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"Did you got him to sleep?" - Ava heard as the bedroom door closed behind her.

felt her body slightly heavy, like someone who needs a...

"I prepared a bath for us" - How is she so lucky? Having someone who knows you,
from your intimate to your most vulnerable is something magical, that only a few can confirm
they had. Ava observes the lines of Sara's face, sitting in bed with a small smile, her eyes
gleaming in the dim light of the new bathroom Ava had insisted on building, stealing half the
size of the large bedroom that used to be just from the dreaded Captain Lance, but is now the
love nest of two co-captains and currently brides, thank you very much.

Smiling and shaking her head to clear her mind, Ava steps towards Sara, the few steps
to reach the end of the bed where Sara was still sitting. Without saying a word, Ava offers her
her hand and without hesitation, Sara accepts the invitation and stands up, standing inches
from Ava. The difference in height has never been and will never be a problem, after all Sara
feels like smiling every time she would have to look up to meet that pair of eyes. It means
Ava is there. Having to look up to find them is a privilege, and as the hot sun from Lian Yu
prevented her to die of hypothermia, just as much, looking into Ava's eyes gave her life, gave
her strength. Sara's love for that woman was so deep that there is no longer a horizon of
expectations for her future without Ava by her side.

Having to look up is a privilege, yes, but that doesn't mean Sara isn't pissed off by the
long distance from their lips. Quickly, she is leaning over and Ava, smiling slightly, meets her
halfway in a familiar kiss, a meeting of souls with a hint of longing. In the midst of the day's
confusion, and a baby alien to care for, they've only just managed to put GugGus to sleep and
only now have found themselves in each other's arms.

“I love you” – Ava declares as she detaches her lips from Sara's – “For the bath…” – A
kiss on Sara's chin was deposited by Ava's lips – “For today…” – A little kiss on her cheek –
“For everything…” – And Sara felt paralyzed as she watched the fabric of her gray blouse
slide up, revealing warm, smooth skin.

Ava smirked at the way Sara sees her take off her blouse, they were together for what? 2
years? A little more maybe, in fact with so many leaps in time Ava couldn't say precisely. But
the point is, Sara has something special, is someone special, because with her, everything
feels like the first time. Every touch feels new, every kiss, every look... Every day is like the
first adventure together again, but with that excitement of knowing exactly who Sara Lance is
and being unique enough to have a love of this magnitude.
"Come on, come take a shower with me, my love" - Ava's voice takes Sara out of her
trance and a small blush composes her hatchet cheeks.

"Right." – Sara follows the taller one into the small bathroom, but perfect for them, and
the steam from the hot water sends a shiver through her body and for the first time since she
saw Ava tonight, Sara remembers how tired she really feels.

Anxious, both remove the clothes themselves in a few minutes and then are submerged
in the tub, Ava's arms occupied as she hugged Sara's entire torso, pressing her chest against
the back of the other woman. The two pairs of blue eyes close and sighs can be heard amidst
the silence, the air is one of contentment and peace. It's that feeling of belonging you know?
When home is not necessarily a thing, or a place, but a person and being in Ava's arms was all
Sara had wanted for her entire space trip, and no amount of time with Ava seemed enough to
make up for that lost time.

For long minutes, Sara tried to stay there, in her bride's arms, just be in that moment,
but... Oh man, since she saw Ava with GusGus , holding him with the baby kangaroo, lightly
rocking her body, her arms instinctively protecting him … Ava's smile as she held an alien
baby in her arms… That scene kept replaying in her mind over and over again. It seemed
selfish now, after that scene, that those arms that circled her so perfectly had only Sara to
occupy them.

Sara lowers her head as she plays with the engagement ring on Ava's ring finger. She
didn't know what exactly brought those thoughts up, thoughts that Ava deserved more, much
more, a family, children who weren't semi-mature adults. Worse than that, thoughts about
motherhood and vivid images of a pregnant Ava. Images of normal life amidst chaos, clear
images of the next step. Maybe seeing Lita pregnant woke something in her…

You know what the scares her the most? It's knowing that some time ago, when
Constantine took her to Ava's purgatory, Sara had just over an hour to figure out if she wanted
to follow those steps with Ava, grow old and having a boring life (even if Sara can't imagine
such a life being tedious having the family that she has). And at some point, the conversation
about children came up, but it was never concluded and here was Sara Lance, daydreaming
about having a child with the love of her life and she didn't even know if Ava wanted what
her heart yearned for right now.
Ironic is to remember that she had so many fears when she was in that purgatory, a great
example is the decision she made to propose to Ava. She was so afraid of not being enough,
so afraid of having expectations and planning a future with anyone, but Ava is unique, she
makes Sara feel like no one else ever did and apparently Dinah, her mom, just needed to
remind Sara of that when she went to talk about Ava and get her her mother’s ring, and then,
the decision was simply the easiest of hier life.

"Earth for Sara?"


"You were so far away, where did you go?" - The thoughts were so high, like they were
screaming at her, the images that her head was forming were so nurturing that Sara forgot for
a moment where she was. The Waverider’s captain didn't know what to say. - "Talk to me
Sara, what's worrying you?"

"Nothing, nothing! It's not a worry.” – Sara was quick to say that everything was fine,
because everything was fine, and it is fine. The entire team was fine, Sara was warmed from
the heat and by Ava and Bishop were dead. Other than the aliens on the timeline, nothing
bothered her, not really.

“Fine, but just as you knew I needed a hot bath with you, I know there's something
troubling you, something is going through that brilliant mind. Do you want to talk about it?” –
Sara doesn't even try to contain the giant smile that appears on her lips, Ava knew her too
much not to notice her unease. Ava moves her fingers slightly away from Sara's, who were
still playing without realizing with the engagement ring, and intertwines her fingers with
Sara's, wanting to convey confidence and show that no matter what, she would be there. The
feeling that this gesture brings to Sara is impossible to put into words. A long sigh leaves her
lips and still with her back to Ava, Sara decides to share what torments her.

“The GusGus …” – She starts.

“Are you worried about the team? We can leave him in isolation and..."

