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Descendants (2015 film)

Mal: Once upon a time, long, long ago... Well, more like 20 years ago, Belle married her
beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Big cake. Yeah, so instead of a
honeymoon, Beast united all the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United
States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks basically all the really
interesting people and he booted them off to the isle of the lost with a magical barrier to
keep them there. This is my hood, no magic, no wi-fi, no way out. Or so I thought...hang
on, you´re about to meet us. But first this happened.
[Benjamin ¨Ben¨ Florian stares at the Isle of the Lost]

Lumire: Sleeve. Head. Ah-ha!

King Beast: [as a human] How is it possible that you´re going to be crowned king next
month? You´re just a baby.
Belle: He´s turning 16, dear.
Ben: Hey, pops.
King Beast: 16? That´s far too young to be crowned king. I didn´t make a good decision
until I was a least 42.
Belle: Uh, you decided to marry me at 28.
King Beast: Ah, it was either you or a teapot. [He sees the look on his wife's
face] Kidding, I'm only kidding.
Ben: Mom, Dad... [Ben attempts to walk forwards but it stopped by Lumiere.]
Lumire: Ah!
Ben: I´ve chosen my first official proclamation. I´ve decided that the children on the isle
of the lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon. Everytime I look out to the island, I
feel like they´ve been abandoned.
King Beast: The children of our sworn enemies? Living among us? 
Ben: We start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most. I've
already chosen them.
King Beast: Have you?
Belle: I gave you a second chance. Who are their parents?
Ben: Cruella De Vil...Jafar...Evil Queen...and Maleficent.
[Lumire yelps at Ben's words.]
King Beast: Maleficent! She is the worst villain in the land!
Ben: Dad, just hear me out here!
King Beast: I won't hear of it. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes.
Ben: Dad, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal
life? Dad?
[King Beast stares at Belle and she believes in him]
King Beast: I suppose their children are innocent.
Belle: Well, well done. Shall we?
[Dove Cameron, Booboo Stewart, Sofia Carson & Cameron Boyce "Rotten To The

They say I'm trouble

They say I'm bad

They say I'm evil

And that makes me glad


A dirty no good

Down to the bone

Your worst nightmare

Can't take me home


So I got some mischief 

In my blood

Can you blame me?

I never got no love


They think I'm callous

A lowlife hood

I feel so useless

All: Misunderstood

Mal & Evie:

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who's the baddest of them all?

Welcome to my wicked world

Wicked world

Mal, Evie, Jay & Carlos:

I'm rotten to the core

Rotten to the core

I'm rotten to the core

Who could ask for more?

I'm nothing like the kid next

Like the kid next door

I'm rotten to the...

I'm rotten to the...

I'm rotten to the core

[Banging Rhythm]
[Kids yelling and hooting]

Call me a schemer

Call me a freak

How can you say that?

I'm just unique


What, me a traitor?

Ain´t got your back

Are we not friends?

What´s up with that?


So I´m a misfit

So I´m a flirt

I broke your heart

I made you hurt


The past is past

Forgive, forget

The truth is

You ain´t seen nothing yet

Mal & Evie:

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who's the baddest of them all?

Welcome to my wicked world

Wicked world

[Freestyle remix]
[Jay laughing]
Jay: YEAH!
Mal: Oooh.
Evie: HA! HA!
Carlos: YEAH!
Mal, Evie, Jay & Carlos:

I'm rotten to the core

Rotten to the core

I'm rotten to the core

Who could ask for more?

I'm nothing like the kid next

Like the kid next door

I'm rotten to the...

I'm rotten to the...

I'm rotten to the core

[The villagers laughs]

[Mal steals the baby´s lollipop, which Maleficent arrives behind the knuckleheads]
Mal: Hi, mom.
[Maleficent appears]
Maleficent: Stealing candy? I´m so disappointed.
Mal: It was from a baby.
Maleficent: That´s my nasty little girl. [Mal gives Maleficent the lollipop and she spits on
it] Give it back to the dreadful creature.
Mal: Mom...
Maleficent: It´s the deets, Mal, that make the difference between mean and truly evil.
When I was your age, I was cursing entire kingdoms. ¨Cursing entire kingdoms¨. You.
Walk with me. See, I´m just, just trying to teach you the thing that really to
be me.
Mal: I know that. And I´ll do better.
Maleficent: Oh, there´s news! I buried the lede. You four have been chosen to go to a
different Auradon.
[Carlos. Jay & Evie tried to run away, but the knuckleheads stops them]
Mal: What? I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink
Evie: And perfect princes. Ugh.
Jay: Yeah, and I don't do uniforms. Unless It's leather. You feel me?
Carlos: I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom said they're rabid pack
animals who eat boys who don't behave!
[Jay sneaks behind him]
Jay: Woof!
[Carlos hits Jay for scaring him]
Mal: Yeah, mom we're not going. forget it.
Maleficent: Oh, you're thinking small, pumpkin. It's all about world domination.
KNUCKLEHEADS [The knuckleheads followed her] [singsong] Mal... [The kids followed
Maleficent] You will go. You will find fairy godmother and you will bring back the magic
wand. Easy peasy.
Mal: What is in it for us?
Maleficent: Matching thrones. Hers-and-hers crowns.
Carlos: Um, I... I think she meant us.
Maleficent: It's all about you and me baby. Do you enjoy watching innocent people
Mal: Well, yeah. I mean, who doesn't...?
Maleficent: Well, then get me the wand and you and I can see all that and so much
more. And with that wand and my scepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to
my will!
Evil Queen: Our will!
Maleficent: Our will, our will. [snaps, which makes Mal looks back to Maleficent] And if
you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your lives, missy.
Mal: [Maleficent pretends squishing Mal's lips to make her stop
complaining and they stared at each other, which makes their eye turned green like a
staring contest and Maleficent beats Mal] Fine. Whatever.
Maleficent: I win.
Evil Queen- Evie my little evil-lett in training, you just find yourself a prince with a big
castle and a mother-in-law wing.
Evie & Evil Queen- And lots and lots of mirrors. [Evie laughs]
Evil Queen- No laughing! Wrinkles!
Cruella: Oh, well, they're not
taking my Carlos,
because I'd miss him too

Carlos: Really, mom? You mean


Cruella: Yes. Who would touch

up my roots, fluff my fur,
and scrape the bunions
off my feet?

Carlos: Yeah, maybe a new

school wouldn't be the
worst thing.

Cruella: Oh, Carlos, they have

dogs in Auradon.

Carlos: Oh, no! I'm not going!

Maleficent: [grunts]

Jafar: Well, Jay isn't going

either. I need him to
stock the shelves in my
store. What did you
score? Oh. Ooh. A lamp.

Jay: Dad. I already tried.

Jafar: Ah!

Evil Queen: Evie's not going

anywhere until we get
rid of this unibrow,

Maleficent: What is wrong with you

all? People used to
cower at the mention of
our names! For 20 years,
I have searched for a
way off this island. For
20 years, they have
robbed us from our
revenge... revenge on
Snow White and her
horrible little men.

Evil Queen: Ow!

Maleficent: Revenge on Aladdin and

his bloated genie!

Jafar: I will...

Jay: Pop!
Maleficent: Revenge on every
sneaky dalmatian that
escaped your clutches.

Cruella: Oh, but they didn't get

baby. They didn't get
the... They didn't get the

Maleficent: And I, Maleficent...The

evilest of them all, I will
finally have my revenge
on sleeping beauty and
her relentless little
prince. Villains!

Evil Queen: Yes.

Jafar: Yes?

Maleficent: Our day has come. E.Q.,

give her the magic

Evil Queen: Yeah.

Evie: This is your magic


Evil Queen: Yeah, well, it ain't what

it used to be, but then
again, neither are we! It
will help you find things.

Evie: Like a prince?

Evil Queen: Like my waistline.

Maleficent: Like the magic wand!

Evil Queen: Hello.

Maleficent: My spell book. My book.

I need my... that book.
Oh, ah! The safe. The
safe. Queen, help me! I
never can figure this
thing out.

Evil Queen: Voila.

Maleficent: My spell... come, darling.

Come. Oh... ooh! Oh,
Oh. There she is. It
doesn't work here, but it
will in Auradon.
Remember? When we
were spreading evil and
ruining lives.

Evil Queen: Like it was yesterday.

Maleficent: And now you will be

making your own
memories by doing
exactly as I tell you.

Evil Queen: Oh.

Jay: Whoo! Let's get this

party started!

Cruella: Carlos! Come.

Evil Queen: Who is the fairest of
them all?

Evie: Me.

Evil Queen: Ah!

Evie: You.

Evil Queen: Yes, let's go.

Jafar: Now, recite our mantra.

Jay: There's no team in "I".

Jafar: Oh, run along. You're

making me tear up.

Jay: My bag.

Jafar: Yeah.

Jay Dad!

Jafar: Coming!

Maleficent: The future of the free

world rests on your
shoulders. Don't blow it.

Evil Queen: Ah! Smells like common

Cruella: Come back here, now!
Carlos! Ingrate.

Jafar: Bye-bye.

Man: The jackals have landed.

Jafar: Bring home the gold!

Cruella: Bring home a puppy.

Evil Queen: Bring home a prince.

Evie: You're looking a little

washed out. Let me help
you out.

