intern- 10. App~rtiella
(3 sepals)
odes); marine 8
- Male flowers with 3 fertile stamens and 3 erect starnmodes;
- Plants not rhizomatous (horizontal axes if present not
female flowers with a biseriate perianth (3 sepals and 3
wholly buried in the substrate, thin or, if thick and _fleshy, 11. Lagarosiphon
then short, rarely more than 5 ern long); rnanne or 21. Leaf bases not clasping the stern; female flowers borne on
freshwater 9
long, flexible peduncles; hypanthia absent 14. Valli~neria
8. Rhizomes monomorphic, bearing foliage leaves at the
Leaf bases clasping the stern; female flowers sessile or
apex; flowers rising to the water surface for anthesis; leaf 22
subsessile; hypanthia elongate and flexible
veins in 2 series, the adaxial series inverted 15. Enhalus
22. Midrib ofleaf prominent; male flowers attached to mother
- Rhizomes dimorphic, with extended, horizontal, scale plant; styles entire and more or less cylindrical
bearing long shoots and erect, foliage bearing short shoots; 5. Blyxa
flowers wholly submerged; leaf veins in a single series - Midrib of leaf not prominent; male flowers liberated from
16. Thalassia
mother plant, free-floating; styles flattened and irregularly
9. Marine; each internode of the horizontal axis developing 2, 12. Nechamandra
equally sized, scalelike leaves, one embracing the axis the
other embracing a lateral but often undeveloped sho?t;
pollination under or at the water surf~ce 17. Halop~lla
- Freshwater; horizontal axes absent or If present then With-
out 2, equally sized, scalelike leaves at each internode; Genera of Hydrocharitaceae
pollination at or above the water _surface . . 10
10. Leaves spirally arranged, not obviOusly distichous 11 1. Ottelia Persoon Fig. 62A
- Leaves distichous (clearly in 2 rows even if spirally wound)
12 Ottelia Persoon, Syn. Pl. 1: 400 (1805); Cook, Syrnoens &
11. Petals large and showy, much wider than the sepals; styles Urrni-Konig, Aquat. Bot. 18: 263-274 (1983); Cook & Urrni-
bifid 1. Ottelia Konig, Aquat. Bot. 20: 131-177 (1983), rev.
244 Hydrocharitaceae

Polygamous (monoecious, dioecious or trio- berry or berrylike capsule. 2n = 14, 16, 20, 22, 28.
ecious), freshwater annuals or perennials. Roots Three spp., temperate and subtropical Eurasia,
unbranched. Stems contracted but sometimes and tropical Africa, H. morsus-ranae L.
creeping. Leaves distichous or spirodistichous, naturalised in N America.
without stipules, usually radical; juvenile leaves
linear, submerged; adult leaves usually differenti- 4. Limnobium Rich. Fig. 62D,E
ated into petiole and blade, with or without spines;
their blades submerged or floating, from linear to Limnobium Rich., Mem. Cl. Sci. Math. Phys. Inst. Imp. France
orbicular or cordate. Flowers numerous or soli- 12 (2): 66, t. 8 (dated 1812, published 1814); Cook & Urmi-
tary. Petals large and showy or reduced in cleisto- Ktinig, Aquat. Bot. 17: 1-27 (1983), rev.
gamous flowers. Stamens 3-15, in female flowers
all staminodial but in male and bisexual flowers Monoecious, freshwater perennials. Roots
some usually staminodial. Carpels 3-20 or more; branched. Stems contracted and bearing leaves or
fruit a fleshy capsule; seeds numerous released in elongate and leafless. Leaves scalelike or differen-
a pulpy mass. 2n = 22, 28, 38, 42, 44, 48, 50, 52, 55, tiated into stipule, petiole and blade; stipule
60, 64, 66, 68, 72, 110, 132. Twenty one spp., tropi- median; blade floating or sometimes emergent.
cal and subtropical Africa, Asia, Australasia and S Flowers unisexual, pedicelled, the females borne
America, 0. alismoides (L.) Persoon naturalised in singly, the males in complex cymes. Petals 3,
Europe and N America. scarcely exceeding the sepals, rudimentary or
absent in some female flowers. Hypanthium ab-
sent. Stamens in 1-6 whorls of 3. Ovary of 3-9
2. Stratiotes L. carpels; fruit a berrylike capsule. 2n = 26-30. Two
spp., temperate and tropical America.
Stratiotes L., Sp. Pl.: 535 (1753); Cook & Urmi-Ktinig, Aquat.
Bot. 16: 213-249 (1983), rev.
5. Blyxa Thouars ex Rich Fig. 62F,G
Dioecious, freshwater perennial, submerged in
Blyxa Thouars ex Rich., Mem. Cl. Sci. Math. Phys. Inst. Imp.
winter, rising to the surface to flower. Roots France 12 (2): 19-23, 77 (dated 1812, published 1814); Cook
simple, rarely attached to the substrate. Stems & Li.itind, Aquat. Bot. 15: 1-52 (1983), rev.
contracted, complexly branched; branches run-
nerlike; bearing terminal buds which may func- Monoecious or dioecious, freshwater annuals or
tion as hibernacula. Leaves spirotristichous, in a perennials. Roots unbranched. Stems either elon-
rosette, rigid, sessile, inear or narrowly triangular, gate or contracted. Leaves submerged, spirally
with spinous-serrate margins. Male inflorescence arranged, flat, ribbonlike, not differentiated into
3- to 6-flowered, female 1- or rarely 2-flowered. stipule, petiole and blade, midrib usually pro-
Petals showy. Stamens in male flowers up to 41, minent, margin usually minutely toothed. Inflo-
the inner 5-17 fertile; female flowers with 15-30 rescence with 1-22 or more flowers. Petals
staminodes. Ovary of 3-6 carpels; fruit a berrylike band-shaped, capillary or rudimentary. Stamens
capsule. 2n = ±20 - ±64. Only one sp., S. aloides 3, 6 or 9, all fertile, in female flowers staminodes
L., Europe and Central Asia. minute. Ovary of 3 carpels, distally elongated into
a hypanthium in bisexual and female flowers; fruit
3. Hydrocharis L. Fig. 62B,C an elongated, irregularly dehiscent capsule; seeds
smooth or spiny. 2n = 16, 18, 32, 42, 48, 72. Nine
Hydrocharis L., Sp. Pl.: 1036 (1753); Cook & Li.itind, Aquat. spp., tropical Old World, naturalised inN America
Bot. 14: 177-204, (1982), rev. and Europe.
Monoecious, freshwater perennial. Roots bran-
ched. Stems contracted and bearing leaves or 6. Apalanthe Planchon
elongate and leafless. Leaves scalelike or differen- Apalanthe Planchon, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. II, 1: 87 (1848);
tiated into stipules, petiole and blade; stipules Cook, Aquat. Bot. 21: 157-164 (1985), rev.
either 2 lateral or 1 median; blades floating or
rarely emergent. Flowers unisexual, the females Monoecious, freshwater perennial or annual.
borne singly, the males in complex cymes. Petals Roots unbranched. Stems elongate, branched
3, showy, ±, orbicular. Hypanthium absent. Sta- regularly but at distant intervals. Leaves totally
mens in 4-6 whorls of 3. Ovary of 6 carpels; fruit a submerged, scalelike and opposite or foliate spiral
Hydrocharitaceae 245

or in whorls of 3-7 or more, alternate near the obovate; squamulae intravaginales paired (or
base of a stem or branch, sessile, linear to nar- more at branches). Inflorescences axillary. Male
rowly triangular, regularly spaced along the stem flowers solitary, floating on the water surface,
but contracted towards the apex, minutely attached by a thread-like pedicel or abscising as
serrulate, apex acute, terminating in a single buds; sepals 3; petals 3, rudimentary or absent;
spine; squamulae intravaginales paired (or more stamens 9 or sometimes less, staminodes absent.
at branches). Flowers solitary in leaf axils; spathe Female flowers solitary, subsessile but with a
of 2 united bracts. Flowers bisexual, solitary in threadlike hypanthium carrying the flower to the
spathes, held above the water surface on rigid hy- surface; perianth of 3 sepals and 3 elongate-ovate
panthia; sepals 3, reflexed; petals 3, spreading, petals spreading and floating, staminodes 3, clav-
showy, obovate to widely obovate; stamens 3; fila- ate. Carpels 3; fruit ellipsoidal, indehiscent; seeds
ments filiform; staminodes absent. Carpels 3; fruit cylindric to fusiform. 2n = 12?, 16?, 24,42-56. Five
ellipsoidal, irregularly dehiscent; seeds up to 7, spp., temperate America, naturalised in many
fusiform, covered with unicellular hairs. Only one parts of the Old World and Australasia (E.
sp., A. granatensis (Humb. and Bonpl.) Planchon, canadensis Michx. and E. nuttallii (Planchon) St.
tropical S America. John have become weeds in Europe, E Asia and
Australasia, E. callitrichoides (Rich.) Caspary is
naturalised in Europe).
7. Egeria Planchon Fig. 60A-C
Egeria Planchon, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris), III, 11: 79 (1849); Cook 9. Hydrilla Rich. Fig. 60G-I
& Urmi-Konig, Aquat. Bot. 19: 73-96 (1984), rev.
Hydrilla Rich., Mem. Cl. Sci. Math. Phys. Inst. Imp. Fr. 12 (2):
Dioecious, freshwater perennial or E. najas Plan- 9, 61, 73, t. 2 A-K (dated 1812, published 1814); Cook &
Liiond, Aquat. Bot. 13: 485-504 (1982), rev.
chon occasionally annual. Roots unbranched.
Stems elongate, irregularly branched. Leaves sub-
merged, scalelike and opposite or foliate in whorls Gynodioecious, in fresh or brackish water, peren-
of 3 or more, sessile, linear to widely lanceolate; nial or occasionally annual. Roots unbranched.
squamulae intravaginales paired (or more at Stems horizontal and stoloniferous below, erect
branches). Inflorescences axillary. Male flowers 2- and spreading above; bulbil-like hibernacula
4, held above the water surface on rigid pedicels; developing underground terminally on stolons,
sepals 3; petals 3, large and showy; stamens 9 or or terminally or axillary on erect stems or their
rarely more; filaments much longer than the an- branches. Leaves submerged, scalelike and oppo-
thers, staminodes absent; pistillodium 3-lobed. site or foliate in whorls of 3-12, sessile, linear to
Female flowers solitary, like males but with sta- lanceolate or rarely widely ovate; squamulae
mens replaced by 3 linear staminodes, with an intravaginales paired (or more at branches). Inflo-
elongate hypanthium bearing the flower above the rescences axillary. Male flowers solitary, small,
water surface. Carpels 3; fruit ellipsoidal, irregu- abscising as buds and opening explosively on the
larly dehiscent; seeds ellipsoidal. 2n = 48. Two water surface; sepals 3, reflexed; petals 3, reflexed;
spp., subtropical and temperate S America, E. stamens 3, staminodes absent. Female flowers
densa Planchon almost cosmopolitan m warm solitary, subsessile but with a long threadlike
regions by naturalisation. hypanthium carried to the surface; perianth of 3
sepals and 3 elongate-ovate petals, spreading and
floating; staminodes 3, minute. Carpels 3; fruit
8. Elodea Michx. Fig. 60D-F cylindrical, indehiscent; seeds rarely more than 5,
fusiform and smooth. 2n = 16, 24, 32. Only one
Elodea Michx., Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 20 (1803); Cook & Urmi-Konig,
Aquat. Bot. 21: 111-156, (1985), rev.
sp., H. verticillata (L. fil.) Royle, Old World,
naturalised in America, it has become a very
Dioecious or gynodioecious, freshwater perennial serious pest in southern USA.
or occasionally annual. Roots unbranched. Stems
horizontal and stoloniferous below, erect and 10. Appertiella C.D.K. Cook & L. Triest
spreading above; bulbil-like hibernacula develop-
Appertie/la C.D.K. Cook & L. Triest in Symoens, Hooper,
ing terminally or axillary on erect stems or their Compere, P. (eds), Studies on Aquatic Vascular Plants, Soc.
branches. Leaves submerged, scalelike and oppo- Roy. Bot. Belgique (Brussels): 75-79 (1982); Appert, Bot.
site or foliate in whorls of 3-8, sessile, linear to Helv. 106: 57-61 (distrib., bioi.).
246 Hydrocharitaceae

Dioecious, freshwater annual. Roots unbranched. 1.5-6 em long. Inflorescences axillary, often in
Stems elongate, sparsely and irregularly branched. clusters. Male flowers small, numerous, abscising
Leaves submerged, spirally arranged, contracted as buds; sepals 3, reflexed at anthesis; petal1 rudi-
towards the apex, sessile, narrowly triangular, up mentary or absent; staminode 1 or absent; sta-
to 10 em long and 2.5 mm wide. Inflorescences ax- mens 2, borne parallel to the water surface. Female
illary, the male pedunculate and globose contain- flowers solitary, sessile, with long threadlike hy-
ing 100 or more flowers, the female cylindrical panthia, floating on the surface at maturity; sepals
containing 1 sessile flower. Male flowers very 3; petals rudimentary or absent; staminodes
small, abscising as buds; sepals 3 reflexed at an the- rudimentary or absent. Ovary of 3 carpels; fruit
sis; stamens 6 all fertile and held parallel to the breaking irregularly; seeds numerous. 2n = 16, 99,
water surface. Female flowers sessile but with a 100, 101. Only one sp., N. alternifolia (Roxb. ex
long threadlike hypanthium carried to the surface; Wight) Thwaites, India and SE Asia, naturalised
sepals 3, spreading and floating; petals and in Sudan.
staminodes absent. Carpels 3; fruit a cylindrical
capsule; seeds ± 5, cylindrical. Only one sp., A.
hexandra C.D.K. Cook & L. Triest, Madagascar. 13. Maidenia Rendle Fig. 61A-C
Maidenia Rendle, J. Bot. (Lond.) 54: 313 (1916).

11. Lagarosiphon Harvey Fig. 60J-L

Monoecious or perhaps also dioecious, freshwater
Lagarosiphon Harvey, Hook. J. Bot. 4: 230 (1841); Symoens & annual or perhaps also perennial. Roots un-
Triest, Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat!. Belg. 53: 441-488 (1983), rev. branched. Stems elongated above, sometimes de-
veloping stolons or runners below. Leaves totally
Dioecious or rarely monoecious, freshwater pe- submerged, spirodistichous, threadlike, 2-3 em
rennials. Roots unbranched. Stems elongate, long. Inflorescences axillary, often in clusters
branched regularly, horizontal below and erect along the stem. Male flowers small, numerous,
above. Leaves submerged, spiral, subopposite or abscising as buds; sepals unequal, becoming re-
in whorls of 3 or more, scalelike and more or less flexed at anthesis; petals absent; staminode 1 or
triangular or foliate and linear{-lanceolate). Inflo- absent; stamen 1; anther 3-locular (probably de-
rescences axillary, the male pedunculate and rived from 3 united stamens), each locule with up
globose containing numerous flowers, the female to 8 pollen grains. Female flowers solitary, long
cylindrical containing 1 sessile flower. Male flow- pedicelled, floating on the surface at maturity;
ers small, abscising as buds; perianth of 3 sepals sepals 3; petals absent; staminodes 3. Ovary of 3
and 3 petals, reflexed at anthesis; stamens 6, 3 carpels; fruit breaking irregularly; seeds numer-
fertile and held parallel to the water surface and 3 ous, ellipsoidal, up to 2 mm long. Only one sp., M.
papillose staminodes held vertically and function- rubra Rendle, NW Australia.
ing as sails. Female flowers sessile but with long
threadlike hypanthia carrying the flowers to the
surface; perianth of3 sepals and 3 petals spreading 14. V allisneria L. Fig. 61D-G
and floating; staminodes 3, linear. Plants with Vallisneria L., Sp. Pl.: 1015 (1753); Lowden, Aquat. Bot. 13:
bisexual flowers have recently been collected in 269-289 (1992), rev.; Jacobs & Frank, Telopea 7: 111-118
Madagascar. Carpels 3; fruit a cylindrical capsule; (1997), rev. Austral. spp.
seeds 5-30, ellipsoidal. 2n = 22. Nine spp., Africa,
Madagascar; L. major (Ridley) Moss is naturalised Dioecious, freshwater annuals or perennials.
in Europe and New Zealand, it has become a very Roots unbranched. Stems mostly developing sto-
serious pest in New Zealand. lons or runners. Foliage leaves submerged, disti-
chous or spirodistichous, narrowly strap-shaped,
up to 2m or more long but usually much less.
12 Nechamandra Planchon Fig. 60M-P Inflorescences axillary. Male flowers small, nu-
Nechamandra Planchon, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris), III, 11: 78 merous, abscising as buds and opening on water
(1849); Cook & Liiond, Aquat. Bot. 13: 505-513 (1982), rev. surface; sepals unequal, reflexed at anthesis; petal
rudimentary or absent; staminode 1 or absent;
Dioecious, freshwater annual or perhaps also pe- stamens 2 or 1. Female flowers solitary, long-
rennial. Roots unbranched. Stems elongate, inter- pedicelled, floating on surface at maturity; sepals 3
nodes long or contracted at apparently irregular or 2; petals 3 or 2, minute; staminodes 3 or 2,
intervals. Leaves distichous, flat, band-shaped, alternating with the petals. Ovary of 3 or 2 carpels;
Hydrocharitaceae 247

fruit breaking irregularly; seeds numerous, ellip- ing 3 em long. Flowers solitary. Male flowers pedi-
soidal, up to 2 mm long. 2n = 20, 30, 40. Six spp., cellate with a uniseriate perianth of 3 small seg-
tropical to warm regions of the world. ments and 3 stamens; female flowers sessile with a
vestigial perianth. Fruit a fleshy capsule with per-
sistent styles; seeds several, globose. About ten
15. Enhalus Rich. Fig. 61H rather poorly defined spp., tropical to warm seas
Enhalus Rich., Mem. Cl. Sci. Math. Phys. Inst. Imp. France 12 of the world.
(2): 64, 71, 74, (dated 1812, published 1814); Hartog, Verh.
K. Nederl. Akad. Wet. Afd. Natuurkd. 59: 1-275 (1970), rev.
Selected Bibliography
Dioecious, marine perennial. Roots unbranched.
Stem a simple or monopodially branched rhizome Ancibor, E. 1979. Systematic anatomy of vegetative organs of
clothed in fibrous remains of leaf sheaths. Leaves the Hydrocharitaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 78: 237-266 (plus
submerged, distichous, usually 2-6 at the apex of microfiche).
the rhizome, strap-shaped, up to 1m or more long, Appert, 0. 1996. Zur Verbreitung and Biologie der Gattung
Appertiella (Hydrocharitaceae). Bot. Helvetica. 106: 57-
up to 1.5 em wide, the veins in 2 series. Male 71.
flowers small, numerous, abscising as buds; peri- Brunaud, A. 1976. Ramification chez les Hydrocharitaceae. I.
anth 2-seriate; reflexed at anthesis; stamens 3. Fe- Ontogenie du systeme des pousses. Rev. Gen. Bot. 83: 397-
male flowers solitary, long pedicelled, floating on 413.
the surface at maturity; sepals recurved, petals Brunaud, A. 1977. Ramification chez les Hydrocharitaceae. II.
Organisation des rameaux lateraux. Rev. Gen. Bot. 84: 137-
spreading. Carpels 6; fruit a large and fleshy cap- 157.
sule, 7 em long, 4 em diam.; seeds few, angular. Cook, C.D.K. 1982. Pollination mechanisms in the Hydro-
Only one sp., E. acoroides (L. fil.) Rich. ex Steudel, charitaceae. In: Symoens, J.-J., Hooper, S.S., Compere P.
coasts of the Indian and W Pacific Oceans. (eds.) Studies on aquatic vascular plants. Brussels, Royal
Botanical Society of Belgium, pp. 1-15.
Cook, C.D.K. 1985. A revision of the genus Apalanthe
(Hydrocharitaceae). Aquat. Bot. 21: 157-164.
16. Thalassia Banks ex Konig Fig. 611-L Cook, C.D.K., Liiiind, R. 1982a. A revision of the genus
Hydrilla (Hydrocharitaceae). Aquat. Bot. 13: 485-504.
Thalassia Banks ex Konig, Ann. Bot. 2: 96 (1805); Hartog,
Cook, C.D.K., Liiiind, R. 1982b. A revision of the genus
Verh. K. Nederl. Akad. Wet. Afd. Natuurkd. 59: 1-275 Nechamandra (Hydrocharitaceae). Aquat. Bot. 13: 505-513.
(1970), rev. Cook, C.D.K., Liiiind, R. 1982c. A revision of the genus
Hydrocharis (Hydrocharitaceae). Aquat. Bot. 14: 177-204.
Dioecious, marine perennials. Roots unbranched. Cook, C.D.K., Liiiind, R. 1983. A revision of the genus Blyxa
Horizontal scale-bearing rhizomatous axes (long (Hydrocharitaceae). Aquat. Bot. 15: 1-52.
shoots) buried in the substrate giving rise to erect Cook, C.D.K., Urmi-Kiinig, K. 1983a. A revision of the genus
Stratiotes (Hydrocharitaceae). Aquat. Bot. 16: 213-249.
but contracted leaf bearing axes (short shoots). Cook, C.D.K., Urmi-Kiinig, K. 1983b. A revision of the genus
Leaves submerged, 2-6, distichous, strap-shaped Ottelia (Hydrocharitaceae). 2. The species of Eurasia,
or somewhat falcate, up to 70 em long and 1.5 em Australia and America. Aquat. Bot. 20: 131-177.
wide. Inflorescence submerged of 1-4 flowers. Pe- Cook, C.D.K., Urmi-Kiinig, K. 1983c. A revision of the genus
Limnobium including Hydromystria (Hydrocharitaceae).
rianth 1-seriate of 3 segments. Stamens 3-13, all Aquat. Bot. 17: 1-27.
fertile. Ovary elongated into a hypanthium; fruit a Cook, C.D.K., Urmi-Kiinig, K. 1984. A revision of the genus
globose and fleshy capsule. Two spp., coasts of Egeria (Hydrocharitaceae). Aquat. Bot. 19: 73-96.
Caribbean and Indo-Pacific Ocean. Cook, C.D.K., Urmi-Kiinig, K. 1985. A revision of the genus
Elodea (Hydrocharitaceae). Aquat. Bot. 21: 111-156.
Cook, C.D.K., Liiiind, R., Nair, B. 1981. Floral biology of Blyxa
octandra (Roxb.) Planchon ex Thwaites (Hydrocharita-
17. Halophila Thouars Fig. 61M,N ceae). Aquat. Bot. 10: 61-68.
Cook, C.D.K., Symoens, J.-J. Urmi-Kiinig, K. 1983. A revision
Halophila Thouars, Gen. Nov. Madag. 2: 2 (1806); Hartog,
of the genus Ottelia (Hydrocharitaceae). 1. Generic con-
Verh. K. Nederl. Akad. Wet. Afd. Natuurkd. 59: 1-275
siderations. Aquat. Bot. 18: 263-274.
(1970), rev.
Cox, P.A., Knox, B.P. 1989. Two-dimensional pollination in
hydrophilous plants: convergent evolution in the genera
Monoecious or dioecious, diminutive, marine pe- Halodule (Cymodoceaceae), Halophila (Hydrocharitaceae),
rennial or annual. Roots unbranched. Stems regu- Ruppia (Ruppiaceae), and Lepilaena (Zannichelliaceae).
larly branched, creeping and stoloniferous with Am. J. Bot. 76: 164-175.
Cox, P.A., Tomlinson, P.B. 1988. Pollination ecology of a
subopposite scales or erect and bearing foliage seagrass, Thalassia testudinum (Hydrocharitaceae), in St.
leaves. Foliage leaves submerged, distichous, Croix. Am. J. Bot. 75: 958-965.
sessile or petiolate, linear to ovate, rarely exceed- Dahlgren, R. et a!. 1985. See general references.
248 Hydrocharitaceae

Davis, G.L. 1966. See general references. Vallisneria americana (Hydrocharitaceae). Am. J. Bot. 61:
Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references. 846-866.
Kaul, R.B. 1968. Floral morphology and phylogeny in the Wilder, G.J. 1975. Phylogenetic trends in the Alismatidae
Hydrocharitaceae. Phytomorphology 18: 13-35. (Monocotyledoneae). Bot. Gaz. 136: 159-170.
Kaul, R.B. 1970. Evolution and adaptation of inflorescences in Yeo, R.R., Falk, R.H., Thurston, J.R. 1984. The morphology of
the Hydrocharitaceae. Am. J. Bot. 57: 708-715. hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle). J. Aquat. Plant
Langland, K.A. 1990. Hydrilla: a continuing problem in Manage. 22: 1-17.
Florida waters. Circular No. 884, Institute of food and
agricultural sciences. Gainesville: University of Florida,
pp. 1-21.
Les, D.H. et a!. 1997. See general references.
McConchie, C.A. 1983. Floral development of Maidenia rubra
Rendle (Hydrocharitaceae). Aust. J. Bot. 31: 585-603.
McConchie, C.A., Kadereit, J.W. 1987. Floral structure of
Vallisneria caulesens Bailey & F. Mueller. Aquat. Bot. 29:
Montesantos, M. 1913. Morphologische und biologische
Untersuchungen tiber einige Hydrocharitaceen. Flora
(N.F.) 5: 1-32.
Mues, R. 1983. Species specific flavone glucuronides in Elodea
species. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 11: 261-265.
Miinchberg, P. 1956. Zur Bindung der Libelle Aeschna viridis
Eversm. an die Pflanze Stratiotes aloides L. Nachrichtenbl.
Bayer. Entomol. 5(12): 113-118.
Nakamura, T., Kadono, Y. 1993. Chromosome number and
geographical distribution of monoecious and dioecious
Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle (Hydrocharitaceae) in
Japan. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 44: 123-140.
Scribailo, R.W., Posluszny, U. 1983. The reproductive biology
of Hydrocharis morus-ranae. 1. Floral biology. Can. J. Bot.
62: 2779-2787.
Shaffer-Fehre, M. 1991. The position of Najas within the sub-
class Alismatidae (Monocotyledons) in the light of new evi-
dence from seed coat structures in the Hydrocharitoideae
(Hydrocharitales). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 107: 189-209.
Singh, V. 1966a. Morphological and anatomical studies in
Helobiae. VIII. Vascular anatomy of the flower of
Hydrocharitaceae-Stratioideae and Thalassioideae. Agra
Univ. J. Res. Sci. 15: 43-59.
Singh, V. 1966b. Morphological and anatomical studies in
Helobiae. IX. Vascular anatomy of the flower of
Hydrocharitaceae-Vallisnerioideae and Halophiloideae.
Agra Univ. J. Res. Sci. 15: 84-106.
Svedelius, N. 1932. On the different types of pollination in
Vallisneria spiralis L. and Vallisneria americana Michx.
Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 26: 1-12.
Symoens, J.J., Triest, L. 1983. Monograph of the African genus
Lagarosiphon Harvey (Hydrocharitaceae). Bull. Jard. Bot.
Nat!. Belg. 53: 441-488.
Takahashi, M. 1994. Pollen development in a submerged plant
Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers. (Hydrocharitaceae). J. Plant
Res. 107: 161-164.
Tillich, H.-J. 1995. Seedlings and systematics in monocotyle-
dons. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries,
C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution.
London: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 303-352.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. On the morphology and anatomy of
turtle grass, Thalassia testudinum (Hydrocharitaceae). III.
Floral morphology and anatomy. Bull. Mar. Sci. (Miami) 19:
Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. Helobiae (Alismatidae). In: Metcalfe
C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of monocotyledons, vol. VII. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, pp. 126-197.
Wilder, G.J. 1974a. Symmetry and development of Limnobium
spongia (Hydrocharitaceae). Am. J. Bot. 61: 624-642.
Wilder, G.J. 1974b. Symmetry and development of pistillate
Join villeaceae 249

Joinvilleaceae chloroplast-containing cells. Transverse veins are

conspicuous but infrequent. Air canals are present
C. BAYER and 0. APPEL in the sheath (Tomlinson 1969).
According to Cheadle and Kosakai (1980), ves-
sels occur in the roots, rhizomes, stems and leaves.
Simple perforations occur predominantly in
roots and rhizomes, while scalariform perforation
plates prevail in stems and leaves. Lateral pits are
numerous and small.
Joinvilleaceae Tom!. & A. C. Sm., Taxon 19: 888 (1970).
Perennial herbs from condensed, sympodial rhi- of]oinvillea elegans resembles a bracteate panicle,
zomes; aerial shoots erect, unbranched, hollow but is composed of spikes or racemes instead
except for the nodes, terete or rarely compressed. of single flowers. This structure is similar to that
Leaves distichous; sheath open, more or less ligu- of Flagellaria; both share the conspicuous adaxial
late; blade linear-lanceolate with constricted base, swellings on the base of each lateral axis of the
pubescent, plicate, the veins anastomosing. Inflo-
rescence terminal, many-flowered, paniculiform,
bracteate. Flowers (sub-)sessile, hermaphroditic,
actinomorphic, pentacyclic, trimerous. Tepals
free or almost so, dry, bractlike with thickened
bases, concave, persistent. Stamens free or slightly
adnate to the perianth base; anthers basifixed, sag-
ittate, dithecal, introrse, opening by longitudinal
slits. Ovary superior, globose, trilocular, each loc-
ule containing a single, atropous, apical-axile,
pendulous ovule; styluli 3, free or slightly connate
at the base; stigmas feathery, papillate. Fruit
drupaceous, 3-1-seeded, whitish or reddish to
black at maturity. Seeds with copious, starchy
endosperm and minute discoid embryo.
A monogeneric family with 2 spp. distributed
from the Malay Peninsula to Sumatra, Borneo and
many Pacific Islands.

VEGETATIVE STRUCTURES. The aerial shoots may

reach more than 5 min length (Fig. 63). The occur-
rence of short, unicellular prickle hairs and spiny,
multicellular, occasionally branched hairs is
characteristic at the specific and subspecific level
The leaf epidermis is composed of rows of long
cells alternating with short cells that contain silica
bodies. This pattern is interrupted by longitudinal
bands of expansion cells which are found in the
plicae and adjacent to the midrib. Stomata occur
on both sides but are less common on the abaxial
face. They have characteristic dumbbell-shaped
guard cells and are of the grass type. The meso-
phyll contains calcium oxalate crystals, tannins
and silica. It includes a 2- to 3-layered chloren-
chyma of more or less isodiametric cells on both Fig. 63A-D. Joinvilleaceae. A-C ]oinvillea plicata. A Leaf and
fruiting branch. B Fruit. C Same, longitudinal section, left seed
sides of the leaf and a central tissue of large showing embryo. D ]. ascendens, upper part of leaf sheath
colourless cells. Each bundle is enclosed by a showing hyaline stipule-like appendages. (Dahlgren et a!.
fibrous sheath and laterally flanked by a layer of 1985)
250 Joinvilleaceae

inflorescence, which may serve to regulate the cell walls, indicating the presence of bound p-
position of the branches. Similar structures occur coumaric, ferulic and diferulic acids.
in grasses.
At least the inner tepals usually have three veins AFFINITIES. Together with Hanguana, ]oinvillea
(Newell 1969). The thickened tepal bases some- was originally included in the Flagellariaceae. The
what remind of the grass Iodides and might re- exclusion of Hanguana (see there) has been gener-
semble hypothetical primitive forms of the latter ally accepted, but some authors preferred to retain
(Endress 1995). The styluli are linear; they spread the more similar genera ]oinvillea and Flagella ria
at anthesis and may persist in fruit. The stigmas in one family (Baranova 1975). Tomlinson and
are plumose with dispersed, interrupted recep- Smith (1970) proposed to treat ]oinvillea as a
tive sites on multiseriate branches, a feature that is separate family that differs from Flagellaria in
otherwise restricted to Poaceae and some characters such as growth form, pubescence, pli-
Restionaceae (Endress 1995). cate, dorsiventral leaves with open sheaths and
Septal nectaries are lacking, the flowers are without tendrils, and some anatomical features.
probably anemophilous. The seeds are dispersed The Joinvilleaceae are generally included in the
mainly by birds (Degener and Degener 1973). Poales. ]oinvillea, Poaceae, some Restionaceae,
and Flagellaria share atropous ovules, which may
EMBRYOLOGY. The tapetum is of the secretory be modified in the Poaceae and Restionaceae.
type (Kircher 1986). Manning and Linder (1990) Joinvilleaceae, Poaceae and Restionaceae are
and Campbell and Kellogg (1986) reported unique united by their unique complex stigmas (Endress
endothecial thickenings (girdle type), similar to 1995), and pollen morphology supports this alli-
those of Ecdeiocolea. Microsporogenesis is suc- ance. Further evidence was provided by phyloge-
cessive. Pollen is shed at the 3-celled stage. The netic analyses of morphological characters and
micropyle is formed by both integuments each chloroplast DNA restriction sites and sequences.
consisting of 2 cell layers. The megagametophyte According to these studies, ]oinvillea is most
is free of starch. Three antipodals with each 2 likely to represent the sister group of Poaceae
nuclei are present. Endosperm formation is (Kellogg and Birchler 1993; Chase et al. 1995,
Nuclear and starch grains are compound in ma- 1995a; Davis 1995; Hahn et al. 1995; Kellogg and
ture endosperm (Campbell and Kellogg 1986; Linder 1995; Linder and Kellogg 1995; Stevenson
Kellogg and Linder 1995; Linder and Kellogg and Loconte 1995). Both families share alternating
1995). short and long cells in the leaf epidermis and the
6-kb and 28-kb inversion in the chloroplast ge-
POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Pollen morphology was nome (Doyle et al. 1992; Linder and Rudall 1993;
studied by Erdtman (1944, 1952), Chanda (1965, Linder and Kellogg 1995).
1966), Chanda and Rowley (1967) and Linder and
Ferguson (1985). The grains are spheroidal, ulcer- DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Since there are no
ate and microperforate monads. They closely records from eastern Indonesia, New Guinea and
resemble those of other Poales, especially Australia, Newell (1969) regarded the distribution
Flagellaria, differing from the latter mainly in of ]oinvillea on the Malay Penisula, Sumatra,
their larger size (about 35 f!m in diameter). Borneo, and on many Pacific Islands as discon-
"Graminoid" apertures, covered by a thin endex- tinuous. The species occur on non-swampy soils
ine layer that extends to some distance under the in moderately humid to dry light forests, forest
margin, are common to Joinvilleaceae, Flagel- margins, thickets and mountain ridges up to more
lariaceae, some Restionaceae, Poaceae, Ecdeiocol- than 1900m above sea level (Backer 1951; Newell
eaceae and Anarthriaceae. In contrast to the latter 1969). According to Linder (1987), they probably
three families, an operculum seems to be lack- germinate exclusively on mineral soils and repre-
ing in the pollen of Joinvilleaceae (Linder and sent early successional plants.
Ferguson 1985).
Only one genus:
KARYOLOGY. Newell (1969) reported several
counts of n = 18 and one of 2n = 36 for ]oinvillea
ascendens and f. elegans (as]. plicata). ]oinvillea Gaudich. Fig. 63
]oinvillea Gaudich., Voy. La Bonite, Bot, Atlas: pl. 39-40, figs.
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Harris and Hartley (1980) 7-26 {1841); Newell, J. Arnold Arbor. 50: 527-555 {1969)
observed a characteristic UV-fluorescence of rev.; St. John, Phytologia 40: 369-374 {1978), nomenclat.
Joinvilleaceae 251

Characters as for family. Kircher, P. 1986. Untersuchungen zur Bliiten- und Inflores-
Two spp., ]. ascendens Gaudich. ex Brongn. et zenzmorphologie, Embryologie und Systematik der
Restionaceen im Vergleich mit Gramineen und verwandten
Gris and ]. elegans Gaudich. Familien. Diss. Bot. 94.
Lee, D.W., Yap Kim Pin, Lew Foo Yew 1975. Serological evi-
dence on the distinctness of the monocotyledonous families
Selected Bibliography Flagellariaceae, Hanguanaceae and Joinvilleaceae. Bot. J.
Linn. Soc. 70: 77-81.
Linder, H.P. 1987. The evolutionary history of Poales/
Backer, C.A. 1951. Flagellariaceae. In: Van Steenis, C.G.G.J. Restionales - a hypothesis. Kew Bull. 4: 297-318.
(ed.) Flora Malesiana I, 4. Djakarta: NoordhoffKolffN. V., Linder, H.P., Ferguson, I.K. 1985. On the pollen morphology
pp. 245-250. and phylogeny of the Restionales and Po ales. Grana 24: 65-
Baranova, M.A. 1975. Stomatographic study of the Flagel- 76.
lariaceae. Bot. Zh. (Moscow & Leningrad) 60: 1690-1697. Linder, H.P., Kellogg, E.A. 1995. Phylogenetic patterns in tiie
Brongniart, M.M., Gris, A. 1861. Note sur le genre]oinvillea de Commelinid clade. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
Gaudichaud et sur Ia famille des flagellariees. Bull. Soc. Bot. Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
Fr. 8: 264-269. evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 473-496.
Campbell, C.S., Kellogg, E.A. 1986. Sister group relationships Linder, H.P., Rudall, P.J. 1993. The megagametophyte in
of the Poaceae. In: Sonderstrom, T.R., Hilu, K.W., Anarthria (Anartiiriaceae, Poales) and its implications for
Campbell, C.S., Barkworth, M.E. (eds.) Grass system~tics the phylogeny of the Poales. Am. J. Bot. 80: 1455-1464.
and evolution. International grass symposmm. Manning, J.C., Linder, H.P. 1990. Cladistic analysis of patterns
Washington: Smithsonian Press, pp. 217-224. of endothecial thickenings in the Poales/Restionales. Am. J.
Chanda, S. 1965. On the pollen morphology of the Flagel- Bot. 77: 196-210.
lariaceae with reference to taxonomy. Trans. Bose Res. Inst. Newell, T.K. 1969. A study of the genus ]oinvillea (Flagel-
Calcutta 8: 53-SS. lariaceae). J. Arnold Arbor. 50: 527-555.
Chanda, S. 1966. On the pollen morphology of the Cen- Newell, T.K., Stone, B.C. 1967. Flagellaria (Chortodes) plicata
trolepidaceae, Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae, with Hooker fil. is a ]oinvillea. Taxon 16: 192-194.
special reference to taxonomy. Grana 6: 355-415. Smith, A.C. 1979. Joinvilleaceae. In: Smith, A.C. (ed.) Flora
Chanda, S., Rowley, S. 1967. Apertural types in pollen of the Vitensis Nova. A new flora of Fiji 1. Honolulu: SB Printers,
Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae. Grana 7: 16-36. pp. 289-290.
Chase, M.W. eta!. 1995, 1995a. See general references. Smithson, E. 1956. The comparative anatomy of tiie Flagel-
Cheadle, V.I., Kosakai, H. 1980. Occurrence and specialization lariaceae. Kew Bull. 11: 491-501.
of vessels in Commelinales. Phytomorphology 30: 98-117. Stevenson, D.W., Loconte, H. 1995. Cladistic analysis of
Christophersen, E.1931. Notes on]oinvillea. Bernice P. Bishop monocot families. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
Mus. Bull. 9: 2-7. Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
Dahlgren, R.M.T. eta!. 1985. See general references. evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 543-578.
Davis, J.I. 1995. A phylogenetic structure for the monocotyle- Stone, B.C. 1981. Nomenclature of ]oinvillea (Joinvilleaceae).
dons, as inferred from chloroplast DNA restriction site Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. III, 34: 223-225.
variation, and a comparison of measures of clade support. Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Commelinales-Zingiberales. In:
Syst. Bot. 20: 503-527. Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of the monocotyledons, Vol.
Degener, 0., Degener, I. 1973. Joinvilleaceae. In: Degener, 0., 3. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Degener, I. (eds.) Flora Hawaiiensis 7. Tomlinson, P.B., Smith, A. C. 1970. Joinvilleaceae, a new family
Doyle, J.J., Davis, J.I., Soreng, R.J., Garvin, D., Anderson, M.J. of monocotyledons. Taxon 19: 887-889.
1992. Chloroplast DNA inversions and the origin of the
grass family (Poaceae). Proc. Nat!. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89:
Endress, P.K. 1995. Major evolutionary traits of monocot flow-
ers. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J.
(eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution. Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 43-79.
Erdtman, G. 1944. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy. II.
Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 38: 163-168.
Erdtman, G. 1952. See general references.
Hahn, W.J., Givnish, T.J., Sytsma, K.J. 1995. Evolution of
the monocot chloroplast inverted repeat: I. Evolution and
phylogenetic implications of the ORF 2280 deletion. In:
Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.)
Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew, pp. 579-587.
Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references.
Kellogg, E.A., Birchler, J.A. 1993. Linking phrlogen~ and ge-
netics: Zea mays as a tool for phylogenetic studies. Syst.
Bioi. 4: 415-439.
Kellogg, E.A., Linder, H.P. 1995. Phylogeny ~f Poales. In:
Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphnes, C.J. (eds.)
Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew, pp. 511-542.
252 Juncaceae

Juncaceae embryo; outer seed coat hyaline, whitish or light

brown, sometimes with tail-like appendages, often
H. BALSLEV reticulate and frequently shed before ripening; in-
ner seed coat brown to castaneous or yellow.
A family of worldwide distribution with 8 genera
and ca. 350 species.


Juncaceae are herbs, except Prionium which isba-
A.L. Jussieu, Gen. Pl.: 43 {1789), "Junci". sally woody and has a trunk up to 1m in length
(Fig. 64). Distichia, Oxychloe, Patosia and some
Perennial and usually rhizomatous herbs, more species of Luzula form flat or bulging cushions up
rarely annuals (some spp. of ]uncus and Luzula), to several metres wide. The remaining genera are
and very rarely with a stout woody trunk solitary or caespitose herbs or form mats by
(Prionium), glabrous or sometimes with hairy leaf means of densely branching rhizomes. Some are
margins (Luzula). Rhizome creeping, ascending aquatics.
or erect, leafless or with scales. Flowering stems The roots are adventitious along the rhizome or,
erect, ascending or rarely procumbent, terete or in the cushion-forming genera, emerge among the
laterally compressed, smooth or longitudinally leaves and develop in the interior of the cushion
ridged. Leaves spiral, tristichous or rarely disti- often not reaching the substrate.
chous (Distichia, some spp. of ]uncus), basal or The stem is modified in various ways. In the
on the lower part of the stem, linear or filiform, cushion-forming genera it bifurcates regularly
with an open and sometimes auriculate or and dies back at the base; the internodes are then
closed sheath, the blade dorsiventral and flat or reduced to 2-3 mm and the stem is completely
canaliculate or terete to ± compressed, when ter- covered by the leaf sheaths. In Rostkovia and
ete hollow, and then sometimes with partitions; Marsippospermum and the perennial species of
blade sometimes reduced. Inflorescences terminal ]uncus and Luzula the stem is differentiated into a
or pseudolateral, compound, of open cymose subterranean long-lived rhizome that dies back at
panicles, or often congested and head- or spike- the base, lateral shoots from the rhizomes, leafy
like, or flowers sometimes solitary and terminal short shoots and an above-ground ephemeral
(Rostkovia, Marsippospermum) or lateral (Dis- flowering stem. Some species of ]uncus branch by
tichia, Oxychloe and Patosia). Flowers perfect intravaginal shoot formation. In Prionium the rhi-
or unisexual-dioecious or rarely monoecious, zome continues into a conspicuous trunk that
actinomorphic, hypogynous; tepals usually incon- may reach 1m or more in height and 5-10 em in
spicuous, rarely up to 40 mm long (Marsippo- diameter (Fig. 64A).
spermum), 6 (rarely 4) in 2 whorls of 3 (rarely 2), Foliage leaves are differentiated into a sheath
glumaceous or herbaceous, equal to subequal, and blade. The sheath is open or closed (Luzula,
free. Stamens 6 (rarely 4) in 2 whorls of 3 (rarely 2) Prionium, ]uncus lomatophyllus, f. engleri), and
alternating with the tepals, or inner whorl some- often terminates in two membranous or scarious
times lacking; filaments filiform or flat and wid- auricles, which sometimes extend onto the adaxial
ened at the base; anthers 2-thecate, 4-sporangiate, side of the sheath to form a ligule. The shape and
oblong to linear, basifixed, obtuse to mucronate, texture of the auricles is taxonomically important
dehiscing by longitudinal lateral slits; pollen in ]uncus. The blade is lanceolate, linear or fili-
grains ulcerate, in tetrads. Gynoecium of 3 (rarely form, rarely short and ± conical, as in Distichia.
2) united carpels; ovary superior, 3-locular (rarely The margins are hairy in Luzula and serrate in
2-locular) or sometimes 1-locular and then in- Prionium and ]uncus trifidus. The leaves of the
completely septate; style 3-branched, rarely 2- rhizome are modified to small membranous flaps
branched, or rarely with 3 (2) separate styluli; or hard sclerified, scales. Sheathing cataphylls are
stylar branches (stylodia) filiform, sometimes ta- often present at the base of the flowering stem.
pering, with adaxial stigmatic papillae, sometimes
twisted. Ovules 3 to many, central, basal or ± pa- VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. (Review: Cutler 1969).
rietal, anatropous. Fruit an orbicular to oblong or Juncaceae lack crystal oxalate raphides. Silica has
ellipsoid, 3-lobed, round or trigonous, loculicidal been reported only occasionally and is at least
capsule. Seeds 3 (Luzula) to many, with copious normally absent. The sieve tube plastids contain
starchy endosperm and a small, broadly cylindric cuneate protein crystals but no other inclusions
Juncaceae 253

Fig. 65A-J. Juncaceae. A-E Luzula spicata. A Habit showing

Fig. 64A-M. Juncaceae. A-F Prionium serratum. A Plant with spikelike inflorescence. B Closed leaf sheath. C Flower sub-
stout woody trunk and much branched panicle. B Inflores- tended by ciliate floral bract. D Loculicidal capsule enclosed
cence branch. C Flower. D Ovary with three stylodia. E Many- by tepals and subtended by ciliate bracts. E Seed. F, G ]uncus
seeded 3-locular ovary in cross-section. F Loculicidal capsule. balticus. F Habit showing creeping rhizome, sheathing basal
G-:I Marsippospermum grandiflorum. G Plant with creeping cataphylls, absence of blade-bearing leaves, and pseudolateral
rhizome and 1-flowered stems. H Pistil. I Loculicidal capsule. paniculate inflorescence subtended by stemlike bract. G
J-M Distichia muscoides. J Plant with forking branches, disti- Capsule. H- J f. triglumis. H Habit, showing caespitose growth.
chous leaves and subapical lateral staminate flowers. K I Capsule, note lack of floral bracts below flower. J Seed, the
outer seed coat forming extensions. (Takhtajan 1982)
Staminate flower. L Fruit originating between six tepals and
supported by two floral bracts, note stipitate prolongation at
base of fruit and lateral insertion of flower near shoot apex. M
1-locular, many-seeded ovary in cross-section. (Takhtajan (Behnke 1981). Vessels are present in roots, stems
1982, with exception ofL which is from Balslev 1996) and leaves. In Prionium and in Rostkovia,
Oxychloe and the other Andean genera, the vessels
have predominantly scalariform perforation
254 Juncaceae

plates, while in ]uncus and Luzula vessels with the leaves are channelled. The involution may be-
simple perforation plates are present in all organs come complete so that the leaf is terete and thus
(Cheadle and Kosakai 1973). the adaxial surface not recognisable. The terete
The root has a 1-layered epidermis with the cells leaves evolved independently in 3 different groups
arranged in longitudinal rows. From normal epi- within ]uncus. In 2 of these the leaves of some
dermal cells smaller ones are cut off to form rows species are laterally compressed.
of alternating small and large cells. The small cells
produce the root hairs. The cortex has several lay- INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. The inflorescences
ers of radially arranged parenchyma cells, which are highly variable and taxonomically important
may break down to form airspaces alternating (Buchenau 1865). Prionium, Luzula, and ]uncus
with lamellae. The endodermis is one cell layer all have many-flowered inflorescences with per-
thick with wall thickenings U-shaped in tran- fect or gynodioecious flowers U. roemerianus).
section. The central core has 1 to several vessels, Each inflorescence branch originates in the axil of
each associated with a group of phloem cells. a bract and has a 2-keeled bifid prophyll on its
The anatomy of the rhizome is similar to that of adaxial side. Often, though not in most ]uncus
the root. An epidermis of a single cell layer covers species, 2 or more small bracts are inserted imme-
a multi-layered parenchymatous cortex, which diately below the flower which they clasp (Fig.
may have radially arranged lamellae alternating 64L). Single-flowered branchlets are developed
with air spaces. A single-layered endodermis with successively in a way resembling di- or monocha-
thickened inner and anticlinal walls separates the sia. Some ]uncus species have "racemose"
cortex from the central core, in which there are capitulae. Differences in internode length and
several vascular bundles scattered in parenchyma- congestion of the inflorescences characterise
tous tissue. genera and subgenera. Prionium has a much-
The trunk of Prionium, homologous to the rhi- branched panicle. Luzula may either have a
zome of other genera, has a thin-walled epidermis, much-branched panicle (L. sylvatica and related
a layer of suberised cells, a cortex of loosely species), may be conspicuously sympodial (L.
packed lobate parenchyma cells with dispersed elegans) or have a 1-3 times-branched anthela
cortical bundles and a central cylinder with scat- (the proximal branches overtopping the distal
tered amphivasal bundles. Zimmermann and ones, L. pilosa and related species), or the flowers
Tomlinson (1968) note that this vascular pattern is may be congested into clusters arranged in pan-
similar to that of palms. iculate or spikelike inflorescences (L. spicata and
The flowering stem in Juncaceae apparently related species).
lacks an endodermis. The vascular bundles are Distichia, Patosia and some species of Oxychloe
usually arranged in one or a few peripheral con- are dioecious with flowers originating in the axils
centric rings. The central pith is hollow or consists of normal leaves near the shoot apex. Each flower
of aerenchyma of star-shaped cells. is clasped by 1 to 4 membranous bracts. Rostkovia
The leaf epidermis is usually 1-layered with lon- and Marsippospermum have a solitary, perfect,
gitudinal cell rows, but several-layered in ]uncus terminal flower. The Rostkovia flower has 2 bracts,
imbricatus and related species. The stomata are 1 of which is leaflike and much longer than the
paracytic and in xeromorphic species they are of flower. The Marsippospermum flower has 1-2
the Grass type. The shape of the leaf in section small, membranous veinless bracts.
varies greatly and is taxonomically important. In Determinate sympodial panicles occur also in
the broad leaves of Prionium the vascular bundles those species of ]uncus, in which the flowers have
are equidistant from each leaf surface. Each 2 small bracts. In ]. tenuis and related species the
bundle is connected to the surface by parenchyma branches of the inflorescence resemble sickle-
girders separated by blocks of chlorenchyma with shaped drepania, while in ]. effusus and related
air canals. Rostkovia has a well-developed hypo- species they often resemble zigzag rhipidia, and
dermis of thick-walled fibres that are absent along the lowermost inflorescence bract resembles a
2 longitudinal bands, to which the stomata are continuation of the flowering stem and pushes the
restricted. Luzula has flat, unspecialised leaves. In inflorescence into a lateral position.
]uncus several progressive evolutionary series can In the species of ]uncus, where the individual
be distinguished in the leaf anatomy. Some species flowers lack bracts, the flowers are often congested
have flat unspecialised leaves like Luzula. In into capituale, which according to Novara (1976)
others, the adaxial epidermis consists oflarge hya- have a racemose structure; these capitulae are ar-
line cells and is occasionally many-layered where ranged in cymes (anthelae), where the proximal
Juncaceae 255

branches are longer than and overtop the distal and a hypostase may be present. (Development of
branches. the testa see Fruit and Seed, below.)
The subepidermal archesporia! cell cuts off a
FLOWER STRUCTURE. Most Juncaceae have trim- primary parietal cell, which gives rise to 1 or 2
erous flowers, but in some minute species of parietal layers. Sometimes 2 or 3 archesporia! cells
the ]uncus triformis complex they are dimerous are present, but only 1 is functional. After meiosis
(Ertter 1986). the chalaza! megaspore of a linear or T-shaped
The tepals are free and usually <7mm long (but tetrad develops into an embryo sac of the
in Marsippospermum up to 40mm), concave Polygonum type (Distichia, ]uncus, Luzula). The
or flat, usually lanceolate, obtuse, acute or acumi- antipodals are small. The polar nuclei fuse before
nate, green, dull-coloured, reddish brown, fertilisation and the secondary nucleus moves to
castanceous, almost black or rarely yellowish or the chalaza! end of the embryo.
white, often with membranous margins. The outer Endosperm development is helobial (Distichia,
tepals are often slightly longer, thicker and more ]uncus, Luzula). The small chalaza! endosperm
rigid than the inner. chamber becomes few-nucleate (to ca. 12 nuclei),
The 6 (or 3) stamens are free and alternate with sometimes at least few-cellular, or may remain
the tepals. The filaments are filiform or widened at uninucleate (Shah 1963). The chalaza! chamber ul-
the base and white or hyaline. The anthers are 4- timately degenerates, while the large micropylar
sporangiate, 4- or secondarily 2-locular by break- chamber becomes multicellular after several free
down of the inner wall, oblong to linear, basifixed, nuclear divisions and forms the storage tissue of
yellow to whitish, and dehiscent by longitudinal the seed. During endosperm development the
slits. In Distichia, Oxychloe, Patosia, Rostkovia main part of the nucellus is absorbed.
and Marsippospermum the connectives are api- The embryogeny is of the Onagrad type, Luzula
cally mucronate and exceed the thecae. (]uncus) variation. This variation, which also oc-
The gynoecium consists of 3 (rarely 2) united curs in Cyperaceae, Bromeliaceae and some other
carpels opposite the outer tepals. The ovary is su- families, is characterised by an early formation of
perior, globular to oblong, and 3- or 1-locular. The the dermatogen initials through periclinal divi-
common style is 0.5-10 mm long and continues sions of the quadrant cells of the proembryo. The
into 3 linear stigmatic branches with linear to ta- suspensor is few-celled and weakly developed.
pering stigmatic lobes. Most genera have many
ovules on an axile placenta or on placentas on POLLEN.MORPHOLOGY. The pollen tetrads, as far
parietal intruding septae. In Luzula the unilocular as known, are surrounded by a common exine, ca.
ovary has 3 basal ovules only. 1 [lm thick, smooth or minutely granulate (Fig.
66). Apertures are obscure, and recognisable only
EMBRYOLOGY. The family is apparently embryo- as diffuse areas with slightly thinner exine.
logically uniform, but only ]uncus and Luzula The pollen tetrads therefore have been described
have been investigated in detail (e.g. Wulff 1939; as inaperturate, monosulcate, monoporate or
Shah 1963; see also Davis 1966). monoporate-ulcer( oid)ate. Meyer and
The anther wall formation is of the monocotyle- Yaroshevskaya {1976) describe the apertures as "a
donous type. The epidermis is followed by the reduced distal furrow". Tetrad size varies from
endothecium, 1 middle layer and a 1-layered 24-70 [lm. Oxychloe, Patosia, Rostkovia and
secretory tapetum, which consists of uninucleate Marsippospermum have the largest tetrads, ]uncus
cells. and Luzula are intermediate, and Prionium has
Microsporogenesis is of the simultaneous type; the smallest. The thin exine is related to the pre-
sometimes after meiosis I an ephemeral cell plate dominantly anemophilous pollination in the fam-
has been observed (Wulff 1939: reduced succes- ily. The tetrahedral tetrads link Juncaceae to
sive type). The tetrads are usually tetrahedral. The Thurniaceae, and the juncaceous tetrad has been
generative cell is cut off towards the proximal (in- suggested as a precursor for the cyperaceous tet-
ner) pole of each microspore. The pollen grains rad in which 3 of the 4 pollen grains disintegrate.
are 3-celled when shed (]uncus, Luzula, Oxychloe)
and remain in tetrads. KARYOLOGY. A diffuse centromere spread over
The ovules are anatropous, bitegmic and the length of chromosome occurs at least in
(weakly) crassinucellate. The inner integument is Luzula. The spindle fibres attach at several points
2-layered and the outer 2-layered (]uncus) or 3-4- along the chromosomes. Consequently, segments
layered (Luzula, Distichia). A funicular obturator broken off from the chromosomes move to the
256 Juncaceae

FRUIT AND SEED. The fruit is a capsule of variable

shape, globular or more often ovoid to obovoid,
apically truncate, obtuse, acute, acuminate, or
beaked, terete to trigonous or 3-keeled. The num-
ber of locules in the capsule usually agrees with
that in the ovule except in ]uncus repens, ].
uruguensis and species of the ]. drummondii
group, which have free central placentation
through disintegration of the septa in the course
of capsule development. Other species are only
partly 3-locular, the locules being apically
Dehiscence is normally loculicidal, but in
Distichia, Oxychloe and Patosia less well defined
and sometimes circumscissile (Balslev 1996). The
valves may inflex, reflex completely, separate only
apically, or separate in the middle and remain
Fig. 66. Juncacaeae. Luzula pilosa, pollen tetrad, SEM X 1700. connate at the apex. In Luzula the capsule
(Palynological Laboratory Stockholm) contains 3 seeds, in the other genera usually 15 to
The seeds are ovoid, obovoid, ellipsoid, oblong
poles and remain functional in the genome or fusiform, often oblique, usually 0.3-2.5 mm
(Nordenskiold 1964). Therefore chromosome long, and 0.1-1 mm wide, but, when fusiform,
fragmentation is obviously important in the evo- sometimes up to 4 mm long. When crowded in the
lution in Luzula. capsule they are sometimes angular. The raphe is
Chromosome numbers reported for 67 of the usually visible as a fold along 1 side of the seed
75 species of Luzula range from 2n = 6 to 2n = 84; coat. The ends are rounded or taper into apiculate
2n = 12, 24, 36, and 48 being the most common or tail-like extensions. In ]uncus the main part of
numbers. Most numbers are multiples of 6, which the seed coat consists of the inner layers of the
is suggested to be the basic number. The number outer and inner integuments. In fusiform seeds
2n = 6 in L. elegans is probably derived in this the outer integument loosely envelops the seed
specialised species. and is elongated in the micropylar region. In
In ]uncus chromosome numbers are reported Luzula the inner layer of the inner integument is
for ca. 65 of the 260 species and range from 2n = thickened while the outer integument forms a thin
18 to 2n = 130. Predominant numbers are 2n = 40 membrane. Sometimes, as in species of ]uncus and
and 80. However, a few reports of 2n = 20 or 18 in Luzula elegans, the outer integument becomes
suggest that x = 10 is the base number for the mucilaginous (Netolitzky 1926).
genus. 2n = 16 is reported for Oxy chloe. The sculpturing of the testa varies from smooth
to reticulate and is characteristic for species or
PoLLINATION. Anemophily is the predominant groups of species (Engelmann 1866, 1868; Ertter
mode of pollination. Adaptations include small 1986; Balslev 1996).
flowers often aggregated in many-flowered inflo- The seeds of many species of Luz ula have a
rescences, prominent stigmatic surfaces, abun- fleshy apical ( = chalaza} e.g. L. pilosa) or basal
dant pollen production, and smooth pollen (= micropylar, e.g. L. multiflora) appendage or
tetrads. Exserted anthers are rare but present in caruncle.
some species of ]uncus. Temporal separation of The larger part of the seed is occupied by a
pollen release and stigmatic receptivity (often starchy endosperm. As in grasses, the peripheral
protogyny) is common. However, autogamy is fre- endosperm layers remain free from starch, but
quent, and cleistogamy occurs in ]uncus bufonius contain aleuron and oil (Shah 1963). The embryo
and ]uncus capitatus. consists mostly of the single cotyledon and is
Entomophily is known in some central Euro- small, straight, cylindrical to conical, and located
pean species of Luzula with bright, white flower medially near the micropyle.
heads and in some ]uncus species in the
Himalayas. Insects may also visit flowers of]uncus DISPERSAL AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. Veg-
species probably for collecting pollen. etative propagation by means of large rhizome
Juncaceae 257

systems is common in many species, especially in AFFINITIES. The Juncaceae are perhaps most
]uncus. Vegetative propagation connected with closely related to the three Thurnia species
water dispersal is known in, e.g. ]uncus bulbosus (Thurniaceae) of northern S America. Both have
and f. pelocarpus. Dispersal is otherwise by seeds. simultaneous microsporogenesis, tetrad pollen
The mucilaginous seeds of some species are and a similar floral structure, but differ in the vas-
adapted to epizoochory and their small size cular anatomy of the leaf, which in Thurniaceae
and ability to adhere to animals explain the has inverted bundles and silica bodies. In most
wide and discontinuous distributions of many recent systems of classification the Juncaceae are
species. The fusiform seeds of some ]uncus species placed with the Thurniaceae in a separate order,
may be anemochorous or (and) hydrochorous. Juncales. There is much evidence favouring a close
Carunculate seeds of Luzula are dispersed relationship between Juncaceae and Cyperaceae.
by ants. The swelling of the testa upon moisten- This is also confirmed by the morphologically
ing in some species appears to cause capsule based cladistic study by Simpson (1995) and the
dehiscence. molecular analysis of Duvall et al. (1993).
The previous association of the Juncaceae with
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Calcium oxalate (both in the Liliales s.l., based on its liliaceous floral struc-
form of crystals and raphides) is absent and silica ture, is contradicted by a great number of features,
bodies are lacking or at least very rare; Lanning such as stomatal structure, starchy endosperm,
(1972) found silica in the leaves of ]uncus interior anemophily and epicuticular wax structure.
and f. bufonius.
Apart from common phenolics, anthocyanins DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The family is COS-
based on luteolinidin, luteolin 5-methyl ether, mopolitan but in the tropics restricted to the high-
phytotoxic phenolic juncosol, and two coumarins lands (Balslev 1996). ]uncus and Luzula are
(7,8-dihydroxycoumarin, daphnetin and its 8- distributed as the family but have most species in
methyl ether) have been recorded (Williams and the northern temperate zone, though most sub-
Harborne 1975). The presence ofluteolin 5-methyl genera of ]uncus occur in the southern hemi-
ether and daphnetin (in addition to the absence of sphere. Prionium is endemic to the Cape Province
tricin and C-glycosyl flavones) was believed to dis- of S Africa. Distichia, Oxychloe and Patosia are
tinguish the Juncaceae from the Poaceae and the entirely Andean. Rostkovia and Marsipposper-
Cyperaceae when discovered, but these com- mum are trans-Pacific, occurring in New Zealand
pounds have now been reported in the Cyperaceae and Patagonia, Rostkovia also on Tristan da
as well. Cyanogenetic glycosides seem to be re- Cunha and in Ecuador. The greatest concentration
stricted to the septate-leaved species of ]uncus of genera is in the Andes, where all genera except
(Hegnauer 1986). Prionium occur. Marked disjunctions in the
family include the trans-Pacific distribution of
SUBDIVISION AND RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE Rostkovia and Marsippospermum. The family
FAMILY. The genera of Juncaceae comprise four probably originated in S America after the
natural groups. (1) Prionium stands clearly apart breakup of Gondwana.
in many characters though not in floral structure Most species are terrestrial or semiaquatic, oc-
and tetrad pollen. It deviates especially in its hard cupying open grass lands or swamps. Some spe-
persistent trunk and leaf anatomy. (2) The cies of ]uncus are anthropochorous and weedy,
cushion-forming genera Distichia, Oxychloe and some apparently restricted to eutrophic grass
Patosia form a natural group. They all have single lands. Several species of ]uncus are halophytic
lateral flowers and are dioecious except for one (Snogerup 1993). The cushion-forming genera
species of Oxychloe. They are all restricted to the Distichia, Oxychloe, and Patosia are well adapted
Andes. (2) Rostkovia and Marsippospermum are to harsh diurnal freezing and thawing; they are
characterised by single terminal flowers and ta- conspicuous elements of wetlands in the high
pering stigmatic branches. They also have mucro- Andes, sometimes reaching the altitudinal limit of
nate anthers and in this resemble the previous the vegetation. Prionium grows in permanent
group. These two genera have a trans-Pacific dis- streams and rivers and is important in preventing
tribution. (4) ]uncus and Luzula are herbaceous erosion during seasonal flooding.
but generally not cushion-forming, they have
many flowered inflorescences and emucronate PARASITES. Many species of ]uncus and Luzula
anthers. Their distribution is mainly north- have been reported as hosts for parasitic fungi of
temperate. the genera Cintracia, Claviceps, Puccinia, Tolypos-
258 Juncaceae

parium, Urocystis and Ustilago. These data suggest sp., P. serratum (L.f.) Drege, rivers and streams,
a relationship between the Juncaceae and S Africa.
Cyperaceae (Savile 1979).
2. Marsippospermum Desv. Fig. 64G-I
PALAEOBOTANY. Juncaceae are poorly repre-
sented in the fossil record. Tetrads of pollen were Marsippospermum Desv., J. Bot. (Desv.) 1: 328 (1809).
reported from the Neogene of Russia and the
megafossil ]uncus crassulus is known from the Herbs to 60 em tall; rhizome creeping, scale-
Miocene ofN America. Leaves, stems, and fruits of bearing, sympodial; flowering stems erect, terete;
]uncus were reported from the Tertiary and well- leaves erect, terete; flowers solitary, terminal;
preserved inflorescences of Luzula from the bracts 1-2, membranous; anthers mucronate;
Upper Oligocene of Germany. ovary 1-locular, with parietal placentation; stig-
matic lobes tapering; capsule elongate, ligneous.
ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. Few important eco- Three spp., New Zealand and Patagonia.
nomic uses ofJuncaceae are known. Many species
of ]uncus and Luzula are components in pastures
3. Rostkovia Desv.
throughout the world. ]uncus effusus is used for
making mats in Central America and Japan, and Rostkovia Desv., J. Bot. (Desv.) 1: 324 (1809).
so is]. rigid us in theN ear East. In the treeless puna
of Peru, blocks of the cushions of Distichia Herbs to 30cm tall; rhizome creeping or ascend-
muscoides are cut for fuel. ing; flowering stem erect, longitudinally ridged;
leaves linear; flowers solitary, terminal, supported
KEY TO THE GENERA by 2 bracts, the lower foliaceous, the upper bracte-
ate; anthers mucronate; ovary !-locular with pari-
1. Plants with distinct woody trunk (S Africa) 1. Prionium
- Plants herbaceous 2 etal placentation; stigmatic lobes tapering; capsule
2. Flowers solitary; anthers mucronate 3 orbicular. Two spp., subantarctic islands from
- Flowers few to numerous, in inflorescences; anthers not New Zealand to S Georgia and Tristan da Cunha,
mucronate 7 and S American mainland in Patagonia and
3. Flower terminal on the flowering stem; plants not forming
cushions 4
- Flower lateral in axil of foliage leaf; plants forming cushions
4. Flower subtended by 1-2 membranous bracts shorter than
4. Distichia Nees & Meyen Fig. 64K-M
tepals; capsule longer than wide 2. Marsippospermum Distichia Nees & Meyen in Meyen, Observ. bot.: 128 (1843).
Flower subtended by 2 bracts, one much longer than tepals;
capsule orbicular 3. Rostkovia
5. Leaves distichous; capsule stipitate when ripe 4. Distichia Cushion-forming herbs to several metres in diam.;
- Leaves spiral; capsule sessile 6 shoots forking, 5-15cm long, covered with short,
6. Leaf apex acute but not hard and prickly 5. Patosia distichous leaves; dioecious; flowers lateral, in
- Leaf apex acute and prickly 6. Oxychloe axils of foliage leaves; staminate flowers long-
7. Leaf sheaths closed; leaf margins ::<:: ciliate; capsule 3-seeded
7. Luzula
pedicellate, projecting above the cushion, anthers
- Leaf sheaths open or rarely closed; leaves glabrous; capsule mucronate; pistillate flowers in axils of subapical
15- to 120-seeded 8. ]uncus leaves, with only the stigmatic branches extending
above the cushion; ovary !-locular with parietal
placentation; capsule elevated on a stipe. Three
spp., high altitudes in the Andes from Venezuela
Genera of the Juncaceae
to N Argentina.
1. Prionium E. Meyer Fig. 64A-F
5. Patosia Buchenau
Prionium E. Meyer, Linnaea 7: 131 (1832).
Patosia Buchenau, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 12: 63 (1890).
Basally woody, with a trunk (rarely) to >1m long
and 5-IOcm in diam., continuing into a subterra- Cushion-forming herbs to several metres in diam.;
nean rhizome; leaves in a terminal rosette, linear, shoots forking, 5-15 em long, covered with short,
tapering, flat or canaliculate, serrate; inflorescence spiral leaves; dioecious or rarely with a few her-
a terminal erect panicle to 1m tall; anthers maphrodite flowers; flowers lateral in axils of
emucronate; styluli free; ovary 3-locular. Only one foliage leaves; staminate flowers long-pedicellate,
Juncaceae 259

projecting above the cushion, anthers mucronate; rescence and leaf characters. Novikov (1990a) re-
pistillate flowers in axils of subapical leaves, with duced the number of subgenera to two and largely
only the long stigmatic branches extending above treated Buchenau's subgenera as sections.
the cushion; ovary 3-locular; capsule sessile. Only
one sp., P. clandestina (Philippi) Buchenau in the To be excluded:
Andes from Bolivia to Argentina.
Voladeria Benoist
6. Oxychloe Philippi
Voladeria Benoist, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 84: 637 (1937).
Oxychloe Philippi, Florula Atacamensis: 52 (1860).
This genus was referred to Juncaceae when de-
Cushion-forming prickly herbs to several metres scribed. The type is lost, but from the description,
in diam., less dense than the two previous genera; which mentions 6 perianth segments and a 1-
shoots forking, 5-30 em long, covered with spiral seeded ovary, it appears to belong to Oreobolus in
leaves with hard, prickly apices; usually dioecious; the Cyperaceae, which is quite common at the type
one sp. with hermaphrodite flowers; flowers lat- locality of Voladeria in Paramo del Angel in
eral, in the axils of foliage leaves, staminate flow- Ecuador.
ers with mucronate anthers, pistillate flowers
concealed in leaves; ovary 3-locular; capsule
sessile. Six spp., high Andes from S Peru to C Selected Bibliography
Balslev, H. 1996. Juncaceae. Flora Neotropica Monograph no.
68. New York: The New York Botanical Garden.
7. Luzula DC. Fig. 65A-E Behnke, H.-D. 1981. See general references.
Buchenau, F. 1865. Der Bliithenstand der Juncaceen. Jahrb.
Luzula DC., Fl. fran<;. 3. ed. 1: 198 (1805), ibid. 3: 158. Wiss. Bot. 4: 385-440.
Buchenau, F. 1875. Monographie der Juncaceen vom Cap.
Perennial, rarely annual (subgen. Marlenia) rhi- Abh. Naturwiss. Ver. Bremen 4: 393-512.
zomatous herbs; leaves spiral, with closed sheath, Buchenau, F. 1890. Monographia Juncacearum. Bot. Jahrb.
Syst. 12: 1-495.
and flat, ciliate, acute, acuminate, aristate, or Buchenau, F. 1906. Juncaceae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Pflan-
callose-tipped blade; inflorescence many- zenreich IV, 36: 1-284.
flowered, paniculate, spicate or anthelate; flowers Cheadle, V.I., Kosakai, H. 1973. Vessels in Juncales. I.
often ± congested into headlike clusters; bracts Juncaceae and Thurniaceae. Phytomorphology 23: 80-87.
1-2, membranous; flowers hermaphrodite; an- Cutler, D.F. 1969. Juncales. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of
the monocotyledons 4. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 1-358.
thers emucronate, ovary 1-locular, with 3 basal Davis, G.L. 1966. See general references.
ovules; seeds sometimes carunculate. About 75 Duvall, M.R. et al. 1993. See general references.
spp., a cosmopolitan genus traditionally divided Ebinger, J.E. 1963. A new subgenus in Luzula (Juncaceae).
into the three subgen. Luzula, Anthelaea and Brittonia 15: 169-174.
Pterodes (but see Novikov 1990b); one sp. of Engelmann, G. 1866, 1868. A revision of the North American
species of the genus ]uncus, with a description of new and
Anthelaea is often treated as subgen. Marlenia imperfectly known species. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 2:
(Ebinger 1963). 424-499.
Ertter, B. 1986. The ]uncus triformis complex. Mem. N.Y. Bot.
Gard. 39: 1-90.
8. ]uncus L. Fig. 65G-J Hegnauer, R. 1986. See general references.
Lanning, F.C. 1972. Ash and silica in ]uncus. Bull. Torrey Bot.
]uncus L., Sp. Pl. 1: 325 (1753). Club 99: 196-198.
Meyer, N.R., Yaroshevskaya, A.S. 1976. The phylogenetic sig-
Perennial and rhizomatous or occasionally annual nificance of the development of pollen grain walls in
herbs; leaves spiral; sheath open or rarely closed, Liliaceae, Juncaceae and Cyperaceae. In: Ferguson, I.K.,
Muller, J. (eds.) The evolutionary significance of the exine.
blade linear, flat, canaliculate, terete, or laterally Linnaean Society Symposium Series No. 1, pp. 91-100.
compressed; inflorescence few- or many-flowered, Netolitzky, F. 1926. Anatomie der Angiospermen-Samen. In:
separate or congested into headlike clusters; Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie, Vol. 10. Berlin: Born-
flowers hermaphrodite, with or without clasping traeger.
bracts; anthers emucronate; ovary 3- or !~locular; Nordenskitild, H. 1964. The effect of X-irradiation on diploid
and polyploid Luzula. Hereditas 51: 344-374.
capsule 15- to 120-seeded. About 250-275 spp., Novara, L.J. 1976. Contribuci6n al conocimiento de las
cosmopolitan. Buchenau (1875, 1890, 1906) di- inflorescencias de ]uncus y su significaci6n taxon6mica.
vided /uncus into 11 subgenera based on inflo- Kurtziana 9: 41-61.
260 Juncaceae/J uncaginaceae

Novikov, V.S. 1990a. Synopsis of the genus ]uncus L.

(Juncaceae). Bjull. Moskovsk Obsc. Isp. Prir., Odt. Bioi. 95
(5): 111-125.
Novikov, V.S. 1990b. The synopsis of the genus Luzula DC.
system (Juncaceae). Bjull. Moskovsk. Obsc. Isp. Prir., Odt. and LB. HoLM-NIELSEN
Bioi. 95 (6): 63-70.
Savile, D.B.O. 1979. Fungi as aids in higher plant classification.
Bot. Rev. 45: 377-503.
Shah, C.K. 1963. The life history of ]uncus bufonius. ]. Indian
Bot. Soc. 42: 238-251.
Simpson, D. 1995. Relationships within Cyperales. In: Rudall,
P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Mono- Juncaginaceae Rich., Demonstr. Bot.: IX (1808), nom. cons.
cotyledons: systematics and evolution, Vol. 2. London:
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 497-509.
Annual or perennial, rhizomatous, glabrous herbs,
Snogerup, S. 1993. A revision of ]uncus subgen. ]uncus
(Juncaceae). Willdenowia 23: 23-73. emergent or with floating leaves, in fresh or brack-
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references. ish waters. Roots fibrous or tuberous. Rhizomes
Williams, C.A., Harborne, J.B. 1975. Luteolin and Daphnetin slender to stout. Leaves rosulate, linear, !-several-
derivatives in the Juncaceae and their systematic signifi- veined, dorsiventrally flattened, terete, or uni-
cance. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 8: 181-190.
Wulff, H.D. 1939. Die Pollenentwicklung der Juncaceen nebst
facial, with open, sheathing base; sheath adnate
einer Auswertung der embryologischen Befunde hinsi- to the blade, often remaining as fibrous cluster
chtlich einer Verwandtschaft zwischen den Juncaceen und after the leaves have decayed, with 2 auricles;
Cyperaceen. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 87: 533-556. intravaginal scales present, membranous. Inflores-
Zimmermann, M.H., Tomlinson, P.B. 1968. Vascular con- cences ebracteate, terminal spikes or spikelike
struction and development in the aerial stem of Prionium
(Juncaceae). Am.]. Bot. 55: 1100-1109. racemes, scapose or not; flowers all hermaphro-
dite, or pistillate at the base, hermaphrodite in the
middle, and staminate (or lacking) distally on the
inflorescence, trimerous, dimerous, or mono-
merous. Perfect and pistillate flowers hypogynous.
Perianth mostly present, rarely absent; segments
6 or 1, in 1 or 2 whorls, when in 1 whorl, then
with 1 segment adnate to anther, when in 2 whorls,
then each whorl with 3 free segments; stamens
antetepalous, 0, 1, 4, or 6, sessile or subsessile,
when 4 or 6 in 2 whorls of2 or 3; anthers 2-thecate,
dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Carpels 0, 1, 3, or 6,
when 3 or 6, then coherent or weakly connate
but separating when mature, or rarely apo-
carpous; locules of same number as carpels;
stigma mostly sessile or on a short style, but
the basal pistillate mostly sessile or on a short
style, but the basal pistillate flowers of Lilaea
with an elongate, filiform style; ovules 1-few
per locule, erect, anatropous with basal placenta-
tion, in Maundia atropous and attached apically.
Fruits achenes, rarely with hooks or horns
at apex. Seeds solitary, exalbuminous; embryo
A family of subcosmopolitan distribution with
4 genera and about 12 species.


are rooted herbs growing in salt or freshwater
marshes or submersed in temperate freshwater
lakes (Fig. 67). The roots are filiform, unbranched
or branched. In Triglochin, they occasionally form
root tubers distally, which arise from the base of
the stem.
Juncaginaceae 261

siventrally or laterally flattened. Intravaginal

squamules are present. Ligules are developed in

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The Juncaginaceae have

paracytic or tetracytic stomata; they lack hairs
(apart from the numerous axillary squamules),
and the mesophyll is lacunose. The main vascular
bundles of the leaf usually have a sclerenchyma-
tous sheath (the outermost sheathing layer often
with U-shaped wall thickenings), but mechanical
tissue is not otherwise developed. Vessels (ques-
tionable in Lilaea ) are restricted to the roots and
are provided with lengthy scalariform perforation
plates. Lilaea is unique in possessing inconspicu-
ous hypodermal laticifers. Crystals occur some-
times in Triglochin, and condensed tannins are
found occasionally in, e.g., solitary mesophyll cells
of Lilaea. Starch is abundant in the stem and root
cortex of Lilaea and Triglochin and also in the leaf
sheath and leaf blade of Triglochin (Tomlinson


inflorescence ofJuncaginaceae is a scapose termi-
nal spike. The flowers are generally ebracteate, but
bracteate in the spikes of Lilaea. The flowers of
Triglochin are perfect, whereas those of Lilaea are
pistillate, hermaphrodite, or staminate, following
in this sequence on the inflorescence axis from
proximal to distal; Tetroncium is dioecious (Fig.
67.) In Lilaea, solitary pistillate flowers are also
borne basally on the scape. The flowers of
Triglochin have 2 whorls each of 3 tepals. There
are up to 6 stamens with tetrasporangiate anthers
which are sessile or on short filaments. The an-
thers dehisce by longitudinal slits. The up to 6
carpels in multicarpellary flowers are more or less
free or united basally and ventrally to a persistent
extension of the floral axis. For further informa-
tion see Tomlinson (1982).
Fig. 67A-J. Juncaginaceae. A-C Triglochin palustre. A Habit.
B Flower. C Mature fruit. D-F T. calcitrapa. D Habit. E Flower. EMBRYOLOGY. The anther wall formation is not
F Immature fruit. G-J Tetroncium magellanicum. G Staminate known. The endothecial thickenings are of the spi-
plant. H Staminate flower. I Pistillate plant. J Pistillate flower.
(Takhtajan 1982) ral type. The tapetal cells are uninucleate and
plasmodial. Microsporogenesis is of the Succes-
sive type, and the homotypic division may aresult
in the formation of isobilateral, linear, T-shaped
The plants are typically tufted with linear leaves or irregular tetrads, such as in, e.g., Butomopsis
arising from an erect, sympodially branched, (Limnocharitaceae). The pollen grains are dis-
cormous axis. Some species are stoloniferous, persed as monads in the 2- or 3-celled stage
with axillary, scale-bearing stolons. The leaves (Gardner 1976). The ovules are crassinucellate,
have a distichous or spirodistichous arrangement with a parietal cell cut off from the archesporia!
on the rhizome. They are sheathing at the cell. The embryo sac is of the Polygonum type, and
base. The blades are linear and terete to dor- endosperm formation is Nuclear.
262 Juncaginaceae

POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are some uncertainty regarding the interpretation of
dispersed singly. They are globose and inaper- floral morphology in Lilaea and Juncaginaceae
turate. inspired Tomlinson (1982) to retain the family
Lilaeaceae pending further study.
KARYOLOGY. Reports on chromosome numbers A close relationship between Juncaginaceae and
are available for several species and include 2n = Scheuchzeriaceae has long been assumed, and
12, 18, 24, 30, 32, 36, 48, 60, 96, 120. Base numbers these families are often merged. A compelling ob-
of x = 6, 8, or 9 have been proposed; it is likely that servation is that both families contain the cyano-
the base number of the group is x = 6, and that genic glucoside triglochinin, which is not known
polyploidy and aneuploidy are responsible for the to occur in other flowering plant families (a simi-
variation (Larsen 1966). lar derivative is known from Ranunculaceae). In
contrast, the vast number of anatomical and mor-
PoLLINATION. The pollination in the Juncagina- phological features that differed between Scheu-
ceae is incompletely known but mainly by wind, chzeriaceae and Juncaginaceae indicate a more
although water pollination may occur as well. remote relationship (Tomlinson 1982).
Juncaginaceae are traditionally placed (along
FRUIT. The fruit of Juncaginaceae is basically an with Scheuchzeriaceae) among families in the
achene, but fruit condition varies. Triglochin has order Zosterales ("Najadales"), but have some-
6 carpels, 3 of which are sterile. These are filled times been considered as closely related to
with parenchymatous tissue; the fruit develops Alismataceae (Alismatales).
into a schizocarplike structure, in which the 3 fer- Molecular phylogenetic studies (Les and Haynes
tile carpels loosen from the others acropetally, to 1995; D.H. Les, unpubl.) corroborate the close
form 1-seeded achenes (Fig. 67C). In Maundia relationship of Lilaea ("Lilaeaceae") and Tri-
and Tetroncium the carpels likewise loosen from glochin (Juncaginaceae), but resolve Scheuch-
each other and form separate achenes. The zeria as relatively distant from these taxa. This
monomerous pistil in Lilaea develops into a trian- topology agrees well with the relative levels of
gular, 3-winged achene. divergence in morphological and anatomical
The testa is not sculptured. The embryo is features observed among these families.
straight and has a massive cotyledon, a lateral Molecular cladograms depict Juncaginaceae
stem tip, and terminal radicle; it lacks a suspensor. as basal to a clade consisting of Zosteraceae and
Potamogetonaceae. Scheuchzeriaceae are basal to
DISPERSAL. Although no published data exist, we a clade comprising this group and the remaining
believe that birds are important in moving the marine families of the Zosterales (Cymodocea-
species over short distances from one water sur- ceae, Posidoniaceae, Ruppiaceae). Although the
face to another. loss of triglochinin from all marine Zosterales and
the Potamogetonaceae is indicated by these phylo-
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. The Juncaginaceae, like the genetic relationships, losses of secondary metabo-
Scheuchzeriaceae, contain the cyanogenic gluco- lites are common in the Potamogetonaceae and
side triglochinin. Crystals of oxalate occur in the other submersed aquatic plants (Les and Sheridan
tissues. 1990). All recent evidence confirms the placement
of Juncaginaceae among the Zosterales rather
CLASS! FICA TION AND AFFINITIES. The genus than the Alismatales.
Lilaea is often treated as a monotypic family
(Lilaeaceae) that is closely related to Jun- DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The Juncagina-
caginaceae (e.g., Hutchinson 1959; Tomlinson ceae are nearly cosmopolitan in cold and tem-
1982). However, embryological, cytological and perate regions of all vegetational zones. Lilaea,
palynological evidence indicate a very close rela- Tetroncium, and Maundia are all basically South-
tionship between Lilaea and other genera of ern Hemispherical, although Lilaea reaches as far
Juncaginaceae (Agrawal 1952; Larsen 1966; north as southern Canada. Tetroncium is found
Gardner 1976). Despite the presence of laticifers only in Patagonia and surrounding islands, and
(absent in other Juncaginaceae), various authors Maundia is restricted to Australia. Triglochin is
(e.g., Cronquist 1981; Dahlgren et al. 1985) have distributed over most regions of the world, and,
viewed the features of Lilaea as similar enough like the family, is subcosmopolitan. It is likely that
to warrant the inclusion of the genus in the the family has its origin in Gondwana (Raven and
Juncaginaceae. The presence of laticifers and Axelrod 1974).
Juncaginaceae 263

All Juncaginaceae are bound to aquatic habitats. 3. Maundia F. Muell.

They grow in fresh or salt marshes, on sea shores
Maundia F. Muell., Fragm. 1: 22 (1858).
or submersed in lakes and rivers. Whereas
Triglochin, Tetroncium, and Maundia are marsh
Stoloniferous, emersed perennial with erect, short
plants, Lilaea is an amphiphyte, living part of the
stem. Leaves subequal to scape, semiterete,
life cycle submersed in freshwater lakes, pools, or
sheathing. Spikes scapose, dense, many-flowered.
small streams.
Flowers perfect, with 2-4 broad-spathulate tepals
and up to 8 stamens in 2 whorls. Carpels 4, weakly
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. The leaves of Triglo-
connate, distinct at apex; styles absent; stigmas
chin maritimum are edible and so is the rhizome
linear. Fruits of 4-10 carpels, 4-angled; carpels
of T. procerum. Some species of Triglochin have
joined adaxially, their ventral spongy, their edges
a high content of HCN and cause occasional
recurved, and their beaks recurved. Only one sp.,
problems for livestock that graze in marshes.
M. triglochinoides F. Muell., NE Australia: S
Queensland, N New South Wales.
1. Flowers both distally in scapose, spikelike racemes, these
perfect, pistillate and staminate, and basally on the scape in 4. Lilaea Humb. & Bonpl.
leaf axils, these pistillate and 1-carpellate 4. Lilaea
Lilaea Humb. & Bonpl., Pl. Aequinoct. 1: 221 (1808).
- All flowers distally in scapose spikelike racemes; carpels 3,
4, or 6 2
2. Flowers 3-merous; ovules erect 1. Triglochin Emersed annual; roots without tubers; stems
- Flowers 2-merous; ovules erect or pendulous 3 short, slender. Leaves terete to fiat. Flowers both
3. Flowers unisexual; ovules basal, erect. Southern S America on scapose spike and basal; the former perfect,
2. Tetroncium
- Flowers perfect; ovules apical or pendulous. NE Australia
pistillate, and staminate, the basal pistillate and
3.Maundia long-styled. Perfect flowers with 1 tepal, the others
naked. Fruit a flattened to angular nutlet. Only one
sp., L. scilloides (Poiret) Hauman, temperate and
1. Triglochin L. Fig. 67A-F
tropical montane marshes from southern Canada
Triglochin L., Sp. Pl.: 338 (1753). to Chile and Argentina.

Emersed perennials, occasionally tuberous; stem

short, leaves few, terete, erect. Racemes spikelike; Selected Bibliography
perianth of 3 + 3 similar, conchiform, separate
segments; stamens mostly 2 + 2 or 3 + 3, Agrawal, V.S. 1952. The embryology of Lilaea subulata H. B.
K. with a discussion on its systematic position. Phytomor-
subsessile; carpels 3 or 6, coherent or weakly con- phology 2: 15-29.
nate, separating when mature, often embedded in Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
the angled floral receptacle; styles absent; the stig- Dahlgren, R. et al. 1985. See general references.
mas plumose or papillose. Fruits angled nutlets. Gardner, R.O. 1976. Binucleate pollen in Triglochin L. N. Z. J.
About 12 spp., cosmopolitan. Bot. 14: 115-116.
Hutchinson, J. 1959. The families of flowering plants. II.
Monocotyledons. 2nd edn. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
2. Tetroncium Willd. Fig. 67G-K Larsen, K. 1966. Cytotaxonomical note on Lilaea. Bot. Not.
119: 496-497.
Tetroncium Willd., Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Les, D.H., Haynes, R.R. 1995. Systematics of the subclass
Neuesten Entdeck. 2: 17 (1808); Correa, Fl. Patagon. 2: 33- Alismatidae: a synthesis of approaches. In: Rudall, P.J.,
37 (1969). Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.P., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyle-
dons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew, pp. 353-377.
Emersed perennials with delicate, fibrous roots;
Les, D.H., Sheridan, D.J. 1990. Biochemical heterophylly and
stem stout, erect, when old sometimes long and flavonoid evolution in North American Potamogeton
reddish. Leaves few, semiterete, with concave (Potamogetonaceae). Am. J. Bot. 77: 453-465.
adaxial surface. Racemes spikelike, scapose. Flow- Raven, P.H., Axelrod, D.I. 1974. Angiosperm biogeography
ers dioecious, staminate with 4 tepals and 4 sessile and past continental movements. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 61:
anthers, pistillate with 4 tepals and 4 carpels. Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
Fruits beaklike; styles persistent on refiexed pe- Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. See general references.
duncles. Only one sp., T. magellanicum Willd.,
Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, and the Falkland
264 Lemnaceae

Lemnaceae In Lemnoideae, the fronds are thin and leaflike

or inflated in some species. They are orbicular,
E. LANDOLT obovate or lanceolate with 1-21 veins. Small pa-
pillae may occur in the upper surface especially
above the node and the tip. In Spirodela the base
of the frond is surrounded by a bifid scale of which
1lobe covers the root primordia on the lower side.
Roots originate at the node on the lower part of
the frond. Spirodela has up to 21 roots, Lemna
Lemnaceae Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 729 (1821), nom. cons. only 1. The roots are surrounded at the base by a
root sheath and enclosed at the tip by a rootcap.
Herbs reduced to smallleaflike poorly differenti- Root hairs are lacking and the roots function
ated fronds, floating on or below the water surface, mainly in stabilising the floating plants. In
mostly reproducing vegetatively. Fronds 1-several Wolffioideae, the fronds are either thin and often
cohering together, thin or thick, 0.5-18mm long, transparent and orbicular to linear or falcate
intensely or transparent green, sometimes red- (Wolffiella, Fig. 69), or thick and globular to cylin-
dish, surrounded at the base by a bifid scale drical or boat-shaped convex (Wolffia). The small-
(Spirodela) or without, consisting of a lower and est species of flowering plants ( Wolffia angusta
an upper epidermis and several cell layers be- and W. globosa) reach a length, width and thick-
tween, with aerenchyma or without ( Wolffia), with ness of 0.8/0.4/l.Omm and 0.8/0.6/0.7mm,
1-16(21) veins (Lemnoideae) or without veins respectively.
(Wolffioideae); with 2 flat lateral reproductive There are three morphological interpretations
pouches at the base of the frond (Lemnoideae) or of the frond as follows: ( 1) The frond corresponds
with 1 terminal pouch or cavity (Wolffioideae). to a leaf (e.g. Hoffmann 1840); (2) the frond cor-
Roots 1-21 (Lemnoideae) or absent (Wolf- responds to a shoot of leaflike shape (e.g.
fioideae), surrounded at the base by a tubular Hegelmaier 1868; Brunaud 1974); (3) the basal
sheath and enclosed at the tip by a cap; root hairs part of the frond represents a shoot, and the distal
lacking. Flowering and fruiting rare in most spe- part represents a phyllome (Engler 1877; Hegel-
cies. Flowers 1-2 per frond, bisexual, either sur- maier 1895; Arber 1919; Meusel 1951; Kandeler
rounded by an utricular to scalelike leaf and 1979). According to the last theory, which is the
emerging from the lateral pouches or originating most convincing and mostly accepted one, the
in a bare cavity on the upper surface. Stamens 2 scalelike leaf of Spirodela corresponds to a
or 1 per flower, 1- or 2-thecate. Ovary 1-locular, prophyll.
bottle-shaped, tapering into a stylar duct with a Many species of the Lemnaceae are able to form
spherical stigma producing a droplet at anthesis. turions in order to survive unfavourable condi-
Ovules anatropous, amphitropous or atropous, tions. These fronds are smaller than normal
bitegmic. Fruits with dry, decaying pericarp. fronds and contain more starch and fewer air
Seeds mostly 1 (up to 5 in Spirodela and Lemna), spaces. They sink to the bottom of the water.
ovoid, retained in pericarp or released, longitudi-
nally ribbed or nearly smooth, endosperm VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The fronds have 1-10
present. layers of parenchyma between the upper and
The family has four genera and ca. 35 species lower epidermis. This tissue is aerenchymatous
and is distributed worldwide. (except in Wolffia) either throughout the frond or
only around the node. Under certain conditions
VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The leaflike body gibbous fronds caused by enlarged air spaces are
(frond) of the Lemnaceae is poorly differentiated formed. Veins (only present in Le~noideae) origi-
(Fig. 68). It consists of the rear or basal portion, nate in the node and run through the distal sec-
which is behind the node (vegetative apex) where tion. In the roots, the reduced vascular strands are
the daughter fronds are formed by budding either represented by a central strand of elongated cells.
in flat lateral pouches (Lemnoideae) or in 1 termi- The veins and the strand of elongated cells in roots
nal pouch or cavity (Wolffioideae); a row of in Spirodela and most species of Lemna contain
elongated cells runs from the node to the base some tracheids. In Lemnoideae certain cells con-
continuing as a stipe that connects the parent- and tain oxalate raphides; druses and raphides occur
daughter fronds and the front or distal portion, in Spirodela. Brown pigment cells (myriophylline
which contains veins in the Lemnoideae. idioblasts) are characteristic of Spirodela and
Lemnaceae 265


some of Wolffiella and Wolffia (visible only in Fig. 68A-O. Lemnaceae. A-C Spirodela polyrhiza. A Mother
dead fronds as brown dots). Stomata of Lemna frond with adhering offspring, dorsal view, X4. B Ventral
view, the sheaths of the secondary roots covered by the ventral
species (except flowering L. trisulca) lack chloro- scale, X4. C Detail of flowering frond with style and two sta-
plasts and are always open; in Spirodela, Wolffiella mens enveloped by the scalelike leaf, X 12. D-H Lemna
and Wolffia the stomata contain chloroplasts or at aequinoctialis. D Mother frond with adhering offspring, X8. E
least starch grains. It is known that the stomatal Frond with fruit and daughter frond, dorsal view, X8. F Seed,
opening is controlled in S. punctata. X20. G Seed, longitudinal section, X60. H Germinating seed,
showing plumule and first frond, X 10. 1-L L. trisulca. I Sub-
The walls of the epidermal cells are straight merged plant, X4. JPart of flowering frond, dorsal view, X8. K
(Spirodela intermedia, Wolffia, Wolffiella) or un- Stamen, X 16. L Flower surrounded by the scalelike leaf, X 16.
dulated (Spirodela punctata, Lemna). M Wolffia arrhiza, frond with daughter frond, X 12. N, 0 W.
microscopica. N Flowering plant with daughter frond; X 12. 0
Flower (1 stamen, 1 pistil); X24. (van der Plas 1971 )
reproductive part of Lemnaceae is interpreted
either as a single flower, or as an inflorescence consists of 1 membranous scalelike leaf (prophyll)
in which all flowers are reduced to either a single at the base, 2 4-sporangiate stamens and 1 pistil.
stamen or a single carpel. If the reproductive zone In Wolffioideae the scalelike leaf (prophyll) is
is treated as an inflorescence, the scalelike leaf lacking and the single stamen is 2-sporangiate. In
(prophyll) is called spathe. Here the interpretation Lemnoideae, the flowering organs originate in the
as a flower is favoured. In Lemnoideae the flower same pouches in which the daughter fronds are
266 Lemnaceae

lines of the anthers contain pigment cells. Raphide

cells are present in the anther walls of Lem-
noideae. The filaments have at the base a row of
ring tracheids. The pistil of Lemnoideae is in-
serted above the 2 stamens (seen from the upper
frond surface) and between them (seen from the
base of the frond). In Wolffioideae, the pistil is at
the base and proximal to the single stamen. The
pistil is bottle-shaped and tapers into a short style.
The stigma is funnel-shaped, tapering into a style
duct. Pigment cells are present in the stigma of
Spirodela and some species of Wolffioideae. Most
Lemnaceae have only 1 ovule (except Spirodela,
Lemna gibba, and L. disperma with up to 7
ovules). The ovules are anatropous if more than
1 or amphitropous or atropous if solitary.

EMBRYOLOGY. The tapetum is 1-layered and

plasmodial. The ovary consists of a single carpel.
Fig. 69. Lemnaceae. Wolffiella denticulata. (Photo J. Bogner)
The ovule is at first atropous and bitegmic. In
X20 Spirodela and some Lemna species it later be-
comes amphitropous or anatropous. The outer
integument is 2-several-layered, the inner one is
formed. Generally, they appear in pouches instead 2-3-layered. The tegmen layer of the seed coat is
of the second daughter frond. In Wolffioideae the thin but hard and has an apical operculum. Both
flowers originate in a cavity on the upper surface integuments are persistent in ripe seeds. The nu-
of the frond, different from the pouch where the cellus is crassinucellate and in the mature seed
daughter fronds are formed. remains as a small nucellar cap. Embryo-sac for-
There is much controversy about the interpreta- mation is of the normal type in Spirodela (Brooks
tion of the floral structures. Some authors (e.g. 1940; Maheshwari and Maheshwari 1963), of
Hegelmaier 1868; Eichler 1875; Brooks 1940; the Scilla or Allium type in Lemna (Lawalree 1952;
Meuse! 1951; Maheshwari 1958a,b; Daubs 1965; Maheshwari 1956b, Maheshwari and Kapil
Den Hartog and van der Plas 1970; and Kandeler l963a,b) and in Wolffia (Gupta 1935; Maheshwari
1979) assume that Pistia (Araceae) is the closest 1954, 1956a). Embryo development follows the
relative of Lemnaceae and regard the flowering Asterad type. During maturation of the seed,
organs as a reduced inflorescence consisting of the apical cell develops into the cotyledon and
1-2 male flowers and 1 female flower, surrounded the basal cell develops into the hypocotyl with the
in the Lemnoideae by a spathe. In fact, the inter- suspensor and the primordium of the first frond.
pretation as an inflorescence depends totally on In the mature embryo, it is not possible to distin-
the presumed relationship to Araceae. Others guish sharply between cotyledon, hypocotyl and
(Hegelmaier 1871; Lawalree 1945; and Hillman suspensor, and this last organ has been variously
1961) interpret the organs as a flower with 1-2 interpreted. Endosperm formation is Cellular.
stamens and 1 pistil (and 1 prophyll in Lem-
noideae). The inflorescence theory is based on POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Pollen grains are similar
the supposed derivation of Spirodela from the su- in all species of Lemnaceae. The mature, 3-celled
perficially similar Pistia, which has an inflores- pollen grains are (11) 15-26(52) ~-tm in diameter.
cence. The relationship of Lemnaceae is still They are ulcerate with a circular aperture. The
uncertain, the simpler concept of a flower is here exine is 0.6- 1 11m thick, spinulate with 0.4- 2.5 11m
preferred for the flowering structures of Lem- long spinulae, 1.2-2.5 11m long in the Lemnoideae
naceae. and 0.4-1.0 11m long in the Wolffioideae.
The scalelike leaf (prophyll) in Lemnoideae is a
1-layered membranous utricle either open only at KARYOLOGY. Urbanska-Worytkiewicz (1980)
the top or slit to the base. In this subfamily the 2 counted chromosome numbers of plants from
stamens develop successively, the distal one first. about 1500 localities (30 species). The Lemnaceae
In Spirodela and the Wolffioideae the dehiscent are a very difficult material, "the chromosomes of
Lemnaceae 267

numerous species being exceedingly small and of- especially ducks, become covered with Lemnaceae
ten tending to stick together". The basic chromo- and transport them to neighbouring waters. Long-
some number for Lemnaceae is x = 10. A diploid distance dispersal is rare as Lemnacean fronds dry
number of 2n = 40 is most common, the euploid out quickly and die. According to Wolek {1981),
numbers 2n = 20, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80 and the aneu- Wolffia arrhiza can survive outside the water only
ploid numbers 2n = 36 and 2n = 42 have been 20-30 min and Spirodela or Lemna about 2 1/2 h
recorded. Similar results regarding the variation (21-26°C, 60-70% air humidity). However, they
were observed by Banerjee {1971) and Beppu and may survive longer under different conditions.
Takimoto {1981). Geber (in lit.) obtained some- Godziemba-Czyk (1970) observed living fronds of
what different results. He could recognise the W. arrhiza after 6h and Ridley (1930) of L. minor
heterochromatin by application of DNA-specific after 12-22h. If the fronds are covered by the
fluorochromes. He counted uniformly 2n = 36 feathers or the hairs of the animals, they may sur-
(5 clones) for Spirodela intermedia, 2n = 40 (5 vive outside the water even longer. Seeds of most
clones), 80 (1 clone) for S. polyrhiza, 2n = 46 (7 species are drought-resistant. They can be trans-
clones) for S. punctata. In the genus Lemna, he ported over distances of several hundred kilome-
observed mostly 2n = 42, 44 and 63. ters by birds. Anthropogenous dispersal together
with aquarium plants is often noted.
PoLLINATION. Pollination biology is not known Vegetative propagation is much more important
in detail. Fruiting is very rare in nature even when than reproduction by seeds. Under optimal condi-
flowering occurs. Species which fruit often (e.g. tions, the number of fronds may double within
L. aequinoctialis, L. perpusilla) are mostly self- 24 h, and one frond can easily develop into a popu-
pollinating, pollen grains being dropped from the lation of over a million fronds within a month.
anthers onto the stigma. Most other species are Seeds are essential only for a few species to survive
protogynous. Presumed pollinators range from dry periods. In some species turions are formed
snails to insects (Ludwig 1909) or wind- and rain under unfavourable conditions, which sink to the
pollination (Maheshwari 1954) or direct contact of bottom. They can stay there for several months
drifting fronds (Lawaln!e 1961) pushed together waiting for better conditions.
by wind or animals. The small number of sticky
pollen grains, and the sucrose nectar produced by PHYTOCHEMISTRY. The literature on phytochem-
the stigma indicate entomogamy (cf. also Blodgett istry of Lemnaceae is so extensive that even a sur-
1923). Indeed, one can observe insects crossing a vey is not possible within this treatment (see
flowering Lemna cover and carrying pollen grains Landolt and Kandeler 1987). The protein content
of Lemnaceae sticking to hairs on their lower side. of the fronds is high (up to 45% dry weight). Most
species have a characteristic pattern of flavonoids
FRUIT AND SEED. Each fruit has a dry pericarp and (McClure and Alston 1966). Proanthocyanidins
contains 1 seed {1-5 in Spirodela intermedia and are present in Spirodela and in some species of
Lemna gibba, 1-2 in S. polyrhiza, S. punctata Lemna. Spirodela and Lemna contain calcium
and L. disperma). The fruits of species with anatro- oxalate up to 4o/o dry weight (Bornkamm 1965),
pous or amphitropous ovules are mostly winged either as raphides and druses in Spirodela, or as
laterally towards the top, but not winged in species raphides only in Lemna.
with atropous ovules (except L. perpusilla). Decay-
ing causes the opening of the fruit and takes place SUBDIVISION AND RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE
in some species (e.g. L. aequinoctialis) just after FAMILY. Lemnaceae are clearly divided into two
ripening of the seed, but in most other species subfamilies comprising two genera each. The
much later (up to many weeks). The seeds are Lemnoideae with the genera Spirodela and Lemna
ovoid with a dark, pointed operculum. The chalaza are morphologically more differentiated than the
forms a dark point at the base. The endosperm fills Wolffioideae. They have roots, veins and 2 4-
up part of the ripe seed and, at least in Lemna, is sporangiate stamens per flower. A scalelike leaf
rich in starch (Maheshwari 1956b). (prophyll) is also present at the base of the flower
and at the base of the frond in Spirodela. There
DISPERSAL AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. The is a trend to reduction, leading from Spirodela
fronds are very small and easily transported by through Lemna and Wolffiella to Wolffia. Wolffia
wind, water and animals. Mammals such as bea- and W olffiella have pigment cells, plastids in the
vers, rats, muskrats, racoons and wild boar, which guard cells of the stomata, straight walls of the
usually feed on duckweed, as well as water birds, epidermis cells, and flavonols in common with
268 Lemnaceae

Spirodela but not with Lemna. Den Hartog and All members of the family float on or below the
van der Plas (1970) have divided the genus Wolf- surface of freshwater. Together with water ferns
fiella into three genera: Wolffiella, Wolffiopsis, (Azolla, Salvinia) and liverworts (Riccia and
and Pseudowolffia. This separation is not justified Ricciocarpus), they cover the surface of stagnant
since two intermediate species have recently been waters. They have a relatively high demand for
described (Landolt 1980). · nutrients in the water. Therefore, they occur only
in meso- to eutrophic waters. Waters with less
AFFINITIES. The four genera of Lemnaceae share than 0.003 mg/1 phosphorous content in the aver-
many morphological, biochemical and ecological age of the vegetation period do not contain
characteristics and comprise a distinct and rela- Lemnaceae (Liiond 1983). To survive under
tively uniform family. The reduction of most parts unfavourable conditions, some species form
makes it difficult to estimate relationships to other turions (small compact starch-filled buds) which
families (see above under Vegetative Morphology sink to the bottom of the water.
and Inflorescence and Floral Structure). Accord-
ing to a widely held view, Lemnaceae are evolved PALAEOBOTANY. Limnobiophyllum is interpreted
through Pistia (Araceae) and are members of as a link beween Araceae and Lemnaceae (Kvacek
Arales. The superficial similarity between Pistia 1995); it includes free-floating stoloniferous plants
and Spirodela is indeed striking. Spirodela re- with 1 or 2 sessile suborbicular to reniform leaves
sembles a reduced Pistia (especially the seedling), and simple and branched roots. Two species are
but their shared features are present in other fami- recognised: L. scuta tum from the latest Cretaceous
lies of the monocotyledons. The interpretation of to Oligocene of western N America and
the reproductive organs as flowers or inflores- Palaeocene of E Asia, and L. expansum from the
cences depends totally on the presumed relation- Miocene of Europe. Recently, specimens of L.
ship. The absence of a basal cell in the embryo scutatum with attached stamens and monoporate,
and the absence of a micropylar cap (Maheshwari spinulate pollen have been described (Stockey
1956b) within monocotyledons seem to be typical et al. 1997). Records of seeds similar to those of
of Lemnaceae and Araceae and cellular endo- Lemnaceae date back to the Oligocene and Mi-
sperm is almost exclusive for Lemnaceae and ocene, e.g. Lemna tertiaria from Siberia (Dorofeev
Araceae. But there are many differences between 1963). Nikitin (1976) describes fossil seeds as
Pistia and the Lemnaceae, e.g.: embryo sac of the Lemnospermum pistiforme from the Oligocene
Allium type in Lemnaceae, of the Polygonum type and Miocene, which are similar to Spirodela and
in Pistia; micropyle formed by the inner integu- Lemna, but larger than Lemna and have about the
ment in Lemnaceae, by the outer integument size of Spirodela intermedia. Seeds described as
in Pistia; pollen grains ulcerate and spinose in Lemnospermum minimum by Mai and Walther
Lemnaceae, inaperturate and plicate in Pistia (but (1978) probably do not belong to Lemnaceae or
many Araceae have a spiny exine!); apiose present Araceae. Fossil seeds of L. trisulca and L. gibba are
in Lemnaceae and absent in Pistia; pollen 3- reported from Pliocene and Quaternary deposits
nucleate in Lemnaceae, 2-nucleate in Pistia. of Russia (Nikitin 1957).
Therefore Pistia is clearly not the link between
Araceae and Lemnaceae. Recent molecular work PARASITES. The Lemnaceae have astonishingly
shows the Lemnaceae rooted in subfam. Aroideae few fungal parasites. The fronds of Spirodela are
s.l. of the Araceae (French et al. 1995). attacked by the smut fungus Tracya lemnae.
Spirodela polyrhiza, Lemna gibba, L. minor and
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The Lemnaceae less so L. valdiviana, are susceptible to the infec-
are of world-wide distribution. They do not occur tion of the oomycete Pythium myriotylum. L.
in arctic and desert regions. Of all the continents, aequinoctialis and S. punctata never show disease
America shows by far the biggest diversity. Three symptoms (Rejmankova et al. 1986). However,
genera are distributed throughout the world; more than 40 insect species and many other ani-
Wolffiella is restricted to America and Africa. mals feed on duckweeds.
Spirodela, the genus representing the most primi-
tive organisation, has its centre of distribution inS EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. Due to the high protein
America. Except for Lemna, which has its highest content and the fast vegetative reproduction
diversity in N America and E Asia, Lemnaceae Lemnaceae have some potential economic impor-
occur mainly in subtropical regions of the south- tance (cf. Hillman and Culley 1978; Culley et al.
ern hemisphere. 1981). In SE Asia (Burma, Thailand, Laos) Wolffia
Lemnaceae 269

globosa is eaten by man (Bhanthumnavin and Me 2-7 anatropous ovules; seeds 0.4-0.9 mm long,
Garry 1971). In Israel Lemna gibba is estimated as with 8-60 longitudinal ribs. Thirteen spp., mostly
a vegetable. Lemnaceae are cultivated in many wide distribution.
parts of the world as food for ducks, chicken and
fish (Schulz 1962), and in some regions also for
cattle and pigs. In addition, Lemnaceae are used II. Subfam. Wolffioideae Engler (1889).
for removing nutrients or heavy metals out of
waste water, also for manure, and as sensitive test 3. Wolffiella Hegelm. Fig. 69
plants to demonstrate toxic substances in water.
Wolffiella Hegelm., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 21: 303 (1895).
Pseudowolffia den Hartog & van der Plas (1970).
KEY TO THE SUBFAMILIES AND GENERA Wolffiopsis den Hartog & van der Plas (1970).
1. Roots present; fronds with veins; daughter fronds and
flowers produced in 2 lateral pouches at the base of the Fronds thin, orbicular, oblong to linear or falcate;
frond; flowers surrounded by a membranous leaf (spathe terminal pouche triangular and flat; frond with 1
or prophyll), with 2 4-sporangiate stamens; crystal cells layer of air spaces; flowers originating in a cavity
present; seeds with longitudinal ribs (Lemnoideae) 2 (2 cavities in W. welwitschii) at the side of the
- Roots lacking; fronds without veins; daughter fronds pro-
duced from a single terminal pouch or cavity; flowers pro- median line of the upper surface of the frond.
duced in a cavity on the upper surface of the frond, without Pistil with 1 atropous ovule. Ten spp., four in
a membranous leaf (prophyll); 1 single 2-sporangiate Africa, five in America, and one in Africa and
stamen; crystal cells lacking; seeds nearly smooth America.
(W olffioideae) 3
2. Roots 2-21; veins usually 5-16; fronds surrounded at the
base by a small scale; oxalate druses present 1. Spirodela 4. Wolffia Horkel ex Schleiden Fig. 68M-P
- Root only 1 per frond; veins 1-5 (rarely 7 in L. gibba); base
of the frond without scale; oxalate druses lacking2. Lemna Wolffia Horkel ex Schleiden, Beitr. Bot. 1: 233 (1844).
3. Fronds fiat, with air spaces, daughter fronds produced in a
terminal fiat pouch; flower originating in a cavity at the side
of the median line of the upper surface 3. Wolffiella
Fronds thick, globose, ovoid, cylindrical, conical,
- Fronds globose to ovoid boat-shaped, without air spaces; boat-shaped convex; air spaces lacking; flowers
daughter fronds produced in a terminal conical cavity of originating in a cavity on or near the median line
the mother frond; flower originating on the upper side in a of the upper surface. Pistil with 1 atropous ovule.
cavity in or near the median line of the frond 4. Wolffia Eleven spp., three of which on more than one
I. Subfam. Lemnoideae Engler (1876).

1. Spirodela Schleiden Fig. 68 A-C Selected Bibliography

Spirodela Schleiden, Linnaea 13: 91 (1839). For complete bibliography see Landolt (1986) and Landolt
and Kandeler ( 1987).
Fronds with (3)5-16(21) veins, with several layers Arber, A. 1919. On the vegetative morphology of Pistia and the
Lemnaceae. Proc. R. Soc. 91: 96-103.
of air spaces, with pigment cells, and with Banerjee, M. 1971. Chromosome studies in Lemnaceae. Rev.
raphides and druses, sourrounded at the base by a Roum. Embryo!. Ser. Cytol. 8: 21-27.
bifid scale (prophyll) covering the place of attach- Beppu, T., Takimoto, A. 1981. Geographical distribution and
ment of the roots; roots 2-21 per frond (rarely 1). cytological variation of Lemna paucicostata Hegelm. Jpn.
Pistil with 1 amphitropous or 2-5 anatropous Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 94: ll-20.
Bhanthumnavin, K., McGarry, G.M. 1971. Wolffia arrhiza as a
ovules; seeds 0.7-2.0 mm long, with 10-22longitu- possible source of inexpensive protein. Nature 232: 495.
dinal ribs. Three spp., two widely distributed, Blodgett, F.H. 1923. The embryo ofLemna. Am. J. Bot. 10:336-
one in S America. 342.
Bornkamm, R. 1965. Die Rolle des Oxalats im Stoffwechsel
hoherer griiner Pflanzen. Untersuchungen an Lemna minor
2. Lemna L. Fig. 68D-K L. Flora 156: 139-171.
Brooks, J.S. 1940. The cytology and morphology of the
Lemna L., Sp. Pl. 1: 970 (1753). Lemnaceae. Unpubl. PhD Thesis. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
Fronds with 1-5(7) veins and 1 to several layers of Brunaud, A. 1974. Organisation de Ia pousse vegetative d'une
lemnacee: Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid. C.R. Acad. Sci.
air spaces and raphides; pigment cells lacking; Paris D 278: 1183-1186.
fronds not surrounded by a prophyll; 1 root per Culley, D.D., Rejmankova, E., Kvet, J., Frye, J.B. 1981. Produc-
frond; pistil with 1 amphitropous or atropous or tion, chemical quality and use of duckweeds (Lemnaceae)
270 Lemnaceae

in aquaculture, waste management, and animal feeds. insbesondere Phosphor und Stickstoff. Veri:iff. Geobot. Inst.
J. World Marie. Soc. 12: 27-49. Eidg. Tech. Hochsch. Stift. Rubel Zuer 80: 1-116.
Daubs, E.H. 1965. A monograph of Lemnaceae. Illinois Bioi. Maheshwari, S.C. 1954. The embryology of Wolffia. Phy-
Monogr. 34. Urbana: The Univ. Ill. Press pp. 1-118. tomorphology 4: 355-365.
Den Hartog, C., van der Plas, F. 1970. A synopsis of the Maheshwari, S.C. 1956a. Endosperm and seed of Wolffia.
Lemnaceae. Blumea 18: 355-368. Nature 178: 925-926.
Dorofeev, P.I. 1963. The Tertiary floras of Western Siberia. Maheshwari, S.C. 1956b. The endosperm and embryo of
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Eichler, A.W. 1875. Bliithendiagramme, Vol. 1. Leipzig: W. Phytomorphology 6: 51-55.
Engelmann, pp. 73-80. Maheshwari, S.C. 1958a. The Lemnaceae. A contribution to
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French, J.C., Chung, M.G., Hur, Y.K. 1995. Chloroplast DNA tween the aroids and the duckweeds. Nature 181: 1745-
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255-275. and gametophytes of Lemna paucicostata. Am. J. Bot. 50:
Godziemba-Czyk, J. 1970. Vegetative and resting forms of 677-686.
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Hoffmann, J.P. 1840. Beitrage zur naheren Kenntnis von Nikitin, P.A. 1957. Pliocene and Quaternary floras of
Lemna arrhiza nebst einigen Bemerkungen tiber L. Woronesh. Moscow: Akad. Nauk SSSR.
polyrrhiza, L. gibba, L. minor und L. trisulca. Wiegm. Arch. Nikitin, V. 1976. The Miocene of Mamontova Gora. Moscow:
Naturgesch. 6: 138-163. Akad. Nauk.
Kandeler, R. 1979. Lemnaceae. In: Hegi, G. (ed.) Illustr. Fl. Plas, van der, F. 1971. Lemnaceae. In: van Steenis, C.G.G.J.
Mitteleur. 2 ( 1) 3rd ed. Berlin: Parry: 335-346. (ed.) Flora Malesiana I, 7: 219-237. Leyden: Noordhoff.
Kvacek, Z. 1995. Limnobiophyllum Krassilov - a fossil link Rejmankova, E., Blackwell, M., Culley, D.D. 1986. Dynamics
between the Araceae and the Lemnaceae. Aquat. Bot. 50: of fungal infection in duckweeds (Lemnaceae). Veri:iff.
49-61. Geobot. 1nst. Eidg. Tech. Hochsch. Stift. Rubel Zuer. 87:
Landolt, E. 1980. Description of six new species of Lemnaceae. 178-189.
Veri:iff. Geobot. Inst. Eidg. Tech. Hochsch. Stift. Rubel Zuer. Ridley, H.N. 1930. The dispersal of plants throughout the
70: 22-29. world. Ashford: Reeve.
Landolt, E. 1986. The family of Lemnaceae - a monographic Schulz, B. 1962. Wasserlinsen. Wittenberg: Neue
study. Vol. 1: Morphology; karyology; ecology; geographic Brehmbiicherei.
distribution; systematic position; nomenclature; descrip- Stockey, R.A., Hoffman, G.L., Rothwell, G.W. 1997. The fossil
tions. Veri:iff. Geobot. Inst. Eidg. Tech. Hochsch. Stift. Rubel moncot Limnobiophyllum scutatum: resolving the phylo-
Zuer. 71: 566 pp. geny of Lemnaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 84: 355-368.
Landolt, E., Kandeler, R. 1987. The family of Lemnaceae - a Urbanska-Worytkiewicz, K. 1980. Cytological variation within
monographic study. Vol. 2: Phytochemistry; physiology; the family of Lemnaceae. Veriiff. Geobot. Inst. Eidg. Tech.
application; bibliography. Veriiff. Geobot. Inst. Eidg. Tech. Hochsch. Stift. Rubel Zuer. 70: 30-101.
Hochsch. Stift. Rubel Zuer. 95: 638 pp. Wolek, J. 1981. Assessment of the possibility of exoorni-
Lawaln!e, A. 1945. La position systematique des Lemnaceae et thochory of duckweeds (Lemnaceae) in the light of re-
leur classification. Bull. Soc. R. Bot. Belg. 77: 27-38. searches into the resistance of these plants to desiccation.
Lawalree, A. 1952. L'embryologie des Lemnaceae. Observa- Ekol. Pol. 29: 405-419.
tions sur Lemna minor L. Cellule 54: 305-326.
Lawalree, A. 1961. La pollinisation de Lemna minor L. Nat.
Belg. 42: 164-165.
Ludwig F. 1909. Lemnaceae. In: Kirchner, 0., Loew, E.,
Schroeter, C. (eds.) Lebensgeschichte der Bliitenpflanzen
Mitteleuropas 1, Abt. 3. Stuttgart: Ulmer.
Liiond, A. 1983. Das Wachstum von Wasserlinsen (Lem-
naceae) in Abhangigkeit des Nahrstoffangebots,
Limnocharitaceae 271

Limnocharitaceae ultimately forms a new erect plant. The leaves are

spirodistichously arranged in basal rosettes. The
R.R. HAYNES, D.H. LES, bracts of floating inflorescences are often foliose,
and LB. HOLM-NIELSEN but smaller and generally less developed. The long
petiolate leaves have an open sheathing base and
a linear-lanceolate, ovate, or cordate blade (Fig.
70). The petioles are triangular or terete, with con-
spicuous diaphragms. No ligule or squamules are
present. There are few primary veins, these usually
Limnocharitaceae Takhtajan ex Cronquist, Integr. Syst. Class. converging, and a closed reticulum is formed by
Fl. Pl.: 1048 (1981). the secondary and tertiary veins.

Perennial latescent herbs, emergent, submersed, VEGETATIVE ANATOMY (based on Tomlinson

or floating in freshwaters. Roots fibrous, few to 1982). Roots are branched and have a thin-walled
many, from a stout rhizome or stolon. Stems epidermis with trichoblasts that may develop into
fleshy, erect, unbranched. Leaves basal or alter- root hairs. The outer cortex is compacted into an
nate, spirally inserted, petiolate; petioles terete to exodermis of 2 or 3 cell layers, and the remainder
triangular, mostly considerably longer than blade, of the cortex is composed of lacunose paren-
with sheathing base, the sheath without auricles, chyma. An endodermis with Casparian strips
intravaginal scales lacking; leaf blades orbicular to surrounds a single-layered pericycle. The stele is
lanceolate, the margins entire, the apex obtuse to composed of a single metaxylem vessel and few
round-acute, the base cordate to attenuate, vena- protoxylem tracheids, which alternate with single
tion reticulate, with parallel primary veins from sieve tubes. Secretory canals are absent.
base of blade to apex and transverse secondary The rhizome in Limnocharis has a persistent
veins. Inflorescence a scapose, erect to floating, epidermis underlayered by a suberized exodermis.
terminal, involucrate umbel, subtending spathe The well-developed cortex parenchyma is
lacking, with an involucre of few to several mem- lacunose and reticulate without diaphragms and
branous, acuminate bracts. Flowers hypogynous, often stellate. An endodermis similar to that in
perfect, pedicellate; perianth actinomorphic, of 6 the roots is present. The central xylem strands
separate tepals in 2 whorls, the outer 3 sepal-like, are irregular. In the stems of Limnocharis and
persistent, mostly erect and enclosing flower and Hydrocleys, the vascular system is supported by
fruit; the inner 3 petal-like, usually delicate, cadu- about 6 principal vascular bundles in the central
cous. Stamens free, 6-many; anthers 2-locular, parenchymatous core, these bundles without a
basifixed, 4-sporangiate, dehiscing by longitudi- fibrous sheath. Secretory canals are abundant.
nal slits. Carpels 3-many, separate or basally co- The petiole is angular in Limnocharis and terete
herent, 1-locular, each with numerous anatropous in Hydrocleys and Butomopsis. A hypodermis of
or campylotropous ovules; placentation laminar; 1-4 layers of chlorenchyma is present in
styluli short or absent, stigma linear. Fruits folli- Hydrocleys. The aerenchyma consists of a network
cular. Seeds numerous, glandular pubescent or of uniseriate parenchyma plates enclosing large
costate, U-shaped, without endosperm. lacunae traversed by diaphragms of sometimes
Three genera and eight species in the tropics of stellate cells. The core of the vascular system is a
the Old and New World. V-shaped arc of large central vascular bundles.
Secretory canals are abundant.
VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The roots arise from The floating leaves have hydropoten on the
the rhizome or the nodes of the stem. The abaxial epidermis. The epidermis is thin-walled,
nonchlorophyllous axes are short and erect or but the outer surface is weakly thickened and cuti-
elongated and creeping. The stems, including nized. Stomata are paracytic. The mesophyll is
stolons and scapes supporting floating inflores- dorsiventral with 1(-2) layers of peglike palisade
cences, and petioles have extensive aerenchyma. cells and a very lacunose, spongy parenchyma.
Branching is sympodial and continued from buds The abaxial hypodermis is continuous and com-
developed in the axil of the last leaf of the rosette. pact. Secretory canals are abundant in the leaves
The ultimate bud of the inflorescence of and form a continuous network. An apical pore is
Limnocharis flava always develops into a vegeta- formed abaxially by dissolution of mesophyll cells
tive bud (Wilder 1974), which forms a new at the endings of vascular elements of the major
vegetative shoot after the fruits have fallen, and veins.
272 Limnocharitaceae

FLORAL STRUCTURE. The flowers are perfect and

are borne on pedicels longer than the bracts. The
perianth consists of 3 green sepals and 3 white to
bright yellow petals. The petals are twice as large
as the sepals to inconspicuous and smaller than
the sepals. The androecium consists of three to
numerous stamens. An outer circle of up to many
staminodia is found in some species of Hydrocleys
and Limnocharis (Fig. 70D,H). The anthers are
subbasifixed, extrorse or, more generally, latrorse,
as in Limnocharis. Anther dehiscence is by longi-
tudinal slits.
The gynoecium consists of 3 to about 20 carpels.
The carpels of Limnocharis are closely laterally
appressed and scarcely coherent at the base, while
those of Butomopsis and Hydrocleys are fused
below for up to 1/3 of their length. Stigmas are
sessile and capitate in Limnocharis; in Butomopsis
and Hydrocleys, they are horseshoe-shaped sur-
faces at the apex of the beaklike hollow apex of
the carpels.
Floral ontogeny in Hydrocleys reveals a centrifu-
gal stamen inception and a basically trimerous
developmental pattern, in spite of the consider-
able deviation from the monocotyledonous
ground plan of the mature flower (Sattler and
Singh 1973).

EMBRYOLOGY (Davis 1966). Anther wall forma-

tion follows the monocotyledonous type. The en-
dothecium develops fibrous thickenings, and the
middle layer is ephemeral. The tapetum is amoe-
boid and in the early stages consists of uninucleate
cells. Microsporogenesis is of the successive type
and the tetrads are tetrahedral or isobilateral,
rarely linear or T-shaped. The pollen grains are
3-celled at dispersal.
The placentation is laminar. A parietal cell is not
cut off from the primary archesporia! cell, but the
nucellar epidermis divides periclinally to form a
nucellar cap.
Fig. 70A-H. Limnocharitaceae. A-F Limnocharis flava. A The embryo sac is of the Allium type. The en-
Habit. B Flower. C Fruiting flower with numerous follicles. D dosperm formation is Helobial. Free nuclear
Stamen and staminode. E Follicle. F Seed. G, H Hydrocleys divisions follow for some time at least in the mi-
nymphoides. G Flowering plant. H A carpel with two stamens
and two staminodes. (Takhtajan 1982)
cropylar chamber, and usually more abundantly
than in the chalaza! chamber. The formation of
the horseshoe-shaped embryo follows the Caryo-
phyllad type. The ripe seeds are without en-
INFLORESENCE STRUCTURE. The inflorescence dosperm or perisperm, and the embryo is
is umbel-like and composed of cymose units, cylindrical, curved, linear, and lacks chlorophyll.
with bracts subtending individual flowers. The
inflorescences often proliferate, especially in PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are dis-
Hydrocleys, where 1 of the flowering axes elon- persed singly. They are globose, tri- to panto-
gates and develops into another inflorescence porate (Fig. 71) or inaperturate. In Hydrocleys and
(Fig. 70G). Butomopsis the exine is sculptured by broad-
Limnocharitaceae 273

DISPERSAL. The seeds are water dispersed, fur-

ther details being unknown. Additionally, bird
dispersal may take place as well.

PHYTOCHEMISTRY. There are no tannins, antho-

cyanins or anthocyanin pseudobases in Limno-
charitaceae. Flavonoids are not reported for the


number of stamens, thickness and ornamentation
of the testa, Pichon (1946) placed Limnocharis
and Hydrocleys in subtribe Limnocharitinae and
Fig. 71. Limnocharitaceae. Hydrocley martii, pantoporate Butomopsis ( Tenagocharis) in subtribe Tenago-
pollen, SEM X 1750. (Palynological Laboratory, Stockholm) charitinae. In contrast, Hooper and Symoens
(1982) stated that Hydrocleys and Butomopsis
show closer similarities to each other than to
Limnocharis, and that even the generic distinct-
based spines of varying densities. The spines are ness of Butomopsis is questionable.
sometimes interspersed with short columnar pro-
cesses. In Limnocharis the exine is granular and AFFINITIES. The relationship of Limnocharita-
pitted with small cavities (Argue 1973; Harley ceae to Alismataceae and Butomaceae has long
1982). been recognized, but authors have differed con-
siderably in their opinion regarding the specific
KARYOLOGY. The chromosome morphology of placement of the family. The shared presence of
Butomopsis and Hydrocleys are strikingly similar, features such as follicular fruits and laminar pla-
according to Rao (1953). He found, however, that centation motivated Hutchinson (1959) to com-
Butomopsis has the base number x = 7 and bine the Limnocharitaceae with Butomus in an
Hydrocleys x = 8. Kenton (1981) observed 2n = 16 enlarged family Butomaceae. The generic name
for H. nymphoides and 2n = 14 for H. modesta. Butomopsis (Limnocharitaceae) further alludes
Kenton went on to suggest that different numbers to the superficial similarity of these families. How-
within the genus could have arisen either by fu- ever, Cronquist (1981) observed many features
sion of 2 chromosomes (x = 8 to x = 7) or by that separate Limnocharitaceae (lactiferous ducts,
fission of 1 chromosome (x = 7 to x = 8). Rao leaves with petioles and expanded blades, cadu-
(1953) determined Limnocharis to have 2n = 20. cous petals, campylotropous ovules, seeds with
He proposed that Butomopsis, Hydrocleys, and curved embryos) from Butomaceae, which have
Limnocharis form a progressive aneuploid series. contrasting characteristics.
Other treatments have merged Butomopsis,
POLLINATION. Pollination in the family is in- Hydrocleys, and Limnocharis with the Alisma-
completely known. However, we have observed taceae, leaving the Butomaceae as monotypic
Limnocharis and Hydrocleys species frequently (Pichon 1946; Dahlgren et al. 1985). The Limno-
visited by flies. charitaceae differ from the Alismataceae by nu-
merous ovules per carpel, laminar placentation,
FRUIT AND SEED. The carpels develop into fol- and dehiscent fruits. The Alismataceae have 1-few
licles opening towards the center of the flower. ovules per carpel with basal placentation and in-
The seeds are horseshoe-shaped and sculptured dehiscent fruits. Cronquist (1981) recognized all
(Fig. 70F). The surface of the testa in Limnocharis three families as separate.
consists of strongly elongated cells upturned at the Phylogenetic analyses using both morphological
ends to produce prominent transverse ridges or data (Haynes and Holm-Nielsen 1992) and mo-
flanges that cross the seed at regular intervals. The lecular data (Les and Haynes 1995; D.H. Les,
testa surface of Butomopsis and Hydrocleys con- unpubl.) resolve a clade with Butomus as basal to
sists of relatively short cells and a smooth surface genera of both Alismataceae and Limnochari-
interrupted by small papillae in Butomopsis and taceae. Although these analyses show Limno-
by hairlike projections with globular ends in charitaceae to be monophyletic, molecular data
Hydrocleys. depict the family as derived from a paraphyletic
274 Limnocharitaceae

Alismataceae (D.H. Les, unpubl.). However, the oval. Inflorescences up to 10, on aseptate scapes,
paraphyly of Alismataceae remains uncertain occasionally proliferating; the pedicels somewhat
because trees only 3 steps longer resolve both dilated, often winged, inflated trigonous; petals
Alismataceae and Limnocharitaceae as mono- yellow, ovate to suborbicular, longer than the
phyletic families (see discussion for Alis- sepals; stamens many, the outer often sterile,
mataceae). Given the questionable paraphyly of filaments flattened; carpels 15-20, laterally com-
Alismataceae, and the several defining character- pressed, scarcely coherent at base. Follicles semi-
istics of the Limnocharitaceae, we have retained circular, membranous, dorsally furrowed; seeds
these families as distinct taxonomically. transversely multicostate. Two spp., neotropics.


2. Butomopsis Kunth
charitaceae are pantropical, Limnocharis and
Hydrocleys occur naturally from Argentina to Butomopsis Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 164 (1841).
Mexico and the Caribbean. Butomopsis occurs in Tenagocharis Hochst. (1841).
Africa, Asia, and northern Australia. Hydrocleys
and Limnocharis are naturalized in the USA and in Plants partly submersed, stems terete; leaves
the Paleotropis. basal, erect, petiole triangular, oblong-lanceolate,
All species of the Limnocharitaceae occur in the base cuneate. Inflorescences 1-3, on a long
aquatic habitats, especially those with stagnant septate scape, 1- to 2-whorled with cymes of
or nearly stagnant freshwater. Limnocharis and usually 3-11 flowers; pedicels angular; petals
Butomopsis grow in muddy substrates as white, delicate, oblong-obovate, orbicular, slightly
amphiphytes or rosette-helophytes. Hydrocleys is smaller than sepals; stamens 8-12, in 3 whorls;
a typical hydrophyte with floating leaves and more filaments filiform; carpels 4-9, basally coherent,
or less floating inflorescences. Although Hydro- tapering into a style, this curved outward. Follicles
cleys has been reported as free-floating it is mostly dehiscing along the inner margins. Seeds with
rooted in muddy substrates or, if floating, then a testa ornamented with small papillae. Only one
member of floating island associations. sp., B. latifolia (D. Don) Kunth, tropical Africa, S
and SE Asia and N Australia.
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. Members of the family
are often troublesome weeds in the tropics, par- 3. Hydrocleys Rich. Fig. 70G,H, 71
ticularly in paddy fields, although not as serious
as Eichhornia. Limnocharis flava is cultivated in Hydrocleys Rich., Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1: 368 (1815); Haynes
& Holm-Nielsen, Fl. Neotr. 56: 1-34 (1992), rev.
ponds in India and SE Asia, where the leaves are
used as a vegetable and as pig fodder. Limnocharis
and Hydrocleys are now receiving much attention Plants submersed; stems short, stolons often
in the aquarium and ornamental plant trade. present; leaves basal, either floating and petiolate,
or submersed phyllodia; petioles terete, with a
KEY TO THE GENERA sheathing base. Inflorescences few to many on
long septate scape, comprising few to numerous
1. Carpels 15 or more in number, semicircular; stigmas sessile flowers, occasionally proliferating; pedicels terete;
1. Limnocharis petals yellow to white, delicate, longer than or
- Carpels 3-9, linear-lanceolate; styles present 2
2. Leaf blades about as broad as long; petioles terete; inflores- shorter than the sepals; stamens 6-many, in !-
cences decumbent or floating; Neotropical 3. Hydrocleys several series, the outer often sterile, the filaments
- Leaf blades much longer than broad; petioles triangular; linear or lanceolate; carpels 3-8, basally cohering,
inflorescences erect; Paleotropical 2. Butomopsis attenuate into the style, this curved inward. Fol-
licles dehiscing along the inner margins. Seeds
sparsely to densely glandular pubescent. Five spp.,
Genera of Limnocharitaceae tropical America.

1. Limnocharis Humb. & Bonpl. Fig. 70A-F

Limnocharis Humb. & Bonpl., Pl. Eequinoct. 1: 116 (1808). Selected Bibliography

Argue, C.L. 1973. The pollen of Limnocharis jlava Buch.,

Plants emersed. Stems short, rhizomatous, occa- Hydrocleis nymphoides (Willd.) Buch., and Tenagocharis
sionally with stolons; leaves basal, emersed, latifolia (Don) Buch. (Limnocharitaceae). Grana 13: 108-
petiole triangular, aseptate, blade lanceolate to 112.
Limnocharitaceae/Lowiaceae 275

Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.

Dahlgren, R.T.M. eta!. 1985. See general references.
Davis, G.L. 1966. See general references.
Harley, M.M. 1982. Palynological evidence of a close associa- K. LARSEN
tion between Butomopsis Kunth and Hydrocleys L.C. Rich.
(Limnocharitaceae). In: Symoens, J.J., Hooper, S.S. (eds.)
Studies on aquatic vascular plants. Brussels: Royal Botani-
cal Society of Belgium, pp. 61-65.
Haynes, R.R., Holm-Nielsen, L.B. 1985 [1987]. A generic treat-
ment of Alismatidae in the neotropics with special reference
to Brazil. Acta Amazonica 15: 153-193.
Haynes, R.R., Holm-Nielsen, L.B. 1992. The Limnocharitaceae. Lowiaceae Ridley, Fl. Malay Penins. 4: 291 (1924), nom. cons.
Flora Neotropica 56: 1-34.
Hooper, S.S., Symoens, J.J. 1982. Observations on the family
Limnocharitaceae Takhtajan ex Hooper & Symoens. In:
Perennial, glabrous herbs without aerial stem, of-
Symoens, J.J., Hooper, S.S. (eds.) Studies on aquatic vascu- ten tufted from a horizontal or vertical, sympodial
lar plants. Brussels: Royal Botanical Society of Belgium, rhizome bearing scalelike leaves. Leaves disti-
pp. 56-60. chous, glabrous, eligulate, base sheathing, petiole
Hutchinson, J. 1959. The families of flowering plants. 2 vols. well defined, lamina entire, lanceolate, dorsiven-
2nd edn. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Kenton, A. 1981. A Robertsonian relationship in the chromo- tral, rolled up from one side to the other in bud;
somes of two species of Hydrocleys (Butomaceae sens. lat.). venation pinnate with parallel secondary veins
Kew Bull. 36: 487-492. emerging from the prominent main vein at nar-
Les, D.H., Haynes, R.R. 1995. Systematics of subclass rowly acute angles and regularly connected by
Alismatidae: a synthesis of approaches. In: Rudall, P.J., fine, transversal veins (conspicuous in dried
Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyle-
dons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, material, but not so in living plants). Inflores-
Kew pp. 353-377. cences dense or lax, consisting of sympodially con-
Pichon, M. 1946. Surles alismatacees et les butomacees. Not. nected paracladia each producing a single flower.
Syst. (Paris) 12: 170-183. Flowers malodourous, bracteate, bisexual, epigy-
Rao, Y.S. 1953. Karyo-systematic studies in Helobiales. Proc.
Nat!. Int. Sci. India 19: 563-581.
nous, with the ovary prolonged into a solid exten-
Sattler, R., Singh, V. 1973. Floral development in Hydrocleys sion. Sepals (outer tepals) 3, subequal, narrow,
nymphoides. Can. J. Bot. 51: 2455-2458. fused basally into a tube. Petals (inner tepals) 3,
Takhtajan, A.L. 1954. Proiskhozhdenie pokrytosemennykh very unequal, the 2 lateral small, narrow, the me-
rastenii. Moskva: Nauka. dian one large, forming a variously shaped label-
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. See general references.
lum. Stamens 5, free from each other, the adaxial
Wagner, R. 1918. Ober den Aufbau der Limnocharis laforestii median reduced; filaments short, adnate to base of
Duchass. Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. I, 127: petals; anthers tetrasporangiate, introrse, opening
317-327. by long slits, apically terminated by a short con-
Wilder, G.J. 1974. Symmetry and development of Butomus nective tip. Gynoecium of 3 fused carpels with sep-
umbellatus (Butomaceae) and Limnocharis flava (Limno-
charitaceae). Am. J. Bot. 61: 379-394. tal nectaries; placentation axile; style elongate,
widening apically; stigmatic lobes 3, large, undi-
vided or flattened, laciniate to fimbriate, wet.
Ovules numerous, anatropous, bitegmic, crassi-
nucellate. Fruit a dry, elongate, loculicudal cap-
sule terminated by a beak formed by the proximal
part of the ovary extension. Seeds numerous, glo-
bose or pyriform, hairy, albuminous, with a lacer-
ate aril and an operculum in front of the radicle.
A monogeneric family with ca. ten species in SE

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The anatomical obser-

vations available refer to two species (Tomlinson
1969). The roots are relatively thick and air chan-
nels are present in the inner cortex. Vessels with
scalariform perforation are present in the metaxy-
lem of the root, the perforation plates in the ob-
lique end walls have numerous bars. In the outer
cortex of the rhizome fibrous strands are found in
276 Lowiaceae

various species; as an inner limit of the cortex a term ovary extension for this structure was intro-
distinct endodermoid layer is found. The leaves duced by Holttum (1970). The sepals (or outer
are totally glabrous. Few stomata are found on the tepals) are equal; the petals (or inner tepals) are
upper surface, but uniformly and diffusely scat- arranged as in an orchid flower with 2laterallobes
tered on the lower. Isolated fibres and fibrous and a labellum (Fig. 73). The lateral lobes are small
strands are frequent near the epidermis. The chlo- and overlap the stamens; the labellum is variously
renchyma consists of an irregular mixture of small shaped, in some species having a narrower proxi-
and larger cells without a differentiated palisade mal part and a broad distal part, in other species
layer. Air channels are present in the leaf midrib.
Calcium oxalate is common in all parts of the
plants both as crystals and raphides; crystal sand
is abundant in the rhizome. Silica occurs as "hat-
shaped" bodies in stegmata cells along the vascu-
lar bundles in all organs except the roots. Tannin
is common only in the rhizomes. The rhizomes are
also rich in small, angular starch grains, quite dif-
ferent from those found in the Musaceae and the


inflorescences are terminal on short leafy
branches of the stem; they persist for a long time
(Fig. 72). The partial inflorescences are composed
of sympodially connected paracladia, each of
which consists of 5 nodes with 5 bracts in trans-
versal-distichous order. The 2-keeled prophyll is
sterile, the following 2 bracts, called interphylls,
bear buds that eventually may develop into new
branches of the cymoid. The 4th bract subtends
the only flower of the paracladium, and the last
bract is reduced and envelops the open end of the
paracladium axis (Kunze 1985). The single flower
is to be interpreted as the reduced coflorescence.
The ovary has an apical prolongation which is
sometimes called a calyx tube or hypanthium. It is,
however, solid with a central vascular strand con-
necting the base of the style with the ovary; the

Fig. 73A-E. Lowiaceae A-C Orchidantha longiflora. A Habit.

