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ACTIVITY SHEET 1: Psychology of the IPs in CARAGA

Group Work
Total Points 50 points
Due July 1, 2021, 11:59pm
Portal: LMS
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Instruction. Make a Psycho-cultural study of the existing Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in

CARAGA particularly the Manobo (Group 1), Mamanwa (Group 2), Higaonon (Group 3,
Banwaon (Group 4), and Mandaya (Group 5). Include in the section their demographic
profile, experience, thought, and orientation in relation to their culture and language.

Psychology of the Manobo Tribe

Description of the Manobo Tribe

(basic information, name, geographic location,population, etc.)

Mandaya is the largest tribal unit in southeastern Mindanao. The Mandaya are a
complex group (Mangwanga, Mangrangan, Managosan, Magosan, Pagsupan, Divavaonon,
Dibabaon, Mansaka) and can be found in Davao Oriental province where there is a
population of some 22,000 (NSO 1980). The Mandaya/Mansaka are famous for their
distinctive costumes and ornamentation, which involves tie-dyed textiles and embroidery
using a sophisticated system of symbols with named motifs. Beadwork and silver craft are
also well-developed. The name means "the people who live upriver". They are also
considered to belong to the Manobo group. 
Their house is a poorly constructed one-room hut. Clothes and tools can be found
hanging from the rafters. They lavishly use gold as adornments.
The ethnographic map of the Spanish colonizers shows Mandaya existence in the present
provinces of Davao Oriental, Davao del Norte and Compostella Valley, and from Tago town
of Surigao del Sur and Southern part of Agusan del Sur. Presently, the concentration of the
Mandaya is in Davao Oriental that lies along the Pacific Ocean. The Mandaya live in
dispersed settlements in upstream areas practicing slash and burn cultivation. Families may
be nuclear or polygynous. Traditionally, each neighborhood is ruled by a distinctively dressed
headman, bagani, who receives advice from a council of elders, angtutukay; in many areas,
however, this has been replaced by the barangay.
The national population is about 172,506 (NM 1994). They are concentrated in the
municipalities of Caraga (6,860), Manay (2,770), Cateel (2,665), Lupon (3,055), and
Tarragona (2,935). The known subgroupings are: (1) Mansaka, (2) Pagsupan, (3) Mangwanga
(Mangrangan, Compostela), (4) Managosan (Magosan), and (5) Divavaon (Dibabaon, Mixed
ManoboMandaya), (6) Karaga, (7) Mansaka (NSO 1980).
Psycho-cultural Background
(e.g experience, thought, and orientation in relation to their culture and language)

During the Spanish time, the Davaweno group emerged. These are the Mandaya
converts into Christianity baptized during the 1870’s at the height of Spanish colonization of
the Philippines.
The creation of Provincia de Caraga long before the Davao province during the
colonial period provides the historical and chronological evidence that Davaweños are
Mandaya descendants.
Sons of the Mandaya became political leaders as governors and congressmen during
the Spanish colonization. They are Governors Sobrecarey and Generoso and Congressman
Teodoro Palma Gil, who was a classmate of Jose Rizal. The dominance of Mandaya
offsprings in political, social and economic fields was traced as one great influence in their
Agriculture is the main source of living. Rice, tubers, and other cultigens are cultivated in
pawa (swidden) farming) along with bananas, vegetables and root crops. Hunting for wild
pig, deer, chicken, monkeys, lizards, birds and other animals complement farming. Houses,
which may contain up to three family units, are spatially organized into kinship-based
neighborhoods and always placed within eyesight of each other.
By practice, farming is very much influenced by deep religiosity. Rites and rituals
and other belief practices with lavish offerings are observed before, during and after farming.
Au-yon (cooperative farming) is a common practice. Post-harvest pasawit (sharing) is valued
to get more blessings the next planting season.
At an early age, children are taught how to hunt using spears and traps. The
Mandaya are freshwater fishing experts. Individual, family and cooperative fishing are done
using several methods like traps, stun rods, draining, spearing and also bare hands.
Environmental destruction and degradation together with rapid urbanization have drastically
reduced hunting and fishing.
Trading has tremendously increased and agricultural plantations as Western
ownership and economic system dominated Philippine scene. Barter system, however, is still
exercised among the Mandaya in the hinterlands. The intimate belief of the Mandaya created
a unique blend of nature, spirits and man.
Undoubtedly, the Mandaya have one of the richest cultural heritage among ethnic
groups. They are very close to their families. Christianized Mandaya still retain some of the
past beliefs creating a syncretic form of religion.
Dagmay, an abaca handwoven cloth with intricate designs revolving around man and
crocodile, is one of the most popular material culture. Its mud-dyeing technique is believed to
be the only one existing in the Philippines. Interestingly, dagmay weaving has also become a
pasttime of women as they cooperate in tie-designing while making pleasantries. Bayok, a
highly tonal art of delivering messages in the form of figurative speeches, passages, and even
euphemism usually done in pairs and in continuous answering pattern. Like a debate, each of
the bayok artist stands on opposite sides. Bayok chanting is indispensable in important
celebration and events like proposal for marriage. settlement of conflicts, welcoming of
visitors and also in common merrymaking. Any topic like funny personal traits, food,
offering of drinks and many more could be derived for a bayok.
Mandaya also has an array of musical rendition. Instruments like kudlong, a two-