“No, no” – Sara interrupts – “It's not that. I trust Gary, if he said there is no danger then
I believe him.” – All right, here it goes – “See you with him… The two of us taking care of
him… Your smile when you had him in your arms… Ava…” – The name was just a whisper,
as if that was the most precious word in the world – “I want that. I want a GusGus for us, I
want someone to have the privilege of having you as a mother.” - Gathering courage, Sara
turns her head enough to look into the bluest eyes hers have ever met. The expression on
Ava's face was one of pure confusion. – “Ava, I want to have a baby with you.”

And as soon as the words came out, it was like the universe stopped for a moment. Ava
was with her mouth open in astonishment, her eyes wide that seemed to be looking for
something in Sara's eyes, but apparently, she couldn't find it, because she soon asked, her
voice low and her breathing heavy, as if at that moment it was hard to say anything at all.

"Are you serious?" - Sara smiles a sweet smile, turning her body completely to face
Ava, wrapping her arms around her waist and bringing her closer.

“You with the baby kangaroo... That scene keeps replaying in my mind, Ava. And I
realized today that I want everything with you, I want to go on adventures, I want to go to
sleep late exhausted, I want to figure out how to be a mother by your side, I want to have a
child with you Ava, my God how I want this. There's only one thing that overcomes my
desire to have a baby with you…” – Sara gets closer, so that their lips almost touch, to
whisper against Ava’s lips – “I wanna marry you.”

A shiver runs through Ava's entire body. She wasn't expecting the reaction her body
would have to those words, but in the next second, her lips were devouring Sara's lips, her
hands cupping Sara's face as her tongue explored the tongue of her bride. Bride! My God, she
was going to marry this amazing woman.

As soon as it started, the kiss ended and Ava goes back to staring at Sara's sparkling
eyes, noticing how they glowed at that moment, even in the dim light.

"My God, you're serious." - Ava takes a deep breath for a moment, feeling that her
lungs need help to remember how to breathe. – “If we're being serious…” – Breathe in
through your nose, out through your mouth. Again. – “I want you to know that I want this
too.” – Her gaze, which was previously concentrated somewhere behind Sara as she was
speaking, goes back to staring at her fiancée's blue eyes – "I want everything with you Sara."

Slowly, a smile spreads across Sara's lips, all worry about whether Ava wants that
dream or not starting to fall to the ground. All weight was leaving her as the dirt of the day
was cleaned by that water, now slightly warm.

"Yeah?" – Sara asks softly with tears in her eyes.

“Yeah.” – Ava also smiles, she doesn't know how among so many Ava’s she was the
luckiest, but she thanks Rip now, because right now, Ava didn't want to be anywhere else,
didn't wanted to be anyone else. Their lips connect again and the kiss is loaded with love,
expectations and so many deep feelings. Neither of them believed they would ever find such
absolute love, but here they are.

“Ok, ok” – Ava mumbles pulling away from the kiss. Sara laughs lightly at the sight of
Ava's wide smile, she would do anything for that to never leave her features. – “You know we
need to talk more about this, don't you? Like... where would the baby's room be?" - A happy
laugh escapes the back of Sara's throat.

“God, I love you so much” – Sara declares, pulling Ava in for a peck on the lips before
answering her question – “We can take all the historical costumes out of the little room across
from ours. It's the smallest in all of Waverider’s rooms and that's why nobody wanted it, so
we made some sort of storage, but it doesn't have to be. A child doesn't need that much space
until they’re like… 15." – She says shrugging. – “But wait... You won't want to leave the
Waverider? Like Ray and Nora?”

"What? No! I want you to get into less trouble and delegate more, no more mortal
frights, no more kidnappings, and most of all, no more dying. If we do this Sara, I want you
forever. But I know this is your family, this work is your essence, I would never ask you to
leave... Not anymore.” – Her eyes drop to observe her own fingers that were fidgeting under
the water, and nervous, Ava concludes, still not meeting Sara's eyes – “They're all I've got
now. They became my family too, I don't want to leave them.”

“Hey” – Sara calls while putting a finger under Ava's chin to lift her gaze – “You’re
their family too, you're Mrs. Captain even before you accepted this ring. They respect you,
they look up to you, they love you, Ava. And I love you. Thank you."

"What for?" – Ava asks, confused.

“For understanding me. For loving me. For knowing what's good for me. And I promise
you Ava, no more surprises. I want this.” – Ava's beautiful smile is like a breath of fresh air,
it's like feeling the sun on your skin on an autumn afternoon.

"You know we would have to baby proof the entire Waverider right?"

"I don’t care. Can you imagine, babe?” – Sara gets even closer, not caring that the water
they've been in for a long time now, no longer has the ideal temperature. Sara hugs Ava,
resting her forehead on her shoulder as her eyes closed, imagining everything she says – “Can
you imagine a little baby running on the bridge, the laughter echoing through the Waverider?
Can you imagine a little baby sleeping in your arms?" – Another sigh comes out of her lips,
she didn't know why and how she wanted this so badly – “Can you imagine Zari making the
baby clothes? Nate telling them stories and B putting the baby to sleep?”

"My God, we're going to have to protect our baby from Rory, aren't we?" – Ava asks
laughing, pressing her fiancée tighter against her body.

"Now with this thing about him being pregnant... Only time will tell" – Sara replies
smiling, looking back at Ava's blue eyes. – "Are we really doing this?"

“Someday, you and I are going to have a baby running down the Waverider” – Ava
declares and all Sara can do right now is join in the smiles they both had on their faces and
kiss her beautiful blonde in a passionate kiss and full of plans for the future. Plans that
without their knowledge were coming so much faster than they expect.


"Get it out of me, get it out!" - The legends were having dinner in the kitchen, sitting
and talking when they hear Rory's screams. Everyone looks at each other worriedly, after all
it's been a few days since Mick discovered he was pregnant and since then no one but Gideon
has been able to talk to the man who locked himself in his room. He refused to believe Gary
and refused any and all help, even preventing Gideon from scanning him. So, until that
moment, none of the legends knew what state Mick was in after such bizarre news.

