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A Single Machine Model for Determination of Optimal Due Dates and Sequence

Author(s): Suresh Chand and Dilip Chhajed

Source: Operations Research, Vol. 40, No. 3 (May - Jun., 1992), pp. 596-602
Published by: INFORMS
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Accessed: 13-11-2015 23:08 UTC

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Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois
(Received March 1989; revisions received July 1989, June, December 1990, April 1991; accepted April 1991)

The problem of simultaneous determination of optimal due dates and optimal sequence for N-job single machine
problem with multiple due dates is considered in this paper. The penalty for a job is assumed to be a linear function of
the due date and the earliness/tardiness for the job. The objective is to minimize the total penalty for all jobs. An efficient
optimal algorithm to solve the problem is developed and several results are provided.

T his paperconsidersthe problemof the simulta- of two sequences, which is minimized by arranging
neous determination of optimal due dates and them in opposite order. Seidmann, Panwalkar and
optimal sequence for N independent jobs to be pro- Smith consider the problem when each job is allowed
cessed on a single machine. All jobs are available at a different due date. They show that an SPT (shortest
time zero. Processing times are known and determin- processingtime) sequence is optimal for this problem.
istic. The penalty for a job in a sequence is assumed With the number of distinct due dates, m, permitted
to be a linear function of the due date assigned to the to be any number in the set 1, 2, . . ., N}, our paper,
job and the earliness/tardiness for the job in the in essence, bridges the gap between the sched-
sequence. The same linear penalty function is used uling models with a common due date and the
for all jobs. The objective is to minimize the total scheduling models with possibly N distinct due dates
penalty for all jobs. The number of distinct due dates, for the N-job problem.
m, to be assigned to the jobs is assumed to be prespe- Our paper considers two different cases. In the first
cified and known. We allow m to take any value in case, we assume that the decision maker specifies the
the set 1, 2, .. ., N}. Job preemption is not allowed. number of jobs to be assigned to different due dates.
The problem of the simultaneous determination of In the second case, we assume that the number ofjobs
optimal due dates and optimal sequence has been to be assignedto differentdue dates is unknown. Note
motivated and considered by several authors in the that the second case turned out to be very difficult to
recent literature (Bagchi 1989, Baker and Bertrand analyze.
1981, Panwalkar, Smith and Seidmann 1982, Eilon Section 1 of the paper defines the notation and
and Chowdhary 1976, Weeks 1979, Weeks and Fryer formulates the problem. Section 2 of the paper con-
1977); the reader is directed to Baker and Scudder siders the case when the vector (ni, n2, . .. ., nf), where
(1990), and Bector, Gupta and Gupta (1988) for a nj is the number of jobs assigned to the jth due date,
brief review of this literature.The problem considered is externally specified. Note that while nj is assumed
in this paperis most directly relatedwith the problems to be known, the specificjobs to be assigned to the Jth
considered in Panwalkar, Smith and Seidmann, and due date are unknown and to be determined. We
Seidmann, Panwalkar and Smith (1981). Panwalkar, show that the objective function can be expressed as
Smith and Seidmann assume a common due date for a sum of the pairwise product of two equal sets of
all jobs; that is, m = 1. The penalty function used in numbers, where one set consists of processing times
this paper is the same as in Panwalkar, Smith and and the other set consists of positional weights. The
Seidmann. Several results from that paper are used positional weights are independent of job characteris-
here. As in Panwalkar,Smith and Seidmann, we show tics. An efficient procedure is presented to find opti-
that the penalty function can be expressedas a product mal due dates and an optimal sequence. The results
Subject classification: Production/scheduling: single machine scheduling, deterministic.