B Androecium and stigma, abaxial view. C Style and stigmatic
Fig. 72. Lowiaceae. Orchidantha borneensis, flowering plant. lobes. D, E 0. maxillarioides. D Habit. E Arillate seed.
Sarawak. (Photo J. Bogner) (Takhtajan 1982)
Lowiaceae 277

such as 0. holttumii the whole labellum is rather EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. The species are of no
broad but distally curved back and forming a economic importance. Only one sp., 0. maxil-
clawlike structure. The labellum often has lamel- larioides, widely grown in public greenhouses in
lae in the central part along the vascular strands. Europe.
These structures may play a role in pollination.
The 5 stamens are of a simple nature, opening DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The genus is dis-
introrsely, in a close semicircle around the style tributed from southern China (Kwangtung pro-
and facing the labellum; the position of the miss- vince and Hainan) through Vietnam, Laos and
ing stamen is median posterior, as in Musa. Thailand to W Malaysia, Indonesia (Borneo) and
Brunei. Frequent quotations in recent literature to
POLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. The pollen is inaper- "Pacific Islands" are due to an error. The plants
turate, psilate, and spheroidal and resembles occur in lowland evergreen forests along streams
much that of Ravena/a (Strelitziaceae). and waterfalls, sometimes also in clearings after
KARYOLOGY. In three species, 0. holttumii, 0.
maxillarioides and 0. siamensis, the chromosome Only one genus:
number has been determined as 2n = 18 (K.
Larsen 1993, and unpubl.).
Orchidantha N.E. Brown Fig. 72, 73
PoLLINATION. Flowers of 0. fimbriata, 0. sia- Orchidantha N.E. Brown, Gard. Chron. II, 26: 519 (1886).
mensis, and 0. holttumii have a foul smell. The
first two species have flowers which are placed Holltum {1970) included in his revision six spp.,
near the soil and have a large, white labellum. The but to date ten spp. have become known.
succulent central part along the midvein of the
labellum consists of nutritious tissue with protein
cells. W.J. Kress (pers. comm.) observed that tree Selected Bibliography
shrews feed on the labellum in nighttime. 0.
holttumii has an erect labellum that is dark purple Holttum, R.E. 1970. The genus Orchidantha (Lowiaceae).
Gard. Bull. (Singapore) 25: 239-246.
during an thesis and may attract flies of beetles. Kress, W.J. 1990. The phylogeny and classification of the
Zingiberales. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 698-721.
SEED STRUCTURE. The seeds are spheroidal or Kunze, H. 1986. Infiorescenz- und Bliitenmorphologie von
pyriform; the testa is smooth ( 0. holtthumii) or Orchidantha maxillarioides (Rid!.) K. Schum. (Lowiaceae).
covered with hairs (0. chinensis ); the aril consists Beitr. Bioi. Pfianz. 61: 221-234.
Larsen, K. 1961. New species of Veratrum and Orchidantha
of 3-4 coarse hair-like outgrowths; the raphe is from Thailand and Laos. Bot. Tidsskr. 56: 345-350.
inconspicuous; endosperm is copious, perisperm Larsen, K. 1973. A new species of Orchidantha (Lowiaceae)
very little, mostly only one cell layer thick and at from Vietnam. Adansonia II, 13: 481-482.
the chalazal part several cell layers thick; the em- Larsen, K. 1993. A new species of Orchidantha (Lowiaceae)
from Borneo. Nord. J. Bot. 13: 285-288.
bryo is cylindric (Wen et al. 1997; H.-J. Tillich, Larsen, K. 1996. Lowiaceae. Fl. Males. II, 12: 763-774.
person. comm.). Loesener, Th. 1930. Musaceae. Unterfam. III. Lowioideae. In:
Engler, A., Prantl, K. (eds.) Natiirliche Pfianzenfamilien,
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Unknown. 2nd edn., 15a: 541. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
Long, H., Wen, Y. 1997. Pollen morphology ofLowiaceae from
China. J. Trop. Subtrop. Bot. 5(3): 6-9.
AFFINITIES. It is undisputed that the Lowiaceae Schumann, K. 1900. Musaceae. Subfam. III. Lowioideae. In:
belong in the "banana group" of the Zingiberales. Engler, A. (ed.) Pfianzenreich IV. 45: 40-42. Leipzig: W.
Since the description of the first species of Engelmann.
Orchidantha by N.E. Brown in 1886, the genus has Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
been referred to the Musaceae, until a separate Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Commelinales-Zingiberales. In:
Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of the monocotyledons, Vol.
family close to the Musaceae was proposed for it III. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
by Ridley in 1924. This viewpoint has repeatedly Wen, Y., Liao, J., Wu, Q. 1997. Anatomy and histochemistry of
received support (e.g. Kunze 1986; Kress 1990), the seed of Orchidantha sinensis T.L. Wu. Guihaia 17: 235-
even if in several respects the Lowiaceae have 241.
Wu, T.L. 1964. Lowiaceae, a family new to China. Acta
an isolated position. Unfortunately, the seed
Phytotaxon. Sin. 9: 335-343, 2 plates.
anatomy is only superficially known; a better
knowledge might help to a deeper understanding
of their affinities.
278 Marantaceae

Marantaceae sion; when released by a pollinator, snapping

forward and curling up in a circinate or (Thalia)
L. ANDERSSON helical fashion; stigmatic surface restricted to the
inner side of a funnel-shaped depression in the
apex of the style. Fruit usually a loculicidal cap-
sule, more rarely berry-like (Sarcophrynium,
Thaumatococcus), or caryopsislike (Thalia). Seeds
rather large (3-20 mm), without endosperm at
maturity, embryo horseshoe-shaped, embedded
Marantaceae Petersen in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. II. in copious starchy perisperm; perisperm with
6: 33 (1888), nom. cons. a simple or forked, central canal running from
base to the level of the embryo bend, or slightly
Terrestrial rhizomatous herbs, sometimes liane- further.
scent and high-climbing, very variable in devel- A family of 31 genera and ca. 550 species, essen-
opment of aerial shoots. Leaves distichous, tially pantropical, but absent from Australia, with
segregated into sheath, petiole proper (often miss- a few members outside the tropics in S and N
ing), pulvinus and blade; blade with a strong mid- America.
rib and thin, parallel and closely set lateral veins,
these ± sigmoid, fusing marginally, intercon- VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The basic contribu-
nected by closely set, parallel transverse veinlets. tion in this field is still that of Eichler (1884); some
Inflorescence terminal or lateral, simple or a ± particulars are proffered by Andersson (1977,
complex synflorescence; inflorescence unit (flor- 1981), Holttum (1951), Kennedy (1978) and
escence) a usually spiciform or capitate thyrse Tomlinson (1961).
with distichous or spiral spathes ("bracts") sub- The general organisation is that of a sympodial
tending ± elaborate flower clusters composed of rhizome with branches terminating in aerial
1-several (rarely numerous) 2-flowered cymules shoots and renewal branches appearing near the
(1-flowered in Monotagma and Monophrynium), base of the aerial shoots. Shoots are mostly mono-
each with a prophyll on the dorsal side at base, morphic but dimorphic shoots (leafy shoots and
sometimes also with a scale-like interphyll on inflorescence shoots) are not uncommon. Roots
the ventral side and 1 or 2 ± dorsal bracteoles are usually borne on the rhizome only, but in
(additional "lateral bracteoles" in one species numerous species roots are ± regularly formed
of Calathea). Flowers perfect, epigynous, penta- at the nodes of aerial stems.
cyclic, heterochlamydeous, completely asymmet- The roots are usually fibrous, but in many spe-
ric (the 2 flowers of a pair being mirror images); cies of Calathea, in Saranthe leptostachya, and in
sepals distinct; petals, androecial elements, and Monotagma sp., terminal root tubers have been
style fused to form a floral tube ("corolla tube") recorded (Mats Hagberg, pers. comm.; Tomlinson
greatly variable in length. Outer androecial whorl 1961, pers. observ.).
rarely missing, usually of 1 or 2 staminodes, which The shape of the rhizome is quite variable and
are usually petaloid and showy, but sometimes its structure is often obviously correlated with
acicular, or ± rudimentary; inner androecial phenology. In perennating species, rhizome
whorl of 3 members, 1 fertile monothecic stamen branches are commonly moderately elongated
(often with a petaloid appendage), 1 hood-shaped with thin scalelike leaves, which may be rather
staminode (staminodium cucullatum), and 1 con- ephemeral, and of a firm, often ± woody texture.
spicuously firm and fleshy staminode (stamino- Stoloniferous rhizomes are found in some species
dium callosum); the inner staminodes basally of Maranta (Andersson 1986) and Marantochloa
fused to form a firm and fleshy staminal tube (Tomlinson 1961). In highly seasonal species,
which ± exceeds the level where the corolla lobes where the aerial shoots die in the dry season,
separate from the floral tube. Ovary 3-carpellate rhizomes have specialised, ± fleshy and starch-
and 3-locular, but 2locules often empty and com- storing branches (e.g. Maranta arundinacea).
pressed; fertile locule(s) 1-ovulate with the anatro- In Monophyllanthe oligophylla, the rhizome axis
pous ovule inserted at base; septa with completely is thin, the rhizomes tending to be stoloniferous,
sunken septal nectaries. Style fused basally with but the terminal scale leaves are thickened and
the floral tube, in mature untriggered flowers the starch -storing.
style enclosed in the hood of the cucullate The Marantaceae are remarkable for the great
staminode, bent backwards and held under ten- organisational diversity of the aerial shoot system.
Marantaceae 279

All shoot systems are made up, however, of unit leaves as a small precursory tip, and disintegrates
branches with a uniform sequence of parts. The (Kaplan 1973). Leaf development was described
1st and 2nd internodes are very short. The 1st by Tran (1974).
node is provided with a 2-keeled prophyll backing The leaf blade has a prominent midrib from
the mother axis, the 2nd with a bladeless sheath, which closely set parallel lateral veins diverge at an
the interphyll (mesophyll of some authors, rarely acute angle (longitudinal veins of Tomlinson
missing). Subsequent internodes are short or ± 1961). The lateral veins have a ± pronouncedly
elongate and the phyllomes are either sheaths sigmoid course and fuse near the blade margin.
or "normal" leaves. "Rhythmic contractions" Some of the lateral veins, ± equidistant, are
("several-leaved nodes") are characteristic of the slightly thicker than the others and have some-
major axes of some genera or parts thereof (e.g. times, for descriptive purposes, been termed
Stromanthe, Ischnosiphon). Phyllotaxis is uni- major lateral veins. The lateral veins are intercon-
formly distichous in vegetative shoots. In lateral nected by closely set, ± equidistant veinlets
shoots, the plane of distichy of the prophyll and ("transverse veins"), which are perpendicular to
interphyll is paralell to that of the mother axis the lateral ones.
(prophyll always backing the mother axis), but is In bud, 1/2 of the leaf blade is rolled up around
then often turned 90°. the other half (supervolute ptyxis), and this side is
The simplest growth form is the "rosulate" always narrower than the other in the mature leaf.
model, characteristic of most low-growing spe- Two symmetry forms may thus exist. The term
cies: a basal leaf cluster is produced from a short homotropic leaves has been used for the case
axis at ground level and the axis is eventually ter- when all leaves of a shoot are of the same symme-
minated by an inflorescence. In the rare "cannoid" try form, and the term antitropic leaves for the
model, the unbranched axis is elongated, carrying case where successive leaves on a shoot are of
± evenly distributed leaves separated by distinct different symmetry form.
internodes, the axis being closely wrapped up by
the leaf sheaths. In some genera more elaborate VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Root stele polyarc. Hairs
models are found, without leaves at ground level common, unicellular. Epidermis cells with anti-
and with the first distinct aerial internode much clinal walls sinuous in surface view. Stomata
elongated (up to several m). On top of this intern- paracytic or tetracytic according to Tomlinson
ode the leaves are often clustered in a fanlike fash- (1974); according to Olatunji (1980), mainly
ion (Ischnosiphon spp., Stromanthe spp., with paracytic, but also tricytic, tetracytic and poly-
leaves on the main shoot; Donax with leaves on cytic, the development being mainly biperi-
lateral shoots). In some species of Maranta geneous. Hypodermis 1-layered below each
subgen. Maranta and Stromanthe, the shoot is ex- surface. Silica cells common in all parts except
cessively branched to form a crown of leafy roots; cells either thin-walled ("false stegmata") or
branches on top of the long basal internode irregularly thick-walled ("true stegmata"); silica
("shrub-shaped" model of Andersson 1977). In bodies mostly "hat-shaped" or druselike. Rhom-
the "bambusoid" model of Ischnosiphon sections bohedral or rodlike calcium oxalate crystals are
Bambusastrum and Rotundifolii, the major common in the ground tissue of many species, but
branches have a long sequence of elongated inter- raphides are unknown. Tannin common in the
nodes, the ultimate branchings being scandent. ground tissue, both in large specialised cells and
Assimilating leaves and inflorescences are borne in unmodified ones. Secretory cells present in the
in ± brachyblastic clusters laterally on these ma- adaxial hypodermis and ground tissue of the leaf
jor axes. Also in Hypselodelphys, Trachyphrynium blade in Hypselodelphys. Mucilage canals present
and Haumania, scandent shoots are found, but in Thalia. Aerial stem without clear demarcation
the details of branching have not been described. between cortex and central cylinder; stems of spe-
A complete marantaceous leaf is segregated into cies with a well-developed aerial shoot system
4 distinct zones: (1) sheath, (2) petiole proper, (3) usually have a distinct peripheral mechanical zone
pulvinus ("callus", "superior part of petiole") and of numerous fibre bundles, which are sometimes
(4) blade. The petiole proper is missing in many confluent into a fibrous sheath. Leaf axis with
species, and in species with elaborate aerial schizogeneous air lacunae arranged in a single
shoots, it shows an evident decrease in develop- abaxial arc; an additional lacuna present distally
ment from basal to distal leaves. All divisions of in sheath and petiole of Thalia and Halopegia;
the mature leaf develop from the Unterblatt and Haumania has a single wide lacuna in the centre
the Oberblatt remains small, identifiable in young of the sheath. Vascular bundles arranged in three
280 Marantaceae

main systems: (1) main arc of large bundles alter-

nating with, and adaxial to air lacunae; (2) abax-
ial system of small irregularly arranged bundles,
showing gradual transition from fibre to vascular
bundle in adaxial direction; (3) adaxial incon-
spicuous system, sometimes partly absent. Pulvi-
nus with epidermis of ± isodiametric cells with
non-sinuous walls; inside the chlorenchyma with
a continuous palisadelike layer of colourless cells
at oblique angle to the longitudinal axis, indi- \·::··.
vidual cells often more than ten times as long as
wide, 2-3-nucleate (Tran 1974). Leaf blade with
lateral (longitudinal) veins sheathed on both sides

with fibres, sheaths connecting with hypodermis
on both sides; transverse veins similar to lateral
ones but much narrower and not connecting with
hypodermis. Colour patterns of leaf blades are
achieved in several ways: (1) variation in size and
number of chloroplasts (up to complete absence
in certain areas); (2) presence of anthocyanin in
the epidermis; (3) predominance of xanthophyll
in the assimilating tissue of certain areas; (4)
variation in size and distribution of air-filled
intercellular spaces.
Non-structural nectaries are present at the
junction of petiole and sheath in some species
of Ctenanthe and Stromanthe (Kirchoff and
Kennedy 1985).


Andersson's (1976) interpretation, the inflores-
cence unit is a ± spiciform or capitate thyrse. Such
units, florescences, are often complexed into
synflorescences, which may be highly distinct Fig. 74A-E. Marantaceae. A, B Pleiostachya pruinosa. A
Synftorescence. B Flower. C, D Monotagma secundum. C
superunits (e.g. Monotagma, Fig. 74C; Phrynium), Synflorescence. D Seed. E M. laxum, flower. (Kennedy et al.
or ± diffuse (e.g. Maranta, Marantochloa), up to 1988)
the point where the concept is quite pointless.
Simple inflorescences, i.e. solitary thyrses, are
characteristic of most species of Calathea. The unit thyrse has an indeterminate main axis,
Synflorescences (and simple inflorescences) are or, if the flower pair is interpreted as a cymule,
usually terminal, but lateral in many species with then it is determinate in some species of
elaborate shoot systems (e.g. Ischnosiphon sects. Stromanthe and Maranta (cf. Andersson 1981;
Bambusastrum and Rotundifolii), and also in Kunze 1985). The main axis carries distichous or
Myrosma and Saranthe (Andersson 1981). A typo- spiral spathes ("bracts" of most taxonomic de-
logical interpretation radically different from that scriptions), which subtend determinate flower
of Andersson was given by Kunze (1985). Kunze custers, florescence components. The florescence
observed that flower pairs occur terminally in component is made up of 1- or 2-flowered
"Calathea stromata" (supposedly a species of cymules, each with a dorsal prophyll at the base.
Stromanthe), Ctenanthe and Stromanthe san- The cymule axes may be long (dolichoblastic
guinea. Based on this observation, he interpreted cymules; e.g. Donax, Schumannianthus, Maranto-
the terminal flower pair as the main florescence. chloa, Maranta, Fig. 75; Stromanthe) or nearly
While the occasional flower pairs were taken imperceptible (brachyblastic cymules; e.g.
as the basis of interpretation by Kunze, they Calathea, Ischnosiphon). There is no sharp dis-
were regarded as insignificant aberrations by tinction between these categories. A ventral scale,
Andersson (1981). the interphyll, is present immediately above the
Marantaceae 281

arguments raised in favour of Eichler's and

Thompson's interpretations have proved to be
based on erroneous observations (Fahn 1953;
Andersson 1976). Also, the observation (Kirchoff
1983) that the flower pair arises through biparti-
tion of an apical meristem seems in line with the
monochasium rather than with the dichasium
interpretation. Kunze's interpretation was based
on the observation that in some species a 3rd
meristem occurs on the pedicel of 1 of the flowers.
This meristem was thought by Kunze to represent
the apex of the spikelet axis, but its nature seems
obscure. It may equally well be interpreted as a
floral meristem, and, in fact, 3-flowered "flower
pairs" were reported from one species of
Stromanthe by Muller (1885), who interpreted this
3rd flower as the terminal flower of a dichasium.
Andersson (1976) interpreted Muller's observa-
tion as a 3-flowered cymule.
It seems that a moderately dolichoblastic
cymule like that of Phrynium is the most probable
ancestral type, from which both extremely
dolichoblastic and markedly brachyblastic ones
have been derived. Phyletic trends are obscure in
inflorescence structure, however.
Fig. 75A-E. Marantaceae A, B Maranta arundinacea. A
Habit. B Flower (arranged). C-E M. amazonica. C Flower
(arranged). D Fruiting cymule enclosed by its subtending FLORAL STRUCTURE AND ANATOMY. In all mem-
spathe. E Seed. (Kennedy eta!. 1988) bers thoroughly examined, the ovary is trilocular,
but in many genera 2 of the locules are empty
and completely compressed (tribe Maranteae of
prophyll in several genera, e.g. Phrynium and Petersen 1889; Schumann 1902; Loesener 1930;
Calathea. In genera with interphylls, it is evident and others). Transitional conditions with ± sup-
that secondary, tertiary, etc., cymules arise from pressed ovules in 2 of the locules are found in
the interphyll axils. Bracteoles are characteristic Phrynium parviflorum (Tilak and Pai 1968) and
of several genera (e.g. Donax, Schumannianthus, Halopegia (Andersson 1981). Well-developed sep-
Sarcophrynium, Calathea, Ischnosiphon). They are tal nectaries are present in all members examined
very variable in shape and often characteristic at and have the shape of narrow slots lined with a
generic level. In many species of Calathea and gladular tissue (Pai and Tilak 1965). The slots
Ischnosiphon they are strap-shaped with a glandu- penetrate the septa down to the base of the locules
lar swelling at the tip, and in the Donax group they and open out with a small pore at the base of the
are small and glandular throughout. These glands style.
have been shown to be extrafloral nectaries The androecium has been variously interpreted,
(Kirchoff and Kennedy 1985). but both ontogeny (Eichler 1884; Kirchoff 1983;
The 2-flowered cymule has been interpreted Kunze 1984) and floral anatomy strongly support
in several ways: (1) as a reduced dichasium with Eichler's classical interpretation. According to
the terminal flower aborted (Eichler 1875; this, the androecium consists of 2 whorls. The
Muller 1885); (2) as a 2-flowered monochasium outer whorl is represented by 1 or 2 (rarely none)
(Andersson 1976); (3) as a 2-flowered spikelet staminodes, the inner one by a fertile stamen and
(Kunze 1985), or (4) the entire florescence compo- 2 staminodes. The outer staminodes are usually
nent is a deformed spikelet with the flowers re- petaloid and showy, but sometimes subulate
stricted to 1 side of the axis (Thompson 1933). The (Megaphrynium), ± rudimentary (several spp. of
relations between branchings and bracteoles in Calathea and Stromanthe), or entirely absent
dolichoblastic cymules seem to favour the mono- (Thaumatococcus, several spp. of Stromanthe,
chasial model, which also conforms with the some spp. of Calathea). The stamen is monothecic
branching patterns of the rest of the plant. Some and has often a petaloid lateral appendage inter-
282 Marantaceae

preted as a transformed theca. One of the inner swelling, from which a sticky substance is
staminodes, the staminodium cucullatum, is a produced by disintegration of the epidermis; this
hood-shaped structure (Fig. 76D), which holds substance aids in attaching the pollen onto the
the style backwards-curved and under tension pollinator.
until the pollination mechanism is triggered. It Floral anatomy, mainly the vascularisation, has
has a lateral appendage (2 in Thalia, a bilobed 1 in been described for Calathea (four spp., Tilak and
Sarcophrynium, Megaphrynium, Hypselodelphys, Pai 1970), Phrynium (two spp., Tilak and Pai 1968)
and Trachyphrynium), which is the actual trigger and Schumannianthus virgatus (Tilak and Pai
of the pollination mechanism. The other inner 1966).
staminode, staminodium callosum, is firm and
fleshy, at least at base, and is provided with fleshy EMBRYOLOGY. No information is available on an-
knobs on the inner surface. The style is narrowly ther formation and microsporogenesis. The least
cylindrical with the stigmatic surface confined to incomplete account of ovule development and
the inner surface of a ± funnel-shaped terminal embryology is that of Mauritzon (1936), who also
depression. On the dorsal side of the style, just discussed the older literature. The embryo-sac de-
below the stigmatic orifice, is a flattened part, the velopment of Phrynium capitatum was described
stamp, to which pollen is stuck when the anther by Venkataswaralu (1937).
opens. The stamp is lined distally by a glandlike The ovules are anatropous until tetrads have
been formed, but continued differential growth of
the chalaza and nucellus eventually leads to an
amphitropic ovule. During this process of growth,
chalaza! tissue seems to "enter" the enlarged
nucellus, forming a simple, or ± dilatated or
branched strand of chalaza! tissue within the nu-
cellus. This strand contains elongated, apparently
conductive, cells. As the seed matures, the nucel-
lus is transformed into a starch-storing perisperm,
and the intrusive chalaza! tissue disintegrates,
leaving the so-called perisperm canal.
The ovules are bitegmic and crassinucellate. In
Phrynium, the micropyle is formed by the 2 in-
teguments together, in the other genera the inner
integument is protruding and alone forms the mi-
cropyle. The inner integument is thin and under-
goes little differentiation. The outer integument is
much differentiated in the micropylar region. At a
stage where the embryo sac is organised, divisions
in the central layers of cells give rise to a ridge-
shaped structure on the inner surface. This ridge
continues to enlarge to form a cylinder of integu-
mentary tissue, the Mikropylarkragen, penetrat-
ing into the micropylar region of the nucellus. At
about the same time, periclinal divisions are initi-
ated above the micropylar collar. By continued
growth and subsequent sclerification, these will
eventually give rise to the operculum. Periclinal
divisions of the outer epidermis near the micro-
pyle give rise to the aril. In Thalia dealbata, where
the mature seeds lack an aril, aril development
stops after a few divisions.
The nucellar epidermis cells become high and
palisadelike at an early stage. Peripherally, they
Fig. 76A-F. Marantaceae. Thalia pavonii. A Habit. B Flower undergo periclinal divisions to form a multiseriate
in approximately natural arrangement. C Style. D Cucullate epidermis, while in the centre they remain undi-
staminode. E Fruit. F Seed. (Kennedy et al. 1988) vided and form a ± sclerified nucellar cap.
Marantaceae 283

The archespore, usually unicellular, differenti- The structural peculiarities of the marantaceous
ates from a hypodermal cell. The archesporia! cell flower are well explained by the pollination
cuts off one external parietal cell and then func- mechanism. The anther develops precociously. In
tions as macrospore mother cell. The embryo sac bud it is pressed against the stamp of the style
is formed from the chalazal macrospore and (stylar cavity of Kennedy 1978). When still in bud,
embryo-sac development proceeds according to it opens and the sticky pollen is attached to the
the normal type. At late stages, an increase in an- stamp. The developing style is included in
tipode number may occur, or in number of anti- the cucullate staminode, by which it is held
pode nuclei. Endosperm formation seems to be backwards-curved under tension due to differen-
Nuclear, but the initial divisions have not been tial lengthening. At this point the flower opens.
observed. When a pollinator forces its head down between
Embryo development has not been described in the callose and cucullate staminodes, guided by
any detail. It seems from Mauritzon's illustrations the callosities of the former, it touches the ap-
(his Figs. 4, 5) that the first divisions are trans- pendage of the cucullate staminode, pressing it to
verse, giving rise to a linear quartet of cells. The the side. This releases the style, which snaps for-
micropylar one remains undivided, or divides ward and downward. The course is such that the
once longitudinally, and has haustoria! function. apex of the style enters the proboscidial fossa of
The remaining three cells give rise to the embryo. the visitor, scraping existing pollen into the
In the mature seed no endosperm is present and funnel-shaped stigmatic cavity. Immediately
the fairly large U-shaped embryo is embedded in afterwards, new pollen is deposited from the
copious starchy perisperm. stamp. Deposition is aided by the sticky substance
formed by the glandlike tissue distally lining the
PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. Detailed descriptions of stamp.
pollen morphology in the Marantaceae are lack- Some species of Calathea are pseudocleisto-
ing. As seen under the light microscope, pollen gamous. The flowers do not open spontane-
grains are large, spherical and completely sym- ously, but are forcibly opened by the pollinator
metric at maturity. Sporopollenin is (nearly) ab- (Kennedy 1978).
sent from the sporoderm and the thick (ca. 15 !J,m) The species studied by Kennedy are mostly
pollen wall seems to be made up of a pectic, 2- monophilic, while the bees are polytrophic. The
layered "intine". The thick outer layer is radially factors determining the specificity of the pollina-
striate. It seems therefore that the pollen wall is tors are partly ecologic (habitat preferences of
basically similar to that of Canna (described in plants and pollinators), partly "morphologic fit",
detail by Kress and Stone 1982), except that the i.e. the relationship between lengths of floral tube
surface is psilate. and proboscis.
From the artificial pollinations made by
KARYOLOGY. Numerous counts have been re- Kennedy (1978), it seems that most species are
ported (see Bisson et al. 1968; Mahanty 1970), but self-compatible, but one case of suspected self-
mostly for material of uncertain identity. Many incompatibility was also reported. Seed set is gen-
reports, possibly the majority, are obviously based erally very low in Marantaceae, often as low as 1
on erroneous counts. The chromosomes are very seed per 100 flowers, or less. This may relate to the
small ( < 1-1.5 !J.m), sticky and difficult to stain. A hazards of a complex pollination mechanism,
reexamination is badly needed. which are obviously compensated for by large
numbers of flowers, large seeds with copious
POLLINATION AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS. perisperm, and by the longevity of the mature
Data are available only for American members of plant.
the family (Kennedy 1978). Here, euglossine bees Truly cleistogamous flowers (as opposed to the
of the genera Euglossa, Eulaema, Euplusia, and pseudocleistogamous ones referred to above) are
Exaerete have been reported to visit representa- known to occur in two species of Calathea sect.
tives of most New World genera. Pollination by Microcephalum (Kennedy et al. 1988) and in one
species of Euglossa and Eulaema has been studed species of Maranta (L. Andersson, unpubl.). Auto-
in detail. One aberrant species of Calathea, C. gamy in chasmogamous flowers is also suspected
timothei, is supposed, on circumstantial evidence, on the basis of unexpectedly high fruit set in most
to be bird-pollinated (Kennedy 1977). No data ex- species of Maranta subgen. Maranta (Andersson
ist for species of the Old World, where euglossines 1986), in Thalia geniculata, and several species of
are absent. Ctenanthe and Stromanthe. In several species of
284 Marantaceae

Maranta and one of Ctenanthe, these suspicions sue formed by an "intrusion" of chalazal tissue
are further strengthened by a high fruit set under into the nucellus (Grootjen 1983). This perisperm
greenhouse conditions in temperate regions, canal may be simple throughout (Ischnosiphon,
where effective pollinators are absent (L. Monotagma), laterally dilatated in various ways
Andersson, unpubl.). The mechanism behind this ( Calathea, Haumania), distally branched (Donax,
has not been described. Hypselodelphys, Maranta, Myrosma, a.o.), or
branched throughout (Thalia).
FRUIT AND SEED. The basic type of fruit in the Seeds germinate only after a prolonged period
family is a loculicidal capsule with a moderately of dormancy (1-several months, or even a year),
thick parenchymatous wall. Such capsules are and often only after removal of the aril. Desicca-
found in several genera, e.g. Calathea, Stroman the tion seems to kill the seeds of all species of wet
and Maranta. In several genera the pericarp is evergreen forest, but may be tolerated by some
very thin with the outer layers ± sclerified and species of more seasonal habitats (as indicated by
the inner layers degenerated (e.g. Monotagma, Kennedy's data).
Ischnosiphon, Calathea spp.). By further reduction
of the pericarp, an indehiscent, caryopsislike fruit DISPERSAL. Most species with arillate seeds are
is formed with a thin papery or membranous peri- probably myrmecochorous. Horvitz and Beattie
carp (e.g. Thalia). (1980) report that seeds of Calathea microcephala
Sarcophrynium has berrylike indehiscent fruits and C. ovandensis are collected by ponerine
with a fleshy pericarp. In Thaumatococcus, also ants and carried to the nest where the arils are
with indehiscent fruit, the pericarp is leathery and eaten and the seeds discarded. Twenty one species
the seeds are surrounded by a mucilaginous pulp. of ants were observed to be attracted by Calathea
The seeds are fairly large (3-20mm long) and seeds. Large numbers of ants have also been seen
subglobose to pyramidal or deformed-ellipsoid. coming to stored seed packages of Calathea
The seed coat is smooth to knobbly but never altissima, Ischnosiphon hirsutus, and I. cerotus
quite regularly sculptured. The mature testa con- (pers. observ.). Horvitz and Beattie report that
sists mainly of a silicified endotesta, derived from germination is much improved by removal of the
the inner layers of the outer integument, and a aril, which is also the case with seeds of several
tanniniferous exotesta derived from the middle other species of Calathea, Monotagma and
layer of the outer integument. The outer layers of Ischnosiphon (pers. observ.). When macerated
the outer integument and the inner integument under water, the aril releases an oily substance
are compressed or ± totally obliterated in the (Andersson 1977), which may be the actual attrac-
mature seed (Grootjen 1983). There seems to be a tant. Arils of Ischnosiphon arouma have an intense
considerable variation in testa anatomy (Desler spicy fragrance, not observed in other species.
1994), but this has not been systematically Some species of Calathea, such as C. altissima
explored. and C. inocephala, have bright blue seeds that re-
The micropyle persists in the mature seed as a main well exposed in the opened capsule for a long
germinal aperture, closed by a lid formed from the time. These may be bird-dispersed, although this
inner epidermis of the outer integument. In spe- has not actually been observed. Fruits with fleshy
cies with dehiscent fruits, the seeds are always aril- pericarp or pulp are obviously also dispersed by
late (see Embryology, above), the aril being much birds or other vertebrates, but again factual obser-
reduced in tardily dehiscent fruits and absent in vations are lacking. The caryopsislike fruits of
indehiscent fruits or, perhaps, transformed into a Thalia may be water-dispersed.
mucilaginous pulp in Thaumatococcus.
Endosperm is absent from the mature seed and PHYTOCHEMISTRY (Hegnauer 1963, 1986). The
the vermicular horseshoe-shaped embryo is em- family is notable for the accumulation of silica (in
bedded in a starch-storing perisperm. [The em- form of stegmata), calcium oxalate (as rhomboid,
bryo was reported by Desler (1994) to be straight prismatic and similarly shaped crystals, but not
in Donax, Monotagma and Phacelophrynium.] as rap hides) and starch. Condensed tannins
Starch is present in the form of excentric, single or are based on procyanidin, the floral pigments
aggregated grains that fill the cells ± completely (in Thaumatococcus danielli) on delphinidin,
(Desler 1994). cyanidin and pelargonidin. Proteins of high mo-
From the point of funicular attachment, the seed lecular weight, which are contained in the aril, the
is penetrated by a canal, which is formed through thaumatins, have been found to be 1600 times
the disintegration of an apparently conductive tis- sweeter than sucrose. Cell wall-bound ferulate has
Marantaceae 285

been recorded for Maranta bicolor by Harris and raphide sacs, druse-shaped silica bodies, 1 fertile
Hartley (1980). stamen, inner median stamen fertile, outer me-
dian stamen not fertile, outer lateral stamens
SUBDIVISION AND RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE staminodial, inner whorl lateral stamens stamina-
FAMILY. Petersen (1888) and most subsequent dial, and perisperm present. Synapomorphies
authors (e.g. Schumann 1902; Loesener 1930) have shared with the Cannaceae include asymmetric
subdivided the family into two tribes, Maranteae flowers, free sepals, petals fused at base, free
(1 fertile ovary locule) and Phrynieae (3 fertile staminodes, bisporangiate anthers, modified style
locules). This classification separates very similar and nuclear endosperm (Kress 1990).
genera, and variation in virtually all other charac-
ters shows no or little correlation. The classifica- DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The Marantaceae
tion was criticized by Andersson (1981), who are nearly exclusively tropical, albeit a few species
proposed an informal arrangement of the Ameri- slightly exceed the tropics in N and S America.
can genera into five groups. A sixth group was The majority of species are neotropical, i.e. about
proposed by Andersson in Dahlgren et al. (1985) 450, some 300 of which are contributed by the
for the Palaeotropical genera related to Phrynium. genus Calathea alone. Four major ranges may be
A recent limited analysis by Mats Hagberg (pers. discerned in the Americas, one comprising the
comm.) indicates that Monotagma is related to Pacific lowlands and western Andean slopes, and
Calathea and Ischnosiphon, while Koernickanthe Central America north to Guatemala and S
is closely related to Maranta subgen. Koernickea, Mexico; one comprising the eastern Andean
thus indicating that Andersson's (1981) Mono- slopes and western Amazon Basin from Bolivia to
tagma group is artificial. For many palaeotropical central Colombia; one including the Guianas and
genera, data are still lacking or incomplete on the eastern Amazon Basin; and one comprising
many critical points, and there is presently no ba- the coastal rain forest of SE Brazil.
sis for a formal classification accounting for the The African flora is poor is species, some 30-35
entire family. In the following treatment, genera in total, but comparatively rich in genera (10-12).
are grouped according to overall similarity and on This reflects great diversity in growth habit,
the basis of available data, however imperfect inflorescence and fruit structure. The African dis-
these may be. tribution extends from Sierra Leone to Sudan,
Uganda and Zimbabwe, but is heavily centred in
AFFINITIES. The position of the family in the the west.
order Zingiberales has never been doubted. It is The Asian flora is partly poorly understood. No
unusually well supported by evidence from modern treatment exists covering any substantial
vegetative and reproductive morphology, as well part of the range. It is presently believed to include
as anatomy and embryology. It is also supported some 50 species in eight genera, but this is prob-
by analyses of rbcL sequences (Chase et al. 1993; ably an underestimate, at least for the species
Duvall et al. 1993). Cladistic analyses of morpho- number. The Asian range extends from Sri Lanka
logical and anatomical data (Kress 1990) unam- and Assam to Formosa and the Philippines, but is
biguously support the hypothesis that the pronouncedly centred in the Indomalesian area.
Cannaceae form the sister group of the Maranta- Most species are confined to tropical rainforest
ceae and that these, together with the Zingi- habitats at altitudes below 1000m, where they
beraceae, form a monophyletic group within the show a considerable amount of ecologic diversifi-
order. The relationships among the rest of the cation. They are mainly "jungle weeds" in the
families of the order are still ambiguous, but most sense that they require some degree of disturbance
of Kress' (1990) analyses indicate that the other in order to flower and fruit. Rather few are "true"
families form a paraphyletic grade relative to the understorey species flowering and fruiting in deep
herbaceous families. shade (e.g. Monophyllanthe oligophylla, some
The Marantaceae are well characterized by a Calathea spp.). Some species, usually small to
number of unique synapomorphies: pulvinus, medium, germinate and persist in a vegetative
shoots with a characteristic sequence of organs, a state in the full shade of a closed canopy, being
highly specialised pollination mechanism with a ready to flower as soon as opportunity arises.
far-reaching modification of the inner androecial Others, usually larger species, are unable to grow
whorl and the style. Synapomorphies shared with for long in deep shade, but complete their life
the Cannaceae and Zingiberaceae sensu lato in- cycle in larger light gaps of longer duration, such
clude 1 arc of air canals in the leaf axis, absence of as are caused by landslides, extensive storm-
286 Marantaceae

felling etc. Relatively few species are able to persist 5. Lower branch of cucullate staminode appendage several
in permanent openings such as stream margins, times the length of the upper one; caulescent plants 6
- Branches of cucullate staminode appendage (sub)equal;
etc. Species of the two latter categories often show rosulate plants 7
good ability to invade secondary habitats, while 6. Fruit indehiscent; seeds exarillate 13. Hypselodelphys
the species of small light gaps mostly perish where - Fruit dehiscent; seeds arillate 14. Trachyphrynium
forests are cut over. 7. Bracteoles 1 per cymule; outer staminodes stiff, subulate;
Some few species occur in semideciduous and fruit dehiscent 15. Megaphrynium
- Bracteoles 2 per cymule; outer staminodes petaloid; fruit
deciduous forests (e.g. Maranta arundinacea). indehiscent 16. Sarcophrynium
They show a highly seasonal pattern of growth, 8. Cymules 1-flowered 9
often dying back to the rhizome in the dry season. - Cymules 2-flowered 10
The genera Thalia and Halopegia (H. azurea, at 9. Ovary with 3 fertile locules 3. Monophrynium
- Ovary with I fertile locule 10. Monotagma
least) are confined to open marshes. A larger num-
10. Ovary with 3 ovulate locules, but 1 or 2 of the ovules
ber of species (in Calathea, Ischnosiphon, Mono- sometimes poorly developed 11
tagma) have their primary habitats in swamp - Ovary with a single ovulate locule, the 2 others completely
forest and riverine inundation forest (igap6 and compressed and empty 23
varzea). 11. Outer staminodes absent; fruit ca. 3 em in diam., winged,
with a thick leathery exocarp and a mucilaginous pulp
29. Thaumatococcus
EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. The only important - Outer staminodes present (except in a few species of
crop plant of the family is Maranta arundinacea, Calathea), petaloid; fruit smaller, not winged, and of dif-
cultivated for the high-quality starch of the rhi- ferent texture 12
zomes. Several species of Calathea (e.g. C. 12. Cymule axes ± crescent-shaped in cross-section; 1 sepal
much smaller than the 2 others 27. Halopegia
lancifolia, C. makoyana) and Maranta (e.g. M. hi- - Cymule axes elliptic or circular to subrectangular in
color, M. leuconeura) are economically important cross-section; sepals subequal 13
ornamentals in common trade. A much larger 13. Spathes large and suborbicular, showy white, persistent
number of species of Calathea, Maranta, Saran the 31. Haumania
and Ctenanthe occur occasionally in horticultural - Spathes ± elliptic, greenish, purplish, or brownish, often
caducous 14
trade, but have little significance economically, 14. Outer staminodes 2 per flower 15
since they are impossible to cultivate indoors - Outer staminodes solitary 21
without special arrangements. It seems, however, 15. Caulescent plants with leaves clustered distally on long,
that the importance and diversity of Marantaceae canelike stems; cucullate staminode unappendaged
2. Ataenidia
as ornamentals in tropical and subtropical horti-
- Rosulate plants with most leaves at ground level, or leaves
culture is rapidly increasing. solitary from the rhizome; cucullate staminode
In aboriginal economy, a fairly large number of appendaged 16
species are used. Many species of Calathea and 16. Corolla tube at least twice the length of the lobes 17
Maranta with tuberous roots are locally culti- - Corolla tube much shorter, usually equalling the lobes or
shorter 18
vated, and inflorescences of several Calathea spp. 17. Sepals about 1/2 the length of corolla tube 30. Cominsia
are cooked and eaten by the natives in Central - Sepals 1/3 the length of corolla tube or, usually, much less
America (Kennedy 1978). Split stems of tall- 5. Stachyphrynium
growing species of Ischnosiphon are used for 18. Cucullate staminode appendage at the base of the lobe;
basket-weaving and the leaf blades of many larger cymules usually conspicuously dolichoblastic with both
peduncular and pedicellar axes well developed 19
species are used for wrapping up food items. - Cucullate staminode appendage from distal half of the
lobe; cymules usually subbrachyblastic to brachyblastic,
either peduncle or pedicel poorly developed 20
KEY TO THE GENERA 19. More or less robust plants, usually 1-3m tall, leaves and
inflorescences on the same shoot 17. Marantochloa
1. Bracteoles present, small and glandular 2 - Small plants with leaves and inflorescences on separate
- Bracteoles absent, or scale-, sheath-, or ribbon-shaped 8 shoots 18. Afrocalathea
2. Appendage of cucullate staminode simple 3 20. Spathes spirally arranged; inflorescence often a much
- Appendage of cucullate staminode 2-branched 5 congested, ± capitate synflorescence 1. Phrynium
3. Corolla tube long and narrow; ovary densely tuberculate; - Spathes distichous; inflorescence simple or a lax
outer staminodes solitary 6. Calathea synflorescence of fasciculate florescences
- Corolla tube short; ovary smooth; outer staminodes paired 4. Phacelophrynium
4 21. Bracteoles absent; corolla tube usually equalling the lobes,
4. Fruit indehiscent; stamina! tube obsolete 11. Donax or shorter 4. Phacelophrynium
- Fruit dehiscent; stamina! tube long and conspicuous - Bracteoles usually present, scale-, sheath- or ribbon-
12. Schumannianthus shaped; corolla tube usually longer than lobes 22
Marantaceae 287

22. Florescence coarsely spiciform to capitate, often several Genera of the Marantaceae
em in diam. 6. Calathea
- Florescence narrowly spiciform with tightly rolled spathes,
ca. 1 em in diam. or less 7. Sanblasia I. Phrynium group
23. Cucullate staminode with double appendage; style with a
very long process from the lower rim of the stigmatic Cymules brachyblastic to slightly dolichoblastic,
orifice; perisperm canal branched from base 28. Thalia bracteoles absent, interphylls usually present;
- Cucullate staminode with simple, sometimes obsolete corolla tube (short to) moderately long (to long),
appendage; stigmatic orifice without long process; peri-
sperm canal simple, or branched distally 24 (1)-2 outer staminodes.
24. Bracteoles present 25
- Bracteoles absent 28
25. Corolla tube 10-30 times longer than wide 26
1. Phrynium Willd.
- Corolla tube twice as long as wide, or shorter 27 Phrynium Willd., Sp. Pl. 1: 17 (1797), nom. cons.; emend. K.
26. Florescences laterally flattened, the spathes conduplicate Schum., Pflanzenreich IV. 48: 28, 52-58 (1902); Milne-
also in bud; bracteoles keeled 8. Pleiostachya Redh., Kew Bull. 1952: 167-168; Holttum, Gard. Bull.
- Florescences ± terete, the spathes tightly rolled, at least in Singapore 13: 279-294 (1951).
bud; bracteoles not keeled 9. Ishnosiphon
27. Corolla tube as long as wide, or longer; callose staminode
distally petaloid 25. Ctenanthe Rosulate herbs. Inflorescence a usually congested
- Corolla tube shorter than wide; callose staminode firm and and richly branched synflorescence, florescences
fleshy throughout 26. Stroman the with spiral spathes; cymules 2-flowered, +
28. Leaf sheath flanks beginning to wither as soon as the blade brachyblastic to slightly dolichoblastic, usually
unfolds, leaving a reticulum of fibres ("fenestrate
sheaths") 24. Hylaeanthe with interphylls, bracteoles absent. Sepals half the
- Leaf sheaths not fenestrate 29 length of corolla tube or (usually much) longer;
29. Small plants, each aerial shoot with a single basal leaf corolla tube half the length oflobes, rarely longer;
20. Monophyllanthe outer staminodes 2, petaloid; cucullate staminode
- Basal leaves 2 or more together, or larger plants with leaves
on ± richly branched shoot systems 30
with appendage near apex; ovary with 3 ovulate
30. Leaves homotropic, all blades of the same shoot being of locules. Fruit dehiscent; seeds arillate. About 20
the same symmetry form 31 spp., India and Sri Lanka eastwards to New
- Leaves antitropic, the broadest side of the blade alter- Guinea.
nating between right and left in successive leaves of an axis
31. Corolla tube more than twice the length of the lobes 32 2. Ataenidia Gagnep.
- Corolla tube less than twice the length of the lobes 33
32. Cymules brachyblastic with axial system ca. 2mm long or Ataenidia Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 55: XLI-XLII (1908);
less 21. Koernickanthe Milne-Redh., Kew Bull. 1952: 167 (1952).
- Cymules ± dolichoblastic with axial system 5 mm long or
(usually much) more 19. Maranta Caulescent herbs. Inflorescence a much-branched,
33. Florescence strongly monosymmetrical; spathes white or
pale green when fresh, straw-coloured when dry
congested synflorescence; spathes persistent;
22.Myrosma cymule + brachyblastic, interphyll present,
- Florescences usually radially symmetrical or bisymmetric; bracteoles absent. Corolla tube ± equalling the
spathes green or sometimes purplish tinged 34 lobes; outer staminodes 2, slightly unequal; cucul-
34. Florescence component usually of several cymules; lateral late staminode without appendage; ovary with 3
synflorescences absent; corolla tube as long as wide, or
longer 19. Maranta
ovulate locules. Fruit with papyraceous pericarp;
- Florescence component of a single cymule; lateral seeds arillate. Only one sp., A. conferta (Benth.)
synflorescences usually present; corolla tube as long as Milne-Redh., W Africa to Central African
wide, or shorter 23. Saranthe Republic, Sudan and Uganda.
35. Corolla tube as long as wide, or longer; callose staminode
distally petaloid; corolla and staminodes exceeding the
sepals 36 3. Monophrynium K. Schum.
- Corolla tube shorter than wide; callose staminode firm and
fleshy throughout; corolla and inner staminodes usually Monophrynium K. Schum., Pflanzenreich IV. 48: 68 (1902).
not exceeding the sepals 26. Stroman the
36. Florescence of several or numerous, densely imbricated Rosulate herbs. Inflorescence a ± richly branched
spathes; axial system of cymule less than 1 em long
25. Ctenanthe
synflorescence, florescences narrowly spiciform,
- Florescence of 1 or 2 slightly overlapping spathes, cymule spathes persistent. Florescence component of 1-
peduncle ca. 2 em, or more 19. Maranta several !-flowered cymules; cymule subbrachy-
blastic, with or without interphyll, bracteoles
absent. Corolla tube ± equalling the lobes, or
288 Marantaceae

somewhat shorter; outer staminodes 2, petaloid; Rosulate herbs. Inflorescence simple or a sparsely
cucullate staminode with a small, simple append- to moderately branched synflorescence; flore-
age; ovary with 3 fertile locules. Fruit and seed scences usually coarsely spiciform to capitate,
unknown. A few spp., endemic to the Philippines. spathes distichous or spiral. Cymules brachy-
blastic or, exceptionally, subbrachyblastic or
dolichoblastic, interphyll usually present, brac-
4. Phacelophrynium K. Schum.
teoles usually present, 1-4 per cymule, glandular,
Phacelophrynium K. Schum., Pflanzenreich IV. 48: 120-123 scale- or sheathlike, or ribbon-shaped and
(1902); Holttum, Gard. Bull. Singapore 13: 273-279 (1951). claviculate. Corolla tube 5-25 times longer than
wide, rarely longer; outer staminode 1, rarely 0,
Rosulate plants. Inflorescence a moderately petaloid; ovary with 3 ovulate locules. Fruit dehis-
branched synflorescence; florescence bisym- cent, seeds arillate. About 300 spp., all over the
metric; spathes persistent. Cymule subbrachy- humid American tropics.
blastic to brachyblastic; interphyll usually present;
bracteoles absent. Sepals equalling the corolla
tube or longer; corolla tube equalling lobes or 7. Sanblasia L. Andersson
shorter; outer staminodes 1, petaloid; ovary with 3 Sanblasia L. Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 4: 21 (1984).
ovulate locules. Fruit dehiscent, seeds arillate.
About six spp., Thailand, Malacca Peninsula, Rosulate plants. inflorescence a sparsely branched
Malesian Islands and the Philippines. synflorescence, florescences narrowly spiciform
with rolled spathes. Cymule brachyblastic,
5. Stachyphrynium K. Schum. interphyll present, bracteoles 2 per cymule,
sheathlike. Corolla tube ca. 20 times longer than
Stachyphrynium K. Schum., Pflanzenreich IV. 48: 45-49 wide; outer staminode 1, petaloid; ovary with
(1902); Holttum, Gard. Bull. Singapore 13: 275-279 (1951). 3 fertile locules. Only one sp., S. dressleri L.
Andersson, Serrania de San Blas, Panama.
Rosulate plants. Inflorescence simple or a sparsely Sanblasia is nearly intermediate between Calathea
branched synflorescence, florescences ± coarsely and Ischnosiphon.
spiciform, spathes distichous, persistent. Cymule
brachyblastic, interphyll present or absent,
bracteoles absent. Sepals 1/3 the length of corolla 8. Pleiostachya K. Schum. Fig. 74A,B
tube or (usually) much shorter; corolla "tube" Pleiostachya K. Schum., Pflanzenreich IV. 48: 164 (1902);
solid, twice the length of lobes or longer; outer Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 1: 238 (1981).
staminodes 2, petaloid; ovary with 3 ovulate
locules. Fruit dehiscent, seeds arillate. About ten Rosulate herbs. Inflorescence a moderately
spp., India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The distinct- branched synflorescence; florescences rather
ness of the genus was doubted by Holttum, but the stoutly spiciform, laterally flattened, with condu-
very long-tubed flowers with short, triangular, plicate spathes, cymules brachyblastic, interphyll
membranous sepals seem to be a good distinctive sometimes present, bracteoles 2, sheathlike.
character. Corolla tube ca. 15 times longer than wide; outer
staminode 1, petaloid; ovary uniovulate. Two spp.,
Central America and the Pacific lowland south to S
II. Calathea group Ecuador.

Cymules brachyblastic, interphylls usually 9. Ischnosiphon Korn.

(Calathea) or occasionally present, bracteoles
usually present; corolla tube long or very long, one Ischnosiphon Korn., Mem. Soc. Imper. Nat. Moscou 11: 346
outer staminode. 348 (1859); emend. K. Schum., Pflanzenreich IV. 48: 156-
158 (1902); Andersson, Opera Bot. 43 (1977), rev., Nord. J.
Bot. 4: 25-32 (1984).
6. Calathea G. F. W. Meyer
Rosulate or caulescent, sometimes very tall plants.
Calathea G. F. W. Meyer, Primit. Fl. Essequebonensis: 6-7 Inflorescence simple, or a ± distinct synflore-
(1818); Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 1: 237-238 (1981);
Kennedy, Univ. Calif. Pub!. Bot. 71 (1978); Kennedy, Fl. scence; florescences narrowly spiciform, terete
Ecuad. 32: 14-136 (1988). with rolled spathes (before anthesis). Cymules
Thymocarpus Nicolson, Steyerm. & Sivadasan (1981). brachyblastic, interphyll rarely present, bracteoles
Marantaceae 289

1 or 2, usually ribbon-shaped and claviculate, bracteoles. Corolla tube 1/2 the length of the lobes
sometimes scalelike, never sheathlike. Flowers as or less, split to the base; stamina! tube conspi-
in Pleiostachya. About 35 spp., throughout the cuous; outer staminodes 2, petaloid; ovary with 3
humid American tropics. ovulate locules. Fruit dehiscent, seeds arillate.
Two spp., one from Sri Lanka and Malabar, S.
virgatus (Roxb.) Rolfe, and one from Malaysia,
10. Monotagma K. Schum. Fig. 74C-E
Indochina and the Philippines, S. dichotomus
Monotagma K. Schum., Pflanzenreich IV. 48: 166 (1902). (Roxb.) Gagnep.

Rosulate herbs. Inflorescence a usually richly

13. Hypselodelphys (K. Schum.) Milne-Redh.
branched synflorescence, often congested;
florescences narrowly spiciform with sclerotic, Hypselodelphys (K. Schum.) Milne-Redh., Kew Bull. 1950:
rolled spathes. Cymules 1-flowered, subbrachy- 158-161 (1950); Hepper, Fl. Trop. W Africa 3(1): 88-89
blastic, interphyll (usually) and bracteoles absent. (1968).
Trachyphrynium subgen. Hypselodelphys K. Schum. (1902).
Corolla tube very long and narrow; outer
staminode 1, petaloid; ovary with 1 ovulate locule.
Scandent or subscandent, much-branched plants.
Thirty seven spp. (Mats Hagberg, pers. comm.),
Cymules distinctly dolichoblastic, without inter-
widespread in humid parts of S America.
phyll, bracteoles 2 per cymule, glandular. Corolla
tube ca. 1/4 of the length of the lobes; outer
III. Donax group staminodes 2, ± unequal, petaloid; cucullate
staminode with 2-branched appendage, the upper
Cymules ± dolichoblastic, interphylls absent, branch much shorter than the lower one; ovary
bracteoles present, small and glandular; corolla with 3 ovulate locules. Fruit 3-lobed, densely
tube short (to moderately long), 2 outer sta- muricate, indehiscent; seeds exarillate. Four spp.,
minodes. Sierra Leone to the Congo Basin.

11. Donax Lour. 14. Trachyphrynium Benth.

Donax Lour., Fl. Cochinch.: 14 (1790); Holttum, Gard. Bull. Trachyphrynium Benth. in Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3: 651
(1883); emend. Milne-Redhead, Kew Bull. 1950: 157-158
Singapore 13: 266-271 (1951); Rolfe, J. Bot. 45: 242-244
Hybophrynium K. Schum. (1892).
Actoplanes K. Schum. (1902).

Tall plants with compound leaf cluster on top of Scandent, much-branched plants. Cymules slightly
canelike stem. Inflorescence a synflorescence of dolichoblastic, prophyll ephemeral, interphyll
narrowly spiciform florescences. Cymules mark- absent, bracteoles 2, glandular. Flowers as in
edly dolichoblastic, interphyll absent, bracteoles 2 Hypselodelphys. Fruit dehiscent, seeds arillate.
per cymule, small, glandular. Corolla tube equal- Only one sp., T. braunianum (K. Schum.) Milne-
ling the lobes or shorter; stamina! tube incon- Redh., W Africa, the Congo Basin, Sudan and
spicuous; outer staminodes 2, petaloid; ovary Uganda. The only important difference from
with 3 ovulate locules. Fruit indehiscent, seeds Hypselodelphys is in fruit structure, and the dis-
exarillate. Three or four spp., SE Asia from tinction is not very convincing.
Malaysia eastwards to the New Hebrides. Donax
differs from Schumannianthus in length of the 15. Megaphrynium Milne-Redh.
stamina! tube and in having indehiscent fruit. The
distinction is not entirely convincing. Megaphrynium Milne-Redh., Kew Bull. 1952: 169-170 (1952).

Rosulate plants. Inflorescence a richly branched,

12. Schumannianthus Gagnep. congested synflorescence; spathes caducous;
Schumannianthus Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 51: 169-177 florescence component of a single cymule. Cymule
(1904); Holttum, Gard. Bull. Singapore 13: 271-273 (1951); ± distinctly dolichoblastic, without interphyll,
Rolfe, J. Bot. 45: 244 ( 1907). bracteole 1 (rarely 2), glandular. Corolla tube ca.
1/2 the length of the lobes; outer staminodes 2 ( 1),
Habit like Donax. Cymules markedly dolicho- often markedly unequal, subulate and erect;
blastic, without interphyll, with 1 or 2 glandular cucullate staminode with 2-branched appendage,
290 Marantaceae

branches ::±: equal, divergent; ovary with 3 ovulate bracteoles absent. Corolla tube ::±: equalling the
locules. Fruit dehiscent. About four spp., W lobes (ca. 10 times longer than wide); outer
Africa, the Congo Basin, Sudan and Uganda. Very staminodes 2, slightly unequal, petaloid; cucullate
close to Sarcophrynium, and possibly better treated staminode with a short, flat appendage near base
as a subgenus. of lobe; ovary with 3 ovulate locules. Fruit and
seed unknown. Only one sp., C. rhizantha K.
16. Sarcophrynium K. Schum. Schum., W Africa. The genus has been considered
close to Calathea (Andersson 1981), but inflore-
Sarcophrynium K. Schum., Pfianzenreich IV. 48: 35-40 (1902); scence organisation and floral structure agree
emend. Milne-Redh., Kew Bull. 1952: 168-169 (1952). better with Marantochloa.
Rosulate herbs. Inflorescence a congested syn-
florescence, spathes persistent or tardily cadu- 19. Maranta L. Fig. 75
cous; florescence component of ca. 5 cymules; Maranta L., Sp. Pl. 1: 2 (1753); emend. Eichler, Abh. K. Akad.
cymules evidently dolichoblastic, without inter- Wissensch. Berlin 1883: 75-77 (1884); K. Schum.,
phyll, bracteoles 2, glandular. Corolla tube ca. Pfianzenreich IV. 48: 123-137 (1902); Andersson, Nord. J.
1/2 the length of the lobes, or less; outer stami- Bot. 1: 227-228 (1981), ibid. 6: 729-756 (1986), rev.
nodes 2(1), petaloid; cucullate staminode as in
Megaphrynium; ovary with 3 ovulate locules. Fruit Leaves homotropic or rarely antitropic; cauline
fleshy, indehiscent; seeds with a mucilaginous, leaves separated by distinct internodes. Cymules
mantlelike aril. About three spp., W Africa, the ::±: markedly dolichoblastic, interphyll absent,
Congo Basin and Uganda. bracteoles absent (rarely rudimentary). Corolla
tube 1/2 to twice the length of the lobes; outer
staminodes 2, petaloid; cucullate staminode with a
IV. Maranta group small, flat appendage near base oflobe; ovary with
1 ovulate (and 2 compressed) locules. Fruit dehis-
Cymules ::±: dolichoblastic, interphylls absent, cent, seeds arillate, perisperm canal distally
bracteoles absent or rudimentary; corolla tube branched. About 25 spp., humid areas of tropical
moderately long to long, (usually) 2 outer America.
20. Monophyllanthe K. Schum.
17. Marantochloa Brogn. ex Gris
Monophyllanthe K. Schum., Pflanzenreich IV. 48: 165-166
Marantochloa Brogn. ex Gris, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 7: 320-322 (1902); Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 1: 228-229 (1981).
Aerial shoots with a single basal leaf each, and a
Shrub-shaped plants, usually 1-3m tall. Cymules small, simple inflorescence. Cymule markedly
::±: dolichoblastic, often very pronouncedly so, dolichoblastic, interphyll absent, bracteoles rudi-
interphyll absent (or very rarely present), mentary, ridge-shaped. Flowers like Maranta, but
bracteoles absent (rarely rudimentary). Corolla 1 outer staminode often much reduced or absent.
tube very short to ::±: equalling the lobes; outer Fruit dehiscent; seeds arillate, perisperm canal
staminodes 2, petaloid, equal to markedly distally branched. One or two spp., the Guianas
unequal; cucullate staminode with a short flat and northern Amazon Basin. Very close to
appendage near middle of lobe; ovary with 3 Maranta, the generic rank being debatable.
ovulate locules. Fruit (tardily) dehiscent; seeds
arillate. About 15 spp., W Africa, the Congo Basin, 21. Koernickanthe L. Andersson
Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Reunion and the
Cornaro Islands. Koernickanthe L. Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 1: 240-241 (1981).

Rosulate herbs with homotropic leaves. Inflore-

18. Afrocalathea K. Schum.
scence a moderately branched synflorescence;
Afrocalathea K. Schum., Pfianzenreich IV. 48: 51-52 (1902). florescences narrowly cylindrical; spathes bright
orange, ::±: papyraceous when dry. Cymules 2-
Small acaulescent herbs with leaves and inflore- flowered, subbrachyblastic, interphyll and brac-
scences on separate shoots, inflorescence simple. teoles absent. Corolla tube very long and narrow,
Cymule evidently dolichoblastic, interphyll and ca. twice the length of lobes; outer staminodes 2,
Marantaceae 291

petaloid, subequal, or 1 of them :±:: reduced or Rosulate herbs with homotropic leaves, leaf
absent. Only one sp., K. orbiculata (Korn.) L. sheath flanks early decaying into a reticulum of
Andersson, S Brazil and the eastern Amazon fibres. Inflorescence a sparsely branched syn-
Basin. florescence, terminal; florescence :±:: markedly
monosymmetrical; spathes green when young,
often marcescent. Florescence component of 2-3
V. Myrosma group. cymules; cymules evidently dolichoblastic to
(rarely) subbrachyblastic, interphyll and brac-
Cymules subbrachyblastic to dolichoblastic, in- teoles absent. Corolla tube equalling the lobes or
terphylls absent, bracteoles absent or present; 1/2 longer; outer staminodes 2, :±:: markedly
corolla tube short or very short, usually 2 outer unequal (one rarely entirely missing), the larger
staminodes; perisperm canal distally branched. one, at least, petaloid; callose staminode distally
petaloid. Five or six spp., widespread in the humid
American tropics.
22. Myrosma L. f.
Myrosma L. f., Suppl. Pl.: 8, 80 (1781); Andersson, Nord. J. Bot.
1: 230-231 (1981). 25. Ctenanthe Eichler
Ctenanthe Eichler, Abh. K. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin 1883: 81-
Leaves homotropic. Inflorescence simple or a 84 (1884); Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 1: 235 (1981).
sparsely branched synflorescence, terminal, some-
times also lateral; florescence markedly mono- Rosulate or caulescent plants with antitropic
symmetrical, spathes white or pale green, leaves; cauline leaves mostly clustered. Inflore-
persistent. Florescence component of a single scence a sparsely to moderately branched, some-
cymule; cymule subbrachyblastic, interphyll and times diffuse synflorescence, terminal; florescence
bracteoles absent. Corolla tube less than 1/2 the bisymmetrical to markedly monosymmetrical;
length of the lobes; outer staminodes 2, :±:: equal, spathes greenish, usually persistent, florescence
petaloid; callose staminode distally petaloid; component of 2-12 cymules, cymules brachy-
staminal appendage large and showy. Only one blastic to (usually) subbrachyblastic, interphyll
sp., M. cannifolia L. f., widespread in S America, absent, bracteoles usually present, 1-2, scale- or
especially in dry forests. sheathlike. Corolla tube 1/2 the length of lobes
to equal; outer staminodes 2, petaloid; callose
staminode distally petaloid. About ten spp., wide-
23. Saranthe (Regel & Korn.) Eichler
spread in the humid American tropics, but con-
Saranthe (Regel & Korn.) Eichler, Abh. K. Akad. Wissensch. centrated in SE Brazil.
Berlin 1883: 85 (1884); Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 1: 232-233
(1981), ibid. 5: 61-63 (1985).
Maranta subgen. Saranthe Regel & Korn. (1857). 26. Stromanthe Sonder
Ctenophrynium K. Schum. (1902).
Stromanthe Sonder, Neue allgem. deutsche Gart. Blumen-
zeitschr. 5: 225-227 (1849); Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 1: 235-
Rosulate plants with homotropic leaves. Inflore- 236 (1981).
scence a sparsely to richly branched synflore-
scence, synflorescences lateral and mostly also Usuaully caulescent herbs with antitropic, usually
terminal; florescence bisymmetrical or (usually) clustered leaves. Inflorescence a richly branched,
:±:: monosymmetrical, spathes greenish, usually but often diffuse, synflorescence; spathes often
caducous. Florescence component usually of a brightly coloured, often caducous. Cymules :±:: evi-
single cymule; cymule subbrachyblastic to evi- dently dolichoblastic, interphyll absent, bracteoles
dently dolichoblastic, interphyll and bracteoles rarely present, rudimentary or scalelike. Corolla
absent. Corolla tube ca. 1/2 the length oflobes, or tube less than 1/2 the length oflobes, mostly obso-
less; outer staminodes 2, :±:: equal, petaloid; callose lete; outer staminodes absent or 2, rudimentary
staminode distally petaloid; staminal appendage to petaloid; callose staminode firm and fleshy :±::
small and obsolete. Five to ten spp., SE Brazil. thoughout. Ten to 15 spp., all over the humid
American tropics, but concentrated in Central
24. Hylaeanthe Jonker & Jonker America and SE Brazil.
Hylaeanthe Jonker & Jonker, Acta Bot. Neerl. 4: 175 (1955);
Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 1: 233-234 (1981).
292 Marantaceae

GENERA OF UNCERTAIN AFFINITY Schumann (1902) subdivided the genus into four
subgenera, which is hardly motivated.
27. Halopegia K. Schum.
29. Thaumatococcus Benth.
Halopegia K. Schum., Pflanzenreich IV. 48: 49-51 (1902).
Thaumatococcus Benth. in Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3: 652
Rosulate marsh plants. Inflorescence simple or a (1883).
sparsely branched synflorescence. Florescence
component of a single cymule; cymule :±:: evidently Rosulate herbs. Inflorescence simple or a very
dolichoblastic, axes conspicuously flattened and sparsely branched synflorescence; spathes cadu-
furrowed, interphyll and bracteoles absent. Sepals cous. Florescence component of a single cymule;
strongly unequal; corolla tube very short to cymule subbrachyblastic, interphyll absent,
obsolete; outer staminode(s) 1, or 2 very unequal, bracteole solitary, glandular. Corolla tube 1/5-
the smaller one sometimes caducous; callose 1/10 the length of lobes; outer staminodes absent;
staminode conspicuously large with narrow peta- ovary with 3 ovulate locules. Fruit large, with thick
loid rim; cucullate staminode with a simple, rather wings, indehiscent, exocarp leathery, endocarp
obsolete appendage near top of the lobe; ovary mucilaginous; seeds with aril of membranous
with 3 ovulate locules, 2 of them poorly developed sheets sticking to testa. Only one sp., T. danielii.
(to completely empty and compressed). Fruit 1- (Benn.) Benth., W Africa and the Congo Basin.
seeded, caryopsislike, indehiscent. About four With a strikingly peculiar fruit, and general
spp., W Africa, the Congo Basin and Indonesia. An anonymity in other characters, affinity is not
isolated genus without obvious affinities within easily guessed. Bracteole shape may indicate
the family. In some features it shows resemblance distant relationship with the Donax group.
to Thalia: organisation of florescence component,
short-tubed flowers with very large callose 30. Cominsia Hemsl.
staminodes, and caryopsislike fruits. Interest-
ingly, 1 of the outer staminodes, and 2 of the ovary Cominsia Hems!., Ann. Bot. 5: 508 (1891).
locules are :±:: reduced in Halopegia, and the two
genera are the only ones in which an additional Inflorescence a :±:: richly branched synflorescence;
adaxial air lacuna has been demonstrated in the spathes caducous. Cymule subbrachyblastic,
leaf axis. interphyll and bracteoles absent. Corolla tube very
long and narrow, 2-3 times the length of lobes;
outer staminodes 2, petaloid; callose staminode
28. Thalia L. Fig. 76 with large petaloid portion; cucullate staminode
with small simple appendage. Fruit a hard-
Thalia L., Sp. Pl. 1: 1193 (1753); Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 1:
241-243 (1981).
textured, dehiscent capsule; seeds arillate. Only
one sp., C. guppyi Hemsl., in Molucca Islands, New
Rosulate or caulescent marsh plants. Inflorescence Guinea, and Solomon Islands. The very long
an often very richly branched synflorescence; corolla tube is reminiscent of the Calathea group,
spathes caducous. Florescence component of a but cymule structure rather indicates relationship
single cymule; cymule subbrachyblastic, interphyll with the Phrynium group.
and bracteoles absent. Corolla tube obsolete; outer
staminode 1, petaloid, showy; callose staminode 31. Haumania J. Leonard
conspicuously large with narrow petaloid rim; cu-
Haumania J. Leonard, Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruxelles 19: 453-455
cullate staminode with two appendages near base (1949); Milne-Redh., Kew Bull. 1950: 161-163 (1950).
oflobe; style helically twisted when triggered, with Trachyphrynium subgen. Lasiodelphys K. Schum. (1902),
a very long liplike protrusion from the ventral rim partly.
of the stigmatic orifice. Fruit caryopsislike; peri-
sperm canal branched from the base. Five to seven Slender-stemmed, climbing plants. Spathes per-
spp., mainly in seasonally humid parts of S sistent, :±:: orbicular, white. Cymules evidently
America, two spp. also in southern USA. T. dolichoblastic, interphyll and bracteoles absent.
geniculata L. has a widespread population in Corolla tube ca. half the length of lobes; outer
Africa, sometimes regarded as a separate species staminodes 2, petaloid; ovary with 3 ovulate
(cf. Andersson, Nord. J. Bot. 1: 48-56, 1981). locules. Fruit indehiscent, tuberculate; seeds
Marantaceae 293

exarillate. Two spp., one W Africa (E Cameroon to Kunze, H. 1985. Die Infloreszenzen der Marantaceen und
Gabon) and one the Congo Basin. A distant rela- ihr Zusammenhang mit dem Typus der Zingiberales-
Synfloreszenz. Beitr. Bioi. Pflanz. 60: 93-140.
tionship to Trachyphrynium may be guessed. Loesener, T. 1930. Marantaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K. (eds.)
Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 2nd edn., 15a: 654-693.
Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
Selected Bibliography Mahanty, H.K. 1970. A cytological study of the Zingiberales
with special reference to their taxonomy. Cytologia 35: 13-
Andersson, L. 1976. The synflorescence of the Marantaceae. 49.
Organization and descriptive terminology. Bot. Not. 129: Mauritzon, J. 1936. Samenbau und Embryologie einiger
39-48. Scitamineen. Lunds Univ. Arsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 31(9): 1-31.
Andersson, L. 1977. The genus Ischnosiphon. Opera Bot. 43: 1- Muller, F. 1885. Die Bliitenpaare der Marantaceen. Ber. Dtsch.
113. Bot. Ges. 3: 54-56.
Andersson, L. 1981. The neotropical genera of Marantaceae. Olatunji, O.A. 1980. The structure and development of sto-
Circumscription and relationships. Nord. J. Bot. 1: 218-245. mata in some Zingiberales. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 38:
Andersson, L. 1986. Revision of Maranta subgen. Maranta 499-516.
(Marantaceae). Nord. J. Bot. 6: 729-756. Pai, R.M., Tilak, V.D. 1965. Septal nectaries in the Scitamineae.
Bisson, S., Guillemet, S., Hamel, J.-L. 1968. Contribution a J. Bioi. Sci. 8: 1-3.
!'etude caryo-taxonomique des scitaminees. Mem. Mus. Petersen, O.G. 1889. Marantaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K.
Hist. Nat. (Paris) II B, 18: 59-145, pl. 1-19. (eds.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, II(6): 31-43.
Chase, M.W. eta!. 1993. See general references. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
Dahlgren, R.M.T. eta!. 1985. See general references. Schumann, K. 1902. Marantaceae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Das
Desler, B. 1994. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Anatomie Pflanzenreich IV, 48: 1-184. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
und Morphologie von Scitamineen-Samen. Unpublished Smith, J.F., Kress, W.J., Zimmer, E.A. 1993. Phylogenetic
Diploma Thesis. Kaiserslautern: Dept. of Systematic analysis of the Zingiberales based on rbcL sequences. Ann.
Botany, University of Kaiserslautern. Mo. Bot. Gard. 80: 620-630.
Duvall, M.R. eta!. 1993. See general references. Thompson, J. McLean. 1933. Studies in advancing sterility VI.
Eichler, A.W. 1875. Bliithendiagramme, Vol. 1. Leipzig: W. The theory of scitaminean flowering. Pub!. Hartley Bot.
Engelmann. Labor. 11: 1-144.
Eichler, A.W. 1884. Beitriige zur Morphologie und Systematik Tilak, V.D., Pai, R.M. 1966. Studies in the floral morphology
der Marantaceen. Abh. K. Preuss. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin of the Marantaceae. I. Vascular anatomy of the flower of
1883: 1-97, pl. 1-7. Schumannianthus virgatus Rolfe, with special reference to
Fahn, A. 1953. The origin of the banana inflorescence. Kew the labellum. Can. J. Bot. 44: 1365-1370.
Bull. 1953: 299-306. Tilak, V.D., Pai, R.M. 1968. Studies in the floral morphology
Grootjen, C.J. 1983. Development of ovule and seed in of the Marantaceae II. Vascular anatomy of the genus
Marantaceae. Acta Bot. Neerl. 32: 69-86. Phrynium Willd. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 68: 240-249.
Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references. Tilak, V.D., Pai, R.M. 1970. Studies in the floral morphology of
Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references. the Marantaceae III. Vascular anatomy of some species of
Holttum, R.E. 1951. The Marantaceae of Malaya. Gard. Bull. the genus Calathea. Marathwada Univ. J. 9 Sci. 2: 31-41.
Singapore 13: 254-296. Tomlinson, P.B. 1961. Morphological and anatomical charac-
Horvitz, C.C., Beattie, A.J. 1980. Ant dispersal of Calathea teristics of the Marantaceae. J. Linn. Soc. (Lond.) 58: 55-78.
(Marantaceae) seeds by carnivorous Ponerines (Formi- Tomlinson, P.B. 1974. Development of the stomatal complex
cidae) in a tropical rain forest. Am. J. Bot. 67: 321-326. as a taxonomic character in the monocotyledons. Taxon 23:
Kaplan, D.R. 1973. The problem of leaf morphology and 109-128.
evolution in monocotyledons. Q. Rev. Bioi. 48: 437-457. Tran V.N. 1974. Sur le callus des marantacees. Bull. Soc. Bot.
Kennedy, H. 1977. Unusual floral morphology in a high alti- Fr. 121: 97-108.
tude Calathea (Marantaceae). Brenesia 12/13: 1-9. Venkataswaralu, V. 1937. A note on the development of the
Kennedy, H. 1978. Systematics and pollination of the "closed- embryo sac in Phrynium capitatum W. J. Indian Bot. Soc.
flowered" species of Calathea (Marantaceae). Univ. Calif. 16: 95-98.
Pub!. Bot. 71: 1-90, pl. 1-20.
Kennedy, H., Andersson, L., Hagberg, M. 1988. Marantaceae.
In: Harling, G., Andersson, L. (eds.) Fl. Ecuador 32: 11-191.
Goteborg: Department of Systematic Botany.
Kirchoff, B.K. 1983. Floral organogenesis in five genera of the
Marantaceae and in Canna (Cannaceae). Am. J. Bot. 70:
Kirchoff, B.K., Kennedy, H. 1985. Foliar, nonstructural nec-
taries in the Marantaceae. Can. J. Bot. 63: 1785-1788.
Kress, W.J. 1990. The phylogeny and classification of the
Zingiberales. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 698-721.
Kress, W.J., Stone, D. E. 1982. Nature of sporoderm in mono-
cotyledons, with special reference to the pollen grains of
Canna and Heliconia. Grana 21: 129-148.
Kunze, H. 1984. Vergleichende Studien an Cannaceen- und
Marantaceenbliiten. Flora 175: 301-318.
294 Mayacaceae

Mayacaceae bear short, uniseriate, ephemeral, glandular hairs.

Branching is axillary with only a few axils actually
D.W. STEVENSON bearing buds. Ptyxis is adplicate (flat). Each leaf
has a single vascular bundle with a septate air
canal on each side and paracytic stomates
(Tomlinson 1969).


though seemingly terminal, flowers are borne in
Mayacaceae Kunth, Abh. Konig!. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. the axils of nonvascularized sheathing bracts. Flo-
Abh. 1840: 93 (1842), nom. cons. ral initiation occurs near the shoot apex and is
accompanied by suppression of vegetative growth
Aquatic to telmatic perennial, rooted herbs. while the flower and fruit develop to maturity.
Leaves simple, spirally arranged, sessile, without Flowers may occur at only a single node or at
a basal sheath, lanceolate to linear or nearly several successive nodes. Although the anthers are
filiform, commonly bidentate apically. Flowers tetrasporangiate, some tri- and bisporangiate an-
axillary, solitary on short to long pedicels, emer- thers also occur (Horn af Rantzien 1946; Thieret
gent, actinomorphic, perfect, hypogynous, trimer- 1975). Often, an individual anther may be tetra-
ous, with strongly differentiated calyx and corolla; sporangiate in its apical region and bisporangiate
sepals 3, equal, free, green, valvate to subvalvate; basally. Anther wall development is of the
petals 3, equal free, white, imbricate, short-clawed; monocot type. The endothecium fails to develop
stamens 3, alternate with the petals; filaments thickenings. An exothecium develops from the
slender, glabrous; anthers basifixed, tetraspo- persistent epidermis with the inner tangential
rangiate to bisporangiate, opening by apical pores walls developing reticulate thickenings. The tape-
or porelike slits or sometimes by pores at the end tum is secretory with uninucleate cells. Meiosis is
of a tubular apical appendage. Ovary unilocular, successive, producing isobilateral and decussate
composed of 3 united carpels, placentation pari- tetrads. Pollen is sulcate; its sculpturing is finely
etal; style simple, terminal; stigma short capitate reticulate with columellate ultrastructure (Zavada
or slightly trifid. Ovules several to numerous, 1983). The embryo sac is of Polygonum type.
biseriate on each of the 3 parietal placentas Endosperm formation is nuclear. Embryogeny
atropous, bitegmic, tenuinucellate. Fruit a loculi- conforms to the Onagrad type with a well-
cidal capsule with 3 lines of dehiscence, each developed hypostase. The embryo is opposite the
midway between a placenta. Seeds ovoid to glo- micropyle with the flat side facing the endosperm.
bose, striate, operculate; embryo small, globose, Both integuments form a micropyle with a broad
undifferentiated, apical; endosperm copious, exostome and narrow endostome. The cells of the
composed of starch and aleurone. x = 8. inner integument become radially elongated to
One genus with four to ten spp., one native to close the micropyle and form an operculum with-
tropical West Africa, the others to tropical and out a micropylar collar. The cotyledon of the seed-
warm-temperate America. ling consists of a closed sheath and distal
Plants of Mayaca are rooted aquatics with adven- AFFINITIES. The relationship of the Mayacaceae
titious roots (Fig. 77), containing septate cortical has generally been thought to be with the Com-
air canals, produced randomly at the nodes melinaceae (Hutchinson 1973; Cronquist 1981;
(Uphof 1924). Root hairs develop from specialized Takhtajan 1997), although both Cronquist and
rhizodermal cells and lateral roots develop oppo- Takhtajan point out evidence for possible affinity
site the protophloem poles. Roots, stems, and with the Xyridaceae. The latter is supported
leaves contain vessels with scalariform perfora- particularly by embryological evidence. Only
tions. Sieve-tube plastids are of the P2c type. The Xyridaceae and Mayacaceae have an exothecium,
slender stems have a stele composed of only 3 to 5 secretory tapetum, parietal placentation, and a
collateral vascular bundles arranged in a single seed coat and operculum formed primarily from
ring which is separated by an endodermis with an inner integument, whereas the Commelinaceae
Casparian strips from an aerenchymatous cortex have an endothecium, usually an amoeboid tape-
composed of septate canals. Leaves are arranged tum, and a seed coat and operculum formed pri-
in 3/8 or 5/13 phyllotactic spiral. The leaf axils marily from the outer integument. In fact, the
Mayacaceae 295

presence of these unique shared embryological Fig. 77A-J. Mayacaceae. A Mayaca longipes, flowering shoot.
characters led Stevenson (1983) and Johri et al. B-D M. fluviatilis. B Flower. C Lateral view of stamen. D Seed
in longitudinal section, endosperm stippled, embryo un-
(1992) to suggest that Mayacaceae should be shaded, apically the operculum. E M. se/lowiana, adaxial view
placed nearer to Xyridaceae than to Commelina- of stamen. F, G M. baumii. F Young stamen. G Dehisced sta-
ceae. The results presented in Stevenson and men, note apical dehiscence. H-J M. vandellii. H Capsule. I
Loconte (1995) also support this conclusion and Dehisced capsule with one seed and remains of placentae on
expand the number of characters to include veg- valves. J Seed, the micropyle up. (Takhtajan 1982}
etative features. These are the absence of rap hides,
calcium oxalate crystals, and silica as well as
Characters as for the family.
nonsheathing leaves, lateral roots arising opposite
the protophloem poles, and the presence of sca-
lariform vessels throughout the plant. Selected Bibliography
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The Mayacaceae Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
exhibit a disjunct distribution pattern with one Dahlgren, R. et a!. 1985. See general references.
species, M. baumii Gurke, occurring in Zaire, Faden, R. 1985. Mayacaceae. In: Dahlgren, R., Clifford, T., Yeo,
Angola, and Zambia in West Africa. The other P. (eds.) The families of the monocotyledons. Berlin,
Heidelbery, New York: Springer, pp. 387- 388.
three to nine species are New World and wide- Horn af Rantzien, H. 1946. Notes on the Mayacaceae of the
spread, ranging from theSE United States through Regnellian Herbarium in the Riksmuseum Stockholm.
the West Indies and Central America to Paraguay. Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 40: 405-424.
Plants of Mayaca are rooted in the substrate and Hutchinson, J. 1973. The families of flowering plants. Oxford:
Oxford Univ. Press.
often submerged (at least seasonally). The seeds
Johri, B., Ambegaokar, K., Srivastra, P. 1992. Comparative
are resistant to desiccation and hence they can embryology of angiosperms Vol. 2. Berlin, Heidelbey, New
grow along river banks and lake margins that York: Springer.
experience seasonal drying. They generally grow Lourteig, A. 1952. Mayacaceae. Notul. Syst. (Paris) 14: 234-
on depleted sandy soils in the absence of other 248.
Stevenson, D. 1983. Systematic implications of the floral mor-
vegetation, indicating that they do not do well in phology of the Mayacaceae. Am. J. Bot. 70 (5, pt. 2}: 32.
competition. Stevenson, D., Loconte, H. 1995. Cladistic analysis of monocot
families. In: Rudall, P., Cribb, P., Cutler, D., Humphries, C.
Only one genus: (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution. Royal
Botanic Gardens Kew, pp. 543-578.
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
Mayaca Aubl. Fig. 77 Takhtajan, A. 1997. See general references.
Thieret, J.W. 1975. The Mayacaceae in the southeastern
Mayaca Aubl., Hist. pl. Guiane 1: 42, Tab. 15 (1775). United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 56: 248-255.
296 11ayacaceae/11usaceae

Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Commelinales-Zingiberales. In: 11et-

calfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of the monocotyledons. Oxford:
Oxford Univ. Press.
Uphof, J.C.T. 1924. The physiological anatomy of Mayaca
fluviatilis. Ann. Bot. 38: 389-393.
Venturelli, 11., Bouman, F. 1986. Embryology and seed devel-
opment in Mayaca fluviatilis (11ayacaceae). Acta. Bot.
Neerl. 35: 497-516.
Vyshenskaya, T.D. 1985. 11ayacaceae. In: Takhtajan, A. (ed.)
Comparative seed anatomy. 1: 177-179. (in Russian.).
Leningrad: Nauka.
Zavada, 11. 1983. Comparative morphology of monocot pollen 11usaceae Juss., Gen. Pl.: 61 (1789}, nom. cons.
and evolutionary trends of apertures and wall structures.
Bot. Rev. 49: 331-379. Mostly tall and robust, suckering or monocarpic
herbs with gigantic leaves; stem massive, cormlike;
leaf sheaths forming pseudostem around scape;
lateral buds absent or leaf-opposed. Leaves alter-
nate, spirally arranged, differentiated into sheath,
petiole and blade; sheath without distinct ligule;
blade entire (but often split due to wind action),
with coarse, compound midrib and closely set,
parallel, slightly sigmoid lateral veins fusing near
margin; lateral veins interconnected by tertiary
cross-veins. Inflorescence a terminal thyrse, bear-
ing cincinnate flower clusters in axils of
spathaceous bracts on an indeterminate main axis.
Flowers ebracteolate, functionally unisexual with
male flowers in distal part of inflorescence and
female ones in proximal part (rarely bisexual
flowers in proximal part), trimerous and 5-cyclic,
heterochlamydeous, zygomorphic; unpaired outer
tepal in anterior (abaxial) position; outer tepals
fused mutually and with 2 inner tepals into 5-
dentate or 5-lobate lamina; adaxial inner tepal free,
small; stamens usually 5, the missing stamen then
mostly staminodial, or occasionally 6; filaments
free from each other, narrow and filiform; anthers
basifixed, elongate, 2-thecate, 4-sporangiate.
Ovary inferior, 3-locular; ovules anatropous, nu-
merous on axile placentae; style 1, filiform, often
dilated distally. Fruit a baccate, mostly indehiscent
capsule; seeds operculate, exarillate, with scanty
perisperm and copious starchy endosperm.
Two genera and about 40 spp.; tropical Africa
and from NE India to N Australia and the


vegetative morphology have been described by
Fisher (1978), Kaplan (1973) and Tomlinson
In Musa, the plants have a sympodial rhizome
with branches terminating in aerial shoots, and
with renewal branches arising near the base of the
aerial shoot (Tomlinson 1962). Lateral branches
arise from leaf-opposed buds (Fisher 1978). Ensete
is strictly monocarpic, with vegetative branching
Musaceae 297

occurring only as a result of damage. Rhizome with vascular bundles in all parts of the plant
branches are usually short and massive, becoming except roots.
cormlike at soil surface. Leaves are produced from
the "corm" tip. The short rhizome branches typi- INFLORESCENCE. The inflorescence is terminal,
cally give the plants a caespitose habit. Starch is its formation terminating the growth of the entire
commonly stored in the ground parenchyma of aerial shoot. (Fig. 78).
the rhizome (Tomlinson 1959).
The only aerial stem is the inflorescence scape. It
is soft-textured and depends on support from the
tightly enclosing leaf sheaths, which form a
The leaf is usually differentiated into sheath,
petiole and blade, but a distinct petiole may be
missing. All divisions of the leaf are derived from
the proximal (Unterblatt) part of the primordium,
the distal (Oberblatt) part giving rise only to a
precursory tip, which is usually not indentifiable
in the mature leaf (Kaplan 1973). Ptyxis is
The leaf blade has a massive, compound midrib
from which closely set, parallel secondary veins
diverge. There have a slightly sigmoid course and
fuse near the leaf margin. They are interconnected
by parallel tertiary veins, which are perpendicular
to the secondary ones.

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Vegetative antomy was

described in detail by Tomlinson (1959). Stoma
development was described by Tomlinson (1974)
and Olatunji (1980).
Root stele with wide vessels and phloem strands
scattered throughout the stelar ground tissue.
Hairs absent from aerial parts. Rhizomes with the
central cylinder demarcated by an endodermis.
Leaf axis with a main arc of vascular strands,
which are continuous with the major lateral veins
of the lamina, with several arcs of smaller and
shorter strands, some entirely fibrous, on the
abaxial side of the main arc, and with small vascu-
lar and fibre bundles close to the adaxial surface;
with only 1 arc of large air canals. Epidermis of
lamina with anticlinal walls non-sinous; stomata
predominantly paracytic, guard cells symmetrical
in cross-section; hypodermis usually of 2 or more
layers on adaxial side, 1-2-layered abaxially; me-
sophyll with transverse, vascularised or non-
vascularised septa; all veins sheathed by fibres,
sheaths connected to hypodermis on both sides.
Silica cells are associated with vascular bundles in
all parts of the plant except the roots, silica bodies Fig. 78A-J. Musaceae. A-F Musa acuminata. A Inflorescence.
through-shaped. Raphide sacs are present in the B Distal part of inflorescence, the reflexed spathe showing a
ground tissue of all organs. Tannin present in staminate partial inflorescence. C Portion of inflorescence axis
with scars of the spathe and fruits. D Staminate flower. E
morphologically unspecialised cells in all parts of Pistillate flower. F Seed. G M. maclayi, inflorescence. H-J
the plant. Articulate lacticifers containing a muci- Ensete ventricosum. H Inflorescence. I Fruit. J Seed.
laginous substance present in M usa, associated (Takhtajan 1982)
298 Musaceae

The main inflorescence axis is indeterminate. It trichomes is similar to those of arils in other
bears spathaceous bracts (spathes), in the axils of Zingiberales.
which partial inflorescences (hands) arise. The
spathes are spirally arranged and caducous EMBRYOLOGY. The embryology of Musa was ex-
(Musa) or persistent (Ensete). The flowers are amined by Bouharmont (1963) and Simmonds
ebracteolate. The partial inflorescences in the (1960, summarised in Simmonds 1962, 1966).
proximal part of the inflorescence have female (or Some details are also provided by Humphrey
rarely bisexual) flowers, those in the distal part (1896).
have male ones. The ovule is anatropous, with 2 integuments, the
The partial inflorescences have been variously outer with 6-9, and the inner one with 2 cell layers.
interpreted. The classical (and still most com- The micropyle is formed by the outer integument.
monly accepted) interpretation, suggested by The nucellus is crassinucellate. Megasporogenesis
Eichler (1875), is that it is a cincinnus. The whole follows the Polygonum type. No parietal cell
inflorescence is then a thyrse with monchasial par- seems to be formed. A circular thickening, the so-
tial inflorescences. Thompson ( 1933) and Lane called Mikropylarkragen is formed from the outer
(1955), however, considered the partial inflores- integument. The epidermis of the nucellus is
cences to be deformed spikes. The classical view palisadelike at the stage when the embryo sac is
has been supported by Fahn (1953), who con- mature. Endosperm formation is Nuclear.
cluded that Thompson's interpretation was based The first division of the zygote is transverse or
on erroneous observations. oblique in Musa (Bouharmont 1963), the plans of
the second division being perpendicular to that of
FLORAL STRUCTURE AND ANATOMY. The flowers the first one. The young embryo (25 days) is still
have a basic trimerous, pentacyclic organization, undifferentiated and ± globose, a suspensor de-
with 2 whorls of tepals, 2 of stamens, and 1 of veloping at a later stage (ca. 60 days), at which the
carpels. They are oriented with the unpaired proembryo is cylindrical and the meristems differ-
sepal in the anterior position. The perianth entiating into radicula, plumule and cotyledon are
consists of a large, 5-lobed or 5-dentate structure, vaguely defined.
and a small simple, scalelike one. The larger
structure is usually interpreted as having evolved POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Pollen grains are large or
by fusion of all 3 outer and the 2 paired inner very large (to 140~-tm diam. in Musa), radiosym-
tepals, which is supported by the course of metric and isopolar. There is no structurally
vascular strands (Tilak 1968; Fahn and Kotler defined aperture. The surface is psilate in Musa,
1972; Tilak and Pai 1974) and by observations of but has usually large sporopollenin gemmae
occasional structural aberrants (Varela de Vega or warts in Ensete. The exine is endexinous in
1972). nature, uniformly thin (0.02-0.06~-tm in Musa) or
Musa usually has 5 stamens with a staminode irregularly thickened (0.02-1.1~-tm, in Ensete). In
present or absent. Occasional aberrants have 6 Musa, it is made up of several thin layers, some of
fertile stamens (Varela de Vega 1972). The which may slough off during development. The
staminode, when present, belongs to the inner intine is thick. In Musa the exintine has an outer
whorl. layer that is granular or has elliptic channels and
The gynoecium is formed by 3 carpels. The an inner, channelled layer. The endintine is made
ovary is inferior and trilocular, with numerous up of longitudinally oriented fibrils. The exintine
ovules on axile placentae. Septal nectaries are in Ensete is channelled throughout and the
present in the axile tissue of the distal part (pro- endintine is similar to that of Musa (W.J. Kress,
longation) of the ovary, descending as far down as pers. comm.).
the uppermost part of the locular region (Kirchoff
1992). The nectary duct is 6-armed proximally, KARYOLOGY. Detailed reviews of karyology are
becoming 3-radiate distally, ending with 3 sepa- given by Simmonds (1962, 1966). Wild species of
rate ducts below the style. In Musa, trichomes are Musa have 2n = 14, 18, 20 and 22, different basic
present on the raised parts of the placentae and numbers being characteristic for different sec-
sometimes on the funicle. These trichomes have tions. Polyploidy is important in banana cultivars,
been interpreted as aril homologues (e.g. but is unknown for wild material. The numbers 2n
Friedrich and Strauch 1975). This interpretation = 18 and 20 have been reported for Ensete. Most
was rejected by Kirchoff (1992) on the grounds chromosomes have satellites (Cheesman and
that neither the position, nor the structure of these Larter 1935; Bisson et al. 1968).
Musaceae 299

POLLINATION AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. Strelitziaceae. At present (e.g. Tomlinson 1962;

Musa and Ensete are primarily pollinated by Cronquist 1981; Dahlgren et al. 1985), the ten-
macroglossine bats, but pollination by sunbirds dency is to include only Musa and Ensete in the
(Nectariniidae) and tree shrews (Tupaia spp.) Musaceae.
have also been reported (Nur 1976). In a phylogenetic analysis of the Zingiberales
Musa and Ensete are usually monoecious with (Kress 1990) the Musaceae occupy a basal
male flowers in the distal part and female flowers position. They differ from all other families
in the proximal part of the inflorescence. Selfing of the order in possessing laticifers, spiral
must, therefore, be very rare in natural popula- phyllotaxy, unisexual flowers, and in lacking
tions. Parthenocarpy is not infrequent even in arils.
wild plants, however (Simmonds 1962), and self-
compatible hermaphrodite flowers have been DISTRIBUTION. The Musaceae have most extant
observed (Nur 1976). species in Asia, NE Australia and the western Pa-
cific, but three species of Ensete are African. The
FRUIT AND SEED. The fruit is indehiscent, or, centres of diversity are in Assam-Burma and
rarely, dehiscent by decay. The pericarp is leathery Indonesia-Borneo.
and the seeds are surronded by a starchy, sweetish
pulp derived from the placental trichomes PALAEOBOTANY. Spirematospermum, a fossil seed
(Friedrich and Strauch 1975). The evolution of known from the Upper Cretaceous of North
seedless, edible bananas is described in detail by America and frequent in the European Tertiary,
Simmonds (1962, 1966). for long had been related to the Zingiberaceae, but
Seeds of Ensete and Musa were studied by Desler Rodriguez de la Rosa and Cevallos-Ferriz (1994)
(1994). They are generally large (ca. 5-15mm recognised it as musaceous. Manchester and Kress
diam.), exarillate, and have an operculate germi- (1993) reported seeds of Ensete from the Eocenic
nation pore in the micropylar end. A double mi- Clarno flora of Oregon.
cropylar collar and a distinct hypostase are
present in the mature seed. The outer integument ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. The most important
forms a massive sclerenchyma in the mature testa. economic product of the Musaceae is the edible
The inner integument is 2-layered, with distinct banana, which is, after citrus, the most important
cellular structure. In Musa, the nucellus is fruit in world trade. Bananas are commonly grown
represented by 1 cell layer in which a fatty in monocultures in the tropical lowlands around
substance but no starch is stored. In Ensete, the the world, but are also, together with plantains,
nucellus remnant is strongly compressed. Starch cultivated in backyard gardens or in mixed crop-
is stored in the endosperm in the form of large, ping systems, sometimes as shade canopy in cof-
simple, concentric grains. The embryo is fee plantations. The dessert bananas are sugary
mushroom-shaped. and most often eaten raw. Plantains are generally
more starchy and are cooked, fried or roasted. In
DISPERSAL. The fruits are taken by mammals many tropical countries, especially in Africa and
(bats, monkeys and rodents) and birds. The hard SE Asia, bananas and plantains are the staple food.
seeds are later dropped, regurgitated or passed They are also dried, powdered, chipped, flaked,
through the digestive tract. juiced and pureed as well as used for producing
SUBDIVISION AND RELATIONSHIPS. The close The male buds of M usa inflorescences are
relationship of Musa and Ensete has never cooked as vegetables in some parts of Asia. The
been doubted; Ensete has, in fact, often been in- swollen basal parts of leaf sheaths of Ensete
cluded in Musa (e.g. Schumann 1900; Winkler ventricosum are used as a source of starch in east-
1930). Traditionally (e.g. Schumann 1900; Winkler ern Africa. Musa leaves are widely used to wrap
1930), they have been included in a broadly cir- food items when cooking.
cumscribed family Musaceae together with Musa textilis is cultivated, mainly in the Philip-
Strelitzia, Ravenala, Phenakospermum, Heli- pines and other South Pacific islands, for its strong
conia and often also Orchidantha. Orchidantha leaf fibers (Manila hemp), used to make ropes and
was separated by Ridley (1924) in a family of coarse textiles. Leaves of the Musaceae are also
its own, the Lowiaceae. Hutchinson (1934) se- widely used for thatch.
gregated Strelitzia, Ravenala, Phenakosper- Cultivars of both Musa and Ensete are often
mum and Heliconia as a separate family, the used in ornamental plantations.
300 Musaceae

KEY TO THE GENERA 2. Ensete Horan. Fig. 78H-K

1. Plants suckering; spathes caducous; free (inner) tepa! Ensete Horan., Prodr. Scitam.: 40 (1862); Cheesman, Kew Bull.
simple 1. Musa 1947: 97-106 (1947), rev.
- Plants monocarpic; spathes persistent; free (inner) tepa! Physocaulis Baker (1893).
3-lobed 2. Ensete
Gigant, monocarpic herbs. Lateral (adventitious)
1. Musa L. Fig. 78A-G buds developing only on damage. Bracts and
flowers integral with each other and with axis, ab-
Musa L., Sp. Pl.: 1043 (1753); Argent, Notes R. Bot. Gard. scission layer lacking. Flowers of proximal cymes
Edinb. 35: 77-114 (1976), rev.
predominantly bisexual; the 5 fused tepals divided
nearly to the base. Seeds usually > 10 mm diam. 2n
Suckering herbs, often growing in dense clumps; = 18. Six spp., three in Central Africa from the
lateral buds leaf-opposed. Bracts caducous; Cameroons to Ethiopia and Transvaal, three in SE
flowers and bracts separately inserted on axis. Asia from NE India and Burma through China to
Flowers of proximal cymes usually functionally the Philippines, New Guinea, and Java.
female. Tepal lamina 5-toothed, not deeply di-
vided. Seeds usually ca. 9 mm diam. Chromo-
somes number: x = 7, 9, 10, 11. Thirty to 40 spp., Selected Bibliography
from the Himalayas and S China to N Australia
and the Philippines; occurrence further east into Bisson, S., Guillemet, S., Hamel, J.-L. 1968. Contribution a
!'etude caryo-taxonomique des Scitaminees. Mem. Mus.
the Pacific (Pemba, Samoa and Hawaii) supposed Hist. Nat., II B, 18:59-145, pl.1-19.
to be due to introductions. Bouharmont, J. 1963. Evolution de !'ovule feconde chez Musa
The genus is often divided into five sections acuminata Colla subsp. burmannica Simmonds. Cellule 63:
(some species still with uncertain placement); (1) 262-279, pl. 1-4.
Sect. Musfil, x = 11, robust plants with pendent Cheesman, E.E., Larter, L.N.H. 1935. Genetical and cytological
studies of Musa. III. Chromosome numbers in the
inflorescence, dull and waxy bracts, fruits never Musaceae. J. Genet. 30: 31-52.
orange-red; 13-15 spp. (2) Sect. Rhodochlamys, Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
x = 11, slender plants, with erect inflorescence, Dahlgren, R. et al. 1985. See general references.
opaque and mostly waxy, brightly coloured bracts; Desler, B. 1994. Vergleichende Untersuchung der Anatomie
5-7 spp. (3) Sect. Ingentimusa, x = 7, tall plants und Morphologie von Scitamineen-Samen. Unpublished
Diploma Thesis. Kaiserslautern: Faculty of Biology, Univer-
with pendent inflorescence and dull cream bracts; sity of Kaiserslautern.
only one sp., M. ingens. (4) Sect. Australimusa, x Eichler, A.W. 1875. Bllithendiagramme construiert und
= 10, inflorescence usually horizontal to pendent, erlautert Vol. 1. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
bracts usually shiny, seeds subglobose to lenticu- Fahn, A. 1953. The origin of the banana inflorescence. Kew
Bull. 1953: 299-306.
lar; 5-7 spp. (5) Sect. Callimusa, x = 10, inflores- Fahn, A., Kotler, M. 1972. The development of the flower and
cence usually erect, bracts usually shiny, seeds nectary of the dwarf Cavedish banana. Adv. Plant Morpho!.
barrel- or top-shaped; 6-10 spp. The cultivated 1972: 153-169.
bananas have a complex history amply reviewed Fisher, J.B. 1978. Leaf-opposed buds in Musa: their develop-
by Simmonds (1962, 1966). Obviously, they have a ment and a comparison with allied monocotyledons. Am. J.
Bot. 65: 784-791.
multiple origin in SE Asia from where they have Friedrich, W.L., Strauch, F. 1975. Der Arillus der Gattung
been spread by man, both east- and westwards. Musa. Bot. Not. 128: 339-349.
Two series of cultivars are discerned. All commer- Humphrey, J.E. 1896. The development of the seed in the
cially grown bananas belong to sect. M usa. Most Scitamineae. Ann. Bot. 10: 1-40.
of them are triploids and derived either from Hutchinson, J. 1934. Families of flowering plants, 2nd edn.,
Vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
M. acuminata alone or from hybrids with M. Kaplan, D.R. 1973. The problem of leaf morphology and evo-
balbisiana. Diploid cultivars are grown locally in lution in monocotyledons. Q. Rev. Bioi. 48: 437-457.
India and Malaysia. The second series of cultivars Kirchoff, B. K. 1992. Ovary structure and anatomy in the
consists of the so-called Fe'i bananas. These be- Heliconiaceae and Musaceae (Zingiberales). Can. J. Bot. 70:
long in sect. Australimusa and lack commercial
Kress, W.J. 1990. The phylogeny and classificantion of the
importance. They are grown locally in E Indone- Zingiberales. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 698-721.
sia, New Guinea and the Pacific. Lane, I.E. 1955. Genera and generic relationships in Musaceae.
Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. Mlinch 13: 114-131.
Manchester, S.R., Kress, W.J. 1993. Fossil bananas
(Musaceae): Ensete oregonense sp. nov. from the Eocene of
western North America and its phytogeographic signifi-
cance. Am. J. Bot. 80: 1264-1272.
Musaceae/Najadaceae 301
Nur, N. 1976. Studies on pollination in Musaceae. Ann. Bot. Najadaceae
40: 167-177.
Olatunji, O.A. 1980. The structure and development of sto- R.R. HAYNES, L.B. HoLM-NIELSEN, and
mata in some Zingiberales. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 38:
499-515. D.H. LES
Ridley, H.N. 1924. The flora of the Malay Peninsula 4. London:
L. Reeve.
Rodriguez de Ia Rosa, R.A., Cevallos-Ferris, S.R.S. 1994. Upper
Cretaceous zingiberalean fruits with in situ seeds from
southeast Coahuila, Mexico. Int. J. Plant Sci. 155: 786-805.
Schumann, K. 1900. Musaceae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Das Pflan-
zenreich IV. (45}: 1-45. Leipzig: W. Engelmann. Najadaceae Juss., Gen. Pl.: 18 (1789}, nom. cons.
Simmonds, N.W. 1960. Megasporogenesis and female fertility
in three edible triploid bananas. J. Genet. 57: 269-278. Monoecious or rarely dioecious, annual or rarely
Simmonds, N.W. 1962. The evolution ofthe bananas. London:
Longmans. perennial, erect, caulescent, glabrous herbs of
Simmonds, N.W. 1966. Bananas, 2nd edn. London: Longmans. fresh or brackish waters, growing entirely sub-
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references. mersed. Roots fibrous, few, nonseptate, at base of
Thompson, J. McLean 1933. Studies in advancing sterility VI. stem and lower nodes. Stems slender, much
The theory of scitaminean flowering. Pub!. Hartley Bot.
Labor. 11: 1-144. branched, sometimes armed with spinulose teeth
Tilak, V.D. 1968. On the morphology of the perianth in Musa on the internodes; turions and tubers never devel-
L. Marathwada Univ. J. 7: 7-10. oped. Leaves spiral, subopposite or pseudover-
Tilak, V.D., Pai, R.M. 1974. The floral anatomy of Ensete ticillate, sessile, with sheathing base; blade linear,
superbum (Roxb.) Cheesm. Proceed. Indian Acad. Sci. Sect. flattened, 1-veined, sometimes abaxially toothed
B. 80: 253-261.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1959. An anatomical approach to the classifi- on midrib, the margins serrulate to dentate, the
cation of the Musaceae. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 55: 779-809. apex acute to acuminate, with 1-3 teeth per side;
Tomlinson, P.B. 1962. Phylogeny of the Scitamineae - mor- the teeth multicellular, formed by layers of cells
phological and anatomical considerations. Evolution 16: decreasing in cell number distally and terminated
192-213. by a large, sharp-tipped cell, or unicellular;
Tomlinson, P.B. 1974. Development of the stomatal complex
as a taxonomic character in the monocotyledons. Taxon 23: sheaths variously shaped, each enclosing a pair
109-128. of tiny intravaginal squamules, the margins
Varela de Vega, A. 1972. Interpretacion morfol6gica de las usually spiny-toothed, with 1-15 teeth per side.
flores masculinas de algunas especies y variedades de Musa. Flowers axillary, solitary, or clustered, imperfect,
Rev. Fac. Agron. Maracay 4(3}: 65-78. perianth absent. Staminate flowers mostly
Winkler, H. 1930. Musaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K. (eds.)
Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 2nd edn. 15a: 505-541. subtended by 1 or 2 clear to pale purple, mem-
Leipzig: W. Engelmann. branous, spathe-like envelopes, each flower
consisting of a single stamen; pedicels at first
short, elongating at anthesis, pushing the anther
through the outer envelope; anther sessile, 1- or
4-sporangiate, dehiscing by an apical slit.
Carpellate flowers sessile; a clear to pale purple
membranous envelope rarely present; gynoecium
ending in a short style with 3 or 4 branches;
ovary 1-loculed; wall delicate, 2 cell layers thick;
placentation basal; ovule solitary, bitegmic, anat-
ropous. Fruit achenelike; gynoecial wall closely
enveloping the seed, opening by decay. Seed fusi-
form to elliptic; testa areolate; embryo elongate,
macropodous, straight or rarely curved; en-
dosperm developing nuclear, absent in the mature
A monogeneric, nearly cosmopolitan family
with ca. 40 species.


all aquatic herbs which grow entirely submersed
in fresh or brackish waters (Fig. 79). The roots
arise from the base of the stem or along the lower
302 Najadaceae

Fig. 79A-G. Najadaceae. Najas podostemon. A Habit. B Leaf. except that the margins and apices are lined with
C Enlarged leaf apex. D Leaf axils with immature staminate prickle hairs. The prickles are composed either
flower in axil on left, mature staminate flower after release of
pollen in lower right axil, mature ovulate flower in middle of only one enlarged yellowish to brown cell ( 1-
right axil, and immature ovulate flower in upper right axil. cellular) (Fig. 79C), or this may be situated on a
E Transverse section of anther. F Seed. G Enlargement of base formed by layers of smaller cells, which de-
exotesta with 4-6-sided areolae. (Orig.) crease distally in cell number (multicellular).
Leaves with unicellular prickles (or teeth) mostly
appear entire to the unaided eye but normally
nodes, especially those nodes that contact the have 50 or more marginal teeth, 2 or 3 at the leaf
bottom. apex. Leaves with multicellular teeth appear ser-
The stem varies in length up to 1m, depending rate to coarsely dentate to the unaided eye and
on water depth. It is usually highly branched, ei- mostly have 25 or fewer teeth along each margin
ther near the apex or near the base. When branch- and only 1 or rarely 2 at the apex. Occasionally,
ing is from the base, the lateral branches normally those with multicellular teeth also have prickles
grow long and erect, taking on the appearance of along the lower surface of the midvein and more
the main stern. The lateral branches and main rarely along the upper surface.
stern often branch profusely near the apex. This The sheath is wider than the blade and truncate,
branching along with reduced internode length rounded or sloping, rarely auricled. The margins
gives the distal part of the plant a bushy appear- have 1-15 teeth similar to those of the blade. There
ance. In subgen. Najas, the internodes normally are 2 intravaginal squamules, which are mostly
have prickles; these are absent in subgen. subulate with entire margins but vary in shape,
Caulinia. being occasionally nearly oval. They are 3 cell
The leaves are subopposite on the stern, 1 leaf of layers thick and lack vascularization. They pre-
each pair being slightly lower than the other. sumably secrete mucilage which may prevent the
These subopposite pairs are essentially spiro- growth of microorganisms.
distichous. Leaf arrangement often appears to be
whorled due to a short-shoot, which arises in the VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Raphides and silica bod-
axil of the lower leaf of each pair of cauline leaves. ies are lacking. Vessels are completely lacking.
The short-shoot consists of only 2 leaves, a lower Tannin cells and crystals are little developed.
one which is reduced to a scale and an upper The anatomy is fairly simple and has been
which develops a blade. An axillary bud is present summarized by Tomlinson (1982). The roots
only in the upper of these leaves. The 3 foliose are copiously supplied with root hairs, which
leaves, the 2 stem leaves and 1 short-shoot leaf are produced only by specialized short, densely
make up the pseudowhorl. cytoplasmatic cells of the piliferous layer.
The leaf blade is flat, linear to linear-lanceolate, In the stem, stomata are absent and the cuticle
and tapers into an acute apex. It is glabrous, is thin. The epidermis contains chlorophyll. The
Najadaceae 303

cortex is fairly wide, including a 1- or 2-layered The staminate flower is subsessile and com-
hypodermis of compact cells, a middle lacunose posed of one stamen, which is almost always sur-
region with several enlarged longitudinally ex- rounded by 2 floral envelopes. The outer floral
tended intercellular air spaces forming a single envelope is initiated after initiation of the stamen
series of air canals, and a compact innermost layer and elongates more rapidly than does the floral
with slightly thickened walls. The endodermis en- apex. When the outer envelope surpasses the
circling the stele is composed of cells with thin floral apex, the inner envelope is initiated. Both
walls or rarely with slightly thicker outer walls in envelopes overgrow the stamen and form a short
the older stems. The stele is composed of a fairly neck at the apex of the flower. The inner envelope
large protoxylem lacuna surrounded by a single adheres to the stamen so closely as to become
layer of parenchyma cells and a cylinder of ph- invisible except for the small bilobed neck which
loem, which is often in contact with the endoder- extends past the stamen. The neck of the outer
mis. The vascular and cortical tissues are poorly envelope extends past that of the inner and is ir-
developed. The phloem has sieve plates in all parts. regularly 3- to 5-toothed. The flower stalk begins
The leaves are mostly composed of two epider- to elongate at the time the pollen is mature and
mal layers with occasional narrow intercellular pushes the anther upwards, irregularly rupturing
spaces. A few species, e.g., N. gracillima, have 1 or the floral envelopes and then becomes slightly
rarely more layer(s) of mesophyll between the epi- recurved. The anther dehisces by an apical pore
dermallayers. The epidermal cells contain chloro- or slit, releasing the pollen into the surrounding
phyll; stomata are lacking. Lacunae are mostly water.
restricted to the midrib area, except that those There have been several reports in the literature
species with a layer of mesophyll often have some that the staminate flowers are in the upper
intercellular spaces. The midvein consists of a axils and the carpellate flowers are in the lower.
single vascular bundle, which is surrounded by Developmental data by Posluszny and Sattler
mesophyll tissue. The vascular tissue is reduced, (1976), however, indicate that there is no apparent
with the tracheids mostly replaced by protoxylem pattern to the arrangement of the flowers on a
lacunae. plant.
The carpellate flowers are sessile and apparently
INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. The inflorescence composed of one ovule surrounded by a transpar-
consists of a solitary flower produced in the axils ent gynoecial wall. Posluszny and Sattler (1976)
of a pseudowhorl. The axillary meristem, which have demonstrated that the translucent floral
gives rise to the lateral branch of the pseudowhorl, envelope on carpellate flowers is actually the
divides laterally early in its inception, one side gynoecial wall. This is initiated in a manner
producing the vegetative branch. Occasionally, similar to that of the outer floral envelope of the
there are 2-several flowers in the axils of a staminate flowers. During floral development,
pseudowhorl. The additional flowers are pro- the ovule is initiated in a terminal position on the
duced by the axillary meristem of the short-shoot floral apex, followed by the initiation of the
of the pseudowhorl repeating the lateral bifurca- gynoecial wall. This overgrows the developing
tion which gave rise to the lateral branch origi- ovule and remains 2 cell layers thick throughout
nally. This process may be repeated until up to 5 its development. The apex narrows into a short
flowers per axil are produced (de Wilde 1962). neck or style with 2 stigmas. Often these stigmas
divide to form 4lobes. The 2 integuments are ini-
FLORAL STRUCTURE. The flowers of the Najada- tiated after the gynoecial wall overgrows the floral
ceae are so reduced that it is difficult to determine apex. Once the integuments are initiated, the
the nature as well as the number of floral parts. ovule turns down into an anatropous position.
Both staminate and carpellate flowers are usually The exact terminal position of the ovule
enclosed by 1 or 2 translucent floral envelopes during development led Posluszny and Sattler
(Fig. 79D). The nature of these envelopes is not (1976) to the conclusion that Najas is acarpellate.
fully understood. Tomlinson (1982) referred to This concept, however, has not received wide
the inner one as the perianth and the outer one as acceptance.
the spathe. Posluszny and Sattler (1976), however,
referred to them as floral envelopes since they EMBRYOLOGY. The anther wall formation is of the
are initiated as girdling primordia on the floral Reduced type (Davis 1966) in which only 2 parietal
axis after the initiation of the reproductive layers are formed. The fully developed anther wall
structures. is composed of only the endothecium, which lacks
304 Najadaceae

fibrous thickenings and is soon crushed. The FRUIT AND SEED. The fruit of Najadaceae does
tapetum soon becomes amoeboid. The tapetal not fit the classical definition of any fruit type. The
cells remain 1-nucleate. Their walls eventually fruit never actually dries; its wall adheres closely
break up and a periplasmodium is formed to the seed and dehisces by decay.
(Venkatesh 1956). The seeds are quite variable in the family. The
Microsporogenesis is of the Successive type. The exotesta may be deeply or more rarely shallowly
tetrads are tetrahedral or isobilateral, rarely linear pitted with areolae (Fig. 79F,G). These are ar-
or T-shaped. These varying types often occur in ranged in 20-50 longitudinal rows and vary in
the same species (Venkatesh 1956). The pollen shape from isodiametric to rectangular and if rect-
grains are 2-celled when the tetrads break up, but angular are usually longer than wide, rarely wider
become 3-celled shortly thereafter. The mature than long. They are separated by walls that usually
pollen grains are filled with starch grains. are slightly raised from the testa surface. The junc-
The ovules are always anatropous and bitegmic. tures of these walls are often raised additionally
A parietal cell is formed; this divides to form 1 or into a papilla, giving the exotesta a papillose ap-
2 parietal layers below the nucellar epidermis pearance. Finally, a few species are so deeply
(Davis 1966). The micropyle is formed by the pitted that centers of the areolae seem to form a
inner integument. Embryo-sac formation follows funnel.
the Polygonum type. Endosperm formation is The mesotesta consists of stone cells that
nuclear, but walls are initiated later near the mi- provide the seeds with mechanical strength. Dif-
cropylar pole, and the tissue becomes cellular ferences in the expression of this tissue have been
throughout. used in the classification of Najas. In N. marina
Embryogeny follows the Caryophyllad type, in (subgen. Najas) the mesotesta is 10-15 cell layers
which the basal cell does not divide but enlarges deep, while in subgen. Caulinia it is composed of
as the terminal cell of the short suspensor. 1 or 2 layers. The inner layer of the tegmen
The ripe seeds lack endosperm and perisperm. (endotegmen) is provided with minute tubercles
The embryo is cylindrical, linear, macropodous, (endotegmen tuberculae). Najas shares these
tapering at each end and mostly straight, although features with at least 11 genera of the Hydro-
a few species have slightly curved embryos. The charitaceae (the genera of the Limnanthemum
embryo fills the entire seed cavity. It has 1 or 2 group, the Vallisneria group, some of the Elodea
bands of chlorophyll. group and Enhalus and Blyxa; see Hydrocharita-
ceae account), and these endotegmen tuberculae
POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are are unknown elsewhere in flowering plants
globose to ellipsoid and inaperturate monads. The (Shaffer-Fehre 1991a,b).
exine is without sculpturing, or occasionally has Starch grains are not accumulated in the seed.
shallow reticulations, and it so thin that it has been
observed only with transmission electrom micros- DISPERSAL. Dispersal mechanisms are poorly un-
copy, and then only with certain staining proce- derstood. The seeds mostly remain in the leaf axils
dures (Pettitt and Jermy 1975). In contrast, the until the plant dies. The dying plants are uprooted
intine is fairly thick. and usually remain suspended in the water for a
short period before sinking to the substrate.
KARYOLOGY. Chromosome numbers are reported During this time they may be transported by
for 15 species of Najas. These records include 2n currents before sinking to the bottom, where the
= 12, 14, 16, 24, 34, 36, 42, 46, 48, 54, and 60. seeds become embedded in the substrate and
Viinikka (1973) reported the presence of B chro- germinate.
mosomes in nine European populations of Najas Short-range dispersal by adhesion to birds and
marina. other animals is likely, but long-range dispersal by
birds eating the seeds is unlikely, as the seeds are
PoLLINATION. According to Cox (1985), the too delicate to pass through the digestive system
pollen germinates in the anther prior to dehis- undamaged.
cence. The long tube plus the pollen grain allows a
much larger surface with which to contact a PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Saponins and alkaloids are
stigma as the pollen moves through the water. absent in the family. The flavonoid spectrum,
Rendle (1899) indicated the pollen grains fall, however, is comparatively diverse. Roberts and
weighted by their starch contents, onto stigmas of R.R. Haynes (unpubl.) have isolated leucoantho-
carpellate flowers lower in the water column. cyanidins and 9 flavonoids from the leaves and
Najadaceae 305

stems of Najas. These include both flavones and 1981) of both England and the former USSR.
flavonols. Najas subgen. Najas contains only For species of Najas subgen. Caulinia from the
flavones, whereas Najas subgen. Caulinia contains Miocene and Pliocene of the former USSR, distin-
both flavones and flavonols. Sulfated flavonoids guishable by their seed-coat anatomy, see
have not been observed. Dorofeev (1978).

AFFINITIES. Extreme structural reduction and EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. The family is economi-
adaptations to water pollination have complicated cally important in three respects. As a source of
efforts to determine the phylogenetic position of food for waterfowl, Martin and Uhler (1939) rank
the genus Najas. Otherwise, a distinctive array of it eighth in importance in the United States and
features including nuclear endosperm formation, Canada, and Gaevskaya (1966) lists 18 species of
straight embryos, basal placentation, solitary animals that have been known to feed on it.
carpels, and solitary stamens have facilitated the Secondly, populations of Najas have often been
circumscription of this genus in the Alismatidae. abundant enough to be regarded as weeds,
The specialized features of Najas have inspired warranting the use of various methods of control.
most authors to recognize the genus within a sepa- Finally, Najas guadalupensis is utilized in the
rate family, Najadaceae. This family has been as- aquarium trade.
sociated phylogenetically with Scheuchzeriaceae,
Juncaginaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Posidonia- Only one genus:
ceae, Cymodoceaceae, Ruppiaceae, Zannichellia-
ceae, and Zosteraceae to comprise an order
Najas L. Fig. 79
referred to as Najadales or Zosterales (Dahlgren
and Clifford 1982; Dahlgren et al. 1985). Miki Najas L., Sp. Pl.: 1015 (1753); Rendle, Pfianzenreich IV. 12
(1937), however, had already considered that (1901); Haynes, Sida 8: 34-56 (1979), N and Central
Najas could have originated from submerged American spp.; Lowden, Aquat. Bot. 24: 147-184 (1986),
Neotrop. spp.; Triest, Mem. Acad. R. Sci. d'Outre mer, Cl.
Hydrocharitaceae. Evidence obtained from seed Sci. Nat. (8) 22: 1-172 (1988), Old World spp.
coat anatomy (see Fruit and Seed, above), and
molecular studies have now indeed established About 40 spp., characters as for family. Two sub-
that Najas is not closely related to any of the genera: subgenus Najas, dioecious, internodes
families traditionally included in Najadales or and leaf undersurface prickly, only N. marina L.;
Zosterales, but is derived from within the family subgenus Caulinia (Willd.) Aschers., monoecious,
Hydrocharitaceae (Shaffer-Fehre 1991b; Les et al. without prickles, ca. 40 species, most of which in
1993; Les and Haynes 1995; D.H. Les, unpubl.). the eastern hemisphere.
The presence of endotegmen tuberculae and a
thin exotesta represent reliable morphological
synapomorphies linking Najas to the Hydro- Selected Bibiography
The Najadaceae have been maintained as a dis- Casper, S.J., Krausch, H.-D. 1980. Pteridophyta und
Anthophtya. 1. Teil: Lycopodiaceae bis Orchidaceae. In:
tinct family in this treatment at the request of the Ettl, H., Gerloff, E., Heynig, H. (eds.) Sii6wasserfiora von
Editor, regardless if such recognition renders Mitteleuropa, Band 23. New York: Gustav Fischer.
Hydrocharitaceae a paraphyletic family. The pre- Cook, C.D.K. 1990. Aquatic plant book. The Hague: SPB
ponderance of phylogenetic evidence indicates Academic Pub!.
that Najas is embedded in the Hydrocharitaceae; it Cox, P.A. 1985. Noodles on the tide: why is water-borne pollen
so long and stringy? Nat. Hist. 94: 36-41.
clearly belongs within the order Alismatales. Daghlian, C.P. 1981. A review of the fossil record of monocoty-
ledons. Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 47: 517-555.
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATs. The Najadaceae Dahlgren, R.M.T., Clifford, H.T. 1982. See general references.
have a subcosmopolitain distribution with most Dahlgren, R.M.T. eta!. 1985. See general references.
Davis, G.L. 1966. See general references.
species in tropical Asia and tropical Africa. They Dorofeev, P.l. 1978. On the taxonomy of the Neogene genus
are aquatic and occur especially in substrates with Caulinia Willd. Bot. Zh. 63: 1089-1101.
a high organic content. A few species grow in Gaevskaya, N.S. 1966. The role of higher aquatic plants in the
brackish waters, although most occur in fresh- nutrition of the animals of fresh-water basins. 3 vols.
water. No species are marine. (Trans!. from Russian by D.G. Maitland Muller 1969).
Yorkshire: National Lending Library for Science and
PALEOBOTANY. The earliest records are seeds of Haynes, R.R. 1977. The Najadaceae in the Southeastern United
Najas and Najadites from the Oligocene (Daghlian States. J. Arnold Arbor. 58: 161-170.
306 Najadaceae/Palmae

Les, D.H., Haynes, R.R. 1995. Systematics of subclass

Alismatidae: a synthesis of approaches. In: Rudall, P.J.,
Cribb, P.J., D.F. Cutler, C.J. Humphries (eds.) Monocotyle-
dons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanical Gardens,
Les, D.H., Garvin, D.K., Wimpee, C.F. 1993. Phylogenetic
studies in the monocot subclass Alismatidae: evidence for a
reappraisal of the aquatic order Najadales. Mol. Phylogenet.
Evol. 2: 304-314.
Magnus, P. 1870. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung Najas.
Berlin: Georg Reimer.
Martin, A.C., Uhler, F.M. 1939. Food of game ducks in the Palmae Juss., Gen. Pl.: 37 (1789), nom. cons.
United States and Canada. U.S.D.A. Tech. Bull. No. 634. Arecaceae Schultz Sch. (1832), nom. cons. alt.
Miki, S. 1937. The origin of Najas and Potamogeton. Bot. Mag.
(Tokyo) 51: 472-480.
Pettitt, J.M., Jermy, A.C. 1975. Pollen in hydrophilous an- Small, medium-sized, or large, solitary or clus-
giosperms. Micron 5: 377-405. tered, armed or unarmed, hapaxanthic or
Posluszny, U., Sattler, R. 1976. Floral development of Najas pleonanthic, hermaphroditic, polygamous, mono-
flexilis. Can. J. Bot. 54: 1140-1151. ecious, or dioecious plants. Stems "woody",
Rendle, A.B. 1899. A systematic revision of the genus Najas.
Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. II. 5: 379-444.
slender to massive, very short to very tall, creep-
Shaffer-Fehre, M. 199la. The endotegmen tuberculae: an ing, subterranean, climbing, or erect, usually
account of little-known structures from the seed coat of the unbranched, rarely branching dichotomously,
Hydrocharitoideae (Hydrocharitaceae) and Najas (Najada- lacking cambium but sometimes increasing in di-
ceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 107: 169-188. ameter by primary growth, sometimes ventricose;
Shaffer-Fehre, M. 199lb. The position of Najas within the
subclass Alismatidae (Monocotyledones) in the light of internodes very short to elongate; leaf scars con-
new evidence from seed coat structures in the Hy- spicuous or not; stilt roots present or absent, roots
drocharitoideae (Hydrocharitales). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 107: sometimes modified into spines. Leaves alternate,
189-209. spirally arranged, rarely distichous or tristichous;
Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. Anatomy of the monocotyledons VII. sheath initially always tubular at the base, later
Helobiae (Alismatidae). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Venkatesh, C.S. 1956. Structure and dehiscence of the anther frequently splitting, unarmed or armed with
in Najas. Bot. Not. 109: 75-82. spines or prickles, glabrous or variously scaly or
Viinikka, Y. 1973. The occurrence ofB chromosomes and their hairy, sometimes with a ligulelike appendage on
effect on meiosis in Najas marina. Hereditas 75: 207-212. either side of or in front of the petiole, sheaths
Wilde, W.J.J.O. de 1962. Najadaceae. Flora Malesiana I. 6:
sometimes forming a crownshaft; petiole usually
present, terete, or variously adaxially channeled or
ridged, unarmed or bearing spines or teeth, gla-
brous or variously scaly or hairy; hastulae present
or absent; blade palmate, costapalmate, pinnate,
bipinnate, or bifid, or entire and pinnately veined,
plicate in bud, splitting along the adaxial folds
(induplicate), or abaxial folds (reduplicate), rarely
splitting between the folds, or not splitting; seg-
ments or leaflets lanceolate or linear to rhomboid
or wedge-shaped, V-shaped (induplicate), or /\-
shaped (reduplicate), single-fold or many-fold, a
midrib and numerous parallel secondary veins
usually present, segments very rarely splitting
further between the secondary veins, tips acute,
acuminate, truncate, oblique or bifid, praemorse,
or irregularly toothed or lobed, sometimes armed
with spines or bristles along the margins and/or
main veins, variously scaly and hairy, transverse
veinlets conspicuous or obscure; proximal leaflets
sometimes modified as spines (acanthophylls),
rachis prolonged distally into a climbing whip
(cirrus) in many climbing palms, sometimes also
bearing acanthophylls. Inflorescences axillary,
solitary or multiple, infrafoliar, interfoliar, or ag-
Palmae 307

gregated into a suprafoliar compound inflores- exceeding the stamens. Fruit usually 1-seeded,
cence, spicate or branched up to 6 orders, usually sometimes 2-3-10-seeded, ranging from small to
maturing acropetally, rarely basipetally, in some very large, stigmatic remains apical, lateral, or
species of Calamus inflorescence modified as a basal; pericarp smooth or hairy, prickly, corky-
climbing whip (flagellum); peduncle short to long; warted, or covered with imbricate scales, meso-
prophyll usually 2-keeled, very varied in shape carp fleshy, fibrous, or dry, endocarp not
and size, rarely subtending a first-order branch; differentiated or thin, sometimes with an opercu-
peduncular bracts 0-many, very varied in shape lum over the embryo, or thick and then often with
and size; rachis shorter or longer than the pe- 3 or more pores at, below, or above the middle.
duncle; rachis bracts similar to peduncular bracts, Seed adhering to the pericarp or free, with thin or
or dissimilar, or much reduced; rachillae (flower- sometimes fleshy testa (sarcotesta), endosperm
bearing branches) short to long, slender to homogeneous or ruminate, sometimes penetrated
massive, rachilla bracts conspicuous to minute or by the testa; endosperm storing hemicellulose,
apparently lacking, sometimes connate laterally aleurone, fats and oils but no starch; embryo api-
and adnate to the rachilla to form pits containing cal, lateral or basal. Germination adjacent-ligular,
the flowers. Flowers hermaphrodite or unisexual, remote-ligular, remote-tubular; eophyll simple
then similar or dimorphic, sessile or stalked, and entire, bifid, palmate, or pinnate.
borne singly or in cincinni of various forms in- A family of ca. 190 genera and 2000 species,
cluding dyads, triads, or acervuli, or rarely in almost wholly confined to the tropics of both
short monopodia! clusters; perianth rarely of hemispheres.
similar parts, usually clearly differentiated into
sepals and petals, rarely uniseriate with a variable VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The morphological
number of lobes; sepals (2)3 (rarely more), dis- diversity of palms is greater than that of any other
tinct or variously connate, usually imbricate or monocotyledonous family; indeed, they may rep-
basally connate, rarely valvate or widely sepa- resent one of the most diverse families of seed
rated; petals (2)3 (rarely more), distinct or vari- plants as a whole (Fig. 80).
ously connate, valvate, imbricate, or imbricate
with brieflyvalvate tips; stamens (3)6 (or many to Roots. In the seedling a small primary root devel-
950 or more), filaments erect or inflexed in bud, ops and functions for a short time. Subsequent
free, or variously connate, or adnate to the petals, roots are adventitious, and usually borne laterally
or both connate and adnate, anthers basifixed or near the base of the stem, often forming large
dorsifixed, rarely didymous, or with widely sepa- masses near ground level. The adventitious roots
rated anther sacs, straight or rarely twisted, in- lack secondary growth. Several kinds of aerial
trorse, latrorse, extrorse, or rarely opening by roots also occur in the family (Tomlinson 1990);
pores; pollen including 17 aperture types, sulcate these include stilt or prop roots, spine roots, and
or derived therefrom, exine intectate or tectate, pneumatophores (including pneumathodes and
very varied in ornamentation; staminodes ranging pneumatorhizae).
from toothlike to well developed, distinct or
connate, sometimes adnate to petals or gyno- Stem. The terms tree palms, shrub palms, acaules-
ecium, rarely absent; gynoecium apocarpous with cent palms, and climbing palms (Dransfield 1978)
(1-2)3(4) carpels, or variously syncarpous with 3 are useful when referring to different expressions
or rarely with more (to 10) locules or pseudo- of the palm stem. The vegetative body of a palm is
monomerous with 1 fertile locule, carpels follicu- a stem that terminates in a crown ofleaves. Shoots
lar or rarely ascidiform, glabrous, variously hairy, are either solitary or in clusters. Clustering palms
or covered with imbricate scales, styluli distinct or exhibit a sympodial habit, which Holttum (1955)
not clearly differentiated or connate into a style, considered characteristic of monocotyledons.
stigmas erect or recurved, rarely indistinct; ovule Each new shoot develops from an axillary bud that
solitary in each locule, anatropous, hemiana- in most palms is located near the base of the stem.
tropous, campylotropous, or atropous, basally, As each shoot then produces a new axillary shoot
laterally, or apically attached, crassinucellate, in- in turn, a clustered habit results. Many genera
teguments 2, the outer often wide, the inner include both species with solitary stems (monopo-
narrow, the outer or the inner or both integu- dia!) and species that are clustering. No palms are
ments forming the micropyle; pistillode present or truly herbaceous, and none develops bulbs or
absent in the staminate flower, ranging from corms, although enlarged bases of stems such as
minute and often trifid to large, bottle-shaped, the saxophone-shaped underground stem in Sabal
308 Palmae

Fig. 80A-L. Growth forms. A Roystonea regia, large tree palm and a few other genera (Fig. 89A) perhaps serve as
with well-defined crownshaft. B Corypha umbraculifera, underground storage organs.
hapaxanthic with a suprafoliar mass of inflorescences forming
a compound terminal inflorescence. C Washingtonia filifera, The development of branching shows greater
stem partially covered with persistent marcescent leaves. D variation in palms than in any other monocotyle-
Colpothrinax wrightii, stem ventricose. E Hyphaene thebaica, donous family. The usual pattern is the develop-
stem dichotomously branched. F Chamaedorea pinnatifrons, ment of a single bud in each leaf axil; the basal
a dwarf palmlet of the forest understory. G Dypsis lutescens, ones vegetative and the more distal producing in-
caespitose habit. H Acoelorraphe wrightii, densely caespitose
habit. I Sabal etonia, underground stem. J Salacca florescences. However, many different growth
wallichiana, acaulescent habit. K Serenoa repens, stem pros- forms occur (Fisher 1973; Fisher and Tomlinson
trate and branching. L Calamus sp., climber with cirrate 1973 ). Dichotomous branching, an actual division
leaves. (Takhtajan 1982) of the stem apex (Fig. 80E, 87X), has been de-
termined in a number of unrelated genera
(Tomlinson 1990).
Palmae 309

The climbing habit has apparently developed in- The blades of mature palms may be undivided
dependently several times in the family. Among the or only bifid at the apex, or much more often regu-
Calamoideae (Fig. SOL) it probably has originated larly or irregularly divided into 1-ribbed or
three or more times and also occurs in two other several-ribbed units each consisting of a single
subfamilies, the Ceroxyloideae and Arecoideae. fold or of several folds. These units are called seg-
Halle et al. (197S) proposed about 20 architec- ments in palmate and costapalmate leaves, and
tural models for trees, of which four are found in leaflets or pinnae in pinnate leaves. One genus,
palms. Unbranched monocarpic palms, such as Caryota, is characterized by bipinnate leaves in
Metroxylon salomonense, they called Holttum's which the pinnae have a prominent midrib but he
model. Unbranched pleonanthic palms, Metro- pinnules lack midribs (Fig. S1 T-V).
xylon amicarum and many other palms, were Palm leaves differ in another way. Some blades
called Corner's model. Branched palms illustrate are divided so that the leaflets or segments appear
Tomlinson's model, and single stems with di- to be V-shaped and the blade is then termed
chotomous branching Schoute's model. Differ- induplicate (Fig. S1P). Induplicate leaves charac-
ent individuals of the same species of palms may terize subfamily Coryphoideae, with a few excep-
display Corner's or Tomlinson's models. Other tions, and all genera of tribe Caryoteae of the
growth forms occur (Bernal 199S). Whether Arecoideae. All other groups of palms have leaves
the stem is determinate or indeterminate (i.e., which are divided so that the leaflets appear to be
whether the palm is hapaxanthic or pleonanthic) tent-shaped and the blade is termed reduplicate
may be of more fundamental architectural (Fig. SIN).
significance. In its simplest but not necessarily most primi-
Leaf The leaf is the most conspicuous and dis- tive form, the blade is undivided except slightly
tinctive organ of the Palmae (Fig. Sl). Its charac- along the margins as in some of both indupli-
teristic plication and splitting into segments or cate and reduplicate leaves. It is bifid at the apex
leaflets are paralleled only in some members of in such reduplicate entire leaves as those of
Cyclanthaceae and in Curculigo seychellensis Asterogyne martiana (Fig. S1L). When the blade is
(Hypoxidaceae). The palm leaf is characterized by divided the segments or leaflets may each have
a sheath that encircles the stem and that may split only a single fold, or in both palmate and pinnate
abaxially at the base in some Coryphoideae or may leaves the blade may be unequally divided into
be a very prominent tubular structure, a crown- segments or leaflets, some or all with several folds.
shaft, in certain Arecoideae. The leaf also usually The simplest eophyll is linear to elliptic and
has a distinct petiole, and a blade that has a single entire. Undivided eophylls of both induplicate
stout central axis (the rachis), which is short or (e.g., Phoenix) and reduplicate genera (e.g.,
absent in truly palmate leaves, better developed in Clinostigma haerestigma, Roystonea) are basically
costa palmate leaves, and prominent in the pinnate similar. Bifid eophylls are most common in palms
leaf. with reduplicate leaves, and usually with an obvi-
Leaves differ enormously in size at maturity. ous rachis. Compound eophylls occur in Latania
Among the smallest are the bifid or undivided (Coryphoideae: Borasseae) and several species of
blades of Chamaedorea tenella and C. tuerck- Chamaedorea, e.g., C. elegans (Ceroxyloideae).
heimii with blades sometimes less than 15 em These suggest further stages in evolution that may
long; in contrast are the blades of Raphia with a correspond with levels of specialization suggested
length of about 25m (Halle 1977), the largest for major categories. In Nypa, the eophyll may
leaves in the plant kingdom. Leaves also differ sometimes appear imparipinnate.
markedly in size and shape in a progression from The eophylls are followed by an often long pro-
eophylls (the first leaves with blades) of seedlings gression of juvenile leaves, where the size and
throughout juvenile stages to the mature blade nature of the mature blade develops through in-
(Tomlinson 1990). crease in the number of lateral ribs and through
The blade is always folded. Whether the folds or the division of the blade into segments or leaflets.
plications originate by splitting or differential Different patterns of shape and division appear
growth has been long debated (Kaplan et al. in group after group. The great diversity of leaf
19S2a). However, detailed studies have shown that form in the least specialized subfamily, Cory-
differential growth is totally responsible for plica- phoideae, has only recently been appreciated
tion development in the pinnate leaf of Dypsis (Dransfield et al. 1990). The palmate blade varies
(Dengler et al. 19S2) and in the palmate leaf of from flabellate to cuneate in outline, and from
Rhapis (Kaplan et al. 19S2b). nearly lacking a rachis to possessing a long rachis,
310 Palmae

Fig. SlA-W. Leaf structure in palms. A-D Serenoa repens. A showing insertion of reduplicate leaflets. 0 , P Phoenix
Induplicate palmate leaf. B Two segments. C Base of lamina roebelenii. 0 Tip of imparipinnate induplicate leaf. P portion
showing adaxial hastula. D Cross-section of lamina showing of rachis showing insertion of induplicate leaflets. Q
induplicate folding. E, F Mauritia flexuosa. E Reduplicate pal- Chamaedorea schiedeana, irregularly pinnate leaf with multi-
mate leaf. F Cross-section of blade showing reduplicate seg- fold leaflets. R, S Socratea salazarii. R Pinnate leaf with
ments. G Chelyocarpus ulei, induplicate palmate leaf with praemorse segments. S Detail of single leaflet. T-V Caryota
short marginal splits and deep divisions, producing wedge- mitis. T Bipinnate leaf with induplicate leaflets. U Detail of
shaped segments. H, I Saba/ palmetto. H Induplicate single, praemorse leaflet. V Juvenile, once-pinnate leaf. W
costapalmate leaf. I Group of segments showing intersegment Ceratolobus pseudoconcolor, a rattan showing spiny leaf
fibers. J Copernicia rigida, palmate leaf with large adaxial sheaths, swelling on the sheath below petiole (knee), armed
hastula. K ]ohannesteijsmannia altifrons, entire leaf. L rachis, praemorse leaflets, and cirrus armed with grouped,
Asterogyne martiana, entire-bifid leaf. M Nypa fruticans, re- reflexed spines. (Takhtajan 1982)
duplicate pinnate leaf. N Butia capitata, portion of rachis
Palmae 311

then approaching a pinnately ribbed form. Cir- and forms derived internally, i.e., single or mul-
cumscribed to include Phoenix, the subfamily tiple, sharp, vascular or fibrous bundles exposed
includes palmate, costapalmate, pinnate, and by disintegration of sheath or lamina (Tomlinson
entire-leaved taxa. 1990). The genus Phoenix (Coryphoideae) can be
Several different forms of pinnate leaves also distinguished immediately from all other palms
occur. The pinnate blade in large groups, such with pinnate leaves by the stout, spinelike,
as the tribes Calameae, Areceae, and Cocoeae, induplicate leaflets on the basal portion of the
exhibits nearly the full range of dissection from blade. In the Corypheae and Borasseae large teeth
undivided to regularly pinnate. Leaflets may be are often present along the margins of the petiole
in groups in one plane, or in groups in several and sometimes of the blade. In several coryphoid
planes, sometimes in the same genus as genera, e.g., Rhapidophyllum, Zambia, and in
in Salacca (Calamoideae). Distal leaflets are Trithrinax acanthocoma, Guihaia argyrata, and
modified into straight to recurved hooks Maxburretia furtadoana, the leaf sheath dis-
(acanthophylls) in climbing species of three integrates into long stiff spines derived from its
subfamilies (Calamoideae, Ceroxyloideae, Are- fibers. In two subtribes, Oncospermatinae and
coideae). Other elaborate adaptations for Bactridinae (Arecoideae), presence of spines is
climbing have evolved in many species of Calamo- diagnostic for the group, and many genera of
ideae, where the rachis extends distally beyond the Calamoideae are ferociously armed.
leaflets as a specialized climbing organ (cirrus),
armed with recurved grapnel-like spines (Fig. VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Roots. The anatomy of
81W). palm roots conforms to the usual pattern of alter-
Two further structures associated with the leaf nating bands of xylem and phloem with a central
are noteworthy. The leaf of many, but not all, pith (Tomlinson 1990); however, larger roots may
members of tribes Corypheae and Borasseae be polystelic and exhibit complex stelar patterns.
(Coryphoideae) bears an adaxial and sometimes Seubert (1996a,b, 1997) investigated root anatomy
an abaxial crest or hastula at the junction of the in a number of genera in all subfamilies except
petiole and blade (Fig. 81C,J). The origin and Arecoideae and found that such characters as
adaptive nature of the hastula are as yet not variation in the rhizodermis (velamen) and the
clear. exodermis, the nature of the cortex, monostely or
Another structure in the position of a ligule at polystely, lignification of parenchyma, occurrence
the top of the sheath in front of the petiole, or of bundles in the pith, and distribution of scleren-
sometimes lateral to the petiole, is found in the chyma may be characteristic of genera or species
leaves of many palms, as in Livistona. In and useful in phylogenetic studies. Contrary to
Calamoideae (where it is termed an ocrea), such a some previous reports that palms lack root hairs,
structure often harbors ants. Seubert (1997), in a survey of 36 genera of
The evolution of the palm leaf remains in ques- Coryphoideae, found that they are frequent.
tion. Both palmate and pinnate leaves in palms The Stem Wood. Palm "wood" differs from the
may be derived by the differential expansion, wood of dicotyledonous trees, which is largely sec-
elongation, and dissection of a primitively simple ondary and formed from a ringlike meristem, the
leaf. The various forms of the palm leaf appear to cambium. In palms, as in monocotyledons gener-
have arisen more than once. The palmate leaf ally, such a cambium is lacking, and the wood
appears to have developed separately in the consists of primary tissues, which originate from
coryphoid and calamoid subfamilies, especially the growing tip. Once fully formed, the stems of
since it is reduplicate in the latter. many palms do not increase in diameter. Vascular
Similarly, the pinnate leaf appears to have bundles are variously scattered in a parenchyma-
evolved three or more times - once in Phoenix tous ground tissue with fibers of two kinds, vascu-
within the Coryphoideae, once in the Caryoteae, lar fibers, which are associated with the bundles of
and again in the palms with reduplicately folded xylem and phloem, and nonvascular fibers, which
leaves, perhaps separately in each of the calamoid, occur singly or in bundles but not associated with
nypoid, ceroxyloid, and arecoid subfamilies. A the conducting tissues.
main trend in the evolution of the leaf in palms Most palm stems are divided into a narrow
seems to have been toward greater complexity. cortex and an inner zone containing scattered vas-
Armature. Armature of various kinds occurs cular bundles. Within the inner zone different
throughout the family and can be divided into palms exhibit different distributions of vascular
three kinds: modified organs, true emergences, strands and fibers (Parthasarathy and Klotz 1976).
312 Palmae

