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Team: Isaac Mercado Ceron y Allison Jiri Hernandez Martinez.

05/12/21. 63 BS
Advanced English.
Miss. Burgos Macias Angela Lilibeth.

English project.

Work with a partner. Discuss the questions below.

1. As a child , were you given money by your parents?
-Yes, on specific occasions they gave me a little money.
-Yes. It wasn’t common, but they used to give it to me.
2. If yes, how often did they give you money and why?
-He depended, for example, once a week, and to buy food or sweets at school or just
to spend it on whatever he wanted.
-Once a week, to buy food.
3. Did you ever save money as a child? What did you do with it?
-Yes, I saved money than anything to buy candy or sometimes when I was a little
older I would save it to buy a video game.
-Yes. The money I didn’t use on school I saved it, sometimes to buy later on school
or something else.
4. What do you think about given children money?
-That is good, since the child can learn to save it to buy things of interest and thus
know how to take care of money and value it.
-It is fine provided that you teach them the value of it, and the importance of saving

Listen to four opinions on the topic of giving children money. Make notes in the table.


Aseel ✅ help them understand the value of money

Joseph ✅ Because, believe that children should have


Karen ✅ Giving children money is gonna make them ask

for more.

Robert ✅ Is an excellent way to teach them about money

value and maths.

Discuss the questions below.

1. Which opinions do you agree with? Why?
- I am in favor of Joseph and Karen, because we must teach that some things are
responsibilities that they must take on and that not everything must be rewarded.
- I agree with Aseel and Robert. I consider that giving money to children is a good way
to teach them the value of it, to save it, maths, and obviously responsibility. Also it is
a good way to introduce them to what a job is.
2. Which do you disagree with? Why?
- I do not disagree with anyone, since everyone is right and that paying children is a
good idea to teach them the value of money based on your effort, but you also have
to teach them that there are responsibilities and that they should not be rewarded
- With anyone. Everyone shows important points of view, probably with them we can
create a better idea.

Create a roleplay based on the table below with your arguments.

Isaac: Hello Alli, how long without seeing you.

Allison: Hi Isaac, yes it has been a lot of time, how are you?
Isaac: Well, surviving COVID and you? You know that the other day I was reading an article
about how they give money to children to do various activities, and I wanted to see what you
Allison: Jajaja, I’m fine, thank you. Interesting, well I really like the idea, what was the
position of the article?
Isaac: Well, there were two positions, one in favor of paying the children and one against.
And, for example, I do not agree with being paid for activities that should be the
responsibility of children. But what do you think?
Allison: I agree. Paying children is a good way to teach them responsibility and care for
money. When I was younger, my parents used to “pay” me and because of that I learned the
importance of saving and not waste on unimportant things.
Isaac: Ohh, you know that your answer surprises me, but well I think it is wrong to pay the
children for two reasons, the first is that by paying the child you can educate him in a way in
which little is done for simple activities, and the other is that we must teach our children from
a very young age that there are responsibilities that should not deserve a reward in return.
Allison: That’s true, but they don’t necessarily have to be household chores. Think ahead, if
you pay a child to do his/her job well you are teaching him/her the value of doing things right,
that would be good for their future job. Also, he/she can acquire administrative skills and
even improve their maths skills.
Isaac:You are right, but for example if you pay a child for things they could easily do I think
you could make him ambitious, for example I don't think it is a good idea to pay children to
go to school or pick up their room, as it is something that should be understood as a
responsibility and should not be rewarded for it. For this and for more I think it is not good to
pay children.
Allison: Sure, it depends a lot on the activity you pay him/her for, but I still don't think it’s a
bad idea. What if we do a little bit of research about the topic and then we debate it?
Isaac: Sounds good to me and so we can be more prepared to have a good debate, but I
think it will be another day, I have to go, otherwise I will not arrive at my school.
Allison: Sure, take care. Goodbye.

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