It only took a moment for all the legends to leap to their feet and rush to the bridge
where Mick was yelling at Gideon, relentlessly ordering her to take “it” from him.

“Mick, dude, calm down! What is happening?" - Nate was the first to ask.

"This...this thing!" – Mick exclaimed, gesturing with his hands, his fingers pointing to
his own neck – "You need to get this off of me, now!" – he demanded, turning to face the
interface of Gideon, who at the time had an expression of hesitation, because if there is an AI
that constantly showed it’s emotions, that was Gideon.

“It's not that simple, Mr. Rory. I don't have much knowledge in the alien area and I
could end up hurting the fetus in the removal, I need to analyze the fetus first and... ”
“Do I look like I care? Just kill it already!” – He yelled, clearly displeased.

"What? Kill him? No! Don’t do this! We’re such a beautiful, peaceful species… Most
of the time, at least…” – Gary began to say.

"Mick!" – Ava caught the attention of the man who was about to start screaming again,
this time with Gary. - "What happened? It's been days since we've seen you and now you
show up screaming and wanting to kill your baby?” – Ava sees everyone nodding slightly,
agreeing with her questions and even more with her tone of pure confusion.

“This thing is not a baby! I'm a man, are you listening to yourself?" – He yelled
approaching the blonde, his face was totally deformed by anger, his skin red and in the few
steps he took, Ava noticed his tense fists at his sides, as if he were just moments away from
punching everyone in the room to prove his own point. - "But this thing is bothering me,
moving around my fucking neck and I want it out, now!"

The bridge is filled with nothing but silence. The moment is fraught with insecurity on
the part of the team for not knowing how to deal with an extremely irate Mick, but above all,
everyone was worried about how to handle the situation itself.

“Okay” – Ava sighed softly, never taking her piercing blue eyes from Mick's green
ones. Ava has always been very good at reading people and for a long part of her time at the
Time Bureau she believed it was this trait that got her the job, not Rip and his 2213 plan. But
Ava was really good at reading people, especially after getting to know them a little more
intimately and after helping Rory with Lita, it's impossible for the man to hide from her gaze.
– “Take a deep breath, let's find something out, together, ok? Gary?”

"Yes, boss?" - Answered a scared Gary.

"Is there any way not to harm the fetus by extracting it from Mick?" – Ava asks without
ever taking her eyes off Mick’s, as if confirming that the question and the answer are for him.

“In fact, the baby is still in the formative stage, usually the pregnancy lasts 5 months
and we came back from space 2 weeks ago so, we still have time to find a second recipient.
But the extraction without harming the fetus... It's very complicated, I wouldn't know how to
do it.”

“But guys, we don't know anything about this baby! It can kill Rory!” – Spooner, called
the attention to the greatest concern from the humans (and Sara, Ava. An alien human hybrid
clone... She’s not just human anymore, I mean It was just hard to remember all that.) on
board of that ship. It is true that they have had a few days to get used to the idea, but no one
had the courage to ask Gary about the baby and what having him on the ship meant and what
it would take to keep everyone safe, including the baby. And Gary, ever- helpful Gary, didn't
initiate any conversation on the subject, knowing they were all still very nervous about having
aliens on board of the Waverider.

"We still have time until Mr. Rory is in some danger!" – Gary exclaimed with a giant
smile on his face, as if what he just said wasn't the least bit alarming.

"Gary!" - And all it took was the high tone of Ava’s voice to get Gary to talk quickly
and nervously everything he knew.

“Kayle's species is the same as mine, but to generate more aliens Kayle would need me,
another alien. What's happening to Mr. Rory is a mutation, a hybrid... Like Sara!” - Gary
exclaimed again excited with his little discovery. – “So, I don't know much about this
mutation because as you know I need an object to transform me into a human. As this child
would be a human with alien traits, I'm pretty sure he would be human since birth…” – And
he stopped talking. The room is silent again.

"So, if this child would be a normal, human child, why can a man carry him?" – Astra
interrupts the silence, losing her patience.

"And why in the neck?" - Zari asks with a disgusted grimace.

"Oh, because I know this mutation has the issue of extraction because the baby feeds
from its first recipient human, be it of any genre. It doesn't necessarily need to feed, but that's
how it happens most of the time. And generally, the aliens don't care if the human dies
anyway, because the baby always gets to another human later, one way or another.” – And the
room again goes absolutely silent – “My God, you're all looking at me really scaring right

"Dammit Gary, just say how much time do we have to find a way to get that fetus out of
Rory and where do we have to put it after taking it out!" – Sara commands.

“Okay! I think we have a week to find a way to get him out and we put him in another
human, well, a woman actually. And she will have a very quick and strange pregnancy, but it
will be okay because the baby doesn't eat the last recipient, the pregnancy is sudden, but it
follows a cycle similar to yours, humans, for 4 months." - He smiles showing all his teeth -
"They are humans with alien genes, knowing my species maybe they are just weird, like me,
or they can develop some power that you humans find amazing."

"Okay, so in a week Rory can't be pregnant anymore, the baby grows super-fast in a
woman's belly and then they can turn into a supergirl or not?" - Zari summarized.

“I think so." – Sara barely finished listening to Gary's answer to start ordering the team

“All right. Gary, Spooner and Nate find out everything you can about this hybrid and
Gary's species, we need all the information you can find.” – Nate shook his head and hugged
Gary leading him off the bridge with Spooner following them – “B and Zari, can you
accompany Mick to the medbay so that Gideon can examine his neck?” – Mick answered the
command discreetly following the orders of his old friend.

"What about me?" – Astra asks, confused.

“Don't you have studying to do?” – Sara turns to face the woman leaning against Sara's
office door.


“No buts, we can do this one without you. Constantine will need your help when he gets
back and you have to be prepared.” – Unable to reason with Sara, Astra enters the office again
to bury her head in the books.

"I think you missed someone, Captain." – Ava asks with a smirk.

“Nope. I needed you alone.” - Sara approaches the few steps she had taken towards her
friends, who, took her away from Ava's touch on her back.