Mal: Ew, stop. I'm plotting.

Evie: Well, It's not very


Carlos: Oh! These! It's salty like

nuts, but it's sweet like I
don't know what.

Jay: Let me see. Ew!

Carlos: Ow!

Evie: Look!

Carlos: It's a trap! What just

Evie: It must be magic.

Mal: Hey. Did this little button

just open up the magic

Man: No, this one opens the

magic barrier. That one
opens my garage. And
this button...

Mal: Okay. Nasty. I like that



Auradon Prep

Carlos: Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop! You

got everything else! Why
do you want whatever
this is?

Jay: 'Cause you want it!

Carlos: No! Give it to me! Ow!

Let go!

Mal: Guys, guys, guys! We

have an audience.

Jay: Just cleaning up. Get up.

Fairy Leave it like you found

Godmother: it! And by that, I mean
just leave it.
Jay: Hello, foxy. The name's

Fairy Welcome to Auradon

Godmother: prep. I'm fairy

Mal: The fairy godmother? As

in, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-

Fairy Bibbidi-bobbidi. You

Godmother: know it.

Mal: Yeah, I always wondered

what it felt like for
Cinderella when you just
appeared, out of
nowhere, with that
sparkly wand and warm

Fairy Oh.

Mal: And that sparkling wand.

Fairy That was a long time

Godmother: ago. And as I always say,
"don't focus on the past
or You'll miss the

Ben: It's so good to finally

meet you all. I'm Ben.

Audrey: Prince Benjamin. Soon

to be king.
Evie: You had me at prince.
My mom's a queen,
which makes me a

Audrey: The evil queen has no

royal status here and
neither do you.

Ben: This is Audrey.

Audrey: Princess Audrey. His

girlfriend. Right,

Fairy Ben and Audrey are

Godmother: going to show you all
around, and I'll see you
tomorrow. The doors of
wisdom are never shut.
But the library hours are
from 8:00 to 11:00. And
as you may have heard, I
have a little thing about

Ben: It is so, so, so good to

finally me... meet you
all. This is a momentous
occasion, and one that I
hope will go down in
history... Is that
chocolate? As the day
our two peoples began
to heal.

Mal: Or the day that you

showed four peoples
where the bathrooms
Ben: A little bit over the top?

Mal: A little more than a little


Ben: Well, so much for my

first impression.

Audrey: Hey! You're Maleficent's

daughter, aren't you?
Yeah, you know what? I
totally do not blame you
for your mother trying to
kill my parents and stuff.
Oh, my mom's Aurora.

Mal: Beauty! Yeah, I've heard

the name. You know,
and I totally do not
blame your

for inviting everyone

in the whole world
but my mother to
their stupid

Audrey: Water under the bridge.

Mal: Totes!

Ben: Okay! So, how about a

tour? Yeah? Auradon
prep, originally built
over 300 years ago and
converted into a high
school by my father
when he became king.
Carlos, It's okay. My
father wanted his statue
to morph from beast to
man to remind us that
anything is possible.

Mal: Does he shed much?

Ben: Yeah, mom won't let him

on the couch.

Mal: So you guys have a lot of

magic here in Auradon?
Like wands and things
like that?

Ben: Yeah, it exists of course,

but It's pretty much
retired. Most of us here
are just ordinary

Mal: Who happened to be

kings and queens.

Audrey: That's true. Our royal

blood goes back
hundreds of years.

Ben: Doug. Doug, come

down. This is Doug. He's
going to help you with
your class schedules and
show you the rest of the
dorms. I'll see you later,
okay? And If there is
anything you need, feel
free to...

Audrey: Ask Doug.

Mal: Ha.

Doug: Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's

son. As in Dopey, Doc,
Bashful, Happy, Grumpy,
Sleepy, and... Heigh-ho.

Evie: Evie. Evil queen's


Doug: Okay. So about your

classes, I, uh, put in the
requirements already...
history of woodsmen
and pirates, safety rules
for the Internet, and, uh,
remedial goodness 101.

Mal: Let me guess. New

class? Come on, guys,
let's go find our dorms.

Doug: Oh, uh, yeah, your

dorms are that way,
guys. Dopey, Doc,
Bashful, Happy, Grumpy,
Sleepy, and...

Carlos: Sneezy.

Mal and Evie's dorm

Evie: Wow. This place is so


Mal: Gross.
Evie: I know, right? Amazingly

Mal: Ew. Ugh! I'm going to

need some serious

Evie: Yeah.

Mal: E. Whew! That is much


Carlos and Jay's dorm

Carlos: Whoo! Whoa! Ah!


Mal: Jay, what are you doing?

Jay: It's called stealing.

Mal: Okay, what's the point?

Jay: Well, Mal, It's like buying

whatever I want, except
It's free.

Mal: Okay. So, you could do

that, or you could leave
all of this here and pick it
up when we take over
the world.

Evie: You sound just like your


Mal: Thank you.

Jay: You do it your way and
I'll do it mine.

Carlos: Die, suckers! Jay, come

check this thing out.
Man, It's awesome.

Mal: Guys! Do I have to

remind you what we're
all here for?

Jay: Fairy Godmother, blah,

blah, blah. Magic wand,
blah, blah, blah.

Mal: This is our one chance to

prove ourselves to our
parents. To prove that
we are evil and vicious
and ruthless and cruel.

All: Yeah.

Mal: Evie, mirror me.

Evie: Mirror, mirror on the...

in my hand, where is
fairy godmother's
wand... stand?

Mal: There it is!

Carlos: Zoom out.

Evie: Magic mirror, not so

close. Closer. Closer.
Carlos: Can I go back to my
game? I'm on level

Mal: Stop! It's in a museum.

Do we know where that

Carlos: 2.3 Miles from here.

Mal: Come on. Carlos!

Carlos: Coming!

The Museum of Cultural History

Mal: Come on. Check your


Evie: Is my mascara smudged?

Mal: Yeah. And, hey, while

you're at it, why don't
you see If you can find
us the wand?

Evie: Sure. This way.

Jay: That's your mother's

spinning wheel?

Carlos: Yeah, It's kinda dorky.

Mal: It's magic. It doesn't

have to look scary.
"Magic spindle, do not
linger. Make my victim
prick a finger."

Jay: Impressive.

Carlos: I got chills.

Mal: Okay, you know what?

"Prick the finger, prick it
deep. Send my enemy
off to sleep."

Man: Ooh!

Mal: Not so dorky now, huh?

Jay: Stand back.

Mal: "Make it easy, make it

quick, open up without a

Jay: Ahh!

Mal: Coming?

Carlos: Come on, Jay.

Jay: I'm good.

Carlos: Just trying to help.

Mal: Shh. Carlos!

Carlos: Coming.
Evie: So close. Upstairs.

Mal: Come on. Go, go, go, go.

Up, up, up, up, up.

Evie: Come on, guys. Almost


Evie: Mommy?

Jay: Killer.

Carlos: I will never forget

mother's day again.

Jay: Well, the wand's not

here. Let's bounce. Let's

Maleficent: The future of the free

world rests on your
shoulders. Don't blow it.

Mal ♫ Look at you, look at

me ♫

♫ I don't know who

to be ♫ ♫ Mother ♫
♫ Is it wrong? Is it
right? ♫ ♫ Be a thief
in the night ♫ ♫
Mother ♫ ♫ Tell me
what to do... ♫

Evie: Mal. Come on.

Maleficent: Don't be so serious,

darling. I'm sorry.
♫ I was once like you
my child, slightly
insecure ♫ ♫ Argued
with my mother too
thought I was mature
♫ ♫ But I put my
heart aside, and I used
my head ♫ ♫ Now I
think it's time you
learned what dear old
momma said ♫

♫ Don't you wanna

be evil like me? ♫ ♫
Don't you wanna be
mean? ♫ ♫ Don't you
wanna make mischief
your daily routine? ♫
♫ Well you can spend
your life attending to
the poor ♫ ♫ But
when you're evil
doing less is doing
more ♫ ♫ Don't you
wanna be ruthless and
rotten and mad? ♫ ♫
Don't you wanna be
very very good at
being bad? ♫

♫ I have tried my
whole life long to do
the worst I can ♫ ♫
Clawed my way to
victory built my
master plan ♫ ♫ Now
the time has come my
dear for you to take
your place ♫ ♫
Promise me you'll try
to be an absolute
disgrace ♫

♫ Don't you wanna

be evil like me don't
you wanna be cruel ♫
♫ Don't you wanna
be nasty and brutal
and cool ♫ ♫ And
when you grab that
wand that's when
your reign begins ♫
♫ Who wants an evil
queen without a sack
of sin ♫ ♫ Don't you
wanna be heartless
and hardened as stone
♫ ♫ Don't you wanna
be finger lickin' evil
to the bone ♫

♫ This is not for us to

ponder this was pre-
ordained ♫ ♫ You
and I shall rule
together freedom
soon regained ♫ ♫
Mistress of the
universe powerful
and strong ♫ ♫
Daughter, hear me,
help me, join me
won't you sing along

Both: ♫ Now we're gonna be

evil it's true never gonna
think twice ♫

Mal ♫ And we're gonna be

spiteful ♫

Maleficent: ♫ Yes spiteful that's nice

♫ In just an hour or
two our futures safe
and sure ♫ ♫ This
mother daughter act is
going out on tour ♫ ♫
If you wanna be evil
and awful and free ♫
♫ Then you should
thank your lucky stars
that you were born
the girl you are ♫ ♫
The daughter of an
evilicious queen like
me ♫

Evie: Hey, I found the wand.