OperationsResearch 0030-364X/92/4003-0596 $01.25

Vol. 40, No. 3, May-June1992 596 ?) 1992OperationsResearchSocietyof America

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A SingleMachineModel / 597
in this section are used in the next section in devel- in the Appendix.) Therefore,it is sufficient to consider
oping an optimal procedure when the vector (n1, n2, permutation schedules to find optimal solutions. Let
... . nn) is also a decision variable. Section 3 of the [p1 denote the job in position p in a permutation
paper develops some dominance results to find an schedule, then
optimal vector (n1, n2, no)
..., when it is not exter- p
nally specified. These dominance results are used in C[p]= E t[k]. (2)
developing an optimal procedure to find (no, n2, . . .
k= I

n,").Even though these results are intuitive, proofs for We will use a to denote a permutation schedule in the
these turned out to be very difficult. The paper closes rest of the paper. Also, jobs are assumed to be indexed
in Section 4 by providing some concluding remarks such that
and ideas for further research.
0 <' toI _ t2 s . .. <1 tN (3)
The next section considers the problem when
I, I = n, is known for all j E ( 1, m). Note that while
Throughout the paper, we assume that the number of Ij I is assumed to be known, the specific jobs in Ij are
jobs to be scheduled and the number of due dates to unknown and to be determined.
be assigned to the jobs are known. The following
notation is used to formulate the problems:
N = the number of jobs to be scheduled; 2. RESULTSAND PROCEDUREWITHIijI = n

m = the number of due dates; KNOWN

(n, n + k) = {n, n + 1, n + 2, ..., n + k}; This section assumes that the vector (n, n2, ...,*nm)
di = the due date for job i, i E ( 1,N); of m positive integers such that Zj':I nj = N and
Ci = the completion time for job i, IIj I = nj for j = 1, 2, . . ., m is externally specified.
i E ( 1, N); D, I (with IIj nj known) and a are decision vari-
Ei = max(O, di - Ci) = earliness for job i, ables. The cases when m = 1 and m = Nare considered
i E (1, A); in Panwalkar, Smith and Seidmann, and Seidmann,
TF= max(O, Ci - di) = tardiness for job i, Panwalkarand Smith, respectively.
i E (1, N); For PI > P3, an SPT sequence is optimal with di =
t4= the processing time for job i, o for i E (1, N) (see Theorems 1 and 2 in Seidmann,
iE (lN); Panwalkar and Smith). We assume that PI < P3 in
P1 = per unit time due date penalty for each developing the propertiesand the algorithm below.
P2 = per unit time earliness penalty for each Properties of Optimal Solutions
job; and
P3 = per unit time tardinesspenalty for each
We now state several properties of the optimal solu-
job. tions which will be used in developing an algorithm.
Lemmas 4 and 5 needed to develop these properties
In addition, we let Di < D2<1 .. D denote the m are stated in the Appendix. We define Nj = ID-r, nk for
due dates and let Ij denote the set of jobs assigned to j E ( 1, m) with No = 0; Nj is the total number of jobs
due date Dj for j E ( 1, m). As in Panwalkar, Smith, assigned to the firstj due dates.
and Seidmann, the constants PF, P2 and P3 are as- From Lemma 4, it is easy to see that for any given
sumed to be nonnegative and known. D and a, there is an optimal I such that a batch of nj
The objective is to determine D = ID,, D2, . consecutive jobs in a is assigned to D>.The following
Dm1, I= {II, I2, ... I Im, and a schedule u to minimize propertygives an optimal I for any given D and a.
the total penalty TP(D, I, a), where
m Property 1. For any given D and a, there is an optimal
TP(D, I, a) =X X , IPI *Dj + P2*E, + P3.T1} (1) I such that
j= I ieIj

Ii = {aNj_1+1, aNj_1+2, .,
and d, = Dj for i E I,.
It is easy to see that the problem has an optimal for j E ( 1, m), where a, is the job in position n in
solution with zero machine idle time. (See Lemma 3 sequence a.

