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ISP N ° 10

Tecnicatura Superior en Turismo

Unit 1: Class 2
1 . Complete about you

2 - Match

1 - What´s your name? Mariano Moreno

2 – How old are you? Tennis
3 – Are you a student? I´m twelve
4 – What´s your school? No, I am not
5 – What´s your favourite sport? Yes, I am
6 – What´s your address? I´m from Buenos Aires
7 – Where are you from? Juan
8 – Are you German? 7
9 – What´s your lucky number? No, they aren´t
10 – Are your eyes blue? 365 Saavedra Street

3 - Now answer about you.

4 - Replace by a personal pronoun

1. Maria
2. Marcelo
3. My teachers
4. Federico and Juan
5. Pedro and I
6. My school
7. Juan and Carlos
8. Dr Gonzalez
9. Laura
10. Italy and France

5 - Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronoun

1. My name is Kate………….´m a student.

2. You and Dan are good players. ………….´re in the school team.
3. How old are………….? I´m thirteen.
4. Ben isn´t at school. ………….´s at the Sports Centre.
5. Are Kate and Ros at school? No, ………….´re at home.
6. Is it Monday? No, ………….´s Saturday
7. Kate and I aren´t American. ………….´re English.
8. Bos isn´t at home. ………….´s at school.

6 - Complete with am, is, are

Hello! My name is Martin. I……..from Santa Fe, Argentina. My mother …….. Julia and my father ……..Juan. I have got two
brothers. They……..NICOLAS and Pablo. We ……..happy here in Santa Fe!

7 - Complete the text using verb to be

Hello Marcela

I…………in Madrid. I…………here on my holidays.

Madrid…………wonderful and big. It…………cold but
sunny. People…………nice and happy. They …………very
The houses…………old but very big. The
I…………in a beautiful hotel with Karen.



8 - Complete the sentences in the affirmative or the negative form of Verb To Be

1) Fito Paez…………an actor
2) Marcelo Tinelli…………a TV presenter
3) Palermo and Messi…………students
4) Cristina and Nestor …………politicians
5) I…………a mechanic
6) Maradona…………an actor
7) Julieta Prandi…………a model
8) Alejandro Lerner and Andres Calamaro…………singers
9) Moria Casan and ROSA Gimenez …………doctors
10) I…………a dentist

9 - Choose the correct answer.

1-What………..your name?

a) `s b) are c) am

2- Karen is a friend………..London

a) in b) from c) of

3- Is he from London?

No, he………

a) isn`t b) not c) is

4- What ´s your …………....?

a) occupation b) address c) email address

I´m a travel agent.

5 – Where …………………….?
a) is he from b)are from they c) is from he?

10 - Read the letter and write true or false.

Dear Ana,
Hi! How are you? London is fantastic! It´s the capital of
England. It´s sunny and hot. There are a lot of parks, palaces and old castles.
The buses are red and the cars are new, fast and modern. The shopping
centers are beautiful.
I´m at the hotel with my father, my mother, my brother and
my baby sister. I´ve got a new friend in London. Her name is Katarina.
She´s eleven years old. She is tall and thin. Her hair is brown and her eyes
are big and blue. She is pretty.
The food in London is great! I love fish and chips, and I
always drink tea. I go to restaurants with my family and there are Mc
Donald´s too!
Well, bye for now! See you soon in Miami. Your friend,


1. The weather in London is rainy.

2. Tina likes London.
3. The castles are old.
4. The cars are old and slow.
5. There are shopping centers.
6. Tina has got a brother and a sister.
7. Katarina is 12 years old.
8. Katarina is fat.
9. Katarina´s eyes are blue.
10. Tina likes the food in London.

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