Let's go. Here it is.

Jay: Whoo!

Mal: Jay, don't! Wait, no! No!

Don't! Ah!

Carlos: A force field and a siren?

Jay: That's just a little


Mal: Let's go!

Evie: Hurry.

Mal: Come on.

Carlos: Hello? Uh, uh, just give

me one second. One
second. Uh, yeah, yeah.
No, false alarm. It was a
malfunction in the, uh,
in the 714 chip in the
breadboard circuit.
Yeah. Okay. Say hi to the

Mal: Carlos!

Carlos: You're welcome.

Mal: Way to go, Jay. Now we

have to go to school

Remedial Goodness 101 Classroom

Fairy If someone hands you a

Godmother crying baby, do you, A,
curse it? B, lock it in a
tower? C, give it a
bottle? Or D, carve out
its heart? Evie.

Evie: What was the second


Fairy Oh, okay. Anyone else?

Godmother: Mal?

Mal: C, give it a bottle.

Fairy Correct. Again.


Carlos: You are on fire, girl!

Mal: Just pick the one that

doesn't sound like any
Carlos: Oh.

Evie: That makes so much


Mal: Oh...

Fairy Oh. Hello, dear one. Hi.

Godmother: You need to sign off on
early dismissal for the
coronation. Everyone
here remembers my
daughter, Jane?

Jane: Mom, no!

Fairy It's okay. Jane, this is

Godmother: everyone.

Jane: Hi. That's okay, don't

mind me. As you were.

Fairy Ahem. Let's continue.

Godmother: You find a vial of poison.
Do you, A, put it in the
king's wine? B, paint it
on an apple? Or C, turn
it over to the proper

Carlos: Oh! Ooh... get off.

Fairy Jay.

Jay: C. You turn it over to the

proper authorities.
Carlos: I was gonna say that.

Jay: But I said it first. Come


Carlos: Ow!

Jay: Come on, who said it

first? Who said it first?

Carlos: Ow! Stop! Ah!

Fairy Boys. Boys! I am gonna

Godmother: encourage you to use
that energy on the
tourney field.

Carlos: Oh, no. That's okay.

Whatever that is, We'll...
We'll pass.

Tourney Field

Cocah Jay, Ben, offense. Chad,

Jenkins: you're defense. Taylor,
you're the shooter.

Taylor: Right, coach!

Coach Hey. Hey! Hey, you. Lost

Jenkins: boy! Put your helmet on.
Get out of the kill zone!
Come on.

Carlos: Kill zone? Wha...

Coah Pick it up. Put it on! Two

Jenkins: hands.

Jay: Ahh!

Carlos: Jay, It's me! It's Carlos!

Wait, stop, Jay. Stop!
No, no, no, no. No!

Jay: Ahh! Oh, yeah! Come

on, let's go! Oh! Whoo!
Whoo, whoo! Oh! Oh!

People: What just happened?

Who is this guy?

Coach You! Get over here!

Jenkins: What do you call that? I
call that raw talent.
Come find me later. I'll
show you something you
haven't seen before. It's
called a rule book.
Welcome to the team,

You ever thought

about band?

Ben: I'll work with him, coach.

Coach All right. Let's run that

Jenkins: again.

All: Whoo!

Jay: I'm rotten to the core.

Chad Ow.

Chad Those kids are trouble.


Evie: Bye, Mal.

Mal: Bye.

Ben: Come on, Chad. Give

them a chance.

Audrey: Oh. No offense,

Bennybear, but you're
just too trusting. Look, I
know your mom fell in
love with a big nasty
beast who turned out to
be a prince. But with my
mom, the evil fairy was
just the evil fairy. That
girl's mother.

Ben: I think you're wrong

about them. I'll see you
later. Hey!

Mal: Hey.

Ben: How was your first day?

Mal: Super.

Ben: You should really think

about taking this talent
off the locker and into
art class. I could, uh, sign
you up. What do you

Mal: Way to take all the fun

out of it.

Ben: Huh.


Mal: Hi! It's Jane, right? Ah,

always loved that name.

Jane: That's cool.

Mal: Don't go! I guess I was

just kind of hoping to
make a friend. You
probably have all the
friends you need
though, huh?

Jane: Hardly.

Mal: Really? I mean, with

your mom being fairy
godmother and
headmistress? I mean,
not to mention your
own, um... personality.

Jane: I'd rather be pretty.

You've got great hair.

Mal: You know what? I have

just the thing for that.
It's right... Ah, here.
"Beware, forswear,
replace the old with
brand new hair."

Jane: Oh, ah, ah!

Mal: Wow! You almost don't

notice your... Other
features anymore.

Jane: Do my nose!

Mal: Oh, I can't. I've been

practicing, but you
know, I can't do really
big magic. Not like your
mom with her wand. I
mean, one swoosh from
that thing and you could
probably have whatever
features you wanted.

Jane: She doesn't use the

wand anymore. She
believes the real magic is
in the books. And not
the spell books, regular
books with history and

Mal: What a rip.

Jane: Yeah.

Mal: You know, she used

magic on Cinderella,
who wasn't even her
real daughter. Doesn't
she love you?

Jane: Well, of course she does.

It's... It's just, you know,
tough love. "Work on
the inside, not the
outside." You know, that
sort of thing.

Mal: That's the face! Yeah,

and then just look as If
your... your heart is
about to break. "Oh,
mother, I just don't
understand why you
can't make me beautiful,

Jane: Think it would work?

Mal: Yeah. I mean, that's

what old Cindy did,
right? And your mother
the living daylights out
of her. And, hey, If your
mom does decide to,
you know, break out the
old wand, invite me.

Jane: If I can convince mom,

you're so there.

Mal: Yay.

Jane: Bye.

Mal: Bye.

The chemistry lab

Evie: Any chance he's in line

for a throne? Anywhere
in line?

Doug: Chad. Prince Charming,

Jr. Cinderella's son. Chad
inherited the charm, but
not a lot of there there,
know what I mean?

Evie: Looks like there there to


Mr. Deley Evie. Perhaps this is just

review for you. So tell
me, what is the average
atomic weight of silver?

Evie: Atomic weight? Uh, well,

not very much. I mean,
It's an atom, right? Let's
see. How do I find the
average atomic weight
of silver? That would be
106.905 times .5200,
plus 108.905 times .
4800, which, Mr. Deley,
would give us 107.9

Doug: "Amu"?

Mr. Deley: I forget. Always a

mistake to

Evie: A villain? Don't make it


Tourney field
Ben: Okay. Carlos, we're
gonna do some sprints.
You ready?

Carlos: Oh! Ah! No, wait!

Ben: Sweet!

Carlos: No! Ah!

Ben: Carlos? Carlos!

Carlos: No, stop!

Ben: Carlos!

Carlos: Ben? Ben?

Ben: Whoa-Whoa-Whoa!

Carlos: Ben, help me! This thing

is a killer! He's gonna
chase me down and rip
out my throat. This is a
vicious, rabid pack

Ben: Hey, who told you that?

Carlos: My mother.

Ben: Cruella?

Carlos: She's a dog expert. A

dog yellerer. Why are
you holding him? He's
gonna attack you!

Ben: Carlos, you've never

actually met a dog, have

Caros: Of course not.

Ben: Dude, meet Carlos.

Carlos, this is dude. He's
the campus mutt.

Carlos: He doesn't look like a

vicious, rabid pack
animal. Jeez. You're a
good boy, aren't you?
You're a good boy.

Ben: I guess you guys have it

pretty rough on the

Carlos: Yeah. Let's just say we

don't get a lot of belly

Ben: Good boy. I mean,

you're a good runner.
You're... you're fast, you

Carlos: Oh. Yeah. Thank you.

Ben: Yeah. Listen, I'm gonna

give you guys some
space, yeah? You guys
get to know each other
and just, you know,
come find me when
you're done, okay?

Carlos: Okay.

Ben: I'll see you later.

Carlos: See you out there. Hi. Hi.

Oh! Thank you.

The bleachers

Chad: Is everybody at home as

pretty as you?

Evie: I like to think I'm the

fairest of them all. How
many rooms in your

Chad: Oh! Too many to count.

You really nailed that
chemistry problem
today. You're gonna
have all the nerds in love
with you.

Evie: I'm not that smart.

Chad: Oh, come on.

Evie: No, really, I'm not. But

I'm... I'm really good at
sewing and cooking and
cleaning. You know, like
your mother, Cinderella,
without the ratty dress.
See this? If I ask it where
something is, it tells me.
Chad: Are you kidding me?

Evie: No.

Chad: Where's my cell phone?

Evie: It won't work for you,


Chad: No biggie. My dad will

just get me a new one.

Evie: Prince charming.

Chad: Yeah.

Evie: And cinderella.

Chad: Yeah.

Evie: Fairy godmother. Hey, I

heard her wand is in
some boring museum.
Do they always leave it

Chad: I'd really like to talk,

but... I'm just swamped.