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This property essentially says that there is an optimal Note that (6) is a product of two sequences,
solution such that nj consecutive jobs (in positions which is minimized by arranging them in opposite
Nj-I + 1 to NjfI + nj) in a are assigned to D>. order. The following steps give an optimal solution
Lemma 5 shows that for any given a, there is an for a given (n1, n2, ..., nm). We call this algo-
optimal D such that Dj coincides with the completion rithm the Given-(n1, n2, ..., nm)-Algorithmor the
time of a job in a. The following property,which gives Gn-Algorithm.
an optimal D for a given a, follows from Panwalkar,
Smith and Seidmann. Steps of the Gn-Algorithm
Step0. Set No = 0 andNj = Ek= nk forj E (1, m).
Property 2. For a given a, there is an optimal D such Step 1. For j E (1, m), compute
that Dj = C[kj], where
/P3-Pi +
k~~=N> +P3 P2 )
P3+ P2
Step 2. For p E ( 1, N)', compute w, using (7).
(x)+ here stands for the smallest integer 3 x. Step 3. Rank the positional weights wp'sin a de-
Property 2 implies that the first (kj - Nj-t) jobs in Ij scending order of magnitude such that the largest wp
is rankedfirstand the smallest wpis rankedNth. Break
are early and the remaining (Nj - kj) jobs are tardy.
We now develop an algorithm to find (D, I, a) to the ties arbitrarily.
minimize (1). Step 4. Find a sequence a by assigning job i to
position p, where p is such that wphas rank i. Set
D>= Zkp=l t[p],and
Using Properties 1 and 2, we first reduce (1) to the
formEp'=I wpt[p].Knowingthe positionalweightswp's d= Djfor i E Ij=I{UN%-+i, 7Nj% +2, .*,oNjl

for positions p E (1, N), an optimal sequence can be forj E (1, m).
found as in Panwalkar,Smith and Seidmann.
Using Property 1, we get: Stop, the solution found in Step 4 is an optimal
TP(D, a) = Min TP(D, a, I)
I It is easy to see that the first (kj - NjA%)
jobs in Ij
m N are in an LPT order, while the last (Nj - kj) jobs
E E (PI *Dj + P2*E[p]+ P3*T[p]). are in an SPT order. The Gn-Algorithm requires
j=I p=Nj- +l
O(N log N) computations. We now give a numerical
Furthermore,using Property 2, we can write: example to illustrate the procedure.

