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Penilaian ketrampilan

A. Give a check list to appropriate utterence(di centang)

No. Expressions Offering Accepting Refusing

help help help

b. Oh, please don’t bother. V

c. It’s very kind of you to offer. V

d. What can I do for you? V

e. We can do it for you if you like. V

f. Oh, that would be marvelous. V

g. Oh, would you? Thank you very V


h. Is there anything I can do for you? V

i. Do you want me to help you? V

j. Let me help you. V

k. Oh really? Thanks a lot. V

l. That’s very kind of you. Thanks a V


m. No, thanks. I can carry it myself. V

n. Perhaps I could assist in some way. V

o. Thanks. But I will be alright soon. V


Dialog 1

Friska : Huh! This work is really stressing me.

Dodo : Would you like some help?

Friska : Umm, really? How kind of you.

Dodo : Don’t mention it. So, what can I do for you?

Friska : Umm, would you put this figures in the data, please? This is a very urgent matter.

Dodo : Okay, I’ll do it.

Friska : Thanks million. I don’t know what should I do without you.

Dodo : That’s what a friend is for.

Dialog 2

Mother : Raymond, mommy is going to make your favorite soup.

Raymond : Hurrah, my favorite soup!

Mother : But,I’m running out of salt.

Raymond : Oh really? Do you want me to buy some for you?

Mother : Yes, please.

Raymond : Shall I buy a packet for you?

Mother : Get two packets, please. And be careful. Cross the road only when the cars
have passed.

Raymond : Alright, mom.

Dialog 3

Shop Assistant : Good morning, sir. Is there anything I can help?

Customer : Yes, I am looking for a teenage novel. Do you have some?

Shop Assistant : Yes, sir. We have many new novels here.

Costumer : I need The evening Rose by Jacklyn Rosemary. Do you have a copy?

Shop Assistant : Here you are sir.

Costumer : I’d like to take the book, please.

Shop Assistant : Alright, sir. And do you want to have the latest novel of this series,
you will get the price off it?

Customer : That’s a good idea. I want to give it to a friend.

Shop Assistant : Shall I wrap it together?

Customer : Yes, that would be nice, please.

C. Read the following dialogue and then answer the following question!
Anna : Would you like something to drink? 
Barbie : Yes, thank you. 
Anna : What would you like? 

Barbie : Water or juice would be fine, thank you

Anna : Would you like orange juice, pineapple juice, or grapefruit juice? 

Barbie : Well, if it’s not too much trouble, grapefruit juice would be good. 

Anna : It’s not any trouble at all. Wait just a minute. I’ll be right back. Here you are. 

Barbie : Thank you very much.

Anna : If you want more, just let me know.

Barbie : Thank you. This is really good. I was so thirsty. 

Anna : You’re welcome. If you were that thirsty, you should have said something. You
didn’t have to wait for me to offer.

Barbie : Thank you so much. You’re very kind. 

Anna : Oh, it’s nothing at all. You’re welcome.  

Dialogue Exercise: (True or False)

1. Barbie offered Anna something to drink politely. ( F )
2. Water or juice would be fine for her. (T )
3. Orange juice, apple juice, or grapefruit juice are among the choices. ( T )
4. She chose grapefruit juice as her drink. ( T )
5. She refilled her juice twice. ( F )
6. You’re welcome is a polite reply. ( T )
7. Barbie is a shy-type person. ( T )
8. Anna is very kind according to Barbie. ( T )

D. Rearrange the following dialogue into good dialogue!

A : Do you want more sugar in your orange juice?
A : Would you like me to help you, Sir?
A : Okay. Meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich. Anything else?
A : Wait a minute, please. And what would you like to eat?
B : Yes, thank you. I would like a glass of orange juice.
B : No, thank you.
B : Yes, of course. I like sweet orange juice.
B : I’d like, meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich.

A : Would you like me to help you, Sir?
B : Yes, thank you. I would like a glass of orange juice.
A : Do you want more sugar in your orange juice?
B : Yes, of course. I like sweet orange juice.
A : Wait a minute, please. And what would you like to eat?
B : I’d like, meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich.
A : Okay. Meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich. Anything else?
B : No, thank you.

Isilah dengan kalimat yg sesuai pada daftar berikut ini berdasarkan modul ,dialogue dalam
video yang telah kamu pelajari pada bahan ajar atau dari sumber lain


Offering Help Responce

Accept Refuse/Reject

Would you like some help? Yes please, I’d love to. No, thank you

Would you like me to do it for you? If you wouldn’t mind No, it’s alright.
No, I can manage it by
Is there anything I can help? Yes please, That sounds nice myself.

Could I offer you a help? It’s very kind of you to offer. It’s okay. I can do it

I’d be glad to help Oh really? Thanks a lot. No, thank you. I’m fine.

I wonder if I could help you? Sure, thank you. No, but thank you for

Yes, please. No thank you, I don’t want

Shall I help you? to disturb.

Do you want me to help you ? Thank you, but you don’t

Yes, let’s do it need to worry.

Yes of course, that would be Don’t worry, I’ll do it.

Can I help you with your task? marvelous.

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