Evie: Unless?

Chad: If you could knock all my

homework out along
with yours, then maybe
we could get together
sometime... Hang.
Evie: Okay.

Chad: Thanks, babe.

Evie: Yeah. Bye.

Doug: I couldn't help but


Evie: Are you stalking me?

Doug: Technically... yes. I, too,

have a fascination with
fairy godmother's wand.
Which is another reason
I look forward to the
coronation. Perhaps we
could sit next to each
other and discuss its

Evie: Are you saying they use

it in the coronation?

Doug: Yes. And asking you out.

Mal and Evie's dorm

Jane: Mom said, "If a boy can't

see the beauty within",
then he's not worth it."
Can you believe it? What
world does she live in?

Mal: Auradon.

Evie: Mal, do you like?

Mal: Yeah. It's cute. It brings
out your eyes.

Evie: I know.

Jane: I'll never get a boyfriend.

Mal: Boyfriends are


Evie: And how would you

know, Mal? You've never
had one.

Mal: It's 'cause I don't need

one, E. They're a waste
of time.

Evie: I forgot to do Chad's

homework! Oh, no! Oh,
no, no, no.

Mal: And that is exactly what

I mean.

Lonnie: Hey, guys! I'm Lonnie.

My mom's Mulan? No?
Anyways, I love what
you've done with Jane's
hair. And I know you
hate us, and, well, you're
evil. But do you think
you could do mine?

Mal: Why would I do that for


Lonnie: I'll pay you 50 dollars.

Evie: Good answer. I need to
buy more material. Let's
see, I'm thinking, we
lose the bangs, maybe
some layers and some

Lonnie: Yeah, yeah. I want it

cool. Like Mal's.

Mal Really?

Evie: The split ends, too?

Mal: Okay... "Beware,

forswear, replace the old
with cool hair."

Evie: I know. I know. It looks

like a mop on your head.
You know what? Let's
cut it off, layer it...

Lonnie: No, no, no, no, no, no! I

love it.

Evie: You do?

Lonnie: It's just... Now I'm cool.

Mal: Like ice.

Jane: What did I just do?

Mom's gonna kill me!

The bleachers
Coach I could really use a tough
Jenkins: guy like you. The team's
a bunch of princes, If
you know what I mean.

Jay: You're telling me. It's all,

"after you, old chum."
Oh, pardon me, did I
bump into you?" Where
I come from It's,
"prepare to die, sucker!"
As my father says, "the
only way to win" is to
make sure everyone else

Coach Jay! Jay, Jay, Jay!


Jay: "You rip..."

Coach Let me explain a team.

Jenkins: Uh, It's like a family.

Jay: You do not want to be at

my house at dinner time.

Coach Okay, okay, um... You

Jenkins: know how a body has a
lot of different parts?
The legs, elbows, ears.
But they all need each
other. Well, that's what
a team is... different
players who work
together to win. Make
any sense?

Jay: Can I be the fist?

Mal and Evie's dorm

Jay: Yo-ho-ho!

Carlos: Hey!

Jay: Did your plan work with

Jane? Are you going over
to see the wand?

Mal: Do you think that I

would be going through
every single spell in this
book. If I hadn't
completely struck out?

Jay: Oh, someone's in a bad


Mal: My mom's counting on

me! I can't let her down!

Jay: We can do this... If we

stick together.

Mal: And we won't go back

until we do. Because
we're rotten...

All: To the core.

Evie: Oh, yeah. I found out

that fairy godmother
blesses Ben with the
wand at coronation and
we all get to go. I have
nothing to wear, of
course. What?
Mal: Hold that thought.

Ben: Hey, Mal. I didn't see

you guys today. I was
just wondering If you
had any questions or
anything... That... you

Mal: Not that I know of.

Ben: Okay. All right. Well, uh,

If you need anything,
just, uh...

Mal: Oh, wait! Um, is it true

that we all get to go to
your coronation?

Ben: Yeah, the whole school


Mal: Wow. That is beyond

exciting. Do you think
that It's a possibility that
the four of us could
stand in the front row
next to the Fairy
Godmother, just so we
could soak up all that

Ben: I wish you could. Up

front It's just me, my
folks, and my girlfriend.

Mal: And your girlfriend?

Ben: Yeah. I'm sorry.

Mal: Okay. Thanks, bye.

Ben: Oh, but, no, there's

plenty of...

Mal: I think It's time that

Bennyboo got himself a
new girlfriend. And I
need a love spell.

The kitchen

Mal: All right. It says that we

still need one tear, and I
never cry.

Carlos: Let's just chop up some


Mal: No. It Says that we need

one tear of human
sadness. And this love
potion gets the best so
we have to follow it

Jay: A tear's a tear.

Evie: That's not true, Jay. They

both have antibodies
and enzymes, but an
emotional tear has more
protein-based hormones
than a reflex tear.

Mal: Listen to you.

Jay: Yeah, I knew that.

Carlos: Did not.

Jay: Yeah, I did.

Lonnie: There you are, Mal! I

was looking for you. You
know, all the girls want
you to do their hair!
Midnight snack, huh?
What you guys making?

Mal: Nothing special. Just

cookies. Oh, no, no!

Carlos: Wait, wait, wait!

Lonnie: What? I'm not gonna

double dip.

Evie: Feel anything?

Mal: Yeah, like maybe it

might be missing

Jay: Hey, there.

Lonnie: It could use some chips.

Jay: Chips?

Mal: And those are...

Lonnie: Chocolate chips. Just the

most important food
group. Wait, didn't your
moms ever make you
guys, like, chocolate chip
cookies? Like, when
you're feeling sad, and
they're fresh from the
oven, with a big old glass
of milk, and she just
makes you laugh and
puts everything into
perspective and... why
are you all looking at me
like that?

Mal: It's just different where

we're from.

Lonnie: Yeah, I know. I just, you

know, I thought... Even
villains love their kids.
Oh... How awful.

Mal: Yeah, well, big bummer,

but we have to get these
into the oven, so thank
you so much for coming
by. Really, really have a
good night. I'll see you
tomorrow. Evil dreams.

Lonnie: Good night.

Mal: See you tomorrow.

Okay, boys, cookie
sheet. Evie, oven.

Evie: Yes, ma'am.

Auradon Prep

Girl: Look, It's Mal.

Girl 2: Hi, Mal! Love my hair,

Jay: Are you feeling kind of

weird about this? I
mean, It's not so bad
here, you know.

Mal: Are you insane? Long

live evil! You're mean!
You're awful! You're bad
news! Snap out of it!

Jay: Thanks, Mal. I needed


Audrey: Do you think they

actually paid for those?

Jay: Oh, hello. The name's

Jay. You all going to the
tourney game tonight?

Girls: Yeah.

Jay: Keep a lookout for

number eight, all right?
Scoring the winning goal.

Girl: Okay.

Audrey: She did it to Jane's hair,

too, and Fairy
Godmother's not happy
about it.

Ben: What's the harm?

Audrey: It's gateway magic! Sure,
it starts with the hair.
Next thing you know It's
the lips and the legs and
the clothes and then
everybody looks good
and then... where will I

Ben: Listen, Audrey...

Audrey: I will see you at the

game after my dress-
fitting for the
coronation, okay?

Ben: Okay.

Audrey: Bye, Bennyboo.

Ben: Bye.

Mal: Hey, Bennyboo!

Ben: Hey.

Mal: I just made a batch of

cookies. Double
chocolate chip, do you
want one?

Ben: Oh, I, uh, I've got a big

game. I don't eat before
a big game. But thank
you so, so much. Thank
you. Next time. Next
Mal: No, yeah. I completely
understand. "Be careful
of treats offered by kids
of villains."

Ben: No, no, no.

Mal: No, I'm sure every kid in

Auradon knows that.

Ben: No, that's not it. No, no,

no, I... I really do...

Mal: No, I get it. You're

cautious. That's smart.
Oh, well, more for me, I

Ben: No, no. Hey... see that?

Totally trust you. Totally.

Mal: How are they?

Ben: They're good. They're

great! They're amazing!
They're, uh... I mean,
they're chewy and, and
you know, they... is that
walnuts? I love walnuts.
I mean, uh, you know,
the... The chocolate...
The... the chocolate...
The chocolate chips
are... I'm sorry. Um... Uh,
they're... They're warm
and soft. And they're
sweet... Mal, have you
always had those little
golden flecks in your
Jay: How you feeling, bro?

Ben: I feel... I feel... I feel

like... Like singing your
name. Mal, Mal.

Tourney field

All: Ohayohay!

Announcer: This is a nail-biter, folks.

There's 47 seconds left
on the clock. We're all
tied up. The Sherwood
falcons, two. The
fighting knights, two.
What a game between
Auradon's fiercest rivals.

Jay: Get 'em, Chad.

Chad: Thanks, Jay.

Announcer: The teams get into their

huddles and take up
positions along the kill
zone. Akiho! The
dragoneers have been
laying down a withering
hail of fire.

Coach You're up.


Announcer: And now a substitution...

Jay: Coach, how about my

buddy here?
Coach Oh, no. Not so sure
Jenkins: about that.

Jay: Coach, he's been


Coach Jay...

Jay: And you said yourself a

team is made up of a
bunch of parts.

