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Pre‐Board Examination
February 2017
Subject: Sociology FM: 100
Program: BBA; Semester V PM: 50
Subject Code: BBA2723 Time: 3hrs
Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt all Questions.
Group A
Answer ALL questions briefly 2*10 = 20
1. What is sociology?
2. List out major perspectives of sociology?
3. What is sociological imagination?
4. Define society in a single sentence?
5. List out the five characteristics of gender?
6. Define institutions?
7. What is kinship?
8. What are social processes according to Horton and Hunt?
9. What is social stratification?
10. What is social deviance?
Group B
Answer ANY FOUR questions 4*5=20
11. Define the meaning of sociology in brief and explain the relationship with other social sciences in general
and management in particular.
12. Trace out the major characteristic of organization. Differentiate between organizations and institutions.
13. What is globalization? How local becomes global and global becomes local? Illustrate with examples.
14. What are the major silent features of caste? Mention any five.
15. What are the major types of cooperation and competition?
Group C
Answer ANY THREE questions 3*10=30
16. Point out the major characteristics of social norms and values.
17. Define marriage as an institution. Discuss the major evolutionary development.
18. Does education bring quantitative and qualitative transformation of society? Justify.
19. Examine social deviance and disorder through theoretical perspectives.

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Group D
20. Read the given Case and answer the following 3x10=30
Today violence against women is still a universally tolerated and often unpunished crime However, this
is generally down played by the public as well as by policy makers. Violence that is tolerated in time of
peace often intensities during times of armed conflict, political instability and even during the peace
process. The break down and displacement of people are often manifested in the increase violence against
women, particularly those in the displaced, women with disabilities and women against workers.

There is a popular proverb that man and women are two sides of a coin. They are two wheels of a cart
cannot go ahead. Nepalese women are down trodden and at the bottom of the development mainstream.
Women are fighting for equality and social justice yet. Nepalese women are under development
mainstream even though Nepal inter in the electronic era. Half of the total population, still are subject to
discriminated at household, society and community.

The government initiatives to address the problem of violence against women in Nepal are found
visibilly. Legal, development efforts and empowerment of women are major means of reduction of
violence against women. However, violence against women is found in Nepal. The social structure and
patriarchal hierarchy is main cause of the violence against women.

a) What are the purposes of the ways of empowering Nepalese women? Explain.
b) What are the real issues and problem in given case? Explain.
c) What are the major initiatives have been done by government to fight against women? Discuss.
 All the Best 

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