"If I need to study, I don't wanna have to listen to the naughtiness of my friends who are
ridiculously cute and ridiculously disgusting in equal proportion." - Sara rolled her eyes, just
grabbing the fingers of Ava’s hand and pulling her to another part of Waverider, and no place
was closer than the kitchen.

"Sara, what's going on?" – Ava asks worried when she sees Sara sitting down, leaning
her elbows on the table, holding her head in her hands like someone who has all the weight in
the world on her back.
“I didn't think it would be this fast…” – Sara mumbles under her breath, feeling Ava
approaching the table and sitting down beside her.

"Well, he's a hybrid, just like you..." - Ava says, slightly insecure abour exactly what
they're talking about.

"Yeah but... We don't know anything about him yet."

“We will! Will know everything we can and we've got Gary, it's true that he doesn't
understand much about this mutation, but he's the same species so it shouldn't be too
different.” - Comforts Ava, stroking Sara's shoulders.

“It's too risky!” – Sara looks into Ava's eyes for the first time since they walked into the
kitchen and Ava sees something in that sparkling blue, some feeling Ava couldn't name.

“Is there anything in our life’s that’s not dangerous? Sara," - Ava intertwines her fingers
with Sara’s, concern and love marked in her gaze. - "What are you thinking now?" – Ava asks
in a whisper.

“I'm thinking that this baby needs someone. Mick apparently doesn't want him because
he's different. Gary should have told us before about the baby needing a second human
recipient, and…” – A long sigh leaves her lips while Sara covers Ava's hand with both of hers
– "And I'm thinking it's been a very short time since we've talked about this, and I know it's
too soon for us and a baby, isn't it?" – It had been her weeks since Sara came back from
space, two weeks since they've been engaged, and in those two weeks, Ava has seen Sara
develop a new nervous tic. This isn't the first, nor the second time that Sara has unconsciously
played with the engagement ring on Ava's finger, and at that moment Ava wonders how Sara
didn't notice she was doing that. It's extremely endearing, the way Sara allowed herself to be
vulnerable to Ava.

"Time is just a number in this context." – Ava brings her body even closer to Sara, her
fingers meet her fiancée's soft hair to put them behind her ear – “Are you ready? To be called
Mommy by someone?”

“Ready? I don't know, I don't know anything about raising a baby, let alone one that's
half alien.” – Ava can identify the beginnings of a slight panic in Sara's tone, and she smiles
“You're half alien, so is the baby. It's as if time wanted it to happen. Can't you feel it?
It's as if that baby, is already ours.” – Ava says in a whisper because the tears that gathered in
her eyes caused a lump in her throat to form, preventing her from speaking normally.
Emotions surged suddenly and without warning, a whirlwind of emotions that were making
Ava's heart beat faster.

"Ava..." - Sara murmurs her name and tilts her face slightly to the side, squeezing her
fiancée's hand that was still between one of hers.

“We can do this, Sara. We can do this." – Ava's huge smile warms Sara's heart and with
a few words takes away all the weight she felt on her back.

"Are you sure?" - A spark of doubt still remained, Sara in no way wanted to impose this
on her fiancée.

“I want it all, remember?” – The blondes smiled at each other, a smile full of love and
excitement for what was to come.

“Come here” – Sara didn't even need to ask; Ava was already meeting her lips in a
sweet and emotional kiss.

"We need to talk to Mick about this, see if he agrees..." - Ava says as soon as the kiss is

“Yeah. And we need to know which one of us is compatible with the baby.”

“Gary said the receiver had to be a human. I think it would be safer if I…” The
revelation that Ava wanted to carry their child caught her off guard. Ava found herself taking
a deep breath in order to continue – “I want to carry our child, Sara. If I can, if my cloned
composition allows me.”

“Really?” - The tears that both were holding, escapes like fugitives down their faces,
happiness has never been so simple.

"Yeah, unless you want to..." - Her fiancée's unique nervousness was so adorable.

“No, I just want you to make this decision without me influencing you. But what I most
want is to get home and talk to our child inside you.” – Sara's voice breaks at the end, which
clearly shows her emotions emerging from the depths of her soul. Who knew that Waverider’s
Captain, the dreaded Sara Lance, ex-vigilant, ex-League-trained assassin, resurrected with an
uncontrollable bloodlust, would ever have a heart full of love and happiness after all the hell
she's been through.

"Come on, Miss Lance." - Ava gets up giggling and extending her hand to her fiancée
who accepts her offer of help. With their fingers intertwined, Ava and Sara walk to the
medbay to have a serious conversation with Mick Rory.

“Captains, I was about to call you. Mr. Rory is perfectly fine and the fetus was located
in his neck. The anatomy is a bit confusing because of its alien combination, but I can already
detected some human organs being developed. If Mr. Green's information is correct, we have
3 days until the fetus feels the urge to feed on its first recipient.” – Gideon promptly started
reporting as soon as the blondes entered the medbay.

"Okay, so get it off of me!" Rory muttered, closing his eyes and craning his neck,
hoping Gideon would begin the surgery promptly.

"Mick, we have to talk." – Sara started.

“No Sara. I know exactly what you are going to say, but I already have my daughter and
in these days I spent in my room, we talked, and I have responsibilities with her! I
disappeared from her life for too long and now she needs my help. I can't and don't want this
baby and Lita came up with the idea that you guys could adopt him and I can be Uncle Mick,
perhaps... Please? I really want to help my daughter.” – Zari and B, who were with Mick
talking about the possibility of Ava and Sara accepting an unconventional adoption, have
expressions of pride for their friend, for making such a decision.

“Ahm…” – Ava lets out the sound when she has to force her mouth to close. She didn't
saw this one coming, she was prepared for everything, except this scene, of a Mick Rory
practically begging them to adopt their son and asking that they raise him as theirs, so that he
can watch him grow up like an uncle being part of his family but not with the title of a father.

Once again, in just under an hour, tears come to her eyes without her permission.

"It's going to be an honor to be the mother of this baby, Mick" – Ava declares, with all
the confidence that her racing heart has, reaching all the necessary strength so that her words
don't break from Sara's fingers, which were still entwined with hers.