TP(o) = Min TP(D, a) Numerical Example. Given ten jobs with (t1, t2, t3,
. Ito)=(3, 10, 11, 13, 13, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25), PI =
in kj
2, P2 = 11 and P3 = 18. We are given m = 2, ni = 4
= nj[J.Pi*C[k + E P2-(C[kj- C[p]) and n2 = 6.
j=, p=Nji + I
From Steps 0 and 1 of the algorithm, we get N1 =
4, N2 = 10, k, = 3 and k2 = 8. The ten positional
+ E P3 (C[p] - C[ki])1 (5)
weights and their ranks are given in Table I.
p=kj+ 1
The optimal sequence is 8-5-2-6-10-7-4-1-3-9; DI =
with kj defined by (4). Using C[k] - k= I t[p1for a given t8 + t5 + t2 = 43, and D2 = t8 + t5 + t2 + t6 +
a, (5) can be simplified to: t0o + t7 + t4 + tI = 117; I, = 18, 5, 2, 61 and I2 =
N {10, 7, 4, 1, 3, 91;penalty = 3,763.
TP(Ci)= E Wpt[pj, (6) The next section considers the problem when the
vector (nI, n2, . . ., n,,) is unknown.
for p E (NI-I + 1, kj
Wp= I This section considers the problem when the vector
P3 .(NJ -p + 1) + PI-(N -Nj)
(n1, n2, . . ., nm) is unknown. D, I, and a are decision
l n E (k; + 1, Ni)
~~~~~for (7) variables in this case. Dominance properties are

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A SingleMachineModel / 599
Table I
PositionalWeightsand Ranks
Position p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Weight wp 20 31 42 30 12 23 34 45 36 18
Rank 8 5 2 6 10 7 4 1 3 9

developed to find an optimal n,, n2, nm. A key

...), Proof. From (8) we have
result in the section shows that there is an optimal
COST(l) - COST(n) = t(VWT1(l) - WTI(n))
solution with n1 3 n2 3 ... 3 n,. This decreasing
property is used to develop an efficient search algo-
rithm to find an optimal n1, n2, ..., n,. Computa- + A \ ii(WT(l) - WT(n)). (10)
tional requirements for this search algorithm are
discussed below. If (9) holds for given n and 1, then COST(l) -
Recall that w, denotes the positional weight associ- COST(n) > 0 from (10) for any given (t, t2, * * *, W,
ated with position p for a known vector (n,, n2, . . . satisfying (3). If (9) does not hold for all i E ( 1, N),
nin). Step 3 of the Gn-Algorithm gives ranks for these then there is a k E ( 1, N) such that WTk(n)> WTk(l)
weights. We need the following additional notation or WTk(l) - WTk(n)< 0. Then, we can select a vector
associated with these weights: (tI, t2, . . . , tN) satisfying (3) with Ak = tk - tk-1 high
enough to make COST(l) - COST(n) < 0 in (10).
ai = the positional weight with the rank of i; This completes the proof.
WT = E ak Lemma 2. For m = 2 and n E (0, (N/2)+), we have
WT,(n) > WT((N/2)+)for all i E (1, N). (Recall that
Clearly, ae 3c a2 ... a N Note that the weights ai's
Ofv. (x)+ is the smallest integer 3 x.)
and WT1's,while they depend on the vector (n,, n2,
... , nn) and the penalties P1, P2 and P3, do not depend Proof. A proof for this is given in the Appendix.
on the processing times for the jobs.
To develop the results in this section, we first as- Theorem 1. There is an optimal solution (D*, I*, a*)
sume that m = 2. We let WTi(n) denote the weight such that n* > n* ... nM.
WT,when n1 = n and n2 = N - n; aij(n)is similarly
defined. Let COST(n) denote the corresponding op- Proof. First consider the case m = 2. If n1 < (N/2)+,
timum objective function value, then we have then WTi(n,) > WTi((N/2)+) for all i E (1, N) from
Lemma 2, and COST(n,) > COST((N/2)+) from
COST(n) Lemma 1. Thus, there is an optimal solution with
= tial(n) +t2 a2(n) +..+tN.aN(n) ni' > (N/2)+ > (n* + n*)/2, or n* > n*.
The proof for m = 2 can be extended for the
= t* ( WTI(n) - WT2(n)) + t2( WT2(n) m > 2 case by considering two adjacent batches.
- WT3(n)) + . . . + tN (WTN(n)) Thus, there is an optimal solution with n0 > nj*>lfor
j-1, 2, . .., m - 1, or n* 3, n* 3 n*.
= t* WTI(n) + (t2- t)) JWT2(n)
The following search algorithm gives an optimal