In the Coryphoideae, most climbing palms, and vessels are considered least specialized if they bear
the coconut, the vascular bundles are rather long scalariform (ladderlike) perforation plates,
evenly distributed, giving a homogeneous appear- intermediate in specialization, if shorter with
ance to the center of the stem in cross section; in fewer bars, and most advanced when porous. A
some other palms such as Raphia (Pyykko 1985) survey by Klotz (1978b) of large vessels in the
the peripheral vascular bundles are closer together roots, stems, and petioles of 209 species in 169
and may be surrounded by more sclerenchyma in genera of palms has shown that vessels are most
the form of larger fibrous bundle sheaths and advanced in roots, intermediate in stems, and
separate fibrous bundles, forming a stem with a least advanced in leaves. This agrees with trends
soft center and an extremely tough or hard pe- established for monocotyledons as a whole
riphery. The character of the ground tissues also (Cheadle 1943, 1944). Nypa, one of the earliest
affects the "wood"; the parenchyma cells may be palms in the fossil record, is among the palms with
sclerotic or lignified with few intercellular spaces the most primitive vessels and represents the only
or thin-walled with large intercellular spaces. In subfamily lacking simple perforation plates.
some palms (e.g., Metroxylon) they contain abun- Phloem. A study of 374 species in 163 genera of
dant starch, which is often exploited by man. palms by Parthasarathy (1968) found sieve ele-
Thus, the distribution of the vascular bundles and ments in roots to have compound sieve plates on
of the vascular and nonvascular fibers, and the very oblique to oblique end walls, while those in
nature of the ground parenchyma give palm wood stems and petioles have end walls varying from
its character. Palm stems do not produce lumber very oblique to transverse with compound to
comparable to that of dicotyledonous trees, but simple sieve plates. In the species studied, com-
they show great elasticity in tropical storms. Their pound sieve plates predominate except among the
toughness and flexibility make some of them valu- Calamoideae and Nypoideae, which exhibit a high
able as construction materials and others useful percentage of simple sieve plates on transverse to
for basketry. oblique end walls of stems and petioles. Other-
Silica Bodies. The hardness of palm stems and wise, in palms the inclination of the end wall of
leaves results partly from the presence of silica sieve-tube elements shows a progressive change
bodies in specialized cells called stegmata from oblique in the roots to transverse in the leaf
(Tomlinson 1961) which are associated with vas- lamina. In general, observations on palms support
cular or nonvascular fibers. The form of the silica the conclusions about sieve tubes in other mono-
bodies, either hat-shaped or spherical, is some- cotyledons (Cheadle 1948).
times of diagnostic value. Ultrastructure of silica A striking correlation is found in the distribu-
bodies in Calamus axillaris (Schmitt et al. 1995) tion of 1 or 2 phloem strands in central vascular
has shown that silica bodies form in vacuoles of bundles of the petiole. One phloem strand occurs
the immature cells and that subsequently the walls in certain genera of Corypheae and in Phoeniceae,
thicken, becoming extremely thick and envelop- Borasseae, Nypoideae, Ceroxyloideae, Caryoteae,
ing nearly half of the silica body, and the cyto- and Iriarteeae; 2 phloem strands occur in other
plasm of the stegma degenerates after thickening genera of coryphoid palms and in Calamoideae,
of the wall. Areceae, Cocoeae, Geonomeae, and Phyteleph-
Xylem. The vascular bundles of palm stems and antoideae. The single strand is associated with less
other organs have certain common characteris- specialized groups or with less specialized genera
tics. In each bundle there are 1, 2, or several large in the coryphoid palms except for perhaps
xylem elements or vessels (for discussion of termi- Corypha, Nannorrhops, and Sabal. Two strands
nology see Klotz 1978a), one or more phloem are generally associated with more specialized
area(s), and usually a fibrous bundle sheath. In groups and with more specialized genera within
cross-section the number of large vessels and the the Corypheae. Thus, there seems a clear sugges-
often distinctive shape of the fibrous sheaths may tion of an evolutionary trend toward the develop-
aid in the identification of a sample as a palm ment of 2 phoem strands in the central vascular
(Tomlinson 1961, Klotz 1978b). These characters bundles of the petiole.
are especially useful when dealing with fossil It is noteworthy also that sieve elements are
materials. long-lived, presumably functioning for the life of
The relative lengths and certain features of the the palm, perhaps for decades or a century or
end walls of the vessel elements may also be useful more, with little change in structure except for an
in determining relationships and evolutionary apparent decrease in the amount of endoplas-
trends. The variously sculptured end walls of matic reticulum and increased degeneration of
Palmae 313

mitochondria and plastids in the older elements studies have proved diagnostically useful. Read
(Parthasarathy 1974). The sieve elements differ (1975) found anatomical characters to distinguish
structurally from those of most dicotyledons in all four species of Thrinax. The species of Chelyo-
absence of obvious quantities of P-protein and in carpus (Uhl 1972b) and of Hyophorbe (Uhl 1978)
failure to produce definitive callose except after can also be identified from transections of the
leaf fall (Parthasarathy and Klotz 1976). lamina. A large number of characters may be
Vasculature. Patterns of vascular bundles in helpful with diagnoses or phylogenetic studies.
palm stems have been extensively studied by These include epidermal features, presence or
Zimmermann and Tomlinson (1965, 1974). Like absence and number of hypodermal layers and
many researchers on palms, the investigators had palisade tissue, patterns and characteristics of
to develop techniques appropriate to the difficult sclerenchyma, and vein structure.
material, in this case the very large number of Developmental studies have also been impor-
bundles and their great length. The coconut stem tant in understanding the leaf. Studies of how
has about 20 000 bundles. The investigators chose the plications developed proved to have broad
a smaller palm, Rhapis excelsa, with only about implications for developmental processes in
1000 bundles in the stem, and adapted the tech- biology as a whole (Dengler et al. 1982; Kaplan
nique of cinematography, the photographing of et al. 1982a,b).
serial sections or sequentially cut surfaces on
movie film, for the task. From initial application to INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. Inflorescences,
the stem of Rhapis, it has been subsequently flower clusters, and flowers are remarkably varied,
applied to the rhizome, juvenile phase, apex, but the many patterns can be related to relatively
inflorescence, root and branch, flower, the vessel simple basic patterns of structure and maturation.
network, vessel length distribution in the stem, Inflorescence in palms may be regarded in two
xylem structure of the leaf meristem, and finally to ways - in the physiological sense of a reproductive
transport. Cinematography has also made pos- event or flowering, and in the strictly morphologi-
sible extensive research on the conducting cal sense of an axillary branch system. In the first
systems, transport problems, and crown structure sense, palms appear primitively and predomi-
of other large monocotyledons (see Tomlinson nantly to be of indeterminate growth, i.e.,
1990 and references therein). pleonanthic, but determinate growth (the hapax-
When a single bundle is followed through a anthic condition) has developed several times and
palm stem, a relatively simple pattern can be dis- in different groups.
cerned (Zimmermann and Tomlinson 1974). The In a morphological sense, a remarkable series
bundle curves from the center of the stem towards of variations is based on an axillary monopodia!
its periphery and, before entering a leaf, branches branch system as characteristic of unspecialized
in an upward direction, producing a continuing Corypheae (Tomlinson and Moore 1968). This
axial bundle. During its course the original bundle system is composed of a main axis or branch on
may also produce several short branches (bridges) which is borne an adaxially 2-keeled prophyll, and
that unite with neighboring bundles, and other usually 1-several empty peduncular bracts, which
branches that become traces to axillary buds and are followed by rachis bracts, each of which sub-
inflorescences. Because this vasculature was deter- tends a branch of the first order. These branches,
mined by extensive study of Rhapis excelsa, its which may sometimes also bear prophylls, may be
form has become known as the Rhapis principle. again branched one to several times, each succes-
The Rhapis principle is of primary importance in sive branch subtended by a bract and the ultimate
interpreting vascular patterns in other palms and axes or rachillae bearing solitary flowers each
monocotyledons. subtended in turn by a small bract and some-
Despite considerable research on the histology times bearing a bracteole. A sympodial or rarely
of palm stems (Tomlinson 1961, 1990) and on (Phytelephantoideae) monopodia! system devel-
their vascular systems, many palms remain to be ops to produce the diverse flower clusters consid-
studied. At present, although it is relatively easy to ered below. Except for the prophyll and empty
recognize a fossil palm stem by the large bundles peduncular bracts, there is a 1: 1 relationship
of characteristic form, it is difficult or impossible between bracts and branches including, with a few
to relate the palm to a modern genus. exceptions (see flowering units), the flowers. A
Leaf Tomlinson (1961) described the anatomy of simple system for referring to the orders of
the segments or leaflets of many genera and out- branches and of bracts was devised for Nan-
lined trends within the family. A few subsequent norrhops (Tomlinson and Moore 1968).
314 Palmae

In Calamus, the inflorescence is often modified incomplete, only partly encircling the peduncle
by sterilization into a specialized climbing organ (Moore 1973).
(flagellum) which is adnate (fused) to the leaf In some Coryphoideae, Calamoideae, and in
sheath above the sheath which subtends it. In Nypa, prophylls are borne on lateral branches as
other Calamoideae, adnation between the inflo- well as on the main axis. Their occurrence on
rescence and internode above occurs. The amount lateral branches in these less specialized groups
of inflorescence adnation usually tends to be suggests the possibility that a prophyll associated
greater in presumed specialized species than in with each branch may represent a basic, primitive
unspecialized ones, but, in general, adnation in condition.
the inflorescence occurs in the less specialized Peduncular Bracts and Rachis Bracts. One or a
subfamilies. Substantial basal adnation of axes few to many empty bracts, termed peduncular
to those of the internode above occurs in the bracts, may be borne on the peduncle above the
Corypheae (Coryphoideae), Nypoideae, and Cala- prophyll. Since even the prophyll may sometimes
moideae, but adnation of branches is not found subtend a first-order branch (Tomlinson and
in inflorescences of Ceroxyloideae, Arecoideae, Moore 1968; Tomlinson and Soderholm 1975), it is
or Phytelephantoideae (Uhl and Dransfield probable that these peduncular bracts have
1987). evolved through suppression of the subtended
The most common position of the inflorescence branch and specialization in various ways. In
is among the leaves (interfoliar), but in many many coryphoid palms they are small, tubular,
Arecoideae it is below the crown (infrafoliar), sheathing appendages, opening early at the apex.
being exposed in bud by the fall of the deciduous In many palms of the Arecoideae, they are large,
subtending leaf which has a long tubular sheath. closed, exceedingly hard, often beaked structures
When inflorescences are produced in the axils of that enclose the entire inflorescence in bud, split-
bracts above the crown, as in Corypha and ting abaxially and becoming marcescent or more
Metroxylon, they are suprafoliar. often deciduous at anthesis.
Most inflorescences are solitary in the leaf axil, The number of peduncular bracts is important
but several inflorescences rather than the usual in delimiting subfamilies and tribes. Three to
one at each node are produced in two subfamilies. more than 10 empty peduncular bracts character-
Multiple inflorescences occur in some members of ize most Coryphoideae, Hyophorbeae (Ceroxylo-
Caryoteae, Iriarteeae, and Areceae (Arecoideae), ideae), Caryoteae, Iriarteeae, and Podococceae
and in Ceroxyleae and Hyophorbeae (Ceroxy- (Arecoideae) and some calamoid genera (e.g.,
loideae). Mauritia). In the Arecoideae there is a clear trend
By studies of development, Fisher and Moore toward reduction in size or, infrequently, com-
(1977) showed that multiple inflorescence buds plete loss (at maturity) of those bracts that
develop from an axillary meristem. The multiple subtend branches.
inflorescences appear to have several adaptive fea- Bracts on the inflorescence in tribes Areceae,
tures. Since many of them are staminate, they in- Cocoeae, and Geonomeae of Arecoideae and in
crease the number of staminate flowers and the Phytelephantoideae are usually only 2: a some-
amount of pollen produced. They also extend the times large prophyll and a usually much enlarged
flowering period for both seasonal and nonsea- single peduncular bract, which is particularly
sonal species, and they offer increased protection striking in subtribes Butiinae and Attaleinae
of reproductive structures against herbivory (Arecoideae: Cocoeae). Here the peduncular bract
(Fisher and Moore 1977). is woody, often cowl-like, markedly plicate in bud,
The Prophylls. Bracts occur in many different long persistent above the inflorescence, and
forms. The unvarying presence of an adaxially sometimes brilliant yellow or white internally at
2-keeled prophyll on the base of the peduncle of anthesis, when it may serve as an attractant to
the inflorescence is, along with the leaf, a distinc- pollinators. Other large peduncular bracts occur
tive feature of the Palmae. The prophyll always in many arecoid genera, where they are thinner,
completely encloses the inflorescence in early fibrous, and deciduous.
stages and in its simplest form is tubular and 2- In whatever ways the prophyll, peduncular
keeled. In members of Areceae, the prophyll may bracts, and rachis bracts may be modified, they
enlarge with the peduncular bract, the 2 bracts appear to function as protective organs for the
reaching nearly equal size and opening at about developing inflorescence and during pollination.
the same time. Rarely, in some genera of In the few cases studied, the structure of peduncu-
Ceroxyloideae and Arecoideae, the prophyll is lar bracts has been important in pollination. The
Palmae 315

timing of bract opening can be correlated with sympodial unit. A remarkable series of such units
both floral structure and pollination events (Uhl occurs in Calamoideae (Uhland Dransfield 1987).
and Moore 1977; Henderson 1986). The Acervulus. The monoecious genera of tribe
Vascular Supply. The extensive cine analysis of Hyophorbeae (Ceroxyloideae) have unisexual
the inflorescence of Rhapis excelsa by Tomlinson flowers in reversed cincinni adnate to the rachillae
and Zimmermann (1968) established a direct vas- (Uhl and Moore 1978), forming distinct lines of
cular linkage between the inflorescence and the closely two-ranked flowers, called acervuli (Fig.
leaf that subtends it. Inflorescence anatomy re- 88H); the proximal flower is usually pistillate, the
sembles that of the stem, but at each branch a part distal staminate, and the bracteoles are reduced or
of the vascular supply of the parent axis passes not evident at anthesis.
directly into the branch without any connections The Triad. The most common flowering unit in
with the subtending bract. The vascular supply is palms, the triad (Fig. 83H), characterizes all 124
reduced in the smaller distal branches. genera of the Arecoideae. It was described as
a monopodia! unit, but clearly represents a
FLOWER CLUSTERS. Flowers are borne in several cincinnus of 2 lateral staminate and a central pis-
kinds of clusters that have a characteristic form in tillate flower. The bracteoles of the 3 flowers are
each subfamily. The basic flowering unit seems sometimes large and distinctive. The sympodial
clearly to be a single flower, sessile, or borne on a nature of this unit has been determined by de-
pedicel which is subtended by a bract and bears a tailed studies in Caryoteae, Iriarteeae, Ptychosper-
more or less 2-keeled bracteole or prophyll. The matinae, and Geonomeae (Uhl1966, 1976, Uhland
pedicel, the bract subtending it, or the bracteole Moore 1980).
may be reduced or absent. Solitary flowers are Monopodia[. Flower clusters that develop mo-
usually spirally inserted; often they are nearly nopodially characterize only the three genera of
decussate basally on rachillae, but elsewhere they subfamily Phytelephantoideae. In these palms,
can be closely crowded and somewhat irregularly splendid series representing reduction in mo-
arranged. In Borasseae (Coryphoideae), Calamo- nopodia! branching systems are evident (Uhl and
ideae, and perhaps elsewhere, some flowers have 2 Dransfield 1984).
bracts which may represent a prophyll and a floral
bracteole. FLOWER STRUCTURE. The basic flower structure
Sympodial. Clusters of several to many flowers in palms is trimerous, with 3 slightly imbricate
are either sympodial in development and form sepals, 3 slightly imbricate petals, 6 stamens in 2
cincinni\ or in phytelephantoid genera they are whorls, and 3 distinct uniovulate carpels. This
condensed monopodia! branching systems. Cin- simple pattern is modified in many ways, even
cinni result when a second flower develops in the among the least specialized coryphoid palms,
axil of the floral bracteole, the bracteole below the through connation and/or adnation, increase,
second flower then subtending a third flower, etc. reduction, or loss of parts, and by differential
This type of growth produces flower clusters of elongation of the receptacle.
various forms, depending on the relative positions While trimery is the principal pattern, tetramery
of the bracteole and its subtended flower. The occurs regularly in the perianth of staminate
form of the cincinnus is characteristic in each of flowers of phytelephantoid palms (Barfod 1991),
four subfamilies (Uhl and Dransfield 1987). The though largely obscured by the time of an thesis. A
trend in Coryphoideae seems to be from short ir- 4- to 7-parted gynoecium may occur in some
regular cincinni to longer, regularly 2-ranked species of Attalea, but the perianth is trimerous.
forms. Several to 10 carpels are present in the pistillate
The Dyad. A pair of flowers, a dyad (Fig. 86K), is flowers of phytelephantoid palms. Rarely, in
a basic form and appears to represent a 2-flowered Thrinacinae and in the staminate flowers of
Phytelephas, the entire perianth is reduced to an
irregularly lobed whorl with minute segments.
1 Although the prophylls on the palm inflorescence and its Reduction from the hermaphrodite flower to the
branches are adaxial, as usually in monocots, the floral far more common unisexual flower is by abortion
bracteoles from which the cincinnus develops are shifted into or loss of the gynoecium in staminate flowers and
a transversal position. The floral bracteole which subtends the the androecium in pistillate flowers. Staminate
second flower is borne at a right angle to the bract which
subtends the first flower of the cluster, and bracteoles of sub-
and pistillate flowers may be very similar and
sequent flowers are the same, resulting in the characteristic modified only late in ontogeny (N.W. Uhl,
branching system of the cincinnus. unpubl.), as in some Coryphoideae and in most
316 Palmae

Calamoideae, or they may be markedly dimor- ovary; sometimes staminodes fail to develop. In
phic, as in Nypa and the phytelephantoid genera. some Geonomeae (Calyptrogyne, Calyptronoma),
The receptacle of palm flowers is remarkably staminodes form a unique, distally expanded tube
variable. It may be elongate below all floral organs around the stigmas, which in Calyptrogyne serves
or between any 2 whorls of organs. In those groups as food for the bat pollinators.
where flowers are borne in pits, the receptacle of The usual number of stamens among the palms
the staminate flower elongates between the inser- is 6 in 2 whorls. Reduction to three opposite the
tions of the calyx and corolla (Welfia), or between sepals occurs in Nypa, where the filaments are
the corolla and stamens (Lodoicea) by late fused to form a column (Uhl 1972a). Three
intercalary growth (N.W. Uhl, unpubl.) to push stamens also characterize one species of Syne-
the stamens out of the pit at anthesis (Fig. 85C). chanthus (Ceroxyloideae), and some species of
The pistillate flower of Podococcus is similarly ex- Wallichia, Orania, Dypsis (where the 3 stamens
serted, at least after fertilization, but in pistillate may be antesepalous or antepetalous), Areca, and
flowers of Geonomeae, the style rather than the Geonoma (Arecoideae). More than 6 stamens
receptacle elongates to exsert the stigmas, and the occur in some 70 genera, including members of all
fruit develops within the pit and ultimately forces subfamilies except Nypoideae. In multistaminate
it open. Flowers of Chuniophoenix are exserted taxa, the number of stamens ranges from 7 or 8 to
from tubular bracts by elongation of a recep- mostly 9-many. The largest numbers of stamens
tacular stalk (J. Dransfield, unpubl). Remarkable within the palms are found in the Phyteleph-
plasticity of the floral receptacle as well as the antoideae where samples of 849-954 have been
floral organs is evident. counted in Phytelephas aequatorialis, and over
The size and shape of sepals varies from group 1000 in Ammandra.
to group; connation occurs frequently, especially Increase in stamen number appears to have oc-
in the staminate flower. Petals vary similarly, curred in different ways and perhaps in response
common trends being toward the valvate state at to different factors in different groups of palms.
maturity in the hermaphrodite and staminate Androecial development has been studied in all
flower and toward extreme imbrication in the but two of the groups where many stamens occur
pistillate flower. Gamopetalous, often valvately (Uhl and Moore 1980). After petal inception, the
lobed corollas are present in some genera in all floral apex expands in diameter and/or height in a
subfamilies except Nypoideae, frequently with different way in each group to accommodate the
connation and/or adnation of stamen filaments or larger number of stamens. In Phytelephantoideae
staminodes in the Coryphoideae and Geonomeae. stamens arise centrifugally on a circular apex.
Such adnation occurs more frequently in the Elsewhere, stamens develop in different arrange-
pistillate than in the staminate flower. ments in antesepalous and antepetalous positions.
The vasculature of perianth parts varies from A larger number of stamens in Thrinax, Co-
none to many bundles, and their histology from ccothrinax, and Zambia (Thrinacinae) seems as-
parenchymatous to extremely tanniniferous and sociated with wind pollination, but the numerous
fibrous, with fibers present in bundle sheaths stamens in Chelyocarpus and Itaya of the same
or as separate strands. Raphides may also occur subtribe must be explained differently.
in specific locations, often in abundance. In the development of multistaminate and-
Stamens and staminodes have !-several vascular roecia, the mode of the apical expansion and the
bundles and may be fibrous or histologically resulting stamen patterns appear to conform to
specialized. pressures exerted by bracts and perianth seg-
The palm stamen typically has a relatively ments. Thus, it seems reasonable to suggest that
slender, distinct filament and a moderately elon- specialization of the inflorescence bracts and peri-
gate latrorse anther. The primary vascular supply anth occurred before the advent of multistaminy
consists of 1 or 2 traces, but several bundles may in the palms as a whole. The presence of a trimer-
be present in larger, more specialized filaments. ous perianth and gynoecium in the multis-
Expansion of filaments and increase in number of taminate taxa (except in Phytelephantoideae)
traces per stamen appear to be characteristic of supports this conclusion.
advanced groups. When stamens are reduced in Trimery in the gynoecium is basic, as it is also
pistillate flowers, they may simply have abortive elsewhere in the flower, but there are exceptions.
anthers or they may be reduced to filaments, to Among the 16 genera of apocarpous palms, five
minute teeth, or to a cupule, sometimes large and genera, each specialized in some way, develop
fibrous (Attalea, Cocoeae), at the base of the only a single carpel. Among the 17 subtribes of the
Palmae 317

syncarpous tribe Areceae (Arecoideae), all except POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The remarkable variation
five triovulate genera in four subtribes exhibit in pollen morphology as compared to all other
pseudomonomery (where only one carpel devel- monocotyledonous families was evident from
ops completely and bears a fertile ovule, but parts early light microscopy studies (Thanikaimoni
of two other carpels are present). More than three 1971; Sowunmi 1972) and has been documented
carpels occur in only five genera: Chelyocarpus and confirmed by a large survey of approximately
(Coryphoideae), Attalea (Arecoideae: Cocoeae), 1150 specimens, using SEM and TEM and includ-
and all three genera of Phytelephantoideae. ing all but about five genera (Harley 1996).
The least specialized carpel among the apo- Extraordinary variation is found in apertures and
carpous coryphoid and phoenicoid palms is in appearance of the tectum surface. Seventeen
comparable to that considered primitive in different aperture types or conditions have been
dicotyledons in follicular shape, conduplicate identified, a selection of which is shown in Fig.
nature, open ventral suture, and to a large extent 82. The exine may be tectate, semitectate, or
in vascular supply. The carpel of Nypa, however, intectate; 12 forms of exine architecture have been
with its conduplicate margins, cupular shape, 2- described (Harley 1996). However, the least spe-
crested distal opening, diffuse internal stigmatic cialized sulcate aperture and simple tectum are
surfaces and laminar to submarginal placentation, the most common forms throughout the family.
may represent a unique type of carpel among the Grains range widely in size. The smallest are
angiosperms. Specialization of the carpel includes found in the Thrinacinae and Phoeniceae
modifications of the base or stalk, of the ovarian (Coryphoideae), and the largest in the Borasseae
part, and of the stylulus and stigma (Uhl and (Coryphoideae), Attaleinae (Arecoideae), and in
Moore 1971). the Phytelephantoideae.
The vasculature of the carpel usually consists of
a dorsal and two ventral bundles, and one to KARYOLOGY. Chromosome numbers have been
several pairs of lateral bundles. In thick-walled published for about 120 of the 190 genera of palms
carpels accessory bundle systems may also be (Uhl and Dransfield 1987; Roser 1994). Numbers
present. range between 2n = 36 and 2n = 26, thus in-
Anatropous, hemianatropous, campylotropous, cluding every gametic number from 13 to 18, a
and atropous ovules occur in palms. All of these dysploid series. Species of the same genus and
forms are found in the unspecialized Corypheae. members of some groups have identical chromo-
In Coryphoideae and in the Cocoeae, anatropous some numbers. Most palms of the subfamily
ovules characterize taxa less specialized in other Coryphoideae, which we consider on other
ways, suggesting, as might be expected, that anat- grounds to be the least specialized group, have n
ropous ovules are primitive within the family. = 18. All evidence available points ton= 18 as the
Atropy occurs within Borasseae, and Cocoeae, and most likely ancestral chromosome number, with
hemianatropy and campylotropy within the descending series of dysploid numbers as far as n
Ceroxyloideae and various Arecoideae. A notable = 13 derived from that, probably independently
feature of some palm ovules is their vasculariza- in several different evolutionary lines. Rearrange-
tion with the numerous bundles entering the large ments of chromosome parts and dysploid lower-
outer integument. The inner integument is usually ing of the gametic number, one step at a time,
narrow, frequently 2 cells wide. The ovule also has often accompanied evolution in various
varies in its position within the locule, in the pres- lines leading to other groups of palms, culmi-
ence or absence of an aril, in the size and fusion of nating independently in n = 13 in both Cala-
the 2 integuments, and in nucellar structure. mus (Calamoideae) and Chamaedorea (Ceroxy-
loideae). Polyploidy is of minor significance,
EMBRYOLOGY. Embryological features of palms but Voanioala, a Madagascan endemic, has 2n =
include (1) a secretory anther tapetum; (2) mostly 606 ± 3, possibly the highest number in the mono-
simultaneous cytokinesis of the pollen mother cotyledons (Johnson 1989; Roser 1994).
cell; (3) 2-celled pollen grains; (4) bitegmic, The family is highly differentiated in the
crassinucellate ovules with well-developed integu- structure of interphase nuclei and longitudinal
mentary vascular bundles; (5) Polygonum and differentiation of prophase and metaphase chro-
Allium type embryo sacs; (6) Nuclear type of en- mosomes (Roser 1994). Alteration of interphase
dosperm, rumination at maturity; (7) Asterid and chromatin structure and condensation behavior
Onagrad type of embryogeny (J ohri et al. 1992, can be correlated with the differentiation of major
who provide more detailed information). groups of palms including subfamilies, tribes, and
318 Pal mae

Fig. 82A-L. SEM micrographs of palm pollen, illustrating 12 G Aperture type 7: symmetric trichotomosulcate, Bactris
of the 17 major aperture types recognized for palm pollen concinna, X 1250. H Aperture type 9b: symmetric monoporate
by M.M. Harley. A Aperture type 1: symmetric sulcate, oblate, Areca caliso, X 1570. I Aperture type 12: subequatorial
Gronophyllum sp., X 1900. B Aperture type 2: asymmetric sul- diporate, Daemonorops sparsiflora, X 1600. JAperture type 14:
cate, Geonoma macrostachya, X 1360. C Aperture type 3: ex- subapical triporate, Sclerosperma mannii, X950. K Aperture
tended sulcate, Pinanga maculata, X 1430. D Aperture type 4: type 15: incomplete zonosulcate, Areca abdulrahmannii,
brevisulcate, Ammandra decasperma, X750. E Aperture type X 1180. L Aperture type 16: zonosulcate, Nypafruticans, XSOO.
5: equatorial disulcate, Metroxylon salomonense, X 1080. F (Courtesy M.M. Harley, Palynological Unit, Royal Botanic
Aperture type 6: distal disulcate, Iriartella setigera, X2800. Gardens Kew)
Palmae 319

subtribes of Coryphoideae and may date back to The endocarp of primitive palms is not special-
early radiations. Some common features link all ized, but a very thick endocarp is developed in
subfamilies except Coryphoideae, Ceroxyloideae the Borasseae, in Eugeissona (Calamoideae),
with Arecoideae, and Nypoideae with Phyteleph- Nypa (Nypoideae), Ptychococcus and the Cocoeae
antoideae. Roser (1994, 1995) states that nuclear (Arecoideae), and in the Phytelephantoideae. Four
characters found in subtribe Thrinacinae (Cory- types of endocarp have been described: the
phoideae) can be considered to link palms with coryphoid type differentiates from the inner part
other monocotyledons. of the fruit wall; the chamaedoreoid type forms
solely from the locular epidermis; and the cocoid-
PoLLINATION. It is only relatively recently (Uhl arecoid type develops from the locular epidermis,
and Moore 1977) that the myth (Delpino 1870) bundle sheaths, and intervening parenchyma
that palms are wind-pollinated has been dispelled. (Murray 1973). A fourth type occurs in Eugeissona
During the past decade, it has been shown that (Calamoideae). Different developmental patterns,
many palms are insect-pollinated (Henderson described as continuous, discontinuous, and basi-
1986), or, even if primarily anemophilous, that petal are correlated with the endocarp types.
entomophily occurs, as in Aiphanes (Listabarth Several other different forms of endocarp occur
1992). True anemophily does indeed occur (e.g., in the family. In a few palms, pyrenes, hard
in Thrinax) but even the date palm, Phoenix seedlike bodies, are formed when an endocarp
dactylifera, may in fact be secondarily anemophil- develops separately in the wall of each carpel of
ous. Large quantities of pollen, a feature of the a syncarpous ovary (see genera of Lataniinae).
syndrome of wind pollination, seem, at least in The pyrene forms a hard, sometimes sculptured
some palms, to be an adaptation to predation by outer layer around each seed; in Latania the
insects. Different pollination syndromes have sculpturing of pyrenes is diagnostic. Characteris-
been observed for many insects including flies, tic features of the heavy en do carps of Cocoeae are
bees, ants, and beetles (Henderson 1986 and the "pores", that are thinner portions in the en-
others). The large incidence of beetle pollination docarp. Usually there are three of these, but some-
is noteworthy. In some cases, exine sculpturing times (Attalea) more, with the embryo or embryos
appears correlated with pollination syndromes. opposite them. When only one embryo develops,
Iriartea, shown by Henderson ( 1985) to be bee- its pore is usually larger than the others. Another
pollinated, has a finely reticulate exine whereas specialization is found in the brittle, sometimes
beetle-pollinated Socratea has spiny pollen grains highly sculptured endocarps in the Iguanurinae
(Harley 1996). and Oncospermatinae (Areceae) where an opercu-
lum (a thin cap) develops opposite the embryo.
FRUIT AND SEED. The most common type of palm The usually ovoid, ellipsoidal, or globose seed,
fruit has a fleshy wall and 1 seed, or much less like the fruit, occurs in a wide range of sizes. It
frequently 2 to 10 seeds. Size varies from fruits is always provided with abundant nuclear endos-
about 4.5 mm in diameter in species of Geonoma perm that is most often homogeneous but may be
to very large as in Lodoicea, where they may be ruminate even in species of the same genus. In a
50cm long and weigh 18kg. Although most few genera (e.g., Cocos) it is hollow, The seed coat
fruits are smooth, scales cover those of all Cala- is heavily vascularized in Iriarteeae, in some
moideae, hairs appear on those of Rhapido- Areceae, and in the Cocoeae, and a sarcotesta,
phyllum and Wettinia, prickles are present on a fleshy outer seed coat, is well developed in
the fruits of some species of Astrocaryum and many Calamoideae. Sometimes the endosperm is
Bactris, while warty processes that arise by invaginated by the seed coat in Corypheae and
cracking of the pericarp characterize fruits of Phoeniceae, or it may be dissected (Coccothrinax,
one species of Chelyocarpus, and of Itaya, Zambia) or perforate (Thrinax). The seed of
]ohannesteijsmannia, a few species of Licuala, Lodoicea, the largest in the plant kingdom, is
and all but one species of Pholidocarpus (Cory- bilobed, while seeds of some genera in the
pheae), Manicaria, Lemurophoenix, Pelagodoxa, Ptychospermatinae, some Borasseae, and the
Sommieria (Areceae), and all three genera of calamoid genus Eugeissona are angled or ridged
Phytelephantoideae. Crystals, fibers, fiber- and grooved. Seeds of some genera of the
sclereids, sclerenchyma, and tannin are common Iguanurinae are elaborately sculptured in confor-
constituents of the mesocarp, presumably serve a mity with the endocarp.
protective function, and may be diagnostic (Essig The mostly small embryos are cylindrical to
1998). conical and late-maturing. All palms have hypo-
320 Palmae

geal germination, as the cotyledon does not etation types in the tropics and subtropics. They
emerge from the seed. Depending on the extent of show a great diversity in ecological adaptations,
elongation of the cotyledonary axis (or petiole), but generalizations are difficult to make.
three types of germination are recognized: adja- Palms are most diverse in the lowland rain-
cent, remote-ligular, and remote-tubular. The less forests of the western Amazonian regions in the
specialized palms have remote-tubular germina- Colombian Choc6, Ecuador, Peru, and the Iquitos
tion. Remote-ligular germination is largely associ- region of Brazil, and in the Old World in New
ated with some genera of advanced groups and Guinea and the Sunda shelf, particularly parts of
appears to represent an adaptation to germination the island of Borneo. A few taxa are subtropical
in a moist environment. Germinating palms, for with the limits of palm distribution 44 °N for
the most part, require considerable moisture and Chamaerops humilis in Europe, and 48°18'S for
protection from excessive light, and in this respect Rhopalostylis sapida in New Zealand.
they are most vulnerable when the tropical forests Several palms occur in such vast natural stands
are cut. Though palms are often left standing in as to dominate the vegetation completely. In the
open fields, reproduction is very rarely successful eastern tropics Nypa fruticans often occurs in
in such a habitat. dense stands on estuarine muds with dicotyle-
donous mangrove species almost excluded by the
DISPERSAL. Information concerning the disper- palm; in other situations it may occur mixed with
sal of palms is very scanty and consists mostly dicotyledonous mangrove trees. Pure stands of
of casual observations. A few species have fruits Nypa may extend for several hundred hectares in
dispersed by water. The best-known examples are extent, especially in parts of Borneo and eastern
Nypa fruticans and the coconut (Cocos nucifera). Sumatra. Such Nypa forests are of immense im-
The very thick, fibrous mesocarps of these two portance, not only for the wealth of products that
species are seen as adaptations to floating. How- Nypa can provide, but also in terms of gas ex-
ever, the recently described Ravenea musicalis change and mud stabilization. On the landward
(Dransfield and Beentje 1995) is noteworthy as fringe of the mangrove in West Malesia occurs
both fruit and seed are adapted to dispersal by another vegetation type almost completely domi-
water and the seeds germinate under water. The nated by palms. This is the habitat of Oncosperma
greatest number of palms seem to be adapted to tigillarium and Calamus erinaceus; in Borneo
dispersal by animals. A survey of the literature Daemonorops longispatha also occurs in this habi-
(Zona and Henderson 1989) found that birds, tat. Mauritia flexuosa occurs in vast numbers,
bats, nonflying mammals, reptiles, insects, and dominating wetlands of northern South America;
fish feed on palm fruits and scatter the seeds. Copernicia alba in Paraguay, and adjoining parts
Either obligate or opportunistic frugivores may of Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia forms huge
disperse seeds. stands on areas subject to periodic flooding
and periodic drought; the largest populations
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. In two palms, presence ofUV have been estimated to contain half a billion
fluorescence of unlignified cell walls has been individuals (Markley 1955). These are a few
proven (Harris and Hartley 1980). Oxalate and examples of vegetation types where palms are
silica are present as raphide cells and in stegmata. the most conspicuous and apparently dominant
The family is rich in polyphenols such as C- plant. When the particular palms are useful, these
glycosyl flavones (also as sulfate), tricin, and con- natural stands become immensely significant
densed tannins including catechins, proantho- either in the local economy or in international
cyanidins, and catechins. Steroid saponins have economy.
variously been found, but alkaloids are rare Tropical rainforest developed on white sands
(Areca). The dragon's blood produced by some in Borneo is normally physiognomically very
Daemonorops spp. is a resinous mixture of distinctive. Known locally as kerangas, this
diterpenes and sesquiterpenes with flavan-derived forest type is developed on extremely poor soils.
pigments. More detailed information and refer- Kerangas carries a varied, peculiar, and important
ences are given in Hegnauer (1963, 1986). So far, palm flora. Many of the palms of kerangas are
secondary chemistry has hardly been used in the confined to this vegetation type or to the catena
context of systematic studies within the family. between kerangas and the neighboring diptero-
carp forests developed on richer soils. ]ohannest-
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Palms are con- eijsmannia altifrons is confined to kerangas in
spiCUOUS and important components of many veg- Sarawak, yet the same species occurs in diptero-
Palmae 321

carp forest in Malaya. One of the delights of palm peters out at about 2900 m and Calamus gibbianus
hunting in kerangas is the unpredictable nature of reaches just over 3000 m.
the palm flora from place to place. Elsewhere in There is a greater diversity of palms at high
Southeast Asia, white sands seem not to support elevations in South America than in Southeast
such an unusual palm flora as in Borneo. Indeed, Asia and Malesia, and there is one genus confined
on white sands in Sumatra and Malaya, palms are to the montane forests of the Andes, Ceroxylon.
very poorly represented. Not only is Ceroxylon the genus with the tallest
Ultramafie rocks with their usually toxic soils species of palm (C. quindiuense ), it is also the ge-
rich in heavy metals, such as Mn, Cr, Fe, and Cu, nus with the highest altitudinal record, C. utile,
usually support a restricted but peculiar palm recorded at over 4000 m elevation in Colombia
flora. Thus, in Sabah and Palawan, ultramafic soils (Dugand 1974). Besides the two genera confined
carry a curious assemblange of rattans and, rarely, to the montane forest, there is a rich assemblage
species of Pinanga and Areca not found on the of species of Geonoma, Aiphanes, Prestoea,
surrounding nonultramafic rocks. In New Euterpe, Dictyocaryum, Chamaedorea, Socratea,
Caledonia, an island rich in ultramafics, the palm Catoblastus, and other genera.
flora of the ultramafics is quite different from that In contrast, there is only one species of palm,
of the non ultramafic rocks. Phoenix reclinata, occurring in montane forest in
Within the humid tropics of Southeast Asia Africa.
and Malesia it may be observed that palms
are rather rare on limestone but what palms do
SuBDIVISION. The family is divided into six
occur are often of considerable interest (e.g.,
subfamilies which vary widely in size. Subfamily
Maxburretia). In drier climates there seems to
Coryphoideae, generally considered to include the
be a greater abundance of calcicolous palms.
least specialized palms, has 40 genera and
In the New World there is greater diversity
embodies most of the palmate and costapalmate
of palms occurring on limestone, such as
genera and the genus Phoenix, which has a pin-
Brahea, Gaussia, Pseudophoenix, Coccothrinax,
nate but induplicate leaf. The second subfamily,
and Thrinax spp.
the Calamoideae, is a group of 22 genera, well
Rheophytes are found in several genera in both
established as a monophyletic group with several
New and Old Worlds.
synapomorphies, the best known being scaly
Tropical montane forests may support a rich
fruits. The third subfamily, the Nypoideae, in-
diverse assemblage of palms. In West Malesia
cludes only the genus Nypa, the mangrove palm.
there is usually a striking vegetational change at
Subfamily IV, the Ceroxyloideae, has only ten
about lOOOm altitude, where the tall forests domi-
genera divided into three distinctive and mono-
nated by dipterocarps are replaced by usually
phyletic tribes, although the monophyly of the
shorter, even crowned forest dominated by mem-
subfamily is in question (Uhl et al. 1995). The larg-
bers of the Lauraceae and Fagaceae, in the change
est subfamily, the Arecoideae, includes 75 genera.
from Hill Dipterocarp forest to Lower Montane
Finally the Phytelephantoideae has only three
forest. This change occurs more or less at the alti-
genera which are morphologically disjunct and
tude above which coconuts do not fruit. The palm
add a new dimension to the family.
flora also changes dramatically. Very few species
of the lowland and Hill Dipterocarp forest occur in
the montane forests and vice versa. Plectocomia AFFINITIES. In many ways, palms epitomize the
elongata, a plant apparently adapted to several monocotyledons, but their broader affinities have
forest types, is one of these very few species. never been clear. In the past, they have frequently
Above 1000 m the genus Korthalsia does not been associated with the Cyclanthaceae or
occur; ]ohannesteijsmannia, Eugeissona, Plecto- Pandanaceae, less commonly with Lilianae or
comiopsis, Myrialepis, and many other genera Arales, and more recently with the commelinoids.
only very rarely transgress this vegetational Phylogenetic and molecular analyses have found
boundary. However, although there appear not the palms a sister group to a diverse clade
to be any genera confined to the montane that includes Bromeliales, Commelinales, and
forest, there is a rich assemblage of species of Zingerberales (Linder and Kellog 1995). Chase
Pinanga, Areca, Calamus, Daemonorops, Caryota, et al. (1995a) and Stevenson and Loconte (1995)
Livistona, and others. The highest elevations re- found the palms isolated as a sister group to the
corded for palms in the Malesian region are on G. Poales within the Commelinidae. Recent sequenc-
Kinabalu in Borneo, where Pinanga capitata ing studies of atpA (J.I. Davis, pers. comm.) also
322 Palmae

put the palms as sister to or in some analyses in a c. Subtribe Coryphinae Becc. (1907}.
basal position within the Commelinidae. Genera 27-30.
d. Subtribe Sabalinae Mart. (1837}.
Genus 31.
FosSILS. Palms have one of the richest fossil 2. Tribe Phoeniceae Drude (1881}.
records among monocotyledons (Daghlian 1981; Genus 32.
Herendeen and Crane 1995). There are numerous 3. Tribe Borasseae Mart. (1837}.
records for leaves, stems, and pollen (Harley a. Subtribe Lataniinae Meisner (1842}.
Genera 33-36.
1996). Roots and flowers have also been found. b. Subtribe Hyphaeninae Becc. (1924).
The oldest records for palms are from the Genera 37-40.
Magothy Formation and consist of leaves, appar- II. Subfamily Calamoideae Griff. (1844).
ently costapalmate (Berry 1905), and stems (Berry 1. Tribe Calameae Drude (1881}.
1916) from the late Santonian. Earliest pollen a. Subtribe Ancistrophyllinae Becc. (1918}.
Genera 41-42.
records are of Nypa-like grains of Late Cretaceous b. Subtribe Eugeissoninae Becc. (1918).
origin which are widespread, and reported to Genus 43.
occur in South America, Venezuela, and Colom- c. Subtribe Metroxylinae Bl. (1843}.
bia, Brazil, Africa, Senegal, and the Ivory Coast. Genera 44-45.
There are many records of sulcate grains which d. Subtribe Calamineae Meisner (1842).
Genera 46-53.
have recently been assessed using SEM and TEM e. Subtribe Plectocomiinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1986).
(Harley 1996). Some of the earliest supposedly Genera 54-56.
monocotyledonous grains have characters that f. Subtribe Pigafettinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1986).
show possible affinities with palms. Genus 57.
g. Subtribe Raphiinae J.D. Hook. (1883).
Genus 58.
ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. In economic impor- h. Sub tribe Oncocalaminae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1986}.
tance palms are second only to grasses and possi- Genus 59.
bly legumes. Harold E. Moore, Jr. wrote in 1973: 2. Tribe Lepidocaryeae Mart. ( 183 7).
"The versality of palms in the hands of man is Genera 60-62.
astonishing. Houses, baskets, mats, hammocks, III. Subfamily Nypoideae Griff. (1850).
Genus 63.
cradles, quivers, packbaskets, impromptu shel- IV. Subfamily Ceroxyloideae Drude (1881).
ters, blowpipes, bows, starch, wine, protein from 1. Tribe Cyclospatheae O.F. Cook (1902}.
insect larvae, fruit beverages, flour, oil, orna- Genus 64.
ments, loincloths, cassava graters, medicines, 2. Tribe Ceroxyleae Satake (1962}
Genera 65-68.
magic, perfume - all are derived from palms ... to 3. Tribe Hyophorbeae Drude (1881).
whatever extent man has been involved in the Genera 69-73.
tropical ecosystem, palms have certainly been a V. Subfamily Arecoideae Griff. (1845).
major factor in making possible this involve- 1. Tribe Caryoteae Drude (1881}.
ment ... " Information on utilization of palms can Genera 74-76.
2. Tribe Iriarteeae Drude (1881).
be found in numerous books including Balick Genera 77-82.
et al. (1990) and Johnson (1991, 1996); Dransfield 3. Tribe Podococceae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1986}.
and Manokaran (1993) provide information on Genus 84.
rattans. 4. Tribe Areceae Drude (1881}.
a. Subtribe Oraniinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1986).
Genus 83.
CoNSERVATION. Some 224 species belonging to b. Subtribe Manicariinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1986).
63 genera are endangered (Johnson 1996). Habitat Genus 84.
destruction and over-exploitation are the main c. Subtribe Leopoldiniinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1986}.
threats to palms. Those endemic on islands, as in Genus 85.
Madagascar, are particularly at risk. An action d. Subtribe Malortieinae J.D. Hook. (1883}.
Genus 86.
plan has been developed by the IUCN/SSC palm e. Subtribe Dypsidinae Becc. (1914}.
specialist group. Genus 87.
f. Subtribe Lemurophoenicinae J. Dransf. (1995).
g. Subtribe Euterpeinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1986).
I. Subfamily Coryphoideae Griff. (1844}. Genera 89-93.
1. Tribe Corypheae Mart. (1837}. h. Subtribe Roystoneinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1986}.
a. Subtribe Thrinacinae Becc. (1907}. Genus 94.
Genera 1-14. i. Subtribe Archontophoenicinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl
b. Subtribe Livistoninae Saakov (1954}. (1986).
Genera 15-26. Genera 95-100.
Palmae 323

j. Subtribe Cyrtostachydinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl - Pistillate flowers not borne in a terminal head or, if so, then
(1986). plants dioecious and flowers multiparted; staminate flowers
Genus 101. with stamen filaments free or variously connate, very rarely
k. Subtribe Linospadicinae J.D. Hook. (1883). forming a solid stalk 4
Genera 102-105. 4. Pistillate flowers borne in a head on a short peduncle, very
I. Subtribe Ptychospermatinae J.D. Hook. (1883). large, each with numerous, spirally arranged sepals and
Genera 106-114. petals and an elongate style, gynoecium 5-10-locular and
m. Subtribe Arecinae. J.D. Hook. (1883). ovulate; fruit corky-tuberculate with 5-10 seeds; staminate
Genera 114-122. flowers large, sessile or stalked, receptacle fiat or clublike,
n. Subtrie Iguanurinae J.D. Hook. (1883). with reduced uniseriate perianth or perianth scarcely dis-
Genera 123-149. cernible, stamens very numerous VI. Phytelephantoideae
o. Subtribe Oncospermatinae J.D. Hook. (1883). - Pistillate flowers not borne in a head, both staminate and
Genera 150-157. pistillate flowers with sepals and petals in 2 whorls, style
p. Subtribe Sclerospermatinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl usually short or not differentiated, locules 1-3, rarely more
(1986). 5
Genus 158. 5. Flowers usually unisexual, rarely hermaphrodite, borne sin-
q. Subtribe Masoalinae Beentje & J. Dransf. (1995). gly or in lines (acervuli), very rarely in groups of3, but then
Genera 159-160. staminate flowers above the pistillate and peduncular bracts
5. Tribe Cocoeae Mart. (1837). numerous IV. Ceroxyloideae
a. Subtribe Beccariophoenicinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl - Flowers always unisexual, borne in triads or in pairs derived
(1986). from triads, very rarely the staminate flowers above the
Genus 161. pistillate, but then peduncular bract 1 V. Arecoideae
b. Subtribe Butiinae Saakow (1954).
Genera 162-171.
c. Subtribe Attaleinae Drude (1887). I. Subfamily Coryphoideae Griff. (1844).
Genus 172.
d. Subtribe Elaeidinae J.D. Hook. (1883). Leaves palmate or costapalmate, only rarely un-
Genera 173-174 divided or pinnate, almost always strictly in-
e. Subtribe Bactridinae J.D. Hook. (1883). duplicate, but interfold splits occurring in two
Genera 175-180.
6. Tribe Geonomeae Drude (1881). genera and leaves reduplicate in Guihaia and par-
Genera 181-186. tially so in Licuala; flowers solitary or in cincinni,
VI. Subfamily Phytelephantoideae Drude (1887). never borne in triads; carpels free or variously
Genera 187-189. connate.
Within this subfamily there are very few
KEY TO THE SUBFAMILIES OF PALMAE differences in leaf form or venation. The only
The following key uses only characters which will exceptions in form are the undivided leaves of
distinguish all members of each subfamily. More ]ohannesteijsmannia and a few species of Licuala,
comprehensive diagnoses and commentary are and, of course, the regularly pinnate but in-
given under the separate treatments. duplicate leaf of Phoenix. There are a few excep-
tions to induplicate folding. The leaves of Guihaia
1. Leaves palmate or costapalmate, rarely entire; induplicate, are palmate and reduplicate; and those of Rhapis,
rarely reduplicate (but then apocarpous), or mixed Rhapidophyllum, and Licuala show anomalous
induplicate-reduplicate (Licuala), or pinnate but indu- splitting superimposed on a basic induplicate
plicate and the leaflets with entire tips (Phoenix); flowers
solitary or clustered, never in triads of a central pistillate structure. (It is noteworthy that elsewhere in the
and 2 lateral staminate I. Coryphoideae family the only palmate leaves are reduplicate and
- Leaves pinnate, bipinnate, or entire and pinnately ribbed, belong to three genera of Calamoideae: Lepido-
or rarely palmate but then reduplicate and flowers syncar- caryum, Mauritia, and Mauritiella.)
pous, reduplicate, or rarely induplicate, but then leaflets In inflorescence and flower structure the sub-
with praemorse tips; flowers solitary or clustered,
frequently in triads 2 family exhibits traits that are considered basic
2. Ovary and fruit covered in imbricate scales; flowers in palms and to some extent also in monocotyle-
hermaphrodite or unisexual but only rarely dimorphic, dons. The interfoliar or suprafoliar, often highly
arranged singly or in dyads II. Calamoideae branched inflorescences show considerable adna-
- Ovary and fruit glabrous or with peltate or basifixed scales, tion of branches and reduction to spicate forms.
hairs, corky warts, or spines, but not with imbricate scales;
flowers hermaphrodite or unisexual, often dimorphic, Some of the simplest of all palm flowers belong
borne singly or in triads, or in pairs derived from triads 3 to the first tribe, the Corypheae. These truly
3. Pistillate flower borne in a terminal head, each flower with apocarpous flowers, having 3 sepals, 3 similar
3( -4) free, large, asymmetrical carpels and 6 minute peri- petals, 6 stamens in 2 whorls of 3, and 3 follicular
anth segments; staminate flowers crowded on spikes at the
tips of inflorescence branches below the pistillate head, each
carpels, embody a structure considered unspeci-
flower with 6 linear distinct perianth segments and 3 an- alized within the monocotyledons as a whole.
thers borne on a solid stalk III. Nypoideae With the exception of Nypa, all apocarpous palms
belong to the Coryphoideae.
324 Palmae


1. Leaves palmate, costapalmate, or entire; acanthophylls 1. Leaves induplicate 2

absent 2 - Leaves reduplicate. China, Vietnam 13. Guihaia
- Leaves pinnate; basal leaflets modified as spines 2. Gynoecium of 1-3 free carpels, stamens 5-25 3
2. Phoeniceae (p. 333) - Gynoecium of 3 carpels, connate by thin erect styles alone,
2. Hermaphroditic, or polygamodioecious, rarely strictly dio- or up to their midregions, or completely connate; stamens
ecious; if dioecious, flowers not or only slightly dimorphic; 6 15
rachillae lacking deep pits; endocarp usually thin, crusta- 3. Perianth biseriate; carpels 1-3; stamens 5-25 4
ceous, or cartilaginous 1. Corypheae - Perianth uniseriate, usually 6-toothed; carpel 1; stamens
- Dioecious; flowers usually strongly dimorphic; staminate 5-15 13
and sometimes pistillate flowers borne in deep pits formed 4. Carpel! 5
by connation and adnation of rachilla bracts; endocarp very - Carpels 2, 3, or 4 6
thick and hard 3. Borasseae (p. 334) 5. Flowers with long stalklike base, proximal flowers on each
rachilla hermaphroditic, distal flowers staminate; stamens
6. Belize 5. Schippia
1. Tribe Corypheae Mart. (1837). - Flowers lacking a long stalklike base, all hermaphroditic;
stamens 18-24. Peru, Brazil 4. Itaya
6. Stamen filaments distinct 7
Leaves palmate, costapalmate, or undivided, - Stamen filaments connate in a tube or upper 3 filaments
induplicate (except reduplicate in Guihaia); inflo- epipetalous 10
rescence with many peduncular bracts, rarely with 7. Flowers solitary 8
- Flowers in cincinni of 2-4 9
prophyll only, rachis bracts usually well devel-
8. Leaf blade not split centrally to the rachis (but deeply
oped; rachillae lacking deep pits; fruit usually 1- divided in Trithrinax biflabellata); sepals united ca. 1/3 of
seeded, if more then bi- or trilobed; endocarp their length; stamens with distinct elongate filaments, long
usually thin, crustaceous or cartilaginous, or not exserted, more than twice as long as the corolla; seed with
well differentiated. lobed intrusion of the seed coat. Brazil to Argentina
1. Trithrinax
The members of this tribe are distinct from - Leaf blade with the central split reaching to the rachis,
other palms in the combination of induplicately segments wedge-shaped; sepals imbricate, free nearly to
palmate or costapalmate leaves and hermaphro- the base; stamens with fleshy wide filaments, only slightly
ditic or, when unisexual, only slightly dimorphic exserted; seed without conspicuous lobed intrusion of the
flowers borne singly or in cincinni. Systematically, seed coat. Amazonian Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, and western
Colombia 2. Chelyocarpus
these 31 genera are of primary importance for two 9. Leaf sheaths unarmed, fibrous, blade splitting along
reasons: first, because they include the palms with adaxial ribs to varying lengths; inflorescences exserted
the simplest floral morphology, and second, from leaf sheaths; seed kidney-shaped or oblong and
because they provide a microcosm of the struc- grooved on the rapheal side, seed coat deeply intruded.
tural diversity seen elsewhere in the family. Some Temperate and subtropical E Asia 9. Trachycarpus
- Leaf sheaths armed with stout needlelike fibers; leaf blade
exceptions are the absence of pinnate leaves, of usually splitting between the folds; inflorescences hidden
infrafoliar and multiple inflorescences, of flowers among the leaf sheaths; seed oblong, the seed coat thick-
multiparted in all organs, and of adjacent-ligular ened below the raphe but not conspicuously intruded.
germination of the seed. The four subtribes Southeastern USA 10. Rhapidophyllum
are based on the nature of the gynoecium. Not 10. Flowers polygamodioecious; stamen filaments connate in
a flared cupule; endosperm ruminate. Mediterranean
surprisingly, cladistic analyses of anatomy and 11. Chamaerops
morphology (Uhl et al. 1995; Barrow 1996) have - Flowers polygamodioecous or hermaphroditic; stamen
found that the 14 apocarpous genera in the filaments connate in an erect cupule or epipetalous;
Thrinacinae do not form a monophyletic group. endosperm homogeneous 11
11. Stem bearing conspicuous root spines at the base; calyx
Realignments of the genera of Corypheae can be lobes nearly as long as the petals; stamen filaments con-
expected. nate in an elongate erect cupule not attached to the petals,
anthers reflexed and radiating at anthesis; carpels with
KEY To THE SuBTRIBES oF THE CoRYPHEAE attenuate styles. Central America and Colombia
3. Cryosophila
1. Carpels distinct, usually 3(1-4) Ia. Thrinacinae - Stem without root spines; calyx lobes much shorter than
- Carpels connate 2 the petals; stamen filaments distinct, epipetalous or the
2. Carpels basally distinct, united by their styles only antesepalous filaments free, or all filaments connate in an
I b. Livistoninae epipetalous cupule but anthers scarcely exserted; carpels
- Carpels united basally or throughout 3 without attenuate styles 12
3. Carpels united basally, styluli free or united, if united then 12. Stems slender, reedlike; leaves divided between the folds
with separate stylar canals I c. Coryphinae into many-fold, truncate segments; perianth whorls fleshy,
- Carpels united throughout, the style with a common stylar sepals connate; stamen filaments free, epipetalous. S
canal I d. Sabalinae China, Indochina, northern Sumatra 14. Rhapis
Palmae 325

- Stems scarcely reedlike, stouter; leaves divided along sides; embryo eccentrically apical, endosperm with a
adaxial folds into single-fold, acute or bifid segments; peri- conspicuous, lobed intrusion of the seed coat. New
anth whorls coriaceous; sepals distinct, imbricate; stamen Caledonia 19. Pritchardiopsis
filaments connate in an epipetalous cupule (M. gracilis, M. - Fruit various, if large, then usually corky-warted;
furtadoana), or separate and epipetalous (M. rupicola). endocarp smooth, not keeled, without a basal projection;
Thailand and Malay Peninsula 12. Maxburretia embryo lateral or basal, seed coat intrusion present or not
13. Base of leaf sheath split in petiolar region, inflorescence 21
emerging through the split; seed umbilicate, excavate, or 21. Petioles and often margins and/or veins of leaves with
completely perforate below the raphe, endosperm not stout teeth; abortive carpels apical in fruit; seeds with
furrowed. Caribbean 6. Thrinax ruminate endosperm. West Indies, S America
- Base ofleaf sheath not split in petiolar region; seed deeply 5. Copernicia
perforated by furrows 14 - Petioles armed or not, leaves lacking teeth; abortive
14. Leaf sheaths disintegrating into a regular fibrous network, carpels usually basal in fruit; seeds with homogeneous
fiber tips reflexed, spinelike; flowers subdistichous on endosperm, sometimes penetrated by a lobed intrusion
the rachillae; fruit white at maturity; seed deeply of the seed coat 22
bilobed, the lobes again irregularly bilobed. Hispaniola 22. Endosperm intruded by the seed coat 25
8.Zombia - Endosperm not intruded by the seed coat 23
- Leaf sheath fibers not reflexed or spinelike; flowers borne 23. Trunk solitary, sometimes ventricose at or near the
spirally; fruit tawny yellow, pink, red, or black; seed deeply middle; petiole unarmed; androecial tube projecting
furrowed, not bilobed. Caribbean 7. Coccothrinax beyond the corolla lobes. Cuba, Guatemala, Panama
15. Gynoecium of 3 carpels, free at the base, connate by their 21. Colpothrinax
styles alone 16 - Trunks clustered, erect, or creeping and branching; petiole
- Gynoecium of 3 completely fused carpels or carpels con- spiny, armed with fine or coarse teeth; androecial tube not
nate basally and styluli free 27 projecting beyond the corolla lobes 24
16. Leaf blades undivided, diamond-shaped, pinnately 24. Stems erect, densely clustered; flowers in cincinni, but
nerved, the costa prominent; petiole and basal margins of paired or solitary towards the apex of the rachillae; sepals
the blade armed with hooked teeth; inflorescences each distinct or basally shortly connate, imbricate; stamen fila-
with several inflated peduncular bracts; fruit warty; ments united in a basal ring, free portions short, abruptly
endosperm deeply and irregularly intruded by the seed narrowed; fruit globose, raphe short, scarcely more than
coat. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo 1/2 as long as the seed. Southern USA, Central America
17. ]ohannesteijsmannia 22. Acoelorrhaphe
- Leaf blades divided, or, if undivided, not diamond-shaped - Stems prostrate, rarely erect; flowers solitary or occasion-
and the basal margins of the blade unarmed; fruit smooth ally paired; calyx tubular, shortly 3-lobed; stamen fila-
or, if corky-warted, then leaf divided 17 ments shortly united at the base, free portions gradually
17. Leaf blades divided along abaxial folds to the petiole into narrowed; fruit ellipsoidal; raphe extending the length of
single-fold (rarely) to several-fold, usually wedge-shaped, the seed. Southern USA 23. Serenoa
truncate segments, or undivided. China, SE Asia, Malesia 25. Sepals distinct, imbricate. Western USA, Mexico, Guate-
to Australia 18. Licuala mala 24. Brahea
- Leaf blades divided along adaxial folds into single-fold or - Sepals united basally 26
several-fold but not truncate segments 18 26. Blade divided by deep splits into compound segments,
18. Inflorescence with long peduncle, branched only at its tip further divided by shallow splits into single-fold segments;
or branched at the very base to produce 2-4 more or Jess androecial ring conspicuous, thick, almost free at the base,
equal long axes, also branched only at their tips, giving the filaments, where separate, slender not broadly rounded;
appearance of more than 1 inflorescence per axil; corolla gynoecium top-shaped; fruit very large (at least 6cm in
lobes caducous at anthesis exposing the prominent diameter at maturity) usually corky-warted (smooth in P.
androecial tube; seed coat not intruded. Fiji, Tonga, Dan- kingianus) Malesia 16. Pholidocarpus
ger Islands, Hawaiian Islands 20. Pritchardia - Blade regularly divided into single-fold segments, very
- Inflorescence branching not confined to the tip; corolla rarely into compound segments (L. saribus); androecial
lobes not caducous at anthesis, very rarely tardily ring broadly scalloped apically, epipetalous; gynoecium
deciduous 19 widest above the locules, abruptly narrowed to the style;
19. Rachis bracts split on one side and pendulous, sword- fruit small (rarely exceeding 4 em at maturity), smooth. NE
shaped; petals large, flat, chaffy, without grooves on the Africa, Arabia, Ryukyu Islands, SE Asia to Australia
inner surfaces, becoming strongly reflexed at anthesis; 15. Livistona
style elongate, about 3 times as long as the ovarian part of 27. Dioecious; leaf blade dark green on upper surface, gray-
the gynoecium; flowers and fruit pedicellate; fruit with white beneath; all inflorescence axes with a thick layer
persistent chaffy calyx. Southwestern USA and northwest- of thick layer of multicellular hairs; petals inserted on a
ern Mexico 26. Washingtonia floral stalk well above the calyx; carpels basally connate by
- Inflorescence bracts tubular, not splitting into sword- ovarian regions only; styles free, widely separated; en-
shaped blades at anthesis; petals neither flat nor chaffy and dosperm shallowly ruminate. Thailand 30. Kerriodoxa
with grooves matching anthers on inner surfaces; styles as - Hermaphroditic; leaves not gray-white beneath; rachillae
long as the ovarian part or rarely 2-2 1/ 2 times as long variously tomentose or glabrous; floral stalks present or
(Serenoa) 20 poorly developed; carpels connate by their ovarian regions
20. Fruit large and smooth (ca. Scm in diameter at maturity); and usually through the styles; endosperm homogeneous
mesocarp spongy with short fibers near and closely or ruminate 28
adhering to the endocarp, endocarp with a triangular 28. Clustering palms; hastulae absent; rachilla bracts tubular
basal projection rounded on 1 side, keeled on the other 3 29
326 Palmae

- Solitary palms; adaxial hastula present; rachilla bracts Solitary or clustering, hermaphroditic; distal
minute, triangular 30 sheath fibers becoming sharp spines; blade fan-
29. Slender pleonanthic palms; inflorescences spicate or
branching to 2 orders; endosperm homogeneous or
shaped to nearly circular, costapalmate, divided to
ruminate. Indochina and China 29. Chuniophoenix beyond the middle (T. flabellata almost to base)
- Moderate hapaxanthic palm, acaulescent or with erect, into single-fold stiff or flexible, bifid segments;
often branching stems; inflorescence paniculate, highly prophyll and the 2( -3) peduncular bracts inflated.
branched; endosperm homogeneous. Western Asia and Flowers solitary, sepals 3, connate basally; petals 3,
Arabia 28. Nannorrhops
30. Massive hapaxanthic palms; petiole margins armed with longer than sepals, acute; stamens 6, filaments
teeth; flowers in adnate cincinni; gynoecium 3-grooved, twice as long as petals, anthers versatile; carpels
abruptly narrowed to the style, stylar canals 3. SE Asia to attenuate to a long stylulus, stigma apical; ovule
Australia 27. Corypha hemianatropous with aril. Postament large. About
- Acaulescent to robust, erect, pleonanthic palms; petioles
four spp., subtropical S America in Bolivia, west-
unarmed; flowers solitary; gynoecium shallowly 3-lobed,
style elongate, broad, only slightly narrower than the ova- ern and southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and
rian part, stylar canal single. Southern USA to Venezuela Argentina.
31. Saba!

2. Chelyocarpus Damm. Fig. 81G, 83D-F

la. Subtribe Thrinacinae Becc. (1907). Chelyocarpus Damm., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 7:
395. (1920); Moore, Principes 16: 67-88 (1972); Kahn &
Pleonanthic, leaves palmate or costapalmate, Mejia, Principes 32: 69-72 (1988).
induplicate but reduplicate in Guihaia; adaxial
hastula well developed, often deltoid, abaxial small Solitary or clustering, unarmed, hermaphroditic.
or lacking; inflorescences interfoliar, each bearing Leaves palmate, or costapalmate, petiole not split-
a tubular, bicarinate prophyll and 0 to usually sev- ting basally; blade deeply divided, each half
eral peduncular bracts; anthers latrorse, pollen el- divided into paired or irregularly grouped, single-
liptic, sulcate (pantoperculate in Chamaerops, fold segments, or divided into many-fold seg-
occasionally trichotomosulcate in Cryosophila), ments, split distally into bifid, single-fold,
with finely reticulate or rarely otherwise, tectate 1-ribbed segments. Rachillae sometimes fascicu-
exine; carpels free, usually 3(1-4). Endosperm ho- late. Flowers solitary; sepals 2, 3, or 4, slightly con-
mogeneous, ruminate in Chamaerops. Eophylls nate or imbricate basally; petals like the sepals;
simple, bifid in Chelyocarpus. stamens 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, filaments distinct, fleshy;
A group of 14 genera, largely confined to the carpels 3(1-4), follicular, ovule hemianatropous
subtropics, and including some of the most with aril. Epicarp smooth or coarsely corky-
drought- and cold-tolerant palms. Many genera warted. Germination remote-tubular. Four spp.,
grow only on limestone. Within this highly diverse Amazonian Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, and western
group are genera exhibiting some of the least Colombia in understory of upland forests or on
specialized features in the family. Two main lines alluvial deposits left by flooding rivers.
of evolution seem evident. One is entirely New
World, including genera 1-8, and has been found
monophyletic by cladistic analysis of morphologi- 3. Crysophila Blume
cal and molecular datasets (Uhl et al. 1995, Barrow Crysophila Blume, Rumphia 2: 53 (1838, "1836"); Evans, Syst.
1996). Evolutionary trends are in the reduction to a Bot. Monographs 46: 1-70 (1995).
single carpel and to a cupular perianth. The
second line includes genera 9-14 and, except for Solitary, hermaphroditic. Stem bearing root
Rhapidophyllum, is strictly Old World. In this spines. Leaves palmate, sheaths splitting basally;
group the main trends of specialization are to blade divided centrally nearly to base, each half
dioecy and elaboration and fusion of perianth divided into many-fold segments, further divided
members. Guiaha is unusual in having reduplicate into 2 or more single-fold acute or bifid segments;
leaves, and Rhapis and Rhapidophyllum have white-tomentose abaxially. Peduncular bracts 6 or
leaves irregularly split in reference to plications. more, much larger than the prophyll. Flowers soli-
tary; sepals 3, connate basally; petals 3, distinct;
filaments flat, connate to 1/2 their length; carpels
1. Trithrinax Mart.
3, follicular, styluli attenuate; ovule campy-
Trithrinax Mart., Hist. Nat. Palm. 2: 149 (1837); Henderson lotropous with aril. Postament small. Germination
et al., Field Guide: 37 (1995). adjacent-ligular. Ten spp., western Mexico to
northern Colombia.
Palmae 327

4. Itaya H.E. Moore

Itaya H.E. Moore, Principes 16: 85 (1972); F. Kahn, Palms of
Eldorado: 112 (1997).

Moderate, solitary, unarmed, hermaphroditic.

Leaves palmate; petiole split basally; blade orbicu-
lar, divided centrally to ca. 3/4 the radius at the
middle, each half divided into 4-7 wedge-shaped,
4-7-fold segments, these divided apically into
bifid, 1-fold segments. Flowers solitary, sepals
3, connate; petals 3, connate ca. 1/2 their length;
stamens 18-24, filaments fleshy, connate basally;
gynoecium of 1 carpel, eccentrically ovoid, ovule
hemianatropous, aril large, oblique. Epicarp
minutely granular-roughened; mesocarp thick,
white, splitting the epicarp when ripe. Only one
sp., I. amicorum Moore, known from one locality
in Amazonian Peru and one in Brazil, occurring in
seasonal rainforest at low elevations.

5. Schippia Burret
Schippia Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11:867-869
(1933); Henderson eta!., Field Guide: 42 (1995).

Solitary, unarmed, hermaphroditic or polyga-

momonoecious. Leaves palmate to costapalmate;
sheath split basally, disintegrating into a fibrous
network; blade divided into narrow single-fold
segments, with pointed, unequal, bifid apices.
Flowers solitary, either hermaphroditic or
staminate, calyx and receptacle forming a
pseudopedicel, calyx tubular basally with 3
triangular-lanceolate lobes; petals 3, distinct,
much larger than calyx; stamens 6; gynoecium
unicarpellate, ovoid, style elongate, tubular, open
distally; ovule probably hemianatropous. Only
one sp., S. concolor Burret in Belize and possibly
adjacent Guatemala.
Fig. 83A-Q. Palmae-Coryphoideae. A- C Chamaerops
6. Thrinax 0. Swartz Fig. 83G humilis. A Pistillate flower; note free styluli. B Staminate
flower. C Staminate flower opened out, showing androecial
Thrinax 0. Swartz, Prod. 4: 57 (1788); Read, Smithsonian ring. D-F Chelyocarpus ulei. D Flower. E Vertical section of
Contr. Bot. 19: 1-98 (1975); Borhidi & Muniz, Acta Bot. flower. F Fruit showing pericarp split into corky warts. G
Hung. 31: 225-230 (1985). Thrinax radiata, flower showing single perianth whorl and
Hemithrinax Hook.f. (1883). single carpel with funnel-shaped stigma. H, I Nannorrhops
ritch iana. H 3-flowered cincinnus. I flower. J-R Sabal pal-
metto. J Habit. K Stem with persistent split leaf bases. L First-
Solitary, unarmed, hermaphroditic. Leaves pal-
order branch of inflorescence showing tubular bracts; note
mate, often irregular; sheath split opposite petiole prophylls on first- and second-order branches. M Flower. N
and abaxially; blade often irregularly folded; seg- Pistil. 0 Ovary in cross-section showing three locules. P
ments unsplit in basal about 1/2, bifid apically. Rachilla with two fruit. Q Seed. R Seed in vertical section
Inflorescences slender, emerging through petiole showing lateral embryo, homogeneous endosperm, and very
shallow postament. (Takhtajan 1982)
split. Flowers solitary; perianth a 6-lobed cupule;
stamens 6-12 (5-15), filaments slender or lacking,
sometimes partly united basally; gynoecium of 1
328 Palmae

carpel, unilocular, uniovulate; ovule campy- Leaves palmate; petiole toothed or unarmed; blade
lotropous, with basal aril. Fruit white. Germina- fan-shaped to circular, segments single-fold, bifid.
tion remote-tubular. Seven spp., two endemic to Prophyll inflated, peduncular bracts 1-3. Flowers
Jamaica, T. radiata widely distributed in littoral solitary or in clusters of 2-3, similar in both sexes;
habitats of Atlantic northern Caribbean. The three sepals 3, connate basally; petals 3, distinct, imbri-
species formerly of Hemithrinax are all very local cate; stamens 6, filaments distinct, fleshy; sta-
endemics in Cuba. minodes present or not; carpels 3, distinct,
follicular, styluli short, ovule hemianatropous,
with fleshy aril; pistillodes similar to carpels. Fruit
7. Coccothrinax Sargent
kidney-shaped to oblong. Postament present. Ger-
Coccothrinax Sargent, Bot. Gaz. 27:87 (1899); Bailey & Moore, mination remote-tubular. Six spp., ranging from
Gentes Herb. 8:93-205 (1949); Read, Phytologia 46:285-287 the Himalayas to northern Thailand and China.
(1980); Henderson eta!., Field Guide: 45-50 (1995).

Solitary or clustering, hermaphroditic. Leaf 10. Rhapidophyllum H. Wendl. & Drude

sheaths disintegrating into a regular fibrous net-
Rhapidophyllum H. Wend!. & Drude in Drude, Bot. Zeit. 34:
work, or long fibers, or stout spines. Leaves, 803 (1876); Shuey & Wunderlin, Principes 21:47-59 (1977).
palmate; petiole unsplit basally; blade often ir-
regularly folded, divided about midlength into Clustering, dioecious, polygamodioecious, rarely
pointed segments. Flowers solitary; perianth shal- monoecious. Stem decumbent or erect, upper 3/4
lowly cupshaped with several (5-9) short points; with stout needlelike spines and fibers from leaf
stamens 9(6-13), filaments connate basally; gyno- sheath. Leaves shortly costapalmate; divided
ecium of 1 carpel, unilocular, uniovulate, globose between the folds nearly to base into linear
basally; style long, terminating in a cuplike stigma; segments. Inflorescences short, robust. Flowers
ovule basal, erect, nearly atropous. Fruit purplish 2-4 in cincinni. Staminate flowers globose, sepals
black. About 49 spp. described but probably fewer, 3, distinct to slightly connate at the base; petals 3,
on islands of the West Indies, with the greatest distinct, fleshy, imbricate; stamens 6, pistillodes 3,
diversity (about 34 spp.) in Cuba. resembling the carpels. Pistillate flowers similar,
carpels 3, distinct, follicular, basally tomentose,
8. Zombia L.H. Bailey styles short, recurved, ovule hemianatropous.
Fruit ovoid, with deciduous hairs. Only one sp., R.
Zambia L.H. Bailey, Gentes Herb. 4: 240 (1939); Henderson, hystrix (Pursh) H. Wendl. & Drude, southeastern
Field Guide: 50-51 (1995).
United States.
Clustering, hermaphroditic. Leaves palmate;
sheath a network of fibers, distal fibers reflexed 11. Chamaerops L. Fig. 83A-C
forming spines; blade irregularly divided 1/2-
2/3 length into single-fold, bifid segments, dis- Chamaerops L., Sp. Pl.: 1187 (1753); Uhl & Dransf., Gen. Palm.:
184-186 (1987).
colorous. Flowers solitary; perianth cup-shaped
with 6 points; stamens 9-12; filaments distinct;
Clustering, acaulescent or shrubby, polygamous
pollen with exine foveolate; gynoecium obpyri-
form, unicarpellate, stigma cuplike, ovule basal, or dioecious. Leaves palmate; sheath disintegrat-
ing into fine fibers; petiole with spines pointing
atropous. Fruit white, large. Seed deeply bilobed,
distally; blade divided 2/3-3/4 into single-fold,
the lobes again divided; embryo central, en-
deeply bifid segments. Staminate, pistillate, and
dosperm homogeneous within lobes. Only one sp.,
hermaphroditic inflorescences and flowers simi-
Z. antillarum L.H. Bailey, Hispaniola.
lar; peduncular bracts absent; rachillae short,
crowded, glabrous. Flowers solitary, sepals 3,
9. Trachycarpus H. Wendl. triangular, basally connate; petals 3, imbricate,
basally connate; stamens 6, filaments broad trian-
Trachycarpus H. Wend!. in J. Gay, Bull. Soc. Bot. de France 8:
429 (1863? "1861"), Beccari, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta
gular, connate in a conspicuous staminal ring;
13: 1-356 (1931); Kimnach, Principes 21: 155-160 (1977); pollen pontoperaculate; carpels 3, distinct, follicu-
Gibbons & Spanner, Principes 42: 24-29 (1998). lar; ovule hemianatropous. Endosperm ruminate;
postament conspicuous. Germination remote-
Solitary or clustering, acaulescent or erect, tubular. Only one sp., C. humilis L., native to
unarmed or armed, dioecious or polygamous. coastal areas of the western Mediterranean, both
Palmae 329

in Europe and north Africa, becoming rarer east- elongate, adnate along most of corolla tube;
wards to Malta. pistillode minute. Pistillate and hermaphrodite
flowers similar; carpels 3, distinct, wedge-shaped;
ovule hemianatropous with basal aril. Postament
12. Maxburretia Furtado lateral. Germination remote-tubular. About 12
Maxburretia Furtado, Gard. Bull., Singapore 11: 240 (1941); spp., southern China, south through Indochina to
Dransfield, Gentes Herb. 11: 187-199 (1978). peninsular Thailand and northern Sumatra.

Small, clustering, acaulescent or shrubby, her-

maphroditic or dioecious. Leaves palmate; sheaths lb. Subtribe Livistoninae Saakov (1954).
fibrous, fibers sometimes becoming spines; petiole
unarmed; blade divided to ca. 2/3 into bifid single- Pleonanthic, hermaphroditic or rarely unisexual
folds. Flowers small, solitary or in groups of 2-3; by abortion; leaf sheath disintegrating into a
staminate and pistillate similar; sepals 3, distinct, brown, often clothlike mass of interwoven fibers;
imbricate; petals 3, basally connate; stamens 6, adaxial hastula well developed (ephemeral in
adnate to petals; filaments forming a cupule, or ]ohannesteijsmannia), abaxial hastula absent or
distinct; carpels 3, briefly joined basally, styluli very small; stamens 6; pollen sulcate (rarely
triangular; ovules anatropous to hemianatropous trichotomosulcate, Pritchardia, Copernicia), exine
with basal funicular arils; pistillode minute, 3- finely reticulate (rarely scabrate (Johannest-
lobed. Postament thin. Three spp., Malaya and eijsmannia, Pritchardia), tectate; carpels 3, wedge-
Peninsular Thailand. shaped, distinct in ovarian regions, connate
distally to form a slender style with apical dotlike,
or briefly 3-lobed stigma; ovules anatropous; stig-
13. Guihaia J. Dransf., S.K. Lee & F.N. Wei matic remains apical; endosperm homogeneous,
Guihaia J. Dransf., S.K. Lee & F.N. Wei, Principes 29:7 (1985), but ruminate in Copernicia; a postament present
Dransfield eta!., Principes 29: 3-12 (1985). in all but Pritchardia, Colpothrinax, and
Clustering, dioecious. Stem short, decumbent or A subtribe of 12 genera widely distributed
erect. Leaf sheath disintegrating into erect, spine- through the tropics, but with so many disjunctions
like fibers or a tongue-shaped lattice of flat fibers; as to suggest an ancient origin. Differences
petiole unarmed. Blade orbicular or cuneate, between the genera are small. Leaves are usually
divided to 3/4 to 4/5 into single or rarely 2-fold palmate or costapalmate, but there are two dis-
reduplicate, bifid segments; discolorous. Stami- tinctive leaf forms: the diamond-shaped leaf of
nate and pistillate inflorescences and flowers ]ohannesteijsmannia, and wedge-shaped seg-
similar; peduncular bracts absent. Flowers ments with reduplicate margins in most species of
solitary, extremely small; sepals 3, united at base; Licuala. Washingtonia is unique in having more
petals longer, basally connate; stamens 6, the or less woody, swordlike bracts and large chaffy
filaments distinct, adnate to corolla, anthers perianth segments.
didymous; pistillode absent; carpels abruptly
narrowed. Germination remote-tubular. Two
spp., south China and northern Vietnam. 15. Livistona R. Brown
Livistona R. Brown, Prod. Flor. Nov. Hoi!.: 267 (1810); Rodd,
Revision of Livistona (Arecaceae) in Australia (in press).
14. Rhapis L. f. ex W. Aiton
Rhapis L. f. ex W. Aiton, Hort. Kew. 3: 473 (1789); Beccari, Slender to robust, solitary. Leaves palmate or
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 13: 1-356 (1931). costapalmate; petiole unarmed or toothed; blade
of single (multiple)-fold segments. Inflorescences
Clustering, unarmed, dioecious or polygamo- branched to 5 orders; peduncular bracts 1-few.
dioecious. Stems reedlike, leaf sheaths persistent, Flowers solitary or in cincinni; calyx tubular 3-
fibrous. Leaves palmate or deeply bifid, divided lobed; corolla tubular with 3 valvate lobes; sta-
between the folds into segments varying in num- mens epipetalous, filaments connate in fleshy
ber of ribs. Inflorescences short; peduncular ring. Fruit globose to ovoid, pyriform or ellipsoi-
bracts absent. Flowers solitary, staminate flowers dal. Seed ellipsoid. Germination remote-tubular;
with calyx thick, cupshaped; corolla fleshy tubu- eophyll lanceolate. About 25 spp., Africa and
lar, appearing stalked basally; stamens 6; filaments Arabia, to the Himalayas and Rykyu Islands,
330 Palmae

through Indochina and Malesia to New Guinea, reduplicate segments, the central sometimes
the Solomon Islands, and to its greatest diversity stalked. Inflorescences spicate to branched to 3
in Australia. orders; peduncular bracts 0-5 or more. Flowers
solitary or in cincinni of 2-3; calyx truncate,
irregularly splitting, or 3-lobed; corolla tubular
16. Pholidocarpus Blume
basally, 3-lobed; stamens epipetalous, filaments
Pholidocarpus Blume in J.A. & J.H. Schultes, Syst. Veg. 7: 1308 distinct, or united into a tube or a 3-lobed
(1830); Beccari, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 13: 1-356 androecial ring, with 3 anthers with short fila-
(1931); Dransf. & Uhl, Kew Bull. 38: 197-198 (1983). ments, 3 sessile at sinuses. Epicarp smooth, rarely
corky-warted. Germination remote-tubular;
Robust, solitary trees. Leaves costapalmate, peti- eophyll strap-shaped. About 108 spp., from India
ole with robust, bulbous-based spines; blade and southern China through SE Asia to Malesia,
deeply divided into 3-4-fold segments. Inflores- Queensland, the Solomon Islands and New
cences branching to 4 orders, peduncular bracts l- Hebrides, the greatest diversity being in Malaya,
ea. 5. Flowers, solitary or in cincinni of 2-3; calyx Borneo, and New Guinea.
cup-shaped, 3-lobed; corolla deeply divided into 3
triangular, valvate petals; filaments slender,
united basally to form a free tube. Fruit large, glo- 19. Pritchardiopsis Becc.
bose; epicarp smooth (P. kingiana), or cracked
into corky brown warts. Germination remote- Pritchardiopsis Becc., Webbia 3: 131 (1910); Moore & Uhl,
Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984).
tubular; eophyll entire. Six or fewer spp., south
Thailand, Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, and
Moderate, solitary, unarmed trees. Leaves briefly
the Moluccas.
costapalmate; blade divided to middle into single-
fold bifid segments. Inflorescences branched to
17. Johannesteijsmannia H.E. Moore Fig. 81K 4 orders; pecuncle short, peduncular bracts
lacking. Flowers in cincinni of 3 or solitary
Johannesteijsmannia H.E. Moore, Principes 5: 116 (1961);
Dransf., Gard. Bull., Singapore 26: 63-83 (1972). distally; calyx tubular, adnate basally, 3-lobed
distally; corolla tubular with 3 long valvate lobes;
Solitary, acaulescent or short-trunked. Stem de- stamen filaments briefly connate, adnate to petal
cumbent or erect. Leaves diamond-shaped; petiole tube. Fruit large, globose, endocarp woody,
toothed; blade subpinnately ribbed, lower mar- keeled. Germination remote-tubular; eophyll
gins toothed. Inflorescences short, curved; pedun- entire. Only one sp., P. jeanneneyi Becc., New
cular bracts to 7, slightly inflated. Flowers solitary Caledonia.
or in cincinni of 2-4; calyx cup-shaped with 3
lobes; corolla divided almost to base into 3 valvate
lobes; stamens epipetalous; filaments broad, 20. Pritchardia Seemann & H. Wendl.
fleshy, connate basally to form a ring; ovule anat- Pritchardia Seemann & H. Wend!. ex. H. Wend!., Bonplandia
ropous. Fruit rounded, mesocarp cracking to 10: 197 (1862), nom. cons.; Becc. & Rock, Mem. Bernice P.
produce thick, corky warts. Seed globose. Germi- Bishop Mus. 8(1): 1-77 (1921); Hodel, Principes 24(22): 25-
81 (1980).
nation remote-tubular; eophyll simple. Four spp.,
one widespread but very local in south Thailand,
Moderate, solitary, unarmed trees. Leaves
Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and the western part
costapalmate; blade divided 1/3 to 1/2 into single-
of Borneo, the other three endemic to the Malay
fold bifid segments; inflorescences solitary or 2-4
with common prophyll in each axil, branched to 3
orders; peduncular bracts several; rachillae
18. Licuala Thunb. crowded at end oflong peduncle. Flowers solitary;
calyx tubular, 3-lobed; corolla tubular basally with
Licuala Thunb., Kongliga Vetenskaps Acadamiens Nya
Handlingar 3: 286 (1782); Beccari, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard.
3 valvate lobes forming a deciduous cap; filament
Calcutta 13: 1-356 (1931); Furtado, Gard. Bull. Singapore bases connate, tubular. Germination remote-
11: 31-73 (1940). tubular; eophyll entire. About 38 spp., Fiji, Tonga,
Danger Islands, and Hawaii. All but five spp. are
Solitary, clustered, acaulescent, shrubby, or rarely Hawaiian endemics; many are extremely rare and
treelike. Leaves palmate; petiole spiny or endangered, or not seen in the wild for several
unarmed; blade entire or of single to multiple-fold years.
Palmae 331

21. Colpothrinax Griseb. & H. Wendl. Fig. SOD remote-ligular; eophyll entire. Only one sp., S.
repens (Bartram) Small, southeastern United
Colpothrinax Griseb. & H. Wend!., Bot. Zeit. 37: 148 (1879);
L.H. Bailey, Gentes Herb. 4(10): 357-360 (1940); Read, States.
Principes 13(1): 13-22 (1969).
24. Brahea Mart. ex Endl.
Moderate, solitary, unarmed trees. Stem columnar
or ventricose. Leaves costapalmate; sheath disin- Brahea Mart. ex End!., Genera Pl.: 252 (1837); L.H. Bailey,
Gentes Herb. 4(3): 119-125 (1937); Henderson eta!., Field
tegrating into fibrous network or long fibers; blade
Guide: 54-56 (1995).
orbicular, irregularly divided into single-fold bifid
segments. Inflorescences branched to 4 orders; Moderate, rarely clustered. Sheath becoming
peduncular bracts 4-9; peduncle and rachis long,
fibrous, eventually splitting basally; petiole
equal. Flowers on tubercles; calyx cuplike, 3- toothed or unarmed; blade divided nearly 1/2 into
lobed; corolla longer, shortly tubular basally, free single-fold, deeply bifid, stiff or flexible segments.
lobes 3, valvate; filaments connate in epipetalous
Inflorescences branched to 4 orders; peduncular
cup, adnate to and ± equalling corolla tube. bracts 0-several. Flowers solitary or in cincinni of
Germination not recorded. Eophyll probably 2-3; sepals 3, distinct, imbricate; petals 3, tubular
simple. Two spp., Cuba, Guatemala, and along the
basally, valvate apically; stamens epipetalous, fila-
Atlantic slopes of the mountains in Panama.
ments connate in 6-lobed ring. Germination
remote-ligular; eophyll entire. About 16 spp., Baja
22. Acoelorraphe H. Wendl. Fig. SOH California, Guadalupe Island, Mexico, and
Acoelorraphe H. Wend!., Bot. Zeit. 37: 148 (1879); L.H. Bailey,
Gentes Herb. 4(10): 361-365 (1940).
25. Copernicia Mart. ex Endl. Fig. S1J
Moderate, clustered. Stems with brown fibrous
Copernicia Mart. ex End!., Genera Pl.: 253 (1837); Dahlgren &
sheaths and petiole bases. Leaves briefly Glassman, Gentes Herb. 9(1): 3-40 (1961), 9(2): 43-232
costapalmate; petiole spiny; blade nearly orbicu- (1963); Henderson eta!., Field Guide: 57-61 (1995).
lar, divided to below the middle into deeply bifid
single-fold segments, abaxially silvery. Inflores- Solitary trees. Leaves palmate to shortly costapal-
cences exceeding the leaves, branched to 4 orders; mate, petiole lacking, short, or elongate, margins
peduncular bracts 2. Flowers on low spurs in toothed; adaxial hastula short to long, unarmed or
cinicinni of 2-3; sepals 3, slightly connate basally; spiny; blade wedge-shaped to orbicular divided
petals 3, connate for 1/4length; filaments connate 1/4-1/3 into single-fold segments, outermost bifid.
in shallow cup. Fruit small, black. Germination Inflorescences branched to 6 orders; peduncular
not recorded, eophyll simple. Only one sp., A. bracts 0-1; subsequent bracts tubular, often
wrightii (Griseb. & H. Wendl.) H. Wendl., south- densely tomentose. Flowers solitary or in cincinni
ern Florida, the West Indies, and parts of the of 2-4; sepals 3 connate; corolla tubular, 3-lobed,
Caribbean coast of central America. thick-tipped, valvate; filament bases united in en-
pule. Endosperm ruminate. Germination remote-
tubular; eophyll entire. Twenty-five or fewer spp.,
23. Serenoa Hook. f. Fig. SOK
three in S America, two in Hispaniola, the remain-
Serenoa Hook. f. in Bentham & Hook., General Pl. 3: 879, 926 der in Cuba.
(1228); L.H. Bailey, 3(6): 234-339 (1934).

Clustered, shrubby. Stem subterranean or pros- 26. Washingtonia H. Wendl. Fig. SOC
trate, rarely erect, leaf sheaths persistent; axillary Washingtonia H. Wend!., Bot. Zeit. 37: !xi, 68, 148 (1879),
buds developing as inflorescences or vegetative nom. cons.; L.H. Bailey, 4(2): 52-82 (1936).
shoots. Leaves palmate; petiole margin with small
teeth; blade nearly orbicular, regularly divided 1/2 Robust, tall, solitary trees. Leaves costapalmate;
into stiff bifid, single-fold segments. Inflores- sheath split below petiole; margins fibrous; petiole
cences curved, branched to 3-4 orders; peduncu- toothed; blade divided 1/3 into bifid, single-fold
lar bract 1 or lacking. Flowers solitary or in pairs; segments, pendulous, interfold filaments con-
calyx tubular, 3-lobed; corolla tubular, split 2/3 spicuous. Inflorescences branched to 3-4 orders;
length into 3 valvate lobes; filaments adnate to rachis bracts splitting becoming swordlike, coria-
corolla tube. Fruit dark blue to black. Germination ceous. Flowers solitary; calyx chaffy, tubular with
332 Palmae

3 tattered lobes; corolla tubular for 1/4 of its recognized spp., but probably fewer, ranging from
length, lobes valvate, pointed; stamens adnate southern India and Sri Lanka to the Bay of Bengal,
to corolla tube. Germination remote-ligular; and Indochina through Malesia to northern
eophyll entire. Two closely related spp., W. filifera Australia; distribution probably much influenced
(Linden) H. Wendl., southeastern California, hyman.
western Arizona, and Baja California, W. robusta
H. Wendl., Baja California and Sonora, Mexico.
28. Nannorrhops H. Wendl. Fig. 83H,I
Nannorrhops H. Wend!., Bot. Zeit. 37: 148 (1879); Moore,
lc. Subtribe Coryphinae J. Dransf. & N.W. Uhl Flora Iranica 146 (1980).
Shrubby, clustered, hapaxanthic, hermaphroditic.
Leaves induplicate; pollen elliptic, sulcate (rarely Branching in erect stems dichotomous. Leaves
trichotomosulcate in Corypha), exine finely or costapalmate; sheath splitting; hastulae absent;
coarsely (Kerriodoxa) reticulate, tectate; carpels 3, blade divided into single-fold, bifid segments.
united basally, styluli free or united into a style but Inflorescences above the leaves, branched to 4
stylar canals separate. orders, branches subtended by leaves with
A heterogeneous subtribe of four Old World reduced blades or tubular bracts; peduncular
genera. Species of Corypha are most striking bracts 0 to several. Flowers in cincinnus of
palms because of their massiveness. The inflores- 1-3(-7), calyx tubular, 3-lobed; corolla stalklike
cence is the largest among seed plants; the number basally, 3-lobed distally, stamens 6, anthers
of flowers has been estimated as ten million latrorse; carpels 3, connate except at base, ovule
(Tomlinson and Soderholm 1975). Hapaxanthic anatropous. Stigmatic remains basal; endosperm
shoots and rather similar flowers distinguish homogeneous. Eophyll undivided. Only one, vari-
Nannorrhops and Corypha, and Chuniophoenix able species (N. ritchiana (Griff.) Aitch.) in semi-
and Nannorrhops lack a hastula and have tubular desert areas of the Middle East (Iran, Afghanistan,
rachilla bracts. Otherwise, the genera are rather Pakistan, and Arabia).
disjunct morphologically. However, two investi-
gations using cladistic analyses of morpho-
logical and molecular characters (Uhl et al. 29. Chuniophoenix Burr.
1995, Barrow 1996) have resolved Nannorrhops, Chuniophoenix Burr., Notizb. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13:
Chuniophoenix, and Kerriodoxa in a monophyl- 583 and 582-606 (1937); Tang & Wu, Acta Phytotax. Sin.
etic group with Corypha usually in a sister posi- 15: 111-112 (1977).
tion. The subtribe is further resolved as related to
the Borasseae. Small, clustered, unarmed, pleonanthic, hermaph-
roditic or polygamodioecious. Leaves palmate,
sheath splitting, in C. hainanensis petiole split ba-
27. Corypha L. Fig. SOB sally, hastulae absent; blade deeply divided into
Corypha L., Sp. Pl.: 1187 (1753); Becc., Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard.
single to several-fold segments. Inflorescences in-
Calcutta 13: 1-356 (1931). terfoliar, spicate or branched to 2 orders, peduncu-
lar bracts several, rachilla bracts tubular. Flowers
Solitary, hapaxanthic, hermaphrodite, trees. solitary or in cincinnus of 1-7, stamens 6; anthers
Leaves costapalmate, sheath cleft below the peti- introrse; gynoecium tricarpellate, ovary with sep-
ole, petiole massive, margins toothed; blade tal nectaries basally, ovules anatropous; ovary or
divided to ca. 1/2 into single-fold, bifid segments. pollen aborting in polygamodioecious individuals.
Inflorescences above the leaves, subtended by Stigmatic remains apical. Endosperm ruminate or
leaves with reduced blades or by tubular bracts, homogeneous; embryo basal. Eophyll entire. Two
branched to the 4th order. Flowers in adnate spp., Vietnam, S China, and Hainan Island.
cincinni of up to 10; calyx tubular basally, 3-lobed;
petals basally imbricate, stamens 6, antesepalous
30. Kerriodoxa J. Dransf.
free, antepetalous adnate basally to petals; gyno-
ecium tricarpellate, syncarpous, triovulate, style Kerriodoxa J. Dransf., Principes 27: 4 (1983).
elongate, ovule hemianatropous. Fruit with basal
stigmatic remains; endosperm homogeneous. Solitary, acaulescent or erect, unarmed, pleo-
Germination remote-tubular; eophyll entire. Eight nanthic, dioecious. Leaves palmate, sheath split;
Palmae 333

adaxial hastula conspicuous, abaxial absent; blade spines; inflorescence bearing only a prophyll,
divided 1/4-1/3 into single-fold segments, dis- branching to 1 order; flowers solitary, dimorphic,
colorous. Inflorescences interfoliar; staminate endocarp membranous, seed with a deep longitu-
branched to 4 orders, pistillate to 2. Flowers in dinal furrow.
pairs on low spurs, similar; calyx with tomentose The single genus, Phoenix, is easily distin-
tubular base, 3 glabrous lobes; corolla stalklike guished from all other palms by the induplicate
basally, 3-lobed, papillose; stamens 6, anthers pinnate leaf with the lower leaflets modified as
latrorse; carpels 3 (rarely 4), connate, tips distinct; spines. The distinct carpels and relatively un-
ovule anatropous. Stigmatic remains basal. En- specialized perianth and stamens are paralleled
dosperm ruminate; embryo subbasal; germination in the apocarpous coryphoid genera of the
remote-ligular; eophyll apically lobed. Only one Corypheae. Cladistic analyses (Uhl et al. 1995; Bar-
sp., K. elegans J. Dransf., known from two locali- row 1996) do indeed resolve Phoenix as close to
ties in peninsular Thailand. the Thrinacinae and Sabalinae. A modern devel-
opmental study of the unique leaf is greatly
needed. The fossil record of the genus is extensive
ld. Subtribe Sabalinae Mart. (1837). (Harley 1996).
Most of the 12 species are plants of semiarid
Solitary, hermaphroditic, pleonanthic, unarmed; regions but grow near water courses, oases, or un-
leaves induplicate, costapalmate, carpels 3, united derground water sources; a few species are found in
throughout, with a common stylar canal. tropical monsoonal areas. P. paludosa Roxb. occurs
The occurrence of prophylls on inflorescence in the Asian perhumid regions, where it is confined
branches is useful in delimiting species. Saba[ is to the landward fringe of mangrove forest.
ditinguished from other genera with costapalmate The genus is immensely important from an
leaves by the lack of spines on the petiole and by economic point of view. Not only does it include
the split leaf bases. Formerly used for making the date palm, the major crop of several Middle
brooms and locally as a source of thatch. Many Eastern countries and of lesser importance else-
species are important ornamentals. where, but other species are widely used as a
source of fiber for weaving, starch, sugar, and a
multiplicity of things such as thatch and fuel.
31. Sabal Adanson Fig. 801, 83J-R Many species are widely grown as ornamentals.
Sabal Adanson, Families des Plantes 2: 495, 599 (1763); Zona, Phoenix roebelenii O'Brien is commercially im-
Aliso 12: 583-666 (1990). portant as a pot plant. Species are known to hy-
bridize freely.
Acaulescent or erect. Sheath split, adaxial hastula
short, abaxial hastula obscure; blade divided ca.
1/2 into single-fold bifid segments. Inflorescence 32. Phoenix L. Fig. 810,P, 84A-R
interfoliar, branching to 4 orders; peduncular Phoenix L., Sp. Pl.: 1188 (1753); Barrow, Kew Bull. (in
bracts several. Flowers solitary; calyx and corolla press).
tubular, 3-lobed; stamens 6, filaments in tube ad-
nate to corolla basally, anthers latrorse; pollen el- Solitary or clustered, pleonanthic, dioecious.
liptic, sulcate, exine finely reticulate, tectate; Leaves induplicate, pinnate; sheath fibrous;
carpels 3, completely connate, style elongate, leaflets single-fold, acute, regularly arranged or
stigma capitate, ovule anatropous. Stigmatic scar grouped, proximal modified as spines (acantho-
basal; endosperm homogeneous, postament shal- phylls). Inflorescences interfoliar, branching to 1
low; embryo lateral. Germination remote-ligular; order, the staminate and pistillate similar; pedun-
eophyll entire. Sixteen spp. One of the larger cular bracts absent. Flowers solitary, staminate
coryphoid genera confined to the central Western sepals connate, petals 3, valvate, stamens usually
hemisphere from Colombia to northeastern 6 (rarely 3 or 9), pollen elliptic or circular, sulcate,
Mexico and the southeastern United States. exine reticulate, tectate; pistillate flowers globose;
sepals connate; petals imbricate, staminodes 6,
carpels 3, distinct, follicular, ovule anatropous.
2. Tribe Phoeniceae Drude (1881). Endosperm homogeneous; embryo lateral or
subbasal. Germination remote-tubular; eophyll
Dioecious, leaves pinnate, induplicate, leaflets undivided. Twelve spp., Atlantic islands through
with acute tips, proximal leaflets modified as Africa, Crete, the Middle East, and India to
334 Palmae

Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, Sumatra, and


3. Tribe Borasseae Mart. (1837).

Dioecious; leaves palmate or costapalmate, in-

duplicate; staminate and sometimes pistillate
flowers borne in deep pits formed by connation
and adnation of rachilla bracts; staminate flowers
rarely solitary, usually in cincinni; stamens ex-
serted from pits by elongation of receptacle;
pistillate flowers solitary, bibracteolate; fruit 1-3-
seeded with thick hard endocarp, usually with an
apical pore.
The eight genera of Borasseae are confined to
the Old World. The tribe is divisible into two ap-
parently natural subtribes. The constant dioecy,
the staminate flowers in pits in catkinlike
rachillae, and fruits with well-developed endocarp
are characteristic features. Cladistic analyses us-
ing morphological and molecular datasets have
resolved this tribe as monophyletic (Uhl et al.
1995; Barrow 1996).



1. Staminate and pistillate inflorescences dissimilar; stami-

nate flower clusters concealed in pits; bracteoles subtending
staminate flowers not bearing tufts of hairs; pistillate
flowers sessile in the axils of large leathery bracts; fruit
sessile, symmetrical, 1-3-seeded, endocarp forming
pyrenes, stigmatic remains apical (subtribe Lataniinae) 2
- Staminate and pistillate inflorescences similar; flowers of
both sexes sunken in pits; bracteoles subtending flowers
bearing tufts of hairs; fruit stalked, usually 1-seeded, if 2-3-
seeded, lobed, pyrenes not formed; stigmatic and carpellary
remain basal (subtribe Hyphaeninae) 5
2. Staminate flowers solitary or in cincinni of 2-6 flowers 3
- Staminate flowers numerous, in cincinni of 30-60 4
3. Bracts of staminate inflorescence imbricate at the margins;
pistillode nipplelike; pyrenes densely hairy with thick, in-
ternally ridged walls; seed grooved to conform to the ridges.
Fig. 84A-Q. Palmae-Coryphoideae. A-N Phoenix dactylifera. Malay Peninsula, Borneo 33. Borassodendron
A Habit showing basal suckers and infructescences. B Stami- - Bracts of the staminate inflorescence connate at the mar-
nate inflorescence bearing 2-keeled prophyll and branching to gins; pistil!ode columnar, prominent; pyrenes not hairy, but
1 order only. C Staminate rachilla bearing solitary flowers. D thin, ridged, sculptured, or apically 3-lobed; seed not
Pistillate rachilla bearing solitary flowers. E Staminate flower grooved. Mascarene Islands 34. Latania
bud. F Staminate flower in section, showing pistillode. G Pis- 4. Staminate rachillae several, wide; stamens 6; pyrenes not
tillate flower. H Apocarpous gynoecium. I Same in cross- deeply bilobed; seeds usually 3, wider than thick, shallowly
section at level of ovules. J Fruit. K Fruit in vertical section. to deeply bilobed. Africa, Madagascar, Arabia, India to New
L Seed in ventral and M dorsal view. N Seed in cross-section at Guinea and Australia 35. Borassus
level of embryo. 0 P. reclinata, crown showing leaves with - Staminate rachillae only 1 or 2, very wide; stamens 15-18;
basal acanthophylls and interfoliar inflorescences. P P. pyrenes deeply bilobed, very thick; seed usually 1(-3), very
canariensis, detail of stem with spirally arranged leaf scars. large, deeply bilobed. Seychelles Islands 36. Lodoicea
Q Phoenix sylvestris, stem with scars from incisions on the leaf 5. Endocarp conspicuously winged and crested, with a con-
sheaths for drawing sugary sap. (Takhtajan 1982) spicuous vertical crest, the endocarp lacking an apical
pore and the 2 halves of the endocarp partially separating,
allowing the cotyledonary sheath to emerge; endosperm
ruminate. Madagascar. 40. Satranala
Palmae 335

- Endocarp only faintly ridged if at all, with an apical pore; 35. Borassus L.
endosperm homogeneous or ruminate 6
6. Seed deeply grooved. Madagascar 39. Bismarckia Borassus L., Sp. Pl.: 1187 (1753); Becc., Palmae della Tribu
- Seed not grooved 7 Borasseae (ed. U. Martelli) (1924).
7. Fruit various in shape, distally expanded, often shouldered,
usually asymmetrical, rarely ovoid or spherical; seed irregu- Armed. Leaves costapalmate; adaxial hastula
lar with endosperm homogeneous. Africa, Madagascar,
Arabia, India 37. Hyphaene
large, abaxial low; blade suborbicular to flabellate,
- Fruit ovoid; seed with endosperm ruminate. Egypt and divided to 1/2 into single-fold bifid segments.
Sudan 38. Medemia Staminate inflorescence branched to 2 orders; pits
with reflexed cincinni of ca. 30 flowers; stamens
6; pollen elliptic, sulcate, with verrucate, tectate
3a. Subtribe Lataniinae Meisner {1842). exine, finely reticulate between the warts. Pistillate
inflorescence with 0-1 branch; ovule atropous.
Solitary; staminate and pistillate rachillae dissimi- Fruit 1-3-seeded; endocarp internally ridged. Seed
lar; pistillate flowers sessile, not borne in well- bilobed; endosperm homogeneous. Eophyll
defined pits; pits in staminate rachillae lacking undivided. Seven spp. recognized, but probably
hairs; fruit unlobed, with 1-3 pyrenes and seeds; only three or four to be maintained, Africa,
stigmatic remains apical. Madagascar, northeastern Arabia, through India
and SE Asia to New Guinea and Australia.
33. Borassodendron Becc.
Borassodendron Becc., Webbia 4: 359 (1914); Dransfield,
36. Lodoicea Comm. Fig. 85A-O
Reinwardtia 8: 351-363 (1972). Lodoicea Comm. ex DC., Bull. Sci. Soc. Philomatique 2(46):
171 (1800); Bailey, Gentes Herb. 6(1): 3-48 (1942).
Unarmed. Leaves costapalmate; adaxial hastula
large, abaxial absent; blade with multifold seg- Unarmed. Leaves costapalmate, juvenile
ments, divided to 1/4-2/3 into single-fold bifid diamond-shaped; hastulae absent; blade divided
segments. Staminate inflorescence branched to 2 to 1/4-1/3 into single-fold bifid segments. Stami-
orders; rachilla pits, each containing a cincinnus nate inflorescence unbranched or 2-3 rachillae;
of 2-6 flowers; stamens 6-15; pollen circular, 60-70 flowers in recurved cincinni in pits; stamens
monoporate or sulcate, exine coarsely reticulate, 17-22; pollen sulcate, with foveolate, tectate exine;
tectate. Pistillate inflorescence with 0-4 branches; pistillate inflorescence unbranched; staminodial
staminodes with empty anthers. Fruit 3-seeded; tips to 11. Fruit very large 1( -3) seeded. Seed larg-
endocarp internally ridged. Seed grooved; en- est known, bilobed; endosperm homogeneous.
dosperm homogeneous. Eophyll palmate. Two Eophyll lobed. Only one species (L. maldivica
spp., B. machadonis (Ridl.) Becc. in southern (Gmelin) Pers.), Seychelles Islands.
Thailand and northern Malaya, B. borneense J.
Dransf. in Borneo.
3b. Subtribe Hyphaeninae Becc. {1924).
34. Latania Comm. ex Juss. Solitary or sometimes clustered in Hyphaene.
Latania Comm. ex Juss., Genera Pl.: 39 (1789); Moore & Staminate and pistillate rachillae similar; pistillate
Gueho, Gentes Herb. 12(1): 1-16 (1984). flowers pedicellate; pits of both sexes filled with
hairs; fruit 1-seeded or 2-3-seeded and then 2-3-
Mostly unarmed. Leaves costapalmate; adaxial lobed; stigmatic remains basal or central between
hastula short, abaxial absent; blade divided to 1/3- the lobes.
1/2 into single-fold bifid segments. Staminate The four genera of this subtribe are closely
inflorescence with 1-14 rachillae; flowers solitary related. Bismarckia is endemic to Madagascar,
in pits; stamens 15-30 or more; pollen ::±:: elliptic, Hyphaene is widely distributed in Africa,
sulcate, with foveolate-fossulate, tectate exine; Madagascar, and Arabia with one or possibly two
pistillate inflorescence with fewer branches; species just reaching the Indian subcontinent;
staminodes 6-9. Fruit 3-(1-2) seeded. Pyrenes Medemia has been rediscovered in the Sudan, and
sculptured. Seed smooth; endosperm homoge- Satranala was recently found in Madagascar. The
neous. Eophyll digitate. Three spp., Mascarene genera differ largely in details of the fruits.
Islands. Pyrenes are not formed; epicarp, mesocarp, and
endocarp develop more or less separately, result-
ing in a lobed fruit if more than one carpel rna-
336 Palmae


Fig. 85A-O. Palmae-Coryphoideae. A-0 Lodoicea maldivica. tures. In Bismarckia, the endocarp is irregularly
A Habit. B Detail of crown of staminate plant showing split ridged and pitted within and the endosperm is
leaf bases and staminate inflorescence with peduncular bract.
C Surface of staminate rachilla showing bracts and staminate homogeneous; in Medemia the endocarp is not
flowers emerging at anthesis. D Vertical section of cincinnus ridged but the endosperm is ruminate, while in
of staminate flowers. E Staminate flower at an thesis. F Stamen Hyphaene the fruits have unridged endocarps and
in dorsal view. G Staminate flower in section showing the homogeneous endosperm.
elongate receptacle and united filaments. H Detail of crown of
pistillate tree. I Tip of pistillate rachilla. J Pistillate flower with
imbricate sepals and petals and large pistil. K Fruit. L Pyrene. 37. Hyphaene J. Gaertn. Fig. 80E
M Pyrene and seed in longitudinal section, showing hollow
endosperm. N Germinating seed with emerging cotyledonary Hyphaene J. Gaertn., De Fructibus 1: 28 (1788}; Becc., Palme
sheath. 0 Seedling. (Takhtajan 1982) della Tribu Borasseae (1924}.

Stem dichotomously branched, rarely un-

branched. Leaves costapalmate; petioles spiny,
Palmae 337

adaxial hastula large, abaxial absent; blade divided in each pit; pollen ellipsoid, sulcate, with coarsely
to 1/3 into single-fold bifid segments. Staminate rugulate-fossulate, tectate exine. Fruit globose,
inflorescences with 1-6 rachillae, pistillate with endocarp woody with broad anastomosing
1-3; staminate flowers 3 in each pit; pistillate flanges, endosperm ruminate. Eophyll palmate.
solitary; stamens 6; pollen ± elliptic, sulcate, with Only one sp., S. decussilvae Beentje & J. Dransf.,
verrucate, tectate exine, finely reticulate between east coast rainforest of Madagascar.
the warts; staminodes 6-9. Fruit variable, borne on
enlarged pedicel. Seed smooth; endosperm homo-
geneous. Eophyll simple. Probably only about ten II. Subfamily Calamoideae Griff. (1844).
spp., drier parts of Africa southwards to Natal,
Madagascar, Red Sea and Gulf of Eilat coasts, Frequently fiercely armed; leaves pinnate, pin-
coastal Arabia, and west coast of India. nately ribbed or palmate, reduplicate; inflores-
cence frequently displaying adnation, bracts of all
orders almost always tubular; flowers almost al-
38. Medemia Wi.irttemb. ex H. Wendl. ways borne in dyads or dyad derivatives; ovary
Medemia Wiirttemb. ex H. Wend!., Bot. Zeit. 39: 90,93 (1881}; and fruit covered in reflexed scales, usually ar-
Gibbons & Spanner, Principes 40: 65-74 (1996}. ranged in neat vertical rows; ovary incompletely
trilocular, ovules basal, anatropous, with the
Sparsely armed. Leaves costa palmate; hastulae ab- micropyles facing center of the gynoecium;
sent; blade divided to 2/3 into single-fold bifid stigmatic remains apical, pericarp usually thin
segments. Staminate inflorescences with 1-7 at maturity, endocarp not differentiated (except
rachillae, pistillate with 1; staminate flowers 3 in in Eugeissona); seeds 1-3, usually with thick
each pit; pistillate solitary; stamens 6; pollen ellip- sarcotesta.
tic, sulcate, with areolate, tectate exine. Fruit The subfamily includes the largest palm genus,
ovoid or 2-lobed, pedicellate. Seed smooth; en- Calamus. Four genera (Raphia, Mauritia,
dosperm ruminate. Eophyll simple. One or two Mauritiella, and Lepidocaryum) occur in the New
spp., Egyptian Nubia and northeastern Sudan. World, while the rest (including Raphia) occur in
the Old World. Members of the subfamily are im-
mediately distinguishable by the presence of re-
39. Bismarckia Hildebrandt & H. Wendl. flexed scales on the pericarp. The scales are usually
Bismarckia Hildebrandt & H. Wend!., Bot. Zeit. 39: 90, 93 arranged in neat rows that come to mimic
(1881}; Becc., Palme della Tribu Borasseae (1924). orthostichies and parastachies of a phyllotactic
spiral, thereby misleading some workers in the
Unarmed. Leaves costapalmate; adaxial hastula past to regard them as being foliar organs. How-
large; abaxial absent; blade divided to 1/4-1/3 into ever, they are clearly epidermal emergences and
single-fold bifid segments. Inflorescences with 3- are produced basipetally in the developing ovary.
7-1 rachillae, pistillate fewer; staminate flowers 3 The tricarpellate, triovulate syncarpous gyno-
in each pit; pistillate solitary; stamens 6; pollen ecium has incomplete partitions and the anatro-
elliptic, sulcate, with areolate, tectate exine; ovule pous ovules are basally attached. Spines are
atropous. Fruit ovoid or 2-lobed, pedicellate, abundant but are restricted to leaves or other
endo-carp flanged, endosperm homogeneous foliar organs, apart from root spines, that are
grooved to match. Eophyll simple. Only one sp., B. present in Eugeissona and Mauritiella. There are
nobilis Hildebrandt & H. Wendl., drier parts of many climbing members of the group, and several
Madagascar. different features are associated with the climbing
habit. In particular, barbed whiplike structures
have evolved, providing means of support for the
40. Satranala J. Dransf. & Beentje flexible stems. These may be extensions of the leaf
Satranala J. Dransf. & Beentje, Kew Bull. 50: 67 (1995} and 59: rachis (cirri), armed with reflexed epidermal emer-
85-92 (1995}. gences and/or acanthophylls (modified leaflets) or
sterile inflorescences (flagella). There is extraordi-
Leaves costapalmate; petiole toothed distally; nary diversity in pollen structure. All recent phylo-
adaxial hastula present; abaxial absent; blade genetic analyses have confirmed the monophyletic
divided to 1/4-1/3 into single-fold bifid segments. nature of the subfamily. However, the arrange-
Staminate inflorescence with partial inflores- ment of genera presented by Uhl and Dransfield
cences, bearing 3-9 rachillae; staminate flowers 3 ( 1987), that forms the basis of the present account,
338 Palmae

will almost certainly require modification (W.J. 10. Pistillate rachillae bearing dyads of one pistillate flower
Baker and J. Dransfield, in prep). together with a sterile staminate flower (very rarely 2 pis-
tillate and 1 sterile staminate); staminate rachillae bearing
fertile staminate flowers, singly or in pairs 11
KEY TO THE GENERA OF THE CALAMOIDEAE - Pistillate rachillae bearing solitary flowers; staminate
flowers solitary or paired 17
1. Leaves pinnate or, rarely, simply forked but with pinnate 11. Acaulescent, hapaxanthic palm; rachillae catkinlike in
venation (Calameae) 2 both sexes; staminate flowers borne in pairs; seed with
- Leaves palmate with usually numerous reduplicate seg- conspicuous wide chalaza! pit and adherent sarcotesta.
ments (Lepidocaryeae) 21 Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo
2. Flowers hermaphroditic, borne singly or in dyads or triads 46. Eleiodoxa
(climbing palms) 3 - Acaulescent or climbing, hapaxanthic or pleonanthic
- Polygamous, monoecious, or dioecious palms (climbing, palms. Rachillae very rarely catkinlike, if so, then not in
acaulescent or treelike palms) 5 both sexes; staminate flowers borne singly 12
3. Pleonanthic rattan; rachilla bracts minute, incomplete; 12. Entire inflorescence enclosed within the prophyll 13
floral bracteoles absent; corolla tubular, very thick, with 3 - Inflorescence not enclosed within the prophyll, or
short lobes; filaments united in a fleshy epipetalous ring. prophyll sheathing only the base of the inflorescence 15
Africa 42. Eremospatha 13. Prophyll opening by a pair of pores near the apex, splitting
- Hapaxanthic rattans; rachilla bracts conspicuous, com- along its length only after anthesis or accidentally. Malay
plete or incomplete; floral bracteoles present (but in Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo 52. Ceratolobus
Korthalsia concealed by hairs); corolla coriaceous, tubular - Prophyll splitting along its length at anthesis 14
at the base, with 3 boat -shaped lobes; filaments not united 14. Prophyll much larger than any other inflorescence bract;
in a fleshy ring 4 two erect earlike appendages (auricles) present at the
4. Flowers in dyads, rarely in triads; rachilla bracts disti- mouth of the leaf sheath; climbing whips absent; en-
chous, not filled with hairs; leaflets linear-lanceolate, dosperm homogeneous. Malay Peninsula, Borneo
entire. Africa 41. Laccosperma 51. Pogonotium
- Flowers solitary; rachilla bracts spiral, forming a tight - Prophyll enclosing a series of similar rachis bracts, but
catkin, usually filled with hairs; leaflets lanceolate to with their tips enfolded in the beak of the prophyll;
broad, diamond-shaped, praemorse. SE Asia and Malesia auricles absent; cirrus almost always present; endosperm
45. Korthalsia ruminate. India to New Guinea 48. Daemonorops
5. Polygamous palms; flowers borne in dyads of 1 hermaph- (subgenus Daemonorops)
roditic and 1 staminate 6 15. Prophyll and rachis bracts splitting along their lengths to
- Monoecious or dioecious palms 7 the very base, usually neatly falling at an thesis except for
6. Flowers very large, borne in a tight cupule of 7-11 overlap- the prophyll which may persist long after anthesis; floral
ping bracts; petals woody, sharply pointed; stamens 20-70. bracteoles usually low, often rather inconspicuous; en-
Fruit ovoid, beaked, covered with minute scales; mesocarp dosperm always ruminate. India to New Guinea
fibrous; endocarp thick, woody, with 6 or 12 internal lon- 48. Daemonorops (subgenus Piptospatha)
gitudinal flanges penetrating the seed. Malay Peninsula - Prophyll and rachis bracts strictly tubular, or, if splitting,
and Borneo 43. Eugeissona then persistent and with a tubular base; floral bracteoles
- Flowers small, each pair borne in the axil of a rachilla bract inconspicuous to conspicuous; endosperm ruminate or
filled with hairs; petals neither woody nor spine-tipped; homogeneous 16
stamens 6. Fruit rounded, with large scales, not beaked; 16. Short, stout rattan palm without climbing whips; inflores-
mesocarp thick, sparsely fibrous; endocarp lacking. cence very short with prophyll in normal position, rachis
Papuasia 44. Metroxylon bracts tubular only at the base, expanded, elongate, and
7. Monoecious palms 8 abruptly narrowed to a spiny beak, inserted distichously at
- Dioecious palms 9 right angles to the prophyll; fruit usually 3-seeded; en-
8. Climbing; flowers borne in clusters of ca. 5-11 in the axils dosperm homogeneous. Malay Peninsula 50. Calospatha
of overlapping distichous bracts, the central 1 or 3 pistil- - Acaulescent to high-climbing rattans or thicket-forming
late, the rest staminate in 2 lateral cincinni. Fruit small, shrubs, cirri or flagella usually present; inflorescence short
covered with small scales. Africa 59. Oncocalamus to very long with strictly tubular bracts, or if bracts ex-
- Massive acaulescent or tree palms; flowers solitary, each in panded, then not abruptly beaked; fruit usually 1-seeded,
the axil of a rachilla bract, the proximal on the rachillae very rarely 3-seeded; endosperm homogeneous or rumi-
pistillate accompanied by 2 bracteoles, the distal staminate nate. Africa to the Pacific 49. Calamus
accompanied by 1 bracteole, very rarely odd dyads present 17. Very tall, pleonanthic, tree palm; leaf sheaths bearing
at the transition from staminate to pistillate. Fruit very combs of slender, soft bristlelike spines; rachillae numer-
large with few large scales. Africa, Madagascar, Central ous, very slender, well exserted from conspicuous sub-
America, and northern S America 58. Raphia tending bracts, densely tomentose, rachilla bracts and
9. Pleonanthic, acaulescent; inflorescences short, in bud bracteoles mostly obscured by hairs; fruit very small,
enclosed within the subtending leaf sheath, at anthesis scarcely exceeding 1 em. Sulawesi to New Guinea
emerging from a vertical groove on the abaxial surface of 57. Pigafetta
the sheath, terminal leaflets compound, or the whole leaf - Pleonanthic or hapaxanthic, rattan palms, usually fiercely
flabellate; rachillae of both sexes catkinlike. SE Asia to W armed; rachillae if slender, then without tomentum, or
Malesia 47. Salacca enclosed by subtending bracts; fruit at maturity usually at
- Acaulescent, tree or climbing; inflorescences not emerging least 1.5 em wide 18
from a vertical groove on abaxial surface of sheath; termi- 18. Pleonanthic palm, briefly climbing but lacking climbing
nalleaflets usually single-fold; rachillae catkinlike or not whips; inflorescence bracts distichous, fibrous, netlike,
10 obscuring the rachillae. Borneo 53. Retispatha
Palmae 339

- Hapaxanthic palms, usually high-climbing, cirri present; 41. Laccosperma (G. Mann & H. Wendl.) Drude
inflorescence bracts not netlike 19
19. First-order inflorescence branches pendulous, bearing Laccosperma (G. Mann & H. Wendl.) Drude, Bot. Zeit. 35:632,
strictly distichous, conspicuous, overlapping or not, boat- 635 (1877); Dransf., Kew Bull. 37: 455-457 (1982).
shaped bracts, often completely enclosing the rachillae; Calamus subgenus Laccosperma G. Mann & H. Wendl. (1864).
rachilla bracts obscure (except in monstrous forms);
staminate flowers borne in pairs. Himalayas to Bali Hapaxanthic. Sheath spiny; ocrea split opposite
56. Plectocomia
- First-order inflorescence branches pendulous or not, bear- leaf, petiole present, leaflets entire. Inflorescence
ing bracts scarcely differentiated from other inflorescence prophyll enclosed within sheath; peduncular
bracts, not obscuring rachillae; rachilla bracts conspicu- bracts 1-3; rachis exceeding peduncle; rachis- and
ous; staminate flowers borne singly 20 rachilla-bracts distichous, tubular. Flower with
20. Leaf sheath without an ocrea; inflorescences of both sexes
diffusely branched, usually to 3 orders; flowers with mem-
calyx stalklike basally, distally 3-lobed; petals 3,
branous perianth whorls; anthers borne on long, fine, basally connate; stamens 6, filaments distinct, an-
inflexed filaments, pendulous from the lobes of the thers medifixed, oblong, latrorse; pollen sulcate,
androecial ring; fruit covered with innumerable, minute, exine reticulate, tectate. Fruit 1-3 seeded. Seed
irregularly arranged scales. Indochina to Malay Peninsula subbasally attached, ovoid, laterally flattened, or
and Sumatra 54. Myrialepis
- Leaf sheath bearing an ocrea, sometimes disintegrating;
rounded, deeply scalloped, with lateral pit, em-
inflorescences of both sexes branching to 2 orders only, bryo lateral. Seven spp., W Africa and Congo
very rarely diffusely branched to 3 orders; flowers with Basin.
thick coriaceous perianth whorls; anthers sessile, pendu-
lous from the tips of the lobes of the androecial ring; fruit
covered in large, regularly arranged scales. Thailand, 42. Eremospatha (G. Mann & H. Wendl.)
Burma, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo H. Wendl.
55. Plectocomiopsis
21. Slender, unarmed, clustered, undergrowth palms; leaf Eremospatha (G. Mann & H. Wend!.) H. Wend!. in Kerchove,
usually irregularly divided into 1-several-fold segments; Les Palmiers: 244 (1878).
rachillae short and compressed; staminate flowers in Calamus subgenus Eremospatha G. Mann & H. Wend!. (1864).
dyads borne distichously on the rachillae. S America
- Moderate to robust, solitary or clustered, armed or un- Pleonanthic. Sheath unarmed; ocrea truncate;
armed palms; leaf regularly divided into single-fold seg- petiole absent at maturity. Leaflets praemorse
ments; staminate rachillae and sometimes pistillate or abruptly narrowed, linear to rhomboid, spiny
rachillae catkinlike, bearing spirally arranged flowers, margined, proximal leaflets straplike, reflexed. In-
singly or in pairs 22
22. Moderate, clustered palms with spiny stems; pistillate
florescence with bracts inconspicuous through-
flowers borne on short catkinlike branches; staminate out; prophyll and peduncular bracts absent; rachis
flowers solitary in the axil of each rachilla bract. S America bracts low, triangular; rachillae distichous. Flow-
61. Mauritiella ers with coriaceous, 3-lobed calyx, corolla coria-
- Massive, solitary palms with unarmed stems; pistillate ceous, with 3 short, lobes, remaining approximate;
flowers very few or single, borne on scarcely catkinlike
branches; staminate flowers borne in dyads. S America stamens 6, in a fleshy, epipetalous ring, anthers
60. Mauritia enclosed, medifixed, latrorse; pollen elliptic, sul-
cate, exine foveolate, tectate. Fruit 1-3-seeded.
Seed subbasally attached, embryo lateral. Twelve
1. Tribe Calameae Drude (1881). spp. (but probably fewer), W Africa, the Congo
Basin, and eastward to Tanzania.
Erect, acaulescent or climbing, usually hapax-
anthic, hermaphroditic, polygamous, monoecious
or dioecious palms; leaves reduplicate, pinnate. lb. Subtribe Eugeissoninae Becc. (1918).

Caespitose hapaxanthic, polygamous, densely

la. Subtribe Ancistrophyllinae Becc. (1918). spiny, acaulescent or tree palms; leaves pinnate;
inflorescence erect, compound, composed of axil-
Caespitose climbers, leaves cirrate, the cirrus lary inflorescences, each branched to 4 orders;
bearing acanthophylls, sheath tubular, ocrea pre- branches terminating in a cupule of 11-13 bracts,
sent, knee absent; inflorescence branched to 1 proximal 5 tubular, rest open enclosing a single
order; flowers paired, sometimes solitary, her- flower pair, consisting of a large staminate and
maphroditic; stigma pyramidal; mesocarp fleshy, lateral to it a large hermaphroditic flower, stami-
sweet, endocarp absent; .endosperm homoge- nate appearing first, then pushed out of cupule by
neous; germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid. developing hermaphrodite; stamens numerous;
340 Palmae

stigma pyramidal with 3 glandular angles; peri- Solitary or caespitose, hapaxanthic or pleon-
carp with numerous irregular scales; mesocarp anthic, polygamous trees. Leaflets single-fold, lin-
corky and fibrous at maturity, endocarp develop- ear, entire. Inflorescences branched to 2 orders;
ing from a layer external to the locule wall, dark rachilla bracts enclosing dyads of a staminate
brown to blackish, thick, with 3 + 3, or 3 + 3 + 6 and a similar hermaphroditic flower. Staminate
flanges penetrating fruit cavity, forming sym- flowers opening before hermaphroditic; calyx tu-
metrical, incomplete partitions; germination bular, 3-lobed; corolla 3-lobed; stamens 6, anthers
remote-ligular. medifixed, latrorse; pollen disulcate, exine tectate;
The single genus has no obvious close relatives. pistillode conical. Hermaphroditic flowers as
The dyad of a hermaphroditic and a staminate staminate. Fruit rounded, 1-seeded, mesocarp
flower is found elsewhere only in Metroxylon but dry, endocarp absent. Seed globose, invaginated
there is almost nothing else to link the two genera. apically, sarcotesta thin, endosperm homoge-
Eugeissona is best regarded as having arisen prob- neous; embryo basal. Germination adjacent-
ably rather early in the differentiation of the ligular; eophyll bifid or pinnate. About eight
Calamoideae. The flowers are among the largest in spp., native to E Malesia and W Pacific Islands;
the palms. one sp., M. sagu Rottb., thought to be native to
New Guinea and the Moluccas, now widespread
and naturalized throughout the SE Asian region.
43. Eugeissona Griff.
Eugeissona Griff., Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 5: 101 (1844); J. Dransf.,
Studies in Malayan Palms Eugeissona and Johannes- 45. Korthalsia Bl.
teijsmannia (1970).
Korthalsia Bl., Rumphia 2: 166 ("1836") (1843); J. Dransf., Kew
Bull. 36: 163-194 (1981).
Stem subterranean, erect, or borne on stilt roots.
Leaflets single-fold, entire, concolorous. Stami- Hapaxanthic caespitose climbers. Leaves cirrate;
nate flowers symmetrical with short pedicel; calyx knee absent; ocrea present, various; leaflets single-
tubular, 3-lobed; corolla tubular basally, distally fold, linear to rhomboid, praemorse, often dis-
with 3 elongate, woody, valvate, spine-tipped colorous. Inflorescences branching to 1-2 orders;
lobes; stamens 20-70, filaments short, anthers rachilla bracts subtending a single hermaphro-
elongate, basifixed, latrorse, deciduous; pollen ditic protandrous flower. Calyx tubular, 3-lobed;
sulcate, with rugulate to reticulate, tectate exine; corolla exceeding calyx, tubular basally, 3-lobed;
pistillode minute. Hermaphroditic flowers with stamens 6-9; pollen sulcate, monoporate, me-
asymmetrical tips, protandrous, sessile; ovary co- ridionosulcate, disulcate, or diporate, exine in-
lumnar. Fruit ovoid, beaked. Seed single, filling tectate, spiny. Fruit 1-seeded, mesocarp fleshy,
fruit cavity; seed coat thin, dry; endosperm homo- endocarp absent. Seed with thin testa, endosperm
geneous; embryo basal; eophyll pinnate. Six spp., homogeneous or ruminate, with conspicuous pit;
Malay Peninsula and Borneo. embryo lateral. Germination adjacent; eophyll un-
divided or bifid, praemorse. About 26 spp., cen-
lc. Subtribe Metroxylinae Bl. (1843). tered on the perhumid areas of the Sunda Shelf
with outliers north as far as Indochina, Burma,
Hapaxanthic or very rarely pleonanthic trees or and the Andaman Islands, and south-eastward to
climbers; leaves pinnate; flowers solitary, her- Celebes and New Guinea.
maphroditic, or borne in dyads of 1 staminate and
1 hermaphroditic, in spirally arranged pits on
cylindrical catkinlike rachillae; ovary with coni- ld. Subtribe Calaminae Meisner (1842).
cal style with 3 stigmatic angles; germination
adjacent -ligular. Hapaxanthic (rarely) or pleonanthic, dioecious,
The two genera of this subtribe are very unlike acaulescent or climbing; leaves pinnate, or entire-
in habit but share similar rachilla form. bifid and pinnately ribbed; cirri, where present,
lacking acanthophylls; sheaths in climbing species
usually with a well-defined knee; inflorescences
44. Metroxylon Rottb. Fig. 82E, 86A-V axillary, frequently adnate to internode and
Metroxylon Rottb., Nye Samling af det Kongelige Danske sheath of next leaf; staminate inflorescence with
Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter 2: 527 ( 1783 ), nom. cons.; paired or solitary flowers; pistillate inflorescence
Rauwerdinck, Principes 30: 165-180 (1986). bearing dyads of a sterile staminate flower and
Palmae 341

Fig. 86A-V. Palmae-Calamoideae. A- D Metroxylon sagu. A hermaphroditic flower. L Staminate flower. M Staminate
Compound suprafoliar inflorescence. B Single inflorescence, flower in longitudinal section, showing united filaments and
branching to 2 orders, with basal2-lobed prophyll and tubular pistillode. N Hermaphroditic flower in longitudinal section. 0
peduncular and rachis bracts, a rachilla, b first-order branch. Stamen, ventral view. P Same, dorsal view. Q Pistil. R Same,
C Juvenile plant of spiny form. D Fruit, showing reflexed peri- longitudinal section. S Same, cross-section at level of ovules.
carp scales. E- J M. vitiense. E Single inflorescence showing T, U M. salomonense. T Habit, showing hapaxanthy and pen-
basal prophyll. F Part of first-order branch with catkinlike dulous rachillae. U Detail of leaf sheaths with grouped spines.
rachillae. G Detail of base of rachilla. H, I Seed. J Seed in V M. amicarum, pleonanthic habit, inflorescences interfoliar.
vertical section, showing embryo and large hollow in en- (Takhtajan 1982)
dosperm. K-T M. warburgii. K Dyad of a staminate and a
342 Palmae

pistillate flower (except in Salacca sect. Leio- Eophyll bifid. About 20 spp., Burma and China to
salacca and Retispatha); ovary with large, fleshy Borneo and Java, several species cultivated for
recurved stigmas; mesocarp thin; endocarp ab- their fruit.
sent; sarcotesta well developed. Germination
adjacent-ligular. 48. Daemonorops Bl. Fig. 82I
The eight genera, all dioecious, have their center
of distribution in SE Asia, though Calamus itself is Daemonorops Bl. in J.A. & J.H. Schultes, Syst. Veg. 7: 1333
very widely dispersed outside this area. Recent (1830); Becc., Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 12(1): 1-237
work by Baker and Dransfield suggests that
Salacca and Eleiodoxa may be misplaced with the
other genera, and Calamus itself may need to be Acaulescent or climbing, hapaxanthic or pleon-
divided into several different groups, probably at anthic. Leaves usually cirrate, knee usually
the generic level. present, leaflets single-fold, entire, concolorous.
Staminate inflorescence branched to 3 orders,
pistillate to 2, otherwise similar; prophyll con-
46. Eleiodoxa (Becc.) Burr. spicuous, 2-keeled, sometimes enclosing entire
Eleiodoxa (Becc.) Burr., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Bertin- inflorescence, splitting longitudinally; other pri-
Dahlem 15: 733 (1942). mary bracts as prophyll, included in prophyll and
Salacca section Eleiodoxa Becc. (1918). persistent (sect. Daemonorops), or exceeding
prophyll and caducous (sect. Piptospatha); flowers
Acaulescent, caespitose, hapaxanthic. Leaves pin- distichous, staminate flowers solitary, calyx much
nate; leaflets single-fold, entire, concolorous. In- shorter than corolla; stamens 6, anthers elongate,
florescences crowded into a head borne among introrse; pollen disulcate or diporate, intectate or
leaf bases, staminate and pistillate superficially tectate; pistillode short. Pistillate flower much
similar, branching to 1 order; rachillae cylindri- larger than staminate. Fruit 1-seeded. Endosperm
cal catkinlike, bearing spirally arranged bracts. ruminate, embryo basal. Eophyll bifid or pinnate.
Staminate flowers paired, embedded among hairs; About 115 spp., India and S. China to New Guinea.
stamens 6, anthers elongate, introrse; pollen ellip-
tic, diporate, exine smooth, perforate; pistillode
absent. Pistillate flower larger than staminate; 49. Calamus L. Fig. 80L
staminodes 6. Fruit irregularly rounded; seed with Calamus L., Sp. Pl. 325 (1753); Becc., Ann Roy. Bot. Gard.
thick adherent sarcotesta; endosperm homoge- Calcutta 11: 1-518 (1908) and Suppl. 11 (App): 1-142
neous, with pit at apex; embryo basal. Eophyll (1913).
bifid. Only one sp., E. conferta (Griff.) Burr.,
Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, S Thailand, and Acaulescent, erect or climbing, pleonanthic.
Borneo. Leaves cirrate or ecirrate, knee usually present;
leaflets single-fold, linear to rhomboid, entire
or rarely praemorse, concolorous or discolorous.
47. Salacca Reinw. Fig. 80J Climbing whip (flagellum) sometimes present.
Salacca Reinw., Nov. Pl. Ind. Gen., in Sylloge Plantarum Staminate inflorescence branched to 3 orders, pis-
Novarum 2: 3 (1826) ("1828"). tillate to 2; prophyll strictly tubular, persistent;
Lophospatha Burr. (1942). other primary bracts as prophyll; flowers disti-
chous or rarely spiral. Staminate flowers solitary,
Acaulescent, caespitose, pleonanthic. Leaves pin- calyx much shorter than corolla; stamens 6 (rarely
nate or entire-bifid; leaflets single-fold, except for 12), anthers elongate, latrorse; pollen disulcate,
compound terminal segments, concolorous or tectate, reticulate; pistillode short. Pistillate flower
discolorous, entire, acuminate. Inflorescences ax- much larger than staminate. Fruit 1-3-seeded.
illary, emerging from a cleft in abaxial surface of Endosperm homogeneous or ruminate; embryo
subtending petiole, spicate or branched to 1 or 2 basal or lateral. Eophyll bifid or pinnate. About
orders; rachillae catkinlike. Staminate flowers 400 spp., one in equatorial Africa, the rest from
paired; stamens 6, epipetalous, anthers short, in- India and S China to Fiji and Australia.
trorse; pollen elliptic, meridionosulcate, exine
tectate, perforate with supratectal spinules. Pistil-
late flower larger than staminate. Fruit irregular; 50. Calospatha Becc.
epicarp scales smooth or with recurved spinelike Calospatha Becc., Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 12(1): 232
tips; endosperm homogeneous; embryo basal. (1911); Dransfield, Man. Ratt. Malay Peninsula (1979).
Palmae 343

Short-climbing, pleonanthic. Leaves ecirrate, knee 53. Retispatha J. Dransf.

present; leaflets single-fold, linear, entire, con-
Retispatha J. Dransf., Kew Bull. 34: 529 (1979).
colorous. Staminate inflorescence branched to 3
orders, pistillate to 2; prophyll tubular at base,
Robust, short, pleonanthic climber. Leaves
with expanded 2-keeled limb and abruptly nar-
ecirrate; knee absent; leaflets single-fold, linear,
rowed tip, persistent; rachis bracts similar to
entire, concolorous. Staminate inflorescence
prophyll, distichous in a plane at right angles to it;
branched to 3 orders, pistillate to 2; prophyll tubu-
staminate flowers solitary, calyx much shorter
lar at base, with expanded limb, persistent, all pri-
than corolla; stamens 6, anthers elongate, latrorse;
mary and secondary bracts netlike; staminate
pollen elliptic, diporate, exine tectate; pistillode
flowers crowded, spiral, pistillate flowers disti-
short. Pistillate flower much larger than stami-
chous. Staminate flowers solitary, calyx much
nate. Fruit usually 3-seeded. Endosperm homo-
shorter than corolla; stamens 6, anthers short,
geneous, embryo basal. Eophyll pinnate. One
latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate, reticulate
species, C. scortechinii Becc., Malay Peninsula.
with supratectal spines. Sterile staminate flower
absent. Pistillate flower much larger than stami-
51. Pogonotium J. Dransf. nate. Fruit 1-seeded. Endosperm homogenous,
embryo basal. Eophyll pinnate. Only one sp., R.
Pogonotium J. Dransf., Kew Bull. 34: 763 (1980).
dumetosa J. Dransf., Borneo.
Short, climbing, pleonanthic. Leaves ecirrate,
sheaths bearing a spiny auricle on either side of le. Subtribe Plectocomiinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl
petiole; leaflets single-fold, linear, entire, con- (1986).
colorous. Inflorescences held between auricles,
staminate branched to 3 orders, pistillate to 2; Robust, caespitose, spiny, hapaxanthic, dioecious,
prophyll enclosing entire inflorescence, splitting climbing palms. Leaves pinnate, cirrate, leaflets
longitudinally, other primary bracts small; ra- lanceolate, entire, acanthophylls absent, knee ab-
chillae slender. Staminate flowers solitary, sent; flagellum absent, sheaths densely spiny;
calyx much shorter than corolla; stamens 6, an- rachillae very slender or highly reduced; staminate
thers elongate, latrorse; pollen elliptic, diporate, flowers paired or solitary; pistillate flowers soli-
exine tectate; pistillode short. Pistillate flower tary; fruit 1-seeded; endocarp not differentiated;
slightly larger than staminate. Fruit 1-seeded. En- seed attached near the base, sarcotesta thick but
dosperm homogeneous, embryo basal. Eophyll not juicy; endosperm homogeneous; embryo
bifid or pinnate. Three spp., Borneo and Malay basal; germination adjacent-ligular.
Peninsula. This subtribe includes three genera of massive
hapaxanthic climbing palms restricted to main-
land SE Asia and W Malesia. The group is distin-
52. Ceratolobus Blume Fig. 81W
guished by the solitary pistillate flowers, not
Ceratolobus Blume in J.A. & J.H. Schultes, Syst. Veg. 7: 1334 accompanied by sterile staminate flowers.
(1830); Dransfield, Kew. Bull. 34: 1-33 (1979).

Slender, caespitose, pleonanthic climbers. Leaves 54. Myrialepis Becc.

cirrate, knee present; leaflets single-fold, linear, Myrialepis Becc. in J.D. Hook., Fl. Br. India 6: 480 (1893);
entire, or rhomboid and praemorse, concolorous Dransfield, Kew. Bull. 37: 237-254 (1982).
or discolorous. Staminate inflorescence branched
to 3 orders, pistillate to 2; prophyll flattened, en- Ocrea absent; leaflets concolorous. Inflorescences
closing inflorescence, beaked, opening apically by branched to 3 orders; staminate rachillae bearing
2 lateral pores; other primary bracts diminutive. groups of up to 8 distichous flowers, pistillate
Staminate flowers solitary, calyx shorter than co- rachillae bearing groups of up to 7 flowers. Stami-
rolla; stamens 6, anthers elongate, latrorse; pollen nate flowers symmetrical; calyx membranous, tu-
elliptic, disulcate, exine tectate; pistillode short. bular, 3-lobed; corolla deeply 3-lobed; stamens 6,
Pistillate flower larger than the staminate. Fruit 1- filaments connate laterally, inflexed, anthers
seeded. Endosperm homogeneous or ruminate, oblong, introrse; pollen elliptic, disulcate, with
embryo basal. Eophyll with several crowded finely reticulate, tectate exine; pistillode minute.
leaflets. Six spp., Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Pistillate flowers larger than staminate. Epicarp
Borneo, Java. covered in minute, irregularly arranged scales,
344 Palmae

mesocarp thin, fibrous; embryo basal. Only one sarcotesta, endosperm homogeneous, shallowly
sp., M. paradoxa (Kurz) J. Dransf., widespread pitted; embryo lateral, opposite pit; germination
in Indochina, Burma, Thailand, Malaya, and adjacent -ligular.
Sumatra. The subtribe consists of a single genus without
obvious close relatives. The rachilla structure is,
however, reminiscent of that of Plectocomia.
55. Plectocomiopsis Becc.
Plectocomiopsis Becc. in J.D. Hook., Fl. Br. India 6: 479 (1893); 57. Pigafetta (Bl.) Becc.
Dransfield, Kew. Bull. 37: 237-254 (1982).
Pigafetta (Bl.) Becc., Malesia 1: 89 (1877), nom. cons.
Ocrea present; leaflets concolorous. Inflores- ("Pigafettia").
cences branched to 2(3) orders. Staminate flowers Sagus section Pigafetta Bl., Rumphia 2: 154 (1843); Dransfield,
J., Principes 42: 34-40 (1998).
in clusters of up to 32, each flower with rachilla
bract and a 2-keeled bracteole; calyx thick, 3-
Leaflets single-fold, concolorous. Inflorescences
lobed; corolla thick, split distally with 3 approxi-
interfoliar at anthesis, branching to 2 orders;
mate lobes; stamens 6, epipetalous, forming a tube
prophyll tightly sheathing; peduncular bracts ca.
with 6 short, reflexed, filaments bearing rounded,
8, tubular; flower-bearing part of rachilla exserted
medifixed, introrse anthers; pollen disulcate,
on bare basal stalk. Staminate flowers symmetri-
exine tectate; pistillode minute. Pistillate flowers
cal; calyx 3-lobed; corolla exceeding calyx, 3-
rarely solitary, or borne in groups of 2-4. Epicarp
lobed; stamens 6, borne at mouth of corolla tube,
scales somewhat irregular, smooth. Eophyll bifid.
filaments connate laterally in a low ring, anthers
Five spp., S Thailand, Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo.
elongate, latrorse; pollen inaperturate, with finely
reticulate, tectate exine; pistillode minute. Pistil-
56. Plectocomia Mart. ex Bl. late flowers globose. Fruit small, ovoid. Eophyll
bifid. Two spp., Sulawesi to New Guinea.
Plectocomia Mart. ex Bl. in J.A. & J.H. Schultes, Syst. Veg. 7:
1333 (1830); Madulid, Kalikasan 10: 1-94.

1g. Subtribe Raphiinae J.D. Hook. in Benth. &

Ocrea absent; leaflets concolorous or discolorous.
J.D. Hook. (1883).
Inflorescences branched to 2 orders; first-order
branches with conspicuous, distichous distal
Massive hapaxanthic monoecious armed acaules-
bracts splitting longitudinally almost to the base,
cent or tree palms; leaves massive, pinnate;
enclosing rachillae; rachillae slender, in staminate
flowers solitary, dimorphic; staminate distal on
bearing 2-ca. 100 flowers borne in dyads, in pistil-
the rachilla, unibracteolate, pistillate proximal,
late (1)2-10 flowers borne singly. Staminate flower
bibracteolate; ovary with short conical 3-lobed
with tubular 3-lobed calyx; corolla tubular, 3-
stigma; fruit 1-seeded, mesocarp thick, mealy, oil-
lobed; stamens 6(12), anthers elongate, latrorse;
rich, endocarp not differentiated; seed with dry
pollen disulcate, exine tectate; pistillode absent.
seed coat; endosperm with few large ruminations;
Pistillate flowers often pedicellate. Epicarp scales
embryo lateral; germination adjacent-ligular.
with tips often fringed, upward-pointing. Eophyll,
Raphia, the only genus in the subtribe, has
simple, lanceolate. About 16 spp., from the
no obvious close relatives. Phylogenetic work in
Himalayas, S China and Hainan, south through
progress (Baker and Dransfield, in prep.) may
Burma and Indochina to the Sunda Shelf and the
shed new light on its relationships.
Philippines; not known east of Wallace's Line.

