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Brackenhurst Ministries

Winter 2011

Students from the International School Dig into the Word

For years our team has prayed for ministry opportunities at
the international school. As we seek to build relationships and trust
with students, staff, and parents, we’ve served in a variety of roles
including substitute teacher, tutor, cheerleading coach, and drama
assistant. As we have served, we have prayed for opportunities to
go deeper with students. This
semester the Lord has answered
this prayer and the first ISK Bible
Study has started! Each week
Amanda and Lexi meet with 5 or Amanda meets with girls from
6 girls and walk them through the international school for Bible
the book of John. Most of the Study each week.
girls come from Christian families and are trying to determine what
this faith means to them personally. We are praying that these girls
would soon invite their non-Christian friends. The vast majority of
These are the awesome student
students at the International School do not know Christ so we ask
leaders for the youth group that
that you would pray that this group would continue to grow and
serves the international
reach out to students who need Jesus.

More Students Impacted as New Brackenhurst Ministries

Staff Arrive in Kenya
This year is off to a fast start in Kenya, and one of the places that
this is evident is on our student ministries team. The Lord has answered
our prayer for more people to work with students in a dramatic fashion.
Jason has stepped in as a male leader at youth group so he has been
meeting with the student leaders, discipling guys in small group time
at youth group, and sharing some of the speaking responsibility for the
larger group. He has also jumped in to help out as the assistant coach of
the Rosslyn varsity basketball team. Stephen and Andrew are plugging
in to student work by coaching rugby this spring.
Lexi joined the team in February and is already getting involved at
the international school. She is helping with the middle and high school
spring plays, which will give her an opportunity to begin building rela-
tionships in those circles. Michelle arrived this month and is beginning
to work with the students at Rosslyn and is helping coach volleyball. She
has years of experience in youth ministry in a church so working with Jason builds relationships
the missionary kids will be a natural fit for her. We’ve added two more with students on the
student ministries staff that will be joining the team in August. We are so basketball court.
thankful for the new team members that the Lord has brought to us so far this year! We ask you to pray
that the Lord would give them many opportunities to get to know students, and that students in Nariobi
would come to know Christ!
Plans are Underway to Open A Climbing Gym in Nairobi
Rock climbing has always been a key component of our minis-
try in Kenya. Not only does it provide great opportunities to build and
deepen relationships, but it is also a unique skill possessed by our team
that enables us to serve the international community. In addition to
taking people climbing outdoors, it has always been our dream to have
an indoor climbing gym in Nairobi. We hope to use it as a ministry base
that will give us a year round touch point for relational ministry. Since
our camp and teambuilding facility is an hour away from Nairobi, a
Rock Room will give us a place nearby where we can spend time with
kids and young adults as well as market our camp and adventure pro- The Rock Room at our previous
grams. facility attracted both kids and
In late January, Stephen, Ja- adults from many different
son, and Andrew joined our team communities.
and began working on the Rock
Room project. They spent their first month researching possible
locations. They have looked at options including renting a spot in a
local mall and building a facility, both of which were very expensive.
They have decided the best way forward is to rent an existing facil-
ity so you can join us in praying for a building in the right location
with the right building structure at a good price. As we complete
the research, we will be able to put together an accurate budget for
Rock climbing is a great way to this project; but for right now, we are estimating that we will need
build relationships with students $45,000 this year to complete this project. Would you consider giv-
and adults from all over the world. ing to this project so that more lives can be impacted in Nairobi?

Camp BlueSky Prepares for a RESCUE this Summer!

