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Economy II 2019

Teacher: Marzia raybaudi


Consultation hours: send an email to the teacher to coordinate.

Course description

This course is an introduction to macroeconomics. Its objective is to identify the fundamental determinants of
macroeconomic variables and the effects of different public policies.


1. Introduction and brief overview

2. Measurement and structure of the national economy

3. Productivity, product and employment

Four. Consumption, savings and investment

5. Fiscal policy

6. Long term growth

7. Unemployment

8. The market for assets, money and prices

9. Determination of the money supply

10. Deficit, money and inflation.

eleven. Exchange rates.

Class work methodology

This course consists of two theoretical classes and one practical class per week. The works of the practical class will be
published on the virtual campus prior to the class. It is suggested to try to solve the problems before going to class.

2 partial exams (40%) and a final exam (60%).


• Mankiw, GN, Macroeconomy, Antoni Bosh. Abel, B.

• and B. Bernanke,Macroeconomics, Pearson. Barro, R.,
• Macroeconomics, MIT Press.

Economics Notes 2 (available in virtual campus)

1. Plagiarism, copying and other academic offenses Plagiarism is any form of reproduction of other people's texts, in the original language or translated, without complying with the citation rules, whether such texts appear on paper (books, magazines,

unpublished writings, private documents, etc.) or in electronic support (Internet publications, CDs, etc.), and regardless of the length or number of words of the reproduced text. It is presumed, without admitting evidence to the contrary, that students

know the citation rules reproduced. It is presumed, without admitting evidence to the contrary, that students are aware of the applicable citation rules. In case of doubt about the applicable citation rules, the student must use any citation system that

does not leave doubts about the authorship of the texts or passages written in the work (quotation marks, citation format, etc.). It is also a form of plagiarism to take ideas or propositions of others without citing the authors or pertinent works or using

forms of citation capable of confusing the teacher or the reader about the real intellectual contribution made. Copying is the unauthorized reproduction or use of other people's or own texts in written exams (partial or final), practical work, monographs,

thesis and other written works subject to evaluation. Likewise, any violation of the rules established by the professor for carrying out written assignments subject to evaluation constitutes an academic offense. The teacher will announce in advance if

there are forms of collaboration allowed to carry out the work; if there is no specific ad, the student must presume that the exam or work is strictly individual. Any of the infractions mentioned in this section is also committed by the student who

intentionally provides, in the context of an individual work subject to evaluation, the texts or elements used for the infraction, or who facilitates the infraction in any other way. If any student incurs in any of these absences, the teacher may fail him in all

the subject or in a part of it; In any case, the professor will keep the available proof of the fact and will communicate it to the Director of the corresponding academic unit, who will evaluate the seriousness of the conduct and send the background to the

Academic Secretary. Any of the infractions mentioned in this section is also committed by the student who intentionally provides, in the context of an individual work subject to evaluation, the texts or elements used for the infraction, or who facilitates the

infraction in any other way. If any student incurs in any of these absences, the teacher may fail him in all the subject or in a part of it; In any case, the professor will keep the available proof of the fact and will communicate it to the Director of the

corresponding academic unit, who will evaluate the seriousness of the conduct and send the background to the Academic Secretary. Any of the infractions mentioned in this section is also committed by the student who intentionally provides, in the

context of an individual work subject to evaluation, the texts or elements used for the infraction, or who facilitates the infraction in any other way. If any student incurs in any of these absences, the teacher may fail him in all the subject or in a part of it; In

any case, the professor will keep the available proof of the fact and will communicate it to the Director of the corresponding academic unit, who will evaluate the seriousness of the conduct and send the background to the Academic Secretary. If any

student incurs in any of these absences, the teacher may fail him in all the subject or in a part of it; In any case, the professor will keep the available proof of the fact and will communicate it to the Director of the corresponding academic unit, who will

evaluate the seriousness of the conduct and send the background to the Academic Secretary. If any student incurs in any of these absences, the teacher may fail him in all the subject or in a part of it; In any case, the professor will keep the available proof

of the fact and will communicate it to the Director of the corresponding academic unit, who will evaluate the seriousness of the conduct and send the background to the Academic Secretary.

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