Office of The Comm Ssioner of Poli E Delhi RC LAR: I C: CI U

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No. rS-/2019
" '.'

Subject:- Instructions for the' registration of Zero F.I.R and written

communication to ';;the complainant, if the complaint is
closed.; .

~.':'.,' .'

While hearing Writ Petition.(GLNo. 5933/2019 titled as "Kirti Vashisht

Vs State of NeT of Delhi & Ors"," the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi has
observed that the respondent was.sompelled to run from one police station
to another, but none of the police stations registered the case. The Hon'ble
, Court also "observed 'that the concerned Police Station' later closed 'the

'complaints of the 'respondent.' However, there was no communication to the

complainant who remained> in. ..,_~bt and confusion regarding her ,.,
~ •• t- ;.,
fompl~i~t's~''r:h.~,s,~.he.r;anfroII;·pii~~.... post to get justice.

" . The Hon'ble Court further mentioned. that it is not in dispute that the
provision of 'Zero FIR' came up:as.?-
.. '
recommendation in the Justice Verma

Committee Report, in the new Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 after
the heinous 'Nirbhaya Case' of Decemberv.Zn Iz. The provision says:" A Zero
FIR can be filed in any police station by the victim, irrespective of their
residence or the place of occurrence
.... '.
of crime."..,

In pursuance to the judgment, dated 29.11.2019 and observations

passed by the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi in the above mentioned Writ
Petition, all District DCsP are her~by4irected to ensure that :-
. .'.,',

1. If any information relating to the commission of a cognizable offence is

r~ceived in a Police Statiofl,,;~~e said Police Station is duty bound to
- "'~
register the F.I.R. Howeverv-if the crime has not occurred in the
jurisdiction of the said:gi>lice Station, a Zero F.I.R. shall be.

2. Once the Zero' F.I.R. is registered, the same shall be transferred to the
concerned Police Station for further investigation, where the offence
has been committed under intimation to the complainant.
3. Compliance of the Advisory issued by. .the Ministry of Home Affairs
regarding "Registration of FIR irrespective' of territorial
jurisdiction and Zero FIR", vide N.o, 15011/35/2013-SC/ST-W
dated 10.5.2013 (copy enclosed) be ensured .
. " .

4. In case a complaint is to be closed for any reason, the same shall be

closed with reasoned order and the same shall be communicated to
the complainant in writing without any delay.

5. Meticulous compliance of above mentioned directions and .also

directions contained in order no.31,4-330/Per.Sec.Spl.CP/Crime,
dated 14.3.2011 issued by Spl.CP/9rime and order no 106-
306/P.Sec/CP, dated 12.1.2013 issued by C.P, Delhi (copies enclosed)
must be ensured. It should be clearly understood that failure to
comply with the instruction of registering . an FIR on receipt of
information about the cognizable offence will invite prosecution of the
police officer sx] s 166A of the IPC for an offence specified ix] s 166A or
departmental action or both.

This issues with the approval of C.P, Delhi.


No.~I-c:2~5<¥Record Branch/PHQ, dated-Delhi, ~) 1.:9.. /2019.

Copy for information and necessary action to.-

1. All Spl. Commissioners of Police, Del~i.

2. All Joint Commissioners of Police, Delhi.
3. All Addl, Commissioners of Police, Delhi.
4.' SO to Commissioner of Police, Delhi.r>
5. All Districts/Units DCsP including ·P/PTC, IGIA & FRRO, Delhi/New
6. Reader to CP, Delhi.
7. All ACsP/ PHQ including Computer. ~,;"
8. All Insprs./PHQ.
9. HAR/PHQ with 10 spare copies. . .f'

No. 15011/351~013 - SCIST~W

Government of India
Ministry of;I1'Qme Affairs
C~.btte·State Dh(;i'siqn

sthPI-oO'ri Flln'CiC-H S:uUding

Jar Slngn ro-ad, New D~lhi
.l( .• .the 10th Ma¥, 20a::a

lite A:ddlttb.hal';retary:/ prlird~~J$ecr~:tgr~(1'10 me}

.. '

.. _.. ' . ._ "_'.' ,,_ ....c- _. ;P"" -.-.. "C_.' -.' ," -,...., ~. _. ., .. " ,", ,.

