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Introduction to Endocrinology (Chapter 75)

Lacaden, LMGc


NG CHAP75 HA! Chemical Structure and Synthesis of
Chemical Messengers Hormones
1. Neurotransmitters Proteins and Polypeptides
o from axon terminals of neurons to o Proteins 100 or more AAs; Peptides
synaptic junctions >100 AAs
o act locally to control nerve cell o Synthesized in RER
functions. o Preprohormones⇒Prohormones⇒
2. Endocrine hormones (Transferred to Golgi, packed into
o from glands or specialized cells into secretory vesicles) ⇒ active
the circulating blood hormones and inactive fragments
o influence function of target cells at (by enzymes in the
another location vesicles)⇒vesicles are stored within
3. Neuroendocrine hormones the cytoplasm
o from neurons into the circulating o Give examples: ___
o influence the function of target cells Steroid Hormones
at another location o Consist of three (3) cyclohexyl rings
4. Paracrines and a cyclopentyl ring
o from cells into the ECF o Very little hormone storage
o affect neighboring target cells of a (cholesterol esters, anong
different type. kinalaman?__)
5. Autocrines
o from cells into the ECF Amine Hormones
o affect the function of the same cells o derived from tyrosine
that produced them. o formed by enzymes in the cytoplasm
6. Cytokines o Thyroid Hormones = synthesized
o peptides and stored in the thyroid gland
o from cells into theECF ⇒incorporated into thyroglobulin
o function as autocrines,paracrines, or ⇒thyroglobulinsare split, releasing
endocrine hormones free hormones >thyroid hormones
o Examples: interleukins and other combine with plasma proteins
lymphokines (thyroxine-binding globulin) >
o Cytokine hormones (e.g., leptin) plasma proteins slowly release the
produced by __? hormones to the target tissues

o Catecholamines are released from 2. Inactivation of some of the
adrenal medullary cells by intracellular protein signaling
exocytosis; exist in free form or in molecules
conjugation with other substances in 3. Temporary sequestration of the
the blood. receptor to the inside of the cell
4. Destruction of receptors by
Clearance of Hormones From the Blood lysosomes after they are internalized
o Two factors that increase /decrease 5. Decreased production of receptors
the concentration of hormone in the Up-regulation by some hormones
blood; Rate of Hormone Secretion o stimulating hormone induces greater
and Rate of Removal than normal formation of receptor or
o Metabolic Clearance Rate = Rate of intracellular signaling molecules by
disappearance of hormone from the target cell
plasma/Concentration of hormone o greater availability of the receptor
Ways Hormones are Cleared from the for interaction with the hormone
1. Metabolic destruction by the tissues Intracellular Signaling After Hormone
2. Binding with tissues Receptor Activation
3. Excretion by the liver into the bile Ion Channel-Linked Receptors
4. Excretion by the kidneys into the o causes a change in the structure of
urine the receptor, usually opening or
closing a channel for one or more
Mechanism of Action of Hormones ions
Locations of hormone receptors G Protein-Linked Receptors
1. In or on the surface of the cell o indirectly regulate the activity of
membrane - mostly for _, _and_ target proteins
2. In the cell cytoplasm -
primary receptors for_
3. In the cell nucleus -
receptors for the _
Down-regulation of the
receptors occur as a result of:
1. Inactivation of some of
the receptor molecules

o coupling with heterotrimeric o Adenylyl Cyclase (catalyzes the
guanosine triphosphate (GTP)- formation of cAMP)
binding proteins (G proteins) Second Messenger Mechanisms for
o Displacement of GDP by GTP Mediating Intracellular Hormonal
causes the α subunit to dissociate Functions
from the trimeric complex and to o Adenylyl Cyclase - CAMP Second
associate with other intracellular Messenger System
signaling proteins: these proteins, in o Cell Membrane Phospholipid Second
turn, alter the activity of ion channels Messenger System
or intracellular enzymes such as o Calcium - Calmodulin Second
adenylyl cyclase or phospholipase Messenger System
C, which alter cell function.
o Some hormones are coupled to Sequence of Events in Steroid Function
inhibitory G proteins (denoted as Gi 1. The steroid hormone diffuses across
proteins), whereas others are coupled the cell membraneand enters the
to stimulatory G proteins (denoted as cytoplasm of the cell, where itbinds
Gs proteins) with a specific receptor protein.
Enzyme-Linked Receptor Protein 2. The combined receptor protein–
hormone then diffusesinto or is
transported into the nucleus.
3. The combination binds at specific
points on theDNA strands in the
chromosomes, which activatesthe
transcription process of specific
genes to formmRNA.
4. The mRNA diffuses into the
cytoplasm, where itpromotes the
translation process at the
ribosomesto form new proteins.

Two Features of Thyroid Hormone

Function in The Nucleus
o receptors that function directly as 1. They activate the genetic
enzymes or are closely associated mechanisms for the formation of
with enzymes that they activate. many types of intracellular proteins
o E.g. Leptin Receptor (member of a — probably 100 or more. Many of
large family of cytokine receptors) these intracellular proteins are
enzymes that promote

enhancedintracellular metabolic
activity in virtually all cells of the
body.Once bound to the intranuclear
receptors, the thyroid hormones can
continue to express their control
functions for days or even weeks
Measurement of Hormone
Concentrations in the Blood
o Radioimmunoassay
o Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent
Assay (ELIZA)

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