Planning and registration for Camp BlueSky are
fully underway. This summer’s theme will be Rescue which
comes from Colossians 1:13-14, “For He has rescued us from Send a Counselor to Camp
the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom This summer our biggest financial need
of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the for camp is funding to pay for the staff
forgiveness of sins.” We are so looking forward sharing the who are serving at camp. Each week of
news of the redemption that we have through the Rescuer. camp we have to pay $170 in room and
This summer we will have the opportunity to share board for each of the staff, which adds
the Good News of Jesus with the next generation of world up to almot $23,000 over the course of
leaders as kids from every corner of the globe come to the summer. Would you consider giv-
camp. The kids that come to camp are the children of po- ing to enable a counselor to make a
litical, humanitarian, difference in the lives of campers?
and business lead- $25 sponsors a counselor for a day
ers from all over the $170 sponsors a counselor for a week
world. What an awe- $680 sponsors the counselors for a
some opportunity the Mountain Group for a week
Lord has given us to Please note on your check or on the
impact these children Paypal note that the funds are for
and their families with “Camp Staff accomodation.”
the Gospel. Please be
in prayer for Amanda and the leadership team as they develop the
This summer’s camp staff began
theme, devotion guide, and camp program. Developing the mes-
their preparation when they met at
sage that we communicate to the campers is a huge responsibility.
WinShape at Berry College for staff
Also, please pray that the Lord would begin to prepare the hearts of
retreat last month.
the counselors for the work that they will be a part of this summer.
2010 Financial Report with Projected Needs for 2011

We would like to say thank-you to everyone who was able to

contribute towards the 2010 Annual Campaign. We were able
to raise over $40,000 which enabled us to close out the year Additional Funding
on a positive note. We are so thankful for the Lord’s provi- Needed to Support a
sion and for your willingness to sacrifice so that this ministry Growing Team
can continue to grow. Over the past ten years the Lord has By the end of 2011 we anticipate
blessed the work of Brackenhurst Ministries immensely and our team including 13 adults and
we are so excited to see what He is going to do in the future! 2 children! We are so excited
200000 about how the Lord is growing
our team and therefore growing
our impact in Kenya. We’re also
aware that this creates a need for
150000 funding in both the Operations
and Full-Time Staff budgets. Our
biggest needs to care for the new
staff are:
Housing $50,000
2 Cars $20,000

50000 Top Project Funding

Needs for 2011

0 Rock Room $45,000

Operations Projects Full-Time Staff • To cover rent, building a basic
room, and gear
2010 Donations : Total Donations = $462,755 Camp BlueSky $30,000
2010 Expenses : Total Expenses = $420,236 • To cover staff accomodation
Projected 2011 Expenses: Total = $478,000 and program supplies
Land for Rehema $30,000
• To purchase and irrigate land
as well as drill a well
2010 Project 2010 Project
Donations Expenses

Our Student Ministry project

Camp Camp totals were too low to register on
$41,198 $43,820 the pie graph. We received $500
Western Western in donations and spent $258,
$82,205 $75,232 plus several hundred dollars in
Leadership personal expenses. Since we ex-
$6,000 pect this ministry to grow in 2011
Ropes Course Ropes Course we would like to raise $1,000 to
$10,000 $6,975 cover expenses.

This is only a partial financial report. We would be happy to provide you with a full financial report upon
request. Please email
Western Project Update
If you would like to give to
Over the past few months we have finished several projects support our ministry in Kenya,
at the Western Project that we would like to update you on. We just you may mail checks to:
drilled our 5th well at Mwibale Church and Academy. This church Brackenhurst Ministries
started an Early Childhood Development center several years ago 900 Westpark Drive
and now has over 100 students going up to the equivalent of 7th Suite 300
grade. It is such a blessing to know that this community and these Peachtree City, GA 30269
children now have access to clean drinking water. Last summer we
drilled a well and bought land to irrigate at Chekulo church. Now You may also donate online at
we have provided them with irrigation equipment and instructions www.brackenhurstministries.
so we are one step closer to having irrigated land that can grow org.
crops at that church.
At Rehema Academy, we’ve been We are now able to accept
able to work on several projects over the stock donations through
past couple of months. In January, we Merrill Lynch. Please email ad-
purchased a 3 months supply of food. min@brackenhurstministries.
Shoes have been purchased for all of the org for more information.
students, meeting a huge need! We’ve
also been able to have desks built for For more frequent updates
the students. Through our sponsorship about what the Lord is doing
program we have been able to send 15 in Kenya, check out our blog!
students who finished primary school www.brackenhurstministries.
The Rehema students at Rehema in December to area high
are so thankful for their schools.
new shoes!

Brackenhurst Ministries
900 Westpark Drive
Suite 300
Peachtree City, GA 30269

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