. TblS .re:fat;~sto tfte' t~g:istfa]jr(j;~ oJ '~4R byt'Ae poHee w/;t:e,h they raeeive a
e;:a:~VCr€;}t .related ~t<ila€fhtm~ 00m~ittq~'i~ s~~p;'e;ctedtD~e,@'W1lsid:ethejurfsoJction
.'6frB:9; .p,GJ:tee: s.ta1l1i:9:gC:{1:1'il~-!iJnq;fa:d. .<1.

ta;R!e:l!$ In;y:e$.~i~9i1iir¢>l'l (;)1:ca'S'~>faH~mgihulaeel'1tatmt~frt~oria'l
a're\:l~;t:t~eclsto be dl$petl:ed
tQaJfay tl're :~e,at-S"that rtm.ay 'De H,ab:let'fJ be qua'sn.~dw./s 482 of the 'Cr.PJ';:. Ther~ are two
ru:Rlil~Qf 'th:e·.~LJjwr.Enne CpQ;rt In S?t'W'!1fJe.r [(auf vs G.ovt. of N,(0'q):f Pel,hi on 5:/10/1999
~]<Ji11: mtitt3-1.l a:n:~tP"R~nf:i:e:$hifrufRtatl~. ·~~:vti
:(#1 Ner ~;e;tht~m{Z1;i~l:Cf®J&>If.l th$
t!fue'mlate:rfat ~&~~d; ~y
f.dJ?,nte-!'t:a·s'e~,the c~&.l'rt:~lttfu~at;at :th~;;s~ge;~t.jtlv.e;strgaX;IGtlil'
;:i';rt investtg;atjfug()Ffir~e,f' ~l'l'f:f.ot?~'J~;dr~I~Jty:
s(;,ftl!itii'tj~d'fC:'P :~rff~ing
'at a' e~bJttu~tli\rttiirat
the ~Qn~e .$it.a:tfQtl Qffl' &f j:l:artleular :p0Ii:cr~ St-;;r;~f1;ln WQt.d$l hot 'have terrilliJr'laI
j-tltisd.icf;;Q:n. 'ithata;;p-atti s'E!c'tion lS;WI:~J Gf the Gr,i?,C ¢0.tlta:Ji~$ :8trn·,go ,t~t nQ
pro:c:ee:a,ff.ig0f 'a p~eiJi:ce;Gt.ffi;~r shaJl b.:~C.t'f9':t:e'mg~efO,:rt th.e..grQWtl:m that h~n:~;s .no
t:er.rlt@-rlal f1JQw~:r t:Q' inv~$~tt~ate:the. c~jS;e:.lh;thei Ia:mir das'e1. tm'€G:~ur;tll~b;iJhat;apQJtc:e
o1:Hc~rl~ d:l1J,:ty bqt:rn.d' t'Q t~~l;Ster thec.ase'<J11 the ~:8l$ 01 $t:Jeh rn~((l'nmatitirtdtsd:O'sti\fg a
cogrnirZiEJbJe e:rfence u/'s, lS~tl}6fthe Cr.-P';C.
(. 3. The legal position stated above expects that the- pollee shalf. reglster an FIR upon
receipt of information of the comrntsston of a ~~gni:zaIaJe offence. Further, if aft.
registration of FIR, upon lnvestigatlon, it is foundthat the subject matter relates to re
jurisdiction of some other police station, the FIR may be appropriately transferred to . e
pollee st'!:Jtion in whleh the case falls. 'M~r(?ev;~r, i.fat t!;li:etimeo::! reglstr:a,tiQr:i' q,fHR, it
;~~;~~~ne~ t.ti6i'ewa:~.~Qttl'l3Bttft;;iIl.;'!il.:.IiI;tsi:G.~e; ,the~
-tfit,e ,p,QP,f~e
statif.~]~~ aJA:pt6~rl~t~~;il:ei1$.~~tr¢te.;clrt{}.l;t'~g&.t~r;
:t1a::e:;:i!ilGYtfG.El;Sih~dt~lit's, ~i.(~$.ilGhFr1!{J~'lll'§.~r;?~ifu;pit;
~o:Htlgsl-a,~[/),'m\!if;ts ,1;:'M1'Q'f, 'tifli¢. Cr .,p:, C. f:t 5fu;o;u\f:d~e
th~ FUrt:;i~"tl""at~sf~rr,red.;,t~
cJearly: stale;d :-~h"a:t tIMe delay 'bver"trr~'d.etarmin;att0'fl of the jutisdfttitm [e;a;cics to
ave-fdable· wastage Qf time which im:pa,~!s on the vlctlm and also leads to offenders
gettIng: an, op;p0rt.un;iit¥ to' sllp from the d:u>tches.,iti>-t the law. It should he dearly
iJ1Sp'r.upte'Qtha.t f;;HltJrat~'e'!;N~:P:[Y With the j:n:5!t~l;f~tt{);~·:~ofregliSteNrrg. at-! FtRor'l receipt 'Q.f
,_~':~!?!5r~tjp:n"C~:~~!t! :Q-Wt~L .
t:lfs16:6A ~Hh:€ fW-C'far an ;~~tf[eAte·Stre,~ifie:cl-';1A'j:&A.'Qt~·a~p,i,I·rtm~m:t'9·~