58. Raphia P. de Beauv.

If. Subtribe Pigafettinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl
Raphia P. de Beauv., Flore d'Oware et de Benin, en Afrique 1:
(1986). 75 t. 44-46 (1806); Otedoh, J. Nig. Inst. Oil Palm Res. 6(22):
145-189 (1982).
Massive, single-stemmed, spiny, pleonanthic, Sagus J. Gaertn. (1788) (non Sagus Steck)
dioecious tree palms; leaves pinnate; rachillae
slender, bearing highly reduced bracts; staminate Solitary or caespitose; sheath disintegrating into
flowers paired; pistillate flowers solitary; fruit 1- thin sheets or black fiber bundles; leaflets single-
seeded; mesocarp thin, endocarp lacking; seed fold, linear, entire. Inflorescences branched to 2
basally attached, laterally flattened, with thick orders, either interfoliar and pendulous, or aggre-
Palmae 345

gated into a massive, erect, suprafoliar, compound similar; gynoecium ellipsoid. Fruit spherical. Five
inflorescence; rachillae bearing distichous or 4 spp., described from equatorial west Africa and
ranked bracts subtending flowers. Staminate flow- the Congo Basin, but probably fewer.
ers conspicuously exserted; stamens 6-30, anthers
elongate, latrorse; pollen elliptic, sulcate, with
2. Tribe Lepidocaryeae Mart. (1837).
scabrate, tectate exine. Pistillate flowers very dif-
ferent from staminate, partly exserted from the
Erect pleonanthic dioecious shrub or tree palms
rachilla bracts. Eophyll usually pinnate, rarely
with palmate or briefly costapalmate leaves, with
bifid. About 28 spp., humid areas of Africa; one
single-fold or compound segments.
sp. in Madagascar, possibly introduced; one sp.,
This tribe of three New World genera is immedi-
R. taedigera Mart., in tropical America.
ately distinguished from Calameae by the palmate
or costapalmate leaf.
Ih. Subtribe Oncocalaminae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl
(1986). 60. Mauritia L. f. Fig. 81E,F
Mauritia L. f., Suppl. Plant. 70, 454 (1782); Henderson, Palms
Caespitose, pleonanthic, monoecious climbers; of Amazon: 70-74 (1994).
cirri bearing acanthophylls; rachilla bracts sub-
tending complex groups of flowers comprising a Massive, solitary, unarmed. Staminate rachilla
central pistillate flower and 2 lateral cincinni with catkinlike, bearing crowded, spirally inserted
0-2 basal pistillate flowers and distal staminate bracts, each subtending a pair of flowers, each
flowers; endosperm homogeneous, laterally pen- with a bracteole; pistillate rachilla very short, not
etrated by smooth-margined postament; embryo catkinlike, bearing solitary pistillate flowers.
lateral. Staminate flowers with tubular, 3-lobed calyx;
The strange flower cluster of Oncocalamus is petals 3, elongate; filaments free, anthers elongate,
unique, not only in the subfamily, but indeed latrorse; pollen sulcate or monoporate, exine
within the whole family. Vegetatively, Onco- intectate with spines; pistillode minute. Pistillate
calamus is certainly very similar to Eremospatha flowers larger than staminate. Fruit rounded,
and Laccosperma of the Ancistrophyllinae. We large. Seed apically with a blunt beak; embryo
have removed Oncocalamus from this group, basal. Eophyll with 2 divergent leaflets. Two spp.,
which includes other endemic African rattan wetter parts of tropical S America.
genera, because of the very different flower clus-
ters and unisexual flowers. Recent phylogenetic
studies (Baker and Dransfield, in prep.) suggest 61. Mauritiella Burr.
that the three African rattan genera are, in fact, Mauritiella Burr., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 12:
more closely related than is suggested here. 609 (1935); Henderson, Palms of Amazon: 74-77 (1994).

Moderate, caespitose. Stem bearing spinelike ad-

59. Oncocalamus (G. Mann & H. Wendl.) G. ventitious roots. Staminate and pistillate rachillae
Mann & H. Wendl. catkinlike, each bract subtending a single flower;
Oncocalamus (G. Mann & H. Wendl.) G. Mann & H. Wendl. ex
pistillate rachilla very short. Staminate flower
J.D. Hook. in Benth. & J.D. Hook., Gen. Pl. 3: 881, 936 symmetrical; calyx 3-lobed; corolla 3-lobed, much
(1883). exceeding calyx; filaments distinct, anthers elon-
Calamus subgenus Oncocalamus G. Mann & H. Wendl. (1864). gate, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine intectate with
spines; pistillode minute. Pistillate flowers larger
Sheath bearing scattered, brittle spines; ocrea than staminate. Fruit rounded. Seed rounded to
truncate; knee absent; leaflets entire, acute, lan- ellipsoid, apically with an elongate knob; embryo
ceolate. Inflorescences branching to 1 order; first- basal. Eophyll with 2 divergent leaflets. Three spp.,
order branches pendulous, bracts distichous, each northern South America.
enclosing a flower cluster. Staminate flowers sym-
metrical; calyx stalked basally, 3-lobed; corolla
valvate, only slightly exceeding calyx, 3-lobed; 62. Lepidocaryum Mart.
stamens 6, filaments united, anthers rounded, Lepidocaryum Mart., Hist. Nat. Palm. 2:49 (1824}; Henderson,
latrorse; pollen elliptic, sulcate, exine tectate; Palms of Amazon: 77-79 (1994}.
pistillode conical. Pistillate flowers superficially
346 Palmae

Slender, caespitose, unarmed, spreading slender ses of morphological and molecular characters
rhizomes. Staminate and pistillate rachillae short, have resolved Nypa as separate from all other
bracts subtending a solitary flower. Staminate palms (Uhl et al. 1995). It appears to represent one
flowers symmetrical; calyx 3-lobed; petals exceed- of the earliest lineages in the family. Its cupular,
ing calyx, 3-lobed; filaments fleshy, anthers small, somewhat ascidiform carpel may be different
basifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate or monoporate, from the follicular forms in other palms and
exine intectate spiny; pistillode minute or short, monocotyledons and is of special interest.
columnar. Pistillate flowers larger than staminate.
Fruit rounded or oblong. Embryo lateral. Eophyll Fig. 81M, 82L, 870-X
63. Nypa Steck
bifid. Only one sp. with three varieties, wetter
parts of Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Guyana, and Nypa Steck, Dissertatio Inauguralis Medica de Sagu, 15 (1757),
Brazil. Uhland Dransf., Gen. Palm.: 285-288 (1987).
Nipa Thunb. (1782).

III. Subfamily Nypoideae Griff. (1850). Large, creeping, unarmed. Stem stout, prostrate or
subterranean, branching dichotomously, curved
Moneocious, pleonanthic; inflorescences solitary, leaf scars evident above, roots borne along the
interfoliar, erect, terminating in a head of pistillate lower side. Leaves few, erect, reduplicately pin-
flowers and below this bearing 7-9 spirally ar- nate; sheath splitting, glabrous; petiole stout,
ranged, inflated, tubular bracts each subtending a elongate, the base often persistent as a conical
first-order branch; first-order branches adnate ca. stub; leaflets numerous, single-fold, regularly
1/2 of their length above the subtending bracts, arranged, acute, coriaceous; midrib bearing
each bearing and enclosed by a tubular prophyll in shining, chestnut-colored, membranous ramenta
bud; subsequent branches all bearing a closed abaxially. Only one sp., N. fruticans Wurmb., from
prophyll and ending in a short catkinlike rachilla, Sri Lanka and the Ganges Delta to Australia, the
bearing spirally arranged, solitary staminate flow- Solomon Is., and the Ryukyu Is.
ers, each subtended by a small bract. Staminate
flowers sessile; sepals 3, distinct; petals 3, distinct,
slightly imbricate, similar to the sepals but slightly IV. Subfamily Ceroxyloideae Drude (1881).
smaller, both loosely closed over the stamens in
bud; stamens 3, filaments and connectives con- Very small to tall, unarmed, solitary or caespitose,
nate in a solid stalk, anthers elongate, extrorse; pleonanthic; leaves reduplicate, pinnate or entire
pollen elliptic, meridionosulcate, exine tectate, and pinnately ribbed; inflorescence with prophyll
spiny; pistillode lacking. Pistillate flowers differ- and numerous (very rarely 1 only) peduncular
ent; sepals 3, distinct, petals 3; staminodes lacking; bracts; flowers solitary or, if grouped, not in dyads
carpels 3( -4), distinct, much longer than and ob- or triads but in acervuli, when unisexual not strik-
scuring the perianth at maturity, ± obovoid, with ingly dimorphic.
a + lateral, funnel-shaped stigmatic opening, The subfamily comprises three tribes. Recent
ovule anatropous. Fruiting head ± globose, 1-3 phylogenetic work (Uhl et al. 1995) suggests that
carpels per flower maturing a seed; fruit develop- the subfamily may not be monophyletic; tribe
ing from 1 carpel, stigmatic remains terminal, Hyophorbeae seems to be related to Arecoideae
pyramidal; epicarp smooth, mesocarp fibrous, while the position of the other two tribes seems
endocarp thick, composed of interwoven fibrous to be basal in a clade comprising most pinnate-
strands, with an adaxial internal longitudinal leaved palms apart from Nypa and Calamoideae.
ridge intruded into the seed. Seed broadly ovoid, As a new phylogeny is still not yet resolved, the
grooved adaxially, endosperm homogeneous; em- arrangement of genera follows that in Genera
bryo basal. Germination on the head with the plu- Palmarum.
mule exserted and pushing the fruit away; eophyll
bifid or with several leaflets. KEY TO THE GENERA OF CEROXYLOIDEAE
The mangrove palm, N. fruticans, is remarkably
disjunct morphologically and has an extensive 1. Flowers hermaphroditic 64. Pseudophoenix
- All flowers unisexual 2
fossil record. Characteristic Nypa pollen in the 2. Dioecious; crownshafts absent; flowers borne singly on
Senonian of tropical West Africa and Borneo short stalks, bracteolate; flowers open from early in devel-
represent some of the earliest records of palms opment, stamens equalling or exceeding petals 3
(Harley et al. 1991; Harley 1996). Cladistic analy-
Palmae 347


- Monoecious or dioecious; crownshafts present or absent; Fig. 87 A-X. Palmae-Nypoideae. Nypa fruticans. A Habit,
flowers sessile, usually ebracteolate at anthesis, borne singly showing infructescences. B Detail of apical portion of inflores-
or in acervuli of a pistillate and 2 to several staminate, cence showing central terminal pistillate head and lateral
or in lines of staminate or, rarely, pistillate flowers catkinlike staminate rachillae. C Pistillate flower head with 1
(Wendlandiella); flowers closed in bud; stamens included staminate rachilla. D Portion of staminate rachilla in cross-
6 section. E Staminate flower with distinct perianth segments. F
3. Stigmatic remains basal in fruit 4 Same in longitudinal section. G Sepal and H petal of staminate
- Stigmatic remains lateral to subapical in fruit 5 flower. I Connate stamens. JCross-section of anthers. K Pistil-
4. Petals basally united; stamens 6-15 or more. Andes of late flower. L Pistillate flower, carpels removed. M Carpel. N
S America 65. Ceroxylon Same in longitudinal section. 0 Infructescence. P Fruit. Q
- Petals free, valvate; stamens 6. Queensland Same in longitudinal and R cross-section, seed stippled. S, T
66. Oraniopsis Seed in two views. U Germinating fruit. V Same, longitudinal
5. Pistillate flower with staminodes bearing rudimentary section showing (a) first scale leaves and (b) enlarging cotyle-
anthers; staminate inflorescence often multiple; prophyll don. W Seedling. X Dichotomously branched rhizome.
incomplete. Madagascar 68. Ravenea (Takhtajan 1982)
348 Pal mae

- Pistillate flower with staminodes lacking rudimentary an- The tribe includes the single genus Pseudo-
thers; staminate inflorescence solitary; prophyll complete. phoenix, confined to the Caribbean region.
Juan Fernandez Is. 67. ]uania
6. Trees of medium size 7
- Understory palms 8 64. Pseudophoenix H. Wendl. ex Sargent
7. Crownshaft present; inflorescences infrafoliar in bud,
rachillae pendulous. Mascarene Islands 70. Hyophorbe Fig. 88A-E
- Crownshaft lacking; inflorescences interfoliar in bud, be- Pseudophoenix H. Wend!. ex Sargent, Bot. Gaz. 11: 314 (1886);
coming infrafoliar, often persistent, rachillae divaricate. Read, Gentes Herb. 10: 169-213 (1968).
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize Cyclospathe O.F. Cook (1902).
69. Gaussia
8. Dioecious understory palms 9
- Monoecious, flowers in acervuli. Southern Mexico, Central Leaflets acute, single-fold, entire. Inflorescences
America, and northwestern S America interfoliar, branching to 5 orders; prophyll persis-
71. Synechanthus
9. Peduncular bracts several, flowers solitary or rarely in
curved lines, sepals and petals free or connate, endocarp
hard. Central Mexico to Brazil and Bolivia
72. Chamaedorea
- Peduncular bracts 1, both staminate and pistillate flowers
in acervuli, sepals and petals always connate, endocarp
membranous. Amazonia 73. Wendlandiella

1. Tribe Cyclospatheae O.F. Cook {1902).

Hermaphroditic, solitary; sheaths forming short

crownshafts; flowers borne singly, stalked, spirally
arranged; filament apex lying in a groove in
abaxial surface of anther to about midpoint of
connective, then bent sharply inward; gynoecium
trilocular, triovulate, with 3 glands at base-
opposite petals, stigmas sessile, short; ovules
campylotropous, inserted on adaxial side of
locule; seed with basal hilum; endosperm homo-
geneous; embryo subbasal; germination

Fig. 88A-B'. Palmae-Ceroxyloideae (A-L), Arecoideae (M-

B'). A-E Pseudophoenix sargentii. A Portion of rachilla with
staminate flowers. B Hermaphroditic flower. C Same, longitu-
dinal section. D Ovary in cross-section at level of ovules. E
Two-seeded fruit. F Ceroxylon alpinum, staminate flower
viewed from above. G Hyophorbe verschaffeltii, detail of base
of crown, showing base of crownshaft and infrafoliar inflores-
cences. H-L Synechanthus warscewiczianus. H portion of
rachilla showing acervuli, each with a basal pistillate flower
and distal staminate flowers. I Staminate flower in longitudi-
nal section. J Pistillate flower. K Fruit in longitudinal section
showing ruminate endosperm. L Seed. M-S Socratea
exorrhiza. M Habit, showing stilt roots, crownshaft, and
infrafoliar inflorescences. N Portion of rachilla at anthesis of
staminate flowers. 0 Staminate flower in longitudinal section.
P Pistil. Q Same in cross-section at level of ovules. R Fruit. S
Seed. T Praemorse leaflet. U Part of stilt root with prickly
pneumathodes. V, W Wettinia quinaria, ovary with 1 fertile
locule and basal style in lateral view and W in cross-section.
X-B' Podococcus barteri. X Habit. Y Portion of inflorescence
with flower buds. Z Pistillate flower just after fertilization. A'
2-lobed fruit, each lobe with a seed. B' Seed with adherent
fibres. (Takhtajan 1982)
Palmae 349

tent; peduncular bracts 2, first similar to prophyll, 66. Oraniopsis (Becc.) J. Dransf., Irvine &
second collarlike. Flowers stalked; calyx 3-lobed; N. Uhl.
petals 3, valvate, much longer than calyx, basally
Oraniopsis (Becc.) J. Dransf., Irvine & N. Uhl, Principes 29(2):
connate; stamens 6, connate basally, anthers, 57 (1985).
elongate, dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen elliptic, sul- Orania Zipp. subgenus Oraniopsis Becc. in Becc. & Picchi-
cate, exine tectate, reticulate. Fruit 1-3-seeded, Sermolli (1955).
globose or 2-3-lobed, stigmatic remains near base;
epicarp smooth, mesocarp fleshy, with raphides, Leaflets discolorous. Inflorescences solitary,
lacking fibers, endocarp hard, smooth. Eophyll branching to 4 orders; prophyll incomplete;
narrow lanceolate. Four spp., Florida, the Bahama peduncular bracts 3-5, distal2-3 enclosing inflo-
Islands, Cuba, Hispaniola, and Dominica to rescence in bud. Staminate flowers with calyx 3-
Mexico and Belize. lobed; petals 3, distinct; stamens 6, antepetalous
epipetalous, filaments tapering, anthers oblong,
versatile, latrorse; pollen elliptic, sulcate, exine
2. Tribe Ceroxyleae Satake (1962). tectate; pistillode small. Pistillate flowers like
staminate. Fruit 1-seeded, rounded, stigmatic re-
Often tall, solitary, unarmed, pleonanthic, dioe- mains basal. Seed rounded, embryo lateral to sub-
cious palms; sheaths not forming a crownshaft; basal. Germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid.
leaflets narrow, single-fold; inflorescences inter- Only one sp., Oraniopsis appendiculata (F.M.
foliar, prophyll 2-keeled, flattened, open apically; Bail.) J, Dransf., Irvine & N. Uhl, Queensland,
flowers open from early in development, borne Australia.
singly along the rachillae, pedicellate; gynoecium
trilocular, triovulate; ovules pendulous, hemiana-
tropous; endosperm homogeneous. 67. ]uania Drude
The four genera of the tribe are very similar in juania Drude, Nachr. Kon. Ges. Wiss. 1878 (1): 40 (1878);
many morphological aspects and the monophyly Moore, Gentes Herb. 10: 385-393 (1969).
of the tribe is well supported (Uhl et al. 1995). The
greatest variation in habit and morphology is to Leaflets discolorous. Inflorescences solitary,
be found in Ravenea, in which some species are branched to 2 orders; prophyll complete; pedun-
highly reduced (e.g., the slender R. hildebrandtii cular bracts 3, similar to prophyll, second enclos-
Bouche), and some have condensed inflorescences ing inflorescence in bud. Staminate flowers with
perhaps adapted to beetle pollination. The distri- calyx 3-lobed; petals 3, distinct, imbricate basally;
bution of the genera of the tribe, widely separated stamens 6, filaments distinct, anthers basifixed,
in the Southern Hemisphere, is of great biogeo- versatile, latrorse; pollen elliptic, sulcate, exine
graphic interest. tectate reticulate; pistillate flowers similiar to
staminate, staminodes lacking abortive anthers.
Fruit globose with subapical stigmatic remains.
65. Ceroxylon Bonpl. ex DC. Seed globose; embryo lateral near the base. Germi-
Ceroxylon Bonpl. ex DC., Bull. Sc. Soc. Phil. 3: 239 (1804); nation adjacent-ligular; eophyll lanceolate. Only
Galeano, Caldasia 17 (82-85): 395-407 (1995). one sp., ]uania australis (Mart.) Drude ex Hook.f.,
on Juan Fernandez Is.
Tall. Leaflets usually discolorous. Inflorescences
solitary, branched to 3-4 orders; prophyll incom-
plete; lower peduncular bracts short, upper 3-4 68. Ravenea Bouche ex H. Wendl.
completely enclosing inflorescence in bud; Ravenea Bouche ex H. Wend!. in J.D. Hook., Bot. Mag. 110: t.
rachillae short, flexuous. Staminate flowers with 6776 (1884); Beentje, Kew Bull. 49: 623-671 (1994); Dransf.
3-lobed calyx; petals 3, connate basally; stamens & Beentje, Palms Madag.: 71-113 (1995).
6-15(-17), anthers basifixed; pollen sulcate, exine
tectate, reticulate; pistillode minute. Pistillate Slender to robust. Leaflets usually concolorous.
flowers similar to staminate. Fruit 1-seeded, stig- Inflorescences 1 or several within a common in-
matic remains lateral near base. Seed globose; complete prophyll, branching to 1-2 orders; pe-
embryo lateral near base. Germination adjacent- duncular bracts 3-5, basal2 short, distal enclosing
ligular; eophyll lanceolate. Eleven spp., high inflorescence in bud. Staminate flower with 3-
elevations in the Andes from Venezuela through lobed calyx; petals 3; stamens 6, anthers latrorse;
Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru to Bolivia. pollen monoporate, exine tectate, reticulate or
350 Palmae

spiny; pistillode short. Pistillate flowers similar Solitary, monoecious trees. Stem often swollen.
to staminate; staminodes 6, with empty anthers. Crownshaft present; leaflets acute, single-fold. In-
Fruit globose, 1-3-seeded, stigmatic remains florescences infrafoliar, solitary, branched to 3-4
subbasal, lateral, or subapical. Seed globose or orders, protandrous; peduncular bracts 5(4-9).
angled; embryo basal. Germination adjacent- Flowers borne in acervuli. Staminate flowers sym-
ligular or remote-ligular; eophyll bifid or pinnate. metrical; sepals 3, distinct, or basally connate;
Seventeen spp., 15 in Madagascar, two in the petals 3, valvate; stamens 6, anthers dorsifixed,
Comoro Islands. latrorse; pollen elliptic, sulcate, exine tectate;
pistillode conical. Pistillate flowers symmetrical;
sepals 3, distinct, imbricate; staminodes forming
3. Tribe Hyophorbeae Drude (1881). 6-lobed cupule; ovules lateral, hemianatropous.
Fruit 1-seeded, stigmatic remains basal. En-
Robust to slender, acaulescent or erect, rarely dosperm homogeneous; embryo lateral to apical.
climbing, unarmed; monoecious or dioecious; Eophyll bifid or pinnate. Five spp., endemic to the
flowers solitary or in acervuli with basal pistillate Mascarene Is.
and 2-several distal staminate flowers, or in lines
of staminate or pistillate flowers. Gynoecium 71. Synechanthus H. Wendl. Fig. 88H-L
trilocular, triovulate. Germination adjacent-
ligular. Synechanthus H.A. Wend!., Bot. Zeit. 16: 145 (1858); Moore,
Monophyly of the tribe is well supported (Uhl et Principes 15: 10-19 (1971).
al. 1995) but the relationships of the tribe remain
unresolved. The tribe includes stout tree palms Slender solitary or clustered, monoecious.
and some of the smallest of all palms. Most mem- Crownshaft absent; leaflets with 1-several folds,
bers of the tribe are found in Central and nor- or blade entire-bifid. Inflorescences branched to 1
thern South America; Hyophorbe, confined to the or 2 orders, protandrous; peduncular bracts 4-5.
Mascarene Is. in the Indian Ocean represents a Flowers in acervuli. Staminate flowers with 3-
remarkably, disjunct outlier. lobed calyx; petals 3, valvate; stamens 6, with
short filaments, or 3, with long filaments, anthers
basifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate.
69. Gaussia H. Wendl. Pistillate flowers with 3-lobed calyx; petals 3, dis-
tinct, imbricate; ovules lateral, campylotropous.
Gaussia H. Wend!., Nachr. Konig. Ges. Wiss.: 327 (1865);
Quero & Read, Syst. Bot. 11: 145-154 (1986). Fruit with basal stigmatic remains. Endosperm
homogeneous or ruminate; embryo lateral to sub-
Solitary monoecious trees. Crownshaft absent. apical. Eophyll bifid. Two spp., Central and north-
Leaflets acute, single-fold. Inflorescences inter- western S America.
foliar or infrafoliar, branching to 2-3 orders,
protandrous; peduncular bracts 4-7; flowers 72. Chamaedorea Willd. Fig. 80F, 81Q
borne in acervuli. Staminate flowers with 3,
Chamaedorea Willd., Sp. Pl. 4(2): 638, 800 (1806), nom. cons.;
rounded, imbricate, sepals; petals 3, valvate; Hodel, The Chamaedorea Palms (1992); Henderson et a!.,
stamens 6, filaments distinct, anthers dorsifixed; Field Guide: 79-104 (1995).
pollen elliptic, sulcate, exine tectate. Pistillate Morenia Ruiz & Pavon (1794), nom. rejec.
flowers with sepals as staminate; petals 3,
imbricate basally, valvate distally; staminodes 6, Small, erect, procumbent, climbing or acaules-
toothlike; gynoecium with 3 recurved stigmas, cent, solitary or clustered, dioecious. Leaves
ovules lateral, campylotropous. Fruit with entire, bifid or variously pinnate; crownshaft
basal stigmatic remains; endocarp absent. En- sometimes present. Inflorescences solitary or
dosperm homogeneous; embryo lateral. Five spp., multiple, spicate or branched to 1(-2) orders; pe-
Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Cuba, and Puerto duncular bracts 2-several. Flowers sessile, solitary
Rico. or in acervuli. Staminate flowers with 3 sepals,
united basally or distinct; petals 3; stamens 6,
anthers dorsifixed; pollen sulcate, exine tectate;
70. Hyophorbe J. Gaertn. Fig. 88G pistillode various. Pistillate flower with sepals as
Hyophorbe J. Gaertn., De Fructibus 2: 186 (1791); Moore, in staminate; petals 3, usually connate; ovule
Gentes Herb. 11: 212-245 (1978). campylotropous, lateral. Fruit with basal stigmatic
Palmae 351

remains. Endosperm homogenous; embryo basal 3. Inflorescence rarely spicate, usually branched to 1-2 orders;
or lateral. Eophyll bifid or pinnate. Seventy-seven flowers sessile, not sunken in pits 2. Iriarteeae (p. 352)
- Inflorescence spicate; flowers sunken in pits and exserted at
to over 110 spp., depending on species concept, anthesis on elongate receptacles 3. Podococceae (p. 354)
from central Mexico to Brazil and Bolivia. 4. Flowers usually superficial, rarely enclosed in pits; petals of
staminate flowers free and valvate; pistillate petals imbri-
cate with minutely to conspicuously valvate apices, rarely
73. Wendlandiella Damm. basally connate or valvate, styles not elongate 5
- Flowers always sunken in pits in the rachillae; petals of both
Wendlandiella Damm., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 36 (Beibl. 80): 31 staminate and pistillate flowers connate basally in a soft
(1905); Henderson, Palms of Amazon: 105-106 (1994). tube, the lobes valvate, styles elongate, conspicuous
6. Geonomeae (p. 384)
Dwarf, slender clustering, dioecious. Leaves pin- 5. Gynoecium usually pseudomonomerous, only very rarely
nate or entire bifid; crownshaft absent. Inflores- triovulate, when triovulate, the fruit rarely more than 1-
seeded, if so, then fruit lobed; fruit with a thin or rarely
cences interfoliar, branching to 1(-2) orders;
thick endocarp, sometimes with a basal operculum but
peduncular bract 1. Staminate flowers in acervuli lacking 3 or more pores 4. Areceae (p. 354)
of 2-6; sepals 3, connate; petals 3; stamens 6, - Gynoecium trilocular, triovulate, the fruit never lobed; fruit
filaments distinct, anthers short; pollen elliptic, almost always with a thick bony endocarp enclosing 1-3,
sulcate, exine tectate reticulate; pistillodes 3. Pis- rarely more, seeds and with 3, or rarely more, clearly
defined pores 5. Cocoeae (p. 377)
tillate flowers solitary or in vertical pairs; calyx
cupular, 3-lobed; petals 3, imbricate; staminodes
3, minute; gynoecium subglobose. Fruit with basal
stigmatic remains. Endosperm homogeneous; 1. Tribe Caryoteae Drude (1881).
embryo lateral. Only one sp. with three varieties,
W. gracilis Wendl., western Amazon region. Small to very robust, unarmed; leaves induplic-
ately imparipinnate or bipinnate or rarely entire
and induplicately ribbed; sheath extended beyond
V. Subf. Arecoideae Griff. (1845). the petiole to form a ligule, eventually disintegrat-
ing into a mass of black fibers; distal margins of
Monoecious; leaves pinnate, pinnately ribbed or leaflets praemorse; peduncle bearing prophyll and
bipinnate, induplicate or reduplicate; flowers several conspicuous, spirally arranged, peduncu-
borne in triads of a central pistillate flower and lar bracts, splitting adaxially; flowers superficial;
2 lateral staminate, or a grouping derived from a pistillode absent in staminate flower; gynoecium
triad. trilocular, triovulate, ovules inserted adaxially at
The Arecoideae include six diverse tribes. base, hemianatropous; fruit with apical stigmatic
Caryoteae are distinctive in having induplicate remains, epicarp .smooth, mesocarp fleshy, with
leaves and many members are hapaxanthic, al- abundant raphides, endocarp not differentiated;
though pleonanthy also occurs. The inclusion of seed coat black.
this tribe in the subfamily has been disputed and This Old World tribe, immediately recognizable
is in need of verification. All other tribes have by the induplicate nature of the leaves, includes
reduplicate leaves and pleonanthic flowering three easily recognized genera. Generic bound-
behavior. aries have recently become less clear with the
discovery of Caryota ophiopellis J. Dowe, that
KEY TO THE TRIBES OF ARECOIDEAE combines features of Caryota with some of
1. Palms frequently hapaxanthic with basipetal production Arenga. Basipetal hapaxanthy is a very character-
of inflorescences; leaves pinnate, or doubly pinnate, istic feature of the tribe; however, a few species of
induplicate, leaflets praemorse; inflorescences bisexual or Arenga are, in fact, acropetal pleonanthic. The
unisexual by reduction of triads I. Caryoteae three genera have often been regarded as consti-
- Palms never hapaxanthic; leaves pinnate or pinnately
ribbed, reduplicate, the leaflets various, sometimes
tuting a separate subfamily. They are included
praemorse; inflorescences rarely unisexual 2 here within Arecoideae because of the presence of
2. Leaflets praemorse at the tips and with several principal ribs triads or triad derivatives in the inflorescence and
divergent from the base, or leaflets sometimes divided lon- the manifest similarity in inflorescence form be-
gitudinally into 1-several ribbed parts; inflorescence with tween them and some members of Arecoideae
a prophyll and more than 2 large peduncular bracts 3
- Leaflets usually acute, or if praemorse or longitudinally di-
(such as Iriartea). The inclusion of the tribe in
vided, the inflorescence with a prophyll and (0)1(2) large Arecoideae is still questioned and needs to be
peduncular bracts 4 confirmed with new phylogenetic studies.
352 Palmae

KEY TO THE GENERA OF CARYOTEAE globose or hemispherical, endosperm homoge-

neous or ruminate; embryo lateral. Eophyll bifid
1. Leaf bipinnate; inflorescences always bearing flowers of
both sexes; stamens numerous; endosperm homogeneous with rhomboid segments. About 12 spp., from
or ruminate. SE Asia, Malesia, Australia, and Vanuatu Sri Lanka, India, southern China, southwards
75. Caryota through SE Asia, Malesia to northern Australia,
- Leaf simply pinnate; inflorescences rarely bisexual, usually Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.
unisexual; stamens 3 to numerous; endosperm homo-
geneous 2
2. Basipetally hapaxanthic palms; inflorescences always uni- 76. Wallichia Roxb.
sexual; sepals of staminate flower connate in a tube; sta-
mens (3)6(9-15). India, China, Indochina southwards to S Wallichia Roxb., Pl. Coromandel 3: 91 (1820).
Thailand 76. Wallichia
- Basipetally hapaxanthic or acropetal pleonanthic palms; in-
florescences sometimes bisexual; sepals of staminate flower
Dwarf to large, solitary or clustered, hapaxanthic,
free, imbricate; stamens (6)-numerous. China, Ryukyu, SE monoecious or ?dioecious. Leaves spiral or disti-
Asia, Malesia, Christmas Is. (Indian Ocean), Australia chous, pinnate, leaflets discolorous. Inflores-
74. Arenga cences solitary, unisexual, dimorphic, pistillate
distal, with inconspicuous bracts, staminate
74. Arenga Labill. proximal with conspicuous bracts. Staminate
flowers with tubular 3-lobed calyx; corolla exceed-
Arenga Labill. in DC., Bull. Sc. Soc. Phil. 2: 162 (1800), nom. ing calyx, tubular basally; stamens 3-15, anthers
linear; pollen sulcate, exine intectate, spiny. Pistil-
late flowers solitary, sepals 3, imbricate, distinct;
Dwarf to large, solitary or clustered, acropetally
petals 3 united basally; staminodes 0-3. Fruit 1-2,
pleonanthic or basipetally hapaxanthic, monoe-
rarely 3-seeded. Endosperm homogeneous; em-
cious or dioecious. Leaves pinnate, leaflets usually
bryo lateral. Eophyll ovate to elliptic. Seven spp.,
discolorous. Inflorescences bisexual, or unisexual,
from the Indian Himalayas and upper Burma to
sometimes multiple, spicate or branched to 1-2
China and southwards to peninsular Thailand.
orders. Staminate flowers with 3 imbricate,
distinct, or briefly connate sepals; corolla val-
vate; stamens 6, 9-numerous, anthers elongate,
2. Tribe Iriarteeae Drude (1881).
latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine intectate spiny. Pis-
tillate flowers globose; sepals 3, distinct, imbricate;
Unarmed (Wettinia with spinelike trichomes),
petals 3, connate basally, valvate; staminodes 3 or
pleonanthic, monoecious tree palms with stilt
absent. Fruit 1-3-seeded. Endosperm homoge-
roots. Leaves reduplicately pinnate, sheaths usu-
neous; embryo lateral. Eophyll flabellate or bifid.
ally forming a crownshaft; leaflets praemorse,
About 17 spp., from India, South China, Ryukyus
often secondarily divided between ribs to give a
and Taiwan, through SE Asia, Malesia including
plumose appearance; inflorescences infrafoliar,
Christmas Is. (Indian Ocean) to north Australia,
bisexual or unisexual, spicate or branched to 1
the greatest diversity occurring on the Sunda
order; peduncle with prophyll and up to 9 pedun-
cular bracts completely sheathing at first, then
splitting apically to allow elongation of the pe-
75. Caryota L. Fig. 81T-V duncle, all shed at anthesis; flowers superficial;
Caryota L., Sp. Pl.: 1189 (1753); W.H. Hahn, Ph.D. Thesis,
pistillode minute or absent; gynoecium tricar-
Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison (1993). pellate, 1-3-ovulate; fruit 1-seeded or if more than
Schunda-Pana Adanson. 1-seeded, then fruit lobed; endosperm homoge-
neous; germination adjacent-ligular.
Solitary or caespitose, basipetally hapaxanthic, The tribe is characterized by the almost constant
monoecious. Leaves bipinnate; leaflets wedge- presence of stilt roots. The leaflets are praemorse
shaped, concolorous. Inflorescences bisexual, and often longitudinally divided and displayed
solitary, branched to 1(2) orders, or spicate; triads in many planes. There is often a wide variety of
protandrous, spiral. Staminate flowers symmetri- indumentum on leaves and bracts. In Genera
cal; sepals 3, distinct, imbricate; petals 3, valvate; Palmarum two subtribes were recognized,
stamens 6-ca.lOO, anthers linear, latrorse; pollen Iriarteinae and Wettiniinae. Socratea, included
sulcate, exine intectate, spiny. Pistillate flower in Iriarteinae, was almost certainly misplaced
with sepals 3, imbricate, basally connate; petals 3, (Henderson 1990). In this account, no subtribes
connate; staminodes 0-6. Fruit 1-2-seeded. Seeds are recognized.
Palmae 353

KEY TO THE GENERA OF THE IRIARTEEAE embryo basal. Eophyll bifid. Three spp., north-
western S America.
1. Staminate and pistillate flowers borne on the same inflores-
cence in triads, or toward the tips of the rachillae the stami-
nate paired or solitary; inflorescences always solitary at a
node 2 78. Iriartella H. Wendl. Fig. 82F
- Staminate and pistillate flowers borne on separate inflores-
Iriartella H. Wendl., Bonplandia 8: 103, 106 {1860);
cences (pistillate flowers sometimes accompanied by abor-
Henderson, Fl. Neotrop. 53 {1990).
tive lateral staminate flowers), these usually several at a
node, the central pistillate, the lateral staminate. Colombia,
Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru 81. Wettinia Caespitose, slender. Inflorescences solitary, bi-
2. Stigmatic residue apical or subapical in fruit; staminate sexual, branching to 1 order, protandrous. Stami-
flowers with 9-100 or more stamens 3 nate flowers symmetrical; sepals 3, distinct,
- Stigmatic residue near or at the base in fruit; staminate
flowers with 6 stamens 4
imbricate or basally connate; petals 3, distinct,
3. Inflorescence terete and decurved in bud, the numerous {10 valvate; stamens 6, anthers oblong, basifixed,
or more) bracts falling from the terete peduncle as the inflo- latrorse; pollen elliptic, sulcate, pontoperculate,
rescence expands, the rachillae long, slender, laxly pendu- exine tectate. Pistillate flowers smaller than stami-
lous; staminate flowers symmetrical, closed in bud, with nate; sepals 3, distinct, imbricate or basally con-
imbricate sepals and 9-20 stamens; seed with lateral em-
bryo; stilt roots mostly slender, sparsely prickly, forming a
nate; petals 3, imbricate basally; staminodes 6.
dense cone obscuring the central stem. Costa Rica to Bolivia Fruit 1-seeded, stigmatic remains basal; epicarp
79. Iriartea smooth. Embryo apical. Eophyll shallowly bifid.
- Inflorescences somewhat dorsiventrally compressed and Two spp., Guyana, Amazonia.
erect in bud, the 4-7 bracts splitting abaxially, subpersistent
and erect on the dorsiventrally compressed peduncle which
becomes reflexed at anthesis; rachillae short, stout, rather 79. Iriartea Ruiz & Pavon
stiffly spreading at anthesis, pendulous in fruit; staminate
flowers asymmetrical, or at least angled by close packing, Iriartea Ruiz & Pavon, Fl. Peruv. Chil. Prodr.: 149 {1794);
open in bud, sepals usually united basally at least briefly, Henderson, Fl. Neotrop. 53 {1990).
stamens 20-100 or more; seed with apical or eccentrically
apical embryo; stilt roots stout, usually densely prickly
forming an open supporting cone. Costa Rica to Bolivia Solitary, robust. Stem often ventricose. Inflores-
80. Socratea cences solitary, infrafoliar, branching to 2 orders,
4. Slender undergrowth palmlets of lowland forest. Leaflets protandrous. Staminate flowers symmetrical;
borne in one plane, undivided; inflorescence interfoliar, or sepals 3, distinct, imbricate; petals 3, exceeding
becoming infrafoliar in fruit, erect, branching to 1 order
only, long pedunculate, the bracts persistent; fruit small,
sepals, valvate; stamens 9-20, anthers elongate,
ellipsoid or obovoid; seed with apical or eccentrically apical latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine intectate. Pistillate
embryo. Guyana, Amazonia 78. Iriartella flowers smaller than staminate; sepals 3, distinct,
- Robust canopy palms of upland or montane forest; leaflets, imbricate; petals 3, distinct, imbricate except for
at least in midleaf, divided into several segments displayed triangular valvate tips; staminodes to 12, tooth-
in different planes; inflorescences infrafoliar erect or de-
curved in bud, branching to 2 orders; the bracts deciduous; like. Fruit 1-seeded, stigmatic remains apical; epi-
fruit mostly globose; seed with basal embryo. Panama and carp smooth. Embryo lateral. Eophyll undivided.
northern S America, mostly Andean 77. Dictyocaryum Only one sp., Iriartea deltoidea R. & P., wide-
spread in Central and northern S America.
77. Dictyocaryum H. Wendl.
80. Socratea Karsten Fig. 81R,S, 88M-S
Dictyocaryum H. Wendl., Bonplandia 8: 106 {1860);
Henderson, Fl. Neotrop. 53 {1990). Socratea Karsten, Linnaea 28: 263 {1857) ("1856"); Henderson,
Fl. Neotrop. 53 (1990).
Solitary, rarely clustered, discolorous. Leaves
plumose. Inflorescences solitary, branched to 2 Solitary. Inflorescences solitary, branching to 1
orders, protandrous. Staminate flowers symme- order, protogynous. Staminate flowers open con-
trical; sepals 3, distinct, imbricate; petals 3, ex- genitally in bud; sepals 3, basally united; petals 3,
ceeding sepals, basally connate, valvate; stamens exceeding sepals, distinct, asymmetrical, imbri-
6, anthers elongate, basifixed, latrorse; pollen el- cate basally; stamens 20-100+, anthers linear,
liptic, sulcate, exine tectate. Pistillate flowers basifixed, latrorse; pollen elliptic, sulcate, exine
smaller than the staminate; sepals 3, distinct, im- intectate, spinose. Pistillate flowers symmetrical,
bricate; petals exceeding sepals, imbricate; smaller than staminate; sepals 3, imbricate; petals
staminodes 6, minute. Fruit 1-seeded, stigmatic 3, distinct, imbricate, tips valvate; staminodes
remains basal; epicarp smooth. Seed spherical; 6, minute, toothlike. Fruit 1-seeded, stigmatic
354 Palmae

remains eccentrically apical; epicarp minutely imbricate; petals 3, valvate; stamens 6, filaments
roughened. Embryo eccentrically apical. Eophyll short, anthers short, dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen
bifid. Five spp., Central and northern S America. sulcate, exine tectate reticulate. Pistillate flower
symmetrical; sepals 3, distinct, imbricate; petals
basally connate; staminodes 6, minute; stigmas 3,
81. Wettinia Poepp. 88V,W.
recurved. Fruit stalked, stigmatic remains lateral;
Wettinia Poepp. in End!., Gen. Pl.: 243 (1837); Bernal, Caldasia epicarp smooth, mesocarp fleshy, endocarp crus-
17: 367-378 (1995). taceous. Embryo lateral. Eophyll rhomboid,
Catoblastus H. Wend!. (1860). praemorse. Only one sp., P. barteri G. Mann & H.
Wendl., equatorial western Africa, ranging from
Solitary or clustered, moderate to robust. Inflores- the Niger delta almost to the Congo River.
cences unisexual, infrafoliar, 3-8( -15) per node,
or single, spicate or branched to 1 order. Stami-
nate flowers congenitally open; stamens 6-19, an- 4. Tribe Areceae Drude (1881).
thers basifixed, elongate, latrorse; pollen elliptic,
sulcate, exine intectate, spinose. Pistillate flowers: Pleonanthic reduplicately pinnate or pinnately
sepals 3, imbricate, connate basally; petals 3, simi- ribbed. Inflorescence with a prophyll and a
lar to sepals; gynoecium of 1(-2) fertile carpels single (very rarely 2) peduncular bracts; gyno-
and (1- )2 abortive carpels, style basal, stylodia 3, ecium trilocular, triovulate or, more commonly,
large, elongate. Fruits 1-2-seeded, stigmatic re- pseudomonomerous; fruit with apical, lateral, or
mains basal; epicarp hairy, warty, or prickly. Em- basal stigmatic remains; endocarp without 3 well-
bryo basal. Eophyll undivided. Twenty-one spp., defined pores.
Panama, northwestern S America, and the western The relationships within this large tribe remain
part of the Amazon basin. poorly understood and much in need of a modern
cladistic analysis using both morphological and
3. Tribe Podococceae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1986). molecular datasets.

Unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious; leaves pin- KEY TO THE SUBTRIBES OF ARECEAE

nate, reduplicate, leaflets praemorse; inflores-
cence solitary, bisexual, rachis bracts spirally 1. Gynoecium triovulate 2
arranged, forming lower margins of hair-filled pits - Gynoecium pseudomonomerous, rarely two abortive
carpels present 5
enclosing triads of flowers basally, paired or soli- 2. Inflorescence at anthesis entirely enclosed by a netlike
tary staminate flowers distally; flowers exserted prophyll and peduncular bract; fruit corky-warted; leaf
from pits by elongation of floral receptacle be- very large, undivided, or irregularly divided
tween calyx and corolla; pistillode short, briefly 4b. Manicariinae
3-lobed; gynoecium trilocular, triovulate, ovules - Inflorescence not enclosed by prophyll and peduncular
bract at anthesis; fruit smooth; leaf pinnate or, if entire,
pendulous; seeds fusiform; endosperm homoge- rather small 3
neous; germination adjacent-ligular. 3. Prophyll very much smaller than peduncular bract(s), usu-
The tribe contains the single monotypic genus ally obscured by the leaf sheaths; peduncular bracts large,
Podococcus. Its relationships are possibly with the woody, usually beaked 4a. Oraniinae
- Prophyll and peduncular bract similar; peduncular bract
Iriarteeae, but this has yet to be confirmed by rig- membranous or coriaceous but scarcely woody, not
orous analysis. The floral pits, flowers exserted on conspicuously beaked 4
stalks, and curious horizontally displayed stalked 4. Inflorescence with numerous spreading branches of up to
fruits are unusual features. the 4th order; staminate flowers rounded with 6 stamens;
fruit lenticular or ovoid, stigmatic remains basal; moder-
ate palms with stems obscured by sheath fibers
82. Podococcus G. Mann & H. Wendl. 4c. Leopoldiniinae
Fig. 88X-B' - Inflorescence spicate, or with few more or less approxi-
mate branches of 1, rarely 2 orders; staminate flowers
Podococcus G. Mann & H. Wend!., Trans. Linn. Soc. London pointed with 8-40 stamens; fruit ovoid to ellipsoidal, stig-
24: 426 (1864); Uhl & Dransf., Gen. Palm.: 329 (1987). matic remains apical; diminutive to moderate palms with
slender stems not obscured by sheath fibers
4d. Malortieinae
Small, spreading by stolons, prop roots present. 5. Endocarp with well-defined operculum covering the
Leaflets rhomboid, single-fold, discolorous. Inflo- embryo 6
rescences interfoliar, spicate, protandrous; pe- - Endocarp lacking well-defined operculum 7
duncular bracts 2-3. Staminate sepals 3, distinct,
Palmae 355

6. Spines present, at least in juvenile stages - Inflorescence spicate or branched to 3 orders, peduncular
4o. Oncospermatinae bract, if present, not exserted from the prophyll; staminate
- Spines absent 4n. Iguanurinae flowers with filaments not markedly inflexed; stigmatic
7. Massive litter-trapping palms without crownshafts, with remains always apical. Old World 16
bi- or unisexual inflorescences; stigmatic remains apical; 16. Inflorescence branches bearing a prophyll only or, if also
endosperm homogeneous 4q. Masoalinae bearing a peduncular bract, triads usually borne along the
- !flitter-trapping, then not massive; crownshafts present or entire length of the rachilla (except Loxococcus ), branches
not; stigmatic remains various; endosperm homogeneous usually not widely spreading, rachillae straight, scarcely
or ruminate 8 zigzag, not irregularly angled; flowers borne spirally,
8. Staminate flowers with over 50 stamens; fruit corky- distichously, in verticils or on one side of the rachilla only;
warted; embryo apical 4f. Lemurophoenicinae staminate flowers usually more or less 3 times as long as
- Staminate flower if multistaminate, then fruit not corky- the pistillate or more when inflorescence bract( s) open, if
warted, embryo basal 9 not, then only 1 bract in the inflorescence
9. Petals of pistillate flower connate; staminodes connate in a 4m. Arecinae
cupule adnate to the petals 4h. Roystoneinae - Inflorescence always bearing a prophyll and a pedancular
- Petals of pistillate flower free, imbricate, very rarely con- bract, branches spreading widely, triads borne almost to
nate (Siphokentia); staminodes toothlike, not forming a the ends of the rachillae, rachillae usually distinctly zigzag,
cupule 10 irregularly angled, flowers spirally inserted; staminate
10. Inflorescence spicate, congested, bearing 1large complete flowers only slightly larger than the pistillate when bracts
and 2-several small, incomplete peduncular bracts; stami- open 4i. Archontophoenicinae
nate sepals narrow, separated in bud; leaf large, bifid or
irregularly divided
4p. Sclerospermatinae 4a. Subtribe Oraniinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl
- Inflorescence usually not bearing incomplete peduncular
bracts, variously branched, congested or not; staminate (1986).
sepals imbricate, valvate, or connate, not widely separate;
leaves various 11 Unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious, reduplicately
11. Flowers borne in pits or depressions in long pedunculate, pinnate, crownshaft not present, apices prae-
interfoliar spikes, spikes solitary or several together in morse; inflorescences axillary, interfoliar, solitary,
a leaf axil; staminate flowers symmetrical or nearly so;
sepals rounded, broadly imbricate; stigmatic remains bisexual, prophyll short, tubular, 2-keeled; pedun-
apical 4k. Linospadicinae cular bract 1(2), conspicuous, almost woody, tu-
- Flowers superficial or, if in pits, infloresence branched, bular, completely enclosing the inflorescence in
infrafoliar; flowers symmetrical or asymmetrical; sepals bud, then splitting and falling; flowers superficial,
various; stigmatic remains various 12
12. Flowers borne in pits with prominent, rounded lips; inflo-
staminate and pistillate superficially similar;
rescence infrafoliar, branched to 3 orders; peduncle very pistillode absent or minute; gynoecium trilocular,
short; basal branches sharply divaricate; crownshaft well triovulate; fruit developing from 1, 2, or rarely 3
developed; staminate flowers symmetrical, rounded in carpels; endocarp with a basal swelling; seed ba-
bud; sepals broad, rounded, imbricate; stamens 6-15; stig- sally attached; endosperm homogeneous; germi-
matic remains apical 4j. Cyrtostachydinae
- Flowers not borne in pits or, if so, then staminate flower
nation remote-tubular.
with acute sepals and/or fruit with lateral stigmatic re- A monotypic subtribe of triovulate, tricarpellate
mains and the inflorescence branching to 1 order only 13 palms. Its relationships are as yet obscure.
13. Staminate flowers strictly symmetrical, rounded, or bullet-
shaped 14
- Staminate flowers usually asymmetrical, if symmetrical, 83. Orania Zipp.
then inflorescence bracts 1 only, or staminate flower not
rounded or bullet-shaped 15 Orania Zipp. in Bl., Algemene Konst- en Letter-bode 1: 297
14. Inflorescences usually interfoliar, spicate or branched up (1829); Essig, Lyonia 1: 211-233 (1980).
to 4 orders; staminate flowers often very small, more or Halmoorea J. Dransf. & N. Uhl (1984).
less rounded apically in bud with sepals nearly half as long
as the petals in bud; stamens 3-6; gynoecium often Solitary. Leaves distichous or spiral; leaflets
trilocular but uniovulate; stigmatic remains basal; leaflet single-fold, discolorous. Inflorescences branching
tips almost always entire 4e. Dypsidinae
- Inflorescence infrafoliar, branched to 3 orders; staminate to 1-3 orders, protandrous; triads subdistichous
flowers moderate, bullet-shaped in bud with sepals less or spiral. Staminate flowers asymmetrical; sepals
than half as long as the petals; stamens numerous; gyno- 3, distinct or united; petals 3, distinct, valvate,
ecium unilocular; stigmatic remains apical; leaflet tips stamens 3-30, anthers linear-oblong, basifixed,
praemorse 41. Ptychospermatinae
15. Inflorescence branched to 1 order, sometimes hip-
latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate. Pistillate
puriform, rarely spicate, peduncular bract slightly to flowers with sepals and petals similar to stami-
markedly exserted from the prophyll, if not exserted, then nate; staminodes 3-6; epicarp smooth. Embryo
stigmatic remains lateral, staminate flower usually with subapical or lateral. Eophyll bifid or pinnate, with
filaments markedly inflexed; stigmatic remains apical, praemorse apices. About 17 spp., south Thailand
basal, or lateral. New World 4g. Euterpeinae
to New Guinea, and three spp., Madagascar.
356 Palmae

4b. Subtribe Manicariinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl circumscissile basally; peduncular bract 1, like
(1986). the prophyll, also early caducous; fruit 1-seeded,
stigmatic remains basal; seed attached
Unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious, reduplicately laterally, hilum vertical; endosperm homoge-
pinnate; crownshaft not present; inflorescen- neous; embryo subbasal; germination adjacent-
ces solitary, interfoliar, bisexual, protandrous, ligular.
branched to 1-4 orders; prophyll tubular, beaked, The subtribe contains the genus Leopoldinia,
enclosing inflorescence, netlike; peduncular bract peculiar in several respects. Sheaths are variously
like the prophyll; flowers partially sunken in fibrous; inflorescences may tend to be unisexual
rachillae; pistillode lacking; gynoecium trilocular, or have unisexual rachillae, the gynoecium is pos-
triovulate, ovules lateral, anatropous; fruit large, sibly pseudomonmerous, but, if so, has relatively
rounded, 1-3-lobed, 1-3-seeded, stigmatic re- well-developed sterile carpels and the fruit is
mains subbasal; epicarp obsolescent at maturity, extraordinarily fibrous.
mesocarp developing into corky warts, endocarp
thin, smooth, with a basal buttonlike swelling;
seed basally attached; endosperm homogeneous, 85. Leopoldinia Mart.
hollow; embryo basal; germination adjacent- Leopoldinia Mart., Hist. Nat. Palm. 2: 58 (1824); Kubitzki,
ligular. Nord. J. Bot. 11: 429-432.
This subtribe includes the single genus
Manicaria. The gynoecium is trilocular and Solitary or clustered. Sheath with conspicuous fi-
triovulate, and the endocarp has a basal heart- bers, leaflets single-fold, acuminate, concolorous
shaped swelling also present in Orania, or discolorous. Inflorescences interfoliar, solitary,
Lemurophoenix, Sclerosperma, and the Phyteleph- branching to 4 orders, sometimes unisexual.
antoideae. The netlike inflorescence bracts that Staminate flowers very small; sepals 3, distinct,
enclose the inflorescence are highly distinctive. imbricate; petals 3, distinct, valvate; stamens 6,
Fruit is corky-warted. anthers rounded, latrorse; pollen elliptic, sulcate,
exine tectate; pistillode barrel-shaped. Pistillate
flowers larger than the staminate; otherwise simi-
84. Manicaria J. Gaertn. lar; staminodes 6. Fruit ovoid to disciform, epicarp
Manicaria J. Gaertn., Fruct. 2(3): 468 (1791); Henderson, smooth, mesocarp fibrous, endocarp thin. Seed
Palms of Amazon: 118 (1994). rounded or lenticular. Eophyll bifid, the segments
very slender. Three spp., confined to NW Brazil,
Solitary or caespitose. Leaves undivided or Amazonian Colombia, and southern Venezuela.
variously divided, sometimes with separated
leaflets with pointed tips, concolorous. Rachillae
crowded, bracts stiff, pointed, subtending sunken 4d. Subtribe Malortieinae J.D. Hook. (1883).
triads. Staminate flowers slightly asymmetrical;
sepals 3, united basally; petals 3, exceeding sepals, Unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious, reduplicately
united basally; stamens 30-35, anthers elongate, pinnate, crownshaft absent, inflorescences soli-
dorsifixed, introrse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate. tary, interfoliar; prophyll tubular, membranous,
Pistillate flowers with ca. 15 staminodes, styles 2-keeled, included within leaf sheath; peduncular
conical. Eophyll bifid. Only one sp., M. saccifera J. bract 1, elongate, papery, disintegrating, rachilla
Gaertn., Central America to the lower Amazon bracts spiral to distichous, triads borne in shallow
River. depressions; pistillode lacking; gynoecium trilo-
culate, triovulate; fruit 1-seeded, stigmatic re-
mains apical; seed basally or laterally attached,
4c. Subtribe Leopoldiniinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl endosperm homogeneous or ruminate; embryo
(1986). basal germination adjacent-ligular.
The single genus displays several unusual fea-
Unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious, reduplicately tures and is morphologically quite diverse.
pinnate, crownshaft not present; inflorescence Sheaths are always fibrous, the leaves are some-
interfoliar, usually bisexual; prophyll borne times windowed (with incomplete split at the base
considerably above the base, tubular, 2-winged, of the folds at the leaf tip). There is a well-
membranous, splitting early in development, developed staminodal ring.
Palmae 357

86. Reinhardtia Liebm. Very small to very large, acaulescent to erect,

rarely climbing, solitary or caespitose. Crownshaft
Reinhardtia Liebm. in Mart., Hist. Nat. Palm. 3: 311 (1849);
Gentes Herb. 8: 541-576 (1957). present or not; sheath sometimes disintegrating
into fibers; leaflets single or multifold. Inflores-
Solitary or caespitose. Leaves undivided or pin- cences protandrous; rachillae with superficial
nate, sometimes "windowed," leaflets with bifid triads proximally, staminate flowers distally.
tips, concolorous. Inflorescences protandrous, Stamens 3 (antesepalous or antepetalous) or 6,
spicate or branching to 2 orders. Staminate flow- where three, 3 staminodes sometimes present, fila-
ers with sepals 3, distinct, imbricate; petals 3, ments free or united, erect or inflexed, anthers
valvate, connate basally; stamens 8-40, anthers linear or didymous, rarely with divergent thecae;
basifixed, elongate, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine pistillode present or absent. One hundred and
tectate. Pistillate flowers with sepals and petals forty spp., Madagascar, Comoro Islands, and
similar to staminate; staminodal ring with 6-15 Pemba Is. off the coast of Tanzania.
teeth; ovary with robust style and 3 stigmas. Epi-
carp smooth, mesocarp fleshy, endocarp fragile.
Eophyll simple or bifid. Six spp., Mexico to 4f. Subtribe Lemurophoenicinae J. Dransf.
Panama, one sp. northwest Colombia, another {1995).
Dominican Republic.
Staminate flowers symmetrical; sepals 3, imbri-
cate; petals 3, valvate, reflexed at anthesis; stamens
52-59, filaments irregular, connate or distinct, an-
4e. Subtribe Dypsidinae Becc. {1914). thers linear, medifixed, latrorse. Pistillate flower
with sepals 3, imbricate; petals 3, imbricate;
Unarmed, sometimes dichotomously branched, staminodes 10-12; gynoecium pseudomono-
monoecious, pleonanthic; leaves pinnate or pin- merous. Fruit warted, with basal stigmatic re-
nately ribbed, reduplicate; leaflets entire, rarely mains.
praemorse; inflorescences usually interfoliar, The subtribe includes a single monotypic genus
sometimes infrafoliar, bisexual, spicate or from northeastern Madagascar. The multis-
branched to 1-4 orders; peduncle :±: elongate, taminate flowers and corky-warted fruits are
basal branches not divaricate; peduncular bract unique among Madagascar arecoid palms. The
usually conspicuous, exserted and caducous, large fruit has well-developed endocarp with a
prophyll often adnate to peduncle; staminate basal heart-shaped button, reminiscent of that of
flowers symmetrical; petals of pistillate flowers Orania and Manicaria, while the endosperm is
imbricate; gynoecium sometimes trilocular but shallowly ruminate and the embryo apical.
uniovulate; fruit with basal stigmatic remains and
smooth epicarp; germination adjacent-ligular;
eophyll bifid. 88. Lemurophoenix J. Dransf.
The subtribe contains the single genus Dypsis Lemurophoenix J. Dransf, Kew Bull. 46: 61 (1991).
with over 140 spp., confined to Madagascar,
Comoro Islands, and Pemba. Many genera have Massive, solitary tree. Crownshaft present; leaflets
been recognized in the past, but recently collected single-fold, acuminate. Inflorescences infrafoliar,
material has clouded the generic boundaries. This branching to 3 orders, protandrous; prophyll
is one of the largest and most diverse of palm and peduncular bract similar, inserted close
genera. together, caducous; rachillae bearing spiral
triads basally, staminate only distally. Pollen
sulcate, exine tectate, perforate; pistillode colum-
87. Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. nar. Epicarp split into low corky warts; mesocarp
Dypsis Noronha ex Mart., Hist. Nat. Palm. 3: 180 (1837); corky-spongy, easily separating from endocarp;
Dransfield & Beentje, Palms Madag.: 122-413 (1995). endocarp smooth, with a basal heart-shaped
Chrysalidocarpus H. Wendl. (1878). button; seed basally attached; endosperm
Phloga Noronha ex J.D. Hook. (1883). shallowly ruminate; embryo apical. Germination
Neophloga Baillon (1894).
Neodypsis Baillon (1894). adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid. Only one sp., L.
Vonitra Becc. (1906). halleuxii J. Dransf., restricted to northeastern
Antongilia Jum. (1928). Madagascar.
358 Palmae

4g. Subtribe Euterpeinae J. Dransf. & N.W. Uhl - Crownshaft usually not clearly defined except in a few spe-
(1986). cies, but then leaf sheaths tubular but partly open; petiole
usually long; inflorescence branches glabrous to lightly
hairy or scaly, stiffly ascending or divaricate in all direc-
Small to large, unarmed; crownshafts present tions, often markedly bulbous at the base; prophyll and
or not well differentiated; leaves pinnate or pin- peduncular bract markedly unequal, the peduncular bract
nately ribbed; leaflets entire, regularly or irregu- longer, terete, and beaked, usually inserted some distance
larly arranged; inflorescences infrafoliar, rarely above the prophyll; flowers superficial 90. Prestoea
interfoliar, branched to 1 order or rarely bifurcate
or spicate; prophyll not basally adnate to the pe- 89. Euterpe Mart.
duncle; peduncular bracts slightly to markedly
exserted from the prophyll before anthesis; stami- Euterpe Mart., Hist. Nat. Palm. 2: 28.1823; emended 3:165
(1837); 3: 230 (ed. 2) (1845), nom. cons.; Henderson &
nate flowers usually asymmetrical, somewhat Galeano, Fl. Neotrop. 72: 1-89 (1996).
acute; filaments usually inflexed; petals of pistil-
late flowers imbricate; gynoecium pseudomono- Tall, solitary or clustered. Crownshaft usually
merous; stigmatic remains various. prominent. Inflorescences branched to 1 order;
This subtribe of six genera includes all the peduncle dorsiventrally compressed; peduncular
pseudomonomerous members of the Areceae in bract and prophyll equal or subequal; rachillae
the New World except Roystonea. They inhabit pendulous, hairy; staminate flowers paired or
lowland or montane rainforest from the West single distally; staminate petals 3, valvate, stamens
Indies south through Central America to Peru, 6, pollen elliptic, sulcate or sometimes tricho-
Paraguay, and Argentina. The genera share pin- tomosulcate, exine tectate, finely reticulate or
nate or pinnately veined leaves, inflorescences foveolate; pistillode 3-lobed. Ovule hemiana-
branched to 1 order or rarely spicate, a unilocular tropous. Stigmatic remains lateral to subapical.
gynoecium, and rather thin fruit walls. The lack of Endosperm ruminate or homogeneous; embryo
a crownshaft (as in some of these taxa), superficial subbasal. Germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll
triads of flowers present throughout the rachillae, bifid or pinnate. Seven spp. Central through tropi-
the simple fruit wall, and chromosome numbers cal S America extending into Trinidad and the
of n = 18 are characters that appear to be Lesser Antilles.
unspecialized in the pseudomonomerous mem-
bers of the Areceae.
90. Prestoea J.D. Hook.
Prestoea J.D. Hook. in Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl. 3: 875, 899
(1883), nom. cons.; Henderson & Galeano, Fl. Neotrop. 72:
1. Inflorescences hippuriform (resembling a horse's tail); 1-89 (1996).
adaxial surface of the rachis lacking branches, rachillae all
lateral or abaxial, curved and pendulous; prophyll much Small to moderate, clustered, rarely solitary.
shorter than the peduncular bract, the latter terete, beaked; Crownshaft lacking or partial. Inflorescences
embryo large, about 2/3 as long as the seed 92. Oenocarpus
- Inflorescences not hippuriform; the rachis bearing spirally
branched to 1 order, rarely spicate; peduncle elon-
inserted branches on all sides, or spicate; prophyll and pe- gate, usually terete; prophyll shorter than the pe-
duncular bracts nearly equal or unequal; embryo small, duncular bract; rachillae white, red in fruit, lightly
much less than 1/2 as long as the seed 2 tomentose; staminate flowers paired or single
2. Inner stamens markedly adnate to the pistillode in stami- distally. Staminate petals 3, valvate, stamens 6,
nate flowers; sepals of pistillate flowers connate basally;
stigmatic remains basal in fruit 93. Hyospathe
pollen elliptic, sulcate, exine tectate, finely
- Stamens not adnate to the pistillode in staminate flowers; reticulate or foveolate; pistillode 3-lobed. Stig-
sepals of pistillate flowers imbricate; stigmatic remains matic remains subapical. Endosperm ruminate
apical or lateral 3 or rarely homogeneous; embryo subbasal.
3. Acaulescent or stem very short; inflorescence spicate; Germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid or
stigmatic remains apical 91. Neonicholsonia
- Stems short, moderate, or tall; inflorescence branched to pinnate. Ten spp., Central America, the Antilles,
1 order; stigmatic remains lateral 4 and the Andean and Guayana highlands in S
4. Crownshaft clearly defined; petiole short; inflorescence America.
branches densely white to dark brown-tomentose, spread-
ing, pendulous from a somewhat dorsiventrally flattened
rachis, usually not markedly enlarged at the base; prophyll 91. Neonicholsonia Damm.
and peduncular bract about equal or unequal, peduncular
bract beaked, inserted close to prophyll; flowers often borne Neonicholsonia Damm., Gard. Chron. III, 30: 178 (1901);
in pits 89. Euterpe Henderson & Galeano, Fl. Neotrop. 72: 1-89 (1996).
Palmae 359

Small, solitary, acaulescent or short. Crownshaft northern S America, and one endemic on the east-
lacking. Inflorescences spicate; peduncle elongate, ern Andean slopes in Ecuador.
usually terete; peduncular bract much longer than
the prophyll; staminate flowers paired or single
distally. Staminate petals 3, valvate, stamens 6, 4h. Subtribe Roystoneinae J. Dransf. & N. Uhl
pollen elliptic, sulcate or rarely trichotomosulcate, (1986).
exine tectate, coarsely reticulate; pistillode trifid.
Stigmatic remains apical to subapical. Embryo Robust unarmed, monoecious palms with bi-
basal to subbasal, endosperm ruminate peripher- sexual inflorecences; leaves pinnate with entire
ally; embryo subbasal. Germination adjacent- leaflets; inflorescences infrafoliar, branched to 4
ligular; eophyll bifid, tips divided. Only one orders; staminate flowers symmetrical; sepals 3,
variable sp., N. watsonii Damm., Panama and distinct, imbricate; petals 3, distinct, valvate;
Nicaragua. pistillate flower with petals connate, staminodes
connate in a ring adnate to petals; gynoecium
pseudomonomerous; ovule laterally attached;
92. Oenocarpus Mart. fruit with basal stigmatic remains; endosperm ho-
Oenocarpus Mart., Hist. Nat. Palm. 2: 21 (1823); Balick, Adv. mogeneous, embryo basal; germination adjacent-
Econ. Bot. 3: 1-140 (1986); Henderson et a!., Field Guide: ligular; eophyll entire, lanceolate.
129 (1995). The subtribe contains the single genus
]essenia Karsten (1857). Roystonea. It is distinct from other pseudomo-
nomerous subtribes in the connate petals with
Solitary or clustered. Crownshaft partial. Inflores- valvate distinct lobes, an adnate staminodal ring
cences becoming infrafoliar, branched to 1 order in the pistillate flower and the undivided eophyll.
laterally and abaxially (hippuriform), adaxial Its relationships are obscure.
branches absent, rarely bifurcate or spicate; pe-
duncle flattened; peduncular bract longer than
prophyll; staminate flowers paired or single dis- 94. Roystonea O.F. Cook
tally. Staminate petals 3, valvate, stamens 6(7-20); Roystonea O.F. Cook, Science II, 12: 479 (1900); Zona, Fl.
pollen elliptic, sulcate, exine tectate, scabrate or Neotrop. 71: 1-35 (1996).
reticulate; pistillode bifid or trifid. Stigmatic re-
mains apical to eccentric. Endosperm homo- Solitary. Leaflets singlefold, entire. Inflorescences
geneous; embryo very large. Germination branched to 3( -4) orders; prophyll tubular, elon-
adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid. Nine spp., from gate, strongly 2-keeled; peduncular bract 2-3
Costa Rica and Panama to the Amazon and times as long as prophyll, caducous with prophyll;
Orinoco Valleys in S America. rachillae bearing spiral, superficial triads proxi-
mally, staminate flowers distally. Stamens 6-12,
anthers elongate, versatile, dorsifixed, latrorse;
93. Hyospathe Mart. pollen sulcate, exine tectate, foveolate or fossulate;
Hyospathe Mart., Hist. Nat. Palm. 2:1 (1823); Skov & Balslev, pistillode subglobose or trifid. Pistillate flowers
Nord. J. Bot. 9: 189-202 (1989). with distinct sepals. Epicarp smooth, mesocarp
thin fleshy with thin, flat, anastomosing fibers next
Small, rarely moderate, solitary or clustered. to endocarp, endocarp fragile. Hilum large, circu-
Crownshaft short to long. Leaves pinnate, bifid, lar, lateral. Ten spp., throughout the islands of the
bi- or trijugate, concolorous or discolorous. Inflo- Caribbean and bordering continental areas.
rescences branched to 1 order; prophyll shorter
than the peduncular bracts; staminate flowers
paired or single distally. Staminate petals 3, ovate,
asymmetrical; stamens 6, antesepalous free or
joined with pistillode, antepetalous longer adnate
to pistillode; pollen elliptic, sulcate, or rarely
trichotomosulcate, exine tectate scabrate; pistil-
lode 2-lobed, ovoid. Stigmatic remains basal.
Endosperm homogeneous, embryo large, basal.
Germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid. Two
spp., one widespread in Central America and
360 Palmae

4i. Subtribe Archontophoenicinae J. Dransf. & 95. Archontophoenix H. Wendl. & Drude
N. Uhl (1986).
Archontophoenix H. Wendl. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 182, 211
(1875); Dowe & Hodel, Austrobaileya 4: 227-244 (1994).
Moderate to robust or tall, solitary, unarmed;
leaves pinnate, leaflets entire; crownshaft always Stem rather slender, swollen basally. Petiole short.
well developed; inflorescences branched to 1-3 Rachillae somewhat divaricate, erect or pendu-
orders; prophyll and peduncular bract similar; lous, protandrous, bearing triads with a few paired
staminate flowers symmetrical or asymmetrical; or solitary staminate flowers distally. Staminate
filaments erect or inflexed in bud; petals of pistil- flowers asymmetrical, lateral to pistillate, petals
late flower imbricate; gynoecium pseudomo- longer than sepals, valvate; stamens 9-35, fila-
nomerous; fruit with apical stigmatic remains; ments curved or deflexed; pollen elliptic, sulcate,
endocarp lacking an operculum; embryo basal. exine tectate, finely reticulate; pistillode cylindri-
Germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid. cal, equal to stamens, apically lobed. Pistillate
A rather homogeneous subtribe of six genera, flowers smaller, symmetric. Endosperm ruminate.
one occurring in Australia, one on Lord Howe Is., Six spp., eastern Australia from the southern coast
one in New Zealand and neighboring islands, and of New South Wales to the northern coast of
three in New Caledonia. These are medium-sized Queensland.
palms showing less diversity in habit and leaf form
than is seen in the other subtribes of Areceae. Leaf
anatomy of the three New Caledonian genera is 96. Chambeyronia Vieill.
distinctive and is thought to indicate that they Chambeyronia Vieill., Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie II, 6: 229
may have originated from a single ancestor (N.W. (1873); Moore & Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984).
Uhl, pers. observ.) This may be an ancient group;
its distribution pattern has been considered com- Stem enlarged basally. Leaves initially red; petiole
mon to rainforest taxa that radiated throughout short. Rachillae stout, divaricate, tapering, sinu-
Australasia in the Late Cretaceous and Early Ter- ous; triads distant, a few paired or solitary
tiary before the development in the Miocene of staminate flowers distally. Staminate flowers
extensive archipelagic links with Malesia. Its rela- asymmetrical; stamens 19-55, filaments inflexed;
tionship to other palms is not clear, and is under pollen elliptic, sulcate, rarely trichotomosulcate,
study by ].-C. Pintaud at Toulouse University. exine tectate, reticulate-foveolate; pistillode lack-
ing. Endosperm homogeneous. Two spp., New
97. Hedyscepe H. Wendl. & Drude
1. Pinnae with prominent marginal ribs, stigmas large, fleshy,
trifid 2 Hedyscepe H. Wendl. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 178, 203 (1875).
- Pinnae lacking marginal ribs, stigmas small, trifid 3
2. Trunk slender, leaves 3-5, outermost (1st) bracteole large Stem rather stout, leaf scars whitish. Leaves arch-
100. Actinokentia ing, stiff; petiole short, stout; inflorescences
- Trunk robust, leaves 7-12, outermost bracteole small 4
3. Staminate sepals lanceolate, stamens 6-12, endosperm ho- branched to 1(-3) order; rachillae stout,
mogeneous 5 divaricate, erect or pendulous, protandrous, with
- Staminate sepals short, broadly ovate, stamens usually triads nearly throughout; staminate flowers asym-
more than 12, endosperm ruminate 95. Archontophoenix metrical, stamens 9-10( -12), antesepalous soli-
4. Fruits small (1.4-2.2cm long), pistillode of various shapes
tary, antepetalous paired, filaments inflexed;
present 99. Kentiopsis
- Fruits medium to large (2.5-5.5 em long), pistillode most pollen elliptic, sulcate, with finely reticulate,
often absent 96. Chambeyronia tectate exine; pistillode with rounded ovarian part
5. Crownshaft waxy, staminate sepals connate basally, fruits and long, terete style, equalling stamens, En-
large (Scm long) 97. Hedyscepe dosperm homogeneous. Only one sp., H. canter-
- Crownshaft not waxy, staminate sepals free, fruits small ( 1-
1.5 em) 98. Rhopalostylis
buryana (C. Moore & F. v. Muell.) H. Wendl. &
Drude, endemic to Lord Howe Is.
Palmae 361

98. Rhopalostylis H. Wendl. & Drude 4j. Subtribe Cyrtostachydinae J. Dransf. &
N. Uhl (1986).
Rhopalostylis H. Wend!. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 180,234 (1875);
Bailey, Gentes Herb. 3(8): 410-437 (1935).
Unarmed, pleonanthic monoecious palms; leaves
Stem green to gray, leaf scars prominent. pinnate, leaflets entire; crownshaft well developed;
Crownshaft short, bulbous. Leaves ascending, inflorescences infrafoliar, bisexual, branched to 3
somewhat arched, often twisted; petiole short, orders; peduncle very short, basal branches
stout. Inflorescences branched to 3 orders; divaricate; prophyll and peduncular bract similar,
rachillae stout, divaricate, with or without a short both caducous; triads borne in pits with rounded
bare portion; with triads basally, paired to solitary lips; staminate flowers symmetrical, rounded
staminate flower distally. Staminate flowers asym- in bud, petals connate in basal 1/3; filaments
metrical, stamens 6, filaments markedly inflexed, basally connate, inflexed; petals of pistillate
united basally; pollen elliptic, sulcate, with flower imbricate; gynoecium pseudomono-
foveolate to fossulate, tectate exine; pistillode merous; fruit with apical stigmatic remains; em-
slender, cylindrical, about equaling stamens. En- bryo basal; germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll
dosperm homogeneous. Variously considered as bifid.
three or two spp., one with two varieties, New The subtribe contains the single genus,
Zealand, Chatham Is., Norfolk Is., and Raoul Cyrtostachys. It is distinguished by the strongly
(Sunday) Is. divaricate inflorescence branches, rachilla pits
and connate petals and filaments in the staminate
flowers. Its relationships are obscure.
99. Kentiopsis Brongn.
Kentiopsis Brongn., Compt. Rend. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. 101. Cyrtostachys Blume
77:398 (1873); Pintaud & Hodel, Principes 42:32-33,41-53
(1998). Cyrtostachys Blume, Bull. Sc. Phys. Nat. Neerl. 1: 66 (1838).
Mackeea H.E. Moore (1978).
Solitary or clustered, erect. Inflorescence protan-
Very tall. Stems gray, basally thick. Leaves spread- drous; rachillae elongate, cylindrical, bearing tri-
ing or ascending, often twisted; petiole short, ads throughout much of their length. Stamens
stout; inflorescences branched to 1-3 orders; 9-15, filaments terete, connate basally, inflexed,
rachillae rather slender, of equal length, with tri- anthers dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine
ads nearly throughout. Staminate flowers asym- tectate variously ornamented; pistillode almost as
metrical, stamens 32-38, filaments erect tectate, long as filaments. Staminodes joined in a ring;
finely pitted or reticulate; pistillode as long as or gynoecium with 3 short recurved stigmas, ovule
shorter than the stamens. Endosperm homoge- pendulous from the apex of the locule. Eight spp.,
neous. Four spp., New Caledonia. C. renda Blume in West Malesia, the others in New
Guinea and Melanesia.

100. Actinokentia Damm.

Actinokentia Damm., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 39: 20 (1906); Moore &
4k. Subtribe Linospadicinae J.D. Hook. (1883).
Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984).
Slender to moderately robust, unarmed, monoe-
Small to moderate. Stems slender, sometimes with cious palms; crownshaft absent; sheaths fibrous;
prickly roots. Petiole short or elongate. Inflores- leaves pinnate or pinnately ribbed, leaflets entire
cences divaricate, branched to 1-3 orders, or irregularly lobed; inflorescences bisexual,
protandrous; rachillae rather slender, of equal interfoliar, sometimes multiple, always spicate;
length, with triads basally, paired and solitary prophyll persistent, inserted at base of peduncle;
flowers distally; bracteoles surrounding the pistil- peduncular bract inserted near base of peduncle
late flower sepallike, finely reticulate; pistillode and persistent, or inserted distally and caducous;
tapered as long as the stamens. Endosperm homo- staminate flowers symmetrical; petals of pistillate
geneous. Two spp., New Caledonia. flowers imbricate; gynoecium pseudomono-
merous; fruit with apical stigmatic remains; ovule
hemianatropous, attached laterally above the
middle of the locule; embryo basal; germination
adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid.
362 Palmae

The subtribe consists of four closely related 103. Linospadix H. Wendl.

genera occurring in Papuasia, Australia, and
Linospadix H. Wend!. in H. Wend!. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 177,
Lord Howe Is. The group is separated on the basis 198 {1875); Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem
of the spicate inflorescences with triads borne in 12: 331 (1935).
deep pits and the lack of a crownshaft. The
rachillae are similar to those of members of Solitary or caespitose, erect. Leaves undivided
Geonomeae, but the structure of the flowers is or variously pinnate. Inflorescences solitary; pe-
very different. duncular bract inserted distally, caducous. Sta-
mens 6-12, anthers dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen
KEY TO THE GENERA OF LINOSP ADICINAE sulcate, exine tectate reticulate; pistillode minute.
1. Peduncular bract inserted near the base of the peduncle, 2:
Staminodes 3-6. Epicarp smooth, mesocarp fleshy
flattened, opening apically, shorter than and not enclosing with fibers adhering to endocarp, endocarp thin.
the spike before anthesis, 2: persistent and marcescent; Seed subbasally attached, hilum elongate, en-
filaments mostly inflexed; anthers dorsifixed; endocarp dosperm homogeneous. Eleven spp., five in New
adherent to the seed 102. Calyptrocalyx Guinea, the rest in Australia.
- Peduncular bract inserted at the tip of the peduncle, tubu-
lar, enclosing the spike in bud, marcescent or caducous,
leaving a ruffled scar on the peduncle; filaments not in-
flexed, anthers basifixed; endocarp adherent or free from 104. Laccospadix Drude & H. Wendl.
the seed 2 Laccospadix Drude & H. Wend!., Nachr. Kon. Gesellsch. Wiss.
2. Endocarp thick, cartilaginous, not adhering to the seed; Georg-Augusts-Universitat 1875: 59 {1875).
endosperm homogeneous; staminate flower with 30-70
stamens; stems solitary, stout; leaflets always 1-ribbed
105. Howea Solitary or caespitose, erect. Leaves pinnate,
- Endocarp thin, adhering to the seed; endosperm homoge- leaflets single-fold, entire. Inflorescences solitary
neous or ruminate; staminate flower with 6-15 stamens; or multiple; peduncular bract inserted near tip of
stems usually clustered, usually slender; leaflets 1-many peduncle, caducous. Stamens 9-12, filaments very
ribbed 3
3. Seed with ruminate endosperm, raphe extending its length, short, anthers basifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate,
the branches reticulate; leaflets 1-ribbed exine tectate reticulate; pistillode minute, trifid.
104. Laccospadix Staminodes 3. Epicarp smooth, mesocarp fleshy,
- Seed with homogeneous endosperm, raphe extending 1/3 with stout longitudinal fibers next to endocarp,
its length or less, the branches free or anatomosing; leaflets
1-several-ribbed or the blade undivided 103. Linospadix
endocarp thin. Seed laterally attached, hilum
short, oblong; endosperm ruminate. Only one sp.,
L. australasica H. W endl. & Drude, northeastern
102. Calyptrocalyx Blume Queensland, Australia.
Calyptrocalyx Blume, Bull. Sc. Phys. Nat. Neerl. 1: 66 1838;
Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 12: 1331
{1935). 105. Howea Becc.
Howea Becc., Malesia 1: 66 (1877); Bailey, Gentes Herb 4: 188-
Solitary or caespitose, erect. Leaves undivided 198 (1939).
or variously pinnate. Inflorescences solitary or
multiple; peduncular bract basally inserted, per- Solitary, erect. Leaves pinnate; leaflets numerous,
sistent. Stamens 6-120, filaments inflexed, anthers single-fold, acute. Inflorescences solitary or
dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate multiple; peduncular bract inserted some distance
reticulate; pistillode slender, club-shaped, or from base, caducous. Stamens 30-70, filaments
absent. Staminodes (2-)3-6. Epicarp smooth, elongate, variously connate, anthers basifixed,
mesocarp fleshy or dry, endocarp thin. Seed sub- elongate, connective sometimes prolonged,
basally to laterally attached, hilum short to elon- latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate scabrate;
gate, endosperm homogeneous or ruminate. pistillode absent. Staminodes 3-6. Epicarp
About 38 spp., probably fewer, one widespread in smooth, mesocarp thinly fleshy with abundant
the Moluccas, the remainder in New Guinea. longitudinal fibers, endocarp thin. Seed laterally
attached; endosperm homogeneous. Two spp.,
Lord Howe Is.
Palmae 363

41. Subtribe Ptychospermatinae J.D. Hook. 4. Leaflets broadly to narrowly wedge-shaped or broadly lan-
(1883). ceolate to obovate; peduncular bract terete and promi-
nently beaked, inserted well above and becoming exserted
from the prophyll 106. Drymophloeus
Unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious palms; leaves - Leaflets lanceolate, medium to narrow; peduncular bract
pinnate, crownshaft always present; leaflets similar to and included within the prophyll 5
single-fold, but sometimes longitudinally split- 5. Leaflets wide in the middle or throughout, moderate to
ting, praemorse. Inflorescences infrafoliar, pro- rather short, truncate, oblique, acute, or acuminate, chaffy
ramenta present abaxially near the base of the midribs;
tandrous; peduncular bract tubular, slender, meso carp with several series of fibrous bundles, ± rounded
much longer than the prophyll and emerging in section, next to the endocarp 108. Veitchia
through its tip; rachillae bearing spirally arranged - Leaflets narrow, long, usually with 2-4 rather short jagged
triads of flowers basally, and staminate flowers points, lacking chaffy ramenta on midribs; meso carp with a
single series oflarge, flat fibrous bundles closely adherent to
distally; floral bracteoles low, rounded or truncate; the endocarp 107. Carpentaria
staminate flowers with sepals 3, distinct, imbri- 6. Peduncle elongate; peduncular bract inserted well above
cate, rounded; petals boat-shaped, distinct, val- and exserted from the prophyll; fruit often angled and ta-
vate; pistillode usually well-developed; pistillate pered at both ends; seed irregularly angled in cross-section,
flower with distinct imbricate sepals and acute 109. Balaka
- Peduncle short, peduncular bract similar to and included in
petals; gynoecium pseudomonomerous, stigmas the prophyll; fruit ovoid; seed 3-5-furrowed in cross-
3, recurved; ovule hemianatropous, attached section, acute and truncate or pointed at both ends 7
laterally or pendulous from the top of locule; 7. Leaflets acute, oblique, truncate, or 2-pronged and concave
fruit with apical stigmatic remains; embryo basal; apically; anthers dorsifixed, sagittate basally; fruit rounded
germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid, or or irregularly ridged when dry; seed with 5 rounded or
irregular ridges 8
entire. - Leaflets 3-pronged at the apex, the center prong the longest
The subtribe comprises nine genera occurring anthers basifixed, not versatile; fruit very strongly 5-angled
in the western Pacific region. The genera are when dry; the seed with 5 acute ridges 114. Brassiophoenix
closely related and form a group distinct in the 8. Seed rounded apically and with 5 rounded ridges; endocarp
form of the prophyll and the peduncular bract, the thin, fibrous or, if somewhat bony, then not elaborated and
staminate flowers with short, conic-ovoid pistillode.
staminate and pistillate flowers, and in the fruit. A Malesia to Micronesia and NE Australia112. Ptychosperma
phylogenetic study of the Ptychospermatinae is - Seed pointed apically, with irregular ridges; endocarp very
currently being undertaken by S. Zona; prelimi- thick, hard; pistillode always bottle-shaped
nary results (Zona, pers. comm.) suggest that 113. Ptychococcus
there will be major changes to the generic delimi-
tation presented here. 106. Drymophloeus Zipp.
KEY TO THE GENERA OF THE Drymophloeus Zipp., Algemene Konst- en Letter-bode 1829
(19): 297 (1829); Zona, Blumea (in press).

1. Leaflets of juvenile leaves entire, cuneate, several-nerved; Solitary, stilt roots sometimes present. Inflores-
leaflets of mature leaves divided longitudinally into 7-17 cence branched to 1 to 2-3 orders. Stamens 25 to
linear segments; peduncular bract similar to and included
within the prophyll, prophyll and peduncular bract
more than 200, anthers elongate, sagittate, un-
caducous 2 even, medifixed, versatile, latrorse; pollen sulcate
- Leaflets in both juvenile and mature leaves cuneate, trun- or trichotomosulcate, exine tectate, punctate;
cate acute, acuminate or oblique, undivided; peduncular pistillode with 3 short, rounded, 3-angled lobes
bract similar to or longer than and inserted well above and or ovoid-attenuate, to 2/3 as long as stamens.
protruding from the prophyll, prophyll and peduncular
bract marcescent 3 Staminodes 3, shortly joined basally. Fruit with
2. Stem slightly bottle-shaped; primary leaflets regularly ar- epicarp thin, smooth, mesocarp fleshy, fibrous,
ranged, divided into 11-17 segments, lacking white woolly with raphides, fibers adherent to thin, smooth
scales abaxially; outer endocarp with large, conspicuously endocarp. Seed ovoid, hilum apical, endosperm
branched, tough black fibers; endosperm homogeneous homogeneous or ruminate. About 15 spp., from
111. Wodyetia
- Stem moderate to slender, not bottle-shaped; primary Halmahera, Ceram, Ambon to New Guinea, the
leaflets clustered, divided into 7-9 segments, bearing white Solomons, to Fiji and Samoa.
woolly scales abaxially; outer endocarp with sparsely
branched, thin, terete, straw-colored fibers; endosperm
ruminate 110. Normanbya 107. Carpentaria Becc.
3. Seed rounded in cross-section 4
- Seed angled or grooved in cross-section 6 Carpentaria Becc., Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 2: 128 (1885).
364 Palmae

Solitary. Inflorescences branched to 3 orders. Sta- Solitary. Leaflets singlefold, longitudinally split
mens ca. 33, filaments short, anthers elongate, bi- into numerous segments held in different planes.
fid basally, dorsifixed, latrorse, connective broad, Inflorescences branched to 2(? more) orders. Sta-
tanniniferous; pollen sulcate, exine tectate, finely mens 24-40, filaments short, anthers elongate,
reticulate; pistillode bottle-shaped, as long as sta- shortly bifid apically, dorsifixed, introrse, connec-
mens in bud. Staminodes 3, toothlike, bifid tive elongate, tanniniferous; pollen sulcate, exine
apically. Epicarp smooth, mesocarp fleshy over a tectate, scabrate; pistillode flask-shaped with long
layer of broad, flat fibers, anastomosing distally, narrow neck, slightly longer than stamens.
closely appressed to endocarp, endocarp thin, Staminodes 3. Epicarp smooth, mesocarp thin,
glasslike. Seed attached laterally, round in cross- with longitudinal, branched, straw-colored fibers
section, hilum elongate, raphe branches anasto- adherent to smooth endocarp. Seed laterally at-
mosing, endosperm homogeneous. Only one sp., tached, endosperm ruminate. Only one spp., N.
C. acuminata (H. Wendl. & Drude) Becc., North- normanbyi (W. Hill) L.H. Bailey, rainforests of
ern Territory, Australia. northern Queensland, Australia.

108. Veitchia H. Wendl. 111. Wodyetia A.K. Irvine

Veitchia H. Wendl. in Seemann, Flora Vitiensis: 270 (1868); Wodyetia A.K. Irvine, Principes 27: 161 (1983).
H.E. Moore, Gentes Herb. 8: 483-536 (1957).

Solitary, erect. Leaflets single-fold, divided into

Solitary. Inflorescence branched to 3 or 4 orders
segments, held in different planes. Inflorescences
basally. Stamens to 100 or more, filaments slender,
branched to 4 orders. Stamens 60-71, filaments
united basally, not inflexed, anthers linear,
slender, short, anthers elongate, narrow, sagittate,
basifixed or dorsifixed, sagittate, latrorse; pollen
bifid apically, dorsifixed, latrorse, connective
sulcate, exine tectate; pistillode attenuate from a
tanniniferous; pollen sulcate, exine tectate, punc-
bulbous base, equalling stamens. Staminodes 3-6,
tate; pistillode bottle-shaped with long neck.
toothlike, variously connate. Epicarp smooth, me-
Staminodes 6. Epicarp smooth; mesocarp thin
socarp, thin-fleshy, with 2-severallayers of fibers,
with longitudinal fibers, some forked, endocarp
endocarp thin to thick, fragile. Seed attached later-
complex with outer thick, flat, branched fibers
ally, hilum elongate; endosperm homogenous or
ruminate [V. merrillii (Becc.) H.E. Moore]. About and inner layer of horizontal fibers. Endosperm
homogeneous. Only one sp., W. bifurcata A.K.
18 spp., Vanuatu, Fiji, and Philippine Is., ten spp.
Irvine, northeastern Queensland, Australia.
endemic to Fiji.

109. Balaka Becc. 112. Ptychosperma Labill.

Balaka Becc., Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 2: 91 (1885). Ptychosperma Labill., Mem. Classe Sci. Math. Phys. lost. Nat.
France 1808 (2): 252 (1809); Essig, Allertonia 1: 415-478
Solitary. Leaflets single-fold. Inflorescences
branched to 2 orders. Stamens 24-50, filaments
erect, anthers elongate, dorsifixed, sagittate, bifid Solitary or clustered. Leaflets single-fold. Inflores-
apically, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate; cences branched to 2, 3, or 4 orders. Stamens 9-
pistillode bottle-shaped with long neck. Sta- 100, filaments short, not inflexed, anthers
minodes usually 6, small, united. Fruit tapered linear-lanceolate, sagittate, bifid apically, dor-
distally or at both ends, often angled; epicarp sifixed, versatile, latrorse, connective tannni-
smooth, mesocarp with outer sclereid layer, inner ferous; pollen sulcate, exine tectate, reticulate;
fleshy layer, and single series of vascular bundles pistillode bottle-shaped with a long neck, or coni-
next to thin endocarp. Seed elongate, pointed, cal. Staminodes toothlike, linear or united. Epi-
ridged, 4-5-angled in cross-section, hilum elon- carp smooth; mesocarp fleshy, mucilaginous or
gate, lateral. About seven spp., five endemic to Fiji tanniniferous, sometimes with raphides, endocarp
and two in Samoa. fibrous. Seed longitudinally 5-grooved or angled,
rarely 3-grooved or rounded in cross-section, hi-
lum lateral, endosperm homogeneous or rumi-
110. Normanbya F. Muell. ex Becc. nate. Twenty eight spp., centered in New Guinea
Normanbya F. Muell. ex Becc., Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 2: and the D'Entrecasteaux and Louisiade archipela-
91, 170, 171 (1885). gos but extending west to east from the Moluccas
Palmae 365

to the Solomon Islands and south from the gynoecium pseudomonomerous; fruit with apical
Caroline Islands to northeastern Australia. stigmatic remains; embryo basal; germination ad-
jacent ligular.
The eight genera of Arecinae display consider-
113. Ptychococcus Becc.
able morphological diversity. Areca, Pinanga, and
Ptychococcus Becc., Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 2: 100 (1885). Nenga are unusual in lacking a large sheathing
peduncular bract. These three genera are pre-
Solitary. Leaflets single-fold. Stamens numerous dominantly West Malesian, although Areca has a
(-100), filaments short, anthers elongate, notched minor radiation in Papuasia. Gronophyllum,
apically, bifid basally, dorsifixed, introrse, connec- Siphokentia, Hydriastele, and Gulubia are closely
tive tanniniferous; pollen elliptic, sulcate, exine related to each other and rather poorly delimited.
tectate, reticulate; pistillode bottle-shaped equal- They are much in need of a modern reappraisal.
ling stamens. Staminodes 3, united in a cupule. Pollen structure is extraordinarily diverse in
Epicarp smooth, mesocarp fleshy with tannini- terms of aperture in Areca and in terms of exine
ferous cells and fibers, endocarp thick with large ornamentation in Pinanga.
keel, deeply grooved between 3 lateral and 2 ven-
tral ridges. Seed 5-lobed, hilum circular, apical, KEY TO THE GENERA OF ARECINAE
endosperm with shallow ruminations and deep
1. Inflorescence bearing 2 large bracts, the prophyll and a
intrusion in the rapheal lobes. Seven spp. de- similar peduncular bract, the peduncle later bearing 2 cir-
scribed, all rather poorly known; six in New cular scars at the base 2
Guinea and one in the Solomon Is. - Inflorescence bearing 1 large bract, the prophyll alone, the
peduncle later bearing a single circular scar 6
2. Rachillae bearing spirally arranged triads in the proximal
114. Brassiophoenix Burret 1/2-3/4, distally bearing paired or solitary staminate
flowers; peduncular bract distinctly shorter than the
Brassiophoenix Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Bertin- prophyll, scarcely sheathing the inflorescence
Dahlem 12: 345 (1935); Essig, Principes 19: 100-103 (1975). 115. Loxococcus
- Rachillae bearing opposite and decussate or whorled, very
rarely spirally arranged triads ± throughout their length;
Solitary, erect; leaflets single-fold, wedge-shaped, peduncular bract :±: as large as the prophyll 3
apically trilobed, the center lobe much prolonged. 3. Pistillate flower bearing connate sepals and petals
Inflorescences branched to 2( -3) orders. Stamens 117. Siphokentia
numerous (ca. 100-230), inserted on a conical re- - Pistillate flower bearing free sepals and petals 4
ceptacle, filaments long, slender, anthers elongate, 4. Inflorescence protandrous; petals of pistillate flowers more
than twice as long as the sepals, with conspicuous long,
basifixed, latrorse, connective tanniniferous, pro- valvate tips 116. Gronophyllum
longed basally between the anthers; pollen sulcate, - Inflorescence protogynous; petals of pistillate flower less
exine tectate, finely reticulate; pistillode small, than twice as long as the sepals with very short valvate tips
conical. Staminodes forming a shallow 3-lobed 5
ring. Epicarp with short, single, oblique fibrous 5. Robust solitary palms; leaves large; leaflets acute or irregu-
larly bilobed at the tip 119. Gulubia
bundles and interspersed brachysclereids, meso- - Moderate, usually clustered palms; leaves short; leaflets
carp fleshy, endocarp hard, thick, ridged. Seed lat- conspicuously praemorse at the tip 118. Hydriastele
erally attached, irregular with 5 ridges, pointed 6. Inflorescence protogynous, spicate or branched to 1 order
distally, hilum elongate, endosperm homoge- only; rachillae bearing distichous or, more rarely, spirally
neous. Two species, New Guinea. arranged triads throughout their length 121. Pinanga
- Inflorescence protandrous (in a few Areca spp. recorded as
protogynous but perhaps erroneously so), spicate or
branched to 1-3 orders; rachillae bearing triads proximally
4m. Subtribe Arecinae J.D. Hook. (1883). and paired or solitary, spirally arranged, distichous or
unilateral staminate flowers distally 7
7. Triads usually very few in number at the base of each
Diminutive to large, unarmed; crownshaft usually rachilla, rarely numerous; seed basally attached with circu-
present; leaves pinnate or pinnately-ribbed; lar hilum 122. Areca
leaflets entire or praemorse; inflorescence usually - Triads numerous, often occupying 3/4 of the rachilla length;
infrafoliar; prophyll and peduncular bract (where seed laterally attached with narrow longitudinal hilum
present) inserted close together, enclosing the in- 120. Nenga
florescence in bud, splitting and falling at anthesis;
staminate flower usually asymmetrical; petals 115. Loxococcus H. Wendl. & Drude
usually pointed; pistillate flower smaller than the
staminate, except in Areca, where usually larger; Loxococcus H. Wend!. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 185 (1875).
366 Palmae

Solitary. Crownshaft present. Leaflets single-fold, ll8. Hydriastele H. Wendl. & Drude
linear, praemorse. Inflorescence infrafoliar,
Hydriastele H. Wendl. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 180, 208 (1875).
branching to 2 orders, protandrous; peduncular
bract borne just above prophyll, not completely
Caespitose. Crownshaft present. Leaflets mostly
sheathing. Rachillae bearing spirally arranged tri-
single-fold, praemorse. Inflorescences infrafoliar,
ads in basal 1/2-3/4, solitary or paired staminate
branching to 1-2 orders, protogynous; peduncu-
flowers distally. Staminate flowers asymmetrical;
lar bract similar to the prophyll; rachillae bearing
stamens 12, anthers elongate, latrorse; pollen sul-
opposite and decussate pairs of triads throughout.
cate, exine tectate; pistillode conical. Pistillate
Staminate flowers asymmetrical; stamens 6, an-
flowers with distinct sepals and petals. Seed glo-
thers elongate, basifixed, latrorse; pollen, sulcate,
bose, basally and laterally attached, hilum lateral
exine tectate, scabrate or reticulate; pistillode ab-
throughout length of seed; endosperm deeply
sent. Pistillate flowers with distinct sepals and pet-
ruminate. Only one sp., L. rupicola (Thwaites)
als. Seed laterally attached with elongate hilum;
H. Wendl. & Drude, Sri Lanka.
endosperm homogeneous or ruminate. Eophyll
bifid. About eight spp., New Guinea, Bismarck
116. Gronophyllum Scheff. Archipelago, and northern Australia.
Gronophyllum Scheff., Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 1: 135
(1876); Essig & Young, Principes 29: 129-137 (1985).
119. Gulubia Becc.
Solitary or clustered. Crownshaft present. Lamina Gulubia Becc., Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 2: 128, 131, 134
entire or variously pinnate, leaflets acute, bifid or (1885); Essig, Principes 26: 159-173 ( 1982).
praemorse. Inflorescence infrafoliar, spicate or
branching to 1-3 orders, often hippuriform, pro- Solitary. Crownshaft present. Leaflets mostly
tandrous; peduncular bract similar to prophyll; single-fold, acute or bifid. Inflorescences infra-
rachillae bearing opposite and decussate, or alter- foliar, branching to 1-3 orders, protogynous; pe-
nating whorls of 3 triads throughout. Staminate duncular bract similar to the prophyll; rachillae
flowers asymmetrical; stamens 6-9, anthers bearing opposite and decussate pairs of triads
basifixed, elongate, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine throughout. Staminate flowers asymmetrical; sta-
tectate, reticulate; pistillode minute. Pistillate mens 6-24, anthers elongate, basifixed, latrorse;
flowers with distinct sepals and petals. Seed later- pollen sulcate, exine tectate, reticulate, granulate;
ally attached; endosperm homogeneous or rumi- pistillode minute or absent. Pistillate flowers with
nate. Eophyll bifid. About 33 spp., Sulawesi distinct sepals and petals. Seed laterally attached
through the Moluccas to New Guinea, the with elongate hilum; endosperm homogeneous or
Bismarck Archipelago, and Australia. ruminate. Eophyll bifid. Nine spp., Moluccas to
New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon
Islands, Australia, Vanuatu, Fiji, and Palau.
ll7. Siphokentia Burret
Siphokentia Burret, Notizb. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin- Dahlem 10:
198 (1927); Moore, Gentes Herb. 8: 295-315 (1953). 120. Nenga H. Wendl. & Drude
Nenga H. Wend!. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 182 (1975); Fernando,
Solitary. Crownshaft present. Lamina entire or Principes 27: 55-70 (1983).
variously pinnate, leaflets praemorse. Inflores-
cence infrafoliar, branching to 1 order, pro- Solitary or caespitose, acaulescent or erect, crown-
tandrous; peduncular bract similar to prophyll; shaft present or not, leaflets with !-several folds,
rachillae bearing opposite and decussate triads acuminate. Inflorescence infrafoliar or interfoliar,
throughout. Staminate flowers asymmetrical; sta- spicate or branching to 1 or 2 orders, protandrous;
mens 9-10, anthers basifixed, elongate, latrorse; peduncular bract absent; rachillae bearing spiral
pollen sulcate, exine, tectate, coarsely reticulate; flowers, triads proximally, solitary or paired
pistillode minute. Pistillate flowers with sepals staminate flowers distally. Stamens 6, anthers ob-
and petals connate in basal 1/2, distally 3-lobed. long to linear, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine
Seed basally attached; endosperm ruminate. tectate coarsely reticulate, pistillode absent. Pistil-
Two spp., Halmahera, Obi, and Kahatola, in the late flowers with distinct sepals and petals. Seed
northwest Moluccas; perhaps also in New laterally attached, hilum longitudinal, endosperm
Guinea. deeply ruminate; embryo basal. Eophyll bifid. Five
Palmae 367

sp., from Vietnam and Burma to Sumatra, the 3, distinct, broadly imbricate; petals 3, distinct,
Malay Peninsula, Borneo, and Java. broadly imbricate except for the minute, triangu-
lar, valvate tips; gynoecium pseudomonomerous;
ovule hemianatropous (? always), laterally at-
121. Pinanga Blume Fig. 82C
tached; endocarp with operculum; embryo almost
Pinanga Blume, Bull. Sc. Phys. Nat. Neerl. 1: 65 (1838). always basal (lateral in Alloschmidia); germina-
tion adjacent-ligular.
Solitary or caespitose, acaulescent or erect, A perplexingly complex subtribe of genera
crownshaft present or not, blade entire or vari- found mostly in the western Pacific region, but
ously pinnate, leaflets acuminate. Inflorescence with outliers in the Indian Ocean. The subtribe is
infrafoliar or interfoliar, spicate or branching to 1 distinctive in the presence of an operculum on the
order, protogynous; prophyll rarely persistent; endocarp (not always easy to see). The group
peduncular bracts absent; rachillae bearing spiral seems most closely related to Oncospermatinae,
or distichous triads throughout. Staminate flowers that differs in the single character of the presence
asymmetrical, stamens (6) 12-30, anthers linear, of epidermal emergence spines. Relationships of
latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine intectate or tectate, the two subtribes and their contained genera are
varied in ornamentation; pistillode absent. Pistil- in need of further phylogenetic study, which is
late flowers with distinct sepals and petals or being undertaken by Carl Lewis at Cornell
petals connate. Seed basally attached, hilum circu- University.
lar; endosperm homogeneous or ruminate; em-
bryo basal. Eophyll bifid. About 120 spp. ranging KEY TO THE GENERA OF THE IGUANURINAE
from the Himalayas and south China to New
Guinea. 1. Prophyll completely encircling the peduncle at insertion,
leaving a circular scar when caducous; stamens 6 or more
122. Areca L. Fig. 82K - Prophyll incompletely encircling the peduncle at inser-
tion, opening abaxially, leaving an incomplete scar upon
Areca L., Sp. Pl.: 1189 (1753). falling; stamens always 6 21
2. Seed irregularly ridged, furrowed, and sculptured with
adherent fibers 136. Alsmithia
Solitary or caespitose, acaulescent or erect; crown- - Seed small, not ridged or sculptured 3
shaft present or not; blade entire or variously pin- 3. Staminate flowers borne in vertically oriented pairs
nate, leaflets acuminate. Inflorescence infrafoliar sunken in distinct depressions distally, smaller than and
or interfoliar, spicate or branching to up to 3 or- lateral to the pistillate flowers proximally on the rachillae;
ders, protandrous or protogynous; peduncular fruit large, with apical stigmatic remains 123. Neoveitchia
- Staminate flowers borne in horizontally oriented pairs
bracts absent; rachillae bearing spiral or disti- distally, lateral to pistillate flowers proximally on the
chous triads basally, paired or solitary staminate rachillae; fruit moderate, rarely large with apical, lateral,
distally. Staminate flowers ± symmetrical, sta- or basal stigmatic remains 4
mens 3-30, anthers latrorse or poricidal; pollen 4. Inflorescence interfoliar; fruit covered with prominent
sulcate, monoporate or triporate, exine tectate or corky warts; stigmatic remains basal in fruit 5
- Inflorescence interfoliar, or infrafoliar, fruit smooth or
intectate. Pistillate flowers with distinct sepals and merely pebbled to granulose when dry; stigmatic remains
petals. Seed basally attached, hilum circular; en- various 6
dosperm ruminate; embryo basal. Eophyll bifid. 5. Peduncular bract inserted near the base of the peduncle;
About 60 spp., from India and south China fruit more than 2.5 em in diameter 124. Pelagodoxa
- Peduncular bract inserted at the apex of the peduncle; fruit
through Malesia to New Guinea and the Solomon 1.5 em in diameter or less 129. Sommieria
Islands. 6. Flowers borne in laterally compressed pits, the staminate
on long, hairy pedicels; fruit with stigmatic remains lateral
in lower 1/4; seeds ridged and grooved 130. Bentinckia
4n. Subtribe Iguanurinae J.D. Hook. (1883). - Flowers sessile or impressed in the rachillae but neither in
laterally compressed pits nor the staminate with hair-
covered pedicels; stigmatic remains apical to basal; seeds
Unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious palms with ~o~h 7
bisexual inflorescences; prophyll tubular, com- 7. Leaflets several-ribbed with praemorse apices or leaf
pletely sheathing the peduncle, or incompletely blades, when not divided with toothed margins; inflores-
tubular and only partially sheathing; flowers cences usually interfoliar; triads shallowly to deeply
sunken in depressions in the rachillae 125. Iguanura
sometimes borne in pits; protandrous; pollen el- - Leaflets 1-ribbed with acute or acuminate apices; inflores-
liptic, sulcate, exine tectate; pistillate flowers cences various; triads superficial 8
much larger than the staminate, spherical; sepals 8. Seed with ruminate endosperm 9
368 Palmae

- Seed with homogeneous endosperm 12 - Seed irregular in cross-section, externally angled or in-
9. Leaf sheaths splitting opposite the petiole, not forming a tricately ridged, furrowed, and sculptured 24
prominent crownshaft; inflorescences interfoliar, at least 22. Fruit with apical stigmatic remains 23
in bud, sometimes infrafoliar at anthesis or in fruit; the - Fruit with lateral stigmatic remains 145. Basselinia
peduncle elongate, prominent, usually as long as the rachis 23. Stilt roots prominent and stout; pistillode of staminate
or longer 128. Heterospathe flower shorter than stamens; fruit often curved apically
- Leaf sheaths tubular, forming a prominent crownshaft; 144. Campecarpus
inflorescence infrafoliar; peduncle usually much shorter - Stilt roots not prominently developed; pistillode of stami-
than the rachis 10 nate flower longer than stamens, columnar; fruit straight
10. Inflorescence lacking branches adaxially except at the 143. Cyphophoenix
apex, branched to 1 order only and the lower branches 24. Leaf sheaths split opposite the petiole in bud, not forming
ascending, not divaricate from the rachis at a 90° angle; a prominent crownshaft; inflorescence among the leaves in
fruit black at maturity 139. Dictyosperma bud, becoming infrafoliar in fruit; peduncle elongate,
- Inflorescence with branches spirally arranged, the lower much exceeding the rachis; prophyll and peduncular bract
branches abruptly divaricate at about a 90° angle from the :±:: persistent, at length marcescent; inflorescence branches
rachis and again once- or twice-branched; fruit yellow, with long bare basal portions, prominently swollen at the
orange, or red 11 insertion, stiffly and divaricately branched to 1 order or
11. Stamens 6-9; pistillode prominent 138. Rhopaloblaste the distal undivided 146. Cyphosperma
- Stamens 15-30 or more; pistillode minute or lacking - Leaf sheaths forming a prominent crownshaft; inflores-
140. Actinorhytis cence infrafoliar; peduncle shorter than the rachis;
12. Staminate flowers mostly larger than the pistillate; stamen prophyll and peduncular bracts caducous; inflorescence
filaments inflexed at the apex in bud; anthers dorsifixed, branches without a long basal bare portion, nor swollen at
with elongate connective, not didymous 13 the insertion 25
- Staminate flowers mostly smaller than the pistillate; 25. Staminate flowers symmetrical; pistillode thick, columnar,
stamen filaments erect in bud; anthers didymous 19 longer than the stamens in bud, expanded into a broadly
13. Stamens 12; fruit with basal stigmatic remains, lacking a capitate apex; fruit sub globose with stigmatic remains !at-
shell of sclereids 132. Cyphokentia era! in upper third, the surface minutely granular-papillate
- Stamens 6; fruit various 14 147. Veillonia
14. Endocarp minutely pitted; seed with lateral embryo - Staminate flowers slightly to markedly asymmetrical, the
142. Alloschmidia pistillode elongate-conic to angled-columnar, shorter than
- Endocarp not pitted; seed with basal embryo 15 the stamens in bud, not broadly capitate; fruit smooth or
15. Leaf sheaths split opposite the petiole; inflorescence drying pebbled but not granular-papillose 26
interfoliar 127. Lepidorrhachis 26. Bracteoles surrounding the pistillate flower sepal-like; an-
- Leaf sheaths forming a prominent crownshaft; inflores- thers with locules not continuous but interrupted by ster-
cence infrafoliar 16 ile connectivelike areas; fruit drying densely pebbled and
16. Inflorescence densely tomentose; fruit with apical stig- shouldered; mesocarp not readily separable from the
matic residue 137. Satakentia stony, intricately sculptured, 4-angled endocarp with a
- Inflorescence glabrous or at most minutely hairy; fruit dorsal groove flanked by 2 ridges 148. Burretiokentia
with subapical to nearly basal stigmatic remains 17 - Bracteoles surrounding the pistillate flower very narrow,
17. Complete peduncular bracts 2; endocarp hard, moderately rarely (P. dennisii H.E. Moore) with a slender limb but
thick, with longitudinal ridges 135. Carpoxylon never sepal-like; locules of anthers continuous; fruit glo-
- Complete peduncular bracts 1; endocarp thin or thick and bose or subglobose or collapsing and drying wrinkled but
prominently sculptured 18 not pebbled; mesocarp with a shining inner layer adjacent
18. Stilt roots usually developed; staminate flowers markedly to and readily separated from the endocarp, endocarp
asymmetrical, with short, trifid pistillode and acute sepals sharply 4-angled to variously ridged and sculptured but
and petals; fruit lacking sclereids but with prominent, always with a dorsal ridge 149. Physokentia
often greatly thickened fibers 134. Clinostigma
- Stilt roots not developed; staminate flowers symmetrical,
with pistillode as long as stamens in bud and rounded 123. Neoveitchia Becc.
sepals and petals; fruit with a layer of short sclereids
beneath the exocarp 133. Moratia Neoveitchia Becc., Le Palme della Nuova Caledonia: 9 (1920};
19. Fruit ellipsoidal with basal stigmatic remains; sclereids and Webbia 5: 77 (1921}; Dowe & Cabalion, Austr. Syst. Bot.
lacking in mesocarp but tannin cells present 9: 1-60 (1996}.
126. Brongniartikentia
- Fruit globose or nearly so with lateral stigmatic remains;
mesocarp with a shell of short sclereids beneath the Solitary, erect. Crownshaft absent. Leaflets single-
exocarp 20 fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar, branching
20. Leaf sheaths with minute scales, split opposite the petiole to 3 orders, protandrous; prophyll tubular, de-
and not forming a crownshaft; peduncle short; fruit small, ciduous, peduncular bract protruding through
1.4-1.6cm in diameter, with tannin cells interior to
prophyll, deciduous. Rachillae with triads basally,
sclereid layer 131. Clinosperma
- Leaf sheaths densely scaly, tubular and forming a promi- staminate distally, partially sunken in pits. Stami-
nent crownshaft; peduncle elongate; fruit large, ca. 3.2 em nate flowers asymmetrical, in vertical pairs, sepals
in diameter, lacking tannin cells 141. Lavoixia variously connate; stamens 6, filaments distinct,
21. Seed terete or 2-lobed in cross-section, ovoid, ellipsoidal, inflexed; anthers medifixed, latrorse; pistillode
globose, or rarely kidney-shaped in outline 22
columnar, equalling stamens. Staminodes 3,
Palmae 369

toothlike; ovule laterally attached. Stigmatic re- infrafoliar, branched to 1 or 2( -3) orders; pedun-
mains apical; endocarp smooth, operculum cir- cular bract inserted near and exceeding prophyll;
cular. Seed laterally attached, hilum elongate; rachillae bearing spiral triads basally, staminate
endosperm homogeneous. Two spp., Viti Levu, distally. Staminate flowers symmetrical, sepals
Fiji, and Vanuatu. and petals distinct; stamens 6, filaments short, not
inflexed, anthers didymous with separated locules
introrse; pistillode longer than stamens. Sta-
124. Pelagodoxa Becc. minodes 3. Stigmatic remains subbasal; epicarp
Pelagodoxa Becc. in Bois, Rev. Hort. II, 15: 302 (1917). smooth, endocarp thin, vitreous, fragile, oper-
culate basally. Seed with basal circular hilum
Solitary. Crownshaft absent. Lamina entire, endosperm homogeneous. Two spp., New
margins praemorse. Inflorescences interfoliar, Caledonia.
branching to 2 orders, protandrous; peduncular
bract longer than prophyll. Rachillae with triads in 127 Lepidorrhachis (H. Wendl. & Drude)
pits, staminate flowers distally. Staminate sepals 3, O.F. Cook
distinct; petals 3, basally connate; stamens 6, fila-
Lepidorrhachis (H.A. Wendl. & Drude) O.F. Cook, J. Hered.
ments united basally to pistillode, anthers medi- 18: 408 (1927).
fixed, sagittate, latrorse, connective prolonged; Clinostigma section Lepidorrhachis H. Wendl. & Drude,
pistillode pyramidal. Staminodes 3, triangular, Linnaea 39: 218 (1875).
small. Stigmatic remains basal; epicarp corky-
warted; endocarp smooth. Seed basal, hilum Solitary, erect. Crownshaft absent. Leaflets single-
rounded; endosperm homogeneous. Eophyll bifid. fold, acute. Inflorescences interfoliar becoming
Only one sp., P. henryana Becc., Marquesas. infrafoliar, branched to 3 orders; rachillae bearing
superficial triads nearly throughout. Staminate
flowers asymmetrical; sepals and petals distinct.
125. Iguanura Blume Stamens 6, filaments distinct, inflexed, anthers
Iguanura Blume, Bull. Sc. Phys. Nat. Neerl. 1:66 (1838); Kiew, oblong, latrorse; pistillode cylindrical, slightly
Gard. Bull. Singapore 28: 191-226 (1976); Lim, Gard. Bull. longer than stamens in bud. Staminodes 3. Stig-
Singapore 48: 1-64 ( 1998). matic remains lateral in upper 1/3-1/4; epicarp
smooth, mesocarp fleshy, thin, with included lon-
Solitary or clustered, acaulescent or erect. Leaves gitudinal fibers, endocarp fragile. Seed with
undivided or variously pinnate, praemorse, elongate, apical hilum, endosperm homogeneous;
crownshaft present or not. Inflorescences inter- embryo subbasal. Only one sp., L. mooreana
foliar or infrafoliar, spicate or branching to 1 or 2 (F. Muell.) O.F. Cook, Lord Howe Is.
orders; rachillae with spiral triads throughout,
superficial or sunken in pits. Staminate flowers
128. Heterospathe Scheff.
sessile, symmetrical, sepals 3, distinct; petals 3,
basally connate; stamens 6, filaments distinct, in- Heterospathe Scheff., Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 1: 141 (1876).
flexed, anthers oblong, latrorse; pistillode colum-
nar, equalling petals. Staminodes 6. Stigmatic Solitary or clustered, acaulescent or erect.
remains basal; epicarp smooth, mesocarp fleshy, Crownshaft absent. Leaflets single-fold, acute. In-
endocarp smooth or variously ridged, operculum florescences interfoliar or infrafoliar, branched to
basal, circular. Seed basally attached, hilum cir- 1-4 orders; prophyll complete, peduncular bract 1
cular, endosperm homogeneous or ruminate. or 2, exceeding prophyll; rachillae bearing spiral
Eophyll entire. About 25 spp., Sumatra, Malay triads throughout, or with staminate distally.
Peninsula (including south Thailand), and Staminate flower asymmetrical; sepals and petals
Borneo. distinct; stamens 6-36, filaments inflexed, anthers
dorsifixed, versatile, latrorse; pistillode present.
Staminodes 3. Stigmatic remains eccentrically api-
126. Brongniartikentia Becc. cal or lateral; epicarp smooth, endocarp thin. Seed
Brongniartikentia Becc., Le Palme della Nuova Caledonia: 48 attached apically and laterally, hilum elongate,
(1920); Moore & Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984). endosperm homogeneous or ruminate. Eophyll
bifid. About 32 spp. the Philippines and Micro-
Solitary, erect. Crownshaft absent. Leaflets single- nesia to eastern Indonesia, New Guinea, Solomon
fold, acute. Inflorescence interfoliar, becoming Islands, Vanuatu, and Fiji.
370 Palmae

129. Sommieria Becc. with short basal hilum; endosperm homogeneous.

Only one sp., C. bracteale (Brongn.) Becc., New
Sommieria Becc., Malesia 1: 66 (1877).
Solitary, acaulescent or erect. Crownshaft absent.
Leaves entire, or irregularly pinnate, segments 132. Cyphokentia Brongn.
acute, discolorous. Inflorescences interfoliar,
Cyphokentia Brongn., Comptes Rendus Acad. Sc. 77: 399
branching to 1 order; prophyll short; peduncular (1873); Moore & Uhl., Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984).
bract borne at tip of peduncle; rachillae few, bear-
ing partially sunken triads throughout. Staminate Solitary or caespitose, erect. Crownshaft present.
flowers symmetrical, sepals and petals distinct; Leaflets single-fold, acute. Inflorescences infra-
stamens 6, filaments connate basally, inflexed, an- foliar, branched to 2( -3) orders; prophyll and
thers medifixed, versatile, latrorse; pistillode co- peduncular bract completely enclosing inflores-
lumnar. Staminodes 3-6. Stigmatic remains basal; cence, caducous; rachillae bearing spiral superfi-
mesocarp corky-warted, endocarp thin. Seed ba- cial triads basally and staminate flowers distally.
sally attached, hilum circular; endosperm homo- Staminate symmetrical; sepals and petals distinct;
geneous; embryo subbasal. Eophyll bifid. Three stamens 12, filaments inflexed, anthers dorsifixed,
spp., New Guinea and Waigeo. latrorse; pistillode equalling stamens. Staminodes
S-6. Stigmatic remains lateral; epicarp smooth,
mesocarp fibrous; endocarp vitreous, operculum
130. Bentinckia A. Berry
basal, round, beaked. Seed with round basal
Bentinckia A. Berry in Roxb., Flora Indica (2nd edn.) 3: 621 hilum; endosperm homogeneous. Only one sp., C.
(1832). macrostachya Brongn., New Caledonia.

Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets

singlefold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar, 133. Moratia H.E. Moore
branched to 3 orders; prophyll and peduncular Moratia H.E. Moore, Gentes Herb. 12: 18 (1980); Moore &
bract similar, enclosing inflorescence in bud; Uhl., Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984).
rachillae bearing spiral triads in laterally com-
pressed pits. Staminate flowers asymmetrical, Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets
sepals and petals distinct; stamens 6, filaments single-fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar,
distinct, inflexed, anthers elliptic, basifixed, branched to 2-3 orders; prophyll and peduncular
latrorse; pistillode as long as stamens. Staminodes bract entirely enclosing inflorescence in bud, ca-
3-6. Stigmatic remains lateral near base; epicarp ducous; rachillae bearing superficial spiral triads
smooth, mesocarp fibrous, endocarp grooved. proximally, distally bearing staminate flowers.
Seed grooved, hilum rounded, basal; endosperm Staminate flowers symmetrical; sepals and petals
homogeneous. Eophyll bifid. Two spp., Western distinct; stamens 6, filaments inflexed, anthers
Ghats, India, and Nicobar Is. dorsifixed, oblong; pistillode equalling stamens.
Staminodes 3. Stigmatic remains lateral; epicarp
roughened, mesocarp with few fibers, endocarp
131. Clinosperma Becc. vitreous, faintly reticulate, operculum spathulate.
Clinosperma Becc., Le Palme della Nuova Caledonia: 51 Seed with basal hilum. Endosperm homogeneous.
(1920); Moore & Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984). Eophyll bifid. Only one sp., M. cerifera H.E.
Moore, New Caledonia.
Solitary, erect. Crownshaft absent. Leaflets single-
fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar, branched to
134. Clinostigma H. Wendl.
3 orders; prophyll complete, enclosing peduncular
bract, both caducous; rachillae bearing spiral Clinostigma H. Wend!., Bonplandia 10: 196 (1862).
triads basally, staminate flowers distally. Stami-
nate flowers symmetrical; sepals and petals dis- Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets
tinct; stamens 6, distinct, filaments not inflexed, single-fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar,
anthers didymous; pistillode equalling stamens. branched to 3 orders; prophyll and peduncular
Staminodes 3. Stigmatic remains lateral; epicarp bract enclosing inflorescence in bud, caducous;
smooth, mesocarp with inner layer of fibers, en- rachillae bearing superficial spiral triads through-
docarp vitreous, operculum basal, rounded. Seed out, or proximally only with staminate flowers
Palmae 371

distally. Staminate flowers asymmetrical; sepals 137. Satakentia H.E. Moore

and petals distinct; stamens 6, filaments inflexed,
Satakentia H.E. Moore, Principes 13: 5 (1969).
anthers versatile, latrorse; pistillode conical.
Staminodes (5- )6. Stigmatic remains eccentrically
Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets
apical, lateral, or basal; epicarp smooth, mesocarp
single-fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar,
fibrous, endocarp smooth, operculum elliptic.
branching to 2 orders; prophyll and peduncular
Seed with basal or lateral, rounded to elongate
bract enclosing inflorescence in bud, deciduous;
hilum; endosperm homogeneous. Eophyll bifid or
rachillae bearing spiral superficial triads proxi-
entire. About 13 spp., Bonin and Caroline Is. to
mally, staminate flowers distally. Staminate
Samoa, Fiji Is., Vanuatu, Solomon Is., and New
flowers asymmetrical; sepals and petals distinct;
stamens 6, filaments inflexed, anthers oblong,
dorsifixed, latrorse; pistillode equalling stamens.
135. Carpoxylon H. Wendl. & Drude Staminodes 3. Stigmatic remains eccentrically
apical; epicarp smooth, mesocarp fibrous,
Carpoxylon H. Wend!. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 177 (1875); Dowe
& Uhl, Principes 33(2): 68-73 (1989).
endocarp smooth, operculum elongate. Hilum
elongate, endosperm homogeneous, embryo
Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets basal. Eophyll bifid. Only one sp., S. liukiuensis
single-fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar, (Hatusima) H.E. Moore, Ryukyu Islands.
branching to 3 orders; prophyll completely
sheathing; peduncular bracts 2, similar to
138. Rhopaloblaste Scheff.
prophyll, deciduous; rachillae bearing spiral
superficial triads proximally, staminate flowers Rhopaloblaste Scheff., Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 1: 137
distally. Staminate flowers asymmetrical; sepals (1876).
and petals distinct; stamens 6, filaments inflexed,
anthers oblong, dorsifixed, latrorse; pistillode Solitary or clustered, erect. Crownshaft present
longer than stamens in bud. Staminodes 5 connate or absent. Leaflets single-fold, slender, acute. In-
in ring. Stigmatic remains eccentrically apical; florescences infrafoliar, branched to 3 orders;
epicarp smooth, mesocarp thick, fibrous, en- prophyll and peduncular bract enclosing inflores-
docarp thick, longitudinally ridged, operculum cence in bud, caducous. Staminate flowers sym-
basal, circular. Hilum elongate, endosperm metrical; sepals and petals distinct; stamens 6-9,
homogeneous, hollow, embryo basal. Only one the filaments connate basally, inflexed, anthers
sp., C. macrospermum H. Wendl. & Drude, elongate, medifixed, latrorse; pistillode conical to
Vanuatu. columnar. Staminodes 6. Stigmatic remains
apical; epicarp smooth, endocarp fragile, opercu-
lum rounded, basal. Hilum lateral; endosperm ru-
136. Alsmithia H.E. Moore minate. Eophyll pinnate. Six spp., Nicobar Islands,
Alsmithia H.E. Moore, Principes 26: 122 (1982). Malay Peninsula, and Singapore, the Moluccas,
New Guinea, and Solomon Is.
Solitary, erect. Crownshaft absent. Leaflets single-
fold, acute. Inflorescences interfoliar, branching
139. Dictyosperma H. Wendl. & Drude
to 2 orders; prophyll complete, short; peduncular
bract much exceeding prophyll, deciduous; Dictyosperma H. Wend!. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 181 (1875).
rachillae bearing spiral superficial triads proxi-
mally, staminate flowers distally. Staminate Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets
flowers symmetrical; sepals and petals distinct; single-fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar,
stamens 6, filaments inflexed, anthers oblong, branched to 1 order, prophyll and peduncular
dorsifixed, latrorse; pistillode shorter than bract enclosing inflorescence in bud, deciduous;
stamens. Staminodes 3. Stigmatic remains apical; rachillae bearing superficial triads proximally,
epicarp smooth, mesocarp fibrous, endocarp staminate flowers distally. Staminate flowers
fragile, with thickened adnate fibers, irregularly asymmetrical; sepals and petals distinct; stamens
sculptured, beaked, operculum basal, rounded. 6, filaments, inflexed, anthers elongate, dorsifixed,
Seed angled in cross-section, hilum elongate, en- versatile, latrorse; pistillode equalling stamens.
dosperm homogeneous, embryo basal. Only one Staminodes 3. Stigmatic remains apical; epicarp
sp., A. longipes H.E. Moore, Fiji Islands. smooth, mesocarp fibrous, endocarp smooth,
372 Palmae

operculum basal, circular. Hilum elongate, lateral; distinct; stamens 6, filaments inflexed, anthers
endosperm ruminate. Eophyll bifid. Only one sp., dorsifixed, oblong, latrorse; pistillode columnar
D. album (Bory) H. Wendl. & Drude, Mascarene exceeding stamens. Staminodes 3. Stigmatic
Is. remains apical; epicarp smooth, mesocarp with
thin fibers, endocarp fragile, minutely pitted,
operculum elongate. Hilum elongate, endosperm
140. Actinorhytis H. Wendl. & Drude homogeneous; embryo lateral. Eophyll bifid. Only
Actinorhytis H. Wendl. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 184 (1875). one sp., A. glabrata (Becc.) H.E. Moore, northeast-
ern New Caledonia.
Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets
single-fold, acuminate or bifid. Inflorescences
infrafoliar, branching to 3 orders; prophyll and 143. Cyphophoenix H. Wendl. ex J.D. Hook.
peduncular bract enclosing inflorescence in bud, Cyphophoenix H.A. Wendl. ex J.D. Hook. in Benth. & Hook.,
deciduous; rachillae bearing spiral superficial Gen. Pl. 3: 893 (1883); Moore & Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402
triads proximally, staminate flowers distally. (1984).
Staminate flowers asymmetrical; sepals and petals
distinct; stamens 24-33, filaments distinct, in- Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets
flexed, anthers elongate, medifixed, versatile, single-fold, acuminate or bifid. Inflorescences
latrorse; pistillode columnar, equalling stamens in infrafoliar, branched to 1-2(-3) orders; prophyll
bud. Staminodes 3. Stigmatic remains apical; complete, caducous; peduncular bract exceeding
epicarp smooth, mesocarp fibrous, endocarp thin, prophyll, enclosing inflorescence in bud, cadu-
operculum circular. Hilum lateral, elongate, en- cous; rachillae bearing slightly sunken triads
dosperm ruminate, hollow. Eophyll bifid. Two proximally, staminate flowers distally. Staminate
spp., New Guinea and Solomon Is. flowers symmetrical, briefly pedicellate or sessile;
sepals and petals distinct; stamens 6, filaments
distinct, inflexed, anthers versatile, basifixed;
141. Lavoixia H.E. Moore pistillode columnar. Staminodes 3. Stigmatic
Lavoixia H.E. Moore, Gentes Herb. 11: 296 (1978); Moore & remains apical; epicarp smooth, mesocarp
Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984). fibrous, endocarp crustaceous, smooth, opercu-
lum circular, basal. Hilum obovoid, apical;
Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets endosperm homogeneous. Eophyll bifid. Two
single-fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar, spp., New Caledonia and Loyalty Is.
branched to 2 orders; prophyll complete, short;
peduncular bract exceeding prophyll, caducous;
rachillae bearing superficial triads proximally, 144. Campecarpus H. Wendl.
staminate flowers distally. Staminate flowers sym- Campecarpus H. Wendl. ex Becc., Le Palme della Nuova
metrical; sepals and petals distinct; stamens 6, fila- Caledonia: 28 (1920); Moore & Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402
ments distinct, not inflexed, anthers didymous; (1984).
pistillode columnar, slightly exceeding stamens.
Staminodes 3. Stigmatic remains lateral; epicarp Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present; leaflets single-
smooth, mesocarp thick, not fibrous, endocarp fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar, branched to
thin. Seed laterally compressed; hilum basal; 2 orders; prophyll incomplete, caducous; pedun-
endosperm homogeneous. Only one sp., L. cular bract exceeding prophyll, enclosing inflores-
macrocarpa H.E. Moore, New Caledonia. cences in bud, caducous; triads superficial
proximally, staminate flowers distally. Staminate
flowers symmetrical; sepals and petals distinct;
142. Alloschmidia H.E. Moore stamens 6, filaments inflexed; anthers oblong,
Alloschmidia H.E. Moore, Gentes Herb. 11: 293 (1978); Moore dorsifixed, versatile; pistillode shorter than sta-
& Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984). mens in bud. Staminodes 3. Stigmatic remains ec-
centrically apical; epicarp smooth, mesocarp
Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets fleshy, with fibers, endocarp vitreous, with longi-
single-fold, acute. Inflorescences interfoliar, tudinal adaxial ridge, operculum rounded, basal.
branched to 3 orders; prophyll short, enclosing Hilum elongate, endosperm homogeneous. Only
peduncular bract; triads in pits throughout. one sp., C. fulcitus (Brongn.) H. Wendl., New
Staminate flowers symmetrical; sepals and petals Caledonia.
Palmae 373

145. Basselinia Vieill. dorsifixed, latrorse; pistillode columnar. Sta-

minodes 3. Stigmatic remains subapical; epicarp
Basselinia Vieill., Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie II, 6: 230 (1873);
Moore & Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984).
papillate, mesocarp sparsely fibrous, endocarp
fragile, sculptured with adaxial ridge and 2 lateral
Solitary or clustered, erect. Leaves entire bifid or and 2 abaxial irregular crests and a dorsal groove,
variously pinnate; leaflets single-multi-fold, operculum basal. Hilum elongate, endosperm ho-
acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar, branched to 1 or mogeneous. Only one sp., V. alba H.E. Moore,
2 orders; prophyll incomplete; peduncular bract endemic to New Caledonia.
exceeding prophyll; spiral triads superficial proxi-
mally, staminate flowers distally. Staminate
flowers symmetrical; sepals and petals distinct; 148. Burretiokentia Pic.Serm.
stamens 6, filaments inflexed, anthers dorsifixed, Burretiokentia Pic.Serm. in Becc. & Pic.Serm., Webbia 11: 122
latrorse; pistillode equalling stamens in bud. (1955); Moore & Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984); Pintaud
Staminodes 3. Stigmatic remains lateral to subapi- & Hodel, Principes 42 (1998) in press.
cal; epicarp smooth, mesocarp with sparse fibers,
endocarp vitreous, operculum rounded, basal. Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets
Hilum basal, rounded, endosperm homogeneous. single-fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar,
Eophyll bifid. Eleven spp., New Caledonia. branched to 1(-2) orders; prophyll short, incom-
plete, caducous; peduncular bract close to and
slightly exceeding prophyll, enclosing inflores-
146. Cyphosperma H. Wendl. cence in bud, caducous; spiral, superficial triads
Cyphosperma H. Wend!. ex J.D. Hook. in Benth. &Hook., Gen.
proximally, staminate flowers distally. Staminate
Pl. 3: 895 (1883); Moore & Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402 flowers usually asymmetrical; sepals and petals
(1984). distinct; stamens 6, filaments inflexed, anthers
dorsifixed, pistillode columnar. Staminodes 3.
Solitary, erect. Crownshaft absent. Leaves entire- Stigmatic remains apical; epicarp smooth, meso-
bifid or variously pinnate; leaflet single- or multi- carp sparsely fibrous, endocarp irregularly sculp-
fold, acute. Inflorescences interfoliar, branched to tured, operculum basal, rounded. Hilum linear,
2 orders; prophyll incomplete, short; peduncular lateral, endosperm homogeneous. Eophyll bifid.
bract tubular, much longer than prophyll, mar- Five spp., New Caledonia.
cescent; spiral triads almost throughout, sunken
in pits. Staminate flowers symmetrical; sepals and
petals distinct; stamens 6, filaments inflexed, 149. Physokentia Becc.
anthers oblong, dorsifixed; pistillode columnar Physokentia Becc. in Martelli, Atti Soc. Tosc. Sc. Nat. Pisa,
overtopping stamens in bud. Staminodes 3. Stig- Mem. 44: 152 (1934); Moore, Principes 13: 120-136 (1969).
matic remains lateral; epicarp smooth, mesocarp Goniocladus Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem
fleshy, endocarp vitreous, irregularly sculptured, 15: 86 (1940).
ridged, grooved. Seed laterally attached, hilum
linear, endosperm homogeneous. Eophyll bifid. Solitary, erect, often stilt-rooted. Crownshaft
Four spp., two in Fiji, one in New Caledonia, one present. Lamina variously pinnate, leaflets acute.
in Vanuatu. Inflorescences infrafoliar, branching to 2(3)
orders; prophyll incomplete, peduncular bract ex-
ceeding prophyll, enclosing inflorescence in bud,
147. Veillonia H.E. Moore caducous with prophyll; rachillae with superficial
Veillonia H.E. Moore, Gentes Herb. 11: 299 (1978); Moore & triads proximally, staminate flowers distally.
Uhl, Allertonia 3: 313-402 (1984). Staminate flowers briefly pedicellate, asymmetri-
cal; sepals distinct; petals distinct or briefly
Solitary, erect. Crownshaft present. Leaflets connate; stamens 6, filaments inflexed, anthers
single-fold, acute. Inflorescences infrafoliar, versatile, latrorse; pistillode conspicuous. Sta-
branched to 1-2 orders; prophyll incomplete, ca- minodes 3. Stigmatic remains apical; endocarp
ducous; peduncular bract tubular, much exceed- angled or ridged, sculptured, with adaxial keel and
ing prophyll; rachillae bearing spiral triads abaxial ridge, operculum rounded. Hilum narrow,
proximally, staminate flowers distally. Staminate lateral, endosperm homogeneous or ruminate.
flowers symmetrical; sepals and petals distinct; Eophyll bifid. Seven spp., Fiji Is., New Hebrides,
stamens 6, filaments inflexed, anthers oblong, Solomon Islands, and New Britain.
374 Palmae

40. Subtribe Oncospermatinae J.D. Hook. {1883). 5. Staminate flowers with petals about twice as long as the
sepals; stamens 6; pistillode large, truncate, 3-angled and
Small to robust, spiny (at least when juvenile); lobed, about as high as the petals; leaflets or blade
crownshaft present or not; leaves pinnate or pin- praemorse 6
- Staminate flower with petals about 4 times as long as the
nately ribbed; leaflets entire or praemorse; inflo- sepals; stamens 18 or more; pistillode not truncate, angled
rescences interfoliar or infrafoliar; triads rarely or lobed, leaflets or blade lobes acute or acuminate 7
borne in pits, usually superficial; staminate 6. Leaf blade almost appearing undivided, the leaflets scarcely
flowers symmetrical or asymmetrical, sometimes separated; fruit large, 2-2.5cm diam., the endocarp con-
congenitally open; pistillate flowers with imbri- spicuously ridged and crested; seed ± ridged, raphe
branches anastomosing 154. Verschaffeltia
cate petals with triangular valvate tips; gynoe- - Leaflets clearly separated; fruit small, ca. 5 mm diam. or
cium pseudomonomerous; ovule hemianatropous less; endocarp not ridged; seed not ridged, the raphe
(?always); endocarp with a well-defined opercu- branches few, ascending 155. Roscheria
lum covering embryo; embryo basal; germination 7. Leaf blade usually undivided though lobed marginally, the
adjacent-ligular. lobes bifid; inflorescence branching to 2 orders; staminate
flower asymmetrical; stamens ca. 18, the filaments tapered,
The Oncospermatinae include eight genera, five anthers ± versatile; pistillode small, slender; fruit ovoid
of them found only in the Seychelles, two in the 156. Phoenicophorium
Mascarenes and the eighth, Oncosperma, wide- - Leaf pinnate, with rather distant, mostly 2- to 3-ribbed
spread from Sri Lanka to Malesia. There is re- acute or acuminate leaflets; inflorescence branching to 1
markable diversity in floral and fruit morphology. order; staminate flower symmetrical; stamens 40-50, the
filaments expanded distally, anthers not versatile; pistillode
All genera are spiny, at least when they are juve- ovoid, minutely trifid; fruit subglobose 157. Nephrosperma
niles, and it is this character alone that separates
the subtribe from the other subtribe with opercu- 150. Deckenia H. Wendl. ex Seem.
late endocarps, the Iguanurinae.
Deckenia H. Wend!. ex Seem., Gard. Chron. 1870: 561 (1870).
Solitary, spiny when juvenile, becoming unarmed
1. Leaves with leaflets all 1-ribbed, acute or acuminate;
sheaths usually forming a conspicuous crownshaft; inflo-
at maturity; crownshaft present; leaflets single-
rescence usually infrafoliar; peduncular bract enclosed by fold, acuminate. Inflorescences infrafoliar,
the prophyll, both inserted close together, splitting and usu- branching to 2 orders protandrous; prophyll and
ally caducous at an thesis; peduncle short, usually ± equal- peduncular bract similar, inserted close together,
ling the rachis; staminate flowers asymmetrical, sepals caducous; rachillae coiled in bud, bearing spiral
acute 2
- Leaves with blades undivided, bifid, or irregularly to regu-
triads throughout. Staminate flowers asymmetri-
larly divided into leaflets, these usually with more than 1 cal, congenitally open; stamens 6-9, anthers short,
rib, acute, bifid or praemorse; sheaths not forming a con- medifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine intectate,
spicuous crownshaft; inflorescences interfoliar or becom- clavate; pistillode columnar, longer than petals.
ing infrafoliar in age; peduncular bract caducous, inserted Staminodes 6, minute. Fruit narrow-ovoid, stig-
some distance from the prophyll and exceeding it; prophyll
persistent; peduncle elongate, usually much longer than the matic remains basal; operculum circular. Seed
rachis; sepals rounded 5 basally attached, hilum circular; endosperm ho-
2. Fruit ovoid with apical or eccentrically apical stigmatic mogeneous; embryo basal. Eophyll bifid. Only one
remains; perianth ± 1/2 as high as the fruit; seed with ho- sp., D. nobilis H. W endl., Seychelles Is.
mogeneous endosperm; triads borne in 6 vertical rows, each
triad subtended by a saucerlike bract, the bracts obscured
by the staminate flowers, but becoming conspicuous when 151. Acanthophoenix H. Wendl.
the flowers have fallen 153. Tectiphiala
- Fruit ellipsoid to globose, with lateral to basal stigmatic Acanthophoenix H. Wend!., Fl. Serres Jardins de !'Europe 16:
remains; perianth less than 1/2 as high as the fruit; en- 181 (1867).
dosperm homogeneous or ruminate; rachilla bracts not
saucerlike 3 Solitary, sparsely spiny at maturity; crownshaft
3. Fruit ellipsoid with basal stigmatic remains; staminate present; leaflets single-fold, acuminate. Inflores-
flower open early in development with ca. 9 stamens,
scarcely exceeding the petals and a conspicuous, slender,
cences infrafoliar, branching to 2 orders,
elongate, trifid pistillode 150. Deckenia protandrous; prophyll and peduncular bract simi-
- Fruit globose to ellipsoid with lateral stigmatic remains; lar, inserted close together, caducous; rachillae
staminate flower closed in bud, stamens 6-12; pistillode sinuous, bearing spiral triads throughout. Stami-
shorter than stamens and petals 4 nate flowers asymmetrical, closed in bud; stamens
4. Stamens exserted at anthesis; pistillode minutely trifid; seed
with homogeneous endosperm 151. Acanthophoenix 6-12, anthers linear, dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen
- Stamens included at anthesis; pistillode deeply trifid; seed sulcate, exine tectate, reticulate; pistillode ovoid,
with ruminate endosperm 152. Oncosperma short. Staminodes 6-9, minute. Fruit ellipsoid,
Palmae 375

stigmatic remains lateral to subapical; operculum larly tattering with age. Inflorescences interfoliar,
circular. Seed laterally attached, hilum circular; branching to 2-3 orders, protandrous; prophyll
endosperm homogeneous; embryo basal. Eophyll inserted above base, persistent; peduncular
bifid or pinnate. Only one sp., A. rubra H. Wendl., bract similar; rachillae sinuous with spiral triads
Mauritius and Reunion. ± throughout. Staminate flowers symmetrical,
closed in bud; stamens 6, anthers rounded,
medifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate,
152. Oncosperma Blume
reticulate; pistillode large, truncate. Fruit spheri-
Oncosperma Blume, Bull. Sc. Phys. Nat. Neerl. 1: 64 (1838). cal, stigmatic remains basal; endocarp flanged
and ridged, operculum rounded, basal. Seed
Caespitose, spiny throughout; crownshaft present; basally attached, hilum rounded, endosperm
leaflets single-fold, acuminate. Inflorescences ruminate; embryo basal. Eophyll bifid. Only
infrafoliar, branching to 2 orders, protandrous; one sp., V. splendida H. Wendl., endemic to
prophyll and peduncular bract similar, inserted Seychelles.
close together, caducous; rachillae sinuous,
bearing spiral triads ± throughout. Staminate
155. Roscheria H. Wendl. ex l.B. Balf.
flowers asymmetrical, closed in bud; stamens 6-9,
anthers linear, dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, Roscheria H. Wend!. ex LB. Balf. in ].G. Baker, Fl. Maur.
exine tectate with supratectal processes; pistillode Seych.: 386 (1877).
short, trifid. Staminodes 6, minute. Fruit globose,
stigmatic remains lateral to subapical; operculum Solitary. Crownshaft present. Leaves irregularly
circular. Seed laterally attached, hilum elongate; pinnate, segments acuminate or praemorse. In-
endosperm ruminate; embryo subbasal. Eophyll florescences interfoliar, becoming infrafoliar,
bifid. Five spp., one endemic to Sri Lanka, two branching to 3(4) orders, prophyll inserted above
endemic to the Philippines, and two widespread in base, persistent, peduncular bract exceeding
SE Asia and W Malesia, reaching Sulawesi and prophyll, caducous; rachillae flexuous, bearing
Philippines. spirally arranged triads proximally, staminate
flowers distally. Staminate flowers symmetrical,
closed in bud; stamens 6, anthers rounded,
153. Tectiphiala H.E. Moore medifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate,
Tectiphiala H.E. Moore, Gentes Herb. 11(4): 285 (1978). reticulate; pistillode large, truncate. Staminodes 6.
Fruit globose, stigmatic remains subbasal; en-
Solitary or caespitose, spiny throughout; crown- docarp smooth, operculum basal. Seed basally
shaft present; leaflets single-fold, acuminate. attached, hilum rounded, endosperm ruminate;
Inflorescences infrafoliar, branching to 1 order, embryo basal. Only one sp., R. melanochaetes (H.
protandrous; prophyll and peduncular bract Wendl.) H. Wendl. ex l.B. Balf., confined to Mahe
similar, inserted close together, caducous; and Silhouette Is. in the Seychelles.
rachillae few, straight, bearing conspicuous,
spiral, saucerlike bracts and triads ± throughout.
156. Phoenicophorium H. Wendl.
Staminate flowers asymmetrical, closed in bud;
stamens 6-9, filaments coiled; anthers linear, Phoenicophorium H. Wend!., Illus. Hortic. 12 (Misc.): 5 (1865).
dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen monosulcate, exine
tectate, reticulate; pistillode short, trifid. Solitary, ± unarmed at maturity. Crownshaft
Staminodes 6, minute. Fruit ovoid, stigmatic re- absent. Lamina entire-bifid, marginally lobed. In-
mains apical; operculum circular. Seed laterally florescences interfoliar, branching to 1-2 orders,
attached, hilum elongate; endosperm homoge- protandrous; prophyll inserted above base, persis-
neous; embryo subbasal. Only one sp., T. ferox tent, peduncular bract included within prophyll;
H.E. Moore, endemic to Mauritius. rachillae flexuous, bearing spiral triads, except
distally staminate. Staminate flowers asymmetri-
cal, closed in bud; stamens 15-18, anthers elon-
154. Verschaffeltia H. Wendl.
gate, medifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine
Verschaffeltia H. Wend!., Illus. Hortic. 12 (Misc.): 5 (1865). tectate, spiny; pistillode absent. Staminodes 6.
Fruit ellipsoid; endocarp thin, operculum round,
Solitary, stilt-rooted. Crownshaft absent. Lamina basal. Seed basally attached, hilum rounded; en-
undivided, lobed at margins, praemorse, irregu- dosperm ruminate; embryo basal. Eophyll entire.
376 Palmae

Only one sp., P. borsigianum (K. Koch) Stuntz, Clustering. Petiole elongate. Inflorescences con-
widespread in the Seychelles Is. cealed among the leaf bases; peduncular bract
longer than the prophyll. Staminate flowers asym-
metrical, sessile or stalked; stamens with short
157. Nephrosperma LB. Balf.
filaments, anthers elongate, basifixed, latrorse; pol-
Nephrosperma I.B. Balf. in J.G. Baker, Fl. Maur. Seych.: 386 len triangular, triporate, exine tectate, reticulate;
(1877). pistillode lacking. Staminodes 6. Stigma 3-angled;
ovule pendulous, probably campylotropous. Fruit
Solitary, ± unarmed at maturity. Crownshaft globose, beaked; endo carp bony, irregularly pitted
absent. Leaflets 2-3-fold, acute. Inflorescences externally, with basal pore region. Seed globose,
interfoliar, branching to 1 order, protandrous; hilum elongate, embryo basal. Eophyll bifid.
prophyll near base, persistent, peduncular bract Three(?) spp., rainforest in equatorial Africa.
inserted near prophyll, deciduous; rachillae
bearing spiral triads, except near tips, where
staminate. Staminate flowers symmetrical, closed 4q. Subtribe Masoalinae Beentje & J. Dransf.
in bud; stamens 40-50, anthers rounded, {1996).
basifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate,
reticulate, pistillode ovoid. Staminodes 6. Fruit Robust, solitary, unarmed, pleonanthic, monoe-
globose; operculum round, basal. Seed globose to cious, short-stemmed, litter-trapping palms;
kidney-shaped, laterally attached near base, hilum leaves large; crownshaft not developed; inflores-
oblong; endosperm ruminate; embryo basal. cences interfoliar, staminate, pistillate, or bi-
Eophyll bifid. Only one sp., N. vanhoutteanum (H. sexual; prophyll hidden by leaf bases; peduncular
Wendl. ex Van Houtte) LB. Balf., confined to the bract similar to prophyll, numerous incomplete
Seychelles Is. peduncular bracts also present; stamens 6, ovary
pseudomonomerous, with 3 large triangular
stigmas; fruit beaked, with apical or lateral stig-
4p. Subtribe Sclerospermatinae J. Dransf. &
matic residue; endosperm homogeneous; germi-
N. Uhl {1986).
nation adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid.
The genera of the Masoalinae comprise massive
Acaulescent, unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious;
short-stemmed tree palms of the understory of
crownshaft absent; leaves large, irregularly
rainforest in Madagascar. The petioles of the
divided or entire-bifid, discolorous, margins prae-
massive leaves are short or absent, the leaf blades
morse; inflorescence interfoliar, spicate; prophyll
acting as funnels that trap litter in the crown of the
short; peduncular bract disintegrating into a
palm. The relationships of the two genera with
fibrous net, partly covering flowers; flowers in
other arecoid palms are as yet obscure. The over-
triads near base of spike, paired staminate
all structure of the unisexual inflorescences of
flowers distally. Staminate flowers with 3 imbri-
Marojejya forms a remarkable parallel with that
cate sepals and 3 valvate petals; stamens ca. 60;
of Elaeis in Tribe Cocoeae.
pistillate flower with connate sepals and imbricate
petals; gynoecium pseudomonomerous. Fruit
with apical stigmatic remains. Endosperm
homogeneous, hollow; germination remote- 1. Inflorescences bisexual, branching to 2 orders, elongate,
tubular. lax, long exserted from leaf sheath; peduncle elongate;
rachis longer than peduncle; staminate petals free;
As originally circumscribed, this subtribe also
pistillode as large as stamens; staminate sepals broadly im-
included Marojejya, but now that the latter and bricate; fruit symmetrical with apical stigmatic remains
Masoala are better known, it seems very unlikely 159. Masoala
that Marojejya is related to Sclerosperma. As de- - Inflorescence unisexual, congested, ± hidden among leaf
limited here, the subtribe contains the single bases, branching to 1 order; peduncle short; rachis shorter
than peduncle; staminate flowers with petals connate in
genus, Sclerosperma, a most remarkable, aberrant basal1/3 and adnate to receptacle; pistillode minute; sepals
palm of West Africa. narrow in staminate flower; fruit asymmetrical, with lateral
stigmatic remains 160. Marojejya
158. Sclerosperma G. Mann & H. Wendl.
Fig. 82J 159. Masoala Jum.
Sclerosperma G. Mann & H. Wend!., Trans. Linn. Soc. London Masoala Jum., Ann.lnst. Bot. Geol. Col. Marseille V, 1(1): 8
24: 427 (1864). (1933); J. Dransf. & Beentje, Palms Madag.: 20-27 (1995).
Palmae 377

Lamina irregularly or regularly divided, leaflets spp.), then the perianth of pistillate flowers with connate
single-fold, acuminate. Inflorescences branching petals; endocarp with pores at or above the middle except
rarely in Acrocomia, the pores more or less deeply im-
to 1-2 orders; peduncle elongate; prophyll in- pressed in the endocarp, usually covered by or plugged
serted above base, peduncular bract similar to with fibers adherent to the endocarp, lacking a clearly de-
prophyll, caducous; rachis longer than peduncle; marcated and visible operculum; fruit always (?) 1-seeded;
rachillae bearing spirally arranged, sunken triads, endosperm always homogeneous. 15
subtended by coriaceous bracts, through most of 2. Pistillate flowers not or only slightly sunken in the
rachillae; endocarp with pores at or below the middle;
rachilla length. Staminate flowers symmetrical; peduncular bract woody. 3
anthers elongate, basifixed, latrorse; pollen - Pistillate flowers deeply sunken in the rachillae; endocarp
sulcate, exine tectate, rugulate; pistillode colum- with pores at or above the middle; peduncular bract
nar. Staminodes absent. Fruit ovoid. Seed smooth. fibrous 14
Two spp., eastern Madagascar. 3. Peduncular bract borne at the tip of the peduncle, circum-
scissile and deciduous at anthesis; stamens 18-21, the fila-
ments connate in a torus. Madagascar
161. Beccariophoenix
160. Marojejya Humb. - Peduncular bract borne near the prophyll insertion or
Marojejya Humb., Mem. Inst. Sc. Madagascar B. Biol. Veg. 6: higher, but not at the tip, not circumscissile, splitting
92 (1955); J. Dransf. & Beentje, Palms Madag.: 28-37 (1995). abaxially but not deciduous at anthesis, persistent or
marcescent; stamens 3-many, filaments variously free
or connate 4
Lamina regularly divided, leaflets single-fold, 4. Peduncular bract nearly smooth or finely striate but not
acuminate, or entire-bifid to irregularly divided. deeply grooved; pores at or below the middle, not im-
Inflorescences unisexual, branching to 1 order; pressed in the endocarp, each with a clearly demarcated
thin operculum 5
peduncle short; prophyll near base, peduncular - Peduncular bract shallowly to deeply grooved; pores
bract similar to prophyll; rachis shorter than pe- mostly near the base of and usually impressed in the en-
duncle; rachillae bearing spirally arranged bracts docarp, often covered by or plugged with fibers, some-
forming pits, with solitary pistillate or paired times with a clearly demarcated operculum 7
staminate flowers. Staminate flowers ± asym- 5. Staminate flowers with 6 stamens; petioles usually con-
spicuously toothed on the margin toward the base; fruit
metrical; anthers elliptic, medifixed, versatile, 1-3-seeded. Brazil to Paraguay 162. Butia
latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate, foveolate; - Staminate flowers with more than 6 stamens; petioles not
pistillode small. Staminodes 6. Fruit asymmetri- toothed along the margin 6
cally globular; endocarp thick. Seed irregularly 6. Staminate flowers stalked, the sepals not imbricate; sta-
shaped, smooth or grooved. Two spp., eastern mens 15-30; leaflets clustered; trunks always solitary, mas-
sive, up to 1m in diameter or more. Coastal Central Chile
Madagascar. 163./ubaea
- Staminate flowers not stalked; sepals imbricate, stamens
8-16; trunks slender and often multiple. SE Africa
5. Tribe Cocoeae Mart. (1837). 164. ]ubaeopsis
7. Inflorescences not normally differentiated into androgy-
nous and staminate but instead the pistillate flowers borne
Pleonanthic, monoecious palms with reduplic- at the base of, in the lower part of, or nearly throughout the
ately pinnate leaves; crownshaft absent; inflores- rachillae or the spike, the staminate flowers lateral to the
cences solitary, interfoliar, usually branched to 1 pistillate and usually pedicellate in the triads, sessile and
order only; prophyll short, usually fibrous; pedun- paired or solitary in the upper part of the rachilla or spike;
pistillate flowers always trilocular and triovulate 8
cular bract much exceeding the prophyll, usually - Inflorescences normally of more than one kind on the
woody and persistent, enclosing entire inflores- same plant, androgynous and staminate, or sometimes
cence in bud, splitting at anthesis; staminodes al- also pistillate; androgynous inflorescences with the pistil-
most always connate in a short irregularly toothed late flowers large and few at the base of short rachillae, the
ring; gynoecium with 3 or more locules and 3 or pistillate flowers accompanied by lateral or abortive stami-
nate flowers and usually with some paired or solitary
more ovules; endocarp well developed with 3 or staminate flowers on the distal portion of the rachillae;
more pores. staminate inflorescences with longer rachillae bearing
staminate flowers only; pistillate flowers sometimes with
KEY TO THE GENERA OF COCOEAE more than 3 carpels, ovules, and stigmas. Central and S
America 172. Attalea
1. Unarmed palms except for the sometimes sharply toothed 8. Triads separated on the inflorescence; sepals of staminate
petiole margin; corolla of pistillate flowers always of flowers rarely as long as the petals 9
broadly imbricate petals; endocarp with pores above, at, or - Triads densely arranged on the lower portion of a spike,
below the middle 2 the terminal portion with dense staminate flowers;
- Prickly palms, armed in some or all parts with soft to bracteoles prominent; sepals of staminate flowers linear,
mostly stout spines, or when rarely unarmed (Bactris acute to acuminate, more than 1/2 as long as the petals, the
378 Palmae

flowers rather markedly asymmetrical, lateral to the basifixed anthers often sagittate basally; pistillode evident
densely packed pistillate flowers on the lower portion, and 17
densely crowded on the terminal portion of the spike; - Pistillate petals connate beyond the middle or completely
stamens 6-120 13 connate in a 3-lobed, 3-toothed, or truncate, urceolate or
9. Stamens more than 6 10 tubular corolla, the lobes, when developed, not spreading;
- Stamens 6 11 staminodes distinct or united in a short tube, but not
10. Stamens ca. 15; endocarp externally irregularly sculptured adnate to the corolla; pistillode usually lacking 18
and roughened and with 3 prominent crests at the apex. 17. Sepals of pistillate flowers distinct and imbricate; sepals of
Ecuador and Bolivia 168. Parajubaea staminate flowers distinct (except where united to the flo-
- Stamens 12; endocarp externally deeply grooved, inter- ral receptacle) and separated or imbricate; lobes of pistil-
nally with irregular swellings penetrating the seed. Mada- late corolla spreading at an thesis; pinnae variously oblique
gascar 169. Voanioala or truncate, broad, and strongly toothed at the apex;
11. Pistillate flowers very large, globose-ovoid, the sepals and trunks essentially uniform in diameter. Lesser Antilles, S
petals, rounded, without valvate apices, imbricate; stami- America from Brazil to Peru and Bolivia 177. Aiphanes
nate flowers with distinct sepals and 6 stamens; fruit very - Sepals of both pistillate and staminate flowers connate in
large, up to 25 em long or more at maturity, with a very cupular calyces; lobes of pistillate corolla erect; pinnae
thick, fibrous mesocarp and thick, bony endocarp; seed acute or acuminate; trunk markedly ventricose. Cuba
normally 1, with liquid endosperm when young and a 176. Gastrococos
large, hollow interior when completely mature. Old World 18. Staminate flowers often associated with the pistillate in
tropics, now pantropical 165. Cocos triads basally or along the upper part of the rachilla but
- Pistillate flowers ovoid or conic-ovoid, the sepals acute above these triads, then paired or generally solitary and
and more or less hooded, the petals usually with conspicu- densely aggregated in a distinct terminal portion of the
ously valvate apices 12 rachilla, each pair of flowers or each flower subtended by a
12. Leaflets densely white or pale brown tomentose abaxially, prominent bractlet adnate to or coherent with adjacent
very narrow, close, and regularly arranged; epicarp and bractlets to form a cupule sometimes as high as the flow-
mesocarp splitting regularly and longitudinally from the ers; stamen filaments inflexed at the apex in bud; anthers
apex to the base, into 3 sections at maturity, exposing the dorsifixed, versatile. Mexico to Brazil 180. Astrocaryum
thin endocarp, anthers versatile, medifixed, filaments in- - Staminate flowers not densely aggregated in a distinct ter-
flexed at tip 167. Lytocaryum minal portion of the rachilla but associated with the pistil-
- Leaflets lacking a dense covering of tomentum abaxially late in triads or irregularly interspersed among the triads
(very rarely thin indument present but then leaflets and subtended by short, distinct bracteoles 19
grouped); epicarp and mesocarp not splitting at maturity; 19. Erect plants; upper pinnae not modified into reflexed
endocarp very thick, variously beaked, ridged, minutely climbing organs; stamen filaments inflexed at the apex or
pitted or invaginated; anthers only rarely versatile. S from nearly the middle in bud; anthers mostly dorsifixed,
America and Lesser Antilles 166. Syagrus versatile; peduncular bract inserted near the prophyll at
13. Plants usually without emergent stem; stamens 6-19; seed the base of the peduncle. Cuba and Mexico to Brazil
with homogeneous endosperm. Brazil, Paraguay 178. Bactris
170. Allagoptera - Climbing plants; upper pinnae usually very distant and
- Plants with prominent trunk; stamens 60-120; seed with modified into reflexed hooklike climbing organs
ruminate endosperm. Brazil 171. Polyandrococos (acanthophylls); stamen filaments erect in bud, short; an-
14. Flowers of both sexes consistently on the same inflores- thers basifixed, erect, sagittate basally; peduncular bract
cence, the pistillate near the bases of rachillae; inflores- often inserted above the middle of the peduncle. Mexico to
cence long-peduncled, laxly branched. NE Brazil Brazil 179. Desmoncus
173. Barcella
- Flowers normally in separate inflorescences on the same
plant; inflorescence short-peduncled, densely branched. Sa. Subtribe Beccariophoenicinae J. Dransf. &
Costa Rica to Brazil (E. oleifera), W Africa (E. guineensis)
174. Elaeis N. Uhl (1986).
15. Petals of pistillate flowers distinct and broadly imbricate,
or if sometimes partially connate basally and with an Peduncular bract borne at the tip of the peduncle
adnate staminodal tube, then at least the margins free and (always), very thick and woody, beaked, grooved,
imbricate; stamen-filaments inflexed at the apex in bud,
the anthers dorsifixed and versatile; fruit with abundant
circumscissile and deciduous at anthesis leav-
short fibers in the mesocarp, these strongly adherent to the ing collar-like scar; rachis very short; rachillae
smooth or only very shallowly pitted endocarp. Cuba and with basal pulvinus; stamens 18-21; gynoecium
Mexico to Argentina 175. Acrocomia trilocular, triovulate; fruit 1-seeded; endocarp
- Petals of pistillate flowers connate 1/3-1/2 of their length with 3 basal pores; endosperm ruminate; embryo
in a campanulate tube with prominent spreading or erect,
valvate lobes, or more than 112 of their length in an ur-
lateral near the base; germination adjacent-
ceolate, briefly 3-lobed, 3-toothed, or even truncate tube; ligular; eophyll entire.
fruit lacking abundant short fibers adherent to the en- The sole member of the subtribe is a remarkable
docarp 16 palm from Madagascar. Most distinctive is the
16. Pistillate petals connate 1/3-1/2 of their length in a cam- peduncular bract, which is very thick and woody,
panulate tube with prominent valvate lobes; staminodes
connate and adnate to the corolla tube basally, but distinct borne at the base of the inflorescence rachis and
or continued in a free, 3-6-lobed or -toothed or truncate circumscissile at anthesis, leaving a broad collar-
tube sometimes nearly equalling the stigmas above; the like scar.
Palmae 379

161. Beccariophoenix Jum. & H. Perrier Solitary, acaulescent or erect. Petiole usually
armed with coarse fiber spines; leaflets variously
Beccariophoenix Jum. & H. Perrier, Ann. Fac. Sc. Marseille
23(2): 34 (1915); Dransf. & Beentje, Palms Madag.: 438-443 lobed or acute. Inflorescence branched to 1 order;
(1995). peduncular bract, smooth or striate. Staminate
flowers sessile or pedicellate, asymmetrical; sepals
Robust, solitary, tree. Leaflets single-fold. Pro- 3, distinct or basally connate; petals 3, distinct;
phyll fibrous, persistent; rachillae spirally ar- stamens 6, filaments inflexed, anthers elongate,
ranged, spreading, bearing distichous triads medifixed, introrse; pollen sulcate or trichotomo-
throughout except near tips, where staminate. sulcate, exine tectate. Staminodal ring collarlike.
Staminate flowers subsymmetrical; sepals 3, dis- Fruit 1-3-seeded, beaked; epicarp smooth, en-
tinct; petals 3, distinct; anthers elongate, basifixed; docarp smooth, thick, with 1-3 developed cavities,
pollen sulcate, exine tectate; pistillode absent. pores lateral below equator or subbasal. En-
Pistillate flowers slightly larger than staminate; dosperm homogeneous, solid. Eight spp., cooler,
sepals 3, distinct, imbricate; petals 3, distinct, drier areas of S America, in southern Brazil, Para-
imbricate, with short valvate tips. Fruit ovoid guay, Uruguay, and Argentina.
with pyramidal beak, epicarp smooth, mesocarp
easily separated from endocarp. Seed attached
near the base, hilum broad. Only one sp., B. 163. ]ubaea Kunth
madagascariensis Jum. & H. Perrier, eastern jubaea Kunth in H.B.K., Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1: quarto edition
Madagascar. 308; folio edition 247 (1816) ("1815"); Uhl & Dransf., Gen.
Palm.: 487-489 (1987).