+ (t3 - t2) 'WT3(n)+ . + (tN-tNI). WTN(n) (n*, n*, . . ., n,*).We call this algorithm the Efficient
N Search Algorithm (or the ES Algorithm).
= t. WT,(n)+ E Ai. WTi(n), (8)
Efficient Search Algorithm
where Ai = t - t- I. For nI = (N/m)+, (N/m)+ + 1, . . ., N - (m - 1).
Lemma 1. For m = 2, n E (1, N - 1) and I E For n2 = (N n,/m - 1)+,(N - n,/m - 1)+ +

(1, N - 1), we have COST(n) < COST(I) for every I, .. , N- (m - 2).

vector(tI t2, . . ., tN) satisfying (3) if and only if
For nk = (N - Zj=-J' nj/m - (k - 1))+, (N -
WT (n) < WT (l) for all i E ( 1, N). (9) ,yt--A nj /m - (k -1))+ + 1, . . ., N - (m - k).

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Table II Theorem 2. For a positive integern 3 2 and r E

Costs Using the Gn-Algorithm for m = 2 (1, n - ,we have
n, 5 6 7 8 9 Pl = n = 1, and
n2 5 4 3 2 1
pn pn-r + pn-r +
Cost 3,624 3,586 3,729 4,121 4,738 = + ... Pmi(r~n-r). (1 1)

See Chand and Chhajed (1990) for a proof of this

For n,,, = N - "Y_,'nj. theorem.
Find the minimum total penalty for (n1, n2,
n,1) using the Gn-Algorithm. 4. CONCLUDING
Find (n*, n*, . . ., n*) corresponding to the lowest This paper makes two major contributions. First, an
total penalty. optimal algorithm of the order O(N log N) was devel-
oped to determine optimal due dates and a sequence
The following example illustratesthe procedure.
for an N-job problem when the number of jobs to be
Numerical Example. Consider the 10-job problem assigned to different due dates are known. We show
with processing time and penalty data used in the that the objective function can be expressedas a sum
numerical example in Section 3. We solve it for of the pairwise product of two equal sets of numbers,
m = 2 and m = 3. where one set consists of processing times and the
other set consists of positional weights.
Solution for m = 2. To find an optimal (nc, n*), Second, an important dominance property was de-
we need to find the minimum cost using the veloped to determine the number of jobs to be as-
Gn-Algorithm for n, = 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Note that signed to different due dates. While the result is intu-
n2 = 10 n,. Table II gives the costs using the
- itive, the proof turned out to be difficult. An algorithm
Gn-Algorithm. We get n* = 6 and n* = 4 corre- of the order 0(pN Nf log N) was developed to find
sponding to the minimum cost of $3,586. optimal due dates, sequence and number of jobs to be
assigned to different due dates. Theorem 2 in Section
Solution for m = 3. The costs computed using the 4 gives a computational procedure to
Gn-Algorithmfor variousvaluesof n,, n2 and n3 in find Pi.
the ES Algorithm are given in Table III. We get
W'= 4, nt = 3 and n* = 3. APPENDIX
We now discuss the computational requirements This appendix states and proves several important
for the ES Algorithm. Note that the ES Algorithm results.
generates vectors (n,, n2, nfm) by partitioning N ...,

into m integer numbers, such that Eye=,nj = N, and Lemma3. The TP(D, I, a) problemhas an optimal
n,3 n2 3 ... 3 n,n 3 1. Let PZ denote the total schedulewithzeromachineidle time.
number of these vectors, then the ES Algorithm re-
quires PZ applications of the Gn-Algorithm to find See Chand and Chhajed for a proof.
(n*, n*, n*). The following theorem gives a re-
Lemma4. Let D, a and I be known.Let I be such
cursive procedure to compute PM. that there are three successivejobs, a, b, and c
(C, < Cf < Ce.)in a witha, c E Ij and b 4 Ip. Thenit
Table III is possibletofind an alternateI (withoutchangingD
Costs Using the Gn-Algorithmfor m = 3 and a) withthe same or a lowercost such that either
nf n2 n3 Cost a, b e Ijand c M Iorb, c e Iand a Ij.
4 3 3 2,757
4 4 2 2,852
See Chand and Chhajed for a proof.
5 3 2 2,845
5 4 1 3,023 Lemma5. Let D, I, and a be known.Let D be such