"Seriously?" – The man asked with a pout on his lips. Mick had always been a very
tough man and it meant a lot to everyone in the room that he let them know him fully.
“Actually, I was going to say the same thing. Ava and I, we…” – And Sara felt she had
to pause and feel this moment, the moment that everything was going to change – “We're
ready for the next step.” – Sara declares smiling.

Ava can hear Zari's gasp as Sara lets go of her hand to go to Mick for an emotional hug.
Within seconds, she feels her totem-bearer friend's arms around her, the tears still falling from
her eyes make her mouth taste salty. All the tension leaves her body as she hears Behrad
softly congratulating her, his palm caressing Ava's back.

It seemed like everything was happening in slow motion, Sara and Mick talking with
smiles on their faces while B excitedly announces that the rest of the family needs to hear the
news. Zari seemed to be the only thing that kept Ava from floating happily down the ship,
holding her in her arms as they both silently cry, happiness in every tear.

"Sorry to interrupt Captains, but I have just finished my analysis in my database of

surgical techniques and I just found down that I can perform the surgery myself, that lasts a
few hours, with a bit of help. I'm confident in my analysis of a 78% chance of success" -
Gideon takes everyone out of their happiness trances, always the killer mood. The thought
makes Ava want to let giggles get out of her mouth. It doesn't matter that they have a 78%
chance. If Gideon had only 1% chance at success with the surgery, Ava is absolutely sure that
she would still try. That baby already had a lot more of her heart than Ava could admit right

“Gideon, I need you to check to see if I'm fit to receive the baby.” - Ava replies quietly.

"You... Are you the one who’s going to carry it?" - Zari asks, still holding a smile on her
face. And Ava's smile gets impossibly bigger, her eyes shining with happiness.

“Yeah” – Her answer was more a ragged breath than a word itself, because Ava felt
breathless, all this happiness seemed to tighten her rib cage.

“I do this kind of check every time I need to fix each of you from your missions through
time” – Gideon informs – “You are in perfect biological condition to receive the fetus, but I
must warn you that the process seems to be fast, in a few weeks you will feel the effect of an
advanced pregnancy, it will be like feeling the effect of 2 months of a human pregnancy in 2

“Sounds harsh" - Zari declares worried.

“It will be my baby. I can take it." – Ava says the words staring into Sara's blue eyes
that meet hers on the other side of the medbay. The smile they shared was uniquely theirs.

"I'm happy for you" – Rory says with his voice hoarse and high, confident of his

“Thanks, Mick. For everything." - That's all Ava manages to say before the rest of the
legends enter the room making a mess and breaking the eye contact between them as they
pulled the co-captain into a hug from Nate and Gary, that squeezed her as they declared how
good that news was. Ava laughs openly, sharing her entire family 's feeling of pure joy.

Spooner congratulates Sara who pulls her into a hug that Spooner accepts without much
hesitation. After all, Ava is right, time is just a number, it doesn't matter that Sara and
Spooner have known each other for just under 2 weeks, the feeling of family has already
penetrated their hearts. Spooner was a legend now. Just as Astra, who smiles widely with
tears in her eyes but keeps her distance. She just needs some more time to open up.

"Alright, alright!" – Sara draws everyone's attention when she has Ava by her side, one
of her arms encircling her hips in a slightly possessive and proud way. – “I think we all need
to lie down and let the thought sink in. Tomorrow we will focus on the surgery. One step at a
time." – She says in her best Captain voice.

"But, can we already start dreaming about an Avalance baby running through the
Waverider?" – Zari asks excitedly.

“Yes, and we will need your help. This home belongs to all of us and we want to take
that step with you. It's me and Sara, but it's also all of us, like a family.” – Ava responds

“That's right, we're going to need help with some renovations, with the removal of the
costumes from the small room, etc.” – Sara starts to list in her head everything that needs to
be done in 4 months.

"Oh, I'll love to help in her room!" – Astra surprises everyone by answering.

"Or his room!" – Gideon remembers.

"We can call Ray for the furniture!" - Nate exclaims excited.

"And Mr Jackson for some of the renovations!" – Gary proposes.

“Tomorrow, let's worry about all of this tomorrow. Everyone to bed!” - Says Sara
interrupting the spiral of excitement of her friends. When everyone starts to disperse among
the corridors of Waverider, Sara calls: - "Hey, Mick?" - When she's sure she has the man's
attention, she continues - "Take care of my baby for today, yeah?"

Mick smiles and nods, walking to his room that would soon be emptied out due to his
departure to live near Lita, in the same time as his daughter.

Sara felt Ava sigh into her shoulder and lean her head there. Sara can't see her face, but
she can practically hear Ava's smile when she says:

"Tomorrow, we’ll be pregnant."


Sara couldn't stay still not even for a second, her mind was racing and her feet were
pacing back and forth. What if it doesn't work? They are 22% chance of everything going
wrong, 22% chance the baby is getting hurt with the surgery, 22% chance of Ava and the
baby are not compatible, 22% chance of all the joy end the same way started, suddenly. Sara
is haunted by the possibilities, by insecurities and mainly by the fears that arose as soon as the
medbay door closed in front of her, separating her from Ava.

That happened hours ago. The minutes seemed to drag and mock her. Her nails were in
ruins, her hands shook slightly from lack of food (Nate and Zari tried several times to get Sara
to eat something, but since Gideon announced that she had started the surgery, Sara couldn't
think of anything but her fiancée and her baby. Her stomach churned and she nearly spilled it
all out when Nate brought her a hot plate), her mind felt like a battleground where a voice told
her everything was going to go wrong and she would deserved it for all the many lives she
took, first in Lian Yu, then in the League of Assassins and the account keeps getting bigger
from then on. Across the battlefield, a voice that Sara was pretty sure was Ava's voice in her
head, rebate that Sara has had to make great sacrifices, have lost so much already, and the life
account that she saved is already higher compared to the lives she took.

"If you keep this up, you'll make a hole in the middle of the bridge that no one will be
able to fix" - Spooner jokes, taking a seat on the stairs that lead to Sara's office.