Sb. Subtribe Butiinae Saakov {1954). Solitary, massive tree. Petiole unarmed; leaflets
single-fold, tips acute or hooked. Inflorescence
Monoecious, unarmed or armed with fiber spines branched to 1 order; peduncular bract, smooth.
on petiole margins, epidermal emergence spines Staminate flowers stalked, asymmetrical; sepals 3,
lacking; leaf sheath distintegrating into an inter- basally connate; petals 3, distinct; stamens 18, fila-
woven mass of fibers; inflorescences solitary, ments inflexed, anthers rectangular, medifixed,
interfoliar, protandrous; prophyll short; pedun- latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate, foveolate.
cular bract inserted near the prophyll, much Staminodal ring forming a low collar. Fruit
longer, tubular, enclosing the inflorescence in 1-seeded, beaked; epicarp smooth, endocarp
bud; rachillae or spikes bearing spirally arranged smooth, thick, with 3 low crests, pores lateral be-
triads proximally, paired or solitary staminate low equator. Endosperm homogeneous, hollow.
flowers distally; gynoecium trilocular, triovulate, Germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll entire. Only
ovules hemianatropous or anatropous, laterally one sp., f. chilensis (Molina) Baill., Central Chile.
attached; seed basally attached.
This subtribe includes the familiar coconut.
Members are predominantly South American but 164. ]ubaeopsis Becc.
there is one genus in Madagascar, one in South jubaeopsis Becc., Webbia 4: 171 (1913); Uhl & J. Dransf., Gen.
Africa, and the coconut itself is probably western Palm.: 489-491 (1987).
Pacific in origin. Until about 500 years ago another
probable member of the subtribe, Paschalococos Caespitose, stems also branching aerially by
J. Dransf., known from subfossil endocarps, forking. Petiole unarmed; leaflets single-fold,
occurred on Easter Island (Dransfield 1991b). Fos- tips 2-lobed. Inflorescence branched to 1 order;
sil cocoid fruit, but not assignable to subtribe, peduncular bract striate but not grooved. Stami-
have been recorded for New Zealand and India. nate flowers sessile, asymmetrical; sepals 3, dis-
The sub tribe is distinguished by the bisexual inflo- tinct; petals 3, distinct; stamens 7-16, filaments
rescences, the persistent peduncular bract, and the inflexed, anthers linear, dorsifixed, introrse; pol-
absence of epidermal emergence spines. len sulcate or trichotomosulcate, exine tectate.
Staminodal ring forming a low collar. Fruit 1-
seeded, beaked; epicarp smooth, endocarp thick,
162. Butia (Becc.) Becc. Fig. 81N with 3 vertical grooves, pores lateral below equa-
Butia (Becc.) Becc., Agric. Col. 10: 489 (1916); Henderson et tor. Endosperm homogeneous, hollow. Germina-
al., Field Guide: 136-138 (1995). tion remote-tubular; eophyll entire. Only one sp.,
Cocos subgenus Butia Becc. (1887). ]. caffra Becc., S. Africa.
380 Palmae

165. Cocos L. irregularly 6-toothed. Fruit 1-seeded, beaked; epi-

carp smooth, splitting with mesocarp along 3 lines
Cocos L., Sp. Pl.: 1188 (1753); Harries, Bot. Rev. 44: 265-319
(1978). exposing smooth, thin endocarp, pores lateral
near base. Endosperm homogeneous or ruminate,
Solitary tree. Petiole unarmed; leaflet tips asym- hollow or solid. Germination adjacent-ligular;
metrical. Inflorescence branched to 1 order; eophyll pinnate. Two spp., SE Brazil.
peduncular bract shallowly grooved. Staminate
flowers sessile, asymmetrical; sepals 3, distinct; 168. Parajubaea Burret
petals 3, distinct; stamens 6, filaments not in-
flexed, anthers linear, medifixed, latrorse; pollen Parajubaea Burret, Notizb. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 11:
sulcate or trichotomosulcate, exine tectate, reticu- 48 (1930); Moraes & Henderson, Brittonia 42: 92-99 (1990).
late. Pistillate flower very large; staminodal ring
not lobed. Fruit 1-seeded, not beaked; epicarp Solitary trees. Petiole unarmed; leaflets bifid or
smooth, mesocarp very thick, fibrous, endocarp oblique. Inflorescence branched to 1(2) orders; pe-
with 3 longitudinal ridges, pores basal. En- duncular bract deeply grooved. Staminate flowers
dosperm homogeneous, hollow, partially filled sessile, asymmetrical; sepals 3, distinct; petals 3,
with fluid. Germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll distinct; stamens 15, filaments inflexed, anthers
entire. Only one sp., C. nucifera L., western Pacific, linear, dorsifixed, introrse; pollen sulcate, exine
widely cultivated throughout the tropics. tectate, punctate. Staminodal ring 3-lobed. Fruit 1-
seeded, beaked; epicarp smooth, endocarp thick,
irregularly sculptured, 3-ridged or not, pores
166. Syagrus Mart. basal, sunken. Endosperm homogeneous, hollow.
Syagrus Mart., Palmarum Familia: 18 (1824); Glassman, Illi-
Three spp., Ecuador, Bolivia, and Colombia.
nois Biol. Monographs: 56 (1987).

Solitary or clustered, acaulescent to trees. Petiole

169. Voanioala J. Dransf.
rarely armed; leaflet tips various. Inflorescence Voanioala J. Dransf., Kew Bull. 44: 192 (1989); Dransf. &
branched to 1 order, rarely spicate; peduncular Beentje, Palms Madag.: 444-450 (1995).
bract grooved. Staminate flowers sessile, rarely
stalked, asymmetrical; sepals 3, distinct or con- Solitary tree. Petiole unarmed; leaflets bilobed.
nate; stamens 6, filaments not inflexed, anthers Inflorescence branched to 1 order; pedunculat
linear, latrorse; pollen sulcate or trichotomo- bract deeply grooved. Staminate flowers sessile,
sulcate, exine tectate. Staminodal ring 6-lobed. asymmetrical; sepals 3, distinct; petals 3, distinct;
Fruit 1-seeded, sometimes beaked; epicarp stamens 12-13, filaments not inflexed, anthers
smooth or striate; endocarp smooth or variously linear, basifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine
beaked, ridged, rarely with internal swellings, intectate with granular processes and baculae.
pores basal or sub-basal. Endosperm homoge- Staminodal ring irregularly 9-toothed. Fruit 1-
neous or ruminate. Germination adjacent-ligular seeded, beaked; epicarp with scaly indument,
or remote-tubular; eophyll entire. About 30 spp., S endocarp thick, deeply grooved, internally with
America and Lesser Antilles. irregular rounded protrusions; pores lateral below
equator. Endosperm homogeneous, with a very
narrow hollow. Germination remote-tubular;
167. Lytocaryum Toledo eophyll entire. Only one sp., V. gerardii J. Dransf.,
Lytocaryum Toledo, Arquivos Bot. Est. Sao Paulo II,. 2(1): 6.
Glaziova Mart. ex Drude (1881) (non Bureau 1868).
170. Allagoptera C.G.D. Nees
Solitary, short-stemmed. Petiole unarmed; leaflets Allagoptera C.G.D. Nees in Wied-Neuwied, Reise nach
acuminate, discolorous. Inflorescence branched Brasilien 2:335 (1821); Moraes, Fl. Neotrop. 73: 1-34 (1996).
to 1 order; peduncular bract deeply grooved.
Staminate flowers sessile or pedicellate, symmetri- Caespitose, acaulescent, stems also branching ae-
cal; sepals 3, distinct or basally connate; petals 3, rially by forking. Petiole unarmed; leaflet tips 2-
distinct; stamens 6, filaments inflexed, anthers lobed. Inflorescence spicate; peduncular bract
elongate, medifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate or grooved. Staminate flowers stalked or sessile,
trichotomosulcate, exine tectate. Staminodal ring asymmetrical; sepals 3, connate basally; petals 3,
Palmae 381

distinct; stamens 6-18, filaments not inflexed, an- carpels. In the past, several genera have been
thers linear, dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen sulcate, separated on the basis of staminate flower form
exine tectate, foveolate or fossulate. Staminodal (see Uhl and Dransfield 1987 for discussion).
ring forming a shallowly lobed collar. Fruit 1- These genera have now been included in the single
seeded, angled; epicarp smooth, sometimes with genus Attalea (Henderson et al. 1995). However,
scaly indument, endocarp thick, pores lateral near the taxonomy of the group remains poorly
base. Endosperm homogeneous, hollow. Germi- known.
nation remote-tubular; eophyll entire. Four spp.,
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay.
172. Attalea Kunth Fig. 89A-N
Attalea Kunth in H.B.K., Nova Genera et Species Plantarum 1:
171. Polyandrococos Barb. Rod. folio edition 248; quarto edition 309 {1816); Henderson
eta!., Field Guide: 153-164 (1996).
Polyandrococos Barb. Rod., Contr. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 1:
Maximiliana Mart., Palmarum Familia 20 (1824), nom. cons.
7 {1901); Henderson eta!., Field Guide: 153 {1995).
Orbignya Mart. ex Endlicher, Gen. Plant. 257 {1837).
Scheelea Karsten, Linnaea 28: 264 (1857) ("1856").
Solitary, acaulescent to erect. Petiole armed or
unarmed; leaflets bilobed, discolorous. Inflores- Small to massive, solitary, acaulescent or erect.
cence spicate; peduncular bract grooved. Stami- Leaflets single-fold, tips irregularly lobed. Stami-
nate flowers stalked or sessile, asymmetrical; nate flowers asymmetrical, sessile, or stalked;
sepals 3, connate basally; petals 3, distinct; sta- sepals 3, distinct, imbricate, or briefly connate;
mens 60-ca. 100, filaments inflexed, anthers linear, petals (2)3( -5), equalling sepals or longer, occa-
dorsifixed, introrse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate, sionally basally connate, variously membranous
reticulate. Staminodal ring irregularly lobed. Fruit or terete, fleshy, varied in shape; stamens 3-75,
1-seeded, angled, beaked; epicarp smooth, some- shorter than to much longer than petals, anthers
times with scaly indument, endocarp thick, pores straight or spirally twisted, dorsifixed to medi-
lateral near base. Endosperm ruminate, hollow or fixed, sometimes thecae separate or joined,
solid. Eophyll entire. Only one, very variable, sp., coiled around each other, latrorse or introrse;
P. caudescens (Mart.) Barb. Rod., Brazil. pistillode inconspicuous or absent. Twenty nine
or more spp., S and Central America and the
Sc. Subtribe Attaleinae Drude (1887).

Unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious. Inflores- Sd. Subtribe Elaeidinae J.D. Hook. (1883).
cences solitary, interfoliar, entirely staminate, en-
tirely pistillate, or with flowers of both sexes, Pleonanthic, monoecious; inflorescences inter-
branched to 1 order; prophyll obscured by leaf foliar, bisexual or unisexual, branching to 1 order;
sheaths; peduncular bract tubular, enclosing inflo- prophyll short, becoming fibrous distally; stami-
rescence in bud; staminate rachillae bearing nate flowers spirally arranged, sunken in pits, pis-
paired or solitary flowers; bisexual rachillae either tillate flowers superficial; staminate flowers small;
similar to staminate but bearing a few basal pistil- sepals 3, distinct, widely separated; stamens 6,
late flowers or 1-several triads with a short slender filaments connate in a fleshy tube; gynoecium
apical portion bearing fertile or sterile staminate trilocular, triovulate; ovule atropous; mesocarp
flowers; pistillate rachillae lacking all trace of thick, fleshy, oily; endosperm homogeneous with
staminate flowers at maturity; pollen sulcate or a central cavity; embryo lateral; germination
trichotomosulcate, exine tectate; gynoecium of adjacent-ligular; eophyll entire, lanceolate.
3-several connate carpels; fruit 1-several-seeded, The subtribe is distinguished by the enclosure of
beaked; endocarp very thick, stony; seed basally staminate flowers in pits and by the staminal tube
attached; endosperm homogeneous; embryo formed by the connate filaments; the pistillate
basal; germination remote-tubular; eophyll entire, flower has massive stigmas.
Attaleinae comprise the single genus Attalea.
The subtribe is distinguished by the presence of 173. Barcella (Trail) Trail ex Drude
more than one type of inflorescence - staminate, Barcella (Trail) Trail ex Drude in Mart., Fl. Brasil. 3{2): 459
androgynous, and sometime also pistillate - on {1881).
the same plant. Gynoecia may have more than 3 Elaeis subgenus Barcella Trail ( 1877).
382 Palmae

Solitary, acaulescent, unarmed. Petiole margins

sharp; leaflets single-fold, tips acuminate. Inflo-
rescences bisexual, protandrous; peduncular bract
much longer than prophyll, beaked, woody, stri-
ate, persistent; basal rachillae with few basal pistil-
late flowers, staminate flowers distally, other
rachillae bearing dense spirals of paired staminate
flowers in pits. Anthers rectangular, versatile,
latrorse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate, scabrate;
pistillode much shorter than connate filaments;
staminodal ring 6-toothed, membranous. Fruit 1-
seeded, beaked; endocarp 3-angled, pores 3, lat-
eral. Only one sp., B. odora (Trail) Trail ex Drude,
confined to a small area of the banks of the Rio
Negro and its tributaries in Brazil.

174. Elaeis Jacq. Fig. 890-X

Elaeis Jacq., Sel. Stirp. Americ. Hist.: 280 (1763).

Solitary, erect. Petioles armed with fiber spines

and spinelike eroded leaflet bases; leaflets single-
fold, tips acuminate. Inflorescences unisexual; pe-
duncular bract similar to prophyll, disintegrating
into fibers; staminate rachillae with spinelike tips;
pistillate rachillae with spinelike tips and spinelike
bracts. Anthers rectangular, versatile, introrse;
pollen elliptic or triangular, sulcate, trichotomo-
sulcate, or tetrachotomosulcate, exine tectate, re-
ticulate; pistillode slightly shorter than connate
filaments; staminodal ring 6-toothed, membra-
nous. Fruit 1-seeded, beaked; endocarp variously
angled, pores 3, apical. Two spp., E. guineensis
Jacq., humid tropical Africa, E. oleifera (Kunth)
Cortes, central and northern S America.

. Se. Subtribe Bactridinae J.D. Hook. (1883) .
Spiny, pleonanthic, monoecious palms, the spines
Fig. 89A-X. Palmae-Arecoideae. A Attalea exigua, acaules- formed from epidermal emergences, sometimes
cent palm, showing "saxophone" growth of subterranean unarmed by loss of spines; inflorescences axillary,
stem. B-G Attalea maripa. B 2 interfoliar inflorescences, each interfoliar; gynoecium irregularly ovoid, trilo-
with a persistent, beaked peduncular bract. C Rachilla of an- cular, triovulate, variously bristly or tomentose;
drogynous inflorescence with basal pistillate flowers and dis-
tal staminate flowers. D Staminate flower. E Fruit. F Endocarp, stigmas 3, conspicuous, reflexed beyond the petals
lateral view. G Same, from below, showing 3 pores. H - N at maturity; ovule laterally attached, atropous;
Attalea speciosa. H Stamen, with coiled anthers. I Pistil with stigmatic remains apical; endocarp pores 3; seed
staminodal cupule. J Ovary in cross-section. K Infructescence basally attached; endosperm homogeneous; ger-
with peduncular bract. L Fruit. M Fruit in cross-section. N
mination adjacent-ligular.
Seeds. 0-X Elaeis guineensis. 0 Stem base with persistent leaf
bases and staminate inflorescences. P Staminate rachilla. Q This subtribe is immediately separable by the
Pistillate rachilla with spinose bracts. R Staminate flower. S almost constant presence of epidermal emergence
Same in longitudinal section. T Pistillate flower. U Pistillate spines, on stems, leaf sheaths, leaf rachises, some-
inflorescence. V Young fruit. W Endocarp. X Seed. (Takhtajan times on laminae, and usually on peduncles and
peduncular bracts; sometimes even calyces and
fruit surfaces are spiny. There is considerable
Palmae 383

diversity in habit from massive tree palms to basally and staminate flowers distally. Stamens 6,
diminutive undergrowth palmlets, acaulescent basally connate, anthers medifixed; pollen
palms, and climbers. sulcate or trichotomosulcate, exine tectate, with
supratectal processes. Pistillate sepals distinct;
staminodal ring 6-toothed, adnate to petals. Fruit
175. Acrocomia Mart. 1-seeded, globose, epicarp smooth or spiny, en-
Acrocomia Mart., Hist. Nat. Palm. 2: 66 (1824); Henderson docarp thick, pores equatorial; endosperm hollow;
eta!., Field Guide: 166-167 (1996). embryo lateral. Eophyll entire. About 22 spp.,
West Indies and northern S America, especially
Acaulescent to erect, solitary. Leaflets single-fold, diverse in Andean region.
tips acute or bifid. Inflorescence branching to 1
order, protandrous; peduncular bract persistent,
cowl-like; rachillae with basal, bare portion, and 1- 178. Bactris Jacq. ex Scolopi Fig. 82G
several triads, distally bearing spirals of solitary Bactris Jacq. ex Scopoli, lntroductio ad Historiam Naturalem
staminate flowers in pits. Stamens 6, anthers 70 (1777); Henderson, Palms Amazon: 167-224 (1994).
rectangular, medifixed, latrorse; pollen tricho- Guilielma Mart. (1824).
tomosulcate, exine tectate. Pistillate sepals free;
staminodal ring 6-toothed, free, or briefly adnate Solitary or caespitose, acaulescent to erect.
to petals, with sterile anthers. Fruit 1-seeded, glo- Lamina undivided or leaflets single- or multi-fold,
bose, epicarp smooth, or bristly, endocarp thick, tips acute, rarely praemorse, concolorous or
pores equatorial; endosperm sometimes hollow; discolorous. Inflorescence spicate or branching to
embryo lateral. Two spp., Caribbean and Mexico 1 order, protogynous; peduncular bract persistent
southwards to Argentina. or disintegrating; rachillae bearing triads through-
out or basally with staminate flowers distally, or
few triads scattered among staminate flowers. Sta-
176. Gastrococos Morales mens 6( -12), distinct, anthers dorsifixed; pollen
Gastrococos Morales, Repertorio Fisico-Natural de Ia Isla de sulcate or trichotomosulcate, exine tectate. Pistil-
Cuba 1: 57 (1865); Uhl & J. Dransf, Gen. Palm.: 519-521 late sepals and petals connate; staminodal ring 6-
(1987). toothed, free. Fruit 1-seeded, epicarp smooth or
spiny, pores equatorial; embryo lateral. Eophyll
Solitary, erect, stem ventricose. Leaflets single- bifid. Sixty four spp. recognized by Henderson et
fold, tips acute or bifid, discolorous. Inflorescence al. (1996), but 239 described in the past; the genus
branching to 1 order, protandrous; peduncular remains poorly known. Distributed from Central
bract, persistent, cowllike; rachillae with basal, to S America and the Antilles.
bare portion, and 1-several triads, distally bearing
spirals of solitary superficial staminate flowers.
Stamens 6, filaments not inflexed, anthers linear, 179. Desmoncus Mart.
dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen trichotomosulcate, Desmoncus Mart., Palmarum Familia: 20 (1824); Henderson,
exine tectate, reticulate. Pistillate calyx cupular; Palms Amazon: 224-233 (1994).
staminodal ring 6-toothed, adnate to petals. Fruit
1-seeded, globose, epicarp smooth, endocarp Slender, caespitose, erect or climbers. Leaf usually
thick, pores equatorial; endosperm hollow; with terminal cirrus bearing acanthophylls; ocrea
embryo lateral. Eophyll entire. Only one sp., G. present; leaflets single-fold, acuminate, con-
crispa (Kunth) H.E. Moore, Cuba. colorous. Inflorescence spicate or branching to 1
order, protandrous; peduncular bract persistent;
rachillae bearing triads basally and staminate
177. Aiphanes Willd.
flowers distally. Stamens 6-9, distinct, adnate to
Aiphanes Willd., Mem. Acad. Roy. Sc. Berlin 1804: 32 (1807); corolla, anthers rectangular, basifixed, latrorse;
Borchsenius & Bernal, Flora Neotrop. 70: 1-94 (1996). pollen sulcate, exine tectate, fossulate. Pistill-
ate sepals and petals connate; staminodes 6,
Solitary or caespitose, acaulescent to erect. epipetalous, not connate in a ring. Fruit 1-seeded,
Lamina undivided or with single-fold leaflets, tips epicarp smooth, pores slightly distal to equator;
praemorse. Inflorescence spicate or branching to 1 embryo lateral. Eophyll bifid. Seven spp., Central
or 2 orders, protandrous; peduncular bract persis- and S America, many more recognized in the
tent or disintegrating; rachillae bearing triads past.
384 Palmae

180. Astrocaryum G.F.W. Meyer KEY TO THE GENERA OF GEONOMEAE

Astrocaryum G.F.W. Meyer, Prim. Fl. Essequeb.: 265 (1818), 1. Moderate to large tree palms; leaves regularly pinnate 2
nom. cons.; Kahn & Millan, Bull. Inst. Fr. et. Andines 21: - Acaulescent or small understory palms, stem short or if tall,
459-531 (1992). then slender and canelike; leaves undivided and bifid or
variously divided, rarely evenly pinnate 3
Acaulescent to erect, solitary or clustered. Leaflets 2. Leaflets broadly lanceolate, lacking a distinct midrib; inflo-
rescence stout, rachis very short bearing a few (ca. 8) long
single-fold, discolorous, tips acute. Inflorescence pendulous rachillae; stamens numerous 36( -42); petals of
branching to 1 order, protandrous; peduncular pistillate flower connate for 2/3 of their length, tips valvate,
bract persistent; rachillae with or without basal, glumaceous; staminodes ca. 15, awl-shaped where free
bare portion, and !-several triads, distally bearing 182. Welfia
- Leaflets narrowly lanceolate, midrib and 2 pairs of lateral
spirals of solitary staminate flowers in pits. Sta-
ribs evident abaxially; inflorescence moderate, bearing
mens 3-12, anthers dorsifixed, latrorse; pollen many rachillae equal in length, clustered at the end of the
sulcate or trichotomosulcate, exine tectate. Pistil- long peduncle, stamens 6; petals of pistillate flower connate
late sepals and petals connate; staminodal ring in a tube, opening by a circumscissile cap; staminodes con-
6-toothed, epipetalous. Fruit 1(-2)-seeded, nate, forming a fleshy tube enclosing the style and stigmas
183. Calyptronoma
epicarp smooth or bristly, sometimes splitting 3. Bracts covering floral pits not "locked" into the rachilla
irregularly, displaying endocarp, pores subtermi- distally but upper margins rounded, truncate, or split, lat-
nal. Endosperm hollow; embryo subterminal. eral margins adnate to the rachilla beside the floral pits;
Eophyll bifid. Eighteen or more spp., Central to S anthers terminal on the end of the connective, inflexed in
America. bud, thecae spread apart or parallel; ovary unilocular at
anthesis 186. Geonoma
- Bracts covering the floral pits overlapping laterally or im-
mersed in the rachilla; anthers sagittate or thecae terminal
on a bifid connective; ovary trilocular at an thesis 4
6. Tribe Geonomeae Drude (1881). 4. Stem solitary, short to moderate, leaves ± irregularly
divided into several-fold pinnae; petioles long, slender,
Unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious palms; leaves bracts covering the floral pits overlapping laterally, densely
tomentose, filaments of stamens and staminodes united in
reduplicately pinnate, sheaths fibrous, not form- a short tube but free and awl-shaped distally
ing a crownshaft, leaflets acute; inflorescences 181. Pholidostachys
solitary, interfoliar, sometimes becoming infra- - Stem solitary, usually very short or lacking, leaves bifid or
foliar, protandrous; rachillae with bracts subtend- with usually unequal, several-fold pinnae; petioles short,
bracts covering the floral pits not overlapping laterally,
ing a triad of flowers enclosed in a pit, floral glabrous or lightly hairy, not densely tomentose 5
bracteoles 3, narrow, keeled, chaffy, sepal-like; 5. Leaves bifid, bracts covering the floral pits "locked" in bud
staminate flower with sepals 3, imbricate basally, by a distinct rounded upper lip on the pit; thecae separated
chaffy; petals 3, connate basally; stamens very di- on a bifid connective; staminodes free and fleshy distally
verse; pollen sulcate, exine tectate, vermiculate, 185. Asterogyne
- Leaves irregularly divided, floral pits without definite upper
reticulate, fossulate; pistillodes 3-lobed, minute; lip, anthers sagittate; staminodes united in a tube, con-
pistillate flower with sepals 3, imbricate basally, stricted at the middle, rounded and very briefly 6-lobed
chaffy; petals 3, connate basally; gynoecium distally 184. Calyptrogyne
trilocular, triovulate, or pseudomonomerous,
with a central elongate style terminating in 3 ex-
serted, spreading, slender stigmas; ovules anatro- 181. Pholidostachys H. Wendl. ex J.D. Hook.
pous, only one maturing. Fruit with basal
stigmatic remains; endosperm homogeneous; Pholidostachys H. Wend!. ex J.D. Hook. in Benth. & Hook.,
Gen. Pl. 3: 915 (1883); Henderson eta!., Field Guide: 207-
embryo basal; germination adjacent-ligular; 208 (1996).
eophyll bifid. Calyptrogyne H. Wend!. subgen. Pholidostachys (H. Wend!.)
The Geonomeae comprise six genera restricted Wessels Boer, Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. II, 58 (1);
to the New World. They are characterized by the 73 (1968).
presence of deep pits on the rachillae, enclosing
triads. The genera show different specializations Solitary. Inflorescence spicate or branching to
of corolla, androecium, and staminodal ring, re- 1(-3) orders; peduncular bract inserted above
lated to the presentation of pollen or nectar out prophyll, caducous or marcescent; margins of pit
of the pits. Five of the genera have trilocular, bracts sometimes overlapping. Stamens 6, anthers
triovulate gynoecia, while Geonoma usually has sagittate, medifixed, exserted and spreading at
only 1 fertile ovule. anthesis, introrse, connectives with pointed tips.
Pistillate flowers with only free parts of sta-
Palmae 385

minodes and stigmas exserted at anthesis; sta- Pistillate flowers with petals connate, very briefly
minodes 6-8, fleshy, connate in basal 2/3, adnate free, valvate distally, distal 1/3 shed as a cap;
to corolla, free portions angled, terete, exserted staminodes connate, constricted near middle,
and spreading at anthesis. Mesocarp with thick, briefly 6-lobed distally, upper part shed, revealing
curved, anastomosing fibers. Four spp., Costa Rica stigmas. Mesocarp with layer of large anastomos-
to northern S America. ing fibers, the largest median. Eight spp., Mexico
to northwestern Colombia.
182. Welfia H. Wendl.
Welfia H. Wend!., Gartenflora 18: 242 (1869); Henderson et al.,
185. Asterogyne H. Wendl. ex J.D. Hook.
Field Guide: 209-210 (1996). Fig. 811
Asterogyne H. Wend!. ex J.D. Hook. in Benth. & J.D. Hook.,
Solitary tree. Inflorescences branched to 1(-2) Gen. Pl. 3: 914 (1883); Henderson et al., Field Guide: 213-
orders; peduncular bract inserted near prophyll; 214 (1996).
rachillae with 8 rows of pits. Stamens 36(27-42) in
antesepalous and antepetalous groups, anthers Solitary, small. Inflorescences spicate or branched
linear-sagittate, basifixed, introrse, connectives to 1 order, peduncular bracts 1(-2), inserted near
with pointed tips. Pistillate flower with 15-16 prophyll; rachillae 1 or few (2-8), pits with distinct
staminodes, adnate to corolla for 2/3 their length, upper "lips" locking bract over developing flow-
free above. Fruit compressed dorsiventrally, later- ers. Stamens 6-ca. 24, filaments connate in a solid
ally ridged, pointed; mesocarp with slender paral- stalk, tubular above, distally free, connective bifid,
lel fibers. Only one sp., W. Megia H. Wendl. ex thecae separate, inflexed, erect at anthesis,
Andre, Honduras to west Colombia. introrse. Pistillate corolla tubular in basal 2/3;
staminodes ca. 15, connate basally, adnate to
corolla, free distally. Mesocarp with a layer of
183. Calyptronoma Griseb.
appressed, longitudinal fibers. Five spp., central
Calyptronoma Griseb., Flora of the British West Indian Is- to northern S America.
lands 518 (1864); Zona, Principes 39: 140-151 (1995).
Calyptrogyne subgenus Calyptronoma (Griseb.) Wessels Boer,
Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. II, 58 (1): 63 (1968). 186. Geonoma Willd. Fig. 82B
Geonoma Willd., Sp. Pl. 4(1): 174, 593 (1805); Wessels Boer,
Solitary, erect. Inflorescences branched to 1(-4) Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. II, 58 (1): 1-202 (1968).
orders; peduncular bract inserted halfway along
peduncle; pits closed with rounded bracts. Sta- Small, solitary or clustered. Inflorescences spicate
mens 6, filaments connate, forming a stalk, elon- or branched to 1-3( -4) orders; peduncular bracts
gating at anthesis, free filaments far exserted, (0- )1( -2), usually inserted near prophyll. Rachilla
anthers sagittate, dorsifixed near base, introrse, pits decussate, spiral, or whorled, with or without
versatile. Pistillate flowers with petals connate a distal lip. Stamens 3(6), (rarely more), filaments
with short valvate apices, upper 1/4 shed as a cir- connate in a stalk, tubular above, distally free,
cumscissile cap; staminodes completely connate, inflexed, connective divided with divaricate
urn-shaped, inflated above corolla tube at anthe- thecae or short and united, introrse. Pistillate
sis, pushing off corolla cap. Mesocarp with stout petals connate basally; staminodes connate,
fibers anastomosing distally, one large fiber con- tubular, truncate, or 6-lobed. Mesocarp thin,
spicuous. Three spp., Greater Antilles. with narrow longitudinal fibers. Seventy five,
possibly fewer spp., from Mexico to Brazil and
184. Calyptrogyne H. Wendl. Bolivia.
Calyptrogyne H.A. Wend!., Bot. Zeit. 17: 72 (1859); Henderson
et al., Field Guide: 211-212 (1996). VI. Subfamily Phytelephantoideae Drude
Solitary, acaulescent or erect. Inflorescence spi-
cate, rarely branched to 1 order; peduncular bract Acaulescent or erect; unarmed; pleonanthic, dioe-
inserted just below flowers, caducous; pits closed cious; leaves pinnate, reduplicate; inflorescences
by rounded bracts. Stamens 6, filaments connate dimorphic; peduncular bract 1; staminate inflo-
forming a stalk, free lobes recurved at anthesis, rescence spikelike or racemose, pistillate inflores-
anthers sagittate, dorsifixed near base, introrse. cence headlike; flowers multiparted, the staminate
386 Pal mae

in monopodia! clusters, the pistillate solitary,

crowded; staminate flowers with much reduced
perianth and very numerous stamens; pistillate
flower with large, elongate, fleshy sepals and pet-
als, gynoecium of 5-10 connate carpels, styles
long; stylodia elongate; ovules hemianatropous to
anatropous; fruits 5-10-seeded, borne in a con-
gested headlike cluster; mesocarp cracking to
form irregular, fibrous, pyramidal warts; en-
dosperm very hard, homogeneous with smooth,
hard, thin pyrenes, enclosing individual seeds.
Eophylls pinnate.
The phytelephantoid genera add an extraordi-
nary dimension to inflorescence and flower struc-
ture in palms, and recently a growth habit, not
previously known in the family, has been discov-
ered in Phytelephas (Bernal1998). The flower clus-
ters are condensed monopodia! units rather than
sympodial ones (rhipidia) as throughout the rest
of the family. Flowers are multiparted, some of
them showing a tetramerous pattern in early
stages. Stamen numbers are very large with over
1000 reported in Ammandra, the highest number
known in the family. Development of stamens is
centrifugal. The subfamily has been resolved as
monophyletic (Barfod 1991; Barfod et al. 1998; Uhl
et al. 1995), and in some of the analyses was sister
to the Ceroxyleae. However, its relationships to
other palms remain unclear.



l. Staminate inflorescence spicate 2

- Staminate inflorescence not spicate, flowers borne singly
but crowded on the ends of short branches; receptacles
angled, stamens ca. 500 or more, filaments short or lacking,
anthers rounded or slightly elongate; corky projections on
fruits few, large, fruits several-seeded. Colombia
189. Ammandra
2. Staminate inflorescence a spike with flowers sessile or in
groups of 4- more on short or long grooved stalks; recep-
tacles flat; stamens ca. 150-699; fruits 4- 10-seeded, seldom Fig. 90A-O. Palmae-Phytelephantoideae. Phytelephas seem-
with 6 seeds. Amazon Basin, Colombia, Venezuela, and annii. A Plant with pistillate inflorescences. B Stem base with
Panama 187. Phytelephas staminate inflorescences. C Staminate flower. D Stamen. E
- Staminate flowers in groups of 4( -6) flowers united by Pistillate flower. F Gynoecium and staminodes, the style bear-
pseudopedicels (elongate floral receptacles with adnate ing numerous stylodia. G Ovary with staminodia. H Ovary in
perianth members), stamens ca. 400- 659; fruits usually cross-section. I Sepals. J Petals. K Infructescence with several
6-seeded 188. Aphandra fruit crowded together. L Fruiting head, all fruits removed but
l. M Seed with partly removed endocarp. N Seed in longitudi-
nal section. 0 Seedling. (Takhtajan 1982)
187. Phytelephas Ruiz & Pavon Fig. 90A-O
Phytelephas Ruiz & Pavon, Syst. Veg.: 299 (1798); Barfod,
Opera Botanica 105: 5-73 (1991). ranged. Prophyll and peduncular bract glabrous;
Palandra O.F. Cook (1927). staminate inflorescences unbranched; flowers
sessile or short-stalked, in groups of 4; receptacles
Stem erect or procumbent. Petiole less than rounded, flat; stamens 150-600; pollen elliptic,
200 em long. Leaflets regularly or irregularly ar- often with one end dilated, sulcate or trichotomo-
Palmae 387

sulcate, exine tectate, reticulate; pistillode lacking. Bernal, R. 1998. The growth form of Phytelephas seemannii-
Germination remote-ligular. About five spp., with a potentially immortal solitary palm. Principes 42: 15-23.
Berry, E.W. 1905. A palm from the mid-Cretaceous. Torreya 5:
a bicentric distribution, occurring in the Amazo- 30-33.
nian Basin in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru, along the Berry, E.W. 1916. Lower Eocene floras of southeastern North
northwest coast of Colombia, and into Venezuela America. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 91: 1-481.
and Panama. Chase, M.W. et al. 1995a. See general references.
Cheadle, V.I. 1943. Vessel specialization in the late metaxylem
of the various organs in Monocotyledonae. Am. J. Bot. 30:
188. Aphandra Barfod 484-490.
Cheadle, V.I. 1944. Specialization of vessels within each organ
Aphandra Barfod, Opera Bot. 105: 5-73 (1991); Balslev & of the Monocotyledonae. Am. J. Bot. 31:81-92.
Henderson, Syst. Bot. 12: 501-504 (1987). Cheadle, V.I. 1948. Observations on phloem in the Monocoty-
ledoneae. II. Additional observations on the occurrence and
Stem erect. Petiole less than 200 em long. Leaflets phylogenetic specialization in structure of the sieve tubes in
the metaphloem. Am. J. Bot. 35: 129-131.
regularly arranged, sheath margins with long Daghlian, C.P. 1981. A review of the fossil record of monocoty-
fibers. Prophyll and peduncular bract brown scaly; ledons. Bot. Rev. 47: 517-555.
staminate inflorescences with short branches Delpino, F. 1870. Ulteriori osservazioni e considerazioni sulla
bearing clusters of 4( -6) flowers, floral receptacles dicogamia nel regno vegetale. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 13:
elongate, adnate to perianth; stamens 450-650; Dengler, N.G., Dengler, R.E., Kaplan, D.R. 1982. The mecha-
pollen elliptic, often with one end dilated, sulcate nism of plication inception in palm leaves: histogenetic ob-
or trichotomosulcate, exine tectate, reticulate; servations on the pinnate leaf of Dypsis lutescens. Can. J.
pistillode sometimes prominent. Pistillate heads Bot. 60: 2976-2998.
with 30-50 flowers. Germination remote-ligular. Dransfield, J. 1978. Growth forms of rain forest pal~, In:
Tomlinson, P.B., Zimmermann, M.H. (eds.) Tropic~[ trees
One species (A. Natalia Balslev & Hend.) Barfod, as living systems. New York: Cambridge University' Press,
endemic to eastern foothills of the Ecuadorean pp. 247-268.
Andes, ranging east into lowlands of Amazonian Dransfield, J. 1991. Paschalococos disperta. In: Zizka, G. (ed.)
Ecuador. Flowering plants of Easter Island. Frankfurt: Palmengarten
Wissenschaftliche Berichte. 3, pp. 64-65.
Dransfield, J., Beentje, H.J. 1995. The palms of Madagascar.
189. Ammandra O.F. Cook. Fig. 82D Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and The International Palm
Ammandra O.F. Cook, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 17: 220. 1927. A.S. Dransfield, J., Manokaran, N. (eds.) 1993. Plant resources of
Barfod, Opera Bot. 105: 5-73 (1991). south-east Asia, no. 6, Rattans. Wageningen: Pudoc.
Dransfield, J., Ferguson, I.K., Uhl, N.W. 1990. The coryphoid
Solitary or caespitose. Stem prostrate or decum- palms: patterns of variation and evolution. Ann. Mo. Bot.
Gard. 77: 802-815.
bent. Petioles longer than 200 em, terete distally. Dugand, 1974. Letter to the editor. Principes 18(2): 59.
Leaflets regularly arranged, sheath margins with Essig, F.B. 1998. Trends of specialization in the palm pericarp.
flat, hairlike fibers. Prophyll and peduncular bract Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 83 (in press).
brown-scaly; staminate inflorescences with short Fisher, J.B. 1973. Unusual branch development in the palm,
branches bearing clusters of 6-9 flowers, recep- Chrysalidocarpus. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 66: 83-95.
Fisher, J.B., Maidman, K.J. 1998. Branching and architecture
tacles asymmetrical; stamens 300-1200; pollen in palms: value for systematics. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 83 (in
elliptic, monoporate, exine tectate, reticulate; press).
pistillode sometimes prominent. Pistillate heads Fisher, J.B., Moore, H.E., Jr. 1977. Multiple inflorescences in
with 6-10 flowers. Germination remote-ligular. palms (Arecaceae): their development and significance. Bot.
Jahrb. Syst. 98: 573-611.
Two spp., one from the western coastal regions of Fisher, J.B., Tomlinson, P.B. 1973. Branch and inflorescence
Colombia and a second from eastern Colombia. production in saw palmetto (Serenoa repens). Principles 17:
Halle, F. 1977. The longest leaf in palms? Principes 21: 18.
Selected Bibliography Halle, F., Oldeman, A.A., Tomlinson, P.B. 1978. Tropical trees
and forests: an architectural analysis. Berlin, Heidelberg,
Balick, M.J., Beck, H.T. et al. 1990. Useful palms of the world. New York: Springer.
New York: Columbia University Press. Harley, M.H. 1996. Palm pollen and the fossil record. PhD
Barfod, A.S. 1991. A monographic study of the subfamily Thesis, University of East London in collaboration with The
Phytelephantoideae (Arecaceae). Opera. Bot. 105: 1-73. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Vols. I & II.
Barfod, A.S., Ervik, F., Bernal, R. 1998. Recent evidence on the Harley, M.H., Kurmann, M.H., Ferguson, I.K. 1991. Systematic
evolution of phytelephantoid palms. Mem. New York Bot. implications of comparative morphology in selected Ter-
Gard. 83 (in press). tiary and extant pollen from the Palmae and the Sapotaceae.
Barrow, S. 1996. A monograph of Phoenix L. (Palmae: In: Blackmore, S., Barnes, H.S. (eds.) Pollen and spores:
Coryphoideae). PhD Thesis, Department of Agricultural patterns of diversification, pp. 225-238. Oxford: Clarendon
Botany, Reading University, pp. 367-378. Press.
388 Palmae

Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references. Brandham, P., Bennett, M. (eds.) Kew Chromosome Con-
Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references. ference IV. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 249-265.
Henderson, A. 1985. Pollination of Socrata exorrhiza and Schmitt, U., Weiner, G., Liese, W. 1995. The fine structure of
Iriartea Ventricosa. Principes 29: 64-71. the stegmata in Calamus axillaris during maturation.
Henderson, A. 1986. A review of pollination studies in the IAWA J. 16:61-68.
Palmae. Bot. Rev. 52: 221-259. Seubert, F. 1996a. Root anatomy of palms. II. Calamoideae.
Henderson, A. 1990. Arecaceae. Part I. Introduction and Feddes Repert. 107: 43-59.
Iriarteinae. Flora Neotropica 53: 1-100. Seubert, F. 1996b. Root anatomy of palms. Ill. Ceroxyloideae,
Herendeen, P.S., Crane, P.R. 1995. The fossil history of mo- Nypoideae, Phytelephantoideae. Feddes Repert. 107: 597-
nocotyledons. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., 619.
Humphries, C.J. (eds.). Monocotyledons: systematics and Seubert, F. 1997. Root anatomy of palms. I. Coryphoideae.
evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 1-21. Flora 192: 81-103.
Holltum, R.E. 1955. Growth habits of monocotyledons - Sowunmi, M.A. 1972. Pollen morphology of the Palmae and its
variations on a theme. Phytomorphology 5: 399-413. bearing on taxonomy. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 13: 1-80.
Johnson, D. (ed.) 1991. Palms for human needs in Asia. Stevenson, D.W., Loconte, H. 1995. Cladistic analysis of
Rotterdam: IUCN. monocot families. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
Johnson, D. (ed.) and the IUCN/SSC Palm Specialist Group. Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
1996. Palms: their conservation and sustained utilization. evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 543-578.
Status survey and conservation action plan. Gland, Switzer- Thanikaimoni, G. 1971. Les palmiers: palynologie et system-
land and Cambridge, UK: IUCN. atique. Trav. Sect. Sci. Tech. Inst. Fr. Pondichery. 11: 1-
Johnson, M.A.T. 1989. An unusually high chromosome num- 286.
ber in Voanioala gerardii (Palmae: Arecoideae: Cocoeae: Tomlinson, P.B. 1961. Palmae. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.)
Butiinae). Kew Bull. 44: 207-210. Anatomy of the monocotyledons. II. Palmae. Oxford:
Johri, B.M. et al. 1992. See general references. Clarendon Press.
Kaplan, D.R., Dengler, N.G., Dengler, R.E. 1982a. The mecha- Tomlinson, P.B. 1990. The structural biology of palms. Ox-
nism of plication inception in palm leaves; problem and ford: Clarendon Press.
developmental morphology. Can. J. Bot. 60:2939-2975. Tomlinson, P.B., Moore, H.E., Jr. 1968. Inflorescence in
Kaplan, D.R., Dengler, N.G., Dengler, R.E. 1982b. The mecha- Nannorrhops ritchiana (Palmae). J. Arnold Arbor. 49: 16-
nism of plication inception in palm leaves: histogenetic ob- 34.
servations on the palmate leaf of Rhapis excelsa. Can. J. Bot. Tomlinson, P.B., Soderholm, P.K. 1975. The flowering and
60: 2999-3016. fruiting of Corypha elata in south Florida. Principes 19: 83-
Klotz, L.H. 1978a. Form of the perforation plates in the wide 99.
vessels in palms. J. Arnold Arbor. 59: 105-128. Tomlinson, P.B., Zimmermann, M.H. 1968. Anatomy of the
Klotz, L.H. 1978b. The number of wide vessels in the petiolar palm Rhapis excelsa. V. Inflorescence. J. Arnold Arbor. 49:
vescular bundles in palms: an anatomical feature of system- 291-306.
atic significance. Principes 22: 99-106. Uhl, N.W. 1966. Morphology and anatomy of the inflorescence
Linder, H.P., Kellog, E.A. 1995. Phylogenetic patterns in the axis and flowers of a new palm, Aristeyera spicata. J. Arnold
commelinid clade. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Arbor. 47: 9-22.
Humphries, C.J. (eds.). Monocotyledons; systematics and Uhl, N.W. 1972a. Inflorescence and flower structure in Nypa
evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 473-496. fruticans (Palmae). Am. J. Bot. 59: 729-743.
Listabarth, C. 1992. A survey of pollination strategies in the Uhl, N.W. 1972b. Leaf anatomy in the Chelyocarpus alliance.
Bactridinae. Bull. Inst. Fr. Et. Andines 21: 699-714. Principes 16: 101-110.
Markley, K.S. 1955. Caranday- a source of palm wax. Econ. Uhl, N.W. 1976. Developmental studies in Ptychosperma
Bot. 9: 39-52. (Palmae). I. The inflorescence and the flower cluster. Am. J.
Moore, H.E., Jr. 1973. The major groups of palms and their Bot. 63: 82-96.
distribution. Gentes Herb. 11: 27-141. Uhl, N.W. 1978. Leaf anatomy in the species of Hyophorbe
Moore, H.E., Jr., Uhl, N.W. 1982. Major trends of evolution in (Palmae). Gentes Herb. 11: 268-283.
palms. Bot. Rev. 48: 1-69. Uhl, N.W., Dransfield, J. 1984. Development of the inflores-
Moore, H.E., Jr., Uhl, N.W. 1984. The indigenous palms of New cence, gynoecium, and androecium with reference to
Caledonia. Allertonia 3: 313-402. palms. In: White, R.A., Dickison, W.C. (eds.) Contemporary
Murray, S.G. 1973. The formation of endocarp in palm fruits. problems in plant anatomy. New York: Academic Press,
Principes 17: 91-102. pp. 347-449.
Parthasarathy, M.V. 1968. Observations on metaphloem in the Uhl, N.W., Dransfield, J. 1987. Genera Palmarum, a classifica-
vegetative organs of palms. Am. J. Bot. 55: 1140-1168. tion of palms based on the work of Harold E. Moore, Jr.
Parthasarathy, M.V. 1974. Ultrastructure of phloem in palms. Lawrence, KS: Allen Press, and L.H. Bailey Hortorium and
III. Mature phloem. Protoplasma 79: 265-315. the International Palm Society.
Parthasarathy, M.V., Klotz, L.H. 1976. Palm "wood". I. Ana- Uhl, N.W., Dransfield, J. 1988. Genera Palmarum, a new clas-
tomical aspects. Wood Sci. Techno!. 10: 215-229. sification of palms and its implications. Adv. Econ. Bot. 6:
Pyykko, M. 1985. Anatomy of the stem and petiole of Raphia 1-19.
hookeri (Palmae). Ann. Bot. Fenn. 22: 129-138. Uhl, N.W., Moore, H.E. Jr. 1971. The palm gynoecium. Am. J.
Read, R.W. 1975. The genus Thrinax (Palmae: Coryphoideae). Bot.58:945-992. ·
Smithson. Contrib. Bot. 19: 1-98. Uhl, N.W., Moore, H.E. Jr. 1977. Correlations of inflorescence,
Roser, M. 1994. Pathways of karyological differentiation in floral structure, and floral anatomy with pollination in
palms. (Arecaceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 189: 83-122. some palms. Biotropica 9: 170-190.
Roser, M. 1995. Trends in karyo-evolution of palms. In: Uhl, N.W., Moore, H.E., Jr. 1978. The structure of the
Palmae/Philydraceae 389

acervulus, the flower cluster of chamaedoroid palms. Am. J.

Bot. 65: 197-204.
Uhl, N.W., Moore, H.E., Jr. 1980. Androecial development in
six polyandrous genera representing five major groups of

palms. Ann. Bot. II, 45: 57-75.

Uhl, N.W., Dransfield, J., Davis, J.I., Luckow, M.A., Hansen,
K.S., Doyle J.J. 1995. Phylogenetic relationships among
palms: cladistic analyses of morphological and chloroplast
DNA restriction site variation. In: Rudall, P.J. Cribb, P.J.,
Cutler, D.F. Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons:
systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
pp. 623-661. Philydraceae Link, Enum. Plant. Hort. Berol. Alt. 1: 5 (1821),
Zimmermann, M.H., Tomlinson, P.B. 1965. Anatomy of the nom. cons.
palm Rhapis excelsa. I. Mature vegetative axis. J. Arnold
Arbor. 46: 160-178.
Zimmermann, M.H., Tomlinson, P.B. 1974. Vascular patterns Perennial herbs with rhizomes or corms and
in palm stems: variations of the Rhapis principle. J. Arnold fibrous roots; leaves basal or crowded near the
Arbor. 55: 402-424. stem base, distichous, with equitant, sheathing
Zona, S., Henderson, A. 1989. A review of animal-mediated base and linear-ensiform or terete, unifacial blade.
seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana 11: 6-11.
Flowering stem with few upwards gradually re-
duced leaves; inflorescence a terminal simple or
compound spike; flowers sessile in the axils of dis-
persed, spathaceous bracts, bisexual, (nearly) hy-
pogynous, zygomorphic; perianth petaloid, pale
yellow or white to pink; segments 4, free or basally
connate, the outer 2 median larger than the 2 lat-
eral inner, the median upper frequently 3- or 2-
cuspidate, composed of the 2 lateral outer tepals
and the reduced median inner tepal; stamen soli-
tary, anterior, its filament broad, inserted at the
base of the lower tepal; anther bithecate and
tetrasporangiate, basifixed to dorsifixed, straight
and introrse, or curved (Philydrella), or helically
twisted (Philydrum), opening by 2 longitudinal
slits; staminodia usually absent; gynoecium of 3
united carpels; ovary superior, often slightly
united at the base with the perianth and filament,
::±:: zygomorphic (the median carpel often smaller),
::±:: trilocular with axile placentas, or for the great-
est part unilocular with deeply intruding parietal
placentas; each placenta bearing numerous ana-
tropous, heterotropous ovules; style simple, ter-
minal, with a capitate, slightly trilobed stigma;
septal nectaries or other nectariferous glands
absent. Fruit a loculicidal, 3-valved capsule, or
berrylike; seeds numerous, small; testa longitudi-
nally or spirally striate, operculate, with enlarged
chalazal cap or prolongation at micropylar and
chalazal end; embryo small, straight, cylindrical,
embedded in copious non-mealy endosperm con-
taining starch, protein and oil.
Four genera and five species in Australia and SE

1 Deceased.
390 Philydraceae


Philydraceae is either a rhizome or a corm. In
Orthothylax and Helmholtzia the rhizome is stout,
ascending to vertical and often branched. In
Philydrum the rhizome is short and erect.
Philydrella has a small corm similar to that found
in some Iridaceae. The corm consists mainly of 1
thickened internode and is renewed annually from
the axillary bud of the basal leaf of the flowering
In all genera the leaves (in Philydrella often only
a single leaf) are mostly basal and distichous
(Fig. 91). They have an open sheath, and a
unifacial, equitant, ensiform or (in Philydrella)
terete, acuminate blade; a ligule is lacking. The
texture of the thick, erect, aerenchymatous leaf
blades of Philydrum is soft and spongy. The leaves
of Helmholtzia and Orthothylax have a flattened,
firmer and broader lamina which twists, becoming
± horizontal and secondarily differentiated into
an upper and lower surface of different colour and
The epigeal cotyledon and the small primary
leaves of young plants are bifacial (investigated in
The elongated, terminal flowering stem has only
few leaves. These leaves have progressively
reduced blades and are transitional to the bifacial,
acuminate floral bracts. In the upper part the
phyllotaxis changes from distichous to alternate.
Long woolly hairs are pressed on the flowering
stem and bracts except in Phylidrella.

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The roots of Philydrum

possess an exodermis of 2 cell layers, a thiCk
cortex with many radial air cavities, a weakly
thickened endodermis, a closed, !-layered peri-
cycle and polyarch vascular bundle (Solereder and
Meyer 1929). The xylem of the roots in Philydrum
and Orthothylax has tracheids and vessels with
scalariform perforation plates (Fahn 1954;
Cheadle 1968). Persistent 1-celled root hairs with Fig. 91A-H. Philydraceae. Philydrum lanuginosum. A Habit.
B Flower. C Flower with perianth half cut away. D Stamen. E
thickened, brownish cell walls often form a dense Lateral tepa!. F Pistil. G Seed. H Same in longitudinal section.
felt on older roots of Helmholtzia and Ortho- a embryo; b micropylar endosperm; c chalaza! endosperm;
thylax. d operculum. (Takhtajan 1982)
The flowering stem of Philydrum has below the
cortex a lignified sclerenchymatous tissue, which
forms a peripheral sheath and includes small blade they form a complete ring arranged with the
collateral or semiconcentric vascular bundles. phloem outwards. The ensiform blades have
Bundles are also present in the cortex and in the numerous parallel veins which are connected by
parenchymatous pithlike central part of the axis. short transverse veinlets. In the secondarily dor-
Vessels are lacking in the stem and also in leaves siventral blades of Helmholtzia and Orthothylax a
of Philydraceae. complex of veins forms a "false costa", which is
In the leaf sheath the collateral bundles form a prominent on each surface. In these genera the
bow in transverse section, but in the unifacial assimilatory tissue of the upper side is more devel-
Philydraceae 391

oped than on the lower. Stomata are here the outer whorl, which is usually only slighty
restricted to the lower surface (Skottsberg 1932). larger than the anterior, is derived by fusion of the
The leaf blades of Philydrum and Philydrella have 2 lateral outer tepals and the median-posterior
an isolateral anatomy. In Philydrum the leaf tepal of the inner whorl. In the past, the median
blades have a central aerenchyma oflarge lacunae, inner tepal was thought to be suppressed (Pilger
separated by narrow diaphragms of parenchyma- 1930; Skottsberg 1932); but it is often represented
tous tissue; this is surrounded by smaller lacunae by a weak median vein best developed in
and by assimilatory tissue which contains the Philydrum, between the 2 strong median (and fre-
peripheral collateral bundles with sclerenchyma- quently 4 lateral) veins of the 2 outer tepals. In
tous sheaths (Solereder and Meyer 1929). Orthothylax and Helmholtzia the 2-keeled poste-
The stomata of Helmholtzia and Orthothylax rior segment is frequently bidentate, while in
have 2 to 4 lateral and 2 polar subsidiary cells, Philydrum (sometimes also in the two other
some of which are only poorly distinct from other genera) it is regularly tridentate. Each of the 2
epidermal cells. In Philydrum and Philydrella gen- small lateral segments of the inner perianth whorl
erally only 2 lateral subsidiary cells are present, has 1 median vein, which may branch near the
which are much smaller than the elongated epi- base.
dermal cells. The subsidiary cells are derived from In Helmholtzia all perianth segments are con-
cells adjacent to the guard cell initials (Hamann nate into a short tube. In the other genera the
1966). anterior segments are ± free or only slightly con-
The long woolly hairs of the flowering stems of nate at their base; in Philydrella the 2 small lateral
Orthothylax, Helmholtzia and Philydrum are few- tepals are adnate to the base of the filament.
celled and unbranched. These hairs occur also on The single stamen has a median-anterior posi-
the inner surface of the leaf sheath in Helmholtzia tion and belongs to the outer whorl of the
novo-guineensis. androecium which is otherwise suppressed. In
Tanniniferous cells and idioblasts with styloids Philydrum a small lateral stamen or staminodium
of oxalate are frequent in all organs. The sieve- of the outer whorl may rarely be developed. The
tube plastids have cuneate protein bodies but lack inner whorl is always lacking. Helmholtzia and
starch. Orthothylax have straight, introrse anthers with a
broad, brown, tanniniferous connective. In
INFLORESCENCES. All Philydraceae have an inflo- Philydrella the young anther is introrse, later
rescence of the indeterminate, racemose type. It becoming reniform or semiorbicular by predomi-
consists of a terminal spike with many or (in nant growth of its adaxial part; in Philydrum the
Philydrella) few flowers each in the axil of a thecae become helically twisted by increased
spathelike bract. In all genera except Philydrella growth.
(and dwarfforms of Philydrum) additional lateral The gynoecium consists of 3 fused carpels with a
spikes develop below the terminal one. These are simple style and a capitate stigma. The ovary is
generally unbranched in Philydrum so that the basally connate to the perianth. Due to the weaker
terminal spike remains predominant. In Helm- development of the anterior carpel, it is ± zygo-
holtzia and Orthothylax at least some of these morphic, most strongly so in Orthothylax. The
numerous lateral spikes bear tertiary spikes, some ovary is 3-locular, with axile placentas, or in the
of which may branch again. Thus the whole inflo- upper part 1-locular. In Philydrum only the lower-
rescence becomes a large "panicle" composed of most part is completely 3-locular; in the main part
numerous spikes, in which the primary terminal of the ovary the 3 septa protrude deeply but do not
spike is a small component. fuse in the centre. In Orthothylax the fusion of the
septae is weak and the septa separate when the
FLORAL STRUCTURE. The characteristic zygo- capsule opens. The placentas bear many ovules,
morphic flower ofPhilydraceae, with its 4 perianth particularly in Philydrum.
segments and single stamen, is unique in the
monocotyledons (Fig. 91B,C). It has been derived EMBRYOLOGY. The embryology ofPhilydraceae is
from a trimerous-pentacyclic prototype by fusion fairly well known and apparently uniform (see
and suppression of organs. Hamann 1966), although completely studied only
Of the 2 members of the outer perianth cycle for Philydrum lanuginosum. The anther wall
only the median-anterior is a single organ. It has 1 develops according to the Monocotyledonous
median vein and 2 weaker lateral veins which type. The endotheciallayer has thickenings of the
branch <fnd anastomose. The posterior segment of Girdle type (Orthothylax) or transitions to the Spi-
392 Philydraceae

ral type (Philydrum). The tapetum is secretory; its FRUIT AND SEED. In most genera the fruit is a
cells become 2- to 4-nucleate and always contain loculicidal capsule opening with 3 valves, to which
raphides. The mature pollen grains are 2-celled. in Philydrum and Orthothylax the placenta is
The ovules are anatropous, mixed epi-, pleuro-, attached. In the centre of the ovary of Orthothylax
and apotropous, bitegmic and weekly cras- the loosely connected septa become separated at
sinucellate. After fertilisation, the outer integu- least in the upper part, while in Philydrella
ment elongates at the micropylar region, while the the septa break and the valves separate from the
inner integument gives rise to an operculum. The remaining central column. In Helmholtzia the
archesporia! cell cuts off a primary parietal cell fruit is berrylike, finally with a leathery, appar-
which usually divides once. The funiculus forms ently indeshiscent (or tardily dehiscent?) peri carp.
an obturator, with an air cavity in Philydrum. The seeds (Fig. 91G,H) are small and generally
After meiosis an 8-nucleate, 7-celled embryo sac very numerous (in Helmholtzia often only few).
develops from the chalazal megaspore according They have a starchy, but not mealy, endosperm with
to the Polygonum type. Endosperm development large single (not compound) starch grains, peculiar
follows a peculiar subtype of the Helobial type, in crystalloid aleuron bodies and also some oil. The
which the small chalazal endosperm chamber outer endosperm layer is clearly differentiated and,
becomes cellular earlier than the large micropylar like the remnants of the chalazal endosperm cham-
chamber. Only the micropylar chamber serves as ber, does not contain large starch grains. The small,
storage tissue. linear, cylindric embryo is embedded in the
endosperm and lacks starch. It consists mainly of
PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are the straight cotyledon; the radicle is very short and
monads, except in Philydrum lanuginosum, where the plumule only few-celled.
they remain united in tetrads. Rap hides of calcium Both integuments participate in the seed coat,
oxalate derived from the degenerated tapetal cells which becomes longituginally or (especially in
are always intermixed with the pollen. The pollen Philydrum) spirally striate. The elongated
grains are sulcate (Erdtman 1952; Hamann 1966). exotestal cells have thick cellulose walls. The
They have a broad distal aperture and reticulate endotegmic layer contains tannin. Cuticules are
(in Orthothylax minutely and indistinctly reticu- developed between the tegmen and the remnants
late) exine. The long axis ranges from ca. 30 of the nucellus and (except in Philydrella) also
(Helmholtzia, Orthothylax) to 60 (Philydrella). between testa and tegmen. An operculum devel-
ops in the micropylar region from both layers of
KARYOLOGY. For Helmholtzia acorifolia and the inner integument. It is later pushed off by the
Orthothylax glaberrimus a chromosome number germinating embryo.
of 2n = 34 has been determined (Briggs 1966), for
the latter species also 2n = 32 and for Philydrum DISPERSAL. No observations on seed dispersal in
lanuginosum 2n = 16 (Hamann 1966). natural habitats are available, but the tiny seeds of
Philydrum and Philydrella may be dispersed by
PoLLINATION. No field observations on the polli- water; they are known to float for long periods.
nation of the nectarless and scentless pollen flow- The same may be true for the elongated (scobi-
ers of the Philydraceae are known. Cultivated form) seeds of Orthothylax which also would be
plants of Philydrum lanuginosum, which regularly suitable for wind dispersal. It is unknown whether
set seeds, are autogamous. The pale yellow flowers the berrylike fruits of Helmholtzia are endozo-
last only 1 day, and the few flowers of the whole ochorous or become dry and ultimately dehisce.
inflorescence bloom simultaneously. After anthe-
sis the tepals and bract close around the pistil and PHYTOCHEMISTRY. The cell walls contain ferulic
stamen. The twisted anther comes into contact and diferulic acids (Harris and Hartley 1980). In
with the stigma, and the pollen tetrads germinate Philydrum, syringetin and common flavonols
partly inside the dehiscent anther. It is unknown (Bohm and Collins 1975) and proanthocyanidins
whether entomogamy occurs in nature. (N. Amrhein, pers. comm.) are found. Pro-
Philydrella and presumably the other genera are cyanidin and prodelphinidin are also present in
at least facultatively autogamous. In the white the leaves of Orthothylax (Bate-Smith 1968). No
flowers of Helmholtzia acorifolia the style exceeds alkaloids or saponins are known so far.
the anther, which makes autogamy more difficult
and is perhaps the reason for the poor fruit set in RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE FAMILY. Two
the greenhouse. groups of genera can be distinguished, one com-
Philydraceae 393

pnsmg the montane rainforest genera Helm- Philydrum is the only genus with a wider distribu-
holtzia and Orthothylax, the other the lowland tion, ranging from Victoria along the E and N
genera Philydrum and Philydrella. The two former coastal parts of Australia to S New Guinea and
are so closely related that sometimes they are from Malaysia and Thailand to S China, Taiwan
combined in the single genus, Helmholtzia, but and S Japan. Helmholtzia is restricted to tropical
differences in perianth, ovary, fruit and seed NE Australia, New Guinea and the Moluccas and
justify their generic separation. The geographi- Orthothylax to a limited area of (sub- )tropical E
cally isolated Philydrella resembles a dwarf, or Australia. Philydrella is isolated from the rest of
flowering juvenile form, of Philydrum. Its tuber- the family in SW Australia.
ous corm, terete leaf, reduced size and inflores- Most Philydraceae live in (sub)tropical climate,
cence, may be interpreted as adaptations to the occurring either in wet habitats of the montane
long dry period of the SW Australian summer. forest (Helmholtzia, Orthothylax) or of the low-
land (Philydrum). Philydrella grows in a season-
AFFINITIES. The combined evidence of reproduc- ally dry climate on temporarily moist, sandy
tive and vegetative characters indicates that alluvial lands, surviving the dry period with its
the closest relatives of the Philydraceae are the corm.
Pontederiaceae. Common features include the
ovary position, embryology, embryo and endo- KEY TO THE GENERA
sperm in the ripe seed, vegetative anatomy (para-
1. Inflorescence much branched, at least with some tertiary
cytic stomata, styloid crystal idioblasts, etc.) spikes; anther straight; seeds > 1.5 mm long 2
and similar proanthocyanins. The structure of - Inflorescence a simple terminal spike or only with
the exine and testa are, however, dissimilar, unbranched secondary spikes; anther curved or helically
and the Pontederiaceae usually have septal twisted; seeds < 1 mm long 3
nectaries. The basic chromosome numer of x = 9 2. Tepals united at the base, the outer dorsally pubescent;
ovary densely pubescent, not clearly zygomorphic; fruit
in Philydraceae is consistent with a shared berrylike; seeds < 3 mm long 1. Helmholtzia
ancestry with Pontederiaceae, which apparently - Tepals free, glabrous; ovary (sub)glabrous, strongly zygo-
have x = 8. morphic; fruit capsular; seeds 3.5-4.5mm long
The Haemodoraceae also agree with the 2. Orthothylax
3. Flowering stem 40-100 (or more) em long, with several30-
Philydraceae in many respects. Remarkable simi-
80-cm-long basal leaves; terminal spike many-flowered,
larities include the ensiform leaves, the pubescent often with secondary spikes; inflorescence axis lanuginose;
flowering stems, the paracytic stomata, features of anther helically twisted 3. Philydrum
the Helobial endosperm formation and its starchy - Flowering stem less than 20 em long, at an thesis mostly with
contents, and the amoeboid tapetum. a single± 10-cm-long basal leaf; inflorescence a simple, few-
flowered spike; inflorescence axis glabrous; anther curved,
The type of Helobial endosperm formation with reniform 4. Philydrella
early cell-wall formation in a small chalazal cham-
ber that precedes wall formation in a large micro-
pylar chamber is found in the Philydraceae, Genera of the Philydraceae
Typhaceae, Bromeliaceae, Velloziaceae and at
least some Burmanniaceae, Pontederiaceae and 1. Helmholtzia F. Muell.
Haemodoraceae. This seems to be an important
feature that may have appeared in their common Helmholtzia F. Muell., Fragm. Phytogr. Austr. 5: 222 (1866).
Thus the morphological data would suggest Tall, stoutly rhizomatous herbs; leaves mostly
a position of the Philydraceae adjacent to the basal, large, ensiform, coriaceous; inflorescence a
Pontederiaceae with further affinities to the much branched, densely hairy panicle of spikes;
Haemodoraceae and perhaps Bromeliaceae and tepals white, united at the base in a short cupular
Velloziaceae. With respect to the closeness of tube; anther straight; ovary pubescent, ::±:: actino-
Philydraceae, Pontederiaceae and Haemodora- morphic; fruit berrylike, apparently indehiscent;
ceae, this conclusion is supported by recent seeds 1.5-3 mm long. Two spp., NE Australia, New
cladistic analyses based on morphological and Guinea, Moluccas, in rainforest.
molecular (rbcL) data (Chase et al. 1995; Linder
and Kellog 1995).
2. Orthothylax Skottsb.
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The family is Orthothylax Skottsb., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 65: 264 (1932), and in
confined to Australia and tropical E Asia. Kew Bull. 3: 97-99 (1934).
394 Philydraceae

Tall, stoutly rhizomatous herb; leaves ::±:: basal, Dahlgren, R. et al. 1985. See general references.
ensiform, coriaceous; inflorescence a much Erdtman, G. 1952. See general references.
Fahn, A. 1954. Metaxylem elements in some families of the
branched, glabrous or softly pubescent panicle Monocotyledoneae. New Phytol. 53: 530-540.
composed of spikes; tepals white to pink, free; fila- Hamann, U. 1966. Embryologische, morphologisch-
ment short, anther straight; ovary (sub- )glabrous, anatomische und systematische Untersuchungen an
strongly zygomorphic; fruit capsular; seeds 3.5- Philydraceen. Willdenowia, Beih. 4: 1-178, 8 Taf.
5 mm long, with elongated, often twisted chalaza! Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references.
Linder, H.P., Kellog, E.A. 1995. Phylogenetic patterns in the
process. 2n = 34. Only one sp., 0. glaberrimus commelinid clade. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
(Hook. f.) Skottsb., montane rainforests of E Humphries C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
Australia. evolution, Vol. 2. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 473-496.
Pilger, R. 1930. Philydraceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K.,
Natiirliche Pfianzenfamilien, 2nd edn. 15a: 190-191.
3. Philydrum Banks ex Gaertner Fig. 91 Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
Skottsberg, C. 1932. Bemerkungen tiber die Philydraceen. Bot.
Philydrum Banks ex Gaertner, Fruct. 1: 62, t. 16 (1788). Jahrb. Syst. 65: 253-274.
Solereder, H., Meyer, F.J. 1929. Systematische Anatomie der
Tall herb with short rhizome; leaves mostly basal, Monokotyledonen, Pt. 4. Berlin: Borntraeger.
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
rounded-ensiform, thick, soft, glabrous. Inflores-
cence a terminal composed spike, its axis and
bracts lanuginose; flowers numerous; tepals yel-
low, thin, the outer free, the inner nearly free from
flattened filament; anther with helically twisted
thecae; ovary imperfectly 3-locular; capsule with
the placentae on the middle of the 3 valves; seeds
numerous, < 1 mm long, testa spirally striate,
chalaza! cape enlarged. 2n = 16. Only one sp.,
P. lanuginosum Banks ex Gaertner, E and N
Australia, S, SE and E Asia from New Guinea to

4. Philydrella Caruel
Philydrella Caruel, Nuovo G. Bot. Ita!. 10: 91 (1878).
Pritzelia F. Muell. (1843).

Slender, rarely more than 20cm high cormiferous

herb; leaf basal, terete, mostly solitary; inflores-
cence a single, glabrous, few-flowered spike; tepals
yellow, thin; outer tepals free, inner basally fused
with filament; anther curved, reniform; ovary gla-
brous, nearly perfectly 3-locular; capsule valves
separated from central placental column; seeds
< 0.5 mm long, shortly acuminate at chalazal end;
testa indistinctly striate. Only one sp., P. pygmaea
(R. Br.) Caruel, SW Australia.

Selected Bibliography

Bate-Smith, E.C. 1968. See general references.

Bohm, B.A., Collins, F.W. 1975. Flavonoids of Philydrum
lanuginosum. Phytochemistry 14: 315-316.
Briggs, B. 1966. Chromosome numbers of some Australian
monocotyledons. Contrib. N. S. W. Nat!. Herb. 4: 24-34.
Chase, M.W. eta!. 1995. See general references.
Cheadle, V.I. 1968. Vessels in Haemodorales. Phytomor-
phology 18: 412-420.
Pontederiaceae 395

Pontederiaceae simple and elongate, glabrous or hairy; stigma

relatively small, entire or 3-lobed, Dry. Well-
C.D.K. CooK developed septal nectaries present in Eichhornia
and Pontederia. Fruit a capsule or a 1-seeded
nutlet enclosed in a specialized perianth base
(anthocarp). Seeds numerous or solitary, ovoid,
usually with longitudinal ribs; endosperm starchy;
embryo central, cylindrical, linear; cotyledon ter-
minal; plumule lateral.
Pontederiaceae Kunth in Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth, Nova Gen. A family comprising 9 genera and ± 33 species;
Sp. 1, ed. 40: 265 (1816), nom. cons. distributed mostly in the tropics but extending
into temperate zones as well; almost cosmopolitan
Submerged, floating or emergent, freshwater through introduction. The centre of diversity is
annuals or perennials. Stems of two kinds, vegeta- tropical and subtropical New World.
tive and flowering; vegetative stems indetermi-
nate, with many leaves, with or without sympodial VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY. The seeds germinate
rhizomes or stolons; flowering stems determinate, under water. Seedling morphology has been
leafless, bearing a spathe and a terminal inflores- described and reviewed by Tillich ( 1995); the seed-
cence. Leaves distichous or spiro-distichous, lings are very similar to those ofPhilydraceae. The
"pseudo-whorled" in Hydrothrix (see below), juvenile leaves are linear without differentiation
often scalelike on rhizomes and stolons, cauline into petiole and blade, described in detail for
or basal, usually sheathed at the base; stipules Eichhornia by Richards ( 1983 ). Some species show
axillary or median, either large and enveloping the paedogenesis and retain these juvenile leaves into
stem, forming an ochrea, or reduced to a small maturity. The mature plants may be emergent,
sheath or ligule or absent; juvenile leaves simple floating or submerged, with or without rhizomes
and linear; adult leaves either simple and linear or or stolons (Fig. 92). All species branch sympo-
clearly differentiated into petiole and blade; peti- dially, the development of "renewal shoots" is
oles of variable length, sometimes inflated; blades described by Richards (1982). The roots are either
simple, submerged, floating or emergent, gla- fixed in the substrate or free-floating. The leaves
brous, linear to orbicular or sagittate, with entire are basically distichous, but the internodes may be
margin, venation acrodromous. Inflorescence ter- twisted so that the leaves appear to be spirally
minal, a panicle, umbel-like, a spike, or flowers arranged or the stem is truncate in parts so that
paired or solitary, subtended by 2 opposed spathes the leaves develop in rosettes. Leaf shape, even
(bracts), one often leaflike, the other sheathing or within species, is highly plastic. In most species
both leaflike or sheathing; peduncles glabrous or the leaf sheath is laterally expanded, usually form-
glandular pubescent. Flowers bisexual, zygomor- ing an open or sometimes closed ochrealike struc-
phic or almost actinomorphic, some trihetero- ture sometimes with a variable number of free
stylous. Tepals usually 6, sometimes reduced to 4 lobes above, or forming an almost free ligule
or 3, equal or unequal, all petaloid, usually wither- (Schwartz 1926). The petioles are also euryplastic;
ing early, free almost to the base or united basally in Eichhornia crassipes (Fig. 93) they are often
into a tube, white, blue, pink mottled with yellow swollen and function as floats. In Hydrothrix (Fig.
or yellow. Stamens all alike or dimorphic, 6, 4, 3 or 94) the leaves appear to be whorled; Rutishauser
1; filaments inserted on the perianth, similar or (1983) refutes Goebel's theory that the leaf whorls
dissimilar, elongate or swollen, straight or twisted, represent short shoots with annular insertion
glabrous or hairy; the hairs linear and smooth, along the long shoot and suggests, instead, that
glandular, or moniliform; anthers similar or dis- the whorls are composed of leaves of the same
similar, 2-thecate, basifixed or auriculate and thus shoot order. Only the first leaf ( = the main leaf) of
appearing dorsifixed, dehiscing introrsely by lon- the whorl starts as an outgrowth of the shoot apex
gitudinal slits or through apical pores, rem~ining itself; the remaining whorl leaves are then prod-
straight or coiling, yellow, blue, brown or black. ucts of an intercalary meristematic ring below the
Gynoecium of 3 united carpels; ovary superior, real shoot apex, but with about the same morpho-
3-locular, sometimes only 1 locule fertile; placen- genetic potentiality.
tation axile or appearing parietal with intrusive
placentas, ovules anatropous, crassinucellar, VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Cheadle (1970) studied
bitegmic, solitary or numerous; style single, the vessel elements in 5 genera and 12 species.
396 Pontederiaceae

4\ F

Fig. 93A-E. Pontederiaceae. A, B Eichhornia crassipes. A

Fig. 92A-F. Pontederiaceae. A-D Pontederia cordata. A Habit. B Flower in longitudinal section. C-E Monochoria
Habit. B Inflorescence. C Flower in longitudinal section. D vagina/is. C Inflorescence. D Habit, with fruiting shoot. E
Fruit. E, F Reussia rotundifolia. E Habit. F Fruit. (Orig. C.D.K. Flower. (Orig. C.D.K. Cook)

to support the theory that the aquatic habit in the

Vessels are mostly confined to roots but some Pontederiaceae is not "primary'' and that they had
were found in the stems of Eichhornia and a "recent" terrestrial ancestor. The starch grains in
Heteranthera. The leaves are without vessels. The the vegetative parts are simple (centric and oval)
vessels have obliquely orientated, scalariform per- as well as compound (Hamman 1961). Trichomes,
foration plates with few to many perforations. when found, are associated with the inflorescence
This elaborate structure has been used as evidence and flowers. The stomata are of the paracyctic
Pontederiaceae 397

kind. Tanniniferous idioblasts have been reported Fig. 94A-H. Pontederiaceae. A, B Heteranthera zosterifolia. A
from the petioles. Oxalate raphides are widely Habit. B Inflorescence. C, D Zosterella dubia. C Habit. D Style
and stamens. E, F Hydrothrix gardneri. E Habit. F Flower. G, H
present and cells with 1 or 2 prismatic crystals Eurystemon mexicanum. G Habit. H Flower. (Orig. C.D.K.
have been found in some genera Hegnauer (1963). Cook)


are borne terminally and subtended by 2 spathes sheathing stalk so the inflorescence often appears
(bracts) the lower of which is often leaflike or par- to arise from a petiole. In the larger emergent spe-
tially leaflike, the upper sheathing and enveloping cies the inflorescences are panicle-like, umbel-like
the whole axis but they may both be leaflike or or spikelike; however, the flowers rarely open in
scalelike. The lower spathe sometimes has a long a simple sequence, so one may assume they are
398 Pontederiaceae

reduced from more complex types (Richards and chalaza! chamber, growing downward and invad-
Barrett 1984; Cook 1989). In some more aquatic ing the chalaza! tissue. Subsequently the main
species the inflorescences are reduced to paired or body of the micropylar chamber elongates and
solitary flowers. In Hydrothrix (Rutishauser 1983) unites with the haustoria to form a continuous
the paired flowers are mirror images of each other mass of endosperm cells with the chalaza! cham-
and are pressed together within the upper spathe ber still recognisable at the base. The significance
(bract) making up a single functional unit of these haustoria is not known. The micropylar
(pseudanthium). In some species the pedicels are haustorium is starchy. Embryogeny is of the
accrescent and grow downwards forcing the Asterad type.
developing fruits under water or in to mud, in other
species the peduncle merely bends downwards. POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are hi-
or rarely trisulculate with 1 to 3 distal or subequa-
FLORAL STRUCTURE AND ANATOMY. The floral torial colpi (Rosatti 1987). The sexine is as thick
structure is of the basic type for petaloid mono- as the nexine or thicker, sometimes more or less
cotyledons. The tepals are usually petaloid and 3 areoloidate. Exine sculpturing is verrucate, mi-
+ 3 in number, but in some genera, such as nutely, scabrate to finely reticulate. Plants with
Monochoria, the outer whorl may be greenish and dimorphic anthers have equally fertile, monomor-
somewhat sepal-like. In the large-flowered species phic pollen grains (Wang et al. 1995). The
the flowers are distinctly zygomorphic and 2- triheterostylic species have trimorphic pollen;
lipped, frequently with an enlarged adaxial tepal the pollen grains are, of course, dimorphic within
with a yellow nectar guide. Septal nectaries occur, a single flower. The pollen of Pontederiaceae is
at least, in Eichhornia and Pontederia (Daumann very similar to that of Haemodoraceae according
1965). The flower usually wilts after 1 day. In to Simpson (1987).
Pontederia and Reussia the perianth tube becomes
hardened and develops ridges with wings, teeth or KARYOLOGY. The base number of x = 8 is gener-
spines after anthesis and develops into a utricle ally accepted for the family (Eckenwalder and
surrounding the fruit (anthocarp). Barrett 1986) but both polyploidy and aneuploidy
The floral anatomy, particularly of Eichhornia have operated on the original base number. Three
crassipes has been studied in detail by Singh species of Pontederia have been examined and all
(1962). Each tepal receives 3 vascular traces which found to be diploid with n = 8. In the closely
divide repeatedly; a number of smaller vascular related Reussia the only species examined is tetra-
bundles in the midrib region deviate from the ploid, n = 16. Eichhornia paniculata and E.
others in being inverted. Calcium oxalate crystals paradoxa are diploid, with 2n = 16, while E.
are found in perianth, stamen and carpel tissue. azurea is 2n = 32 and E. crassipes is usually 2n =
The stigmatic surface is of the Dry type. 32 but with isolated counts of n = 9, 2n = 30 and
2n = 58. The genus Monochoria has been exam-
EMBRYOLOGY. The anthers are tetrasporangiate. ined several times (Cook 1989) and the following
The endothecial cells have the girdle type of wall counts have been reported: n = 14, n = 30, n = 40
thickenings and an amoeboid periplasmodial (X4), n = 42, 2n = 26, 2n = 28 (X5), 2n = 52
tapetum, in which the cells of the early tapetum (X6), 2n = 72, 2n = 74, 2n = 80 (X3) and 2n = 34
are 1- or 2-nucleate. Microsporogenesis is succes- to 82. In Heteranthera n = 7 or 8. (2n = 14 in
sive, and the pollen tetrads isobilateral. The pollen H. limosa and H. rotundifolia, 2n = 32 in H.
grains are monads and di- or trinucleate when multiflora, 2n = 48 in H. reniformis). The number
shed. 2n = 30 has been reported for Zosterella dubia.
The ovules are anatropous, bitegmic and
crassinucellate. A parietal cell is cut off from the POLLINATION AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS.
archesporia! cell and gives rise to parietal tissue. Cleistogamous flowers are frequently produced
Embryosac formation is of the Polygonum type on underwater stems in Hydrothrix, Scholleropsis,
and endosperm formation is helobial, with a small Zosterella and some species of Eichhornia and
chalaza! chamber where cell wall formation begins Heteranthera as well as emergent chasmogamous
much earlier than in the large micropylar chamber flowers. The emergent flowers of all species are
(Davis 1966). Remarkable endosperm haustoria relatively showy. Some species of Eichhornia and
have been described for Monochoria (Banerji and Pontederia have well-developed septal nectaries
Haldar 1942), where the micropylar chamber gives (Daumann 1965) which are certainly lacking in
rise to 2 lateral outgrowths 1 on each side of the Hydrothrix, Monochoria and perhaps also in
Pontederiaceae 399

Heteranthera and Zosterella. It is assumed that all The seed coat anatomy has been investigated in
chasmogamous flowers are pollinated by insects. Heteranthera, Monochoria and Pontederia (Coker
However, even in its native range, Eichhornia 1907). The outer integument is made up of 2
crassipes is not visited very frequently and seed set distinct layers. The outer layer has uniformly box-
is often poor (Barrett 1980). Insect visitors include shaped cells, which are elongated in the longitudi-
nectar and pollen collecting bees. Eichhornia nal axis of the seed. The inner cells are highly
azurea is visited by long-tongued solitary bees modified, being thin and elongated in the axis per-
(Anthophoridae and Megachilidae) and by small pendicular to the wings of the seed. The walls at
pollen-collecting halictid bees (Barrett 1978). either end of each cell are much taller, producing
Pontederia cordata is pollinated by bumble bees, the characteristic wings. The inner integument
solitary bees and butterflies (Price and Barrett becomes crushed and is deeply staining. The
1982). embryo is straight, cylindrical and relatively large,
Monochoria has somatic enantiostyly (left- and nearly reaching the length of the endosperm.
right-handed flowers) accompanied by stamen di-
morphism (1 anther large and blue, the remaining DISPERSAL AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. Sev-
5 small and yellow). The flowers are visited mainly eral species are annuals which grow in tempo-
by bees (Wang et al. 1995). The large blue anther rary bodies of water; these are self-compatible and
touches the same position of the bee's abdomen as often autogamous relying on seed for effective re-
the style of the other morph, thereby apparently production. Most species of Pontederia, Reussia
facilitating intermorph pollination. and some of Eichhornia are long-lived, partially
Triheterostyly occurs in all species of Reussia, or wholly self-incompatible perennials. Seed set is
most species of Pontederia and three species of often poor in these species either because suitable
Eichhornia. The biology of triheterostyly has re- floral morphs are lacking or they are unsuccessful
ceived considerable attention, the following are in attracting pollinators. They spread by vegeta-
some selected references: Eichhornia - Barrett tive fragmentation. The vegetative reproduction
(1988), Barrett and Harder (1992); Pontederia is efficient in spite of the lack of vegetative
(including Reussia) - Barrett et al. (1983), Glover propagules such as bulbils, corms, turions, etc.
and Barrett (1983, 1986), Price and Barrett (1984). The spread of Eichhornia crassipes, perhaps the
Homostyly or semi-homostyly has been observed most troublesome weed in the world, is docu-
in several species of Eichhornia and in Pontederia mented by Gopal (1987).
parviflora. Triheterostyly is accompanied by
incomplete physiological incompatibility. The PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Hegnauer (1963, 1986) has
strongest incompatibility is found in short-styled summarised the known, but somewhat erratic,
plants and the weakest in mid-styled plants. information on the family. Apart from common
Natural populations of Reussia and Eichhornia phenolics, the presence of 0-methylated flavonols
usually contain unequal proportions of flower and polyamines (the roots of Eichhornia crassipes
morphs, often only a single morph. have blue anthocyaninlike cell wall-bound pig-
ments) are notable. Myrophyllin cells contain
FRUIT AND SEED. Most species have regularly or inclusions of condensed tannins which have lost
irregularly dehiscent capsules. The capsules are their astringent properties.
often shed before they open. In some species the
flowering stalks bend down after anthesis and SUBDIVISIONS OF AND RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN
seeds will mature only in submerged carpels. In THE FAMILY. The family is sometimes divided
most other members the seeds ripen in emergent into three tribes: Eichhornieae (trilocular cap-
or submerged carpels. The functional disseminule sules), Pontederieae (1-seeded nutlets) and Heter-
is often an unopened capsule. The seeds, at least anthereaa (unilocular capsules with numerous
in Eichhornia and Heteranthera, remain viable seeds). Schwartz (1927, 1930) placed Monochoria
for many years if stored in wet anaerobic in the Heteranthereae but it certainly belongs
conditions. in the Eichhornieae on morphological grounds
The genera Pontederia and Reussia have nutlets and the genera Eichhornia and Monochoria share
surrounded by postfloral-modified perianth bases a highly specific parasitic fungus Alternaria
which become hardened, rigid and in some spe- eichhorniae Nag Ray et Ponnappa. The subdivi-
cies toothed or spiny. In this utricle the fruits may sion seems to reflect the phylogenetic relation-
float for at least 15 days; the spines and teeth may ships within the family with the Heteranthereae
play a role in zoochory. representing the most reduced or paedomorphic
400 Pontederiaceae

state (nearly actinomorphic flowers, tepals with- horniae Nag Ray et Ponnappa. Two weevils
out nectar guides and 3 stamens with basifixed (Coleoptera, Erirhiniae, Bagoini) Neochetina
anthers). Eckenwalder and Barrett (1986) made a bruchi Hustache and Neochetina eihhorniae
cladistic analysis of the family which was revalued Warner are very specific herbivores of Eichhor-
by Graham and Barrett (1995) (see also Barrett nia crassipes; these and a fungus Cercospora
and Graham 1997). They concluded that the rodmannii Conway are effectively used for bio-
Old World Pontederiaceae were derived from 4 logical control. Gopal (1987) has published a long
separate dispersals from S America to Africa at list of feeders, parasites and phytopathogens of
various times in the past. Triheterostyly is consid- Eichhornia.
ered to have arisen only once and is not the primi-
tive breeding system; dimorphic anthers and PALAEOBOTANY. The genus Pontederites Knowl-
triheterostyly represent different clades so one ton has been described from the Eocene in the
does not lead from or to another. Green River Formation of the USA. The upper
portion of a leaf fragment is preserved; it looks
AFFINITIES. Rosatti (1987) has evaluated the lit- like contenporaneous Pontederia. A fossil find in
erature on the affinities of the Pontederiaceae the Eocene Deccan Intertrappen beds of India has
based on morphological characteristics. The been described as a new species of Eichhornia by
combination of the presence of vessels with sca- Patil and Singh (1978); this is rather unlikely and
lariform perforations in the roots and sometimes the material could well be a Monochoria.
in the stems, UV-fluorescent ferulate in the cell
walls, oxalate raphides and styloids, helobial ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. Eichhornia crassipes
endosperm with a diminutive chalazal chamber (water hyacinth) is one of the most troublesome
and amoeboid tapetum suggest relationships with weeds in the world (Gopal1987). In some regions
Philydraceae, Hamemodoraceae, Typhaceae and it is being replaced by even more noxious aquatics
Sparganiaceae, where all or most of these features such as Hydrilla verticillata and Salvinia molesta.
are present. However, affinities to the Com- Attempts are being made to utilise E. crassipes as
melinales, Bromeliales and Juncaceae can also animal feed, mulch, compost, paper fibre or as a
be supported. In the summary by Chase et al. source of biogas, alcohol and numerous chemi-
(1995a) using rbcL DNA sequences the affinities cals, and also for pollution abatement. In some
are with Philydraceae, Haemodoraceae and regions such as SE Asia it is used for fodder, fish
Commelinaceae. food and compost and is even regarded as desir-
able. Ash from burning large quantities of
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Monochoria (Asia Eichhornia (probably E. azurea) which contains
and Africa) and Scholleropsis (Africa) are native to much K2 0, is used as a substitute for common
the Old World; Pontederia, Reussia, Eurystemon, salt by the Indians of the Amazon lowland
Hydrothrix and Zosterella are indigenous to the (K. Kubitzki, pers. comm.).
New World. Eichhornia and Heteranthera are Some species of Heteranthera are pernicious
mostly New World with E. natans and H. callifolia weeds in rice fields. They are difficult to eradicate
in Africa. Eichhornia crassipes, Monochoria chemically because they are sensitive to the same
vaginalis, Pontederia cordata and three species of chemicals as rice. The seeds remain viable for at
Heteranthera are widely naturalised outside their least 4 years even when dried or exposed to frost
native range. (Schiele 1988). Many species, such as water hya-
All species of Pontederiaceae are aquatic, either cinth and Pontederia spp., are widely cultivated
obligate submerged plants with emergent flowers as ornamentals. Some species of Heteranthera,
of free-floating or bottom-rooted emergents. Zosterella, Hydrothrix and Eichhornia are grown
They are found in a wide range of oligotrophic as aquarium plants. Monochoria is used in medi-
to eutrophic freshwater habitats. Annual species cine in India and particularly against asthma and
are restricted to seasonally wet sites, the perenni- toothache; the leaves are eaten by humans in SE
als usually occur in permanent water. Some Asia.
species of Monochoria may occur in saline or
brackish habitats. Many species are gregarious
and may dominate large areas.

PARASITES. Eichhornia and Monochoria share a

highly specific parasitic fungus Alternaria eich-
Pontederiaceae 401

KET TO THE GENERA 2. Reussia Endl. Fig. 92E,F

1. Leaves filiform, appearing whorled; functional stamen 1 Reussia End!., Gen. Pl. 1: 139 (1836), nom. cons. -Included as
7. Hydrothrix subgen. in Pontederia by Lowden (1973); Lowden, Rhodora
- Leaves at least partly flattened, never filiform, alternate 75: 426-483 (1973), rev.
along the stems or in rosettes, never in whorls; functional
stamens 3 or 6 Submerged, floating or rooted, creeping or as-
2. Fruit a 1-seeded nutlet, enclosed by the persistent and
hardened base of the perianth tube (anthocarp) 3 cending annuals or perennials. Rhizomes short.
- Fruit a 3-locular, many-seeded capsule, not enclosed by the Flowering stems prostrate. Leaves scalelike or
base of a persistent or modified perianth tube 4 elongate, linear or petiolate; blades lanceolate to
3. Anthocarp wall toothed, ridged or winged but not spiny; orbicular, reniform or sagittate. Inflorescence a
flowering stems erect 1. Pontederia
- Anthocarp wall with spiny ridges; flowering stems prostrate
spike, subtended by 2 dissimilar spathes. Tepals
2. Reussia pale blue to purple or pinkish, basally tubular, 2-
4. Stamens 6 5 lipped; adaxial lip large, simple; the abaxial with 5
- Stamens 3 6 subequallobes. Stamens 6; filaments with glandu-
5. Perianth distinctly tubular at base, distinctly zygomorphic; lar hairs; anthers dorsifixed. Ovary with only 1
anthers dorsifixed, subequal 3. Eichhornia
- Perianth divided almost at base, nearly actinomorphic;
fertile locule. Fruit a 1-seeded anthocarp with
anthers basifixed, 1 much larger (blue) than the other 5 spiny ridges. Two spp., Central America to E
(yellow) 4. Monochoria Argentina.
6. Perianth of 4 (rarely 3) segments; at least the upper leaves
clearly differentiated into petiole and blade
9. Scholleropsis 3. Eichhornia Kunth Fig. 93A,B
- Perianth of 6 segments; leaves differentiated or not into
petiole and blade 7 Eichhornia Kunth, Eichhornia, genus novum [Diss.]: 3 (1842),
7. Filaments of the 2 short stamens obliquely globular- Enum. Pl. 4: 129 (1843), nom. cons.
inflated; leaf with a small axillary ligule; perianth
zygomorphic 8. Eurystemon
- Filaments not markedly inflated; leaf sheath open, envelop-
Submerged or floating, creeping or stoloniferous
ing the stem; perianth actinomorphic or nearly so 8 annuals or perennials. Stems rhizomatous or
8. Anthers dissimilar, straight; spathe petiolate, not enclosing erect. Leaves basal or cauline, linear or differenti-
the perianth tube; seeds numerous; perianth white or blue ated into petiole and blade; petiole occasionally
5. Heteranthera inflated; blade linear to cordate. Inflorescence a
- Anthers all alike, curved after anthesis; spathe sessile, en-
closing perianth tube; seeds relatively few; perianth yellow panicle or complex spike; the lower spathe leaflike
6. Zosterella or reduced to an inflated base, the upper scalelike.
Tepals blue to somewhat pinkish, basally tubular,
6-lobed; adaxial lobe largest or lobes subequal,
1. Pontederia L. Fig. 92A-D with glandular hairs. Stamens 6, the 3 upper ones
shorter than the 3lower ones; filaments with glan-
Pontederia L., Sp. Pl. 1:288 (1753); Lowden, Rhodora 75:426-
483 (1973), rev. dular hairs. Fruit a capsule; seeds numerous, lon-
gitudinally winged. Seven or eight spp., tropical
Floating or rooted, creeping or ascending perenni- America, one in Africa, E. crassipes (Mart.) Solms-
als with long rhizomes or stolons. Leaves scalelike, Laub., introduced to warmer regions throughout
linear or petiolate, estipulate; blades elliptic to the world.
ovate or sagittate. Inflorescence a complex spike
subtended by 2 dissimilar spathes. Tepals blue 4. Monochoria K.B. Presl Fig. 93C,E
to purple or whitish, basally tubular, 2-lipped;
abaxial 3 lobes partly united, the adaxial lobes Monochoria K.B. Pres!, Rei. Haenk. 1(2): 127 (1827); Cook in
subequal and free. Stamens 6, the 3 upper shorter Kit Tan (Ed.), The Davis and Hedge Festschrift. Edinburgh
University Press: 149-184 (1989), rev.
than the 3 lower; filaments with glandular hairs.
Ovary with only 1 fertile locule. Fruit a 1-seeded
anthocarp with smooth or toothed ridges. Six spp., Annuals or perennials, in water or wet places.
Lowden (1973) recognised only three spp. and two Stems truncate and sometimes cormlike or
varieties, America from Canada (50° N) to Argen- elongate and creeping. Leaves radical, spiro-
tina (35° S). distichous; juvenile leaves submerged, linear or
scalelike; adult leaves emergent; petioles erect
or flaccid and floating, with large, ochrealike
stipules (enveloping the stem and developing
leaves); blades linear-lanceolate to ovate, cordate,
402 Pontederiaceae

sagittate or hastate. Inflorescence paniculate, solitary, emergent or submersed; partly enclosed

raceme- or umbel-like; both spathes leaflike by the tubular upper spathe. Tepals yellow, basally
or lower leaflike and the upper scalelike (some- tubular, with 6 subequal lobes. Stamens 3;
times included within the lower one); the lower filaments recurving after anthesis; anthers alike,
spathe sometimes dominant the inflorescence coiling. Ovary appearing 1-locular. Fruit an ir-
appearing to burst out of its petiole. Tepals blue regularly dehiscent capsule. Seeds few. Two spp.,
or outer 3 greenish, lobes free almost to base, temperate and subtropical N America.
subequal. Stamens 6; filaments simple or 1 with 1
or rarely 2 lateral, oblique teeth; anthers unequal,
7. Hydrothrix J.D. Hook. Fig. 94E,F
5 small and yellow, 1 large and blue, the blue
anther lateral at anthesis, the yellow ones in a Hydrothrix J.D. Hook., Ann. Bot. 1: 89 (1887).
cluster above the ovary. Fruit a 3-valved capsule.
Seeds numerous, with 8-14 longitudinal nerves, Submerged annual or perhaps sometimes peren-
ribs or wings. Eight spp. (one new sp. recently nial. Stems elongate and flaccid. Leaves cauline,
described from Hainan, China, is doubtfully dis- filamentous in pseudowhorls of 7-30. Flowers
tinct), tropical to warm temperate Africa (two submerged and cleistogamous or emergent and
spp.), Asia (four spp.) and Australia (two spp.); chasmogamous, paired (the 2 flowers are a mirror
M. vaginalis K.B. Presl naturalised in Europe images resembling and functioning as a single
(Ukraine and Italy), N America, Hawaii (Oahu) flower), each pair subtended by 2, similar, green
and Australia. spathes. Tepals 6, basally tubular; the outer 3lobes
large, yellow and petaloid; the inner 3 lobes fila-
5. Heteranthera Ruiz et Pavon Fig. 94A,B mentous. Stamens 3, 1 functional, 2 staminodial
and filamentous. Ovary appearing 1-locular. Fruit
Heteranthera Ruiz et Pavon, Fl. Peruv. Chi!. Prodr. 9 (1794), a lodicidal capsule. Seeds up to ±40. Only one sp.,
nom. cons.; Horn, C.N. PhD. dissertation, Univ. Alabama H. gardneri J.D. Hook., Ceara, NE Brazil.
1-260 (1986), rev.

Submerged, floating or emergent, annuals or per- 8. Eurystemon Alexander Fig. 94G,H

ennials. Stems creeping or ascending. Leaves with Eurystemon Alexander, N. Am. Fl. 19 (19): 55 (1937).
or without stipules, linear or differentiated into
petiole and blade; blades submerged, floating or Emergent annual. Stems contracted, corm-like.
emergent, linear to ovate, reniform or cordate. Leaves radical, linear, grasslike, with ligular pro-
Inflorescence a spike or flowers paired, rarely soli- jection from the sheath. Inflorescence an erect
tary. Flowers chasmogamous or the lower often spike, subtended by 2 leaflike spathes. Tepals 6,
cleistogamous, chasmogamous flowers pedicel- blue and white, basally tubular, zygomorphic;
late, borne above the spathe. Tepals blue or white, adaxial lobes 5, erect to spreading; abaxial lobe
basally tubular or lobed almost to base; lobes 6, smaller, deflexed. Stamens 3, unequal, 1 large and
subequal. Stamens 3 (or sometimes 1 in cleistoga- 2 small; filaments globosely inflated at middle.
mous flowers), one larger than the others, straight. Fruit a capsule. Seeds numerous. Only one sp.,
Ovary with 3 ± intrusive placentas, appearing 1- E. mexicanum (S. Watson) Alexander, northern
locular. Fruit a loculicidal capsule. Seeds numer- Central America.
ous, longitudinally ribbed. Ten spp., tropical and
temperate America and tropical Africa; H. limosa
(Sw.) Willd., H. reniformis Ruiz et Pavon and 9. Scholleropsis H. Perrier
H. rotundifolia (Kunth) Griseb. naturalised in Scholleropsis H. Perrier, Not. Syst. (Paris) 5: 158 (1935).
Submerged, floating or sometimes terrestrial,
6. Zosterella J.K. Small probably annual. Stems elongate, flaccid, branch-
ing. Leaves heterophyllous; basal leaves radical,
Zosterella J.K. Small in Small and Carter, Fl. Lancaster
Co. (Pennsylvania): 68 (1913). Included as subgen. in
submerged, linear, to 7 em long; cauline leaves
Heteranthera by Rosatti (1987); Horn, C.N. PhD. disserta- linear or differentiated into an elongate petiole
tion, Univ. Alabama 1-260 (1986), rev. and elliptic to ovate floating blade. Flowers soli-
tary, cleistogamous and sessile when submerged,
Submerged perennials or perhaps annuals. Stems chasmogamous and pedicellate when emergent;
elongate, flaccid. Leaves cauline, linear. Flowers the lower spathe long-stalked; the upper spathe
Pontederiaceae 403

sheath-like. Tepals (3- )4, basally tubular; the C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution.
lobes subequal, yellow. Stamens 3, I large, 2 small. Condon: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 415-441.
Hamann, U. 1961. Merkmalsbestand und Verwandtschafts-
Fruit an irregularly dehiscent capsule. Seeds nu- beziehungen der 'Farinosae'. Willdenowia 2: 639-768.
merous. Only one sp., S. lutea H. Perrier, Mada- Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references.
gascar and N Cameroon by Lake Chad. Horn, C.N. 1986. A systematic revision of the genus
Heteranthera (sensu Jato; Pontederiaceae). PhD. Disserta-
tion, Univ. Alabama, pp. 1-260.
Selected Bibliography Lowden, R.M. 1973. Revision of the genus Pontederia.
Rhodora 75 (No. 803): 426-483.
Patil, G.V., Singh, R.B. 1978. Fossil Eichhornia from the
Banerji, I., Halder, S. 1942. A contribution to the morphology Eocene Deccan Intertrappean Beds, India. Palaeonto-
and cytology of Monochoria hastaefolia Pres!. Proc. Indian graphica, Abt. B, Palaophytologie 167: 1-7.
Acad. Sci. 16 B: 91-106. Price, S.D., Barrett, S.C.H. 1982. Tristyly in Pontederia cordata
Barrett, S.C.H. 1977. The breeding system of Pontederia (Pontederiaceae). Can. J. Bot. 60:897-905.
rotundifolia, a tristylous species. New. Phytol. 78: 209- Price, S.D., Barrett, S.C.H. 1984. The function and adaptive
220. significance of tristyly in Pontederia cordata (Pontederia-
Barrett, S.C.H. 1978. Floral biology of Eichhornia azurea ceae). Bioi. J. Linn. Soc. 21: 315-329.
(Swartz) Kunth (Pontederiaceae). Aquat. Bot. 5: 217-228. Richards, J.H. 1982. Developmental potential of axillary buds
Barrett, S.C.H. 1980. Sexual reproduction in Eichhornia of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes Solms (Pontederia-
crassipes (water hyacinth) II. Seed production in natural ceae). Am. J. Bot. 69: 615-622.
populations. J. Appl. Ecol. 17: 113-124. Richards, J.H. 1983. Heteroblastic development in the water
Barrett, S.C.H. 1988. Evolution of breeding systems in hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes Solms. Bot. Gaz. 144: 247-
Eichhornia: a review. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 75: 741-760. 259.
Barrett, S.C.H., Graham, S.W. 1997. Adaptive radiation in the Richards, J.H., Barrett, S.C.H. 1984. The developmental basis
aquatic plant family Pontederiaceae: insights from phyloge- of tristyly in Eichhornia paniculata. Am. J. Bot. 71: 1347-
netic analysis. In: Givnish, T.J., Sytsma, K.J. (eds.) Molec- 1363.
ular evolution and adaptive radiation. Cambridge: Rosatti, T.R. 1987. The genera ofPontederiaceae in the south-
Cambridge University Press, pp. 225-228. eastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 68: 35-71.
Barrett, S.C.H., Harder, L.D. 1992. Floral variation in Rutishauser, R. 1983. Hydrothrix gardneri: Bau und Entwick-
Eichhornia paniculata (Spreng.) Solms II: effects of devel- lung einer eigenartigen Pontederiacee. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 104
opment and environment on the formation of selfing (1): 115-141.
flowers. J. Evol. Bioi. 5: 83-107. Schiele, S. 1988. Longevity and dormancy of seeds of
Barrett, C.C.H., Price, S.D., Shore, J.S. 1983. Male fertility and Heteranthera rotundifolia and H. reniformis (Pontederia-
anisoplethic population structure in tristylous Pontederia ceae). VIIIeme Colloque Internat. Bioi. Ecol. Syst. Mauvais
cordata (Pontederiaceae). Evolution 37: 745-759. Herbs (Dijon) 3-7.
Chase, M.W. et al. 1995a. See general references. Schwartz, 0. 1926. Anatomische, morphologische und system-
Cheadle, V.I. 1970. Vessels in Pontederiaceae, Ruscaceae, atische Untersuchungen tiber die Pontederiaceen. Beih.
Smilacaceae, and Trilliaceae. In: Robson, N.K.B., Cutler, Bot. Centralbl. 42 (l.Abt.): 263-320.
D.P., Gregory, M. (eds.) New research in plant anatomy. Schwartz, 0. 1927. Zur Systematik und Geographie der
Supplement 1 to J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 63: 45-50. Pontederiaceen. Studien zu einer Monographie der Familie.
Coker, W.C. 1907. The development of the seed in the Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 61: Beibl. 139: 28-50.
Pontederiaceae. Bot. Gaz. 44: 293-301. Schwartz, 0. 1930. Pontederiaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K.
Cook, C.D.K. 1989. Taxonomic revision of Monochoria (eds.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfam. 2nd edn, Vol. 15a: 181-
(Pontederiaceae). Kit Tan (ed.) The Davis and Hedge 188. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
Festschrift. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. Simpson, M.G. 1987. Pollen ultrastructure of the Pontederia-
149-184. ceae: evidence for exine homology with the Haemodora-
Dahlgren, R.M.T. et al. 1985. See general references. ceae. Grana 26: 113-126.
Daumann, E. 1965. Das Bliitennektarium bei den Ponte- Singh, V. 1962. Vascular anatomy of the flower of some species
deriaceen und die systematische Stellung dieser Familie. of the Pontederiaceae. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. B, 56: 339-
Preslia 37: 407-412. 353.
Davis, G.L. 1966. Systematic embryology of the angiosperms. Takhtajan, A. (ed.) 1985. Anatomia seminum comparativa.
New York: Wiley. Leninopoli: Nauka. 1: 121-122. (in Russian).
Eckenwalder, J.E., Barrett, S.C.H. 1986. Phylogenetic systemat- Tillich, H.-J. 1995. Seedlings and systematics in monocotyle-
ics of Pontederiaceae. Syst. Bot. 11: 373-391. dons. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.P., Humphries,
Glover, D.E., Barrett, S.C.H. 1983. Trimorphic incompatibility C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution.
in Mexican populations of Pontederia sagittata. New London: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 303-352.
Phytol. 95: 439-455. Wang, G., Miura, R., Kusanagi, T. 1995. The enantiostyly
Glover, D.E., Barrett, S.C.H. 1986. Pollen loads in tristylous and the pollination biology of Monochoria korsakowii
Pontederia cordata populations from the southern USA. (Pontederiaceae) Acta Phytotaxon. Geobot. 46: 55-65.
Am. J. Bot. 73: 1601-1621.
Gopal, Brij. 1987. Water hyacinth. Elsevier, Amsterdam i-xii,
pp. 1-471.
Graham, S.W., Barrett, S.C.H. 1995. Phylogenetic systematics
of Pontederiales: implications for breeding-system evolu-
tion. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.P., Humphries,
404 Posidoniaceae

Posidoniaceae The leaves have open sheaths with distinct

strap-shaped to filiform blades. The sheath is
J. Kuo and A.J. McCOMB amplexicaul, ligulate, auriculate and persistent
after the fall of the blade. The leaf blade is flattened
or biconvex to terete, with a rounded to truncate
or spathulate apex, and contains three to
more than twenty longitudinal, parallel vascular
bundles connected periodically by transverse
veins (Kuo 1978; Cambridge and Kuo 1979; Kuo
Posidoniaceae Lotsy, Vortr. Bot. Stammesgesch. 3: 658 (1911), and Cambridge 1984). The blade epidermal cells
nom. cons. are uniformly chlorenchymatous, rectangular to
tall and spindle-shaped in transverse section. The
Submersed marine or occasionally estuarine cell walls do not have ingrowths, and the epider-
robust perennial herbs with creeping, monopodi- mis is covered by a thin, porous cuticle (Kuo
ally branched, cylindrical to flattened rhizomes, 1978). The mesophyll tissue is of homogeneous,
the latter bearing a scale at each node and covered highly vacuolated parenchyma cells containing a
with fibrous remains of old sheaths. Roots few chloroplasts. Lacunae are present, but less
branched, root hairs rare. Leaves alternate, dis- prominent than in other seagrass families; they
tichously arranged on the rhizome, with distinct have regular, transverse diaphragms.
blade and sheathing base. Blade linear, flat, or bi- Each longitudinal vascular bundle of the leaf is
convex to terete, with 3-20 or more longitudinal enclosed by a distinct layer of sheath cells with
vascular bundles; squamules numerous; tannin
cells numerous; stomata absent. Inflorescence
racemose, spikelike on a long, flattened peduncle.
Flowers actinomorphic, hermaphroditic, perianth-
less; stamens 3; anthers sessile, tetrasporangiate,
pollen filiform; pollination hydrophilous; carpel
1 with a sessile ornate stigma; ovule 1. Fruit with
spongy pericarp, dehiscent. Testa membranous;
hypocotyl enlarged storing mainly starch.
One genus of nine species, one in the Mediterra-
nean, the other eight from the temperate to sub-
tropical coasts of Australia.


rhizomes are cylindrical to laterally compressed
and are covered with persistent, fibrous re-
mains of old leaf sheaths (Fig. 95). The rhizome
internode has a conspicuous stele with 4 to 10
cortical vascular bundles, numerous lignified
fibrous strands, tannin cells and some small starch
grains in cortical parenchyma cells. It has both
exodermis and epidermis (Kuo and Cambridge
1978, 1984; Albergoni et al. 1978). Branching is
monopodia} and irregular (Tomlinson 1974,
Each node bears 1 or 2 roots, which are long and
branched; root hairs are rarely seen. Each root
has a well-defined stele surrounded by an endo-
dermis with a distinct Casparian strip (Kuo and
Cambridge 1978). Large lacunae are embedded in
the cortex. The exodermis consists of 1 or 2 layers
of cells with thickened, suberised but not lignified
walls. There are numerous bacteria and fungi in Fig. 95A-E. Posidoniaceae. Posidonia australis. A Habit. B
the rhizosphere (Kuo et al. 1981). Part of rhizome. C Flower. D, E Fruits. (den Hartog 1970)
Posidoniaceae 405

thin, lignified walls, and contains several sieve callose deposited only at the wall junctions with
tubes with thin walls and typical monocotyledon- the pollen tube.
ous proplastids with protein crystalloids. The
xylem is represented by several tracheids which EMBRYOLOGY. Endosperm formation is helobial.
have little secondary wall thickening and are The embryo has an elongated hypocotyl rich in
poorly lignified. Vascular parenchyma cells lack starch, a well-developed plumule and a short
cell-wall ingrowths (Kuo 1978, 1983). Fibrous radicle, situated at the distal end of the hypocotyl.
strands of thick-walled, unlignified cells are abun-
dant in the leaf margins and in the hypodermal POLLEN MORPHOLOGY AND POLLINATION. The
and subhypodermallayers in those species having pollen is filiform and comparatively short and
flattened blades, but in addition, occur deep in the has a swollen central region, lacking an exine
mesophyll tissue in species with biconvex to terete (McConchie and Knox 1989a). Posidonia has no
blades (Ostenfeld 1916; Cambridge and Kuo 1979; pollen-stigma recognition system to prevent self-
Kuo and Cambridge 1984). Squamules are numer- pollination (McConchie and Knox 1989b).
ous and palisadelike.
The leaf sheath differs from the blade in having KARYOLOGY. All species have 2n = 20, with 5
a non-porous cuticle and lacking chloroplasts in larger and 5 smaller pairs of chromosomes (den
the epidermis and mesophyll. Fibrous strands are Hartog et al. 1987; Kuo et al. 1990; Semroud et al.
more pronounced in the sheath than the blade. In 1992).
the sheath these strands, apart from those associ-
ated with the adaxial epidermis, are lignified and FRUIT AND SEED. Fruits are soft when shed, with
persistent on the rhizomes (Kuo 1978). a fleshy pericarp, and are buoyant. Being fleshy
Water depth apparently affects some morpho- and dehiscent, the fruit is not readily classified as
logical and anatomical features of Posidonia drupe, berry or achene. Each fruit splits longitudi-
oceanica such as leaf blade thickness, tannin cell nally and releases a single developing seed, which
and fibre frequency (Colombo et al. 1983). The sinks to the bottom. The seed is covered by a
reproductive cycle seems to be related to a delay in thin membrane but lacks a distinct seed coat.
leaf production in deeper plants. There is little or no dormancy phase. The main
Starch is present in the rhizome and leaves, and storage organ of the seed develops as an out-
the plants are rich in tannin cells. growth of the hypocotyl. A well-developed pri-
mary root is found on the seedlings of some
INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. Flowers are carried species (P. oceanica), but not others (P. australis,
on long peduncles. The axillary inflorescences are P. coriacea). The hypocotyl may remain attached
racemose and bear leafy bracts (Fig. 95A); the ulti- to the seedling for up to 18 months, but nutrient
mate units are spikelike, with several apparently storage may last only 8 months (Kuo and Kirkman
naked flowers (Cambridge and Kuo 1979; Kuo and 1996). Nutrient accumulation in fruits and its
Cambridge 1984; Kuo and McComb 1989). utilisation during seed germination and seedling
establishment have been described for two
FLORAL STRUCTURE. Flowers are actinomorphic, Australian Posidonia (Hocking et al. 1980, 1981).
bisexual, and lack a perianth. Each has 3 stamens
and 1 single carpel. Each stamen has 2 bilocular REPRODUCTION. In Australia, flowers are initi-
thecae attached to a broad connective. The carpel ated in autumn to winter, flowering occurs in
is ellipsoid with a short, irregularly lobed style and spring, and fruit is shed in late spring-early
a solitary atropous, pendulous ovule. The stigma summer. Flowering may be sparse to prolific.
is sessile and ornate (Fig. 95C). It has a surface Numerous pericarp remains accumulate on
pellicle, cuticle, and reacts positively for esterase beaches, but seeds germinate in ripple marks as
(McConchie and Knox 1989b). A diffuse secretion soon as they are detached, and seedlings develop.
covering the surface is thought to trigger preco- Few seedlings appear to survive, as most available
cious pollen germination, before pollen-stigma habitats are already occupied by established
contact (McConchie and Knox 1989a). When the meadows (Kuo and Kirkman 1996). Flowering and
pollen of Posidonia comes in contact with a recep- fruiting are common, but the establishment of
tive stigma, a meniscus is formed between the pol- seedlings is episodic in the Mediterranean species
len and stigma coatings. In Posidonia the pollen (Procaccini and Mazzella 1996). In contrast, veg-
tube is occluded by a plug of callose where it en- etative propagation is very important in the inva-
ters the pistil and the adjacent cells have lenses of sion of areas at the edges of seagrass meadows, in
406 Posidoniaceae

the colonisation of small areas disrupted by storm cete Halotthia posidoniae (Durieu & Montagne)
action, and in ongoing meadow regeneration. Kohlmeyer, and less often with Pontoporeia
Leaves are being continually replaced at rates bilurbinata (Durien & Montagne) Kohlmeyer.
which show seasonal trends at higher latitudes, Brearley and Walker (1996) observed that small
but are seasonal at lower latitudes. lynseiid isopods burrow through the leaf meso-
phyll, leaving the epidermis intact. Two species
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Posidoniaceae have 2 or 3 of lynseiid isopods are specific, Lynseia annae
sulphated phenolic acids, but sulphated flavones Cookson & Poore and L. dianae Cookson & Poore
are absent from the family, though present in being found in the P. australis group and P.
other seagrass families (McMillan et al. 1980a). ostenfeldii group, respectively, but lynseeid iso-
pods are yet to be found in the Mediterranean
AFFINITIES. Molecular data indicate a close rela- species.
tionship between Cymodoceaceae, Posidoniaceae,
and Ruppiaceae (Waycott and Les 1996; Les et al. PALAEOBOTANY. According to den Hartog (1970)
1997). two Posidonia fossils are known, Posidonia
cretacea Hos. a.v.d. Mark from the Cretaceous,
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The distribution and Posidonia parisiensis (Brongt.) Freitel ( =
of the family is strikingly disjunct. One Posidonia Caulinites parisiensis Brongt. Posidonia
species occurs in the Mediterranean, and the perforata Saporta & Marion) from the Eocene
others are from temperate Australia. In that conti- of the Paris Basin. They have thick rhizomes
nent, P. australis occurs along the southern, with short internodes and flattened, acuminate-
southwestern and southeastern coastline, but tipped leaves. However, the actual affinities of
other species are restricted to southern and south- remains of this type are far from certain (Daghlian
western Australia. 1981).
In Australia Posidonia may occur in small
clumps, or as vast underwater meadows which ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. The main economic
may be monospecific or consist of several importance is indirect, in the support of various
Posidonia species, interspersed with other food chains which lead to commercially important
seagrasses, especially Amphibolis spp. They occur animals such as fish and prawns; the loss of
in estuaries, sheltered embayments, and near- seagrass meadows after industrial or other devel-
shore, relatively protected oceanic regions; they opments is therefore viewed with concern.
are almost invariably subtidal, and if the water is Another indirect effect lies in the ability of
clear, may occur down to 40m. They are ecologi- seagrass meadows to stabilise sediments and
cally important because of their role in supporting damp wave action. Large submerine deposits of
food chains and stabilising sediments. There is persistent Posidonia fibres (e.g. in St. Vincent's
some direct grazing by echinoderms and fish, but Gulf, S Australia) have been viewed as potential
much of their importance lies in the production of sources of fibre for textile and paper manufacture,
nutrient-rich organic detritus which is used by and for insulation (Winterbottom 1917; Kuo and
filter feeding organisms. They support growth of Cambridge 1978).
epiphytic plants and animals and infauna which
graze on epiphytes; they are important as a
nursery area for fish, and provide shelter
(Shepherd and Womersley 1981). Detached old
leaves, with materials from other seagrasses and
macroalgae, accumulate on beaches in wracks up
to 1m high for up to 4 months each year, decom-
posing in the wracks or surf zone, where they are
again important in food chains and nutrient
cycling. Persistent fibres are rolled into balls by
wave action, and such "marine balls" have been
known since ancient times (Cannon 1979).

PARASITES. The rhizomes of P. oceanica are

frequently infected with the parasitic Pyrenomy-
Posidoniaceae 407

Only one genus: Kuo, J. 1978. Morphology, anatomy and histochemistry of the
Australian seagrasses genus Posidonia Konig (Posidonia-
ceae). I. Leaf blade and leaf sheath of Posidonia australis
Posidonia Konig Fig. 95 Hook f. Aquat. Bot. 5: 171-190.
Kuo, J. 1983. Notes on the biology of Australian seagrasses.
Posidonia Konig, Ann. Bot. (Konig & Sims, London): 95 Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 106: 225-245.
(1805). Kuo, J., Cambridge, M.L. 1978. Morphology, anatomy and his-
tochemistry of the Australian seagrasses genus Posidonia
Description as for family. Konig (Posidoniaceae ). II. Rhizomes and roots of Posidonia
australis Hook f. Aquat. Bot. 5: 191-206.
Nine spp., temperate and subtropical waters, all Kuo, J., Cambridge, M.L. 1984. A taxonomic study of
endemic to Australia except P. oceanica (L.) Posidonia ostenfeldii complex (Posidoniaceae) with de-
Delile, which is restricted to the Mediterranean. scription of four new Australian seagrasses. Aquat. Bot.
Among the Australian species, two groups can be 20:267-295.
distinguished: the P. australis group with mem- Kuo, J., Kirkman, H. 1996. Seedling development of selected
Posidonia species from southwest Australia. In: Kuo, J.,
branous leaves and growing in shallow, sheltered Phillips, R.C., Walker, D.I., Kirkman, H. (eds.) Seagrass
waters; and the P. ostenfeldii group with leathery biology. Proceedings of an International Workshop,
leaves and occurring in deeper, more open waters. Rottnest Island, Western Australia. 25-29 January 1996.
Perth: Science, UW A, pp. 57-64.
Kuo, J., McComb, A.J. 1989. Seagrass taxonomy, structure
and development. In: Larkum, A.W.D., McComb, A.J.,
Selected Bibliography Shephard, S.A. (eds.) Biology of seagrasses. A treatise on
the biology of seagrasses with special reference to the
Albergoni, F.G., Basso, B. Tedesco, G. 1978. Considerations Australian region. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 6-73.
sur l'anatomie de Posidonia oceanica (Zosteraceae). Plant Kuo, J., McComb, A.J., Cambridge, M.L. 1981. Ultrastructure
Syst. Evol. 130: 191-210. of the seagrass rhizosphere. New Phytol. 89: 139-143.
Brearley, A., Walker, D.I. 1996. Burrow structure and effects Kuo, J., James, S.H., Kirkman, H., Hartog, C. den 1990.
of burrowing isopods (Limnoriidae) in southerwestern Chromosome numbers and their systematic implications in
Australian posidonia meadows. In: Kuo, J., Phillips, R.C., Australian marine angiosperms: the Posidoniaceae. Plant
Walker, D.I., Kirkman, H. (eds.) Seagrass biology. Pro- Syst. Evol. 171: 199-204.
ceedings of an International Workshop, Rottnest Island, Larkum, A.W.D., McComb, A.J., Shephard, S.A. (eds.) 1989.
Western Australia. 25-29 January 1996. Perth: Science, Biology of seagrasses. A treatise on the biology of sea-
UWA, pp. 261-268. grasses with special reference to the Australian Region.
Cambridge, M.L., Kuo, J. 1979. Posidonia sinuosa and P. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
angustifolia (Posidoniaceae); two new taxa of seagrasses Les, D.H. eta!. 1997. See general references.
from Australia. Aquat. Bot. 6: 307-328. McConchie, C.A., Knox, R.B. 1989a. Pollen-stigma interaction
Cambridge, M.L., Kuo, J. 1982. Morphology, anatomy and his- in the seagrass Posidionia australis. Ann. Bot. 63: 235-248.
tochemistry of the Australian seagrasses genus Posidonia McConchie, C.A., Knox, R.B. 1989b. Pollination and reproduc-
Konig (Posidoniaceae). III. Posidonia sinuosa Cambridge & tive biology of seagrasses. In: Larkum, A.W.D., McComb,
Kuo. Aquat. Bot. 14: 1-14. A.J., Shephard, S.A. (eds.) Biology of seagrasses. A treatise
Cannon, J.F.M. 1979. An experimental investigation of on the biology of seagrasses with special reference to the
Posidonia balls. Aquat. Bot. 6: 407-410. Australian region. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 74-111.
Colombo, P.M., Rascio, N., Cinelli, F. 1983. Posidonia oceanica McMillan, C., Zapata, 0., Escobar, L. 1980a. Sulphated phe-
(L.) Delile: a structural study of the photosynthetic appara- nolic compounds in seagrasses. Aquat. Bot. 8: 267-278.
tus. Mar. Ecol. 4: 133-145. McMillan, C., Parker, P.L., Fry, B. 1980b. C13 /C 12 ratios in
Dahlian, C.P. 1981. A review of the fossil record of monocoty- seagrasses. Aquat. Bot. 9: 237-249.
ledons. Bot. Rev. 47: 517-555. McMillan, C., Williams, S.C., Escobar, L., Zapata, 0. 1981.
Hartog, C. den 1970. The seagrasses of the world. Verh. K. Isozymes, secondary compounds and experimental cul-
Ned. Akad. Afd. Natuurk. II, 59(1): 1-275, 31 plates. tures of Australian seagrasses in Halophila, Halodule,
Hartog, C. den, Hennen, J., Norten, Th. M.P.A., Van Wijk, R.J. Zostera, Amphibolis and Posidonia. Aust. J. Bot. 29: 247-
1987. Chromosome number of the European seagrasses. 260.
Plant Syst. Evol. 156: 55-59. Ostenfeld, C.H. 1916. Contribution to Western Australian
Hocking, P.J., Cambridge, M.L., McComb, A.J. 1980. Nutrient botany, part I. Dan. Bot. Ark. 2: 1-44.
accumulation in the fruits of two species of seagrass, Phillips, R.C., McRoy, C.P. (eds) 1981. Handbook of seagrass
Posidonia australis and Posidonia sinuosa. Ann. Bot. 45: biology. New York: Berland, STPM Press.
149-161. Procaccini, G., Mazzella, L. 1996. Genetic variability and
Hocking, P.J., Cambridge, M.L., McComb, A.J. 1981. Nitrogen reproduction in two Mediterranean seagrasses. In: Kuo, J.,
and phosphorus nutrition of developing plants of two Phillips, R.C., Walker, D.I., Kirkman, H. (eds.) Seagrass
seagrasses, Posidonia australis and Posidonia sinuosa. biology. Proceedings of an International Workshop,
Aquat. Bot. 11: 245-261. Rottnest Island, Western Australia, 25-29 January 1996.
Kirkman, H., Kuo, J. 1996. Seagrasses of the southern coast of Perth: Science, UW A, pp. 85-92.
Western Australia. In: Kuo, J., Phillips, R.C., Walker, D.I., Robertson, E.L. 1984. Seagrasses, pp. 57-122. In: Womersley,
Kirkman, H. (eds.) Seagrass biology. Proceedings of an In- H.B.S. (ed.) The marine benthic flora of southern Australia,
ternational Workshop, Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Part I. Government Printer, South Australia.
25-29 January 1996. Perth: Science, UWA, pp. 51-56. Semroud, R., Verlaque, R., 'Crouzet, A., Boudouresque, C.F.
408 Posidoniaceae/Potamogetonaceae

1992. On a broad-leaved form of the seagrass Posidonia

oceanica (Posidoniaceae) from Algiers (Algeria). Aquat.
Bot. 43: 181-198.
Shepherd, S.A. Womersley, H.B.S. 1981. The algal and seagrass
ecology of Waterloo Bay, South Australia. Aquat. Bot. 11:
Tomlinson, P.B. 1974. Vegetative morphology and meristem
dependence. The foundation of productivity in seagrasses.
Aquaculture 4: 107-130.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. Helobiae (Alismatidae) including the
seagrasses. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of the mono-
cotyledons. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Potamogetonaceae Dumort., Anal. Pam. Pl. 59, 61 (1829),
Waycott, M., Les, D.H. 1996. An integrated approach to the nom. cons.
evolutionary study of seagrasses. In: Kuo, J., Phillips, R.C.,
Walker, D.I., Kirkman, H. (eds.) Seagrass biology.
Proceedings of an International Workshop, Rottnest Island, Perennial or rarely annual floating-leaved or
Western Australia. 25-29 January 1996. Perth: Science, submersed glabrous herbs growing in fresh
UWA, pp. 71-78. or brackish waters, sometimes stranded by reced-
Winterbottom, D.C. 1917. Marine fibre. Dept. Chern. S. Aust. ing water levels. Roots fibrous, few, nonseptate,
Bull. 4: 1-36.
from lower nodes of stems. Stems slender,
branched or unbranched, often dimorphic, the
lower stems rhizomatous or stoloniferous, occa-
sionally with tubers, the upper erect, leafy, the tips
often modified into turions. Leaves alternate
and the upper 2-12 subopposite, or opposite
throughout, entire to serrulate, sessile, or peti-
olate, 1-many-veined, mostly ligulate; ligules
forming a tubular sheath around the stem, free
from or adnate to the base of the blade; veins
when several or numerous parallel or arching,
often connected by cross-veins; axillary infra-
vaginal scales present, membranous; submersed
leaves thin, linear to orbicular; floating blades
often leathery, lanceolate to elliptic or ovate.
Inflorescences pedunculate, axillary, or terminal,
with 2 opposite flowers or more than 2 flowers
in a capitate to interrupted spike, with a sub-
tending spathe. Flowers perfect, hypognous,
actinomorphic; tepals 4( -2), in one series, dis-
tinct, rounded, flat to convex, short -clawed,
greenish, reddish, or brownish. Stamens 4, rarely
2-3; anthers extrorse, 2-locular, dehiscing by
longitudinal slits; filaments adnate to the perianth
claw; pollen grains shed singly, spherical.
Gynoecium of (1-) 4 (-7) distinct carpels, the
carpels unilocular, sometimes with an indistinct
stipe; ovules solitary, attached to the ventral
margin of the carpel; styles short; stigmas
capitate. Fruits usually drupelets with a membra-
nous exocarp, fleshy mesocarp, and stony en-
docarp, or rarely berries, opening by decay of
the pericarp. Seeds solitary, exalbuminous, with
coiled embryo.
A subcosmopolitan family with 2 (or 3)
genera and 85-90 species. Additionally, 40-50
putative hybrids have been described, which
are concentrated predominantly in Great Britain,
Scandinavia, and Japan (Preston 1995).
Potamogetonaceae 409

VEGETATIVE MoRPHOLOGY. The Potamogetona- tious and unbranched, ansmg singly or, more
ceae are aquatic or rarely semiaquatic herbs grow- commonly, in whorls of up to 10 from the nodes of
ing either entirely submersed or with emergent rhizomes, stolons, or lower nodes of erect stems.
inflorescences and submersed leaves or with both The stems often are divided into a short to elon-
submersed and floating leaves and emergent inflo- gate, non-chlorophyllous rhizome and an erect
rescences (Figs. 96, 97). Those that are semi- chlorophyllous stem. The rhizome varies in length
aquatic are stranded by receding water levels, up to 2m or more. It may be clearly different from
often appearing terrestrial. The roots are adventi- the erect stem.