4. It may also De ernphasized that poli-ce services should. be sensltiled to l'es.f3:ond to

with ,ala~Jity whether is from a, man .or a woman. Ap;pre;/:lendiFf:gtful:e 'illCCUS'a:€l,
~lS($.t ta;k~.J~j,I~¢~I:il!Jlm,€!\Q,]gt:I?!J¥'~~tter'thjg.CJilffiiP:I'Q!r:mt as there ts Ii} of theper£Gn
CQ;trmifftilti'~t'Ei1le n.rif:"fifu:etsf~jD;!1titIJg;:aMlf'stte;U;rdjf~~;f~,Aile'~ :Qle'ta;r'~1iI i~~~,,~;g!!:$i~g!iql:W;!\l:¢'~,-t.~e
•.1ifu~,f}'~i~I~(~ p:e.tS'!!m[1~t 'f~r
i~~it'~;f~Dp;u.f~i1t:ff~~ ~ ·,-~:nm ~1 [i~~~~tl!.r~<-t.rr¢l
ti:rnely re.~QJ'!5'e' ,andp!itf\l:i~hnlent forW'a'n~t()n le$L):'i;t~g¥:

~. Horne I).epal'rtments of the States.!U75 may cfk¢t"t the D'GP's/+6:Ps to issue above
iih,gtructt()n s;'J.q$~p t~a,chaJI pchce s.r·""'~i'Ori~~t f,hfit·"sflortesf pns~i!!lf~

1# nl~
ts Su.resh KUMAR)
IS reS} -
Time and again i~has been noted that Police Stations engage, in
unnecessary squabbles over jurisdictional issues leading to wastage; of
valuabl-e time andfinally bring a bad name to the entire organization.

The Commissioner of Police has been taking a vef'j adverse view of

this and has now made it clear that any such misdemeanors in future)
especially in cases involving women, would lead to the immediate suspension
of the SHO concerned. It is the duty of the Police Station where information
first comes in to set.thelegal process in motion and not make the complainant
run around in circles'. In cases . or doubt the ..concerned ACP/DCP should be
. . .

informed for further guidance but in no case should the complainant be asked'
to keep going to various Police Stations. Anyway, if the jurisdiction turns out
to be that of another Police' Station, it can always be transferred after the
initial process is completed without making the complainant a partyin the
issue. The .complainant' should .only be . informed about the. change in
jurisdiction ...
. ..' '. . . .

In the instant case where anoldlady was abducted and possibly raped
the CP has desired that an iU1h1ediateenquiry be conducted to, pin-point who
exactly was responsible for the fiasco. The enquiry' report be submitted to the
CP within twenty four hours.

. :' ."

.All District DCsP

DCP/Crime & Rlvs.

Dated: 14th March 201l

Cop. to : 1. Jt.CsP/Ranges & Crime.

r -'
. . ~
? .


: .' . . •. !

.. In my meeting -held on the 2nd of January, 2013 with SHOs,

~J"£Csp/~Sub-Divisional ACsP and other senior ranks, I.had' instructed that
whenever a crime is reported, the issue of jurisdiction shouto never
be rais·ed. Every member of the Delhi. Pollee should respond' toa call
; or a complaint immediately and .treat the entire city as his
jur', liction to begin with. The process of recording a complaint;
. (\l. ,g log to the spot, qettlnq medical help provided, chasing '.,an
. ccused etc. should commence immediately and jurisdictions
.... ecided later.·· .. ... .
.s.p.e epj t:.fJ.O
It is once again reiterated-that if any pollee officer responds to
a call or complaint promptly without getting deterred by
jurisdictional issues, he will be rewarded handSQmely.' On the
contrary, if a complainant is sent away. or prompt police res.p.on~~ J
not provlded on qrounds of .jurtsdictlon, very severe dfscip·!inary ~
action will be taken. .. . . ;..:.

• -'I"


. .r.-L. 1.- I S
Commissioner of Pollee, .'

No./l?6 -.~'0bJP.Sec/CP, dated Delhi the -:L%./.Y .../2013

Copy for information & necessary action td:-
J' .. : :: .•.
1. Spl. esP/Law & Order and Operations; Delhi.
2, Joint esP/Ranges, DeihL '-
3, .AIIDistrict Add!. esP/Desp I Delhi.
4. ·AIISub-Divisional Acsf> and SHOs, Delhi.

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