"I need to know if she's okay, only then I'll be able to stop" – Sara answers with her
back to Spooner, without ever interrupting the straight line that her feet created to express her
“Ava is a strong woman. She barely slept when you were in space, ate only when we all
made her stop for a few minutes, and she was always looking frantically. She is one of the
most determined women I have ever met.” – Spooner didn't even realize she had managed to
stop Sara from walking around.

"You two became very good friends, didn't you?" - Esperanza looks up to find blue eyes
analyzing her, emotion hovering over Sara’s eyes.

“So, Sara Lance is a jealous woman? They told me many things about you, but that I
didn't know about.” – The Latina tease with a smirk on her face, her eyes shining in

"No!" – Sara answers fast, too fast for Spooner not to catch her in the lie, and Sara is
sure she won't escape this one when she sees the Latina arching one of her eyebrows in her
direction – “Fine. I'm a little jealous, but it's not the way you think.” – The blonde sighs. With
quick steps, Sara takes a seat next to the Latina. Sara feels so fragile right now, the worry of
accumulated hours weighed heavily and Sara had to struggle not to pass out right then and
there. – “I just want her to be happy. And I know how messed up our entire history is. I still
don’t know if all of it it's really good for her. But I can't..." - Sara felt the tears cutting off her
speech - "I'm not strong enough to stay away from her. Not anymore."

“So don't” – Esperanza answers with a sparkle in her eyes, the same sparkle Sara saw
before in that first conversation. She met Spooner the day the legends tried to save Sara from
being abducted, and the only difference between this woman in front of her and the one she
met then is that now, she has a much bigger smile on her lips. – “I don't know your whole
story yet Sara, I don't know your whole story with Ava either. But I can see true love when I
look at the two of you. I didn't understand before, how Ava could be so willing to sacrifice
everything for someone else. Until I met you and saw the same gleam in your eyes. The same
gleam I've seen for months in Ava's eyes and which for an instant I saw fade completely.”

And Spooner was teleported to that moment, the moment Amelia confirmed Sara's
death. She saw from close the glow of Ava's eyes go out completely, her dull and lifeless gaze
following her body that would have gone to the ground without Zari's support. It was as if a
part of Ava had been ripped from her at Spooner's words. That was one of the most painful
moments of her life, and even though she knew it wasn't her fault, the feeling still existed in
her conscience.
“It's not about having the strength to pull away, Sara. It's about having the strength and
hope to get up every time life gets you down. It's about having the strength to stay together
even against everything that’s throw in your lap. And what I saw yesterday, on the medbay,
well… you do have the hope part.”

“What about the strength?” - Sara asks with tears running down her face.

“You’re here, aren't you? After all, against all the things life threw at you, you chose to
be here and you haven’t given up. You didn't give up Sara, not for a second. Do you know
how I'm so sure about that?” – Spooner heard Sara swallow hard and take a deep breath, it
was as if Sara was trying to draw strength from her words. And you know what? Esperanza
wished she could give Sara what she couldn't give Ava a few weeks ago. – “Coz are you
here.” – She answers smiling with a tone that implies the obviousness of that answer.

“Thanks, Spooner.” – The two share a soft smile before being interrupted.

“I'm sorry to interrupt, Captain Lance. But I would like to announce that the surgery
was a success.” - Sara closes her eyes letting a relieved sigh escape, her body feels all that
weight leave her shoulders.

"Can I see her?" – Sara asks quietly.

“Yes, Captain Lance. She should wake up in a few minutes.” – Gideon instructed.

“Thank you, Gideon. For everything." – Sara thanks her as she gets up and wipes the
traces of tears from her face with her sleeve.

"It’s my pleasure, Sara." - Spooner was increasingly sure that that computer was a real
person, as real as the aliens who abducted them.

"I think I'll..." - Sara started to say, pointing her finger in the direction to the medbay.
Spooner responds with a smile on her face.


Within moments Sara is entering the medical bay, her heart pounding. Breathless, Sara
intertwines her fingers with Ava's, watching her fiancée intently. Ava feels Sara's lips on her
cheek and it's what pulls her from unconsciousness. The lights are too bright and as Ava
blinks and adjusts, she swears Gideon has dimmed the lights for her. Ah, Gideon. Thank you,
Gideon. It's Ava's first thought as she unconsciously places the palm of her other hand, the
one that Sara isn't holding, on top of her belly. On top of her child. My god, I'm pregnant. It's
Ava's second thought, before hearing Sara's voice.

"Babe?" - Her whisper is the softest thing.

“Sara…” – There was so much to say at that moment, but… – “Come here” – asked
Ava in a whisper. And it wasn't until after the sweetest kiss in the world that Ava actually
opened her eyes, the blues meeting once more. – “Hi” – she says with a groggy smile.

“Hi” – Answers an amused Sara, her eyes shining, a naughty smile on her lips – “How
was your beauty nap?”

“I don't feel beautiful right now…” – Ava releases Sara's fingers, passing them
nervously through her hair, trying to look a little better.

"You're always beautiful. You are beautiful." – declares Sara holding one of Ava's
cheeks. Ava smiles softly at her fiancée.

"Are we pregnant?" – Ava wanted to know, her eyes filling with tears. She first felt her
heart leap inside her chest, only to start beating faster a second later. Then Ava noticed the
machine beside her that showed that her heartbeats actually accelerated, the bipping an
annoying constant.

Sara moves closer to Ava's body. Without thinking, Sara holds Ava's hip against the
chair and rests her ear on her lower belly. Her eyes closes and all the concentration of the
Captain was to prove in some way that their baby was comfortable in his new home. A few
seconds passed where Ava held her breath in anticipation.


Please, please, please.

Suddenly, the undeniable noise of a heart beating at a faster rate than Ava's filled the
room. Sara squinted her eyes, allowing the tears to flow freely for the first time. A relieved
sigh left her lips as her forehead found Ava's belly.

"I love you" - She whispered super softly, as if it were a secret shared only by the two of
them, the first secret between mother and child.