Fig. 97A-J. Potamogetonaceae. A-F Potam ogeton natans. A

Fig. 96A-I. Potamogetonaceae. A, B Potamogeton lucens. A Fruiting shoot. B Flowering spike. C Fruiting spike. D Flower.
Fruiting shoot. B Drupelet. C- E P. perfo /iatus. C Fruiting E Tepa! with stamen. F Drupelet. G-H P. gram ineus. G Shoot
shoot. D Flower. E Drupelet. F- 1 Groenlandia densa. F Flower- with submersed and floating leaves. H Wholly submersed
ing shoot. G Two-flowered spike. H Flower, from above. I shoot. I, J P. a/pinus. I Flowering shoot. J Drupelet. (Takhtajan
Drupelet. (Takhtajan 1982) 1982)
410 Potamogetonaceae

Rhizomes lack chlorophyll and have scalelike, its length. The ligules, when separate from the
non-chlorophyllous leaves. These consist essen- blade, encircle the stem. The margins of the ligules
tially of a sheathing base that nearly or completely may be fused, forming a tube, but are more com-
encircles the stem. The 1st scale is solitary and monly free and overlap basally. The sheath is
lacks an axillary bud, the next 2 scales are paired mostly delicate and hyaline.
and subopposite, each with an axillary bud. The Vegetative reproductive structures and peren-
bud of the 1st scale of the subopposite pair in nating organs are produced at the tips of erect
some species gives rise to a regenerative rhizome. stems and branches by several species of
This supersedes the rhizome apex and makes Potamogeton. These are variously called winter
branching sympodial. The bud of the 2nd scale of buds, turions or hibernacula, and primarily pro-
the subopposite pair gives rise to the erect stem. duced in species without elongate rhizomes.
Some Potamogeton species produce elongate Turions are short, hard stem apices with short
overwintering rhizomes. These develop in the axil internodes. The effective propagation of turions
of the 1st of the paired scales. In Groenlandia and was demonstrated by Yeo (1966) who planted 1
other species of Potamogeton which do not pro- turion of P. crispus on 1 April1963 and, at the end
duce overwintering rhizomes, the bud of the 1st of the growing season, found 23 520 turions
scale of the subopposite pair remains dormant. produced.
The erect stems vary in length to 6 m, depending The inflorescences are pedunculate, solitary,
partly on water depth. Each node produces one or and terminal or axillary. The penduncles vary in
rarely more axillary buds. These generally remain length from few to 50 mm or more. They are cylin-
dormant, but sometimes grow into branches. The dric and filiform to clavate and inflated and may
apex of Potamogeton shoots produces an inflores- be erect to recurved.
cence subtended by 2 subopposite leaves. Each
leaf has an axillary bud, one or both of which may VEGETATIVE ANATOMY (from Tomlinson
break dormancy, in which case a sympodium is 1982). The sieve tube plastids have cuneate pro-
formed. tein bodies but no starch or filamental protein.
The leaves are predominantly alternate, oppo- Silica bodies and calcium oxalate crystals are
site or in whorls of 3 in Groenlandia, and consist lacking. Vessels with scalariform perforations are
of a sessile or petiolate blade and, usually, a basal often present in the roots of Potamogeton but
stipular sheath. The leaves in Groenlandia are absent in Groenlandia; they are absent in stems
sessile and usually exstipulate, or stipulate on and leaves. The root epidermis is differentiated
young shoots (Fig. 96F). The leaf axils have 2- into long and short cells, from the latter of which
several intravaginal squamules. The squamules root hairs are produced in Groenlandia, but this
lack veins and are mostly linear to subulate, rarely exodermis is absent in Potamogeton.
ovate, entire, and acute. The erect stem lacks stomata and has a thin to
The blades vary in shape from linear to lan- slightly thickened cuticle. The epidermal cells
ceolate or oval. They are glabrous and predo- contain chlorophyll and surround a fairly wide
minantly entire, although serrations are rarely cortex that contains chlorenchyma and is copi-
present. Serrations are evenly spaced along the ously lacunose. The outer 1 to 3 cell layers of the
margins (P. crispus). Some species of Potamogeton cortex often comprise a hypodermis (pseudohy-
such as P. puleher have minute denticles along the podermis in some literature), which is absent in
margin that become dislodged shortly after leaf Groenlandia and some species of Potamogeton.
maturation. Venation is basically parallel, with Immediately inside the cortex is an endodermis.
an obvious midvein and from 0-30, rarely more, The endodermal cells in Groenlandia are
lateral veins. Cross-veins are normally present thin-walled but are variously thickened in
between the longitudinal veins. The leaves of Potamogeton. Vascular and supporting tissues are
many species are entirely submersed. Floating restricted to the stele in most species but in some
leaves are present in several species of Potamoge- species of Potamogeton are present both in stele
ton. They are usually coriaceous, whereas the sub- and interlacunar and/or subepidermal bundles.
mersed leaves are delicate. The two types are often The cortex in the nodal area is compact and lacks
widely different in shape. . lacunae. The nodes are probably the only break in
The ligules (often called stipular sheaths) are the longitudinal gas canals.
normally free from the leaf base but in some The leaf anatomy varies considerably between
species adnate to it from the leaf base up to 3/4 of genera and within Potamogeton.
Potamogetonaceae 411

Groenlandia leaves have 3 veins at the base and duncle curvature serves to bring the developing
apex but 5 to 7 in the widest parts. The epidermal fruits under water.
layer is continuous except at the apex where a
well-developed apical pore is present, exposing EMBRYOLOGY. Anther-wall formation type is ap-
the tracheids. The cuticle is thin or absent. parently unknown. The epidermis persists during
The mesophyll consists of only 1 layer, except anther wall development, and the endothecium
along the veins. Lacunae are restricted to the has Girdle-type thickenings. The tapetum cells
midvein area. All mesophyll and epidermal cells are predominantly 1-nucleate, rarely, e.g., in
contain chlorophyll. A fibrous strand extends Potamogeton natans, 2-nucleate. The walls even-
along the margin from the base nearly to the tually disintegrate and a periplasmodium is
apex. formed. Microsporogenesis is of the successive
Floating and submersed leaves of Potamogeton type. The tetrads are usually isobilateral. The
differ in anatomy, although a pore is always mature grains are then 3-celled.
present. In floating leaves, the cuticle is thick on The ovules are bitegmic and atropous in Pota-
the upper surface and thin on the lower, stomata mogeton (Davis 1969). A parietal cell is formed
are common on the upper surface and rarely and gives rise up to 7 parietal layers below the
present on the lower. Epidermis on both sides is nucellar epidermis. The micropyle is formed by
uniseriate, and the mesophyll consists of normal the inner integument.
palisade and spongy parenchyma. Large lacunae Embryo sac formation is of the Polygonum type.
traverse the spongy mesophyll on each side of the Endosperm formation is Helobial. Embryo forma-
midvein. In submersed leaves, stomata are rare tion follows the Caryophyllad type in which the
and nonfunctional, the cuticle is thin or nearly basal cell does not divide but enlarges. It com-
absent, and the mesophyll varies from 1 to 4 prises the terminal cell of the suspensor.
or 5 cell layers, but a palisade is not developed. The ripe seeds lack endosperm and perisperm.
Lacunae are common along the midvein and The embryo is coiled, macropodous, and linear. It
sometimes occur in the mesophyll. All cells of fills the entire seed cavity and lacks chlorophyll.
Potamogeton leaves, except those associated with
the veins, contain chlorophyll. PoLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Pollen grains are in
monads, inapertuarate, ellipsoid to spheroidal,
INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. The plants are and semitectate. The exine is less than 1.5 ~-tm
monoclinous. The inflorescences are usually thick, homobrochate, consisting of muri with a
pedunculate with capitate to elongate spikes, or tectal solid part and an infratectal columellar part.
reduced to 2 flowers. Lumina number varies from 10-31 per 50~-tm2
(Sorsa 1988).
FLORAL STRUCTURE. The flowers (Figs. 96D,H,
97D,E) are sessile and without subtending bracts. KARYOLOGY. Chromosome reports are available
There is a perianth of2-4 tepals that are adnate to for about half of the species of the family. The
the filaments or connectives of the opposing basic chromosome number for Potamogeton was
stamens. The perianth segments initially com- proposed as x = 7 by Les (1983). Potamogeton
pletely enclose the other floral parts. The struc- exhibits extensive polyploidy, ranging from 2n =
tures here regarded as tepals in Potamogetonaceae 14 to 2n = 52, and even 2n = 104, and several
are frequently interpreted as staminal processes, aneuploid series. Groenlandia is reported to be
an interpretation supported by the stamen struc- 2n = 30.
ture in the distantly related Posidoniaceae. Sattler
(1965) and Posluszny and Sattler (1973) demon- POLLINATION. Most species are considered to be
strated that for the Potamogetonaceae, however, wind-pollinated. Dragon flies have been observed
the structures are best considered to be tepals. to land on P. nodosus spikes and to carry the
There are mostly 4 stamens, rarely 2-3. Each theca pollen, but there is no evidence of actual pol-
dehisces by a longitudinal slit. len transfer. Daumann (1963) detected minor
The carpels are separate, mostly 4, rarely 1-3, amounts of pollenkitt on the exines of P. fluitans
but there may be up to 7. The carpels are shortly and P. natans, which led to slight stickiness of the
stipitate in P. robbinsii, these never exceeding pollen. Potamogeton lucens, however, was found
1-2mm. After fertilization, the peduncle often never to have any pollenkitt. Daumann suggested
bends laterally or becomes recurved. The pen- that the presence of pollenkitt may indicate that
412 Potamogetonaceae

anemophily in this situation has originated from and that many species, especially from colder re-
zoophily. Self-incompatibility is likely in at least gions reguire freezing temperatures for months.
some species thought to be wind-pollinated (Voss Lohammar (1954) demonstrated that seeds di-
1972; Philbrick 1983). Some species regularly gested by waterfowl retain the endocarp and
flower under water. Philbrick (1983) observed germinate at a high percentage.
three species, one with aerial flowers only (P. Dispersal by feeding waterfowl is important
epihydrus), one with both emersed and submersed and probably accounts for, at least some, long-
flowers but similar inflorescences (P. pusillus var. distance dispersal. The vegetative reproductive
tenuissimus), and one with both emersed and sub- structures and buoyant seeds are obviously
mersed flowers but dimorphic inflorescences (P. capable of floating downstream in running waters.
spirillus). The aerial flowers of P. epihydrus and P. Phibrick and Anderson (1987) studied breeding
spirillus were facultatively autogamous, although systems of several species of Potamogeton and
the stigmas expand before an thesis. Consequently, suggested that those with submersed inflores-
outcrossing is possible and does occur; however, cences are predominately autogamous and those
any flowers not previously pollinated at anthesis with aerial inflorescences are at least facultatively
usually are selfed, resulting in near 100% fruit autogamous, although some, as mentioned
set. The stamens of the submersed flowers of P. earlier, are self-incompatible.
spirillus dehisce prior to flower opening, resulting
in self-fertilization, again near 100% fruit set. PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Saponins and alkaloids are
Potamogeton pusillus var. tenuissimus, however, absent in the family. Tannins are known from the
never had 100% fruit set. All of its flowers, both family. Harborne (1982) reports that flavone agly-
submersed and emersed, appeared to be self- cones, flavone glycosides, and C-glycosylated fla-
incompatible. Aerial flowers were apparently vones are common in Potamogetonaceae. Les and
wind-pollinated, but the submersed flowers were Haynes (1995) summarized the flavonoid compo-
pollinated by air bubbles. The bubbles are released nents for the family as of that time. Anthocyanins
from the opening anther, and some pollen adheres are absent, the red pigment characteristic of many
to the surface of the bubble. The bubble moves to taxa consists of rhodoxanthin. Groenlandia ap-
the stigma of that flower or another flower, the parently has not yet been surveyed.
former of which is not fertilized, the latter,
however, resulting in outcrossing. Guo and Cook AFFINITIES. Taxonomists have historically en-
(1989, 1990) determined that Groenlandia, in ad- compassed the genus Potamogeton in a variety
dition to being wind-pollinated, and P. pectinatus of family concepts that broadly included diverse
are pollinated on the water surface, and below the genera such as Cymodocea, Halodule, Najas,
water surface, as described by Philbrick ( 1983) Phyllospadix, Potamogeton, Ruppia, Zannichellia,
above for P. pusillus var. tenuissimus. and Zostera. Later authors (Tomlinson 1982;
Dahlgren et al. 1985; Cook 1990) adopted a
FRUIT AND SEED. The fruit is a drupe or a berry. more conservative circumscription of Potamoge-
The fruits of Potamogeton have a membranous tonaceae with only three genera: Groenlandia,
exocarp, fleshy mesocarp, and stony endocarp, Potamogeton, and Ruppia. The genera Althenia,
and are best considered a drupe, although they do Lepilaena, Pseudalthenia, and Zannichellia are
not fit the classical definition of any fruit type. The usually segregated as a separate family (Zan-
fruits of Groenlandia lack a stony endocarp and nichelliaceae), although there is merit to consi-
are thus 1-seeded berries. dering their merger with the Potamogetonaceae
(see Zannichelliaceae and below).
DISPERSAL AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS. In Molecular data have been particularly helpful at
many species, the fruits after being released float resolving questions of relationships among these
on the water for a period of time varying from less aquatic genera. A phylogenetic analysis of rbcL
than a week to several months. Spence et al. (1971) data resolves a strongly supported, monophyletic
reported fruits floating for 18 months under labo- clade consisting of four genera: Groenlandia,
ratory conditions. The floating fruits are green Lepilaena, Zannichellia, and Potamogeton (Les
and photosynthetic, and the oxygen released by and Haynes 1995; D.H. Les, unpubl.) Potamogeton
photosynthesis keeps them buoyant. Eventually subgen. Potamogeton is quite distinct in these
the fruits sink and the pericarp decays. Muenscher analyses, but relationships among subgenus
(1936) demonstrated that germination rate of Coleogeton and the remaining genera are unre-
Potamogeton seeds is greatly reduced by drying, solved due to an inadequate level of molecular
Potamogetonaceae 413

divergence. As we mention in the treatment of PALEOBOTANY. The earliest records of the family
Zannichelliaceae, it is arguable whether the are from the Paleocene. Records become more
Potamogetonaceae and Zannichelliaceae should common in Eocene and younger deposits
be retained taxonomically as separate families. (Daghlian 1981 ). Some earlier reports of the family
The molecular data also clearly separate both are based on vegetative remains, but these cannot
Groenlandia and Potamogeton subgen. Coleo- be satisfactory assigned to the family (Daghlian
geton from P. subgen. Potamogeton. Together 1981). The first fruits of Potamogetonaceae are
with a number of morphological differences, this assigned to a separate form genus, and are from
result would help to rationalize the recognition of the Paleocene, while Potamogeton is first recorded
three genera in the pondweed family. Phylogenetic in the Eocene.
analysis of rbcL data also indicates that linear-
leaved species of Potamogeton subgen. Coleogeton EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. As source of food for
did not evolve from heterophyllous ancestors as waterfowl, Martin and Uhler (1939) rank
hypothesized by Les and Sheridan (1990), but Potamogeton first in importance in the United
represent a distinct lineage that independently States and Canada, and Gaevskaya (1966) lists at
acquired linear submersed leaves. least 135 species of animals that are known to feed
Although their relationship to Potamogetona- on the family. Some are regarded as water weeds
ceae is occasionally hypothesized, none of the warranting control. Some species of Potamogeton
genera of Cymodoceaceae, Najadaceae, Posidonia- are also used in the aquarium trade.
ceae, and Ruppiaceae associate as sister groups to
the Potamogetonaceae/Zannichelliaceae clade KEY TO THE GENERA
(Les and Haynes 1995; D.H. Les, unpubl.). The
marine family Zosteraceae comprises the closest 1. Leaves all opposite; fruit without stony endocarp
2. Groenlandia
sister group to this clade, but it is sufficiently di- - Leaves alternate except those that subtend an inflorescence;
vergent at both the morphological and molecular fruit with stony endocarp 1. Potamogeton
level to warrant the maintenance as a separate
family, and resolves as a separate, monophyletic
group (Les and Haynes 1995). The Juncaginaceae 1. Potamogeton L. Fig. 96A-E, 97
are the closest sister group to the clade that in- Potamogeton L., Sp. Pl. 1: 126 (1753); Hagstrom, J.O., Critical
cludes the Potamogetonaceae, Zannichelliaceae, researches on the potamogetons. K. Sven. Vetenskapsakad.
and Zosteraceae (Les and Haynes 1995). All of Hand!. 55(5): 1-281 (1916); Dandy, J.E., The genus Pota-
mogeton L. in tropical Afric. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 50: 507-540
these groups share similar adaptions to aquatic (1937); Fernald, M.L., The linear-leaved North American
life, such as a lack of stem vessels and pollen aper- species of Potamogeton, section Axillares. Mem. Gray Her.
tures. They also have in common root hair short- 3: 1-183 (1932); Ogden, E.C., The broad-leaved species of
cells, intravaginal squamules, caryophyllad type of Potamogeton of North America north of Mexico. Rhodora
embryo, exendospermous seeds, and uniovulate 45: 57-105, 119-163, 171-214 (1946); Haynes, R.R., A revi-
sion of the clasping-leaved Potamogeton (Potamogetona-
ovaries. ceae) Sida 11: 173-185 (1985).
Stuckenia Borner (1912).
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The Potamo- Coleogeton Les & R.R. Haynes (1996).
getonaceae are subcosmopolitan, with most spe-
cies occurring in temperate regions, especially in Propagated by seeds, tubers, turions, or rhizomes;
the northern hemisphere. stems terete or compressed, nodes occasionally
Nearly all Potamogetonaceae grow in aquatic with oil glands; leaves alternate to subopposite;
freshwater ecosystems; several species can survive submersed leaves sessile or petiolate, linear to or-
short periods of drought in a terrestrial state. A bicular, subulate to obtuse at apex, acute to perfo-
few species occur in brackish waters, but none are liate at base, margins entire or serrate, rarely
marine. The family ranges in elevation from sea crimped, veins 1-35; floating leaves coriaceous,
level to 4500m. Hellquist (1980) studied the distri- mostly petiolate, rarely subsessile, elliptic to
bution of Potamogeton (s.l.) in relation to alkalin- ovate, acute to obtuse at apex, cuneate to rounded
ity and divided the species into six groups, based or cordate at base, margins entire, veins 1-51;
on the mean of the alkalinity of the waters in stipules tubular, sheathing stem and young inflo-
which they occurred. Some were obligate to low rescences, connate or convolute, either free or
alkalinity, some to intermediate alkalinity, and adnate to base of submersed leaves, free from base
some to high alkalinity. Finally, a few could occur of floating leaves. Inflorescence a capitate or cylin-
in nearly all of the six groups. drical spike or panicle of spikes with 1-20 whorls
414 Potamogetonaceae

of flowers, compact or interrupted, with 2-4 Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
flowers in each whorl. Perianth segments 4, free, Daghlian, C.P. 1981. A review of the fossil record of monocoty-
ledons. Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 47: 517-555.
rounded, short-clawed; stamens 4; carpels 4 or 1. Dahlgren, R.T.M., Clifford M.T. 1982. See general references.
Fruit abaxially rounded or keeled, beaked. Two Dahlgren, R., Rasmussen, F.N. 1983. Monocotyledon evolu-
subgenera: subgen. Potamogeton, stipular sheaths tion, characters and phylogenetic estimation. Evol. Bioi. 16:
of submersed leaves free from leaf base, or if ad- 255-395.
nate, then the adnate portion less than 1/2 length Dahlgren, R.M.T. eta!. 1985. See general references.
Daumann, E. 1963. Zur Frage nach dem Ursprung der
of stipule; leaves both submersed and floating Hydrogamie. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Bliitenokologie von
or all submersed, the submersed pellucid, non- Potamogeton. Preslia 35: 23-30.
canaliculate; peduncles stiff and, if long enough, Davis, G.L. 1969. See general references.
projecting above surface of water; ca. 80 species, Gaevskaya, N.S. 1966. The role of higher aquatic plants in the
nutrition of the animals of fresh-water basins. (Trans!. from
near cosmopolitan; subgen. Coleogeton (Reichb.) Russian by D.G. Maitland Muller 1969). Yorkshire.
Raunk. (1896), stipular sheaths of submersed Guo, Y.-H., Cook, C.D.K. 1989. Pollination efficiency of
leaves adnate to leaf blade for 2/3 or more of Potamogeton pectinatus L. Aquat. Bot. 34: 381-384.
stipule length; leaves all submersed, opaque, Guo, Y.-H., Cook, C.D.K. 1990. The floral biology of Groen-
canaliculate, turgid; peduncle fexible, not project- landia densa (L.) Fourreau (Potamogetonaceae). Aquat.
Bot. 38: 283-288.
ing inflorescence above surface of water; turions Hagstr0m, J.O. 1916. Critical researches on the potamogetons.
lacking. About ten spp., near cosmopolitan. Kong!. Sven. Vetenskapsakad. Hand!. 55(5): 1-281.
We are including Coleogeton within Potamo- Harborne, J.B. 1982. Flavonoid compounds. In: Dahlgren,
geton at the insistence of the editor. In our opin- R.T.M., Clifford, H.T. (eds.) The monocotyledons. A com-
ion, data from a variety of sources, including parative study. London: Academic Press.
Haynes, R.R. 1974. A revision of North American Potamo-
molecular, cytological, hybridization, anatomical, geton subsection Pusilli (Potamogetonaceae). Rhodora 76:
morphological, and pollination studies, indicate 564-649.
strongly that subgen. Coleogeton should occupy Haynes, R.R. 1978. The Potamogetonaceae in the Southeastern
generic rank. United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 59: 170-191.
Haynes, R.R., Holm-Nielsen L.B. "1985" (1987). A generic
treatment of Alismatidae in the neotropics. Acta Amazonia
2. Groenlandia J. Gay Fig. 96F-I 15: 153-193.
Hellquist, C. B. 1980. Correlation of alkalinity and the distribu-
Groenlandia J. Gay, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 38: 703 (1854). tion of Potamogeton in New England. Rhodora 82: 331-
Irmisch, T. 1858. Ueber einige Arten aus der natiirlichen
Propagated by stolons, buds or seeds. Leaves Pflanzenfamilie der Potameen. Berlin: G. Bosselmann.
submersed, opposite, pellucid, sessile, linear- Les, D.H. 1983. Taxonomic implications of aneuploidy and
lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, acute at apex, polyploidy in Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). Rhodora
longitudinally folded, clasping at base, the 85: 301-323.
margins entire, often crimped, the veins 5-7. Les, D.H., Haynes, R.R. 1995. Systematics of subclass
Alismatidae: a synthesis of approaches. In: Rudall, P.J.,
Stipules only present on young shoot. Turions Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyle-
absent. Inflorescence axillary or terminal, of 2-6 dons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens,
opposite flowers, submersed or held slightly Kew, pp. 353-377.
above surface of water. Perianth of (2-) 4, free, Les, D.H., Philbrick, C.T. 1993. Studies of hybridization and
rounded, short -clawed segments; stamens (2-) 4; chromosome number variation in aquatic angiosperms:
evolutionary implications. Aquat. Bot. 44: 181-228.
carpels (2-3)-4. Fruit dorsally keeled, beaked. Les, D.H., Sheridan, D.J. 1990. Biochemical heterophylly and
Only one sp., G. densus (L.) Fourr., Spain to Nor- flavonoid evolution in North American Potamogeton
way, east to Siberia and Afghanistan, and south to (Potamogetonaceae). Am. J. Bot. 77: 453-465.
Algeria. Les, D.H., Garvin, D.K., Wimpee, C.F. 1993. Phylogenetic
studies in the monocot subclass Alismatidae: evidence for a
reappraisal of the aquatic order Najadales. Mol. Phylogenet.
Evol. 2: 304-314.
Selected Bibliography Lohammar, G. 1954. Matsmaltningens inverkan pa
Potamogeton-fronas groning. Fauna Flora 49: 17-32.
Aalto, M. 1970. Potamogetonaceae fruits. I. Recent and sub- Martin, A.C., Uhler, F.M. 1939. Food of game ducks in the
fossil endocarps of the Fennoscandian species. Acta Bot. United States and Canada. U.S.D.A. Tech. Bull. No. 634.
Fenn. 88: 1-85. Muenscher, W.C. 1936. The germination of seeds of
Ascherson, P., Graebner, P. 1907. Potamogetonaceae. In: Potamogeton. Ann. Bot. (Lond.) 50: 805-821.
Engler, A. (ed.) Das Pflanzenreich IV. 11: 1-184. Leipzig: Philbrick, C.T. 1983. Aspects of floral biology in three species
W. Engelmann. of Potamogeton (pondweeds). Mich. Bot. 23: 35-38.
Cook, C.D.K. 1990. Aquatic plant book. The Hague: SPB Philbrick, C.T., Anderson, G.J. 1987. Implications of pollen/
Academic Publishing. ovule rations and pollen size for the reproductive biology of
Potamogetonaceae/Rapateaceae 415

Potamogeton and autogamy in aquatic angiosperms. Syst. Rapateaceae

Bot. 12: 98-105.
Posluszny, U., Sattler, R. 1973. Floral development of Potamo- D.W. STEVENSON, M. CoLELLA, and B. BooM
geton densus. Can. J. Bot. 51: 647-656.
Posluszny, U., Sattler, R. 1974. Floral development of Potamo-
geton richardsonii. Am. J. Bot. 61: 209-216.
Preston, C.D. 1995. Pondweeds of Great Britain and Ireland.
BSBI Handbook No. 8. London: Botanical Society of the
British Isles.
Sattler, R. 1965. Perianth development of Potamogeton rich-
ardsonii. Am. J. Bot. 52: 35-41.
Singh, v. 1964. Morphological and anatomical studies in Rapateaceae Dumort., Anal. Pam. Pl.: 60 (1829).
Helobiae. I. Vegetative anatomy of some members of
Potamogetonaceae. Indian Acad. Sci. 60: 214-231. Terrestrial, epiphytic, or amphibic perennial
Singh, V. 1965. Morphological and anatomical studies in
Helobiae. II. Vascular anatomy of the flower of Potamo- herbs with an erect or prostrate rhizome. Leaves
getonaceae. Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 126: 137-144. unifacial to bifacial, condensed on a short stem,
Sorsa, P. 1988. Pollen morphology of Potamogeton and with an open asymmetrical conduplicate sheath;
Groenlandia (Potamogetonaceae) and its taxonomic sig- distichously or spirodistichously arranged; rarely
nificance. Ann. Bot. Penn. 25: 179-199.
Spence, D.H.N., Milburn, T.R., Ndawula-Senyimba, M.,
petiolate, the petiole and the leaf blade occasion-
Roberts, E. 1971. Fruit biology and germination of two ally bearing short spines; ligules rarely present.
tropical Potamogeton species. New Phytol. 70: 197-212. Inflorescences solitary or crowded, axillary or ter-
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references. minal, on leafless scapes, often subtended by 2
Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. See general references. or more spathaceous bracts, globose or flat; the
Tur, N. 1982. Revision del genero Potamogeton L. en Ia
Argentina. Darwiniana 24: 214-265.
spikelets composing the inflorescences bearing
Voss, E.G. 1972. Michigan flora. Pt. 1. Gymnosperms and numerous coriaceous bracts and a terminal
monocots. Bloomfield Hills: Cranbrook Inst. Sci. flower; inflorescences that have an indeterminate
Wiegleb, G. 1988. Notes on pondweeds, outline for a mono- main axis and lateral cymose units are more com-
graphical treatment of the genus Potamogeton L. Feddes mon than those with a determinate main axis and
Repert. 99: 249-266.
Yeo, R.R. 1966. Yields ofpropagules in certain aquatic plants. cymose lateral units (Monotremeae); flowers tri-
I. Weeds 14: 110-113. merous, hypogynous, perfect, and actinomorphic
or slightly zygomorphic; sepals 3; petals 3, occa-
sionally spotted; stamens 3 + 3, tetrasporangiate,
connate at the base or adnate to the corolla tube,
basifixed; anthers sometimes bearing terminal
appendages, dehiscing by 4, 2, or 1 apical or
subapically lateral pores, extrose or latrose; ovary
syncarpous, superior, 3-locular or 1-locular by
abortion; style 1, erect; stigma capitate, often mi-
nutely ciliate; ovules 1-8 per locule, anatropous,
bitegmic, and crassinucellate; placentation axile
or basal; fruit a septicidal capsule; seeds globose,
prismatic, or oblong, occasionally bearing ap-
pendages; endosperm containing abundant
starch; embryo lenticular, at micropylar end with
flat surface appressed to endosperm; mechanical
tissue of seed coat derived from both integuments.
A basically neotropical family of 16 genera and
about 80 species, with the greatest diversity in the
Guayana region and with one disjunct genus in W


from 30 em to 2( -4) m. Roots are produced at the
nodes. The axis consists of 2 portions, 1 that is a
subterranean rhizome bearing scale leaves and
occasionally branching sympodially, and another
that is an aerial and mostly monopodia! leaf-
416 Rapateaceae

bearing stem. Supernumerary axillary buds are bundles have a sheath of thin-walled parenchyma
present in the nodal region in the Rapateeae and cells and fibers either surrounding the vascular
Monotremeae. The aerial stem can bear 1 of 3 tissue or only next to the phloem in smaller
types ofleaves: a unifacialleaf, a bifacialleaf, or an bundles. In the largest vascular bundles, the fibers
intermediate leaf with a rudimentary unifacial form bundle extensions to the hypodermis.
blade; the leaf base is conduplicate, symmetrical Vessels are not present in leaves.
in distichous plants, and asymmetrical in Uniseriate 2-6-celled trichomes are located
spirodistichous plants, sheath open. only in the axils of leaves and bracts. Al-
though nonglandular in appearance, the tri-
VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. In general, a rhizoder- chomes secrete copious amounts of slime that
mis is absent at maturity, or if persistent, then it completely covers the emerging leaves and young
becomes suberized and accompanied by hypoder- inflorescences.
mal sclereids (velamen). In roots, the outer cortex Cellular inclusions in form of silica and tannins
contains a well-developed exodermis, the middle are present. Epidermal cells of the leaves contain
cortex contains parenchyma cells with arms, the either solitary or aggregated spherical silica bod-
inner cortex is composed of spheroidal cells ies. In general, the epidermal silica cells are con-
arranged in radial files, and the endodermis is fined to costal regions. Tannin-containing cells
uniseriate and the cells have secondary walls at occur in all vegetative parts of the plants of some
maturity. The root central cylinder (stele) has a genera and are particularly abundant in the inner
uniseriate to multiseriate pericycle, is polyarch, cortex of roots and inflorescence bracts. The
has sclerified ground tissue, and occasionally met- tanniniferous cells may occur singly or may be
axylem vessels. aggregated into longitudinal files.
Stems have a broad outer cortex composed of Carlquist (1969) distinguished anatomical
starch-containing thin-walled parenchyma cells variations according to the subfamilial and tribal
and an inner cortex composed of 2-5 layers of scheme proposed by Maguire (1958). The follow-
sclerids. The central cylinder of the stem consists ing is a summary of the unique features in these
of some sclerified ground tissue and both collat- groups. Saxofridericioideae have, in the roots,
eral and amphivasal vascular bundles that have asymmetrical, lignified, arm-parenchyma cells;
some metaxylem vessels. Slime is produced from long, narrow tanniferous cells arranged in vertical
slime canals and cavities in some genera. series in the central cortex; very wide metaphloem
Leaf epidermal cells are similar on both sur- sieve tubes, and a sclerified pith. Stems have
faces. Epicuticular waxes are either lacking or in tannin-filled parenchyma cells aggregated in both
some cases present in the form of amorph- the cortex and the stele. In Schoenocephalieae,
ous globules (Frolich and Barthlott 1988). The cells with tanniferous contents are abundant in
paracytic stomata are located only on the abaxial the inner cortex of roots, and in stems slime canals
surface and the guard cells are thick-walled with and cavities are present in the cortex and the stelar
dumbbell-shaped lumina and the accessory cells parenchyma is unlignified. In Saxofridericieae, the
contain oil (Carlquist 1969). Bifacial leaf blades slime canals and cavities are absent and the stelar
develop most of the blade from 2 marginal mer- parenchyma is slightly lignified. The roots of
istems and have a rudimentary radial leaf tip, Rapateoideae have cells of the central cortex ar-
whereas unifacialleafblades develop from a single ranged in radial plates, narrow metaphloem sieve-
adaxial meristem representing the leaf tip. Both tube elements, and simple and scalariform vessels.
unifacial and bifacial lamina may occur in the In stems, tannin-filled parenchyma cells are dis-
same genus (Schoenocephalium, Cephalostemon, tributed idioblastically in both cortex and stele or
Stegolepis) as in some other monocot genera (e.g., sometimes absent (Spathanthus) and simple ves-
Sansevieria). When a unifacial leaf blade is sels are present. The tribe Monotremeae lacks
present, the mesophyll is more or less undifferen- silica cells in the epidermis, has silica sand in cor-
tiated into palisade and spongy tissues (Arber tical parenchyma cells, lacks hypodermal fibrous
1922). When a dorsiventrallamina is present, the strands, and has nonlignified stelar parenchyma.
mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and In contrast, the tribe Rapateeae has silica cells in
spongy tissues. The palisade tissue is composed the epidermis, and lacks silica in the cortical pa-
of chlorenchyma cells with anticlinally infolded renchyma, has hypodermal fibrous strands, and
walls and the spongy tissue is composed of arm- strongly lignified stelar parenchyma. Spathanthus
parenchyma and mostly collapsed nonphoto- is anomalous in that it has some stem anatomical
synthetic spheroidal cells. Collateral vascular features of the Monotremeae such as the presence
Rapateaceae 417

of silica sand in cortical parenchyma cells, lacks

hypodermal fibrous strands, and has nonlignified
stelar parenchyma cells but otherwise conforms to
the Rapateeae in other stem features and in root
anatomy and floral morphology.

INFLORESCENCES. The inflorescence terminates a

long nonappendaged peduncle and is generally
enclosed by 2 or more bracts. Two different lines
of inflorescence construction are present: the in-
determinate thyrse (thyrse s. str., Weberling 1989)
with an indeterminate main axis and cymose par-
tial inflorescences (Figs. 98, 99), and the determi-
nate thyrse (thyrsoid, Weberling 1989) with the
main axis and partial inflorescences determinate.
The partial inflorescences are referred to as spike-
lets by convention, but they are most likely based
upon a bostryx. This is difficult to ascertain in the
Rapateaceae because each spikelet contains only a
seemingly terminal flower. The thyrse has spike-
lets whose length ranges from 0.5 to 5 em and
which consist of a variable number of coriaceous,
spirally arranged bracts. The number of spikelets
is variable, and some genera have thyrses with
70 spikelets (Saxofridericia, Spathanthus) or
only 1-3 spikelets per inflorescence (Stegolepis,
Monotrema). The number of spathaceous bracts
subtending the inflorescence and their degree I
of fusion is variable. Shape, size, and develop-
mental patterns of the thyrse vary among the sub- ,./ ·: ..

~1 1 (~
families. The thyrse is common in the tribes
Saxofridericieae, Schoenocephalieae, and
Rapateeae; the determinate thyrse is present in
only 2 members of the Monotremeae: Windsorina K
and Maschalocephalus. The position of inflores- 1111 A

cences varies among the tribes. Thus, in Saxo-

Fig. 98A-K. Rapateaceae. A-D Saxofridericia grandis. A
fridericieae, the inflorescences are axillary; in Habit. B Inflorescence. C Capsule. D Seed, dorsal and ventral
Schoenocephalieae, they are terminal with a dor- view. E S. petiolata, spikelet. F-G S. spongiosa. F Spikelet. G
mant axillary bud at the base; and in Rapateeae, Anther. H-L Rapatea membranacea. H Inflorescence. I Same,
they are axillary with a proximal axillary vegeta- sectioned lengthwise. J Spikelet. K Ventral and lateral view of
anther. (A-G Maguire 1958, H-K Maguire 1965)
tive bud.

FLORAL STRUCTURE. The flowers have 3 coria-

ceous, lanceolate, imbricate sepals that are mem- tinct pore (Schoenocephalium); mostly the pollen
branous at the base and with hyaline margins. The sacs merge more or less toward the anther apex,
sepals are free from each other or basally : :': : con- and opening is by 1 pore for each theca or by a
nate. The petals vary in size, shape, and color single pore for the whole anther. The pores may
within the family. They are usually imbricate, con- occupy a subterminal ventral position or may be
nate at the base, lanceolate, ovate, obcordate, or strictly terminal, the former position possibly
obovate. Petal color includes white, pink, yellow, being indicative of an originally longitudinal
orange, red, and greenish. The stamens are 3 + 3 anther dehiscence.
and are usually connate basally. The stamens may
be adnate to the flower tube. EMBRYOLOGY. Anther-wall ontogeny follows the
Anther opening is poricidal (Figs. 98G,K, 99E). monocotyledonous type (Tiemann 1985). The mi-
Rarely, each of the 4 pollen sacs opens with a dis- crospore mother cells undergo simultaneous divi-
418 Rapateaceae

columellate with a thick foot-layer and a granular

endexine (Zavada 1983). All taxa studied have ex-
ine flakes scattered over the aperture. Aperture
types and sculpturing are different between the
two subfamilies. In Saxofridericioideae, the pollen
is sulcate with a fusiform sulcus; however, both
trichotomosulcate and sulcate grains have been
reported from the same anther in Schoeno-
cephalium (Carlquist 1961). In the Saxo-
fridericieae, the exine pattern is reticulate,
whereas it is usually foveolate (scrobiculate in
Guacamaya) in the Schoenocephalieae. Within
Rapateoideae, the pollen is sulcate with the sulcus
narrowed in the center and reticulate in the
Monotremeae and zonisulcate (disulcate in
Spathanthus) and scrobiculate in the Rapateeae.
Except for Rapatea, unusually large pollen grains,
up to 110 X 85~-tm in Cephalostemon (Malme
1933b), have been reported for the Rapateeae
(Carlquist 1961; Tiemann 1985).

KARYOLOGY. Data on karyotypes and chro-

mosome numbers in Rapateaceae are sparse
and concentrated in the subfamily Rapateoi-

w F
deae. Spathanthus bicolor and Cephalostemon
angustatus have 2n = 52, whereas the African
Maschalocephalus dinklagei is 2n = 22.

POLLINATION. Most Rapateaceae (except Mono-

tremeae) seem to lack nectaries and possess
Fig. 99A-F. Rapateaceae. Rapatea celiae. A Habit. B Lateral melittophilous pollen flowers (Vogel 1981);
view of inflorescence. C Spikelet. D Same, with open flower. E
Kunhardtia is ornithophilous (Steyermark 1974);
Anther, ventral view. F Cross-section of anther. (Maguire
1965) its nectary is unknown. Saxofridericia is buzz-
pollinated by bees and the Schoenocephalieae
are hummingbird-pollinated (Givnish et al.
sion and the tetrads are decussate or tetrahedral. 1994).
Endothecial thickenings are of the spiral type, the
tapetum is secretory and binucleate. Pollen grains SEED STRUCTURE. The seed coat is formed by
are shed in the 2-celled stage. A funicular obtura- both integuments in all known cases, but other-
tor forming a rim around the funicular region is wise seed shape, size, sculpturing, and ontogeny
sometimes present. The micropyle is formed by differ among the 4 tribes. In general, the mature
the 2 integuments. Embryo-sac development fol- endosperm shows a protein-rich outer layer and
lows the Polygonum type, endosperm formation exotegmic cells have a zigzag pattern, while the
is nuclear, and embryogenesis is of the Asterad exotesta is siliciferous. In the Saxofridericioideae,
type. Supernumerary antipodals are common in the seeds are pyramidal, prismatic, or lens-shaped
Rapateoideae. Fertilization is porogamous. The and striate or alveolate. Silica is present as silica
reserve substances in the endosperm are simple bodies, there are only 1-2 exotegmic middle lay-
starch grains, oil, and proteins. The little- ers, and the exotegmen functions as a mechanical
differentiated mature embryo is lenticular, at the layer. In some genera, the exotegmen is sculptured
micropylar end, and with the broad surface by protruding endotestal cells. In Rapateoideae,
appressed to the endosperm. the seeds are oval or oblong and have longitudinal
striae or are punctuate or granulose. In Rapateeae,
PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. Pollen shape ranges the seeds are longitudinally striate and occasion-
from oblong to elliptical with some grains often ally the seed appendage is papillate-mitriform.
flattened laterally. Pollen-wall structure is tectate- There are silica incrustations on endotestal walls,
Rapateaceae 419

the hilar scar is large, there are more than 2 middle Recent analyses of sequence date from ndhF, a
layers in the exotesta, and tracheoidal plates have chloroplast gene, indicate that the Rapateoideae
been reported. The seeds of Cephalostemon bear a may be paraphyletic, but that the Saxofrideri-
conical spongy caruncle or elaiosome at the cha- cioideae are monophyletic with a paraphyletic
laza! end and in Cephalostemon angustatus, the tribe Saxofridericieae and a monophyletic tribe
seed becomes detached from the fruit by an ab- Schoenocephalieae (Givnish et al. 1995). It is
scission layer of elongated cells with amyloplasts. claimed that many of the morphological charac-
The endotesta of Spathanthus unilateralis has U- ters used to circumscribe the infrafamilial groups
shaped pectinaceous, siliceous walls, and contains recognized by Maguire (1958) are homoplasious.
globular lipids. The seeds of the Monotremeae are However, because morphological characters were
white and granulate, and have an apical flat simply mapped upon a cladogram produced by
appendage. molecular data only, these conclusions have not,
in fact, been tested by simultaneous analysis.
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Stored tannins and copious
amounts of slime are produced, but their identity AFFINITIES. The Rapateaceae do not show a
has not been elucidated. A remarkable feature of unique set of embryological features other than
Rapateaceae is their ability to accumulate up to 13 the simultaneous type of microsporogenesis and
600 ppm of aluminum. supernumerary antipodals. However, they do
share many anatomical as well as embryological
SUBDIVISION AND RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE and palynological features with the Commelina-
FAMILY. Based on the number of ovules per ceae, Xyridaceae, and, to a lesser extent, with the
carpel, placentation type, and seed, pollen, and Eriocaulaceae and the Mayacaceae, but the combi-
inflorescence morphology, Maguire (1958) di- nation of embryological characters distinguishes
vided the family into two subfamilies each with the family from related families. The stomata in
2 tribes, Saxofridericioideae and Rapateoideae, Rapateaceae, Xyridaceae, and Eriocaulaceae show
with Saxofridericieae and Schoenocephalieae, and accessory cells with oil; Mayacaceae and Com-
Rapateeae and Monotremeae, respectively. Recent melinaceae differ in the stomata type and their
anatomical, palynological, and embryological data accessory cells lack oil. Silica crystals are lacking
tend to confirm the subfamilial classification; in Mayacaceae, Xyridaceae, and Eriocaulaceae.
however, discrepancies occur at the tribal level. The ovules are bitegmic, anatropous (in Com-
The greatest number of plesiomorphic states such melinaceae they may be orthotropous to hemi-
as numerous ovules, usually massive inflores- anatropous) and crassinucellate in Rapateaceae
cences, pollen and ovular morphology occur in and Commelinaceae, the micropyle is formed by
the Saxofridericioideae. Within this subfamily it is the inner and outer integuments in Rapateaceae,
clear that Stegolepis, Epidryos, and Phelpsiella are Xyridaceae, and Eriocaulaceae. The embryo-sac
very close, and the same is true of Marahuacaea formation conforms to the Polygonum type in all
and Amphiphyllum. Stegolepis retains some families except in some Xyris and in some
primitive characters but shows apomorphies in commelinaceous genera, where the Allium type
the reduction of the size of spathaceous bracts also occurs. There are equal numbers of layers in
that culminate in their absence and in the decreas- the outer integument in Rapateaceae and Com-
ing size of the inflorescence. The spathaceous melinaceae. Endosperm is Nuclear in all families
bracts enclose the inflorescence after anthesis except the Xyridaceous genus Abolboda, which
in Saxofridericia and in some members of the has Helobial endosperm. Poricidal anthers are
Schoenocephalieae, and ovary nectaries together present in Commelinaceae, Mayacaceae, and
with ornithophily are apomorphic. Pollen mor- Rapateaceae. The endothecium has spiral thicken-
phology does not differ greatly among the ings in Rapateaceae, Eriocaulaceae, and Com-
Saxofridericioideae. Cymose inflorescence con- melinaceae. Secretory and binucleate tapetum is
struction and nectaries are present only in the present in Xyris, Eriocaulaceae, and Rapateaceae.
Monotr.emeae which also have white seeds with Pollen grains with exine flakes in the sulcate aper-
flat appendages and a powdery exudate. Spa- ture are present in Xyris but not in other
thanthus is the most enigmatic of genera in terms Xyridaceae and Rapateaceae. The exceptionally
of placement. Anatomically, it appears closer to large pollen grains of the Rapateeae are paralleled
Monotrema, but in terms of seed structure and in the Xyridaceae. The fruit is a capsule, but
floral morphology it is more similar to members in Commelinaceae berries are common. Bees
of the Rapateeae. have been reported as the common pollinators
420 Rapateaceae

in all families but Eriocaulaceae. Some authors bilities remaining as the potential nearest rela-
(Hutchinson 1973; Cronquist 1981; Dahlgren et al. tives: Bromeliaceae, Juncaceae-Cyperaceae, and
1985; Thorne 1992; Takhtajan 1997) have accepted Eriocaulaceae-Xyridaceae-Mayacaceae.
a relationship between Rapateaceae and Xyrida-
ceae. However, there is little evidence to sup- DISTRITUTION AND HABITATS. The Rapateaceae
port this other than general leaf morphology. are nearly exclusively neotropical. They have their
Stevenson and Loconte (1995) proposed that center of distribution in the lowlands and high-
Rapateaceae are related to a group containing lands of the Guayana Shield, but extend to
Eriocaulaceae, Xyridaceae, and Mayacaceae. Thus, Panama and Bolivia; one genus, Maschalo-
Rapateaceae fall between Commelinaceae on the cephalus, is restricted to West Africa. Rapateaceae
one hand and the aforementioned group on the are most often found on oligotrophic white sand
other. Tiemann {1985) presents comparisons be- substrates or bogs, but occur also in a variety
tween the embryological features of the Rapatea- of other habitats such as forest understory,
ceae, Xyridaceae, Commelinaceae, Eriocaulaceae, shrublands, seasonally flooded savannas, and
Mayacaceae, Juncaceae, and Cyperaceae, and con- open rock and bog formations (Fig. 100). Exclu-
cludes that the Rapataceae is more closely related sively highland taxa occur in bogs and on sand-
to the Juncaceae-Cyperaceae than to the Com- stone and granitic substrates, where they have a
melinalian families. This is, however, based upon narrow distribution or are endemics to particular
shared general features rather than shared derived table mountian (tepui) summits; e.g., in the
characters. In fact, the Rapateaceae share no Saxofridericieae, Phelpsiella, Amphiphyllum,
derived embryological features, except simultane- and Marahuacaea are each endemic to a single
ous microsporogenesis, with the Juncaceae or tepui. The majority of the Rapateoideae occupy
Cyperaceae (see Table VII in Tiemann 1985). Ana-
tomical features that might show a relationship
with Juncaceae and Cyperaceae are, in fact, also
found in the Xyridaceae and Eriocaulaceae and to
a lesser extent in the Commelinaceae. Root ana-
tomical features such as middle cortex differenti-
ated into long and short parenchyma cells are a
synapomorphy of Rapateaceae, Eriocaulaceae,
Xyridaceae, and Mayacaceae. The presence of
amphivasal stem bundles, axillary glandular and/
or secretory trichomes, and differentiated peri-
anth are other synapomorphies of these familes.
The latter two also include the Commelinaceae.
These features are not found in other Com-
melinidae and thus are not homoplasious.
Recent data analyses derived from sequences of
two chloroplast genes, rbcL (Duvall et al. 1993;
Chase et al. 1995; Givnish et al. 1995; Linder and
Kellogg 1995) and ndhF (Givnish et al. 1995), have
placed the Rapateaceae in a strikingly different
position than have analyses of morphological
data. Molecular data support the sister-group re-
lationship of the Rapateaceae with the Bromelia-
ceae, as previously suggested by Pilger {1930).
This result is also obtained whenever rbcL data is
combined with morphological data (Chase et al.
1995; Linder and Kellogg 1995). When Linder and
Kellogg analyzed only morphological data, the
results supported the Rapateaceae as the sister
group to the Juncaceae-Cyperaceae, as suggested
by Tiemann (1985). Thus conflicting results are Fig. 100. Rapateaceae. Stegolepis angustata. Venezuela,
obtained both between and among morpholo- swampy place in Gran Sabana; note fire-resistant, blackened
gical and molecular data sets with three possi- leaf sheaths. (Photo K. Kubitzki)
Rapateaceae 421

lowlands where they have probably diversified - Spikelets sessile; inflorescence capitate; dehiscing by an
more recently. Characteristically, the African apical pore 15
15. Inflorescence bibracteate; anther pore obliquely terminal
Maschalocephalus grows in white sand habitats as 13. Monotrema
well. - Inflorescence polybractetae; anther pore transversely
terminal, capsule deeply emarginate 14. Potarophytum

1. Carpels pluriovulate, placentation axial; seeds prismatic or I. Subfam. Saxofridericioideae Maguire (1958).
pyramidal: Subfam. Saxofridericioideae 2
- Carpels uniovulate; placentation basal or subbasal, seeds
1. Tribe Saxofridericieae Maguire (1958).
oblong or oval: Subfam. Rapateoideae 10
2. Petals obcordate or obovate, exserted: Tribe Sxofri-
dericieae 3 1. Saxofridericia R.H. Schomb. Fig. 98A-G
- Petals lanceolate, included within the sepals (except in
Kunhardtia): Tribe Schoenocephalieae 8 Saxofridericia R.H. Schomb., Rapatea Frid. Aug. Saxo-Frid.
3. Inflorescences bracteate 4 Reg.: 13 (1845).
- Inflorescences ebracteate, or the bracts represented by
vestigial membranes; scapes several, rarely 1 7 Usually robust; peduncles subterminally axillary,
4. Inflorescences tri- or pluribracteate 5 solitary or several, subtended by 1-2 bracts; in-
- Inflorescences bibracteate, bivalvate 6
5. The 2 outer bracts valvate, connate, the inner enclosed
volucra! bracts spathaceous, bivalved, the margins
3. Amphiphyllum connate, therefore the involucre saccate, per-
- The outer 2 conduplicate, the inner, smaller and condupli- forated by the expanding spikelets and full of
cate; leaves strongly auriculate 6. Marahuacaea mucilage; inflorescence globose or hemispherical;
6. Anthers 4-celled, with apical appendages, dehiscing by a spikelets numerous; sepals free; petals obovate or
single subapical pore; spikelets piercing spathaceous
bracts 1. Saxofridericia
suborbicular, basally connate into a tube; fila-
- Anthers 2-celled, exappendiculate, dehiscing by 2 circular ments adnate to the corolla tube; anthers lan-
apical pores; heads small, compressed; spikelets not pierc- ceolate, rugose, 4-lobed, 4-locular, with a single
ing the inflorescence bracts 2. Phelpsiella subapical pore, ending in a somewhat cucul-
7. Anthers transversally rugose; 4-celled; seed pyramidal;
late appendage; seeds semiannulate, rugose
endocarp not separating from exocarp 4. Stegolepis
- Anthers smooth, 1-celled; seed flat and disciform; en- and striate. Nine spp., Guayana highlands and
docarp separating from exocarp 5. Epidryos lowlands.
8. Corollas red, zygomorphic, exserted; anthers 2-celled
7. Kunhardtia
- Corollas red or green, actinomorphic, included within the 2. Phelpsiella Maguire
sepals; anthers 4-celled at least toward the base 9
9. Anther at apex bilobed, dehiscing by 2 apical pores; Phelpsiella Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10: 28 (1958).
spathaceous bracts ruptured by individual spikelets
8. Guacamaya Small; leaves linear; peduncles subterminal, soli-
- Anther at apex cruciform, dehiscing by 4 apical pores; tary. Inflorescence small, compressed, bispathate;
cephalar bracts reflexed 9. Schoenocephalium
10. Involucra! bracts surpassing the inflorescence; seed ob-
involucral bracts orbicular-obovate, the margins
long, with longitudinal striae; apical appendage lacking or basally connate; heads few-flowered, spikelets
the appendage papillate: Tribe Rapateeae 11 sessile, bracteoles gradate; anthers bilocular,
- Involucra! bracts equal to or shorter than the inflorescence dehiscing with 2 apical pores. Only one sp.,
(maybe longer in Monotrema bracteatum); seed oval to Ph. ptericaulis Maguire, summit of Cerro Paru,
subglobose, white granulate, with a flat apical appendage,
powdery: Tribe Monotremeae 13 Venezuela.
11. Spathaceous bract fused to the axis at the base, laterally
adnate to the elongated inflorescence; ovary 1-locular by
abortion 12. Spathanthus 3. Amphiphyllum Gleason
- Involucra! bracts 2; ovary 3-locular 12
Amphiphyllum Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 58: 332 (1931).
12. Anthers with an appendage; seeds exappendiculate
10. Rapatea
- Anthers exappendiculate; seeds appendiculate or not Leaves equitant; thyrse bracts several, the outer 2
11. Cephalostemon rigid, more or less valvate and connate; spikelets
13. Inflorescence short -pedunculate, barely exserted from the few, sessile; anthers 4-locular, dehiscing by a lat-
subtending leaf sheath; filaments pubescent, exceeding the
corolla; anthers 1-celled; W Africa 16. Maschalocephalus
eral subapical pore, appendaged. Two spp., en-
- Inflorescence usually exceeding the leaf sheaths; anthers 4- demic to the summits of Cerro Duida and Cerro
celled 14 Marahuaca, Venezuela.
14. Spikelets stalked; anthers 4-celled, dehiscing by a subapi-
cal lateral pore 15. Windsorina
422 Rapateaceae

4. Stegolepis Klotzsch ex Kornicke Fig. 100 2. Tribe Schoenocephalieae Maguire (1958).

Stegolepis Klotzsch ex Kiirnicke, Linnaea 37: 480 (1872);
Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 12: 69-89 (1965), rev. 7. Kunhardtia Maguire
Kunhardtia Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10: 32 (1958).
Caudex unbranched; leaves ensiform or gramine-
ous, with rounded to elongated auricles located at Peduncles solitary, inflorescence spheroidal
the top of the sheaths; peduncles several, axillary, or hemispheric; subtending involucra! bracts
1-3m long; spathaceous bracts mostly lacking or bivalvate; spikelets red; bracts gradate in size;
vestigial to small (subsect. Gleasoniana); heads flowers numerous, with zygomorphic corollas; se-
with 1-many spikelets, bracteoles often gradate in pals free; petals red, lanceolate, strongly exserted,
size, imbricate; sepals membranous at base, often connate at the base; anthers linear, bilocular,
connate into a short tube; petals differentiated muriculate, dehiscing by 2 annular terminal pores;
into a claw and limb, the claws connate into a tube; seeds subpyramidal, striate. Two spp., sandy, wet
filaments free or usually connate at the base, the lowlands and tepuis of Amazonas, Venezuela.
tube discrete or adnate to the corolla tube; anthers
4-locular, dehiscing by 1 or 2 subterminal pores,
the posterior anther lobes forming a somewhat 8. Guacamaya Maguire
cucullate appendage; capsules strongly indurate, Guacamaya Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10: 36 (1958).
membranaceous at the base, seeds prismatic or
pyramidal. Over 30 species, centered in Guayana. Leaves glaucous; peduncles axillary; inflorescence
Three sections and four subsections: sect. hemispherical, solitary, subtended by saccate,
Guianensis with many-flowered spheroidal heads connate involucra! bracts; spikelets red, numer-
with little evidence of lateral compression, the ous, spirally arranged; sepals free; petals included
flowers in an thesis not reflexed; sect. Pungens with within the sepals and connate towards the base;
laterally compressed many-flowered heads; and filaments adnate to the corolla tube; anthers ba-
sect. Pauciflora, number of spikelets reduced and sally 4-locular, upwardly bilocular, dehiscing by 2
sepals reflexed. transverse apical pores; seeds subprismatic and
striate. Only one sp., G. superba Maguire, Guayana
5. Epidryos Maguire lowlands, Venezuela to Colombia.

Epidryos Maguire, Taxon 11: 57 (1962).

9. Schoenocephalium Seubert
Epiphytic or occasionally terrestrial; axillary pe- Schoenocephalium Seubert in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 130 (1847);
duncles numerous; blades chartaceous; thyrse Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10: 37 (1958).
ebracteate, with few spikelets; petals lanceolate,
connate at the base; anthers bilocular, dehiscent Sheaths partially open; ventral ligules lanceolate;
by 2 confluent apical pores; endocarp indurate heads globose, bibracteate; spikelets radiate;
and separating from the exocarp; seed disciform, bracts gradate in size; sepals free; petals lan-
testa black, distally apiculate, alveolate. Two dis- ceolate, included within the sepals, basally con-
junct spp., Colombia (Choc6), Panama, and the nate; filaments adnate to the corolla tube; anthers
Guianas. 4-locular, apex cruciform, 4-porous; seeds sub-
prismatic to subpyramidal. Five spp., Upper
Orinoco and Rio Negro drainages.
6. Marahuacaea Maguire
Marahuacaea Maguire, Act. Bot. Venez. 14: 16-17 (1984). II. Subfam. Rapateoideae Maguire (1958).
Leaves auriculate; inflorescences many, axillary; 1. Tribe Rapateeae Endl. (1839).
thyrse strongly compressed; thyrse bracts several,
2 spathaceous, rigid, valvate, connate; spikelets 10. Rapatea Aubl. Fig. 98H-K, 99
few; anthers 4-locular, dehiscing by a lateral sub-
apical pore, appendaged. Two spp., Gran Sabana, Rapatea Aubl., Hist. Pl. Gui. 1:305 (1775), Maguire, Mem. N.Y.
Venezuela. Bot. Gard. 12: 92-102 (1965), rev.

Rhizome short; leaves dorsiventral to ensiform;

inflorescences many, each with 2 involucra!
Rapateaceae 423

bracts, closely subtending the spheroidal, com- bracts numerous, distichous; petals lanceolate;
pressed or elongated thyrse; flowers sesssile or anthers 4-locular, dehiscing by a single apical
pedicellate; receptacle paleaceous; petals rather inaequilaterally toothed pore; ovary trilocular, 2
ephemeral; stamens mostly adnate to the short locules abortive, the fertile 1-ovulate; capsule
corolla tube; anthers 4-locular, prolonged into a bivalvate, monospermous; seed oblong-elliptic,
cochlear appendage with a subterminal ventral striate. Two spp., wet lowland habitats from the
pore; ovary trilocular, each bearing a single Guianas and S Venezuela and Colombia to the
basally attached ovule, normally 2 of the 3 ovules Amazon basin of Brazil.
aborting, capsule indurate above the middle; seeds
oblong, longitudinally striate. Three sections: sect.
Paludosa with a nonelongate fiat to convex floral 2. Tribe Monotremeae Maguire (1958).
receptacle, and spikelet bracts gradate, Ten spp.,
low wet habitats from the Guianas southward to 13. Monotrema Kornicke
Bolivia and Mato Grosso, Brazil; sect. Elongata
Monotrema Kornicke, Linnaea 37: 475 (1873).
with an elongate floral receptacle and spikelet
bracts nongradate, three spp., Guianas, Colombia,
Leaves linear, gramineous; inflorescences axillary,
and Brazil; and sect. Longipes with a floral recep-
1-2 per leaf axil, monocephalous, small, sub-
tacle convex or hemispheric, bracts of the spike-
globose, 1-2 bracteate; spikelets subtended by
lets nongradate, five spp., Colombia, Venezuela,
secondary bracts, the lower empty, the middle
and Brazil (Amazon and Orinoco basins).
fertile; petals yellow, lanceolate; anthers basally
4-locular, dehiscing by a single circular, oblique
11. Cephalostemon R.H. Schomb. apical pore; ovules sublaterally attached; seed
oval, white, finely muriculate, basally apiculate,
Cephalostemon R.H. Schomb., Rapatea Frid. Aug. Saxo-Frid. with an applanate appendage at the apex. Five
Reg.: 9 (1845).
Duckea Maguire (1958). spp., wet savannas of the drainages of the upper
Rio Orinoco and upper Rio Negro of Venezuela
Leaves gramineous; leaf sheath partially closed; and Colombia.
inflorescence subglobose to cylindrical, bibract-
eate, multispicate; bracts linear-lanceolate,
14. Potarophytum Sandwith
conspicuous; petals yellow, obcordate-obovate,
retusely apiculate, ephemeral; anthers 4-locular, Potarophytum Sandwith, Kew Bull. 1939: 20 {1939).
dehiscing by a longitudinally subterminal introse
slit or pore; capsule globose; seeds elliptic-oblong, Rhizomes unbranched; inflorescences 1-2,
appendaged or not. Nine spp., Guayana region to axillary, shorter than the leaves, subtended by
the Orinoco and Amazon basins, south to Mato 1-several prophylloid bracts, terminal, globose,
Grosso, Brazil, and Bolivia. thyrse subtended by 4 free deltoid-ovate involu-
Maguire (1958) segregated four spp. of Cephalo- cra! bracts; spikelet bracts 6, imbricate; sepals free;
stemon with nonappendaged seeds into a separate petals free, spathulate, yellow, small; filaments
genus, Duckea. Subsequently, Steyermark (1989) free, anthers 4-locular, dehiscing by a single, ob-
placed these species back into Cephalostemon, be- lique, subterminal pore; ovules attached to the
cause the two genera are not separable by gross basal portion of the central axis; capsule indurate,
morphological features. Most likely, the species ovoid, 3-lobed, each valve deeply bilobed; seed
with nonappendaged seeds are a monophyletic oblong-subglobose, white, muriculate, with an
group and will remain as a subgenus within applanate appendage. Only one sp., P. riparium
Cephalostemon. Sandwith, restricted to the Kaieteur Plateau,
12. Spathanthus Desvaux
15. Windsorina Gleason
Spathanthus Desvaux, Ann. Sci. Nat. 13: 45 (1828).
Windsorina Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 50: 148 (1923).
Leaves distichous; inflorescences 1-several,
solitary in leaf axils; involucra! bract solitary, Peduncles 3-9 per leaf axil, each peduncle sub-
spathaceous, lanceolate; inflorescence spicate, ad- tended at the base by 1 or 2 prophylloid bracts;
nate to the spathaceous bract; spikelets numerous, inflorescence cymose, cymose portion subtended
424 Rapateaceae

by a lanceolate bract; flowers borne on pedicels of Linder, P., Kellogg, E. 1995. Phylogenetic patterns in the com-
differing length and each subtended by succes- melinid clade. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
sively smaller imbricate bracteoles; sepals free; evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 473-496.
petals free; anthers basally 4-locular, dehiscing by Maguire, B. 1958. Rapateaceae, in: The botany of the Guayana
a single subterminal pore; capsule ovoid, indurate; Highland. Part III. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10: 19-49.
seed oval or subglobose, muriculate, with an Maguire, B. 1965. Rapateaceae. In: The botany of the Guayana
applanate appendage. Only one sp., W. guianensis Highland. Part VI. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 12: 69-102.
Malme, G. 1933a. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der siidameri-
Gleason, Potaro river in Guyana. kanischen Xyridazeen. Ark. Bot. 25: 1-18.
Malme, G. 1933b. Einige wiihrend der zweiten Regnellschen
Reise gesammelte Phanerogamen. Ark. Bot. 26A: 1-32.
16. Maschalocephalus Gilg & K. Schum. Mangenot, S., Mangenot, G. 1957. Nombres chromosomiques
nouveaux chez diverses dicotyledones et monocotyledones
Maschalocephalus Gilg & K. Schum., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 28: 148
d' Afrique occidentale. Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat Brux. 27: 639-
Pilger, R. 1930. Rapateaceae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Die
Gramineous; inflorescences sessile to very short natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 2nd edn. lSa. W. Engelmann,
pedunculate, axillary, each subtended by a single Leipzig, pp. 59-65.
bract, cymose; bracteoles membranous; sepals Stevenson, D., Loconte, H. 1995. Cladistic analysis of monocot
families. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
membranaceous, the tube subequal to the lobes; Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
petals basally fused; filaments attached to the co- evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 543-578.
rolla tube; anthers introse, 4-locular; styles ex- Steyermark, J.A. 1974. The summit vegetation of Cerro
ceeding the perianth; seed ellipsoid, with a flat Autana. Biotropica 6: 7-13.
appendage. Only one sp., M. dinklagei Gilg & K. Steyermark, J.A. 1989. Flora of the Venezuelean Guayana-VI.
Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 75: 1565-1570.
Schum., seasonally wet sandy soils in Sierra Leone Takhtajan, A. 1997. Diversity and classification of flowering
and Liberia. plants. New York: Columbia Univ. Press.
Thorne, R. 1992. Classification and geography of the flowering
plants. Bot. Rev. 58: 225-348.
Selected Bibliography Tiemann, A. 1985. Untersuchungen zur Embryologie, Bliiten-
morphologie und Systematik der Rapateaceen und der
Xyridaceen-Gattung Abolboda (Monocotyledonae). Disser-
Arber, A. 1922. Leaves of the Farinosae. Bot. Gaz. 74: 80-94.
tationes Botanicae, Band 52. Vaduz: J. Cramer.
Augier, J. 1956. Les glucides de quelques monocoty!edones de
Venturelli, M., Bouman, F. 1988. Development of ovule and
l'ordre des Farinosae. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 103: 251-253.
seed in Rapateaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 97: 267-294.
Carlquist, S. 1961. Pollen morphology of Rapateaceae. Aliso 5:
Vogel, S. 1981. Bestaubungskonzepte der Monokotylen und
ihr Ausdruck im System. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 94: 663-675.
Carlquist, S. 1966. Anatomy of Rapateaceae: roots and stems.
Weberling, R. 1989. Morphology of flowers and inflorescences.
Phytomorphology 16: 17-38.
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Carlquist, S. 1969. Rapateaceae. In: Tomlinson, P.B., Anatomy
of the monocotyledons (Metcalfe, C.R., ed.), Vol. 3. Oxford Zavada, M. 1983. Comparative morphology of monocot pollen
and evolutionary trends of apertures and wall structures.
Univ. Press, Oxford, pp. 128-145.
Bot. Rev. 49: 331-379.
Chase, M.W. eta!. 1995. See general references.
Cheadle, V., Kosakai, H. 1982. Occurrence and specialization
of vessels in Xyridales. Nord. J. Bot. 2: 97-109.
Chenegry, E.M. 1949. Aluminum in the plant world. Part II.
Monocotyledons and gymnosperms. Kew Bull. 1949: 463-
Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
Dahlgren, R. et al. 1985. See general references.
Duvall, M.R., Clegg, M.T., Chase, M.W., eta!. 1993. Phyloge-
netic hypoteheses for the monocotyledons constructed
from rbcL sequence data. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 80: 607-619.
Friilich, D., Barthlott, W. 1988. See general references.
Givnish, T., Evans, T., Sytsma, K. 1994. Molecular evolution
and adaptive radiation in South American elements of the
plant family Rapateaceae. Am. J. Bot. 81 (6, Suppl.): 158.
Givnish, T., Evans, T., Sytsma, K. 1995. The order Com-
melinales is polyphyletic and represents a striking case
of convergent evolution in monocots. Am. J. Bot. 82
(6, Suppl.): 132.
Huber, 0. 1988. Guayana highland versus Guayana lowlands, a
reappraisal. Taxon 37: 595-614.
Hutchinson, J. 1973. The families of flowering plants. Oxford:
Oxford Univ. Press.
Restionaceae 425

Restionaceae 1 stipitate on a fleshy pedicel, and which may be

variously ornamented. Seeds rotundate to oblong-
H.P. LINDER, B.G. BRIGGS, and L.A.S. }OHNSON2 triangular, smooth, striate to variously tubercled.
Endosperm starchy; embryos disc-shaped, small,
adpressed to the micropyle.
Fifty five genera and ca. 490 spp. in Africa,
Madagascar, Australia, Malesia, New Zealand and
South America, with the great majority of the
species restricted to southwestern Africa and
Restionaceae R. Br., Prodr. 1: 243 (1810) (Restiaceae). southwestern Australia.

Evergreen, rushlike plants, generally dioecious VEGETATIVE MoRPHOLOGY. The Restionaceae

or rarely monoecious; caespitose, rhizomatous are evergreen, rush-like plants, growing to a maxi-
or stoloniferous. Culms photosynthetic, simple or mum height of3.5 m (Cannomois virgata). Most of
branching verticillately or dichotomously; terete, the species form low mat-forming or tussocked
compressed or quadrangular; surface smooth, plants, not more than 1m tall. The plants are sym-
tuberculate, pitted, striate or sulcate. Leaves gener- podial in growth, and can either form tight tus-
ally reduced to sheaths in the adult plants; sheaths socks or develop short to long rhizomes, which
caducous or persistent, tightly or loosely convo- are covered in scales and/or hairs (Figs. 101-103).
luted or flat, split to the base; sheath apex often Some of the taxa are stoloniferous (Anthochortus,
with large membranous lobes or a smaller mem- Restio harveyi, etc.).
branous margin; mucro absent or developed into a The culms are photosynthetic and green, and
small awn or rarely a leaflike blade. Leaf morphol- are the main photosynthetic organs of the plants.
ogy of juvenile culms often different, with rela- Generally, the culms are terete, but quadrangular
tively larger mucro or leatblade; in some taxa this culms occur in Restio tetragonus and Lepidobolus
morphology coexisting with adult morphology. quadratus, and more or less compressed culms
Inflorescence spicate or paniculate, sexually differ- have evidently evolved several times, and occur
entiated or the two sexes alike. Spathes persistent in several genera (Platycaulos, Restio, Elegia,
or caducous, obscuring the flowers or relatively Hypodiscus, Lepyrodia, Desmocladus, Tremulina,
minute. Flowers aggregated into spikelets or soli- Platychorda and Eurychorda). Tuberculate culms,
tary, subtended by 1 or rarely 2 membranous to often with stomata situated on the tubercles, occur
bony bracts, which may be longer or shorter than in Restio, Calopsis, Desmocladus and Onycho-
the flower; spikelets with 1-many flowers, often sepalum while striations due to various anatomi-
with the lower bracts sterile. Flowers unisexual, cal features occur in both African and Australian
rarely hermaphrodite. Perianth of 6 tepals in taxa, as well as in Apodasmia chilensis in South
2 whorls, occasionally less or completely absent; America. Branching culms are characteristic of
segments all similar or variously differentiated, several genera. Branches develop from the axils of
membranous to bony, frequently the outer lateral sheaths, and the first branch sheath is a typical
tepals villous-carinate, occasionally deeply keeled prophyll, which in some species of Ischyrolepis
and then flowers appearing winged. Male flowers may be hairy. In several genera verticillate
with 3 stamens opposite the inner tepals, filaments branches occur (Elegia, Ischyrolepis, Rhodocoma,
free or rarely fused, slender; anthers dorsifixed, 1(- Desmocladus, Baloskion).
2)-thecate, dehiscing by longitudinal slits; usually The leaves are reduced to sheaths, which in
with a minute pistillode. Female flowers with sta- some genera (Elegia, Chondropetalum, Dovea,
mens wanting or reduced to staminodes; ovary Askidiosperma, Lepidobolus) are caducous. The
superior, free, 1-3-celled, with 1-3 styluli which sheaths are split to the base, and frequently have
may or may not be fused below into a style, inner membranous apical lobes, which may be ligule
surface stigmatic and finely branched, ovules soli- homologues. The leaf apices usually have mucros,
tary in each cell and pendulous. Fruit a 1-3-locular which in some species, especially on immature
capsule or a 1-locular nut, which may be sessile or plants, may be developed as terete or flattened
"blades" (Lepyrodia, Anthochortus graminifolius).
1 H.P.L. has been responsible for the generic classification
Plants may be glabrous or, especially in the
the African and Madagascan taxa while the treatment of the Australian genera, have sparse or dense unicellular
extra-African groups is by B. G.B. and L.A.S.J. (e.g. Thamnochortus) or (more commonly) multi-
2 Deceased. cellular hairs. These are uniseriate and simple (e.g.
426 Restionaceae

Fig. 102A-F. Restionaceae. Hypodiscus procurrens. A Stami-

nate plant with long creeping rhizome. B Staminate spikelet. C
Staminate flower, with exserted anthers and lateral sepals
shorther than the petals. D Pistillate spikelet with solitary
flower. E Pistillate flower. F Nutlet. (Linder 1985)

Fig. lOlA-F. Restionaceae. A-E Lyginia barbata. A Habit. B ping or interlocking, forming a smooth covering
Apex of staminate inflorescence. C Staminate flower with long over the epidermis.
fused stamen tube. D Anther, note bilocular opening by two
slits, an unusual condition in Restionaceae. E Pistillate inflo-
rescence. FL. imberbis, dehisced capsule. (D. Mackay) VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The culms of the
Restionaceae show a high degree of specialisa-
tion for the combined functions of mechanical
Desmocladus, Harperia) or multiseriate and plate- strength, photosynthesis, and resistance to da-
like (fan hairs) or branched (Lepidobolus, mage due to desiccation (Gilg 1891; Malmanche
Kulinia). Fan hairs are a distinctive type in Lepta- 1919; Noel 1959; Cutler 1969; Botha et al. 1972;
carpus, Meeboldina, Hypolaena, Chaetanthus Johnson and Cutler 1973; Van Greuning and Van
and allies; they are multiseriate, stalked, some- der Schijff 1973, 1974; Cheadle and Kosakai 1975;
times pel tate, and are often appressed and overlap- Botha and Van der Schijff 1976; Linder 1984;
Restionaceae 427

Briggs et al. 1990). The family has a characteristic

culm anatomy. One to several layers of palisade-
like chlorenchymatous peg cells are found directly
inside the epidermis. The chlorenchyma is sepa-
rated from a sclerenchymatous cylinder by a ring
of parenchyma 1-several cells thick. The pith has
scattered vascular bundles, and the centre of the
pith may be hollow.
The culm anatomy of different genera show
specialisations of the various tissues, which are
very useful for taxonomic and phylogenetic
purposes (Briggs and Johnson l998a; Meney and
Pate 1998).
The epidermis is usually of a single layer, but
several genera of African Restionaceae have 2 lay-
ers of epidermal cells. The epidermal cells are vari-
able in shape, often with sinuous and thickened
anticlinal walls. In a group of Australian genera
the epidermal cells flanking the stomata are elon-
gated and line the substomatal cavity. These may
If be analogous to the "protective cells" found in
some African genera. The position of the guard
cells in the stomata varies from superficial to near
c the base of the support cells (e.g. in Platycaulos).
The chlorenchyma cells are in l - 3 rows, and are
interconnected by numerous "tubes", giving the
cells a very distinct appearance. This type of cell
is termed a peg cell. The form and number of rows
of chlorenchyma cells is taxonomically significant.
B However, characteristic of the African taxa are
protective cells, which are modified chlorenchyma
cells lining the substomatal cavity. These have
been lignified forming a strengthened basket.
Various developments of these protective cells are
characteristic of different generic groups in Africa
(see Linder 1984). Similar but separate develop-
ments of protective substomatal cells occur in
Desmocladus and allied genera.
The sclerenchyma ring in the African genera
may have ridges, which alternate with the vascu-
lar traces. In some taxa these ridges reach the epi-
dermis, giving the culms a striate appearance
(Hypodiscus, Willdenowia, Anthochortus). Occa-
sionally, the ridges may be capped by modified
chlorenchyma cells (false pillar cells), which con-
nect the ridge to the epidermis. Analogous ridges
also occur in many Australian taxa. These, how-
Fig. 103A-D. Restionaceae. Leptocarpus elegans. A Plant with ever, are developments from the sclerenchyma-
pistillate inflorescence. B Staminate inflorescence. C Pistillate tous cap of the vascular traces, and so are opposite
spikelet. D Pistillate flower with enlarged bracts which are the vascular bundles. These ridges are often
shed with the fruit. (D. Mackay) capped by modified parenchyma cells (pillar cells)
which reach the epidermis, and also result in a
striated culm appearance.
The occurrence of silica is widespread in the
family, either as crystals or as sand. The location
428 Restionaceae

of silica is often constant in each genus, being The inflorescence axis itself may be simple or
either in the epidermis (e.g. Lepyrodia) or in the branching. If it is branching, then each branch is
parenchymatous cells (e.g. Ischyrolepis), or as subtended by a foliar structure (spathe if on the
sand in the pith, or in the sclerenchymatous cells, main axis, spathellae if on primary or secondary
or in various combinations. The shape of the crys- branches). Frequently there is also striking sexual
tals does not appear to be constant. Silica bodies dimorphism (Fig. 103). Several lines of sexual
almost filling the cell in the parenchyma sheath dimorphism can be traced ("Oberfeld 1925). A
and outer layers of the sclerenchyma cylinder are common development in the female inflorescence
common (Cutler 1969). is the reduction of the number of flowers per
The vascular bundles are collateral. The periph- spikelet, finally resulting in a single fertile flower
eral bundles, which are confined to the scleren- subtended by numerous sterile bracts (e.g.
chyma sheath, have small xylem and phloem Hypodiscus, Fig. 102D; Willdenowia, some species
poles. The medullary bundles are largest near the of Desmocladus). A similar result may be achieved
centre of the culm. These possess protoxylem. by the reduction in the number of spikelets, and
Vessels occur in all the organs, and usually have the elongation of the spikelet nodes, resulting in
scalariform lateral wall pitting, although alternate solitary flowers, but without the sterile subtending
and reticulate pitting occurs occasionally. The pits bracts (e.g. Elegia).
are simple or bordered. Perforation plates are In the male inflorescences the tendency is
oblique or transverse, simple, scalariform, to maximise pollen production. Consequently all
scalariform-fenestrate or reticulate. bracts are often fertile, but some genera usually
The rhizomes have variable, parenchymatous have sterile lower bracts (e.g. Harperia,
cortices, usually with distinct endodermoid Baloskion). Frequently, male spikelets are pendu-
sheaths and amphivasal vascular bundles. The lous (Staberoha, Thamnochortus, Leptocarpus,
central ground tissue contains sclerenchymatous Meeboldina, Hypolaena, Chordifex microcodon).
cells next to the lignified bundle sheaths, and par- In Willdenowia the tepals and bracts are much
enchymatous or aerenchymatous cells in strands reduced, exposing the anthers, and so presumably
amongst the thickened cells. facilitating pollen dispersal.
The roots in transverse section show that root
hairs develop from normal epidermal cells. The FLOWER STRUCTURE. The Restionaceae are basi-
cortex is variable and may consist of parenchyma- cally dioecious, except for Coleocarya (which is
tous cells in various arrangements. The endoder- monoecious), while in some species of Lepyrodia
mis is 1(2)-layered, with passage cells present in and in Restio mahonii ssp. humbertii herma-
some species, and the pericycle is 1-2(10)-layered. phrodite flowers may occur. Two species of
Some species have well-developed aerenchyma Desmocladus and Ischyrolepis and also some
tissue. populations of Cytogonidium leptocarpoides and
Restio duthieae are parthenocarpic and female
INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. Although variation only. The basic condition of the perianth is of 6
in inflorescence structure is extensive in the tepals in 2 whorls.
family, it has received little attention (Linder 1984; The perianth of the male flowers shows little
Kircher 1986). variation, and for the most are similar to the
Flowers are usually aggregated into "spikelets" female flowers, only somewhat smaller, and more
(not homologous to grass spikelets), subtended chartaceous. In Willdenowia, however, the male
by a single bract, and shortly pedicellate. In flowers are very different, with the tepals and
several genera, however, the flowers are not in bracts reduced to membranous hairs.
spikelets, and in most of these, they are also sub- The perianth of the female flowers varies
tended by bracteoles. The spikelets sometimes dramatically (Linder 1992b). The most common
have at their bases prophylls. In genera allied to structure is a somewhat flattened flower, with the
Leptocarpus the flowers may be crowded obscur- outer lateral segments conduplicate, and often
ing spikelet structure. Generally the inflorescences villous-carinate. From this, several developments
contain numerous spikelets, but in a number of can be postulated. In Elegia, Chondropetalum,
genera or species the inflorescence is reduced to a Dove a and Askidiosperma the tepals are very hard,
single spikelet. This is taken to its extreme in usually rounded dorsally, and the flower is
Alexgeorgea, where there is a single subterranean rounded rather than flattened. The inner whorl is
spikelet in each female inflorescence (Carlquist often longer than the outer whorl. In Thamno-
1976; Briggs et al. 1990; Meney et al. 1990). chortus and Leptocarpus the keel of the outer
Restionaceae 429

lateral segments is often much widened, so that micromorphology of the seed (Linder 1984). The
the flower is winged (Fig. 102D). In Cannomois, micropyle is formed by both integuments, and
Ceratocaryum, Hypodiscus, Willdenowia and there is no enlargement of the integuments in
the Desmocladus group of genera (including the micropylar region. The embryology is of the
Harperia, Onychosepalum etc.) the perianth lobes Polygon urn type. Proliferation of the antipodals is
are membranous, very reduced and sometimes occasional in the African taxa (Borwein et al. 1949;
vestigial or altogether lost. Krupko 1966; Kircher 1986; Rudall and Linder
The androecium shows little variation but is 1988), resulting in the "Poaceae variant of the
reduced to 2 stamens in 2-merous flowers such as Polygonum type" (Anton and Cocucci 1984). The
those of Eurychorda complanata. In most genera embryo sac at maturity contains large starch
the anthers are exerted from the perianth at an- grains (Hamann 1962) and the nucellar epidermis
thesis, but in Elegia, Chondropetalum, Dovea, at the micropylar end is uniseriate and enlarged
Askidiosperma, Leptocarpus, Hypolaena and (Rudall and Linder 1988). Endosperm formation
Meeboldina the anthers stay inside the perianth is Nuclear (Mlodzianowski 1964).
lobes, which gape at anthesis. The anthers are
mostly unilocular and open by a longitudinal slit; POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The single pollen grains
bilobed anthers are found in Hopkinsia and are spheroidal to oblate and ulcerate with a polar
Lyginia (Fig. lOlD), while in Lyginia the filaments diameter of 15-50 [!ill. (Chanda 1966; Chanda and
are fused. Rowley 1967; Ladd 1977; Chanda and Ferguson
The ovary is fundamentally 3-locular (Kircher 1978; Linder 1984, 1987). The pollen walls show a
1986; Linder 1992a), with 3 free styluli from the well-developed foot-layer, colummellate inter-
apex. The inner surface of the styluli is receptive, stitium, and a well-developed tectum, with nu-
and the stigmas are much branched, with the merous pores penetrating the tectum and the
branches papillose. In the Desmocladus group the foot-layer (scrobiculi), as well as pores that only
single style is very long and slender. The stigma(s) penetrate the tectum. The pollen surface varies
are Dry. The ovary walls are heavily impregnated from smooth to rugose, usually with micro-
with tannins, which also occur in the anther walls. verrucate ornamentation, rarely with dense verru-
Reduction to a 1-locular ovary has occurred cae or spinules.
numerous times within the family, often leaving The apertures are variable within the family. In
traces of the aborted locules. Unilocular ovaries Ischyrolepis, Staberoha, Hopkinsia and Lyginia the
are either dehiscent or indehiscent. The number of annulus consists of a heavily thickened foot-layer,
styluli has also been reduced in several lineages, and the aperture diameter is less than 6 [!ill. A thin
but reduction in stylulus number is not always layer of endexine covers the ulcus and extends
matched in the reduction of the locule number. some distance under the margins. This aperture
The details of stylar morphology vary from genus type has been termed graminoid.
to genus, but still require investigation. The basal In the African genera, excluding Ischyrolepis
portions of the styluli may be fused into a style, and Staberoha, the foot layer is not thickened in
but the stylar traces still remain distinct through- the annulus region, but the tectum is raised to
out the fused portion. form a ring. This often results in a vestibulate an-
nulus. The margins are often somewhat irregular,
EMBRYOLOGY. The endothecium of the anthers with exine fragments present in the ulcus. These
contains spiral thickenings (Manning and Linder fragments are attached to the thin layer of endex-
1990). The epidermis of the anthers is heavily ine which covers the ulcus. The ulcus has a diam-
impregnated with tannins. The pollen mother cell eter of 4-10[tm. Linder and Ferguson (1985) call
divisions are successive. In two taxa (Hypodiscus this type African restioid (Fig. 104).
aristatus and Elegia racemosa) pollen is shed in The extra-African genera, excluding Lyginia and
the trinucleate stage, while in Chondropetalum Hopkinsia, also lack a thickened foot layer, and the
hookerianum it is shed in the binucleate stage tectum is not raised, so that there is no distinct
(Krupko 1962, 1963). annulus. The ulcus is still covered by a thin endex-
The ovules are atropous, bitegmic and tenuinu- ine, carrying exine fragments; the ulcus margin
cellate, each integument with an inner and outer is usually irregular and the diameter range
epidermis. The inner epidermis of the inner in- approximately 8-25 [!ill. Chanda (1966) refers to
tegument is heavily impregnated with tannins this aperture type as centrolepidioid, while Linder
(Rudall and Linder 1988), while the outer epider- and Ferguson (1985) call it Australian restioid
mis of the outer integument forms the surface (Fig. 105).
430 Restionaceae

Fig. 104. Restionaceae. Restio bolusii, pollen showing raised

aperture margins and associated coarse granules ("African
restioid"), SEM X2000. (Photo H.P. Linder)

Fig. 105. Restionaceae. Leptocarpus tenax, pollen showing

large aperture with irregular margin and fragments of the
KARYOLOGY. The karyology of the African genera exine on the ulcus, the surface of the grain marked by
is still largely unknown, except for a few isolated scrobiculi and small pores ("Australian restioid"), SEM
counts. Some Australian genera have been studied X 1900. (Photo C. Porter)

in some detail (Briggs 1963, 1966; Johnson and

Cutler 1973; Bell and Pate 1993) and display a
range of basic numbers: n = 6, 7, 9, 11, 12. The
chromosomes are small. Within the Australian some species of Calopsis and Meeboldina. The pe-
Restionaceae there is little variation in numbers rianth is persistent, cartilaginous or membranous,
within genera: the only exception is in Baloskion, and longer than the nut, and the outer lateral
but most genera are inadequately sampled. The tepals have well-developed keels that function
three counts published for the African taxa (n = as wings. In these nuts the ovary wall is not or is
16, 20, Krupko 1962, 1966) differ from the avail- only slightly lignified. In other species of
able Australian counts. Meeboldina the tepals bear slender awns and
long hairs that may aid dispersal. In Elegia and
FRUIT AND SEED. The fruit of the Restionaceae Calopsis, and in several species in various other
develops from a 3-locular ovary, with 1 seed per genera, and some non-African taxa, nuts are
locule. In many taxa this basic structure is main- formed that may be shed with or without
tained, and the ovary develops into a 3-locular the perianth, but the mode of dispersal is not
capsule. The seed is 1- 3 mm long, except in known. In the bizarre Alexgeorgea the flowers are
Alexgeorgea which has seeds 7-10mm long. Seeds borne underground (Carlquist 1976), and the
are ovoid, globular or oblong, in detail variously nut develops underground, without obvious
shaped, with complex surface ornamentation dispersal mechanisms. The very extensive rhi-
(Linder 1984; Briggs and Johnson 1998a,b). Fre- zome system presumably results in some dis-
quently, the number of fertile locules is reduced; persal, and burrowing mammals may also play
in many genera the ovary has a single fertile locule a part. The endosperm is starchy, the starch
and is indehiscent. In the Willdenowia group in grains are described as the Pteridophyte type
Africa the ovary walls become heavily lignified, (Czaja 1978). The embryos are disc-shaped,
and the floral pedicels become fleshy and function adpressed to the micropylar wall of the seed and
as elaiosomes. Hypolaena in Australia has a func- largely undifferentiated.
tionally similar hard nut on a fleshy axis, but the
latter includes the thickened axis of a reduced REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. The whole family
spikelet. The perianth in these groups is much is wind-pollinated, and with the exception of
reduced, usually membranous, and shorter than Coleocarya and Lepy rodia, all are dioecious. A few
the nuts. Wind-dispersed small nuts occur in species are known in which males may be very
Thamnochortus, Staberoha, Leptocarpus and in scarce or are unknown, while the females have
Restionaceae 431

very good seed set. This suggests the occurrence of between the Restionaceae and Centrolepidaceae is
apomixis. still unclear. Hamann {1962, 1975) suggested that
Centrolepidaceae may be embedded in Restiona-
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. The flavonoid chemistry of ceae, an opinion that has received much sup-
the Anarthriaceae (Williams et al. 1997) and port (Dahlgren and Clifford 1982; Dahlgren and
Restionaceae has been studied (Harborne 1979; Rasmussen 1983; Linder and Rudall1993; Kellogg
Harborne et al. 1985, Williams et al. in press). The and Linder 1995), but this is inconsistent with pol-
flavonoid patterns of the family are different from len data (Linder and Ferguson 1985). The exact
those of either the Juncaceae or the Poaceae. relationship between Ecdeiocoleaceae, Anarthria-
Within the family, several broad patterns are ceae, Restionaceae and Centrolepidaceae is still
evident. unclear, but is currently under investigation.
The extra-African taxa lack proanthocyanidins,
which occur almost universally in the African DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Restionaceae
taxa. In addition, the extra-African taxa are are most common on oligotrophous soils in
characterised by the presence of gossypetin. This southwestern Africa and south-western Australia.
compound, which is very rare in the monocots, Elsewhere, especially in tropical or more temper-
also occurs in a few African species. The African ate environments, the family is found in marshy or
taxa contain common flavonols, flavones and swampy habitats, which are effectively also low-
glycoflavones. Within the African group, the nutrient environments (Linder 1991). The family
genera Elegia and Chondropetalum are distin- shows root specialisations to enhance nutrient
guished by the presence of glycosides of myricetin, uptake: these finely divided roots with very long
larycitrin and syringetin, flavonols not reported in root hairs have been reported from New Zealand,
the Poales outside this group. Australia and South Africa (Lamont 1982). It
Two allied genera, Lepyrodia and Sporadanthus, has generally been assumed that mycorrhizas play
differ in that the former contains the amino acid no part in the nutrition of Restionaceae, and
analogue S-methylcystine (which is unpalatable to Mitchell and Read {1987) failed to find mycor-
both vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores) and rhizal associations with the roots of the African
lacks starch in the rhizome. Lyginia possesses an Restionaceae, but Meney et al. {1993) recorded
unusual sugar, allose. their presence for a brief period during winter in
the roots of the West Australian Alexgeorgea
SUBDIVISION OF AND RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN nitens and Lyginia sp. This suggests that there
THE FAMILY. The first subdivision of the family may be brief periods during which a mycorrhizal
was based on the number of locules in the ovary, association may be important.
with the Restionoideae (Restioideae) with 1-3 The majority of the species in the family occur in
locular capsules and the Willdenowieae with 1- fire-prone environments, and show distinctive ad-
locular nutlets (Masters 1878). Gilg-Benedict aptations to cope with fire. The contrast between
{1930) produced an improved classification. This sprouting and non-sprouting biology has been
system is primarily based on the number of explored for the Australian species. Pate et al.
anther-thecae, with the Diplantherae (Lyginia and {1991) and Bell and Pate (1993) were able to dem-
Hopkinsia) with 2-thecate anthers, and the onstrate distinctly different growth forms and pat-
Haplantherae with unithecate anthers. Within the terns of resource allocation in the two strategies.
Haplantherae the African taxa can be separated by Sprouting species tend to have starch deposits in
their possession of protective cells. the rhizomes, while non-sprouting species gener-
ally invest in a larger reproductive capacity. The
AFFINITIES. The Restionaceae are allied to the changes between sprouting and non-sprouting
Poaceae, Ecdeiocoleaceae, Joinvilleaceae, Flagel- appear to occur readily, and closely related species
lariaceae and Anarthriaceae by ulcerate, spheroi- may have alternative strategies (e.g. Bell and Pate
dal pollen grains, the presence of silica, apical 1993; Linder 1995a,b).
placentation, atropous ovules and Nuclear In theW estern Cape, South Africa, Restionaceae
endosperm formation. These families, excluding are frequently locally dominant (Taylor 1978), and
Flagellariaceae, are also tenuinucellate (Linder range in altitude from sea level to 2100 m (Linder
and Rudall 1993; Kellogg and Linder 1995). This et al. 1993). In Australia, the family is less abun-
grouping is supported by variation in rbcL se- dant. Swamp species tend to be locally dominant,
quences (Duvall et al. 1993) and by chloroplast both in Australasia and in tropical Africa.
inversions (Doyle et al. 1992). The relationship
432 Restionaceae

PALAEOBOTANY. Hochuli (1979) presented evi- KEY TO THE GENERA

dence from fossil pollen data that Restionaceae
1. Anthers with 2 cells 2
may have been widespread in the northern hemi- - Anthers with 1 cell each 3
sphere during the Tertiary. The pollen, placed 2. Stamen filaments fused into a tube; culm margins not
in the pollen form-genus Milfordia, is known scabrid 2. Lyginia
from across Eurasia and North America. In addi- - Stamen filaments free; culm margins scabrid
tion, Hochuli (1979) interprets the Tertiary fossil 1. Hopkinsia
3. Plants from Africa or Madagascar; culms with protective
Rhizocaulon as restionaceous. However, Linder cells around substomatal cavities 4
(1987) showed that the Eurasian and North - Plants from Australasia, Malesia or S America; culms
American Milfordia pollen could equally well ap- without protective cells 33
ply to Flagellariaceae, Joinvilleaceae or Anarthria- 4. Style solitary 5
ceae, and that there was therefore no convinc- - Styluli 2-3 8
5. Fruit dehiscent 4. Ischyrolepis
ing reason why it should be accepted to be - Fruit indehiscent 6
restionaceous. 6. Perianth chartaceous; male spikelets nearly globose
Similar pollen is also recorded from the South- 3. Staberoha
ern Hemisphere, and from later in the Tertiary - Perianth cartilaginous; male spikelets oblong 7
7. Male spikelets erect; sheath apices persistent
and appears more likely to be Restionaceae. 11. Calopsis
Scholtz (1985) recorded Restionaceae from - Male spikelets pendent; sheath apices soon decaying
Namaqualand, southern Africa, from the Pale- 12. Thamnochortus
ocene, while the first Australian records are from 8. Styluli 2 9
the Eocene (Martin 1973; Stover and Partridge - Styluli 3 24
9. Ovary dehiscent 10
1973). By the late Tertiary Restionaceae are - Ovary indehiscent 11
recorded from all southern continents (South 10. Styluli fused at the base, or, if free, then the bracts longer
Africa: Thiergart et al. 1963; Coetzee and Rogers than the flowers 4. Ischyrolepis
1982; Coetzee 1986; Australia: Martin 1973; Stover - Styluli free, bracts shorter than the flowers
6. Chondropetalum
and Partridge 1973; New Zealand: Mcintyre 1965;
11. Culms simple 12
Mcintyre 1968). - Culms branching 17
The identity of the northern hemisphere pollen 12. Male flowers in spikelets 13
assigned to Milfordia hungarica and Milfordia - Male flowers racemose 16
incertae sensu Linder (1987) remains a problem, 13. Male spikelets pendent; nut enclosed by the perianth
3. Staberoha
which could have bearing on the evolution of the
- Male spikelets erect; perianth shorter than the nut, or, if as
southern flora. large, then hyaline 14
14. Nut flattened on one side; female spikelets usually with
ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. Restionaceae are not several flowers 15. Cannomois
widely used. In South Africa a small thatching - Nut round in cross-section 15
15. Male bracts acute; female flowers always with a single
industry uses Thamnochortus insignis (Rourke flower 20. Hypodiscus
1974; Linder 1990). In the past few years - Male bracts rounded; female spikelets with several flowers
Restionaceae have also become popular horticular 16. Nevillea
subjects in southern Africa - of particular in- 16. Male flower tepals valvate, lanceolate 14. Ceratocaryum
terest are Chondropetalum tectorum and Elegia - Male flower tepals linear 21. Willdenowia
17. Female spikelets with several flowers 18
capensis. Some species have contributed to the - Female spikelets with a solitary flowers 21
formation of peat deposits in Australia that are 18. Female bracts hyaline-chartaceous 17. Hydrophilus
now being exploited, despite the rarity of such - Female bracts coriaceous to osseous 19
deposits there. 19. Bracts shorter than the perianth 6. Chondropetalum
- Bracts longer than the perianth 20
20. Nut less than 5mm long 11. Calopsis
CuRRENT TAXONOMY. The taxonomy of the - Nut more than 10mm long 15. Cannomois
Australasian Restionaceae is currently under 21. Bracts shorter than the perianth and nut 5. Elegia
revision as a result of work by B.J. Briggs and - Bracts taller than the perianth and the nut 22
L.A.S. Johnson (1998a), leading to a drastic divi- 22. Male bracts and perianth lobes similar, linear and hyaline;
sion of the currently recognised genera. Briggs male flowers racemose 21. Willdenowia
- Male bracts not linear, larger than the tepals; male flowers
and Johnson (1998b) also proposed to separate in spikelets 23
Lyginia and Hopkinsia into separate families: the 23. Female bracts osseous; male flowers in conelike spikelets
current treatment is conservative in retaining 19. Mastersiella
them in the Restionaceae. - Female bracts chartaceous; male flowers in a few-flowered
spikelets 18. Anthocortus
Restionaceae 433

24. Sheaths usually deciduous; bracts shorter than the flowers, - Culm with 5 or more cavities in the pith; male spikelets
or if longer, then hyaline and lacerated 25 many-flowered 29. Harperia
- Sheaths persistent; bracts usually cartilaginous, often 46. Leaf lamina reflexed from the sheath; culms not striate,
overtopping the flowers 27 glabrous, branched 26. Empodisma
25. Ovary unilocular, indehiscent 5. Elegia - Lamina absent or not reflexed; culms mostly striate,
- Ovary 3-locular, usually at least some dehiscent 26 glabrous or hairy, simple or branched 47
26. Culms branching; bracts shorter than the flowers, 47. Female flowers subterranean except for styluli and stigmas
cartilaginous or bony 7. Dovea which emerge above ground level; rhizome and culm bases
- Culms simple; bracts longer than the flowers, hyaline sheathed by glossy scales; rhizomes long and slender
8. Askidiosperma 38. Alexgeorgea
27. Culms flattened; sheaths green with a stout mucro; seeds - Female flowers not subterranean; rhizome and culm bases
white with a fragile surface 9. Platycaulos sheathed by dull or glossy scales; rhizomes long or short
- Culms terete, or if flattened, then not with the above or plant caespitose 48
characters 28 48. Pericarp of nut woody 50. Hypolaena
28. Culms with a simple central axis, and with sterile and/or - Pericarp of nut thin-textured 49
fertile branches clustered at the nodes; male spikelets 49. Female flowers in distinct spikelets, spikelets not com-
usually pendent 13. Rhodocoma pound, with no bracts between the flower and subtending
- Culms usually branching; if simple, then without branches glume; flowers dorsiventrally flattened with winged lateral
clustered at the nodes; male spikelets usually erect 29 tepals 49. Leptocarpus
29. Fruit a capsule; if a nut, then the bracts narrowly - Female flowers in large clusters without distinct spikelet
lanceolate, concolorous 30 structure or in compound spikelets with small bracts
- Fruit a unilocular nut 32 between the flower and subtending glume; flowers not
30. Culms branching 10. Restio dorsiventrally flattened (sometimes laterally flattened) 50
- Culms simple 31 50. Male flowers with a swollen base; females with clusters
31. Bracts shorter than the flowers; spikelets numerous at of 3-5 flowers crowded into larger aggregations; culms
several nodes 6. Chondropetalum simple below the infloresence 51
- Bracts at least as long as the flowers; spikelets few to - Male flowers without a swollen base, female spikelets
several 10. Restio distinct or females crowded into large aggregations;
32. Culms branching 11. Calopsis culms simple or branched 52
- Culms simple 3. Staberoha 51. Fruiting perianth with awns or slender tepals much longer
33. Flowers not in spikelets, culms not striate 34 than the fruit 53. Chaetanthus
- Flowers in spikelets; culms striate or not striate 37 - Fruiting perianth less than 2 times as long as fruit
34. Ovary 1-locular; styluli 3 35 55. Apodasmia
- Ovary 3-locular or if 1-locular, then style 1 36 52. Female flowers in clusters of 3-5 crowded into larger ag-
35. Rhizomatous, the rhizome pubescent; culms simple gregations (without conspicuous spikelet structure); male
25. Winifredia inflorescences appearing similar to the females and with
- Caespitose, the base glabrous; culms branched exserted anthers or of distinct pendulous spikelets with
24. Calorophus non-exserted anthers 54. Dapsilanthus
36. Culm pith cavity circular; stomates scattered on culms; - Female flowers in distinct spikelets (compound spikelets);
leaf sheaths striate; ovary 3-locular 22. Lepyrodia male and female inflorescences very different in appear-
- Culm pith cavity angular; stomates arranged in horizontal ance; male spikelets pendulous and anthers not exserted
bands on culms; leaf sheaths not striate; ovary 1-3-locular 53
23. Sporadanthus 53. Female spikelets (compound spikelets) very slender, 1-2-
37. Fruit indehiscent 38 flowered; culms much branched 52. Stenotalis
- Fruit dehiscent 54 - Female spikelets (compound spikelets) not very slender,
38. Style 1 39 several- or many-flowered; culms branched or simple
- Styluli 2 or 3 46 51. Meeboldina
39. Monoecious with male spikelets terminating culms, female 54.Chlorenchyma not interrupted by pillar cells, girders or
spikelets in lower axils 27. Coleocarya enlarged epidermal cells; culm usually not striate 55
- Dioecious 40 - Chlorenchyma interrupted by pillar cells, girders or
40. Culms simple 41 enlarged epidermal cells; culm usually striate 58
- Culms branching 45 55. Flower attached to glume; capsule falling with glume and
41. Culm sheaths lacking or culms with 1-3 persistent sheaths perianth attached; female flowers with 4 tepals; seeds
42 smooth 34. Baloskion
- Culm sheaths more than 3 44 - Flower not attached to glume; capsule not falling at seed
42. Culms densely pubescent; male spikelets 2-7-flowered dispersal; female flowers with 6 tepals; seeds striate with
32. Kulinia longitudinal lines of convex cells 56
- Culms glabrous; male spikelets many-flowered 43 56. Female spikelets with > 5 flowers; culms simple or spar-
43. Culms strongly flattened 31. Catacolea ingly branched; chlorenchyma 2-3 cells thick 36. Acion
- Culms not flattened 30. Onychosepalum - Female spikelets !-several-flowered; chlorenchyma 1-cell
44. Culm sheaths caducous; culm with 1 central cavity or culm thick 57
solid 33. Lepidobolus 57. Sheaths lax; culms repeatedly branched 35. Guringalia
- Culm sheaths persistent; culm with 5 or more cavities in - Sheaths appressed; culms simple below the inflorescence
the pith 29. Harperia 37. Saropsis
45. Culm with 1 central cavity; male spikelets !-many- 58. Female spikelets with 1 flower 59
flowered 28. Desmocladus - Female spikelets with more than 1 flower 60
434 Restionaceae

59. Culms dimorphic with fertile culms erect but sterile culms curved awn. Inflorescence of compound flower
more branched and flexuose; style-branches 2; plants clusters or reduced to single flowers, the two sexes
without common and conspicuous galls 46. Loxocarya
- Culms all much branched; style-branches mostly 3; dissimilar; tepals bony. Male flowers with the
commonly with large galls that resemble much enlarged outer lateral segments conduplicate; stamen fila-
spikelets 47. Taraxis ments connate into a stout tapering columnar
60. Female spikelet structure not conspicuous, the glumes tube; anthers 2-lobed, dehiscing by 2 parallel slits;
scarcely overlapping, not forming a compact spikelet; ovary 3-locular, style with 3 stout bushy branches.
culms repeatedly branched 48. Tyrbastes
- Female spikelet structure conspicuous (multi-glumed Fruit a woody, 3-locular capsule. Seeds ovoid
spikelets with overlapping glumes), culms simple or or globose, encircled by a narrow hyaline
branched 61 flange, the surface with fine short spines or hooks
61. Culms flattened 62 arising from the corners of minute concavities.
- Culms terete 64
62. Male flowers with 2 stamens; anthers exserted; female
Three spp. SW of Western Australia. In well-
flowers with 4 tepals 41. Eurychorda drained or seasonally wet sites in oligotrophic
- Male flowers with 3 stamens; anthers not exserted; female kwongan soils in regions of moderate to relatively
flowers with 6 tepals 63 low rainfall.
63. Ovary 3-locular; styluli 3; seed surface of subangular or
slightly lobed cells in an irregular pattern 42. Platychorda
- Ovary 2-locular; styluli 2; seed surface of rhombic cells in 3. Staberoha Kunth
longitudinal lines 43. Tremulina
64. Male and female spikelets more than 10mm long 65 Staberoha Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 442 (1841}; Pillans, Trans. R.
- Spikelets less than 10mm long 66 Soc. S. Afr. 16: 384-390 (1928}; Linder, Bothalia 15: 396-397
65. Spikelets ovoid, more than 3 mm diam.; glumes rigid and (1995}.
black 44. Melanostachya
- Spikelets cylindrical, less than 3 mm diam.; glumes Caespitose, with simple culms to 80 em tall;
scarious-membranous 40. Dielsia
66 Chlorenchyma interrupted by pillar cells; (in all except C. sheaths persistent. Male inflorescence of several
microcodon) male spikelets erect and anthers exserted globose, usually pendulous spikelets, all bracts
39. Chordifex fertile. Female inflorescence of 1-4 stiffly erect,
- Chlorenchyma interrupted by enlarged epidermal cells; tapering spikelets, with all bracts fertile and much
male spikelets pendulous and anthers not exserted taller than the flowers. Flowers keeled or winged,
45. Cytogonidium
perianth papery to membranous. Styluli 2-3(1),
ovary unilocular, indehiscent, nut shed with the
1. Hopkinsia W. Fitzg. perianth. About nine spp. endemic to the south-
Hopkinsia W. Fitzg., J.W. Aust. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1: 33 (1904}.
western Cape Province, Africa.

Caespitose or rhizomatous, culms unbranched, 4. Ischyrolepis Steud.

flattened on one side and minutely scabrous on
the angles, sheaths lax, with a short mucro. Male Ischyrolepis Steud., Syn., Pl. Glum. 2: 249 (1855}; Linder,
Bothalia 15: 397-418 (1985}.
and female inflorescences similar; flowers in the
axil of a membranous bract, singly or several Caespitose, rhizomatous or mat-forming; culms
together at the upper nodes of the culms. Tepals branching, rarely simple or with verticellated
glabrous, hyaline; stamens 2-lobed, dehiscing branches, 0.1-2m tall; sheaths persistent. Male in-
by 2 separate slits; ovary 1-locular; style stout, florescence of 1 to many spikelets. Female inflo-
bushy. Fruit a nut, the outer pericarp thin, some-
rescence usually similar but with larger and fewer
what fleshy, shed with the bracts and perianth spikelets. Perianth cartilaginous to osseous, outer
attached. Seed surface patterned with convex
lateral tepals conduplicate, glabrous or villous,
isodiametric angular cells. Two spp. SW of
other tepals fiat. Stylebranches 2, fused at the base
Western Australia, in deep, seasonally moist,
into a persistent peg; ovary 1-2locular, dehiscent.
sandy soils near watercourses in regions of rather About 48 spp, endemic to S Africa, common in the
low rainfall.
southwestern and southern Cape Province.

2. Lyginia R. Br. Fig. 101

5. Elegia L.
Lyginia R. Br., Prodr.: 248 (1910}.
Elegia L., Mantissa Pl. Altera: 162 (1771); Pillans, Trans. R.
Soc. S. Afr. 16: 313-342 (1928}; Linder, Bothalia 15: 418-427
Caespitose to rhizomatous, culms unbranched, (1985}.
terete; sheaths tightly convoluted with a rigid Lamprocaulos Mast. (1878).
Restionaceae 435

Caespitose or rhizomatous; culms simple or soon lacerated. Female inflorescence similar, flow-
branched, rarely with verticillate branches; ers usually larger, perianth glabrous, persistent,
sheaths usually caducous. Male and female inflo- tepals all the same, but whorls of different lengths.
rescences usually similar, much branched with Styluli 3, ovary 3-locular, occasionally only 1-2
numerous small, often dark-coloured spikelets or locules fertile, usually dehiscent. About 11 spp.,
solitary flowers, spathes prominent, but males restricted to the mountains of the southwestern
often more branched and exposed; bracts ge- Cape Province, S Africa, on dry slopes and damp
nerally shorter than the cartilaginous, glabrous, hollows.
persistent perianth, tepals all similar, styluli 2-3,
ovary unilocular, indehiscent. About 35 spp.,
9. Platycaulos Linder
endemic to the southwestern and southern Cape
Province of S Africa. Platycaulos Linder, Bothalia 15:64 (1984); Linder, Bothalia 15:
434-437 (1985).

6. Chondropetalum Rottb. Caespitose to mat-forming; culms branching,

Chondropetalum Rottb., Program.: 11 (1772); Pillans, Trans. more or less compressed; sheaths green, persis-
R. Soc. S. Afr. 16: 297-313 (1928); Linder, Bothalia 15: 427- tent, with narrow hyaline margins and large
430 (1985). stout awns. Male inflorescence of several
racemose spikelets. Female inflorescence similar,
Caespitose or rhizomatous; culms simple, rarely often with large or solitary spikelets, bracts all
branching; sheaths caducous, rarely persistent. fertile; perianth with outer lateral tepals con-
Male inflorescences from several nodes, usually duplicate, glabrous or villous; styluli 3; ovary 1-2
branching, flowers aggregated into spikelets; locular, dehiscent, seed surface white and finely
bracts bony, often dark-coloured, shorter than the ornamented. About eight spp., endemic to the
perianth. Female inflorescence similar, but with southwestern and southern Cape Province, S
larger and fewer flowers and spikelets. Perianth Africa, generally found in seepages and wet
cartilaginous to osseous, glabrous, persistent; habitats. Dubiously distinct from Restio.
tepals all similar, or whorls of different lengths,
styluli 3(2), ovary 3-locular, usually dehiscent.
About 12 spp., endemic to the southwestern and 10. Restio Rottb.
southern Cape Province. Restio Rottb., Program.: 9 (1772); Pillans, Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr.
16: 210-297 (1928); Linder, Bothalia 15: 437-464 (1985).
Craspedolepis Steud. (1855).
7. Dovea Kunth
Dovea Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 457 (1841); Linder, Bothalia 15:431 Caespitose, rhizomatous or mat-forming, culms
(1985). branching or rarely simple; sheaths persistent.
Male flowers aggregated into spikelets, bracts
Caespitose, to 1.5 m tall; culms branching; sheaths usually cartilaginous. Female inflorescence more
caducous. Male inflorescence much branched with or less similar to male, but spikelets usually fewer
numerous flowers loosely aggregated into spike- and larger. Perianth cartilaginous to bony, outer
lets, bracts shorter than the perianth. Female lateral tepals glabrous or villous-carinate. Styluli
inflorescence with globular, 1-flowered spikelets, 3, ovary 1-3 locular, usually dehiscent, seed vari-
perianth glabrous, tepals all similar, styluli 3, ously ornamented or shiny. About 93 spp., com-
ovary 3-locular, dehiscent; seed with a corky bark. mon in the south-western and southern Cape,
Only one sp., D. macrocarpa Kunth, southwestern reaching northwards to Zaire and Madagascar, in
Cape, S. Africa. diverse habitats.

8. Askidiosperma Steud. 11. Calopsis Beauv.

Askidiosperma Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: 257 (1855); Linder, Calopsis Beauv. ex Desv. in Ann. Sci. Nat. 13: 44 (1828); Linder,
Bothalia 15: 431-434 (1985). Bothalia 15: 464-471 (1985).
Leptocarpus sensu Pillans, Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr. 16: 342 (1928).
Caespitose, culms simple; sheaths caducous.
Male inflorescence with simple branches, flowers Caespitose; culms branching; sheaths persistent.
weakly aggregated into spikelets; all bracts fertile, Male flowers aggregated into spikelets. Female
membranous, much taller than the flowers and inflorescence similar, racemose or paniculate, the
436 Restionaceae

spikelets with many to few flowers, tepals the nut, stipitate or sessile. Styluli 2, stout; ovary
chartaceous to cartilaginous, the outer lateral unilocular; fruit a woody nut. About six spp.,
tepals glabrous, winged or villous-carinate. Styluli endemic to the southwestern and southern Cape
3( -2,-1), ovary unilocular, indehiscent. About 23 Province of S Africa.
spp., West and South Cape, as well as Natal. Dubi-
ously distinct from Restio. 15. Cannomois Beauv. ex Desv.
Cannomois Beauv. ex Desv. in Ann. Sc. Nat. 13: 43 (1828);
12. Thamnochortus Berg. Pillans, Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr. 16: 410-419 (1928); Linder,
Bothalia 15: 480-482 (1985).
Thamnochortus Berg., Descr. Plant. Cap. 353 (1767); Pillans,
Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr. 16: 358-384 (1928); Linder, Bothalia 15:
Caespitose to rhizomatous; culms simple or
471-478 (1985).
branching; sheaths persistent. Male inflorescence
paniculate, with numerous small, several-flowered
Caespitose, or rhizomatous; fertile culms usually
simple, often with clusters of sterile culms devel- spikelets. Female inflorescence of 1-several race-
oping from the nodes; sheath persistent, the upper mose spindle-shaped spikelets; bracts osseous;
2/3 soon decaying. Male inflorescence paniculate, flowers several per spikelet; perianth membra-
nous, as long as or shorter than the nuts. Styluli 2,
spikelets lorate to linear, nodding. Female inflo-
rescence erect, paniculate or racemose, all bracts ovary unilocular; fruit a shiny black, somewhat
fertile, obscuring the flowers. Perianth persistent, flattened, very woody nut. About seven spp., wide-
spread in the southern and southwestern Cape
cartilaginous, glabrous, outer lateral tepals often
Province of S Africa.
strongly keeled to winged. Style solitary, ovary
unilocular, indehiscent, shed with the perianth.
About 34 spp., widespread in the southwestern 16. Nevillea Esterhuysen & Linder
and southern Cape Province of S Africa. T. insignis
Nevillea Esterhuysen & Linder, Bothalia 15: 66 (1984); Linder,
Mast. is widely used for thatching. Bothalia 15: 482-484 (1985).

Caespitose; culms simple; sheaths persistent. Male

13. Rhodocoma Nees
inflorescence of a few conelike spikelets with
Rhodocoma Nees in Lind!., Nat. Syst. Bot., edn. 2: 450 (1836); numerous fertile small rounded imbricate bracts.
Linder & Vlok in Plant. Syst. Evol. 175: 139-160 (1991). Female inflorescence racemose, with several 3-5
flowered spikelets, very different from the male.
Caespitose; fertile culms simple, usually with clus- Tepals chartaceous, glabrous, the outer laterals
ters of sterile branches produced at the nodes; conduplicate. Style branches 2; fused at base,
sheaths persistent. Male inflorescence paniculate, ovary bilocular, fruit 1-2 locular, indehiscent.
spikelets usually pendent. Female inflorescence Two spp., mountains of the southwestern Cape.
paniculate to racemose, erect. Perianth cartilagi-
nous, glabrous, tepals all the same. Styluli 3; ovary
3-locular, dehiscent. Seven spp. southern Cape 17. Hydrophilus Linder
Province, S Africa. Hydrophilus Linder, Bothalia 15: 66 (1984); Linder, Bothalia
15: 484 (1985).

14. Ceratocaryum Nees Caespitose with spreading subterranean stolons;

Ceratocaryum Nees in Lind!., Nat. Syst. Bot., ed. 2:451 (1836);
culms branching; sheaths persistent. Male inflo-
Linder, Bothalia 15: 479-480 (1985); Linder inS. Afr. J. Bot. rescence of several spikelets with imbricate,
61: 222-225 (1995). lanceolate, silvery spathes and bracts. Female
inflorescence similar, all bracts fertile; tepals
Caespitose; culms simple; sheaths persistent, up- glabrous, the outer lateral tepals conduplicate.
per margins decaying or lacerate. Male inflores- Style branches 2, shortly fused at the base; ovary
cence dense, spikelets indistinct or not formed, unilocular, fruit a small soft nut. Only one sp., H.
paniculate, flowers with lanceolate, strawlike rattrayi (Pillans) Linder, Cape Province of S
tepals and bracts. Female inflorescence of several Africa, along streams in the arid margins of the
racemose 1-flowered spikelets with numerous Cape Floristic Region, dubiously distinct from
sterile practs. Perianth membranous, smaller than Anthochortus.
Restionaceae 437

18. Anthochortus Nees 21. Willdenowia Thunb.

Anthochortus Nees in Lind!, Nat. Syst. Bot., ed. 2: 451 (1836); Willdenowia Thunb. inK. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Hand!. 11:
Linder, Bothalia 15: 484-487 (1985). 28 (1790); Pillans, Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr. 16: 419-431 (1928);
Phyllocomos Mast. (1900). Linder, Bothalia 15: 493-497 (1985).
Hypolaena sensu Pillans (1928). Nematanthus Nees (1830).

Mat-forming to caespitose, stoloniferous plants; Caespitose; culms usually branching, smooth or

culms branching; sheaths persistent, often with striate; sheaths closely convoluted, persistent,
fiat blades. Male inflorescence of several racemose with decaying apices. Male inflorescence panicu-
spikelets with many sterile bracts. Female in- late; flowers not aggregated into spikelets, the
florescence of several obscure single-flowered perianth and bracts filiform. Female inflorescence
spikelets with several sterile bracts, perianth racemose, spikelets 1-fiowered; perianth membra-
membranous or lacking, flowers sessile or pe- nous, sessile or stipitate; styluli 2; ovary unilocu-
dicellate. Styluli 2, often fused below; ovary lar; fruit a woody nut. About 12 spp., endemic to
unilocular; fruit a variously ornamented, woody the Cape Province of S Africa.
nut. About 15 spp., damp habitats and seepages,
endemic to the Western and Southern Cape of S
22. Lepyrodia R. Br.
Lepyrodia R. Br., Prodr.: 274 (1810).

19. Mastersiella Gilg-Benedict

Dioecious, rarely monoecious or hermaphrodite,
Mastersiella Gilg-Benedict in Nat. Pflanzenfam. edn. 2; 15A: 25 caespitose or rhizomatous. Culms terete or
(1930); Linder, Bothalia 15: 487-488 (1985). slightly compressed, smooth or minutely rugose.
Hypolaena sensu Pillans (1928).
Flowers not in spikelets, clustered on the culms,
males and females similar in dioecious species.
Caespitose; culms branching, spreading from a Flowers with (1- )2 bracts, tepals often rigid.
central knot, without a rhizome; sheaths persis- Female flowers with 3-locular ovary, styluli 3, free
tent. Male inflorescence of several spindle-shaped or very shortly connate at the base, usually arising
many-flowered spikelets. Female inflorescence a close together on the ovary summit. Fruit a cap-
single, 1-flowered spikelet with several cartilagi- sule. 2n = 14. Twenty two spp., southeast and
nous, sterile bracts. Perianth membranous; styluli southwest Australia, mostly in moist sites.
2, ovary unilocular; fruit a woody nut. Three spp.,
common in the Southern and Western Cape of S
Africa. 23. Sporadanthus F. Muell.
Sporadanthus F. Muell., Trans. N. Z. Institute 6: 389 (1874).
20. Hypodiscus Nees Fig. 102
Dioecious, rhizomatous or caespitose. Culms
Hypodiscus Nees in Lind!., Nat. Syst. Bot., ed. 2: 450 (1836); smooth or minutely rugose, with persistent
Pillans, Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr. 16: 399-410 (1928); Linder,
Bothalia 15: 488-493 (1985). sheaths, mostly closely appressed. Inflorescence of
many flowers, not in spikelets, similar in males
Caespitose, rarely rhizomatous; culms simple, and females. Flowers with 1 or 2 bracts. Female
striate or smooth; sheaths persistent. Male flowers with 3- or 1-locular ovary, styluli 3 or 1,
inflorescence of 1-several racemose, many- arising from the outer corners of the ovary sum-
flowered spikelets. Female inflorescence of 1- mit or when 1, not central on ovary, the bases
several racemose, 1-flowered spikelets, with persistent; fruit a capsule or nut. 2n = 18. Seven
many sterile bracts. Perianth membranous or spp.; six southeast and southwest Australia, one
lacking, sessile or pedicellate. Style branches 2, New Zealand, in moist sites. Only the New Zealand
often fused below, ovary unilocular; fruit a vari- species has been validly named under Spora-
ously ornamented, woody nut, often with a fleshy danthus; four of the Australian species were
pedicel and with a variously ornamented cap. named under Lepyrodia and two are undescribed.
About 15 spp., endemic to the Cape Floristic
Region of S Africa. 24. Calorophus Labill.
Calorophus Labill., Nov. Hoi!. Sp. Pl. 2: 78, t. 228 (1806).
438 Restionaceae

Dioecious, caespitose. Culms with transverse lines odes, male and female spikelets sometimes on the
of stomates usually visible on culm surface, same culm; rhizomatous. Culms simple or occa-
branched, trailing, forming tangled masses, with sionally branched, slightly tuberculate, with sev-
many persistent appressed sheaths. Inflorescence eral persistent lax sheaths. Male spikelets with
of solitary flowers each with 2 bracts and 6 rigid 8-16 flowers, all bracts fertile, outer tepals keeled.
tepals. Male flowers singly or in pairs in the upper Female spikelets 1-flowered, with 1-2 sterile lower
axils. Female flowers solitary, in upper axils or bracts, tepals 5, membranous, ovary 1-locular,
subterminal, with 3-locular ovary, only 1 loculus style 1. Fruit a bony nut, somewhat striate, shed
developing to maturity, styluli 3, slightly or widely with persistent perianth and bract, stylar beak
separated on ovary summit. Fruit a globular nut usually not persistent. 2n = 22. Only one sp., C.
with irregular longitudinal ridges indicating the gracilis S.T. Blake, southern Queensland and
positions of the nondeveloped carpels. Two spp., northern New South Wales.
Tasmania, one also Otway Ranges in Victoria, in
moist sites. 28. Desmocladus Nees
Desmocladus Nees in Lehm. Plant Preiss. 2: 56 (1846}.
25. Winifredia L.A.S. Johnson & B.G. Briggs
Dioecious, rarely parthenocarpic; caespitose or
Winifredia L.A.S. Johnson & B.G. Briggs, Telopea 2: 737
(1986}. rhizomatous, culms terete or flattened, sometimes
pubescent, smooth or striate or tuberculate,
Dioecious, rhizomatous. Culms simple with per- branched or with short lateral verticillate branch-
sistent sheaths. Inflorescences slender, males and lets. Spikelets solitary or in clusters. Male spikelets
females similar, with very short lateral few- 1-many-flowered, bracts numerous, all fertile or
flowered branches at each of several upper nodes, lower bracts sterile, flowers with (1-)5(-6) tepals,
flowers each with 2 bracts, not in spikelets, tepals 2 outer tepals keeled. Female spikelets 1-several
6. Female flowers with ovary 1-locular, 3-angled, flowered, usually with sterile lower bracts, tepals
with thickened pale ridges at the angles (perhaps 0-5, ovary 1-locular, style 1. Fruit an ovoid nut,
fruit dehiscent), styluli 3. Mature fruit and seed with a conical stylar beak, shed with persistent
not known. Only one sp., W. sola L.A.S. Johnson & pedicel and tepals if present. Sixteen spp., south-
B.G. Briggs, southwest of Tasmania, in a region of ern Western Australia, one sp. extending to South
very high rainfall. Australia, mostly in regions of rather low rainfall.

26. Empodisma L.A.S. Johnson & D.F. Cutler 29. Harperia W. Fitzg.
Empodisma L.A.S. Johnson & D.F. Cutler, Kew Bull. 28: 383 Harperia W. Fitzg., J.W. Aust. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1: 34 (1904).
Caespitose or rhizomatous, culms terete, some-
Dioecious, caespitose or rhizomatous. Culms thin times pubescent. Male and female inflorescences
and wiry, glabrous, branched and often flexuose, similar, spikelets sessile, bracts especially in
with persistent sheaths. Male spikelets several to- females with a rigid, dark mucro or apical spine.
gether or rarely solitary, 1- or several-flowered. Male spikelets many-flowered, lower bracts often
Female spikelets solitary, axillary, 1-flowered. sterile, tepals 5 or 6, membranous, 2 outer tepals
Male flowers with 6 membranous tepals. Female keeled. Female spikelets 1- or several-flowered,
flowers with 4 or 6 tepals, ovary 1-locular, styluli 2 bracts few, lower bracts sterile, tepals 4-6, similar
or 3. Fruit an ovoid or obovoid nut shed with to males, ovary 1-locular, style 1. Fruit a nut, shed
perianth and bract. 2n = 24. Two spp., one sp., in with persistent pedicel and perianth, stylar beak
southwest of Western Australia and one in east usually not persistent. Four spp., southern West-
Australia and New Zealand, in moist sites. ern Australia, mostly in seasonally dry regions.

27. Coleocarya S.T. Blake 30. Onychosepalum Steudel

Coleocarya S.T. Blake, Proc. R. Soc. Queensl. 54: 75 (1943}. Onychosepalum Steudel, Synopsis Plant Glum. 2: 249 (1855).

Monoecious; male spikelets solitary and terminal Caespitose, with glossy, glabrous cataphylls.
on culms, female spikelets in axils oflower intern- Culms simple, 1-few internodes. Male and female
Restionaceae 439

spikelets similar, solitary and terminal or axillary 1-5, ovary 1-locular with 1 style. Fruit a nut; shed
at several upper nodes, several- or many-flowered, with persistent perianth, pedicel and stylar beak.
lower bracts sometimes sterile; bracts auriculate 2n = 24. Eight spp.; seven spp. south of Western
with a dark slender mucro. Flowers with 2-5 Australia, one sp. east of South Australia and in
membranous tepals. Female flowers with 1-locular western Victoria, mostly in seasonally dry regions.
ovary, style 1. Fruit a smooth nut, shed with per-
sistent perianth. Three spp., west of Western
Australia, in moist sites in seasonally dry regions. 34. Baloskion Raf.
Baloskion Raf., Fl. Tell. 4: 32 (1838).
Restio Rottb. p.p.
31. Catacolea B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson
Catacolea B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 346 (1998). Caespitose or rhizomatous; culms simple below
the inflorescence or with numerous sterile lateral
Caespitose, with glossy dark brown to straw- branches; sheaths persistent. Male and female
coloured basal sheaths; culms simple, strongly spikelets similar, many-flowered, usually with sev-
flattened, straight or flexuose, of 1-2 internodes. eral sterile lower bracts. Outer tepals keeled, male
Male inflorescence terminal, of 1-3 shortly flowers with 6 tepals, female flowers with 4 tepals,
pedunculate, pendulous many-flowered spikelets; ovary 2-locular, styluli 2. Fruit a thin-walled cap-
bracts acuminate and scarious, without a mucro sule, shed with persistent perianth and still at-
or awn. Female inflorescence of 1 terminal spikelet tached to the glume but eventually dehiscing. Seed
with 1-3 flowers and several sterile lower bracts; surface smooth, with elongated or isodiametric
tepals membranous, (4) 5 (6); ovary 1-locular, cells. 2n = 14, 22, 24. Eight spp., E Australia, in
style 1. Fruit a nut; shed with persistent pedicel, moist sites.
perianth, and stylar beak. Only one rare sp., west
of Western Australia, in a seasonally dry region.
35. Guringalia B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson

32. Kulinia B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson Guringalia B. G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7:353 (1998).
Restio Rottb. p.p.
Kulinia B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 349 (1998).
Rhizomatous plants; culms repeatedly branched,
Caespitose, the base densely long-villous; culms erect or sinuous, sheaths persistent, lax. Male
simple, often curled, densely pubescent, with 1-3 spikelets several, with 3-8 flowers and 7-8 sterile
persistent sheaths. Male inflorescence a solitary lower bracts; female spikelets with 1 flower and 7-
terminal spikelet, 2-7 flowered. Female inflores- 10 sterile lower bracts. Tepals 6; males outer tepals
cence of 2-3 1-flowered spikelets. Bracts with a villous-carinate; females with sparsely pubescent
dark mucro. Male flowers with 2-5 membranous outer tepals, ovary 2-locular but often 1 loculus
tepals; female flowers lacking tepals, ovary aborted, styluli 2. Fruit a firm-walled capsule.
unilocular, style single, fruit a thin-walled small Seeds striate with longitudinal lines of convex
nut shed with attached pedicel. Only one rare cells. 2n = 14. Only one sp., Sydney region of E
sp., south of Western Australia in a seasonally dry Australia, in well-drained or seasonally moist
region. sites.

33. Lepidobolus Nees 36. Acion B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson
Lepidobolus Nees in Lehmann, Plant. Preiss. 2: 66 (1846). Acion B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 353 (1998).
Restio Rottb. p.p.
Caespitose or rhizomatous, the base long-villous;
culms simple, terete or quadrangular, smooth or Rhizomatous plants; culms unbranched or spar-
rugose or striate, sheaths caducous and lax. Male ingly branched, erect, sheaths persistent, lax.
and female spikelets terminal or axillary in upper Spikelets with 6-17 flowers and 5-20 sterile lower
axils or rarely the females in lower axils. Male bracts. Tepals 6; males with outer tepals villous-
spikelets large, many-flowered, with few or many carinate; anthers fully or partially exserted; fe-
sterile bracts, tepals 5 (6), 2 outer tepals keeled. males with glabrous tepals, ovary loculi and styluli
Female spikelets similar to males but !-many- 2. Fruit a firm-walled capsule. Seeds striate with
flowered; bracts with rigid, black mucro; tepals longitudinal lines of convex cells. 2n = 32. Two
440 Restionaceae

spp., previously known as Restio monocephalus Fruit a capsule. Seeds striate with longitudinal
R. Br. and R. hookeri D.I. Morris, Tasmania, in lines of convex cells (sometimes imprinted with a
well-drained or seasonally wet sites. further striate or irregular pattern) or the lines
exaggerated into sharp ridges of radially elongated
cells. Eighteen spp., south of Western Australia;
37. Saropsis B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson mostly in mesic regions.
Saropsis B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 355 (1998).
Restio Rottb. p.p. 40. Dielsia Gilg
Shortly rhizomatous; culms unbranched below Dielsia Gilg in Diels & Pritzel, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 35: 88 (1904).
the inflorescence but with numerous elongated
inflorescence branches, erect, sheaths persistent, Rhizomatous, with stout villous rhizomes; culms
appressed. Spikelets narrow, males ca. 7-fiowered, much branched, upper branches often flexuose
all bracts fertile; females 1-several flowered and and sometimes forming dense trailing masses, ter-
with several sterile lower bracts. Tepals 6; males ete, striate, with persistent appressed sheaths.
glabrous, 2 outer tepals keeled; females with usu- Male and female inflorescences similar, of solitary,
ally ciliate tepals, ovary loculi and styluli 2. Fruit a terminal, erect, elongated, cylindrical, many-
firm-walled capsule. Seeds striate with longitudi- flowered spikelets. Tepals 6, outer 2 keeled, the
nal lines of convex cells. 2n = 14. Only one sp., S. keel densely red-brown pubescent. Ovary 2-locu-
fastigiata (R. Br.) B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, lar, styluli 2. Fruit a capsule. Seed surface smooth
eastern Australia in central coastal New South with longitudinal lines of transversely elongated
Wales and also southeast Queensland; in season- rectangular cells. 2n = 22. Only one sp., southwest
ally moist, sandy soils. of Western Australia, in seasonally wet sites in a
region of moderate rainfall.
38. Alexgeorgea Carlquist
41. Eurychorda B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson
Alexgeorgea Carlquist, Aust. J. Bot. 24: 282 (1976).
Eurychorda B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 357
Long-rhizomatous, cataphylls glossy; culms Restio Rottb. p.p.
sometimes pubescent, striate, with persistent
appressed sheaths, with short flattened lateral Caespitose; culms simple, erect, striate, strongly
branches or terete and repeatedly branched. Male compressed, edges of culms minutely scabrid,
spikelets solitary and terminal, several-flowered. with persistent appressed herbaceous sheaths with
Females solitary, sessile on the rhizomes, so that obtusely angled auriculate apices. Male and
the flowers are largely below ground, single- female inflorescences similar with erect spikelets
flowered, with glossy bracts and very long styles, on slender peduncles, solitary or a few together at
with only the 3 long style branches and tips of several upper nodes. Male spikelets 30-50-
bracts above ground level; the 1-locular ovary flowered; females 5-13-fiowered; bracts aristate.
maturing below ground into a large (10-15mm Tepals 4, outer tepals keeled, sparsely pubescent.
long), globular or obconical glossy nut. 2n = ca. Stamens 2; ovary bilocular, styluli 2. Fruit a cap-
44. Three spp., southwest ofWestern Australia, in sule. Seeds with irregular pattern of subangular or
mesic and seasonally dry regions, in well-drained slightly lobed, fiat or slightly convex, isodiametric
or peaty sites. cells. 2n = 24. Only one sp., eastern Australia from
southern Queensland to Tasmania, in wet or
39. Chordifex B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson seasonally wet sites.

Chordifex B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 356 (1998).

Restio Rottb. p.p. 42. Platychorda B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. John2son
Platychorda B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 359
Caespitose or rhizomatous; culms terete, striate, (1998).
with persistent sheaths. Male and female inflores- Restio Rottb. p.p.
cences similar, the flowers in erect or pendulous
spikelets, with several or many flowers and several Caespitose; culms unbranched, erect, striate,
or many sterile lower bracts. Tepals 5 or 6, 2 outer compressed but without scabrid edges, sheaths
tepals keeled; ovary loculi and styluli 2 or rarely 1. persistent, appressed; apices gradually tapering,
Restionaceae 441

auriculate. Male and female inflorescences simi- sheaths. Male spikelets pendulous; bracts spread-
lar, spikelets erect or the males somewhat pendu- ing lanceolate, acute; 30-50-flowered. Female
lous; several-flowered. Tepals 6, outer 2 keeled. spikelets erect, ovoid; bracts broad ovate, aristate;
Anthers not exserted; ovary 3-locular, styluli 3. 5-10-flowered. Tepals 5, outer 2 keeled and
Fruit a capsule. Seeds with irregular pattern of females with dense red-brown hairs along the keel;
subangular or slightly lobed, flat or slightly con- anthers not exserted; ovary bilocular, styluli 2.
vex, isodiametric cells. Two spp. southwest of Fruit a capsule. Seeds broad ellipsoid, surface cov-
Western Australia, in wet or seasonally wet sites. ered with convex cells in irregular longitudinal
lines (not separated by lines of flat cells as in
43. Tremulina B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson Chordifex). Only one sp., C.leptocarpoides (Benth.)
B. G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, southwest ofWestern
Tremulina B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7:361 (1998). Australia; in moist or seasonally moist sites.
Restio Rottb. p.p.

Caespitose; culms erect, strongly compressed or 46. Loxocarya R. Br.

terete, without scabrid edges, striate, sheaths per- Loxocarya R. Br., Prodr. 249 (1810).
sistent, appressed, apices blunt, auriculate. Male Megalotheca F. Muell, Fragm. Phytogr. Aust. 8: 98 (1873).
and female spikelets on slender lateral branches,
erect or the males pendulous; males 10-50- Rhizomatous; culms striate, fertile culms taller
flowered; females 1-8-flowered; both with several and less branched than shorter, much-branched
sterile lower bracts; bracts not auriculate. Tepals and strongly flexuose vegetative culms. Inflores-
6, outer 2 keeled; anthers not exserted; ovary cences with several or many spikelets in a usually
bilocular, styluli 2. Fruit a capsule. Seeds with lon- branched inflorescence; male spikelets many-
gitudinallines of flat, rectangular or rhombic cells flowered, females i-S-flowered. Tepals 4 or 6,
which are transverse or oblique to the long axis. membranous, outer tepals keeled; ovary 1- or 2-
Two spp., southwest of Western Australia, in wet locular; styluli bushy, 1 or 2, the lower part con-
or seasonally wet sites. nate. Fruit a woody capsule, broadest near apex.
Seed oblong, with a longitudinal furrow encircling
44. Melanostachya B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson the seed or on one side only; seed surface with
slightly convex, lobed cells. Five spp., south of
Melanostachya B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 361 Western Australia, mostly in seasonally dry
regions, one sp. in a region of moderately high
Restio Rottb. p.p.
Dioecious, caespitose; culms terete, simple or
occasionally with 1-2 branches, striate, with 47. Taraxis B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson
persistent appressed sheaths. Male and female
Taraxis B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 363 (1998).
inflorescences similar, spikelets large, erect, 10-
20-flowered; bracts rigid, dark brown or black,
obtuse or with a short rigid acute tip. Tepals 6, Culms stout near base, much branched, upper
outer 2 rufous-villous carinate; ovary bilocular, branches slender, flexuose, forming tangled
styluli 2. Fruit a capsule. Seeds broad ellipsoid, masses, striate, glabrous except in sheath axils,
with longitudinally elongated cells with sinuous sheaths, appressed, persistent. Male inflores-
walls. Only one s:p., M. ustulatus (F. Muell ex cences of small clusters of spikelets at several
Ewart & Sharman) B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, upper nodes. Female spikelets solitary at several
southwest of Western Australia; in wet or season- upper nodes. Male spikelets 4-13-flowered, female
ally wet sites. spikelets 1-flowered. Male flowers with 5(6) tepals,
2 outer tepals keeled. Mature female flowers, fruit
and seeds not known; tepals 3, style branches 3,
45. Cytogonidium B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson fused at base; spikelets usually transformed into
Cytogonidium B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 362
galls. Only one sp., southwest of Western Austra-
(1998). lia, in a region of high rainfall.
Restio Rottb. p.p.