6 2 2 3,021 that there is a Dj that does not coincide with the
6 3 1 3,068 completiontime of anyjob in Ij. Thenit is possibleto
7 2 1 3,367 find an alternateDi thatcoincideswiththe completion
8 1 1 3,829
time of a job in Ij withoutincreasingthe totalcost.

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A SingleMachineModel / 601
See Chand and Chhajed for a proof. and
Proof of Lemma 2 COST(n)
We prove the lemma for i = 1 and 2. The proof can = (E, + T.) *(E' *t)*P
be extended easily for i = 3, 4, .. . , N.
El.(E' - 1).t.P2
Proof for WT1(n)3 WT1((N/2)+) + 2

Consider the problem with m = 2 and t1 = = ... =

tN = t. (Since WTj(n)'sare independent of processing
T;.(T' + 1).t.P3
times, it is sufficient to prove this result for t = + 22
t2 - . = tN =t.) From (8), we get
+ (E2 + T2*).(E'+ T. + E2)*t*P1
WT,(n) = COST(n) E; *(E21- >t.P2 T2 *(T + 1)0t.P3
2 2
Now consider another feasible solution constructed
V N+0_COST((N/2)+)
from the COST(n)-solution by changing the assign-
V2J t ment for the firstjob in Batch 2. We assume that the
To prove WT,(n) > WT,((N/2)+), it is sufficient to assignment for the first job in Batch 2 is changed to
show that Batch 1. Thus, the first (n + 1) jobs are now assigned
to Batch 1 and the last N - (n + 1) jobs are assigned
COST(n) 3COST( 2-) ) (A. 1) to Batch 2. The due dates Di and D2 are determined
as follows.
for 1 < n S (N/2)+. Note that COST(l) here denotes Case 1. D= = (El + 1) t and D2= (El + E2 + T)t.
the minimum total cost for the N-job problem with Let COST, denote the cost for this case, so we have
m = 2 due dates, ti = t2= ... = tNand /jobs assigned
to D,. We provide a proof by construction. COST,
Consider a COST(n)-solution with n < N - n.
=(E' + T + 1).(E + 1)-t.Pi
Let Ef( T.) denote the number of early (tardy) jobs
in Batch 1 and E'(T2) denote the number of early (E + 1).E*t.P2 T' *(Tf + 1) *t P3
(tardy)jobs in Batch 2 in the COST(n)-solution. It is 2 2
easy to see that n = E, + T., D1 = E'-t, D2 =
+(E2 + T2- 1).(E + T +E').t*Pl
(El + E2 + Tf)t,
(E- 1)(E2- 2).t.P2 T2 *(T + 1) t P3
Due date penalty for the first n jobs: + 2+ 2
2 2
= nD* -P1 = (El + T ).(E*.t).P,.
Earlinesstardiness cost for the first n jobs:
=P2 .((E' - l)t t+(E2' - 2).t+ .. . + I -t)
= t.(PI + P2) (E - E- 1). (A.2)
+ P3(t + 2t + ... + Tit)
Case 2. Di = E' t and D2 = (El + T' + E2 + 1).t.
P2-EV-(El - -t + P3 TV(T' + 1).t Let COST2denote the cost for this case, so we have
2 2
2 2
Due date penalty for the last N - n jobs
= (El + Tf + 1).Ef.t.P1
= (N- n).D2.P1,
E(I -1)tP2 (TMlo-1).(T' + 2).t.P3
= (E2 + I ) *(E; + E2 + T;) *t.Pi. 2 2
Earliness/tardinesscost for the last N - n jobs: + (E2 + T2 - 1).(E + T' + E2 + 1).t.P

P2 E'(E - 1).t P3.T2'(TM + 1)t E2'(E - 1).t.P2 (TM - O)T2'.t.P3
2 2 2 2

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and Case 2, the due date for Batch 1 is kept the same while
the due date for Batch 2 is increased by t.
= (T2 - T -1) -
Since n < N - n, we have either E, < E2 and This researchwas supported in part by the Center for
T. < T2, or E, < E2 and T. < T2. If El < E2, then the Management of Manufacturing Enterprises at
COST(n) > COST,, and if T. < T2, then COST(n) > Purdue University.
COST 2. Thus, for n < N - n, an alternate feasible
solution with an equal or lower cost can be constructed REFERENCES
by reassigning a job from Batch 2 to Batch 1. This
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This completes the proof for WTI(n)> WT,((N/2)+). Multi-JobOrdersto Minimize Total Penaltyin the
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The above proof can be extended to show that 1982. Common Due Date Assignmentto Minimize
WT1(n)> WTi(n + 1) for n < N- n and i E (3, N). TotalPenaltyforthe One MachineSchedulingProb-
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