stringed zither with only one string with frets, deliver music with historical, eventful, and
important meanings. Kudlong is played before hunting, staging the deadly pangayao
(vendetta killing) or farming. It could also be for simply entertainment. One popular
instrument also is the gimball or gimbao, a large drum made using deer hide from a doe on
one side and from a stag on the other side to produce different tone and pitch. The drum is
played to accompany the Balyan in her performance in summoning the spirits. During
celebrations, gimbao is indispensable in dances and any celebration, ritual and assembly. It is
played by one of two players. The Mandaya also plays a meter-long flute called bonabon
made of a slender bamboo. Its music ranges from sentimental to jolly ones with deep
emotional expression. The suding, jew’s harp made of bamboo, add more range to the music
of the Mandaya.
The traditional governance of the Mandaya displays a strong leadership. Customary
laws are observed and stiff penalties are imposed. Acceptance and respect by the community
makes a tribal governance work. In some areas, the elders and leaders approve holding of
pangayao to exact justice and revenge.
In the hinterlands, the government imposed systems in the lowlands has little effect
on their practice of customary laws, however, Mandaya’s have to compete with migrants
from Luzon and Visayas who were brought by Americans and later, by government
programs. Slowly, the ethnic people are being left behind.
The beadcraft technique of the Mandaya is something to marvel at. For beads,
aborigines had long used teeth coming from crocodiles, wild cats and other wild animals, tusk
of boar, bones, seeds, shells, stones, wood, even skulls of small animals.
After grouping the strands into the desired number, usually in two’s or three’s, the artist rubs
the fibers end with bees wax. Basically, the Mandaya uses the color red, black, white, and
yellow. In some instances, but very rarely, greens and blues are added to it.
Children are matched for marriage by their parents quite young. Men are allowed to have
more than one wife but the women must have only one husband.
A bagani (datu) with his Likid (advisory council) heads the tribe. An adjutant is
tasked to make the announcements and summons.
They celebrate festivals to invite diwatas or spirits and ask for good health and healing for
those who are sick. They use an assortment of bamboo musical instruments. The dead are
buried with the coffin upright along with some food for the "journey".
Their religion is animistic, believing in anitos, but they consider Magbabayo (God)
as the Supreme Being. A festival for Tagbanwa (the owner of the land) is made every harvest
season for thanksgiving. A carved image of this deity can also be found in their homes.
Women priestesses (Bailans) mediate during the rituals.
Many Mandayas in the Caraga Region were baptized. However, observers say that
even "Christianized" Mandayas still adhere to their traditional ways.
They are excellent metalsmiths, who can fashion beautiful silver ornaments and brass items
(evidence of their contact with Muslim groups), and weapons. Music is also an important part
of Mandaya culture, as they use various musical instruments and dances for celebrations and

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