48. Tyrbastes B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson

Caespitose; culms terete, simple or sparsely
branched, striate, with persistent appressed Tyrbastes B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 365 (1998).
442 Restionaceae

Culms slender, erect or trailing, flexuose and with thickened fleshy stalk, perianth, bracts and
much-branched, often forming tangled masses, subtending glume or the complete compound
striate, glabrous except in sheath axils, sheaths spikelet is dispersed. 2n = 24. Eight spp., south of
appressed, persistent. Inflorescences with several Western Australia, one of them also extending to
or many branches, with spikelets singly at the up- southeastern Australia including Tasmania, in
per nodes. Male spikelets more numerous than mesic and seasonally dry sites.
females, 4-10(24)-flowered, bracts mostly fertile.
Female spikelets 1-several-flowered, often with 1-
2 sterile lower bracts. Male flowers with 6 tepals, 51. Meeboldina Suessenguth
2 outer tepals keeled, inner tepals flat. Female Meeboldina Suessenguth, Boissiera 7: 20 (1943).
flowers with 6 tepals, ovary 2( -3)-locular, style Leptocarpus p.p.
short, style branches 2( -3). Fruit a thin-walled
capsule, seed with slightly convex, slightly lobed Culms striate, usually with appressed fan hairs.
cells in indistinct rows. Only one sp., southwest of Male spikelets usually numerous, many-flowered,
Western Australia, in a region of high rainfall. pendulous; apparent female spikelets multiply
compound; each 1-flowered true spikelet consists
only of a single flower stalk bearing 2 bracts, and
49. Leptocarpus R. Br. Fig. 103
this assemblage falls with the fruit. Male flowers:
Leptocarpus R. Br., Prodr. 250 (1810), nom. cons. tepals 5-6, stamens (2)3, not exserted. Female
Schoenodum Labill. (1806). flowers: tepals 6, usually keeled, often ciliate;
ovary 1-locular, style branches 3. Fruit a small,
Culms simple or branched, striate, covered with a thin-walled nut, shed with enclosing glume and
layer of appressed fan hairs. Inflorescence: males persistent perianth which may be modified to bear
and females very different, male spikelets usually finely hairy awns, hairs or lateral wings. 2n = 22.
numerous, many-flowered, pendulous; female Ten spp., south of Western Australia, in perma-
flowers in few or numerous simple spikelets with nently or seasonally wet sites.
several flowers and several to many rigid, shortly
awned bracts. Flowers with (4-)6 tepals; anthers
not exserted; female flowers dorsiventrally flat- 52. Stenotalis B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson
tened, tepals 6, outer lateral tepals winged; ovary Stenotalis B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 368 (1998).
1-locular, style branches 3. Fruit a small, thin- Hypolaena p.p.
walled nut, shed with enclosing glume and persis-
tent perianth. 2n = 22. Three spp., south of Caespitose with ascending rhizomes. Culms much
Western Australia, of which L. tenax occurs also in branched, striate, with appressed fan hairs. Male
eastern Australia from southeast Queensland to spikelets usually numerous, several to many-
Tasmania and South Australia. (The application of flowered, pendulous; female flowers in very
the name Leptocarpus adopted here will require narrow spikelets with 1-2 flowers but which are
that a new conserved lectotype be designated. compound with 1 bract on the flower stalk. Male
Such conservation will be proposed in the inter- flowers: tepals 5, stamens (2)3, not exserted.
ests of nomenclatural stability.) Female flowers: tepals 6, ovary 1-locular, style
branches 3. Fruit a small, thin-walled nut, shed
50. Hypolaena R. Br. with enclosing glume and persistent perianth.
Only one sp., St. ramosissima (Gilg) B.G. Briggs &
Hypolaena R. Br., Prodr. 251 (1810). L.A.S. Johnson, south ofWestern Australia, in sea-
sonally moist sites.
Culms branching, glabrous or pubescent with
appressed or spreading fan hairs. Male spikelets
numerous, pedicellate and pendulous or sessile on 53. Chaetanthus R. Br.
short curved axillary branchlets, !-many- Chaetanthus R. Br., Prodr. 251 (1810).
flowered; flowers with (5- )6 tepals, outer 2-3 Prionosepalum Steudel, Synopsis Plant. Glum. 2: 266 (1855).
keeled; anthers mostly not exserted. Female Leptocarpus p.p.
spikelets compound but 1-flowered, with 1-2
bracts on the stalk of the flower; flowers with 6 Culms simple, striate, with appressed fan hairs.
tepals; ovary 1-locular, style (2- )3-branched. Fruit Male spikelets pendulous, on slender branches at
a nut, with hard pericarp, smooth or pitted; shed upper nodes; flowers with a swollen base, 5 mem-
Restionaceae 443

branous tepals; anthers not exserted. Female inflo- Selected Bibliography

rescence of crowded clusters of spikelets each of
3-5 flowers, the clusters in compact heads, termi- Anton, A.M., Cocucci, A.E. 1984. The grass megagametophyte
nal or at several upper nodes; tepals 6; outer tepals and its possible phylogenetic implications. Plant Syst. Evol.
146: 117-121.
rigid, acute or acuminate; ovary 1-locular; style
Bell, T.L., Pate, J.S. 1993. Morphotypic differentiation in the
branches 3, basally connate. Fruit a small, thin- SW Australian restiad Lyginia barbata R. Br. (Restiona-
walled nut, shed with enclosing glume and per- ceae). Aust. J. Bot. 41: 91-104.
sistent perianth which bears long hairs and Borwein, B., Coetsee, M.L., Krupko, S. 1949. Development of
elongated hairy awns. 2n = 22. Three spp. south the embryo sac of Restio dodii and Elegia racemosa. J. S. Afr.
Bot. 15: 1-11.
of Western Australia, in seasonally wet sites in a Botha, D.J., Van der Schijff, H.P. 1976. The structure and
region of high rainfall. ontogeny of the chlorenchyma in the stems of Elegia L.
(Restionaceae). J. S. Afr. Bot. 42: 57-62.
Botha, D.J., Van der Schijff, H.P., Van Tonder, E.M.A. 1972.
54. Dapsilanthus B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson The position, structure and ontogeny of the stomata in
Elegia vaginulata. Tydskr. Natuurwet. 13: 193-199.
Dapsilanthus B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7: 369 Briggs, B. 1963. Chromosome numbers in Lepyrodia and
(1998). Restio in Australia. Contrib. N. S. W. Nat!. Herb. 3: 228-232.
Leptocarpus p.p. Briggs, B. 1966. Chromosome numbers of some Australian
monocots. Contrib. New South Wales Nat!. Herb. 4: 24-34.
Culms branched, striate, with fan hairs. Inflores- Briggs, B.G., Johnson, L.A.S. 1998a. New genera and
species of Australian Restionaceae (Poales). Telopea
cences branched; males variable; females com- 7: 345-373.
pound, with clusters (true spikelets) of 3-5 very Briggs, B. G., Johnson, L.A.S. 1998b. A guide to a new classifica-
small flowers each with 1 bract on the flower stalk tion of Restionaceae and allied families. In: Meney, K.A.,
crowded in larger aggregations. Tepals 4-6, hya- Pate, J.S. (eds.) Australian rushes -biology, identification
line or scarious, acute or acuminate; outer tepals and conservation of Restionaceae and allied families. Perth:
University of Western Australia Press.
keeled; stamens 2 or 3, anthers mostly exserted; Briggs, B.G., Johnson, L.A.S., Krauss, S.L. 1990. The species of
ovary 1-locular; style branches 3, fused at base. Alexgeorgia, a Western Australian genus of the Restiona-
Fruit a small, thin-walled nut, shed with enclosing ceae. Aust. Syst. Bot. 3: 751-758.
glume, bract and persistent perianth. Four spp.; Carlquist, S. 1976. Alexgeorgea, a bizarre new genus of
three in seasonally wet sites in northern Australia Restionaceae from Western Australia. Aust. J. Bot. 24: 281-
and monsoonal areas of southern New Guinea Chanda, S. 1966. On the pollen morphology of the Centro-
(two of these also in the Aru Islands), as well as lepidaceae, Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae, with special
one species in southeast Asia (Malaysia, Cambo- reference to taxonomy. Grana Palynol. 6: 355-415.
dia, Thailand and the southeastern Chinese island Chanda, S., Ferguson, I.K. 1978. Pollen morphology of
Calorophus and Empodisma (Restionaceae) and its taxo-
nomic significance. Kew Bull. 33: 411-415.
Chanda, S., Rowley, J. 1967. Apertural types in pollen of the
Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae. Grana Palynol. 7: 16-36.
55. Apodasmia B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson Cheadle, V.I., Kosakai, H. 1975. Vessels in Juncales: II.
Centrolepidaceae and Restionaceae. Am. J. Bot. 62: 1017-
ApodasmiaB.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson, Telopea 7:371 (1998). 1026.
Leptocarpus p.p. Coetzee, J.A. 1986. Microfloral elements in the Neogene of the
southwestern Cape Province and their phytogeographical
Dioecious, rhizomatous. Culms unbranched, stri- significance. Palaeoecol. Afr. 17: 21-30.
ate, glabrous to densely pubescent; with fan hairs. Coetzee, J.A., Rogers, J. 1982. Palynological and lithological
Male spikelets erect or pendulous, with partly ex- evidence for the Miocene palaeoenvironment in the
Saldanha Region (South Africa). Palaeogeogr. Palaeo-
serted anthers. Female inflorescences, with clus- climatol. Palaeoecol. 39: 71-85.
ters (true spikelets) of 3-5 very small flowers each Cutler, D.F. 1969. Juncales. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of
with 1 bract on the flower stalk crowded in larger the monocotyledons. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
aggregations. Tepals hyaline or scarious, acute or Czaja, A.T. 1978. Structure of starch grains and the classifica-
tion of vascular plant families. Taxon 27: 463-470.
acuminate; outer tepals keeled. Male flowers with Dahlgren, R.M.T., Clifford, H.T. 1982. See general references.
a globular swollen base, 4-6 tepals and 3 stamens, Dahlgren, R.M.T., Rasmussen, F.N. 1983. Monocotyledon evo-
anthers mostly exserted. Female flowers with 5-6 lution: characters and phylogenetic estimation. Evol. Bioi.
rigid tepals; ovary 1-locular; style branches 3, 16: 255-395.
fused at base. Fruit a small, thin-walled nut, shed Doyle, J.J., Davis, J.I., Soreng, R.J., Garvin, D., Anderson, M.J.
1992. Chloroplast DNA inversions and the origin of the
with enclosing glume, bract and persistent peri- grass family (Gramineae). Proc. Nat!. Acad. Sci. USA 89:
anth. Four spp., one each in the south of Western 7722-7726.
and eastern Australia, New Zealand and Chile. Duvall, M.R., Clegg, M.T., Chase, M.W., Clark, W.D., Kress,
444 Restionaceae

W.J., Hills, H.G., Equiarte, L.E., Smith, J.F., Gaut, B.S., Linder, H.P. 1992b. The structure and evolution of the female
Zimmer, E.A., Learn, G.H. 1993. Phylogenetic hypotheses flower of the African Restionaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 109:
for the monocotyledons constructed from rbcL sequence 401-425.
data. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 80: 607-619. Linder, H.P. 1995a. Ceratocaryum pulchrum, a new restioid
Gilg, E. 1891. Beitrage zur vergleichende Anatomie der from the Bredasdorp plains. S. Afr. J. Bot. 61: 222-225.
xerophilen Familie der Restionaceae. Bot. Jahrb. Syste. 13: Linder, H.P. 1995b. Restio mlanjiensis, a new species of
541-606. Restionaceae from south-central Africa. Kew Bull. 50: 623-
Gilg-Benedict, C. 1930. Restionaceae. In: Engler, A. (ed.) Die 625.
natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 2nd edn., 15 a. Leipzig: W. Linder, H.P., Ferguson, I.K. 1985. On the pollen morphology
Engelmann. and phylogeny of the Restionales and Poales. Grana 24:
Hamann, U. 1962. Beitrag zur Embryologie der Centro- 65-76.
lepidaceae mit Bemerkungen tiber den Bau der Bliiten und Linder, H.P., Rudall, P.J. 1993. The megagametophyte in
Bliitenstande und die systematische Stellung der Familie. Anarthria (Anarthriaceae, Poales) and its implications for
Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 75: 153-171. the phylogeny of the Poales. Am. J. Bot. 80: 1455-1464.
Hamann, U. 1975. Neue Untersuchungen zur Embryologie Linder, H.P., Vlok, J.H., McDonald, D.J., Oliver, E.G.H.,
und Systematik der Centrolepidiaceae. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 96: Boucher, C., Van Wyk, B.-E., Schutte, A. 1993. The high
154-191. altitude flora and vegetation of the Cape Floristic Region,
Harborne, J.B. 1979. Correlations between flavonoid chemis- South Africa. Opera Bot. 121: 247-261.
try, anatomy and geography in the Restionaceae. Phy- Malmanche, L.-A. 1919. Contribution a !'etude anatomique
tochemistry 18: 1323-1327. des eriocaulonacees et des families voisines: restiacees,
Harborne, J.B., Boardley, M., Linder, H.P. 1985. Variations in centrolepidacees, xyridacees, philydracees, mayacacees.
flavonoid patterns within the genus Chondropetalum These Fac. Sci., Paris. Paris: Imprimeries Girault.
(Restionaceae). Phytochemistry 24: 273-278. Manning, J.C., Linder, H.P. 1990. A cladistic analysis of pat-
Hochuli, P.A. 1979. Ursprung und Verbreitung der Restiona- terns of endothecial thickenings in the Poales/Restionales.
ceen. Vierteljahrsschr. Naturforsch. Ges. Ziir. 124: 109- Am. J. Bot. 77: 196-210.
131. Martin, H.A. 1973. The palynology of some Tertiary and Pleis-
Johnson, L.A.S., Briggs, B.G. 1981. Three old southern families tocene deposits, Lachlan River valley, New South Wales,
- Myrtaceae, Proteaceae and Restionaceae. In: Keast, A. Aust. J. Bot. Suppl. 6: 1-57.
(eds.) Ecological biogeography of Australia. Utrecht: Junk, Masters, M.T. 1878. Restiaceae. In: De Candolle, A., De
pp. 429-469. Candolle, C. (eds.) Monographiae Phanerogamarum 1.
Johnson, L.A.S., Cutler, D.F. 1973. Empodisma: a new genus of Masson: Paris, pp. 218-398.
Australasian Restionaceae. Kew Bull. 28: 381-385. Mcintyre, D.J. 1965. Some new pollen species from New
Kellogg, E.A., Linder, H.P. 1995. Phylogeny of Poales. In: Zealand Tertiary deposits. N. Z. J. Bot. 3: 204-214.
Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Mcintyre, D.J. 1968. Further new pollen species from New
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Gardens, Kew, pp. 511-542. J. Bot. 6: 177-204.
Kircher, P. 1986. Untersuchungen zur Bliiten- und Inflore- Meney, K.A., Pate, J.S. (eds.) 1998. Australian rushes- biology,
szenzmorphologie, Embryologie und Systematik der identification and conservation of Restionaceae and allied
Restionaceen im Vergleich mit Gramineen und verwandten families. Perth: University of Western Australia Press.
Familien. Diss. Bot. 94. Meney, K.A., Pate, J.S., Dixon, K.W. 1990. Comparative mor-
Krupko, S. 1962. Embryological and cytological investigations phology, anatomy, phenology and reproductive biology of
in Hypodiscus aristatus Nees (Restionaceae). J. S. Afr. Bot. Alexgeorgea spp. (Restionaceae) from south-western West-
28: 21-44. ern Australia. Aust. J. Bot. 38: 523-541.
Krupko, S. 1963. Macrosporogenesis and embryo sac develop- Meney, K.A., Dixon, K.W., Scheltema, M., Pate, J.S. 1993. Oc-
ment in Chondropetalum hookerianum (Mast.) Pillans currence of vesicular mycorrhizal fungi in dryland species
(Restionaceae). Acta. Soc. Bot. Pol. 32: 17-190. of Restionaceae and Cyperaceae from SW Western Austra-
Krupko, S. 1966. Some loose embryological and cytological lia. Aust. J. Bot. 41: 733-37.
observations on members of Restionaceae family. Bull. Soc. Mlodzianowski, F. 1964. The structure and the later stages
Amis Sci. Lett. Poznan Ser. D 7: 59-67. of development in the embryo sac of Thamnochortus
Ladd, P.G. 1977. Pollen morphology of some members of the fruticosus Berg (Restionaceae). Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. Lett.
Restionaceae and related families, with notes on the fossil Poznan Ser. D 4: 3-11.
record. Grana 16: 1-14. Noel, A.R.A. 1959. The stem anatomy of Restio triticeus Rottb.,
Lamont, B. 1982. Mechanisms for enhancing nutrient uptake Bobartia indica L., and Cadaba juncea (Sparm.) Harv. J.S.
in plants, with particular reference to Mediterranean South Afr. Bot. 25: 357-370.
Africa and Western Australia. Bot. Rev. 48: 597-689. Pate, J.S., Meney, K.A., Dixon, K.W. 1991. Contrasting growth
Linder, H.P. 1984. A phylogenetic classification of the genera and morphological characteristics of fire-sensitive (obligate
of the African Restionaceae. Bothalia 15: 11-76. seeder) and fire-resistant (resprouter) species of Restio-
Linder, H.P. 1987. The evolutionary history of the Poales/ naceae (S. Hemisphere restiads) from south-western
Restionales- a hypothesis. Kew Bull. 42: 297-318. Australia. Aust. J. Bot. 39: 505-525.
Linder, H.P. 1990. A review of the African Restionaceae. Rourke, J.P. 1974. On restios and roofs. Veld Flora 4: 57-59.
Contrib. Bolus Herb. 14: 209-264. Rudall, P.J., Linder, H.P. 1988. Megagametophyte and nucellus
Linder, H.P. 1991. A review of the southern African Restiona- in Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae. Am. J. Bot. 75: 1777-
ceae. Contrib. Bolus Herb. 13: 209-264. 1786.
Linder, H.P. 1992a. The gynoecia of Australian Restionaceae: Scholtz, A. 1985. The palynology of the upper lacustrine sedi-
morphology, anatomy and systematic implications. Aust. ments of the Arnot Pipe, Banke, Namaqualand. Ann. S. Afr.
Syst. Bot. 5: 227-245. Mus. 95: 1-109.
Restionaceae/Ruppiaceae 445

Stover, L.E., Partridge, A.D. 1973. Tertiary and Late Creta-

ceous spores and pollen from the Gippsland Basin, south-
eastern Australia. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 85: 237-286.
Taylor, H. C. 1978. Capensis. In: Werger, M.J.A. (eds.) Biogeog-
raphy and ecology of southern Africa. The Hague: Junk. and D.H. LEs
Thiergart, F., Frantz, U., Raukopf, K. 1963. Palynologische
Untersuchungen von TertHirkohlen und einer Oberflachen-
probe nahe Knysna, Stidarika. Adv. Front. Plant Sci. 4: 151-
Dberfeld, M. 1925. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des sexuellen
Dimorphismus der Restionaceae. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 60: 176-
206. Ruppiaceae Horan. ex Hutch., Fam. Fl. Pl. 2: 48 (1934), nom.
Van Greuning, J.V., Vander Schijff, H.P. 1973. Chlorenchyma cons.
and sclerenchyma in the culms of Willdenowia Thunb. and
Hypodiscus. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 86: 537-550.
Van Greuning, J.V., Vander Schijff, H.P. 1974. External mor- Annual or rarely perennial submersed glabrous
phology of the genera Hypodiscus Nees and Willdenowia herbs growing in fresh or brackish waters. Roots
Thunb. and key to genera and species based on external fibrous, few, non-septate, from lower nodes of
morphological properties. Kirkia 9: 331-347. stems. Stems slender, branched or unbranched,
Williams, C.A., Harborne, J.B., Greenham, J., Briggs, B.G.,
Johnson, L.A.S. 1997. Flavonoid evidence and the classifica-
terete, often dimorphic, the lower stems rhizoma-
tion of the Anarthriaceae within the Poales. Phytochemistry tous, the upper erect, leafy, the tips not modified
45: 1189-1196. into turions. Leaves alternate to subopposite, di-
Williams, C.A., Harborne, J.B., Greenham, J., Briggs, vided into blade and stipular sheath encircling the
B.G., Johnson, L.A.S. (in press) Flavonoid patterns and the stem; blade entire below, serrulate above, 1-
revised classification of Australian Restionaceae.
veined, thin, linear; infravaginal scales present;
turions rare, with 1 internode, the leaves undiffer-
entiated. Inflorescence a 1-few-fiowered capitate
axillary or terminal spike, at first enclosed by 2
subopposite foliage leaves. Peduncle elongating at
an thesis, elevating the inflorescence to or near the
water surface, or remaining short, occasionally
becoming twisted in fruit, then pulling the devel-
oping fruit below the water surface. Flowers per-
fect, hypogynous, actinomorphic; tepals absent.
Stamens 2, sessile; anthers extrorse, with two
bisporangiate thecae dehiscing by longitudinal
slits; connective broad. Carpels (2)4( -16), distinct,
each forming a pistil with a sessile, peltate,
lobed stigma and a single lateral, more or less
pendulous, campylotropous, bitegmic, and cras-
sinucellar ovule. Fruits long-stipitate or sessile
drupes, the outer soft layers decaying, the inner
sclerotic layers persistent and opening via a small
lid at germination. Seeds exalbuminous, embryo
with enlarged hypocotyl.
Subcosmopolitan, the single genus variously
regarded as a single variable species or as com-
prising about ten species.

VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY (mostly after Tomlin-

son 1982). Ruppia is an aquatic herb growing en-
tirely submersed (Fig. 106) sometimes surviving
the winter by means of a buried rhizome, but more
often the plant is annual. The roots are un-
branched and arise singly at the nodes. Turions
are described for the Australian R. tuberosa, where
they are distal swellings of the shoots consisting of
a single thickened, starch-filled internode.
446 Ruppiaceae

plasmatic trichoblasts that are distinct in ap-

pearance, but not in size, from adjacent cells of
the rhizodermis. Well-developed air lacunae are
present in the mesophyll of the leaf and cortex of
the stem and root. The epidermis contains chloro-
phyll and is the chief photosynthetic tissue of the
plant. Stomata are absent. The vascular system in
the leaf is reduced to a single median vein, directly
continuous with the vascular system of the stem,
together with 2 obscure lateral veins in the leaf
margin. The central xylem in the leaf, stem, and
root are largely represented by a xylem lacuna.
Tannin cells are common elsewhere in the plant
body; vessels, silica bodies, and calcium oxalate
are lacking.
The sieve-tube plastids have cuneate protein
bodies but no starch or filamental protein.


inflorescence terminates the main axis and vegeta-
tive growth continues for a short time from the
axils of the foliage leaves below the inflorescence.
Fig. 106A-J. Ruppiaceae. Ruppia maritima. A Habit. B Tip of
These renewal shoots in turn terminate as inflo-
shoot with sheathing leaves (stipules adnate) enclosing inflo- rescences, resulting in the sympodial pattern of
rescence, above, and stipular sheath (partially cut away), two growth.
young leaves, and peduncle of inflorescence, below. C Inflo- The inflorescence consists of 2 perianthless
rescence, from above, pollen already shed from stamens of flowers (rarely more) subopposite to each other.
lower flower. D Lowet flower, side view, two carpels and two
half-anthers removed. E Inflorescence, flower to left with de- Each flower has 2 median sessile stamens, which
veloping carpels and elongating gynophores, flower to right are bithecate and tetrasporangiate, and open with
with unfertilized carpels. F Carpel, vertical section, diagram- longitudinal slits. The connective is broad and has
matic. G Pollen grain. H Mature drupe. I Endocarp, side view, a dorsiventral outgrowth. The gynoecium consists
lid to left. J Same, adaxial view, with lid removed, lid to right. of usually 4 ascidiate carpels each of which bears a
(Haynes 1978)
single ovule (Fig. 106E).
The interpretation of the outgrowth of the sta-
men connective has been a matter of debate;
The leaves are distichously arranged and sepa- Gamerro (1968) has given a summary of this
rated by long internodes, which are suppressed in controversy. At face value, the outgrowth seems
the distal portions of the shoot. The leaves have to be completely homologous with the appendage
an open, tubular sheath sometimes interpreted on the connective of Potamogeton. Poluszny
as "adnate stipules" (Fig. 106B, although true and Sattler (1974) have shown, however, that
stipules of course are absent from monocotyle- this enation develops after stamen inception, un-
dons). The blade has a conspicuous middle vein like in Potamogeton, but equally as in Groen-
and reaches a length of !Scm and width of about landia.
2 mm. An apical pore is not developed. The
sequence of leaves on new branches is always EMBRYOLOGY. Anther wall formation is appar-
commenced by a bicarinate prophyll. A pair of ently unknown. The tapetum cells are pre-
intravaginal scales (squamules) is present in the dominantly !-nucleate. The walls eventually
axils of the leaves. The squamules are non- disintegrate and a periplasmodium is formed. Mi-
vasculated, but their cells are densely cyto- crosporogenesis is of the Successive type. The tet-
plasmatic with conspicuous nuclei. rads are usually isobilateral. The mature grains
are then 3-celled. In the ovule, the micropyle is
VEGETATIVE ANATOMY (Tomlinson 1982). The formed by both integuments. The archesporia! cell
anatomy of Ruppia is much reduced in relation to cuts off a primary parietal cell that gives rise up to
its aquatic life style. The root hairs are often long- 7 parietal layers below the nucellar epidermis. The
persistent; they are produced from densely cyto- chalaza! megaspore of a linear or T -shaped tetrad
Ruppiaceae 447

develops into a Polygonum-type embryo sac. regions by 2 ducts of pitted parenchyma, visible
Endosperm formation is Helobial (Nuclear after externally as 2 depressions.
Graves 1908). The seed coat consists of a thin, 2-layered testa
Embryo formation follows the Caryophyllad and a tegmen of which only the outer epidermis
type. The ripe seeds lack endosperm and peri- persists, which is remarkable for the size of
sperm. The embryo is cylindrical, straight curved, its cellulosic cells filled with profusely ramified
or coiled, and macropodous. and fused cellulosic corniform protuberances
(Gamerro 1968).
POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen is shed in
monads, which are elongate-arcuate and inaper- DISPERSAL. The fruits, after being released, float
turate (Fig. 106G). The exine is reticulate, the on the water for a period of time varying from less
reticulum being thinned at both ends of the grain than a week to several months. They then sink and
and at the distal convex part (Erdtman 1952). The become covered by the substrate. According to
curved shape of the grains is related to their ability Graves (1908), while covered by the substrate, the
to float by means of holding air bubbles (Gamerro exocarp and mesocarp decay, leaving the en-
1968). docarp intact. The seed coat remains permanently
attached to the endocarp.
KARYOLOGY. Reese (1962) reported somatic
chromosome numbers of 20 for Ruppia maritima PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Saponins and alkaloids are
and 40 for R. spiralis. The karyotype comprises absent in the family. Les and Haynes (1995) report
nine small and one large chromosomes. Chromo- leucoanthocyanins, flavonols, and 0-glycosyl fla-
some numbers based on x = 8 and 12 likewise vones in the family.
have been reported (Fedorov 1969).
AFFINITIES. In most systems of classifica-
PoLLINATION. Although it has been claimed that tion Ruppia is considered as closely related to
pollination of Ruppia is underwater there are Potamogeton, and indeed similarities exist in the
many observations documenting that it takes structure of shoots and inflorescences, and
place on the surface of the water. The most de- Poluszny and Sattler (1974) demonstrated even a
tailed observations on the process of pollination basic agreement in flower development, particu-
are due to Gamerro (1968), who studied Ruppia larly as to stamens and carpels. Differences with
cirrhosa. Flowering begins with the opening of the Potamogeton exist, however, in the nuclear en-
leaf sheath surrounding the developing inflores- dosperm development, the absence of a perianth,
cence, followed by peduncle elongation. When the the number of stamens, and the ontogeny of the
peduncle lies horizontally just below the surface, stamen appendage, which in Ruppia develops
with a thin film of water surrounding it, pollen as an outgrowth of the connective at a late stage
release takes place. The opening of the anther of floral development. These differences may
locule is indicated by the appearance of air warrant family status for Ruppia distinct from
bubbles, which carry the abscised thecae upwards. Potamogetonaceae. However, recent investiga-
When reaching the surface, the thecae open tions using molecular data (Les et al. 1993; Les and
violently, spreading the pollen over the water Haynes 1995) have failed to corroborate a close
surface. The grains adhere end to end, forming relationship between Ruppia and Potamogetona-
chains, and are oriented with the concave cavity ceae. These studies indicated that Ruppiaceae
upward. Bubbles trapped in the cavity and exine are actually related to the marine families
reticulation keep chains afloat. Cymodoceaceae and Posidoniaceae but are not
Following pollen release, growth of the peduncle closely allied to Potamogetonaceae.
resumes, and the inflorescence, now reduced to 2 The phenetic similarity of Cymodoceaceae,
apocarpous gynoecia, is brought to the water sur- Posidoniaceae, and Ruppiaceae (and their dis-
face. Pollen is carried to the stigmas by wave, similarity from Potamogetonaceae) was earlier
wind, or current. After fertilization is accom- recognized by Clifford (1970). Apart from mor-
plished, the whole inflorescence is drawn beneath phological features, it may be significant that
the surface of the water by spiral contraction of Ruppia is highly salt-tolerant and can withstand
the peduncles. salinities up to 70 000 ppm total dissolved salts
(Sainty and Jacobs 1994). Because Ruppia is found
FRUIT AND SEED. The endocarp of the fruit is more typically in brackish water than in marine
heavily sclerified, but perforated in the placental habitats, its relationship to other "seagrasses" has
448 Ruppiaceae

not been given adequate consideration. Yet the Dahlgren, R., Rasmussen, F.N. 1983. Monocotyledon evolu-
bisexual condition of floral organs in Ruppia, tion. Evol. Biol. 16: 255-395.
Davis, G.L. 1966. See general references.
together with a tolerance to a wide range of sa- Erdtman, G. 1952. See general references.
linities, may indicate a phylogenetic position Fedorov, A.A. 1969. See general references.
intermediate between a bisexual, freshwater an- Friis, E.M. 1985. Angiosperm fruits and seeds from the Middle
cestor and the Posidoniaceae (bisexual; exclu- Miocene of Jutland (Denmark). K. Dan. Vidensk. Selsk.
sively marine) and Cymodoceaceae (unisexual; Biol. Skr. 24(3): 1-165.
Gamerro, J.C. 1968. Observaciones sobre Ia biologia floral y
exclusively marine). All members of these three morfologia de Ia potamogetonacea Ruppia cirrhosa (Petag.)
families are water-pollinated and share adapta- Grande(= "R. spiralis" L. ex Dum.). Darwiniana 14: 575-
tions such as elongate pollen. Recalling past 608.
comparisons with leaves of Potamogetonaceae, Graves, A.H. 1908. The morphology of Ruppia maritima.
similarity is also evident between leaves of Ruppia Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 14: 59-170.
Haynes, R.R. 1978. The Potamogetonaceae in the Southeastern
and the filiform leaves of Syringodium (Cymo- United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 59: 170-191.
doceaceae). Jacobs, S.W.L., Brock, M.A. 1982. A revision of the genus
Ruppia (Potamogetonaceae) in Australia. Aquat. Bot. 14:
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The Ruppiaceae 325-337.
Les, D.H., Haynes, R.R. 1995. Systematics of subclass
are subcosmopolitan. Most species occur in tem- Alismatidae: a synthesis of approaches. In: Rudall, P.J.,
perate regions, especially in the northern hemi- Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyle-
sphere. All species grow in fresh to brackish dons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens,
waters, but none is marine. Those of freshwater Kew pp. 353-377.
habitats often occur in waters with high concen- Les, D.H., Garvin, D.K., Wimpee, C.F. 1993. Phylogenetic stud-
ies in the monocot subclass Alismatidae: evidence for a
trations of sulfur. reappraisal of the aquatic order Najadales. Mol. Phylog.
Evol. 2: 304-314.
PALEOBOTANY. The earliest records of the family Muller, J. 1981. Fossil pollen records of extant angiosperms.
are from the Paleocene (Muller 1981). Friis (1985 Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 47: 1-142.
reports ?Limnocarpus sp. from the Middle Mi- Murbeck, S. 1902. Ober die Embryologie von Ruppia rostellata
Koch. Koninkl. Sven. Vetensk. Ak. Handl. 36(5): 1-21.
ocene in Denmark. She gives an illustration of Novelo, R.A. 1991. Ruppia didymia (Potamogetonaceae) en
the endocarp, which resembles the endocarp of Mexico y las Antillas. An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Auton. Mex.
Ruppia, and indicates that the specimen may rep- Ser. Bot. 62: 173-180.
resent either Potamogetonaceae or Ruppiaceae. Poluszny, U., Sattler, R. 1974. Floral development of Ruppia
Daghlian (1981) makes no mention ofRuppiaceae. maritima var. maritima. Can. J. Bot. 52: 1607-1612.
Preston, C.D. 1995. Pondweeds of Great Britain and Ireland.
BSBI Handbook no. 8. London: Botanical Society of the
A single genus: British Isles.
Reese, G. 1962. Zur intragenerischen Gliederung der Gattung
Ruppia L. Z. Bot. 50: 237-264.
Ruppia L. Fig. 106 Sainty, G.R., Jacobs, S.W.L. 1994. Waterplants in Australia.
Darlinghurst: Sainty and Associates.
Ruppia L., Sp. Pl. 1: 127 (1753). Schwanitz, G. 1967. Untersuchungen zur postmeiotischen
Mikrosporogenese. I. Morphogenese des Ruppia-Pollens.
Characters of the family. Seven or eight spp.; R. Pollen Spores 9: 9-48.
maritima L. nearly cosmopolitan, R. cirrhosa Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. Anatomy of the monocotyledons VII.
(Petagna) Grande in Europe and Nand S America; Helobiae (Alismatidae). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
three spp. endemic to Australia and New Zealand,
and one sp. to Central America/Caribbean. The
differences among the species are summarized in
Novelo (1991).

Selected Bibliography

Clifford, H.T. 1970. Monocotyledon classification with special

reference to the origin of grasses (Poaceae). In: Robson,
N.K.B., Cutler, D.F., Gregory, M. (eds.) New research in
plant anatomy. London: Academic Press pp. 25-34.
Daghlian, C.P. 1981. A review of the fossil record of monocoty-
ledons. Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 47: 517-555.
Dahlgren, R.T.M., Clifford, H.T. 1982. See general references.
Scheuchzeriaceae 449

Scheuchzeriaceae lacunae in the mesophyll, root cortex, and

throughout the ground tissue of the axis. Hypo-
R.R. HAYNES, D.H. LES, dermal files of crystals line the vascular bundles of
and L.B. HOLM-NIELSEN the leaf. Long vessels with scalariform perforation
plates occur in the roots. Tannin cells are present
(Tomlinson 1982).

FLORAL MORPHOLOGY. Developmental studies

provide no indication of spiral inception of floral
Scheuchzeriaceae F. Rudolphi, Syst. Orb. Veg.: 28 (1830), nom. organs; instead, floral organs of each whorl arise

A glabrous rhizomatous perennial. Rhizome hori-

zontal, sympodial, covered with persistent fibrous
remains of older leaves. Adventitious roots in-
serted just below the node. Aerial stem erect, to ca.
35 em. Leaves basal and cauline, alternate, disti-
chous, linear, compressed-terete, several-veined,
with sheathing base, the apex obtuse with a
distinct pore; sheath open, marginally hyaline,
fibrous remains often persisting, with 2 delicate,
obtuse auricles; infravaginal hairs numerous.
Inflorescence a simple bracteate raceme with a
terminal flower. Flowers perfect, hypogynous,
trimerous and pentacyclic. Tepals distinct, all
similar, lanceolate-elliptic. Stamens distinct; an-
thers bithecate, 4-sporangiate, extrorse, dehiscing
by longitudinal slits, with short connective tip.
Carpels 3(-6), only basally connate, with decur-
rent, ventral, sessile, dry stigmas. Ovules (1- )2
per locule, basal-axile, erect, anatropous. Fruits
adaxially dehiscing follicles. Seeds 1(-2), oblong,
Only one species, Scheuchzeria palustris L., from
the arctic and temperate regions of the Northern


rushlike, glabrous herb of Sphagnum bogs. The
branched roots are developed from the rhizome
just below the nodes. The blades are more or less
terete below, becoming flattened above, and taper
to a rounded apex, which is terminate adaxially by
a conspicuous pore. The sheath is wider than the
blade and has a hyaline margin that extends up-
wards as 2 small rounded auricles (Fig. 107). In the
axis of the sheaths are numerous hairs that sur-
round the nodes. These are obviously homologous
to the infravaginal squamules found in related

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The sieve-tube plastids

contain cuneate protein bodies and lack starch or Fig. 107A-E. Scheuchzeriaceae. Scheuchzeria palustris. A
filamental protein. The anatomy is reduced in re- Flowering plant. B Fruiting plant. C Flower. D Fruit. E Seeds.
lation to the wet habitat, with well-developed air (Takhtajan 1982)
450 Scheuchzeriaceae

almost simultaneously in acropetal sequence AFFINITIES. The phylogenetic position of

(Posluszny in Tomlinson 1982: 233). Scheuchzeria is usually believed to be close to the
Juncaginaceae (including Lilaea). An expanded
EMBRYOLOGY. The walls of the uninucleate tapetal concept of Scheuchzeriaceae that include Lilaea
cells disintegrate and a periplasmodium is formed and other genera ofJ uncaginaceae was suggested
that intrudes between the pollen tetrads. Mi- by Buchenau (1903). The relationship between
crosporogenesis has not been studied (Davis 1966). Scheuchzeriaceae and Juncaginaceae is supported
The pollen is shed as dyads in the 3-celled stage. by the restricted occurrence of the cynogenic glu-
The ovules are anatropous and bitegmic, the mi- coside triglochinin in these families.
cropyle is formed by the inner integument, and a Characteristics of Scheuchzeriaceae that differ
parietal cell is formed and gives rise to 4 layers of from Juncaginaceae include pollen dyads, infra-
parietal tissue. The megaspore tetrad is linear. vaginal hairs, tetracytic stomata, follicular fruits, 2
Embryo sac formation follows the Polygonum ovules per carpel, and subterete leaves with a con-
type, and endosperm formation is Helobial. The spicuous apical pore. Because of these (and other)
micropylar chamber becomes coenocytic, but later distinctive features (Tomlinson 1982), the major-
cellular, while the nucleus of the chalaza! chamber ity of authors have recognized Scheuchzeriaceae
does not divide or exhibit any haustoria! activity as a monotypic family.
(Stenar 1935). Embryo development follows the Early classifications (e.g., Lindley 1853; Bessey
Caryophyllad type, in which the basal cell does 1915; Skottsberg 1940) placed Scheuchzeriaceae in
not divide but enlarges and forms the terminal cell the Alismatales. Hutchinson (1959) also followed
of the short suspensor. The ripe seeds are exal- this convention and considered the family to be
buminous. The embryo is chlorophyllous and has derived from the Alismataceae. Most contempo-
a small plumule and a single rounded cotyledon. rary authors (e.g., Cronquist 1981; Dahlgren et al.
1985) have placed the Scheuchzeriaceae in the
PoLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are dis- Zosterales ("Najadales").
persed in dyads (Erdtman 1952). They are globose, Molecular data (Les and Haynes 1995; D.H. Les,
inaperturate, and the exine is reticulate and unpubl.) do not support the merger of Scheu-
tenuimurate. The reticulum is continuous be- chzeriaceae and Juncaginaceae. Despite their
tween the 2 cells. shared occurrence of triglochinin, these families
are not phylogenetic sister groups, but are more
KARYOLOGY. The basic chromosome number is distantly related. The significant morphological
n = 11 (Love and Love 1961). and anatomical divergence of these families
(Tomlinson 1982) is paralleled by a considerable
PoLLINATION. This is probably by wind. level of molecular divergence. Morphological
and molecular data support the retention of
SEED. There is an obvious raphe arising at the Scheuchzeriaceae and depict a more distant
micropyle and running nearly the entire length relationship between these families than many
of the seed. The testa is glossy, smooth, and authors have assumed. Cladograms of the
unornamented. Alismatidae constructed from molecular data
clearly place the Scheuchzeriaceae among
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Silica bodies, saponins, and families of the Zosterales, with no indication
alkaloids are absent in the family. The plants of a close relationship to families of the
are especially rich in the cyanogenic glucoside Alismatales. In these analyses. Scheuchzeriaceae
triglochinin. Flavonoids are unknown in the follow Aponogetonaceae as the most basal mem-
family (McClure 1970). The nonlignified cell bers of the Zosterales.
walls contain no ferculate.
Only one genus:
grows in temperate to subarctic regions in the Fig. 107
Scheuchzeria L.
northern hemisphere. In North America it ranges
in the south to N California and New Jersey, in Scheuchzeria L. Sp. Pl.: 338 (1753).
Europe to Italy and Jugoslavia, and in Asia to Japan.
It grows in transitional and ombrogenous Description as for family.
Sphagnum bogs, especially in bogs extending over
postglacial kettle lakes.
Scheuchzeriaceae/Strelitziaceae 451

Selected Bibliography Strelitziaceae

Bessey, C.E. 1915. The phylogenetic taxonomy of flowering L. ANDERSSON
plants. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 2: 109-164.
Buchenau, F. 1903. Scheuchzeriaceae. Pflanzenreich IV. 14: 1-
20. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
Dahlgren, R.M.T. eta!. 1985. See general references.
Davis, G.L. 1966. See general references.
Erdtman, G. 1952. See general references.
Hutchinson, J. 1959. The families of flowering plants, Vol. 2,
2nd edn. Monocotyledons. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Strelitziaceae (K. Schum.) Hutch., Fam. Fl. Pl. 2: 72 (1934),
Les, D.H., Haynes, R.R. 1995. Systematics of subclass nom, cons.
Alismatidae: a synthesis of approaches. In: Rudall, P.J., Musaceae subfam. Strelitzioideae K. Schum. (1900).
Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyle-
dons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew pp. 353-377.
Arborescent suckering plants or acaulescent plants
Lindley, J. 1853. The vegetable kingdom, 3rd edn. London: with dichotomously branched stem, suckers axil-
Bradbury and Evans. lary when present. Leaves alternate, distichously
Love, A., Love, D. 1961. Chromosome numbers of central and arranged, differentiated into sheath, petiole (often
northwest European plant species. Opera Bot. 5: 1-581. indistinct or lacking), and blade; sheath without
McClure, J.W. 1970. Secondary constituents of aquatic an-
giosperms, In: Harborne, J.B. (ed.) Phytochemical phylog- distinct ligule; blade entire, with coarse midrib and
eny. London: Academic Press pp. 233-268. closely set, parallel, slightly sigmoid lateral veins
Skottsberg C.J.F. 1940. Vaxternes liv popular vetenskaplig fusing near margin; lateral veins interconnected by
handbok Vol. 5. Stockholm: Aktiebolaget Familjeboken. tertiary cross-veins. Inflorescence a terminal or lat-
Stenar, H. 1935. Embryologische Beobachtungen iiber eral thyrse, bearing cincinnate flower clusters in
Scheuchzeria palustris L. Bot. Not. 1935: 78-86.
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references. axils of spathaceous bracts on an indeterminate
Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. Anatomy of the monocotyledons VII. main axis. Flowers perfect, trimerous and 5-cyclic,
Helobiae (Alismatidae). Oxford: Clarendon Press. heterochlamydeous, zygomorphic, subtended by
carinate bracteoles; stamens 5 or 6, no staminodes
present; anthers basifixed, elongate, 2-thecate, 4-
sporangiate. Ovary inferior, 3-locular, with deeply
sunken septal nectaries; ovules anatropous, nu-
merous on axile placentae; style filiform, often
dilated distally. Fruit a dehiscent capsule; seeds
inoperculate, arillate, with a 1-layered, starchless
perisperm, with copious starchy endosperm.
Three genera and six or seven species; tropical
America, southern Africa and Madagascar.


vegetative morphology have been described by
Tomlinson (1962).
The plants generally have a sympodial rhizome
with branches terminating in aerial shoots, and
with renewal branches arising near the base of the
aerial shoot. Vegetative buds are axillary (Fisher
1978). Dichotomous branching has been demon-
strated in Strelitzia reginae (Fisher 1976). Rhi-
zome branches are usually short and massive,
becoming cormlike at soil surface. Leaves are pro-
duced from the "corm" tip. The short rhizome
branches typically give the plants a caespitose
habit. Phenakospermum has rhizome branches
developed as runners. Starch is commonly stored
in the ground parenchyma of the rhizome
(Tomlinson 1959), but no specialised storage
structures are known.
452 Strelitziaceae

only to a precursory tip, which is usually not iden-

tifiable in the mature leaf (Kaplan 1973).
The ptyxis is supervolute. In Phenakospermum
the mature leaf appears torn off at tip (although
the shedding of the leaf tip does not seem to have
been observed). The leaf blade in all genera has a
massive midrib from which closely set, parallel
secondary veins diverge. These have a slightly
sigmoid course and fuse near the leaf margin.
They are interconnected by parallel tertiary veins,
which are perpendicular to the secondary ones.

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Vegetative anatomy was

described in detail by Tomlinson (1959, 1960). The
stomatal apparatus was described by Tomlinson
(1974) and Olatunji (1980).
Root stele with wide vessels and phloem strands
scattered throughout the stelar ground tissue. Rhi-
zomes with the central cylinder demarcated by
an endodermis. Hairs absent from aerial parts.
Arborescent stem with a peripheral mechanical
layer with congested vascular bundles with mas-
sive fibre sheaths; central cylinder not demarcated
by an endodermis. Leaf axis with a main arc of
vascular strands which are continuous with the
major lateral veins of the lamina, several arcs of
smaller and shorter strands, some entirely fibrous,
present on the abaxial side of the main arc; with
one separate system of air canals on each side of
the main arc of vascular bundles, each system
often with several arcs of air canals. Lamina: epi-
dermal cells with anticlinal walls variable but pre-
dominantly non-sinous; stomata polycytic, guard
cells symmetrical in cross-section; hypodermis
2- or more-layered; mesophyll homogeneous and
Fig. 108A-D. Strelitziaceae. Ravena/a madagascariensis.
A Flowering plant. B Partial inflorescence, the spathaceous
composed of compact or lobed cells; vascular
bract half cut away, floral bracts removed, showing one open strands with a sheath of fibres on either side, all
flower after anthesis and a second mature, but unopened veins connected to both sides. Epicuticular wax
flower. C Ovary, transversal section. D Stigma with fingerlike rodlets (Strelitzia wax) present (Frolich and
protuberances surrounding the receptive area. (Kress et a!. Barthlott 1988). Silica cells associated with vascu-
lar bundles in all parts of the plant except the
roots, silica bodies druselike or spherical. Raphide
sacs present in the ground tissue of all organs.
Ravenala, Phenakospermum and Strelitzia nico- Tannin present, in morphologically unspecialised
lai have an elongate, woody aerial stem, which cells in all parts of the plant.
bears the leaves in a fanlike cluster on top
(Fig 108). In other species of Strelitzia the stem is INFLORESCENCE. The inflorescence is lateral in
short and cormlike. Even though the stems are Ravenala and Strelitzia, but terminal in Phenako-
woody in texture, no secondary growth has been spermum. The main axis is indeterminate. It
demonstrated. bears distichous, persistent, spathaceous bracts
The leaf is usually differentiated into sheath, (spathes), in the axils of which partial inflores-
petiole and blade, although a distinct petiole is cences arise. The flowers are bracteolate.
sometime missing. All divisions of the leaf are The partial inflorescences have been variously
derived from the proximal (Unterblatt) part of the interpreted. The classical (and still most com-
primordium, the distal (Oberblatt) part giving rise monly accepted) interpretation, proposed by
Strelitziaceae 453

Eichler (1875), is that it is a cincinnus. The whole distinct aperture. The exine is endexinous in na-
inflorescence is then a thyrse with monochasial ture, very thin and in Phenakospermum discon-
partial inflorescences (see also under Heli- tinuous. It is made up of several layers which may
coniaceae ). (Phenakospermum) slough off during develop-
ment. The intine is thick and 2-layered. The
FLORAL STRUCTURE AND ANATOMY. The flowers exintine is granular and the endintine is chan-
have a basically trimerous, pentacyclic organiza- nelled, appearing radially striate in the light
tion, with 2 whorls of tepals, 2 of stamens, and 1 of microscope. In Strelitzia reginae grains are con-
carpels. The flowers are oriented with the un- nected together within a pollen sac by cellular,
paired sepal in the posterior position. The outer non-sporopolleninous threads that are not con-
tepals are free and equal or subequal, whereas the nected with the exine (Hesse and Waha 1983).
inner are basally fused for a short distance, the 2
anterior being distinctly larger than the posterior KARYOLOGY. Chromosome numbers of 2n = 14
inner tepal. In Strelitzia the 2 anterior inner tepals and 2n = 22 have been reported for Strelitzia and
are connivent, to form a sagittate structure, which 2n = 22 for Ravenala (Bisson et al. 1968). Other
centrally forms a groove enclosing filaments and numbers for these genera seem unreliable. One
style. The sagittate structure is brightly coloured pair of chromosomes has satellites (Cheesman
by special carotenoids and obviously has an ad- and Larter 1935).
vertising function.
Ravenala has a complete set of 6 fertile stamens, PoLLINATION. Early observations of bird pollina-
whereas the other genera have 5. The missing tion in Ravenala (Scott Elliot 1890) have not been
stamen belongs to the inner whorl. It is not repre- confirmed. Kress et al. (1994) instead gave a de-
sented by a staminode. tailed report on the pollinator relationship with
The gynoecium is formed by 3 carpels. The the ruffed lemur. The specialisations of Ravenala
ovary is inferior and trilocular, with numerous for visitation by large non-flying animals include
ovules on axile placentae. It has a conspicuous the easy access of the inflorescences to arboreal
solid prolongation above the locules. The septal animals; the large size of the flowers enclosed in
nectaries are deeply sunken, reaching as far down tough, protective bracts requiring a strong polli-
as the ovarian transmitting tissue (Kronestedt and nator to open; and the production of copious,
Walles 1986). sucrose-rich nectar. In contrast, Strelitzia nicolai
and S. reginae are pollinated by sunbirds (Frost
EMBRYOLOGY. The anthers are tetrasporangiate. and Frost 1981). The birds perch on the anther
The tapetum of Strelitzia is secretory and multi- sheath and stigma, and thus transfer pollen pri-
layered. Microspore formation is successive and marily with their feet. Nectar-feeding bats of the
tetrads are isobilateral, linear or T-shaped, in Phyllostomatidae appear to be the primary polli-
approximately equal proportions. Pollen grains nators of Phenakospermum in South America
are 1-celled at dispersal due to disintegration of (W.J. Kress and D. Stone, unpubl.).
the vegetative cell (van de Venter 1976a).
The ovule is anatropous, with 2 integuments. FRUIT AND SEED. The fruit is a woody, trilocular,
The micropyle is formed by both integuments. loculicidal capsule, opening at maturity to expose
The nucellus is crassinucellate. Megasporogenesis the seeds and their brightly coloured arils. The aril
follows the Polygonum type. No parietal cell is made up of threads and orange in Strelitzia,
seems to be formed. A circular thickening, the so- blue in Ravenala, and red in Phenakospermum.
called Mikropylarkragen, is formed by periclinal Seed anatomy of Strelitzia and Ravenala was de-
divisions in the outer integument. The nucellar scribed by Desler (1994). The mature seeds lack
epidermis becomes palisadelike at the maturity of hypostase and operculum. The testa has a con-
the embryo sac. The aril is formed partly from the spicuous outer cuticle. It is made up almost
outer integument near the micropyle, partly from entirely by tissues derived from the outer integu-
the funicle opposite the micropyle. Endosperm ment; the inner integument is represented only by
formation is Nuclear (Mauritzon 1936). compressed remainders and a cuticle. The inner
The mature embryo is club-shaped in Strelitzia epidermis of the outer integument consists of
(van de Venter 1976b). large cells with the inner tangential walls con-
spicuously thickened (U-celllayer). The nucellus
POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Pollen grains are radio- is represented by a single layer of cells, which
symmetric and isopolar, without a structurally may store lipids but no starch. Starch is stored in
454 Strelitziaceae

the endosperm in the form of simple, fusiform 2. Phenakospermum Endl.

Phenakospermum End!., Gen. Pl. 3: 229 (1837).
Ravena/a subgen. Phenakospermum (End!.) Baker (1893).
DISPERSAL. The seeds are obviously dispersed by
birds, which are attracted by the brightly coloured Arborescent, suckering plants; leaves in fanlike
arils. cluster on top of trunk; leaf tip truncate due to
pseudocalyptrate bud opening. Inflorescence ter-
RELATIONSHIPS. Strelitzia, Ravenala, and Phena- minal. Outer tepals equal, inner shorter, fused at
kospermum have traditionally been treated as a base, subequal in shape, but posterior one smaller
tribe of the Musaceae (e.g. Schumann 1900; than lateral; stamens 5, staminode lacking; each
Winkler 1930). Hutchinson (1934) placed them locule with 4-many rows of ovules. Seed elongated
together with Heliconia in a separate family, the along micropyle-chalaza axis; aril bright red. Only
Strelitziaceae. Nakai (1941), finally, segregated one sp., P. guyannense (Rich.) Endl. ex Miq.,
Heliconia, which he referred to a separate family. widely but patchily distributed in tropical S
Nakai's view has subsequently become predomi- America.
nant (e.g. Tomlinson 1962; Cronquist 1981;
Dahlgren et al. 1985) and is also supported by
cladistic analyses (Kress 1995). 3. Strelitzia Ait.
In a phylogenetic analysis of the Zingiberales Strelitzia Ait., Hort. Kew. 1: 285 (1789).
based on morphological characters (Kress 1990)
the Strelitziaceae are basal to the other members Plant either arborescent and suckering or acaules-
of the "banana group" (excepting Musaceae), in cent with dichotomously branching, cormlike
which the four "ginger families" are nested. stems. Inflorescence lateral. Outer tepals unequal,
the median smaller than the lateral paired ones;
DISTRIBUTION. The Strelitziaceae have a relictual inner tepals strongly unequal, the paired ones
distribution with Ravenala endemic to Madagas- large, brightly coloured and connivent into a sag-
car, Phenakospermum widely distributed in north- ittate structure centrally with a groove enclosing
ern S America, and Strelitzia distributed along the style and stamens, the unpaired (posterior) small;
SE coast of S Africa. stamens 5, staminode lacking; locules with 2 rows
of ovules. Aril orange. Four or five spp., mainly
KEY TO THE GENERA along the East coast of S Africa, from the Cape
1. Petals very unequal: the 2 paired (anterior) ones connivent Province into Transvaal. S. regineae Ait. and S.
into a large sagittate structure with central groove enclosing nicolai Regel & Koch widely cultivated as orna-
stamens and style; the posterior petal small and scalelike mentals, the former also grown on a large scale for
3. Strelitzia cut flowers (Bird of Paradise).
- Petals ± equal in shape but the posterior smaller 2
2. Inflorescence lateral; stamens 6 1. Ravena/a
- Inflorescence terminal; stamens 5 2. Phenakospermum

Selected Bibliography
1. Ravenala Adanson Fig. 108
Bisson, S., Guillemet, S., Hamel, J.-L. 1968. Contribution a
Ravena/a Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 67 (1763), Lane, Mitt. Bot. !'etude caryo-taxonomique des Scitaminees. Mem. Mus.
Staatssamml. Miinch. 13: 114-131 (1955), rev. Hist. Nat. II. B. 18: 59-145, pl. 1-19.
Urania Schreb. (1893). Chessman, E.E., Larter, L.N.H. 1935. Genetical and cytological
Ravena/a subgen. Urania (Schreb.) Baker (1893). studies of Musa. III. Chromosome numbers in the Musa-
ceae. J. Genet. 30: 31-52.
Arborescent, suckering plants, with woody trunk Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
Dahlgren, R. et a!. 1985. See general references.
apically with leaves in fanlike cluster; leaf tips Desler, B. 1994. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Anatomie
acuminate. Inflorescence axillary. Outer tepals und Morphologie von Scitamineen-Samen. Unpublished
equal, free; inner equal in shape but posterior one Diploma Thesis. Kaiserslautern: Faculty of Biology, Univer-
smaller than the lateral; stamens 6; each locule sity of Kaiserslautern.
with 2 rows of ovules. Seeds depressed; aril blue. Eichler, A.W. 1875. Bliithendiagramme construiert and
erHiutert Vol. 1. Leipzig: Engelmann.
Only one sp., R. madagascariensis Sonn., endemic Fisher, J.B. 1976. Development of dichotomous branching and
to Madagascar, now widely cultivated as orna- axillary buds in Strelitzia (Monocotyledonae). Can. J. Bot.
mental in the tropics. 54: 578-592.
Strelitziaceae/Thurniaceae 455

Fisher, J.B. 1978. Leaf-opposed buds in Musa: their develop-

ment and a comparison with allied monocotyledons. Am. J.
Bot. 65: 784-791.
Frolich, D., Barthlott, W. 1988. See general references.
Frost, S.K., Frost, P.G.H.1981. Sunbird pollination ofStrelitzia
nicolai. Oecologia 49: 379-384.
Hesse, M., Waha, M. 1983. The fine structure of the pollen wall
in Strelitzia reginae (Musaceae). Plant. Syst. Evol. 141: 285-
Hutchinson, J. 1934. Families of flowering plants, 2nd edn.,
Vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Kaplan, D.R. 1973. The problem of leaf morphology and Thurniaceae Engl., Syllabus ed. 5: 94 (1907}, nom. cons.
evolution in monocotyledons. Q. Rev. Bioi. 48: 437-457.
Kress, W.J. 1990. The phylogeny and classification of the
Zingiberales. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 698-721.
Coarse perennial herbs from an upright roostock.
Kress, W.J., Schatz, G.E., Andrianifahanana, M., Morland, H.S. Leaves tristichously arranged, simple, parallel-
1994. Pollination of Ravena/a madagascariensis (Strelitzia- veined, all basal, with sheathing base and elongate,
ceae) by lemurs in Madagascar: evidence for an archaic leathery, flat or (in cross-section) V-shaped,
coevolutionary system? Am. J. Bot. 81: 542-551. sometimes prickly margined blade. Inflorescences
Kronestedt, E., Walles, B. 1986. Anatomy of the Strelitzia
reginae flower (Strelitziaceae). Nord. J. Bot. 6: 307-320.
of one or more dense, racemose, globose to ellip-
Mauritzon, J. 1936. Samenbau und Embryologie einiger soid heads subtended by spreading, leafy bracts
Scitamineen. Lunds Univ. Arsskr. N.F. Adv. 2, 31: 1-31. on an otherwise leafless, bluntly triangular or
Nakai, T. 1941. Notulae ad plantas orientalis (XVI). Jpn. J. Bot. quadrangular peduncle; flowers perfect, regular;
17: 189-203. pedicel short, swollen, spreadingly puberulous,
Olatunji, O.A. 1980. The structure and development of sto-
mata in some Zingiberales. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 38: grading into the perigone; tepals persistent,
499-515. chaffy, 3 + 3 equal, spotted; stamens distinct, 3 +
Schumann, K. 1900. Musaceae. In: Engler A. (ed.) Das 3, with the filaments somewhat adnate to the base
Pflanzenreich IV.46: 1-45. Leipzig: Engelmann. of the tepals; anthers basifixed, tetrasporangiate,
Scott-Elliot, G.F. 1980. Note on the fertilization of Musa, introrse, opening by longitudinal slits; pollen
Strelitzia reginae, and Ravena/a madagascariensis. Ann.
Bot. 4: 259-264. borne in tetrads, scabrate and ulcerate; gynoecium
Tomlinson, P.B. 1959. An anatomical approach to the classifi- of 3 carpels united to form a compound, superior,
cation of the Musaceae. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 55: 779-809. trilocular pistil with 3 or more erect, anatropous,
Tomlinson, P.B. 1960. The anatomy of Phenakospermum crassinucellar, ascending ovules; ovary tapering
(Musaceae). J. Arnold Arbor. 41: 287-297.
distally, scarcely produced into a style, with 3
Tomlinson, P.B. 1962. Phylogeny of the Scitamineae - mor-
phological and anatomical considerations. Evolution 16: elongated stylodia, stigmas dry. Fruit a loculicidal
192-213. capsule, commonly with 3 spindle-shaped seeds
Tomlinson, P.B. 1974. Development of the stomatal complex supplied at each end with a hispid process, 1 in
as a taxonomic character in the monocotyledons. Taxon 23: each locule; embryo small, cylindric, monocotyle-
Venter, H.A. Van de. 1976a. Microsporogenesis and -gameto-
donous, embedded in copious, mealy, starchy
genesis in Strelitzia reginae Ait. J.S. Afr. Bot. 42: 25-31. endosperm.
Venter, H.A. Van de 1976b. Notes on the morphology of the Comprising a single genus with three species
embryo and seedling of Strelitzia reginae Ait. J.S. Afr. Bot. centred in the Guayana region of northern S
42: 63-69. America, extending into the Amazon region;
Winkler, H. 1930. Musaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K. (eds.)
Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 2nd edn. 1Sa. pp. 505- growing in flooded habitats on sandy soil.
541. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
ANATOMY (Cutler 1965, 1969). On the leaves, the
stomata are confined to intercostal zones and are
paracytic, rarely tetracytic. A 1-2-layered hypo-
dermis is developed beneath both leaf surfaces
partly as sclerenchyma, partly as parenchyma,
with cells of the latter sometimes protruding be-
tween the epidermal cells. The leaf blades are pro-
vided with numerous air canals which at intervals
are traversed by diaphragms. The leaf vascular
bundles are arranged in vertical pairs composed
of a larger adaxial and a smaller abaxial bundle.
The latter is inverted so that the phloem portions
of both bundles face each other, a trait considered
456 Thurniaceae

as very peculiar by Cutler; it is different from an

arrangement to be expected in unifacialleaves.
Vessels with slanting end walls and scalariform
perforation are present in all vegetative parts.
Silica is present in sandlike particles in paren-
chyma cells and 1-several small, spheroidal or
nodular silica bodies per cell in some epidermal
cells. Tannin cells are scattered; crystals of I

calcium oxalate are missing.

EMBRYOLOGY AND SEED (from Thimm 1985).

The division of the pollen mother cell is simul- .' ~

taneous. Mature pollen is 3-celled. The ovule is A !

bitegmic, crassinucellar and has a zig-zag micro- .,lj
pyle. In the seed coat, the outer integument is c D
composed of 1-3 layers of sclerenchymatic fibres,
which extend into the terminal processes of the
Fig.110A-D. Thurniaceae. A, B Thurnia jenmanii. A Capitate
seeds, and 1-2 inner parenchymatic layers. The inflorescence. B Flower. C, D Th. sphaerocephala. C Capsule.
tegmen is represented by 2 cell layers densely filled D Seed. (Takhtajan 1982)
with tannin, the outer small and compressed, the
inner large.
Stevenson and Loconte (1995) (confirmed by
the Cyperaceae. Thus it would appear attractive
D.W. Stevenson, pers. comm.) reported for
to view Thurniaceae as linking Juncaceae with
Thurnia the presence of an aril and diffuse
Cyperaceae (all three with diffuse centromeres!),
as suggested, among others, by Dahlgren et al.
(1985) and Huber (1991). In a cladistic analysis of
AFFINITIES. At one time, the Thurniaceae had
the Cyperales, which was based on structural data,
been included in the Juncaceae, with which they
agree in several traits, most notably the tetrad pol- Simpson (1995) found Thurnia embedded in the
Juncaceae. It must be borne in mind, however,
len (Fig. 109), but from which they differ in the
that the little, that up to the present is known of
possession of silica bodies which are absent from
Thurnia, makes it distinct from the Juncaceae.
the latter family but occur - in different shape - in
Only one genus:

Thurnia Hook. f. Fig. 109, 110

Thurnia Hook. f. in Hook., Ic. Pl.: t. 1407-1408 (1883).

Decription as for family.

Selected Bibliography

Cheadle, V.I., Kosakai, H. 1974. Vessels in Juncales. I.

Juncaceae and Thurniaceae. Phytomorphology 23: 80- 87.
Cutler, D.P. 1965. Vegetative anatomy of Thurniaceae. Kew
Bull. 19: 431-441.
Cutler, D.P. 1969. Juncales. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of
the monocotyledons, IV. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 78-
Dahlgren, R. et al. 1985. See general references.
Huber, H. 1991. See general references.
Pilger, R. 1930. Thurniaceae. In: E.-P., Natiirliche Pflanzen-
familien, 2nd edn., vol. 15a. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, pp. 58-
Fig. 109. Thurniaceae. Thurnia polycephala. Pollen tetrad 59.
with finely areolate, microspinulose exine sculpture, SEM Simpson, D. 1995. Relationships within Cyperales. In: Rudall,
X2400. (Photo E. Grafstrom, Palynol. Laboratory, Stockholm) P.J., Cribb, D.F., Cutler, D.P., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Mono-
Thurniaceae/Typhaceae 457

cotyledons; systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Typhaceae

Gardens, Kew, pp. 497-509.
Stevenson, D.W., Loconte, H. 1995. Cladistic analysis of K. KUBITZKI
monocot families. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, D.F., Cutler, D.F.,
Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 543-578.
Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
Thimm, U. 1985. Zur Embryologie, Bliiten- und Fruch-
tanatomie der isolierten Juncales-Gattungen Prionia and
Thurnia. Diploma Thesis. Bochum: University of Bochum,
Division of Biology.
Typhaceae Juss., Gen. Pl.: 25 (1789), nom. cons.
Sparganiaceae F. Rudolphi (1830).

Glabrous, perennial, herbaceous amphiphytes

from scaly, sympodial, starchy rhizomes, emergent
from shallow water or growing on wet soil, some-
times wholly submerse and floating. Leaves alter-
nate, distichous, with strongly sheathing base and
an elongate, parallel-veined blade, basal in sterile
plants and forming an erect false stem, on
flowering plants also dispersed along the stem,
rarely stem bearing only hypsophylls. Inflorescence
racemose, the numerous monoecious, hypogynous
flowers grouped into dense, complex globular
heads or very dense cylindric spikes; perianth of
1-several inconspicuous tepals or more or less
numerous slender bristles; stamens (1-)3(-8), the
filaments distinct or connate; anthers basifixed,
tetrasporangiate, dithecal; gynoecium pseudo-
monomerous, with a single fertile carpel, less often
with 2-3 ± fully developed carpels connate to form
a compound ovary, the stigmas or branches of the
common style accordingly 1-3; ovule solitary (in
each locule), pendulous from near the top oflocule,
apotropous, anatropous, bitegmic, crassinucellar.
Fruit small, dry, indehiscent or dorsally dehiscent;
seed with a straight embryo that has a single termi-
nal cotyledon and a lateral plumule; embryo sur-
rounded by copious, mealy endosperm and thin
perisperm, the endosperm containing starch, pro-
tein, and oil. x = 15.
Two genera with 16-30 spp. of wide distribution
in the Northern (and one genus also Southern)


zomes, which bend upward to form sterile leaf
clusters or upright stems, produce 1-numerous
axillary buds continuing the shoot system. Vari-
ous shoot generations can be produced every year,
although usually only the first shoot generation
comes to flower, while the subsequent ones pro-
duce sterile leaf clusters or finally overwintering
Some Sparganium spp. are floating-leaved and
have flaccid, flat, or weakly keeled leaves of
458 Typhaceae

dorsiventral internal structure. Other typically

emergent species produce robust, stiff, strongly
keeled, but not dorsiventral leaves. Kaul (1972,
1976) suggested that the floating-leaved species
are neotenous forms derived from emergent
species, and that Sparganium is a genus in
transition from the emergent to the floating habit;
Cook and Nicholls (1986) are of the opposite

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. The leaves in both gen-

era possess a prominent system of aerenchy-
matous channels. These are compartmentalized
by diaphragms which are 1-3 cell layers thick,
interspersed with large intercellular spaces.
Cross-sections of the leaves are diagnostic for
most species. Stomata are paracytic. The leaf epi-
dermis contains myriophyllin cells filled with tan-
nin and, on the adaxial side of the leaf sheaths of
Typha, mucilage cells. Raphide bundles are com-
mon, and oxalate styloids are known from Typha.
In the rhizomes of both genera, starch is stored in
large quantities. For further details see Solereder
and Meyer (1933). Typha has epicuticular wax
crystals of the Strelitzia type (Frolich and Barthlott


Following earlier suggestions (i.a. Celakovsky
1885, 1891), it is now generally accepted that the
carpellate inflorescences of Sparganium and
Typha are highly contracted branching systems.
Developmental studies have provided evidence
for the compound nature of the inflorescences in
both genera. While the capitula of Sparganium are
di- or even tricephalia (Miiller-Doblies 1969), the
flowers in the carpellate spikes Typha are believed
to originate on axes of at least the 4th degree
(Miiller-Doblies 1969). The stigmas have a Dry
surface, which is papillate in Sparganium, non-
papillate in Typha. For details of the bewildering
variation in the flowers of both genera and the Fig. lllA-F. Typhaceae. A, B Sparganium erectum. A Habit,
homology of the hairs surrounding staminate and the stamina! heads distal to the pistillate. B Fruit. C-F S.
emersum. C Habit. D Staminate flower. E Pistillate flower.
carpellate flowers of Typha, see Miiller-Doblies F Ovary, longitudinal section to show pendulous ovule.
(1969, 1970). (Takhtajan 1982}

EMBRYOLOGY. Microsporogenesis is successive

and leads to isobilateral, decussate, linear, and POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Pollen grains are spheroi-
T-shaped tetrads. Both genera agree in having dal monads or tetrads (only Typha) with a distal
apotropous and anatropous, crassinucellate ulcus. Tetrads have evolved various times inde-
ovules with a primary tapetal cell, an embryo pendently in Typha (Punt 1975). As Nicholls and
sac developing according to the Polygonum type, Cook (1986) have demonstrated, in Typha, the
Helobial endosperm development, and (needing dense aggregation of pistillate flowers permits
confirmation in Typha) a secretory tapetum with 8 every pollen grain in a pollen tetrad to pollinate
nuclei per cell (Miiller-Doblies 1969, 1970). 1 pistil (Fig. 113).
Typhaceae 459

FRUIT, SEED, AND DISPERSAL. The ripe fruits of

Sparganium drop into water, where they can float
for at least a year. Eventually, the spongy exocarp
may rot off, leaving only the endocarp. Dispersal is
mainly hydrochorous, supplemented by epi- and
endozoochory (by water birds). At the distal end
of the endocarp there is a pore through which the
embryo emerges in germination. The inner open-
ing of the pore is blocked by a micropylar plug
formed by an enlargement of the integuments.
Germination can be delayed for several years after
maturity, apparently by the retaining influence of
the micropylar plug. After the decay or removal of
the plug, and given sufficient moisture, germina-
tion readily occurs.
Typha is well adapted to anemochory by its
light-weight fruits (0.02-0.003 mg, Finlayson et al.
1983} and perigone scales transformed into hairs
in order to facilitate dispersal by the wind. Conse-
quently, the rates of seed production are enor-
mous. A single carpellate spike of T. latifolia can
produce an estimated 220 000 seeds; one of T.
dominguensis 682 000 (Yeo 1964; Finlayson et al.
The differences between the two genera are
clearly related to the switch from hydrochory in
Sparganium to anemochory in Typha. Thus, the
persistent perigone has been dissolved into fine,
uniform hairs without vascular bundles; starch in
the endosperm has partially been replaced by fatty
oil to diminish the weight of the diaspores; the
mesocarp and endocarp has been strongly re-
duced, and the inflorescences strongly condensed.
Fig. 112A-J. Typhaceae. A-H Typha latifolia. A Fruiting
shoot. B Rhizome and sheathing leaf bases. C Three staminate PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Common cinnamic acids
flowers, the three filaments of each flower connate. D Cluster and flavonoids including proanthocyanidin
of four carpellate flowers. E Three carpellate flowers, many
trichomes omitted to show stipitate ovaries. F Infructescence
were found in both genera, including in Spar-
shedding fruits. G Mature fruit with numerous hairs on the ganium prodelphinidin and myricetin, the latter
stipe, the style persistent. H Ovary in longitudinal section to compound being relatively rare in monocots
show pendulous ovule. I, J T. angustifolia. I Inflorescence, (Hegnauer 1963, 1986}. The unlignified cell walls
showing gap between distal staminate and lower carpellate are fluorescent under UV and contain bound
portions. J Portion of carpellate inflorescence to show three
flowers, simple and glandular trichomes, and a spathulate ferulate (Harris and Hartley 1980).
sterile flower. (Thieret and Luken 1996, Generic Flora of
the southeastern United States) AFFINITIES. Evidence provided by Miiller-
Doblies (1969, 1970} make out a strong case for
combining Sparganium and Typha in a single
KARYOLOGY. Nearly invariably, the known family. The former association of this family with
counts in both genera are 2n = 30, with rare and the Pandanaceae is not confirmed, however. Dif-
questionable instances of tri- or polyploidy. ferent molecular (Duvall et al. 1993; Chase et al.
1995; Davis 1995) and morphological/molecular
REPRODUCTION. Both genera are strictly pro- (Linder and Kellog 1995) evidence (including the
togynous. Ample hybridization is known from possession of Strelitzia wax) consistently place the
Typha and has been studied in European Typhaceae in the "commelinoid clade". A close
(Krattinger 1978} and N American (Smith 1987) relationship to Poales seems at present the best-
populations. supported hypothesis (Linder and Kellogg 1995}.
460 Typhaceae

A B c

Fig. 113A-C. Typhaceae. Typha latifolia. A Pollen tetrad, two 1. Sparganium L. Fig. 111
grains germinating (X 1200). B Pollen tubes growing over and
between stigmas, the tubes of one tetrad often reaching differ- Sparganium L., Sp. Pl.: 971 (1753); Cook & Nicholls, Bot. Helv.
ent stigmas ( X60). C Pollen tubes crossing from pollinated 96: 213-267 (1986), and 97: 1- 44 (1987), monogr.
stigma to unpollinated stigma ( X30). (SEM photo Nicholls
and Cook) Marsh or aquatic perennials with sheathing leaves,
simple or branched stems, flowers in dense, glo-
bose heads on the upper part of the stem or on the
PALAEOBOTANY. The fossil record ofboth genera branches, the staminate heads distal to the carpel-
dates back into the Upper Cretaceous (Herendeen late; stamens 1-8; tepals 1-6; ovary 1-locular or
and Crane 1995), although this is questioned by very rarely 2-3-locular; fruit with spongy meso-
Cook and Nicholls (1987). Fruits of Sparganium carp and hard endo carp with a distinct micropylar
from the Paleocene have 5-locular fruits, and plug; seeds with membranous testa and starchy
during the Tertiary and Pleistocene a gradual endosperm. Fourteen spp., temperate and arctic
reduction to the presently predominant 1-locular regions of Northern Hemisphere, mountains of
condition can be observed. In extant 2-3-locular Sumatra and New Guinea, and SE Australia and
fruits, which occasionally occur, generally only 1 New Zealand.
locule contains a functional ovule.
2. Typha L. Fig. 112, 113
EcoLOGY AND UsEs. Typha is important in its
role as a member of the reed belt, which in our Typha L., Sp. Pl.: 971 (1 753); Kronfeld, Verh. Zoo!.-Bot. Ges.
time is continually gaining in importance as con- Wien 39: 89-190 (1889), monogr.
tributing to the biological cleaning of polluted
waters. The stems of Typha and Sparganium pro- Sometimes vast (T. elephantina Roxb.) marsh
vide shelter and a substratum for developing perennials with sheathing leaves, simple flowering
arthropods. Virtually every part of Typha is edible stems, minute imperfect flowers in dense,
for some animals and the young staminate spikes, cylindrical, terminal spikelike inflorescences,
the rhizomes, and even pollen of Typha (which carpellate and staminate spikes on the same
can be gathered in major quantities) have been axes with the staminate distal to the carpellate;
used for human consumption. The fruits of Spar- perianth lacking or represented by scales or
ganium are important food for water birds, and trichomes; staminate flowers with 1- 3( - 8)
the fruits, stems, and leaves are eaten by mammals monadelphous stamens; carpellate flowers uni-
such as muskrat and moose. carpellate, with a single 1-ovulate ovary, the stipe
bearing many elongated trichomes producing the
KEY TO THE GENERA "fluff' of mature spikes; fruit minute, 1-seeded,
wind-dispersed. Eight-13 spp., widely distributed
l. Partial inflorescences headlike; drupe with a persistent in temperate and tropical regions of all continents,
perigone and airfilled mesocarp 1. Sparganium
- Inflorescence spikelike, erect, with a lower pistillate portion
often forming extensive monospecific stands.
and several upper staminate portions; fruits with a tuft of Kronfeld's monograph now outdated.
perigone hairs, finally dehiscent 2. Typha
Typhaceae/Xyridaceae 461

Selected Bibliography Xyridaceae

Celakovsky, L. 1885. Uber die Inflorescenz von Typha. Flora R.KRAL
68: 617-630.
Celakovsky, L. 1891. Uber die Verwandtschaft von Typha und
Sparganium. bsterr. Bot. Z. 41: 117-121, 154-160, 195-199,
Chase, M.W. et al. 1995. See general references.
Cook, C.D.K., Nicholls, M.S. 1986/87. A monographic study of
the genus Sparganium (Sparganiaceae). Bot. Helv. 96: 213-
267, 97: 1-44.
Davis, J.I. 1995. A phylogenetic structure for the mono- Xyridaceae C. Agardh, Aphor. Bot.: 158 (1823), nom. cons.
coyledons, as inferred from chloroplast DNA restriction site
variation, and a comparison of measures of clade support. Rosulate to caulescent, low and delicate to tall and
Syst. Bot. 20: 503-527. coarse, perennial to annual, terrestrial (rarely
Duvall, M.R. et al. 1993. Phylogenetic hypotheses for the
monocotyledons reconstructed from rbcL sequence data.
aquatic) herbs, mostly heliophytes of high-
Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 80: 607-619. hydroperiod acidic soils. Roots mostly slender,
Finlayson, C.M., Roberts, J., Chick, A.J., Sale, P.J.M. 1983. The diffuse-fibrous, with root hairs. Axis sympodial or
biology of Australian weeds II. Typha dominguensis Pers. monopodia!. Leaves alternate, distichous or spiral,
and Typha orienta/is Presl. J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 49:3-10. ligulate or eligulate, the bases broad, open, sheath-
Frolich, D., Barthlott, W. 1988. See general references.
Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references. ing, sheaths frequently equitant and keeled; blades
Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references. laterally to dorsiventrally compressed, less often
Herendeen, P.S., Crane, P.R. 1995. The fossil history of the terete, angulate, or variously canaliculate. In-
monocotyledons. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., florescence lateral or terminal, scapose (rarely
Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and subsessile), the scapes 1-few from axils of scape
evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 1-21.
Kaul, R.B. 1972. Adaptive leaf architecture in emergent and sheaths or inner leaves, naked or with distant to
floating Sparganium. Am. J. Bot. 59: 270-278. approximate pairs of bracteal leaves, each scape
Kaul, R.B. 1976. Anatomical observations on floating leaves. bearing apically 1(-2) imbricate-bracted spikes or
Aquat. Bot. 2: 215-234. heads or a panicle of spikes. Flowers perfect, 1-
Krattinger, K. 1978. Biosystematische Untersuchungen
innerhalb der Gattung Typha L. Mitt. Bot. Mus. Univ.
many, solitary and subsessile in axils of chaffy,
Ziirich 298. 270 pp. leathery or scarious bracts, or (Achlyphila) pedi-
Linder, P.H., Kellogg, E.A. 1995. Phylogenetic patterns in the cellate in spathe axils; perianth in 2 differentiated
commelinoid clade. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., whorls; sepals (2-)3, the anterior (inner) 1 a
Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and reduced scale, or subequal to the rest, or (Xyris)
evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 473-496.
Miiller-Doblies, D. 1970. Uber die Verwandtschaft von Typha
membranous and wrapped around the corolla,
und Sparganium im Infloreszenz- und Bliitenbau. Bot. abcissing as the flower opens, the outer 2
Jahrb. Syst. 89: 451-562. subopposite, connivent to connate, chaffy, mostly
Miiller-Doblies, U. 1969. Uber die Bliitenstande und Bliiten navicular, often keeled, persistent around the ripe
sowie zur Embryologie von Sparganium. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. fruit; petals 3, equal or unequal, distinct to united,
89: 359-450.
Nicholls, M.S., Cook, C.D.K. 1986. The function of pollen
then salverform or bilabiate, mostly narrowed
tetrads in Typha (Typhaceae). VerOff. Geobot. Inst. ETH, to claws or to a narrow tube; stamens 3( -6),
Stiftung Riibel, Ziirich 97: 112-119. oppositipetalous, borne upon the petals or hypo-
Punt, W. 1975. The Northwest European pollen flora: 5. gynous; anthers tetrasporangiate, basifixed, usu-
Sparganiaceae and Typhaceae. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 19: ally bilocular at anthesis, introrsely or laterally
Smith, S.G. 1987. Typha: its taxonomy and the ecological dehiscent, dehiscing longitudinally; staminodia
significance of hybrids. Arch. Hydrobiol. 27: 129-138. (1- )3, hypogynous to borne upon the petals, fila-
Solereder, H., Mayer, F.J. 1933. Systematische Anatomie der mentous to bibrachiate and penicillate-hairy;
Monokotylen. Heft I. Pandanales-Helobiae-Triuridales. 1. gynoecium 3-carpellate, superior, the ovary 1-
Teil. Typhaceae-Scheuchzeriaceae. Berlin: Borntraeger.
locular to completely or incompletely trilocular;
Thieret, J.W. 1982. The Sparganiaceae in the southeastern
United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 63: 341-355. placentation marginal, parietal, basal, free-central
Thieret, J.W., Luken, J.O. 1996. The Typhaceae in the south- or axile (all conditions found in Xyris, in all other
eastern United States. Harvard Pap. Bot. 8: 27-56. genera axile); style terminal, proximally terete to
Yeo, R.R. 1964. Life history of the common cattail. Weeds. 12: angled, slender, appendaged or exappendiculate,
apically 3-branched to U-shaped stigmas, or vari-
ously dilated to infundibular or laminar or
subcapitate, usually papillate or fringed stigmatic
zones. Fruit capsular, mostly loculicidal; seeds
462 Xyridaceae

usually numerous, rarely 1, mostly with strong

longitudinal ridges and finer cross-lines, translu-
cent or farinose-opaque, the embryo small, situ-
ated at base of or lateral to an abundant mealy
(sometimes oily) endosperm.
An essentially pantropic family of five genera
and over 300 species, most of them in Xyris, the
only genus to occur in both New and Old Worlds,
and to range into the north-temperate zone; the
remaining four genera confined to S America.


brous, diffuse, mostly filiform, less often fleshy.
The rootstocks are commonly rhizomes, rarely
bulbous; stems are usually short, less often
elongate, sometimes caudiciform, sometimes
stout and subligneous, mostly with contracted
The leaves are equitant and distichous in
Achlyphila and in most Xyris, are polystichous
in Abolboda, Aratitiyopea, Orectanthe and some
Xyris; in all Abolboda, in Orectanthe sceptrum, in
Aratitiyopea and in most Xyris a strong rosette is
formed around a contracted stem or apically on
vegetative shoots of a season. In more elongate-
stemmed examples in Orectanthe they are in high
spiral, or in Achlyphila and some Xyris, form long,
frondlike plates of imbricate-based leaves and no
rosette is evident. The leaf sheaths are open in all
genera. In Achlyphila and most Xyris the blades
are unifacial; in the other genera the blade is dor-
siventrally compressed, often lingulate, variously Fig. 114A-G. Xyridaceae. Abolboda ciliata. A Habit. B Spike.
tapering uninterruptedly from broad sheaths. In C Spread corolla with stamens and staminodes. D Stamen. E
those Xyris in which the blade is not unifacial it Pistil, note appendaged style. F Capsule (left), adaxial view of
capsule valve (right). G Seed. (Kral1992)
is typically narrowly linear to filiform, terete,
or angulate, variously canaliculate, particularly
adaxially. In all genera save Xyris, even in most of
these, the transition from sheath to blade is unin- The roots have an exodermis of one or more
terrupted, but in some Xyris there is a ligule or compact, lignosuberized layers under a larger-
the scarious sheath border breaks into auricles at celled piliferous layer (or this lacking in Xyris
convergence of sheath and blade. brevifolia); root hairs mostly arising toward one
end of an epidermal cell, sometimes in irregular
VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. Anatomical studies have vertical series. The middle cortex is frequently
been done on all genera except the recently de- narrow, sometimes a single layer of cells
scribed Aratitiyopea, these excellently detailed (Abolboda, Xyris brevifolia); in Xyris it ranges
and summarized by Tomlinson (1969), whose from radial plates of cells separated by wide inter-
source particularly for much information on cellular spaces to more uniform cortex. Some-
Abolboda, Achlyphila, and Orectanthe was times horizontal irregular plates of lobed or
Carlquist (1960). Features shared by members of stellate cortical cells cut off from ends oflong cells
the Xyridaceae are: vessels with simple perfora- to form irregular transverse diaphragms or an
tion plates in roots, stems and leaves, and irregular reticulum. The endodermis incon-
amphivasal vascular bundles in rhizome and/or spicuous, of large and uniformly thickened cells
stems. Most have irregular plates of stellate cells in (this thickening specific in degree and orienta-
the root cortex and a more or less uniform distri- tion), usually of 1 layer but sometimes truly
bution of phloem through the root stele. multiseriate. Stele usually narrow in comparison
Xyridaceae 463

to cortex. The pericycle consists of small, thin- might be a chlorenchymatous layer, including
walled cells, rarely or often interrupted by adja- palisade.
cent vessels. The stele is diarch to polyarch with 2 The mesophyll of most Xyris is uniform, and the
or more peripheral vessels. Protoxylem is absent cells adjacent to substomatal chambers are often
or present as isolated narrow elements. Phloem L-shaped. In a few species the mesophyll may be of
elements are mostly not grouped in peripheral elongate, lobed cells with lobes connivent at the
phloem strands, but are scattered irregularly tip and in thick or terete-bladed species the central
throughout the central ground tissue. mesophyll may be of large colorless cells which
The rhizome or caudex, except in Achlyphila may break to produce 1 or more longitudinal air
has short internodes, and in stocky-stemmed canals. In Achlyphila the mesophyll has a periph-
Abolboda, Orectanthe, it is subligneous. The eral chlorenchymatous layer and a superficial
surface layers are often suberized in Abolboda palisade that surrounds the colourless central
and Orectanthe, sometimes so in Xyris, and in region. In some Abolboda the mesophyll usually
Achlyphila they are thin-walled. lacks distinct adaxial palisade (except in A. ciliata,
Leaf anatomy has been the most studied (see A. grandis, and some A. macrostachya), and it
Arber 1922; Solereder and Meyer 1929; and is compact, mostly unlobed with some having
Tomlinson 1969 for summaries). Epicuticular air canals, in A. linearifolia these alternating
waxes are absent (Frolich and Barthlott 1988), but pectinately with vascular bundles. In Orectanthe
in one Xyris the leaf epidermis was found to be the mesophyll is of lobed, elongate cells and air
covered by a secretion deposited in droplets that canals are lacking.
could not be dissolved by organic solvents. Since Xyris is by far the largest genus and has the
In Xyris the leaf blade epidermis is typically uni- broadest geographic range and spread of habitat,
form and the cells are longitudinally oriented and it is not suprising that its foliar anatomy is the
rectangular. There are many species in which most diverse, particularly as to number and
outer walls are produced into papillae, tubercles, arrangement of foliar venation and vascular
etc., in yet others the end walls are distinctly bundles. Veins range from few (1)-many, from 1
thickened and are variously cutinized. Epidermal series with alternate bundles oriented in opposite
sculpture may be useful taxonomically. In directions to 2 or more series with bundles all
Achlyphila epidermal cell ends sometimes overlap similarly oriented; bundles may be compound or
at their narrowed ends, thus in cross-section the simple. Such variation ranges across what are
epidermis may appear biseriate; walls are much thought to be sections. Achlyphila, nearestXyris in
thickened, anticlinally conspicuously pitted and leaf character, still may be distinguished by its
with transverse protuberances on end walls giving complete bundle sheaths around bundles, vascu-
the blade an irregular epidermal outline. While lar tissues without protoxylem lacunae and meta-
the epidermis in some Abolboda (i.e. A. scabrida) xylem having irregular series and lacking the 2
may be produced into rugulosities or be papillose obvious wide vessels. Abolboda and Orectanthe
or scabrid, hairs are produced only in Xyris. rarely have the compound vascular bundles so
Hairs in Xyris may be uniseriate-glandular, frequent in many Xyris. Tracheids with broad
short-unicellular and unbranched, or rarely annular-helical thickenings have been found in
branched (X. tenella, leaf sheath). In several spe- leaf tips of some Abolboda.
cies long hairs may be produced at sheath margins Calcium oxalate as small crystals has been
and many have ciliate or ciliate-scabrid blades. In reported in the leaf mesophyll (Solereder and
some species the inner surface ofleaf sheaths may Meyer 1929) and the leaf epidermal wall
produce hairs or have secretory function. (Tomlinson 1969) in Xyris. Raphides are lacking.
In Achlyphila and most Xyris stomata are found Tannin is reported, mostly restricted to the epi-
on both sides of the lamina; in the other genera dermis, sometimes found in all cells or scattered
they are strictly abaxial. In all genera studied, irregularly. Starch is found in the rhizomes or
guard cells are not sunken and are similar in con- larger stems and commonly in ground paren-
figuration as are lateral subsidiary cells. Terminal chyma of leaf bases, the grains reported as com-
subsidiary cells are not developed except in some pound in Xyris, simple, large, ellipsoid, or
Abolboda. irregularly rounded in Abolboda.
The hypodermis is well developed in Orectanthe
and most Abolboda; in Xyris it is lacking, though INFLORESCENCE. In all Xyridaceae but Achlyphila
in some there may be a distinct palisade of the inflorescence is a closed, chaffy-bracted,
anticlinally elongate cells, and in Achlyphila this conelike spike or a head which in a few species is
464 Xyridaceae

sessile, but which in most is atop a variously

elongate naked or bracteate (some Abolboda,
Achlyphila) scape. The flowers are sessile or
subsessile in axils of chaffy, loosely to tightly im-
bricate, spirally or decussately arranged bracts. In
Achlyphila, however, the inflorescence is open,
with flowers pedicellate in axils ofleaflike spathes.
The morphology of inflorescence bracts of
spikes and heads is typically comparable to the
sheaths of the foliage leaves. Outer and lower
(sterile) ones may be strongly bladed or leaflike, as
in involucrate Xyris (i.e., X. involucrata, X.
mertensiana, X. nigricans, X. pallidula), or in the
capitate Aratitiyopea gradate to surrounding foli-
age leaves. In most the bracts are chaffy, some
medially longitudinally herbaceous, but all typi-
cally with broad, chaffy, or even scarious borders
and most lacking blades, and in most the bracts
are navicular to relatively broad, convex or keeled,
or lingulate, the outer !-several ones sterile,
mostly keeled, shorter, equal to, or longer than the
fertile, grading into them. Costae (nerves) range
from a single strong median one, or this bordered
by few to several, generally less distinct laterals; in
most the median zone is thickest and is sometimes Fig. llSA-E. Xyridaceae. Flower structure in Xyris. A Ventral
evidently herbaceous. In Xyris this herbaceous and cross-sectional view of sepals in bud. B Same of petals.
zone, mostly sharply differentiated in texture and C Staminode, showing yokelike blade and moniliform
color, running the length of the bract or more staminodial beard hairs. D Pistil, showing style base, tubular
often terminal or subterminal is referred to as style branches, and stigmas. E Diagrammatic representation
of flower. 1 Disarticulated dorsal sepal; 2 lateral sepals; 3 petal
dorsal area, and it may be specific in character. blades (claws foreshortened) with adnate stamens; 4 stamino-
Bract arrangement may be entirely spiral, entirely dia, claws foreshortened, showing flattened, bifurcate blades
distichous, or decussate at one level (usually and terminal tufts of trichomes; 5 cross-section of flower
proximally) and spiral upspike. towards base as oriented in bud; 6 stylar apex, showing
horseshoelike stigma pattern at about level of staminode tip.
FLORAL STRUCTURE (Fig. 115). In all the genera
the flowers are perfect and the perianth is in 2
differentiated whorls. The calyx is regular or
nearly so in Achlyphila, Aratitiyopea, and connate at base, more often with broad blades and
Orectanthe, the 3 members distinct, chaffy, nav- clawed bases, and are mostly buttercup yellow,
icular or conduplicate; in Xyris and Abolboda it is less often white. In Aratitiyopea the petals are
distinctly irregular, in the former with the inner equal, connate, the corolla tubular-salverform,
(anterior) sepal membranous and caducous, white to pale purple. In Abolboda, they are
inclosing the rest of the flower in bud, the other 2 equal, connate, funnelform-tubular to spreading,
(outer) chaffy, navicular, keeled-carinate, free or broad, white to blue or lavender lobes, while in
connate, clasping the ripening fruit. In Abolboda Orectanthe the irregular gamopetalous yellowish
the anterior sepal is generally reduced, even lack- (rarely lavender) corolla is distinctly bilabiate.
ing, the laterals distinct, mostly navicular and Fertile stamens are 3 in all genera (with the
carinate-keeled, often similar to spike bracts. In exception of one Xyris, which has 6) and are
the other genera the sepals are strongly convex oppositipetalous. In Achlyphila they are hypogy-
except towards the apex, there often with pro- nous, and in the other four genera borne upon
nounced but entire keel. the petals with short or long filaments. In all
The corolla is distinctive in all genera and is genera the anthers are tetrasporangiate, dithecal,
always tripartite. In Achlyphila petals are equal are mostly emarginate apically, the bases often
and distinct, with blades yellowish, tapering to separated by wide thin connective and auriculate
base; in most Xyris the petals are equal, rarely to sagittate; they seem to be basifixed throughout.
Xyridaceae 465

Staminodia are lacking in Achyphila, Arati- endosperm development are known (Tiemann
tiyopea, and Orectanthe; in Abolboda they are 1985; Johri et al. 1992).
lacking or filamentous and often less than 3, in any
case borne upon the petals below corolla sinuses; POLLEN MORPHOLOGY. Pollen grains sulcate (or
in Xyris they are the most elaborate and are usu- occasionally disulcate?) in Xyris and inaperturate
ally hypogynous and long-clawed, the flat narrow and spheroidal in Abolboda, Orectanthe, and
claws branching distally, the flattened branches probably Achlyphila (Fig. 116). They can be very
equipped with variably elongate, mostly penicil- large [most pollen grains of Abolboda studied by
late hairs or in a few cases reduced, rarely lacking. Erdtman (1952) and Carlquist (1960) have a
In all genera the gynoecium is tricarpellate, the diametre of over 100 [-Lm, those of the two species
ovary superior. In Xyris, placentation ranges from of Orectanthe range from 140-165 [,tm, but those of
entirely axile to basal-axile, basal, parietal, or Achlyphila and Xyris have less than 50 [-Lm
marginal; in the other genera it is axile. In those (Erdtman 1952)] and then only a small number of
Xyris with basal or basal-central placentation, the them is formed in each anther (Carlquist 1960).
funiculus is often much longer than the mature This enormous size of the pollen grains seems to
seed. Styles are terminal, elongate in all genera. In be related to their function as reward for pollina-
Xyris the tubular style has 3 well-defined branches tors. The exine is thin and not very resistant to
distally, each branch tubular-conduplicate and acetolysis; it is composed of 2 layers of different
terminating in a U-shaped to shallowly infundi- stainabilty and is underlain by a thin intine. The
bular, papillate to fimbriate stigmatic zone; in surface is smooth in Xyris and Achlyphila, but
Achlyphila the stigmatic zone is nearly continuous ornamented by large spines or knobs which are
with the style, small and 3-lobed; in Aratitiyopea more resistant to acetolysis in the remaining three
the stylar apex is produced into 3 connivent, genera.
bristly glandular lobes; in Abolboda it is mostly
infundibular with erose to fimbriate edges; in KARYOLOGY. Thus far, studies of microsporogen-
Orectanthe it is typically distinctly bent with a esis in American Xyris have shown complements
capitate-patelliform, papillate to fimbriate stigma. of n = 9 and root tip work showing 2n = 18. In
Stylar appendages are lacking in Achlyphila African Xyris (X. capensis), however, sporophyte
and Xyris, but well developed in the other three counts have been 2n = 34. Fedorov (1969) adds 2n
genera and always 3 in number. In all these cases
there are 3 appendages on a style. In Abolboda the
(usually) triquetrous style has a lateral, ascending
to spreading or reflexed, stipitate or dilated-
bladed appendage on each of the broader side
wings and a 3rd, usually filamentous and reflexed,
from the adaxial, narrower wing; the broader
appendage blades are often auriculate at junction
with stipe. In Aratitiyopea, the appendages
are at the very style base, with erect, terete stipes
and flattened, sharply reflexed, flabelliform
blades. In Orectanthe, there is a similar basal
arrangement, the narrow, firm, terete appendages
erect around the style base, then sharply reflexed-

EMBRYOLOGY. There is considerable vanat10n

with respect to embryological traits within the
family. Different kinds of endothecium and tape-
tum structure have been reported, but the division
of pollen mother cells is always successive. Mature
pollen grains are indicated as 2- or 3-nucleate. The
ovules are anatropous (Achlyphila and Alboboda),
atropous (Xyris), or slightly campylotropous Fig. 116. Xyridaceae. Xyris involucrata, distal face of pollen
(Orectanthe), bitegmic and slightly crassinucellar with U-shaped sulcus, SEM X2200. (Photo Palynological
(Tiemann 1985), and both Nuclear and Helobial Laboratory Stockholm)
466 Xyridaceae

= 26 and 32 for Xyris species. In Abolboda counts tion can take place within 2 weeks (in Xyris) and
have been registered as n = 8, 9, 13, 17. young seedlings can form a veritable turf on open
seepage wherever there are clearings. On the other
POLLINATION. No nectar is produced by the flow- hand, since abundant moisture triggers germina-
ers of the Xyridaceae, and pollinating bees are at- tion, if conditions are dry, Xyris seeds can remain
tracted by pollen or imitated pollen masses (Vogel dormant for indefinite periods. I have kept dry
1981); only Orectanthe is ornithophilous. S. seed without refrigeration for up to 10 years and
Renner (pers. comm.) found Xyris sp. in Minas still had good germination in greenhouse fiats.
Gerais (Brazil) buzzed and pollinated by females I have run no such tests on seeds of the other
of an anthophorid Exomalopsis sp. genera.

FRUIT AND SEED. In all genera the fruit is a locu- PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Apart from common flavonol
licidal capsule. The 3 valves separate to the fruit and flavone glycosides and proanthocyanidin, the
base and the capsule walls are thickened or differ- anthraquinone chrysazin has been detected in a
entially thickened in most species except those of Xyris; this substance class may be widespread in
Xyris, where valves are usually thin. Xyris as judged from the reddish sublimation on
Seeds in Achlyphila, Aratitiyopea, and Xyris are herbarium sheets. Cyanogenesis was found in one
typically symmetric, ranging from subglobose to Xyris (Hegnauer 1963, 1986). The family was posi-
broadly ellipsoid or ovoid (in the former two), tive in Harris and Hartley's (1980) tests for cell
additionally (in Xyris) to variously ellipsoid or wall-bound ferulate.
cylindric, frequently curved, often with the outer
integument produced to an apical coma of scales RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE FAMILY. Only the
or fimbriae. In Abolboda they are mostly thick- Guayana Highlands has examples of all the genera,
ened and curved dorsally, are asymmetrically obo- thus this ancient Precambrian land mass acts as
void, strongly ribbed on the thickened backs, what must be a primary centre. Circumstantial
whilst in Orectanthe they are laterally compressed, (morphologic) evidence points to 2 distinct clus-
mitten-shaped, with a broad wing external to the ters of character states, 1 having Abolboda,
embryo on one side, more narrowly on the edge Aratitiyopea, and Orectanthe, the other contain-
opposite the thumb of the mitten. In Abolboda, ing Achlyphila and Xyris. The former group is dis-
Achlyphila, Aratitiyopea, and in most Xyris they tinguished by its polystichous, bifacial leaves in
are small, rarely over 1.2 mm. In some Xyris with which there is no abrupt transition from sheath to
basal or basal-central placentation some may ex- blade, blades usually with a colorless hypodermis
ceed 3 mm (including apiculus and apical coma) adaxially and often abaxially, a high degree of
and in Orectanthe they may range from 2-4 mm. petal connation, spinose pollen, staminodia
In all the embryo is basal or lateral, the endosperm reduced to filaments or lacking, styles in most
copious, mealy, starchy and proteinaceous, the species asymmetric and appendaged, and placen-
starch grains (in Abolboda) compound. Seed-coat tation exclusively axile. The latter group has obvi-
sculpture in Xyris and Abolboda is often ously or obscurely distichous, equitant-sheathed,
specifically distinct, being variously papillate, often ligulate, unifacially bladed leaves in which
longitudinally distinctively ribbed, variously there is often an abrupt transition from sheath to
cross-ribbed, the outer integument variously blade, and blades typically lacking the colorless
produced in some Xyris into a distinctive coma of hypodermis, a low degree of petal connation or
scales or hairs. none, with pollen lacking spines, staminodia typi-
Both integuments take part in the composition cally present and bifid (lacking in the monotypic
of the seed coat, but only the tegmic layers, which Achlyphila), styles symmetric and unappendaged,
are filled with a resinlike or tanninlike substance, and placentation ranging from axile to basal, cen-
provide mechanical strength (Carlquist 1960). tral, parietal, or marginal. Such evidence could
lead to the suggestion that the 2 branches arose
DISPERSAL. Seeds are shaken or fall from dehisc- from ancestral stock, presumably in the Guayana
ing capsules, particularly as aging bracts and Highlands, that was rhizomatous, perennial, with
sepals spread away from the fruit or as old scapes polystichous, bifacial leaves, was scapose, had
topple. These seeds are often buoyant, thus are left flowers in bracteate racemes, had sepals and petals
in drifts on the surface or are mixed with small distinct and equal, had 6 distinct, hypogynous
sand particles and silt or homogenized peat in a stamens and a superior tricarpellate ovary with
shallow patina. If the substrate is moist, germina- an axile placentation (Kral 1992).
Xyridaceae 467

FAMILY AFFINITIES. Nakai (1943) was of the

opinion that Abolboda and Orectanthe (first de-
scribed as an Abolboda), on a basis of their dis-
tinctive leaf and stem anatomy, and distinctive
spinose pollen should be broken out of the
Xyridaceae as the Abolbodaceae; this lead was
followed temporarily by Takhtajan (1959), but
only prior to the discovery of Achlyphila. Most
phylogenists since (Takhtajan 1980; Cronquist
1981; Thorne 1967) treat all genera as Xyridaceae.
The family has now often been considered as
being most closely related to the Rapateaceae and
Eriocaulaceae in the Commelinales. By and large
this is confirmed by the recent cladistic and mo-
lecular analyses of Linder and Kellogg (1995),
who, however, additionally have brought the
Bromeliaceae into the play, while in the restriction
site analysis of Davis (1995), Xyris appears as
sister to Carex.


sentially pantropic, with four of the five genera
confined to S America and of these three,
Achlyphila, Aratitiyopea, and Orectanthe are lim-
ited to northern S America along with most of the
20 Abolboda species, with only a few of those
reaching southward into S Brazil and only one
ranging to Paraguay. Only Xyris has representa-
tives in the Eastern as well as the Western Hemi-
sphere with extensions northward into temperate Fig. 117. Xyridaceae. Orectanthe sceptrum, growing on
America and eastern Asia (China, Taiwan). Nearly flooded peat together with Xyris sp. and Eriocaulaceae.
all species are heliophytic and inhabit acidic, Venezuela, Mt Roraima. (Photo K. Kubitzki)
moist to wet habitats (Fig. 117); however, a few are
true aquatics (i.e., X. aquatica).
4. Flowers distinctly pedicelled; sepals alike; staminodia lack-
ing; style unbranched, the stigma trilobed, capitate; petals
KEY TO THE GENERA lacking claws; stamens hypogynous I. Achlyphila
- Flowers subsessile or sessile; sepals unlike, the lateral ones
1. Petals gamopetalous; leaves polystichous; styles or ovary chaffy and keeled, the inner one membranous; staminodia
summit appendaged; pollen spinose or papillate; corolla usually present, mostly bibrachiate; style 3-branched, the
regular or irregular; sepals 2- 3 2 stigmas mostly U-shaped; petal blades on claws; stamens
- Petals usually distinct; leaves distichous, mostly equitant; borne on petals 2. Xyris
styles unappendaged; pollen lacking spines or other protu-
berances; corolla regular; sepals 3 4
2. Stylar appendages mostly well above style base on style;
style often triquetrous at base; capsule apex thickened;
flowers 1- several, the inflorescence sessile or on variously
elongate, opposite-bracted scapes or in panicles; sepals 1. Achlyphila Maguire & Wurdack
2(- 3) 3. Abolboda
- Stylar appendages at or around style base; style terete; cap- Achlyphila Maguire & Wurdack, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10 (2):
sule apex not appreciably thickened; flowers many in dense, 12 (1960); Kral, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 79: 874-877 (1992),
globose or hemispheric large heads; sepals 3 3 rev.
3. Corollas arching-spreading, irregular, yellow (rarely
redpurple); style apex bent outward, stigma capitate, Perennial from slender, branched rhizomes;
lateral-terminal, papillate; seeds winged, 2-4mm, irregular, leaves narrowly ascending, equitant-distichous,
mitten-shaped 5. Orectanthe
- Corollas erect, regular, salverform, white to purple; stigma
the blades linear-triangular, unifacial. Scapes
terminal on erect style tip, trilobed, the lobes pilose; seeds single, terminal, compressed; inflorescence usu-
wingless, ridged-and-pitted, symmetric 4. Aratitiyopea ally with 2 approximate, distichously arranged
468 Xyridaceae

leaflike spathes subtending 1-3 flattened- bracteate, terminating in a head or spike (rarely in
pedicelled flowers, sepals 3, landform, chaffy; pet- a panicle of spikes), the inflorescence bracts
als 3, distinct, unclawed, dull yellow; stamens 3, mostly chaffy in spiral, the lower empty, the fertile
distinct from petals; staminodia lacking; style loosely or tightly imbricate, each subtending a
erect, linear, unappendaged. Only one sp., A. single flower; sepals 2( -3); corolla gamopetalous,
disticha Maguire & Wurdack, summit elevations actinomorphic, salverform, white, blue or laven-
on Cerro Neblina along the Brazil-SW Venezuela der; stamens 3; staminodia 0-1-3; style usually
border (1800-2300 m). appendaged, mostly triquetrous-winged. Twenty
neotropical spp., boggy, warm to cool habitats,
centring in the savannas of northern S America.
2. Xyris L.
Xyris L., Sp. Pl.: 42 (1753); Smith & Downs in Fl. Brasilica 9 (2): 4. Aratitiyopea Steyerm. & Berry
1-215 (1968); Kral, Sida 2: 177-260 (1966), spp. USA &
Canada; Kral, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard, 75: 522-722 (1988), spp. Aratitiyopea Steyerm. & Berry, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 71: 297
northern S America. (1984); Kral, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 79: 877-879 (1992), rev.

Usually perennials, or annual to short-lived Robust, "Navia" -like perennials from a thick rhi-
plants; usually rosulate (less often caulescent), zome; leaves polystichous, crowded toward shoot
solitary or caespitose, sometimes rhizomatous or apex, linear-lorate, lingulate, sharp-tipped, the
bulbous herbs; axis sympodial; leaves mostly longest downstem, the upper grading into a large,
equitant and distichous. Scapes naked, terete to chaffy-involucrate, hemispheric head of many
compressed, ending in a single conelike spike or a bracts, the inner ones increasingly narrower and
head (rarely bispicate); outer bracts sometimes directly subtending flowers; sepals 3, similar to
involucra! but mostly chaffy, grading to 1 or more cephalar bracts but slightly longer; corolla
fertile bracts; flowers subsessile, solitary in bract tubular-salverform, actinomorphic, 7-10 em,
axils; sepals 3, the 2 laterals mostly chaffy, the white to pale purple; stamens 3; staminodia lack-
inner membranous and infolding the corolla bud, ing; ovary dorsiventrally compressed; style
abcissing when flower spreads; petals 3, distinct, straight, basally provided with stipitate, recurved,
mostly clawed, yellow( -white); stamens 3; broadly flabellate appendages. Only one sp., A.·
staminodia hypogynous, mostly long-clawed, lopezii (L.B. Smith) Steyerm. & Berry, with two
bibrachiate, rarely reduced or lacking; style varieties, rare on arenaceous rock outcrops in NW
erect, unappendaged, conduplicate-tubular, 3- Brazil, SW Venezuela, and SE Colombia, at 250-
branched, terminating in U-shaped or semi- 1600 m. Highly ornamental, described earlier as
infundibular stigmas. n = 9, less often 17; 2n = 18, the bivarietal Navia lopezii by L.B. Smith (Bot.
rarely 34. Nearly 300 described spp., mostly in S Mus. Leafl. 15: 40. 1951; ibid 16: 195. 1954).
America, several in Africa, Australia, and Asia, in
America extending N to Canada and in Asia north
to China and Taiwan. Three sections have been 5. Orectanthe Maguire Fig. 117
described, mostly based on differences in placen- Orectanthe Maguire, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10:2-3. 1958; Kral,
tation, but their distinction is risky at best, par- Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 79: 879-885 (1992), rev.
ticularly if there is no geographic correlation as
was once believed; a study of Xyris of the Guayana Glabrous perennials; stems either short, stout,
Highlands reveals examples of all three "sections" producing dense basal rosettes or lax, decumbent,
from the same habitat in the savannas and tepuis branching to short, erect tips. Leaves polysti-
of that region. chous, clasping-based, sharp-tipped; scapes 1-
several, naked, variously elongate. Inflorescence a
large, terminal burrlike head; outer and cephalar
3. Abolboda Kunth Fig. 114 bracts shorter than sepals; sepals 3, chaffy; corolla
Abolboda Kunth in Humb. & Bonpl., Pl. Aequinoct. 2: 25, pl. gamopetalous, bilabiate, pale yellow, rarely pur-
114 (1809); Kral, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 79: 820-874 (1992), plish; stamens 3; staminodia lacking; placentation
rev. axile; style appendages basal, linear, doubled
back. Two spp., northern S America on the
Cespitose or solitary, mostly glabrous perennials, Roraima sandstones of the Guayana Highland
rarely annuals; leaves mostly basal. Inflorescences at medium to high elevations, usually in boggy
subsessile to strongly scapose, scapes naked or pockets amongst rocks and in full sun.
Xyridaceae 469

Selected Bibliography Thorne, R.F. 1967. A phylogenetic classification of the Angio-

spermae. Evol. Bioi. 9: 35-106.
Tiemann, A. 1985. Untersuchungen zur Embryologie, Bliiten-
Arber, A. 1922. Leaves of the Farinosae. Bot. Gaz. 74: 80-94.
morphologie und Systematik der Rapateaceen und der
Carlquist, S. 1960. Anatomy of Guayana Xyridaceae: Abol-
Xyridaceen-Gattung Abolboda (Monocotyledoneae). Diss.
boda, Orectanthe, and Achlyphila. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10
Bot. 82: 1-202. Lehre, Cramer.
(2): 65-117.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Commelinales-Zingiberales. In:
Cook, C.D.K., Gut, B.J., Rix, E.M., Schneller, J., Seitz, M. 1974.
Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of monocotyledons, Vol. 3.
Water plants of the world. The Hague: Junk.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
Vogel, S. 1981. Bestaubungskonzepte der Monokotylen und
Davis, J.I. 1995. A phylogenetic structure for the monocotyle-
ihr Ausdruck im System. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 94: 663-673.
dons, as inferred from chloroplast DNA restriction site
variation, and a comparison of measures of clade support.
Syst. Bot. 20: 503-527.
Engler, A. 1887. Xyridaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K.
(eds.) Natiirliche Pfianzenfamilien II. 4: 18-20. Leipzig: W.
Erdtman, G. 1952. See general references.
Fedorov, An. A. 1969. See general references.
Frolich, D., Barthlott W. 1988. See general references.
Hamann, U. 1961. Merkmalsbestand und Verwandtschafts-
beziehungen der Farinosae. Ein Beitrag zum System der
Monocotyledonen. Willdenowia 2: 639-768.
Hamann, U. 1962. Weiteres tiber Merkmalsbestand und
Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der "Farinosae." Ibid. 3:
Harris, P.J., Hartley, R.D. 1980. See general references.
Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references.
Idrobo, J.M. 1954. Xiridaceas de Colombia. Caldasia 6 (20):
Johri, B.M. eta!. 1992. See general references.
Kral, R. 1966. Xyris (Xyridaceae) of the continental United
States and Canada. Sida 2: 177-260.
Kral, R. 1983. The Xyridaceae in the southeastern United
States. J. Arnold Arbor. 64: 421-429.
Kral, R. 1988. The genus Xyris (Xyridaceae) in Venezuela and
contiguous northern South America. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard.
75: 522-722.
Kral, R. 1992. A treatment of American Xyridaceae exclusive
of Xyris. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 79: 819-885.
Linder, H.P., Kellogg, E.A. 1995. Phylogenetic patterns in the
Commelinid clade. In: Rudall, P.J., Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F.,
Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyledons: systematics and
evolution, Vol. 2. London: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
pp. 473-496.
Maguire, B. 1958. Xyridaceae. In: Maguire, B., Wurdack, J.J.,
eta!. (eds.) Botany of the Guayana Highland, part III. Mem.
N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10 (1): 1-19. [Orectanthe described]
Maguire, B., Wurdack, J.J. 1960. Xyridaceae. In: Maguire, B.,
Wurdack, J.J., eta!. (eds.) Botany of the Guayana Highland,
part IV. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 10 (2): 11-15. [Achlyphila
Malme, G.O.A. 1930. Xyridaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K.
(eds.) Natiirliche Pfianzenfamilien, 2nd edn., 15a: 35-38,
figs 11-15. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
Nakai, T. 1943. Ordines, familiae, tribi, genera, sectiones, spe-
cies, varietates, formae et combinationes novae a Prof.
Nakai-Takenoshin adhuc et navis edita. Tokyo.
Solereder, H., Meyer, F.J. 1929. Xyridaceae. Systematische
Anatomie der Monokotyledonen 4. Berlin: Borntraeger,
pp. 36-50.
Suessenguth, K., Beyerle, R. 1935. Dber die Xyridaceengattung
Abolboda Humb. et Bonpl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 67: 132-142.
Takhtajan, A. 1959. Die Evolution der Angiospermen. Jena:
G. Fischer.
Takhtajan, A. 1980. Outline of the classification of flowering
plants (Magnoliophyta). Bot. Rev. 46: 225-359.
470 Zannichelliaceae

Zannichelliaceae ligulelike or auriculate. The blades are linear,

inserted just below the sheath, and the apices
R.R. HAYNES, D.H. LES, rounded, pointed, truncate or toothed, without
and L.B. HOLM-NIELSEN an apical pore. Pairs of inconspicuous, filiform
squamules occur laterally at the nodes.

VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. All four genera have

been studied anatomically (review by Tomlinson
1982). The anatomy of the Zannichelliaceae is
Zannichelliaceae Dumort., Anal. Pam. Pl. 59, 61 (1829), nom. simplified by reduction.
cons. The unbranched roots have a thin-walled epi-
dermis of large cells and conspicuous root hairs
Entirely submersed glabrous annual or perennial that arise from short trichoblasts. The outer cortex
herbs of fresh or brackish waters. Roots fibrous, is compacted into an exodermis of 1 or 2 layers of
1-7, nonseptate, borne at lower nodes. Stems narrow, slightly lignified, thick-walled cells. The
slender, dimorphic, the lower often stoloniferous, cortex is lacunose, the endodermis is uniserate
the upper erect and leafy, without teeth, turions, or and thin-walled, and the stele is narrow, sur-
tubers. Leaves alternate, opposite, or pseu- rounding a metaxylem lacuna.
dowhorled, scalelike, without vascular tissue, or The stems are nearly without mechanical tissue
foliaceous, linear, 1- or rarely 3-veined, subterete, and have a thin-walled epidermis. The cortex is
sessile, with basal sheath, the sheath adnate to wide and lacunose, the endodermis uniseriate and
or free from blade; infravaginal scales present, thin-walled, and the stele is narrow. The vascular
membranous. Inflorescence axillary, with 2-several bundles supporting lateral organs diverge directly
flowers. Flowers unisexual, monoecious, more from the stele, and there is no cortical vascular
rarely dioecious; staminate short-pedicellate, peri- system.
anth mostly absent, rarely minute and 3-lobed, The leaf base is sheathing and colorless with
stamen 1, connective extending into a blunt tip, biseriate margins that include fibrous strands in
anther 2-12-loculed, dehiscing by longitudinal Althenia and Lepilaena. The scale leaves are
slits, pollen often contained in gelatinous matrix; equivalent to bladeless sheaths.
carpellate short-pedicellate, often enclosed by The blade is glabrous with a uniform, thin-
membranous spathelike envelope, perianth a walled, chlorophyllous epidermis. The epidermis
small cuplike sheath, or of 3 separate segments, is mostly without stomata, although stomata oc-
carpels 1-8, separate, short-stipitate, 1-locular, cur in apices of leaf blades of certain Zannichellia
ovule solitary, bitegmic, ventral-pendulous, anat- races. The mesophyll is lacunose of with lacunae
ropous, placentation apical, styluli short to long, on each side of the midvein (Pseudalthenia and
stigma enlarged, funnel-shaped, feathery, or Zannichellia). The vascular system is reduced to
pelatate. Fruit drupaceous, with membranous exo- a single median vascular bundle surrounded by
carp, fleshy mesocarp, and stony endocarp. Seed a uniseriate endodermis. The leaf blades have
solitary; embryo curved; endosperm Helobial in submerginal fibers.
development, absent in mature seed.
A family of near cosmopolitain distribution with INFLORESCENCE STRUCTURE. The plants are mo-
4 genera and 10-12 species. noecious or rarely dioecious, with complex, sym-
podial inflorescence of reduced flowers subtended
VEGETATIVE MoRPHOLOGY. (Posluszny and by reduced bractlike leaves. The inflorescences
Tomlinson 1977). The plants grow in clones in usually have 1 staminate flower terminating the
shallow, generally brackish, coastal waters or in first order meristem, and often have several car-
inland freshwater lakes. pellate flowers terminal on branches of higher
The roots are all shoot-borne, unbranched, aris- orders (Fig. 118).
ing from the rhizome or nodes of the stem. The
rhizomes are creeping and sympodially branched. FLORAL STRUCTURE. The staminate flowers are
The stems are erect, richly branched and leafy. short-pedicellate, reduced to 1 stamen and are
The leaves are distichous. The rhizome scales are provided with or without a short 3-lobed scalelike
membranaceous, and without blades. The foliage perianth. The anther consists of 1 or more
leaves are sheathing, with open, membranous, bisporangiate units, with a short connective
overlapping sheaths, the sheaths extended and appendage in Lepilaena. Anther dehiscence is by
Zannichelliaceae 471

short pedicel. The carpels are surrounded by a

perianth that consists of a closed tubelike struc-
ture in Zannichellia and Pseudalthenia and of 3
separate segments in Althenia and Lepilaena, with
the segments opposite the carpels. Each carpel in
Althenia and Lepilaena is surrounded by a peri-
anth segment, whereas all carpels collectively in
Zannichellia and Pseudalthenia are surrounded
by a tubular perianth. The styluli are elongate
with enlarged, peltate, funnel-shaped, stigmas.
The stigmas have more or less lacerate margins, or
are occasionally feather-shaped (Lepilaena bilo-
cularis). According to Posluszny and Tomlinson
(1977), much controversy exists as to whether the
carpellate organs are flowers or inflorescences,
but they were unable to state with certainty which
the structures are.

EMBRYOLOGY. The type of anther wall formation

is unknown. The tapetum is periplasmodial, mi-
crosporogenesis successive, and the pollen grains
are 3-celled when shed. The carpels are uniovulate
and the ovules bitegmic, anatropous, and pendu-
lous. A parietal cell is cut off from the archesporia!
cell (Dahlgren and Clifford 1982).
The embryo sac is of the Allium type. En-
dosperm formation is Helobial. Embryo develop-
ment is of the Caryophyllad type.
Fruits, achenes, and ripe seeds are without
endosperm or perisperm. The embryo is curved,
spirally coiled, and lacks chlorophyll.
Fig.llSA- 1. Zannichelliaceae. Zannichellia palustris. A Fruit- PoLLEN MORPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are dis-
ing shoot. B Node with staminate and carpellate flowers, base
ofleaf (to right), portion of stem, and base of two branches. C
persed within a gelatinous matrix in Lepilaena
Staminate flower (a single stamen) and carpellate flower with (Cox and Knox 1989) and Zannichellia (Haynes
two carpels. D Anther shedding pollen. E Cross-section of and Holm-Nielsen 1987). Those of Zannichellia
anther. F Nearly mature fruits of a four-carpellate flower, one are globose, inaperturate, hydrophilous, and have
carpel undeveloped. G Endocarp with tip of style still covered a net -shaped exine wall structure (Van Vierssen et
by outer part of pericarp. H Fruit, the ovary opened to show
embryo. I Embryo. (Haynes and Holm-Nielsen 1987)
al. 1982). Pollen of Lepilaena is globose, hydro-
phobic, and floats on the surface of the water. It
will not mix with water even following shaking or
longitudinal slits. In some Zannichellia, Singh stirring (Cox and Knox 1989).
(1965) noticed 2 distinct groups of xylem ele-
ments, each surrounded by its own phloem, in KARYOLOGY. Chromosome numbers of Zanni-
connectives of anthers that had 4 chambers. He chellia include 2n = 12, 24, 28, 32, 34, and 36 (Van
interpreted these 2 xylem bundles to indicate Vierssen 1982). Numbers for the remaining genera
that the stamen was actually composed of 2 are unavailable (Les and Philbrick 1993).
stamens fused their entire length. Posluszny and
Tomlinson (1977) indicated there is no develop- PoLLINATION. Pollination has been studied only
mental evidence to support the interpretation in Lepilaena and Zannichellia (Cox 1988). Accord-
of Singh, since every stamen, regardless of the ing to Cox and Knox (1989), Lepilaena anthers
number of microsporangia present, is initiated as from staminate flowers are abscised underwater
a primordium. and then float to the surface. Once reaching the
The carpellate flowers are of 1-8, separate, surface, the anthers dehisce explosively, scattering
short-stalked, slightly asymmetrical carpels on a pollen over the water surface. Floating pollen ag-
472 Zannichelliaceae

gregates into "search vehicles", which are numer- Although indications of the relationship be-
ous pollen grains embedded in a gelatinous ma- tween Zannichelliaceae and Potamogetonaceae
trix. Carpellate flowers terminate in long pedicels, have been obscured because of extensive reduc-
with their elongate, concave stigmas reaching the tion and specialization that characterizes both
water surface. All 3 carpels are held together by a vegetative and reproductive structures of these
membranous bract with the three stigmas func- families, some features, such as the spirally
tioning as a single unit, creating a very slight coiled cotyledons of Groenlandia and genera of
depression in the water surface. Pollination is ac- Zannichelliaceae, may be synapomorphic. From a
complished when a floating "search vehicle" falls taxonomic standpoint, it seems as reasonable to
into this depression. Pollination in Zannichellia is combine the Zannichelliaceae and Potamogetona-
less well understood. Van Vierssen et al. (1982) ceae as it is to maintain them as separate. The
indicate the hydrophilous pollen is released un- Editor has encouraged us to retain the more con-
derwater and sinks. The peltate stigma is produced servative concept and recognize Zannichelliaceae
underwater and, presumably, as the pollen sinks, it as a separate family. However, the current phylo-
contacts a stigma, accomplishing pollination. genetic evidence emphasizes the relationship be-
tween Zannichelliaceae and Potamogetonaceae,
FRUIT. The fruits are drupaceous, with a mem- which should be recognized as closely related
branaceous exocarp, fleshy mesocarp, and stony sister groups.
endocarp. The endocarp of Zannichellia often
is coarsely papillose. The seeds are without DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Zannichellia is
endosperm, and the embryo is curved. nearly cosmopolitan, Pseudalthenia is endemic to
the Cape Province, S Africa, Althenia is endemic
DISPERSAL. The fruits are water dispersed, but to the Mediterranean region, and Lepilaena is en-
the dispersal systems are incompletely known. demic to S Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand.
Presumably, the fruits can be carried over various All species of Zannichelliaceae occur in aquatic
distances in the intestines of waterfowl. habitats including freshwater lakes or shallow,
brackish coastal waters. All species grow as sub-
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Crystals or tannins have not mersed hydrophytes in clones on muddy
been observed in the Zannichelliaceae, but fla- substrates. The species of Zannichelliaceae are
vonoid sulfates are known from Zannichellia. Les important in stabilizing the muddy areas along
and Haynes (1995) report 0-glycosyl flavones also the edge of marshes and delta.
in Zannichellia.

AFFINITIES. Most contemporary authors have KEY TO THE GENERA

segregated Althenia, Lepilaena, Pseudalthenia, 1. Distal leaves pseudowhorled, blade accompanied by a
and Zannichellia as a separate family (Zannichel- free membranous stipular sheath. Distal branching sympo-
liaceae) with uncertain affinitites. The marine gen- dial, the branch complex associated with a male and a fe-
era of Cymodoceaceae and Posidoniaceae have male flower, the female flower lowest on the branch unit.
Female flower (1-)4-5(-8)-carpellate. Fruit usually with an
occasionally been included within a broader con- abaxial (sometimes also adaxial), warted ridge
cept of Zannichelliaceae, but these families are 1. Zannichellia
highly dissimilar (Tomlinson 1982), and there is no - Distal leaves distichous, never pseudowhorled, at most
phylogenetic evidence to warrant such an associa- subopposite, with an attached sheathing base. Distal
tion. Recent molecular studies (Les et al. 1993; Les branching sympodial or monopodia!, the groups of flowers
cincinnuslike, not fixed in number; lowest flower within
and Haynes 1995; D.H. Les, unpubl.) indicate that inflorescence unit always male. Female flower never more
Zannichelliaceae are most closely related to than 3-carpellate. Fruit smooth or warted but never ridged
Potamogetonaceae. There studies resolve a robust, 2
monophyletic clade consisting of Zannichellia and 2. Leaf blade up to 2 mm wide with a submarginal "vascular
strand" and oblique transverse strands continuous with
Lepilaena and Groenlandia and Potamogeton. At midvein. Male flower naked, 8-sporangiate with a pair of
the molecular (rbcL) level, divergence among vestigial appendages on the connective. Female flower
Potamogeton subgenus Coleogeton, Groenlandia, always 1-carpellate, with a membranous envelope. Fruit
Lepilaena, and Zannichellia is insufficient to re- uniformly warted 2. Pseudalthenia
solve their interrelationships adequately; however, - Leaf blade less than 2mm wide, with a single midvein. Male
flower with a short 3-lobed perianth immediately below the
Potamogeton subgenus Potamogeton is relatively 2- or 12-sporangiate anther. Female flower (1-)3-carpellate,
more divergent and distinct from these genera each carpel subtended by a separate tepa!. Fruits usually
(D.H. Les, unpubl.). smooth 3
Zannichelliaceae 473

3. Male flower 2-sporangiate; carpels each with a long style ing. Inflorescences axillary, sympodial, complex
and peltate stigma. Fruit dehiscent. Leaf fibers sometimes clusters. Flowers monoecious; staminate termi-
absent. Mediterranean 3. Althenia
- Male flower either 2- or 12-sporangiate; carpels each with a nating main axis of each flower complex, with
short style and a funnel-shaped or feathery stigma. Fruit perianth of 3 minute scales and 2-sporangiate
reportedly indehiscent. Leaf fibers usually well developed. anther; carpellate terminating higher order
Australasian 4. Lepilaena branches, with perianth of 3 toothed tepals, 3-
carpellate; style long; stigma peltate, symmetri-
1. Zannichellia L. Fig. 118 cal. Achenes elongated, cylindrical or somewhat
flattened; pericarp smooth, endocarp sclerotic,
Zannichellia L., Sp. Pl. 2: 969 (1753). with germination suture. Two spp., N Africa and
S Europe.
Annual or rarely perennial of fresh or brackish
waters. Leaves in pseudowhorls of 3 but also alter-
4. Lepilaena Drumm. ex. Harv.
nate and opposite, entire, stipulate, mostly less
than 1 mm wide, 1- or rarely 3-veined. Inflores- Lepilaena Drumm. ex. Harv., Hook. J. Bot. 7: 58 (1855).
cence of one staminate and one carpellate flower.
Flowers monoecious, without perianth; staminate Annuals or perennials. Rhizomes creeping,
with (2- )4( -8)-sporangiate anther; carpellate sympodially branched, scaly; erect shoots leaf-
with (1- )4-5( -8) carpels basally surrounded by a bearing, lateral, from nodes of the rhizome. Leaves
membranous envelope; style less than 1 mm long, distichous, entire, stipulate, narrow, less than
stigma asymmetrically funnel-shaped. Endocarp 1 mm wide, usually 1-veined; apex truncate, emar-
often spiny. Perhaps five spp., near cosmopolitan ginate or rounded and toothed, base open, sheath-
distribution. ing. Inflorescence axillary, sympodial. Flowers
monoecious or dioecious; staminate solitary,
with 4- or 12-sporangiate anther, subtended by 3
2. Pseudalthenia Nakai minute perianth scales; carpellate with 3 carpels,
Pseudalthenia Nakai, Ord. Fam. 213 (1943). subtended by 4 membranous tepals; style long;
Vleisia Tomlinson & Posluszny (1976). stigma expanded, broadly funnel-shaped or feath-
ery. Achenes asymmetric, smooth or tuberculate.
Annual, in seasonally dry watercourses. Leaves Four spp., Australia and New Zealand.
distichous, entire, stipulate, usually more than
1 mm wide, usually 3-veined, to 6.5cm long, apex
pointed, base open, sheathing. Inflorescences
Selected Bibliography
axillary, many-flowered, sympodial, first-order
branch terminating with male flower, followed Cox, P.A. 1988. Hydrophilous pollination. Annu. Rev. Ecol.
by several carpellate and occasionally additional Syst. 19: 261-280.
staminate flowers. Flowers monoecious, staminate Cox, P.A., Knox, R.B. 1989. Two-dimensional pollination in
naked, with 8-sporangiate anther; carpellate with hydrophilous plants: convergent evolution in the genera
Halodule, (Cymodoceaceae), Halophila (Hydrocharita-
a basal, tubular spathe; carpel 1; style ca. 1 mm ceae), Ruppia (Ruppiaceae), and Lepilaena (Zanni-
long; stigma obliquely funnel-shaped. Achene chelliaceae). Am. J. Bot. 76: 164-175.
elongated, asymmetrical; pericarp with numerous Cronquist, A. 1981. See general references.
warty protuberances; endocarp sclerotic. Only Dahlgren, R.T.M., Clifford M.T. 1982. See general references.
one sp., Pseudalthenia aschersoniana (Graebner) Haynes, R.R., Holm-Nielsen, L.B. 1985 [1987]. A generic treat-
ment of Alismatidae in the neotropics. Acta Amazonia 15:
Hartog, restricted to S Africa. 153-193.
Haynes, R.R., Holm-Nielsen, L.B. 1987. The Zannichelliaceae
in the Southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 68: 259-
3. Althenia Petit 268.
Les, D.H., Haynes, R.R. 1995. Systematics of subclass
Althenia Petit, Ann. Sci. Observ. 1: 451 (1829).
Alismatidae: a synthesis of approaches. In: Rudail, P.J.,
Cribb, P.J., Cutler, D.F., Humphries, C.J. (eds.) Monocotyle-
Annual or perennial, in brackish coastal waters. dons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens,
Shoots dimorphic, rhizome creeping, sympodially Kew, pp. 353-377.
branched, rooted, scaly, erect shoots leaf-bearing. Les, D.H., Philbrick, C.T. 1993. Studies of hybridization and
chromosome number variation in aquatic angiosperms:
Leaves distichous to diffuse-spirally arranged, evolutionary implications. Aquat. Bot. 44: 181-228.
entire, stipulate, narrow, less than 1 mm wide, Les D.H., Garvin, D.K., Wimpee, C.F. 1993. Phylogenetic stud-
usually 1-veined; apex pointed; base open, sheath- ies in the monocot subclass Alismatidae: evidence for a
474 Zannichelliaceae/Zingiberaceae

reappraisal of the aquatic order Najadales. Mol. Phylogenet.