Carlos: Jay, I'm not that good.

Jay: Well, he's kind of like my


Coach Come here! You heard

Jenkins: him. Get out there!

Jay: Don't worry, bro. I got

your back.

Carlos: How about my front?

Jay: Pfft. Get out there.

Announcer: He's bringing that

hothead Jay in from the
Isle of the Lost and that
little guy Carlos can
barely hold a shield.

All: Break!

Announcer: When they break from

their huddles, this is
gonna be a big moment
here. And the tipoff is
ready. Here we go. Long
pass goes to Jay. Jay
dishes off to prince Ben.
Nice little block by
Carlos. He does a little
dancing jig in his
opponent's face. And
now Jay gets the ball

Here comes Jay! Jay,

hurdling maneuver at

Ben: I'm open!

Announcer: Jay makes a nice pass to

Prince Ben through the
kill zone.

Ben: Jay!

Announcer: Big block by Chad!

Prince Ben moves over
wide, gives it back to Jay.
He's in the clear! Shot!

Oh, what a save by

Philip the Faalcons'

Ben: Come on! All right, all

right, let's do it!

Coach Come on, guys! Come

Jenkins: on, hustle, hustle!

Announcer: 23 seconds left. You

could cut the tension
with a sword. The long
ball is played into Jay.
Jay, great jump, great
leap. And a great move
by Jay. Big block from
Chad. Jay dishes off to
Prince Ben. And then
Carlos with a big block,
goes down. Jay through
the kill zone, picks up
Carlos. Oh, he's being
hammered by dragon
fire. Still, going on. Jay,
hurdling maneuver at
mid-field. He's in the
clear. The ball goes back
to Jay.

Carlos: Hey, Jay!

Jay: Carlos?

Carlos: Go up! Ben!

Announcer: He passes to prince Ben.

He scores! Prince Ben
has won it! What an
unselfish play by Jay!
What a team! Incredible!
And it's the new guys,
Jay and Carlos, who set
up the prince for the win
here. What a victory! An
absolutely wonderful
end to one of the best
games ever. Here they
come, folks. The winners
of the first tourn...

Ben: Excuse me. Excuse me.

Can I have your
attention, please?
There's something I'd
like to say. Give me an

All: "M"!

Ben: Give me an "a"!

All: "A"!

Ben: Give me an "I"!

All: "L"!

Ben: What does that spell?

All: Mal!

Ben: Come on, I can't hear


All: Mal!

Ben: I love you, Mal! Did I

mention that?

Audrey Oh...

Ben: Give me a beat! Whoo!

Doug: Uno, dos, tres, quatro!

Evie: Oh, my God! Cookie!

Mal: What was in that

Ben ♫ Did I mention ♫

♫ That I’m in love

with you? ♫ ♫ Did I
mention ♫ ♫ There’s
nothing I can do ♫ ♫
And did I happen to
say ♫ ♫ I dream of
you everyday ♫ ♫
But let me shout it out
loud ♫ ♫ If that’s
okay-ay-ay (Hey!) ♫
♫ If that’s okay
(Hey!) ♫

♫ I met this girl that

rocked my worldv ♫
Like it’s never been
rocked ♫ ♫ And now
I’m living just for her
♫ ♫ And I won’t ever
stop ♫ ♫ I never
thought it can happen
to a guy like me ♫ ♫
But now look at what
you’ve done ♫ ♫
You got down on my
knees ♫

♫ Because my love
for you is ridiculous

♫ Because my love
for you is ridiculous
♫ ♫ I never knew
(Who knew?) ♫ ♫
That it can be like this
♫ ♫ My love for you
is ridiculous ♫ ♫ My
love is R-I-D-I-C-U-
L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-
U-L-O-U-S!) ♫ ♫ It's
♫ Just
♫ And I would give
my kingdom for just
one kiss ♫

♫ Well, did I
mention… ♫ ♫ That
I’m in love with you
♫ ♫ And did I
mention ♫ ♫ There’s
nothing I can do ♫
And did I happen to
say? ♫ ♫ I dream of
you everyday ♫ ♫ ♫
But let me shout it out
♫ ♫ If that’s okay-
ay-ay (Yeah!) ♫ ♫ If
that’s okay ♫

♫ I gotta know which

way to go ♫ ♫
C’mon gimme a sign
♫ You gotta show me
that ♫ ♫ You’re only
ever gonna be mine ♫
♫ Don’t want to go
another minute ♫ ♫
Even without you ♫
♫ That’s if your heart
just isn’t in it ♫ ♫ I
don’t know what I’d
do. ♫

♫ Because my love
for you is ridiculous
♫ ♫ I never knew
(Who knew?) ♫ ♫
That it can be like this
♫ ♫ My love for you
is ridiculous ♫ ♫ My
love is R-I-D-I-C-U-
L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-
U-L-O-U-S!) ♫ ♫ It’s
♫ Just
♫ And I would give
my kingdom ♫ ♫ For
just one kiss ♫ ♫
C’mon now! ♫

♫ Because my love
for you is ridiculous
♫ ♫ I never knew
(Who knew?) ♫ ♫
That it can be like this
♫ ♫ My love for you
is ridiculous ♫ ♫ My
love is R-I-D-I-C-U-
L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-
U-L-O-U-S!) ♫ ♫ It’s
♫ Just
♫ And I would give
my kingdom ♫ ♫ For
just one kiss ♫ ♫
C’mon now! ♫

I love you, Mal! Did I

mention that?

Audrey: Chad's my boyfriend

now! And I'm going to
the coronation with him.
So I don't need your pity

All: Whoa!

Ben: Mal! Will you go to the

coronation with me?
Mal: Yes!

Ben: She said yes!

Jay: Let's go, Ben. The whole

team's waiting for you.

Ben: Yeah.

Mal: Bye.

Announcer: What a victory. What a

day for the Auradon
knights, finally winning
back the trophy after so
many years.

Mal: I feel really sorry for


Evie: You do?

Mal: Yeah.

I feel like if she were

talented like you, and
she knew how to sew
and knew beauty tips,
that she wouldn't need
a prince to make her
feel better about

Evie: I guess I am kind of


Mal: You are definitely gifted.

Evie: Thanks, M.

Jay: Yeah, yeah!

Announcer: And there he is. Jay, the

most valuable player.
How do you like that?

Chemistry Lab

Mr. Deley: Looking for something?

Thank you, Chad. It's
gratifying to see
someone still respects
the honor code. It will be
my recommendation
that you are expelled.

Evie: Mr. Deley, I...

Doug: But that isn't fair.

Obviously she wasn't
cheating since she didn't
have that... Whatever it

Evie: It's called a magic mir...

Doug: You're not helping. Stop.

Maybe she needed
another pencil.

Evie: Actually, I was...

Doug: Really, don't help.

Evie: Please.

Mr. Deley: Well, If you can pass this

test, I'll return your
property and let the
matter drop.

The Picnic Area

Evie: For the first time, It's like

I'm more than just a
pretty face.

Doug: A shocker, huh?

Evie: You were pretty great in


Doug: So were you.

Evie: I bet I can get an "A" on

the next test without the

Doug: Yeah. Well, maybe we

can get together and
We'll hang out with...

Evie: Yeah, let's get together.

Mal: There you are! I have

been looking for you
literally everywhere!

Evie: What's wrong?

Mal: Ben just asked me out

on...a date.

Doug: Nice.

Evie: We can handle this. Bye.

Doug: Bye.

Evie: You're looking a little


Mal: Yeah, of course.

Evie: I can fix that with some

gloss and some blush.

Mal: No!

Evie: Mal, I can use the...

Mal: No, no, no.

Mal and Evie's Dorm

Mal: Okay. Easy on the blush.

I don't want to scare him
away. Not that I could.

Evie: Please. My mom taught

me how to apply blush
before I could talk.
Always use upward

Mal: My mom was never

really big on makeup
tips. I never had a sister.

Evie: Well, now you do. We're

going to need all the
family we can get If we
don't pull this off. My
mother's not a barrel of
laughs when she doesn't
get her way. Just ask
Snow White.

Mal: Are you afraid of her?

Evie: Sometimes. Are you

afraid of your mom?

Mal: I just really want her to

be proud of me. She gets
so angry with me when I
disappoint her. And sh...
yeah, she's my mom, so I
know she loves me... In
her own way.

Evie: Moving on. Come see.

Mal: Are we done?

Evie: Yeah.

Mal: Oh.

Evie: I know.

Mal: I look...

Evie: Say it.

Mal: Not hideous.

Evie: Not even close.

Ben: For the first time, I

understand the
difference between
pretty and beautiful. I
hope you like bikes.

The Forest

Ben: Tell me something about

yourself that you've
never told anyone.

Mal: Um... My middle name is


Ben: Bertha?

Mal: Yeah. Bertha. Just my

mom doing what she
does best. Being really,
really evil. Mal Bertha.

Ben: Mine's Florian.

Mal: Florian?

Ben: Yeah.

Mal: How princely. Oh, that's

almost worse.

Ben: I mean, you know, It's

better than Bertha. But
it's still not... watch your
foot. Yeah. Are you

Mal: Mm-hmm.

Ben: Now, step up. There you

go. You ready?

Mal: Mm-hmm.

Ben: Open. Go on.