“Sara…” Ava called out, emotions making her lungs almost collapse. As she moved her
arm toward Sara trying to reach the blonde, Ava felt a stab of pain and it was only then that
the taller blonde realized that her entire torso was burning, her breasts looking swollen and
tender. – “Fuck” – Ava murmurs as she lets go of her own arm, which goes back to resting on
the chair.

“Gideon?” – The question was asked by Sara with just one word, her eyes searching
what was wrong.

“I'm sorry Captain. The good news is that Captain Sharpe and the baby are doing well
and the surgery was a success. However, the bad news is that in the coming days, Ava's body
will undergo sudden changes. Right now, the Co-Captain's body is now feeling the effects of
the hormones the baby is releasing into her system and there's nothing I can do to help,
unfortunately.” - Gideon does not interrupt her long speech, even though noticing the captains
kissing with huge smiles on their lips.

“I think Gideon meant I'm producing milk, like, right now.” – Ava counters Gideon
with an adorable grimace. But beyond that, Sara couldn't control her own gaze that focused on
her fiancée's breasts. Sara has always been a bisexual attracted to breasts, and Sara has seen N
number of breasts in her life, so many different shapes and sizes. Therefore, she believes she
has the power of experience to declare her bride's breasts to be one of the most beautiful pair
of breasts in the world. Sara always tries not to think that breasts are just right for a perfect
woman. She tries not to even think of the c word.

“God, why do I find that incredibly hot?” Sara says, squeezing Ava's hips, bringing their
faces together again. Before closing her eyes to kiss her fiancée, Ava managed to get a quick
flash of Sara's eyes and the malice she saw there… Well, her entire body felt the strong

"In a few hours, Captain Sharpe can take an Advil for the pain. After a good meal and a
shower, of course.” - Gideon rudely interrupted.

"Gideon will get even more bossy, won't she?" Ava asked quietly, as if she didn't know
the AI would be able to hear her anyway.

“Just wait for our baby to start talking. I'm sure he or she will have Gideon at their
fingertips.” - The blondes heard a noise that came very close to a snort following Gideon's
next speech.

"I can assure you that every wish coming from my future Captain, will be an order!" -
Gideon proudly declares and the two blondes laugh.
"Future captain?" - Ava asks when the laughter dies in her throat.

"Congratulations, it’s a girl!" - Gideon announces and Sara, that has seen Gideon's
human form, can almost hear the AI's happy smile.

"A little girl!" - Considers Sara - “A girl with your eyes and lips. Blond hair and all
elegant like her mother... I like that!” - The former assassin narrates her vision with happiness
emanating from every pore.

"I can’t believe this!" - Ava whispers just like when they first met after Sara's abduction.
The kiss that followed was sweet and quick because it felt like the moment was happening so
intensely that they felt breathless.

Their foreheads meet and they just breathed the same air for a few minutes, listening to
the heartbeats of Ava and the baby that still filled the medbay. The moment would have
stretched if not for Gideon asking if the team could be informed of Ava's condition. Both
confirmed that the family should be part of that moment and as Gideon spoke to everyone on
board, Sara helped Ava to her feet slowly and delicately. Her legs trembled and Ava felt her
breasts would explode just from the contact of her shirt against her sensitive skin. But the pain
was bearable, and nothing was going to get in the way of the hugs Ava knew she would get
from her friends.

Sara holds her hips, keeping her upright and beside her, and it's in this side hug that the
whole team meets them, all happy to hear from Ava and know that everything went right.
Everyone talks at the same time and laughter infiltrates Ava's senses. The hugs aren't tight as
Sara makes a point of telling everyone that her fiancée is sensitive with a smile on her face.
It's funny that their mess and chaos was one of the things that irritated the former director of
the Time Bureau the most, and today it's one of the things that comforts her the most. Isn't
crazy? How things change...

"Alright, when are we going to get to know the sex of the baby?" - Zari asks excitedly.

“Gideon just told us the baby is a little girl.” - Sara says with a smile that looked like it
would be glued to her lips for the rest of her life.

The legends cheer and applaud like the bunch of fools they are and all Ava can do is
laugh. Watching everything that was happening around her, watching the happiness on
everyone's faces, Ava thanks whoever is listening, grateful for every change and every
decision that brought everyone there to that moment.
"Guys!" - It's Sara's voice that pulls her out of her trance. - “Ava is tired. She needs a
shower, dinner, medicine, and the rest of the day to be calm, please.”

“What does our little princess feel like eating?” - Nate asks, his voice pitching like when
talking to a child. Her eyes stared into Ava's blue ones, who for a second didn't understand
why Nate was talking to her like she was a child. But talking to Sara about her milk
production forced her to understand.

“I think we would be happy with Shrimp Ravioli…” – Ava says confused by how
specific she was.

“Got it!” - Nate left the medbay with the intention of cooking. Zari and Gary look at
each other and leave along with Nate.

"You take care of the bath while we help her get to her room." – Spooner proposes.

"I'll see if we have the medicine on stock and if not, I'll make some more." – Astra says
in that way of hers, as if the world were at her feet.

“And I'm getting back to Mick. He had a slight headache so I'm taking care of him." –
Behrad says smiling, also leaving the room.

"See you in a minute." – Sara says to Ava. Ava gets a kiss on the cheek and with a few
steps, Sara was gone. But Spooner was there, with arms that soon circled Ava in a light hug.

"I'm happy for you." – The Latina says.

“Thank you, Spoons. Thank you.” - Neither of them recognized everything Ava was
grateful for. They both just started walking towards Ava and Sara's room with Esperanza
letting Ava support her when necessary.

The walk took much longer than usual, Ava's legs were weak and she actually started to
feel a powerful pain in her breasts. As if something wanted to come out.

“I'm gonna need another favor.”

"Hey" - Sara finds them at the door with a smile on her face that Ava reciprocated as
she watches as Sara steps forward and Spooner takes two steps back and like a dance, quickly
Ava has an exchange of arms that circles her. Spooner withdraws after winking at Ava.

Sara patiently takes her to the bathroom and removes her clothes cautiously. As soon as
her breasts are freed from their bonds, Ava lets out a grunt of pain.
"You ok babe?" – Sara asks, finishing throwing her bra on the floor.