Evol. 2: 304-314.
Posluszny, U., Sattler, R. 1976. Floral development of Zanni-
chellia palustris. Can. J. Bot. 54: 6541-6662.
Posluszny, U., Tomlinson, P.B. 1977. Morphology and devel- and P.J.M. MAAS
opment of floral shoots and organs in certain Zanni-
chelliaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 75: 21-46.
Singh, V. 1965. Morphological and anatomical studies in
Helobiae. II. Vascular anatomy of the flower of Potamo-
getonaceae. Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 126: 137-144.
Tomlinson, P.B. 1982. See general references.
Tomlinson, P.B., Posluszny, U. 1976. Generic limits in the Zingiberaceae Lind!., Key Bot.: 69 (1835), nom. cons.
Zannichelliaceae (sensu Dumortier). Taxon 25: 273-279.
Vierssen, W. van 1982. The ecology of communities domi-
Perennial, aromatic herbs; rhizome sympodially
nated by Zannichellia-taxa in western Europe I. Character-
branched, sometimes on stilt roots. Stems short,
ization and autecology of the Zannichel/ia taxa. Aquat. Bot.
12: 103-155. poorly developed, mostly lengthened by erect
Vierssen, W. van eta!. 1982. On the pollination mechanism of pseudostem formed by the leaf sheaths. Leaves
some eurysaline Potamogetonaceae. Aquat. Bot. 14: 339- distichous, sometimes appearing tufted, in lower
part of shoot usually without blade; leaf sheath
usually open; ligule present or absent; blade
entire, elliptic, sometimes linear or broadly
elliptic, glabrous or hairy, when young rolled up
from one side to the other; midrib prominent;
lateral veins in a pinnate-parallel arrangement;
petiole present or absent; pulvinus usually absent
(except Zingiber). Inflorescence terminal on the
leafy shoot, or terminal on a short, separate,
sheath-covered, leafless shoot arising directly
from the rhizome, lax or congested, cylindric or
fusiform, sometimes globose, with (1- )few-many-
flowered, sometimes bracteolate cincinni axillary
to the bracts of the inflorescence and then repre-
senting a thyrse, or rarely a raceme or a spike;
bracteole obliquely adaxial to transverse, open
to the base ( = non-tubular), or tubular (but
may split early), or absent. Flowers epigynous,
bisexual, zygomorphic. Calyx tubular, usually
3-lobed or 3-dentate, sometimes split down 1 side.
Corolla tubular at base; lobes three, varying in
size and shape, the median posterior one often
larger than the other ones and cucullate. Only
the median posterior stamen of the inner whorl
functional; the other 2 stamens of the inner whorl
sterile and connate to form the petaloid labellum;
2lateral staminodes of the outer whorl petaloid or
inconspicuous, flanking the stamen or adnate to
the labellum; the median anterior member of
outer whorl always reduced; functional stamen
with long or short filament, sometimes filament
absent, anther dithecal, tetrasporangiate, thecae
opening introrsely by longitudinal slits, occasion-
ally dehiscing by pores, the connective often
apically prolonged in a crest and sometimes
also basally into spurs. Gynoecium 3-carpellate,
ovary in its first stages always 3-locular, when fully
developed either (incompletely) 3-locular with
axile placentation or !-locular with parietal or
Zingiberaceae 475

basal placentation. Style terminal, very thin, The petiole is of varying length; in Zingiber it is
nearly always placed in a furrow of the filament short, fleshy, collenchymatous, and resembles the
and held between the thecae; stigma ± Wet, papil- pulvinus of the Marantaceae.
late, funnel-shaped, often ciliate, appearing on top The plane of insertion of the distichous leaves
of the anther. Nectaries 2, epigynous. Ovules ± varies from parallel to the length of the rhizome to
many, anatropous, bitegmic, and crassinucellar. transverse to it (Weisse 1932, 1933 ); these differ-
Fruit a dry or sometimes fleshy capsule, ences are constant for the tribes (Fig. 119). When
loculicidally dehiscent from apex to base by 3 the interval between the leaves is short, a distinct
valves, or irregularly dehiscent, or indehiscent, 2-ranked leaf arrangement is sometimes not well
smooth, ridged or verrucose; in some genera fruits marked (Kam 1982).
united in a syncarp. Seeds few to many, ovoid Leaf sheaths are usually open, but in Roscoea
to ellipsoid or subglobose, sometimes angular, and Cautleya closed leaf sheaths have been found
with an operculum next to the radicle, usually (Spearing 1977). The blades vary in size, the
with a prominent, commonly lobed or lacerate largest developing usually in the middle of the
aril; embryo straight, linear, central in the en- shoot. In shape they are elliptic, rarely broadly
dosperm; perisperm abundant, starchy with large, elliptic or linear. Particularly in the Alpinieae the
compound starch grains. Germination hypo- blades are asymmetric. One half of the blade is
geal. completely rolled around the other during devel-
A pantropical family of about 50 genera and opment (Kress 1990).
1300 species with the centre of diversity is S
and SE Asia. VEGETATIVE ANATOMY. (Mainly from Tomlin-
son 1969, where further information is provided.)
VEGETATIVE MoRPHOLOGY. The rhizome is sym- The rhizome usually has suberised surface
podial, varying in size and degree of branching; in layers; periderm is often developed. Rhizomes, as
the genus Curcuma, among others, the rhizome is
repeatedly branched. In some of the smaller
species it is hardly developed, while in most gen-
era it is a thick and fleshy storage organ provided
with distichous, scalelike leaves and roots. Genera
with a small rhizome often develop globose or
fusiform starch-filled tuberous roots, as in Globba,
Siphonochilus, Kaempferia, Roscoea, or the roots
are ending in tubers (Curcuma, Gagnepainia).
In some rainforest taxa (ssp. of Geostachys,
Amomum and Hornstedtia), the rhizome is placed
well above the ground and supported by stout,
unbranched stilt roots. In some species of
Scaphochlamys it ascends obliquely and is sup-
ported by slender stilt roots. Stilt-rooted species
are mainly found in humid evergreen forests with
a thick layer of dead leaves.
Usually, the leafy shoots terminate in an in-
florescence or, less commonly, inflorescence and
leaves appear on separate shoots. According to
Ridley (1899} plants growing in dense jungle as a
rule have the flowers close to the ground, while
those in more open spaces have them on the ends
of leafy stems. The shoots vary considerably in
size and in some rainforest species (Etlingera,
Alpinia) can be up to 8 m tall. The erect vegetative
stems are always unbranched. The true vegetative
stem is short and thin, composed mainly of thin-
walled cells, and the upright vegetative shoots Fig. 119A,B. Zingiberaceae. Plane of distichy of leaf shoots
are largely pseudostems (false stems) formed by in relation to rhizomes. A Parallel (Hedychieae, Globbeae,
intercalation of leaf sheaths. Zingibereae). B Transverse (Alpinieae). (Smith 1985)
476 Zingiberaceae

well as roots, store large quantities of starch. The Silica in the form of sand or as small subglobose
grains are nearly always simple, often flattened, bodies is common in the epidermis of the lamina;
sometimes irregular in outline; the hilum is sometimes both forms occur in the same epider-
usually excentric. Globose or ellipsoid grains are mis cell of the lamina. Silica bodies in unmodified
found in Elettaria. epidermal cells accompanying the main veins are
The roots develop 1 or several layers of thin- almost restricted to the Alpinieae. Silica cells con-
walled exodermis, below which in some genera taining large solitary silica bodies are also known
(Elettaria, Hornstedtia) a cylinder of thin-walled to occur; they resemble the true stegmata found in
fibres is present. The vascular cylinder is polyarch, related families.
and in the tuberous roots of Globba, Kaempferia, Condensed tannin is common in cells of the
and Roscoea, which have a wide, starch-filled ground parenchyma in all parts; in the leaf blade,
cortex, the stele is of the same diameter as in non- tannin cells are often larger than normal meso-
tuberous roots. Vessels are mostly restricted to the phyll cells. In Zingiber elongated tannin cells are
roots, rarely also present in the stem; they have arranged in files and resemble articulated latici-
oblique scalariform perforation plates. fers. Sometimes tannin is also deposited in inter-
The stem is usually rather short and divided into cellular spaces.
a wide cortex and central part separated by a Oil cells are characteristic of the family; they
smooth fibrous cylinder. Vascular bundles of the are isodiametric and have suberised walls. They
cortex are placed close together, each with a are abundant in the parenchyma of all parts of
massive, fibrous sheath; those of the central the plant and very common in the abaxial leaf
cylinder are more scattered and with less devel- epidermis.
oped sheaths. Epicuticular wax deposits are mostly absent;
The leaves are always dorsiventral. They have rarely irregularly oriented platelets or compound
a thin cuticle; rarely (Globba spp., Kaempferia rodlets are found (Frolich and Barthlott 1988).
rotunda) the epidermis is minutely papillose. The sieve-tube plastids contain cuneate, pro-
The stomata are mainly present on the abaxial teinaceous inclusions.
side of the leaves. Each stoma is surrounded by a
pair of lateral and often also by a pair of terminal INFLORESCENCES. The inflorescence is usually a
subsidiary cells with even divisions. The guard thyrse, the bracts of which (sometimes called
cells are at the same level as the epidermis, inner primary bracts) each subtend a short cincinnus. In
ledges smaller than the outer ones, or absent. A some taxa the cincinni are reduced to a single
hypodermis of 1 layer of large, thin-walled, flower, so that racemes or spikes result. Unlike
colourless cells is usually present on both surfaces, most other monocotyledons, the bracteoles (sec-
sometimes containing strands of hypodermal ondary bracts) are not positioned adaxially, but
fibres. Expansion cells, causing the young leaf to face at right angles to the primary bract, with the
unroll, develop by enlargement of hypodermal subsequent bracteoles facing alternately in two
cells, most commonly above larger veins of the directions at right angles to each other, hence the
leaf blade. The mesophyl usually includes a 1-3- cincinnate partial inflorescences. In Scapho-
layered palisade parenchyma and very loose chlamys the bracteole is immediately facing the
sponge parenchyma. One arc of air canals is found primary bract, entire and open to the base, and
in the midvein from the base to half-way towards enclosing the whole cincinnus with its bracteoles
the apex. and flower buds. In Kaempferia the arrangement
Microscopic hairs are common, 1-cellular and is similar, except that only 1 flower is present, and
generally unbranched, except for the 2-celled hairs the 2-keeled bracteole becomes 2-lobed or even
on the rhizome of Curcuma and the characteristic bifid (separated into 2 narrow bracts). Often
furcate to stellate, branched but 1-cellular hairs the bracteoles are tubular, particularly in the
of some species of Renealmia, Riedelia and Alpinieae, while the open form (split to the base or
Rhynchanthus (Maas 1977). non-tubular) is typical of the other tribes. In some
Crystals of calcium oxalate as prismatic, rhom- species of Alpinia, Geostachys, and Elettaria the
boid or tubular bodies are common in the assimi- tubular bracteoles are so large that they enclose
lating tissue as well as in the hypodermis of the the whole cincinnus up to a late stage of its devel-
leaf blade; raphide sacs are lacking. Crystal sand is opment (Holttum 1950).
sometimes found (Roscoea) and large solitary While leaves and bladeless sheaths on the pe-
bodies of chrystalline material occur in hypoder- duncle are distichously arranged, fertile bracts are
mal cells in the leaf blade in Globba. usually spirally placed on the rhachis forming the
Zingiberaceae 477

inflorescence. In some genera the inflorescence is staminodes and labellum are connate in
congested and the bracts are closely imbricate. Siphonochilus.
Flowers can also be subtended by 2-ranked,
distichous bracts especially in much elongated The thecae usually dehisce longitudinally and
and often branched inflorescences (Elettariopsis, introrsely, but in Etlingera and Amomum, thecae
Cyphostigma, Elettaria) or in a short, congested are sometimes dehiscing in the upper half only,
inflorescence as in Distichochlamys, Caulokaem- whereas only the lower half of the anther dehisces
pferia, Haplochorema and Boesenbergia. in species of Aframomum. In some species of
Occasionally, the bracts are exceptionally large Elettaria the anthers are dehiscing by pores; the
and in Camptandra and Pyrgophyllum they de- same was observed for some spp. of Boesenbergia
velop a foliaceous appendage. In Curcuma and by the author (K. Larsen).
some species of Scaphochlamys, Boesenbergia and One of the more important taxonomic charac-
Zingiber the bracts form pouches that hold water; ters is the elaboration of the connective. Generally,
the partial inflorescences are then constantly em- this is extended apically to form the so-called
bedded in an aqueous mucilage. In Zingiber the anther crest. The presence or absence of a crest is
fruits develop and ripen while embedded in the usually a good generic character. The form of the
slimy substance. A similar situation is found in crest is useful in distinguishing species and varies
most species of Plagiostachys, where the bracts from large, flat, coloured and petaloid in Kaemp-
decay and the whole outer part of the inflores- feria to absent or very small in Boesenbergia.
cence becomes slimy. Other biologically impor- Basal extensions of the connective are found in
tant modifications of the inflorescence have been Curcuma. Versatile anthers are found in Cautleya,
described by Holttum (1950). Roscoea, Camptandra, and Curcuma. The position
of the style in a furrow in the filament and between
FLORAL MORPHOLOGY. Flower structure is basi- the thecae placing the stigma on top of the anther
cally the same throughout the family and de- is unique for the Zingiberaceae and Costaceae. A
scribed above. The morphological nature of the character of promising importance is the groove
labellum has long been controversial (see Holttum formed by the inner surface of the corolla tube to
1950), but studies by Rao et al. (1954) have left envelope and hold the style. This character has,
little doubt that the labellum is formed from among others, been found in Stadiochilus.
the 2 united antero-lateral staminodes of the The inferior ovary in its early stages of
inner whorl, and that the median anterior stamen development seems always to be trilocular. In the
of the outer whorl is entirely suppressed. The Globbeae it develops into a unilocular ovary with
homology of the various lateral appendages of the parietal placentas. In Kaempferia, Caulokaemp-
labellum with the (postero- )lateral staminodes feria, Siphonochilus and Boesenbergia, all belong-
from the outer whorl rests on more shaky ground ing to tribe Hedychieae, there is a tendency
(Burtt 1972), although for the tribe Hedychieae towards the reduction of the septae. The ovules
this is more easily acceptable than for the then become basal on a short columnar placenta
Alpinieae. or, in some species of Boesenbergia, only the lower
Many different parts of the flower can be part of the ovary is trilocular. In one species of
connate, such as: Scaphochlamys the number of ovules is reduced
to one.
- calyx and corolla together forming a beak on The epigynous glands at one time had been
the ovary (Cyphostigma pulchellum, Elettaria equated with stylodes or even staminodes;
longituba); through the work of Rao (1963) it has become
- corolla and labellum are connate in Vanover- clear, however, that they are mere outgrowths of
bergia, Riedelia, Aframomum, Hornstedtia, the upper surface of the ovary producing nectar
Zingiber, Amomum, Cautleya; (for further discussion and illustrations see Burtt
- corolla and staminodes are connate in Globba, 1972).
- filament and labellum are connate in a distinct EMBRYOLOGY. The very many studies that have
tube above insertion of the petals in Geocharis, been carried out in this field have been sum-
Pommereschea, Etlingera, Aulotandra, Stadio- marised by Davis (1969) and Johri et al. (1992).
chilus, Globba; The anther tapetum is secretory as well as
- filament and lateral staminodes are connate in amoeboid; the division of the pollen mother cell
Mantisia; successive, and mature pollen is always binucle-
478 Zingiberaceae

ate. Embryo-sac development is of the Polygonum Mahanty (1970) suggested that 12 is the original
type, as usual in Zingiberales, and endosperm basic number for the family and presumably
development is Helobial (as in Costaceae, but in derived from 11, which may be the basic number
contrast to all other families of the Zingiberales, in for Zingiberales.
which it is Nuclear). Embryogeny is of the Asterad
type. PoLLINATION. Flowers last only 1 day, they are
tubular and contain nectar. Kato (1996) studying
PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. The pollen grains are forest understorey species in Sarawak, found birds
spheroidal, subspheroidal, ovoid or rarely ellip- of the genus Arachnothera (Nectariinae, spider-
soid, and often inaperturate, but sometimes hunters) to be the pollinators of Etlingera bre-
sulcate in Zingiber. The exine is thin, hardly resis- vilabis and Hornstedtia tomentosa, both with red-
tant to acetolysis, and does not provide mechani- flowered, basal inflorescences. Small traplining
cal strength for the pollen grain, but the intine is bees of the Halictidae (Nomia and Trinchostoma)
well developed and lamellated, consisting of sev- were observed on Amomum polycarpum and on
eral different layers. The sculpture of the exine is three species of Boesenbergia. Medium traplining
psilate, verrucate, echinate, scabrate, rugulate or bees of the genus Amegilla are the probable polli-
striate. Liang {1988) and Mangaly and Nayar nators of Amomum gyrolophos and Plagiostachys
(1990) found the following pattern: the Globbeae crocydocalyx. Schumann (1904) already suggested
(only Globba studied) have shortly echinate bees to be also active in pollinating species of other
pollen; in both the Alpinieae and Hedychieae the ground-flowering genera like Elettaria, Geostachys
pollen is either long-spined or psilate; within the and Elettariopsis.
tribe Zingibereae (i.e. the genus Zingiber) pollen In Roscoea purpurea Lynch (1882) found the
can be either spheroidal with rugulate ornamenta- anther to be versatile with basal connective out-
tion or ellipsoidal and striate, closely following growths (spurs) which make a visiting insect force
subgeneric limits. Variation thus by and large the anther forward so that pollen is deposited
seems to follow taxonomic borders, although the on its back, a mechanism corresponding to that
tribes, as far as is known, encompass more than found in Salvia. A similar mechanism has
one pollen type. been found in Curcuma (Schumann 1904) and
Camptandra (Holttum 1950).
KARYOLOGY. Cytological data for the family are In Brazil, Hedychium coronarium and most
abundant (see, e.g. Sharma and Bhattacharya species of the Asiatic genus Hedychium are,
1959; Mahanty 1970; Beltran and Kam 1984; and according to Muller (1890) and Kiinckel
the summary given by Chen 1989). The four tribes d'Herculais (1910), pollinated by hawk moths
are to some extent characterised by their karyo- (Sphingidae). However, their long, straight and
logy. The Zingibereae with the single genus stiff proboscis sticks in the narrow, curved corolla
Zingiber has the single basic chromosome number tube, and they are caught by the vacuum created
n = 11 and almost all species are diploids, with the after sucking the nectar. In the process of freeing
exception of cultivars from Japan and China. The themselves, they pollinate the flowers before
Globbeae are more complex with basic numbers n dying. Pollination by butterflies has also been
= 8 and 10. The genus Globba is most diverse, and observed in Hedychium by the same authors.
not only high polyploids but also aneuploids have In Renealmia 2 floral types are described by
been found. The Hedychieae are even more Maas (1977). In species with tubular flowers,
complex, as the basic numbers n = 10, 11, 12, 13, reddish bracts and copious nectar production
14, 17, 21 and 25 have become known. Polyploidy hummingbird pollination has been observed.
has been demonstrated in several genera, such as In another group of species with flowers with a
in Kaempferia where triploids, tetraploids and labellum composed of a tube and a horizontally
pentaploids occur. The Alpinieae are rather uni- spreading limb, usually green bracts, and faintly
form with basic numbers n = 12 and 11, of which developed nectaries, bee pollination is suggested.
the first is by far the commonest number. In this
tribe polyploidy is a common feature, and in FRUIT AND SEED. Fully dehiscent capsules, in
Plagiostachys octoploidy has been found. The two which 3 valves, separate from apex to base and
genera Rhynchanthus and Pommereschea, tradi- spread apart, seem to exist only in a minority of
tionally included in the Alpinieae, are based on n cases. They are known from Hedychium, Zingiber
= 11 and may be wrongly placed; at least the latter (where the dehisced fruit is still enclosed by large
seems to belong to the Hedychieae. bracts), Roscoea and Globba. In Hornstedtia the
Zingiberaceae 479

capsules are reported to break irregularly in their DISPERSAL. Our knowledge of dispersal is as
basal parts, while still ± enclosed by the involucra! sparse as is that of pollination. Hedychium has
bracts (Holttum 1950). Sometimes the capsule fleshy capsules, the valves of which roll back on
is indehiscent, or fleshy, as in Aframomum (berry) opening and expose the orange inner wall of the
and Etlingera (fleshy syncarp). capsule and the deep red aril of the seeds. This
The seeds of Zingiberaceae are black to brown, strongly suggests bird dispersal. In many species
enveloped by a thin, sometimes sweet aril which the arillate seeds are shed onto the ground and
is lacerate or lobed, and originates from the dispersal by ants, or mice or squirrels (Ridley
funiculus or the base of the ovule. A patch of 1899) is suggested. The same mode of dispersal is
sclerenchymatous tissue develops around the mi- suggested by Maas (1977) concerning Renealmia.
cropyle and functions as the separating layer of an The inflorescence is partly or almost completely
operculum in most Alpinieae, Globba and Zingi- buried in species of several genera, notably in
bereae; it seems to be absent in Hedychieae. A Etlingera, Elettariopsis and Elettaria. In some
hypostase is often developed, but there are excep- cases the fruit itself develops below the surface of
tions. In the mature seed the seed coat is testal, i.e. the ground.
it is formed only by the outer integument. The In Caulokaempferia the author (K. Larsen) has
outer epidermis of the testal layer consists of observed the green, fleshy capsule opening by a
narrow, tangentially elongated, fibriform cells, broad lateral slit, through which the small seeds
which sometimes are sclerotic. The inner testal are dispersed by rain splash and later by running
epidermis is either thin-walled, as in Globba and water. In some Amomum and Etlingera species the
Hedychium, or sclerotic and U-shaped in cross- single fleshy fruits adhere to each other to form a
section, as in Alpinieae and Zingibereae; it regu- collective fruit (syncarp) the shape of a small pine-
larly contains silica. apple. The fruit wall is acid and juicy and seeds
The main storage tissue is the perisperm, which may be spread by birds or small mammals, but
contains large quantities of starch. The grains are there are no observations on this. In Africa the
highly compound in Hedychieae and Zingibereae, indehiscent fleshy fruits of Aframomum are eaten
but consists of simple concentric minute grains of by primates and elephants (Nishida and Vehara
less than 2.5 mm diameter in Alpinieae. 1983).
The endosperm is in general more scanty than
the perisperm. It generally contains aleurone only. VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION. Most Zingibera-
It is starch-free in all Alpinieae studied. ceae can be propagated by fragmenting the
The embryo is cylindrical and slender to stout rhizome. Several Globba species, maybe most,
and barrel-shaped, occasionally hooked, capitate, produce bulbils either in the axils of the lower
clavate or pear-shaped, and usually reaching the bracts instead of flowers, or further down the
extension of the perisperm, rarely shorter. stem, or even on separate, thin shoots. A few
Cells containing ethereal oils are frequent in the species, such as G. marantina and G. aphanantha,
embryos but have not been found in two genera of rarely produce flowers but regularly bulbils. With
the Alpinieae and in Globba; in the embryo of the increasing ploidy levels, sexual reproduction is
latter genus, tanniniferous idioblasts have been weakened or even lost.
Based on the study of seed characters of ten PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Several genera have been in-
genera, the tribes can be characterised in the vestigated and an updated survey is given by
following way (from data compiled by Johri et al. Hegnauer (1986). Very characteristic for the
1992 and unpubl. observ. by H. Huber). family are the oil cells containing ethereal oils.
Phenylpropanoids are found in Zingiber and
Curcuma species and in Aframonum melegueta
1. Endotesta lacking U-shaped cells; endosperm containing (Grains of Paradise) and the related curcumins
starch 2
- Endotesta cells U-shaped. Operculum mostly present 3
(diarylheptanoid) in Curcuma, Alpinia and
2. Operculum present; starch grains of perisperm simple Zingiber. Aromatic acids and flavonoids are iso-
Globbeae lated from several genera, as well as proan-
- Operculum absent; starch grains of perisperm compound thocyanins and condensed tannins. Chinones
Hedychieae were found in stems of Aframomum giganteum.
3. Starch grains of perisperm compound; endosperm and
embryo containing starch Zingibereae Steroid saponins, common in the Costaceae, have
- Starch grains of perisperm simple, concentric; endosperm only been found in Hedychium coronarium.
and embryo without starch Alpinieae Diterpenes and triterpenes are probably not rare;
480 Zingiberaceae

they have been isolated from several genera. Lyco- Caulokaempferia grow together with mosses in
pene and beta-carotene are present in the red aril shady places on rocks or on boulders in streams.
of Hedychium species. Extracts from rhizomes In Africa species of Siphonochilus occur in
of Curcuma and Alpinia have shown strong deciduous woodlands and grasslands with a long
mycotoxic qualities. dry season. Roscoea is a montane genus found in
the Himalayas from Kashmir eastward to Tibet
AFFINITIES. The Zingiberaceae are the largest and Sichuan in the north and Yunnan in the south.
family within the Zingiberales. They belong to a It is unique among the Zingiberaceae for with-
group of four families (Costaceae, Zingiberaceae, standing exposure to the sun, to harsh conditions
Cannaceae and Marantaceae) that are charac- and to high elevations.
terised by the possession of only one functional In spite of their preference for moist forests and
stamen, while the other stamens are represented humid habitats in the mountains, no waterplants
by petaloid staminodes. Among these families are found among the Zingiberaceae.
the Costaceae are the closest relative of the
Zingiberaceae. A comprehensive phylogenetic PALAEOBOTANY. Hickey and Peterson (1978) de-
analysis of the Zingiberales has been undertaken scribed a fossil genus, Zingiberopsis, based on leaf
by Kress (1990), while Clark et al. (1993) have remains from the Upper Cretaceous/Eocene of N
studied the relationships on the basis of the rbcL America. Fruits and seeds of the fossil genus
gene. Spiratospermum, which formerly were ascribed
The arrangement of the 46 genera in 4 tribes, to the Zingiberaceae, are now referred to the
Alpinieae, Hedychieae, Globbeae and Zingibereae Musaceae (Rodriguez-de la Rosa and Cavallos-
is not yet final. The place of the genera Rhyn- Ferriz (1994).
chanthus, Pommereschea and Nanochilus in the
Alpinieae is still questionable. Stadiochilus is EcoNOMIC IMPORTANCE. The rhizomes of
placed as incertae sedis. Zingiber officinale (ginger), and of Curcuma
species (turmeric), are very important spices on
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. The family is the world market. The seeds of Elettaria car-
widely distributed in the tropics with the greatest damomum are equally important as a spice, while
diversity and number of genera and species in those of some Aframomum species, particularly
the Asian tropics. In the neotropics the only A. melegueta, Grains of Paradise or Melegueta
indigenous genus is Renealmia, and in Africa pepper, are of secondary importance as a spice
four genera are represented, Aframomum, and drug. Locally, however, a great many species
Aulotandra (mainly in Madagascar), Renealmia are used for different purposes: Amomum,
and Siphonochilus. In Asia the family reaches the Aframomum, Alpinia and Kaempferia species as
subtropical region in Japan at about 33°N, and the condiment to give relish to food; Boesenbergia
southern limit is in SE Africa (Natal) at about 27°S; species as spices; Hedychium and Alpinia galanga
in the Himalayas Roscoea reaches up to an altitude for perfumes; Curcuma as a colouring agent. Re-
of 4800m. cently it has been found that fresh rhizomes of
The majority of the species are associated with Zingiber officinale contain compounds that re-
tropical forests where they play an important role duce nausea and vertigo and seem to have a posi-
in the herbaceous layer in places in which light is tive effect on patients with stomach ulcers. Several
not too sparse. The richest diversity is found in species are also used locally as medicine and cos-
humid tropical lowlands where species-rich metics. Some are also used in tropical gardening,
genera such as Alpinia, Amomum and Etlingera e.g. Curcuma Hedychium and Globba species,
are often dominant, but many endemics, mainly Alpinia purpurata and A. speciosa, and Etlingera
belonging to genera of the Hedychieae and elatior. The Himalayan genus Roscoea is some-
Globbeae, are also found in the mountain forests times cultivated in gardens of the temperate zone.
of the SE Asian monsoon region. Drier forests
such as deciduous dipterocarp forests also KEY TO THE GENERA AND TRIBES
harbour many species mainly of the Hedychieae,
e.g. Kaempferia, Curcuma. Some species of 1. Style exserted well beyond the anther tip, the elongated
Hedychium, Curcuma and other genera occur in anther crest wrapped round the style (Zingibereae)
24. Zingiber
temporarily inundated habitats. A few species of - Style not exserted beyond the anther; crest, if present,
Hedychium are epiphytes in montane forests and never wrapped around the style 2
in lowland swamp forests, and some species of 2. Filament usually long-exserted from the flower, arched as
Zingiberaceae 481

a bow, the style forming the string of the bow; ovary 18. Bracteole tubular; labellum always 2-lobed; anther crest
unilocular with parietal placentation (Globbeae) 25 absent 19
- Filament usually short; iflong, then ovary always trilocular - Bracteole, if present, open to the base; labellum entire or
3 2-lobed to bifid; anther crest variously shaped 21
3. Lateral staminodes petaloid, usually free from labellum, 19. Bracts distichous 15. Distichochlamys
rarely connate to it but then pseudostem very short - Bracts spirally arranged 20
(Siphonochilus and Cautleya); ovary mostly 3-locular, 20. Corolla tube long-exserted from the bracts; bracts some-
rarely incompletely 3-locular with basal placentation; times imbricate, tips never recurved 1. Hedychium
plane of distichy of leaves parallel to rhizome - Corolla tube usually not exserted from the bracts; bracts
(Hedychieae) 4 imbricating with recurved, Curcuma-like tips
- Lateral staminodes absent or represented by small teeth, 2. Hitchenia
rarely linear or petaloid appendages oflower part oflabel- 21. Bracts distichous; inflorescence flowering from apex to
lum, but then pseudostem well developed; ovary always base 22
trilocular; plane of distichy transverse to rhizome - Bracts spirally arranged; inflorescence flowering from base
(Alpinieae) 28 ~~9 M
4. Bracts laterally connate to each other in the lower part, 22. Plants with well-developed leafy pseudostems; corolla tube
forming pouches; anther versatile 6. Curcuma distinctly exceeding the bracts 10. Caulokaempferia
- Bracts not laterally connate to each other; anther versatile - Plants almost acaulescent, leaves radical; corolla tube not
mn~ 5 exceeding the bracts 23
5. Inflorescence surrounded by a bell-shaped involucre 23. Labellum usually concave and entire to emarginate
formed by one single bract enclosing cincinnus 18. Boesenbergia
16. Stahlianthus - Labellum broad and spreading, emarginate to 2-lobed
- Inflorescence not surrounded by a bell-shaped involucre 17. Haplochorema
6 24. Bracteole open to the base and bifid; flowers violet or white
6. Bracts large, concave, their margins basally adnate to the 13. Kaempferia
inflorescence axis, appearing tubular in lower half 7 - Bracteole open to the base and entire; flowers white with
- Bracts free 8 red or yellow marks 12. Scaphochlamys
7. Anther basally spurred, versatile; bracts 1 per inflores- 25. Filament short, not exceeding the petals 23. Hemiorchis
cence, without apical foliaceous appendage - Filament much exceeding the petals, arched as a bow 26
4. Camptandra 26. Labellum 3-lobed, central lobe very short with 2 gland-like
- Anther apically crested, not versatile; bracts 1-3 per inflo- basal swellings; flowers greenish 22. Gagnepainia
rescence, with apical foliaceous appendage - Labellum 2-lobed to entire, flowers differently coloured
11. Pyrgophyllum 27
8. Inflorescence terminal on a separate leafless shoot 9 27. Lateral staminodes elliptic, inserted at about the same
- Inflorescence terminal on the leafy shoot 14 level as the petals; labellum connate to the filament
9. Bracteole absent 10 20. Globba
- Bracteole present 12 - Lateral staminodes very narrow, connate to the filament
10. Lateral staminodes connate to the labellum, their united forming lateral appendages; labellum inserted at about the
basal part enfolding the filament (Africa, Madagascar) same level as the petals 21. Mantisia
14. Siphonochilus 28. Inflorescence terminal on a separate leafless shoot 29
- Filament not enfolded this way 11 - Inflorescence terminal on the leafy shoot or plant acaules-
11. Anther versatile, basally spurred 8. Roscoea cent and inflorescence arising in the centre of a tuft of
- Anther not versatile, not spurred 5. Haniffia radicalleaves 43
12. Flowering shoots appearing before the leaves 29. Calyx caducous, falling with the flower; bracts small and
13. Kaempferia caducous or absent, lateral staminodes absent
- Flowering shoots appearing together with the leafy shoots 29. Riedelia
13 - Calyx persistent; bracts present 30
13. Anther crest conspicuous, reniform 19. Parakaempferia 30. Inflorescence congested, forming a compact head; axis
- Anther crest absent or very small 18. Boesenbergia covered by imbricating sterile or fertile bracts 31
14. Anther versatile with 2long basal spurs held at right angles - Inflorescence lax; axis visible; bracts not imbricating;
to the thecae 15 sterile bracts never present 35
- Anther not versatile, not spurred, but occasionally with 31. Capsule beaked, fleshy, usually red when ripe; anther crest
short, basal appendages 17 usually conspicuous, 3-lobed (Africa and Madagascar)
15. Leaf sheaths tubular; flowers purple to white with broad 39. Aframomum
cucullate dorsal petal 8. Roscoea - Capsule more or less globose, dry or fleshy; anther crest
- Leaf sheaths usually open; flowers yellow 16 variously shaped (Asia, Australia) 32
16. Bracts often brightly red-coloured; ovary 3-locular with 32. Labellum and filament connate into a distinct tube above
axile placentation; lateral staminodes, lateral petals and the insertion of the petals; anther crest absent
labellum basally connate to each other 7. Cautleya 36. Etlingera
- Bracts green; ovary incompletely 3-locular with basal pla- - Labellum and filament not connate; anther usually crested
centation; lateral staminodes, petals and labellum free 33
from each other 9. Paracautleya 33. Leaves 1-5, in radical tufts or on short pseudostems;
17. Bracts minute; bracteole absent; each theca with an apical, anther crest prominent 42. Elettariopsis
long-acuminate crest 3. Siliquamomum - Leaves many, on well-developed pseudostems 34
- Bracts conspicuous; bracteole usually present; anther crest 34. Inflorescence enclosed by an involucrum of several rigid,
when present not as above 18 sterile bracts; corolla tube more than twice as long as the
labellum 38. Hornstedtia
482 Zingiberaceae

- Inflorescence not enclosed by sterile bracts; corolla tube 51. Labellum concave; stigma small, geniculate; calyx short,
about as long as the labellum 37. Amomum campanulate. New Guinea, Australia
35. Inflorescence prostrate, sometimes almost subterranean 31. Pleuranthodium
with only the tips of the flowers visible 36 - Labellum spreading, pendulous, erect or concave; stigma
- Inflorescence erect or decurved 40 variously shaped; calyx tubular 52
36. Flowers resupinate; anther crest about as wide as the 52. Calyx caducous, falling with the flower. New Guinea
labellum. Sri Lanka 43. Cyphostigma 29. Riedelia
- Flowers upright; anther crest narrower than the labellum - Calyx at least partially persistent on fruit 53
37 53. Labellum bifid, lobes linear; bracts conspicuous; each
37. Bracteole open to the base; anther crest petaloid subtending 1 flower; bracteole absent. Philippines
42. Elettariopsis 28. Vanoverberghia
- Bracteole tubular 38 - Plants with a different combination of characters
38. Labellum and filament connate into a tube above the 25. Alpinia
insertion of the petals; bracts each subtending 2 flowers
41. Geocharis
- Labellum and filament not connate into a tube above the
insertion of the petals; bracts each subtending 1-many Tribes and Genera of the Zingiberaceae
flowers 39
39. Calyx tubular, split down l side; labellum entire, obovate. I. Tribe Hedychieae Petersen (1889).
Asia 45. Elettaria
- Calyx tubular, not split; labellum 3-lobed. America, Africa Small or medium-sized herbs with usually well-
26. Renealmia
40. Labellum bifid; filament often with lateral, subapical teeth developed, horizontal rhizome. Plane of distichy
41. Geocharis of leaves parallel to rhizome. Lateral staminodes
- Labellum not so divided; filament without subapical teeth usually well-developed, petaloid, usually free from
41 labellum. Style not exserted beyond anther. Ovary
41. Base of labellum and filament forming a distinct tube
mostly 3-locular, or incompletely 3-locular with
above the petals; anther crest petaloid (Madagascar,
Cameroon) 40. Aulotandra basal placentation.
- Base of labellum and filament not connate; anther crest, if
present, not petaloid 42
42. Leaves in radical tufts; bracteole enclosing a whole 1. Hedychium J. Konig Fig. 120
cincinnus. Asia 44. Geostachys
Hedychium J. Konig in Retz., Obs. Bot.3: 73 (1783).
- Leaves on well developed pseudostems; bracteole not
Brachychilum (R. Br. ex Wall.) Petersen (1893).
enclosing a whole cincinnus. Africa and America
26. Renealmia
43. Neotropical and African plants 26. Renealmia Terrestrial or epiphytic herbs with long, robust
- Asiatic plants 44 rhizome. Inflorescence terminal on the leafy
44. Leaves cordate to subsagittate; labellum basally connate to shoot; bracts broad and densely imbricate, or
the very long, linear (G/obba-like) filament. Myanmar, N
Thailand 35. Pommereschea
narrow and leaving the inflorescence axis visible,
- Leaves and labellum not as above 45 cincinni several-flowered, rarely flowers single;
45. Inflorescence apparently lateral, breaking through the leaf bracteole tubular; flowers white, yellow or red;
sheaths, often mucilaginous; labellum not showy calyx tubular, unequally dentate; corolla tube
27. Plagiostachys usually much longer than calyx and bracts, lobes
- Inflorescence rarely pushed out laterally from the leaf
sheaths; if so, then never mucilaginous and labellum narrow, reflexed; lateral staminodes about as long
showy 46 as petals, but broader and spreading; labellum
46. Labellum reduced, less than 1 em long 47 usually conspicuous and pendulous, emarginate
- Labellum well developed 48 to 2-lobed; filament usually much longer than the
47. Lateral staminodes absent. Sino-Burmeses
anther, linear, thecae elongated, crest absent;
33. Rhynchanthus
- Lateral staminodes petaloid, over 2 em long. Sumatra ovary 3-locular. Capsule trigonous, globose or
32. Nanochilus ellipsoid, dehiscent; seed with red, lacerate aril.
48. Labellum held erect, encircling the exserted filament. 2n = 34, 51, 68. About 50 spp., widely distributed
Myanmar 46. Stadiochilus in S and SE Asia; most diverse in the southern
- Labellum sometimes erect, if so then filament not exserted
tropical Himalaya region from N India to S China,
49. Flowers to 12cm long; corolla tube very slender, about but also rich in species in the Malesian region.
twice as long as the calyx. Philippines 34. Leptosolena
- Flowers not exceeding 6 em; corolla tube rarely long
exserted from the calyx 50 2. Hitchenia Wall.
50. Labellum much shorter than the petals, erect; bracteoles
absent. Borneo 30. Burbidgea Hitchenia Wall., Trans. Med. Soc. Calcutta 7: 215 (1835).
- Labellum usually exceeding or about the same length as
the petals, if shorter, then plants with tubular bracteoles Rhizomatous herbs. Inflorescence terminal on the
51 leafy shoot; bracts subcoriaceous, closely imbri-
Zingiberaceae 483

minute, flowers borne singly on the inflorescence

axis; bracteole absent; flower colour unknown;
calyx tubular-campanulate, membranous, 3-
dentate, split down one side; corolla tube as long
as the lobes; lateral staminodes elliptic-obovate;
labellum conspicuous and pendulous, elliptic-
obovate with crenate margin; filament very short,
each theca with a long-acuminate crest; ovary 3-
locular. Capsule narrowly fusiform, more than
10 em long, torulose, dehiscence unknown; seed
with 2-lobed aril. Only one sp., S. tonkinense Baill.,
N Vietnam.

4. Camptandra Ridl.
Camptandra Rid!., J. Straits Branch R. Asiat. Soc. 32: 103
(1899}; Holttum, Gard. Bull. Singapore 13: 78-82
(1950}; R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 31: 205-207

Small herbs with slender stems bearing few leaves.

Leaves asymmetric. Inflorescence terminal on the
leafy shoot, consisting of a single cincinnus in the
axil of 1 large, concave bract, margins of bract
basally adnate to the inflorescence axis, some-
times with apical foliaceous appendage; bracteole
thin, open to the base and entire; flowers white or
Fig. 120A-F. Zingiberaceae-Hedychieae. Hedychium cylin- lilac; calyx short, funnel-shaped; corolla tube slen-
dricum. A Inflorescence. B Flower of a two-flowered cincinnus
with primary bract and bracteole. C Bracteole. D Anther with
der, longer than the bracts; lateral staminodes
stigma in ventral, dorsal and lateral view. E Ovary with epigy- almost circular, spreading; labellum conspicuous
nous glands and base of style. F Stigma. (Burtt and Smith and pendulous, bifid; filament short and broad,
1972b) anther versatile, crest absent, thecae basally
spurred; ovary 3-locular. Capsule ellipsoid, dehis-
cence unknown; seeds with translucent, lacerate
eating with recurved apex (Curcuma-like) but free aril. Four spp., S Thailand, W Malaysia and
from each other, terminal ones sometimes sterile Sumatra.
(coma), few-flowered; bracteole tubular; flowers
purple, yellow, or white; calyx short, tubular, mi-
nutely dentate; corolla tube slender, much longer 5. Haniffia Holttum
than calyx; lateral staminodes from minute to as
long as petals; labellum conspicuous and pendu- Haniffia Holttum, Gard. Bull. Singapore 13: 123 (1950}.
lous, orbicular to spathulate, emarginate to bifid;
filament as long as labellum, thecae separate on a Herbs up to 80 em with rather thin rhizome.
broad connective, crest absent; ovary 3-locular. Stems few to many-leaved; leaves with short ligule.
Capsule trigonous, tardily dehiscent; seeds aril- Inflorescence on separate leafless shoots, pe-
late. 2n = 42. Three spp., Himalayan region to duncle very short; flowers single or in few-
Myanmar. In need of careful re-examination. flowered cincinni, subtended by thin closely
spaced bracts; bracteole absent; flowers white
with a violet to white labellum; calyx tubular;
3. Siliquamomum Baill. corolla tube long; lateral staminodes rather nar-
Siliquamomum Bail!., Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 2: 1193
row, narrowly elliptic; as long as or longer than
(1895}; Loesener in E.-P., Natiirl. Pflanzenfamilien ed. 2, petals; labellum obovate, 2-lobed; filament short,
1Sa: 573 (1930} anther with a short rounded crest; ovary incom-
pletely 3-locular. Capsule unknown. Two spp.
Rhizomatous herbs. Leaves few. Inflorescence a (one of which undescribed), Malay Peninsula and
lax raceme, terminal on the leafy shoot; bracts S Thailand.
484 Zingiberaceae

6. Curcuma L.
Curcuma L., Sp. Pl.: 2 (1753), nom. cons.

Low, rhizomatous herbs; roots often with tubers.

Leaf blade often with violet bands on either side of
the midrib. Inflorescence ± cylindric, either ter-
minal on the leafy shoot or on a separate leafless
shoot; bracts large, broad, apex recurved, laterally
connate to each other in the lower part, forming F
pouches around the several-flowered cincinni, ter-
minal ones often sterile and differently coloured
(coma); bracteole open to the base; flowers white,
yellow, red, or violet; calyx short, unequally 3-
dentate and split half way on one side; corolla tube
adnate to the stamina! tube over its entire length;
lateral staminodes elliptic-oblong, inner edges
partly covered by the cucullate dorsal petal; G~
labellum conspicuous and pendulous, obovate;
filament short and broad, anther versatile,
connective sometimes with a short crest, basally
with 2 curved spurs; ovary 3-locular. Capsule
ellipsoid, liberating the seeds into the mucilage
of the bract pouches; seeds with lacerate aril.
2n = 42, 63, 66, 84. Probably about 50 spp. (but
uncertain how many truly wild, numerous
cultivars being described as species), widely
distributed in tropical Australasia from India to c
Fig. 121A-H. Zingiberaceae-Hedychieae. Cautleya spicata. A
7. Cautleya Hook.f. Fig. 121 Habit. B Flower with bract, lateral view. C Flower, front view.
D, E Dissected flower, D showing ovary, epigynous glands,
Cautleya Hook.f., Bot. Mag. ad t. 6991 (1888); Cowley, Kew corolla tube, anther and dorsal petal, E showing labellum with
Bull. 36: 747- 776 (1982). lateral staminodes, also apices of lateral petals visible. F An-
ther and style in lateral and front view. G Ovary, transversal
Small herbs with short rhizome. Leaves with dis- section. H Ovary (opened) and epigynous glands. (Burtt and
Smith 1972b)
tinct, 2-lobed ligule. Inflorescence terminal on the
leafy shoot; bracts often deep red, well spaced,
each subtending 1 flower; bracteole absent; Low herbs with short rhizome; roots tuberous,
flowers yellow; calyx tubular; corolla funnel- fusiform. Leaves with minute ligule, and tubular,
shaped, tube short, lateral petals basaly connate closed sheath. Inflorescence a raceme, terminal on
with labellum; lateral staminodes narrowly obo- the leafy shoot, or on a leafless shoot appearing
vate, erect, connate to base of labellum for about before the leaves are formed; bracts green, each
half of their length; labellum broadly spathulate, subtending 1 flower; bracteole absent; flowers pur-
emarginate or 2-lobed; filament short, anther ver- plish to pale blue or white; calyx tubular, split
satile, crest absent, basally with 2 long spurs at down 1 side; corolla tube slender, as long as or
right angles to the thecae; ovary 3-locular. Capsule longer than calyx, dorsal petal broad, cucullate;
globose, dehiscent; seeds with short, white aril. 2n lateral staminodes petaloid, erect, narrowly
= 34. Two spp., Himalayan region from N India obovate to circular or rhombic; labellum con-
and Nepal to S China and N. Thailand. spicuous and more or less pendulous, obovate,
entire to bifid, shorter than the petals; filament
short, anther versatile, basally with 2long spurs at
8. Roscoea Sm. right angles to the thecae, crest absent; ovary 3-
Roscoea Sm., Exot. Bot. 2: 97 (1806); Spearing, Notes R. Bot.
locular. Capsule ellipsoid to cylindrical, tardily
Gard. Edinb. 35: 217- 220 (1977); Cowley, Kew Bull. 36:747- dehiscent by 3 valves, or by I lateral slit; seeds with
777 (1982), rev. white, lacerate, fleshy aril. 2n = 24, 48. About 17
Zingiberaceae 485

spp., mountains from the Himalayan region to S Medium-sized herbs with tuberous base. Inflores-
China and N Vietnam; the most "temperate" cence terminal on the leafy shoot; bracts 1-3,
genus of the family. large, concave, with apical foliaceous appendage,
their margins adnate to the inflorescence axis,
enclosing a 1-3-flowered cincinnus; bracteole
9. Paracautleya R.M. Sm.
open to the base or absent; flowers yellow; calyx
Paracautleya R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 35: 367, split down one side, 2-dentate; corolla tube twice
Fig. 1 (1977). as long as calyx; lateral staminodes narrow, about
as long as the petals; labellum conspicuous and
Acaulescent, rhizomatous herbs. Inflorescence ter- pendulous, emarginate or bifid, lobes obtuse; fila-
minal, arising in the centre of a tuft of radical leaves; ment short, broad, anther with a triangular crest;
bracts green, apex recurved, each subtending 1 ovary 3-locular. Capsule unknown. 2n = 42. Only
flower; bracteole absent; flowers yellow; calyx tubu- one sp., P. yunnanensis (Gagnep.) Wu & Chen,
lar; corolla tube short; lateral staminodes petaloid, China (Yunnan and Sichuan). Previously referred
oblong; labellum conspicuous and pendulous, to Kaempferia by Gagnepain, Camptandra by
about as long as the staminodes, obovate, 2-lobed; Schumann, and Caulokaempferia by Larsen and
filament broad, anther versatile, crest minute, ba- R.M. Smith; separated from these on anatomical,
sally spurred; ovary incompletely 3-locular, ovules cytological and morphological grounds.
basal. Capsule subglobose, probably irregularly
dehiscent; seeds with entire aril. Only one sp., P.
bhatii R.M. Sm., known only from the type locality 12. Scaphochlamys Baker
in India, Kanara Province.
Scaphochlamys Baker in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 252 (1892);
Holttum, Gard. Bull. Singapore 13: 82 (1950); R.M. Sm.,
Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 44: 207-210. 1987.
10. Caulokaempferia K. Larsen
Caulokaempferia K. Larsen, Bot. Tidsskr. 60: 166 (1964); Low herbs; rhizome creeping. Leaf blade asym-
K. Larsen & R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 31: 287- metric, often purple on lower side. Inflorescence
295 (1972).
congested or lax, from ovoid to elongate, terminal,
arising in the centre of a tuft of few, radical leaves;
Small, delicate herbs with well developed pseu-
bracts densely imbricate or spaced along the axis,
dostems, terrestrial or epilithic. Inflorescence
usually each subtending several flowers; bracteole
terminal on the leafy shoot, few-flowered, flower- open to the base and entire; flowers white with red
ing from apex to base; bracts distichous, narrowly or yellow marks; calyx tubular, split down 1 side;
elliptic, free or marginally adnate to the rachis, corolla funnel-shaped, tube narrow, much longer
each subtending 1-few flowers; bracteoles usually than the bracts; lateral staminodes broader than
split to the base and entire, or absent; flowers
petals, petaloid, spreading; labellum conspicuous
white or yellow; calyx tubular, not deeply split; and pendulous, spathulate to obovate, 2-lobed or
corolla tube long, narrow, straight or curved; lat- entire; filament broad, short, anther crest 3-lobed
eral staminodes large, petaloid, as long as petals; or entire, thecae with very short basal spurs;
labellum larger than the staminodes, ± orbicular, ovary 1-locular. Capsule subglobose, dehiscence
entire or 2-lobed, spreading to concave; filament unknown; seeds with white, lacerate aril. 2n = 26,
short, anther crest conspicuous, often recurved; 28. About 30 spp., endemic to the Malay Peninsula
ovary 3-locular. Capsule fleshy, irregularly dehis- from S Thailand southwards to Singapore.
cent by 1 broad slit; seeds with short hairs and no
aril. 2n = 20, 24, 42. About ten spp., southern
tropical Himalaya to S China, southwards on the 13. Kaempferia L.
Indochinese Peninsula to S Thailand; mostly in
damp environments, among moss, or on rocks Kaempferia L., Sp. Pl. 1:2 (1753); Kam Yee Kiew, Notes R. Bot.
Gard. Edinb. 38: 1-12 (1980).
in shade along streams.
Low herbs with short, fleshy rhizome; roots
11. Pyrgophyllum (Gagnep.) T.L. Wu & often tuberous. Stem with few (often 2) leaves,
Z.Y. Chen erect or appressed to the soil. Inflorescence short,
terminal, arising in the centre of the radical leaves,
Pyrgophyllum (Gagnep.) T.L. Wu & Z.Y. Chen, Acta Phytotax.
Sin. 27: 126 (1989); K. Larsen & R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. rarely on a separate leafless shoot, appearing be-
Gard. Edinb. 31: 287-295 (1972). fore the leaves; bracts each subtending 1 flower;
Kaempferia subg. Pyrgophyllum Gagnep. (1902).
486 Zingiberaceae

bracteole open to the base, usually bifid; flowers Scaphochlamys, from which it is distinguished by
white or violet; calyx tubular, unequally dentate; the distichous bracts and tubular bracteoles.
corolla tube as long as or mostly much longer than
the calyx; labellum bifid, spreading, together with 16. Stahlianthus Kuntze
the 2 petaloid staminodes often creating a mark-
edly quadrate appearance; filament very short, Stahlianthus Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2: 697 (1891).
crest large, entire or 2-dentate, reflexed; ovary in-
completely 3-locular. Capsule subglobose; seeds Acaulescent herbs from short rhizome; roots fili-
with lacerate aril. 2n = 22, 24, 33, 36, 44, 45, 54. form, terminated by small tubers. Leaves few,
About 40 spp., widespread in tropical Asia. often 2, blade asymmetric. Inflorescence terminal,
arising in the centre of a tuft of radical leaves,
consisting of a single several-flowered cincinnus
14. Siphonochilus J.M. Wood & Franks surrounded by 1, bell-shaped, 2-lobed bract;
Siphonochilus J.M. Wood & Franks in J.M. Wood, Natal Pl. 6 bracteole minute, open to the base and entire;
(3): t. 560, 561 (1911) and in Kew Bull. 1911: 274 (1911); flowers white or violet with yellow marks; calyx
Burtt, Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 40: 369-373 (1982); Lock, tubular, 3-dentate; corolla white; lateral sta-
Fl. Trop. East Afr., Zingiberac.: 14-22 (1985), reg. rev.
Cienkowskia Schweinf. (1867), non Regel & Rach (1858).
minodes petaloid, oblong, as long as or longer
Kaempferia subgen. Cienkowskia K. Schum. (1904). than corolla; labellum conspicuous and pendu-
Cienkowskiella Kam (1980). lous, spathulate, longer than staminodes, bifid;
anthers sessile, connective with or without a mem-
Herbs from short vertical rhizome; roots often branous crest; ovary imperfectly 3-locular. Cap-
tuberous. Leaves on very short pseudostems. In- sule unknown. About six spp., Himalayan region
florescence a terminal, 1-many-flowered raceme to S China, Hainan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos,
on a separate leafless shoot, often appearing be- and N Thailand.
fore the leaves, and often subterranean with only
the tips of the flowers visible; bracts each subtend-
17. Haplochorema K. Schum.
ing a single flower; bracteole absent; flowers white,
yellow, blue or purple; calyx tubular or turbinate, Haplochorema K. Schum., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 27: 331 (1899);
3-lobed; corolla tube elongated; lateral sta- R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 44: 211-214 (1987).
minodes petaloid, connate to labellum, their
united basal part enfolding the filament; labellum Low plants with creeping rhizome. Leaves few,
conspicuous, about as long as the staminodes, 2- sometimes only 1. Inflorescence terminal on the
(3-) lobed; filament short, thecae basal, crest elon- leafy shoot, few-flowered; bracts distichous,
gated, petaloid; ovary 3-locular. Capsule fleshy, linear, each subtending a single flower, uppermost
subglobose, trigonous, dehiscence unknown; flowers opening first; bracteole boat-shaped or
seeds ?arillate. 2n = 26, 28, 42. About 15 spp., split to the base; flowers white; calyx membra-
mostly in the seasonally dry parts of tropical Af- nous, tubular, 3-dentate; corolla funnel-shaped,
rica and Madagascar. tube narrow, not exserted beyond the bract;
labellum conspicuous, broadly deltoid, 2-lobed or
emarginate, spreading, together with the 2 peta-
15. Distichochlamys M.F. Newman loid staminodes creating a markedly quadrate
Distichochlamys M.P. Newman, Edinb. J. Bot. 52: 65 (1995). appearance; filament short, broad, anther with
petaloid, reflexed crest; ovary incompletely 3-
Small herbs forming dense tufts of few-leaved locular. Capsule ellipsoid, dehiscence unknown;
shoots. Inflorescence terminal, arising in the seeds with short, lacerate aril. Three or four spp.,
centre of the radical leaves; bracts distichous, each endemic to Borneo. Clearly related to Kaempferia
subtending a few-flowered cincinnus; bracteole and Boesenbergia, but generic status in need of
tubular, with 2 keels; flowers white and yellow; further study.
calyx tubular, 3-lobed; corolla tube slender,
exserting the bracts; lateral staminodes elliptic; 18. Boesenbergia Kuntze
labellum somewhat longer than the staminodes,
spreading, obtriangular, 2-lobed; filament short, Boesenbergia Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2: 685 (1891); Holttum, Gard.
Bull. Singapore 13: 106-117 (1950); Sirirugsa, Nat. Hist.
anther crest small, entire; ovary 3-locular, ovules Bull. Siam Soc. 40: 67-90 (1990), reg. rev.
many. Capsule unknown. 2n = 26. Only one sp., S. Gastrochilus Wall. (1829) non D. Don (1825).
citrea M.F. Newman, Vietnam. Closely related to Curcumorpha A.S. Rao & D.M. Verma (1974).
Zingiberaceae 487

Small herbs from short, fleshy rhizome. Leaves Small herbs with short, creeping rhizome, roots
few arranged in tufts. Inflorescence terminal on tuberous. Inflorescence terminal on the leafy
the leafy shoot, sometimes terminal on a separate shoot, lax or congested; bracts green or variously
leafless shoot, uppermost flowers opening first; coloured, each subtending a few- to many-
bracts distichous (spirally arranged in Cur- flowered cincinnus, lower ones often bulbili-
cumorpha), densely imbricating, each subtending ferous; bracteole open to the base; flowers white,
1 flower; bracteole open to the base and entire, yellow, pink, orange, or purple; calyx turbinate to
boat-shaped; flowers white, yellow or red; calyx campanulate, 3-lobed to 3-dentate; corolla tube
tubular; corolla tube slender, usually shorter than slender, long; labellum 2-lobed to entire, connate
the bracts; lateral staminodes oblong, petaloid; to the filament above the staminodes; lateral
labellum conspicuous and usually concave, entire staminodes petaloid, free from labellum, elliptic,
to emarginate; lateral staminodes and filament inserted at about the same level as the petals;
adnate to base of labellum; anther crest absent anther with or without lateral appendages, apical
or very small; ovary incompletely 3-locular to 3- crest absent. Capsule usually globose, smooth,
locular. Capsule fleshy, subglobose, dehiscence verrucose or ribbed, dehiscent; seed with lacerate
unknown; seeds with white, lacerate aril, often aril. 2n = 16, 22, 24, 28, 32, 34, 48, 64, 80, 96; 32 and
longer than the seed. 2n = 20, 24, 36. About 60 48 the most frequent numbers. About 100 spp.,
spp., southern tropical Himalaya throughout SE eastern tropical Himalaya to S China and through-
Asia, most species in the Indochinese monsoon out India and Indo-China to Malesia; most species
region and on Borneo. in the Indo-Chinese monsoon region.

19. Parakaempferia A.S. Rao & D.M. Verma

Parakaempferia A.S. Rao & D.M. Verma, Bull. Bot. Surv. India
11: 206, Fig. 1-10 ("1969", 1971).

Herbs with stout rhizome. Leafy shoots elongated.

Inflorescence elongate, terminal on a separate
leafless shoot, flowering from apex to base; bracts
membranous, elliptic, coloured, each subtending
1 flower; bracteole open to the base and entire;
flowers white with pink venation; calyx tubular, 3-
dentate; lateral staminodes similar in size to the
petals; labellum conspicuous and pendulous,
obovate, emarginate; filament short, anther with
short, broad connective and conspicuous, reni-
form crest; ovary 3-locular. Capsule subglobose,
dehiscence unknown; seeds unknown. Only one
sp., P. synantha A.S. Rao & D.M. Verma, India
(Assam), known only from type collection.

II. Tribe Globbeae Petersen (1889).

Small herbs with short or poorly developed
rhizome. Plane of distichy of leaves parallel to
rhizome. Lateral staminodes present. Filament
and style long-exserted from the flower, arched as
a bow, the style forming the string of the bow
(except in Hemiorchis). Ovary 1-locular with
parietal placentation. A

20. Globba L. Fig. 122

Fig. 122A-D. Zingiberaceae-Globbeae. Globba muluensis. A
Globba L., Mantissa 2: 170 (1771); Holttum, Gard. Bull. Inflorescence. B Flower. C Anther and upper part of style with
Singapore 13:21 (1950); Lim, Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 31: stigma, ventral view. D Ovary, transversal section. (Smith
243-285 (1972); R.M. Sm., ibid. 45: 1-19 (1988), reg. rev. 1988)
488 Zingiberaceae

21. Mantisia Sims cave, entire, ovate, wider than the staminodes;
filament short, not exceeding the petals, anther
Mantisia Sims, Bot. Mag. ad t. 1320 (1810); Burtt & R.M. Sm.,
Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 28: 287-290 (1968).
recurved, crest absent. Capsule globose or fusi-
form, dehiscence unknown; seeds with short,
Small herbs with short rhizome. Inflorescence white aril. Three spp., central to eastern Himalaya
a lax, many-flowered panicle, terminal on the and Myanmar, very rarely collected. May be mis-
leafy shoot or on a separate leafless shoot; bracts placed in Globbeae.
rather large, several-flowered; bracteole open to
the base; flowers yellow or orange with violet or
blue; calyx tubular, 3-dentate; corolla tube much III. Tribe Zingibereae Petersen (1889).
longer than calyx; lateral staminodes connate to
the filament and forming linear or spathulate Rhizome horizontal, robust. Plane of distichy of
appendages on either side of it; labellum 2-lobed leaves parallel to rhizome. Inflorescence con-
to entire, inserted at the same level as the petals; gested, terminal on a separate leafless shoot;
anther with 2 or 4 lateral appendages, crest bracts imbricate. Lateral staminodes petaloid
rounded. Capsule globose, dehiscence unknown. and adnate to labellum, thus forming a 3-lobed
2n = 20. Four spp., NE India to N Myanmar. The structure. Anther with elongated crest wrapped
generic distinction from Globba needs further around the style, exposing the stigma. Ovary
study. 3-locular.

22. Gagnepainia K. Schum. 24. Zingiber Boehm. Fig. 123

Gagnepainia K. Schum. in Engler, Pflanzenreich IV. 46: 129 Zingiber Boehm. in Ludwig, Def. Gen. Pl. ed. 3: 89 ( 1760), nom.
(1904). cons.

Small herbs with short rhizome; roots fleshy, often Herbs with creeping, fleshy rhizome. Inflores-
bearing tubers. Stem short. Inflorescence a cence cylindrical to ovoid, long pedunculate or
raceme, terminal on a separate leafless shoot; sessile; bracts often bright red or yellow, closely
bracts and bracteole absent; flowers single on the imbricate or with the apices free, forming pouches
rachis; flowers greenish; calyx tubular, 3-dentate; filled with mucilage, each enclosing a 1(-2-4)-
corolla tube longer than calyx; lateral staminodes flowered cincinnus, margins patent or inflexed;
petaloid, elliptic to rhombic, inserted at about bracteole open to the base; flower colour white
the same level as the petals; labellum shorter to yellow with red to purple markings; calyx
than the petals, 3-lobed, the central lobe very tubular, split down 1 side; corolla tube about as
short with 2 glandlike basal swellings; anther long as the bracts, lateral lobes connate to each
with very short crest. Capsule ellipsoid, fleshy, other and to the centre of the labellum in the lower
dehiscence unknown; seeds with short, white 1/3; labellum 3-lobed, filament short. Capsule first
aril. Three spp., Thailand to Cambodia and S fleshy, later leathery, subglobose, dehiscent; seeds
Vietnam. with white, lacerate aril. 2n = 22, some cultivars
polyploid. About 100 spp., widespread in tropical
Asia with centres of diversity in Indo-China and
23. Hemiorchis Kurz Borneo.
Hemiorchis Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 42: 108,
t. 8 (1873).
IV. Tribe Alpinieae Meisn., Pl. Vase. Gen. 2: 291
Small, rhizomatous herbs with fleshy roots (1842).
without storage tubers. Inflorescence a rather lax
raceme, terminal on a separate leafless shoot; Often tall herbs. Plane of distichy of leaves
bracts caducous, each subtending 1 flower; transverse to rhizome. Lateral staminodes much
bracteole absent; flowers yellow or red; calyx reduced or absent. Style not exserted beyond
tubular, 3-lobed; corolla tube of about the same anther (except in Pommereschea which may be
length as the calyx; lateral staminodes petaloid, misplaced). Ovary mostly 3-locular, if 1-locular
obovate to suborbicular, arising at same level as then with basal placentation (except in Riedelia
the petals, but somewhat shorter; labellum con- where parietal placentation occurs).
Zingiberaceae 489

.· s
© H

Fig. 124A-G. Zingiberaceae-Alpinieae. Alpinia glabra. A
Inflorescence (br bracteole). B Two-flowered cincinnus,
bracteole of first flower fallen, flower showing calyx, dorsal
petal and labellum. C Calyx. D, E Dissected flower, with ovary,
floral tube, stamen and dorsal petal (D) and labellum with
lateral staminodes (E). F Anther. G Ovary, transversal section.
(Smith 1985)

bracteole tubular or open to the base, sometimes

Fig. 123A-H. Zingiberaceae-Zingibereae. A-D Zingiber colo-
ratum. A Flowering spike. B Flower with primary bract and completely enclosing a cincinnus, sometimes
bracteole. C Corolla tube with ovary, epigynous glands, dorsal caducous, or absent; flowers varying from small
petal, style and anther. D Ovary in transversal section. E-H Z. to large, red, yellowish or white to greenish; calyx
acuminatum. E Flower. F Anther and dorsal petal. G Labellum tubular, 3-dentate, often split down one side; co-
and lateral petals. H Corolla tube in transversal section, s style.
(A-D Burtt and Smith 1972b; E-H Smith 1989)
rolla tube usually equal in length to the calyx; lat-
eral staminodes small or absent; labellum erect
or concave, sometimes spreading or pendulous,
varying in shape, variously lobed or entire; fila-
25. Alpinia Roxb. Fig. 124
ment absent or present, sometimes appendaged,
Alpinia Roxb. in Asiat. Res. 11: 350 (1810), nom. cons.; R.M. anther crest present or absent; ovary 3-locular,
Sm., Edinb. J. Bot. 47: 1-75 (1990). rarely 1-locular. Fruit indehiscent, globose or
Cenolophon Bl. (1827). ellipsoid; seeds arillate. 2n = 36, 48, 50. More than
Kolowratia C. Pres! (1827).
Eimeria Rid!. (1909), non Elmera Rydb. (1905).
200 spp., throughout tropical Asia to New Guinea,
Adelmeria Rid!. (1909). Australia, the Solomon Islands, New Hebrides,
Languas J. Konig ex Small (1913). New Caledonia, Fiji and Samoa. The largest genus
in the family, which has previously, quite unsatis-
Herbs, often large, from well-developed rhizome. factorily, been split into several segregate genera
Leaves many or rarely few on the shoot. Inflores- (see Holttum 1950). No recent revision exists,
cence usually terminal on the leafy shoot, lax or but Smith (1990) gives a framework for a new
congested, sometimes surrounded by sterile infrageneric classification, keys, and a complete
bracts, sometimes branched; bracts when present list of synonyms and distribution maps of the
open to the base, cincinni !-many-flowered; infrageneric groups.
490 Zingiberaceae

26. Renealmia L. f.
Renealmia L. f., Suppl. Pl. Syst. Veg.: 7 (1782), nom. cons.;
Maas, Fl. Neotrop. 18 (1977); Lock in Fl. Trop. East Africa,
Zingiberac.: 10-14 (1985).

Herbs with well-developed rhizomes and pseu-

dostems. Inflorescence usually lax, sometimes
branched, terminal on a separate leafless shoot,
erect or prostrate, or rarely terminal on a leafy
shoot; bracts subtending 1-several-flowered cin-
cinni; bracteoles tubular; flowers white to yellow;
calyx tubular to turbinate, 3-dentate; corolla tube
somewhat longer than the calyx, about as long to
twice as long as the labellum; lateral staminodes
small, toothlike; labellum erect or spreading,
3-lobed, longer than the petals; filament short,
anther without crest; ovary 3-locular. Capsule
globose to ellipsoid, ± fleshy, dehiscent from base
to apex; seeds with often orange aril. 2n = 22 or @ F
44. About 75 spp., mostly neotropical (Mexico,
Caribbean, tropical S America), about 20 species
in Africa; in lowland and montane forest, from sea
level up to 2500 m, rarely higher. An informal
subdivision is given by Maas (1977).

27. Plagiostachys Ridl. Fig. 125

Plagiostachys Rid!., J. Straits Branch R. Asiat. Soc. 32: 151
(1899); R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 42: 265-272

Herbs with the rhizome on or just below the

ground. Inflorescence congested, terminal on a
leafy shoot but apparently lateral, breaking
through the leaf sheaths, often mucilaginous; Fig. 125A-I. Zingiberaceae-Alpinieae. A-F Plagiostachys
bracts absent or rudimentary, flowers singly on albiflora. A Young inflorescence emerging from leaf sheaths.
the rachis; bracteole usually tubular; flowers B Infructescence. C Calyx. D Flower, dissected, showing dorsal
yellow, white, orange or red; calyx tubular or petal and stamen (left) and labellum (right) . E Anther and
stigma. F Ovary, transversal section. G-1 P. strobilifera. G
funnel-shaped, 3-dentate, split down 1 side; co- Young inflorescence. H Capsule, surmounted by intact calyx. I
rolla tube shorter than calyx; lateral staminodes Flower. (Smith 1985)
small, subulate or swollen; labellum slightly
longer than petals, obovate, margin crenulate; fila-
ment short, broad, anther with a small crest; ovary
3-locular. Capsules globose to ellipsoid, indehis- Tall herbs with robust rhizome. Inflorescence a
cent, more or less united in a syncarp; seeds ?with raceme, terminal on the leafy shoot; bracts con-
aril. 2n = 98. About 20 spp., W Malaysia through- spicuous, each subtending 1 flower; bracteole
out the Malesian region, a single representative in absent; flowers pink to white; calyx funnel-shaped,
S China. The species fall into 2 groups, 1 with 3-dentate; corolla tube shorter than calyx, the
mucilaginous inflorescence, the other without. lateral petals basally connate to each other and to
This division is accompanied by morphological the labellum; lateral staminodes filiform, 1-1.5 em
differences. A genus in need of revision. long; labellum about as long as the petals, bifid,
with linear lobes; filament elongated, enclosing
the style, anther with a broad rounded connective,
28. Vanoverberghia Merr.
crest absent; ovary 3-locular. Capsule ellipsoid,
Vanoverberghia Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 7: 76 (1 912). tardily dehiscent, smooth, with an aniselike smell;
Zingiberaceae 491

seeds without? aril. Only one sp., V. sepulchrei Large, rhizomatous herbs. Inflorescence a raceme,
Merr., from the Philippines. terminal on a separate leafless shoot, sometimes
pendulous, sometimes pushed out laterally from
the uppermost leaf sheath; bracts absent or cadu-
29. Riedelia Oliv.
cous, flowers borne singly on the inflorescence
Riedelia Oliv., Hooker's Icon. Pl. 15: 15, t. 1419 (1883), nom. axis; bracteole absent or caducous; flower colour
cons.; Valeton, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 52:42-100 (1914); R.M. Sm., unknown; calyx short, campanulate; corolla lobes
Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 31: 297-306. somewhat shorter than the labellum; lateral
staminodes presumably represented by basal
Rhizomatous herbs, terrestrial or sometimes epi- swellings on the labellum; labellum concave,
phytic. Inflorescence usually a lax raceme, ter- usually broader than long, the side lobes curving
minal on the leafy shoot, or sometimes congested behind the filament or connate to the base of the
and terminal on a separate leafless shoot; bracts filament; filament boat-shaped or flat, thecae often
small and caducous or absent, cincinni 1-3- divergent, crest absent; ovary 3-locular. Capsule
flowered; bracteole absent; flowers yellow to ellipsoid to subglobose, fleshy, splitting to the base
orange; calyx tubular, split down on 1 side, cadu- into 3 equal valves; seeds ?with aril. About 25 spp.,
cous, apex entire or 3-dentate; corolla tube shorter New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago and Australia.
or longer than calyx, dorsal petal cucullate, some-
times rostrate; lateral staminodes absent; labellum
erect, 2-lobed to bifid, joined to the lateral petals 32. Nanochilus K. Schum.
and of similar length; filament short and broad,
Nanochilus K. Schum., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 27: 341, tab. V: C-D
anther crest inconspicuous or absent; ovary 1- or
(1899); R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 38: 13-17
3-locular. Capsule fleshy, globose to ellipsoid, (1980).
dehiscent; seeds with basal, sometimes cupular
aril. About 60 spp., E Malesia, New Guinea, the Rhizomatous herbs. Inflorescence congested, ter-
Bismarck Archipelago and the Moluccas. In need minal on the leafy shoot; bracts present, flowers
of revision. borne singly on the inflorescence axis; bracteole
tubular; flower colour unknown; calyx tubular,
30. Burbidgea Hook.f. split down 1 side, 3-dentate; corolla tube narrow,
shorter than calyx; lateral staminodes petaloid,
Burbidgea Hook.f., Bot. Mag. ad t. 6403 (1879); R.M. Sm., over 2 em long, shorter than the petals, linear,
Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 31: 297-306 (1972).
fused to the filament; labellum considerably
reduced, linear, less than 1 em long; stamen about
Terrestrial or sometimes epiphytic herbs with
as long as the petals, filament much longer than the
creeping rhizome. Leaves sometimes somewhat anther, fleshy, margins incurved holding the style,
succulent. Inflorescence a raceme, terminal on the
anther with a very short crest; ovary imperfectly 3-
leafy stem; bracts usually absent, or papery and locular. Capsule somewhat fleshy, subglobose, de-
caducous, flowers borne singly or in pairs; hiscence unknown; seeds unknown. Only one sp.,
bracteole absent; flowers yellow to orange-red or N. palembanicus (Miq.) K. Schum., Sumatra.
pinkish; calyx tubular, 2-dentate; corolla tube
longer than the calyx or of the same length,
petals conspicuous, dorsal one cucullate; lateral 33. Rhynchanthus Hook.f.
staminodes absent; labellum narrow, shorter
than the petals, erect, 2-lobed; anther sessile, Rhynchanthus Hook.f., Bot. Mag. ad t. 6861 (1886); R.M. Sm.,
Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 38: 13-17 (1980).
crest elongated, dentate or entire; ovary 3-
locular. Capsule narrowly elongated, irregularly
Low herbs with tuberous rhizome. Inflorescence
dehiscent by 1 lateral slit; seeds with lacerate,
terminal on the leafy shoot; bracts large, each sub-
chartaceous aril. 2n = 48. Eight spp., Borneo.
tending 1 sessile flower; bracteole small, tubular;
flowers yellowish to red; calyx tubular, split down
31. Pleuranthodium (K. Schum.) R.M. Sm. 1 side, apically 2-lobed; corolla tube long, lobes
short, erect; lateral staminodes absent; labellum
Pleuranthodium (K. Schum.) R.M. Sm., Edinb. J. Bot. 48: 63-
68 (1991).
reduced to a small tooth at base of the filament or
Psychanthus (K. Schum.) Rid!. (1916), non Raf. (1814); R.M. absent; filament long-exserted, petaloid, boat-
Sm., Edinb. J. Bot. 47: 77-82 (1990). shaped, narrowed at apex, anther without connec-
tive crest; ovary 3-locular, ovules with cup-shaped
492 Zingiberaceae

aril. Capsule unknown. 2n 44. Six spp., terminal on a separate leafless shoot, subglobose,
Myanmar to S China. very often broader than long, often surrounded by
an involucre of sterile bracts, peduncle long or
very short, then inflorescence subterranean with
34. Leptosolena C. Presl only the apical part visible; bracts densely imbri-
Leptosolena C. Pres!, Reliq. Haenk. 1: 111, t. 18 (1827); Ridley, cate, subtending 1 flower; bracteole tubular;
Philipp. J. Sci. IV: 180-181 (1909). flowers red to yellow; calyx tubular, 3-lobed to 3-
dentate, often split down 1 side; corolla tube long,
Tall herbs. Inflorescence paniculate, terminal on lobes shorter than the tube; lateral staminodes
the leafy shoot, usually with 3-4 bracts at the base absent or rudimentary; labellum conspicuous,
of the inflorescence; bracteole absent; flowers variously lobed to entire, central lobe expanded to
sessile or pedicellate, to 12 em long, borne singly orbicular, labellum and filament connate into a
on the inflorescence axis, white; calyx tubular, tube above the insertion of petals; free part of fila-
shortly 3-lobed, split on one side; corolla tube ment short of absent, anther crest absent; ovary 3-
narrow and about twice as long as the calyx, lobes locular. Fruit indehiscent, globose to obovoid,
linear; lateral staminodes small, linear; labellum longitudinally ribbed, sometimes united in a
twice as long as the petals, oblong, obtuse, entire, fleshy, globose or elongated syncarp; seeds aril-
recurved; filament very short, anther ellipsoid, late. 2n = 48. About 70 spp., SE Asia from the
crest absent or not; ovary 3-locular. Capsule Himalayas to N Queensland, with main distribu-
unknown. A poorly known genus, endemic to the tion in Indonesia. Generic limits still unclear, par-
Philippines, Luzon, with Leptosolena haenkei ticularly towards Hornstedtia and Amomum;
Presl as the only species. however, a tube formed by the fusion of the label-
lum and filament is never found in these genera.
35. Pommereschea Wittm.
Pommereschea Wittm., Gartenfl. 44: 131, fig. 35 (1895); K. 37. Amomum Roxb.
Larsen, Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 24: 475-477. Fig. 2. 1973.
Amomum Roxb., Pl. Coromandel 3: 75 (1820), nom. cons.;
R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 42: 295-314 (1985),
Low herbs with short rhizome. Leaves with cor- part. rev.
date or subsagittate base. Inflorescence a raceme, Paramomum S.Q. Tong (1985).
terminal on the leafy shoot; each bract subtending
1 subsessile flower; bracteole minute; flowers Tall herbs, some stiltrooted, rhizome usually thin.
yellow; calyx tubular, split down 1 side; corolla Leaves usually many. Inflorescence congested, ter-
tube longer than calyx; lateral staminodes absent; minal on a separate leafless shoot, peduncle some-
labellum about as long as the petals, erect, nar- times short, then inflorescence subterranean and
rowly spathulate, 2-lobed, basally connate with only the apical part visible; bracts closely imbri-
filament into a distinct tube above the insertion of cating, rather large, 1-several-flowered; bracteole
the petals; filament long-exserted, curved, linear, tubular or open to the base; flowers white, yellow,
anther crest absent, thecae basally diverging; orange or red; calyx tubular, usually 3-dentate;
ovary 3-locular. Capsule subglobose, dehiscence corolla tube about as long as calyx or longer,
unknown; seeds with short aril. 2n = 22. Two spp., sometimes lateral petals centrally adnate to each
N Myanmar and adjacent Thailand. other and to the labellum in their lower part;
lateral staminodes small or absent; labellum
longer than the petals, spathulate, variously lobed;
36. Etlingera Giseke stamen shorter than labellum, anther with well-
Etlingera Giseke, Prael. Ord. Nat.: ad 202,209 (1792); Burtt & developed, variously lobed, entire or absent crest,
R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 43: 235-241 (1986); sometimes basally spurred; ovary trilocular. Cap-
R.M. Sm., ibid.: 243-254 (1986); R.M. Sm., ibid.: 440-457, sule dry or fleshy, subglobose to flask-shaped,
part. rev. smooth ribbed or echinate, dehiscent, sometimes
Geanthus Reinw. (1825), non Raf. (1814).
Achasma Griff. (1851). united in a syncarp; seeds arillate. 2n = 24, 48, 96.
Nicolaia Horan. (1862), nom. cons. About 150 spp., widely distributed in tropical Asia
Phaeomeria (Rid!.) K. Schum. (1904). to tropical Australia, the majority in the Malesian
region. No satisfactory revision exists and the de-
Tall herbs up to 8m with stout rhizome. Leafy limitation from genera such as Etlingera and
shoots usually with many leaves. Inflorescence Elettariopsis is insufficiently understood.
Zingiberaceae 493

38. Hornstedtia Retz. 40. Aulotandra Gagnep.

Hornstedtia Retz., Obs. Bot. 6: 18 (1791); R.M. Sm., Notes R. Aulotandra Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 48: lxxix (1902);
Bot. Gard. Edinb. 42: 289-295 (1985), part. rev. H. Perr. in Fl. Madagascar, 47. Zingiberaceae: 9-19 (1946).

Tall herbs; rhizome usually stout. Inflorescence Low herbs from a short vertical or horizontal rhi-
congested, fusiform, terminal on a leafless zome; roots sometimes with tubers. Leaves few.
shoot, short- to rarely long-pedunculate, entirely Inflorescence erect, lax, terminal on a separate
enclosed by an involucre of several rigid, sterile leafless shoot; bracts 1-flowered; bracteole absent;
bracts; bracts subtending usually only one flower; flowers whitish with yellow, violet or red marks;
bracteole open to the base, sometimes absent; calyx shortly tubular, 2-3-dentate, split down 1
flowers white, yellow, orange or red; calyx side; corolla tube short; lateral staminodes
tubular, split down one side, 2- or 3-dentate; reduced to 2 basal swellings; labellum petaloid,
corolla tube more than twice as long as labellum, variously lobed; base of labellum and filament
slender, sometimes lateral lobes connate to each forming a distinct tube above the insertion of the
other and to the centre of the labellum in the petals; free part of filament short, anther crest
lower third; lateral staminodes absent or reduced petaloid, variously lobed; ovary 3-locular. Capsule
to minute teeth at base of labellum; labellum trigonous or trialate, dehiscent or withering with
about the same length as petals, fleshy, concave, age; seeds with undivided aril. About five spp.,
base auriculate; filament sometimes fleshy, or Madagascar, one in Cameroon. A poorly known
anther sessile, thecae sometimes villose, some- genus; more work is needed to establish whether
times with adnate basal spurs, crest usually all species belong to it, and whether the genus is
present; ovary 3-locular. Capsules globose or worthy of recognition at all.
ellipsoid, irregularly dehiscent, sometimes united
in a syncarp inside the persistent involucre;
seeds with thin, cup-shaped aril. 2n = 48. 41. Geocharis (K. Schum.) Ridl.
About 50 spp., mainly in Malesia and tropical NE Geocharis (K. Schum.) Ridl., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc.
Australia, but also in Thailand, Indochina and 50: 143 (1908); R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 43:457-
China (Hainan, Tibet). 460 (1986)
Alpinia section Geocharis K. Schum. (1904).

39. Aframomum K. Schum. Low to tall herbs with robust rhizome. Inflores-
Aframomum K. Schum. in Engler, Pflanzenreich IV. 46: 201
cence lax, terminal on a separate leafless shoot,
(1904); Lock in Kew Bull. 35: 299-313 (1980) and Fl. Trop. erect or prostrate; bracts thin, persistent or not,
East Afr., Zingiberac.: 22-37 (1985), reg. rev. spaced, leaving the axis visible, each subtending
2 flowers; bracteole tubular, persistent or not;
Herbs, with well-developed rhizome. Inflores- flowers yellow, red or white; calyx tubular, long
cence usually congested, terminal on a separate and slender, 3-lobed; corolla tube slender, as long
leafless shoot, sometimes subterranean with only as or longer than calyx; lateral staminodes absent;
the apical part visible; bracts each subtendig 1 basal part oflabellum and filament connate into a
flower; bracteole open to the base; flowers large, tube above the insertion of the petals, free part
violet, red, or yellow, rarely white; calyx split down of labellum narrow, bifid; filament rather long,
1 side; corolla tube narrow, about as long as the broad, more or less boat-shaped, often with lateral
calyx, sometimes petals, stamen, and staminodes teeth just below the anther, crest present; ovary 3-
basally connate into a short tube; lateral sta- locular. Capsule fleshy, narrowly ellipsoid, ridged
minodes small and toothlike; labellum either peta- or verrucose, dehiscence unknown; seeds with
loid, broad and suberect or narrower, thicker and thin, fleshy aril. About seven spp., W Malaysia and
decurved; filament strap-shaped, anther crest con- Sumatra to Borneo and the Philippines. The genus
spicuous, usually 3-lobed; ovary 3-locular. Cap- has some superficial resemblance with Elettaria
sule ovoid to globose, beaked, fleshy, ridged or and Hornstedtia, but its relationship and circum-
smooth, indehiscent; seeds with white, translucent scription have still to be established.
aril. 2n = 48. About 50 spp., tropical Africa,
Mascarenes and Madagascar; one species, A.
melegueta, cultivated for its spicy seeds and 42. Elettariopsis Baker
widely cultivated in W Africa and also in S Elettariopsis Baker in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 251 (1892);
America. Kam, Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 40: 139-152 (1982), rev.
494 Zingiberaceae

Herbs with short pseudostems, and slender, only; flowers yellow or pink with reddish marks;
creeping rhizome. Leaves few, usually petiolate calyx tubular, split down 1 side; corolla tube
and in radical tufts. Inflorescence terminal on a slightly shorter than calyx; lateral staminodes usu-
separate leafless shoot, congested and erect, or ally absent; labellum erect, longer than petals, en-
lax, branched and prostrate, with well-spaced, tire to distinctly 3-lobed; filament strap-shaped, as
distichous bracts, and at least partially subterra- long as anther, crest mostly absent, sometimes
nean; bracts subtending 1(-2) flowers; bracteole entire or 3-lobed, small; ovary 3-locular. Capsule
open to the base; flowers white with red and globose or ellipsoid, sometimes ribbed, dehis-
yellow; calyx tubular, 3-dentate; corolla tube cence unknown; seeds arillate. About 18 spp., S
slender, longer than the calyx; lateral staminodes Vietnam, S Thailand, W Malaysia to Sumatra, and
reduced to small basal swellings on the labellum Borneo; most species from the Malay Peninsula.
or absent; labellum broad, erect, variously lobed
or entire, longer than the petals; filament short,
45. Elettaria Maton
anther crest petaloid, almost quadrangular;
ovary 3-locular. Capsule globose, ridged, dehis- Elettaria Maton, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 10: 250 (1811); R.M.
cence unknown; seeds arillate. 2n = 48. About ten Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 43: 461-463 (1986).
spp., Indomalesia, mostly in evergreen rainforest;
some insufficiently known. The limits of the genus Low to robust herbs with creeping rhizome.
and the relationship with Amomum are not yet Inflorescence elongate, branched, terminal on a
clear. separate leafless shoot, usually prostrate and sub-
terranean with only the tips of the flowers visible;
bracts remote, each subtending a several-many-
43. Cyphostigma Benth. flowered cincinnus; bracteole tubular; flowers
white, yellow or orange; calyx tubular, 3-dentate,
Cyphostigma Benth., Hooker's Icon. Pl.: t. 1380 (1882); Burtt &
R.M. Sm., Fl. Ceylon 4: 530, Fig. 5 (1993).
split down 1 side; corolla tube more than twice
the length of the lobes; lateral staminodes small,
Herbs with creeping rhizome. Stem short with few, subulate or absent; labellum about as long as the
basal, erect leaves. Inflorescence terminal on a petals, obovate; filament short or absent, crest
separate leafless shoot, lax, branched, prostrate, inconspicuous or absent; ovary 3-locular. Capsule
subterranean with only the tips of the flowers globose or ellipsoid, indehiscent; seeds arillate.
visible; bracts remote, each subtending a single 2n = 48, 50. About seven spp., four of which in
resupinate flower; bracteole tubular; flowers pink; the Malesian region, one, the cardamom, E.
calyx tubular, shortly 3-lobed, split down 1 side; cardamomum, endemic to Sri Lanka, but much
corolla tube about as long as the calyx; lateral cultivated in India and Guatemala, and
staminodes absent; labellum about as long as the naturalised in E Africa (Tanzania).
petals, orbicular, obscurely 3-lobed; filament
short, anther crest petaloid, almost as large as la-
bellum; ovary 3-locular. Capsule globose, ribbed, Incertae sedis
dehiscence unknown; seeds arillate? Only one sp.,
C. pulchellum (Thwaites) Benth., endemic to Sri 46. Stadiochilus R.M. Sm.
Lanka. Stadiochilus R.M. Sm., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 38: 15

44. Geostachys (Baker) Ridl. Rhizomatous terrestrial or epiphytic herbs. Leaves

Geostachys (Baker) Rid!., J. Straits Branch R. Asiat. Soc. 32: 157
3-7, long acuminate. Inflorescence a congested
(1899); Holttum, Gard. Bull. Singapore 13: 224-236, Fig. 30 raceme, terminal on the leafy stem; bracts large,
(1950). each subtending 1 flower; bracteole tubular, split
Alpinia subgen. Geostachys Baker (1892). down 1 side; flowers red-purple; calyx tubular,
split down 1 side; petals linear, as long as the
Acaulescent herbs, leaves in radical tufts; rhizome labellum; lateral staminodes absent; labellum obo-
stout, on or above the ground stiltrooted. Inflores- vate, 2-lobed, erect, the margins overlapping be-
cence lax, terminal on a separate leafless shoot, hind the filament, thus resembling a tube beyond
erect or decurved with 1-5 flowers to each bract; which the filament protrudes; filament elongated,
bracts small, inconspicuous; bracteole tubular, in- linear, anther crest minute; ovary 3-locular.
flated, enclosing the cincinnus, opening at apex Capsule unknown. Only one sp., S. burmanicus
R.M. Sm., N Myanmar.
Zingiberaceae 495

Cornukaempferia J. Mood & K. Larsen, Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Loesener, Th. 1930. Zingiberaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K.
Soc. 45: 217 (1997). (eds.) Natiirliche Pfianzenfamilien, 2nd edn., 15a. Leipzig:
W. Engelmann, pp. 541-640.
Monotypic genus from N. Thailand, C. Lynch, R.I. 1882. On a contrivance for cross-fertilisation in
Roscoea purpurea; with identical reference to the structure
aurantiflora ]. Mood & K. Larsen. Related to of Salvia Grahami. }. Linn. Soc. 19: 204-206.
Kaempferia from which it deviates in the undi- Maas, P.J.M. 1977. Flora Neotropica Monogr. 18. Renealmia,
vided, orange labellum, an anther crest in the form Costoideae (Additions). Bronx, N.Y.: The New York
of a curved, hornlike appendage enclosing the dis- Botanical Garden.
tal part of the style similar to what is found in Mahanty, H.K. 1970. A cytological study of the Zingiberales
with special reference to their taxonomy. Cytologia 35: 13-
Zingiber. 49.
Mangaly, J.K., Nayar, }. 1990. Palynology of South Indian
Zingiberaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 103: 351-366.
Muller, F. 1890. Miscellen. Kreuzung von Hedychium. Abh.
Selected Bibliography Naturwiss. Ver. Bremen 11: 444.
Nishida, T., Vehara, S. 1983. Natural diet of chimpanzees
Beltran, I.C., Kam, Y.K. 1984. Cytotaxonomic studies in the (Pantroglodytes schweinfurthii): long-term record from the
Zingiberaceae. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 41: 541-559. Mahale Mountains, Tanzania. Afr. Stud. Monogr. 3: 109-
Burtt, B.L. 1972. General introduction to papers on Zingibera- 130.
ceae. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 31: 155-165. Pai, R.M. 1965. The floral anatomy of Elettaria cardamomum
Burtt, B.L., Smith, R.M. 1972a. Tentative keys to the sub- Maton. A reinvestigation. New Phytol. 64: 187-204.
families, tribes and genera of Zingiberaceae. Notes R. Bot. Petersen, O.G. 1889. Zingiberaceae. In: Engler, A., Prantl, K.
Gard. Edinb. 31: 171-176. (eds.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien II, 6. Leipzig: W.
Burtt, B.L., Smith, R.M. 1972b. Key species in the taxonomic Engelmann, pp. 10-30.
history of Zingiberaceae. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 31: Rao, V.S. 1963. The epigynous glands in Zingiberaceae. New
177-227. Phytol. 62: 342-349.
Chen, Z-Y. 1989. Evolutionary patterns in cytology and pollen Rao, V.S., Karnik, H., Gupte, K. 1954. The floral anatomy of
structure of Asian Zingiberaceae. In: Holm-Nielsen, L.B., some Scitamineae. I.J. Indian Bot. Soc. 33: 118-147.
Nielsen, I.C., Balslev, H. (eds.) Tropical forests. Botanical Ridley, H.N. 1899. The Scitamineae of the Malay Peninsula.
dynamics, speciation and diversity. London: Academic J. Straits Branch R. Asiat. Soc. 32: 85-184.
Press, pp. 185-199. Ridley, H.N. 1909. The Scitamineae of the Philippines. Philipp.
Clark, W.D., Gaut, B.S., Duvall, M.R., Clegg, M.T. 1993. J. Sci. 4:155-193.
Phylogenetic relationships of the Bromeliifiorae- Rodriguez de Ia Rosa, R.A., Cevallos-Ferriz, S.R.S. 1994.
Commelinifiorae-Zingiberifiorae complex of monocots Upper Cretaceous zingiberalean fruits with in situ seeds
based on rbcL sequence comparisons. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. from southeast Coahuila, Mexico. Int. J. Plant Sci. 155: 786-
80: 987-998. 805.
Dahlgren, R.M.T. eta!. 1985. See general references. Schumann, K. 1899. Monographie der Zingiberaceae von
Davis, G.L. 1969. See general references. Malesien und Papuasien. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 27: 259-350, Tafel
Frolich, D., Barthlott, W. 1988. See general references. II-VI.
Hegnauer, R. 1963, 1986. See general references. Schumann, K. 1904. Zingiberaceae. In: Engler, A. (ed.)
Hickey, L.H., Peterson, R.K. 1978. Zingiberopsis, a fossil genus Pfianzenreich IV. 46. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
of the ginger family from Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene Sharma, A.K., Bhattacharyya, N.K. 1959. Cytology of several
sediments of Western Interior North America. Can. J. Bot. members of Zingiberaceae and a study of the inconstancy of
56: 1136-1152. their chromosome complements. La Cellule 59:299-346.
Holttum, R.E. 1950. The Zingiberaceae of the Malay Peninsula. Smith, R.M. 1981. Zingiberaceae. Synoptic keys to the tribes
Gard. Bull. Singapore 13: 1-249. Zingibereae, Globbeae, Hedychieae, Alpineae (in part).
Johri, B.M. eta!. 1992. See general references. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Gardens (mimeographed).
Kam Yee Kiew. 1982. The genus Elettariopsis (Zingiberaceae) Smith, R.M. 1985. A review of Bornean Zingiberaceae: I
in Malaya. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 40: 139-152. (Alpinieae p.p.). Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 42:261-314.
Kato, M. 1996. Plant-pollinator interactions in the under- Smith, R.M. 1988. A review of Bornean Zingiberaceae: IV
storey of a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest in Sarawak. (Globbeae). Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 45: 1-19.
Am. J. Bot. 83: 732-742. Smith, R.M. 1989. A review of Bornean Zingiberaceae: V
Koechlin, J. 1965. Flore du Cameroun. Zingiberaceae: 19-95. (Zingiber). Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 45: 409-423.
Kress, W.J. 1990. The phylogeny and classification of the Spearing, J.K. 1977. A note on closed leaf sheaths in
Zingiberales. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 77: 698-721. Zingibereae-Zingiberoideae. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 35:
Kiinckel d'Herculais, J. 1910. Rapport des insectes lepi- 217-220.
dopteres avec les fieurs des zingiberacees et en particulier Tomlinson, P.B. 1969. Commelinales-Zingiberales. In:
avec celles des Hedychium. C.R. Hebd. Acad. Sc. Paris CLI: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed.) Anatomy of the monocotyledons, III.
1153-1155. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 299, 341-359.
Liang Y.-H. 1988. Pollen morphology of the family Zingibera- Weisse, A. 1932. Zur Kenntnis der Blattstellungsverhaltnisse
ceae in China - pollen types and their significance in the bei den Zingiberaceen. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 50A: 327-366.
taxonomy. Acta Phytotaxon. Sin. 26: 265-281 (in Chinese Weisse, A. 1933. Die Art der Distichie an den Achsensprossen
with English summary). von Zingiber. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 51: 13-20.
Lock, J.M., Hall, }.B., Abbiw, D.K. 1977. The cultivation of Wu, T.-L., Wu, Q.-G., Chen, Z.-Y. 1996. Proceedings of the
Melegueta pepper (Aframomum melegueta) in Ghana. second symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. 306 pp.
Econ. Bot. 31: 321-330. Zhongshan Univ. Press.
496 Zosteraceae

Zosteraceae Kuo 1983a); cortical fibres are absent and thick-

walled parenchyma cells with reduced intercel-
J. Kuo and A.J. McCOMB lular spaces occur in Phyllospadix (Kuo 1983a;
Barnabas 1994). There are small starch grains in
cortical parenchyma cells, the exodermis is not
well defined, and epidermal cells are thin-walled
(Zostera and Heterozostera) or thick-walled
Roots occur at the nodes in 2 to 4 regular, linear
series with 1-many roots in each series. The roots
Zosteraceae Dumort., Anal. Fam. Pl.: 65, 66 (1829), nom. cons. are unbranched, have pronounced root hairs, and
sometimes form extensive mats which probably
Perennial (rarely annual) herbs with creeping, play an important role in nutrient uptake. Each
monopodially branched rhizomes, wholly sub- root has a central stele surrounded by an endoder-
merged, sometimes intertidal, marine, rarely es- mis with a distinct Casparian strip and suberised
tuarine, sometimes extending to brackish water walls. Xylem parenchyma cells have cell-wall in-
habitats. Roots unbranched, with root hairs, growths (Barnabas and Arnott 1987). The cortex is
growing on sand or mud substrates (Zostera, covered by a distinct layer of suberised exodermal
Heterozostera) or on rocks (Phyllospadix). Leaves cells, which, in those abutting root hair bases, pos-
alternate, distichous, with distinct blade and sess wall ingrowths. Plasmodesmata are present in
sheathing base; leaf sheath ligulate, auriculate; both endodermal and exodermal cells of Zostera
blade linear, flat to biconvex, leaf apex variable; (Barnabas 1994).
stomata absent. Squamules present within each Leaves are distichous, and arranged alternately
leaf sheath. Prophylls at the base of each shoot. on the erect shoots. The leaf base is narrow, flat-
Erect shoot annual, possibly sometimes perennial, tened to biconvex, and is closed or open. The
and producing inflorescences. Flowers monoe- blade is strap-shaped, with a leaf apex which dif-
cious or dioecious, naked and arranged in 2 fers between species, and contains 3 to 11 or more
rows (in monoecious species of Zostera and parallel, longitudinal veins connected periodically
Heterozostera, male and female flowers alter- by transverse veins. In addition several longitu-
nately) on 1 side of a flattened spike (spadix) en- dinal striations are present between longitudinal
veloped within a modified leaf sheath (spathe). veins, representing diaphragms which separate
Retinacules present or absent. Male flowers of longitudinal gas lacunae (Tomlinson 1982; Kuo et
one stamen, consisting of 2 free, bilocular, al. 1992). The blade epidermal cells are uniformly
lengthwise dehiscent, deciduous thecae connected chlorenchymatous, squamous to rectangular and
by a ridgelike connective; pollen filiform. with smooth margins in surface view. The epider-
Female flowers of a unilocular ovary with a mal cells lack tannin. Leaf mesophyll cells are
single short style and 2 long stigmas; uniovulate. thin-walled and have large vacuoles and a thin
Pollination hydrophilous. Fruit an achene. peripheral cytoplasm containing few chloroplasts;
A family consisting of 3 genera and 18 species gas lacunae are well developed, with 3 to 6 large
from temperate waters in both hemispheres, some lacunae between pairs of longitudinal veins. The
species extending to the subtropics. lacunae have regular transverse diaphragms. In
each longitudinal leaf vein there are cell-wall in-
VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY AND ANATOMY. The growths in sheath and phloem parenchyma cells.
rhizomes are herbaceous and usually cylindrical, The xylem and phloem are distinctly separated,
with obscurely monopodia! and irregular branch- a feature which distinguishes them from other
ing, and bear erect, annual (rarely perennial) leafy seagrasses. The xylem is represented by single,
shoots (Tomlinson 1974). The rhizome internodes wide lacunae without lignified walls. Nacreous-
are very short with a thick cuticle in Phyllospadix walled sieve tubes and phloem parenchyma cells
(Cooper and McRoy 1988; Barnabas 1994), but with wall in growths occur in both leaf blade and
are rather long in other genera. The rhizome in- sheath. The sieve tubes contain typical monocoty-
ternodes have a conspicuous stele with 2 or more ledonous plastids with protein crystalloids. Fibre
cortical vascular bundles and numerous ligni- strands of thickened but not lignified cells are
fied fibres. The distribution and number of cor- abundant in the leaf margins, occur as small
tical vascular bundles and cortical fibre strands strands associated with longitudinal veins, and are
differ between genera (Jacobs and Williams 1980; found in the hypodermis adjacent to gas lacunae
Zosteraceae 497

and vascular bundles (Kuo et al. 1988, 1990;

Barnabas 1994).
The leaf sheath is tubular and either open or
closed, with distinct auricles and short ligules.
Chloroplasts, wall ingrowths and subcuticular
cavities are absent from both abaxial and adaxial
epidermis of Zostera and only the abaxial epider-
mis of Phyllospadix. The mesophyll resembles that
in the blade, but fibrous strands are more numer-
ous. The vascular bundles are similar to those in
the blade but there are no cell-wall ingrowths in
vascular sheath cells and phloem parenchyma
(Kuo et al. 1988; Kuo and Stewart 1995).


annual, possibly sometimes perennial, and pro-
duces inflorescences. The inflorescence shoots are
either sympodially branched (Zostera, Hetero-
zostera and Phyllospadix torreyi) or unbranched
(the other four Phyllospadix species) (Fig. 126).
Each branch has 1-few spadices. Developing
monoecious or dioecious flowers are carried on
flattened, spikelike axes (spadices), and enclosed
by a modified leaf sheath (spathe) (Soros-Pottruff
and Posluszny 1994). The margin of the spadix is
incurved, and usually bears retinacules at regular
intervals. Retinacules are present in all members
of the family except in subgenus Zostera of Zostera
(den Hartog 1970).

FLORAL MORPHOLOGY. The plants are either

monoecious (Heterozostera and Zostera) or dioe-
cious (Phyllospadix) (Fig. 126). In monoecious
plants 2 male flowers and 1 female are arranged

alternately in 2 longitudinal rows in the spadix.
In dioecious species, flowers are situated in 2
longitudinal rows in the spadix. Perianth parts ..
are absent. Male flowers have 1 stamen with 2
bilocular anthers with a ridgelike connective. De-
hiscence is longitudinal. The female flower has an
ellipsoidal or crescent-shaped carpel with 2 long
stigmas. The solitary ovule is pendulous and
Fig. l26A-L. Zosteraceae. A-F Zostera marina. A Flowering
atropous. The developmental morphology of re- plant. B Spadix with alternating staminate and pistillate
productive structures of two Phyllospadix species flowers. C Transversal section of spadix with spathe and
has been described in detail (Soros-Pottruff and staminate and pistillate flower. D Fruit. E Seed. F Branched
Posluszny 1994). stamen. G- L Phy llospadix scouleri. G Habit. H Pistillate spadix
with retinacula and rudimentary staminate flowers. I Pistillate
flower. J Staminate spadix with retinacula. K Male flower. L
FLORAL ANATOMY. The floral axis in Zostera Young offruit. (Takhtajan 1982)
marina has 3 longitudinal bundles, 1 median and
1 in each margin. These connect below each pistil
and stamen pair at a complete, oblique commis- directly from the commissure, which is enlarged
sure. The vascular supply to the carpel is a single below them (Tomlinson 1982).
trace from the commissure; this trace remains un- In Phyllospadix scouleri the vascular trace of the
branched and ends at the base of the ovule. The carpel diverges from the main vascular bundle
vascular supply to the stamen pair is provided without forming a complete commissure across
498 Zosteraceae

the axis. The carpel trace is branched to produce a pollination can take place there (de Cock 1980;
dorsal and a ventral trace, ending below the ovule. Cox 1988). On the other hand, in subtidal species
The vascular supply to the retinacule (when pollination must take place under water; the
present) is by a marginal branch from the stamen filiform pollen wraps around a stigma during pol-
commissure, the branch remaining individual lination, maximising the surface area of attach-
within the retinacule (Tomlinson 1982). ment to the stigma (McConchie and Knox 1989).
Pollen germination may be triggered when pollen
EMBRYOLOGY. Tomlinson (1982) records that en- contacts the stigma, but numerous papillate
dosperm formation is Helobial, but Dahlgren and pollen tubes are produced close to each other.
Clifford (1982) comment that Nuclear endosperm Pollen germination may also occur before pollen
formation has been observed; more work is re- contacts the stigma (de Cock 1978).
quired in this area. The first root of Zostera is The stigma of Zostera is non-papillate and
initiated endogenously and by its growth breaks breaks off after pollination. However, in Z.
the surrounding tissue, which constitutes a form marina, which is protogynous, the stigmas remain
of coleorhiza (Taylor 1957). in place until the male phase, ensuring self-
fertilization if pollination has not occurred pre-
PoLLEN MoRPHOLOGY. When meiosis in Phyl- viously (de Cock 1980). The small pollen tubes
lospadix torreyi is initiated, the pollen mother contain callose but only 1 eventually undergoes
cells have already elongated and at metaphase I further growth and penetrates the stigma. Obser-
the chromosomes lie in a plane across the narrow vations of an actual fertilisation event are yet to be
axis of the filamentous cell. However, the pole and reported for any seagrass.
spindles rotate through 90° during the anaphase The period of flowering in Heterozostera is
of the first and second meiotic divisions, and the short; the development of flowers is initiated in
cells divide longitudinally to produce filamentous August, followed by anthesis in November. In this
pollen (Stewart and Liidenberg 1980). Mature pol- case the anthers detach but are not buoyant.
len is filiform, 500 11m long in Zostera and 1500 11m Pollination occurs underwater.
long in Phyllospadix. The pollen is binucleate
(Zostera) or trinucleate (Phyllospadix), without an FRUIT AND SEED. The fruits are achenes, either
exine (Pettitt 1984). The pollen of the Zosteraceae ovoid to ellipsoid with a scarious pericarp, or
is generally thinner than that of the other crescent -shaped with a soft, ephemeral exocarp
seagrasses with filiform pollen (McConchie and and a hard, fibrous en do carp. Development of the
Knox 1989). seed and seedling of Z. marina has been described
In the filiform pollen there is constant cytoplas- by Taylor (1957) and Yamashita (1973 ). The seeds
mic streaming, a feature used by de Cock ( 1980) to lack endosperm. The embryo has a plumule and
indicate pollen viability in Zostera; pollen could an enlarged hypocotyl, 2 adventitious root apices,
survive 8h. and is said to lack a radicle.

hemisphere have chromosome number 2n = 12, Dispersal is by water. Flowers form during winter
but those from the southern hemisphere have to spring, the flowers opening in spring, and fruit
2n = 24. The Australian Heterozostera has 2n = maturing in late spring to summer. Seedlings may
ca. 36 (J. Kuo unpubl. 1994). The Japanese be found in summer. Flowering in Zostera marina
Phyllospadix species have 2n = 20. Male plants is probably controlled by water temperature; in
of the Japanese Phyllospadix have a large the Atlantic it is later than in the Pacific at the
heterochromatic chromosome, which is regarded same latitude (Phillips et al. 1983).
as a sex-chromosome (Uchiyama 1993). On the In contrast to other seagrasses, seeds may
other hand, the Californian P. torreyi pollen enter a dormant phase. However, for Z. marina
has n = 9 and possibly a heteropycnotic X- higher germination rates were obtained for
chromosome (Stewart and Liidenberg 1980). seeds collected from reproductive shoots than
for seeds collected from fresh beach debris;
PoLLINATION. In the intertidal Zostera and germination was inhibited at 28-32 oc (McMillan
Phyllospadix species pollen is released on the 1983).
water surface, where it forms a network, and the Germination and establishment is critical for
stigmas occur on the same water surface, so that annual races, but in established clumps or mead-
Zosteraceae 499

ows of perennial races, most propagation is five in the order Potamogetonales. Dahlgren and
vegetative by growth of rhizomes. Clifford {1982) placed the Zosteraceae and six
The adventitious shoots have horizontal rhi- other families in the order Zosterales.
zomes arising from mature erect fertile shoots. Cox and Humphries {1993) considered that the
These adventitious shoots may develop roots, be- three seagrass families: the Zosteraceae, Posi-
come detached and act as propagules (Cambridge doniaceae and Cymodoceaceae share a common
et al. 1983). ancestor with filiform pollen. On the other hand,
based on the breeding system, it has been
PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Phenolic compounds such suggested that Zosteraceae are closer to the
as sulphated and non-sulphated flavonoids are Potamogentonaceae/Zannichelliaceae than to the
present in Zostera and Phyllospadix but absent Posidonaeceae and Cymodoceaceae (Waycott
from Heterozostera (McMillan et al. 1980; and Les 1996; Les et al. 1997).
McMillan 1983). Despite the discontinuous distri-
bution in Heterozostera, leaf samples from Aus- DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATS. Zostera is widely
tralia and Chile were found to have identical distributed along the coasts of temperate zones of
patterns of seven phenolic compounds but to lack both hemispheres. Phyllospadix is restricted to the
flavonoids (McMillan 1983). northern Pacific Ocean, while Heterozostera
Soluble sugars such as fructose, glucose and occurs in temperate Australia and two localities
sucrose are present in the family. Phyllospadix in northern Chile.
differs from other genera in the family by possess- Members of the family normally grow along
ing an additional trisaccharide (Drew 1983) and shallow, low energy coastlines or in estuaries, and
apiose (Woolard and Jones 1978). may be either subtidal or intertidal. Zostera ex-
tends into brackish water. The plants may occur in
RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE FAMILY. DNA se- small clumps, may form large, mono-specific
quence diversity and data from morphology, meadows, or may contribute (with other seagrass
anatomy, karyotype and isoenzyme studies sug- taxa) to meadows of different species. Both
gest significant differences between two subgenera Zostera and Heterozostera are mostly associated
of Zostera, and that the subgenus Zostera is more with muddy or sandy substrates, but Phyllospadix
closely related to Phyllospadix than to the subge- is normally associated with rocky substrates both
nus Zosterella (Uchiyama 1996). Furthermore, re- intertidally and subtidally. In the subartical circle,
cent DNA fingerprinting study indicates that Z. Zostera continues growth under frozen, icy sur-
marina in Central California possesses a high ge- face water.
netic diversity and is not primarily clonal (Alberte Large underwater meadows are visually striking
et al. 1994). The rbcL data of Les et al. {1997) do and support a diverse population of marine flora
not support the recognition of Heterozostera as a and fauna including commercially important
distinct genus. fisheries such as blue crabs. They are highly pro-
ductive and support food webs either through di-
AFFINITIES. The family is a clearly circumscribed rect grazing or through the production of large
group with a highly specialised arrangement of amounts of organic, nutrient-rich detritus.
reproductive organs and anatomical features.
However, the status and the relationship of this PARASITES. The "wasting disease" of eelgrass,
group among other major taxa is less clear. Zostera marina, which destroyed large meadows
Bentham and Hooker {1883) placed the tribe of the N Atlantic Zostera beds, led to a decline in
Zostereae with another seven tribes in the family the population of marine organisms and water-
Najadaceae. Engler {1904) placed this and four fowl in W Europe in 1930-1940. A new outbreak
other tribes in the family Potamogetonaceae. of "wasting disease" has also been reported from
Ascherson and Graebner {1907) and Eckardt N America. The fungus Labyinthula zosterae
{1964) considered the Zostereae to be a subfamily has been considered as being involved in the dis-
in the Potamogetonaceae, along with Posidonio- ease, but there was no direct proof that fungi
ideae and Potamogetoneae ( = Cymodoceae), an were the primary cause of seagrass loss (den
arrangement followed "for the time being" by den Hartog 1996). Lulworthia medusa and Ophilbolus
Hartog (1970). maritimus were also found in Z. marina, but were
Hutchinson {1934) and Takhtajan {1966) re- not associated with the "wasting disease" (den
garded the group as a family Zosteraceae, one of Hartog 1970).
500 Zosteraceae

PALAEOBOTANY. A well-preserved fossil Archeo- Zostera, with leaf sheath closed, inflorescence ter-
zostera = Archaeozostera containing several minal, retinacules absent, four spp., one of which
species was described by Koriba and Mil<i (1931, Z. marina L. of a wide distribution in theN Atlan-
1958) from the Cretaceous at several localities tic and Pacific; subgen. Zosterella, with leaf sheath
in Japan, and has been proposed as a open, inflorescence lateral, retinacules present,
"protozosteroid", the ancestor of the modern eight spp., mainly in temperate Eurasia, E Africa
Zosteraceae (den Hartog 1970; Larkum and den and Australasia, some extending into the tropics.
Hartog 1989). However, re-examination of these
fossil materials led to the conclusion that
2. Heterozostera den Hartog
Archaeozostera was not associated with the
Zosteraceae and probably was not even a marine Heterozostera den Hartog, Verh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. II, 59 (1):
angiosperm (Kuo et al. 1989). 114 (1970).

ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. Members of this family Rhizome creeping, lignified, sympodial to form
are economically significant because their large erect shoots; rhizome internodes with 4-10
biomass in nearshore regions is important in food cortical vascular bundles and many fibre bundles
webs, providing shelter and energy for a large in outer and inner cortex. Vegetative shoots erect,
variety of organisms including commercially- unbranched; leaves with open sheath, ligulate,
important fish and waterfowl. Zostera marina has auriculate; blade linear, caducous, with 3 longitu-
also been used as packing material. dinal vascular bundles; squamules 2. Fertile erect
shoots simple or sympodially branched, forming
KEY TO THE GENERA cymose inflorescences. Monoecious, male and
female flowers alternating within each spathe.
1. Rhizome thick with condensed internodes; rhizome cortical Retinacules present. Fruits with scarious pericarp.
cells thick-walled, cortical fibre bundles absent; roots short,
thick; leaf blade thick, fiat to biconvex; normally growing on Only one sp., H. tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.)
rock substrate. Dioecious 3. Phyllospadix Hartog, S Australia and N Chile.
- Rhizome slender, usually with elongated internodes; rhi-
zome cortical cells thin-walled, cortical fibre bundle
present; roots long, thin; leaf blade thin, fiat; normally 3. Phyllospadix Hook.
growing on sand/mud substrate. Monoecious 2
2. Rhizome internodes with 4-12 cortical vascular bundles, Phyllospadix Hook., Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 171 (1838); den Hartog,
fibre bundles distributed throughout cortex, commonly as- Verh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. II, 59 (1): 97-114 (1970), rev.
sociated with stele; erect shoots long, wiry, branched and
often forming new rhizomes with plantlets; only in older Rhizome creeping, herbaceous, monopodia!; rhi-
plants erect shoots sometimes developing inflorescences zome internodes short, thick, with 2 cortical vas-
2. Heterozostera
- Rhizome internodes with 2 cortical vascular bundles, fibre
cular bundles. Leaves 1 per node; sheath open,
fundles restricted to outer cortex; erect shoots herbaceous ligulate, auriculate; blade linear, flattened to bi-
not wiry, always developing inflorescences 1. Zostera convex, with 3-7 vascular bundles. Inflorescence
shoots sympodially branched, spathe stalked, re-
sembling vegetative leaves. Dioecious; male or fe-
1. Zostera L. Fig. 126A-F male flowers in a zig-zag arrangement on the
spadix. Male spathe with retinacula inserted
Zostera L., Sp. Pl.: 968 (1753), den Hartog, Verk. K. Ned. Akad.
Wet. II, 59 (1): 42-97 (1970), rev.
alongside flowers. Female spathe with flowers al-
ternating with retinacula. Fruit crescent-shaped.
Rhizome creeping or suberect, herbaceous, mo- Five spp., temperate northern Pacific Ocean.
nopodia!, with 2 cortical vascular bundles in each
internode. Vegetative shoot short, bearing 2-6 Selected Bibliography
leaves. Leaves ligulate, auriculate; blade linear,
deciduous, flattened, with 3-11 longitudinal vas- Alberte, R.S., Suba, G.K., Procaccini, G., Zimmerman, R.C.,
cular bundles; squamules 2-4. Monoecious, inflo- Fain, S.R. 1994. Assessment of genetic diversity of seagrass
rescence shoots simple or sympodially branched; populations using DNA fingerprinting: implications for
spathe stalked, resembling vegetative leaves, bear- population stability and management. Proc. Nat!. Acad.
Aci. U.S.A. 91: 1049-1053.
ing alternating male and female flowers. Fruits Ascherson, P., Graebner, P. 1907. Potamogetonaceae. In:
with a scarious pericarp. At least 12 spp., mainly Engler, A. (ed.) Das Pfianzenreich IV, 11: 1-184. Leipzig:
in temperate and subtropical waters of the W. Engelmann.
world; divided into two subgenera: subgen. Barnabas, A.D. 1994. Anatomical, histochemical and ultra-
Zosteraceae 501

structural features of the seagrass Phyllospadix scouleri. seagrass Phyllospadix (Zosteraceae). Aquat. Bot. 37: 229-
Hook. Aquat. Bot. 49: 167-182. 245.
Barnabas, A.D., Arnott, H.J. 1987. Zostera capensis Setchell: Larkum, A.W.D., den Hartog, C. 1989. Evolution and biogeo-
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322. Shephard, S.A. (eds.) Biology of seagrasses. A treatise on the
Bentham, G., Hooker, J.D. 1883. Genera plantarum, Vol. 3. biology of seagrasses with special reference to the
London: Reeve, pp. 1-1017. Australian region. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 112-156.
Cambridge, M.L., Carstairs, S.A., Kuo, J. 1983. An unusual Les, D.H. 1997. See general references.
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ceae. Aquat. Bot. 15: 201-203. ductive biology of seagrasses. In: Larkum, A.W.D.,
Cooper. L.W., McRoy, C.P. 1988. Anatomical adaptation to McComb, A.J., Shephard, S.A. (eds.) Biology of seagrasses.
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Phyllospadix. Aquat. Bot. 32: 365-381. to the Australian region. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 74-111.
Cox. P.A. 1988. Hydrophilous pollination. Annu. Rev. Ecol. McMillan, C. 1982. Isozymes in seagrasses. Aquat. Bot. 14:
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Cox, P.A., Humphries, C.J. 1993. Hydrophilous pollination McMillan, C. 1983. Comparison of secondary compounds in
and breeding system evolution in seagrasses: a phylogenetic Heterozostera tasmanica from Australia and Chile. Aquat.
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ceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 113: 217-226. McMillan, C., Zapata, 0., Escobar, L. 1980. Sulphated phenolic
Dahlgren, R.M.T., Clifford, H.T. 1982. See general references. compounds in seagrasses. Aquat. Bot. 8: 267-278.
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Bot. Fr. Act. Bot. 1-2: 145-148. tures of Australian seagrasses in Halophila, Halodule,
De Cock, A.W.A.M. 1980. Flowering pollination and fruiting Zostera, Amphibolis and Posidonia. Aust. J. Bot. 29: 249-
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Drew, E.A. 1983. Sugars, cyclitols and seagrass phylogeny. McRoy, C.P., Helfferich, C. (eds.) 1977. Seagrass ecosystems.
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Engler, A. 1904. Syllabus der Pfianzenfamilien, 4th edn. Phillips, R.C., McRoy, C.P. (eds.) 1981. Handbook of seagrass
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Proceedings of an International Workshop, Rottnest Robertson, E.L. 1984. Seagrasses. In: Womersley, H.B.S. (ed.)
Island, Western Australia. 25-29 January 1996, pp. 307- The marine benthic flora of southern Australia, Part I.
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Hutchinson, J. 1934. The families of flowering plants, Vol. 2. Soros-Pottruff, C., Posluszny, U. 1994. Developmental
Monocotyledons. London: Macmillan. morphology of reproductive structures of Phyllospadix
Jacobs. S.W.L., Williams, A. 1980. Notes on the genus Zostera (Zosteraceae). Int. J. Plant Sci. ISS: 405-420.
s. lat. in New South Wales. Telopea 1: 451-455. Stewart, J.G., Ltidenberg, L. 1980. Microsporocyte growth and
Koriba, K., Miki, S. 1931. Observation on Archaeozostera (new meiosis in Phyllospadix torreyi, a marine monocotyledon.
named) from Upper Cretaceous Izumi Sandstones]. Chikyu Am. J. Bot. 67: 949-954.
{The Globe) 15: 165-201 (in Japanese). Takhtajan, A. 1966. Systema et Phylogenia magnoliophy-
Koriba, K., Miki, S. 1958. Archeozostera, a new genus from the torum. Moscow: Nauka.
Upper Cretaceous in Japan. Paleobotanist 7: 107-110. Takhtajan, A.L. 1982. See general references.
Kuo, J. 1983a. Notes on the biology of Australian seagrasses. Taylor, A.R.A. 1957. Studies of the development of Zostera
Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 106: 225-245. marina L. I. The embryo and seed. Can. J. Bot. 35: 477-499.
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Kuo, J., Seto, K., Nasu, T., Iizumi, H., Aioi, K. 1989. Notes on Uchiyama, H. 1993. Karyomorphology of seagrasses and their
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Kuo, J., Ridge, R.W., Lewis, S. 1990. Leaf internal morphology Uchiyama, H. 1996. An easy method for investigating molecu-
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502 Zosteraceae

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UWA, pp. 71-78. Sci. Univ. Tokyo III, Bot. 11: 175-193.
Index to Scientific Names
References to main entries in bold-faced print, to illustrations in italics.

Abildgaardia 167 Amauriella 56 A. madagascariensis 22

Abildgaardieae 151, 166 Ambrosina 66 A. ulvaceus 24
Abolboda 468 Ambrosineae 66 A. undulatus 22
A. ciliata 462 Amischophacelus 120 Aponogetonaceae 1, 14, 21,
Abromeitiella 89 Amischotolype 111, 112, 114, 450
Acanthophoenix 374 120 Appertiella 245
Acanthostachys 75, 81, 95 Ammandra 387 Araceae 1, 26
Achasma 492 A. decasperma 318 Araeococcus 78, 93
Achlyphila 467 Amomum 480, 492 Arales 1
Acion 439 Amorphophallus 35, 64 Aratitiyopea 468
Acoelorraphe 331 Amphibolis 136, 137, 138 Archontophoenicinae 359
A. wrightii 308 Amphiphyllum 421 Archontophoenix 360
Acoraceae 1, 7 Amphiscirpus 164 Areae 66
Acorus 10, 30, 32, 37, 38 Amydrium 47 Areca 367
A. calamus 8 Anadendreae 46 A. abdulrahmii 318
Acrocomia 383 Anadendrum 46 A. caliso 318
Actinokentia 361 Ananas 95 Arecaceae 306
Actinoschoenus 174 A. comosus 81, 83 Areceae 354
Actinoscirpus 165 A. lucidus 83 Arecinae 365
Actiorhytis 372 Anaphyllopsis 49 Arecoideae 351
Actoplanes 289 Anaphyllum 49 Arenga 352
Adelmeria 489 Anarthria 20 Aridarum 57
Aechmea 95, 75, 78, 79, 82 A. prolifera 20 Ariopsis 70
Aetheolirion 119 A. scabra 19 Arisaema 33, 35, 69
Aframomum 480, 493 Anarthriaceae 4, 19, 196, 431 A. amurense 69
A. melegueta 480 Anchomanes 62 A. griffithii 69
Afrocalathea 290 Ancistrophyllinae 339 A. thunbergii 69
Afrorhaphidophora 47 Androlepis 75, 78, 96 Arisaemateae 69
Afrotrilepis 183 Andromycia 53 Arisareae 66
Aglaodorum 62 Androtrichum 169 Arisarum 33, 66
Aglaonema 62 Aneilema 110-112, 114, 126 Aristolochiaceae 9
Aglaonemateae 62 A. sebitense 112 Aroideae 51
Aiphanes 319, 383 Anepsias 48 Arophyteae 65
Alcantarea 82, 91 Anigozanthus 221 Arophyton 65
Alexgeorgea 430, 440 A. flavidus 213 Aropsis 55
Aliniella 171 A. uliginosus 213 Arthrostylis 173
Alinula 142, 171 A. humilis 213 Arum 33,67
Alisma 16 A. anglesii 213 A. korolkowii 67
Alismataceae 1, 11, 24, 101, 273 Anosporum 170 Ascolepis 171
Alismatales 1 Anthericopsis 112, 125 Ascopholis 171
Allagoptera 380 Anthochortus 437 Askidiosperma 435
Allardtia 92 Anthracoidea 153 Astelia 224
Alloschemone 48 Anthurieae 45 Asterochaete 177
Alloschmidia 372 Anthurium 34, 46 Asterogyne 385
Alocasia 71 Antongilia 357 A. martiana 310
Alpinia 480, 489 Anubiadeae 56 Asterostigma 53
A. sect. Geocharis 493 Anubias 56 A. luschnathianum 54
A. subgen. Geostachys 494 Apalanthe 244 Astonia 17
A. galanga 480 Aphandra 387 Astrocaryum 384
A. glabra 489 Aphelia 108 Ataenidia 287
A. purpurata 480 Aphyllarum 60 Attalea 381
A. speciosa 480 Apodasmia 443 A. exigua 382
Alpinieae 488 Aponogeton 25 A. maripa 382
Alsmithia 371 A. distachyos 22 A. speciosa 382
Althenia 473 A. elongatus 23 Attaleinae 381
504 Index to Scientific Names

Aulotandra 493 Calameae 339 Centrolepidaceae 4, 106, 233

Ayensua 87 Calaminae 340 Centrolepis 108
Calamoideae 337 C. aristata 107
Bactridinae 382 Calamus 308, 314, 342 Cephalocarpus 182
Bactris 383 C. subgen. Eremospatha 339 C. dracaenula 175
B.concinna 318 C. subgen. Laccosperma 339 Cephalostemon 423
Baeothryon 164, 166 C. subgen. Oncocalamus 345 Ceratocaryum 436
Balaka 364 Calathea 288 Ceratolobus 343
Baldellia 16 Caldesia 17 C. pseudoconcolor 310
Baloskion 439 C. parnassifolia 14 Cercestis 63
Barberetta 219 Calectasia 191, 193 Ceroxyleae 349
Barcella 381 C. cyanea 192 Ceroxyloideae 346
Basselinia 373 Calectasiaceae 190 Ceroxylon 349
Baumea 180 Calla 30, 35, 51 C. alpinum 348
Baxteria 191, 194 Callisia 112, 123 Chaetanthus 442
Baxteriaceae 190 Calloideae 51 Chamaedorea 350
Beccariophoenicinae 378 Callopsideae 64 C. pinnatifrons 308
Beccariophoenix 379 Callopsis 64 C. schiedeana 310
Belosynapsis 120 Calopsis 435 Chamaegyne 166
Bentinckia 370 Calorophus 437 Chamaerops 328
Biarum 27, 68 Calospatha 342 C. humilis 327
Billbergia 79, 82, 94 Calyptrocalyx 362 Chambeyronia 360
B. nutans 94 Calyptrocarya 185 Chelyocarpus 326
Bisboeckelera 184 Calyptrogyne 385 C. ulei 310, 327
Bisboeckelereae 152, 184 C. subgen. Calyptronoma 385 Chevaliera 95
Bismarckia 337 C. subgen. Pholidostachys 384 Chillania 166
Blancoa 221 Calyptronoma 385 Chlorospatha 60
Blastocaulon 206 Campecarpus 372 Chondropetalum 435
Blysmopsis 172 Campelia 123 Chordifex 440
Blysmus 173 Camptandra 483 Chorizandra 161
Blyxa 244 Canistropsis 97 Chrysalidocarpus 357
B. aubertii 238 Canistrum 79, 96 Chrysitricheae 151, 161
Boesenbergia 480, 486 C. aurantium 79 Chrysitrix 147, 162
Bognera 52 Canna 105 Chuniophoenix 332
Bolboschoenus 165 C. indica 104 Cienkowskia 486
Borasseae 334 Cannaceae 2, 103, 229, 285, 480 Cienkowskiella 486
Borassodendron 335 Cannomois 436 Cintractia 153
Borassus 335 Capitularina 160 Cladium 142, 153, 180
Brachychilum 482 Carex 142, 147, 187 Clinosperma 370
Brahea 331 C. bequaertii 142 Clinostigma 370
Brassiophoenix 365 C. dioica 187 C. sect. Lepidorrhachis 369
Brewcaria 82, 89 C. physodes 187 Coccothrinax 328
Brocchinia 75, 86 C. vulpina 187 Cochliostema 110-112, 114,
Brocchinieae 86 Cariceae 152, 186 121
Bromelia 75, 82, 83, 94 Caricoideae 152, 186 Cocoeae 377
Bromeliaceae 3, 74, 393, 467 Carlephyton 65 Cocos 380
Bromeliales 3 Carpentaria 363 C. nucifera 320
Bromelioideae 92 Carpha 177 C. subgen. Butia 379
Brongniartikentia 369 Carpoxylon 371 Coleocarya 438
Bucephalandra 57 Carptotepala 205 Coleochloa 183
Buforrestia 111, 124 Cartonema 110, 116, 118 Coleogeton 413
Bulbostylis 167 Cartonemataceae 115 Coleotrype 114, 120
Burbidgea 491 Cartonemateae 118 Coleotrypinae 120
Burnatia 18 Cartonematoideae 118 Colletogyne 65
Burretiokentia 373 Caryota 352 Colocasia 71
Butia 379 C. mitis 310 C. esculenta 61
B. capitata 310 Caryoteae 351 Colocasieae 70
Butiinae 379 Catacolea 439 Colpothrinax 331
Butomaceae 1, 14, 24, 100, 273 Catoblastus 354 C. wrightii 308
Butomopsis 101, 274 Catopsis 79, 81, 90 Comanthera 205
Butomus 102 C. berteroana 90 Cominsia 292
B. umbellatus 101 Caulokaempferia 485 Commelina 110-112, 114, 126
Caustis 153, 180 Commelinaceae 82, 109, 218, 295,
Caladieae 59 Cautleya 484 419
Caladiopsis 60 C. spicata 484 Commelinales 3
Caladium 60 Cenolophon 489 Commelineae 124
Index to Scientific Names 505

Commelinoideae 118 Cyrtostachys 361 E. subgen. Barcella 381

Commelinopsis 126 Cytogonidium 441 E. guineensis 382
Connellia 88 Elasis 122
Conostylidoideae 220 Daemonorops 342 Elegia 434
Conostylis 221 D. sparsiflora 318 Eleiodoxa 342
C. aurea 213 Damasonium 16 Eleocharideae 151, 166
Copernicia 331 D. polyspermum 12 Eleocharis 145, 147, 166
C. rigida 31 0 Dapsilanthus 443 Eleogiton 168
Corypha 314, 332 Dasypogon 191, 193 Elettaria 494
C. umbraculifera 308 D. bromeliifolius 192 E. cardamomum 480
Corypheae 224 Dasypogonaceae 2, 190 Elettariopsis 493
Coryphinae 332 Dasypogonales 2 Eimeria 489
Coryphoideae 223 Deckenia 374 Elodea 245
Costaceae 2, 128, 229, 480 Deinacanthon 75, 95 E. canadensis 236
Costularia 178 Dendropogon 92 Elyna 186
Costus 131 Desmocladus 438 Eminium 66
C. cuspidatus 129 Desmoncus 383 E. alberti 67
C. lucanusianus 129 Desmoschoenus 153, 168 Empodisma 438
C. megalobractea 129 Deuterocohnia 75, 89 Encholirium 75, 89
Cottendorfia 82, 87 Diandriella 56 Enhalus 247
Courtoisina 142, 170 Dichorisandra 112, 114, 121 E. acoroides 237
Craspedolepis 435 Dichorisandrinae 121 Ensete 300
Crosslandia 167 Dichromena 174 E. ventricosum 297
Cryptangieae 152, 181 Dictyocaryum 353 Epidryos 422
Cryptangium 181 Dictyosperma 371 Epipremnopsis 47
Cryptanthus 75, 79, 93 Dictyospermum 112, 125 Epipremnum 47
Cryptocoryne 33, 34, 58 Didymiandrum 182 Epischoenus 178
Crysophila 326 Dieffenbachia 52 Eremospatha 339
Ctenanthe 291 Dieffenbachieae 52 Eriocaulaceae 3, 116, 197, 419, 467
Ctenophrynium 291 Dielsia 440 Eriocaulon 202, 203, 204
Culcasia 63 Dilatris 219 E. longipetalum 198
Culcasieae 62 D. pilansii 213 E. setaceum 198
Curculigo seychellensis 309 Dimerocostus 131 E. sieboldianum 198
Curcuma 480, 484 Diplacrum 147, 184 E. ussuriense 198
Curcumorpha 486 Diplasia 161 E. woodii 198
Cuthbertia 123 Disteganthus 97 Eriophorella 164
Cyanotinae 120 Distichia 258 Eriophorum 163
Cyanotis 111, 112, 120 D. muscoides 253 Erioscirpus 163
Cyathochaeta 142, 147, 176 Distichochlamys 486 Eriospora 183
Cyathocoma 178 Donax 289 Etlingera 492
Cyclanthaceae 309, 321 Dovea 435 E. elatior 480
Cyclospathe 348 Dracontioides 49 Eugeissona 340
Cyclospatheae 348 Dracontium 49 Eugeissoninae 339
Cymbispatha 123 D. sect. Urospathopsis 49 Eurychorda 440
Cymodocea 137, 138 Dracunculus 67 Eurystemon 402
C. nodosa 133 Drymophloeus 363 E. mexicanum 397
Cymodoceaceae 2, 133, 406, 447, Duckea 423 Euterpe 358
499 Dulichieae 152, 173 Euterpeinae 358
Cymophyllus 188 Dulichium 173 Evandra 148, 180
Cyperaceae 3, 141, 257, 456 Dyckia 75, 89 Everardia 182
Cypereae 151, 152, 168 Dypsidinae 357 Exocarya 160
Cyperoideae 151, 162 Dypsis 357 Exochogyne 148, 185
Cyperus 145, 146, 170 D. lutescens 308
C. bequaertii 142 Fascicularia 93
C. boreochrysocephalus 142 Ecdeiocolea 196 Felipponia 53
C. halpan 142 Ecdeiocoleaceae 4, 20, 195, 431 Felipponiella 53
C. papyrus 154 Echidnium 49 Fernseea 93
C. pedunculatus 142 Echinodorus 16 Ficinia 146, 168
C. purpureo-glandulosus 142 Edmundoa 96 Filarum 59
C. usitatus 142 Egeria 245 Fimbristylis 166
Cyphokentia 370 E. densa 136 Fintelmannia 182
Cyphophoenix 372 Egleria 166 Flagellaria 210, 224, 250
Cyphosperma 373 Eichhornia 401 F. guineensis 208
Cyphostigma 494 E. crassipes 396 F. indica 208, 209
Cyrtosperma 50 Elaeidinae 381 Flagellariaceae 4, 208, 431
Cyrtostachydinae 361 Elaeis 382 Flagellarisaema 69
506 Index to Scientific Names

Floscopa 111, 124 H. ova/is 237 H. verschaffeltii 348

Fosterella 75, 88 Hanguana 209, 225, 250 Hyophorbeae 350
F. penduliflora 77 H. malayana 223 Hyospathe 359
Fuirena 146, 164 Hanguanaceae 3, 210, 223 Hyphaene 336
F. leptostachya 142 Haniffia 483 H. thebaica 308
Fuireneae 151, 164 Hapaline 61 Hyphaeninae 335
Furtadoa 55 Haplochorema 486 Hyplophytum 95
Harperia 438 Hypodiscus 437
Gagnepainia 488 Haumania 292 H. procurrens 426
Gahnia 142, 179 Hechtia 75, 82, 90 Hypolaena 437, 442
Gaimardia 108 Hedychium 480, 482 Hypolytreae 151, 159
Gamogyne 57 H. cylindricum 483 Hypolytrum 160
Gastrochilus 486 Hedyscepe 360 Hypoxidaceae 218
Gastrococos 383 Heleocharis 166 Hypselodelphys 289
Gaussia 350 Helicodiceros 68
Geanthus 492 Heliconia 229, 454 Iguanura 369
Gearum 54 H. solomonensis 227 Iguanurinae 367
Geocharis 493 H. spathocircinata 228 Iriartea 319, 353
Geogenanthus 112, 121 Heliconiaceae 2, 226 Iriarteeae 352
Geonoma 385 Hellmuthia 162 Iriartella 353
G. macrostachys 318 Helmholtzia 393 I. setigera 318
Geonomeae 384 Helonema 166 Ischnosiphon 288
Georgeantha 196 Hemicarpha 172 Ischyrolepis 434
G. hexandra 195, 196 Hemiorchis 488 Isolepis 168
Geostachys 494 Hemithrinax 327 I. jluitans 142, 163
Gibasis 123 Heteranthera 402 Itaya 327
Gibasoides 122 H. zosterifolia 397
Glaziova 380 Heteroaridarum 58 ]aimenostia 68
Globba 487 Heteroarisaema 69 ]asarum 60
G. muluensis 487 Heterolobium 51 ]essenia 359
Globbeae 487 Heteropsideae 46 ]ohannesteijsmannia 330
Glomeropitcairnia 81, 91 Heteropsis 46 f. altifrons 310
Gonatanthus 70 Heterospathe 369 ]oinvillea 210, 224, 250
Gonatopus 51 Heterozostera 500 f. ascendens 249
G. angustus 31 Hitchenia 482 f. plicata 249
Goniocladus 373 Helicodea 94 Joinvilleaceae 4, 20, 196, 249,
Gorgonidium 53 Hohenbergia 82, 95 431
Gramineae 4 H. stellata 80 ]uania 349
Greigia 93 Hohenbergiopsis 78, 96 ]ubaea 379
G. berteroi 82 Holochlamys 46 ]ubaeopsis 379
Groenlandia 414 Holoschoenus 169 Juncaceae 3, 152, 252, 257, 456
G. densa 409 Homalomena 32, 35, 56 Juncaginaceae 1, 260, 262, 450
Gronophyllum 318, 366 Homalomeneae 55 Juncales 3
Guacamaya 422 Hopkinsia 429, 431, 434 ]uncella 233
Guihaia 329 Hornstedtia 493 ]uncellus 170
Guilielma 383 Hottarum 57 ]uncus 153, 259
Gulubia 366 Howea 362 J. balticus 253
Guringalia 439 Hybophrynium 289 f. triglumis 253
Guzmania 79, 91 Hydatella 108, 233
G. acrifolia 80 H. dioica 232 Kaempferia 480, 485
Gymnoschoenus 176 Hydatellaceae 4, 108, 231 K. subgen. Cienkowskia 486
Gymnostachydoideae 43 Hydriastele 366 K. subgen. Pyrgophyllum 485
Gymnostachys 27, 35, 37, 44 Hydrilla 245 Karinia 169
G. anceps 31 H. verticillata 236 Kentiopsis 361
Hydrocharis 244 Kerriodoxa 332
Hadrodemas 123 H. morsus-ranae 238 Kingia 191, 193
Haemodoraceae 3, 116, 212, 393, Hydrocharitaceae 1, 234, 305 K. australis 191
400 Hydrocleys 14, 101, 274 Kingiaceae 190
Haemodoroideae 219 H. martii 273 Kobresia 142, 153, 186
Haemodorum 219 H. nymphoides 272 Koernickanthe 290
H. spicatum 213 Hydrophilus 436 Kolowratia 489
Hagenbachia 218 Hydrothrix 402 Korthalsia 340
Halmoorea 355 H. gardneri 397 Koyamaea 185
Halodule 138 Hylaeanthe 291 Kulinia 439
Halopegia 292 Hymenochaeta 165 Kunhardtia 422
Halophila 247 Hyophorbe 350 Kyllinga 148, 172
Index to Scientific Names 507

K. sphaerocephala 142 Lophiola 218 Medemia 337

Kyllingiella 169 Lophoschoenus 178 Meeboldina 442
Lophospatha 342 Megalotheca 441
Laccospadix 362 Lowiaceae 2, 229, 275, 299 Megaphrynium 289
Laccosperma 339 Loxocarya 441 Melanostachya 441
Lachnanthes 219 Loxococcus 365 Mesanthemum 203, 205
Lachnocaulon 205 Luronium 16 M. rutenbergianum 199
Lagarosiphon 246 L. natans 12 Mesomelaena 176
L. muscoides 236 Luzula 259 Metroxylinae 340
Lagenandra 33, 34, 58 L. pilosa 256 Metroxylon 314, 340
Lagenocarpus 181 L. spicata 253 M. amicarum 309, 341
Lamprocaulos 434 Lyginia 429, 431, 434 M. sagu 341
Lamprococcus 95 L. barbata 426 M. salomonense 309, 318, 341
Lanaria 218 L. imberbis 426 M. vitiense 341
Languas 489 Lymania 97 M. warburgii 341
Lasia 50 L. corallina 80 Mezbromelia 91
Lasimorpha 50 Lysichiton 35, 44 Microcasia 57
Lasioideae 49 L. camtschatcensis 44 M. sect. Truncatae 57
Latania 335 Lytocaryum 380 Microculcas 51
Lataniinae 335 Microdracoides 183
Lavoixia 372 Machaerina 147, 180 M. squamosus 183
Lazarum 35, 68 Machaerocarpus 16 Micropapyrus 174
Leiothrix 205 Mackeea 361 Moldenkeanthus 206
L. nubigena 199 Macrochaetium 178 Monochoria 401
Lemna 269 Macrochordion 95 M. vagina/is 396
L. perpusilla 265 Maidenia 246 Monocostus 131
L. trisulca 265 M. rubra 237 Monophrynium 287
Lemnaceae 1, 38, 264 Malortieinae 356 Monophyllanthe 290
Lemnoideae 269 Mangonia 53 Monotagma 289
Lemurophoenicinae 357 Manicaria 356 M. laxum 280
Lemurophoenix 357 Manicariinae 356 M. secundum 280
Leopoldinia 356 Mantisia 488 Monotrema 423
Leopoldiniinae 356 Mapania 145, 160 Monotremeae 423
Lepidobolus 439 Mapanioideae 151, 159 Monstera 48
Lepidocaryeae 345 Mapaniopsis 160 M. obliqua 48
Lepidocaryum 345 Marahuacaea 422 Monstereae 47
Lepidorrhachis 369 Maranta 290 Monsteroideae 46
Lepidosperma 142, 181 M. subgen. Saranthe 291 Mimtrichardia 63
Lepilaena 473 M. amazonica 280 M. arborescens 63
Lepironia 153, 161 M. arundinacea 280 Montrichardieae 63
Leptocarpus 435, 442 Marantaceae 2, 105, 229, 278, 480 Moratia 370
L. elegans 427 Marantochloa 290 Morelotia 179
L. tenax 430 Mariscopis 172 Morenia 350
Leptorhoeo 123 Marisculus 171 Murdannia 110, 112, 124
Leptosolena 492 Mariscus 170 M. cryptantha 111
Lepyrodia 437 Marojejya 377 M. simplex 111
Licuala 330 Marsippospermum 258 Musa 300
Lilaea 263 M. grandiflorum 253 M. acuminata 297
Lilaeaceae 262 Maschalocephalus 424 M. maclayi 297
Lilloa 54 Masoala 376 Musaceae 2, 229, 277, 296, 454
Limnobium 244 Masoalinae 376 M. subfam. Heliconioideae 226
L. laevigatum 238 Mastersiella 437 M. tribe Heliconieae 226
Limnocharis 101, 274 Matudanthus 122 Myrialepis 343
L. flava 272 Maundia 263 Myrosma 291
Limnocharitaceae 1, 14, 101, 271 Mauritia 345
Limnophyton 17 M. flexuosa 310 Najadaceae 2, 242, 301
Lindmania 87 Mauritiella 345 Najas 305
Linospadicinae 361 Maxburretia 329 N. podostemon 302
Linospadix 362 Maximiliana 381 Nannorrhops 332
Lipocarpha 147, 172 Mayaca 295 N. ritchiana 327
L. nana M. baumii 295 Nanochilus 491
Livistona 329 M. fluviatilis 295 Navia 81, 82, 86
Livistoninae 329 M. longipes 295 N. acaulis 87
Lodoicea 335 M. sellowiana 295 N. fontoides 77
L. maldivica 336 M. vandellii 295 Nechamandra 246
Lomandra 191 Mayacaceae 3, 82, 116, 294, 419 N. alternifolia 236
508 Index to Scientific Names

Neesenbeckia 148, 178 Parajubaea 380 Pitcairnieae 86

Nelmesia 168 Parakaempferia 487 Pitcairnioideae 86
Nematanthus 437 Paramapania 148, 161 Plagiostachys 490
Nemum 167 Paramomum 492 P. albiflora 490
Nenga 366 Patosia 258 P. strobilifera 490
Neodypsis 357 Pauella 68 Platycaulos 435
Neoglaziovia 75, 94 Pauridia 218 Platychorda 440
N. variegata 83 Pedicellarum 45 Plectocomia 344
Neonicholsonia 358 Pelagodoxa 369 Plectocomiinae 343
Neophloga 357 Peltandra 35, 65 Plectocomiopsis 344
Neoregelia 75, 82, 97 P. virginica 30 Pleiostachya 288
Neoveitchia 368 Peltandreae 65 P. pruinosa 280
Nephrosperma 376 Pepinia 81, 88 Plesmonium 64
Nephthytideae 61 Phacelophrynium 288 Pleuranthodium 491
Nephthytis 34, 61 Phaeomeria 492 Pleuriarum 69
Nevillea 436 Phaethorninae 228 Pleurostachys 175
Nicolaia 492 Phelepsiella 421 Poaceae 20, 152, 196, 431
Nidularium 97 Phenakospermum 454 Poales 4
N. innocentii 77 Philodendreae 55 Podaechmea 93, 95
N. scheremetiewii 94 Philodendron 33, 55 Podococceae 354
Nipa 346 Philodice 205 Podococcus 354
Normanbya 364 P. hoffmannseggii 199 P. barteri 348
Nypa 312, 346 Philonotion 56 Podolasia 50
N. fruticans 310, 318, 320, 347 Philydraceae 3, ll6, 218, 389, 400 Pogonotium 343
Nypoideae 346 Philydrella 394 Pollia 112, 125
Philydrum 394 Polyandrococos 381
Ochagavia 93 P. lanuginosum 390 Polyspatha 111, 112, 114, 125
0. elegans 82 Phlebocarya 220 Pommereschea 492
Oenocarpus 359 Phloga 357 Pontederia 401
Oncocalaminae 345 Phoeniceae 33 P. cordata 396
Oncocalamus 345 Phoenicophorium 375 Pontederiaceae 3, ll6, 218, 393,
Oncosperma 375 Phoenix 333 395
Oncospermatinae 374 P. canariensis 334 Porandra 112, 114, 120
Onychosepalum 438 P. dactylifera 319, 334 Porphyrospatha 60
Orania 349, 355 P. reclinata 334 Portea 96
Oraniinae 355 P. roebelenii 310 Posidonia 407
Oraniopsis 349 P. sylvestris 334 P. australis 404
Orbignya 381 Pholidocarpus 330 Posidoniaceae 2, 136, 404, 406,
Orchidantha 277 Pholidostachys 384 447, 499
0. borneensis 276 Phrynium 287 Potamogeton 413
0. longijlora 276 Phyllocomos 437 P. alpinus 409
0. maxillarioides 276 Phylloscirpus 163 P. gramineus 409
Orectanthe 468 P. acaulis 163 P. lucens 409
0. sceptrum 467 Phyllospadix 500 P. natans 409
Oreobolopsis 163 P. scouleri 497 P. perfoliatus 409
Oreobolus 177 Phymatarum 57 Potamogetonaceae 2, 408, 447, 499
0. obtusangulus 175 Physocaulis 300 Potarophytum 423
Oreograstis 177 Physokentia 373 Potheae 45
Orontioideae 44 Phytelephantoideae 385 Pothoideae 45
Orontium 34, 44 Phytelephas 386 Pothoidium 45
Ortgiesia 95 P. macrocarpa 386 Pathos 35, 45
Orthophytum 79, 92 Pigafetta 344 Pothuava 95
Orthothylax 393 Pigafettinae 344 Prestoea 358
Ottelia 243 Pinanga 367 Principes 2
0. alismoides 238 P. maculata 318 Principina 160
Oxycaryum 169 Pinellia 32, 69 Prionium 258
Oxychloe 259 Piperaceae 9 P. serratum 253
Piptospatha 57 Prionophyllum 89
Paepalanthus 202, 206 Pistia 27, 30, 35, 38, 71, 268 Prionosepalum 442
Palandra 386 P. stratiotes 31 Pritchardia 330
Palisota llO, ll2, 119 Pistieae 71 Pritchardiopsis 330
Palisotinae 119 Pitcairnia 75, 79, 88 Protarum 70
Palmae 2, 306 P. andreana 79 Pseudaechmea 96
Pandanaceae 321, 459 P. feliciana 82 Pseudalthenia 473
Panzhuyia 71 P. grafii 80 Pseudananas 75, 95
Paracautleya 485 P. mirabilis 88 Pseudodracontium 65
Index to Scientific Names 509

Pseudoeverardia 182 Rhektophyllum 63 Schizocasia 71

Pseudohomalomena 64 Rhodocoma 436 Schoendoum 442
Pseudohydrosme 62 Rhodospatha 48 Schoeneae 152
Pseudoparis 125 Rhoeo 123 Schoeneae 173
Pseudophoenix 348 Rhopalephora 111, 112, 126 Schoenocephalieae 422
P. sargentii 348 Rhopaloblaste 371 Schoenocephalium 422
Pseudoschoenus 165 Rhopalostylis 361 Schoenoides 177
Pseudowolffia 269 Rhynchanthus 491 Schoenoplectus 147, 153, 154, 165
Psilocarya 174 Rhynchocladium 180 S. lateriflorus 163
Psychanthus 491 Rhynchospora 145, 148, 174 Schoenoxiphium 153, 186
Pteroscleria 184 R. corymbosa 146 S. sparteum 142
Ptilanthelium 175, 176 R. latifolia 175 Schoenus 142, 175
Ptilothrix 176 Riedelia 491 Scholleropsis 402
Ptychococcus 365 Rikliella 172 Schumannianthus 289
Ptychosperma 364 Ringentiarum 69 Schunda-Pana 352
Ptychospermatinae 363 Rondonanthus 202, 203, 204 Scindapsus 47
Puccinia 153 Ronnbergia 97 Scirpeae 151, 162
Puya 75, 89 Roscheria 375 Scirpodendron 147, 159
P. berteroiana 88 Roscoea 480, 484 S. ghaeri 159
P. spathaceae 80 Rostkovia 258 Scirpoides 169
Puyeae 89 Roystonea 359 Scirpus 162
Pycnospatha 49 R. regia 308 Scleria 148, 184
Pycreus 148, 172 Roystoneinae 359 S. distans 146
Pyrgophyllum 485 Ruppia 448 S. hildebrandtii 146
Pyrrorhiza 219 R. maritima 446 S. nyasensis 146
Ruppiaceae 2, 445 Sclerieae 152, 184
Queenslandiella 142, 148, 172 Sclerioideae 152, 152, 181
Quesnelia 96 Saba! 333 Sclerosperma 376
S. etonia 308 S. mannii 318
Racinaea 92 S. palmetto 310, 327 Sclerospermatinae 376
R. insularis 82 Sabalinae 333 Separotheca 123
Ranalisma 16 Sagittaria 17 Serenoa 331
R. rostratum 12 S. lappula 13 S. repens 308, 310
Rapatea 422 S. sagittifolia 13 Siderasis 121
R. celiae 418 S. teres 13 Siliquamomum 483
R. membranacea 417 Sagus 344 Siphokentia 366
Rapateaceae 3, 82, 116, 193, 415, S. sect. Pigafetta 344 Siphonochilus 486
467, 422 Salacca 342 Socratea 319, 353
Rapateoideae 422 S. sect. Eleiodoxa 342 S. exorrhiza 348
Raphia 344 S. wallichiana 308 S. salazarii 310
Raphidophora 47 Sanblasia 288 Sodiroa 91
Raphiinae 344 Saranthe 291 Sommieria 370
Rautanenia 18 Sarcophrynium 290 Sorostachys 170
Ravenala 454 Saropsis 440 Sparganiaceae 457
R. subgen. Phenakospermum 454 Satakentia 371 Sparganium 460
R. subgen. Urania 454 Satranala 337 S. emersum 458
R. madagascariensis 452 Sauromatum 35 S. erectum 458
Ravenea 349 Sauromatum 68 Spathantheum 54
R. musicalis 320 S. venosum 31 Spathanthus 423
Reedia 179 Sauvallea 123 Spathicarpa 55
Reinhardtia 357 Saxofridericia 421 Spathicarpeae 53
Remirea 170 S. grandis 417 Spathiphylleae 46
R. maritima 142 S. petiolata 417 Spathiphyllum 35, 46
Remusatia 35, 70 S. spongiosa 417 S. cochlearispathum 31
Renealmia 490 Saxofridericieae 421 Spatholirion 119
Restio 435, 439-441 Saxofridericioideae 421 Sphaerocyperus 171
R. bolusii 430 Scaphispatha 59 Spirodela 38, 269
Restionaceae 4, 20, 108, 152, 196, Scaphochlamys 485 S. polyrhiza 265
203, 250, 425 Scheelea 381 Sporadanthus 437
Retispatha 343 Scheuchzeria 450 Staberoha 434
Reussia 401 S. palustris 449 Stachyphrynium 288
R. rotundifolia 396 Scheuchzeriaceae 1, 262, 449 Stadiochilus 494
Rhaphidophora 35, 47 Schieckia 220 Stahlianthus 486
Rhapidophyllum 328 Schippia 327 Stanfieldiella 111, 124
Rhapis 329 Schismatoglottideae 56 Stegolepis 422
R. excelsa 313 Schismatoglottis 31, 35, 56 S. angustata 420
510 Index to Scientific Names

Stenospermation 48 Tillandsia 75, 92 Veillonia 373

S. spruceanum 48 T. subgen. Diaphoranthema 75 Veitchia 364
Stenotalis 442 T. subgen. Diaphoranthema SO Velloziaceae 82, 393
Steudnera 70 T. subgen. Tillandsia 80 Verschaffeltia 375
Steyerbromelia 87 T. bertramii 92 Vesicarex 187
Stickmannia 168 T. castellanii 79 Vignea 187
Stratiotes 242, 244 T. cyanea 79 Vleisia 473
Strelitzia 454 T. flexuosa 77 Voanioala 380
Strelitziaceae 2, 229, 299; 451 T. jucunda 80 Voladeria 177, 259
Streptocalyx 97 T. recurvata 77 Volkiella 142, 172
Streptoliriinae 119 T. usneoides 81, 83 Vonitra 357
Streptolirion 111, 119 T. utriculata 92 Vriesea 75, 91
Stromanthe 291 Tillandsioideae 90 V. psittacina 79
Stuckenia 413 Tinantia 114, 122
Stylochaeton 52 Tonina 206 VVachendorjla 220
Stylochaetoneae 51 T. jluviatilis 199 W. thyrsijlora 213
Sumatroscirpus 173 Torulinium 170 VVallichia 352
Susum 225 Trachycarpus 328 VVashingtonia 331
Syagrus 380 Trachyphrynium 289 W. fllifera 308
Symplocarpus 30, 44 T. subgen. Hypselodelphys 289 VVebsteria 166
S. foetidus 44 T. subgen. Lasiodelphys 292 W. confervoides 163
Synandrospadix 54 Trachystylis 174 VVeldenia 111, 122
S. vermitoxicus 30 Tradescantia 123 VVelfia 385
Synechanthus 350 T. sect. Cymbispatha 111 VVendlandiella 351
S. warscewiczianus 348 Tradescantiinae 123 VVerauhia 75, 91
Syngonanthus 203, 205 Tremulina 441 W. gigantea 79
S. anthemidijlorus 199 Trianoptiles 142, 177 VVettinia 354
S. xeranthemoides 202 Tribonanthes 221 W. quinaria 348
Syngonium 34, 60 T. variabilis 213 VViesneria 17
Syntrinema 174 Tricarpelema 125 VVilldenowia 437
Syringodium 137 Triceratella 110, 118 VVindsorina 423
Triceratelleae 118 VVinifredia 438
Taccarum 53 Trichophorum 162, 164 VVittrockia 96
Tapeinochilos 131 Trichoschoenus 174 VVodyetia 364
Tapheocarpa 112, 126 Tricostularia 181 VVolffia 269
Taraxis 441 Triglochin 263 W. arrhiza 265
Tectiphiala 375 T. calcitrapa 261 W. microscopica 265
Tetraria 148, 177 T. palustre 261 VVolffiella 269
Tetroncium 263 Trilepideae 152, 182 W. denticulata 266
T. magellanicum 261 Trilepis 147, 182 Wolffioideae 269
Thalassia 247 Tripogandra 110-112, 123 VVolffiopsis 269
T. testudinum 237 Trithrinax 326 VVurdackia 204
Thalassocharis 137 Trithuria 108, 233
Thalassodendron 136, 137, 138 T. macranthera 232 Xanthorrhoea 191
T. ciliatum 133 T. submersa 232 Xanthorrhoeaceae 193
Thalia 292 Tylocarya 166 Xanthosoma 60
T. pavonii 282 Typha 460 X. platylobum 61
Thamnochortus 436 T. angustifolia 459 X. sagittifolium 61
Thaumatococcus 292 T. latifolia 459, 460 Xenophya 71
Thaumatophyllum 55 Typhaceae 4, 400, 457 Xiphidium 220
Theriophonum 68 Typhales 3 X. coeruleum 213
T. minutum 30 Typhonium 68 Xyridaceae 3, 116, 203, 295, 419,
Thomsonia 64 Typhonodorum 35, 66 461
Thomsonieae 64 Tyrbastes 441 Xyridales 3
Thoracostachyum 160 Xyris 202, 468
Thrinacinae 326 Ulearum 59 X. involucrata 465
Thrinax 327 Uncinia 153, 186
T. radiata 327 Urania 454 Zamioculcadeae 51
Thurnia 257, 456 Urospatha 50 Zamioculcas 38, 51
T. jenmanii 456 Urospathella 50 Z. zamiifolia 52
T. polycephala 456 Ursulaea 93 Zannichellia 473
T. sphaerocephala 456 Ustilaginales 153 Z. palustris 471
Thurniaceae 3, 152, 455 Zannichelliaceae 2, 412, 470, 499
Thymocarpus 288 Vallisneria 246 Zantedeschia 64
Thyrsantheminae 121 V. spiralis 237 Zantedeschieae 63
Thyrsanthemum 122 Vanoverberghia 490 Zebrina 123
Index to Scientific Names 511

Zingiber 488 Zingiberales 2 Zostera 500

Z. acuminatum 489 Zingibereae 488 Z. marina 497
Z. coloratum 489 Zombia 328 Zosteraceae 2, 136, 406, 497
Z. officinale 480 Zomicarpa 59 Zosterella 402
Zingiberaceae 2, 131, 229, 285, Zomicarpeae 58 Z. dubia 397
474 Zomicarpella 59 Zyganthera 62

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