Mal: Mm...

Ben: Is this your first time?

Mal: Mm... We don't really

date much on the island.
It's more like... Gang

Ben: Um, I meant, is this your

first time eating a jelly

Mal: Is it bad?

Ben: You got a... Just a... I

mean, yeah, do this.

Mal: Mm-hmm. Gone? You

can't take me anywhere,
I guess.

Ben: You know, I've done all

the talking. Your turn. I
really don't know that
much about you.

Tell me something.

Mal: Well, I'm 16. I'm an only

child. And I've only ever
lived in one place.

Ben: Me, too. That... we have

so much in common

Mal: No. Trust me, we do not.

And now you're gonna
be king.

Ben: Yeah.

Mal: What?

Ben: A crown doesn't make

you a king.

Mal: Well, it kind of does.

Ben: No, it... Your mother is

mistress of evil and I've
got the poster parents
for goodness. But we're
not automatically like
them. We get to choose
who we're gonna be.
And right now, I can look
into your eyes and I can
tell you're not evil. I can
see it. Let's go for a
Mal: Hm? What? Uh... Right

Ben: Yeah, right now.

Mal: I think I'm just gonna

stay here.

Ben: No, no, no. Come on.

Mal: I think I'm gonna stay

behind and try a
strawberry. I've literally
never tried a strawberry
before. Mm! Mm...

Ben: Don't eat all of them.

Mal: Okay. Ooh! Mm. Are

those little crowns on
your shorts?

Ben: Maybe. Whoo! Ha-ha!

Mal: ♫ A million thoughts in

my head ♫

♫ Should I let my
heart keep listening?
♫ ♫ Cause up 'til
now, I've walked the
line ♫ ♫ Nothing lost
but something
missing ♫ ♫ I can't
decide what's wrong,
what's right ♫ ♫
Which way should I

♫ If only I knew what

my heart was telling
me ♫ ♫ Don't know
what I'm feeling ♫ ♫
Is this just a dream?
♫ ♫ Ah oh, yeah ♫ ♫
If only I could read
the signs in front of
me ♫ ♫ I could find
the way to who I'm
meant to be ♫ ♫ Ah
oh, if only ♫ ♫ If
only ♫ ♫ If only ♫ ♫
If only ♫

♫ Every step, every

word ♫ ♫ With every
hour I'm falling in ♫
♫ To something new,
something brave ♫ ♫
To someone I've
never been ♫ ♫ I
can't decide what's
wrong, what's right ♫
♫ Which way should
I go ♫

♫ If only I knew what

my heart was telling
me ♫ ♫ Don't know
what I'm feeling ♫ ♫
Is this just a dream?
♫ ♫ Ah oh, yeah ♫ ♫
If only I could read
the signs in front of
me ♫ ♫ I could find
the way to who I'm
meant to be ♫ ♫ Ah
oh, If only ♫ Yeah ♫

♫ Am I crazy? ♫ ♫
Maybe ♫ ♫ We could
happen ♫ ♫ Yeah ♫
♫ Will you still be
with me ♫ ♫ When
the magic's all run
out? ♫

♫ If only I knew what

my heart was telling
me ♫ ♫ Don't know
what I'm feeling ♫ ♫
Is this just a dream?
♫ ♫ Ah oh... ♫ ♫ If
only I could read the
signs in front of me ♫
♫ I could find the
way to who I'm meant
to be ♫ ♫ Ah oh... ♫

♫ If only, yeah ♫ ♫
If only, yeah ♫ ♫ If
only, yeah ♫ ♫ If
only, yeah ♫

♫ If only ♫ ♫ If only

Ben? Ben? Ben! Ugh!

You scared me!

Ben: You... you can't swim?

Mal: No!

Ben: You live on an island!

Mal: Yeah, with a barrier

around it, remember?

Ben: And you still tried to

save me.

Mal: Yeah. And do you thank

me? No! All I get is
soaking wet!

Ben: And, uh, this fancy rock.

It's yours. Make a wish
and throw it back in the
lake. What... Uh, Mal... I
told you that I loved you.
What about you? Do you
love me?

Mal: I don't know what love

feels like.

Ben: Maybe I can teach you.

Remedial Goodness 101 Classroom

Fairy Children, excuse me.

Godmother Um, as you know, uh,
this Sunday is family day
here at Auradon Prep.
And because your
parents can't be here
due to, uh, distance,
we've arranged for a
special treat.

Maleficent: I don't see anything, nor

do I hear.

Fairy Kids!

Maleficent: Is it... is it... is...

Jafar: Press enter.

Maleficent: Can I please see a

remote? Is this thing on?
Ugh, It's broken. Ugh! I
hate electronic equip...

Evil Queen: Evie, It's mommy. Oh!

Look how beautiful. Oh,
you know what they say,
the poison apple doesn't
fall far from the tree.

Maleficent: Don't you mean the


Cruella: Ooh! Who's the old bat?

Mal: This is Fairy Godmother.

Maleficent: Still doing tricks with


Fairy I turned a pumpkin into

Godmother: a beautiful carriage.

Maleficent: You really couldn't give

Cinderella till one A.M.?
I mean, really. What, the
hamsters had to be back
on their little wheels? -

Fairy They were mice! They

Godmother: were not... they were
mice. They were not...

Mal: Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Fairy They were mice.

Mal: Hi, mom.

Maleficent: Mal! I m-m-miss you.

Jafar: You children are never

far from our thoughts.

Mal: I got it.

Maleficent: How long must mommy

wait to see you?

Mal: Um, there's a big

coronation coming up. I
think sometime probably
after... that.

Maleficent: When?

Mal: Friday, 10 A.M.

Maleficent: You sure I can't see you

before that? I don't
know what I'll do If I
don't get my hands on
that magic wan... you...
you little nugget that I
love so much.

Mal: Yes, I completely

understand, mother.

Cruella: Carlos, is that a dog? Oh,

yes, yes, baby, I do
understand. It would
make the perfect size for
Carlos: He's the perfect size for
a pet.

Cruella: Oh!

Carlos: This dog loves me, and I

love him. And fyi, your
dog is stuffed!

Cruella: Oh!

Carlos: So give it a rest!

Jafar: Oh-ho! Burn!

Cruella: Oh! Why don't you go

sell a toaster, you two-
bit salesman!

Jafar: People who talk to

stuffed animals
shouldn't throw stones.

Cruella: Oh, well, people who sell

toasters shouldn't use
mixed metaphors.

Fairy I'm so sorry.


Jay: Thanks for the special


Fairy Of course.
Evie: M? What do you think
our parents are gonna
do to us. If we don't pull
this off?

Mal: I think they will be

quietly disappointed in
us, but ultimately...
Proud of us for doing our

Carlos: Really?

Mal: No, I think we are

definitely goners.

Evie: Yeah.

Jay and Carlos' Dorm

Mal: Okay, we all know what

this looks like. So it'll be
up on the dais under the
beast's spell jar, and
we'll be coming in from
here. I will be in the very
front. You all will be up
in the balcony. Okay.

Carlos: Okay, so I'll find our

limo, so we can break
the barrier, and, uh, get
back on the island with
the wand.

Mal: Perfect. Evie?

Evie: Yeah?
Mal: You will use this to take
out the driver. Two
sprays and he'll be out
like a light.

Evie: Okay. M? You want to

break Ben's love spell?

Mal: Yeah. You know, for

after. I don't... I've just
been thinking, you
know, when the villains
finally do invade
Auradon, and begin to
loot and kick everyone
out of their castles and
imprison their leaders
and destroy all that is
good and beautiful, Ben
still being in love with
me just seems a little
extra... cruel.

Evie: M?

The Kitchen

Mal: ♫ A million thoughts in

my head ♫

♫ Should I let my
heart keep listening?
♫ ♫ I know It's time
to say good-bye ♫ ♫
So hard to let go ♫

Auradon Prep

Ben: Ma cherie
It is with deepest
pride and greatest
pleasure That we
welcome you tonight.
And now, we invite
you to relax, Let us
pull up a chair As the
dining room proudly
presents - Your

All: ♫ Be... our... guest! ♫

♫ Be our guest! ♫ ♫
Put our service to the
test ♫ ♫ Tie your
napkin 'round your
neck, cherie ♫ ♫ And
we'll provide the rest

♫ Soup du jour ♫ ♫
Hot hors d'oeuvres ♫
♫ Why, we only live
to serve ♫ ♫ Try the
grey stuff ♫ ♫ It's
delicious! ♫ ♫ Don't
believe me? ♫ ♫ Ask
the dishes ♫

♫ They can sing! ♫

♫ They can dance! ♫
♫ After all, Miss, this
is France! ♫ ♫ And
the dinner here is
never second best! ♫

♫ Go on, unfold your

menu ♫ ♫ Take a
glance and then you'll
♫ ♫ Be our guest ♫
♫ Oui, our guest ♫ ♫
Be our guest! ♫
♫ We tell jokes, ♫ ♫
I do tricks! ♫ ♫ With
my fellow
candlesticks ♫

♫ And it's all in

perfect taste ♫ ♫
That you can bet ♫

♫ Come on and lift

your glass ♫ ♫
You've won your own
free pass ♫ ♫ To be
our guest ♫

♫ If you're stressed ♫
♫ It's fine dining we
suggest! ♫

♫ Be our guest! ♫ ♫
Be our guest! ♫ ♫ Be
our guest! ♫

Belle: Oh... That was so lovely!