“Yeah” – And Ava closes her eyes to concentrate on the feel of Sara's fingers taking off
her pants and then her panties other than the pain. Ava had to take a deep breath before
meeting Sara's eyes, because Ava knew she would find the same desire and passion there that
Sara would find in her own eyes.

Of course, Ava was right, and Sara's gaze leaves her monetarily breathless. But soon
Ava's body is screaming at the temperature the water vapor is promising. The warm water
relaxes her body completely when it submerges.

A knock on the door is the only thing that interrupts long minutes of relaxation where
Sara sat on the floor playing with Ava's fingers who allowed her eyes to close. Sara gets up
and finds Spooner on the other side of the door.

“Hey! Can you give this to Ava?” – She holds out something like a baby bottle and the
Advil Astra had promised.

“Sure!” – Sara answers, shrugging.

“Thanks, you let us know if you guys need anything else, ok?” – She says simply and
they leave towards the kitchen without waiting for an answer.

“What's this babe?” – Sara asks, entering the bathroom again.

“That’s…” – Ava is insecure for a moment due to how intimate that information
seemed, but they were having a child, a life together. Nothing else is only hers, not really. – “I
think I'm actually producing milk. I don't know if I'll actually using it now, but it's already a
device I'll have to use in the future.” – She explains.

“I think I'll stop by some bookstore and get some pregnancy and motherhood books.
What do you think?" – Sara asks, really considering it.

“I would love that. I have some books I was already thinking about buying." – Ava
replies excitedly.

"Of course you do." – Sara says stealing a kiss from her fiancée, the permanent happy
smile on her lips. Because of course that the former director of the Time Bureau, organized
Ava had already researched and was already preparing for the baby's arrival. Sara has never
been so lucky.
The tallest blonde accepts her fiancée's help to dry off. Ava chose to wear a
nightgown-shaped pajama that would facilitate her recovery and the fabric was a little looser.
Sara helps her sit at the table they have in their room and Gideon informs her that Nate was
already arriving with their dinner.

"How are you feeling?" – Sara asks as she sits next to Ava.

“Happy ... And sleepy " – Ava answers easily – “But mostly happy.” – The Co-
Captain smiles with an expression of contentment and peace on her face that makes her face
look younger… Happiness looks beautiful on Ava.

“Me too. But I was so worried." – Sara's fingers find Ava's and they connect like

“I know. But everything’s gonna be fine, babe." – Ava's smile soothes any and all
Sara's worries. They hear a knock on the door and soon Nate walks into the room with a
proud smile on his face.

“Your meal, ma'am.” – He says thickening his voice and the dishes are placed on the
table and Sara laughs at the way Nate was clearly pretending he was a waiter in a chic

“Thanks, Nate.” - Ava says with a gentle, grateful smile.

"That was no problem at all. We’re here for you, ok?” - The man speaks with concern
in his eyes, but is satisfied with the nod Ava offers him. Sara watched the scene thinking
about how much Ava will be spoiled and pampered by the legends and that was all Sara
wants, in fact all Sara wanted was for Ava to constantly know how much she is loved.

They ate in a comfortable silence and soon they found themselves lying in bed.

"Babe?" – Ava calls out softly.

“Yeah?” - Sara replied as she fixed the cover over both of them.

"Do you mind if I sleep without my pajama?" – The blonde's tone was one of
apprehension and Sara can almost see Ava's frown and she almost wished the lights weren't
off because Ava's frowns were one of the things Sara loves most about her.

“Babe, of course not! Want help?”

"Yeah" - When Ava finds herself lying on the bed with her breasts bared, only in her
panties, Sara is salivating with desire. How could a woman be so beautiful?

Carefully and delicately, Sara lays her cheek on Ava's shoulder and one of her arms
circles her waist and the emotions of the day finally catch up with them and sleep comes
easily to them both.

Ava stares at her own eyes in the mirror, realizing that the intense blue had a piercing
darkness, a sadness she didn't understand. She drops her gaze across her torso and when her
eyes land on her very much pregnant belly, her heart misses a beat, her breathing heaving,
sudden tears making her vision blur. Her fingers tremble lightly when she caress her bare
skin, her heart beating a thousand a second.

“And there she is again, in front of that mirror…” – Ava's shock is interrupted by the
voice of the love of her life – “I'm out.” - She declared simply.

"Where are you going?" - Ava found herself asking, confused.

"Are you going to start asking their names now?" – Sara answers and even without
understanding what Sara was talking about, she knew that Sara was irritated with her
question, her tense body and her lips firm in a straight line said as much.

"Their names?" - Her voice shakes and Ava isn't sure she should be asking because
she didn't know if she wanted to know the answer.

“Oh, you know…” – Sara crosses her arms and leans against the doorframe of their
bedroom, a wicked smile adorning her lips – “The fuck buddys I had to find since my
girlfriend is swollen, fat and totally unattractive.” – The words break her heart and it's like
Ava has been punched in the stomach – “You're useless to me now. Can't help us fix the
timeline, can't give me what I want... Hell, you can't even see your own feet right now, it's
laughable really. You would think that a fucking clone would be more than this dispensable
thing you’re now" – Sara ends with a grimace of disgust, her lips twitching and Ava almost
expected she would spit in her direction.

Ava couldn't understand, couldn't think, couldn't really process what Sara was saying.
Her heart broke into a thousand little pieces and her knees weakened and she was falling and
falling and all she could think was: the baby! Protect the baby!
Sara wakes up suddenly, not understanding what woke her up so suddenly, she was
disoriented and confused until she felt a murmur beside her.

“The baby…” – Ava was moving a lot, her body tense and was breathing fast. Sara
rests her weight on one of her arms and was deciding whether or not to wake up her beloved
when Ava opens her eyes suddenly, her eyes wide and hunted, her body tense and paralyzed.
Sara was about to call out her name when Ava gasped, her hands clutching her belly, still
without evidence of her pregnancy, in a desperate way that made Sara feel her heart tighten
inside her chest. Ava squirms and Sara feels her heart stop completely when Ava screams in

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