Jay: Oh. Wa... mm.

Beast: Just here?

Man: Ready?

Ben: Oh, by the way, I have a

new girlfriend.

Beast: Oh!

Ben: Yeah.

Belle: Well, I never wanted to

say anything, but I
always thought that
Audrey was a little self-
absorbed. A fake smile,
kind of a kiss-up.

Beast: Do we know your new


Man: On the count of three.

One, two...

Ben: Well, sort of. Mal!

Mal: I gotta go, okay?

Man: Three!

Belle: Huh?

Ben: Mal? Mal.

Belle: Uh...

Ben: I wanna introduce you to

my parents.

Mal: Ben.

Ben: This is Mal. From the


Belle: Mm...

Ben: My girlfriend.
Belle: Hi.

Mal: Hi.

Ben: I was thinking maybe she

can join us for lunch.

Beast: Of... course. Any friend

of Ben's...

Mal: Um, I actually came with

my friends.

Belle: Well, you should invite

them. Because the more
the merrier!

Mal: Yeah, I'll go grab them.

Beast: Uh, how about a game

of croquet before lunch?

Mal: Huh? Of course.

Ben: Game on.

Beast: Game on.

Ben: Have you played before?

Mal: No.

Ben: No? You'll be fine.

Belle: Whoa.
Carlos: Come on, dude.

Ben: Here, stand up.

Carlos: Come on, dude.

Mal: Stand here.

Carlos: Hey, get them! Hey, get


Jay: Nice!

Queen Hello there.


Mal: Hi.

Queen Now, have we met?


Mal: No, I don't think so. I'm

new. I'm sort of like a...
Transfer student.

Queen Oh, yes.


Audrey: Grammy.

Queen Oh, Audrey! Give

Leah: Grammy a kiss, dear.

Mal: "Grammy"?
Audrey: Sleeping Beauty's
mother. Grammy, I don't
think you want to be
talking to this girl. Unless
you feel like taking
another hundred-year

Queen What? You! How are you

Leah: here? And how have you
stayed so young?

Ben: Queen Leah, It's okay.

Maleficent is still on the
island. This is her
daughter, Mal. Don't you
remember my
proclamation to give the
new generation a

Queen A chance to what, Ben?

Leah: Destroy us? Come on.
You remember, don't
you? The poison apples.
And the spells. Spells.
My daughter... Was
raised by fairies because
of your mother's curse.
So her first words, her
first steps, I missed it all!
You mustn't trust her.

Mal: I'm so so...

Chad: Go away! Stay away

from her!

Ben: Don't do this, Chad.

Chad: What? They were raised
by their parents, Ben.
What do you think
villains teach their kids?
Huh? Kindness? Fair
play? No way, okay? Uh-
uh. You stole another
girl's boyfriend.

Ben: Hey, hey!

Chad: Oh. You enjoy hurting

people. And you, you're
nothing but a gold digger
and a cheater.

Evie: Mirror, mirror, in my

hand, who's the biggest
jerk in the land?

Chad: What? Come on!

Jay: Back off, Chad. All right?

Back off!

Audrey: Chad! Chad? Chad! Evie

did something to Chad!

Lonnie: Wake up. Check if he's


Evie: Come on, Mal.

Ben: Guys!

Mal: Jay!
Lonnie: Chad, wake up!

Doug: Come on, Chad.

Beast: I feared something like

this would happen.

Ben: This isn't their fault!

Beast: No, son. It's yours.

Ben: Mom?

Audrey: What happened?

Chad: I had this dream...

Picnic Area

Ben: Hey, guys. How is

everyone? Yeah? Hey,
listen. Forget about it.
All right? It was nothing.
Forget about it. Let it go.
Tomorrow, after the
coronation, I promise
everything will be okay.

I have to go. I'll see

you guys later.

Doug: Listen, Evie, I wanna talk

about earlier today. I

Chad: Doug!
Evie: It's my fault, Doug. I'm

Doug: No, It's mine.

Chad Doug! What?

Evie: Doug...

Doug: Sorry, I can't.

Doug: Okay.

Audrey: How long does she think

that's gonna last? Mal is
just the bad girl

Jane: Yeah. I mean, he's never

gonna make a villain a

Mal: Beware, forswear, undo

Jane's hair.

Chad: Ew!

Mal: There's a lot more where

that came from.

Audrey: Excuse me, who do you

think you are?

Mal: Do I look like I'm

kidding? I'm really
looking forward to
tomorrow. Let's grab
that wand and blow this
Popsicle stand.

Jay: I'm rotten to the core.

Auradon Cathedral

Snow (through TV) At last,

White: here we are,
broadcasting live from
the coronation where
Prince Benjamin will
soon be crowned king!
I'm Snow White,
bringing you up to the
second coverage of
who's the fairest of
them all.

Evil Queen: "I'm snow white." Who

are you kidding? She's
definitely had work

Audrey: Oh. Oh, me?

Snow Oh, Fairy Godmother is

White: looking radiant. But
what is happening with
Jane's hair? And there is
Fairy Godmother's

Maleficent: I want that wand!

Cruella: Do you? Hadn't heard.

Snow Oh, and here comes Ben

White: now.
Ben: Don't be nervous. All
you have to do is sit
there and look beautiful.
No problem there.

Mal: Thank you.

Ben: Mal, would you wear my


Mal: Um... not now. I think it

would probably just fall
right off of me. I have
something for you.

Ben: For me?

Mal: Yeah. It's just for later,

you know, when you
need strength. Some
carbs to keep up your

Ben: Always thinking. But I

can't wait.

Mal: No!

Ben: Mm. Mm... Mm! This is

really good.

Mal: Uh, do you...

Ben: Mal?

Mal: Do you feel okay?

Ben: You bet.

Mal: Would you say that

you're still in... that...
that you have very
strong feelings for me?

Ben: I'm not sure. I mean,

let's give the anti-love
potion a few minutes to
take effect.

Mal: Yeah... Okay. What?

What? You knew?

Ben: That you spelled me?

Yeah. Yeah, I knew.

Mal: I'm... I can explain


Ben: No, look, It's fine. I

mean, you had a crush
on me. I was with
Audrey. You didn't trust
that it could happen on
its own. Am I right?

Mal: Yes. You're so right. So,

then, how long have you

Ben: Since our first date. Your

spell washed away in the
Enchanted Lake.

Mal: So then what? You've

just been... Faking it
since then?
Ben: I haven't been faking

Evil Queen: Well, If it isn't...

Maleficent: My daughter. Looking

like some kind of...

Show Princess! Now, let's see

White: who this beauty is
wearing. Evie.

Evil Queen: Evie! That's my dau...


Snow Someone named Evie

White: designed her gown.

Evil Queen: That's my daughter!

Maleficent: Oh, wow. She sewed a

dress. Meanwhile, my
girl duped a prince, and
she's this close to
grabbing the magic

Evil Queen: Bitter, party of one.

Bitter, party of one.

Maleficent: It's happening, people!

It's happening! I say, gird
your loins! Gird your
loins! Villains, our
revenge begins today.

Mal: About the other day, I

Beast: I told Ben this wasn't
going to be easy.

Ben: You also taught me that

a king has to believe in
himself. Even when it
isn't easy.

Beast: I did? I... how very wise

of me.

Belle: Ben, we are very proud

of you. You keep
listening to your heart.

Ben: Thanks, mom.

Beast: You're gonna make a

fine king.

Ben: Wish me luck.

Maleficent: Don't blow it, kiddo.

Fairy Do you solemnly swear

Godmother: to govern the peoples of
Auradon with justice and
mercy as long as you
shall reign?

Maleficent: Oh, grab the thing


Ben: I do solemnly swear.

Fairy Then it is my honor and

Gdmother: my joy to bless our new

Maleficent: Yes!

Evil Queen: Oh!

Jafar: Yes!

Maleficent: Yeah! Oh!

Evil Queen: The barrier is broken!

We're free!

Maleficent: Scepter! Now!

Fairy Child, what are you

Godmother: doing?!

Jane: If you won't make me

beautiful, I'll do it
myself! Bibbidi-bobbidi-

Beast: Take cover!

Belle: Careful, Mal!

Ben: Mal, give me the wand.

Mal: Stand back.

Ben: It's okay.

Mal: Ben, I said stand back!

Audrey: I told you so!

Carlos: Let's go!

Jay: Revenge time.

Ben: You really want to do


Mal: We have no choice, Ben!

Our parents...

Ben: Your parents made their

choice. Now you make

Mal: I think I want to be good.

Ben: You are good.

Mal: How do you know that?

Ben: Because... Because I'm

listening to my heart.

Mal: I want to listen to my

heart, too. And my heart
is telling me that we are
not our parents. I mean,
stealing things doesn't
make you happy.
Tourney and victory
pizza with the team
makes you happy.

Boy: Yeah!
Mal: And you, scratching
dude's belly makes you
happy. Who would've
thought? And Evie... You
do not have to play
dumb to get a guy. You
are so smart. And I don't
want to take over the
world with evil. It
doesn't make me happy.
I want to go to school.
And be with Ben.
Because Ben makes me
really happy. Us being
friends makes me really
happy. Not destroying
things. I choose good,
you guys.

Jay: I choose good, too.

Evie: I choose good.

Carlos: So, just to be clear, we

don't have to be worried
about how really mad
our parents will be?
Because they're gonna
be really, really mad.

Ben: Your parents can't reach

you here.

Carlos: Okay, then. Good.

Mal: Come on.

Maleficent: I'm back!

Mal: It can't be. Go away,

Maleficent: She's funny. Oh! I'm so...

you're very funny. Here.
Wand me. Chop chop.

Fairy Bibbidi-bobbidi...

Maleficent: Boo. Psych. Ooh. Ooh, in

another time, in another
time. Evil like me, don't
you wanna be mean...
Ow! Oh. Oh, no.
Someone needs to pluck
their nose hairs. Where
shall we begin? I know.
Why don't we start by
getting rid of this?
Perfect fit! Oh, excuse
me. Pardon me. Excuse
me. The horns, the
horns! Aw... Falling in
love is weak... And
ridiculous. It's not what
you want.

Mal: You don't know what I

want! Mom, have you
ever once asked me
what I want? I'm not

Maleficent: Oh, obviously. I've had

years and years and
years and... Years of
practice being evil. You'll
get there.
Mal: No, I will not. And I really
wish that you had never
gotten there yourself.
Love is not weak or
ridiculous. It's actually
really amazing.

Maleficent: I know one thing, young

lady. You have no room
for love in your life!

Mal: And now I command,

wand to my hand! Ha! It

Maleficent: I hardly think so. Frankly,

this is tedious and very
immature. Give me the
wand. Give me the

Carlos: Hold on, Mal. Maybe

good really is more
powerful than evil.

Maleficent: Oh, please! You're killing

me. Arf! Oh! Oh, the
breath! The breath! Get
off me! Gaston should
be jealous. Enough! You
all will regret this!

Carlos: Come on. Run, Jay, run!

Mal: Hurry, Jay. Hurry, hurry,

hurry! Jay! Watch it, Jay
Jay, come on Please, Jay!
Jay: Aah!

Evie: Magic mirror, show your

bright light!

Mal: Behind me, E! Leave my

friends alone! This is
between you and me,
mother. The strength of
evil is good as none,
when stands before four
hearts as one. The
strength of evil is good
as none, when stands
before four hearts as
one. The strength of evil
is good as none, when
stands before four
hearts as one!

Fairy Oh!

Evie: What just happened?

Mal: I have no idea.

Evie: Did you do it?

Mal: I don't know.

Fairy No, no, no, no. Your

Godmother: mother did. She shrank
to the size of the love in
her heart. That's why It's
so itty-bitty.

Mal: Is she gonna be like that

Fairy Well, forever is a long
Godmother: time. You learned to
love. So can she.

Mal: I believe this belongs to


Fairy And I believe this...

Godmother: Belongs to you. You all
have earned yourselves
an "a" in goodness class.

Mal: Okay, okay! Oh! We

kinda got this all
wrapped up here.

Beast: Oh... Yeah, let's go.

Mal: Oh!

Ben: Next time, I rescue you,


Mal: Yeah. Let's not let there

be a next time, okay? I
will be right back.

Fairy I love you. But you are

Godmother: on a major time-out.

Mal: Don't be too hard on

Jane. I was the one who
put all that crazy stuff in
her head. You are
beautiful... Inside and
out. Your mom got that
Jane: I guess I did get pretty
lucky in the mother

Mal: Yeah, I guess so.

Mal: Hey!

Maleficent: Help!

Mal: Careful! That's my mom!

Jay: Well, let's get this party


All: Ohayohay, hey

Beast Castle

Mal: ♫ Set it off, set it off, set

it off ♫

♫ Oh yeah ♫ ♫ Oh
yeah yeah ♫ ♫ Let's
set it off ♫ ♫ Oh
yeah ♫ ♫ You can
make it happen ♫ ♫
Ohay, Ohay Hey! ♫

Ben: ♫ Kings and Queens, it's

our time to rise ♫

♫ Write the book

story of our lives ♫ ♫
This is us taking back
the night ♫ ♫ Ohay,
Ohay ♫

Mal: ♫ Break the spell, we

were born this way ♫

♫ Be yourself, forget
the DNA ♫ ♫
Everybody raise your
hands and say ♫ ♫
Ohay, Ohay, hey! ♫

Evie ♫ Sound the alarm, get

on your feet ♫

♫ Let's set it off and

rock this beat ♫ ♫
Dance till your heart
is wild and free ♫ ♫
Ooh, Oh, Oh ♫ ♫
Feeling the power, let
it all out ♫ ♫ Like
what you see in the
mirror, shout ♫ ♫ We
got the keys, the
kingdom's ours ♫ ♫
Ooh, Oh, Oh, ♫ ♫
Ohay, Ohay Hey ♫

All: ♫ Let's set it off! Oh

yeah (oh, yeah) ♫

♫ Start a chain
reaction ♫ ♫ Never
let it stop! ♫ ♫ Let's
set it off, oh yeah (oh,
yeah) ♫ ♫ You can
make it happen ♫ ♫
With everything you
got! ♫ ♫ Let's set it
off! ♫

♫ Get ready, set it off

♫ ♫ Come on ♫ ♫
We got to set it off ♫
♫ On the right ♫ ♫
Get ready, set it off ♫
♫ To the left ♫ ♫ We
got to set it off! ♫ ♫
Ohay Ohay Hey! ♫

Carlos and Yo!

♫ It's time to set this
thing off ♫ ♫ Let's
make it happen now
♫ ♫ I'll make my
own future, ignore the
rumors ♫ ♫ Show
'em my passion sound
♫ ♫ They all told me
I should back down ♫
♫ Judgin' me 'cause
of my background ♫
♫ Thinking 'bout
changing my path
now ♫ ♫ Nah, I ain't
goin' out like that
now ♫

Audrey ♫ Feeling the power, let

it all out ♫

♫ Like what you see

in the mirror, shout ♫

Jay: ♫ We got the keys, the

kingdom's ours ♫

All: ♫ Oh yeah! ♫

♫ Let's set it off! ♫ ♫

Oh yeah ♫ ♫ Let's set
this off! ♫ ♫ Start a
chain reaction, ♫ ♫
Never let it stop! ♫ ♫
Let's set it off! ♫ ♫
Let's set this off! ♫ ♫
Oh yeah ♫ ♫ Let's set
this off! ♫ ♫ You can
make it happen ♫ ♫
With everything you
got! ♫ ♫ Let's set it
off! ♫

♫ Get ready, set it

off! ♫ ♫ Come on ♫
♫ We got to set it off!
♫ ♫ That's right! ♫ ♫
Get ready, set it off!
♫ ♫ (To the left!) ♫
♫ We got to set it off!
♫ ♫ Get ready, set it
off, ♫ ♫ We got to
set it off, ♫ ♫ Get
ready to set it off ♫ ♫
Come on!

3, 2, 1, Uh!

Ooh yeah!

♫ Let's set it off! ♫ ♫

Oh yeah ♫ ♫ Let's set
this off! ♫ ♫ Start a
chain reaction ♫

Mal: Oh. I was having so

much fun, I almost
forgot. You didn't think
this was the end of the
story, did you?

All: ♫ You can make it Ending

happen ♫ Credits -
♫ With everything by Shawn
you got! ♫ ♫ Let's set Mendes
it off! ♫

♫ Get ready, set it off

♫ ♫ Come on ♫ ♫
We got to set it off! ♫
♫ (To the left!) ♫ ♫
Get ready, set it off!
♫ ♫ (To the right!) ♫
♫ We got to set it
off!! ♫ Mal: did you
think it was the end of
the story, did you ?

♫ I believe, I believe I believe, I

believe, I believe, hey ♫ ♫ I
believe, I believe, I believe, Oh ♫ ♫
I believe, I believe, I believe, what?
♫ ♫ I believe, I believe, I believe,
what? ♫

♫ Don't be afraid to be who you are

♫ ♫ Just dream out and shout and
follow the stars ♫ ♫ Forget about
the past that it's over ♫ ♫ We are
the young ones our way is forward
♫ ♫ Who keeps tabs on stupid
mistakes? ♫ ♫ We all mess up but
that's just the way ♫ ♫ We learn
how to get back up ♫ ♫ We learn
how to turn the page ♫

♫ Let your dreams take flight ♫ ♫

And your heart ignite! ♫

♫ ♫ Did you know that it's true ♫ ♫

Everything is possible ♫ ♫ It's
nothing we can't do ♫ ♫ It's a wild
and beautiful fire ♫ ♫ And I believe
in you ♫ ♫ And I believe in you ♫

♫ I believe, I believe, I believe I

believe, I believe, I believe, hey ♫
♫ I believe, I believe, I believe, I
believe in you I believe, I believe, I
believe ♫

♫ I believe, I believe, I believe I

believe, I believe, I believe ♫ I
believe in you ♫ ♫ I believe, I
believe, I believe ♫

♫ I believe, I believe, I believe

'cause I believe in you I believe, I
believe, I believe ♫ ♫ I believe, I
believe, I believe I believe, I
believe, I believe I believe in you ♫

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